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Published: Mar 8, 2024 License: Apache-2.0, MIT


End-to-end Tests

This directory contains the end-to-end tests for cdk-from-cfn.


To run the end-to-end tests, use these commands. For full details about how to write new tests, update tests, and how the test workflow works, read the rest of this document.

Command examples
# run all end-to-end tests
cargo test --test end-to-end

# run one end-to-end test case in all languages
cargo test --test end-to-end simple

# run one end-to-end test case in one language
cargo test --test end-to-end simple::typescript

# run one end-to-end test case in one language, and monitor its output
cargo test --test end-to-end simple::typescript -- --nocapture
Environment Variables
true unset
CREATE_CFN_STACK Create a CFN stack from the test's input template.json file at the beginning of the test execution. Don't create a CFN stack.
UPDATE_SNAPSHOTS Update all snapshot files, if the test is successful. When this variable is set, the test does not compare its output to whatever was previously stored in the snapshot. It just overwrites it. Don't update snapshot files. This will not edit any files, and the test will fail if snapshots don't match, or if the app file is missing.
SKIP_CLEAN Do not delete any working directories where cdk synth was executed. For example simple-typescript-working-dir/. At the end of executing each test, delete its working directory where cdk synth was executed.


A few key terms that can be easily confused.

  • CloudFormation template or CFN template: refers to a file in JSON or YAML that defines a CloudFormation stack. Also, one of the outputs of cdk synth.
  • CloudFormation stack or CFN stack: refers to a collection of live AWS resources that can be managed together using CloudFormation. Think of it as an "instance" of a CFN template.
  • CDK stack: A Stack Construct defined in code in a high-level programming language. When an instance of this construct is synthesized in a CDK app, it produces a CloudFormation template (among other things).
  • cdk-from-cfn: This tool which takes CFN templates as input, and produces CDK stacks.
  • cdk-from-cfn synthesize: The step in the workflow of cdk-from-cfn that code generates a CDK stack in a target programming language (ex. typescript).
  • cdk synth: A CDK CLI command that synthesizes a CDK application, generating a cloud assembly including CFN templates.

To put all of these terms into one sentence: cdk-from-cfn synthesizes CDK stacks you can run cdk synth on to produce CFN templates which define CFN stacks.

Note: These definitions are sufficient for this documentation, but are not all-encompassing.

What do the End-to-end tests do?

  1. Create a CloudFormation stack from the input CloudFormation template to verify that the input template is valid.
  2. Run cdk-from-cfn to synthesize a CDK stack in any target language from the input CloudFormation template.
  3. Create a working CDK app with the CDK stack definition.
  4. Run cdk synth on the CDK app to verify that CDK stack generated by cdk-from-cfn actually works.
  5. Verify the output of cdk synth has not changed, and store the diff from the original template in a file for review.

How to add a new test

  1. Create a folder under tests/end-to-end/. The name of this folder will be the name of the new test. Example: tests/end-to-end/mytest/template.json.

    The name of the folder must be a valid Rust identifier.

  2. Save the CloudFormation template that will be the input for the test to a file at tests/end-to-end/mytest/template.json. This template must be in JSON, not YAML format, because cdk synth creates CloudFormation templates in JSON. It's easier to compare these if they are in the same format.

  3. If the template you want to test relies on referencing resources that must already exist, also add a template that creates those dependency resources at tests/end-to-end/mytest/create_first.json. If this file is present, the tests will create a CloudFormation stack with this template, before attempting to create a CloudFormation stack with the template called template.json.

  4. Add your test case to tests/end-to-end.rs, by editing the file manually.

    The file will contain a series of calls to the test_case! macro that will look something like this:

    test_case!(simple, "SimpleStack", &["golang"]);
    test_case!(vpc, "VpcStack");
    // Add new test cases here

    Add your new test above the comment that reads "Add new test cases here".

