
v0.2.0-fix-3 Latest Latest

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Published: May 18, 2023 License: GPL-3.0 Imports: 1 Imported by: 0




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const (
	// GatewayHTTPAddress default HTTP address of gateway
	GatewayHTTPAddress = "localhost:9033"
	// UploaderGRPCAddress default gRPC address of uploader
	UploaderGRPCAddress = "localhost:9133"
	// DownloaderGRPCAddress default gRPC address of downloader
	DownloaderGRPCAddress = "localhost:9233"
	// ChallengeGRPCAddress default gRPC address of challenge
	ChallengeGRPCAddress = "localhost:9333"
	// TaskNodeGRPCAddress default gRPC address of task node
	TaskNodeGRPCAddress = "localhost:9433"
	// ReceiverGRPCAddress default gRPC address of receiver
	ReceiverGRPCAddress = "localhost:9533"
	// SignerGRPCAddress default gRPC address of signer
	SignerGRPCAddress = "localhost:9633"
	// MetadataGRPCAddress default gRPC address of meta data service
	MetadataGRPCAddress = "localhost:9733"
	// MetricsHTTPAddress default HTTP address of metrics service
	MetricsHTTPAddress = "localhost:24036"
	// P2PGRPCAddress default gRPC address of p2p service
	P2PGRPCAddress = "localhost:9833"
	// P2PListenAddress default p2p protocol listen address of p2p node
	P2PListenAddress = ""
	// AuthGRPCAddress default gRPC address of auth service
	AuthGRPCAddress = "localhost:8933"
	// PProfHTTPAddress default HTTP address of pprof service
	PProfHTTPAddress = "localhost:25341"

define storage provider service default listening address

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const (
	// GreenfieldAddress default greenfield chain address
	GreenfieldAddress = "localhost:9090"
	// TendermintAddress default Tendermint address
	TendermintAddress = "http://localhost:26750"
	// GreenfieldChainID default greenfield chainID
	GreenfieldChainID = "greenfield_9000-1741"
	// WhiteListCIDR default whitelist CIDR
	WhiteListCIDR = ""

define greenfield chain default address

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const (
	// SpDBUser defines env variable name for sp db user name
	SpDBUser = "SP_DB_USER"
	// SpDBPasswd defines env variable name for sp db user passwd
	// SpDBAddress defines env variable name for sp db address
	SpDBAddress = "SP_DB_ADDRESS"
	// SpDBDataBase defines env variable name for sp db database

	// BsDBUser defines env variable name for block syncer db user name
	BsDBUser = "BS_DB_USER"
	// BsDBPasswd defines env variable name for block syncer db user passwd
	// BsDBAddress defines env variable name for block syncer db address
	BsDBAddress = "BS_DB_ADDRESS"
	// BsDBDataBase defines env variable name for block syncer db database
	// BsDBSwitchedUser defines env variable name for switched block syncer db user name
	// BsDBSwitchedPasswd defines env variable name for switched block syncer db user passwd
	// BsDBSwitchedAddress defines env variable name for switched block syncer db address
	// BsDBSwitchedDataBase defines env variable name for switched block syncer db database

	// SpOperatorAddress defines env variable name for sp operator address
	SpOperatorAddress = "greenfield-storage-provider"
	// SpSignerAPIKey defines env variable for signer api key
	// SpOperatorPrivKey defines env variable name for sp operator priv key
	// SpFundingPrivKey defines env variable name for sp funding priv key
	// SpApprovalPrivKey defines env variable name for sp approval priv key
	// SpSealPrivKey defines env variable name for sp seal priv key
	// SpGcPrivKey defines env variable name for sp gc priv key
	// DsnBlockSyncer defines env variable name for block syncer dsn
	DsnBlockSyncer = "BLOCK_SYNCER_DSN"
	// DsnBlockSyncerSwitched defines env variable name for block syncer backup dsn
	DsnBlockSyncerSwitched = "BLOCK_SYNCER_DSN_SWITCHED"
	// P2PPrivateKey defines env variable for p2p protocol private key
	P2PPrivateKey = "P2P_PRIVATE_KEY"

environment constants

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const (
	// DefaultConnMaxLifetime defines the default max liveness time of connection
	DefaultConnMaxLifetime = 60
	// DefaultConnMaxIdleTime defines the default max idle time of connection
	DefaultConnMaxIdleTime = 30
	// DefaultMaxIdleConns defines the default max number of idle connections
	DefaultMaxIdleConns = 16
	// DefaultMaxOpenConns defines the default max number of open connections
	DefaultMaxOpenConns = 32

