Index ¶
- func IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProvider_GenerateConfigForImport(scope constructs.Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, ...) cdktf.ImportableResource
- func IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProvider_IsConstruct(x interface{}) *bool
- func IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProvider_IsTerraformElement(x interface{}) *bool
- func IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProvider_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool
- func IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProvider_TfResourceType() *string
- func NewIamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderAwsOutputReference_Override(i IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderAwsOutputReference, ...)
- func NewIamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderOidcOutputReference_Override(i IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderOidcOutputReference, ...)
- func NewIamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderSamlOutputReference_Override(i IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderSamlOutputReference, ...)
- func NewIamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderTimeoutsOutputReference_Override(i IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderTimeoutsOutputReference, ...)
- func NewIamWorkloadIdentityPoolProvider_Override(i IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProvider, scope constructs.Construct, id *string, ...)
- type IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProvider
- type IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderAws
- type IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderAwsOutputReference
- type IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderConfig
- type IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderOidc
- type IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderOidcOutputReference
- type IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderSaml
- type IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderSamlOutputReference
- type IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderTimeouts
- type IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderTimeoutsOutputReference
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProvider_GenerateConfigForImport ¶
func IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProvider_GenerateConfigForImport(scope constructs.Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider cdktf.TerraformProvider) cdktf.ImportableResource
Generates CDKTF code for importing a IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProvider resource upon running "cdktf plan <stack-name>".
func IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProvider_IsConstruct ¶
func IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProvider_IsConstruct(x interface{}) *bool
Checks if `x` is a construct.
Use this method instead of `instanceof` to properly detect `Construct` instances, even when the construct library is symlinked.
Explanation: in JavaScript, multiple copies of the `constructs` library on disk are seen as independent, completely different libraries. As a consequence, the class `Construct` in each copy of the `constructs` library is seen as a different class, and an instance of one class will not test as `instanceof` the other class. `npm install` will not create installations like this, but users may manually symlink construct libraries together or use a monorepo tool: in those cases, multiple copies of the `constructs` library can be accidentally installed, and `instanceof` will behave unpredictably. It is safest to avoid using `instanceof`, and using this type-testing method instead.
Returns: true if `x` is an object created from a class which extends `Construct`.
func IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProvider_IsTerraformElement ¶
func IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProvider_IsTerraformElement(x interface{}) *bool
func IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProvider_IsTerraformResource ¶
func IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProvider_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool
func IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProvider_TfResourceType ¶
func IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProvider_TfResourceType() *string
func NewIamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderAwsOutputReference_Override ¶
func NewIamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderAwsOutputReference_Override(i IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderAwsOutputReference, terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string)
func NewIamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderOidcOutputReference_Override ¶
func NewIamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderOidcOutputReference_Override(i IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderOidcOutputReference, terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string)
func NewIamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderSamlOutputReference_Override ¶
func NewIamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderSamlOutputReference_Override(i IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderSamlOutputReference, terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string)
func NewIamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderTimeoutsOutputReference_Override ¶
func NewIamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderTimeoutsOutputReference_Override(i IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderTimeoutsOutputReference, terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string)
func NewIamWorkloadIdentityPoolProvider_Override ¶
func NewIamWorkloadIdentityPoolProvider_Override(i IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProvider, scope constructs.Construct, id *string, config *IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderConfig)
Create a new {@link google_iam_workload_identity_pool_provider} Resource.
