

Versions in this module

Sep 24, 2024
Sep 19, 2024
Sep 19, 2024
Sep 11, 2024
Sep 10, 2024
Changes in this version
type InterfaceVpcEndpointAwsService
Sep 6, 2024
Aug 30, 2024
Changes in this version
type EbsDeviceOptions
type EbsDeviceOptionsBase
type EbsDeviceProps
type EbsDeviceSnapshotOptions
type InstanceProps
Aug 23, 2024
Aug 22, 2024
Changes in this version
type CfnIPAMProps
type CfnTrafficMirrorFilterRuleProps
type CfnVPNConnectionProps
type InterfaceVpcEndpointAwsService
Aug 20, 2024
Aug 15, 2024
Aug 14, 2024
Aug 2, 2024
Jul 23, 2024
Jul 12, 2024
Changes in this version
Jul 11, 2024
Jul 5, 2024
Jul 2, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 24, 2024
Jun 20, 2024
Changes in this version
Jun 13, 2024
Jun 7, 2024
May 31, 2024
May 30, 2024
May 24, 2024
Changes in this version
type InstanceProps
May 17, 2024
May 16, 2024
May 8, 2024
May 2, 2024
Changes in this version
type InstanceProps
Apr 30, 2024
Apr 24, 2024
Changes in this version
type CfnCustomerGatewayProps
Apr 18, 2024
Apr 11, 2024
Changes in this version
type NatInstanceProps
type NatInstanceProviderV2
Apr 10, 2024
Apr 6, 2024
Apr 2, 2024
Changes in this version
type CfnSubnetProps
type WindowsVersion
Mar 26, 2024
Changes in this version
type CfnDHCPOptionsProps
type CfnInstance
type CfnNetworkInterface
type InterfaceVpcEndpointAwsService
Mar 15, 2024
Mar 12, 2024
Mar 9, 2024
Mar 1, 2024
Changes in this version
type CfnInstanceConnectEndpoint
type InstanceProps
type InstanceType
type NatInstanceProps
Feb 23, 2024
Feb 21, 2024
Changes in this version
type CfnEC2Fleet_InstanceRequirementsRequestProperty
type CfnSpotFleet_InstanceRequirementsRequestProperty
Feb 14, 2024
Feb 10, 2024
Feb 2, 2024
Feb 1, 2024
Changes in this version
type InstanceClass
Jan 26, 2024
Jan 24, 2024
Jan 18, 2024
Jan 13, 2024
Jan 12, 2024
Changes in this version
type AllocatedSubnet
type InstanceProps
type SubnetConfiguration
Jan 12, 2024
Jan 11, 2024
Jan 3, 2024
Dec 27, 2023
Changes in this version
Dec 22, 2023
Dec 22, 2023
Changes in this version
type CfnInstance
type CfnRouteProps
type InstanceProps
type LaunchTemplateProps
type NatInstanceProps
Dec 14, 2023
Changes in this version
type CfnVerifiedAccessTrustProvider_DeviceOptionsProperty
Dec 6, 2023
Dec 5, 2023
Dec 1, 2023
Dec 1, 2023
Nov 27, 2023
Nov 22, 2023
Nov 17, 2023
Nov 16, 2023
Nov 14, 2023
Nov 14, 2023
Nov 13, 2023
Nov 11, 2023
Nov 10, 2023
Nov 8, 2023
Nov 2, 2023
Oct 27, 2023
Oct 26, 2023
Changes in this version
type CfnVerifiedAccessEndpointProps
type CfnVerifiedAccessGroupProps
type CfnVerifiedAccessInstanceProps
type CfnVerifiedAccessTrustProviderProps
Oct 25, 2023
Oct 19, 2023
Oct 16, 2023
Oct 13, 2023
Changes in this version
type WindowsVersion
Oct 6, 2023
Sep 30, 2023
Sep 27, 2023
Sep 26, 2023
Changes in this version
type CfnVPCEndpointConnectionNotification
Sep 26, 2023
Sep 22, 2023
Changes in this version
type CfnFlowLogProps
type CfnLaunchTemplate_NetworkInterfaceProperty
type CfnRouteProps
type CfnTransitGatewayRouteTable
Sep 15, 2023
Sep 14, 2023
Sep 13, 2023
Sep 9, 2023
Sep 7, 2023
Changes in this version
Sep 1, 2023
Changes in this version
Aug 23, 2023
Aug 15, 2023
Aug 10, 2023
Changes in this version
Aug 4, 2023
Jul 28, 2023
Jul 20, 2023
Changes in this version
type CfnClientVpnAuthorizationRule
type CfnClientVpnEndpoint
type CfnClientVpnRoute
type CfnClientVpnTargetNetworkAssociation
type CfnEIPAssociation
type CfnIPAMResourceDiscoveryAssociation
type CfnLocalGatewayRouteTableVPCAssociation
type CfnLocalGatewayRouteTableVirtualInterfaceGroupAssociation
type CfnNetworkInsightsAccessScopeAnalysis
type CfnNetworkInterfaceAttachment
type CfnNetworkInterfacePermission
type CfnRoute
type CfnSecurityGroupEgress