    The test_case! macro takes 2 or 3 arguments:

    1. $name:ident - The name of the test module. This must be a valid Rust identifier. If you choose mytest as the identifier, you can run this test individually with the command cargo test --test end-to-end mytest.
    2. $stack_name:literal - The name of the CloudFormation stack, if the test environment is configured to create CloudFormation stacks for each test. And, the stack name passed to cdk-from-cfn that will be used to name the CDK stack construct definition.
    3. $skip_cdk_synth:expr - (optional) An array of languages that will be skipped when running cdk synth on the CDK code generated by cdk-from-cfn. The tests will still generate CDK code in all target languages, it is just the cdk synth part, and verification of the outputs of cdk synth that will be skipped.

    Now, the tests/end-to-end.rs file will look something like this:

    test_case!(simple, "SimpleStack", &["golang"]);
    test_case!(vpc, "VpcStack");
    test_case!(mytest, "MyStack");
    // Add new test cases here
  5. Make sure the input CloudFormation template is a valid CloudFormation template.

    1. Set the CREATE_CFN_STACK environment variable to true.

      export CREATE_CFN_STACK=true

      This will tell the tests to use the Rust AWS SDK to create a CloudFormation stack from the test's input CloudFormation stack. Your shell will need to have AWS credentials available to create the CloudFormation stack for your test.

      To turn this off, run:

      unset CREATE_CFN_STACK

      You must use unset and not set the variable to 0 or false, because the logic used in the tests checks for absence or presence of a value in this env variable.

    2. Run your test.

      cargo test --test end-to-end mytest -- --nocapture

      The --nocapture flag here allows you to monitor the progress of your test as it is running. It tells cargo to not capture the output of the test, and print it to stdout right away. Normal cargo test behavior is to only print stdout of a test if it fails.

      You will see a message indicating that creation of the CloudFormation stack was successful. Iterate on your template until is successful.

      After getting past this part, the test will fail on later parts of the workflow. Follow the next steps to resolve.

  6. CDK app files

    Now that we know the input CloudFormation template is valid, we need an app file for each language.

    Set UPDATE_SNAPSHOTS=true, and run your test again. This will generate a default app file that instantiates a CDK app with one stack. The stack is initialized with no construct props, meaning default values will be used. See step 8 for more details about app files.

    export UPDATE_SNAPSHOTS=true
    cargo test --test end-to-end mytest
  7. If needed, iterate until your test passes for all languages. You can run a single test in a specific language. For example:

    cargo test --test end-to-end mytest::typescript

    If a test case does not successfully cdk synth in some languages, you can skip cdk synth in those languages by specifying that in your test_case!() call in end-to-end.rs. For example:

    test_case!(simple, "SimpleStack", &["golang"]);
  8. Now that your test is passing, determine if this test case should be testing different combinations of Stack Construct props. If the input CloudFormation template had parameters, then cdk-from-cfn will generate a CDK stack with some custom Stack props. Update the CDK app files in your test's snapshot to test different values and combinations for these props. At this point, a default starting point of these app files have been generated for you at:

    • tests/end-to-end/mytest/csharp/Program.cs
    • tests/end-to-end/mytest/golang/app.go
    • tests/end-to-end/mytest/java/src/main/java/com/myorg/MyApp.java
    • tests/end-to-end/mytest/python/app.py
    • tests/end-to-end/mytest/typescript/app.ts
  9. Review the test outputs for correctness.

    • CDK stacks generated by cdk-from-cfn
      • tests/end-to-end/mytest/csharp/Stack.cs
      • tests/end-to-end/mytest/golang/stack.go
      • tests/end-to-end/mytest/java/src/main/java/com/myorg/Stack.java
      • tests/end-to-end/mytest/python/stack.py
      • tests/end-to-end/mytest/typescript/stack.ts
    • CloudFormation templates generated by cdk synth
      • tests/end-to-end/mytest/<language>/Stack.template.json
        • The name of this file may vary if you edited the app file to give the stack a different name.
    • The diff between the original CloudFormation template and the new CloudFormation template
      • tests/end-to-end/mytest/<language>/Stack.diff
        • The name of this file will match the template file, and may vary if you edited the app file to give the stack a different name.
        • If this file does not exist, that means the new stack is identical to the original stack. Hooray! You do not need to manually review to see if the changes are acceptable.

    Note: This diff mechanism should be improved so that this manual review is either not necessary, or to make it easier. See issue.