Types ¶
type IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProvider ¶
type IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProvider interface { cdktf.TerraformResource AttributeCondition() *string SetAttributeCondition(val *string) AttributeConditionInput() *string AttributeMapping() *map[string]*string SetAttributeMapping(val *map[string]*string) AttributeMappingInput() *map[string]*string Aws() IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderAwsOutputReference AwsInput() *IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderAws // Experimental. CdktfStack() cdktf.TerraformStack // Experimental. Connection() interface{} // Experimental. SetConnection(val interface{}) // Experimental. ConstructNodeMetadata() *map[string]interface{} // Experimental. Count() interface{} // Experimental. SetCount(val interface{}) // Experimental. DependsOn() *[]*string // Experimental. SetDependsOn(val *[]*string) Description() *string SetDescription(val *string) DescriptionInput() *string Disabled() interface{} SetDisabled(val interface{}) DisabledInput() interface{} DisplayName() *string SetDisplayName(val *string) DisplayNameInput() *string // Experimental. ForEach() cdktf.ITerraformIterator // Experimental. SetForEach(val cdktf.ITerraformIterator) // Experimental. Fqn() *string // Experimental. FriendlyUniqueId() *string Id() *string SetId(val *string) IdInput() *string // Experimental. Lifecycle() *cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle // Experimental. SetLifecycle(val *cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle) Name() *string // The tree node. Node() constructs.Node Oidc() IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderOidcOutputReference OidcInput() *IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderOidc Project() *string SetProject(val *string) ProjectInput() *string // Experimental. Provider() cdktf.TerraformProvider // Experimental. SetProvider(val cdktf.TerraformProvider) // Experimental. Provisioners() *[]interface{} // Experimental. SetProvisioners(val *[]interface{}) // Experimental. RawOverrides() interface{} Saml() IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderSamlOutputReference SamlInput() *IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderSaml State() *string // Experimental. TerraformGeneratorMetadata() *cdktf.TerraformProviderGeneratorMetadata // Experimental. TerraformMetaArguments() *map[string]interface{} // Experimental. TerraformResourceType() *string Timeouts() IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderTimeoutsOutputReference TimeoutsInput() interface{} WorkloadIdentityPoolId() *string SetWorkloadIdentityPoolId(val *string) WorkloadIdentityPoolIdInput() *string WorkloadIdentityPoolProviderId() *string SetWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderId(val *string) WorkloadIdentityPoolProviderIdInput() *string // Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. // Experimental. AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string) // Experimental. AddOverride(path *string, value interface{}) // Experimental. GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{} // Experimental. GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) cdktf.IResolvable // Experimental. GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool // Experimental. GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string // Experimental. GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *float64 // Experimental. GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*float64 // Experimental. GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*float64 // Experimental. GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string // Experimental. GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string // Experimental. HasResourceMove() interface{} // Experimental. ImportFrom(id *string, provider cdktf.TerraformProvider) // Experimental. InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) cdktf.IResolvable // Move the resource corresponding to "id" to this resource. // // Note that the resource being moved from must be marked as moved using it's instance function. // Experimental. MoveFromId(id *string) // Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. // Experimental. MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{}) // Moves this resource to the resource corresponding to "id". // Experimental. MoveToId(id *string) // Overrides the auto-generated logical ID with a specific ID. // Experimental. OverrideLogicalId(newLogicalId *string) PutAws(value *IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderAws) PutOidc(value *IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderOidc) PutSaml(value *IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderSaml) PutTimeouts(value *IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderTimeouts) ResetAttributeCondition() ResetAttributeMapping() ResetAws() ResetDescription() ResetDisabled() ResetDisplayName() ResetId() ResetOidc() // Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. // Experimental. ResetOverrideLogicalId() ResetProject() ResetSaml() ResetTimeouts() SynthesizeAttributes() *map[string]interface{} SynthesizeHclAttributes() *map[string]interface{} // Experimental. ToHclTerraform() interface{} // Experimental. ToMetadata() interface{} // Returns a string representation of this construct. ToString() *string // Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. // Experimental. ToTerraform() interface{} }
Represents a {@link google_iam_workload_identity_pool_provider}.
func NewIamWorkloadIdentityPoolProvider ¶
func NewIamWorkloadIdentityPoolProvider(scope constructs.Construct, id *string, config *IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderConfig) IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProvider
Create a new {@link google_iam_workload_identity_pool_provider} Resource.
type IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderAws ¶
type IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderAws struct { // The AWS account ID. // // Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProvider#account_id} AccountId *string `field:"required" json:"accountId" yaml:"accountId"` }
type IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderAwsOutputReference ¶
type IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderAwsOutputReference interface { cdktf.ComplexObject AccountId() *string SetAccountId(val *string) AccountIdInput() *string // the index of the complex object in a list. // Experimental. ComplexObjectIndex() interface{} // Experimental. SetComplexObjectIndex(val interface{}) // set to true if this item is from inside a set and needs tolist() for accessing it set to "0" for single list items. // Experimental. ComplexObjectIsFromSet() *bool // Experimental. SetComplexObjectIsFromSet(val *bool) // The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. // // If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached. // Experimental. CreationStack() *[]*string // Experimental. Fqn() *string InternalValue() *IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderAws SetInternalValue(val *IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderAws) // Experimental. TerraformAttribute() *string // Experimental. SetTerraformAttribute(val *string) // Experimental. TerraformResource() cdktf.IInterpolatingParent // Experimental. SetTerraformResource(val cdktf.IInterpolatingParent) // Experimental. ComputeFqn() *string // Experimental. GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{} // Experimental. GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) cdktf.IResolvable // Experimental. GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool // Experimental. GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string // Experimental. GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *float64 // Experimental. GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*float64 // Experimental. GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*float64 // Experimental. GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string // Experimental. GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string // Experimental. InterpolationAsList() cdktf.IResolvable // Experimental. InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) cdktf.IResolvable // Produce the Token's value at resolution time. // Experimental. Resolve(_context cdktf.IResolveContext) interface{} // Return a string representation of this resolvable object. // // Returns a reversible string representation. // Experimental. ToString() *string }
func NewIamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderAwsOutputReference ¶
func NewIamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderAwsOutputReference(terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string) IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderAwsOutputReference
type IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderConfig ¶
type IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderConfig struct { // Experimental. Connection interface{} `field:"optional" json:"connection" yaml:"connection"` // Experimental. Count interface{} `field:"optional" json:"count" yaml:"count"` // Experimental. DependsOn *[]cdktf.ITerraformDependable `field:"optional" json:"dependsOn" yaml:"dependsOn"` // Experimental. ForEach cdktf.ITerraformIterator `field:"optional" json:"forEach" yaml:"forEach"` // Experimental. Lifecycle *cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle `field:"optional" json:"lifecycle" yaml:"lifecycle"` // Experimental. Provider cdktf.TerraformProvider `field:"optional" json:"provider" yaml:"provider"` // Experimental. Provisioners *[]interface{} `field:"optional" json:"provisioners" yaml:"provisioners"` // The ID used for the pool, which is the final component of the pool resource name. // // This // value should be 4-32 characters, and may contain the characters [a-z0-9-]. The prefix // 'gcp-' is reserved for use by Google, and may not be specified. // // Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProvider#workload_identity_pool_id} WorkloadIdentityPoolId *string `field:"required" json:"workloadIdentityPoolId" yaml:"workloadIdentityPoolId"` // The ID for the provider, which becomes the final component of the resource name. // // This // value must be 4-32 characters, and may contain the characters [a-z0-9-]. The prefix // 'gcp-' is reserved for use by Google, and may not be specified. // // Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProvider#workload_identity_pool_provider_id} WorkloadIdentityPoolProviderId *string `field:"required" json:"workloadIdentityPoolProviderId" yaml:"workloadIdentityPoolProviderId"` // [A Common Expression Language]( expression, in plain text, to restrict what otherwise valid authentication credentials issued by the provider should not be accepted. // // The expression must output a boolean representing whether to allow the federation. // // The following keywords may be referenced in the expressions: // * 'assertion': JSON representing the authentication credential issued by the provider. // * 'google': The Google attributes mapped from the assertion in the 'attribute_mappings'. // * 'attribute': The custom attributes mapped from the assertion in the 'attribute_mappings'. // // The maximum length of the attribute condition expression is 4096 characters. If // unspecified, all valid authentication credential are accepted. // // The following example shows how to only allow credentials with a mapped 'google.groups' // value of 'admins': // “` // "'admins' in google.groups" // “` // // Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProvider#attribute_condition} AttributeCondition *string `field:"optional" json:"attributeCondition" yaml:"attributeCondition"` // Maps attributes from authentication credentials issued by an external identity provider to Google Cloud attributes, such as 'subject' and 'segment'. // // Each key must be a string specifying the Google Cloud IAM attribute to map to. // // The following keys are supported: // * 'google.subject': The principal IAM is authenticating. You can reference this value // in IAM bindings. This is also the subject that appears in Cloud Logging logs. // Cannot exceed 127 characters. // * 'google.groups': Groups the external identity belongs to. You can grant groups // access to resources using an IAM 'principalSet' binding; access applies to all // members of the group. // // You can also provide custom attributes by specifying 'attribute.