type CfnSecurityGroupIngress
type CfnTrafficMirrorFilterRule
type CfnTransitGatewayRoute
type CfnTransitGatewayRouteTableAssociation
type CfnTransitGatewayRouteTablePropagation
type CfnVPCCidrBlock
type CfnVPCEndpointConnectionNotification
type CfnVPCGatewayAttachment
type SsmParameterImageOptions
type VpcProps
Jul 6, 2023
Changes in this version
type CfnKeyPairProps
type CfnLaunchTemplate
type CfnVerifiedAccessInstance_VerifiedAccessLogsProperty
Jun 29, 2023
Jun 21, 2023
Changes in this version
Jun 14, 2023
Jun 9, 2023
Jun 7, 2023
Jun 2, 2023
Changes in this version
May 25, 2023
Changes in this version
type InitFileAssetOptions
type InitSourceAssetOptions
type InstanceProps
May 20, 2023
Changes in this version
May 11, 2023
May 10, 2023
Changes in this version
type CfnLaunchTemplate_CpuOptionsProperty
type CfnNetworkInsightsPathProps
May 4, 2023
Changes in this version
Apr 26, 2023
Changes in this version
Apr 20, 2023
Changes in this version
type AmazonLinuxGeneration
Apr 19, 2023
Apr 18, 2023
Apr 13, 2023
Changes in this version
Apr 6, 2023
Changes in this version
type VpcLookupOptions
Mar 31, 2023
Mar 29, 2023
Changes in this version
type InterfaceVpcEndpointAwsService
Mar 29, 2023
Mar 22, 2023
Changes in this version
type CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysis_AdditionalDetailProperty
type CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysis_PathComponentProperty
type CfnVPCEndpointService
type InitServiceOptions
type InstanceProps
Mar 14, 2023
Mar 8, 2023
Mar 2, 2023
Changes in this version
type VpcLookupOptions
Feb 24, 2023
Feb 21, 2023
Feb 15, 2023
Feb 9, 2023
Changes in this version
type CfnIPAMPoolProps
Feb 4, 2023
Feb 3, 2023
Jan 31, 2023
Jan 27, 2023
Jan 26, 2023
Jan 25, 2023
Jan 20, 2023
Jan 19, 2023
Jan 12, 2023
Jan 3, 2023
Dec 30, 2022
Dec 29, 2022
Dec 27, 2022
Dec 23, 2022
Dec 21, 2022
Changes in this version
Dec 16, 2022
Dec 14, 2022
Changes in this version
type CfnTransitGatewayPeeringAttachment
Dec 7, 2022
Changes in this version
type CfnNatGatewayProps
type CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysisProps
type InterfaceVpcEndpointAwsService
type VolumeProps
Nov 29, 2022
Nov 29, 2022
Nov 27, 2022
Nov 18, 2022
Nov 18, 2022
Changes in this version
type CfnEC2Fleet_InstanceRequirementsRequestProperty
type CfnEIPProps
type CfnLaunchTemplate_InstanceRequirementsProperty
type CfnLaunchTemplate_PlacementProperty
type CfnLocalGatewayRouteProps
type CfnSpotFleet_InstanceRequirementsRequestProperty
type CfnSpotFleet_SpotFleetRequestConfigDataProperty
type CfnVolume
type FlowLogOptions
type FlowLogProps
Nov 1, 2022
Changes in this version
type VpcProps
Nov 1, 2022
Oct 28, 2022
Oct 27, 2022
Oct 20, 2022
Changes in this version
type InterfaceVpcEndpointAwsService
Oct 13, 2022
Oct 6, 2022
Changes in this version
type SecurityGroup
type SecurityGroupImportOptions
type SecurityGroupProps
Sep 29, 2022
Changes in this version
Sep 23, 2022
Sep 21, 2022
Changes in this version
type CfnVPNConnection
Sep 19, 2022
Sep 16, 2022
Changes in this version
type VpcAttributes
Sep 8, 2022
Changes in this version
Sep 1, 2022
Aug 29, 2022
Aug 25, 2022
Changes in this version
type CfnLaunchTemplateProps
type CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysis_AnalysisRouteTableRouteProperty
type CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysis_ExplanationProperty
type CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysis_PathComponentProperty
Aug 18, 2022
Aug 17, 2022
Changes in this version
Aug 10, 2022
Aug 9, 2022
Aug 8, 2022
Aug 2, 2022
Jul 30, 2022
Jul 29, 2022
Jul 29, 2022
Jul 19, 2022
Changes in this version
type CfnPlacementGroupProps
Jul 16, 2022
Jul 14, 2022
