
v1.0.14 Latest Latest

This package is not in the latest version of its module.

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Published: Apr 8, 2022 License: MPL-2.0 Imports: 66 Imported by: 0




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const (
	ClassicNet = InstanceNetWork("classic")
	VpcNet     = InstanceNetWork("vpc")
View Source
const (
	PrePaid  = PayType("PrePaid")
	PostPaid = PayType("PostPaid")
	Prepaid  = PayType("Prepaid")
	Postpaid = PayType("Postpaid")
View Source
const (
	NormalMode = "normal"
	SafetyMode = "safety"
View Source
const (
	Enterprise   = DdosbgpInsatnceType("Enterprise")
	Professional = DdosbgpInsatnceType("Professional")
View Source
const (
	IPv4 = DdosbgpInstanceIpType("IPv4")
	IPv6 = DdosbgpInstanceIpType("IPv6")
View Source
const (
	Internet = NetType("Internet")
	Intranet = NetType("Intranet")
View Source
const (
	Classic         = NetworkType("Classic")
	Vpc             = NetworkType("Vpc")
	ClassicInternet = NetworkType("classic_internet")
	ClassicIntranet = NetworkType("classic_intranet")
	PUBLIC          = NetworkType("PUBLIC")
	PRIVATE         = NetworkType("PRIVATE")
View Source
const (
	WORKER = NodeType("WORKER")
	KIBANA = NodeType("KIBANA")
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const (
	OPEN  = ActionType("OPEN")
	CLOSE = ActionType("CLOSE")
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const (
	Hour  = TimeType("Hour")
	Day   = TimeType("Day")
	Week  = TimeType("Week")
	Month = TimeType("Month")
	Year  = TimeType("Year")
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const (
	IPV4 = IpVersion("ipv4")
	IPV6 = IpVersion("ipv6")
View Source
const (
	Pending     = Status("Pending")
	Creating    = Status("Creating")
	Running     = Status("Running")
	Available   = Status("Available")
	Unavailable = Status("Unavailable")
	Modifying   = Status("Modifying")
	Deleting    = Status("Deleting")
	Starting    = Status("Starting")
	Stopping    = Status("Stopping")
	Stopped     = Status("Stopped")
	Normal      = Status("Normal")
	Changing    = Status("Changing")
	Online      = Status("online")
	Configuring = Status("configuring")

	Associating   = Status("Associating")
	Unassociating = Status("Unassociating")
	InUse         = Status("InUse")
	DiskInUse     = Status("In_use")

	Active   = Status("Active")
	Inactive = Status("Inactive")
	Idle     = Status("Idle")

	SoldOut = Status("SoldOut")

	InService      = Status("InService")
	Removing       = Status("Removing")
	EnabledStatus  = Status("Enabled")
	DisabledStatus = Status("Disabled")

	Init            = Status("Init")
	Provisioning    = Status("Provisioning")
	Updating        = Status("Updating")
	FinancialLocked = Status("FinancialLocked")

	PUBLISHED   = Status("Published")
	NOPUBLISHED = Status("NonPublished")

	Deleted = Status("Deleted")
	Null    = Status("Null")

	Enable = Status("Enable")
	BINDED = Status("BINDED")
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const (
	Inner   = IPType("Inner")
	Private = IPType("Private")
	Public  = IPType("Public")
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const (
	ResourceTypeInstance      = ResourceType("Instance")
	ResourceTypeDisk          = ResourceType("Disk")
	ResourceTypeVSwitch       = ResourceType("VSwitch")
	ResourceTypeRds           = ResourceType("Rds")
	ResourceTypePolarDB       = ResourceType("PolarDB")
	IoOptimized               = ResourceType("IoOptimized")
	ResourceTypeRkv           = ResourceType("KVStore")
	ResourceTypeFC            = ResourceType("FunctionCompute")
	ResourceTypeElasticsearch = ResourceType("Elasticsearch")
	ResourceTypeSlb           = ResourceType("Slb")
	ResourceTypeMongoDB       = ResourceType("MongoDB")
	ResourceTypeGpdb          = ResourceType("Gpdb")
	ResourceTypeHBase         = ResourceType("HBase")
	ResourceTypeAdb           = ResourceType("ADB")
	ResourceTypeCassandra     = ResourceType("Cassandra")
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const (
	PayByBandwidth = InternetChargeType("PayByBandwidth")
	PayByTraffic   = InternetChargeType("PayByTraffic")
	PayBy95        = InternetChargeType("PayBy95")
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const (
	DomesticSite = AccountSite("Domestic")
	IntlSite     = AccountSite("International")
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const (
	SnapshotCreatingInProcessing = Status("progressing")
	SnapshotCreatingAccomplished = Status("accomplished")
	SnapshotCreatingFailed       = Status("failed")

	SnapshotPolicyCreating  = Status("Creating")
	SnapshotPolicyAvailable = Status("available")
	SnapshotPolicyNormal    = Status("Normal")
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const (
	PageSizeSmall  = 10
	PageSizeMedium = 20
	PageSizeLarge  = 50
	PageSizeXLarge = 100
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const (
	Http  = Protocol("http")
	Https = Protocol("https")
	Tcp   = Protocol("tcp")
	Udp   = Protocol("udp")
	All   = Protocol("all")
	Icmp  = Protocol("icmp")
	Gre   = Protocol("gre")

Constants of protocol definition

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const (
	IOOptimized   = OptimizedType("optimized")
	NoneOptimized = OptimizedType("none")
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const (
	TagResourceImage         = TagResourceType("image")
	TagResourceInstance      = TagResourceType("instance")
	TagResourceAcl           = TagResourceType("acl")
	TagResourceCertificate   = TagResourceType("certificate")
	TagResourceSnapshot      = TagResourceType("snapshot")
	TagResourceKeypair       = TagResourceType("keypair")
	TagResourceDisk          = TagResourceType("disk")
	TagResourceSecurityGroup = TagResourceType("securitygroup")
	TagResourceEni           = TagResourceType("eni")
	TagResourceCdn           = TagResourceType("DOMAIN")
	TagResourceVpc           = TagResourceType("VPC")
	TagResourceVSwitch       = TagResourceType("VSWITCH")
	TagResourceRouteTable    = TagResourceType("ROUTETABLE")
	TagResourceEip           = TagResourceType("EIP")
	TagResourcePlugin        = TagResourceType("plugin")
	TagResourceApiGroup      = TagResourceType("apiGroup")
	TagResourceApp           = TagResourceType("app")
	TagResourceTopic         = TagResourceType("topic")
	TagResourceConsumerGroup = TagResourceType("consumergroup")
	TagResourceCluster       = TagResourceType("cluster")
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const (
	KubernetesNodeMaster = ResourceType("Master")
	KubernetesNodeWorker = ResourceType("Worker")
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const (
	// common
	NotFound                = "NotFound"
	ResourceNotfound        = "ResourceNotfound"
	InstanceNotFound        = "Instance.Notfound"
	VSwitchIdNotFound       = "VSwitchId.Notfound"
	MessageInstanceNotFound = "instance is not found"
	Throttling              = "Throttling"

	// RAM Instance Not Found
	RamInstanceNotFound        = "Forbidden.InstanceNotFound"
	ApsaraStackGoClientFailure = "ApsaraStackGoClientFailure"
	DenverdinoApsaraStackgo    = ErrorSource("[SDK denverdino/aliyungo ERROR]")
	ThrottlingUser             = "Throttling.User"
	LogClientTimeout           = "Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers"
	ApsarastackMaxComputeSdkGo = ErrorSource("[SDK aliyun-maxcompute-sdk-go ERROR]")
View Source
const (
	ApsaraStackSdkGoERROR    = ErrorSource("[SDK alibaba-cloud-sdk-go ERROR]")
	ProviderERROR            = ErrorSource("[Provider ERROR]")
	ApsaraStackOssGoSdk      = ErrorSource("[SDK aliyun-oss-go-sdk ERROR]")
	ApsaraStackLogGoSdkERROR = ErrorSource("[SDK aliyun-log-go-sdk ERROR]")
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const (
	Average          = "Average"
	Minimum          = "Minimum"
	Maximum          = "Maximum"
	ErrorCodeMaximum = "ErrorCodeMaximum"
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const (
	MoreThan        = ">"
	MoreThanOrEqual = ">="
	LessThan        = "<"
	LessThanOrEqual = "<="
	Equal           = "=="
	NotEqual        = "!="
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const (
	SiteMonitorHTTP = "HTTP"
	SiteMonitorPing = "Ping"
	SiteMonitorTCP  = "TCP"
	SiteMonitorUDP  = "UDP"
	SiteMonitorDNS  = "DNS"
	SiteMonitorSMTP = "SMTP"
	SiteMonitorPOP3 = "POP3"
	SiteMonitorFTP  = "FTP"
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const (
	DirectionIngress = Direction("ingress")
	DirectionEgress  = Direction("egress")
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const (
	DiskTypeAll    = DiskType("all")
	DiskTypeSystem = DiskType("system")
	DiskTypeData   = DiskType("data")
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const (
	GroupRuleInternet = GroupRuleNicType("internet")
	GroupRuleIntranet = GroupRuleNicType("intranet")
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const (
	GroupInnerAccept = GroupInnerAccessPolicy("Accept")
	GroupInnerDrop   = GroupInnerAccessPolicy("Drop")
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const (
	GroupRulePolicyAccept = GroupRulePolicy("accept")
	GroupRulePolicyDrop   = GroupRulePolicy("drop")
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const (
	NoSpot             = SpotStrategyType("NoSpot")
	SpotWithPriceLimit = SpotStrategyType("SpotWithPriceLimit")
	SpotAsPriceGo      = SpotStrategyType("SpotAsPriceGo")
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const (
	InstanceTypeResource = DestinationResource("InstanceType")
	ZoneResource         = DestinationResource("Zone")
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const (
	DiskResizeTypeOffline = DiskResizeType("offline")
	DiskResizeTypeOnline  = DiskResizeType("online")
View Source
const (
	DiskAll             = DiskCategory("all") //Default
	DiskCloud           = DiskCategory("cloud")
	DiskEphemeralSSD    = DiskCategory("ephemeral_ssd")
	DiskCloudESSD       = DiskCategory("cloud_essd")
	DiskCloudEfficiency = DiskCategory("cloud_efficiency")
	DiskCloudSSD        = DiskCategory("cloud_ssd")
	DiskCloudPPERF      = DiskCategory("cloud_pperf")
	DiskCloudSPERF      = DiskCategory("cloud_sperf")
	DiskLocalDisk       = DiskCategory("local_disk")
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const (
	ActiveSecurityEnhancementStrategy   = SecurityEnhancementStrategy("Active")
	DeactiveSecurityEnhancementStrategy = SecurityEnhancementStrategy("Deactive")
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const (
	SimpleScalingRule         = ScalingRuleType("SimpleScalingRule")
	TargetTrackingScalingRule = ScalingRuleType("TargetTrackingScalingRule")
	StepScalingRule           = ScalingRuleType("StepScalingRule")
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const (
	AttachDetachLoadbalancersBatchsize = BatchSize(5)
	AttachDetachDbinstancesBatchsize   = BatchSize(5)
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const (
	ExpirationStatusEnabled  = LifecycleRuleStatus("Enabled")
	ExpirationStatusDisabled = LifecycleRuleStatus("Disabled")
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const (
	MySQL      = Engine("MySQL")
	SQLServer  = Engine("SQLServer")
	PPAS       = Engine("PPAS")
	PostgreSQL = Engine("PostgreSQL")
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const (
	KVStoreRedis    = KVStoreInstanceType("Redis")
	KVStoreMemcache = KVStoreInstanceType("Memcache")
View Source
const (
	KVStore2Dot8 = KVStoreEngineVersion("2.8")
	KVStore4Dot0 = KVStoreEngineVersion("4.0")
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const (
	WRRScheduler = SchedulerType("wrr")
	WLCScheduler = SchedulerType("wlc")
	RRScheduler  = SchedulerType("rr")
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const (
	OnFlag  = FlagType("on")
	OffFlag = FlagType("off")
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const (
	ENI = FlagType("eni")
	ECS = FlagType("ecs")
View Source
const (
	AclTypeBlack = AclType("black")
	AclTypeWhite = AclType("white")
View Source
const (
	InsertStickySessionType = StickySessionType("insert")
	ServerStickySessionType = StickySessionType("server")
View Source
const (
	HTTP_2XX = HealthCheckHttpCodeType("http_2xx")
	HTTP_3XX = HealthCheckHttpCodeType("http_3xx")
	HTTP_4XX = HealthCheckHttpCodeType("http_4xx")
	HTTP_5XX = HealthCheckHttpCodeType("http_5xx")
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const (
	TCPHealthCheckType  = HealthCheckType("tcp")
	HTTPHealthCheckType = HealthCheckType("http")
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const (
	S1Small  = "slb.s1.small"
	S2Small  = "slb.s2.small"
	S2Medium = "slb.s2.medium"
	S3Small  = "slb.s3.small"
	S3Medium = "slb.s3.medium"
	S3Large  = "slb.s3.large"
	S4Large  = "slb.s4.large"
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const (
	EcsInstance = "EcsInstance"
	SlbInstance = "SlbInstance"
	Nat         = "Nat"
	HaVip       = "HaVip"
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const (
	VRouter = RouterType("VRouter")
	VBR     = RouterType("VBR")

	InitiatingSide = Role("InitiatingSide")
	AcceptingSide  = Role("AcceptingSide")

	Mini2   = Spec("Mini.2")
	Mini5   = Spec("Mini.5")
	Small1  = Spec("Small.1")
	Small2  = Spec("Small.2")
	Small5  = Spec("Small.5")
	Middle1 = Spec("Middle.1")
	Middle2 = Spec("Middle.2")
	Middle5 = Spec("Middle.5")
	Large1  = Spec("Large.1")
	Large2  = Spec("Large.2")
	Large5  = Spec("Large.5")
	Xlarge1 = Spec("Xlarge.1")

	Negative = Spec(("Negative"))
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const (
	MongoDBShardingNodeMongos = MongoDBShardingNodeType("mongos")
	MongoDBShardingNodeShard  = MongoDBShardingNodeType("shard")
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const (
	KubernetesClusterNetworkTypeFlannel = "flannel"
	KubernetesClusterNetworkTypeTerway  = "terway"

	KubernetesClusterLoggingTypeSLS = "SLS"
	ClusterType                     = "Kubernetes"
	OsType                          = "Linux"
	Platform                        = "CentOS"
	RuntimeName                     = "docker"
	RuntimeVersion                  = "19.03.5"
	PortRange                       = "30000-32767"
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const (
	RepoTypePublic  = "PUBLIC"
	RepoTypePrivate = "PRIVATE"
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const AllPortRange = "-1/-1"
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const BackendServerPort = -520
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const ChildInstanceTypeCcn = "CCN"
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const ChildInstanceTypeVbr = "VBR"
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const ChildInstanceTypeVpc = "VPC"
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const DEFAULT_REGION = "cn-beijing"

default region for all resource

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const DataDefaultErrorMsg = "Datasource %s %s Failed!!! %s"
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const DefaultDebugMsg = "\n*************** %s Response *************** \n%s\n%s******************************\n\n"
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const DefaultErrorMsg = "Resource %s %s Failed!!! %s"

A default message of ComplexError's Err. It is format to Resource <resource-id> <operation> Failed!!! <error source>

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const DefaultIntervalLong = 20
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const DefaultIntervalMedium = 10
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const DefaultIntervalMini = 2
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const DefaultIntervalShort = 5
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const DefaultLongTimeout = 1000

timeout for long time progerss product, rds e.g.

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const DefaultTimeout = 300

timeout for common product, ecs e.g.