{custom_attribute}', // where '{custom_attribute}' is the name of the custom attribute to be mapped. You can // define a maximum of 50 custom attributes. The maximum length of a mapped attribute key // is 100 characters, and the key may only contain the characters [a-z0-9_]. // // You can reference these attributes in IAM policies to define fine-grained access for a // workload to Google Cloud resources. For example: // * 'google.subject': // 'principal://{project}/locations/{location}/workloadIdentityPools/{pool}/subject/{value}' // * 'google.groups': // 'principalSet://{project}/locations/{location}/workloadIdentityPools/{pool}/group/{value}' // * 'attribute.{custom_attribute}': // 'principalSet://{project}/locations/{location}/workloadIdentityPools/{pool}/attribute.{custom_attribute}/{value}' // // Each value must be a [Common Expression Language]( // function that maps an identity provider credential to the normalized attribute specified // by the corresponding map key. // // You can use the 'assertion' keyword in the expression to access a JSON representation of // the authentication credential issued by the provider. // // The maximum length of an attribute mapping expression is 2048 characters. When evaluated, // the total size of all mapped attributes must not exceed 8KB. // // For AWS providers, the following rules apply: // - If no attribute mapping is defined, the following default mapping applies: // “` // { // "google.subject":"assertion.arn", // "attribute.aws_role": // "assertion.arn.contains('assumed-role')" // " ? assertion.arn.extract('{account_arn}assumed-role/')" // " + 'assumed-role/'" // " + assertion.arn.extract('assumed-role/{role_name}/')" // " : assertion.arn", // } // “` // - If any custom attribute mappings are defined, they must include a mapping to the // 'google.subject' attribute. // // For OIDC providers, the following rules apply: // - Custom attribute mappings must be defined, and must include a mapping to the // 'google.subject' attribute. For example, the following maps the 'sub' claim of the // incoming credential to the 'subject' attribute on a Google token. // “` // {"google.subject": "assertion.sub"} // “` // // Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProvider#attribute_mapping} AttributeMapping *map[string]*string `field:"optional" json:"attributeMapping" yaml:"attributeMapping"` // aws block. // // Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProvider#aws} Aws *IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderAws `field:"optional" json:"aws" yaml:"aws"` // A description for the provider. Cannot exceed 256 characters. // // Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProvider#description} Description *string `field:"optional" json:"description" yaml:"description"` // Whether the provider is disabled. You cannot use a disabled provider to exchange tokens. However, existing tokens still grant access. // // Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProvider#disabled} Disabled interface{} `field:"optional" json:"disabled" yaml:"disabled"` // A display name for the provider. Cannot exceed 32 characters. // // Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProvider#display_name} DisplayName *string `field:"optional" json:"displayName" yaml:"displayName"` // Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProvider#id}. // // Please be aware that the id field is automatically added to all resources in Terraform providers using a Terraform provider SDK version below 2. // If you experience problems setting this value it might not be settable. Please take a look at the provider documentation to ensure it should be settable. Id *string `field:"optional" json:"id" yaml:"id"` // oidc block. // // Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProvider#oidc} Oidc *IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderOidc `field:"optional" json:"oidc" yaml:"oidc"` // Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProvider#project}. Project *string `field:"optional" json:"project" yaml:"project"` // saml block. // // Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProvider#saml} Saml *IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderSaml `field:"optional" json:"saml" yaml:"saml"` // timeouts block. // // Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProvider#timeouts} Timeouts *IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderTimeouts `field:"optional" json:"timeouts" yaml:"timeouts"` }
type IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderOidc ¶
type IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderOidc struct { // The OIDC issuer URL. // // Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProvider#issuer_uri} IssuerUri *string `field:"required" json:"issuerUri" yaml:"issuerUri"` // Acceptable values for the 'aud' field (audience) in the OIDC token. // // Token exchange // requests are rejected if the token audience does not match one of the configured // values. Each audience may be at most 256 characters. A maximum of 10 audiences may // be configured. // // If this list is empty, the OIDC token audience must be equal to the full canonical // resource name of the WorkloadIdentityPoolProvider, with or without the HTTPS prefix. // For example: // “` // //<project-number>/locations/<location>/workloadIdentityPools/<pool-id>/providers/<provider-id> //<project-number>/locations/<location>/workloadIdentityPools/<pool-id>/providers/<provider-id> // “` // // Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProvider#allowed_audiences} AllowedAudiences *[]*string `field:"optional" json:"allowedAudiences" yaml:"allowedAudiences"` // OIDC JWKs in JSON String format. // // For details on definition of a // JWK, see If not set, then we // use the 'jwks_uri' from the discovery document fetched from the // .well-known path for the 'issuer_uri'. Currently, RSA and EC asymmetric // keys are supported. The JWK must use following format and include only // the following fields: // “` // { // "keys": [ // { // "kty": "RSA/EC", // "alg": "<algorithm>", // "use": "sig", // "kid": "<key-id>", // "n": "", // "e": "", // "x": "", // "y": "", // "crv": "" // } // ] // } // “` // // Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProvider#jwks_json} JwksJson *string `field:"optional" json:"jwksJson" yaml:"jwksJson"` }
type IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderOidcOutputReference ¶
type IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderOidcOutputReference interface { cdktf.ComplexObject AllowedAudiences() *[]*string SetAllowedAudiences(val *[]*string) AllowedAudiencesInput() *[]*string // the index of the complex object in a list. // Experimental. ComplexObjectIndex() interface{} // Experimental. SetComplexObjectIndex(val interface{}) // set to true if this item is from inside a set and needs tolist() for accessing it set to "0" for single list items. // Experimental. ComplexObjectIsFromSet() *bool // Experimental. SetComplexObjectIsFromSet(val *bool) // The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. // // If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached. // Experimental. CreationStack() *[]*string // Experimental. Fqn() *string InternalValue() *IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderOidc SetInternalValue(val *IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderOidc) IssuerUri() *string SetIssuerUri(val *string) IssuerUriInput() *string JwksJson() *string SetJwksJson(val *string) JwksJsonInput() *string // Experimental. TerraformAttribute() *string // Experimental. SetTerraformAttribute(val *string) // Experimental. TerraformResource() cdktf.IInterpolatingParent // Experimental. SetTerraformResource(val cdktf.IInterpolatingParent) // Experimental. ComputeFqn() *string // Experimental. GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{} // Experimental. GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) cdktf.IResolvable // Experimental. GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool // Experimental. GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string // Experimental. GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *float64 // Experimental. GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*float64 // Experimental. GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*float64 // Experimental. GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string // Experimental. GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string // Experimental. InterpolationAsList() cdktf.IResolvable // Experimental. InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) cdktf.IResolvable ResetAllowedAudiences() ResetJwksJson() // Produce the Token's value at resolution time. // Experimental. Resolve(_context cdktf.IResolveContext) interface{} // Return a string representation of this resolvable object. // // Returns a reversible string representation. // Experimental. ToString() *string }
func NewIamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderOidcOutputReference ¶
func NewIamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderOidcOutputReference(terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string) IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderOidcOutputReference
type IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderSaml ¶
type IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderSaml struct { // SAML Identity provider configuration metadata xml doc. // // Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProvider#idp_metadata_xml} IdpMetadataXml *string `field:"required" json:"idpMetadataXml" yaml:"idpMetadataXml"` }
type IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderSamlOutputReference ¶
type IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderSamlOutputReference interface { cdktf.ComplexObject // the index of the complex object in a list. // Experimental. ComplexObjectIndex() interface{} // Experimental. SetComplexObjectIndex(val interface{}) // set to true if this item is from inside a set and needs tolist() for accessing it set to "0" for single list items. // Experimental. ComplexObjectIsFromSet() *bool // Experimental. SetComplexObjectIsFromSet(val *bool) // The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. // // If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached. // Experimental. CreationStack() *[]*string // Experimental. Fqn() *string IdpMetadataXml() *string SetIdpMetadataXml(val *string) IdpMetadataXmlInput() *string InternalValue() *IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderSaml SetInternalValue(val *IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderSaml) // Experimental. TerraformAttribute() *string // Experimental. SetTerraformAttribute(val *string) // Experimental. TerraformResource() cdktf.IInterpolatingParent // Experimental. SetTerraformResource(val cdktf.IInterpolatingParent) // Experimental. ComputeFqn() *string // Experimental. GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{} // Experimental. GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) cdktf.IResolvable // Experimental. GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool // Experimental. GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string // Experimental. GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *float64 // Experimental. GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*float64 // Experimental. GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*float64 // Experimental. GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string // Experimental. GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string // Experimental. InterpolationAsList() cdktf.IResolvable // Experimental. InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) cdktf.IResolvable // Produce the Token's value at resolution time. // Experimental. Resolve(_context cdktf.IResolveContext) interface{} // Return a string representation of this resolvable object. // // Returns a reversible string representation. // Experimental. ToString() *string }
func NewIamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderSamlOutputReference ¶
func NewIamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderSamlOutputReference(terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string) IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderSamlOutputReference
type IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderTimeouts ¶
type IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderTimeouts struct { // Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProvider#create}. Create *string `field:"optional" json:"create" yaml:"create"` // Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProvider#delete}. Delete *string `field:"optional" json:"delete" yaml:"delete"` // Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProvider#update}. Update *string `field:"optional" json:"update" yaml:"update"` }
type IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderTimeoutsOutputReference ¶
type IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderTimeoutsOutputReference interface { cdktf.ComplexObject // the index of the complex object in a list. // Experimental. ComplexObjectIndex() interface{} // Experimental. SetComplexObjectIndex(val interface{}) // set to true if this item is from inside a set and needs tolist() for accessing it set to "0" for single list items. // Experimental. ComplexObjectIsFromSet() *bool // Experimental. SetComplexObjectIsFromSet(val *bool) Create() *string SetCreate(val *string) CreateInput() *string // The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. // // If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached. // Experimental. CreationStack() *[]*string Delete() *string SetDelete(val *string) DeleteInput() *string // Experimental. Fqn() *string InternalValue() interface{} SetInternalValue(val interface{}) // Experimental. TerraformAttribute() *string // Experimental. SetTerraformAttribute(val *string) // Experimental. TerraformResource() cdktf.IInterpolatingParent // Experimental. SetTerraformResource(val cdktf.IInterpolatingParent) Update() *string SetUpdate(val *string) UpdateInput() *string // Experimental. ComputeFqn() *string // Experimental. GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{} // Experimental. GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) cdktf.IResolvable // Experimental. GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool // Experimental. GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string // Experimental. GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *float64 // Experimental. GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*float64 // Experimental. GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*float64 // Experimental. GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string // Experimental. GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string // Experimental. InterpolationAsList() cdktf.IResolvable // Experimental. InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) cdktf.IResolvable ResetCreate() ResetDelete() ResetUpdate() // Produce the Token's value at resolution time. // Experimental. Resolve(_context cdktf.IResolveContext) interface{} // Return a string representation of this resolvable object. // // Returns a reversible string representation. // Experimental. ToString() *string }
func NewIamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderTimeoutsOutputReference ¶
func NewIamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderTimeoutsOutputReference(terraformResource cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string) IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderTimeoutsOutputReference
Source Files
- IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProvider.go
- IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderAws.go
- IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderAwsOutputReference.go
- IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderAwsOutputReference__checks.go
- IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderConfig.go
- IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderOidc.go
- IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderOidcOutputReference.go
- IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderOidcOutputReference__checks.go
- IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderSaml.go
- IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderSamlOutputReference.go
- IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderSamlOutputReference__checks.go
- IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderTimeouts.go
- IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderTimeoutsOutputReference.go
- IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProviderTimeoutsOutputReference__checks.go
- IamWorkloadIdentityPoolProvider__checks.go
- main.go