Versions in this module Expand all Collapse all v0 v0.34.4 Jul 23, 2021 Changes in this version + const BasicGasLimit + const EthAccountsMethod + const EthBlockNumberMethod + const EthGasPriceMethod + const EthGetBlockByNumberMethod + const EthGetLogsMethod + const EthGetTransactionByHashMethod + const EthGetTransactionCountMethod + const EthGetTransactionReceiptMethod + const EthSendRawTransactionMethod + const EthSendTransactionMethod + const EthSyncingMethod + const NetVersionMethod + const Web3ClientVersionMethod + type Block struct + Difficulty string + ExtraData string + GasLimit string + GasUsed string + Hash string + LogsBloom string + Miner string + Nonce string + Number string + ParentHash string + ReceiptsRoot string + Sha3Uncles string + Size string + StateRoot string + Timestamp string + TotalDifficulty string + Transactions []string + TransactionsRoot string + Uncles []string + type EthClient struct + func NewEthClient(cli rpc.Client) *EthClient + func (c *EthClient) Accounts() ([]string, error) + func (c *EthClient) AwaitTransaction(ctx context.Context, txHash string) (*Receipt, error) + func (c *EthClient) BlockNumber() (uint64, error) + func (c *EthClient) GasPrice() (string, error) + func (c *EthClient) GetBlockByNumber(height string) (*Block, error) + func (c *EthClient) GetLogs(filter *Filter) ([]*EthLog, error) + func (c *EthClient) GetTransactionByHash(txHash string) (*web3.Transaction, error) + func (c *EthClient) GetTransactionCount(address crypto.Address) (string, error) + func (c *EthClient) GetTransactionReceipt(txHash string) (*Receipt, error) + func (c *EthClient) NetVersion() (string, error) + func (c *EthClient) SendRawTransaction(txHex string) (string, error) + func (c *EthClient) SendTransaction(tx *EthSendTransactionParam) (string, error) + func (c *EthClient) Syncing() (bool, error) + func (c *EthClient) Web3ClientVersion() (string, error) + type EthFilter struct + Addresses []string + FromBlock string + ToBlock string + Topics []string + type EthLog struct + Address string + BlockHash string + BlockNumber string + Data string + LogIndex string + Topics []string + TransactionHash string + TransactionIndex string + type EthSendTransactionParam struct + Data string + From string + Gas string + GasPrice string + Nonce string + To string + Value string + type Filter struct + Addresses []crypto.Address + Topics []binary.Word256 + func (f *Filter) EthFilter() *EthFilter + type Receipt struct + BlockHash string + BlockNumber string + ContractAddress string + CumulativeGasUsed string + From string + GasUsed string + Logs []EthLog + LogsBloom string + Status string + To string + TransactionHash string + TransactionIndex string + type TransactClient struct + func NewTransactClient(client ethClient) *TransactClient + func (cli *TransactClient) CallTxSync(ctx context.Context, tx *payload.CallTx, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*exec.TxExecution, error) + func (cli *TransactClient) GetChainID() (string, error) + func (cli *TransactClient) GetGasPrice() (uint64, error) + func (cli *TransactClient) GetTransactionCount(address crypto.Address) (uint64, error) + func (cli *TransactClient) SendRawTransaction(tx *payload.CallTx, signer acm.AddressableSigner) (string, error) + func (cli *TransactClient) SendTransaction(tx *payload.CallTx) (string, error) + func (cli *TransactClient) WithAccounts(signers ...acm.AddressableSigner) *TransactClient