SQLDB default configuration parmas

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const (
	// ContentTypeHeader is used to indicate the media type of the resource
	ContentTypeHeader = "Content-Type"
	// ContentLengthHeader indicates the size of the message body, in bytes
	ContentLengthHeader = "Content-Length"
	// ETagHeader is an MD5 digest of the object data
	ETagHeader = "ETag"
	// RangeHeader asks the server to send only a portion of an HTTP message back to a client
	RangeHeader = "Range"
	// ContentRangeHeader response HTTP header indicates where in a full body message a partial message belongs
	ContentRangeHeader = "Content-Range"
	// OctetStream is used to indicate the binary files
	OctetStream = "application/octet-stream"
	// ContentTypeJSONHeaderValue is used to indicate json
	ContentTypeJSONHeaderValue = "application/json"
	// ContentTypeXMLHeaderValue is used to indicate xml
	ContentTypeXMLHeaderValue = "application/xml"
	// ContentDispositionHeader is used to indicate the media disposition of the resource
	ContentDispositionHeader = "Content-Disposition"
	// ContentDispositionAttachmentValue is used to indicate attachment
	ContentDispositionAttachmentValue = "attachment"
	// ContentDispositionInlineValue is used to indicate inline
	ContentDispositionInlineValue = "inline"

	// SignAlgorithm uses secp256k1 with the ECDSA algorithm
	SignAlgorithm = "ECDSA-secp256k1"
	// SignedMsg is the request hash
	SignedMsg = "SignedMsg"
	// Signature is the request signature
	Signature = "Signature"
	// SignTypeV1 is an authentication algorithm, which is used by dapps
	SignTypeV1 = "authTypeV1"
	// SignTypeV2 is an authentication algorithm, which is used by metamask
	SignTypeV2 = "authTypeV2"

	SignTypeOffChain   = "OffChainAuth" // sign type - off-chain-auth
	SignTypePersonal   = "PersonalSign" // sign type -  PersonalSign
	SignAlgorithmEddsa = "EDDSA"

