
v2.18.0 Latest Latest

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Published: Mar 29, 2022 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 17 Imported by: 4




This section is empty.


This section is empty.


func CodeBuildStep_Sequence added in v2.4.0

func CodeBuildStep_Sequence(steps *[]Step) *[]Step

Define a sequence of steps to be executed in order.

If you need more fine-grained step ordering, use the `addStepDependency()` API. For example, if you want `secondStep` to occur after `firstStep`, call `secondStep.addStepDependency(firstStep)`.

func CodePipelineSource_Sequence added in v2.4.0

func CodePipelineSource_Sequence(steps *[]Step) *[]Step

Define a sequence of steps to be executed in order.

If you need more fine-grained step ordering, use the `addStepDependency()` API. For example, if you want `secondStep` to occur after `firstStep`, call `secondStep.addStepDependency(firstStep)`.

func CodePipeline_IsConstruct

func CodePipeline_IsConstruct(x interface{}) *bool

Checks if `x` is a construct.

Returns: true if `x` is an object created from a class which extends `Construct`. Deprecated: use `x instanceof Construct` instead.

func ConfirmPermissionsBroadening_Sequence added in v2.4.0

func ConfirmPermissionsBroadening_Sequence(steps *[]Step) *[]Step

Define a sequence of steps to be executed in order.

If you need more fine-grained step ordering, use the `addStepDependency()` API. For example, if you want `secondStep` to occur after `firstStep`, call `secondStep.addStepDependency(firstStep)`.

func ManualApprovalStep_Sequence added in v2.4.0

func ManualApprovalStep_Sequence(steps *[]Step) *[]Step

Define a sequence of steps to be executed in order.

If you need more fine-grained step ordering, use the `addStepDependency()` API. For example, if you want `secondStep` to occur after `firstStep`, call `secondStep.addStepDependency(firstStep)`.

func NewArtifactMap_Override

func NewArtifactMap_Override(a ArtifactMap)

func NewCodeBuildStep_Override

func NewCodeBuildStep_Override(c CodeBuildStep, id *string, props *CodeBuildStepProps)

func NewCodePipelineSource_Override

func NewCodePipelineSource_Override(c CodePipelineSource, id *string)

func NewCodePipeline_Override

func NewCodePipeline_Override(c CodePipeline, scope constructs.Construct, id *string, props *CodePipelineProps)

func NewConfirmPermissionsBroadening_Override

func NewConfirmPermissionsBroadening_Override(c ConfirmPermissionsBroadening, id *string, props *PermissionsBroadeningCheckProps)

func NewDockerCredential_Override

func NewDockerCredential_Override(d DockerCredential, usages *[]DockerCredentialUsage)

func NewFileSet_Override

func NewFileSet_Override(f FileSet, id *string, producer Step)

func NewManualApprovalStep_Override

func NewManualApprovalStep_Override(m ManualApprovalStep, id *string, props *ManualApprovalStepProps)

func NewPipelineBase_Override

func NewPipelineBase_Override(p PipelineBase, scope constructs.Construct, id *string, props *PipelineBaseProps)

func NewShellStep_Override

func NewShellStep_Override(s ShellStep, id *string, props *ShellStepProps)

func NewStep_Override

func NewStep_Override(s Step, id *string)

func NewWave_Override

func NewWave_Override(w Wave, id *string, props *WaveProps)

func PipelineBase_IsConstruct

func PipelineBase_IsConstruct(x interface{}) *bool

Checks if `x` is a construct.

Returns: true if `x` is an object created from a class which extends `Construct`. Deprecated: use `x instanceof Construct` instead.

func ShellStep_Sequence added in v2.4.0

func ShellStep_Sequence(steps *[]Step) *[]Step

Define a sequence of steps to be executed in order.

If you need more fine-grained step ordering, use the `addStepDependency()` API. For example, if you want `secondStep` to occur after `firstStep`, call `secondStep.addStepDependency(firstStep)`.

func Step_Sequence added in v2.4.0

func Step_Sequence(steps *[]Step) *[]Step

Define a sequence of steps to be executed in order.

If you need more fine-grained step ordering, use the `addStepDependency()` API. For example, if you want `secondStep` to occur after `firstStep`, call `secondStep.addStepDependency(firstStep)`.


type AddStageOpts

type AddStageOpts struct {
	// Additional steps to run after all of the stacks in the stage.
	Post *[]Step `json:"post" yaml:"post"`
	// Additional steps to run before any of the stacks in the stage.
	Pre *[]Step `json:"pre" yaml:"pre"`
	// Instructions for stack level steps.
	StackSteps *[]*StackSteps `json:"stackSteps" yaml:"stackSteps"`

Options to pass to `addStage`.


var pipeline codePipeline
preprod := NewMyApplicationStage(this, jsii.String("PreProd"))
prod := NewMyApplicationStage(this, jsii.String("Prod"))

pipeline.addStage(preprod, &addStageOpts{
	post: []step{
		pipelines.NewShellStep(jsii.String("Validate Endpoint"), &shellStepProps{
			commands: []*string{
				jsii.String("curl -Ssf https://my.webservice.com/"),
pipeline.addStage(prod, &addStageOpts{
	pre: []*step{

type ArtifactMap

type ArtifactMap interface {
	// Return the matching CodePipeline artifact for a FileSet.
	ToCodePipeline(x FileSet) awscodepipeline.Artifact

Translate FileSets to CodePipeline Artifacts.


import awscdk "github.com/aws/aws-cdk-go/awscdk"import pipelines "github.com/aws/aws-cdk-go/awscdk/pipelines"
artifactMap := pipelines.NewArtifactMap()

func NewArtifactMap

func NewArtifactMap() ArtifactMap

type AssetType

type AssetType string

Type of the asset that is being published.

const (
	// A file.
	AssetType_FILE AssetType = "FILE"
	// A Docker image.

type CodeBuildOptions

type CodeBuildOptions struct {
	// Partial build environment, will be combined with other build environments that apply.
	BuildEnvironment *awscodebuild.BuildEnvironment `json:"buildEnvironment" yaml:"buildEnvironment"`
	// Partial buildspec, will be combined with other buildspecs that apply.
	// The BuildSpec must be available inline--it cannot reference a file
	// on disk.
	PartialBuildSpec awscodebuild.BuildSpec `json:"partialBuildSpec" yaml:"partialBuildSpec"`
	// Policy statements to add to role.
	RolePolicy *[]awsiam.PolicyStatement `json:"rolePolicy" yaml:"rolePolicy"`
	// Which security group(s) to associate with the project network interfaces.
	// Only used if 'vpc' is supplied.
	SecurityGroups *[]awsec2.ISecurityGroup `json:"securityGroups" yaml:"securityGroups"`
	// Which subnets to use.
	// Only used if 'vpc' is supplied.
	SubnetSelection *awsec2.SubnetSelection `json:"subnetSelection" yaml:"subnetSelection"`
	// The number of minutes after which AWS CodeBuild stops the build if it's not complete.
	// For valid values, see the timeoutInMinutes field in the AWS
	// CodeBuild User Guide.
	Timeout awscdk.Duration `json:"timeout" yaml:"timeout"`
	// The VPC where to create the CodeBuild network interfaces in.
	Vpc awsec2.IVpc `json:"vpc" yaml:"vpc"`

Options for customizing a single CodeBuild project.


var vpc vpc
var mySecurityGroup securityGroup
pipelines.NewCodePipeline(this, jsii.String("Pipeline"), &codePipelineProps{
	// Standard CodePipeline properties
	synth: pipelines.NewShellStep(jsii.String("Synth"), &shellStepProps{
		input: pipelines.codePipelineSource.connection(jsii.String("my-org/my-app"), jsii.String("main"), &connectionSourceOptions{
			connectionArn: jsii.String("arn:aws:codestar-connections:us-east-1:222222222222:connection/7d2469ff-514a-4e4f-9003-5ca4a43cdc41"),
		commands: []*string{
			jsii.String("npm ci"),
			jsii.String("npm run build"),
			jsii.String("npx cdk synth"),

	// Defaults for all CodeBuild projects
	codeBuildDefaults: &codeBuildOptions{
		// Prepend commands and configuration to all projects
		partialBuildSpec: codebuild.buildSpec.fromObject(map[string]interface{}{
			"version": jsii.String("0.2"),

		// Control the build environment
		buildEnvironment: &buildEnvironment{
			computeType: codebuild.computeType_LARGE,

		// Control Elastic Network Interface creation
		vpc: vpc,
		subnetSelection: &subnetSelection{
			subnetType: ec2.subnetType_PRIVATE,
		securityGroups: []iSecurityGroup{

		// Additional policy statements for the execution role
		rolePolicy: []policyStatement{

	synthCodeBuildDefaults: &codeBuildOptions{
	assetPublishingCodeBuildDefaults: &codeBuildOptions{
	selfMutationCodeBuildDefaults: &codeBuildOptions{