  10. To be sure your test will succeed in CI/CD, you can unset CREATE_CFN_STACK and UPDATE_SNAPSHOTS env variables, and run your test again.

    cargo test --test end-to-end mytest

How to update a test

In these steps, assume you are updating a test called "simple".

  1. After making changes to any of the following, you may need to update the end to end tests.

    • Source code in cdk-from-cfn/src
    • The test module end-to-end.rs
    • A test's CloudFormation templates: template.json or create-first.json
    • A test's CDK app files: App.ts, app.py, etc.
  2. First, set your environment to mimic CI/CD and run the tests after your changes.

    cargo test --test end-to-end

    If you changed a test, something should fail here. If you made source code changes, and we have good test coverage, some test should probably fail as well. If it doesn't, add a new test!

  3. If the input CloudFormation templates changed, make sure they are valid. Do step 5 from How to add a new test.

  4. Set UPDATE_SNAPSHOTS=true and run your test.

    export UPDATE_SNAPSHOTS=true
    cargo test --test end-to-end simple
  5. If needed, iterate on failing tests until they succeed.

    For example:

    cargo test --test end-to-end simple::java -- --nocapture

    The --nocapture flag here allows you to monitor the progress of the test as it is running. It tells cargo to not capture the output of the test, and print it to stdout right away.

  6. Finally, review the files that have changed using git. Files that may change:

    • simple/typescript/Stack.ts
      • Changes to this file indicate that cdk-from-cfn is now producing different CDK code than before. Is this expected? Did code generation logic change? Or, did the input template.json change?
    • simple/typescript/Stack.template.json
      • Changes to this file would be expected if the input template.json, the way cdk-from-cfn generates CDK code, or the way CDK synthesizes CFN templates changes.
    • simple/typescript/Stack.diff
      • Changes to this file mean that the difference between the original CFN template, and the CFN template generated by a CDK stack generated by cdk-from-cfn has changed. Review this file to make sure that the new CFN template would still be considered equivalent to the original CFN template.
    • ... etc for all languages.

Layout of this directory

Below is a subset of the files in this repo, to demonstrate how the files are organized for the end-to-end tests.

├── src
└── tests
    ├── end-to-end.rs
    └── end-to-end
        ├── README.md
        ├── app-boilerplate-files
        │   ├── csharp
        │   │   ├── CSharp.csproj
        │   │   └── setup-and-synth.sh
        │   ├── golang
        │   │   ├── go.mod
        │   │   ├── go.sum
        │   │   └── setup-and-synth.sh
        │   ├── java
        │   │   ├── pom.xml
        │   │   └── setup-and-synth.sh
        │   ├── python
        │   │   ├── requirements.txt
        │   │   └── setup-and-synth.sh
        │   └── typescript
        │       ├── package.json
        │       └── setup-and-synth.sh
        ├── simple
        │   ├── template.json
        │   ├── create_first.json
        │   ├── csharp
        │   │   ├── Program.cs
        │   │   ├── Stack.cs
        │   │   ├── Stack.diff
        │   │   └── Stack.template.json
        │   ├── golang
        │   │   └── stack.go
        │   ├── java
        │   │   ├── src/java/com/myorg
        │   │   │   ├── MyApp.java
        │   │   │   └── Stack.java
        │   │   ├── Stack.diff
        │   │   └── Stack.template.json
        │   ├── python
        │   │   ├── app.py
        │   │   ├── stack.py
        │   │   ├── Stack.diff
        │   │   └── Stack.template.json
        │   └── typescript
        │       ├── app.ts
        │       ├── stack.ts
        │       ├── Stack.diff
        │       └── Stack.template.json
        ├── simple-csharp-working-dir/
        ├── simple-java-working-dir/
        ├── simple-python-working-dir/
        ├── simple-typescript-working-dir/
        ├── vpc/
        └── ... // more test cases

The cdk-from-cfn/tests/end-to-end.rs Rust module contains the source code for the end-to-end tests, and then cdk-from-cfn/tests/end-to-end/ contains all end-to-end test cases, and all the files needed to run the tests.