	// GetApprovalPath defines get-approval path style suffix
	GetApprovalPath = "/greenfield/admin/v1/get-approval"
	// ActionQuery defines get-approval's type, currently include create bucket and create object
	ActionQuery = "action"
	// UploadProgressQuery defines upload progress query, which is used to route request
	UploadProgressQuery = "upload-progress"
	// GetBucketReadQuotaQuery defines bucket read quota query, which is used to route request
	GetBucketReadQuotaQuery = "read-quota"
	// GetBucketReadQuotaMonthQuery defines bucket read quota query month
	GetBucketReadQuotaMonthQuery = "year-month"
	// ListBucketReadRecordQuery defines list bucket read record query, which is used to route request
	ListBucketReadRecordQuery = "list-read-record"
	// ListBucketReadRecordMaxRecordsQuery defines list read record max num
	ListBucketReadRecordMaxRecordsQuery = "max-records"
	// ListObjectsMaxKeysQuery defines the maximum number of keys returned to the response
	ListObjectsMaxKeysQuery = "max-keys"
	// ListObjectsStartAfterQuery defines where you want to start listing from
	ListObjectsStartAfterQuery = "start-after"
	// ListObjectsContinuationTokenQuery indicates that the list is being continued on this bucket with a token
	ListObjectsContinuationTokenQuery = "continuation-token"
	// ListObjectsDelimiterQuery defines a character you use to group keys
	ListObjectsDelimiterQuery = "delimiter"
	// ListObjectsPrefixQuery defines limits the response to keys that begin with the specified prefix
	ListObjectsPrefixQuery = "prefix"
	// GetBucketMetaQuery defines get bucket metadata query, which is used to route request
	GetBucketMetaQuery = "bucket-meta"
	// GetObjectMetaQuery defines get object metadata query, which is used to route request
	GetObjectMetaQuery = "object-meta"
	// StartTimestampUs defines start timestamp in microsecond, which is used by list read record, [start_ts,end_ts)
	StartTimestampUs = "start-timestamp"
	// EndTimestampUs defines end timestamp in microsecond, which is used by list read record, [start_ts,end_ts)
	EndTimestampUs = "end-timestamp"
	// ChallengePath defines challenge path style suffix
	ChallengePath = "/greenfield/admin/v1/challenge"
	// ReplicateObjectPiecePath defines replicate-object path style
	ReplicateObjectPiecePath = "/greenfield/receiver/v1/replicate-piece"
	// AuthRequestNoncePath defines path to request auth nonce
	AuthRequestNoncePath = "/auth/request_nonce"
	// AuthUpdateKeyPath defines path to update user public key
	AuthUpdateKeyPath = "/auth/update_key"
	// GnfdRequestIDHeader defines trace-id, trace request in sp
	GnfdRequestIDHeader = "X-Gnfd-Request-ID"
	// GnfdAuthorizationHeader defines authorization, verify signature and check authorization
	GnfdAuthorizationHeader = "Authorization"
	// GnfdObjectIDHeader defines object id
	GnfdObjectIDHeader = "X-Gnfd-Object-ID"
	// GnfdPieceIndexHeader defines piece idx, which is used by challenge
	GnfdPieceIndexHeader = "X-Gnfd-Piece-Index"
	// GnfdRedundancyIndexHeader defines redundancy idx, which is used by challenge and receiver
	GnfdRedundancyIndexHeader = "X-Gnfd-Redundancy-Index"
	// GnfdIntegrityHashHeader defines integrity hash, which is used by challenge and receiver
	GnfdIntegrityHashHeader = "X-Gnfd-Integrity-Hash"
	// GnfdPieceHashHeader defines piece hash list, which is used by challenge
	GnfdPieceHashHeader = "X-Gnfd-Piece-Hash"
	// GnfdUnsignedApprovalMsgHeader defines unsigned msg, which is used by get-approval
	GnfdUnsignedApprovalMsgHeader = "X-Gnfd-Unsigned-Msg"
	// GnfdSignedApprovalMsgHeader defines signed msg, which is used by get-approval
	GnfdSignedApprovalMsgHeader = "X-Gnfd-Signed-Msg"
	// GnfdPieceSizeHeader defines piece size, which is used to split by receiver
	GnfdPieceSizeHeader = "X-Gnfd-Piece-Size"
	// GnfdReplicateApproval defines SP approval that allow to replicate piece data, which is used by receiver
	GnfdReplicateApproval = "X-Gnfd-Replicate-Approval"
	// GnfdIntegrityHashSignatureHeader defines integrity hash signature, which is used by receiver
	GnfdIntegrityHashSignatureHeader = "X-Gnfd-Integrity-Hash-Signature"
	// GnfdUserAddressHeader defines the user address
	GnfdUserAddressHeader = "X-Gnfd-User-Address"
	// GnfdResponseXMLVersion defines the response xml version
	GnfdResponseXMLVersion = "1.0"

	// GnfdOffChainAuthAppDomainHeader defines the app domain from where user is trying to do the EDDSA auth interactions
	GnfdOffChainAuthAppDomainHeader = "X-Gnfd-App-Domain"
	// GnfdOffChainAuthAppRegNonceHeader defines nonce for which user is trying to register his/her EDDSA public key
	GnfdOffChainAuthAppRegNonceHeader = "X-Gnfd-App-Reg-Nonce"
	// GnfdOffChainAuthAppRegPublicKeyHeader defines the EDDSA public key for which user is trying to register
	GnfdOffChainAuthAppRegPublicKeyHeader = "X-Gnfd-App-Reg-Public-Key"
	// GnfdOffChainAuthAppRegExpiryDateHeader defines the Expiry-Date is the ISO 8601 datetime string (e.g. 2021-09-30T16:25:24Z), used to register the EDDSA public key
	GnfdOffChainAuthAppRegExpiryDateHeader = "X-Gnfd-App-Reg-Expiry-Date"