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const DefaultTimeoutMedium = 500
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const DefaultTimeoutMsg = "Resource %s %s Timeout!!! %s"
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const FailedToReachTargetStatus = "Failed to reach target status. Current status is %s."
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const GroupId = "groupId"
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const INT_MAX = 2147483647
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const IdMsg = "Resource id:%s "
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const LOCAL_HOST_IP = ""
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symbol of multiIZ

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const (
	MaxScalingConfigurationInstanceTypes = MaxItems(10)
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const ModulesSizeLimit = 50
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const NotFoundMsg = ResourceNotfound + "!!! %s"
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const RequestIdMsg = "RequestId: %s"
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const ScalingGroup = "scaling_group"
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const ServerSideEncryptionAes256 = "AES256"
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const ServerSideEncryptionKMS = "KMS"
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const Timeout5Minute = 300
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const UpgradeClusterTimeout = 30 * time.Minute
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const UserId = "userId"
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const WaitTimeoutMsg = "Resource %s %s Timeout In %d Seconds. Got: %s Expected: %s !!! %s"


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var BACKUP_TIME = []string{
	"00:00Z-01:00Z", "01:00Z-02:00Z", "02:00Z-03:00Z", "03:00Z-04:00Z", "04:00Z-05:00Z",
	"05:00Z-06:00Z", "06:00Z-07:00Z", "07:00Z-08:00Z", "08:00Z-09:00Z", "09:00Z-10:00Z",
	"10:00Z-11:00Z", "11:00Z-12:00Z", "12:00Z-13:00Z", "13:00Z-14:00Z", "14:00Z-15:00Z",
	"15:00Z-16:00Z", "16:00Z-17:00Z", "17:00Z-18:00Z", "18:00Z-19:00Z", "19:00Z-20:00Z",
	"20:00Z-21:00Z", "21:00Z-22:00Z", "22:00Z-23:00Z", "23:00Z-24:00Z",
View Source
var ClientErrorCatcher = Catcher{ApsaraStackGoClientFailure, 10, 5}
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var DBInstanceStatusCatcher = Catcher{"OperationDenied.DBInstanceStatus", 60, 5}
_______________                      _______________                       _______________
|              | ______param______\  |              |  _____request_____\  |              |
|   Business   |                     |    Service   |                      |    SDK/API   |
|              | __________________  |              |  __________________  |              |
|______________| \    (obj, err)     |______________|  \ (status, cont)    |______________|
                    |                                    |
                    |A. {instance, nil}                  |a. {200, content}
                    |B. {nil, error}                     |b. {200, nil}
               					  |c. {4xx, nil}

The API return 200 for resource not found. When getInstance is empty, then throw InstanceNotfound error. That the business layer only need to check error.

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var DBReadInstanceNotReadyStatus = []string{"OperationDenied.ReadDBInstanceStatus", "OperationDenied.MasterDBInstanceState", "ReadDBInstance.Mismatch"}
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var DiskInvalidOperation = []string{"IncorrectDiskStatus", "IncorrectInstanceStatus", "OperationConflict", "InternalError", "InvalidOperation.Conflict", "IncorrectDiskStatus.Initializing"}
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var DiskNotSupportOnlineChangeErrors = []string{"InvalidDiskCategory.NotSupported", "InvalidRegion.NotSupport", "IncorrectInstanceStatus", "IncorrectDiskStatus", "InvalidOperation.InstanceTypeNotSupport"}
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var EcsNotFound = []string{"InvalidInstanceId.NotFound", "Forbidden.InstanceNotFound"}
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var KVstoreInstanceStatusCatcher = Catcher{"OperationDenied.KVstoreInstanceStatus", 60, 5}
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var (
	KubernetesClusterNodeCIDRMasksByDefault = 24
View Source
var NetworkInterfaceInvalidOperations = []string{"InvalidOperation.InvalidEniState", "InvalidOperation.InvalidEcsState", "OperationConflict", "ServiceUnavailable", "InternalError"}
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var OperationDeniedDBStatus = []string{"OperationDenied.DBStatus", "OperationDenied.DBInstanceStatus", "OperationDenied.DBClusterStatus", "InternalError", "OperationDenied.OutofUsage"}
View Source
var ServiceBusyCatcher = Catcher{"ServiceUnavailable", 10, 5}
View Source
var SlbIsBusy = []string{"SystemBusy", "OperationBusy", "ServiceIsStopping", "BackendServer.configuring", "ServiceIsConfiguring"}
View Source
var SlsClientTimeoutCatcher = Catcher{LogClientTimeout, 15, 5}
View Source
var SnapshotInvalidOperations = []string{"OperationConflict", "ServiceUnavailable", "InternalError", "SnapshotCreatedDisk", "SnapshotCreatedImage"}
View Source
var SnapshotPolicyInvalidOperations = []string{"OperationConflict", "ServiceUnavailable", "InternalError", "SnapshotCreatedDisk", "SnapshotCreatedImage"}
View Source
var ThrottlingCatcher = Catcher{Throttling, 50, 2}
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var ValidProtocols = []Protocol{Http, Https, Tcp, Udp}

ValidProtocols network protocol list

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var WEEK_ENUM = []string{"Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"}


func BuildStateConf

func BuildStateConf(pending, target []string, timeout, delay time.Duration, f resource.StateRefreshFunc) *resource.StateChangeConf

func CommonBandwidthPackagesDecriptionAttributes

func CommonBandwidthPackagesDecriptionAttributes(d *schema.ResourceData, cbwps []vpc.CommonBandwidthPackage, meta interface{}) error

func CreateDashboard

func CreateDashboard(project, name string, client *sls.Client) error

func DBInstanceConnectionString added in v1.0.13

func DBInstanceConnectionString(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) *dds.ModifyDBInstanceConnectionStringRequest

func Error

func Error(msg string, args ...interface{}) error

func FlattenImageDiskDeviceMappings

func FlattenImageDiskDeviceMappings(list []ecs.DiskDeviceMapping) []map[string]interface{}

func FlattenImageImportDiskDeviceMappings

func FlattenImageImportDiskDeviceMappings(list []ecs.DiskDeviceMapping) []map[string]interface{}

func ForwardEntriesDecriptionAttributes

func ForwardEntriesDecriptionAttributes(d *schema.ResourceData, entries []vpc.ForwardTableEntry, meta interface{}) error

func GetAllRouterInterfaceSpec

func GetAllRouterInterfaceSpec() (specifications []string)

func GetCenChildInstanceType

func GetCenChildInstanceType(id string) (c string, e error)

func GetCharTitile

func GetCharTitile(project, dashboard, char string, client *sls.Client) string

func GetFunc

func GetFunc(level int) string

func GetNotFoundErrorFromString

func GetNotFoundErrorFromString(str string) error

func GetNotFoundMessage

func GetNotFoundMessage(product, id string) string

func GetNotFoundVPCError added in v1.0.13

func GetNotFoundVPCError(str string) error

func GetNotVPCMessage added in v1.0.13

func GetNotVPCMessage() string

func GetTimeErrorFromString

func GetTimeErrorFromString(str string) error

func GetTimeoutMessage

func GetTimeoutMessage(product, status string) string

func GetUserHomeDir

func GetUserHomeDir() (string, error)

func IntMin

func IntMin(x, y int) int

func IsExpectedErrors

func IsExpectedErrors(err error, expectCodes []string) bool

func IsThrottling

func IsThrottling(err error) bool

func NatGatewaysDecriptionAttributes

func NatGatewaysDecriptionAttributes(d *schema.ResourceData, gateways []vpc.NatGateway, meta interface{}) error

func NotFoundError

func NotFoundError(err error) bool

func ParseResourceId

func ParseResourceId(id string, length int) (parts []string, err error)

func ParseSlbListenerId

func ParseSlbListenerId(id string) (parts []string, err error)

func PostPaidAndRenewDiffSuppressFunc

func PostPaidAndRenewDiffSuppressFunc(k, old, new string, d *schema.ResourceData) bool

func PostPaidDiffSuppressFunc

func PostPaidDiffSuppressFunc(k, old, new string, d *schema.ResourceData) bool

func Provider

func Provider() terraform.ResourceProvider

func RouteEntriesDecriptionAttributes

func RouteEntriesDecriptionAttributes(d *schema.ResourceData, entries []vpc.RouteEntry, meta interface{}) error

func RouteTablesDecriptionAttributes

func RouteTablesDecriptionAttributes(d *schema.ResourceData, tables []vpc.RouterTableListType, meta interface{}) error

func SnatEntriesDecriptionAttributes

func SnatEntriesDecriptionAttributes(d *schema.ResourceData, entries []vpc.SnatTableEntry, meta interface{}) error

func String

func String(v string) *string

func Trim

func Trim(v string) string

func VSwitchesDecriptionAttributes

func VSwitchesDecriptionAttributes(d *schema.ResourceData, vsws []vpc.VSwitch, meta interface{}) error

func WrapComplexError

func WrapComplexError(cause, err error, filepath string, fileline int) error

func WrapError

func WrapError(cause error) error

Return a ComplexError which including error occurred file and path

func WrapErrorf

func WrapErrorf(cause error, msg string, args ...interface{}) error

Return a ComplexError which including extra error message, error occurred file and path


type ARole

type ARole struct {
	Redirect        bool   `json:"redirect"`
	EagleEyeTraceID string `json:"eagleEyeTraceId"`
	AsapiSuccess    bool   `json:"asapiSuccess"`
	Code            string `json:"code"`
	Cost            int    `json:"cost"`
	Data            struct {
		RoleRange              string `json:"roleRange"`
		ArID                   string `json:"arId"`
		RAMRole                bool   `json:"rAMRole"`
		Code                   string `json:"code"`
		Active                 bool   `json:"active"`
		Description            string `json:"description"`
		RoleType               string `json:"roleType"`
		Default                bool   `json:"default"`
		OwnerOrganizationID    int    `json:"ownerOrganizationId"`
		Enable                 bool   `json:"enable"`
		RoleName               string `json:"roleName"`
		Ctime                  int64  `json:"ctime"`
		ID                     int    `json:"id"`
		RoleLevel              int64  `json:"roleLevel"`
		OrganizationVisibility string `json:"organizationVisibility"`
	} `json:"data"`
	Message        string `json:"message"`
	ServerRole     string `json:"serverRole"`
	AsapiRequestID string `json:"asapiRequestId"`
	Success        bool   `json:"success"`
	Domain         string `json:"domain"`
	PureListData   bool   `json:"pureListData"`
	API            string `json:"api"`
	AsapiErrorCode string `json:"asapiErrorCode"`

type AccessKeyInCreateAccessKey

type AccessKeyInCreateAccessKey struct {
	AccessKeyId     string `json:"AccessKeyId" xml:"AccessKeyId"`
	AccessKeySecret string `json:"AccessKeySecret" xml:"AccessKeySecret"`
	Status          string `json:"Status" xml:"Status"`
	CreateDate      string `json:"CreateDate" xml:"CreateDate"`

type AccountSite

type AccountSite string

type AclType

type AclType string

type ActionType

type ActionType string

type AddRoleList

type AddRoleList struct {
	LoginName  string   `json:"loginName"`
	RoleIDList []string `json:"roleIdList"`

type AddTagsArgs

type AddTagsArgs struct {
	ResourceId   string
	ResourceType ecs.TagResourceType //image, instance, snapshot or disk
	RegionId     common.Region
	Tag          []Tag

type AlarmsData

type AlarmsData struct {
	RequestID string `json:"RequestId"`
	Total     int    `json:"Total"`
	Alarms    struct {
		Alarm []struct {
			GroupName           string `json:"GroupName"`
			NoEffectiveInterval string `json:"NoEffectiveInterval"`
			SilenceTime         int    `json:"SilenceTime"`
			ContactGroups       string `json:"ContactGroups"`
			MailSubject         string `json:"MailSubject"`
			SourceType          string `json:"SourceType"`
			RuleID              string `json:"RuleId"`
			Period              int    `json:"Period"`
			Dimensions          string `json:"Dimensions"`
			EffectiveInterval   string `json:"EffectiveInterval"`
			AlertState          string `json:"AlertState"`
			Namespace           string `json:"Namespace"`
			GroupID             string `json:"GroupId"`
			MetricName          string `json:"MetricName"`
			EnableState         bool   `json:"EnableState"`
			Escalations         struct {
				Critical struct {
					ComparisonOperator string `json:"ComparisonOperator"`
					Times              int    `json:"Times"`
					Statistics         string `json:"Statistics"`
					Threshold          string `json:"Threshold"`
				} `json:"Critical"`
				Info struct {
					ComparisonOperator string `json:"ComparisonOperator"`
					Times              int    `json:"Times"`
					Statistics         string `json:"Statistics"`
					Threshold          string `json:"Threshold"`
				} `json:"Info"`
				Warn struct {
					ComparisonOperator string `json:"ComparisonOperator"`
					Times              int    `json:"Times"`
					Statistics         string `json:"Statistics"`
					Threshold          string `json:"Threshold"`
				} `json:"Warn"`
			} `json:"Escalations"`
			Webhook   string `json:"Webhook"`
			Resources string `json:"Resources"`
			RuleName  string `json:"RuleName"`
		} `json:"Alarm"`
	} `json:"Alarms"`
	Code    string `json:"Code"`
	Success bool   `json:"Success"`

type AscmCustomRole

type AscmCustomRole struct {
	Code            string `json:"code"`
	Cost            int    `json:"cost"`
	EagleEyeTraceID string `json:"eagleEyeTraceId"`
	AsapiSuccess    bool   `json:"asapiSuccess"`
	Data            []struct {
		NewRoleRange           string   `json:"newRoleRange"`
		Privileges             []string `json:"privileges"`
		Active                 bool     `json:"active"`
		ArID                   string   `json:"arId"`
		Code                   string   `json:"code"`
		Default                bool     `json:"default"`
		Description            string   `json:"description,omitempty"`
		Enable                 bool     `json:"enable"`
		ID                     int      `json:"id"`
		OrganizationVisibility string   `json:"organizationVisibility"`
		OwnerOrganizationID    int      `json:"ownerOrganizationId"`
		RAMRole                bool     `json:"rAMRole"`
		RoleLevel              int64    `json:"roleLevel"`
		RoleID                 int      `json:"roleId"`
		NewRoleName            string   `json:"newRoleName"`
		NewDescription         string   `json:"newDescription"`
		RoleName               string   `json:"roleName"`
		RoleRange              string   `json:"roleRange"`
		RoleType               string   `json:"roleType"`
		UserCount              int      `json:"userCount"`
		Rolevel                int64    `json:"rolevel,omitempty"`
		Ramrole                bool     `json:"ramrole"`
	} `json:"data"`
	Message  string `json:"message"`
	PageInfo struct {
		CurrentPage int `json:"currentPage"`
		PageSize    int `json:"pageSize"`
		Total       int `json:"total"`
		TotalPage   int `json:"totalPage"`
	} `json:"pageInfo"`
	PureListData    bool   `json:"pureListData"`
	Redirect        bool   `json:"redirect"`
	Success         bool   `json:"success"`
	AsapiErrorCode  string `json:"asapiErrorCode"`
	SuccessResponse bool   `json:"successResponse"`
	ServerRole      string `json:"serverRole"`
	AsapiRequestID  string `json:"asapiRequestId"`
	Domain          string `json:"domain"`
	API             string `json:"api"`

type AscmQuota

type AscmQuota struct {
	Redirect        bool   `json:"redirect"`
	AsapiSuccess    bool   `json:"asapiSuccess"`
	Code            string `json:"code"`
	Cost            int    `json:"cost"`
	AsapiRequestID  string `json:"asapiRequestId"`
	EagleEyeTraceID string `json:"eagleEyeTraceId"`
	Data            struct {
		QuotaTypeID                 int    `json:"quotaTypeId"`
		QuotaBody                   string `json:"quotaBody"`
		QuotaType                   string `json:"quotaType"`
		RegionID                    string `json:"regionId"`
		ProductName                 string `json:"productName"`
		RegionName                  string `json:"regionName"`
		AllocateDiskCloudSsd        int    `json:"allocateDisk_cloud_ssd"`
		Cluster                     string `json:"cluster"`
		TotalMem                    int    `json:"totalMem"`
		TotalDisk                   int    `json:"totalDisk"`
		TotalDiskCloudEfficiency    int    `json:"totalDisk_cloud_efficiency"`
		AllocateGpu                 int    `json:"allocateGpu"`
		TargetType                  string `json:"targetType"`
		UsedMem                     int    `json:"usedMem"`
		AllocateCPU                 int    `json:"allocateCpu"`
		UsedDiskCloudEfficiency     int    `json:"usedDisk_cloud_efficiency"`
		TotalDiskCloudSsd           int    `json:"totalDisk_cloud_ssd"`
		UsedDiskCloudSsd            int    `json:"usedDisk_cloud_ssd"`
		TotalCPU                    int    `json:"totalCpu"`
		TotalCU                     int    `json:"totalCu"`
		DtFlag                      bool   `json:"dtFlag"`
		Ctime                       int64  `json:"ctime"`
		ID                          int    `json:"id"`
		UsedGpu                     int    `json:"usedGpu"`
		Region                      string `json:"region"`
		AllocateMem                 int    `json:"allocateMem"`
		AllocateDiskCloudEfficiency int    `json:"allocateDisk_cloud_efficiency"`
		TotalGpu                    int    `json:"totalGpu"`
		UsedCPU                     int    `json:"usedCpu"`
		TotalVPC                    int    `json:"totalVPC"`
		TotalEIP                    int    `json:"totalEIP"`
		UsedVPC                     int    `json:"usedVPC"`
		AllocateVPC                 int    `json:"allocateVPC"`
		TotalAmount                 int    `json:"totalAmount"`
		UsedVipInternal             int    `json:"usedVipInternal"`
		AllocateVipPublic           int    `json:"allocateVipPublic"`
		TotalVipPublic              int    `json:"totalVipPublic"`
		TotalVipInternal            int    `json:"totalVipInternal"`
		UsedVipPublic               int    `json:"usedVipPublic"`
		AllocateVipInternal         int    `json:"allocateVipInternal"`
		UsedAmount                  int    `json:"usedAmount"`
		AllocateAmount              int    `json:"allocateAmount"`
		UsedDisk                    int    `json:"usedDisk"`
		AllocateDisk                int    `json:"allocateDisk"`
	} `json:"data"`
	RequestID      string `json:"requestId"`
	Success        bool   `json:"success"`
	PureListData   bool   `json:"pureListData"`
	Message        string `json:"message"`
	ServerRole     string `json:"serverRole"`
	Domain         string `json:"domain"`
	API            string `json:"api"`
	AsapiErrorCode string `json:"asapiErrorCode"`

