SSH Tunnel
Implements SSH Tunneling via Local Port forwarding. It forwards a connection
from the client to the SSH server host, which then forwards to the destination
host port.
> ssh_tunnel --help
Usage of ./ssh_tunnel:
-i, --identity_file string key file (default "/home/bnm/.ssh/id_ed25519")
-l, --local_port uint16 local port. Defaults to 0 ie random port is picked
-r, --remote_port uint16 remote port
-s, --ssh string the ssh endpoint (user and address) with the format user@host:port. Defaults is 22
Suppose you have an SSH server running at address
as user admin
. At
the server, you've got a service that's running at localhost:8000
that you
want to connect to via SSH port forwarding:
For example, at the server, run the following
nc -lvk 8000
At your client, start ssh_tunnel
. It will listen for local connections at
ssh_tunnel -s admin@ -i ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 -l 9000 -r 8000
You can then connect to the remote service:
nc -N localhost 9000
make build
make install
- Validate server's host key