The app-boilerplate-files/ directory has a directory for each language, which contains any files necessary to run a CDK app in that language. It also contains a script called setup-and-synth.sh which runs any setup commands like npm install that are specific to the language, and then runs the cdk synth command with an --app argument specific to that language. Files from this directory will be copied into each test's working directory while the test is running prior to executing cdk synth on that test.

Then simple/ is a folder for one test case. Each test case has its own folder. It has the input CloudFormation template, template.json, and then optionally a CloudFormation template defining resources that the main one depends on, create-first.json. It contains a folder for each language, where the output of the test in that language is stored. The stack definition files (stack.ts, Stack.java, etc.) are generated by cdk-from-cfn. The app definition files (app.ts, MyApp.java, etc) have a default version that is generated by the tests, but these can be modified by hand to test a variety of stack parameter combinations. The Stack.template.json file(s) are the CloudFormat(s) contain a diff of the original template (template.json), and the new template produced by cdk synth (Stack.template.json). If there are multiple stacks defined in the app file, then there will be multiple Stack.template.json and Stack.diff files.

There are directories called <testname>-<language>-working-dir for each test case and language combination. These folders are ephemeral, ignored by git, only exist during test execution, and are created and deleted by the tests. They are used to execute cdk synth in.

Workflow Design: What happens when you run the tests?

title: End-to-end Tests Workflow Diagram
flowchart TB
    if-create-stack{"`1\. if CREATE_CFN_STACK`"}
    create-cfn-stack{"`2\. create CFN stack`"}
    exec-cdk-from-cfn{"`3\. execute cdk-from-cfn`"}
    if-update-snapshot-1{"`4\. if UPDATE_SNAPSHOTS`"}
    cdk-stack-def-snapshot-exists{"`5\. does CDK stack snapshot exist?`"}
    assert-actual-cdk-stack-def-eq-expected{"`6\. assert actual CDK stack equals expected CDK stack from snapshot`"}
    if-skip-cdk-synth{"`7\. if test is configured to skip cdk synth`"}
    if-update-snapshot-2{"`8\. if UPDATE_SNAPSHOTS`"}
    save-cdk-stack-def-to-snapshot-1["`9\. save CDK stack to snapshot`"]
    create-test-working-dir["`10\. create test working directory`"]
    cdk-app-file-exists{"`11\. does snapshot have a CDK app file?`"}
    copy-app-file-to-working-dir["`12\. copy app file to working directory`"]
    if-update-snapshot-3{"`13\. if UPDATE_SNAPSHOTS`"}
    generate-default-app-file-in-working-dir["`14\. generate default app file in working directory`"]
    copy-language-boilerplate-files-to-working-dir["`15\. copy language boilerplate files to working directory`"]
    save-cdk-stack-def-to-working-dir["`16\. save CDK stack to a file in working directory`"]
    exec-cdk-synth{"`17\. execute cdk synth`"}
    diff-new-cfn-templates-with-original["`18\. find the diff between new CFN template generated by cdk synth and the original CFN template`"]
    if-update-snapshot-4{"`19\. if UPDATE_SNAPSHOTS`"}
    save-cdk-stack-def-to-snapshot-2["`20\. save CDK stack to snapshot`"]
    actual-diff-is-empty-1{"`21\. is the actual diff file empty?`"}
    save-diff-and-template-to-snapshots["`22\. save diff file and template file to snapshot`"]
    delete-existing-diff-and-template["`23\. delete template and diff file from snapshot, if they exist`"]
    diff-and-template-snapshots-exists{"`24\. does snapshot contain diff and template file?`"}
    assert-actual-diff-and-template-eq-expected{"`25\. assert actual diff and template files match expected from snapshot`"}
    actual-diff-is-empty-2{"`26\. is the actual diff file empty?`"}
    test-failed-1["`❌ test failed ❌`"]
    test-failed-2["`❌ test failed ❌`"]
    test-failed-3["`❌ test failed ❌`"]
    test-failed-4["`❌ test failed ❌`"]
    test-failed-5["`❌ test failed ❌`"]
    test-failed-6["`❌ test failed ❌`"]
    test-failed-7["`❌ test failed ❌`"]
    test-failed-8["`❌ test failed ❌`"]
    test-passed-1["`✅ test passed ✅`"]
    test-passed-2["`✅ test passed ✅`"]
    test-passed-3["`✅ test passed ✅`"]
    test-passed-4["`✅ test passed ✅`"]

    create-cfn-stack -->|fails| test-failed-1
    if-create-stack -->|true| create-cfn-stack -->|succeeds| exec-cdk-from-cfn -->|succeeds| if-update-snapshot-1 -->|true| if-skip-cdk-synth -->|true| if-update-snapshot-2 -->|true| save-cdk-stack-def-to-snapshot-1 --> test-passed-1
    if-update-snapshot-2 -->|false| test-passed-1
    if-create-stack -->|false| exec-cdk-from-cfn -->|fails| test-failed-2
    if-update-snapshot-1 -->|false| cdk-stack-def-snapshot-exists -->|yes| assert-actual-cdk-stack-def-eq-expected -->|succeeds| if-skip-cdk-synth -->|false| create-test-working-dir --> cdk-app-file-exists -->|yes| copy-app-file-to-working-dir --> copy-language-boilerplate-files-to-working-dir --> save-cdk-stack-def-to-working-dir --> exec-cdk-synth -->|succeeds| diff-new-cfn-templates-with-original --> if-update-snapshot-4 -->|true| save-cdk-stack-def-to-snapshot-2 --> actual-diff-is-empty-1 -->|no| save-diff-and-template-to-snapshots --> test-passed-2
    cdk-app-file-exists -->|no| if-update-snapshot-3 -->|true| generate-default-app-file-in-working-dir --> copy-language-boilerplate-files-to-working-dir
    if-update-snapshot-3 -->|false| test-failed-3
    assert-actual-cdk-stack-def-eq-expected -->|fails| test-failed-4
    cdk-stack-def-snapshot-exists -->|no| test-failed-5

    exec-cdk-synth -->|fails| test-failed-6
    if-update-snapshot-4 -->|false| diff-and-template-snapshots-exists -->|yes| assert-actual-diff-and-template-eq-expected -->|succeeds| test-passed-4
    diff-and-template-snapshots-exists -->|no| actual-diff-is-empty-2 -->|yes| test-passed-3
    actual-diff-is-empty-2 -->|no| test-failed-7
    assert-actual-diff-and-template-eq-expected -->|fails| test-failed-8
    actual-diff-is-empty-1 -->|yes| delete-existing-diff-and-template --> test-passed-2

These steps are executed for each test, and in each language. In the descriptions below, assume we are running a test called "simple" in TypeScript. All paths in the descriptions below are relative to cdk-from-cfn/tests/end-to-end.

  1. Check if the environment variable CREATE_CFN_STACK is set. This should always be false when running in CI/CD, but can be set to true for local development.
  2. Create a CFN stack from the simple/template.json CFN template file using the AWS SDK for Rust. This step requires your environment to have AWS credentials.
  3. Execute cdk-from-cfn to synthesize a CDK stack from the input CFN template.
  4. Check if the environment variable UPDATE_SNAPSHOTS is set. This should always be false when running in CI/CD, because it causes modification of the test files. This should be used for local development when creating new tests, or updating existing tests.
  5. Check if there is a CDK stack in the snapshot for this test. This file would be located at tests/end-to-end/simple/typescript/Stack.ts. If the snapshot does not exist, that probably means this is new test, and the test fails with a message telling the developer to set UPDATE_SNAPSHOTS=true, so that the test can save the output of the test execution as the snapshot. (All test snapshot or output files are zipped into an archive called end-to-end-test-snapshots.zip during build time, which is then included in the test binary. This is an implementation detail. Always work with the files in their test directory at tests/end-to-end/simple/)
  6. Assert that the CDK stack produced by running cdk-from-cfn matches the expected code in simple/typescript/Stack.ts.
  7. Check if the test has been configured to skip cdk synth. This is an option so that we can have test cases that work in some languages, but don't yet work in others. If a test is set to skip cdk synth, that indicates there is a bug or a coverage gap.
  8. Check if UPDATE_SNAPSHOTS is true.
  9. Save the CDK stack produced by this test run to the snapshot file location: simple/typescript/Stack.ts.
  10. Create a working directory for the test: tests/end-to-end/simple-typescript-working-dir/. This will be used to create a fully working CDK app.
  11. Check if there is a CDK app file in the snapshot for this test. This file would be located at tests/end-to-end/simple/typescript/App.ts.
  12. If the app file already exists, copy it to the working directory.
  13. If there is no app file, check if UPDATE_SNAPSHOTS is true before creating one. If UPDATE_SNAPSHOTS is false, the test will fail. As a general rule, the test will only modify files if UPDATE_SNAPSHOTS is true.
  14. Generate a default app file that instantiates an app with one stack. The stack is initialized with no construct props, meaning default values will be used. Each language has specific code to generate the app file, check out the implementation here. This step ends up only running for a new test. When the test completes successfully, the generated app file will be saved into the snapshot at tests/end-to-end/simple/typescript/App.ts. In future iterations, it can be modified by hand to test different stack input props, and the test will not overwrite it.
  15. Copy all files from app-boilerplate-files/typescript/ to the working directory simple-typescript-working-dir/. These are the files necessary for a fully working CDK app.
  16. Save the CDK stack created by running cdk-from-cfn during this test to simple-typescript-working-dir/Stack.ts.
  17. Execute cdk synth. This is done by shelling out to run the setup-and-synth.sh script. The script is authored at app-boilerplate-files/setup-and-synth.sh, but is executed from the temporary working directory during the test at simple-typescript-working-dir/setup-and-synth.sh.
  18. Find the difference between the new CFN template generated by cdk synth found in tests/end-to-end/simple-typescript-working-dir/cdk.out/ and the original CFN template at tests/end-to-end/simple/template.json. The mechanism currently used for this is a git diff of the two files. This should be improved to do a comparison of the actual json objects in those files, see this issue. Depending on the contents of simple/typescript/App.ts, there may be multiple CFN templates created by cdk synth. If there are multiple, this step will diff all of them compared to the one original CFN template, and the following steps will be applied to all CFN templates.
  19. Check if UPDATE_SNAPSHOTS is true.
  20. Save the CDK stack to the snapshot at tests/end-to-end/simple/typescript/Stack.ts
  21. Check if the diff file produced by step 18 is empty.
  22. Save the diff file and template file to the snapshot at tests/end-to-end/simple/typescript/Stack.diff and tests/end-to-end/simple/typescript/Stack.template.json. These files are both called Stack because that is the name for the stack in the default app file created in step 14. The diff file is saved, and the test is not automatically failed here, because the original template file may look different from the one created by cdk synth but it might be equivalent when creating a CFN stack from it.
  23. If the diff file is empty, there is no point to save it in the snapshot. And, no reason to save the template file either, because it is identical to the original template file. If there was previously a diff and template file from an earlier version of this test, then delete them.
  24. Check if the diff and template files exist in the snapshot at tests/end-to-end/simple/typescript/Stack.diff and tests/end-to-end/typescript/Stack.template.json.
  25. Assert that the actual diff and template files match the expected from the snapshot.
    • tests/end-to-end/simple-typescript-working-dir/Stack.diff == test/end-to-end/simple/typescript/Stack.diff
    • tests/end-to-end/simple-typescript-working-dir/cdk.out/Stack.template.json == test/end-to-end/simple/typescript/Stack.template.json
  26. If there is no diff and template file saved in the snapshot, check if the actual diff file is empty. If test/end-to-end/simple-typescript-working-dir/Stack.diff is empty, then it is expected that there is no diff and template file saved in the snapshot, so the test passes. As mentioned in step 22, there is no point to save the diff or template when the diff is empty.

Some detail about the snapshots

The snapshot files are zipped during build time (here) to an archive at tests/end-to-end-test-snapshots.zip. This zip file is git-ignored. The snapshots zip is included in the end-to-end tests as part of the binary (here). This is to optimize runtime performance of the test, by avoiding loading and reading all of these files during runtime. As a developer working with this repo, you shouldn't have to do anything different because of this. The zip file is automatically regenerated whenever any relevant files change.


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