type AscmResourceGroupUser

type AscmResourceGroupUser struct {
	CurrentPage     int    `json:"currentPage"`
	PageSize        int    `json:"pageSize"`
	ResourceGroupID int    `json:"resourceGroupId"`
	RGID            int    `json:"resource_group_id"`
	AscmUserIds     string `json:"ascm_user_ids"`

type AscmRole

type AscmRole struct {
	ErrorKey          string `json:"errorKey"`
	EagleEyeTraceID   string `json:"eagleEyeTraceId"`
	AsapiSuccess      bool   `json:"asapiSuccess"`
	ServerRole        string `json:"serverRole"`
	AsapiRequestID    string `json:"asapiRequestId"`
	AsapiErrorHint    string `json:"asapiErrorHint"`
	AsapiErrorMessage string `json:"asapiErrorMessage"`
	Domain            string `json:"domain"`
	API               string `json:"api"`
	AsapiErrorCode    string `json:"asapiErrorCode"`
	Code              string `json:"code"`
	Cost              int    `json:"cost"`
	Data              struct {
		Active                 bool   `json:"active"`
		ArID                   string `json:"arId"`
		Code                   string `json:"code"`
		Default                bool   `json:"default"`
		Description            string `json:"description,omitempty"`
		Enable                 bool   `json:"enable"`
		ID                     int    `json:"id"`
		OrganizationVisibility string `json:"organizationVisibility"`
		OwnerOrganizationID    int    `json:"ownerOrganizationId"`
		RAMRole                bool   `json:"rAMRole"`
		RoleLevel              int64  `json:"roleLevel"`
		RoleID                 int    `json:"roleId"`
		NewRoleName            string `json:"newRoleName"`
		NewDescription         string `json:"newDescription"`
		RoleName               string `json:"roleName"`
		RoleRange              string `json:"roleRange"`
		RoleType               string `json:"roleType"`
		UserCount              int    `json:"userCount"`
		Rolevel                int64  `json:"rolevel,omitempty"`
	} `json:"data"`
	Message  string `json:"message"`
	PageInfo struct {
		CurrentPage int `json:"currentPage"`
		PageSize    int `json:"pageSize"`
		Total       int `json:"total"`
		TotalPage   int `json:"totalPage"`
	} `json:"pageInfo"`
	PureListData bool `json:"pureListData"`
	Redirect     bool `json:"redirect"`
	Success      bool `json:"success"`

type AscmRoles

type AscmRoles struct {
	Code            string `json:"code"`
	Cost            int    `json:"cost"`
	EagleEyeTraceID string `json:"eagleEyeTraceId"`
	AsapiSuccess    bool   `json:"asapiSuccess"`
	Data            []struct {
		Active                 bool   `json:"active"`
		ArID                   string `json:"arId"`
		Code                   string `json:"code"`
		Default                bool   `json:"default"`
		Description            string `json:"description,omitempty"`
		Enable                 bool   `json:"enable"`
		ID                     int    `json:"id"`
		OrganizationVisibility string `json:"organizationVisibility"`
		OwnerOrganizationID    int    `json:"ownerOrganizationId"`
		RAMRole                bool   `json:"rAMRole"`
		RoleLevel              int64  `json:"roleLevel"`
		RoleID                 int    `json:"roleId"`
		NewRoleName            string `json:"newRoleName"`
		NewDescription         string `json:"newDescription"`
		RoleName               string `json:"roleName"`
		RoleRange              string `json:"roleRange"`
		RoleType               string `json:"roleType"`
		UserCount              int    `json:"userCount"`
	} `json:"data"`
	Message  string `json:"message"`
	PageInfo struct {
		CurrentPage int `json:"currentPage"`
		PageSize    int `json:"pageSize"`
		Total       int `json:"total"`
		TotalPage   int `json:"totalPage"`
	} `json:"pageInfo"`
	PureListData    bool   `json:"pureListData"`
	Redirect        bool   `json:"redirect"`
	Success         bool   `json:"success"`
	AsapiErrorCode  string `json:"asapiErrorCode"`
	SuccessResponse bool   `json:"successResponse"`
	ServerRole      string `json:"serverRole"`
	AsapiRequestID  string `json:"asapiRequestId"`
	Domain          string `json:"domain"`
	API             string `json:"api"`

type AscmService

type AscmService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*AscmService) DescribeAscmCustomRole

func (s *AscmService) DescribeAscmCustomRole(id string) (response *AscmCustomRole, err error)

func (*AscmService) DescribeAscmDeletedUser

func (s *AscmService) DescribeAscmDeletedUser(id string) (response *DeletedUser, err error)

func (*AscmService) DescribeAscmKeypolicy

func (s *AscmService) DescribeAscmKeypolicy(id string) (response *AccessKeyInCreateAccessKey, err error)

func (*AscmService) DescribeAscmLogonPolicy

func (s *AscmService) DescribeAscmLogonPolicy(id string) (response *LoginPolicy, err error)

func (*AscmService) DescribeAscmOrganization

func (s *AscmService) DescribeAscmOrganization(id string) (response *Organization, err error)

func (*AscmService) DescribeAscmPasswordPolicy

func (s *AscmService) DescribeAscmPasswordPolicy(id string) (response *PasswordPolicy, err error)

func (*AscmService) DescribeAscmQuota

func (s *AscmService) DescribeAscmQuota(id string) (response *AscmQuota, err error)

func (*AscmService) DescribeAscmRamPolicy

func (s *AscmService) DescribeAscmRamPolicy(id string) (response *RamPolicies, err error)

func (*AscmService) DescribeAscmRamPolicyForRole

func (s *AscmService) DescribeAscmRamPolicyForRole(id string) (response *RamPolicies, err error)

func (*AscmService) DescribeAscmRamRole

func (s *AscmService) DescribeAscmRamRole(id string) (response *AscmRoles, err error)

func (*AscmService) DescribeAscmRamServiceRole

func (s *AscmService) DescribeAscmRamServiceRole(id string) (response *RamRole, err error)

func (*AscmService) DescribeAscmResourceGroup

func (s *AscmService) DescribeAscmResourceGroup(id string) (response *ResourceGroup, err error)

func (*AscmService) DescribeAscmResourceGroupUserAttachment

func (s *AscmService) DescribeAscmResourceGroupUserAttachment(id string) (response *AscmResourceGroupUser, err error)

func (*AscmService) DescribeAscmUser

func (s *AscmService) DescribeAscmUser(id string) (response *User, err error)

func (*AscmService) DescribeAscmUserGroup added in v1.0.12

func (s *AscmService) DescribeAscmUserGroup(id string) (response *UserGroup, err error)

func (*AscmService) DescribeAscmUserGroupResourceSet added in v1.0.12

func (s *AscmService) DescribeAscmUserGroupResourceSet(id string) (response *ListResourceGroup, err error)

func (*AscmService) DescribeAscmUserGroupResourceSetBinding added in v1.0.12

func (s *AscmService) DescribeAscmUserGroupResourceSetBinding(id string) (response *ListResourceGroup, err error)

func (*AscmService) DescribeAscmUserGroupRoleBinding added in v1.0.12

func (s *AscmService) DescribeAscmUserGroupRoleBinding(id string) (response *UserGroup, err error)

func (*AscmService) DescribeAscmUserRoleBinding

func (s *AscmService) DescribeAscmUserRoleBinding(id string) (response *User, err error)

func (*AscmService) DescribeAscmUsergroupUser added in v1.0.12

func (s *AscmService) DescribeAscmUsergroupUser(id string) (response *User, err error)

type AscmUser

type AscmUser struct {
	DisplayName      string   `json:"displayName"`
	Email            string   `json:"email"`
	LoginPolicyID    int      `json:"loginPolicyId"`
	MobileNationCode string   `json:"mobileNationCode"`
	PolicyID         int      `json:"policyId"`
	OrganizationID   string   `json:"organizationId"`
	LoginName        string   `json:"loginName"`
	FullName         string   `json:"fullName"`
	RoleIDList       []string `json:"roleIdList"`
	CellphoneNum     string   `json:"cellphoneNum"`
	UserEmail        string   `json:"userEmail"`

type AutoGenerated

type AutoGenerated struct {
	RoleID                 int      `json:"roleId"`
	NewRoleRange           string   `json:"newRoleRange"`
	Privileges             []string `json:"privileges"`
	RoleName               string   `json:"roleName"`
	Description            string   `json:"description"`
	RoleRange              string   `json:"roleRange"`
	OrganizationVisibility string   `json:"organizationVisibility"`

type BatchSize

type BatchSize int

type BindResourceAndUsers

type BindResourceAndUsers struct {
	ResourceGroupID int    `json:"resource_group_id"`
	AscmUserIds     string `json:"ascm_user_ids"`

type BssopenapiService

type BssopenapiService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*BssopenapiService) GetInstanceTypePrice

func (b *BssopenapiService) GetInstanceTypePrice(productCode, productType string, modules interface{}) ([]float64, error)

type BucketList

type BucketList struct {
	Data struct {
		ListAllMyBucketsResult struct {
			Buckets struct {
				Bucket []struct {
					Comment           string `json:"Comment"`
					CreationDate      string `json:"CreationDate"`
					Department        int64  `json:"Department"`
					DepartmentName    string `json:"DepartmentName"`
					ExtranetEndpoint  string `json:"ExtranetEndpoint"`
					IntranetEndpoint  string `json:"IntranetEndpoint"`
					Location          string `json:"Location"`
					Name              string `json:"Name"`
					ResourceGroup     int64  `json:"ResourceGroup"`
					ResourceGroupName string `json:"ResourceGroupName"`
					StorageClass      string `json:"StorageClass"`
				} `json:"Bucket"`
			} `json:"Buckets"`
			Owner struct{} `json:"Owner"`
		} `json:"ListAllMyBucketsResult"`
	} `json:"Data"`
	Code         string `json:"code"`
	Cost         int64  `json:"cost"`
	Message      string `json:"message"`
	PureListData bool   `json:"pureListData"`
	Redirect     bool   `json:"redirect"`
	Success      bool   `json:"success"`

type BucketVpcService added in v1.0.12

type BucketVpcService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*BucketVpcService) BindBucket added in v1.0.12

func (s *BucketVpcService) BindBucket(vpcId string, vpcName string, vLan string, bucket string) error

func (*BucketVpcService) BucketVpcList added in v1.0.12

func (s *BucketVpcService) BucketVpcList(bucketName string) (vpclist *VpcListResult, err error)

func (*BucketVpcService) UnBindBucket added in v1.0.12

func (s *BucketVpcService) UnBindBucket(vpcId string, bucket string) error

type Catcher

type Catcher struct {
	Reason           string
	RetryCount       int
	RetryWaitSeconds int

type Cluster

type Cluster struct {
	Department             int64  `json:"Department"`
	DepartmentName         string `json:"DepartmentName"`
	ResourceGroup          int64  `json:"ResourceGroup"`
	ResourceGroupName      string `json:"ResourceGroupName"`
	ClusterHealthy         string `json:"cluster_healthy"`
	ClusterID              string `json:"cluster_id"`
	ClusterType            string `json:"cluster_type"`
	Created                string `json:"created"`
	CurrentVersion         string `json:"current_version"`
	DataDiskCategory       string `json:"data_disk_category"`
	DataDiskSize           int64  `json:"data_disk_size"`
	DeletionProtection     bool   `json:"deletion_protection"`
	DockerVersion          string `json:"docker_version"`
	EnabledMigration       bool   `json:"enabled_migration"`
	ErrMsg                 string `json:"err_msg"`
	ExternalLoadbalancerID string `json:"external_loadbalancer_id"`
	GwBridge               string `json:"gw_bridge"`
	InitVersion            string `json:"init_version"`
	InstanceType           string `json:"instance_type"`
	MasterURL              string `json:"master_url"`
	MetaData               string `json:"meta_data"`
	Name                   string `json:"name"`
	NeedUpdateAgent        bool   `json:"need_update_agent"`
	NetworkMode            string `json:"network_mode"`
	NodeStatus             string `json:"node_status"`
	Outputs                []struct {
		Description string      `json:"Description"`
		OutputKey   string      `json:"OutputKey"`
		OutputValue interface{} `json:"OutputValue"`
	} `json:"outputs"`
	Parameters struct {
		ALIYUN__AccountID        string `json:"ALIYUN::AccountId"`
		ALIYUN__NoValue          string `json:"ALIYUN::NoValue"`
		ALIYUN__Region           string `json:"ALIYUN::Region"`
		ALIYUN__StackID          string `json:"ALIYUN::StackId"`
		ALIYUN__StackName        string `json:"ALIYUN::StackName"`
		AdjustmentType           string `json:"AdjustmentType"`
		AuditFlags               string `json:"AuditFlags"`
		BetaVersion              string `json:"BetaVersion"`
		Ca                       string `json:"CA"`
		ClientCA                 string `json:"ClientCA"`
		CloudMonitorFlags        string `json:"CloudMonitorFlags"`
		CloudMonitorVersion      string `json:"CloudMonitorVersion"`
		ContainerCIDR            string `json:"ContainerCIDR"`
		DockerVersion            string `json:"DockerVersion"`
		Eip                      string `json:"Eip"`
		EipAddress               string `json:"EipAddress"`
		ElasticSearchHost        string `json:"ElasticSearchHost"`
		ElasticSearchPass        string `json:"ElasticSearchPass"`
		ElasticSearchPort        string `json:"ElasticSearchPort"`
		ElasticSearchUser        string `json:"ElasticSearchUser"`
		EtcdVersion              string `json:"EtcdVersion"`
		ExecuteVersion           string `json:"ExecuteVersion"`
		GPUFlags                 string `json:"GPUFlags"`
		HealthCheckType          string `json:"HealthCheckType"`
		IPVSEnable               string `json:"IPVSEnable"`
		ImageID                  string `json:"ImageId"`
		K8SMasterPolicyDocument  string `json:"K8SMasterPolicyDocument"`
		K8sWorkerPolicyDocument  string `json:"K8sWorkerPolicyDocument"`
		Key                      string `json:"Key"`
		KeyPair                  string `json:"KeyPair"`
		KubernetesVersion        string `json:"KubernetesVersion"`
		LoggingType              string `json:"LoggingType"`
		MasterAutoRenew          string `json:"MasterAutoRenew"`
		MasterAutoRenewPeriod    string `json:"MasterAutoRenewPeriod"`
		MasterDataDisk           string `json:"MasterDataDisk"`
		MasterDataDiskCategory   string `json:"MasterDataDiskCategory"`
		MasterDataDiskDevice     string `json:"MasterDataDiskDevice"`
		MasterDataDiskSize       string `json:"MasterDataDiskSize"`
		MasterImageID            string `json:"MasterImageId"`
		MasterInstanceChargeType string `json:"MasterInstanceChargeType"`
		MasterInstanceType       string `json:"MasterInstanceType"`
		MasterKeyPair            string `json:"MasterKeyPair"`
		MasterLoginPassword      string `json:"MasterLoginPassword"`
		MasterPeriod             string `json:"MasterPeriod"`
		MasterPeriodUnit         string `json:"MasterPeriodUnit"`
		MasterSystemDiskCategory string `json:"MasterSystemDiskCategory"`
		MasterSystemDiskSize     string `json:"MasterSystemDiskSize"`
		NatGateway               string `json:"NatGateway"`
		NatGatewayID             string `json:"NatGatewayId"`
		Network                  string `json:"Network"`
		NodeCIDRMask             string `json:"NodeCIDRMask"`
		NumOfNodes               string `json:"NumOfNodes"`
		Password                 string `json:"Password"`
		ProtectedInstances       string `json:"ProtectedInstances"`
		PublicSLB                string `json:"PublicSLB"`
		RemoveInstanceIds        string `json:"RemoveInstanceIds"`
		SLSProjectName           string `json:"SLSProjectName"`
		SNatEntry                string `json:"SNatEntry"`
		SSHFlags                 string `json:"SSHFlags"`
		ServiceCIDR              string `json:"ServiceCIDR"`
		SnatTableID              string `json:"SnatTableId"`
		UserCA                   string `json:"UserCA"`
		VSwitchID                string `json:"VSwitchId"`
		VpcID                    string `json:"VpcId"`
		WillReplace              string `json:"WillReplace"`
		WorkerAutoRenew          string `json:"WorkerAutoRenew"`
		WorkerAutoRenewPeriod    string `json:"WorkerAutoRenewPeriod"`
		WorkerDataDisk           string `json:"WorkerDataDisk"`
		WorkerDataDiskCategory   string `json:"WorkerDataDiskCategory"`
		WorkerDataDiskDevice     string `json:"WorkerDataDiskDevice"`
		WorkerDataDiskSize       string `json:"WorkerDataDiskSize"`
		WorkerImageID            string `json:"WorkerImageId"`
		WorkerInstanceChargeType string `json:"WorkerInstanceChargeType"`
		WorkerInstanceType       string `json:"WorkerInstanceType"`
		WorkerKeyPair            string `json:"WorkerKeyPair"`
		WorkerLoginPassword      string `json:"WorkerLoginPassword"`
		WorkerPeriod             string `json:"WorkerPeriod"`
		WorkerPeriodUnit         string `json:"WorkerPeriodUnit"`
		WorkerSystemDiskCategory string `json:"WorkerSystemDiskCategory"`
		WorkerSystemDiskSize     string `json:"WorkerSystemDiskSize"`
		ZoneID                   string `json:"ZoneId"`
	} `json:"parameters"`
	Port              int64  `json:"port"`
	PrivateZone       bool   `json:"private_zone"`
	Profile           string `json:"profile"`
	RegionID          string `json:"region_id"`
	ResourceGroupID   string `json:"resource_group_id"`
	SecurityGroupID   string `json:"security_group_id"`
	Size              int64  `json:"size"`
	State             string `json:"state"`
	SubnetCidr        string `json:"subnet_cidr"`
	SwarmMode         bool   `json:"swarm_mode"`
	Updated           string `json:"updated"`
	UpgradeComponents struct {
		Kubernetes struct {
			CanUpgrade     bool   `json:"can_upgrade"`
			Changed        string `json:"changed"`
			ComponentName  string `json:"component_name"`
			Exist          bool   `json:"exist"`
			Force          bool   `json:"force"`
			Message        string `json:"message"`
			NextVersion    string `json:"next_version"`
			Policy         string `json:"policy"`
			ReadyToUpgrade string `json:"ready_to_upgrade"`
			Required       bool   `json:"required"`
			Version        string `json:"version"`
		} `json:"Kubernetes"`
	} `json:"upgrade_components"`
	VpcID       string `json:"vpc_id"`
	VswitchCidr string `json:"vswitch_cidr"`
	VswitchID   string `json:"vswitch_id"`
	ZoneID      string `json:"zone_id"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

