Crypto tools
Common tools to generate ECC encryption and ED25519 signatures tool adapted to your OS. You can eigther using binary executables or dynamic link library.
1. Using dynamic link library
After successfully installed sdk-go-common, you should've configured your GOPAH environment variable, use the following command to build dynamic link library.
$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ make
The dynamic link libraries will be built in path $GOPATH/src/
ECC Signing and Encryption
Function encrypt
is used to implement ecc signing and encryption, or ecc decryption and verification process.
Ecc Signing and Encryption
Use mode 1 to invoke
function.>>> import ctypes >>> func = ctypes.CDLL("./").encrypt >>> func.argtypes = [ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_char_p] >>> func.restype = ctypes.c_char_p >>> result = func("1", "your-api-key", "/your/cert/path", "your-base64-encoded-data-to-be-signed-and-encrypted") >>> print result
Params(in sequence):
- mode string - 1: signing and encryption (default) - 2: decryption and signature verification - apikey string - your real API Key - path string - your ecc cert path - data string - at mode 1: your base64 encoded data to be signed and encrypted - at mode 2: your base64 encoded data to be decrypted and verified
- at mode 1: base64 encoded cipher text - at mode 2: plain text
Ecc Decryption and Verification
Use mode 2 to invoke
function.>>> import ctypes >>> func = ctypes.CDLL("./").encrypt >>> func.argtypes = [ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_char_p] >>> func.restype = ctypes.c_char_p >>> result = func("2", "your-api-key", "/your/cert/path", "your-base64-encoded-data-to-be-decrypted-and-verified") >>> print result
Params(in sequence):
- mode string - 1: signing and encryption (default) - 2: decryption and signature verification - apikey string - your real API Key - path string - your ecc cert path - data string - at mode 1: your base64 encoded data to be signed and encrypted - at mode 2: your base64 encoded data to be decrypted and verified
- at mode 1: base64 encoded cipher text - at mode 2: plain text
ED25519 Signing
Function sign
is used to implement ED25519 signing process.
>>> import ctypes
>>> func = ctypes.CDLL("./").sign
>>> func.argtypes = [ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_char_p]
>>> func.restype = ctypes.c_char_p
>>> result = func("your-base64-encoded-ed25519-private-key", "nonce", "your-creator-did-for-signing", "your-base64-encoded-data-to-be-signed")
>>> print result
Params(in sequence):
- privateKey string
- your base64 encoded ed25519 private key
- nonce string
- a random string (default "nonce")
- did string
- your creator did for signing
- data string
- base64 encoded data string to be signed
Returns: base64 encoded signed data
2. Using binaries
Use the following command to build crypto-util and sign-util executables.
$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ make
The executables will be built in path $GOPATH/src/
ECC crypto util
is used to implement ecc signing and encryption, or ecc decryption and verification process.
$ cd build/bin $ ./crypto-util -help Usage of ./crypto-util: -apikey string api key -data string base64 encoded data string -mode string 1: sign and encrypt(default); 2: decrypt and verify -path string cert path
- mode 1: base64 encoded cipher text - mode 2: plain text
Ecc Signing and Encryption Example
Use mode 1 to invoke crypto util.
$ ./crypto-util \ -mode 1 \ -apikey your-api-key \ -path /your/ecc/cert/path \ -data your-base64-encoded-data-to-be-signed-and-encrypted
ECC Decryption and Verification Example
Use mode 2 to invoke crypto util.
$ ./crypto-util \ -mode 2 \ -apikey your-api-key \ -path /your/ecc/cert/path \ -data your-base64-encoded-data-to-be-decrypted-and-verified
ED25519 signing util
is used to implement ED25519 signing process.
./sign-util -help Usage of ./sign-util: -data string base64 encoded data string to be signed -did string creator id -key string private key -nonce string a random string (default "nonce")
Returns: base64 encoded signed data
ED25519 Signing Example
$ ./sign-util \ -key your-base64-encoded-ed25519-private-key \ -nonce 'nonce' \ -did your-creator-did-for-signing \ -data your-base64-encoded-data-to-be-signed