type CodeBuildStep

type CodeBuildStep interface {
	// Build environment.
	BuildEnvironment() *awscodebuild.BuildEnvironment
	// Commands to run.
	Commands() *[]*string
	// Return the steps this step depends on, based on the FileSets it requires.
	Dependencies() *[]Step
	// The list of FileSets consumed by this Step.
	DependencyFileSets() *[]FileSet
	// Environment variables to set.
	Env() *map[string]*string
	// Set environment variables based on Stack Outputs.
	EnvFromCfnOutputs() *map[string]StackOutputReference
	// The CodeBuild Project's principal.
	GrantPrincipal() awsiam.IPrincipal
	// Identifier for this step.
	Id() *string
	// Input FileSets.
	// A list of `(FileSet, directory)` pairs, which are a copy of the
	// input properties. This list should not be modified directly.
	Inputs() *[]*FileSetLocation
	// Installation commands to run before the regular commands.
	// For deployment engines that support it, install commands will be classified
	// differently in the job history from the regular `commands`.
	InstallCommands() *[]*string
	// Whether or not this is a Source step.
	// What it means to be a Source step depends on the engine.
	IsSource() *bool
	// Output FileSets.
	// A list of `(FileSet, directory)` pairs, which are a copy of the
	// input properties. This list should not be modified directly.
	Outputs() *[]*FileSetLocation
	// Additional configuration that can only be configured via BuildSpec.
	// Contains exported variables.
	PartialBuildSpec() awscodebuild.BuildSpec
	// The primary FileSet produced by this Step.
	// Not all steps produce an output FileSet--if they do
	// you can substitute the `Step` object for the `FileSet` object.
	PrimaryOutput() FileSet
	// CodeBuild Project generated for the pipeline.
	// Will only be available after the pipeline has been built.
	Project() awscodebuild.IProject
	// Name for the generated CodeBuild project.
	ProjectName() *string
	// Custom execution role to be used for the CodeBuild project.
	Role() awsiam.IRole
	// Policy statements to add to role used during the synth.
	RolePolicyStatements() *[]awsiam.PolicyStatement
	// Which security group to associate with the script's project network interfaces.
	SecurityGroups() *[]awsec2.ISecurityGroup
	// Which subnets to use.
	SubnetSelection() *awsec2.SubnetSelection
	// The number of minutes after which AWS CodeBuild stops the build if it's not complete.
	// For valid values, see the timeoutInMinutes field in the AWS
	// CodeBuild User Guide.
	Timeout() awscdk.Duration
	// The VPC where to execute the SimpleSynth.
	Vpc() awsec2.IVpc
	// Add an additional FileSet to the set of file sets required by this step.
	// This will lead to a dependency on the producer of that file set.
	AddDependencyFileSet(fs FileSet)
	// Add an additional output FileSet based on a directory.
	// After running the script, the contents of the given directory
	// will be exported as a `FileSet`. Use the `FileSet` as the
	// input to another step.
	// Multiple calls with the exact same directory name string (not normalized)
	// will return the same FileSet.
	AddOutputDirectory(directory *string) FileSet
	// Add a dependency on another step.
	AddStepDependency(step Step)
	// Configure the given FileSet as the primary output of this step.
	ConfigurePrimaryOutput(fs FileSet)
	// Crawl the given structure for references to StepOutputs and add dependencies on all steps found.
	// Should be called in the constructor of subclasses based on what the user
	// passes in as construction properties. The format of the structure passed in
	// here does not have to correspond exactly to what gets rendered into the
	// engine, it just needs to contain the same data.
	DiscoverReferencedOutputs(structure interface{})
	// Reference a CodePipeline variable defined by the CodeBuildStep.
	// The variable must be set in the shell of the CodeBuild step when
	// it finishes its `post_build` phase.
	// Example:
	//   // Access the output of one CodeBuildStep in another CodeBuildStep
	//   var pipeline codePipeline
	//   step1 := pipelines.NewCodeBuildStep(jsii.String("Step1"), &codeBuildStepProps{
	//   	commands: []*string{
	//   		jsii.String("export MY_VAR=hello"),
	//   	},
	//   })
	//   step2 := pipelines.NewCodeBuildStep(jsii.String("Step2"), &codeBuildStepProps{
	//   	env: map[string]*string{
	//   		"IMPORTED_VAR": step1.exportedVariable(jsii.String("MY_VAR")),
	//   	},
	//   	commands: []*string{
	//   		jsii.String("echo $IMPORTED_VAR"),
	//   	},
	//   })
	ExportedVariable(variableName *string) *string
	// Configure the given output directory as primary output.
	// If no primary output has been configured yet, this directory
	// will become the primary output of this ShellStep, otherwise this
	// method will throw if the given directory is different than the
	// currently configured primary output directory.
	PrimaryOutputDirectory(directory *string) FileSet
	// Return a string representation of this Step.
	ToString() *string

Run a script as a CodeBuild Project.

The BuildSpec must be available inline--it cannot reference a file on disk. If your current build instructions are in a file like `buildspec.yml` in your repository, extract them to a script (say, `build.sh`) and invoke that script as part of the build:


new pipelines.CodeBuildStep('Synth', {
   commands: ['./build.sh'],



pipelines.NewCodePipeline(this, jsii.String("Pipeline"), &codePipelineProps{
	synth: pipelines.NewCodeBuildStep(jsii.String("Synth"), &codeBuildStepProps{
		input: pipelines.codePipelineSource.connection(jsii.String("my-org/my-app"), jsii.String("main"), &connectionSourceOptions{
			connectionArn: jsii.String("arn:aws:codestar-connections:us-east-1:222222222222:connection/7d2469ff-514a-4e4f-9003-5ca4a43cdc41"),
		commands: []*string{
			jsii.String("npm ci"),
			jsii.String("npm run build"),
			jsii.String("npx cdk synth"),
		rolePolicyStatements: []policyStatement{
				actions: []*string{
				resources: []*string{
				conditions: map[string]interface{}{
					"StringEquals": map[string]*string{
						"iam:ResourceTag/aws-cdk:bootstrap-role": jsii.String("lookup"),

func NewCodeBuildStep

func NewCodeBuildStep(id *string, props *CodeBuildStepProps) CodeBuildStep

type CodeBuildStepProps

type CodeBuildStepProps struct {
	// Commands to run.
	Commands *[]*string `json:"commands" yaml:"commands"`
	// Additional FileSets to put in other directories.
	// Specifies a mapping from directory name to FileSets. During the
	// script execution, the FileSets will be available in the directories
	// indicated.
	// The directory names may be relative. For example, you can put
	// the main input and an additional input side-by-side with the
	// following configuration:
	// “`ts
	// const script = new pipelines.ShellStep('MainScript', {
	//    commands: ['npm ci','npm run build','npx cdk synth'],
	//    input: pipelines.CodePipelineSource.gitHub('org/source1', 'main'),
	//    additionalInputs: {
	//      '../siblingdir': pipelines.CodePipelineSource.gitHub('org/source2', 'main'),
	//    }
	// });
	// “`.
	AdditionalInputs *map[string]IFileSetProducer `json:"additionalInputs" yaml:"additionalInputs"`
	// Environment variables to set.
	Env *map[string]*string `json:"env" yaml:"env"`
	// Set environment variables based on Stack Outputs.
	// `ShellStep`s following stack or stage deployments may
	// access the `CfnOutput`s of those stacks to get access to
	// --for example--automatically generated resource names or
	// endpoint URLs.
	EnvFromCfnOutputs *map[string]awscdk.CfnOutput `json:"envFromCfnOutputs" yaml:"envFromCfnOutputs"`
	// FileSet to run these scripts on.
	// The files in the FileSet will be placed in the working directory when
	// the script is executed. Use `additionalInputs` to download file sets
	// to other directories as well.
	Input IFileSetProducer `json:"input" yaml:"input"`
	// Installation commands to run before the regular commands.
	// For deployment engines that support it, install commands will be classified
	// differently in the job history from the regular `commands`.
	InstallCommands *[]*string `json:"installCommands" yaml:"installCommands"`
	// The directory that will contain the primary output fileset.
	// After running the script, the contents of the given directory
	// will be treated as the primary output of this Step.
	PrimaryOutputDirectory *string `json:"primaryOutputDirectory" yaml:"primaryOutputDirectory"`
	// Changes to environment.
	// This environment will be combined with the pipeline's default
	// environment.
	BuildEnvironment *awscodebuild.BuildEnvironment `json:"buildEnvironment" yaml:"buildEnvironment"`
	// Additional configuration that can only be configured via BuildSpec.
	// You should not use this to specify output artifacts; those
	// should be supplied via the other properties of this class, otherwise
	// CDK Pipelines won't be able to inspect the artifacts.
	// Set the `commands` to an empty array if you want to fully specify
	// the BuildSpec using this field.
	// The BuildSpec must be available inline--it cannot reference a file
	// on disk.
	PartialBuildSpec awscodebuild.BuildSpec `json:"partialBuildSpec" yaml:"partialBuildSpec"`
	// Name for the generated CodeBuild project.
	ProjectName *string `json:"projectName" yaml:"projectName"`
	// Custom execution role to be used for the CodeBuild project.
	Role awsiam.IRole `json:"role" yaml:"role"`
	// Policy statements to add to role used during the synth.
	// Can be used to add acces to a CodeArtifact repository etc.
	RolePolicyStatements *[]awsiam.PolicyStatement `json:"rolePolicyStatements" yaml:"rolePolicyStatements"`
	// Which security group to associate with the script's project network interfaces.
	// If no security group is identified, one will be created automatically.
	// Only used if 'vpc' is supplied.
	SecurityGroups *[]awsec2.ISecurityGroup `json:"securityGroups" yaml:"securityGroups"`
	// Which subnets to use.
	// Only used if 'vpc' is supplied.
	SubnetSelection *awsec2.SubnetSelection `json:"subnetSelection" yaml:"subnetSelection"`
	// The number of minutes after which AWS CodeBuild stops the build if it's not complete.
	// For valid values, see the timeoutInMinutes field in the AWS
	// CodeBuild User Guide.
	Timeout awscdk.Duration `json:"timeout" yaml:"timeout"`
	// The VPC where to execute the SimpleSynth.
	Vpc awsec2.IVpc `json:"vpc" yaml:"vpc"`

Construction props for a CodeBuildStep.


pipelines.NewCodePipeline(this, jsii.String("Pipeline"), &codePipelineProps{
	synth: pipelines.NewCodeBuildStep(jsii.String("Synth"), &codeBuildStepProps{
		input: pipelines.codePipelineSource.connection(jsii.String("my-org/my-app"), jsii.String("main"), &connectionSourceOptions{
			connectionArn: jsii.String("arn:aws:codestar-connections:us-east-1:222222222222:connection/7d2469ff-514a-4e4f-9003-5ca4a43cdc41"),
		commands: []*string{
			jsii.String("npm ci"),
			jsii.String("npm run build"),
			jsii.String("npx cdk synth"),
		rolePolicyStatements: []policyStatement{
				actions: []*string{
				resources: []*string{
				conditions: map[string]interface{}{
					"StringEquals": map[string]*string{
						"iam:ResourceTag/aws-cdk:bootstrap-role": jsii.String("lookup"),

type CodeCommitSourceOptions

type CodeCommitSourceOptions struct {
	// Whether the output should be the contents of the repository (which is the default), or a link that allows CodeBuild to clone the repository before building.
	// **Note**: if this option is true,
	// then only CodeBuild actions can use the resulting {@link output}.
	// See: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/codepipeline/latest/userguide/action-reference-CodeCommit.html
	CodeBuildCloneOutput *bool `json:"codeBuildCloneOutput" yaml:"codeBuildCloneOutput"`
	// Role to be used by on commit event rule.
	// Used only when trigger value is CodeCommitTrigger.EVENTS.
	EventRole awsiam.IRole `json:"eventRole" yaml:"eventRole"`
	// How should CodePipeline detect source changes for this Action.
	Trigger awscodepipelineactions.CodeCommitTrigger `json:"trigger" yaml:"trigger"`

Configuration options for a CodeCommit source.


import awscdk "github.com/aws/aws-cdk-go/awscdk"import codepipeline_actions "github.com/aws/aws-cdk-go/awscdk/aws_codepipeline_actions"import awscdk "github.com/aws/aws-cdk-go/awscdk"import iam "github.com/aws/aws-cdk-go/awscdk/aws_iam"import awscdk "github.com/aws/aws-cdk-go/awscdk"import pipelines "github.com/aws/aws-cdk-go/awscdk/pipelines"

var role role
codeCommitSourceOptions := &codeCommitSourceOptions{
	codeBuildCloneOutput: jsii.Boolean(false),
	eventRole: role,
	trigger: codepipeline_actions.codeCommitTrigger_NONE,

type CodePipeline

type CodePipeline interface {
	// The FileSet tha contains the cloud assembly.
	// This is the primary output of the synth step.
	CloudAssemblyFileSet() FileSet
	// The tree node.
	Node() constructs.Node
	// The CodePipeline pipeline that deploys the CDK app.
	// Only available after the pipeline has been built.
	Pipeline() awscodepipeline.Pipeline
	// The build step that produces the CDK Cloud Assembly.
	Synth() IFileSetProducer
	// The CodeBuild project that performs the Synth.
	// Only available after the pipeline has been built.
	SynthProject() awscodebuild.IProject
	// The waves in this pipeline.
	Waves() *[]Wave
	// Deploy a single Stage by itself.
	// Add a Stage to the pipeline, to be deployed in sequence with other
	// Stages added to the pipeline. All Stacks in the stage will be deployed
	// in an order automatically determined by their relative dependencies.
	AddStage(stage awscdk.Stage, options *AddStageOpts) StageDeployment
	// Add a Wave to the pipeline, for deploying multiple Stages in parallel.
	// Use the return object of this method to deploy multiple stages in parallel.
	// Example:
	// “`ts
	// declare const pipeline: pipelines.CodePipeline;
	// const wave = pipeline.addWave('MyWave');
	// wave.addStage(new MyApplicationStage(this, 'Stage1'));
	// wave.addStage(new MyApplicationStage(this, 'Stage2'));
	// “`.
	AddWave(id *string, options *WaveOptions) Wave
	// Send the current pipeline definition to the engine, and construct the pipeline.
	// It is not possible to modify the pipeline after calling this method.
	// Implemented by subclasses to do the actual pipeline construction.
	// Returns a string representation of this construct.
	ToString() *string

A CDK Pipeline that uses CodePipeline to deploy CDK apps.

This is a `Pipeline` with its `engine` property set to `CodePipelineEngine`, and exists for nicer ergonomics for users that don't need to switch out engines.


// Modern API
modernPipeline := pipelines.NewCodePipeline(this, jsii.String("Pipeline"), &codePipelineProps{
	selfMutation: jsii.Boolean(false),
	synth: pipelines.NewShellStep(jsii.String("Synth"), &shellStepProps{
		input: pipelines.codePipelineSource.connection(jsii.String("my-org/my-app"), jsii.String("main"), &connectionSourceOptions{
			connectionArn: jsii.String("arn:aws:codestar-connections:us-east-1:222222222222:connection/7d2469ff-514a-4e4f-9003-5ca4a43cdc41"),
		commands: []*string{
			jsii.String("npm ci"),
			jsii.String("npm run build"),
			jsii.String("npx cdk synth"),

// Original API
cloudAssemblyArtifact := codepipeline.NewArtifact()
originalPipeline := pipelines.NewCdkPipeline(this, jsii.String("Pipeline"), &cdkPipelineProps{
	selfMutating: jsii.Boolean(false),
	cloudAssemblyArtifact: cloudAssemblyArtifact,

func NewCodePipeline

func NewCodePipeline(scope constructs.Construct, id *string, props *CodePipelineProps) CodePipeline

type CodePipelineActionFactoryResult

type CodePipelineActionFactoryResult struct {
	// How many RunOrders were consumed.
	// If you add 1 action, return the value 1 here.
	RunOrdersConsumed *float64 `json:"runOrdersConsumed" yaml:"runOrdersConsumed"`
	// If a CodeBuild project got created, the project.
	Project awscodebuild.IProject `json:"project" yaml:"project"`

The result of adding actions to the pipeline.


import awscdk "github.com/aws/aws-cdk-go/awscdk"import codebuild "github.com/aws/aws-cdk-go/awscdk/aws_codebuild"import awscdk "github.com/aws/aws-cdk-go/awscdk"import pipelines "github.com/aws/aws-cdk-go/awscdk/pipelines"

var project project
codePipelineActionFactoryResult := &codePipelineActionFactoryResult{
	runOrdersConsumed: jsii.Number(123),

	// the properties below are optional
	project: project,

type CodePipelineFileSet

type CodePipelineFileSet interface {
	// Human-readable descriptor for this file set (does not need to be unique).
	Id() *string
	// The primary output of a file set producer.
	// The primary output of a FileSet is itself.
	PrimaryOutput() FileSet
	// The Step that produces this FileSet.
	Producer() Step
	// Mark the given Step as the producer for this FileSet.
	// This method can only be called once.
	ProducedBy(producer Step)
	// Return a string representation of this FileSet.
	ToString() *string

A FileSet created from a CodePipeline artifact.

You only need to use this if you want to add CDK Pipeline stages add the end of an existing CodePipeline, which should be very rare.


import awscdk "github.com/aws/aws-cdk-go/awscdk"import codepipeline "github.com/aws/aws-cdk-go/awscdk/aws_codepipeline"import awscdk "github.com/aws/aws-cdk-go/awscdk"import pipelines "github.com/aws/aws-cdk-go/awscdk/pipelines"

var artifact artifact
codePipelineFileSet := pipelines.codePipelineFileSet.fromArtifact(artifact)

func CodePipelineFileSet_FromArtifact

func CodePipelineFileSet_FromArtifact(artifact awscodepipeline.Artifact) CodePipelineFileSet

Turn a CodePipeline Artifact into a FileSet.

type CodePipelineProps

type CodePipelineProps struct {
	// The build step that produces the CDK Cloud Assembly.
	// The primary output of this step needs to be the `cdk.out` directory
	// generated by the `cdk synth` command.
	// If you use a `ShellStep` here and you don't configure an output directory,
	// the output directory will automatically be assumed to be `cdk.out`.
	Synth IFileSetProducer `json:"synth" yaml:"synth"`
	// Additional customizations to apply to the asset publishing CodeBuild projects.
	AssetPublishingCodeBuildDefaults *CodeBuildOptions `json:"assetPublishingCodeBuildDefaults" yaml:"assetPublishingCodeBuildDefaults"`
	// CDK CLI version to use in self-mutation and asset publishing steps.
	// If you want to lock the CDK CLI version used in the pipeline, by steps
	// that are automatically generated for you, specify the version here.
	// We recommend you do not specify this value, as not specifying it always
	// uses the latest CLI version which is backwards compatible with old versions.
	// If you do specify it, be aware that this version should always be equal to or higher than the
	// version of the CDK framework used by the CDK app, when the CDK commands are
	// run during your pipeline execution. When you change this version, the *next
	// time* the `SelfMutate` step runs it will still be using the CLI of the the
	// *previous* version that was in this property: it will only start using the
	// new version after `SelfMutate` completes successfully. That means that if
	// you want to update both framework and CLI version, you should update the
	// CLI version first, commit, push and deploy, and only then update the
	// framework version.
	CliVersion *string `json:"cliVersion" yaml:"cliVersion"`
	// Customize the CodeBuild projects created for this pipeline.
	CodeBuildDefaults *CodeBuildOptions `json:"codeBuildDefaults" yaml:"codeBuildDefaults"`
	// An existing Pipeline to be reused and built upon.
	// [disable-awslint:ref-via-interface].
	CodePipeline awscodepipeline.Pipeline `json:"codePipeline" yaml:"codePipeline"`
	// Create KMS keys for the artifact buckets, allowing cross-account deployments.
	// The artifact buckets have to be encrypted to support deploying CDK apps to
	// another account, so if you want to do that or want to have your artifact
	// buckets encrypted, be sure to set this value to `true`.
	// Be aware there is a cost associated with maintaining the KMS keys.
	CrossAccountKeys *bool `json:"crossAccountKeys" yaml:"crossAccountKeys"`
	// A list of credentials used to authenticate to Docker registries.
	// Specify any credentials necessary within the pipeline to build, synth, update, or publish assets.
	DockerCredentials *[]DockerCredential `json:"dockerCredentials" yaml:"dockerCredentials"`
	// Enable Docker for the self-mutate step.
	// Set this to true if the pipeline itself uses Docker container assets
	// (for example, if you use `LinuxBuildImage.fromAsset()` as the build
	// image of a CodeBuild step in the pipeline).
	// You do not need to set it if you build Docker image assets in the
	// application Stages and Stacks that are *deployed* by this pipeline.
	// Configures privileged mode for the self-mutation CodeBuild action.
	// If you are about to turn this on in an already-deployed Pipeline,
	// set the value to `true` first, commit and allow the pipeline to
	// self-update, and only then use the Docker asset in the pipeline.
	DockerEnabledForSelfMutation *bool `json:"dockerEnabledForSelfMutation" yaml:"dockerEnabledForSelfMutation"`
	// Enable Docker for the 'synth' step.
	// Set this to true if you are using file assets that require
	// "bundling" anywhere in your application (meaning an asset
	// compilation step will be run with the tools provided by
	// a Docker image), both for the Pipeline stack as well as the
	// application stacks.
	// A common way to use bundling assets in your application is by
	// using the `@aws-cdk/aws-lambda-nodejs` library.
	// Configures privileged mode for the synth CodeBuild action.
	// If you are about to turn this on in an already-deployed Pipeline,
	// set the value to `true` first, commit and allow the pipeline to
	// self-update, and only then use the bundled asset.
	DockerEnabledForSynth *bool `json:"dockerEnabledForSynth" yaml:"dockerEnabledForSynth"`
	// The name of the CodePipeline pipeline.
	PipelineName *string `json:"pipelineName" yaml:"pipelineName"`
	// Publish assets in multiple CodeBuild projects.
	// If set to false, use one Project per type to publish all assets.
	// Publishing in parallel improves concurrency and may reduce publishing
	// latency, but may also increase overall provisioning time of the CodeBuild
	// projects.
	// Experiment and see what value works best for you.
	PublishAssetsInParallel *bool `json:"publishAssetsInParallel" yaml:"publishAssetsInParallel"`
	// Reuse the same cross region support stack for all pipelines in the App.
	ReuseCrossRegionSupportStacks *bool `json:"reuseCrossRegionSupportStacks" yaml:"reuseCrossRegionSupportStacks"`
	// Whether the pipeline will update itself.
	// This needs to be set to `true` to allow the pipeline to reconfigure
	// itself when assets or stages are being added to it, and `true` is the
	// recommended setting.
	// You can temporarily set this to `false` while you are iterating
	// on the pipeline itself and prefer to deploy changes using `cdk deploy`.
	SelfMutation *bool `json:"selfMutation" yaml:"selfMutation"`
	// Additional customizations to apply to the self mutation CodeBuild projects.
	SelfMutationCodeBuildDefaults *CodeBuildOptions `json:"selfMutationCodeBuildDefaults" yaml:"selfMutationCodeBuildDefaults"`
	// Additional customizations to apply to the synthesize CodeBuild projects.
	SynthCodeBuildDefaults *CodeBuildOptions `json:"synthCodeBuildDefaults" yaml:"synthCodeBuildDefaults"`

Properties for a `CodePipeline`.