type ClusterCommonResponse

type ClusterCommonResponse struct {
	ClusterID  string `json:"cluster_id"`
	Token      string `json:"token,omitempty"`
	TaskId     string `json:"task_id,omitempty"`
	InstanceId string `json:"instanceId"`

type ClustersByProduct1

type ClustersByProduct1 struct {
	Body struct {
		ClusterList []struct {
			Region30 []string `json:"cn-neimeng-env30-d01"`
			Region66 []string `json:"cn-qingdao-env66-d01"`
			Region17 []string `json:"cn-wulan-env82-d01"`
		} `json:"ClusterList"`
	} `json:"body"`
	Code            int  `json:"code"`
	SuccessResponse bool `json:"successResponse"`

type ClustersV1 added in v1.0.8

type ClustersV1 struct {
	Redirect        bool   `json:"redirect"`
	EagleEyeTraceID string `json:"eagleEyeTraceId"`
	AsapiSuccess    bool   `json:"asapiSuccess"`
	Code            string `json:"code"`
	Cost            int    `json:"cost"`
	Message         string `json:"message"`
	ServerRole      string `json:"serverRole"`
	AsapiRequestID  string `json:"asapiRequestId"`
	Success         bool   `json:"success"`
	PageInfo        struct {
		PageNumber int `json:"page_number"`
		TotalCount int `json:"total_count"`
		PageSize   int `json:"page_size"`
	} `json:"page_info"`
	Domain       string `json:"domain"`
	PureListData bool   `json:"pureListData"`
	API          string `json:"api"`
	Clusters     []struct {
		ResourceGroupID        string `json:"resource_group_id"`
		PrivateZone            bool   `json:"private_zone"`
		VpcID                  string `json:"vpc_id"`
		NetworkMode            string `json:"network_mode"`
		SecurityGroupID        string `json:"security_group_id"`
		ClusterType            string `json:"cluster_type"`
		DockerVersion          string `json:"docker_version"`
		DataDiskCategory       string `json:"data_disk_category"`
		NextVersion            string `json:"next_version"`
		ZoneID                 string `json:"zone_id"`
		ClusterID              string `json:"cluster_id"`
		Department             int    `json:"Department"`
		ExternalLoadbalancerID string `json:"external_loadbalancer_id"`
		//MetaData struct {
		//	Addons []struct {
		//		//Config      string      `json:"config"`
		//		Description string      `json:"description"`
		//		Disabled    bool        `json:"disabled"`
		//		Name        string      `json:"name"`
		//		Properties  interface{} `json:"properties"`
		//		Required    string      `json:"required"`
		//		Value       string      `json:"value"`
		//		Version     string      `json:"version"`
		//	} `json:"Addons"`
		//	AuditProjectName string `json:"AuditProjectName"`
		//	Capabilities     struct {
		//		AnyAZ                   bool   `json:"AnyAZ"`
		//		CSI                     bool   `json:"CSI"`
		//		CPUPolicy               bool   `json:"CpuPolicy"`
		//		DeploymentSet           bool   `json:"DeploymentSet"`
		//		DisableEncryption       bool   `json:"DisableEncryption"`
		//		EncryptionKMSKeyID      string `json:"EncryptionKMSKeyId"`
		//		EnterpriseSecurityGroup bool   `json:"EnterpriseSecurityGroup"`
		//		HpcCluster              bool   `json:"HpcCluster"`
		//		IntelSGX1               bool   `json:"IntelSGX1"`
		//		Network                 string `json:"Network"`
		//		NodeCIDRMask            string `json:"NodeCIDRMask"`
		//		NodeNameMode            bool   `json:"NodeNameMode"`
		//		NodePortRange           bool   `json:"NodePortRange"`
		//		ProxyMode               string `json:"ProxyMode"`
		//		PublicSLB               bool   `json:"PublicSLB"`
		//		SLSProjectName          bool   `json:"SLSProjectName"`
		//		SandboxRuntime          bool   `json:"SandboxRuntime"`
		//		SnapshotPolicy          bool   `json:"SnapshotPolicy"`
		//		Taint                   bool   `json:"Taint"`
		//		TerwayEniip             bool   `json:"TerwayEniip"`
		//		UserData                bool   `json:"UserData"`
		//	} `json:"Capabilities"`
		//	CloudMonitorVersion       string      `json:"CloudMonitorVersion"`
		//	ClusterDomain             string      `json:"ClusterDomain"`
		//	DockerVersion             string      `json:"DockerVersion"`
		//	EtcdVersion               string      `json:"EtcdVersion"`
		//	HasSandboxRuntime         bool        `json:"HasSandboxRuntime"`
		//	KubernetesVersion         string      `json:"KubernetesVersion"`
		//	MultiAZ                   bool        `json:"MultiAZ"`
		//	NameMode                  string      `json:"NameMode"`
		//	NextVersion               string      `json:"NextVersion"`
		//	OSType                    string      `json:"OSType"`
		//	Platform                  string      `json:"Platform"`
		//	PodVswitchID              string      `json:"PodVswitchId"`
		//	Provider                  string      `json:"Provider"`
		//	ResourceGroupID           string      `json:"ResourceGroupId"`
		//	Runtime                   string      `json:"Runtime"`
		//	RuntimeVersion            string      `json:"RuntimeVersion"`
		//	SubClass                  string      `json:"SubClass"`
		//	SupportPlatforms          []string    `json:"SupportPlatforms"`
		//	TemplateVersion           string      `json:"TemplateVersion"`
		//	VersionSpec               interface{} `json:"VersionSpec"`
		//	VpcCidr                   string      `json:"VpcCidr"`
		//	CorednsVersion            string      `json:"corednsVersion"`
		//	DedicatedKubeProxyVersion string      `json:"dedicated-kube-proxyVersion"`
		//} `json:"meta_data"`
		VswitchID          string    `json:"vswitch_id"`
		SwarmMode          bool      `json:"swarm_mode"`
		RMRegionID         string    `json:"RMRegionId"`
		State              string    `json:"state"`
		ResourceGroup      int       `json:"ResourceGroup"`
		InitVersion        string    `json:"init_version"`
		NodeStatus         string    `json:"node_status"`
		NeedUpdateAgent    bool      `json:"need_update_agent"`
		Created            time.Time `json:"created"`
		DeletionProtection bool      `json:"deletion_protection"`
		SubnetCidr         string    `json:"subnet_cidr"`
		Profile            string    `json:"profile"`
		RegionID           string    `json:"region_id"`
		MasterURL          string    `json:"master_url"`
		CurrentVersion     string    `json:"current_version"`
		NAMING_FAILED      string    `json:"-"`
		VswitchCidr        string    `json:"vswitch_cidr"`
		GwBridge           string    `json:"gw_bridge"`
		ClusterHealthy     string    `json:"cluster_healthy"`
		ClusterSpec        string    `json:"cluster_spec"`
		Size               int       `json:"size"`
		DataDiskSize       int       `json:"data_disk_size"`
		Port               int       `json:"port"`
		EnabledMigration   bool      `json:"enabled_migration"`
		Name               string    `json:"name"`
		DepartmentName     string    `json:"DepartmentName"`
		Updated            time.Time `json:"updated"`
		InstanceType       string    `json:"instance_type"`
		WorkerRAMRoleName  string    `json:"worker_ram_role_name"`
		ResourceGroupName  string    `json:"ResourceGroupName"`
	} `json:"clusters"`

type CmsContact

type CmsContact struct {
	Code string `json:"Code"`
	Cost int    `json:"Cost"`
	Data []struct {
		Cid  string `json:"Cid"`
		Name string `json:"Name"`
	} `json:"Data"`
	Message  string `json:"Message"`
	Redirect bool   `json:"Redirect"`
	Success  bool   `json:"Success"`

type CmsService

type CmsService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CmsService) BuildCmsAlarmRequest

func (s *CmsService) BuildCmsAlarmRequest(id string) *requests.CommonRequest

func (*CmsService) BuildCmsCommonRequest

func (s *CmsService) BuildCmsCommonRequest(region string) *requests.CommonRequest

func (*CmsService) BuildJsonWebhook

func (s *CmsService) BuildJsonWebhook(webhook string) string

func (*CmsService) DescribeCmsAlarm

func (s *CmsService) DescribeCmsAlarm(id string) (alarm cms.AlarmInDescribeMetricRuleList, err error)

func (*CmsService) DescribeCmsAlarmContact

func (s *CmsService) DescribeCmsAlarmContact(id string) (object cms.Contact, err error)

func (*CmsService) DescribeCmsAlarmContactGroup

func (s *CmsService) DescribeCmsAlarmContactGroup(id string) (object cms.ContactGroup, err error)

func (*CmsService) DescribeSiteMonitor

func (s *CmsService) DescribeSiteMonitor(id, keyword string) (siteMonitor cms.SiteMonitor, err error)

func (*CmsService) ExtractWebhookFromJson

func (s *CmsService) ExtractWebhookFromJson(webhookJson string) (string, error)

func (*CmsService) GetIspCities

func (s *CmsService) GetIspCities(id string) (ispCities IspCities, err error)

func (*CmsService) WaitForCmsAlarm

func (s *CmsService) WaitForCmsAlarm(id string, enabled bool, timeout int) error

type CommandArg added in v1.0.11

type CommandArg struct {
	Argument string `json:"argument" xml:"argument"`

type ComplexError

type ComplexError struct {
	Cause error
	Err   error
	Path  string
	Line  int

ComplexError is a format error which including origin error, extra error message, error occurred file and line Cause: a error is a origin error that comes from SDK, some exceptions and so on Err: a new error is built from extra message Path: the file path of error occurred Line: the file line of error occurred

func (ComplexError) Error

func (e ComplexError) Error() string

type Config added in v1.0.4

type Config struct {
	APIVersion string `yaml:"apiVersion"`
	Clusters   []struct {
		Cluster struct {
			CertificateAuthorityData string `yaml:"certificate-authority-data"`
			Server                   string `yaml:"server"`
		} `yaml:"cluster"`
		Name string `yaml:"name"`
	} `yaml:"clusters"`
	Contexts []struct {
		Context struct {
			Cluster string `yaml:"cluster"`
			User    string `yaml:"user"`
		} `yaml:"context"`
		Name string `yaml:"name"`
	} `yaml:"contexts"`
	CurrentContext string `yaml:"current-context"`
	Kind           string `yaml:"kind"`
	Preferences    struct {
	} `yaml:"preferences"`
	Users []struct {
		Name string `yaml:"name"`
		User struct {
			ClientCertificateData string `yaml:"client-certificate-data"`
			ClientKeyData         string `yaml:"client-key-data"`
		} `yaml:"user"`
	} `yaml:"users"`

type CrService

type CrService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CrService) DeleteCrEENamespace

func (c *CrService) DeleteCrEENamespace(instanceId string, namespaceName string) (*cr_ee.DeleteNamespaceResponse, error)

func (*CrService) DeleteCrEERepo

func (c *CrService) DeleteCrEERepo(instanceId, namespace, repo, repoId string) (*cr_ee.DeleteRepositoryResponse, error)

func (*CrService) DescribeCrEEInstance

func (c *CrService) DescribeCrEEInstance(instanceId string) (*cr_ee.GetInstanceResponse, error)

func (*CrService) DescribeCrEENamespace

func (c *CrService) DescribeCrEENamespace(id string) (*cr_ee.GetNamespaceResponse, error)

func (*CrService) DescribeCrEERepo

func (c *CrService) DescribeCrEERepo(id string) (*cr_ee.GetRepositoryResponse, error)

func (*CrService) DescribeCrEESyncRule

func (c *CrService) DescribeCrEESyncRule(id string) (*cr_ee.SyncRulesItem, error)

func (*CrService) DescribeCrNamespace

func (c *CrService) DescribeCrNamespace(id string) (*crDescribeNamespaceResponse, error)

func (*CrService) DescribeCrRepo

func (c *CrService) DescribeCrRepo(id string) (GetRepoResponse, error)

func (*CrService) GenResourceId

func (c *CrService) GenResourceId(args ...string) string

func (*CrService) GetCrEEInstanceUsage

func (c *CrService) GetCrEEInstanceUsage(instanceId string) (*cr_ee.GetInstanceUsageResponse, error)

func (*CrService) ListCrEEInstanceEndpoint

func (c *CrService) ListCrEEInstanceEndpoint(instanceId string) (*cr_ee.ListInstanceEndpointResponse, error)

func (*CrService) ListCrEEInstances

func (c *CrService) ListCrEEInstances(pageNo int, pageSize int) (*cr_ee.ListInstanceResponse, error)

func (*CrService) ListCrEENamespaces

func (c *CrService) ListCrEENamespaces(instanceId string, pageNo int, pageSize int) (*cr_ee.ListNamespaceResponse, error)

func (*CrService) ListCrEERepoTags

func (c *CrService) ListCrEERepoTags(instanceId string, repoId string, pageNo int, pageSize int) (*cr_ee.ListRepoTagResponse, error)

func (*CrService) ListCrEERepos

func (c *CrService) ListCrEERepos(instanceId string, namespace string, pageNo int, pageSize int) (*cr_ee.ListRepositoryResponse, error)

func (*CrService) ParseResourceId

func (c *CrService) ParseResourceId(id string) []string

func (*CrService) WaitForCrEENamespace

func (c *CrService) WaitForCrEENamespace(instanceId string, namespaceName string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*CrService) WaitForCrEERepo

func (c *CrService) WaitForCrEERepo(instanceId string, namespace string, repo string, status Status, timeout int) error

