This directory defines some interfaces, and community developers can customize own
implementations, replace the default implementations, and realize the customizable
goals of community developers.
GfSp Framework
GfSp Framework(GfSp) is a base framework for greenfield storage provider. The GfSp
implements the specification of SP. For example, user must ask create object approval
before uploading object, upload object to primary SP and replicate object to secondary
SPs are divided into two stages, etc. Under the specification, each process is
completed through modular, and the modular can be customized. GfSp also provides a
default implementation, community developers can customize their own implementation
or optimize the existing implementations. For example, the community can customize
their own policy of agree approval, upload object and cache the payload piece to speed
up the performance of replication, and so on.
Core directory defines three types interfaces for customization:
Infrastructure interface
, Special Modular
and Common Modular
Infrastructure interface
Infrastructure interface includes:
- Consensus: is the interface to query greenfield consensus
data. the consensus data can come from validator, fullnode, or other off-chain data
- ResourManager: ResourceManager is the interface to the resource
management subsystem. The ResourceManager tracks and accounts for resource usage in
the stack, from the internals to the application, and provides a mechanism to limit
resource usage according to a user configurable policy.
- PieceStore: PieceStore is the interface to piece store
that store the object payload data.
- PieceOp: PieceOp is the helper interface for piece key
operator and piece size calculate.
- SPDB: SPDB is the interface to records the SP metadata.
- TaskQueue: Task is the interface to the smallest unit of
SP background service interaction. Task scheduling and execution are directly related
to the order of task arrival, so task queue is a relatively important basic interface
used by all modules inside SP.
Special Modular
- Approver : Approver is the modular to handle ask approval request,
handles CreateBucketApproval and CreateObjectApproval.
- Authorizer: Authorizer is the modular to authority verification.
- Downloader: Downloader is the modular to handle get object request
from user account, and get challenge info request from other components in the system.
- TaskExecutor: TaskExecutor is the modular to handle background task,
it will ask task from Manager modular, handle the task and report the result or status to
the manager modular includes: ReplicatePieceTask, SealObjectTask, ReceivePieceTask,
- GCObjectTask, GCZombiePieceTask, GCMetaTask.
- Manager: Manager is the modular to SP's manage modular, it is Responsible
for task scheduling and other management of SP.
- P2P: P2P is the modular to the interaction of control information
between Sps, handles the ask replicate piece approval, it will broadcast the approval to
other SPs, wait the responses, if up to min approved number or max approved number before
timeout, will return the approvals.
- Receiver: Receiver is the modular to receive the piece data from
primary SP, calculates the integrity hash of the piece data and sign it, returns to the
primary SP for sealing object on greenfield.
- Signer: Signer is the modular to handle the SP's sign and on greenfield
chain operator. It holds SP all private key. Considering the sp account's sequence number, it
must be a singleton.
- Uploader: Uploader is the modular to handle put object request from user
account, and store it in primary SP's piece store.
Common Modular
In addition to the modular specified above, developers can also customize own modular,
just implement the Moduler interface and register it to GfSp.
Customized infrastructure interface
// new your own CustomizedPieceStore instance that implement the PieceStore interface
pieceStore := NewCustomizedPieceStore(...)
// new GfSp framework app
gfsp, err := NewGfSpBaseApp(GfSpConfig, CustomizePieceStore(pieceStore))
if err != nil {
return err
// the GfSp framework will replace the default PieceStore with CustomizedPieceStore
Customized Special Modular
// new your own CustomizedApprover instance that implement the Approver interface
// NewCustomizedApprover must be func type:
// func(app *GfSpBaseApp, cfg *gfspconfig.GfSpConfig) (coremodule.Modular, error)
approver := NewCustomizedApprover(GfSpBaseApp, GfSpConfig)
// the Special Modular name is Predefined
gfspapp.RegisterModularInfo(model.ApprovalModularName, model.ApprovalModularDescription, approver)
// new GfSp framework app
gfsp, err := NewGfSpBaseApp(GfSpConfig, CustomizeApprover(approver))
if err != nil {
return err
// the GfSp framework will replace the default Approver with CustomizedApprover
Implement Common Modular
// retriever should implement Modular interface
// register retriever modular to GfSp framework
gfspapp.RegisterModularInfo(RetrieveModularName, RetrieveModularDescription, NewRetrieveModular)
// NewRetrieveModular must be func type:
// func(app *GfSpBaseApp, cfg *gfspconfig.GfSpConfig) (coremodule.Modular, error)
// new GfSp framework app
gfsp, err := NewGfSpBaseApp(GfSpConfig, CustomizeApprover(approver))
if err != nil {
return err
// the GfSp framework will call the NewRetrieveModular and start the retriever