基于 IOC-golang 框架注入的接口默认具备 AOP 能力,我们可以使用 iocli call 命令触发这些接口的方法调用,方便调试和问题排查。
对于一个正在运行的基于 IOC-golang 的程序,我们可以通过 iocli list 命令获取到其全部接口方法,从而按需触发方法调用。
- 在当前命令下执行:
go run .
% go run .
___ ___ ____ _
|_ _| / _ \ / ___| __ _ ___ | | __ _ _ __ __ _
| | | | | | | | _____ / _` | / _ \ | | / _` | | '_ \ / _` |
| | | |_| | | |___ |_____| | (_| | | (_) | | | | (_| | | | | | | (_| |
|___| \___/ \____| \__, | \___/ |_| \__,_| |_| |_| \__, |
|___/ |___/
Welcome to use ioc-golang 1.0.2!
[Boot] Start to load ioc-golang config
[Config] Config files load options is {AbsPath:[] ConfigName:config ConfigType:yaml SearchPath:[. ./config ./configs] ProfilesActive:[] MergeDepth:8 Properties:map[]}
[Boot] Start to load debug
[AOP Log] log config level is using default 'info'
[AOP Log] log config print-params-max-depth is set to default 3
[AOP Log] log config invocation ctx logs level is using default 'info'
[AOP Log] log config invocation ctx logs print level is using default 'debug'
[Wrapper Autowire] Parse param from config file with sdid github.com/cc-cheunggg/ioc-golang/extension/aop/log.logInterceptor failed, error: property [autowire singleton github.com/cc-cheunggg/ioc-golang/extension/aop/log.logInterceptor param]'s key autowire not found, continue with nil param.
[AOP] Debug server port is set to default :1999
[Wrapper Autowire] Parse param from config file with sdid github.com/cc-cheunggg/ioc-golang/extension/aop/log.logInterceptor failed, error: property [autowire singleton github.com/cc-cheunggg/ioc-golang/extension/aop/log.logInterceptor param]'s key autowire not found, continue with nil param.
[Boot] Start to load autowire
[Debug] Debug server listening at :1999
[Autowire Type] Found registered autowire type normal
[AOP] [Trace] Set trace logger to logrus success
This is ServiceImpl2, hello laurence
create user &{1 laurence 23 }
This is ServiceImpl2, hello laurence
create user &{1 laurence 23 }
This is ServiceImpl2, hello laurence
create user &{1 laurence 23 }
- 新开一个终端,使用 iocli list 命令查询接口方法
% iocli list
[CreateUser ParseUserInfo SetMark]
可看到当前程序包含的业务接口和方法,我们尝试调用 main.UserService 结构的 SetMark 方法,从而修改其 mark 字段
// +ioc:autowire=true
// +ioc:autowire:type=singleton
type UserService struct {
mark string
func (s *UserService) SetMark(mark string) {
s.mark = mark // 修改mark字段
- iocli call 命令用法
% iocli call
iocli call command needs 3 arguments:
${autowireType} ${sdid} ${methodName} #iocli call 命令用法
% iocli call -h
iocli call -h
iocli call [flags]
-h, --help help for call
--host string debug host (default "")
--params string request call params json string # 以 json 字符串形式通过终端传入参数
--paramsFile string request call params json file path # 以 json 文件形式传入函数参数
-p, --port int debug port (default 1999)
调用上述 SetMark 方法
% iocli call singleton main.UserService SetMark --params "[\"mymarks\"]"
Call singleton: main.UserService.SetMark() success!
Param = ["mymarks"]
Return values = []
可看到调用成功,打印AOP调试触发日志 Receive call request
,程序原本日志出现变化,验证调用成功,mark 被设置为 mymarks
This is ServiceImpl2, hello laurence
create user &{1 laurence 23 }
This is ServiceImpl2, hello laurence
create user &{1 laurence 23 }
[Debug Server] Receive call request sdid:"main.UserService" methodName:"SetMark" autowireType:"singleton" params:"[\"mymarks\"]"
This is ServiceImpl2, hello laurence
create user &{1 laurence 23 mymarks}
This is ServiceImpl2, hello laurence
create user &{1 laurence 23 mymarks}