type CreateDBInstanceResponse added in v1.0.2

type CreateDBInstanceResponse struct {
	RequestId        string `json:"RequestId" xml:"RequestId"`
	DBInstanceId     string `json:"DBInstanceId" xml:"DBInstanceId"`
	OrderId          string `json:"OrderId" xml:"OrderId"`
	ConnectionString string `json:"ConnectionString" xml:"ConnectionString"`
	Port             string `json:"Port" xml:"Port"`

type CreatePolicyResponse added in v1.0.11

type CreatePolicyResponse struct {
	Policy struct {
		PolicyType     string    `json:"PolicyType"`
		Description    string    `json:"Description"`
		PolicyName     string    `json:"PolicyName"`
		DefaultVersion string    `json:"DefaultVersion"`
		CreateDate     time.Time `json:"CreateDate"`
	} `json:"Policy"`
	ServerRole      string `json:"serverRole"`
	EagleEyeTraceID string `json:"eagleEyeTraceId"`
	AsapiSuccess    bool   `json:"asapiSuccess"`
	AsapiRequestID  string `json:"asapiRequestId"`
	RequestID       string `json:"RequestId"`
	Domain          string `json:"domain"`
	API             string `json:"api"`

type CreateUserGroup added in v1.0.12

type CreateUserGroup struct {
	Code         string `json:"code"`
	Cost         int    `json:"cost"`
	Message      string `json:"message"`
	PureListData bool   `json:"pureListData"`
	Redirect     bool   `json:"redirect"`
	Success      bool   `json:"success"`
	Data         []struct {
		AugId          string `json:"augId"`
		GroupName      string `json:"groupName"`
		Id             int    `json:"id"`
		OrganizationId int    `json:"organizationId"`
	} `json:"data"`

type CreditSpecification

type CreditSpecification string

type CsService

type CsService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CsService) CsKubernetesInstanceStateRefreshFunc

func (s *CsService) CsKubernetesInstanceStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*CsService) DescribeClusterNodePools added in v1.0.8

func (s *CsService) DescribeClusterNodePools(id string) (*NodePool, error)

func (*CsService) DescribeClusterNodes added in v1.0.8

func (s *CsService) DescribeClusterNodes(id, nodepoolid string) (pools *NodePools, err error)

func (*CsService) DescribeCsKubernetes

func (s *CsService) DescribeCsKubernetes(id string) (cl *cs.KubernetesClusterDetail, err error)

func (*CsService) UpgradeCluster

func (s *CsService) UpgradeCluster(clusterId string, args *cs.UpgradeClusterArgs) error

func (*CsService) WaitForUpgradeCluster

func (s *CsService) WaitForUpgradeCluster(clusterId string, action string) (string, error)

type DBInstance added in v1.0.13

type DBInstance struct {
	ReplicaSetName              string `json:"ReplicaSetName" xml:"ReplicaSetName"`
	DBInstanceDescription       string `json:"DBInstanceDescription" xml:"DBInstanceDescription"`
	Engine                      string `json:"Engine" xml:"Engine"`
	ChargeType                  string `json:"ChargeType" xml:"ChargeType"`
	ReadonlyReplicas            string `json:"ReadonlyReplicas" xml:"ReadonlyReplicas"`
	DBInstanceClass             string `json:"DBInstanceClass" xml:"DBInstanceClass"`
	VpcAuthMode                 string `json:"VpcAuthMode" xml:"VpcAuthMode"`
	CapacityUnit                string `json:"CapacityUnit" xml:"CapacityUnit"`
	DestroyTime                 string `json:"DestroyTime" xml:"DestroyTime"`
	LastDowngradeTime           string `json:"LastDowngradeTime" xml:"LastDowngradeTime"`
	RegionId                    string `json:"RegionId" xml:"RegionId"`
	MaxConnections              int    `json:"MaxConnections" xml:"MaxConnections"`
	ResourceGroupId             string `json:"ResourceGroupId" xml:"ResourceGroupId"`
	CloudType                   string `json:"CloudType" xml:"CloudType"`
	DBInstanceType              string `json:"DBInstanceType" xml:"DBInstanceType"`
	MaintainEndTime             string `json:"MaintainEndTime" xml:"MaintainEndTime"`
	ExpireTime                  string `json:"ExpireTime" xml:"ExpireTime"`
	DBInstanceId                string `json:"DBInstanceId" xml:"DBInstanceId"`
	NetworkType                 string `json:"NetworkType" xml:"NetworkType"`
	ReplicationFactor           string `json:"ReplicationFactor" xml:"ReplicationFactor"`
	MaxIOPS                     int    `json:"MaxIOPS" xml:"MaxIOPS"`
	DBInstanceReleaseProtection bool   `json:"DBInstanceReleaseProtection" xml:"DBInstanceReleaseProtection"`
	ReplacateId                 string `json:"ReplacateId" xml:"ReplacateId"`
	EngineVersion               string `json:"EngineVersion" xml:"EngineVersion"`
	VPCId                       string `json:"VPCId" xml:"VPCId"`
	VSwitchId                   string `json:"VSwitchId" xml:"VSwitchId"`
	VPCCloudInstanceIds         string `json:"VPCCloudInstanceIds" xml:"VPCCloudInstanceIds"`
	MaintainStartTime           string `json:"MaintainStartTime" xml:"MaintainStartTime"`
	CreationTime                string `json:"CreationTime" xml:"CreationTime"`
	DBInstanceStorage           int    `json:"DBInstanceStorage" xml:"DBInstanceStorage"`
	StorageEngine               string `json:"StorageEngine" xml:"StorageEngine"`
	DBInstanceStatus            string `json:"DBInstanceStatus" xml:"DBInstanceStatus"`
	CurrentKernelVersion        string `json:"CurrentKernelVersion" xml:"CurrentKernelVersion"`
	ZoneId                      string `json:"ZoneId" xml:"ZoneId"`
	ProtocolType                string `json:"ProtocolType" xml:"ProtocolType"`
	KindCode                    string `json:"KindCode" xml:"KindCode"`
	LockMode                    string `json:"LockMode" xml:"LockMode"`
	ReplicaSets                 struct {
		ReplicaSet []struct {
			ReplicaSetRole     string `json:"ReplicaSetRole"`
			ConnectionDomain   string `json:"ConnectionDomain"`
			VPCCloudInstanceID string `json:"VPCCloudInstanceId"`
			ConnectionPort     string `json:"ConnectionPort"`
			VPCID              string `json:"VPCId"`
			NetworkType        string `json:"NetworkType"`
			VSwitchID          string `json:"VSwitchId"`
		} `json:"ReplicaSet"`
	} `json:"ReplicaSets"`
	MongosList struct {
		MongosAttribute []interface{} `json:"MongosAttribute"`
	} `json:"MongosList"`
	Tags struct {
		Tag []interface{} `json:"Tag"`
	} `json:"Tags"`
	ConfigserverList struct {
		ConfigserverAttribute []interface{} `json:"ConfigserverAttribute"`
	} `json:"ConfigserverList"`
	ShardList struct {
		ShardAttribute []interface{} `json:"ShardAttribute"`
	} `json:"ShardList"`

type Data

type Data struct {
	PageSize   int    `json:"PageSize"`
	RequestID  string `json:"RequestId"`
	PageNumber int    `json:"PageNumber"`
	Total      int    `json:"Total"`
	Resources  struct {
		Resource []struct {
			Description string `json:"Description"`
			Labels      string `json:"Labels"`
			Namespace   string `json:"Namespace"`
		} `json:"Resource"`
	} `json:"Resources"`
	Code    int  `json:"Code"`
	Success bool `json:"Success"`

type DdosbgpInsatnceType

type DdosbgpInsatnceType string

type DdosbgpInstanceIpType

type DdosbgpInstanceIpType string

type DeletedUser

type DeletedUser struct {
	Redirect       bool   `json:"redirect"`
	AsapiSuccess   bool   `json:"asapiSuccess"`
	Code           string `json:"code"`
	Cost           int    `json:"cost"`
	AsapiRequestID string `json:"asapiRequestId"`
	Data           []struct {
		CellphoneNum       string `json:"cellphoneNum"`
		Default            bool   `json:"default"`
		Deleted            bool   `json:"deleted"`
		DisplayName        string `json:"displayName"`
		EnableDingTalk     bool   `json:"enableDingTalk"`
		LoginName          string `json:"loginName"`
		ID                 int    `json:"id"`
		MobileNationCode   string `json:"mobileNationCode"`
		EnableEmail        bool   `json:"enableEmail"`
		Email              string `json:"email"`
		EnableShortMessage bool   `json:"enableShortMessage"`
		Status             string `json:"status"`
	} `json:"data"`
	Success  bool `json:"success"`
	PageInfo struct {
		Total       int `json:"total"`
		TotalPage   int `json:"totalPage"`
		PageSize    int `json:"pageSize"`
		CurrentPage int `json:"currentPage"`
	} `json:"pageInfo"`
	PureListData bool   `json:"pureListData"`
	Message      string `json:"message"`

type DescribeDBInstance added in v1.0.13

type DescribeDBInstance struct {
	ServerRole      string `json:"serverRole"`
	EagleEyeTraceID string `json:"eagleEyeTraceId"`
	AsapiSuccess    bool   `json:"asapiSuccess"`
	AsapiRequestID  string `json:"asapiRequestId"`
	RequestID       string `json:"RequestId"`
	Domain          string `json:"domain"`
	API             string `json:"api"`
	DBInstances     struct {
		DBInstance []struct {
			ReplicaSetName              string `json:"ReplicaSetName" xml:"ReplicaSetName"`
			DBInstanceDescription       string `json:"DBInstanceDescription" xml:"DBInstanceDescription"`
			Engine                      string `json:"Engine" xml:"Engine"`
			ChargeType                  string `json:"ChargeType" xml:"ChargeType"`
			ReadonlyReplicas            string `json:"ReadonlyReplicas" xml:"ReadonlyReplicas"`
			DBInstanceClass             string `json:"DBInstanceClass" xml:"DBInstanceClass"`
			VpcAuthMode                 string `json:"VpcAuthMode" xml:"VpcAuthMode"`
			CapacityUnit                string `json:"CapacityUnit" xml:"CapacityUnit"`
			DestroyTime                 string `json:"DestroyTime" xml:"DestroyTime"`
			LastDowngradeTime           string `json:"LastDowngradeTime" xml:"LastDowngradeTime"`
			RegionId                    string `json:"RegionId" xml:"RegionId"`
			MaxConnections              int    `json:"MaxConnections" xml:"MaxConnections"`
			ResourceGroupId             string `json:"ResourceGroupId" xml:"ResourceGroupId"`
			CloudType                   string `json:"CloudType" xml:"CloudType"`
			DBInstanceType              string `json:"DBInstanceType" xml:"DBInstanceType"`
			MaintainEndTime             string `json:"MaintainEndTime" xml:"MaintainEndTime"`
			ExpireTime                  string `json:"ExpireTime" xml:"ExpireTime"`
			DBInstanceId                string `json:"DBInstanceId" xml:"DBInstanceId"`
			NetworkType                 string `json:"NetworkType" xml:"NetworkType"`
			ReplicationFactor           string `json:"ReplicationFactor" xml:"ReplicationFactor"`
			MaxIOPS                     int    `json:"MaxIOPS" xml:"MaxIOPS"`
			DBInstanceReleaseProtection bool   `json:"DBInstanceReleaseProtection" xml:"DBInstanceReleaseProtection"`
			ReplacateId                 string `json:"ReplacateId" xml:"ReplacateId"`
			EngineVersion               string `json:"EngineVersion" xml:"EngineVersion"`
			VPCId                       string `json:"VPCId" xml:"VPCId"`
			VSwitchId                   string `json:"VSwitchId" xml:"VSwitchId"`
			VPCCloudInstanceIds         string `json:"VPCCloudInstanceIds" xml:"VPCCloudInstanceIds"`
			MaintainStartTime           string `json:"MaintainStartTime" xml:"MaintainStartTime"`
			CreationTime                string `json:"CreationTime" xml:"CreationTime"`
			DBInstanceStorage           int    `json:"DBInstanceStorage" xml:"DBInstanceStorage"`
			StorageEngine               string `json:"StorageEngine" xml:"StorageEngine"`
			DBInstanceStatus            string `json:"DBInstanceStatus" xml:"DBInstanceStatus"`
			CurrentKernelVersion        string `json:"CurrentKernelVersion" xml:"CurrentKernelVersion"`
			ZoneId                      string `json:"ZoneId" xml:"ZoneId"`
			ProtocolType                string `json:"ProtocolType" xml:"ProtocolType"`
			KindCode                    string `json:"KindCode" xml:"KindCode"`
			LockMode                    string `json:"LockMode" xml:"LockMode"`
			ReplicaSets                 struct {
				ReplicaSet []struct {
					ReplicaSetRole     string `json:"ReplicaSetRole"`
					ConnectionDomain   string `json:"ConnectionDomain"`
					VPCCloudInstanceID string `json:"VPCCloudInstanceId"`
					ConnectionPort     string `json:"ConnectionPort"`
					VPCID              string `json:"VPCId"`
					NetworkType        string `json:"NetworkType"`
					VSwitchID          string `json:"VSwitchId"`
				} `json:"ReplicaSet"`
			} `json:"ReplicaSets"`
			MongosList struct {
				MongosAttribute []interface{} `json:"MongosAttribute"`
			} `json:"MongosList"`
			Tags struct {
				Tag []interface{} `json:"Tag"`
			} `json:"Tags"`
			ConfigserverList struct {
				ConfigserverAttribute []interface{} `json:"ConfigserverAttribute"`
			} `json:"ConfigserverList"`
			ShardList struct {
				ShardAttribute []interface{} `json:"ShardAttribute"`
			} `json:"ShardList"`
		} `json:"DBInstance"`
	} `json:"DBInstances"`

type DestinationResource

type DestinationResource string

type Direction

type Direction string

type DiskCategory

type DiskCategory string

type DiskResizeType

type DiskResizeType string

type DiskType

type DiskType string

type DnsDomain

type DnsDomain struct {
	RequestID string `json:"RequestId"`
	ID        int    `json:"Id"`

type DnsDomains

type DnsDomains struct {
	AsapiSuccess   bool   `json:"asapiSuccess"`
	AsapiRequestID string `json:"asapiRequestId"`
	PageSize       int    `json:"PageSize"`
	RequestID      string `json:"RequestId"`
	PageNumber     int    `json:"PageNumber"`
	TotalItems     int    `json:"TotalItems"`
	ZoneList       []struct {
		DomainID        int       `json:"DomainId"`
		VpcNumber       int       `json:"VpcNumber"`
		DomainName      string    `json:"DomainName"`
		CreateTime      time.Time `json:"CreateTime"`
		UpdateTime      time.Time `json:"UpdateTime"`
		UpdateTimestamp int64     `json:"UpdateTimestamp"`
		CreateTimestamp int64     `json:"CreateTimestamp"`
		RecordCount     int       `json:"RecordCount"`
		Remark          string    `json:"Remark,omitempty"`
	} `json:"ZoneList"`

type DnsRecord

type DnsRecord struct {
	AsapiSuccess bool   `json:"asapiSuccess"`
	RequestID    string `json:"RequestId"`
	PageSize     int    `json:"PageSize"`
	PageNumber   int    `json:"PageNumber"`
	TotalItems   int    `json:"TotalItems"`
	Records      []struct {
		DomainID        string    `json:"Id"`
		Rr              string    `json:"Rr"`
		Type            string    `json:"Type"`
		CreateTime      time.Time `json:"CreateTime"`
		RrSet           []string  `json:"RrSet"`
		RecordID        int       `json:"RecordId"`
		UpdateTimestamp int64     `json:"UpdateTimestamp"`
		TTL             int       `json:"Ttl"`
		ZoneID          string    `json:"ZoneId"`
		CreateTimestamp int64     `json:"CreateTimestamp"`
		Remark          string    `json:"Remark,omitempty"`
	} `json:"Records"`

type DnsService

type DnsService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*DnsService) DescribeDnsDomain

func (s *DnsService) DescribeDnsDomain(id string) (response *DnsDomains, err error)

func (*DnsService) DescribeDnsDomainAttachment

func (s *DnsService) DescribeDnsDomainAttachment(id string) (object alidns.DescribeInstanceDomainsResponse, err error)

func (*DnsService) DescribeDnsGroup

func (s *DnsService) DescribeDnsGroup(id string) (alidns.DomainGroup, error)

func (*DnsService) DescribeDnsRecord

func (s *DnsService) DescribeDnsRecord(id string) (response *DnsRecord, err error)

