
v4.0.0 Latest Latest

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Published: Sep 1, 2022 License: Unlicense Imports: 2 Imported by: 0




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const (
	CollectionCustomer     = "customers"
	CollectionGlobalConfig = "globalconfigs"
	CollectionGroup        = "groups"
	CollectionIncrement    = "increments"
	CollectionOrder        = "orders"
	CollectionProduct      = "products"
	CollectionStore        = "stores"
	CollectionTax          = "taxes"
	CollectionUser         = "users"
	CollectionTicket       = "tickets"


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var (
	GroupObjectIDs = []string{
		"orders", "driver", "store",
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var OrderObjectIDs = []string{
	"customer", "store",


This section is empty.


type Customer

type Customer struct {
	ID           primitive.ObjectID `bson:"_id" json:"id"`
	CustomerRef  string             `bson:"customerRef" json:"customerRef"`
	FirstName    string             `bson:"firstName" json:"firstName"`
	LastName     string             `bson:"lastName" json:"lastName"`
	AddressLine1 string             `bson:"addressLine1" json:"addressLine1"`
	AddressLine2 string             `bson:"addressLine2" json:"addressLine2"`
	Postcode     string             `bson:"postcode" json:"postcode"`
	City         string             `bson:"city" json:"city"`
	Telephone    string             `bson:"telephone" json:"telephone"`
	Email        string             `bson:"email" json:"email"`
	Boxes        []int              `bson:"boxes" json:"boxes"`
	CreatedAt    time.Time          `bson:"createdAt" json:"createdAt"`
	UpdatedAt    time.Time          `bson:"updatedAt" json:"updatedAt"`

type Device

type Device struct {
	Name     string `bson:"name" json:"name"`
	DeviceID string `bson:"deviceId" json:"deviceId"`

type GlobalConfig

type GlobalConfig struct {
	ID                           primitive.ObjectID `bson:"_id" json:"id"`
	ProductAttributeOutOfStockIn int                `bson:"productAttributeOutOfStockInId" json:"productAttributeOutOfStockInId"`
	ProductAttributePfandId      int                `bson:"productAttributePfandId" json:"productAttributePfandId"`
	PusherAPIKey                 string             `json:"pusherApiKey"` // TODO: before provide PATCH method, add this to DB!!!
	CreatedAt                    time.Time          `bson:"createdAt" json:"createdAt"`
	UpdatedAt                    time.Time          `bson:"updatedAt" json:"updatedAt"`

type Group

type Group struct {
	ID         primitive.ObjectID   `bson:"_id" json:"id"`
	Orders     []primitive.ObjectID `bson:"orders" json:"orders"`
	RouteOrder []int                `bson:"routeOrder" json:"routeOrder"`
	Number     string               `bson:"number" json:"number"`
	Finalized  bool                 `bson:"finalized" json:"finalized"`
	Delivered  bool                 `bson:"delivered" json:"delivered"`
	Driver     primitive.ObjectID   `bson:"driver" json:"driver"`
	DriverName string               `bson:"driverName" json:"driverName"`
	Store      primitive.ObjectID   `bson:"store" json:"store"`
	CreatedAt  time.Time            `bson:"createdAt" json:"createdAt"`
	UpdatedAt  time.Time            `bson:"updatedAt" json:"updatedAt"`

type Increment

type Increment struct {
	ID        primitive.ObjectID `bson:"_id"`
	Key       string             `bson:"key"`
	Value     int64              `bson:"value"`
	CreatedAt time.Time          `bson:"createdAt"`
	UpdatedAt time.Time          `bson:"updatedAt"`

