Versions in this module Expand all Collapse all v0 v0.0.2 Apr 24, 2020 v0.0.1 Apr 24, 2020 Changes in this version + const DlgCmdAbort — windows/amd64 + const DlgCmdCancel — windows/amd64 + const DlgCmdClose — windows/amd64 + const DlgCmdContinue — windows/amd64 + const DlgCmdHelp — windows/amd64 + const DlgCmdIgnore — windows/amd64 + const DlgCmdNo — windows/amd64 + const DlgCmdNone — windows/amd64 + const DlgCmdOK — windows/amd64 + const DlgCmdRetry — windows/amd64 + const DlgCmdTimeout — windows/amd64 + const DlgCmdTryAgain — windows/amd64 + const DlgCmdYes — windows/amd64 + const EllipsisEnd — windows/amd64 + const EllipsisNone — windows/amd64 + const EllipsisPath — windows/amd64 + const Horizontal — windows/amd64 + const NoOrientation — windows/amd64 + const Vertical — windows/amd64 + var ErrInvalidType = errors.New("invalid type") — windows/amd64 + var ErrPropertyNotValidatable = errors.New("property not validatable") — windows/amd64 + var ErrPropertyReadOnly = errors.New("read-only property") — windows/amd64 + func AltDown() bool — windows/amd64 + func AppDataPath() (string, error) — windows/amd64 + func AppendToWalkInit(fn func()) — windows/amd64 + func CommonAppDataPath() (string, error) — windows/amd64 + func ControlDown() bool — windows/amd64 + func DriveNames() ([]string, error) — windows/amd64 + func FormatFloat(f float64, prec int) string — windows/amd64 + func FormatFloatGrouped(f float64, prec int) string — windows/amd64 + func InitWidget(widget Widget, parent Window, className string, style, exStyle uint32) error — windows/amd64 + func InitWindow(window, parent Window, className string, style, exStyle uint32) error — windows/amd64 + func InitWrapperWindow(window Window) error — windows/amd64 + func IntFrom96DPI(value, dpi int) int — windows/amd64 + func IntTo96DPI(value, dpi int) int — windows/amd64 + func LocalAppDataPath() (string, error) — windows/amd64 + func LogErrors() bool — windows/amd64 + func MouseWheelEventDelta(button MouseButton) int — windows/amd64 + func MouseWheelEventKeyState(button MouseButton) int — windows/amd64 + func MsgBox(owner Form, title, message string, style MsgBoxStyle) int — windows/amd64 + func MustRegisterWindowClass(className string) — windows/amd64 + func MustRegisterWindowClassWithStyle(className string, style uint32) — windows/amd64 + func MustRegisterWindowClassWithWndProcPtr(className string, wndProcPtr uintptr) — windows/amd64 + func MustRegisterWindowClassWithWndProcPtrAndStyle(className string, wndProcPtr uintptr, style uint32) — windows/amd64 + func PanicOnError() bool — windows/amd64 + func ParseFloat(s string) (float64, error) — windows/amd64 + func RegistryKeyString(rootKey *RegistryKey, subKeyPath, valueName string) (value string, err error) — windows/amd64 + func RegistryKeyUint32(rootKey *RegistryKey, subKeyPath, valueName string) (value uint32, err error) — windows/amd64 + func SetLogErrors(v bool) — windows/amd64 + func SetPanicOnError(v bool) — windows/amd64 + func SetTranslationFunc(f TranslationFunction) — windows/amd64 + func SetWindowFont(hwnd win.HWND, font *Font) — windows/amd64 + func ShiftDown() bool — windows/amd64 + func SystemPath() (string, error) — windows/amd64 + type AccRole int32 — windows/amd64 + const AccRoleAlert + const AccRoleAnimation + const AccRoleApplication + const AccRoleBorder + const AccRoleButtonDropdown + const AccRoleButtonDropdownGrid + const AccRoleButtonMenu + const AccRoleCaret + const AccRoleCell + const AccRoleCharacter + const AccRoleChart + const AccRoleCheckbutton + const AccRoleClient + const AccRoleClock + const AccRoleColumn + const AccRoleColumnHeader + const AccRoleCombobox + const AccRoleCursor + const AccRoleDiagram + const AccRoleDial + const AccRoleDialog + const AccRoleDocument + const AccRoleDroplist + const AccRoleEquation + const AccRoleGraphic + const AccRoleGrip + const AccRoleGrouping + const AccRoleHelpBalloon + const AccRoleHotkeyfield + const AccRoleIPAddress + const AccRoleIndicator + const AccRoleLink + const AccRoleList + const AccRoleListItem + const AccRoleMenuItem + const AccRoleMenuPopup + const AccRoleMenubar + const AccRoleOutline + const AccRoleOutlineButton + const AccRoleOutlineItem + const AccRolePageTabList + const AccRolePagetab + const AccRolePane + const AccRoleProgressbar + const AccRolePropertyPage + const AccRolePushbutton + const AccRoleRadiobutton + const AccRoleRow + const AccRoleRowHeader + const AccRoleScrollbar + const AccRoleSeparator + const AccRoleSlider + const AccRoleSound + const AccRoleSpinbutton + const AccRoleSplitButton + const AccRoleStatictext + const AccRoleStatusbar + const AccRoleTable + const AccRoleText + const AccRoleTitlebar + const AccRoleToolbar + const AccRoleTooltip + const AccRoleWhitespace + const AccRoleWindow + type AccState int32 — windows/amd64 + const AccStateAlertHigh + const AccStateAlertLow + const AccStateAlertMedium + const AccStateAnimated + const AccStateBusy + const AccStateChecked + const AccStateCollapsed + const AccStateDefault + const AccStateExpanded + const AccStateExtselectable + const AccStateFloating + const AccStateFocusable + const AccStateFocused + const AccStateHasPopup + const AccStateHotTracked + const AccStateIndeterminate + const AccStateInvisible + const AccStateLinked + const AccStateMarqueed + const AccStateMixed + const AccStateMoveable + const AccStateMultiselectable + const AccStateNormal + const AccStateOffscreen + const AccStatePressed + const AccStateProtected + const AccStateReadonly + const AccStateSelectable + const AccStateSelected + const AccStateSelfVoicing + const AccStateSizeable + const AccStateTraversed + const AccStateUnavailable + const AccStateValid + type Accessibility struct — windows/amd64 + func (a *Accessibility) SetAccelerator(acc string) error + func (a *Accessibility) SetDefaultAction(defAction string) error + func (a *Accessibility) SetDescription(acc string) error + func (a *Accessibility) SetHelp(help string) error + func (a *Accessibility) SetName(name string) error + func (a *Accessibility) SetRole(role AccRole) error + func (a *Accessibility) SetRoleMap(roleMap string) error + func (a *Accessibility) SetState(state AccState) error + func (a *Accessibility) SetStateMap(stateMap string) error + func (a *Accessibility) SetValueMap(valueMap string) error + type Action struct — windows/amd64 + func NewAction() *Action + func NewMenuAction(menu *Menu) *Action + func NewSeparatorAction() *Action + func (a *Action) Checkable() bool + func (a *Action) Checked() bool + func (a *Action) CheckedCondition() Condition + func (a *Action) Default() bool + func (a *Action) DefaultCondition() Condition + func (a *Action) Enabled() bool + func (a *Action) EnabledCondition() Condition + func (a *Action) Exclusive() bool + func (a *Action) Image() Image + func (a *Action) IsSeparator() bool + func (a *Action) SetCheckable(value bool) (err error) + func (a *Action) SetChecked(value bool) (err error) + func (a *Action) SetCheckedCondition(c Condition) + func (a *Action) SetDefault(value bool) (err error) + func (a *Action) SetDefaultCondition(c Condition) + func (a *Action) SetEnabled(value bool) (err error) + func (a *Action) SetEnabledCondition(c Condition) + func (a *Action) SetExclusive(value bool) (err error) + func (a *Action) SetImage(value Image) (err error) + func (a *Action) SetShortcut(shortcut Shortcut) (err error) + func (a *Action) SetText(value string) (err error) + func (a *Action) SetToolTip(value string) (err error) + func (a *Action) SetVisible(value bool) (err error) + func (a *Action) SetVisibleCondition(c Condition) + func (a *Action) Shortcut() Shortcut + func (a *Action) Text() string + func (a *Action) ToolTip() string + func (a *Action) Triggered() *Event + func (a *Action) Visible() bool + func (a *Action) VisibleCondition() Condition + type ActionList struct — windows/amd64 + func (l *ActionList) Add(action *Action) error + func (l *ActionList) AddMenu(menu *Menu) (*Action, error) + func (l *ActionList) At(index int) *Action + func (l *ActionList) Clear() error + func (l *ActionList) Contains(action *Action) bool + func (l *ActionList) Index(action *Action) int + func (l *ActionList) Insert(index int, action *Action) error + func (l *ActionList) InsertMenu(index int, menu *Menu) (*Action, error) + func (l *ActionList) Len() int + func (l *ActionList) Remove(action *Action) error + func (l *ActionList) RemoveAt(index int) error + type Alignment1D uint — windows/amd64 + const AlignCenter + const AlignDefault + const AlignFar + const AlignNear + type Alignment2D uint — windows/amd64 + const AlignHCenterVCenter + const AlignHCenterVFar + const AlignHCenterVNear + const AlignHFarVCenter + const AlignHFarVFar + const AlignHFarVNear + const AlignHNearVCenter + const AlignHNearVFar + const AlignHNearVNear + const AlignHVDefault + type Application struct — windows/amd64 + func App() *Application + func (app *Application) ActiveForm() Form + func (app *Application) Exit(exitCode int) + func (app *Application) ExitCode() int + func (app *Application) OrganizationName() string + func (app *Application) Panicking() *ErrorEvent + func (app *Application) ProductName() string + func (app *Application) SetOrganizationName(value string) + func (app *Application) SetProductName(value string) + func (app *Application) SetSettings(value Settings) + func (app *Application) Settings() Settings + type ApplyDPIer interface — windows/amd64 + ApplyDPI func(dpi int) + type ApplyFonter interface — windows/amd64 + ApplyFont func(font *Font) + type ApplySysColorser interface — windows/amd64 + ApplySysColors func() + type BindingValueProvider interface — windows/amd64 + BindingValue func(index int) interface{} + type Bitmap struct — windows/amd64 + func BitmapFrom(src interface{}, dpi int) (*Bitmap, error) + func NewBitmap(size Size) (*Bitmap, error) + func NewBitmapForDPI(size Size, dpi int) (*Bitmap, error) + func NewBitmapFromFile(filePath string) (*Bitmap, error) + func NewBitmapFromFileForDPI(filePath string, dpi int) (*Bitmap, error) + func NewBitmapFromIcon(icon *Icon, size Size) (*Bitmap, error) + func NewBitmapFromIconForDPI(icon *Icon, size Size, dpi int) (*Bitmap, error) + func NewBitmapFromImage(im image.Image) (*Bitmap, error) + func NewBitmapFromImageForDPI(im image.Image, dpi int) (*Bitmap, error) + func NewBitmapFromImageWithSize(image Image, size Size) (*Bitmap, error) + func NewBitmapFromResource(name string) (*Bitmap, error) + func NewBitmapFromResourceForDPI(name string, dpi int) (*Bitmap, error) + func NewBitmapFromResourceId(id int) (*Bitmap, error) + func NewBitmapFromResourceIdForDPI(id int, dpi int) (*Bitmap, error) + func NewBitmapFromWindow(window Window) (*Bitmap, error) + func NewBitmapWithTransparentPixels(size Size) (*Bitmap, error) + func NewBitmapWithTransparentPixelsForDPI(size Size, dpi int) (*Bitmap, error) + func (bmp *Bitmap) Dispose() + func (bmp *Bitmap) Size() Size + func (bmp *Bitmap) ToImage() (*image.RGBA, error) + type BitmapBrush struct — windows/amd64 + func NewBitmapBrush(bitmap *Bitmap) (*BitmapBrush, error) + func (b *BitmapBrush) Bitmap() *Bitmap + func (bb *BitmapBrush) Dispose() + type BorderGlowEffect struct — windows/amd64 + func NewBorderGlowEffect(color Color) (*BorderGlowEffect, error) + func (bge *BorderGlowEffect) Draw(widget Widget, canvas *Canvas) error + func (wgeb *BorderGlowEffect) Dispose() + type BoxLayout struct — windows/amd64 + func NewHBoxLayout() *BoxLayout + func NewVBoxLayout() *BoxLayout + func (l *BoxLayout) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) ContainerLayoutItem + func (l *BoxLayout) Orientation() Orientation + func (l *BoxLayout) SetOrientation(value Orientation) error + func (l *BoxLayout) SetStretchFactor(widget Widget, factor int) error + func (l *BoxLayout) StretchFactor(widget Widget) int + type Brush interface — windows/amd64 + Dispose func() + func NullBrush() Brush + type Button struct — windows/amd64 + func (b *Button) ApplyDPI(dpi int) + func (b *Button) Checked() bool + func (b *Button) CheckedChanged() *Event + func (b *Button) Clicked() *Event + func (b *Button) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem + func (b *Button) Image() Image + func (b *Button) ImageChanged() *Event + func (b *Button) Persistent() bool + func (b *Button) RestoreState() error + func (b *Button) SaveState() error + func (b *Button) SetChecked(checked bool) + func (b *Button) SetImage(image Image) error + func (b *Button) SetPersistent(value bool) + func (b *Button) SetText(value string) error + func (b *Button) Text() string + func (b *Button) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr + type CancelEvent struct — windows/amd64 + func (e *CancelEvent) Attach(handler CancelEventHandler) int + func (e *CancelEvent) Detach(handle int) + func (e *CancelEvent) Once(handler CancelEventHandler) + type CancelEventHandler func(canceled *bool) — windows/amd64 + type CancelEventPublisher struct — windows/amd64 + func (p *CancelEventPublisher) Event() *CancelEvent + func (p *CancelEventPublisher) Publish(canceled *bool) + type Canvas struct — windows/amd64 + func NewCanvasFromImage(image Image) (*Canvas, error) + func (c *Canvas) Bounds() Rectangle + func (c *Canvas) BoundsPixels() Rectangle + func (c *Canvas) DPI() int + func (c *Canvas) Dispose() + func (c *Canvas) DrawBitmapPart(bmp *Bitmap, dst, src Rectangle) error + func (c *Canvas) DrawBitmapPartWithOpacity(bmp *Bitmap, dst, src Rectangle, opacity byte) error + func (c *Canvas) DrawBitmapPartWithOpacityPixels(bmp *Bitmap, dst, src Rectangle, opacity byte) error + func (c *Canvas) DrawBitmapWithOpacity(bmp *Bitmap, bounds Rectangle, opacity byte) error + func (c *Canvas) DrawBitmapWithOpacityPixels(bmp *Bitmap, bounds Rectangle, opacity byte) error + func (c *Canvas) DrawEllipse(pen Pen, bounds Rectangle) error + func (c *Canvas) DrawEllipsePixels(pen Pen, bounds Rectangle) error + func (c *Canvas) DrawImage(image Image, location Point) error + func (c *Canvas) DrawImagePixels(image Image, location Point) error + func (c *Canvas) DrawImageStretched(image Image, bounds Rectangle) error + func (c *Canvas) DrawImageStretchedPixels(image Image, bounds Rectangle) error + func (c *Canvas) DrawLine(pen Pen, from, to Point) error + func (c *Canvas) DrawLinePixels(pen Pen, from, to Point) error + func (c *Canvas) DrawPolyline(pen Pen, points []Point) error + func (c *Canvas) DrawPolylinePixels(pen Pen, points []Point) error + func (c *Canvas) DrawRectangle(pen Pen, bounds Rectangle) error + func (c *Canvas) DrawRectanglePixels(pen Pen, bounds Rectangle) error + func (c *Canvas) DrawRoundedRectangle(pen Pen, bounds Rectangle, ellipseSize Size) error + func (c *Canvas) DrawRoundedRectanglePixels(pen Pen, bounds Rectangle, ellipseSize Size) error + func (c *Canvas) DrawText(text string, font *Font, color Color, bounds Rectangle, format DrawTextFormat) error + func (c *Canvas) DrawTextPixels(text string, font *Font, color Color, bounds Rectangle, format DrawTextFormat) error + func (c *Canvas) FillEllipse(brush Brush, bounds Rectangle) error + func (c *Canvas) FillEllipsePixels(brush Brush, bounds Rectangle) error + func (c *Canvas) FillRectangle(brush Brush, bounds Rectangle) error + func (c *Canvas) FillRectanglePixels(brush Brush, bounds Rectangle) error + func (c *Canvas) FillRoundedRectangle(brush Brush, bounds Rectangle, ellipseSize Size) error + func (c *Canvas) FillRoundedRectanglePixels(brush Brush, bounds Rectangle, ellipseSize Size) error + func (c *Canvas) GradientFillRectangle(color1, color2 Color, orientation Orientation, bounds Rectangle) error + func (c *Canvas) GradientFillRectanglePixels(color1, color2 Color, orientation Orientation, bounds Rectangle) error + func (c *Canvas) HDC() win.HDC + func (c *Canvas) MeasureAndModifyTextPixels(text string, font *Font, bounds Rectangle, format DrawTextFormat) (boundsMeasured Rectangle, textDisplayed string, err error) + func (c *Canvas) MeasureText(text string, font *Font, bounds Rectangle, format DrawTextFormat) (boundsMeasured Rectangle, runesFitted int, err error) + func (c *Canvas) MeasureTextPixels(text string, font *Font, bounds Rectangle, format DrawTextFormat) (boundsMeasured Rectangle, runesFitted int, err error) + type CaseMode uint32 — windows/amd64 + const CaseModeLower + const CaseModeMixed + const CaseModeUpper + type CellStyle struct — windows/amd64 + BackgroundColor Color + Font *Font + Image interface{} + TextColor Color + func (cs *CellStyle) Bounds() Rectangle + func (cs *CellStyle) BoundsPixels() Rectangle + func (cs *CellStyle) Canvas() *Canvas + func (cs *CellStyle) Col() int + func (cs *CellStyle) Row() int + type CellStyler interface — windows/amd64 + StyleCell func(style *CellStyle) + type CheckBox struct — windows/amd64 + func NewCheckBox(parent Container) (*CheckBox, error) + func (cb *CheckBox) CheckState() CheckState + func (cb *CheckBox) CheckStateChanged() *Event + func (cb *CheckBox) RestoreState() error + func (cb *CheckBox) SaveState() error + func (cb *CheckBox) SetCheckState(state CheckState) + func (cb *CheckBox) SetTextOnLeftSide(textLeft bool) error + func (cb *CheckBox) SetTristate(tristate bool) error + func (cb *CheckBox) TextOnLeftSide() bool + func (cb *CheckBox) Tristate() bool + func (cb *CheckBox) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr + type CheckState int — windows/amd64 + const CheckChecked + const CheckIndeterminate + const CheckUnchecked + type ClipboardService struct — windows/amd64 + func Clipboard() *ClipboardService + func (c *ClipboardService) Clear() error + func (c *ClipboardService) ContainsText() (available bool, err error) + func (c *ClipboardService) ContentsChanged() *Event + func (c *ClipboardService) SetText(s string) error + func (c *ClipboardService) Text() (text string, err error) + type CloseEvent struct — windows/amd64 + func (e *CloseEvent) Attach(handler CloseEventHandler) int + func (e *CloseEvent) Detach(handle int) + func (e *CloseEvent) Once(handler CloseEventHandler) + type CloseEventHandler func(canceled *bool, reason CloseReason) — windows/amd64 + type CloseEventPublisher struct — windows/amd64 + func (p *CloseEventPublisher) Event() *CloseEvent + func (p *CloseEventPublisher) Publish(canceled *bool, reason CloseReason) + type CloseReason byte — windows/amd64 + const CloseReasonUnknown + const CloseReasonUser + type Color uint32 — windows/amd64 + func RGB(r, g, b byte) Color + func (c Color) B() byte + func (c Color) G() byte + func (c Color) R() byte + type ComboBox struct — windows/amd64 + func NewComboBox(parent Container) (*ComboBox, error) + func NewDropDownBox(parent Container) (*ComboBox, error) + func (*ComboBox) NeedsWmSize() bool + func (cb *ComboBox) BindingMember() string + func (cb *ComboBox) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem + func (cb *ComboBox) CurrentIndex() int + func (cb *ComboBox) CurrentIndexChanged() *Event + func (cb *ComboBox) DisplayMember() string + func (cb *ComboBox) Editable() bool + func (cb *ComboBox) EditingFinished() *Event + func (cb *ComboBox) Format() string + func (cb *ComboBox) MaxLength() int + func (cb *ComboBox) Model() interface{} + func (cb *ComboBox) Persistent() bool + func (cb *ComboBox) Precision() int + func (cb *ComboBox) RestoreState() error + func (cb *ComboBox) SaveState() error + func (cb *ComboBox) SetBindingMember(bindingMember string) error + func (cb *ComboBox) SetCurrentIndex(value int) error + func (cb *ComboBox) SetDisplayMember(displayMember string) error + func (cb *ComboBox) SetFormat(value string) + func (cb *ComboBox) SetMaxLength(value int) + func (cb *ComboBox) SetModel(mdl interface{}) error + func (cb *ComboBox) SetPersistent(value bool) + func (cb *ComboBox) SetPrecision(value int) + func (cb *ComboBox) SetText(value string) error + func (cb *ComboBox) SetTextSelection(start, end int) + func (cb *ComboBox) Text() string + func (cb *ComboBox) TextChanged() *Event + func (cb *ComboBox) TextSelection() (start, end int) + func (cb *ComboBox) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr + type Composite struct — windows/amd64 + func NewComposite(parent Container) (*Composite, error) + func NewCompositeWithStyle(parent Window, style uint32) (*Composite, error) + type Condition interface — windows/amd64 + Satisfied func() bool + func NewAllCondition(items ...Condition) Condition + func NewAnyCondition(items ...Condition) Condition + func NewNegatedCondition(other Condition) Condition + type Container interface — windows/amd64 + AsContainerBase func() *ContainerBase + Children func() *WidgetList + DataBinder func() *DataBinder + Layout func() Layout + SetDataBinder func(dbm *DataBinder) + SetLayout func(value Layout) error + type ContainerBase struct — windows/amd64 + func (cb *ContainerBase) ApplyDPI(dpi int) + func (cb *ContainerBase) ApplySysColors() + func (cb *ContainerBase) AsContainerBase() *ContainerBase + func (cb *ContainerBase) AsWidgetBase() *WidgetBase + func (cb *ContainerBase) Children() *WidgetList + func (cb *ContainerBase) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem + func (cb *ContainerBase) DataBinder() *DataBinder + func (cb *ContainerBase) Layout() Layout + func (cb *ContainerBase) NextChildID() int32 + func (cb *ContainerBase) Persistent() bool + func (cb *ContainerBase) RestoreState() error + func (cb *ContainerBase) SaveState() error + func (cb *ContainerBase) SetDataBinder(db *DataBinder) + func (cb *ContainerBase) SetLayout(value Layout) error + func (cb *ContainerBase) SetPersistent(value bool) + func (cb *ContainerBase) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr + type ContainerLayoutItem interface — windows/amd64 + AsContainerLayoutItemBase func() *ContainerLayoutItemBase + Children func() []LayoutItem + MinSizeEffectiveForChild func(child LayoutItem) Size + PerformLayout func() []LayoutResultItem + func CreateLayoutItemsForContainer(container Container) ContainerLayoutItem + func CreateLayoutItemsForContainerWithContext(container Container, ctx *LayoutContext) ContainerLayoutItem + type ContainerLayoutItemBase struct — windows/amd64 + func (clib *ContainerLayoutItemBase) AsContainerLayoutItemBase() *ContainerLayoutItemBase + func (clib *ContainerLayoutItemBase) Children() []LayoutItem + func (clib *ContainerLayoutItemBase) HasHeightForWidth() bool + func (clib *ContainerLayoutItemBase) MinSizeEffectiveForChild(child LayoutItem) Size + func (clib *ContainerLayoutItemBase) SetChildren(children []LayoutItem) + type CosmeticPen struct — windows/amd64 + func NewCosmeticPen(style PenStyle, color Color) (*CosmeticPen, error) + func (p *CosmeticPen) Color() Color + func (p *CosmeticPen) Dispose() + func (p *CosmeticPen) Style() PenStyle + func (p *CosmeticPen) Width() int + type Cursor interface — windows/amd64 + Dispose func() + func CursorAppStarting() Cursor + func CursorArrow() Cursor + func CursorCross() Cursor + func CursorHand() Cursor + func CursorHelp() Cursor + func CursorIBeam() Cursor + func CursorIcon() Cursor + func CursorNo() Cursor + func CursorSize() Cursor + func CursorSizeAll() Cursor + func CursorSizeNESW() Cursor + func CursorSizeNS() Cursor + func CursorSizeNWSE() Cursor + func CursorSizeWE() Cursor + func CursorUpArrow() Cursor + func CursorWait() Cursor + func NewCursorFromImage(im image.Image, hotspot image.Point) (Cursor, error) + type CustomWidget struct — windows/amd64 + func NewCustomWidget(parent Container, style uint, paint PaintFunc) (*CustomWidget, error) + func NewCustomWidgetPixels(parent Container, style uint, paintPixels PaintFunc) (*CustomWidget, error) + func (*CustomWidget) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem + func (cw *CustomWidget) ClearsBackground() bool + func (cw *CustomWidget) InvalidatesOnResize() bool + func (cw *CustomWidget) PaintMode() PaintMode + func (cw *CustomWidget) SetClearsBackground(value bool) + func (cw *CustomWidget) SetInvalidatesOnResize(value bool) + func (cw *CustomWidget) SetPaintMode(value PaintMode) + func (cw *CustomWidget) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr + type DataBinder struct — windows/amd64 + func NewDataBinder() *DataBinder + func (db *DataBinder) AutoSubmit() bool + func (db *DataBinder) AutoSubmitDelay() time.Duration + func (db *DataBinder) AutoSubmitSuspended() bool + func (db *DataBinder) BoundWidgets() []Widget + func (db *DataBinder) CanSubmit() bool + func (db *DataBinder) CanSubmitChanged() *Event + func (db *DataBinder) DataSource() interface{} + func (db *DataBinder) DataSourceChanged() *Event + func (db *DataBinder) Dirty() bool + func (db *DataBinder) ErrorPresenter() ErrorPresenter + func (db *DataBinder) Expression(path string) Expression + func (db *DataBinder) Reset() error + func (db *DataBinder) ResetFinished() *Event + func (db *DataBinder) SetAutoSubmit(autoSubmit bool) + func (db *DataBinder) SetAutoSubmitDelay(delay time.Duration) + func (db *DataBinder) SetAutoSubmitSuspended(suspended bool) + func (db *DataBinder) SetBoundWidgets(boundWidgets []Widget) + func (db *DataBinder) SetDataSource(dataSource interface{}) error + func (db *DataBinder) SetErrorPresenter(ep ErrorPresenter) + func (db *DataBinder) Submit() error + func (db *DataBinder) Submitted() *Event + type DataField interface — windows/amd64 + CanSet func() bool + Get func() interface{} + Set func(interface{}) error + Zero func() interface{} + type DateEdit struct — windows/amd64 + func NewDateEdit(parent Container) (*DateEdit, error) + func NewDateEditWithNoneOption(parent Container) (*DateEdit, error) + func (*DateEdit) NeedsWmSize() bool + func (de *DateEdit) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem + func (de *DateEdit) Date() time.Time + func (de *DateEdit) DateChanged() *Event + func (de *DateEdit) Format() string + func (de *DateEdit) Range() (min, max time.Time) + func (de *DateEdit) SetDate(date time.Time) error + func (de *DateEdit) SetFormat(format string) error + func (de *DateEdit) SetRange(min, max time.Time) error + func (de *DateEdit) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr + type DateLabel struct — windows/amd64 + func NewDateLabel(parent Container) (*DateLabel, error) + func (dl *DateLabel) Date() time.Time + func (dl *DateLabel) Format() string + func (dl *DateLabel) SetDate(date time.Time) error + func (dl *DateLabel) SetFormat(format string) error + func (dl *DateLabel) SetTextAlignment(alignment Alignment1D) error + func (dl *DateLabel) TextAlignment() Alignment1D + func (s *DateLabel) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem + func (s *DateLabel) Dispose() + func (s *DateLabel) SetTextColor(c Color) + func (s *DateLabel) TextColor() Color + func (s *DateLabel) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wp, lp uintptr) uintptr + type DelegateCondition struct — windows/amd64 + func NewDelegateCondition(satisfied func() bool, changed *Event) *DelegateCondition + func (dc *DelegateCondition) Changed() *Event + func (dc *DelegateCondition) Satisfied() bool + func (dc *DelegateCondition) Value() interface{} + type Dialog struct — windows/amd64 + func NewDialog(owner Form) (*Dialog, error) + func NewDialogWithFixedSize(owner Form) (*Dialog, error) + func (dlg *Dialog) Accept() + func (dlg *Dialog) Cancel() + func (dlg *Dialog) CancelButton() *PushButton + func (dlg *Dialog) Close(result int) + func (dlg *Dialog) DefaultButton() *PushButton + func (dlg *Dialog) Result() int + func (dlg *Dialog) Run() int + func (dlg *Dialog) SetCancelButton(button *PushButton) error + func (dlg *Dialog) SetDefaultButton(button *PushButton) error + func (dlg *Dialog) Show() + func (dlg *Dialog) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr + type Disposable interface — windows/amd64 + Dispose func() + type Disposables struct — windows/amd64 + func (d *Disposables) Add(item Disposable) + func (d *Disposables) Spare() + func (d *Disposables) Treat() + type DrawTextFormat uint — windows/amd64 + const TextBottom + const TextCalcRect + const TextCenter + const TextEditControl + const TextEndEllipsis + const TextExpandTabs + const TextExternalLeading + const TextHidePrefix + const TextInternal + const TextLeft + const TextModifyString + const TextNoClip + const TextNoFullWidthCharBreak + const TextNoPrefix + const TextPathEllipsis + const TextPrefixOnly + const TextRTLReading + const TextRight + const TextSingleLine + const TextTabstop + const TextTop + const TextVCenter + const TextWordEllipsis + const TextWordbreak + type DropFilesEvent struct — windows/amd64 + func (e *DropFilesEvent) Attach(handler DropFilesEventHandler) int + func (e *DropFilesEvent) Detach(handle int) + func (e *DropFilesEvent) Once(handler DropFilesEventHandler) + type DropFilesEventHandler func([]string) — windows/amd64 + type DropFilesEventPublisher struct — windows/amd64 + func (p *DropFilesEventPublisher) Event(hWnd win.HWND) *DropFilesEvent + func (p *DropFilesEventPublisher) Publish(hDrop win.HDROP) + type DropShadowEffect struct — windows/amd64 + func NewDropShadowEffect(color Color) (*DropShadowEffect, error) + func (dse *DropShadowEffect) Draw(widget Widget, canvas *Canvas) error + func (wgeb *DropShadowEffect) Dispose() + type EllipsisMode int — windows/amd64 + type Error struct — windows/amd64 + func (err *Error) Error() string + func (err *Error) Inner() error + func (err *Error) Message() string + func (err *Error) Stack() []byte + type ErrorEvent struct — windows/amd64 + func (e *ErrorEvent) Attach(handler ErrorEventHandler) int + func (e *ErrorEvent) Detach(handle int) + func (e *ErrorEvent) Once(handler ErrorEventHandler) + type ErrorEventHandler func(err error) — windows/amd64 + type ErrorEventPublisher struct — windows/amd64 + func (p *ErrorEventPublisher) Event() *ErrorEvent + func (p *ErrorEventPublisher) Publish(err error) + type ErrorPresenter interface — windows/amd64 + PresentError func(err error, widget Widget) + type Event struct — windows/amd64 + func (e *Event) Attach(handler EventHandler) int + func (e *Event) Detach(handle int) + func (e *Event) Once(handler EventHandler) + type EventHandler func() — windows/amd64 + type EventPublisher struct — windows/amd64 + func (p *EventPublisher) Event() *Event + func (p *EventPublisher) Publish() + type Expression interface — windows/amd64 + Changed func() *Event + Value func() interface{} + func NewReflectExpression(root Expression, path string) Expression + type ExtractableIcon interface — windows/amd64 + FilePath_ func() string + Index_ func() int + Size_ func() int + type FileDialog struct — windows/amd64 + FilePath string + FilePaths []string + Filter string + FilterIndex int + Flags uint32 + InitialDirPath string + ShowReadOnlyCB bool + Title string + func (dlg *FileDialog) ShowBrowseFolder(owner Form) (accepted bool, err error) + func (dlg *FileDialog) ShowOpen(owner Form) (accepted bool, err error) + func (dlg *FileDialog) ShowOpenMultiple(owner Form) (accepted bool, err error) + func (dlg *FileDialog) ShowSave(owner Form) (accepted bool, err error) + type FlowLayout struct — windows/amd64 + func NewFlowLayout() *FlowLayout + func (l *FlowLayout) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) ContainerLayoutItem + func (l *FlowLayout) SetStretchFactor(widget Widget, factor int) error + func (l *FlowLayout) StretchFactor(widget Widget) int + type Font struct — windows/amd64 + func NewFont(family string, pointSize int, style FontStyle) (*Font, error) + func (f *Font) Bold() bool + func (f *Font) Dispose() + func (f *Font) Family() string + func (f *Font) Italic() bool + func (f *Font) PointSize() int + func (f *Font) StrikeOut() bool + func (f *Font) Style() FontStyle + func (f *Font) Underline() bool + type FontMemResource struct — windows/amd64 + func NewFontMemResourceById(id int) (*FontMemResource, error) + func NewFontMemResourceByName(name string) (*FontMemResource, error) + func (fmr *FontMemResource) Dispose() + type FontStyle byte — windows/amd64 + const FontBold + const FontItalic + const FontStrikeOut + const FontUnderline + type Form interface — windows/amd64 + Activate func() error + Activating func() *Event + AsFormBase func() *FormBase + Closing func() *CloseEvent + Deactivating func() *Event + Hide func() + Icon func() Image + IconChanged func() *Event + Owner func() Form + ProgressIndicator func() *ProgressIndicator + RightToLeftLayout func() bool + Run func() int + SetIcon func(icon Image) error + SetOwner func(owner Form) error + SetRightToLeftLayout func(rtl bool) error + SetTitle func(title string) error + Show func() + Starting func() *Event + Title func() string + TitleChanged func() *Event + type FormBase struct — windows/amd64 + func (fb *FormBase) Activate() error + func (fb *FormBase) Activating() *Event + func (fb *FormBase) ApplySysColors() + func (fb *FormBase) AsContainerBase() *ContainerBase + func (fb *FormBase) AsFormBase() *FormBase + func (fb *FormBase) Background() Brush + func (fb *FormBase) Children() *WidgetList + func (fb *FormBase) Close() error + func (fb *FormBase) Closing() *CloseEvent + func (fb *FormBase) ContextMenu() *Menu + func (fb *FormBase) ContextMenuLocation() Point + func (fb *FormBase) DataBinder() *DataBinder + func (fb *FormBase) Deactivating() *Event + func (fb *FormBase) Dispose() + func (fb *FormBase) Hide() + func (fb *FormBase) Icon() Image + func (fb *FormBase) IconChanged() *Event + func (fb *FormBase) Layout() Layout + func (fb *FormBase) MouseDown() *MouseEvent + func (fb *FormBase) MouseMove() *MouseEvent + func (fb *FormBase) MouseUp() *MouseEvent + func (fb *FormBase) Owner() Form + func (fb *FormBase) Persistent() bool + func (fb *FormBase) ProgressIndicator() *ProgressIndicator + func (fb *FormBase) RestoreState() error + func (fb *FormBase) RightToLeftLayout() bool + func (fb *FormBase) Run() int + func (fb *FormBase) SaveState() error + func (fb *FormBase) SetBackground(background Brush) + func (fb *FormBase) SetBoundsPixels(bounds Rectangle) error + func (fb *FormBase) SetContextMenu(contextMenu *Menu) + func (fb *FormBase) SetDataBinder(db *DataBinder) + func (fb *FormBase) SetIcon(icon Image) error + func (fb *FormBase) SetLayout(value Layout) error + func (fb *FormBase) SetOwner(value Form) error + func (fb *FormBase) SetPersistent(value bool) + func (fb *FormBase) SetRightToLeftLayout(rtl bool) error + func (fb *FormBase) SetSuspended(suspended bool) + func (fb *FormBase) SetTitle(value string) error + func (fb *FormBase) Show() + func (fb *FormBase) Starting() *Event + func (fb *FormBase) Title() string + func (fb *FormBase) TitleChanged() *Event + func (fb *FormBase) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr + type GeometricPen struct — windows/amd64 + func NewGeometricPen(style PenStyle, width int, brush Brush) (*GeometricPen, error) + func (p *GeometricPen) Brush() Brush + func (p *GeometricPen) Dispose() + func (p *GeometricPen) Style() PenStyle + func (p *GeometricPen) Width() int + type Geometry struct — windows/amd64 + Alignment Alignment2D + ClientSize Size + ConsumingSpaceWhenInvisible bool + IdealSize Size + MaxSize Size + MinSize Size + Size Size + type GradientBrush struct — windows/amd64 + func NewGradientBrush(vertexes []GradientVertex, triangles []GradientTriangle) (*GradientBrush, error) + func NewHorizontalGradientBrush(stops []GradientStop) (*GradientBrush, error) + func NewVerticalGradientBrush(stops []GradientStop) (*GradientBrush, error) + func (bb *GradientBrush) Dispose() + type GradientComposite struct — windows/amd64 + func NewGradientComposite(parent Container) (*GradientComposite, error) + func NewGradientCompositeWithStyle(parent Container, style uint32) (*GradientComposite, error) + func (gc *GradientComposite) Color1() Color + func (gc *GradientComposite) Color2() Color + func (gc *GradientComposite) Dispose() + func (gc *GradientComposite) SetColor1(c Color) (err error) + func (gc *GradientComposite) SetColor2(c Color) (err error) + func (gc *GradientComposite) SetVertical(vertical bool) (err error) + func (gc *GradientComposite) Vertical() bool + func (gc *GradientComposite) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr + type GradientStop struct — windows/amd64 + Color Color + Offset float64 + type GradientTriangle struct — windows/amd64 + Vertex1 int + Vertex2 int + Vertex3 int + type GradientVertex struct — windows/amd64 + Color Color + X float64 + Y float64 + type GridLayout struct — windows/amd64 + func NewGridLayout() *GridLayout + func (l *GridLayout) ColumnStretchFactor(column int) int + func (l *GridLayout) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) ContainerLayoutItem + func (l *GridLayout) Range(widget Widget) (r Rectangle, ok bool) + func (l *GridLayout) RowStretchFactor(row int) int + func (l *GridLayout) SetColumnStretchFactor(column, factor int) error + func (l *GridLayout) SetRange(widget Widget, r Rectangle) error + func (l *GridLayout) SetRowStretchFactor(row, factor int) error + type GroupBox struct — windows/amd64 + func NewGroupBox(parent Container) (*GroupBox, error) + func (gb *GroupBox) ApplyDPI(dpi int) + func (gb *GroupBox) AsContainerBase() *ContainerBase + func (gb *GroupBox) Checkable() bool + func (gb *GroupBox) Checked() bool + func (gb *GroupBox) CheckedChanged() *Event + func (gb *GroupBox) Children() *WidgetList + func (gb *GroupBox) ClientBoundsPixels() Rectangle + func (gb *GroupBox) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem + func (gb *GroupBox) DataBinder() *DataBinder + func (gb *GroupBox) Layout() Layout + func (gb *GroupBox) MouseDown() *MouseEvent + func (gb *GroupBox) MouseMove() *MouseEvent + func (gb *GroupBox) MouseUp() *MouseEvent + func (gb *GroupBox) Persistent() bool + func (gb *GroupBox) RestoreState() error + func (gb *GroupBox) SaveState() error + func (gb *GroupBox) SetCheckable(checkable bool) + func (gb *GroupBox) SetChecked(checked bool) + func (gb *GroupBox) SetDataBinder(dataBinder *DataBinder) + func (gb *GroupBox) SetLayout(value Layout) error + func (gb *GroupBox) SetPersistent(value bool) + func (gb *GroupBox) SetSuspended(suspend bool) + func (gb *GroupBox) SetTitle(title string) error + func (gb *GroupBox) Title() string + func (gb *GroupBox) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr + type HasChilder interface — windows/amd64 + HasChild func() bool + type HatchBrush struct — windows/amd64 + func NewHatchBrush(color Color, style HatchStyle) (*HatchBrush, error) + func (b *HatchBrush) Color() Color + func (b *HatchBrush) Style() HatchStyle + func (bb *HatchBrush) Dispose() + type HatchStyle int — windows/amd64 + const HatchBackwardDiagonal + const HatchCross + const HatchDiagonalCross + const HatchForwardDiagonal + const HatchHorizontal + const HatchVertical + type HeightForWidther interface — windows/amd64 + HasHeightForWidth func() bool + HeightForWidth func(width int) int + type Icon struct — windows/amd64 + func IconApplication() *Icon + func IconError() *Icon + func IconFrom(src interface{}, dpi int) (*Icon, error) + func IconInformation() *Icon + func IconQuestion() *Icon + func IconShield() *Icon + func IconWarning() *Icon + func IconWinLogo() *Icon + func NewIconExtractedFromFile(filePath string, index, _ int) (*Icon, error) + func NewIconExtractedFromFileWithSize(filePath string, index, size int) (*Icon, error) + func NewIconFromBitmap(bmp *Bitmap) (ic *Icon, err error) + func NewIconFromFile(filePath string) (*Icon, error) + func NewIconFromFileWithSize(filePath string, size Size) (*Icon, error) + func NewIconFromHICON(hIcon win.HICON) (ic *Icon, err error) + func NewIconFromHICONForDPI(hIcon win.HICON, dpi int) (ic *Icon, err error) + func NewIconFromImage(im image.Image) (ic *Icon, err error) + func NewIconFromImageForDPI(im image.Image, dpi int) (ic *Icon, err error) + func NewIconFromImageWithSize(image Image, size Size) (*Icon, error) + func NewIconFromResource(name string) (*Icon, error) + func NewIconFromResourceId(id int) (*Icon, error) + func NewIconFromResourceIdWithSize(id int, size Size) (*Icon, error) + func NewIconFromResourceWithSize(name string, size Size) (*Icon, error) + func NewIconFromSysDLL(dllBaseName string, index int) (*Icon, error) + func NewIconFromSysDLLWithSize(dllBaseName string, index, size int) (*Icon, error) + func (i *Icon) Dispose() + func (i *Icon) Size() Size + type IconCache struct — windows/amd64 + func NewIconCache() *IconCache + func (ic *IconCache) Bitmap(image Image, dpi int) (*Bitmap, error) + func (ic *IconCache) Clear() + func (ic *IconCache) Dispose() + func (ic *IconCache) Icon(image Image, dpi int) (*Icon, error) + type IdealSizer interface — windows/amd64 + IdealSize func() Size + type Image interface — windows/amd64 + Dispose func() + Size func() Size + func ImageFrom(src interface{}) (img Image, err error) + func NewImageFromFile(filePath string) (Image, error) + func NewImageFromFileForDPI(filePath string, dpi int) (Image, error) + type ImageList struct — windows/amd64 + func NewImageList(imageSize Size, maskColor Color) (*ImageList, error) + func NewImageListForDPI(imageSize Size, maskColor Color, dpi int) (*ImageList, error) + func (il *ImageList) Add(bitmap, maskBitmap *Bitmap) (int, error) + func (il *ImageList) AddIcon(icon *Icon) (int32, error) + func (il *ImageList) AddImage(image interface{}) (int32, error) + func (il *ImageList) AddMasked(bitmap *Bitmap) (int32, error) + func (il *ImageList) Dispose() + func (il *ImageList) DrawPixels(canvas *Canvas, index int, bounds Rectangle) error + func (il *ImageList) Handle() win.HIMAGELIST + func (il *ImageList) MaskColor() Color + type ImageProvider interface — windows/amd64 + Image func(index int) interface{} + type ImageView struct — windows/amd64 + func NewImageView(parent Container) (*ImageView, error) + func (iv *ImageView) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem + func (iv *ImageView) Image() Image + func (iv *ImageView) ImageChanged() *Event + func (iv *ImageView) Margin() int + func (iv *ImageView) MarginChanged() *Event + func (iv *ImageView) Mode() ImageViewMode + func (iv *ImageView) SetImage(image Image) error + func (iv *ImageView) SetMargin(margin int) error + func (iv *ImageView) SetMode(mode ImageViewMode) + type ImageViewMode int — windows/amd64 + const ImageViewModeCenter + const ImageViewModeCorner + const ImageViewModeIdeal + const ImageViewModeShrink + const ImageViewModeStretch + const ImageViewModeZoom + type Imager interface — windows/amd64 + Image func() interface{} + type IniFileSettings struct — windows/amd64 + func NewIniFileSettings(fileName string) *IniFileSettings + func (ifs *IniFileSettings) ExpireDuration() time.Duration + func (ifs *IniFileSettings) FilePath() string + func (ifs *IniFileSettings) Get(key string) (string, bool) + func (ifs *IniFileSettings) Load() error + func (ifs *IniFileSettings) Portable() bool + func (ifs *IniFileSettings) Put(key, value string) error + func (ifs *IniFileSettings) PutExpiring(key, value string) error + func (ifs *IniFileSettings) Remove(key string) error + func (ifs *IniFileSettings) Save() error + func (ifs *IniFileSettings) SetExpireDuration(expireDuration time.Duration) + func (ifs *IniFileSettings) SetPortable(portable bool) + func (ifs *IniFileSettings) Timestamp(key string) (time.Time, bool) + type IntEvent struct — windows/amd64 + func (e *IntEvent) Attach(handler IntEventHandler) int + func (e *IntEvent) Detach(handle int) + func (e *IntEvent) Once(handler IntEventHandler) + type IntEventHandler func(n int) — windows/amd64 + type IntEventPublisher struct — windows/amd64 + func (p *IntEventPublisher) Event() *IntEvent + func (p *IntEventPublisher) Publish(n int) + type IntRangeEvent struct — windows/amd64 + func (e *IntRangeEvent) Attach(handler IntRangeEventHandler) int + func (e *IntRangeEvent) Detach(handle int) + func (e *IntRangeEvent) Once(handler IntRangeEventHandler) + type IntRangeEventHandler func(from, to int) — windows/amd64 + type IntRangeEventPublisher struct — windows/amd64 + func (p *IntRangeEventPublisher) Event() *IntRangeEvent + func (p *IntRangeEventPublisher) Publish(from, to int) + type ItemChecker interface — windows/amd64 + Checked func(index int) bool + SetChecked func(index int, checked bool) error + type Key uint16 — windows/amd64 + const Key0 + const Key1 + const Key2 + const Key3 + const Key4 + const Key5 + const Key6 + const Key7 + const Key8 + const Key9 + const KeyA + const KeyAccept + const KeyAdd + const KeyAlt + const KeyApps + const KeyAttn + const KeyB + const KeyBack + const KeyBrowserBack + const KeyBrowserFavorites + const KeyBrowserForward + const KeyBrowserHome + const KeyBrowserRefresh + const KeyBrowserSearch + const KeyBrowserStop + const KeyC + const KeyCRSel + const KeyCancel + const KeyCapital + const KeyClear + const KeyControl + const KeyConvert + const KeyD + const KeyDecimal + const KeyDelete + const KeyDivide + const KeyDown + const KeyE + const KeyEXSel + const KeyEnd + const KeyErEOF + const KeyEscape + const KeyExecute + const KeyF + const KeyF1 + const KeyF10 + const KeyF11 + const KeyF12 + const KeyF13 + const KeyF14 + const KeyF15 + const KeyF16 + const KeyF17 + const KeyF18 + const KeyF19 + const KeyF2 + const KeyF20 + const KeyF21 + const KeyF22 + const KeyF23 + const KeyF24 + const KeyF3 + const KeyF4 + const KeyF5 + const KeyF6 + const KeyF7 + const KeyF8 + const KeyF9 + const KeyFinal + const KeyG + const KeyH + const KeyHangul + const KeyHanja + const KeyHelp + const KeyHome + const KeyI + const KeyInsert + const KeyJ + const KeyJunja + const KeyK + const KeyKana + const KeyKanji + const KeyL + const KeyLAlt + const KeyLButton + const KeyLControl + const KeyLMenu + const KeyLShift + const KeyLWin + const KeyLaunchApp1 + const KeyLaunchApp2 + const KeyLaunchMail + const KeyLaunchMediaSelect + const KeyLeft + const KeyM + const KeyMButton + const KeyMediaNextTrack + const KeyMediaPlayPause + const KeyMediaPrevTrack + const KeyMediaStop + const KeyMenu + const KeyModeChange + const KeyMultiply + const KeyN + const KeyNext + const KeyNoName + const KeyNonconvert + const KeyNumlock + const KeyNumpad0 + const KeyNumpad1 + const KeyNumpad2 + const KeyNumpad3 + const KeyNumpad4 + const KeyNumpad5 + const KeyNumpad6 + const KeyNumpad7 + const KeyNumpad8 + const KeyNumpad9 + const KeyO + const KeyOEM1 + const KeyOEM102 + const KeyOEM2 + const KeyOEM3 + const KeyOEM4 + const KeyOEM5 + const KeyOEM6 + const KeyOEM7 + const KeyOEM8 + const KeyOEMClear + const KeyOEMComma + const KeyOEMMinus + const KeyOEMPeriod + const KeyOEMPlus + const KeyP + const KeyPA1 + const KeyPacket + const KeyPause + const KeyPlay + const KeyPrint + const KeyPrior + const KeyProcessKey + const KeyQ + const KeyR + const KeyRAlt + const KeyRButton + const KeyRControl + const KeyRMenu + const KeyRShift + const KeyRWin + const KeyReturn + const KeyRight + const KeyS + const KeyScroll + const KeySelect + const KeySeparator + const KeyShift + const KeySleep + const KeySnapshot + const KeySpace + const KeySubtract + const KeyT + const KeyTab + const KeyU + const KeyUp + const KeyV + const KeyVolumeDown + const KeyVolumeMute + const KeyVolumeUp + const KeyW + const KeyX + const KeyXButton1 + const KeyXButton2 + const KeyY + const KeyZ + const KeyZoom + func (k Key) String() string + type KeyEvent struct — windows/amd64 + func (e *KeyEvent) Attach(handler KeyEventHandler) int + func (e *KeyEvent) Detach(handle int) + func (e *KeyEvent) Once(handler KeyEventHandler) + type KeyEventHandler func(key Key) — windows/amd64 + type KeyEventPublisher struct — windows/amd64 + func (p *KeyEventPublisher) Event() *KeyEvent + func (p *KeyEventPublisher) Publish(key Key) + type Label struct — windows/amd64 + func NewLabel(parent Container) (*Label, error) + func NewLabelWithStyle(parent Container, style uint32) (*Label, error) + func (l *Label) EllipsisMode() EllipsisMode + func (l *Label) SetEllipsisMode(mode EllipsisMode) error + func (l *Label) SetText(text string) error + func (l *Label) SetTextAlignment(alignment Alignment1D) error + func (l *Label) Text() string + func (l *Label) TextAlignment() Alignment1D + func (s *Label) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem + func (s *Label) Dispose() + func (s *Label) SetTextColor(c Color) + func (s *Label) TextColor() Color + func (s *Label) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wp, lp uintptr) uintptr + type Layout interface — windows/amd64 + Container func() Container + CreateLayoutItem func(ctx *LayoutContext) ContainerLayoutItem + Margins func() Margins + SetContainer func(value Container) + SetMargins func(value Margins) error + SetSpacing func(value int) error + Spacing func() int + type LayoutBase struct — windows/amd64 + func (l *LayoutBase) Alignment() Alignment2D + func (l *LayoutBase) Container() Container + func (l *LayoutBase) Margins() Margins + func (l *LayoutBase) SetAlignment(alignment Alignment2D) error + func (l *LayoutBase) SetContainer(value Container) + func (l *LayoutBase) SetMargins(value Margins) error + func (l *LayoutBase) SetSpacing(value int) error + func (l *LayoutBase) Spacing() int + type LayoutContext struct — windows/amd64 + func (ctx *LayoutContext) DPI() int + type LayoutFlags byte — windows/amd64 + const GreedyHorz + const GreedyVert + const GrowableHorz + const GrowableVert + const ShrinkableHorz + const ShrinkableVert + type LayoutItem interface — windows/amd64 + AsLayoutItemBase func() *LayoutItemBase + Context func() *LayoutContext + Geometry func() *Geometry + Handle func() win.HWND + LayoutFlags func() LayoutFlags + Parent func() ContainerLayoutItem + Visible func() bool + func NewGreedyLayoutItem() LayoutItem + type LayoutItemBase struct — windows/amd64 + func (lib *LayoutItemBase) AsLayoutItemBase() *LayoutItemBase + func (lib *LayoutItemBase) Context() *LayoutContext + func (lib *LayoutItemBase) Geometry() *Geometry + func (lib *LayoutItemBase) Handle() win.HWND + func (lib *LayoutItemBase) Parent() ContainerLayoutItem + func (lib *LayoutItemBase) Visible() bool + type LayoutResult struct — windows/amd64 + type LayoutResultItem struct — windows/amd64 + Bounds Rectangle + Item LayoutItem + type LineEdit struct — windows/amd64 + func NewLineEdit(parent Container) (*LineEdit, error) + func (*LineEdit) NeedsWmSize() bool + func (le *LineEdit) CaseMode() CaseMode + func (le *LineEdit) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem + func (le *LineEdit) CueBanner() string + func (le *LineEdit) EditingFinished() *Event + func (le *LineEdit) MaxLength() int + func (le *LineEdit) PasswordMode() bool + func (le *LineEdit) ReadOnly() bool + func (le *LineEdit) SetCaseMode(mode CaseMode) error + func (le *LineEdit) SetCueBanner(value string) error + func (le *LineEdit) SetMaxLength(value int) + func (le *LineEdit) SetPasswordMode(value bool) + func (le *LineEdit) SetReadOnly(readOnly bool) error + func (le *LineEdit) SetText(value string) error + func (le *LineEdit) SetTextAlignment(alignment Alignment1D) error + func (le *LineEdit) SetTextColor(c Color) + func (le *LineEdit) SetTextSelection(start, end int) + func (le *LineEdit) Text() string + func (le *LineEdit) TextAlignment() Alignment1D + func (le *LineEdit) TextChanged() *Event + func (le *LineEdit) TextColor() Color + func (le *LineEdit) TextSelection() (start, end int) + func (le *LineEdit) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr + type LinkLabel struct — windows/amd64 + func NewLinkLabel(parent Container) (*LinkLabel, error) + func (ll *LinkLabel) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem + func (ll *LinkLabel) LinkActivated() *LinkLabelLinkEvent + func (ll *LinkLabel) SetText(value string) error + func (ll *LinkLabel) Text() string + func (ll *LinkLabel) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr + type LinkLabelLink struct — windows/amd64 + func (lll *LinkLabelLink) Enabled() (bool, error) + func (lll *LinkLabelLink) Focused() (bool, error) + func (lll *LinkLabelLink) Id() string + func (lll *LinkLabelLink) Index() int + func (lll *LinkLabelLink) SetEnabled(enabled bool) error + func (lll *LinkLabelLink) SetFocused(focused bool) error + func (lll *LinkLabelLink) SetVisited(visited bool) error + func (lll *LinkLabelLink) URL() string + func (lll *LinkLabelLink) Visited() (bool, error) + type LinkLabelLinkEvent struct — windows/amd64 + func (e *LinkLabelLinkEvent) Attach(handler LinkLabelLinkEventHandler) int + func (e *LinkLabelLinkEvent) Detach(handle int) + type LinkLabelLinkEventHandler func(link *LinkLabelLink) — windows/amd64 + type LinkLabelLinkEventPublisher struct — windows/amd64 + func (p *LinkLabelLinkEventPublisher) Event() *LinkLabelLinkEvent + func (p *LinkLabelLinkEventPublisher) Publish(link *LinkLabelLink) + type ListBox struct — windows/amd64 + func NewListBox(parent Container) (*ListBox, error) + func NewListBoxWithStyle(parent Container, style uint32) (*ListBox, error) + func (*ListBox) LayoutFlags() LayoutFlags + func (lb *ListBox) ApplyDPI(dpi int) + func (lb *ListBox) ApplySysColors() + func (lb *ListBox) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem + func (lb *ListBox) CurrentIndex() int + func (lb *ListBox) CurrentIndexChanged() *Event + func (lb *ListBox) DataMember() string + func (lb *ListBox) EnsureItemVisible(index int) + func (lb *ListBox) Format() string + func (lb *ListBox) ItemActivated() *Event + func (lb *ListBox) ItemStyler() ListItemStyler + func (lb *ListBox) ItemVisible(index int) bool + func (lb *ListBox) Model() interface{} + func (lb *ListBox) Precision() int + func (lb *ListBox) SelectedIndexes() []int + func (lb *ListBox) SelectedIndexesChanged() *Event + func (lb *ListBox) SetCurrentIndex(value int) error + func (lb *ListBox) SetDataMember(dataMember string) error + func (lb *ListBox) SetFormat(value string) + func (lb *ListBox) SetItemStyler(styler ListItemStyler) + func (lb *ListBox) SetModel(mdl interface{}) error + func (lb *ListBox) SetPrecision(value int) + func (lb *ListBox) SetSelectedIndexes(indexes []int) + func (lb *ListBox) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr + type ListItemStyle struct — windows/amd64 + BackgroundColor Color + Font *Font + LineColor Color + TextColor Color + func (lis *ListItemStyle) Bounds() Rectangle + func (lis *ListItemStyle) BoundsPixels() Rectangle + func (lis *ListItemStyle) Canvas() *Canvas + func (lis *ListItemStyle) DrawBackground() error + func (lis *ListItemStyle) DrawText(text string, bounds Rectangle, format DrawTextFormat) error + func (lis *ListItemStyle) Index() int + type ListItemStyler interface — windows/amd64 + DefaultItemHeight func() int + ItemHeight func(index int, width int) int + ItemHeightDependsOnWidth func() bool + StyleItem func(style *ListItemStyle) + type ListModel interface — windows/amd64 + ItemChanged func() *IntEvent + ItemCount func() int + ItemsInserted func() *IntRangeEvent + ItemsRemoved func() *IntRangeEvent + ItemsReset func() *Event + Value func(index int) interface{} + type ListModelBase struct — windows/amd64 + func (lmb *ListModelBase) ItemChanged() *IntEvent + func (lmb *ListModelBase) ItemsInserted() *IntRangeEvent + func (lmb *ListModelBase) ItemsRemoved() *IntRangeEvent + func (lmb *ListModelBase) ItemsReset() *Event + func (lmb *ListModelBase) PublishItemChanged(index int) + func (lmb *ListModelBase) PublishItemsInserted(from, to int) + func (lmb *ListModelBase) PublishItemsRemoved(from, to int) + func (lmb *ListModelBase) PublishItemsReset() + type MainWindow struct — windows/amd64 + func NewMainWindow() (*MainWindow, error) + func NewMainWindowWithName(name string) (*MainWindow, error) + func (mw *MainWindow) ClientBoundsPixels() Rectangle + func (mw *MainWindow) Fullscreen() bool + func (mw *MainWindow) Menu() *Menu + func (mw *MainWindow) SetFullscreen(fullscreen bool) error + func (mw *MainWindow) SetToolBar(tb *ToolBar) + func (mw *MainWindow) SetVisible(visible bool) + func (mw *MainWindow) StatusBar() *StatusBar + func (mw *MainWindow) ToolBar() *ToolBar + func (mw *MainWindow) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr + type Margins struct — windows/amd64 + HFar int + HNear int + VFar int + VNear int + func MarginsFrom96DPI(value Margins, dpi int) Margins + func MarginsTo96DPI(value Margins, dpi int) Margins + type Menu struct — windows/amd64 + func NewMenu() (*Menu, error) + func (m *Menu) Actions() *ActionList + func (m *Menu) Dispose() + func (m *Menu) IsDisposed() bool + type Metafile struct — windows/amd64 + func NewMetafile(referenceCanvas *Canvas) (*Metafile, error) + func NewMetafileFromFile(filePath string) (*Metafile, error) + func (mf *Metafile) Dispose() + func (mf *Metafile) Save(filePath string) error + func (mf *Metafile) Size() Size + type MinSizeForSizer interface — windows/amd64 + MinSizeForSize func(size Size) Size + type MinSizer interface — windows/amd64 + MinSize func() Size + type Modifiers byte — windows/amd64 + const ModAlt + const ModControl + const ModShift + func ModifiersDown() Modifiers + func (m Modifiers) String() string + type MouseButton int — windows/amd64 + const LeftButton + const MiddleButton + const RightButton + type MouseEvent struct — windows/amd64 + func (e *MouseEvent) Attach(handler MouseEventHandler) int + func (e *MouseEvent) Detach(handle int) + func (e *MouseEvent) Once(handler MouseEventHandler) + type MouseEventHandler func(x, y int, button MouseButton) — windows/amd64 + type MouseEventPublisher struct — windows/amd64 + func (p *MouseEventPublisher) Event() *MouseEvent + func (p *MouseEventPublisher) Publish(x, y int, button MouseButton) + type MsgBoxStyle uint — windows/amd64 + const MsgBoxAbortRetryIgnore + const MsgBoxApplModal + const MsgBoxCancelTryContinue + const MsgBoxDefButton1 + const MsgBoxDefButton2 + const MsgBoxDefButton3 + const MsgBoxDefButton4 + const MsgBoxDefaultDesktopOnly + const MsgBoxHelp + const MsgBoxIconAsterisk + const MsgBoxIconError + const MsgBoxIconExclamation + const MsgBoxIconHand + const MsgBoxIconInformation + const MsgBoxIconQuestion + const MsgBoxIconStop + const MsgBoxIconWarning + const MsgBoxOK + const MsgBoxOKCancel + const MsgBoxRTLReading + const MsgBoxRetryCancel + const MsgBoxRight + const MsgBoxServiceNotification + const MsgBoxSetForeground + const MsgBoxSystemModal + const MsgBoxTaskModal + const MsgBoxTopMost + const MsgBoxUserIcon + const MsgBoxYesNo + const MsgBoxYesNoCancel + type MutableCondition struct — windows/amd64 + func NewMutableCondition() *MutableCondition + func (mc *MutableCondition) Changed() *Event + func (mc *MutableCondition) Satisfied() bool + func (mc *MutableCondition) SetSatisfied(satisfied bool) error + func (mc *MutableCondition) Value() interface{} + type NotifyIcon struct — windows/amd64 + func NewNotifyIcon(form Form) (*NotifyIcon, error) + func (ni *NotifyIcon) ContextMenu() *Menu + func (ni *NotifyIcon) DPI() int + func (ni *NotifyIcon) Dispose() error + func (ni *NotifyIcon) Icon() Image + func (ni *NotifyIcon) MessageClicked() *Event + func (ni *NotifyIcon) MouseDown() *MouseEvent + func (ni *NotifyIcon) MouseUp() *MouseEvent + func (ni *NotifyIcon) SetIcon(icon Image) error + func (ni *NotifyIcon) SetToolTip(toolTip string) error + func (ni *NotifyIcon) SetVisible(visible bool) error + func (ni *NotifyIcon) ShowCustom(title, info string, icon Image) error + func (ni *NotifyIcon) ShowError(title, info string) error + func (ni *NotifyIcon) ShowInfo(title, info string) error + func (ni *NotifyIcon) ShowMessage(title, info string) error + func (ni *NotifyIcon) ShowWarning(title, info string) error + func (ni *NotifyIcon) ToolTip() string + func (ni *NotifyIcon) Visible() bool + type NumberEdit struct — windows/amd64 + func NewNumberEdit(parent Container) (*NumberEdit, error) + func (*NumberEdit) NeedsWmSize() bool + func (ne *NumberEdit) Background() Brush + func (ne *NumberEdit) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem + func (ne *NumberEdit) Decimals() int + func (ne *NumberEdit) Increment() float64 + func (ne *NumberEdit) MaxValue() float64 + func (ne *NumberEdit) MinValue() float64 + func (ne *NumberEdit) Prefix() string + func (ne *NumberEdit) PrefixChanged() *Event + func (ne *NumberEdit) ReadOnly() bool + func (ne *NumberEdit) SetBackground(bg Brush) + func (ne *NumberEdit) SetDecimals(decimals int) error + func (ne *NumberEdit) SetFocus() error + func (ne *NumberEdit) SetIncrement(increment float64) error + func (ne *NumberEdit) SetPrefix(prefix string) error + func (ne *NumberEdit) SetRange(min, max float64) error + func (ne *NumberEdit) SetReadOnly(readOnly bool) error + func (ne *NumberEdit) SetSuffix(suffix string) error + func (ne *NumberEdit) SetTextColor(c Color) + func (ne *NumberEdit) SetTextSelection(start, end int) + func (ne *NumberEdit) SetToolTipText(s string) error + func (ne *NumberEdit) SetValue(value float64) error + func (ne *NumberEdit) Suffix() string + func (ne *NumberEdit) SuffixChanged() *Event + func (ne *NumberEdit) TextColor() Color + func (ne *NumberEdit) TextSelection() (start, end int) + func (ne *NumberEdit) Value() float64 + func (ne *NumberEdit) ValueChanged() *Event + func (ne *NumberEdit) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr + type NumberLabel struct — windows/amd64 + func NewNumberLabel(parent Container) (*NumberLabel, error) + func (nl *NumberLabel) Decimals() int + func (nl *NumberLabel) SetDecimals(decimals int) error + func (nl *NumberLabel) SetSuffix(suffix string) error + func (nl *NumberLabel) SetTextAlignment(alignment Alignment1D) error + func (nl *NumberLabel) SetValue(value float64) error + func (nl *NumberLabel) Suffix() string + func (nl *NumberLabel) TextAlignment() Alignment1D + func (nl *NumberLabel) Value() float64 + func (s *NumberLabel) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem + func (s *NumberLabel) Dispose() + func (s *NumberLabel) SetTextColor(c Color) + func (s *NumberLabel) TextColor() Color + func (s *NumberLabel) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wp, lp uintptr) uintptr + type Orientation byte — windows/amd64 + type PIState int — windows/amd64 + const PIError + const PIIndeterminate + const PINoProgress + const PINormal + const PIPaused + type PaintFunc func(canvas *Canvas, updateBounds Rectangle) error — windows/amd64 + type PaintFuncImage struct — windows/amd64 + func NewPaintFuncImage(size Size, paint func(canvas *Canvas, bounds Rectangle) error) *PaintFuncImage + func NewPaintFuncImagePixels(size Size, paint func(canvas *Canvas, bounds Rectangle) error) *PaintFuncImage + func NewPaintFuncImagePixelsWithDispose(size Size, paint func(canvas *Canvas, bounds Rectangle) error, dispose func()) *PaintFuncImage + func NewPaintFuncImageWithDispose(size Size, paint func(canvas *Canvas, bounds Rectangle) error, dispose func()) *PaintFuncImage + func (pfi *PaintFuncImage) Dispose() + func (pfi *PaintFuncImage) Size() Size + type PaintMode int — windows/amd64 + const PaintBuffered + const PaintNoErase + const PaintNormal + type Pen interface — windows/amd64 + Dispose func() + Style func() PenStyle + Width func() int + func NullPen() Pen + type PenStyle int — windows/amd64 + const PenAlternate + const PenCapFlat + const PenCapRound + const PenCapSquare + const PenDash + const PenDashDot + const PenDashDotDot + const PenDot + const PenInsideFrame + const PenJoinBevel + const PenJoinMiter + const PenJoinRound + const PenNull + const PenSolid + const PenUserStyle + type Persistable interface — windows/amd64 + Persistent func() bool + RestoreState func() error + SaveState func() error + SetPersistent func(value bool) + type Point struct — windows/amd64 + X int + Y int + func PointFrom96DPI(value Point, dpi int) Point + func PointTo96DPI(value Point, dpi int) Point + type Populator interface — windows/amd64 + Populate func(index int) error + type ProgressBar struct — windows/amd64 + func NewProgressBar(parent Container) (*ProgressBar, error) + func (pb *ProgressBar) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem + func (pb *ProgressBar) MarqueeMode() bool + func (pb *ProgressBar) MaxValue() int + func (pb *ProgressBar) MinValue() int + func (pb *ProgressBar) SetMarqueeMode(marqueeMode bool) error + func (pb *ProgressBar) SetRange(min, max int) + func (pb *ProgressBar) SetValue(value int) + func (pb *ProgressBar) Value() int + type ProgressIndicator struct — windows/amd64 + func (pi *ProgressIndicator) Completed() uint32 + func (pi *ProgressIndicator) SetCompleted(completed uint32) error + func (pi *ProgressIndicator) SetOverlayIcon(icon *Icon, description string) error + func (pi *ProgressIndicator) SetState(state PIState) error + func (pi *ProgressIndicator) SetTotal(total uint32) + func (pi *ProgressIndicator) State() PIState + func (pi *ProgressIndicator) Total() uint32 + type Property interface — windows/amd64 + Get func() interface{} + ReadOnly func() bool + Set func(value interface{}) error + SetSource func(source interface{}) error + SetValidator func(validator Validator) error + Source func() interface{} + Validatable func() bool + Validator func() Validator + func NewBoolProperty(get func() bool, set func(b bool) error, changed *Event) Property + func NewProperty(get func() interface{}, set func(v interface{}) error, changed *Event) Property + func NewReadOnlyBoolProperty(get func() bool, changed *Event) Property + func NewReadOnlyProperty(get func() interface{}, changed *Event) Property + type PushButton struct — windows/amd64 + func NewPushButton(parent Container) (*PushButton, error) + func (pb *PushButton) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem + func (pb *PushButton) ImageAboveText() bool + func (pb *PushButton) SetImageAboveText(value bool) error + func (pb *PushButton) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr + type RadioButton struct — windows/amd64 + func NewRadioButton(parent Container) (*RadioButton, error) + func (rb *RadioButton) Group() *RadioButtonGroup + func (rb *RadioButton) SetTextOnLeftSide(textLeft bool) error + func (rb *RadioButton) SetValue(value interface{}) + func (rb *RadioButton) TextOnLeftSide() bool + func (rb *RadioButton) Value() interface{} + func (rb *RadioButton) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr + type RadioButtonGroup struct — windows/amd64 + func (rbg *RadioButtonGroup) Buttons() []*RadioButton + func (rbg *RadioButtonGroup) CheckedButton() *RadioButton + type RangeValidator struct — windows/amd64 + func NewRangeValidator(min, max float64) (*RangeValidator, error) + func (rv *RangeValidator) Max() float64 + func (rv *RangeValidator) Min() float64 + func (rv *RangeValidator) Reset(min, max float64) error + func (rv *RangeValidator) Validate(v interface{}) error + type Rectangle struct — windows/amd64 + Height int + Width int + X int + Y int + func RectangleFrom96DPI(value Rectangle, dpi int) Rectangle + func RectangleTo96DPI(value Rectangle, dpi int) Rectangle + func (r *Rectangle) SetLocation(p Point) Rectangle + func (r *Rectangle) SetSize(s Size) Rectangle + func (r Rectangle) Bottom() int + func (r Rectangle) Left() int + func (r Rectangle) Location() Point + func (r Rectangle) Right() int + func (r Rectangle) Size() Size + func (r Rectangle) Top() int + type ReflectListModel interface — windows/amd64 + ItemChanged func() *IntEvent + Items func() interface{} + ItemsInserted func() *IntRangeEvent + ItemsRemoved func() *IntRangeEvent + ItemsReset func() *Event + type ReflectListModelBase struct — windows/amd64 + func (rlmb *ReflectListModelBase) Value(index int) interface{} + type ReflectTableModel interface — windows/amd64 + Items func() interface{} + RowChanged func() *IntEvent + RowsChanged func() *IntRangeEvent + RowsInserted func() *IntRangeEvent + RowsRemoved func() *IntRangeEvent + RowsReset func() *Event + type ReflectTableModelBase struct — windows/amd64 + func (rtmb *ReflectTableModelBase) Value(row, col int) interface{} + type RegexpValidator struct — windows/amd64 + func NewRegexpValidator(pattern string) (*RegexpValidator, error) + func (rv *RegexpValidator) Pattern() string + func (rv *RegexpValidator) Validate(v interface{}) error + type RegistryKey struct — windows/amd64 + func ClassesRootKey() *RegistryKey + func CurrentUserKey() *RegistryKey + func LocalMachineKey() *RegistryKey + type ResourceManager struct — windows/amd64 + var Resources ResourceManager + func (rm *ResourceManager) Bitmap(name string) (*Bitmap, error) + func (rm *ResourceManager) BitmapForDPI(name string, dpi int) (*Bitmap, error) + func (rm *ResourceManager) Icon(name string) (*Icon, error) + func (rm *ResourceManager) Image(name string) (Image, error) + func (rm *ResourceManager) RootDirPath() string + func (rm *ResourceManager) SetRootDirPath(rootDirPath string) error + type ScrollView struct — windows/amd64 + func NewScrollView(parent Container) (*ScrollView, error) + func (sv *ScrollView) ApplyDPI(dpi int) + func (sv *ScrollView) AsContainerBase() *ContainerBase + func (sv *ScrollView) Children() *WidgetList + func (sv *ScrollView) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem + func (sv *ScrollView) DataBinder() *DataBinder + func (sv *ScrollView) Layout() Layout + func (sv *ScrollView) MouseDown() *MouseEvent + func (sv *ScrollView) MouseMove() *MouseEvent + func (sv *ScrollView) MouseUp() *MouseEvent + func (sv *ScrollView) Name() string + func (sv *ScrollView) Persistent() bool + func (sv *ScrollView) RestoreState() error + func (sv *ScrollView) SaveState() error + func (sv *ScrollView) Scrollbars() (horizontal, vertical bool) + func (sv *ScrollView) SetDataBinder(dataBinder *DataBinder) + func (sv *ScrollView) SetLayout(value Layout) error + func (sv *ScrollView) SetName(name string) + func (sv *ScrollView) SetPersistent(value bool) + func (sv *ScrollView) SetScrollbars(horizontal, vertical bool) + func (sv *ScrollView) SetSuspended(suspend bool) + func (sv *ScrollView) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr + type Separator struct — windows/amd64 + func NewHSeparator(parent Container) (*Separator, error) + func NewVSeparator(parent Container) (*Separator, error) + func (s *Separator) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem + type Settings interface — windows/amd64 + ExpireDuration func() time.Duration + Get func(key string) (string, bool) + Load func() error + Put func(key, value string) error + PutExpiring func(key, value string) error + Remove func(key string) error + Save func() error + SetExpireDuration func(expireDuration time.Duration) + Timestamp func(key string) (time.Time, bool) + type Shortcut struct — windows/amd64 + Key Key + Modifiers Modifiers + func (s Shortcut) String() string + type Size struct — windows/amd64 + Height int + Width int + func SizeFrom96DPI(value Size, dpi int) Size + func SizeTo96DPI(value Size, dpi int) Size + type Slider struct — windows/amd64 + func NewSlider(parent Container) (*Slider, error) + func NewSliderWithCfg(parent Container, cfg *SliderCfg) (*Slider, error) + func NewSliderWithOrientation(parent Container, orientation Orientation) (*Slider, error) + func (*Slider) NeedsWmSize() bool + func (sl *Slider) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem + func (sl *Slider) LineSize() int + func (sl *Slider) MaxValue() int + func (sl *Slider) MinValue() int + func (sl *Slider) PageSize() int + func (sl *Slider) Persistent() bool + func (sl *Slider) RestoreState() error + func (sl *Slider) SaveState() error + func (sl *Slider) SetLineSize(lineSize int) + func (sl *Slider) SetPageSize(pageSize int) + func (sl *Slider) SetPersistent(value bool) + func (sl *Slider) SetRange(min, max int) + func (sl *Slider) SetTracking(tracking bool) + func (sl *Slider) SetValue(value int) + func (sl *Slider) Tracking() bool + func (sl *Slider) Value() int + func (sl *Slider) ValueChanged() *Event + func (sl *Slider) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr + type SliderCfg struct — windows/amd64 + Orientation Orientation + ToolTipsHidden bool + type SolidColorBrush struct — windows/amd64 + func NewSolidColorBrush(color Color) (*SolidColorBrush, error) + func (b *SolidColorBrush) Color() Color + func (bb *SolidColorBrush) Dispose() + type SortOrder int — windows/amd64 + const SortAscending + const SortDescending + type SortedReflectTableModelBase struct — windows/amd64 + func (srtmb *SortedReflectTableModelBase) Sort(col int, order SortOrder) error + type Sorter interface — windows/amd64 + ColumnSortable func(col int) bool + Sort func(col int, order SortOrder) error + SortChanged func() *Event + SortOrder func() SortOrder + SortedColumn func() int + type SorterBase struct — windows/amd64 + func (sb *SorterBase) ColumnSortable(col int) bool + func (sb *SorterBase) Sort(col int, order SortOrder) error + func (sb *SorterBase) SortChanged() *Event + func (sb *SorterBase) SortOrder() SortOrder + func (sb *SorterBase) SortedColumn() int + type Spacer struct — windows/amd64 + func NewHSpacer(parent Container) (*Spacer, error) + func NewHSpacerFixed(parent Container, width int) (*Spacer, error) + func NewSpacerWithCfg(parent Container, cfg *SpacerCfg) (*Spacer, error) + func NewVSpacer(parent Container) (*Spacer, error) + func NewVSpacerFixed(parent Container, height int) (*Spacer, error) + func (s *Spacer) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem + type SpacerCfg struct — windows/amd64 + GreedyLocallyOnly bool + LayoutFlags LayoutFlags + SizeHint Size + type SplitButton struct — windows/amd64 + func NewSplitButton(parent Container) (*SplitButton, error) + func (sb *SplitButton) Dispose() + func (sb *SplitButton) ImageAboveText() bool + func (sb *SplitButton) Menu() *Menu + func (sb *SplitButton) SetImageAboveText(value bool) error + func (sb *SplitButton) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr + type Splitter struct — windows/amd64 + func NewHSplitter(parent Container) (*Splitter, error) + func NewVSplitter(parent Container) (*Splitter, error) + func (s *Splitter) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem + func (s *Splitter) Fixed(widget Widget) bool + func (s *Splitter) HandleWidth() int + func (s *Splitter) Orientation() Orientation + func (s *Splitter) Persistent() bool + func (s *Splitter) RestoreState() error + func (s *Splitter) SaveState() error + func (s *Splitter) SetFixed(widget Widget, fixed bool) error + func (s *Splitter) SetHandleWidth(value int) error + func (s *Splitter) SetLayout(value Layout) error + func (s *Splitter) SetPersistent(value bool) + func (s *Splitter) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr + type StatusBar struct — windows/amd64 + func NewStatusBar(parent Container) (*StatusBar, error) + func (*StatusBar) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem + func (sb *StatusBar) ApplyDPI(dpi int) + func (sb *StatusBar) Items() *StatusBarItemList + func (sb *StatusBar) SetVisible(visible bool) + func (sb *StatusBar) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr + type StatusBarItem struct — windows/amd64 + func NewStatusBarItem() *StatusBarItem + func (sbi *StatusBarItem) Clicked() *Event + func (sbi *StatusBarItem) Icon() *Icon + func (sbi *StatusBarItem) SetIcon(icon *Icon) error + func (sbi *StatusBarItem) SetText(text string) error + func (sbi *StatusBarItem) SetToolTipText(toolTipText string) error + func (sbi *StatusBarItem) SetWidth(width int) error + func (sbi *StatusBarItem) Text() string + func (sbi *StatusBarItem) ToolTipText() string + func (sbi *StatusBarItem) Width() int + type StatusBarItemList struct — windows/amd64 + func (l *StatusBarItemList) Add(item *StatusBarItem) error + func (l *StatusBarItemList) At(index int) *StatusBarItem + func (l *StatusBarItemList) Clear() error + func (l *StatusBarItemList) Contains(item *StatusBarItem) bool + func (l *StatusBarItemList) Index(item *StatusBarItem) int + func (l *StatusBarItemList) Insert(index int, item *StatusBarItem) error + func (l *StatusBarItemList) Len() int + func (l *StatusBarItemList) Remove(item *StatusBarItem) error + func (l *StatusBarItemList) RemoveAt(index int) error + type StringEvent struct — windows/amd64 + func (e *StringEvent) Attach(handler StringEventHandler) int + func (e *StringEvent) Detach(handle int) + func (e *StringEvent) Once(handler StringEventHandler) + type StringEventHandler func(s string) — windows/amd64 + type StringEventPublisher struct — windows/amd64 + func (p *StringEventPublisher) Event() *StringEvent + func (p *StringEventPublisher) Publish(s string) + type SystemColor int — windows/amd64 + const SysColor3DDkShadow + const SysColor3DFace + const SysColor3DHighlight + const SysColor3DLight + const SysColor3DShadow + const SysColorActiveBorder + const SysColorActiveCaption + const SysColorAppWorkspace + const SysColorBackground + const SysColorBtnFace + const SysColorBtnHighlight + const SysColorBtnShadow + const SysColorBtnText + const SysColorCaptionText + const SysColorDesktop + const SysColorGradientActiveCaption + const SysColorGradientInactiveCaption + const SysColorGrayText + const SysColorHighlight + const SysColorHighlightText + const SysColorHotLight + const SysColorInactiveBorder + const SysColorInactiveCaption + const SysColorInactiveCaptionText + const SysColorInfoBk + const SysColorInfoText + const SysColorMenu + const SysColorMenuText + const SysColorScrollBar + const SysColorWindow + const SysColorWindowFrame + const SysColorWindowText + type SystemColorBrush struct — windows/amd64 + func NewSystemColorBrush(sysColor SystemColor) (*SystemColorBrush, error) + func (*SystemColorBrush) Dispose() + func (b *SystemColorBrush) Color() Color + func (b *SystemColorBrush) SystemColor() SystemColor + type TabPage struct — windows/amd64 + func NewTabPage() (*TabPage, error) + func (tp *TabPage) Background() Brush + func (tp *TabPage) Enabled() bool + func (tp *TabPage) Font() *Font + func (tp *TabPage) Image() Image + func (tp *TabPage) SetImage(value Image) error + func (tp *TabPage) SetTitle(value string) error + func (tp *TabPage) Title() string + type TabPageList struct — windows/amd64 + func (l *TabPageList) Add(item *TabPage) error + func (l *TabPageList) At(index int) *TabPage + func (l *TabPageList) Clear() error + func (l *TabPageList) Contains(item *TabPage) bool + func (l *TabPageList) Index(item *TabPage) int + func (l *TabPageList) Insert(index int, item *TabPage) error + func (l *TabPageList) Len() int + func (l *TabPageList) Remove(item *TabPage) error + func (l *TabPageList) RemoveAt(index int) error + type TabWidget struct — windows/amd64 + func NewTabWidget(parent Container) (*TabWidget, error) + func (tw *TabWidget) ApplyDPI(dpi int) + func (tw *TabWidget) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem + func (tw *TabWidget) CurrentIndex() int + func (tw *TabWidget) CurrentIndexChanged() *Event + func (tw *TabWidget) Dispose() + func (tw *TabWidget) Pages() *TabPageList + func (tw *TabWidget) Persistent() bool + func (tw *TabWidget) RestoreState() error + func (tw *TabWidget) SaveState() error + func (tw *TabWidget) SetCurrentIndex(index int) error + func (tw *TabWidget) SetPersistent(value bool) + func (tw *TabWidget) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr + type TableModel interface — windows/amd64 + RowChanged func() *IntEvent + RowCount func() int + RowsChanged func() *IntRangeEvent + RowsInserted func() *IntRangeEvent + RowsRemoved func() *IntRangeEvent + RowsReset func() *Event + Value func(row, col int) interface{} + type TableModelBase struct — windows/amd64 + func (tmb *TableModelBase) PublishRowChanged(row int) + func (tmb *TableModelBase) PublishRowsChanged(from, to int) + func (tmb *TableModelBase) PublishRowsInserted(from, to int) + func (tmb *TableModelBase) PublishRowsRemoved(from, to int) + func (tmb *TableModelBase) PublishRowsReset() + func (tmb *TableModelBase) RowChanged() *IntEvent + func (tmb *TableModelBase) RowsChanged() *IntRangeEvent + func (tmb *TableModelBase) RowsInserted() *IntRangeEvent + func (tmb *TableModelBase) RowsRemoved() *IntRangeEvent + func (tmb *TableModelBase) RowsReset() *Event + type TableView struct — windows/amd64 + func NewTableView(parent Container) (*TableView, error) + func NewTableViewWithCfg(parent Container, cfg *TableViewCfg) (*TableView, error) + func NewTableViewWithStyle(parent Container, style uint32) (*TableView, error) + func (*TableView) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem + func (tv *TableView) AlternatingRowBG() bool + func (tv *TableView) ApplyDPI(dpi int) + func (tv *TableView) ApplySysColors() + func (tv *TableView) CellStyler() CellStyler + func (tv *TableView) CheckBoxes() bool + func (tv *TableView) ColumnClicked() *IntEvent + func (tv *TableView) Columns() *TableViewColumnList + func (tv *TableView) ColumnsOrderable() bool + func (tv *TableView) ColumnsSizable() bool + func (tv *TableView) ContextMenuLocation() Point + func (tv *TableView) CurrentIndex() int + func (tv *TableView) CurrentIndexChanged() *Event + func (tv *TableView) Dispose() + func (tv *TableView) EnsureItemVisible(index int) + func (tv *TableView) Focused() bool + func (tv *TableView) Gridlines() bool + func (tv *TableView) HeaderHidden() bool + func (tv *TableView) IgnoreNowhere() bool + func (tv *TableView) Invalidate() error + func (tv *TableView) ItemActivated() *Event + func (tv *TableView) ItemChecker() ItemChecker + func (tv *TableView) ItemCountChanged() *Event + func (tv *TableView) ItemStateChangedEventDelay() int + func (tv *TableView) ItemVisible(index int) bool + func (tv *TableView) LastColumnStretched() bool + func (tv *TableView) Model() interface{} + func (tv *TableView) MultiSelection() bool + func (tv *TableView) Persistent() bool + func (tv *TableView) RestoreState() error + func (tv *TableView) RowsPerPage() int + func (tv *TableView) SaveState() error + func (tv *TableView) ScrollbarOrientation() Orientation + func (tv *TableView) SelectedIndexes() []int + func (tv *TableView) SelectedIndexesChanged() *Event + func (tv *TableView) SelectionHiddenWithoutFocus() bool + func (tv *TableView) SetAlternatingRowBG(enabled bool) + func (tv *TableView) SetCellStyler(styler CellStyler) + func (tv *TableView) SetCheckBoxes(checkBoxes bool) + func (tv *TableView) SetColumnsOrderable(enabled bool) + func (tv *TableView) SetColumnsSizable(b bool) error + func (tv *TableView) SetCurrentIndex(index int) error + func (tv *TableView) SetGridlines(enabled bool) + func (tv *TableView) SetHeaderHidden(hidden bool) error + func (tv *TableView) SetIgnoreNowhere(value bool) + func (tv *TableView) SetItemChecker(itemChecker ItemChecker) + func (tv *TableView) SetItemStateChangedEventDelay(delay int) + func (tv *TableView) SetLastColumnStretched(value bool) error + func (tv *TableView) SetModel(mdl interface{}) error + func (tv *TableView) SetMultiSelection(multiSel bool) error + func (tv *TableView) SetPersistent(value bool) + func (tv *TableView) SetScrollbarOrientation(orientation Orientation) + func (tv *TableView) SetSelectedIndexes(indexes []int) error + func (tv *TableView) SetSelectionHiddenWithoutFocus(hidden bool) error + func (tv *TableView) SortableByHeaderClick() bool + func (tv *TableView) StretchLastColumn() error + func (tv *TableView) TableModel() TableModel + func (tv *TableView) UpdateItem(index int) error + func (tv *TableView) VisibleColumnsInDisplayOrder() []*TableViewColumn + func (tv *TableView) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wp, lp uintptr) uintptr + type TableViewCfg struct — windows/amd64 + CustomHeaderHeight int + CustomRowHeight int + Style uint32 + type TableViewColumn struct — windows/amd64 + func NewTableViewColumn() *TableViewColumn + func (tvc *TableViewColumn) Alignment() Alignment1D + func (tvc *TableViewColumn) DataMember() string + func (tvc *TableViewColumn) DataMemberEffective() string + func (tvc *TableViewColumn) Format() string + func (tvc *TableViewColumn) FormatFunc() func(value interface{}) string + func (tvc *TableViewColumn) Frozen() bool + func (tvc *TableViewColumn) LessFunc() func(i, j int) bool + func (tvc *TableViewColumn) Name() string + func (tvc *TableViewColumn) Precision() int + func (tvc *TableViewColumn) SetAlignment(alignment Alignment1D) (err error) + func (tvc *TableViewColumn) SetDataMember(dataMember string) + func (tvc *TableViewColumn) SetFormat(format string) (err error) + func (tvc *TableViewColumn) SetFormatFunc(formatFunc func(value interface{}) string) + func (tvc *TableViewColumn) SetFrozen(frozen bool) (err error) + func (tvc *TableViewColumn) SetLessFunc(lessFunc func(i, j int) bool) + func (tvc *TableViewColumn) SetName(name string) + func (tvc *TableViewColumn) SetPrecision(precision int) (err error) + func (tvc *TableViewColumn) SetTitle(title string) (err error) + func (tvc *TableViewColumn) SetTitleOverride(titleOverride string) (err error) + func (tvc *TableViewColumn) SetVisible(visible bool) (err error) + func (tvc *TableViewColumn) SetWidth(width int) (err error) + func (tvc *TableViewColumn) Title() string + func (tvc *TableViewColumn) TitleEffective() string + func (tvc *TableViewColumn) TitleOverride() string + func (tvc *TableViewColumn) Visible() bool + func (tvc *TableViewColumn) Width() int + type TableViewColumnList struct — windows/amd64 + func (l *TableViewColumnList) Add(item *TableViewColumn) error + func (l *TableViewColumnList) At(index int) *TableViewColumn + func (l *TableViewColumnList) Clear() error + func (l *TableViewColumnList) Contains(item *TableViewColumn) bool + func (l *TableViewColumnList) Index(item *TableViewColumn) int + func (l *TableViewColumnList) Insert(index int, item *TableViewColumn) error + func (l *TableViewColumnList) Len() int + func (l *TableViewColumnList) Remove(item *TableViewColumn) error + func (l *TableViewColumnList) RemoveAt(index int) error + type TextEdit struct — windows/amd64 + func NewTextEdit(parent Container) (*TextEdit, error) + func NewTextEditWithStyle(parent Container, style uint32) (*TextEdit, error) + func (*TextEdit) NeedsWmSize() bool + func (te *TextEdit) AppendText(value string) + func (te *TextEdit) CompactHeight() bool + func (te *TextEdit) ContextMenuLocation() Point + func (te *TextEdit) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem + func (te *TextEdit) MaxLength() int + func (te *TextEdit) ReadOnly() bool + func (te *TextEdit) ReplaceSelectedText(text string, canUndo bool) + func (te *TextEdit) ScrollToCaret() + func (te *TextEdit) SetCompactHeight(enabled bool) + func (te *TextEdit) SetMaxLength(value int) + func (te *TextEdit) SetReadOnly(readOnly bool) error + func (te *TextEdit) SetText(text string) (err error) + func (te *TextEdit) SetTextAlignment(alignment Alignment1D) error + func (te *TextEdit) SetTextColor(c Color) + func (te *TextEdit) SetTextSelection(start, end int) + func (te *TextEdit) Text() string + func (te *TextEdit) TextAlignment() Alignment1D + func (te *TextEdit) TextChanged() *Event + func (te *TextEdit) TextColor() Color + func (te *TextEdit) TextLength() int + func (te *TextEdit) TextSelection() (start, end int) + func (te *TextEdit) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr + type TextLabel struct — windows/amd64 + func NewTextLabel(parent Container) (*TextLabel, error) + func NewTextLabelWithStyle(parent Container, style uint32) (*TextLabel, error) + func (s *TextLabel) Dispose() + func (s *TextLabel) SetTextColor(c Color) + func (s *TextLabel) TextColor() Color + func (s *TextLabel) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wp, lp uintptr) uintptr + func (tl *TextLabel) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem + func (tl *TextLabel) SetText(text string) error + func (tl *TextLabel) SetTextAlignment(alignment Alignment2D) error + func (tl *TextLabel) Text() string + func (tl *TextLabel) TextAlignment() Alignment2D + type ToolBar struct — windows/amd64 + func NewToolBar(parent Container) (*ToolBar, error) + func NewToolBarWithOrientationAndButtonStyle(parent Container, orientation Orientation, buttonStyle ToolBarButtonStyle) (*ToolBar, error) + func NewVerticalToolBar(parent Container) (*ToolBar, error) + func (tb *ToolBar) Actions() *ActionList + func (tb *ToolBar) ApplyDPI(dpi int) + func (tb *ToolBar) ButtonStyle() ToolBarButtonStyle + func (tb *ToolBar) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem + func (tb *ToolBar) DefaultButtonWidth() int + func (tb *ToolBar) Dispose() + func (tb *ToolBar) ImageList() *ImageList + func (tb *ToolBar) MaxTextRows() int + func (tb *ToolBar) Orientation() Orientation + func (tb *ToolBar) SetDefaultButtonWidth(width int) error + func (tb *ToolBar) SetImageList(value *ImageList) + func (tb *ToolBar) SetMaxTextRows(maxTextRows int) error + func (tb *ToolBar) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr + type ToolBarButtonStyle int — windows/amd64 + const ToolBarButtonImageAboveText + const ToolBarButtonImageBeforeText + const ToolBarButtonImageOnly + const ToolBarButtonTextOnly + type ToolButton struct — windows/amd64 + func NewToolButton(parent Container) (*ToolButton, error) + func (tb *ToolButton) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem + func (tb *ToolButton) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr + type ToolTip struct — windows/amd64 + func NewToolTip() (*ToolTip, error) + func (tt *ToolTip) AddTool(tool Widget) error + func (tt *ToolTip) RemoveTool(tool Widget) error + func (tt *ToolTip) SetErrorTitle(title string) error + func (tt *ToolTip) SetInfoTitle(title string) error + func (tt *ToolTip) SetText(tool Widget, text string) error + func (tt *ToolTip) SetTitle(title string) error + func (tt *ToolTip) SetWarningTitle(title string) error + func (tt *ToolTip) Text(tool Widget) string + func (tt *ToolTip) Title() string + type ToolTipErrorPresenter struct — windows/amd64 + func NewToolTipErrorPresenter() (*ToolTipErrorPresenter, error) + func (ttep *ToolTipErrorPresenter) Dispose() + func (ttep *ToolTipErrorPresenter) PresentError(err error, widget Widget) + type TranslationFunction func(source string, context ...string) string — windows/amd64 + func TranslationFunc() TranslationFunction + type TreeItem interface — windows/amd64 + ChildAt func(index int) TreeItem + ChildCount func() int + Parent func() TreeItem + Text func() string + type TreeItemEvent struct — windows/amd64 + func (e *TreeItemEvent) Attach(handler TreeItemEventHandler) int + func (e *TreeItemEvent) Detach(handle int) + func (e *TreeItemEvent) Once(handler TreeItemEventHandler) + type TreeItemEventHandler func(item TreeItem) — windows/amd64 + type TreeItemEventPublisher struct — windows/amd64 + func (p *TreeItemEventPublisher) Event() *TreeItemEvent + func (p *TreeItemEventPublisher) Publish(item TreeItem) + type TreeModel interface — windows/amd64 + ItemChanged func() *TreeItemEvent + ItemInserted func() *TreeItemEvent + ItemRemoved func() *TreeItemEvent + ItemsReset func() *TreeItemEvent + LazyPopulation func() bool + RootAt func(index int) TreeItem + RootCount func() int + type TreeModelBase struct — windows/amd64 + func (tmb *TreeModelBase) ItemChanged() *TreeItemEvent + func (tmb *TreeModelBase) ItemInserted() *TreeItemEvent + func (tmb *TreeModelBase) ItemRemoved() *TreeItemEvent + func (tmb *TreeModelBase) ItemsReset() *TreeItemEvent + func (tmb *TreeModelBase) LazyPopulation() bool + func (tmb *TreeModelBase) PublishItemChanged(item TreeItem) + func (tmb *TreeModelBase) PublishItemInserted(item TreeItem) + func (tmb *TreeModelBase) PublishItemRemoved(item TreeItem) + func (tmb *TreeModelBase) PublishItemsReset(parent TreeItem) + type TreeView struct — windows/amd64 + func NewTreeView(parent Container) (*TreeView, error) + func (*TreeView) NeedsWmSize() bool + func (tv *TreeView) ApplyDPI(dpi int) + func (tv *TreeView) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem + func (tv *TreeView) CurrentItem() TreeItem + func (tv *TreeView) CurrentItemChanged() *Event + func (tv *TreeView) Dispose() + func (tv *TreeView) EnsureVisible(item TreeItem) error + func (tv *TreeView) Expanded(item TreeItem) bool + func (tv *TreeView) ExpandedChanged() *TreeItemEvent + func (tv *TreeView) ItemActivated() *Event + func (tv *TreeView) ItemAt(x, y int) TreeItem + func (tv *TreeView) ItemHeight() int + func (tv *TreeView) Model() TreeModel + func (tv *TreeView) SetBackground(bg Brush) + func (tv *TreeView) SetCurrentItem(item TreeItem) error + func (tv *TreeView) SetExpanded(item TreeItem, expanded bool) error + func (tv *TreeView) SetItemHeight(height int) + func (tv *TreeView) SetModel(model TreeModel) error + func (tv *TreeView) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr + type ValidationError struct — windows/amd64 + func NewValidationError(title, message string) *ValidationError + func (ve *ValidationError) Error() string + func (ve *ValidationError) Message() string + func (ve *ValidationError) Title() string + type Validator interface — windows/amd64 + Validate func(v interface{}) error + func SelectionRequiredValidator() Validator + type WebView struct — windows/amd64 + func NewWebView(parent Container) (*WebView, error) + func (wv *WebView) BrowserVisible() bool + func (wv *WebView) BrowserVisibleChanged() *Event + func (wv *WebView) CanGoBack() bool + func (wv *WebView) CanGoBackChanged() *Event + func (wv *WebView) CanGoForward() bool + func (wv *WebView) CanGoForwardChanged() *Event + func (wv *WebView) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem + func (wv *WebView) Dispose() + func (wv *WebView) DocumentCompleted() *StringEvent + func (wv *WebView) DocumentTitle() string + func (wv *WebView) DocumentTitleChanged() *Event + func (wv *WebView) Downloaded() *Event + func (wv *WebView) Downloading() *Event + func (wv *WebView) IsTheaterMode() bool + func (wv *WebView) NativeContextMenuEnabled() bool + func (wv *WebView) NativeContextMenuEnabledChanged() *Event + func (wv *WebView) Navigated() *StringEvent + func (wv *WebView) NavigatedError() *WebViewNavigatedErrorEvent + func (wv *WebView) Navigating() *WebViewNavigatingEvent + func (wv *WebView) NewWindow() *WebViewNewWindowEvent + func (wv *WebView) ProgressChanged() *Event + func (wv *WebView) ProgressMax() int32 + func (wv *WebView) ProgressValue() int32 + func (wv *WebView) Quitting() *Event + func (wv *WebView) Refresh() error + func (wv *WebView) SetNativeContextMenuEnabled(value bool) + func (wv *WebView) SetShortcutsEnabled(value bool) + func (wv *WebView) SetURL(url string) error + func (wv *WebView) ShortcutsEnabled() bool + func (wv *WebView) ShortcutsEnabledChanged() *Event + func (wv *WebView) StatusBarVisible() bool + func (wv *WebView) StatusBarVisibleChanged() *Event + func (wv *WebView) StatusText() string + func (wv *WebView) StatusTextChanged() *Event + func (wv *WebView) TheaterModeChanged() *Event + func (wv *WebView) ToolBarEnabled() bool + func (wv *WebView) ToolBarEnabledChanged() *Event + func (wv *WebView) ToolBarVisible() bool + func (wv *WebView) ToolBarVisibleChanged() *Event + func (wv *WebView) URL() (url string, err error) + func (wv *WebView) URLChanged() *Event + func (wv *WebView) WindowClosing() *WebViewWindowClosingEvent + func (wv *WebView) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr + type WebViewNavigatedErrorEvent struct — windows/amd64 + func (e *WebViewNavigatedErrorEvent) Attach(handler WebViewNavigatedErrorEventHandler) int + func (e *WebViewNavigatedErrorEvent) Detach(handle int) + type WebViewNavigatedErrorEventData struct — windows/amd64 + func (eventData *WebViewNavigatedErrorEventData) Canceled() bool + func (eventData *WebViewNavigatedErrorEventData) SetCanceled(value bool) + func (eventData *WebViewNavigatedErrorEventData) StatusCode() int32 + func (eventData *WebViewNavigatedErrorEventData) TargetFrameName() string + func (eventData *WebViewNavigatedErrorEventData) Url() string + type WebViewNavigatedErrorEventHandler func(eventData *WebViewNavigatedErrorEventData) — windows/amd64 + type WebViewNavigatedErrorEventPublisher struct — windows/amd64 + func (p *WebViewNavigatedErrorEventPublisher) Event() *WebViewNavigatedErrorEvent + func (p *WebViewNavigatedErrorEventPublisher) Publish(eventData *WebViewNavigatedErrorEventData) + type WebViewNavigatingEvent struct — windows/amd64 + func (e *WebViewNavigatingEvent) Attach(handler WebViewNavigatingEventHandler) int + func (e *WebViewNavigatingEvent) Detach(handle int) + type WebViewNavigatingEventData struct — windows/amd64 + func (eventData *WebViewNavigatingEventData) Canceled() bool + func (eventData *WebViewNavigatingEventData) Flags() int32 + func (eventData *WebViewNavigatingEventData) Headers() string + func (eventData *WebViewNavigatingEventData) PostData() string + func (eventData *WebViewNavigatingEventData) SetCanceled(value bool) + func (eventData *WebViewNavigatingEventData) TargetFrameName() string + func (eventData *WebViewNavigatingEventData) Url() string + type WebViewNavigatingEventHandler func(eventData *WebViewNavigatingEventData) — windows/amd64 + type WebViewNavigatingEventPublisher struct — windows/amd64 + func (p *WebViewNavigatingEventPublisher) Event() *WebViewNavigatingEvent + func (p *WebViewNavigatingEventPublisher) Publish(eventData *WebViewNavigatingEventData) + type WebViewNewWindowEvent struct — windows/amd64 + func (e *WebViewNewWindowEvent) Attach(handler WebViewNewWindowEventHandler) int + func (e *WebViewNewWindowEvent) Detach(handle int) + type WebViewNewWindowEventData struct — windows/amd64 + func (eventData *WebViewNewWindowEventData) Canceled() bool + func (eventData *WebViewNewWindowEventData) Flags() uint32 + func (eventData *WebViewNewWindowEventData) SetCanceled(value bool) + func (eventData *WebViewNewWindowEventData) Url() string + func (eventData *WebViewNewWindowEventData) UrlContext() string + type WebViewNewWindowEventHandler func(eventData *WebViewNewWindowEventData) — windows/amd64 + type WebViewNewWindowEventPublisher struct — windows/amd64 + func (p *WebViewNewWindowEventPublisher) Event() *WebViewNewWindowEvent + func (p *WebViewNewWindowEventPublisher) Publish(eventData *WebViewNewWindowEventData) + type WebViewWindowClosingEvent struct — windows/amd64 + func (e *WebViewWindowClosingEvent) Attach(handler WebViewWindowClosingEventHandler) int + func (e *WebViewWindowClosingEvent) Detach(handle int) + type WebViewWindowClosingEventData struct — windows/amd64 + func (eventData *WebViewWindowClosingEventData) Canceled() bool + func (eventData *WebViewWindowClosingEventData) IsChildWindow() bool + func (eventData *WebViewWindowClosingEventData) SetCanceled(value bool) + type WebViewWindowClosingEventHandler func(eventData *WebViewWindowClosingEventData) — windows/amd64 + type WebViewWindowClosingEventPublisher struct — windows/amd64 + func (p *WebViewWindowClosingEventPublisher) Event() *WebViewWindowClosingEvent + func (p *WebViewWindowClosingEventPublisher) Publish(eventData *WebViewWindowClosingEventData) + type Widget interface — windows/amd64 + Alignment func() Alignment2D + AlwaysConsumeSpace func() bool + AsWidgetBase func() *WidgetBase + CreateLayoutItem func(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem + GraphicsEffects func() *WidgetGraphicsEffectList + LayoutFlags func() LayoutFlags + MinSizeHint func() Size + Parent func() Container + SetAlignment func(alignment Alignment2D) error + SetAlwaysConsumeSpace func(b bool) error + SetParent func(value Container) error + SetToolTipText func(s string) error + SizeHint func() Size + ToolTipText func() string + func DescendantByName(container Container, name string) Widget + type WidgetBase struct — windows/amd64 + func (wb *WidgetBase) Alignment() Alignment2D + func (wb *WidgetBase) AlwaysConsumeSpace() bool + func (wb *WidgetBase) AsWidgetBase() *WidgetBase + func (wb *WidgetBase) Bounds() Rectangle + func (wb *WidgetBase) BoundsPixels() Rectangle + func (wb *WidgetBase) BringToTop() error + func (wb *WidgetBase) Dispose() + func (wb *WidgetBase) Enabled() bool + func (wb *WidgetBase) Font() *Font + func (wb *WidgetBase) ForEachAncestor(f func(window Window) bool) + func (wb *WidgetBase) GraphicsEffects() *WidgetGraphicsEffectList + func (wb *WidgetBase) LayoutFlags() LayoutFlags + func (wb *WidgetBase) MinSizeHint() Size + func (wb *WidgetBase) Parent() Container + func (wb *WidgetBase) SetAlignment(alignment Alignment2D) error + func (wb *WidgetBase) SetAlwaysConsumeSpace(b bool) error + func (wb *WidgetBase) SetMinMaxSize(min, max Size) (err error) + func (wb *WidgetBase) SetParent(parent Container) (err error) + func (wb *WidgetBase) SetToolTipText(s string) error + func (wb *WidgetBase) SizeHint() Size + func (wb *WidgetBase) ToolTipText() string + type WidgetGraphicsEffect interface — windows/amd64 + Draw func(widget Widget, canvas *Canvas) error + var FocusEffect WidgetGraphicsEffect + var InteractionEffect WidgetGraphicsEffect + var ValidationErrorEffect WidgetGraphicsEffect + type WidgetGraphicsEffectList struct — windows/amd64 + func (l *WidgetGraphicsEffectList) Add(effect WidgetGraphicsEffect) error + func (l *WidgetGraphicsEffectList) At(index int) WidgetGraphicsEffect + func (l *WidgetGraphicsEffectList) Clear() error + func (l *WidgetGraphicsEffectList) Contains(effect WidgetGraphicsEffect) bool + func (l *WidgetGraphicsEffectList) Index(effect WidgetGraphicsEffect) int + func (l *WidgetGraphicsEffectList) Insert(index int, effect WidgetGraphicsEffect) error + func (l *WidgetGraphicsEffectList) Len() int + func (l *WidgetGraphicsEffectList) Remove(effect WidgetGraphicsEffect) error + func (l *WidgetGraphicsEffectList) RemoveAt(index int) error + type WidgetList struct — windows/amd64 + func (l *WidgetList) Add(item Widget) error + func (l *WidgetList) At(index int) Widget + func (l *WidgetList) Clear() error + func (l *WidgetList) Contains(item Widget) bool + func (l *WidgetList) Index(item Widget) int + func (l *WidgetList) Insert(index int, item Widget) error + func (l *WidgetList) Len() int + func (l *WidgetList) Remove(item Widget) error + func (l *WidgetList) RemoveAt(index int) error + type Window interface — windows/amd64 + Accessibility func() *Accessibility + AddDisposable func(d Disposable) + AsWindowBase func() *WindowBase + Background func() Brush + Bounds func() Rectangle + BoundsChanged func() *Event + BoundsPixels func() Rectangle + BringToTop func() error + ClientBounds func() Rectangle + ClientBoundsPixels func() Rectangle + ContextMenu func() *Menu + ContextMenuLocation func() Point + CreateCanvas func() (*Canvas, error) + Cursor func() Cursor + DPI func() int + Dispose func() + Disposing func() *Event + DoubleBuffering func() bool + Enabled func() bool + Focused func() bool + FocusedChanged func() *Event + Font func() *Font + Form func() Form + Handle func() win.HWND + Height func() int + HeightPixels func() int + Invalidate func() error + IsDisposed func() bool + KeyDown func() *KeyEvent + KeyPress func() *KeyEvent + KeyUp func() *KeyEvent + MaxSize func() Size + MaxSizePixels func() Size + MinSize func() Size + MinSizePixels func() Size + MouseDown func() *MouseEvent + MouseMove func() *MouseEvent + MouseUp func() *MouseEvent + Name func() string + RequestLayout func() + RightToLeftReading func() bool + Screenshot func() (*image.RGBA, error) + SendMessage func(msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr + SetBackground func(value Brush) + SetBounds func(value Rectangle) error + SetBoundsPixels func(value Rectangle) error + SetClientSize func(value Size) error + SetClientSizePixels func(value Size) error + SetContextMenu func(value *Menu) + SetCursor func(value Cursor) + SetDoubleBuffering func(value bool) error + SetEnabled func(value bool) + SetFocus func() error + SetFont func(value *Font) + SetHeight func(value int) error + SetHeightPixels func(value int) error + SetMinMaxSize func(min, max Size) error + SetMinMaxSizePixels func(min, max Size) error + SetName func(name string) + SetRightToLeftReading func(rtl bool) error + SetSize func(value Size) error + SetSizePixels func(value Size) error + SetSuspended func(suspend bool) + SetVisible func(value bool) + SetWidth func(value int) error + SetWidthPixels func(value int) error + SetX func(value int) error + SetXPixels func(value int) error + SetY func(value int) error + SetYPixels func(value int) error + Size func() Size + SizeChanged func() *Event + SizePixels func() Size + Suspended func() bool + Synchronize func(f func()) + Visible func() bool + VisibleChanged func() *Event + Width func() int + WidthPixels func() int + WndProc func(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr + X func() int + XPixels func() int + Y func() int + YPixels func() int + func FocusedWindow() Window + type WindowBase struct — windows/amd64 + func (wb *WindowBase) Accessibility() *Accessibility + func (wb *WindowBase) AddDisposable(d Disposable) + func (wb *WindowBase) ApplyDPI(dpi int) + func (wb *WindowBase) ApplySysColors() + func (wb *WindowBase) AsWindowBase() *WindowBase + func (wb *WindowBase) Background() Brush + func (wb *WindowBase) Bounds() Rectangle + func (wb *WindowBase) BoundsChanged() *Event + func (wb *WindowBase) BoundsPixels() Rectangle + func (wb *WindowBase) BringToTop() error + func (wb *WindowBase) ClientBounds() Rectangle + func (wb *WindowBase) ClientBoundsPixels() Rectangle + func (wb *WindowBase) ContextMenu() *Menu + func (wb *WindowBase) ContextMenuLocation() Point + func (wb *WindowBase) CreateCanvas() (*Canvas, error) + func (wb *WindowBase) Cursor() Cursor + func (wb *WindowBase) DPI() int + func (wb *WindowBase) Dispose() + func (wb *WindowBase) Disposing() *Event + func (wb *WindowBase) DoubleBuffering() bool + func (wb *WindowBase) DropFiles() *DropFilesEvent + func (wb *WindowBase) Enabled() bool + func (wb *WindowBase) Focused() bool + func (wb *WindowBase) FocusedChanged() *Event + func (wb *WindowBase) Font() *Font + func (wb *WindowBase) ForEachDescendant(f func(widget Widget) bool) + func (wb *WindowBase) Form() Form + func (wb *WindowBase) Handle() win.HWND + func (wb *WindowBase) Height() int + func (wb *WindowBase) HeightPixels() int + func (wb *WindowBase) IntFrom96DPI(value int) int + func (wb *WindowBase) IntTo96DPI(value int) int + func (wb *WindowBase) Invalidate() error + func (wb *WindowBase) IsDisposed() bool + func (wb *WindowBase) KeyDown() *KeyEvent + func (wb *WindowBase) KeyPress() *KeyEvent + func (wb *WindowBase) KeyUp() *KeyEvent + func (wb *WindowBase) MarginsFrom96DPI(value Margins) Margins + func (wb *WindowBase) MarginsTo96DPI(value Margins) Margins + func (wb *WindowBase) MaxSize() Size + func (wb *WindowBase) MaxSizePixels() Size + func (wb *WindowBase) MinSize() Size + func (wb *WindowBase) MinSizePixels() Size + func (wb *WindowBase) MouseDown() *MouseEvent + func (wb *WindowBase) MouseMove() *MouseEvent + func (wb *WindowBase) MouseUp() *MouseEvent + func (wb *WindowBase) MouseWheel() *MouseEvent + func (wb *WindowBase) MustRegisterProperty(name string, property Property) + func (wb *WindowBase) Name() string + func (wb *WindowBase) PointFrom96DPI(value Point) Point + func (wb *WindowBase) PointTo96DPI(value Point) Point + func (wb *WindowBase) Property(name string) Property + func (wb *WindowBase) ReadState() (string, error) + func (wb *WindowBase) RectangleFrom96DPI(value Rectangle) Rectangle + func (wb *WindowBase) RectangleTo96DPI(value Rectangle) Rectangle + func (wb *WindowBase) RequestLayout() + func (wb *WindowBase) RestoreState() (err error) + func (wb *WindowBase) RightToLeftReading() bool + func (wb *WindowBase) SaveState() (err error) + func (wb *WindowBase) Screenshot() (*image.RGBA, error) + func (wb *WindowBase) SendMessage(msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr + func (wb *WindowBase) SetBackground(background Brush) + func (wb *WindowBase) SetBounds(bounds Rectangle) error + func (wb *WindowBase) SetBoundsPixels(bounds Rectangle) error + func (wb *WindowBase) SetClientSize(value Size) error + func (wb *WindowBase) SetClientSizePixels(value Size) error + func (wb *WindowBase) SetContextMenu(value *Menu) + func (wb *WindowBase) SetCursor(value Cursor) + func (wb *WindowBase) SetDoubleBuffering(enabled bool) error + func (wb *WindowBase) SetEnabled(enabled bool) + func (wb *WindowBase) SetFocus() error + func (wb *WindowBase) SetFont(font *Font) + func (wb *WindowBase) SetHeight(value int) error + func (wb *WindowBase) SetHeightPixels(value int) error + func (wb *WindowBase) SetMinMaxSize(min, max Size) error + func (wb *WindowBase) SetMinMaxSizePixels(min, max Size) error + func (wb *WindowBase) SetName(name string) + func (wb *WindowBase) SetRightToLeftReading(rtl bool) error + func (wb *WindowBase) SetSize(size Size) error + func (wb *WindowBase) SetSizePixels(size Size) error + func (wb *WindowBase) SetSuspended(suspend bool) + func (wb *WindowBase) SetVisible(visible bool) + func (wb *WindowBase) SetWidth(value int) error + func (wb *WindowBase) SetWidthPixels(value int) error + func (wb *WindowBase) SetX(value int) error + func (wb *WindowBase) SetXPixels(value int) error + func (wb *WindowBase) SetY(value int) error + func (wb *WindowBase) SetYPixels(value int) error + func (wb *WindowBase) ShortcutActions() *ActionList + func (wb *WindowBase) Size() Size + func (wb *WindowBase) SizeChanged() *Event + func (wb *WindowBase) SizeFrom96DPI(value Size) Size + func (wb *WindowBase) SizePixels() Size + func (wb *WindowBase) SizeTo96DPI(value Size) Size + func (wb *WindowBase) Suspended() bool + func (wb *WindowBase) Synchronize(f func()) + func (wb *WindowBase) Visible() bool + func (wb *WindowBase) VisibleChanged() *Event + func (wb *WindowBase) Width() int + func (wb *WindowBase) WidthPixels() int + func (wb *WindowBase) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr + func (wb *WindowBase) WriteState(state string) error + func (wb *WindowBase) X() int + func (wb *WindowBase) XPixels() int + func (wb *WindowBase) Y() int + func (wb *WindowBase) YPixels() int + type WindowGroup struct — windows/amd64 + func (g *WindowGroup) ActiveForm() Form + func (g *WindowGroup) Add(delta int) + func (g *WindowGroup) CreateToolTip() (*ToolTip, error) + func (g *WindowGroup) Done() + func (g *WindowGroup) Refs() int + func (g *WindowGroup) RunSynchronized() + func (g *WindowGroup) SetActiveForm(form Form) + func (g *WindowGroup) Synchronize(f func()) + func (g *WindowGroup) ThreadID() uint32 + func (g *WindowGroup) ToolTip() *ToolTip