define all kinds of http constants

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const (
	// LruCacheLimit defines maximum number of cached items in service trace queue
	LruCacheLimit = 8192
	// MaxCallMsgSize defines gPRC max send or receive msg size
	MaxCallMsgSize = 25 * 1024 * 1024
	// MaxRetryCount defines getting the latest height from the RPC client max retry count
	MaxRetryCount = 50
	// DefaultBlockHeightDiff defines default block height diff of main and backup service
	DefaultBlockHeightDiff = 100
	// DefaultCheckDiffPeriod defines check interval of block height diff
	DefaultCheckDiffPeriod = 1
	// DefaultPingPeriod defines p2p node ping period
	DefaultPingPeriod = 1
	// DefaultSpFreeReadQuotaSize defines sp bucket's default free quota size, the SP can modify it by itself
	DefaultSpFreeReadQuotaSize = 10 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024
	// DefaultStreamBufSize defines gateway stream forward payload buf size
	DefaultStreamBufSize = 64 * 1024
	// DefaultTimeoutHeight defines approval timeout height
	DefaultTimeoutHeight = 100
	// DefaultPartitionSize defines partition size
	DefaultPartitionSize = 10_000
	// DefaultMaxListLimit defines maximum number of the list request
	DefaultMaxListLimit = 1000

define all kinds of size


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var (
	// GatewayService defines the name of gateway service
	GatewayService = strings.ToLower("Gateway")
	// UploaderService defines the name of uploader service
	UploaderService = strings.ToLower("Uploader")
	// DownloaderService defines the name of downloader service
	DownloaderService = strings.ToLower("Downloader")
	// ChallengeService defines the name of challenge service
	ChallengeService = strings.ToLower("Challenge")
	// TaskNodeService defines the name of task node service
	TaskNodeService = strings.ToLower("TaskNode")
	// ReceiverService defines the name of receiver service
	ReceiverService = strings.ToLower("Receiver")
	// SignerService defines the name of signer service
	SignerService = strings.ToLower("Signer")
	// MetadataService defines the name of metadata service
	MetadataService = strings.ToLower("Metadata")
	// BlockSyncerService defines the name of block sync service
	BlockSyncerService = strings.ToLower("BlockSyncer")
	// BlockSyncerServiceBackup defines the name of block sync service
	BlockSyncerServiceBackup = strings.ToLower("BlockSyncerBackup")
	// ManagerService defines the name of manager service
	ManagerService = strings.ToLower("Manager")
	// MetricsService defines the name of metrics service
	MetricsService = strings.ToLower("Metrics")
	// P2PService defines the name of p2p service
	P2PService = strings.ToLower("p2p")
	// AuthService defines the name of auth service
	AuthService = strings.ToLower("auth")
	// PProfService defines the name of pprof service
	PProfService = strings.ToLower("pprof")
	// StopServingService defines the name of stop serving service
	StopServingService = strings.ToLower("StopServing")

define storage provider include service

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var SpServiceDesc = map[string]string{
	GatewayService:     "Receives the sdk request",
	UploaderService:    "Uploads object payload to greenfield",
	DownloaderService:  "Downloads object from the backend and statistical read traffic",
	ChallengeService:   "Provides the ability to query the integrity hash and piece data",
	TaskNodeService:    "Executes background task",
	ReceiverService:    "Receives data pieces of an object from other storage provider and store",
	SignerService:      "Sign the transaction and broadcast to chain",
	MetadataService:    "Provides the ability to query meta data",
	BlockSyncerService: "Syncs block data to db",
	P2PService:         "Communicates with SPs on p2p protocol",
	AuthService:        "Handles off-chain-auth requests",
	StopServingService: "Discontinue buckets for greenfield testnet",

SpServiceDesc defines the service description in storage provider


This section is empty.


type PieceType added in v0.1.1

type PieceType int32

PieceType defines the object payload data type

const (
	// SegmentPieceType defines the data type of segment piece
	SegmentPieceType PieceType = 0
	// ECPieceType defines the data type of ec piece
	ECPieceType PieceType = 1


Path Synopsis

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? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL