Run go build from the root of the repository to generate the gen-crd-api-reference-docs binary executable.
3. Generate the API reference docs
From the root of the osm repository, use the gen-crd-api-reference-docs binary to generate custom API reference
documentation based on the Go API definititions present within the osm repository.
For example, to generate API reference docs for the Scenario custom API defined in /api/v1alpha1/:
<path to api doc generator repo>/gen-crd-api-reference-docs -config `pwd`/docs/api_reference/config.json \
-api-dir "" \
<full path to api doc generator repo>/template/ \
-out-file `pwd`/site/docs/api_reference/config/
## 4. Customize the generated doc for the website
[Frisbee's website]( is built using Hugo and requires every page to have a [Front
Matter]( defined.
Add the `Front Matter` to the generated docs so they render correctly on the website.
For example, a `Front Matter` looks as follows:
title: "Policy v1alpha1 API Reference"
description: "Policy v1alpha1 API reference documentation."
type: docs
Add `` files to intermediary directories if necessary.
## 5. Create a pull request in the [Frisbee]( repository
Commit the generated API reference documentation and create a pull request in
[Frisbee]( repository.