type Order

type Order struct {
	ID                  primitive.ObjectID  `bson:"_id" json:"id"`
	OrderID             string              `bson:"orderId" json:"orderId"`
	OrderNumber         string              `bson:"orderNumber" json:"orderNumber"`
	InvoiceNumber       string              `bson:"invoiceNumber" json:"invoiceNumber"`
	ValidAddress        bool                `bson:"validAddress" json:"validAddress"`
	Address             string              `bson:"address" json:"address"`
	AddressLine2        string              `bson:"addressLine2" json:"addressLine2"`
	Email               string              `bson:"email" json:"email"`
	Telephone           string              `bson:"telephone" json:"telephone"`
	CustomerNote        string              `bson:"customerNote" json:"customerNote"`
	DeliveryDate        string              `bson:"deliveryDate" json:"deliveryDate"`
	DeliveryTime        string              `bson:"deliveryTime" json:"deliveryTime"`
	ShippingMethod      OrderShippingMethod `bson:"shippingMethod" json:"shippingMethod"`
	Customer            primitive.ObjectID  `bson:"customer" json:"customer"`
	Status              OrderStatus         `bson:"status" json:"status"`
	Secret              string              `bson:"secret" json:"secret"`
	Items               []OrderItem         `bson:"items" json:"items"`
	Net                 string              `bson:"net" json:"net"`
	Tax                 string              `bson:"tax" json:"tax"`
	Total               string              `bson:"total" json:"total"`
	PaidTotal           string              `bson:"paidTotal" json:"paidTotal"`
	CouponCode          string              `bson:"couponCode" json:"couponCode"`
	AppliedCouponNet    string              `bson:"appliedCouponNet" json:"appliedCouponNet"`
	AppliedCouponTax    string              `bson:"appliedCouponTax" json:"appliedCouponTax"`
	AppliedCouponTotal  string              `bson:"appliedCouponTotal" json:"appliedCouponTotal"`
	Tip                 string              `bson:"tip" json:"tip"`
	Printed             bool                `bson:"printed" json:"printed"`
	LocalPickupNotified bool                `bson:"localPickupNotified" json:"localPickupNotified"`
	ReadyIn             string              `bson:"readyIn" json:"readyIn"`
	Store               primitive.ObjectID  `bson:"store" json:"store"`
	CompanyKey          string              `bson:"companyKey" json:"companyKey"`
	PaymentEvents       []interface{}       `bson:"paymentEvents" json:"paymentEvents"`
	LastSessionId       string              `bson:"lastSessionId" json:"lastSessionId"` // for corporate page
	NewBoxes            int                 `bson:"newBoxes" json:"newBoxes"`
	ReturnBoxes         int                 `bson:"returnBoxes" json:"returnBoxes"`
	CreatedAt           time.Time           `bson:"createdAt" json:"createdAt"`
	UpdatedAt           time.Time           `bson:"updatedAt" json:"updatedAt"`

type OrderItem

type OrderItem struct {
	Name       string           `bson:"name" json:"name"`
	Quantity   int              `bson:"quantity" json:"quantity"`
	SKU        string           `bson:"sku" json:"sku"`
	Categories []string         `bson:"categories" json:"categories"`
	Extra      []OrderItemExtra `bson:"extra" json:"extra"`
	Net        string           `bson:"net" json:"net"`
	Tax        string           `bson:"tax" json:"tax"`
	TaxClass   string           `bson:"taxClass" json:"taxClass"`
	TaxRate    string           `bson:"taxRate" json:"taxRate"`
	Total      string           `bson:"total" json:"total"`

type OrderItemExtra

type OrderItemExtra struct {
	Key   string `bson:"key" json:"key"`
	Value string `bson:"value" json:"value"`

type OrderShippingMethod

type OrderShippingMethod string
const (
	OrderShippingMethodFreeShipping OrderShippingMethod = "free_shipping"
	OrderShippingMethodLocalPickup  OrderShippingMethod = "local_pickup"
	OrderShippingMethodNoShipping   OrderShippingMethod = "no_shipping"

type OrderStatus

type OrderStatus string
const (
	OrderStatusPending        OrderStatus = "PENDING"
	OrderStatusNew            OrderStatus = "NEW"
	OrderStatusNotPossible    OrderStatus = "NOT_POSSIBLE"
	OrderStatusCancelled      OrderStatus = "CANCELLED"
	OrderStatusAddedToGroup   OrderStatus = "ADDED_TO_GROUP"
	OrderStatusGroupFinalized OrderStatus = "GROUP_FINALIZED"
	OrderStatusDelivered      OrderStatus = "DELIVERED"

type Product

type Product struct {
	ID           primitive.ObjectID `bson:"_id" json:"id"`
	WPID         int                `bson:"id" json:"wpId"` // it's ok in patch request because we won't change this
	Name         string             `bson:"name" json:"name"`
	Permalink    string             `bson:"permalink" json:"permalink"`
	Type         ProductType        `bson:"type" json:"type"`
	SKU          string             `bson:"sku" json:"sku"`
	Price        string             `bson:"price" json:"price"`
	RegularPrice string             `bson:"regularPrice" json:"regularPrice"`
	SalePrice    string             `bson:"salePrice" json:"salePrice"`
	TaxClass     string             `bson:"taxClass" json:"taxClass"`
	Categories   []string           `bson:"categories" json:"categories"`
	Images       []string           `bson:"images" json:"images"`
	Attributes   []ProductAttribute `bson:"attributes" json:"attributes"`
	Variations   []ProductVariation `bson:"variations" json:"variations"`
	OutOfStockIn []string           `bson:"outOfStockIn" json:"outOfStockIn"`
	Pfand        string             `bson:"pfand" json:"pfand"`
	CreatedAt    time.Time          `bson:"createdAt" json:"createdAt"`
	UpdatedAt    time.Time          `bson:"updatedAt" json:"updatedAt"`

type ProductAttribute

type ProductAttribute struct {
	WPID      int      `bson:"id" json:"wpId"` // it's ok in patch request because we won't change this
	Name      string   `bson:"name" json:"name"`
	Position  int      `bson:"position" json:"position"`
	Variation bool     `bson:"variation" json:"variation"`
	Visible   bool     `bson:"visible" json:"visible"`
	Options   []string `bson:"options" json:"options"`

type ProductType

type ProductType string
const (
	ProductTypeSimple   ProductType = "simple"
	ProductTypeVariable ProductType = "variable"

type ProductVariation

type ProductVariation struct {
	WPID         int                         `bson:"id" json:"wpId"` // it's ok in patch request because we won't change this
	Price        string                      `bson:"price" json:"price"`
	RegularPrice string                      `bson:"regularPrice" json:"regularPrice"`
	SalePrice    string                      `bson:"salePrice" json:"salePrice"`
	Attributes   []ProductVariationAttribute `bson:"attributes" json:"attributes"`

type ProductVariationAttribute

type ProductVariationAttribute struct {
	WPID   int    `bson:"id" json:"wpId"` // it's ok in patch request because we won't change this
	Name   string `bson:"name" json:"name"`
	Option string `bson:"option" json:"option"`

type Store

type Store struct {
	ID            primitive.ObjectID `bson:"_id" json:"id"`
	Email         string             `bson:"email" json:"email"`
	Telephone     string             `bson:"telephone" json:"telephone"`
	Name          string             `bson:"name" json:"name"`
	Address       string             `bson:"address" json:"address"`
	Company       string             `bson:"company" json:"company"`
	Owner         string             `bson:"owner" json:"owner"`
	Register      string             `bson:"register" json:"register"`
	Tax           string             `bson:"tax" json:"tax"`
	Configuration StoreConfiguration `bson:"configuration" json:"configuration"`
	Drivers       []string           `bson:"drivers" json:"drivers"`
	Devices       []Device           `bson:"devices" json:"devices"`
	CreatedAt     time.Time          `bson:"createdAt" json:"createdAt"`
	UpdatedAt     time.Time          `bson:"updatedAt" json:"updatedAt"`

type StoreConfiguration

type StoreConfiguration struct {
	EnablePrinterAddress      bool   `bson:"enablePrinterAddress" json:"enablePrinterAddress"`
	EnablePrinterInternal     bool   `bson:"enablePrinterInternal" json:"enablePrinterInternal"`
	EnablePrinterPositions    bool   `bson:"enablePrinterPositions" json:"enablePrinterPositions"`
	POSID                     string `bson:"posId" json:"posId"`
	EnableAutomaticPosPayment bool   `bson:"enableAutomaticPosPayment" json:"enableAutomaticPosPayment"`
	WPStoreKey                string `bson:"wpStoreKey" json:"wpStoreKey"`

type Tax

type Tax struct {
	ID        primitive.ObjectID `bson:"_id" json:"id"`
	WPID      int                `bson:"id" json:"wpId"`
	Rate      string             `bson:"rate" json:"rate"`
	Name      string             `bson:"name" json:"name"`
	TaxClass  string             `bson:"class" json:"taxClass"` // it's ok to have different names here because we don't provide PATCH request for this entity.
	CreatedAt time.Time          `bson:"createdAt" json:"createdAt"`
	UpdatedAt time.Time          `bson:"updatedAt" json:"updatedAt"`

type Ticket

type Ticket struct {
	ID           primitive.ObjectID `bson:"_id" json:"id"`
	TicketNumber string             `bson:"ticketNumber" json:"ticketNumber"`
	Status       TicketStatus       `bson:"status" json:"status"`
	StoreKey     string             `bson:"storeKey" json:"storeKey"`
	Customer     TicketCustomer     `bson:"customer" json:"customer"`
	CreatedAt    time.Time          `bson:"createdAt" json:"createdAt"`
	UpdatedAt    time.Time          `bson:"updatedAt" json:"updatedAt"`
	Messages     []TicketMessage    `bson:"messages" json:"messages"`

type TicketCustomer

type TicketCustomer struct {
	FirstName      string `bson:"firstName" json:"firstName"`
	LastName       string `bson:"lastName" json:"lastName"`
	Telephone      string `bson:"telephone" json:"telephone"`
	Email          string `bson:"email" json:"email"`
	OrderReference string `bson:"orderReference" json:"orderReference"`

type TicketMessage

type TicketMessage struct {
	From      string    `bson:"from" json:"from"`
	Role      string    `bson:"role" json:"role"`
	Text      string    `bson:"text" json:"text"`
	CreatedAt time.Time `bson:"createdAt" json:"createdAt"`

type TicketStatus

type TicketStatus string
const (
	TicketStatusNew        TicketStatus = "NEW"
	TicketStatusClosed     TicketStatus = "CLOSED"
	TicketStatusInProgress TicketStatus = "IN_PROGRESS" // TicketStatusInProgress admin must process it
	TicketStatusPending    TicketStatus = "PENDING"     // TicketStatusPending service worker must process it

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