// Modern API
modernPipeline := pipelines.NewCodePipeline(this, jsii.String("Pipeline"), &codePipelineProps{
	selfMutation: jsii.Boolean(false),
	synth: pipelines.NewShellStep(jsii.String("Synth"), &shellStepProps{
		input: pipelines.codePipelineSource.connection(jsii.String("my-org/my-app"), jsii.String("main"), &connectionSourceOptions{
			connectionArn: jsii.String("arn:aws:codestar-connections:us-east-1:222222222222:connection/7d2469ff-514a-4e4f-9003-5ca4a43cdc41"),
		commands: []*string{
			jsii.String("npm ci"),
			jsii.String("npm run build"),
			jsii.String("npx cdk synth"),

// Original API
cloudAssemblyArtifact := codepipeline.NewArtifact()
originalPipeline := pipelines.NewCdkPipeline(this, jsii.String("Pipeline"), &cdkPipelineProps{
	selfMutating: jsii.Boolean(false),
	cloudAssemblyArtifact: cloudAssemblyArtifact,

type CodePipelineSource

type CodePipelineSource interface {
	// Return the steps this step depends on, based on the FileSets it requires.
	Dependencies() *[]Step
	// The list of FileSets consumed by this Step.
	DependencyFileSets() *[]FileSet
	// Identifier for this step.
	Id() *string
	// Whether or not this is a Source step.
	// What it means to be a Source step depends on the engine.
	IsSource() *bool
	// The primary FileSet produced by this Step.
	// Not all steps produce an output FileSet--if they do
	// you can substitute the `Step` object for the `FileSet` object.
	PrimaryOutput() FileSet
	// Add an additional FileSet to the set of file sets required by this step.
	// This will lead to a dependency on the producer of that file set.
	AddDependencyFileSet(fs FileSet)
	// Add a dependency on another step.
	AddStepDependency(step Step)
	// Configure the given FileSet as the primary output of this step.
	ConfigurePrimaryOutput(fs FileSet)
	// Crawl the given structure for references to StepOutputs and add dependencies on all steps found.
	// Should be called in the constructor of subclasses based on what the user
	// passes in as construction properties. The format of the structure passed in
	// here does not have to correspond exactly to what gets rendered into the
	// engine, it just needs to contain the same data.
	DiscoverReferencedOutputs(structure interface{})
	GetAction(output awscodepipeline.Artifact, actionName *string, runOrder *float64, variablesNamespace *string) awscodepipelineactions.Action
	// Create the desired Action and add it to the pipeline.
	ProduceAction(stage awscodepipeline.IStage, options *ProduceActionOptions) *CodePipelineActionFactoryResult
	// Return an attribute of the current source revision.
	// These values can be passed into the environment variables of pipeline steps,
	// so your steps can access information about the source revision.
	// Pipeline synth step has some source attributes predefined in the environment.
	// If these suffice, you don't need to use this method for the synth step.
	// Example:
	//   // Access the CommitId of a GitHub source in the synth
	//   source := pipelines.codePipelineSource.gitHub(jsii.String("owner/repo"), jsii.String("main"))
	//   pipeline := pipelines.NewCodePipeline(*scope, jsii.String("MyPipeline"), &codePipelineProps{
	//   	synth: pipelines.NewShellStep(jsii.String("Synth"), &shellStepProps{
	//   		input: source,
	//   		commands: []*string{
	//   		},
	//   		env: map[string]*string{
	//   			"COMMIT_ID": source.sourceAttribute(jsii.String("CommitId")),
	//   		},
	//   	}),
	//   })
	// See: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/codepipeline/latest/userguide/reference-variables.html#reference-variables-list
	SourceAttribute(name *string) *string
	// Return a string representation of this Step.
	ToString() *string

Factory for CodePipeline source steps.

This class contains a number of factory methods for the different types of sources that CodePipeline supports.


// Access the CommitId of a GitHub source in the synth
source := pipelines.codePipelineSource.gitHub(jsii.String("owner/repo"), jsii.String("main"))

pipeline := pipelines.NewCodePipeline(*scope, jsii.String("MyPipeline"), &codePipelineProps{
	synth: pipelines.NewShellStep(jsii.String("Synth"), &shellStepProps{
		input: source,
		commands: []*string{
		env: map[string]*string{
			"COMMIT_ID": source.sourceAttribute(jsii.String("CommitId")),

func CodePipelineSource_CodeCommit

func CodePipelineSource_CodeCommit(repository awscodecommit.IRepository, branch *string, props *CodeCommitSourceOptions) CodePipelineSource

Returns a CodeCommit source.


var repository iRepository
pipelines.codePipelineSource.codeCommit(repository, jsii.String("main"))

func CodePipelineSource_Connection

func CodePipelineSource_Connection(repoString *string, branch *string, props *ConnectionSourceOptions) CodePipelineSource

Returns a CodeStar connection source.

A CodeStar connection allows AWS CodePipeline to access external resources, such as repositories in GitHub, GitHub Enterprise or BitBucket.

To use this method, you first need to create a CodeStar connection using the AWS console. In the process, you may have to sign in to the external provider -- GitHub, for example -- to authorize AWS to read and modify your repository. Once you have done this, copy the connection ARN and use it to create the source.



pipelines.CodePipelineSource.connection('owner/repo', 'main', {
   connectionArn: 'arn:aws:codestar-connections:us-east-1:222222222222:connection/7d2469ff-514a-4e4f-9003-5ca4a43cdc41', // Created using the AWS console

```. See: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/dtconsole/latest/userguide/welcome-connections.html

func CodePipelineSource_Ecr added in v2.14.0

func CodePipelineSource_Ecr(repository awsecr.IRepository, props *ECRSourceOptions) CodePipelineSource

Returns an ECR source.


var repository iRepository
pipelines.codePipelineSource.ecr(repository, &eCRSourceOptions{
	imageTag: jsii.String("latest"),

func CodePipelineSource_GitHub

func CodePipelineSource_GitHub(repoString *string, branch *string, props *GitHubSourceOptions) CodePipelineSource

Returns a GitHub source, using OAuth tokens to authenticate with GitHub and a separate webhook to detect changes.

This is no longer the recommended method. Please consider using `connection()` instead.

Pass in the owner and repository in a single string, like this:

```ts pipelines.CodePipelineSource.gitHub('owner/repo', 'main'); ```

Authentication will be done by a secret called `github-token` in AWS Secrets Manager (unless specified otherwise).

The token should have these permissions:

* **repo** - to read the repository * **admin:repo_hook** - if you plan to use webhooks (true by default).

func CodePipelineSource_S3

func CodePipelineSource_S3(bucket awss3.IBucket, objectKey *string, props *S3SourceOptions) CodePipelineSource

Returns an S3 source.


var bucket bucket
pipelines.codePipelineSource.s3(bucket, jsii.String("path/to/file.zip"))

type ConfirmPermissionsBroadening

type ConfirmPermissionsBroadening interface {
	// Return the steps this step depends on, based on the FileSets it requires.
	Dependencies() *[]Step
	// The list of FileSets consumed by this Step.
	DependencyFileSets() *[]FileSet
	// Identifier for this step.
	Id() *string
	// Whether or not this is a Source step.
	// What it means to be a Source step depends on the engine.
	IsSource() *bool
	// The primary FileSet produced by this Step.
	// Not all steps produce an output FileSet--if they do
	// you can substitute the `Step` object for the `FileSet` object.
	PrimaryOutput() FileSet
	// Add an additional FileSet to the set of file sets required by this step.
	// This will lead to a dependency on the producer of that file set.
	AddDependencyFileSet(fs FileSet)
	// Add a dependency on another step.
	AddStepDependency(step Step)
	// Configure the given FileSet as the primary output of this step.
	ConfigurePrimaryOutput(fs FileSet)
	// Crawl the given structure for references to StepOutputs and add dependencies on all steps found.
	// Should be called in the constructor of subclasses based on what the user
	// passes in as construction properties. The format of the structure passed in
	// here does not have to correspond exactly to what gets rendered into the
	// engine, it just needs to contain the same data.
	DiscoverReferencedOutputs(structure interface{})
	// Create the desired Action and add it to the pipeline.
	ProduceAction(stage awscodepipeline.IStage, options *ProduceActionOptions) *CodePipelineActionFactoryResult
	// Return a string representation of this Step.
	ToString() *string

Pause the pipeline if a deployment would add IAM permissions or Security Group rules.

This step is only supported in CodePipeline pipelines.


var pipeline codePipeline
stage := NewMyApplicationStage(this, jsii.String("MyApplication"))
pipeline.addStage(stage, &addStageOpts{
	pre: []step{
		pipelines.NewConfirmPermissionsBroadening(jsii.String("Check"), &permissionsBroadeningCheckProps{
			stage: stage,

type ConnectionSourceOptions

type ConnectionSourceOptions struct {
	// The ARN of the CodeStar Connection created in the AWS console that has permissions to access this GitHub or BitBucket repository.
	// Example:
	//   "arn:aws:codestar-connections:us-east-1:123456789012:connection/12345678-abcd-12ab-34cdef5678gh"
	// See: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/codepipeline/latest/userguide/connections-create.html
	ConnectionArn *string `json:"connectionArn" yaml:"connectionArn"`
	// Whether the output should be the contents of the repository (which is the default), or a link that allows CodeBuild to clone the repository before building.
	// **Note**: if this option is true,
	// then only CodeBuild actions can use the resulting {@link output}.
	// See: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/codepipeline/latest/userguide/action-reference-CodestarConnectionSource.html#action-reference-CodestarConnectionSource-config
	CodeBuildCloneOutput *bool `json:"codeBuildCloneOutput" yaml:"codeBuildCloneOutput"`
	// Controls automatically starting your pipeline when a new commit is made on the configured repository and branch.
	// If unspecified,
	// the default value is true, and the field does not display by default.
	// See: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/codepipeline/latest/userguide/action-reference-CodestarConnectionSource.html
	TriggerOnPush *bool `json:"triggerOnPush" yaml:"triggerOnPush"`

Configuration options for CodeStar source.


pipeline := pipelines.NewCodePipeline(this, jsii.String("Pipeline"), &codePipelineProps{
	synth: pipelines.NewShellStep(jsii.String("Synth"), &shellStepProps{
		input: pipelines.codePipelineSource.connection(jsii.String("my-org/my-app"), jsii.String("main"), &connectionSourceOptions{
			connectionArn: jsii.String("arn:aws:codestar-connections:us-east-1:222222222222:connection/7d2469ff-514a-4e4f-9003-5ca4a43cdc41"),
		commands: []*string{
			jsii.String("npm ci"),
			jsii.String("npm run build"),
			jsii.String("npx cdk synth"),

	// Turn this on because the pipeline uses Docker image assets
	dockerEnabledForSelfMutation: jsii.Boolean(true),

pipeline.addWave(jsii.String("MyWave"), &waveOptions{
	post: []step{
		pipelines.NewCodeBuildStep(jsii.String("RunApproval"), &codeBuildStepProps{
			commands: []*string{
			buildEnvironment: &buildEnvironment{
				// The user of a Docker image asset in the pipeline requires turning on
				// 'dockerEnabledForSelfMutation'.
				buildImage: codebuild.linuxBuildImage.fromAsset(this, jsii.String("Image"), &dockerImageAssetProps{
					directory: jsii.String("./docker-image"),

type DockerCredential

type DockerCredential interface {
	Usages() *[]DockerCredentialUsage
	// Grant read-only access to the registry credentials.
	// This grants read access to any secrets, and pull access to any repositories.
	GrantRead(grantee awsiam.IGrantable, usage DockerCredentialUsage)

Represents credentials used to access a Docker registry.


dockerHubSecret := secretsmanager.secret.fromSecretCompleteArn(this, jsii.String("DHSecret"), jsii.String("arn:aws:..."))
customRegSecret := secretsmanager.secret.fromSecretCompleteArn(this, jsii.String("CRSecret"), jsii.String("arn:aws:..."))
repo1 := ecr.repository.fromRepositoryArn(this, jsii.String("Repo"), jsii.String("arn:aws:ecr:eu-west-1:0123456789012:repository/Repo1"))
repo2 := ecr.repository.fromRepositoryArn(this, jsii.String("Repo"), jsii.String("arn:aws:ecr:eu-west-1:0123456789012:repository/Repo2"))

pipeline := pipelines.NewCodePipeline(this, jsii.String("Pipeline"), &codePipelineProps{
	dockerCredentials: []dockerCredential{
		pipelines.*dockerCredential.customRegistry(jsii.String("dockerregistry.example.com"), customRegSecret),
	synth: pipelines.NewShellStep(jsii.String("Synth"), &shellStepProps{
		input: pipelines.codePipelineSource.connection(jsii.String("my-org/my-app"), jsii.String("main"), &connectionSourceOptions{
			connectionArn: jsii.String("arn:aws:codestar-connections:us-east-1:222222222222:connection/7d2469ff-514a-4e4f-9003-5ca4a43cdc41"),
		commands: []*string{
			jsii.String("npm ci"),
			jsii.String("npm run build"),
			jsii.String("npx cdk synth"),

func DockerCredential_CustomRegistry

func DockerCredential_CustomRegistry(registryDomain *string, secret awssecretsmanager.ISecret, opts *ExternalDockerCredentialOptions) DockerCredential

Creates a DockerCredential for a registry, based on its domain name (e.g., 'www.example.com').

func DockerCredential_DockerHub

func DockerCredential_DockerHub(secret awssecretsmanager.ISecret, opts *ExternalDockerCredentialOptions) DockerCredential

Creates a DockerCredential for DockerHub.

Convenience method for `customRegistry('https://index.docker.io/v1/', opts)`.

func DockerCredential_Ecr

func DockerCredential_Ecr(repositories *[]awsecr.IRepository, opts *EcrDockerCredentialOptions) DockerCredential

Creates a DockerCredential for one or more ECR repositories.

NOTE - All ECR repositories in the same account and region share a domain name (e.g., 0123456789012.dkr.ecr.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com), and can only have one associated set of credentials (and DockerCredential). Attempting to associate one set of credentials with one ECR repo and another with another ECR repo in the same account and region will result in failures when using these credentials in the pipeline.

type DockerCredentialUsage

type DockerCredentialUsage string

Defines which stages of a pipeline require the specified credentials.


dockerHubSecret := secretsmanager.secret.fromSecretCompleteArn(this, jsii.String("DHSecret"), jsii.String("arn:aws:..."))
// Only the image asset publishing actions will be granted read access to the secret.
creds := pipelines.dockerCredential.dockerHub(dockerHubSecret, &externalDockerCredentialOptions{
	usages: []dockerCredentialUsage{
const (
	// Synth/Build.
	DockerCredentialUsage_SYNTH DockerCredentialUsage = "SYNTH"
	// Self-update.
	DockerCredentialUsage_SELF_UPDATE DockerCredentialUsage = "SELF_UPDATE"
	// Asset publishing.
	DockerCredentialUsage_ASSET_PUBLISHING DockerCredentialUsage = "ASSET_PUBLISHING"

type ECRSourceOptions added in v2.14.0

type ECRSourceOptions struct {
	// The action name used for this source in the CodePipeline.
	ActionName *string `json:"actionName" yaml:"actionName"`
	// The image tag that will be checked for changes.
	ImageTag *string `json:"imageTag" yaml:"imageTag"`

Options for ECR sources.


var repository iRepository
pipelines.codePipelineSource.ecr(repository, &eCRSourceOptions{
	imageTag: jsii.String("latest"),

type EcrDockerCredentialOptions

type EcrDockerCredentialOptions struct {
	// An IAM role to assume prior to accessing the secret.
	AssumeRole awsiam.IRole `json:"assumeRole" yaml:"assumeRole"`
	// Defines which stages of the pipeline should be granted access to these credentials.
	Usages *[]DockerCredentialUsage `json:"usages" yaml:"usages"`

Options for defining access for a Docker Credential composed of ECR repos.


import awscdk "github.com/aws/aws-cdk-go/awscdk"import iam "github.com/aws/aws-cdk-go/awscdk/aws_iam"import awscdk "github.com/aws/aws-cdk-go/awscdk"import pipelines "github.com/aws/aws-cdk-go/awscdk/pipelines"

var role role
ecrDockerCredentialOptions := &ecrDockerCredentialOptions{
	assumeRole: role,
	usages: []dockerCredentialUsage{

type ExternalDockerCredentialOptions

type ExternalDockerCredentialOptions struct {
	// An IAM role to assume prior to accessing the secret.
	AssumeRole awsiam.IRole `json:"assumeRole" yaml:"assumeRole"`
	// The name of the JSON field of the secret which contains the secret/password.
	SecretPasswordField *string `json:"secretPasswordField" yaml:"secretPasswordField"`
	// The name of the JSON field of the secret which contains the user/login name.
	SecretUsernameField *string `json:"secretUsernameField" yaml:"secretUsernameField"`
	// Defines which stages of the pipeline should be granted access to these credentials.
	Usages *[]DockerCredentialUsage `json:"usages" yaml:"usages"`

Options for defining credentials for a Docker Credential.


dockerHubSecret := secretsmanager.secret.fromSecretCompleteArn(this, jsii.String("DHSecret"), jsii.String("arn:aws:..."))
// Only the image asset publishing actions will be granted read access to the secret.
creds := pipelines.dockerCredential.dockerHub(dockerHubSecret, &externalDockerCredentialOptions{
	usages: []dockerCredentialUsage{

type FileSet

type FileSet interface {
	// Human-readable descriptor for this file set (does not need to be unique).
	Id() *string
	// The primary output of a file set producer.
	// The primary output of a FileSet is itself.
	PrimaryOutput() FileSet
	// The Step that produces this FileSet.
	Producer() Step
	// Mark the given Step as the producer for this FileSet.
	// This method can only be called once.
	ProducedBy(producer Step)
	// Return a string representation of this FileSet.
	ToString() *string

A set of files traveling through the deployment pipeline.

Individual steps in the pipeline produce or consume `FileSet`s.


type myJenkinsStep struct {

func newMyJenkinsStep(provider jenkinsProvider, input fileSet) *myJenkinsStep {
	this := &myJenkinsStep{}
	pipelines.NewStep_Override(this, jsii.String("MyJenkinsStep"))

	// This is necessary if your step accepts parametres, like environment variables,
	// that may contain outputs from other steps. It doesn't matter what the
	// structure is, as long as it contains the values that may contain outputs.
		"env": map[string]interface{}{
	return this

func (this *myJenkinsStep) produceAction(stage iStage, options produceActionOptions) codePipelineActionFactoryResult {

	// This is where you control what type of Action gets added to the
	// CodePipeline
		// Copy 'actionName' and 'runOrder' from the options
		actionName: options.actionName,
		runOrder: options.runOrder,

		// Jenkins-specific configuration
		type: cpactions.jenkinsActionType_TEST,
		jenkinsProvider: this.provider,
		projectName: jsii.String("MyJenkinsProject"),

		// Translate the FileSet into a codepipeline.Artifact
		inputs: []artifact{

	return &codePipelineActionFactoryResult{
		runOrdersConsumed: jsii.Number(1),

func NewFileSet

func NewFileSet(id *string, producer Step) FileSet

type FileSetLocation

type FileSetLocation struct {
	// The (relative) directory where the FileSet is found.
	Directory *string `json:"directory" yaml:"directory"`
	// The FileSet object.
	FileSet FileSet `json:"fileSet" yaml:"fileSet"`

Location of a FileSet consumed or produced by a ShellStep.


import awscdk "github.com/aws/aws-cdk-go/awscdk"import pipelines "github.com/aws/aws-cdk-go/awscdk/pipelines"

var fileSet fileSet
fileSetLocation := &fileSetLocation{
	directory: jsii.String("directory"),
	fileSet: fileSet,

type GitHubSourceOptions

type GitHubSourceOptions struct {
	// A GitHub OAuth token to use for authentication.
	// It is recommended to use a Secrets Manager `Secret` to obtain the token:
	// “`ts
	// const oauth = cdk.SecretValue.secretsManager('my-github-token');
	// “`
	// The GitHub Personal Access Token should have these scopes:
	// * **repo** - to read the repository
	// * **admin:repo_hook** - if you plan to use webhooks (true by default).
	// See: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/codepipeline/latest/userguide/GitHub-create-personal-token-CLI.html
	Authentication awscdk.SecretValue `json:"authentication" yaml:"authentication"`
	// How AWS CodePipeline should be triggered.
	// With the default value "WEBHOOK", a webhook is created in GitHub that triggers the action.
	// With "POLL", CodePipeline periodically checks the source for changes.
	// With "None", the action is not triggered through changes in the source.
	// To use `WEBHOOK`, your GitHub Personal Access Token should have
	// **admin:repo_hook** scope (in addition to the regular **repo** scope).
	Trigger awscodepipelineactions.GitHubTrigger `json:"trigger" yaml:"trigger"`

Options for GitHub sources.


pipelines.codePipelineSource.gitHub(jsii.String("org/repo"), jsii.String("branch"), &gitHubSourceOptions{
	// This is optional
	authentication: cdk.secretValue.secretsManager(jsii.String("my-token")),

type ICodePipelineActionFactory

type ICodePipelineActionFactory interface {
	// Create the desired Action and add it to the pipeline.
	ProduceAction(stage awscodepipeline.IStage, options *ProduceActionOptions) *CodePipelineActionFactoryResult

Factory for explicit CodePipeline Actions.

If you have specific types of Actions you want to add to a CodePipeline, write a subclass of `Step` that implements this interface, and add the action or actions you want in the `produce` method.

There needs to be a level of indirection here, because some aspects of the Action creation need to be controlled by the workflow engine (name and runOrder). All the rest of the properties are controlled by the factory.

type IFileSetProducer

type IFileSetProducer interface {
	// The `FileSet` produced by this file set producer.
	PrimaryOutput() FileSet

Any class that produces, or is itself, a `FileSet`.

Steps implicitly produce a primary FileSet as an output.

type ManualApprovalStep

type ManualApprovalStep interface {
	// The comment associated with this manual approval.
	Comment() *string
	// Return the steps this step depends on, based on the FileSets it requires.
	Dependencies() *[]Step
	// The list of FileSets consumed by this Step.
	DependencyFileSets() *[]FileSet
	// Identifier for this step.
	Id() *string
	// Whether or not this is a Source step.
	// What it means to be a Source step depends on the engine.
	IsSource() *bool
	// The primary FileSet produced by this Step.
	// Not all steps produce an output FileSet--if they do
	// you can substitute the `Step` object for the `FileSet` object.
	PrimaryOutput() FileSet
	// Add an additional FileSet to the set of file sets required by this step.
	// This will lead to a dependency on the producer of that file set.
	AddDependencyFileSet(fs FileSet)
	// Add a dependency on another step.
	AddStepDependency(step Step)
	// Configure the given FileSet as the primary output of this step.
	ConfigurePrimaryOutput(fs FileSet)
	// Crawl the given structure for references to StepOutputs and add dependencies on all steps found.
	// Should be called in the constructor of subclasses based on what the user
	// passes in as construction properties. The format of the structure passed in
	// here does not have to correspond exactly to what gets rendered into the
	// engine, it just needs to contain the same data.
	DiscoverReferencedOutputs(structure interface{})
	// Return a string representation of this Step.
	ToString() *string

A manual approval step.

