Path | Synopsis |
Package aws provides core functionality for making requests to AWS services.
Package aws provides core functionality for making requests to AWS services. |
Package awserr represents API error interface accessors for the SDK.
Package awserr represents API error interface accessors for the SDK. |
Package credentials provides credential retrieval and management The Credentials is the primary method of getting access to and managing credentials Values.
Package credentials provides credential retrieval and management The Credentials is the primary method of getting access to and managing credentials Values. |
Package stscreds are credential Providers to retrieve STS AWS credentials.
Package stscreds are credential Providers to retrieve STS AWS credentials. |
Package defaults is a collection of helpers to retrieve the SDK's default configuration and handlers.
Package defaults is a collection of helpers to retrieve the SDK's default configuration and handlers. |
Package ec2metadata provides the client for making API calls to the EC2 Metadata service.
Package ec2metadata provides the client for making API calls to the EC2 Metadata service. |
Package session provides a way to create service clients with shared configuration and handlers.
Package session provides a way to create service clients with shared configuration and handlers. |
Package endpoints validates regional endpoints for services.
Package endpoints validates regional endpoints for services. |
Package query provides serialisation of AWS query requests, and responses.
Package query provides serialisation of AWS query requests, and responses. |
Package rest provides RESTful serialization of AWS requests and responses.
Package rest provides RESTful serialization of AWS requests and responses. |
Package xmlutil provides XML serialisation of AWS requests and responses.
Package xmlutil provides XML serialisation of AWS requests and responses. |
Package v4 implements signing for AWS V4 signer
Package v4 implements signing for AWS V4 signer |
Package iam provides a client for AWS Identity and Access Management.
Package iam provides a client for AWS Identity and Access Management. |
Package iamiface provides an interface for the AWS Identity and Access Management.
Package iamiface provides an interface for the AWS Identity and Access Management. |
Package rds provides a client for Amazon Relational Database Service.
Package rds provides a client for Amazon Relational Database Service. |
Package rdsiface provides an interface for the Amazon Relational Database Service.
Package rdsiface provides an interface for the Amazon Relational Database Service. |
Go MySQL Driver - A MySQL-Driver for Go's database/sql package The driver should be used via the database/sql package: import "database/sql" import _ "" db, err := sql.Open("mysql", "user:password@/dbname") See for details
Go MySQL Driver - A MySQL-Driver for Go's database/sql package The driver should be used via the database/sql package: import "database/sql" import _ "" db, err := sql.Open("mysql", "user:password@/dbname") See for details |
Package context stores values shared during a request lifetime.
Package context stores values shared during a request lifetime. |
Package gorilla/mux implements a request router and dispatcher.
Package gorilla/mux implements a request router and dispatcher. |
Package pq is a pure Go Postgres driver for the database/sql package.
Package pq is a pure Go Postgres driver for the database/sql package. |
Below you will find a self-contained Go program which uses the LISTEN / NOTIFY mechanism to avoid polling the database while waiting for more work to arrive.
Below you will find a self-contained Go program which uses the LISTEN / NOTIFY mechanism to avoid polling the database while waiting for more work to arrive. |
Package oid contains OID constants as defined by the Postgres server.
Package oid contains OID constants as defined by the Postgres server. |
The mapstructure package exposes functionality to convert an abitrary map[string]interface{} into a native Go structure.
The mapstructure package exposes functionality to convert an abitrary map[string]interface{} into a native Go structure. |
Ginkgo is a BDD-style testing framework for Golang The godoc documentation describes Ginkgo's API.
Ginkgo is a BDD-style testing framework for Golang The godoc documentation describes Ginkgo's API. |
Ginkgo accepts a number of configuration options.
Ginkgo accepts a number of configuration options. |
The Ginkgo CLI The Ginkgo CLI is fully documented [here]( You can also learn more by running: ginkgo help Here are some of the more commonly used commands: To install: go install To run tests: ginkgo To run tests in all subdirectories: ginkgo -r To run tests in particular packages: ginkgo <flags> /path/to/package /path/to/another/package To pass arguments/flags to your tests: ginkgo <flags> <packages> -- <pass-throughs> To run tests in parallel ginkgo -p this will automatically detect the optimal number of nodes to use.
The Ginkgo CLI The Ginkgo CLI is fully documented [here]( You can also learn more by running: ginkgo help Here are some of the more commonly used commands: To install: go install To run tests: ginkgo To run tests in all subdirectories: ginkgo -r To run tests in particular packages: ginkgo <flags> /path/to/package /path/to/another/package To pass arguments/flags to your tests: ginkgo <flags> <packages> -- <pass-throughs> To run tests in parallel ginkgo -p this will automatically detect the optimal number of nodes to use. |
Ginkgo's Default Reporter A number of command line flags are available to tweak Ginkgo's default output.
Ginkgo's Default Reporter A number of command line flags are available to tweak Ginkgo's default output. |
Gomega is the Ginkgo BDD-style testing framework's preferred matcher library.
Gomega is the Ginkgo BDD-style testing framework's preferred matcher library. |
Gomega's format package pretty-prints objects.
Gomega's format package pretty-prints objects. |
Package gbytes provides a buffer that supports incrementally detecting input.
Package gbytes provides a buffer that supports incrementally detecting input. |
Package gexec provides support for testing external processes.
Package gexec provides support for testing external processes. |
Package ghttp supports testing HTTP clients by providing a test server (simply a thin wrapper around httptest's server) that supports registering multiple handlers.
Package ghttp supports testing HTTP clients by providing a test server (simply a thin wrapper around httptest's server) that supports registering multiple handlers. |
Gomega matchers This package implements the Gomega matchers and does not typically need to be imported.
Gomega matchers This package implements the Gomega matchers and does not typically need to be imported. |
Package ini provides functions for parsing INI configuration files.
Package ini provides functions for parsing INI configuration files. |
Click to show internal directories.
Click to hide internal directories.