create table test (id int primary key not null, value text not null);
insert into test values (1, 'value1');
select * from test;
id | value
1 | value1
(1 row)
kubectl get pods -l application=spilo -L spilo-role
kubectl get svc -l application=spilo -L spilo-role
Get credentials
echo "Postgres HOST: " $(minikube service acid-minimal-cluster --url | sed 's,.*/,,' | cut -d: -f 1)
echo "Postgres PORT: " $(minikube service acid-minimal-cluster --url | sed 's,.*/,,' | cut -d: -f 2)
echo "Postgres USERNAME: " $(kubectl get secret postgres.acid-minimal-cluster.credentials -o 'jsonpath={.data.username}' | base64 -D)
echo "Postgres PASSWORD: " $(kubectl get secret postgres.acid-minimal-cluster.credentials -o 'jsonpath={.data.password}' | base64 -D)
WARN: Kubernetes service manifests are not 100% correct. Moreover they are compliant with Istio (in some service definitions miss the 'selector' field)
7. Fix service definition
Package cluster holds the cluster CRD logic and definitions A cluster is comprised of a primary service, replica service, primary deployment, and replica deployment
Package cluster holds the cluster CRD logic and definitions A cluster is comprised of a primary service, replica service, primary deployment, and replica deployment