If this step is added to a Pipeline, the Pipeline will be paused waiting for a human to resume it

Only engines that support pausing the deployment will support this step type.


var pipeline codePipeline
preprod := NewMyApplicationStage(this, jsii.String("PreProd"))
prod := NewMyApplicationStage(this, jsii.String("Prod"))

pipeline.addStage(preprod, &addStageOpts{
	post: []step{
		pipelines.NewShellStep(jsii.String("Validate Endpoint"), &shellStepProps{
			commands: []*string{
				jsii.String("curl -Ssf https://my.webservice.com/"),
pipeline.addStage(prod, &addStageOpts{
	pre: []*step{

func NewManualApprovalStep

func NewManualApprovalStep(id *string, props *ManualApprovalStepProps) ManualApprovalStep

type ManualApprovalStepProps

type ManualApprovalStepProps struct {
	// The comment to display with this manual approval.
	Comment *string `json:"comment" yaml:"comment"`

Construction properties for a `ManualApprovalStep`.


import awscdk "github.com/aws/aws-cdk-go/awscdk"import pipelines "github.com/aws/aws-cdk-go/awscdk/pipelines"
manualApprovalStepProps := &manualApprovalStepProps{
	comment: jsii.String("comment"),

type PermissionsBroadeningCheckProps

type PermissionsBroadeningCheckProps struct {
	// The CDK Stage object to check the stacks of.
	// This should be the same Stage object you are passing to `addStage()`.
	Stage awscdk.Stage `json:"stage" yaml:"stage"`
	// Topic to send notifications when a human needs to give manual confirmation.
	NotificationTopic awssns.ITopic `json:"notificationTopic" yaml:"notificationTopic"`

Properties for a `PermissionsBroadeningCheck`.


var pipeline codePipeline
stage := NewMyApplicationStage(this, jsii.String("MyApplication"))
pipeline.addStage(stage, &addStageOpts{
	pre: []step{
		pipelines.NewConfirmPermissionsBroadening(jsii.String("Check"), &permissionsBroadeningCheckProps{
			stage: stage,

type PipelineBase

type PipelineBase interface {
	// The FileSet tha contains the cloud assembly.
	// This is the primary output of the synth step.
	CloudAssemblyFileSet() FileSet
	// The tree node.
	Node() constructs.Node
	// The build step that produces the CDK Cloud Assembly.
	Synth() IFileSetProducer
	// The waves in this pipeline.
	Waves() *[]Wave
	// Deploy a single Stage by itself.
	// Add a Stage to the pipeline, to be deployed in sequence with other
	// Stages added to the pipeline. All Stacks in the stage will be deployed
	// in an order automatically determined by their relative dependencies.
	AddStage(stage awscdk.Stage, options *AddStageOpts) StageDeployment
	// Add a Wave to the pipeline, for deploying multiple Stages in parallel.
	// Use the return object of this method to deploy multiple stages in parallel.
	// Example:
	// “`ts
	// declare const pipeline: pipelines.CodePipeline;
	// const wave = pipeline.addWave('MyWave');
	// wave.addStage(new MyApplicationStage(this, 'Stage1'));
	// wave.addStage(new MyApplicationStage(this, 'Stage2'));
	// “`.
	AddWave(id *string, options *WaveOptions) Wave
	// Send the current pipeline definition to the engine, and construct the pipeline.
	// It is not possible to modify the pipeline after calling this method.
	// Implemented by subclasses to do the actual pipeline construction.
	// Returns a string representation of this construct.
	ToString() *string

A generic CDK Pipelines pipeline.

Different deployment systems will provide subclasses of `Pipeline` that generate the deployment infrastructure necessary to deploy CDK apps, specific to that system.

This library comes with the `CodePipeline` class, which uses AWS CodePipeline to deploy CDK apps.

The actual pipeline infrastructure is constructed (by invoking the engine) when `buildPipeline()` is called, or when `app.synth()` is called (whichever happens first).

type PipelineBaseProps

type PipelineBaseProps struct {
	// The build step that produces the CDK Cloud Assembly.
	// The primary output of this step needs to be the `cdk.out` directory
	// generated by the `cdk synth` command.
	// If you use a `ShellStep` here and you don't configure an output directory,
	// the output directory will automatically be assumed to be `cdk.out`.
	Synth IFileSetProducer `json:"synth" yaml:"synth"`

Properties for a `Pipeline`.


import awscdk "github.com/aws/aws-cdk-go/awscdk"import pipelines "github.com/aws/aws-cdk-go/awscdk/pipelines"

var fileSetProducer iFileSetProducer
pipelineBaseProps := &pipelineBaseProps{
	synth: fileSetProducer,

type ProduceActionOptions

type ProduceActionOptions struct {
	// Name the action should get.
	ActionName *string `json:"actionName" yaml:"actionName"`
	// Helper object to translate FileSets to CodePipeline Artifacts.
	Artifacts ArtifactMap `json:"artifacts" yaml:"artifacts"`
	// The pipeline the action is being generated for.
	Pipeline CodePipeline `json:"pipeline" yaml:"pipeline"`
	// RunOrder the action should get.
	RunOrder *float64 `json:"runOrder" yaml:"runOrder"`
	// Scope in which to create constructs.
	Scope constructs.Construct `json:"scope" yaml:"scope"`
	// Whether or not this action is inserted before self mutation.
	// If it is, the action should take care to reflect some part of
	// its own definition in the pipeline action definition, to
	// trigger a restart after self-mutation (if necessary).
	BeforeSelfMutation *bool `json:"beforeSelfMutation" yaml:"beforeSelfMutation"`
	// If this action factory creates a CodeBuild step, default options to inherit.
	CodeBuildDefaults *CodeBuildOptions `json:"codeBuildDefaults" yaml:"codeBuildDefaults"`
	// An input artifact that CodeBuild projects that don't actually need an input artifact can use.
	// CodeBuild Projects MUST have an input artifact in order to be added to the Pipeline. If
	// the Project doesn't actually care about its input (it can be anything), it can use the
	// Artifact passed here.
	FallbackArtifact awscodepipeline.Artifact `json:"fallbackArtifact" yaml:"fallbackArtifact"`
	// If this step is producing outputs, the variables namespace assigned to it.
	// Pass this on to the Action you are creating.
	VariablesNamespace *string `json:"variablesNamespace" yaml:"variablesNamespace"`

Options for the `CodePipelineActionFactory.produce()` method.


import cdk "github.com/aws/aws-cdk-go/awscdk"import awscdk "github.com/aws/aws-cdk-go/awscdk"import codebuild "github.com/aws/aws-cdk-go/awscdk/aws_codebuild"import awscdk "github.com/aws/aws-cdk-go/awscdk"import codepipeline "github.com/aws/aws-cdk-go/awscdk/aws_codepipeline"import awscdk "github.com/aws/aws-cdk-go/awscdk"import ec2 "github.com/aws/aws-cdk-go/awscdk/aws_ec2"import awscdk "github.com/aws/aws-cdk-go/awscdk"import iam "github.com/aws/aws-cdk-go/awscdk/aws_iam"import awscdk "github.com/aws/aws-cdk-go/awscdk"import s3 "github.com/aws/aws-cdk-go/awscdk/aws_s3"import awscdk "github.com/aws/aws-cdk-go/awscdk"import pipelines "github.com/aws/aws-cdk-go/awscdk/pipelines"import constructs "github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs"

var artifact artifact
var artifactMap artifactMap
var bucket bucket
var buildImage iBuildImage
var buildSpec buildSpec
var codePipeline codePipeline
var construct construct
var policyStatement policyStatement
var securityGroup securityGroup
var subnet subnet
var subnetFilter subnetFilter
var value interface{}
var vpc vpc
produceActionOptions := &produceActionOptions{
	actionName: jsii.String("actionName"),
	artifacts: artifactMap,
	pipeline: codePipeline,
	runOrder: jsii.Number(123),
	scope: construct,

	// the properties below are optional
	beforeSelfMutation: jsii.Boolean(false),
	codeBuildDefaults: &codeBuildOptions{
		buildEnvironment: &buildEnvironment{
			buildImage: buildImage,
			certificate: &buildEnvironmentCertificate{
				bucket: bucket,
				objectKey: jsii.String("objectKey"),
			computeType: codebuild.computeType_SMALL,
			environmentVariables: map[string]buildEnvironmentVariable{
				"environmentVariablesKey": &buildEnvironmentVariable{
					"value": value,

					// the properties below are optional
					"type": codebuild.BuildEnvironmentVariableType_PLAINTEXT,
			privileged: jsii.Boolean(false),
		partialBuildSpec: buildSpec,
		rolePolicy: []*policyStatement{
		securityGroups: []iSecurityGroup{
		subnetSelection: &subnetSelection{
			availabilityZones: []*string{
			onePerAz: jsii.Boolean(false),
			subnetFilters: []*subnetFilter{
			subnetGroupName: jsii.String("subnetGroupName"),
			subnets: []iSubnet{
			subnetType: ec2.subnetType_PRIVATE_ISOLATED,
		timeout: cdk.duration.minutes(jsii.Number(30)),
		vpc: vpc,
	fallbackArtifact: artifact,
	variablesNamespace: jsii.String("variablesNamespace"),

type S3SourceOptions

type S3SourceOptions struct {
	// The action name used for this source in the CodePipeline.
	ActionName *string `json:"actionName" yaml:"actionName"`
	// How should CodePipeline detect source changes for this Action.
	// Note that if this is S3Trigger.EVENTS, you need to make sure to include the source Bucket in a CloudTrail Trail,
	// as otherwise the CloudWatch Events will not be emitted.
	// See: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonCloudWatch/latest/events/log-s3-data-events.html
	Trigger awscodepipelineactions.S3Trigger `json:"trigger" yaml:"trigger"`

Options for S3 sources.


import awscdk "github.com/aws/aws-cdk-go/awscdk"import codepipeline_actions "github.com/aws/aws-cdk-go/awscdk/aws_codepipeline_actions"import awscdk "github.com/aws/aws-cdk-go/awscdk"import pipelines "github.com/aws/aws-cdk-go/awscdk/pipelines"
s3SourceOptions := &s3SourceOptions{
	actionName: jsii.String("actionName"),
	trigger: codepipeline_actions.s3Trigger_NONE,

type ShellStep

type ShellStep interface {
	// Commands to run.
	Commands() *[]*string
	// Return the steps this step depends on, based on the FileSets it requires.
	Dependencies() *[]Step
	// The list of FileSets consumed by this Step.
	DependencyFileSets() *[]FileSet
	// Environment variables to set.
	Env() *map[string]*string
	// Set environment variables based on Stack Outputs.
	EnvFromCfnOutputs() *map[string]StackOutputReference
	// Identifier for this step.
	Id() *string
	// Input FileSets.
	// A list of `(FileSet, directory)` pairs, which are a copy of the
	// input properties. This list should not be modified directly.
	Inputs() *[]*FileSetLocation
	// Installation commands to run before the regular commands.
	// For deployment engines that support it, install commands will be classified
	// differently in the job history from the regular `commands`.
	InstallCommands() *[]*string
	// Whether or not this is a Source step.
	// What it means to be a Source step depends on the engine.
	IsSource() *bool
	// Output FileSets.
	// A list of `(FileSet, directory)` pairs, which are a copy of the
	// input properties. This list should not be modified directly.
	Outputs() *[]*FileSetLocation
	// The primary FileSet produced by this Step.
	// Not all steps produce an output FileSet--if they do
	// you can substitute the `Step` object for the `FileSet` object.
	PrimaryOutput() FileSet
	// Add an additional FileSet to the set of file sets required by this step.
	// This will lead to a dependency on the producer of that file set.
	AddDependencyFileSet(fs FileSet)
	// Add an additional output FileSet based on a directory.
	// After running the script, the contents of the given directory
	// will be exported as a `FileSet`. Use the `FileSet` as the
	// input to another step.
	// Multiple calls with the exact same directory name string (not normalized)
	// will return the same FileSet.
	AddOutputDirectory(directory *string) FileSet
	// Add a dependency on another step.
	AddStepDependency(step Step)
	// Configure the given FileSet as the primary output of this step.
	ConfigurePrimaryOutput(fs FileSet)
	// Crawl the given structure for references to StepOutputs and add dependencies on all steps found.
	// Should be called in the constructor of subclasses based on what the user
	// passes in as construction properties. The format of the structure passed in
	// here does not have to correspond exactly to what gets rendered into the
	// engine, it just needs to contain the same data.
	DiscoverReferencedOutputs(structure interface{})
	// Configure the given output directory as primary output.
	// If no primary output has been configured yet, this directory
	// will become the primary output of this ShellStep, otherwise this
	// method will throw if the given directory is different than the
	// currently configured primary output directory.
	PrimaryOutputDirectory(directory *string) FileSet
	// Return a string representation of this Step.
	ToString() *string

Run shell script commands in the pipeline.

This is a generic step designed to be deployment engine agnostic.


// Modern API
modernPipeline := pipelines.NewCodePipeline(this, jsii.String("Pipeline"), &codePipelineProps{
	selfMutation: jsii.Boolean(false),
	synth: pipelines.NewShellStep(jsii.String("Synth"), &shellStepProps{
		input: pipelines.codePipelineSource.connection(jsii.String("my-org/my-app"), jsii.String("main"), &connectionSourceOptions{
			connectionArn: jsii.String("arn:aws:codestar-connections:us-east-1:222222222222:connection/7d2469ff-514a-4e4f-9003-5ca4a43cdc41"),
		commands: []*string{
			jsii.String("npm ci"),
			jsii.String("npm run build"),
			jsii.String("npx cdk synth"),

// Original API
cloudAssemblyArtifact := codepipeline.NewArtifact()
originalPipeline := pipelines.NewCdkPipeline(this, jsii.String("Pipeline"), &cdkPipelineProps{
	selfMutating: jsii.Boolean(false),
	cloudAssemblyArtifact: cloudAssemblyArtifact,

func NewShellStep

func NewShellStep(id *string, props *ShellStepProps) ShellStep

type ShellStepProps

type ShellStepProps struct {
	// Commands to run.
	Commands *[]*string `json:"commands" yaml:"commands"`
	// Additional FileSets to put in other directories.
	// Specifies a mapping from directory name to FileSets. During the
	// script execution, the FileSets will be available in the directories
	// indicated.
	// The directory names may be relative. For example, you can put
	// the main input and an additional input side-by-side with the
	// following configuration:
	// “`ts
	// const script = new pipelines.ShellStep('MainScript', {
	//    commands: ['npm ci','npm run build','npx cdk synth'],
	//    input: pipelines.CodePipelineSource.gitHub('org/source1', 'main'),
	//    additionalInputs: {
	//      '../siblingdir': pipelines.CodePipelineSource.gitHub('org/source2', 'main'),
	//    }
	// });
	// “`.
	AdditionalInputs *map[string]IFileSetProducer `json:"additionalInputs" yaml:"additionalInputs"`
	// Environment variables to set.
	Env *map[string]*string `json:"env" yaml:"env"`
	// Set environment variables based on Stack Outputs.
	// `ShellStep`s following stack or stage deployments may
	// access the `CfnOutput`s of those stacks to get access to
	// --for example--automatically generated resource names or
	// endpoint URLs.
	EnvFromCfnOutputs *map[string]awscdk.CfnOutput `json:"envFromCfnOutputs" yaml:"envFromCfnOutputs"`
	// FileSet to run these scripts on.
	// The files in the FileSet will be placed in the working directory when
	// the script is executed. Use `additionalInputs` to download file sets
	// to other directories as well.
	Input IFileSetProducer `json:"input" yaml:"input"`
	// Installation commands to run before the regular commands.
	// For deployment engines that support it, install commands will be classified
	// differently in the job history from the regular `commands`.
	InstallCommands *[]*string `json:"installCommands" yaml:"installCommands"`
	// The directory that will contain the primary output fileset.
	// After running the script, the contents of the given directory
	// will be treated as the primary output of this Step.
	PrimaryOutputDirectory *string `json:"primaryOutputDirectory" yaml:"primaryOutputDirectory"`

Construction properties for a `ShellStep`.


// Modern API
modernPipeline := pipelines.NewCodePipeline(this, jsii.String("Pipeline"), &codePipelineProps{
	selfMutation: jsii.Boolean(false),
	synth: pipelines.NewShellStep(jsii.String("Synth"), &shellStepProps{
		input: pipelines.codePipelineSource.connection(jsii.String("my-org/my-app"), jsii.String("main"), &connectionSourceOptions{
			connectionArn: jsii.String("arn:aws:codestar-connections:us-east-1:222222222222:connection/7d2469ff-514a-4e4f-9003-5ca4a43cdc41"),
		commands: []*string{
			jsii.String("npm ci"),
			jsii.String("npm run build"),
			jsii.String("npx cdk synth"),

// Original API
cloudAssemblyArtifact := codepipeline.NewArtifact()
originalPipeline := pipelines.NewCdkPipeline(this, jsii.String("Pipeline"), &cdkPipelineProps{
	selfMutating: jsii.Boolean(false),
	cloudAssemblyArtifact: cloudAssemblyArtifact,

type StackAsset

type StackAsset struct {
	// Asset identifier.
	AssetId *string `json:"assetId" yaml:"assetId"`
	// Absolute asset manifest path.
	// This needs to be made relative at a later point in time, but when this
	// information is parsed we don't know about the root cloud assembly yet.
	AssetManifestPath *string `json:"assetManifestPath" yaml:"assetManifestPath"`
	// Asset selector to pass to `cdk-assets`.
	AssetSelector *string `json:"assetSelector" yaml:"assetSelector"`
	// Type of asset to publish.
	AssetType AssetType `json:"assetType" yaml:"assetType"`
	// Does this asset represent the CloudFormation template for the stack.
	IsTemplate *bool `json:"isTemplate" yaml:"isTemplate"`
	// Role ARN to assume to publish.
	AssetPublishingRoleArn *string `json:"assetPublishingRoleArn" yaml:"assetPublishingRoleArn"`

An asset used by a Stack.


import awscdk "github.com/aws/aws-cdk-go/awscdk"import pipelines "github.com/aws/aws-cdk-go/awscdk/pipelines"
stackAsset := &stackAsset{
	assetId: jsii.String("assetId"),
	assetManifestPath: jsii.String("assetManifestPath"),
	assetSelector: jsii.String("assetSelector"),
	assetType: pipelines.assetType_FILE,
	isTemplate: jsii.Boolean(false),

	// the properties below are optional
	assetPublishingRoleArn: jsii.String("assetPublishingRoleArn"),

type StackDeployment

type StackDeployment interface {
	// Template path on disk to CloudAssembly.
	AbsoluteTemplatePath() *string
	// Account where the stack should be deployed.
	Account() *string
	// Assets referenced by this stack.
	Assets() *[]*StackAsset
	// Role to assume before deploying this stack.
	AssumeRoleArn() *string
	// Steps that take place after stack is prepared but before stack deploys.
	// Your pipeline engine may not disable `prepareStep`.
	ChangeSet() *[]Step
	// Construct path for this stack.
	ConstructPath() *string
	// Execution role to pass to CloudFormation.
	ExecutionRoleArn() *string
	// Steps to execute after stack deploys.
	Post() *[]Step
	// Steps that take place before stack is prepared.
	// If your pipeline engine disables 'prepareStep', then this will happen before stack deploys.
	Pre() *[]Step
	// Region where the stack should be deployed.
	Region() *string
	// Artifact ID for this stack.
	StackArtifactId() *string
	// Other stacks this stack depends on.
	StackDependencies() *[]StackDeployment
	// Name for this stack.
	StackName() *string
	// Tags to apply to the stack.
	Tags() *map[string]*string
	// The asset that represents the CloudFormation template for this stack.
	TemplateAsset() *StackAsset
	// The S3 URL which points to the template asset location in the publishing bucket.
	// This is `undefined` if the stack template is not published. Use the
	// `DefaultStackSynthesizer` to ensure it is.
	// Example value: `https://bucket.s3.amazonaws.com/object/key`
	TemplateUrl() *string
	// Add a dependency on another stack.
	AddStackDependency(stackDeployment StackDeployment)
	// Adds steps to each phase of the stack.
	AddStackSteps(pre *[]Step, changeSet *[]Step, post *[]Step)

Deployment of a single Stack.