Changes in this version
type CfnCapacityReservation
type CfnCapacityReservationFleet
type CfnClientVpnAuthorizationRule
type CfnClientVpnTargetNetworkAssociation
type CfnEgressOnlyInternetGateway
type CfnEnclaveCertificateIamRoleAssociation
type CfnGatewayRouteTableAssociation
type CfnLocalGatewayRouteTableVPCAssociation
type CfnNetworkInsightsAccessScope
type CfnNetworkInsightsAccessScopeAnalysis
type CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysis
type CfnNetworkInsightsPath
type CfnNetworkInterfaceAttachment
type CfnNetworkInterfacePermission
type CfnSecurityGroupEgress
type CfnSecurityGroupIngress
type CfnSubnetNetworkAclAssociation
type CfnSubnetRouteTableAssociation
type CfnTrafficMirrorFilter
type CfnTrafficMirrorFilterRule
type CfnTrafficMirrorSession
type CfnTrafficMirrorTarget
type CfnTransitGatewayAttachment
type CfnTransitGatewayConnect
type CfnTransitGatewayMulticastDomain
type CfnTransitGatewayMulticastDomainAssociation
type CfnTransitGatewayMulticastGroupMember
type CfnTransitGatewayMulticastGroupSource
type CfnTransitGatewayPeeringAttachment
type CfnTransitGatewayRoute
type CfnTransitGatewayRouteTable
type CfnTransitGatewayRouteTableAssociation
type CfnTransitGatewayRouteTablePropagation
type CfnTransitGatewayVpcAttachment
type CfnVPCDHCPOptionsAssociation
type CfnVPCEndpointConnectionNotification
type CfnVPCEndpointServicePermissions
type CfnVPCGatewayAttachment
type CfnVPCPeeringConnection
type CfnVPNGatewayRoutePropagation
type InterfaceVpcEndpointAwsService
Jul 14, 2022
Jul 9, 2022
Jul 6, 2022
Jul 1, 2022
Changes in this version
type InstanceClass
type Protocol
Jun 24, 2022
Jun 23, 2022
Jun 16, 2022
Jun 14, 2022
Jun 3, 2022
Changes in this version
type CfnLaunchTemplate_LaunchTemplateDataProperty
type CfnPlacementGroup
type CfnTransitGatewayAttachment
type CfnTransitGatewayAttachmentProps
type CfnVPCPeeringConnection
May 30, 2022
May 21, 2022
Changes in this version
type CfnNetworkInsightsAnalysis_PathComponentProperty
type CfnTrafficMirrorTargetProps
type CfnTransitGatewayAttachment
type CfnVPC
May 13, 2022
May 12, 2022
May 4, 2022
Changes in this version
type InstanceClass
Apr 28, 2022
Apr 23, 2022
Apr 22, 2022
Changes in this version
Apr 7, 2022
Apr 1, 2022
Changes in this version
type InstanceProps
Mar 29, 2022
Mar 17, 2022
Mar 12, 2022
Mar 1, 2022
Changes in this version
type InstanceClass
Feb 25, 2022
Feb 19, 2022
Changes in this version
type BastionHostLinuxProps
type CfnInstanceProps
type CfnSpotFleet_LaunchTemplateOverridesProperty
Feb 9, 2022
Feb 8, 2022
Changes in this version
Jan 29, 2022
Jan 26, 2022
Changes in this version
type AmazonLinuxGeneration
type AmazonLinuxImageProps
type AmazonLinuxStorage
type CfnFlowLogProps
type CfnHost
type CfnIPAMScope
type CfnLaunchTemplate_LaunchTemplateDataProperty
type CfnVPNGatewayRoutePropagation
type SelectedSubnets
Jan 13, 2022
Jan 12, 2022
Jan 12, 2022
Jan 9, 2022
Jan 6, 2022
Changes in this version
type WindowsVersion
Dec 22, 2021
Dec 15, 2021
Changes in this version
type CfnNetworkInterface
type CfnSubnetRouteTableAssociation
type CfnVPCEndpointServiceProps
type VpcProps
Dec 8, 2021
Dec 2, 2021
Changes in this version
Nov 26, 2021
Nov 25, 2021
Nov 23, 2021
Nov 17, 2021
Nov 10, 2021
Nov 9, 2021
Oct 27, 2021
Oct 26, 2021
Oct 22, 2021
Oct 13, 2021
Sep 23, 2021
Sep 22, 2021
Sep 8, 2021
Sep 1, 2021
Aug 25, 2021
Aug 18, 2021
Aug 11, 2021
Aug 4, 2021
Jul 28, 2021
Jul 21, 2021
Jul 20, 2021
Jul 19, 2021
Jul 7, 2021
Jun 30, 2021
Jun 23, 2021
Jun 16, 2021
Jun 9, 2021
Jun 2, 2021
May 28, 2021
May 19, 2021
May 12, 2021
Apr 29, 2021
Apr 28, 2021
Apr 21, 2021
Apr 21, 2021
Apr 19, 2021
Apr 14, 2021

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