func (*DnsService) ListTagResources

func (s *DnsService) ListTagResources(id string) (object alidns.ListTagResourcesResponse, err error)

func (*DnsService) SetResourceTags

func (s *DnsService) SetResourceTags(d *schema.ResourceData, resourceType string) error

func (*DnsService) WaitForAlidnsDomainAttachment

func (s *DnsService) WaitForAlidnsDomainAttachment(id string, expected map[string]interface{}, isDelete bool, timeout int) error

type EcsInstanceFamily

type EcsInstanceFamily struct {
	Success bool `json:"success"`
	Data    struct {
		InstanceTypeFamilies []struct {
			InstanceTypeFamilyID string `json:"instanceTypeFamilyId"`
			Generation           string `json:"generation"`
		} `json:"instanceTypeFamilies"`
	} `json:"data"`
	Message   string      `json:"message"`
	Code      int         `json:"code"`
	HTTPCode  interface{} `json:"httpCode"`
	IP        interface{} `json:"ip"`
	RequestID interface{} `json:"requestId"`
	HTTPOk    bool        `json:"httpOk"`

type EcsService

type EcsService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*EcsService) AttachKeyPair

func (s *EcsService) AttachKeyPair(keyName string, instanceIds []interface{}) error

func (*EcsService) DescribeAutoProvisioningGroup

func (s *EcsService) DescribeAutoProvisioningGroup(id string) (group ecs.AutoProvisioningGroup, err error)

func (*EcsService) DescribeAvailableResources

func (s *EcsService) DescribeAvailableResources(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}, destination DestinationResource) (zoneId string, validZones []ecs.AvailableZone, requestId string, err error)

func (*EcsService) DescribeDisk

func (s *EcsService) DescribeDisk(id string) (disk ecs.Disk, err error)

func (*EcsService) DescribeDiskAttachment

func (s *EcsService) DescribeDiskAttachment(id string) (disk ecs.Disk, err error)

func (*EcsService) DescribeDisksByType

func (s *EcsService) DescribeDisksByType(instanceId string, diskType DiskType) (disk []ecs.Disk, err error)

func (*EcsService) DescribeEcsDedicatedHost

func (s *EcsService) DescribeEcsDedicatedHost(id string) (object ecs.DedicatedHost, err error)

func (*EcsService) DescribeImage

func (s *EcsService) DescribeImage(id, region string) (image ecs.Image, err error)

func (*EcsService) DescribeImageById

func (s *EcsService) DescribeImageById(id string) (image ecs.Image, err error)

func (*EcsService) DescribeImageShareByImageId

func (s *EcsService) DescribeImageShareByImageId(id string) (imageShare *ecs.DescribeImageSharePermissionResponse, err error)

func (*EcsService) DescribeInstance

func (s *EcsService) DescribeInstance(id string) (instance ecs.Instance, err error)

func (*EcsService) DescribeInstanceAttribute

func (s *EcsService) DescribeInstanceAttribute(id string) (instance ecs.DescribeInstanceAttributeResponse, err error)

func (*EcsService) DescribeInstanceSystemDisk

func (s *EcsService) DescribeInstanceSystemDisk(id, rg string) (disk ecs.Disk, err error)

func (*EcsService) DescribeKeyPair

func (s *EcsService) DescribeKeyPair(id string) (keyPair ecs.KeyPair, err error)

func (*EcsService) DescribeKeyPairAttachment

func (s *EcsService) DescribeKeyPairAttachment(id string) (keyPair ecs.KeyPair, err error)

func (*EcsService) DescribeLaunchTemplate

func (s *EcsService) DescribeLaunchTemplate(id string) (set ecs.LaunchTemplateSet, err error)

func (*EcsService) DescribeLaunchTemplateVersion

func (s *EcsService) DescribeLaunchTemplateVersion(id string, version int) (set ecs.LaunchTemplateVersionSet, err error)

func (*EcsService) DescribeNetworkInterface

func (s *EcsService) DescribeNetworkInterface(id string) (networkInterface ecs.NetworkInterfaceSet, err error)

func (*EcsService) DescribeNetworkInterfaceAttachment

func (s *EcsService) DescribeNetworkInterfaceAttachment(id string) (networkInterface ecs.NetworkInterfaceSet, err error)

func (*EcsService) DescribeReservedInstance

func (s *EcsService) DescribeReservedInstance(id string) (reservedInstance ecs.ReservedInstance, err error)

func (*EcsService) DescribeSecurityGroup

func (s *EcsService) DescribeSecurityGroup(id string) (group ecs.DescribeSecurityGroupAttributeResponse, err error)

func (*EcsService) DescribeSecurityGroupRule

func (s *EcsService) DescribeSecurityGroupRule(id string) (rule ecs.Permission, err error)

func (*EcsService) DescribeSnapshot

func (s *EcsService) DescribeSnapshot(id string) (*ecs.Snapshot, error)

func (*EcsService) DescribeSnapshotPolicy

func (s *EcsService) DescribeSnapshotPolicy(id string) (*ecs.AutoSnapshotPolicy, error)

func (*EcsService) DescribeTags

func (s *EcsService) DescribeTags(resourceId string, resourceType TagResourceType) (tags []ecs.Tag, err error)

func (*EcsService) DescribeTaskById

func (s *EcsService) DescribeTaskById(id string) (task *ecs.DescribeTaskAttributeResponse, err error)

func (*EcsService) DescribeZone

func (s *EcsService) DescribeZone(id string) (zone ecs.Zone, err error)

DescribeZone validate zoneId is valid in region

func (*EcsService) DescribeZones

func (s *EcsService) DescribeZones(d *schema.ResourceData) (zones []ecs.Zone, err error)

func (*EcsService) DiskAvailable

func (s *EcsService) DiskAvailable(zone ecs.Zone, diskCategory DiskCategory) error

func (*EcsService) EcsDedicatedHostStateRefreshFunc

func (s *EcsService) EcsDedicatedHostStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*EcsService) ImageStateRefreshFunc

func (s *EcsService) ImageStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*EcsService) ImageStateRefreshFuncforcopy

func (s *EcsService) ImageStateRefreshFuncforcopy(id string, region string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*EcsService) InstanceStateRefreshFunc

func (s *EcsService) InstanceStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

WaitForInstance waits for instance to given status

func (*EcsService) InstanceTypeValidation

func (s *EcsService) InstanceTypeValidation(targetType, zoneId string, validZones []ecs.AvailableZone) error

func (*EcsService) JoinSecurityGroups

func (s *EcsService) JoinSecurityGroups(instanceId string, securityGroupIds []string) error

func (*EcsService) JudgeRegionValidation

func (s *EcsService) JudgeRegionValidation(key, region string) error

func (*EcsService) LeaveSecurityGroups

func (s *EcsService) LeaveSecurityGroups(instanceId string, securityGroupIds []string) error

func (*EcsService) QueryInstancesWithKeyPair

func (s *EcsService) QueryInstancesWithKeyPair(instanceIdsStr, keyPair string) (instanceIds []string, instances []ecs.Instance, err error)

func (*EcsService) QueryPrivateIps

func (s *EcsService) QueryPrivateIps(eniId string) ([]string, error)

func (*EcsService) ResourceAvailable

func (s *EcsService) ResourceAvailable(zone ecs.Zone, resourceType ResourceType) error

ResourceAvailable check resource available for zone

func (*EcsService) SetResourceTags

func (s *EcsService) SetResourceTags(d *schema.ResourceData, resourceType string) error

func (*EcsService) SnapshotStateRefreshFunc

func (s *EcsService) SnapshotStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*EcsService) TaskStateRefreshFunc

func (s *EcsService) TaskStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*EcsService) WaitForAutoProvisioningGroup

func (s *EcsService) WaitForAutoProvisioningGroup(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*EcsService) WaitForDisk

func (s *EcsService) WaitForDisk(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*EcsService) WaitForDiskAttachment

func (s *EcsService) WaitForDiskAttachment(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*EcsService) WaitForEcsInstance

func (s *EcsService) WaitForEcsInstance(instanceId string, status Status, timeout int) error

WaitForInstance waits for instance to given status

func (*EcsService) WaitForKeyPair

func (s *EcsService) WaitForKeyPair(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*EcsService) WaitForLaunchTemplate

func (s *EcsService) WaitForLaunchTemplate(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*EcsService) WaitForModifySecurityGroupPolicy

func (s *EcsService) WaitForModifySecurityGroupPolicy(id, target string, timeout int) error

func (*EcsService) WaitForNetworkInterface

func (s *EcsService) WaitForNetworkInterface(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*EcsService) WaitForPrivateIpsCountChanged

func (s *EcsService) WaitForPrivateIpsCountChanged(eniId string, count int) error

func (*EcsService) WaitForPrivateIpsListChanged

func (s *EcsService) WaitForPrivateIpsListChanged(eniId string, ipList []string) error

func (*EcsService) WaitForReservedInstance

func (s *EcsService) WaitForReservedInstance(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*EcsService) WaitForSecurityGroup

func (s *EcsService) WaitForSecurityGroup(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*EcsService) WaitForSnapshotPolicy

func (s *EcsService) WaitForSnapshotPolicy(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*EcsService) WaitForVpcAttributesChanged

func (s *EcsService) WaitForVpcAttributesChanged(instanceId, vswitchId, privateIp string) error

type EdasService added in v1.0.11

type EdasService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*EdasService) CheckEcsStatus added in v1.0.11

func (e *EdasService) CheckEcsStatus(instanceIds string, count int) error

func (*EdasService) DescribeEdasApplication added in v1.0.11

func (e *EdasService) DescribeEdasApplication(appId string) (*edas.Applcation, error)

func (*EdasService) DescribeEdasApplicationDeployment added in v1.0.11

func (e *EdasService) DescribeEdasApplicationDeployment(id string) (*edas.Applcation, error)

func (*EdasService) DescribeEdasApplicationScale added in v1.0.11

func (e *EdasService) DescribeEdasApplicationScale(id string) (*edas.Applcation, error)

func (*EdasService) DescribeEdasCluster added in v1.0.11

func (e *EdasService) DescribeEdasCluster(clusterId string) (*edas.Cluster, error)

func (*EdasService) DescribeEdasDeployGroup added in v1.0.11

func (e *EdasService) DescribeEdasDeployGroup(id string) (*edas.DeployGroup, error)

func (*EdasService) DescribeEdasInstanceClusterAttachment added in v1.0.11

func (e *EdasService) DescribeEdasInstanceClusterAttachment(id string) (*edas.Cluster, error)

func (*EdasService) DescribeEdasK8sApplication added in v1.0.11

func (e *EdasService) DescribeEdasK8sApplication(appId string) (*edas.Applcation, error)

func (*EdasService) DescribeEdasK8sCluster added in v1.0.11

func (e *EdasService) DescribeEdasK8sCluster(clusterId string) (*edas.Cluster, error)

func (*EdasService) DescribeEdasListCluster added in v1.0.12

func (e *EdasService) DescribeEdasListCluster(clusterId string) (*edas.Cluster, error)

func (*EdasService) DescribeEdasSlbAttachment added in v1.0.11

func (e *EdasService) DescribeEdasSlbAttachment(id string) (*edas.Applcation, error)

func (*EdasService) EdasChangeOrderStatusRefreshFunc added in v1.0.11

func (e *EdasService) EdasChangeOrderStatusRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*EdasService) GetChangeOrderStatus added in v1.0.11

func (e *EdasService) GetChangeOrderStatus(id string) (info *edas.ChangeOrderInfo, err error)

func (*EdasService) GetDeployGroup added in v1.0.11

func (e *EdasService) GetDeployGroup(appId, groupId string) (groupInfo *edas.DeployGroup, err error)

func (*EdasService) GetK8sCommandArgs added in v1.0.11

func (e *EdasService) GetK8sCommandArgs(args []interface{}) (string, error)

func (*EdasService) GetK8sCommandArgsForDeploy added in v1.0.11

func (e *EdasService) GetK8sCommandArgsForDeploy(args []interface{}) (string, error)

func (*EdasService) GetK8sEnvs added in v1.0.11

func (e *EdasService) GetK8sEnvs(envs map[string]interface{}) (string, error)

func (*EdasService) GetLastPackgeVersion added in v1.0.11

func (e *EdasService) GetLastPackgeVersion(appId, groupId string) (string, error)

func (*EdasService) LivenessEqual added in v1.0.11

func (e *EdasService) LivenessEqual(old, new interface{}) bool

func (*EdasService) PostStartEqual added in v1.0.11

func (e *EdasService) PostStartEqual(old, new interface{}) bool

func (*EdasService) PreStopEqual added in v1.0.11

func (e *EdasService) PreStopEqual(old, new interface{}) bool

func (*EdasService) QueryK8sAppPackageType added in v1.0.11

func (e *EdasService) QueryK8sAppPackageType(appId string) (string, error)

func (*EdasService) ReadinessEqual added in v1.0.11

func (e *EdasService) ReadinessEqual(old, new interface{}) bool

func (*EdasService) SyncResource added in v1.0.11

func (e *EdasService) SyncResource(resourceType string) error

type Effect

type Effect string
const (
	Allow Effect = "Allow"
	Deny  Effect = "Deny"

type Engine

type Engine string

type Env

type Env struct {
	Body struct {
		ClusterList []map[string]interface {
		} `json:"ClusterList"`
	} `json:"body"`
	Code            int  `json:"code"`
	SuccessResponse bool `json:"successResponse"`

type EnvironmentProduct

type EnvironmentProduct struct {
	Code    int      `json:"code"`
	Result  []string `json:"result"`
	Success bool     `json:"success"`

type ErrorSource

type ErrorSource string

type EssService

type EssService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*EssService) ActiveEssScalingConfiguration

func (s *EssService) ActiveEssScalingConfiguration(sgId, id string) error

func (*EssService) DescribeEssAlarm

func (s *EssService) DescribeEssAlarm(id string) (alarm ess.Alarm, err error)

func (*EssService) DescribeEssAttachment

func (srv *EssService) DescribeEssAttachment(id string, instanceIds []string) (instances []ess.ScalingInstance, err error)

func (*EssService) DescribeEssLifecycleHook

func (s *EssService) DescribeEssLifecycleHook(id string) (hook ess.LifecycleHook, err error)

func (*EssService) DescribeEssNotification

func (s *EssService) DescribeEssNotification(id string) (notification ess.NotificationConfigurationModel, err error)

func (*EssService) DescribeEssScalingConfifurations

func (s *EssService) DescribeEssScalingConfifurations(id string) (configs []ess.ScalingConfiguration, err error)

func (*EssService) DescribeEssScalingConfiguration

func (s *EssService) DescribeEssScalingConfiguration(id string) (config ess.ScalingConfiguration, err error)

func (*EssService) DescribeEssScalingGroup

func (s *EssService) DescribeEssScalingGroup(id string) (group ess.ScalingGroup, err error)

func (*EssService) DescribeEssScalingRule

func (s *EssService) DescribeEssScalingRule(id string) (rule ess.ScalingRule, err error)

func (*EssService) DescribeEssScheduledTask

func (s *EssService) DescribeEssScheduledTask(id string) (task ess.ScheduledTask, err error)

func (*EssService) EssRemoveInstances

func (srv *EssService) EssRemoveInstances(id string, instanceIds []string) error

func (*EssService) WaitForEssAlarm

func (s *EssService) WaitForEssAlarm(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*EssService) WaitForEssAttachment

func (s *EssService) WaitForEssAttachment(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*EssService) WaitForEssLifecycleHook

func (s *EssService) WaitForEssLifecycleHook(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*EssService) WaitForEssNotification

func (s *EssService) WaitForEssNotification(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*EssService) WaitForEssScalingGroup

func (s *EssService) WaitForEssScalingGroup(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