You don't need to instantiate this class -- it will be automatically instantiated as necessary when you add a `Stage` to a pipeline.


import awscdk "github.com/aws/aws-cdk-go/awscdk"import cx_api "github.com/aws/aws-cdk-go/awscdk/cx_api"import awscdk "github.com/aws/aws-cdk-go/awscdk"import pipelines "github.com/aws/aws-cdk-go/awscdk/pipelines"

var cloudFormationStackArtifact cloudFormationStackArtifact
stackDeployment := pipelines.stackDeployment.fromArtifact(cloudFormationStackArtifact)

func StackDeployment_FromArtifact

func StackDeployment_FromArtifact(stackArtifact cxapi.CloudFormationStackArtifact) StackDeployment

Build a `StackDeployment` from a Stack Artifact in a Cloud Assembly.

type StackDeploymentProps

type StackDeploymentProps struct {
	// Template path on disk to cloud assembly (cdk.out).
	AbsoluteTemplatePath *string `json:"absoluteTemplatePath" yaml:"absoluteTemplatePath"`
	// Construct path for this stack.
	ConstructPath *string `json:"constructPath" yaml:"constructPath"`
	// Artifact ID for this stack.
	StackArtifactId *string `json:"stackArtifactId" yaml:"stackArtifactId"`
	// Name for this stack.
	StackName *string `json:"stackName" yaml:"stackName"`
	// Account where the stack should be deployed.
	Account *string `json:"account" yaml:"account"`
	// Assets referenced by this stack.
	Assets *[]*StackAsset `json:"assets" yaml:"assets"`
	// Role to assume before deploying this stack.
	AssumeRoleArn *string `json:"assumeRoleArn" yaml:"assumeRoleArn"`
	// Execution role to pass to CloudFormation.
	ExecutionRoleArn *string `json:"executionRoleArn" yaml:"executionRoleArn"`
	// Region where the stack should be deployed.
	Region *string `json:"region" yaml:"region"`
	// Tags to apply to the stack.
	Tags *map[string]*string `json:"tags" yaml:"tags"`
	// The S3 URL which points to the template asset location in the publishing bucket.
	TemplateS3Uri *string `json:"templateS3Uri" yaml:"templateS3Uri"`

Properties for a `StackDeployment`.


import awscdk "github.com/aws/aws-cdk-go/awscdk"import pipelines "github.com/aws/aws-cdk-go/awscdk/pipelines"
stackDeploymentProps := &stackDeploymentProps{
	absoluteTemplatePath: jsii.String("absoluteTemplatePath"),
	constructPath: jsii.String("constructPath"),
	stackArtifactId: jsii.String("stackArtifactId"),
	stackName: jsii.String("stackName"),

	// the properties below are optional
	account: jsii.String("account"),
	assets: []stackAsset{
			assetId: jsii.String("assetId"),
			assetManifestPath: jsii.String("assetManifestPath"),
			assetSelector: jsii.String("assetSelector"),
			assetType: pipelines.assetType_FILE,
			isTemplate: jsii.Boolean(false),

			// the properties below are optional
			assetPublishingRoleArn: jsii.String("assetPublishingRoleArn"),
	assumeRoleArn: jsii.String("assumeRoleArn"),
	executionRoleArn: jsii.String("executionRoleArn"),
	region: jsii.String("region"),
	tags: map[string]*string{
		"tagsKey": jsii.String("tags"),
	templateS3Uri: jsii.String("templateS3Uri"),

type StackOutputReference

type StackOutputReference interface {
	// Output name of the producing stack.
	OutputName() *string
	// A human-readable description of the producing stack.
	StackDescription() *string
	// Whether or not this stack output is being produced by the given Stack deployment.
	IsProducedBy(stack StackDeployment) *bool

A Reference to a Stack Output.


import cdk "github.com/aws/aws-cdk-go/awscdk"import awscdk "github.com/aws/aws-cdk-go/awscdk"import pipelines "github.com/aws/aws-cdk-go/awscdk/pipelines"

var cfnOutput cfnOutput
stackOutputReference := pipelines.stackOutputReference.fromCfnOutput(cfnOutput)

func StackOutputReference_FromCfnOutput

func StackOutputReference_FromCfnOutput(output awscdk.CfnOutput) StackOutputReference

Create a StackOutputReference that references the given CfnOutput.

type StackSteps

type StackSteps struct {
	// The stack you want the steps to run in.
	Stack awscdk.Stack `json:"stack" yaml:"stack"`
	// Steps that execute after stack is prepared but before stack is deployed.
	ChangeSet *[]Step `json:"changeSet" yaml:"changeSet"`
	// Steps that execute after stack is deployed.
	Post *[]Step `json:"post" yaml:"post"`
	// Steps that execute before stack is prepared.
	Pre *[]Step `json:"pre" yaml:"pre"`

Instructions for additional steps that are run at stack level.


import cdk "github.com/aws/aws-cdk-go/awscdk"import awscdk "github.com/aws/aws-cdk-go/awscdk"import pipelines "github.com/aws/aws-cdk-go/awscdk/pipelines"

var stack stack
var step step
stackSteps := &stackSteps{
	stack: stack,

	// the properties below are optional
	changeSet: []*step{
	post: []*step{
	pre: []*step{

type StageDeployment

type StageDeployment interface {
	// Additional steps that are run after all of the stacks in the stage.
	Post() *[]Step
	// Additional steps that are run before any of the stacks in the stage.
	Pre() *[]Step
	// The stacks deployed in this stage.
	Stacks() *[]StackDeployment
	// Instructions for additional steps that are run at stack level.
	StackSteps() *[]*StackSteps
	// The display name of this stage.
	StageName() *string
	// Add an additional step to run after all of the stacks in this stage.
	AddPost(steps ...Step)
	// Add an additional step to run before any of the stacks in this stage.
	AddPre(steps ...Step)

Deployment of a single `Stage`.

A `Stage` consists of one or more `Stacks`, which will be deployed in dependency order.


import cdk "github.com/aws/aws-cdk-go/awscdk"import awscdk "github.com/aws/aws-cdk-go/awscdk"import pipelines "github.com/aws/aws-cdk-go/awscdk/pipelines"

var stack stack
var stage stage
var step step
stageDeployment := pipelines.stageDeployment.fromStage(stage, &stageDeploymentProps{
	post: []*step{
	pre: []*step{
	stackSteps: []stackSteps{
			stack: stack,

			// the properties below are optional
			changeSet: []*step{
			post: []*step{
			pre: []*step{
	stageName: jsii.String("stageName"),

func StageDeployment_FromStage

func StageDeployment_FromStage(stage awscdk.Stage, props *StageDeploymentProps) StageDeployment

Create a new `StageDeployment` from a `Stage`.

Synthesizes the target stage, and deployes the stacks found inside in dependency order.

type StageDeploymentProps

type StageDeploymentProps struct {
	// Additional steps to run after all of the stacks in the stage.
	Post *[]Step `json:"post" yaml:"post"`
	// Additional steps to run before any of the stacks in the stage.
	Pre *[]Step `json:"pre" yaml:"pre"`
	// Instructions for additional steps that are run at the stack level.
	StackSteps *[]*StackSteps `json:"stackSteps" yaml:"stackSteps"`
	// Stage name to use in the pipeline.
	StageName *string `json:"stageName" yaml:"stageName"`

Properties for a `StageDeployment`.


import cdk "github.com/aws/aws-cdk-go/awscdk"import awscdk "github.com/aws/aws-cdk-go/awscdk"import pipelines "github.com/aws/aws-cdk-go/awscdk/pipelines"

var stack stack
var step step
stageDeploymentProps := &stageDeploymentProps{
	post: []*step{
	pre: []*step{
	stackSteps: []stackSteps{
			stack: stack,

			// the properties below are optional
			changeSet: []*step{
			post: []*step{
			pre: []*step{
	stageName: jsii.String("stageName"),

type Step

type Step interface {
	// Return the steps this step depends on, based on the FileSets it requires.
	Dependencies() *[]Step
	// The list of FileSets consumed by this Step.
	DependencyFileSets() *[]FileSet
	// Identifier for this step.
	Id() *string
	// Whether or not this is a Source step.
	// What it means to be a Source step depends on the engine.
	IsSource() *bool
	// The primary FileSet produced by this Step.
	// Not all steps produce an output FileSet--if they do
	// you can substitute the `Step` object for the `FileSet` object.
	PrimaryOutput() FileSet
	// Add an additional FileSet to the set of file sets required by this step.
	// This will lead to a dependency on the producer of that file set.
	AddDependencyFileSet(fs FileSet)
	// Add a dependency on another step.
	AddStepDependency(step Step)
	// Configure the given FileSet as the primary output of this step.
	ConfigurePrimaryOutput(fs FileSet)
	// Crawl the given structure for references to StepOutputs and add dependencies on all steps found.
	// Should be called in the constructor of subclasses based on what the user
	// passes in as construction properties. The format of the structure passed in
	// here does not have to correspond exactly to what gets rendered into the
	// engine, it just needs to contain the same data.
	DiscoverReferencedOutputs(structure interface{})
	// Return a string representation of this Step.
	ToString() *string

A generic Step which can be added to a Pipeline.

Steps can be used to add Sources, Build Actions and Validations to your pipeline.

This class is abstract. See specific subclasses of Step for useful steps to add to your Pipeline.


// Step A will depend on step B and step B will depend on step C
orderedSteps := pipelines.step.sequence([]step{

type Wave

type Wave interface {
	// Identifier for this Wave.
	Id() *string
	// Additional steps that are run after all of the stages in the wave.
	Post() *[]Step
	// Additional steps that are run before any of the stages in the wave.
	Pre() *[]Step
	// The stages that are deployed in this wave.
	Stages() *[]StageDeployment
	// Add an additional step to run after all of the stages in this wave.
	AddPost(steps ...Step)
	// Add an additional step to run before any of the stages in this wave.
	AddPre(steps ...Step)
	// Add a Stage to this wave.
	// It will be deployed in parallel with all other stages in this
	// wave.
	AddStage(stage awscdk.Stage, options *AddStageOpts) StageDeployment

Multiple stages that are deployed in parallel.


var pipeline codePipeline
europeWave := pipeline.addWave(jsii.String("Europe"))
europeWave.addStage(NewMyApplicationStage(this, jsii.String("Ireland"), &stageProps{
	env: &environment{
		region: jsii.String("eu-west-1"),
europeWave.addStage(NewMyApplicationStage(this, jsii.String("Germany"), &stageProps{
	env: &environment{
		region: jsii.String("eu-central-1"),

func NewWave

func NewWave(id *string, props *WaveProps) Wave

type WaveOptions

type WaveOptions struct {
	// Additional steps to run after all of the stages in the wave.
	Post *[]Step `json:"post" yaml:"post"`
	// Additional steps to run before any of the stages in the wave.
	Pre *[]Step `json:"pre" yaml:"pre"`

Options to pass to `addWave`.


pipeline := pipelines.NewCodePipeline(this, jsii.String("Pipeline"), &codePipelineProps{
	synth: pipelines.NewShellStep(jsii.String("Synth"), &shellStepProps{
		input: pipelines.codePipelineSource.connection(jsii.String("my-org/my-app"), jsii.String("main"), &connectionSourceOptions{
			connectionArn: jsii.String("arn:aws:codestar-connections:us-east-1:222222222222:connection/7d2469ff-514a-4e4f-9003-5ca4a43cdc41"),
		commands: []*string{
			jsii.String("npm ci"),
			jsii.String("npm run build"),
			jsii.String("npx cdk synth"),

	// Turn this on because the pipeline uses Docker image assets
	dockerEnabledForSelfMutation: jsii.Boolean(true),

pipeline.addWave(jsii.String("MyWave"), &waveOptions{
	post: []step{
		pipelines.NewCodeBuildStep(jsii.String("RunApproval"), &codeBuildStepProps{
			commands: []*string{
			buildEnvironment: &buildEnvironment{
				// The user of a Docker image asset in the pipeline requires turning on
				// 'dockerEnabledForSelfMutation'.
				buildImage: codebuild.linuxBuildImage.fromAsset(this, jsii.String("Image"), &dockerImageAssetProps{
					directory: jsii.String("./docker-image"),

type WaveProps

type WaveProps struct {
	// Additional steps to run after all of the stages in the wave.
	Post *[]Step `json:"post" yaml:"post"`
	// Additional steps to run before any of the stages in the wave.
	Pre *[]Step `json:"pre" yaml:"pre"`

Construction properties for a `Wave`.


import awscdk "github.com/aws/aws-cdk-go/awscdk"import pipelines "github.com/aws/aws-cdk-go/awscdk/pipelines"

var step step
waveProps := &waveProps{
	post: []*step{
	pre: []*step{


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