WaitForScalingGroup waits for group to given status

func (*EssService) WaitForEssScalingRule

func (s *EssService) WaitForEssScalingRule(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*EssService) WaitForEssScheduledTask

func (s *EssService) WaitForEssScheduledTask(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*EssService) WaitForScalingConfiguration

func (s *EssService) WaitForScalingConfiguration(id string, status Status, timeout int) (err error)

type Exec added in v1.0.11

type Exec struct {
	Command []string `json:"command"`

type FlagType

type FlagType string

type GetRepoResponse

type GetRepoResponse struct {
	Code string `json:"code"`
	Data struct {
		Repo struct {
			Stars          int    `json:"stars"`
			Logo           string `json:"logo"`
			RepoStatus     string `json:"repoStatus"`
			GmtCreate      int64  `json:"gmtCreate"`
			Detail         string `json:"detail"`
			GmtModified    int64  `json:"gmtModified"`
			Summary        string `json:"summary"`
			RepoBuildType  string `json:"repoBuildType"`
			RepoName       string `json:"repoName"`
			RepoNamespace  string `json:"repoNamespace"`
			RepoType       string `json:"repoType"`
			RepoID         int    `json:"repoId"`
			RegionID       string `json:"regionId"`
			RepoOriginType string `json:"repoOriginType"`
			RepoDomainList struct {
				Internal string `json:"internal"`
				Public   string `json:"public"`
				Vpc      string `json:"vpc"`
			} `json:"repoDomainList"`
			RepoAuthorizeType string `json:"repoAuthorizeType"`
			Downloads         int    `json:"downloads"`
		} `json:"repo"`
	} `json:"data"`

type GpdbInstance

type GpdbInstance struct {
	Items struct {
		DBInstance []struct {
			EngineVersion         string `json:"EngineVersion"`
			ZoneID                string `json:"ZoneId"`
			DBInstanceStatus      string `json:"DBInstanceStatus"`
			DBInstanceNetType     string `json:"DBInstanceNetType"`
			CreateTime            string `json:"CreateTime"`
			VSwitchID             string `json:"VSwitchId,omitempty"`
			PayType               string `json:"PayType"`
			LockMode              string `json:"LockMode"`
			InstanceNetworkType   string `json:"InstanceNetworkType"`
			Department            int    `json:"Department"`
			VpcID                 string `json:"VpcId,omitempty"`
			DBInstanceID          string `json:"DBInstanceId"`
			DepartmentName        string `json:"DepartmentName"`
			RegionID              string `json:"RegionId"`
			LockReason            string `json:"LockReason"`
			DBInstanceDescription string `json:"DBInstanceDescription"`
			Engine                string `json:"Engine"`
			Tags                  struct {
				Tag []interface{} `json:"Tag"`
			} `json:"Tags"`
			ResourceGroup     int    `json:"ResourceGroup"`
			ResourceGroupName string `json:"ResourceGroupName"`
		} `json:"DBInstance"`
	} `json:"Items"`
	PageNumber       int    `json:"PageNumber"`
	PageSize         int    `json:"PageSize"`
	TotalRecordCount int    `json:"TotalRecordCount"`
	Code             string `json:"code"`
	Cost             int    `json:"cost"`
	Message          string `json:"message"`
	PureListData     bool   `json:"pureListData"`
	Redirect         bool   `json:"redirect"`
	Success          bool   `json:"success"`

type GpdbService

type GpdbService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*GpdbService) DescribeGpdbConnection

func (s *GpdbService) DescribeGpdbConnection(id string) (*gpdb.DBInstanceNetInfo, error)

func (*GpdbService) DescribeGpdbInstance

func (s *GpdbService) DescribeGpdbInstance(id string) (instanceAttribute gpdb.DBInstanceAttribute, err error)

func (*GpdbService) DescribeGpdbSecurityIps

func (s *GpdbService) DescribeGpdbSecurityIps(id string) (ips []string, err error)

func (*GpdbService) GpdbInstanceStateRefreshFunc

func (s *GpdbService) GpdbInstanceStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*GpdbService) ModifyGpdbSecurityIps

func (s *GpdbService) ModifyGpdbSecurityIps(id, ips string) error

func (*GpdbService) WaitForGpdbConnection

func (s *GpdbService) WaitForGpdbConnection(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

type GroupInnerAccessPolicy

type GroupInnerAccessPolicy string

type GroupRuleNicType

type GroupRuleNicType string

type GroupRulePolicy

type GroupRulePolicy string

type HealthCheckHttpCodeType

type HealthCheckHttpCodeType string

type HealthCheckType

type HealthCheckType string

type Hook added in v1.0.11

type Hook struct {
	Exec      *Exec      `json:"exec,omitempty"`
	HttpGet   *HttpGet   `json:"httpGet,omitempty"`
	TcpSocket *TcpSocket `json:"tcpSocket,omitempty"`

type HttpGet added in v1.0.11

type HttpGet struct {
	Path        string       `json:"path"`
	Port        int          `json:"port"`
	Scheme      string       `json:"scheme"`
	HttpHeaders []HttpHeader `json:"httpHeaders"`

type HttpHeader added in v1.0.11

type HttpHeader struct {
	Name  string `json:"name"`
	Value string `json:"value"`

type IPType

type IPType string

type ImageOwnerAlias

type ImageOwnerAlias string

type InstanceFamily

type InstanceFamily struct {
	EagleEyeTraceID string `json:"eagleEyeTraceId"`
	AsapiSuccess    bool   `json:"asapiSuccess"`
	Code            int    `json:"code"`
	Data            []struct {
		Creator     string `json:"creator"`
		GmtModified int64  `json:"gmtModified"`
		SeriesName  string `json:"seriesName"`
		Modifier    string `json:"modifier"`
		OrderBy     struct {
			ID string `json:"id"`
		} `json:"orderBy"`
		PageSize        int    `json:"pageSize"`
		GmtCreate       int64  `json:"gmtCreate"`
		SeriesID        string `json:"seriesId"`
		Deleted         bool   `json:"deleted"`
		PageOrder       string `json:"pageOrder"`
		IsDeleted       string `json:"isDeleted"`
		PageSort        string `json:"pageSort"`
		PageStart       int    `json:"pageStart"`
		SeriesNameLabel string `json:"seriesNameLabel"`
		ResourceType    string `json:"resourceType"`
	} `json:"data"`
	HTTPOk  bool   `json:"httpOk"`
	Success bool   `json:"success"`
	Message string `json:"message"`

type InstanceNetWork

type InstanceNetWork string

type InternetChargeType

type InternetChargeType string

type Invoker

type Invoker struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewInvoker

func NewInvoker() Invoker

func (*Invoker) AddCatcher

func (a *Invoker) AddCatcher(catcher Catcher)

func (*Invoker) Run

func (a *Invoker) Run(f func() error) error

type IpVersion

type IpVersion string

type IspCities

type IspCities []map[string]string

type JsonTag

type JsonTag struct {
	TagKey   string
	TagValue string

type K8sEnv added in v1.0.11

type K8sEnv struct {
	Name  string `json:"name" xml:"name"`
	Value string `json:"value" xml:"value"`

type KVStoreEngineVersion

type KVStoreEngineVersion string

type KVStoreInstanceType

type KVStoreInstanceType string

type KmsService

type KmsService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*KmsService) Decrypt

func (s *KmsService) Decrypt(ciphertextBlob string, encryptionContext map[string]interface{}) (*kms.DecryptResponse, error)

func (*KmsService) DescribeKmsAlias

func (s *KmsService) DescribeKmsAlias(id string) (object kms.KeyMetadata, err error)

func (*KmsService) DescribeKmsKey

func (s *KmsService) DescribeKmsKey(id string) (object kms.KeyMetadata, err error)

func (*KmsService) DescribeKmsKeyVersion

func (s *KmsService) DescribeKmsKeyVersion(id string) (object kms.DescribeKeyVersionResponse, err error)

func (*KmsService) DescribeKmsSecret

func (s *KmsService) DescribeKmsSecret(id string) (object kms.DescribeSecretResponse, err error)

func (*KmsService) GetSecretValue

func (s *KmsService) GetSecretValue(id string) (object kms.GetSecretValueResponse, err error)

type KubeConfig added in v1.0.4

type KubeConfig struct {
	ServerRole      string `json:"serverRole"`
	EagleEyeTraceID string `json:"eagleEyeTraceId"`
	AsapiSuccess    bool   `json:"asapiSuccess"`
	AsapiRequestID  string `json:"asapiRequestId"`
	Domain          string `json:"domain"`
	API             string `json:"api"`
	Config          string `json:"config"`

type KubernetesNodeType

type KubernetesNodeType string

type KvstoreService

type KvstoreService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*KvstoreService) DescribeDBInstanceNetInfo

func (s *KvstoreService) DescribeDBInstanceNetInfo(id string) (*r_kvstore.NetInfoItemsInDescribeDBInstanceNetInfo, error)

func (*KvstoreService) DescribeKVstoreAccount

func (s *KvstoreService) DescribeKVstoreAccount(id string) (*r_kvstore.Account, error)

func (*KvstoreService) DescribeKVstoreBackupPolicy

func (s *KvstoreService) DescribeKVstoreBackupPolicy(id string) (*r_kvstore.DescribeBackupPolicyResponse, error)

func (*KvstoreService) DescribeKVstoreInstance

func (s *KvstoreService) DescribeKVstoreInstance(id string) (*r_kvstore.DBInstanceAttribute, error)

func (*KvstoreService) DescribeKVstoreSecurityGroupId

func (s *KvstoreService) DescribeKVstoreSecurityGroupId(id string) (*r_kvstore.DescribeSecurityGroupConfigurationResponse, error)

func (*KvstoreService) DescribeParameters

func (s *KvstoreService) DescribeParameters(id string) (*r_kvstore.DescribeParametersResponse, error)

func (*KvstoreService) DescribeTags

func (s *KvstoreService) DescribeTags(resourceId string, resourceType TagResourceType) (tags []r_kvstore.TagResource, err error)

func (*KvstoreService) ModifyInstanceConfig

func (s *KvstoreService) ModifyInstanceConfig(id string, config string) error

func (*KvstoreService) RdsKvstoreInstanceStateRefreshFunc

func (s *KvstoreService) RdsKvstoreInstanceStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*KvstoreService) WaitForKVstoreAccount

func (s *KvstoreService) WaitForKVstoreAccount(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*KvstoreService) WaitForKVstoreInstance

func (s *KvstoreService) WaitForKVstoreInstance(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*KvstoreService) WaitForKVstoreInstanceVpcAuthMode

func (s *KvstoreService) WaitForKVstoreInstanceVpcAuthMode(id string, status string, timeout int) error

type LifecycleRuleStatus

type LifecycleRuleStatus string

type ListResourceGroup added in v1.0.12

type ListResourceGroup struct {
	Redirect     bool   `json:"redirect"`
	Code         string `json:"code"`
	Cost         int    `json:"cost"`
	Success      bool   `json:"success"`
	PureListData bool   `json:"pureListData"`
	Message      string `json:"message"`
	PageInfo     struct {
		CurrentPage int `json:"currentPage"`
		PageSize    int `json:"pageSize"`
		Total       int `json:"total"`
		TotalPage   int `json:"totalPage"`
	} `json:"pageInfo"`
	Data []struct {
		OrganizationID    int     `json:"organizationID"`
		Creator           string  `json:"creator"`
		ResourceGroupName string  `json:"resourceGroupName"`
		OrganizationName  string  `json:"organizationName"`
		GmtCreated        float64 `json:"gmtCreated"`
		RsId              string  `json:"rsId"`
		Id                int     `json:"id"`
	} `json:"data"`

type ListenerErr

type ListenerErr struct {
	ErrType string
	Err     error

func (*ListenerErr) Error

func (e *ListenerErr) Error() string

type LoadBalancerSpecType

type LoadBalancerSpecType string

type LogProject

type LogProject struct {
	ProjectName    string `json:"projectName"`
	Status         string `json:"status"`
	Owner          string `json:"owner"`
	Description    string `json:"description"`
	Region         string `json:"region"`
	CreateTime     string `json:"createTime"`
	LastModifyTime string `json:"lastModifyTime"`
	Count          int    `json:"count"`
	Total          int    `json:"total"`
	Projects       []struct {
		ProjectName    string `json:"projectName"`
		Status         string `json:"status"`
		Owner          string `json:"owner"`
		Description    string `json:"description"`
		Region         string `json:"region"`
		CreateTime     string `json:"createTime"`
		LastModifyTime string `json:"lastModifyTime"`
	} `json:"projects"`

type LogService

type LogService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*LogService) CreateLogDashboard

func (s *LogService) CreateLogDashboard(project, name string) error

func (*LogService) DescribeLogAlert

func (s *LogService) DescribeLogAlert(id string) (*sls.Alert, error)

func (*LogService) DescribeLogAudit

func (s *LogService) DescribeLogAudit(id string) (*slsPop.DescribeAppResponse, error)

func (*LogService) DescribeLogDashboard

func (s *LogService) DescribeLogDashboard(id string) (*sls.Dashboard, error)

func (*LogService) DescribeLogMachineGroup

func (s *LogService) DescribeLogMachineGroup(id string) (*sls.MachineGroup, error)

func (*LogService) DescribeLogProject

func (s *LogService) DescribeLogProject(id string) (*LogProject, error)

func (*LogService) DescribeLogStore

func (s *LogService) DescribeLogStore(id string) (*sls.LogStore, error)

func (*LogService) DescribeLogStoreIndex

func (s *LogService) DescribeLogStoreIndex(id string) (*sls.Index, error)

func (*LogService) DescribeLogtailAttachment

func (s *LogService) DescribeLogtailAttachment(id string) (groupName string, err error)

func (*LogService) DescribeLogtailConfig

func (s *LogService) DescribeLogtailConfig(id string) (*sls.LogConfig, error)

func (*LogService) WaitForLogDashboard

func (s *LogService) WaitForLogDashboard(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*LogService) WaitForLogMachineGroup

func (s *LogService) WaitForLogMachineGroup(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*LogService) WaitForLogProject

func (s *LogService) WaitForLogProject(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*LogService) WaitForLogStore

func (s *LogService) WaitForLogStore(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*LogService) WaitForLogstoreAlert

func (s *LogService) WaitForLogstoreAlert(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*LogService) WaitForLogtailAttachment

func (s *LogService) WaitForLogtailAttachment(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*LogService) WaitForLogtailConfig

func (s *LogService) WaitForLogtailConfig(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

type Logcheck added in v1.0.3

type Logcheck struct {
	TargetPrefix string `json:"TargetPrefix"`
	TargetBucket string `json:"TargetBucket"`

type Logging added in v1.0.3

type Logging struct {
	Data struct {
		BucketLoggingStatus struct {
			LoggingEnabled struct {
				TargetPrefix string `json:"TargetPrefix"`
				TargetBucket string `json:"TargetBucket"`
			} `json:"LoggingEnabled"`
		} `json:"BucketLoggingStatus"`
	} `json:"Data"`
	API string `json:"api"`

type LoginPolicy

type LoginPolicy struct {
	Redirect       bool   `json:"redirect"`
	AsapiSuccess   bool   `json:"asapiSuccess"`
	Code           string `json:"code"`
	Cost           int    `json:"cost"`
	AsapiRequestID string `json:"asapiRequestId"`
	Data           []struct {
		MuserID    string `json:"muserId"`
		TimeRanges []struct {
			LoginPolicyID int    `json:"loginPolicyId"`
			StartTime     string `json:"startTime"`
			EndTime       string `json:"endTime"`
		} `json:"timeRanges"`
		Description string `json:"description"`
		Rule        string `json:"rule"`
		LpID        string `json:"lpId"`
		IPRanges    []struct {
			Protocol      string `json:"protocol"`
			IPRange       string `json:"ipRange"`
			LoginPolicyID int    `json:"loginPolicyId"`
		} `json:"ipRanges"`
		Default                bool   `json:"default"`
		UserCount              int    `json:"userCount"`
		OwnerOrganizationID    int    `json:"ownerOrganizationId"`
		Enable                 bool   `json:"enable"`
		Name                   string `json:"name"`
		ID                     int    `json:"id"`
		CuserID                string `json:"cuserId"`
		OrganizationVisibility string `json:"organizationVisibility"`
	} `json:"data"`
	Success  bool `json:"success"`
	PageInfo struct {
		Total       int `json:"total"`
		TotalPage   int `json:"totalPage"`
		PageSize    int `json:"pageSize"`
		CurrentPage int `json:"currentPage"`
	} `json:"pageInfo"`
	PureListData bool   `json:"pureListData"`
	Message      string `json:"message"`

type MaxComputeService

type MaxComputeService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*MaxComputeService) DescribeMaxComputeProject

func (s *MaxComputeService) DescribeMaxComputeProject(id string) (*maxcompute.GetProjectResponse, error)

func (*MaxComputeService) WaitForMaxComputeProject

func (s *MaxComputeService) WaitForMaxComputeProject(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

type MaxItems

type MaxItems int

type MetaList

type MetaList struct {
	TotalCount int    `json:"TotalCount"`
	RequestID  string `json:"RequestId"`
	Resources  struct {
		Resource []struct {
			MetricName  string `json:"MetricName"`
			Periods     string `json:"Periods"`
			Description string `json:"Description"`
			Dimensions  string `json:"Dimensions"`
			Labels      string `json:"Labels"`
			Unit        string `json:"Unit"`
			Statistics  string `json:"Statistics"`
			Namespace   string `json:"Namespace"`
		} `json:"Resource"`
	} `json:"Resources"`
	Code    int  `json:"Code"`
	Success bool `json:"Success"`

type MeteringQueryDataEcs

type MeteringQueryDataEcs struct {
	EagleEyeTraceID string `json:"eagleEyeTraceId"`
	AsapiSuccess    bool   `json:"asapiSuccess"`
	Code            string `json:"code"`
	Cost            int    `json:"cost"`
	PageNumber      int    `json:"pageNumber"`
	Data            []struct {
		PrivateIPAddress    string `json:"PrivateIpAddress"`
		EndTime             string `json:"EndTime"`
		InstanceTypeFamily  string `json:"InstanceTypeFamily"`
		Memory              int    `json:"Memory"`
		CPU                 int    `json:"Cpu"`
		OSName              string `json:"OSName"`
		OrgName             string `json:"OrgName"`
		InstanceNetworkType string `json:"InstanceNetworkType"`
		OtsValueTimeStamp   int64  `json:"OtsValueTimeStamp"`
		EipAddress          string `json:"EipAddress"`
		ResourceGName       string `json:"ResourceGName"`
		InstanceType        string `json:"InstanceType"`
		Status              string `json:"Status"`
		CreateTime          string `json:"CreateTime"`
		StartTime           string `json:"StartTime"`
		NatIPAddress        string `json:"NatIpAddress"`
		ResourceGID         string `json:"ResourceGId"`
		SysDiskSize         int    `json:"SysDiskSize"`
		GPUAmount           int    `json:"GPUAmount"`
		InstanceName        string `json:"InstanceName"`
		InsID               string `json:"InsId"`
		EipBandwidth        string `json:"EipBandwidth"`
		VpcID               string `json:"VpcId"`
		Pos                 string `json:"Pos"`
		DataDiskSize        int    `json:"DataDiskSize"`
		RegionID            string `json:"RegionId"`
	} `json:"data"`
	PageSize       int    `json:"pageSize"`
	Message        string `json:"message"`
	ServerRole     string `json:"serverRole"`
	Total          int    `json:"total"`
	AsapiRequestID string `json:"asapiRequestId"`
	RequestID      string `json:"requestId"`
	Success        bool   `json:"success"`
	Domain         string `json:"domain"`
	API            string `json:"api"`
	AsapiErrorCode string `json:"asapiErrorCode"`

type MongoDBService

type MongoDBService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*MongoDBService) DescribeDBInstanceSSL

func (s *MongoDBService) DescribeDBInstanceSSL(id string) (*dds.DescribeDBInstanceSSLResponse, error)

func (*MongoDBService) DescribeMongoDBBackupPolicy

func (s *MongoDBService) DescribeMongoDBBackupPolicy(id string) (*dds.DescribeBackupPolicyResponse, error)

func (*MongoDBService) DescribeMongoDBInstance

func (s *MongoDBService) DescribeMongoDBInstance(id, dbType string) (instance dds.DBInstance, err error)

func (*MongoDBService) DescribeMongoDBInstanceAttribute added in v1.0.13

func (s *MongoDBService) DescribeMongoDBInstanceAttribute(id string) (instance dds.DBInstance, err error)

func (*MongoDBService) DescribeMongoDBSecurityGroupId

func (s *MongoDBService) DescribeMongoDBSecurityGroupId(id, dbType string) (*dds.DescribeSecurityGroupConfigurationResponse, error)

func (*MongoDBService) DescribeMongoDBSecurityIps

func (s *MongoDBService) DescribeMongoDBSecurityIps(instanceId string) (ips []string, err error)

func (*MongoDBService) DescribeMongoDBTDEInfo

func (s *MongoDBService) DescribeMongoDBTDEInfo(id, dbType string) (*dds.DescribeDBInstanceTDEInfoResponse, error)

func (*MongoDBService) ModifyMongoDBSecurityIps

func (s *MongoDBService) ModifyMongoDBSecurityIps(instanceId, ips, dbType string) error

func (*MongoDBService) ModifyMongodbShardingInstanceNode

func (server *MongoDBService) ModifyMongodbShardingInstanceNode(
	instanceID string, nodeType MongoDBShardingNodeType, stateList, diffList []interface{}) error

func (*MongoDBService) MotifyMongoDBBackupPolicy

func (s *MongoDBService) MotifyMongoDBBackupPolicy(d *schema.ResourceData, dbType string) error

func (*MongoDBService) RdsMongodbDBInstanceStateRefreshFunc

func (s *MongoDBService) RdsMongodbDBInstanceStateRefreshFunc(id, dbType string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*MongoDBService) ResetAccountPassword

func (s *MongoDBService) ResetAccountPassword(d *schema.ResourceData, password string) error

func (*MongoDBService) WaitForMongoDBInstance

func (s *MongoDBService) WaitForMongoDBInstance(instanceId, dbType string, status Status, timeout int) error

WaitForInstance waits for instance to given statusid

type MongoDBShardingNodeType

type MongoDBShardingNodeType string

type NetType

type NetType string

type NetworkType

type NetworkType string

type NodePool added in v1.0.8

type NodePool struct {
	Nodepools []struct {
		TeeConfig struct {
			TeeEnable bool   `json:"tee_enable"`
			TeeType   string `json:"tee_type"`
		} `json:"tee_config"`
		ScalingGroup struct {
			InstanceTypes         []string      `json:"instance_types"`
			PeriodUnit            string        `json:"period_unit"`
			SecurityGroupID       string        `json:"security_group_id"`
			MultiAzPolicy         string        `json:"multi_az_policy"`
			Platform              string        `json:"platform"`
			WorkerHpcClusterID    string        `json:"worker_hpc_cluster_id"`
			DataDisks             []interface{} `json:"data_disks"`
			RAMPolicy             string        `json:"ram_policy"`
			LoginPassword         string        `json:"login_password"`
			InstanceChargeType    string        `json:"instance_charge_type"`
			VswitchIds            []string      `json:"vswitch_ids"`
			ScalingGroupID        string        `json:"scaling_group_id"`
			Period                int           `json:"period"`
			AutoRenewPeriod       int           `json:"auto_renew_period"`
			WorkerDeploymentsetID string        `json:"worker_deploymentset_id"`
			KeyPair               string        `json:"key_pair"`
			SpotStrategy          string        `json:"spot_strategy"`
			SystemDiskSize        int           `json:"system_disk_size"`
			Tags                  []struct {
				Value string `json:"value"`
				Key   string `json:"key"`
			} `json:"tags"`
			SpotPriceLimit                   []interface{} `json:"spot_price_limit"`
			AutoRenew                        bool          `json:"auto_renew"`
			SystemDiskCategory               string        `json:"system_disk_category"`
			RdsInstances                     []interface{} `json:"rds_instances"`
			WorkerSystemDiskSnapshotPolicyID string        `json:"worker_system_disk_snapshot_policy_id"`
			ImageID                          string        `json:"image_id"`
			ScalingPolicy                    string        `json:"scaling_policy"`
		} `json:"scaling_group"`
		KubernetesConfig struct {
			RuntimeVersion    string `json:"runtime_version"`
			CPUPolicy         string `json:"cpu_policy"`
			CmsEnabled        bool   `json:"cms_enabled"`
			Runtime           string `json:"runtime"`
			OverwriteHostname bool   `json:"overwrite_hostname"`
			UserData          string `json:"user_data"`
			NodeNameMode      string `json:"node_name_mode"`
		} `json:"kubernetes_config"`
		AutoScaling struct {
			HealthCheckType       string `json:"health_check_type"`
			EipInternetChargeType string `json:"eip_internet_charge_type"`
			Enable                bool   `json:"enable"`
			MaxInstances          int    `json:"max_instances"`
			MinInstances          int    `json:"min_instances"`
			Type                  string `json:"type"`
			EipBandwidth          int    `json:"eip_bandwidth"`
		} `json:"auto_scaling"`
		NodepoolInfo struct {
			ResourceGroupID string    `json:"resource_group_id"`
			Created         time.Time `json:"created"`
			RegionID        string    `json:"region_id"`
			Name            string    `json:"name"`
			IsDefault       bool      `json:"is_default"`
			Type            string    `json:"type"`
			NodepoolID      string    `json:"nodepool_id"`
			Updated         time.Time `json:"updated"`
		} `json:"nodepool_info"`
		Status struct {
			ServingNodes  int    `json:"serving_nodes"`
			TotalNodes    int    `json:"total_nodes"`
			State         string `json:"state"`
			OfflineNodes  int    `json:"offline_nodes"`
			RemovingNodes int    `json:"removing_nodes"`
			InitialNodes  int    `json:"initial_nodes"`
			FailedNodes   int    `json:"failed_nodes"`
			HealthyNodes  int    `json:"healthy_nodes"`
		} `json:"status"`
	} `json:"nodepools"`

type NodePools added in v1.0.8

type NodePools struct {
	Nodes []struct {
		CreationTime       time.Time `json:"creation_time"`
		ErrorMessage       string    `json:"error_message"`
		InstanceName       string    `json:"instance_name"`
		NodeStatus         string    `json:"node_status"`
		IsAliyunNode       bool      `json:"is_aliyun_node"`
		NodeName           string    `json:"node_name"`
		ExpiredTime        time.Time `json:"expired_time"`
		IPAddress          []string  `json:"ip_address"`
		Source             string    `json:"source"`
		InstanceTypeFamily string    `json:"instance_type_family"`
		InstanceID         string    `json:"instance_id"`
		InstanceChargeType string    `json:"instance_charge_type"`
		InstanceRole       string    `json:"instance_role"`
		State              string    `json:"state"`
		InstanceStatus     string    `json:"instance_status"`
		ImageID            string    `json:"image_id"`
		InstanceType       string    `json:"instance_type"`
		NodepoolID         string    `json:"nodepool_id"`
		HostName           string    `json:"host_name"`
	} `json:"nodes"`
	Page struct {
		PageNumber int `json:"page_number"`
		TotalCount int `json:"total_count"`
		PageSize   int `json:"page_size"`
	} `json:"page"`

type NodeType

type NodeType string

type OGroup

type OGroup struct {
	Data struct {
		CreateTime        int64  `json:"createTime"`
		UnitFlag          bool   `json:"unitFlag"`
		Remark            string `json:"remark"`
		StatusName        string `json:"statusName"`
		Applier           string `json:"applier"`
		ID                int    `json:"id"`
		RelationName      string `json:"relationName"`
		IndependentNaming bool   `json:"independentNaming"`
		RegionID          string `json:"regionId"`
		GroupType         int    `json:"groupType"`
		ChannelName       string `json:"channelName"`
		NamespaceID       string `json:"namespaceId"`
		Status            int    `json:"status"`
		ChannelID         int    `json:"channelId"`
		UpdateTime        int64  `json:"updateTime"`
		Relation          int    `json:"relation"`
		RegionName        string `json:"regionName"`
		ConsumerID        string `json:"consumerId"`
		GroupID           string `json:"groupId"`
		Owner             string `json:"owner"`
	} `json:"Data"`
	Message   string `json:"Message"`
	RequestID string `json:"RequestId"`
	Success   bool   `json:"Success"`
	Code      int    `json:"Code"`
	Total     int    `json:"Total"`

type OInstance

type OInstance struct {
	Data []struct {
		Cluster            string `json:"cluster"`
		InstanceName       string `json:"instanceName"`
		NamespaceRulesType bool   `json:"namespaceRulesType"`
		TpsReceiveMax      int    `json:"tpsReceiveMax"`
		InstanceType       int    `json:"instanceType"`
		IndependentNaming  bool   `json:"independentNaming"`
		InstanceStatus     int    `json:"instanceStatus"`
		TopicCapacity      int    `json:"topicCapacity"`
		Department         int    `json:"Department"`
		InstanceID         string `json:"instanceId"`
		CreateTime         int64  `json:"createTime"`
		RegionID           string `json:"regionId"`
		DepartmentName     string `json:"DepartmentName"`
		TpsMax             int    `json:"tpsMax"`
		SpInstanceID       string `json:"spInstanceId"`
		ResourceGroup      int    `json:"ResourceGroup"`
		ResourceGroupName  string `json:"ResourceGroupName"`
	} `json:"Data"`
	PageNumber   int    `json:"PageNumber"`
	PageSize     int    `json:"PageSize"`
	Total        int    `json:"Total"`
	Code         string `json:"code"`
	Cost         int    `json:"cost"`
	Message      string `json:"message"`
	PureListData bool   `json:"pureListData"`
	Redirect     bool   `json:"redirect"`
	Success      bool   `json:"success"`

type OnsGroup

type OnsGroup struct {
	Data []struct {
		CreateTime        int64  `json:"createTime"`
		UnitFlag          bool   `json:"unitFlag"`
		Remark            string `json:"remark"`
		StatusName        string `json:"statusName"`
		Applier           string `json:"applier"`
		ID                int    `json:"id"`
		RelationName      string `json:"relationName"`
		IndependentNaming bool   `json:"independentNaming"`
		RegionID          string `json:"regionId"`
		GroupType         int    `json:"groupType"`
		ChannelName       string `json:"channelName"`
		NamespaceID       string `json:"namespaceId"`
		Status            int    `json:"status"`
		ChannelID         int    `json:"channelId"`
		UpdateTime        int64  `json:"updateTime"`
		Relation          int    `json:"relation"`
		RegionName        string `json:"regionName"`
		ConsumerID        string `json:"consumerId"`
		GroupID           string `json:"groupId"`
		Owner             string `json:"owner"`
	} `json:"Data"`
	Message   string `json:"Message"`
	RequestID string `json:"RequestId"`
	Success   bool   `json:"Success"`
	Code      int    `json:"Code"`
	Total     int    `json:"Total"`

type OnsInstance

type OnsInstance struct {
	Data struct {
		Cluster            string `json:"cluster"`
		InstanceName       string `json:"instanceName"`
		NamespaceRulesType bool   `json:"namespaceRulesType"`
		TpsReceiveMax      int    `json:"tpsReceiveMax"`
		InstanceType       int    `json:"instanceType"`
		IndependentNaming  bool   `json:"independentNaming"`
		InstanceStatus     int    `json:"instanceStatus"`
		TopicCapacity      int    `json:"topicCapacity"`
		Department         int    `json:"Department"`
		InstanceID         string `json:"instanceId"`
		CreateTime         int64  `json:"createTime"`
		RegionID           string `json:"regionId"`
		DepartmentName     string `json:"DepartmentName"`
		TpsMax             int    `json:"tpsMax"`
		Remark             string `json:"remark"`
		SpInstanceID       string `json:"spInstanceId"`
		ResourceGroup      int    `json:"ResourceGroup"`
		ResourceGroupName  string `json:"ResourceGroupName"`
	} `json:"Data"`
	PageNumber   int    `json:"PageNumber"`
	PageSize     int    `json:"PageSize"`
	Total        int    `json:"Total"`
	Code         int    `json:"code"`
	Cost         int    `json:"cost"`
	Message      string `json:"message"`
	PureListData bool   `json:"pureListData"`
	Redirect     bool   `json:"redirect"`
	Success      bool   `json:"success"`

type OnsService

type OnsService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*OnsService) DescribeOnsGroup

func (s *OnsService) DescribeOnsGroup(id string) (response *OnsGroup, err error)

func (*OnsService) DescribeOnsInstance

func (s *OnsService) DescribeOnsInstance(instanceid string) (response *OnsInstance, err error)

func (*OnsService) DescribeOnsTopic

func (s *OnsService) DescribeOnsTopic(id string) (response *Topic, err error)

type OptimizedType

type OptimizedType string

type Organization

type Organization struct {
	Code string `json:"code"`
	Cost int    `json:"cost"`
	Data []struct {
		Alias             string        `json:"alias"`
		CuserID           string        `json:"cuserId"`
		ID                int           `json:"id"`
		Internal          bool          `json:"internal"`
		Level             string        `json:"level"`
		MultiCloudStatus  string        `json:"multiCloudStatus"`
		MuserID           string        `json:"muserId"`
		Name              string        `json:"name"`
		ParentID          int           `json:"parentId"`
		SupportRegionList []interface{} `json:"supportRegionList"`
		UUID              string        `json:"uuid"`
		SupportRegions    string        `json:"supportRegions,omitempty"`
		Mtime             int64         `json:"mtime,omitempty"`
	} `json:"data"`
	Message      string `json:"message"`
	PureListData bool   `json:"pureListData"`
	Redirect     bool   `json:"redirect"`
	RequestID    string `json:"requestId"`
	Success      bool   `json:"success"`

type OssService

type OssService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

OssService *connectivity.ApsaraStackClient

func (*OssService) DescribeOssBucket

func (s *OssService) DescribeOssBucket(id string) (response oss.GetBucketInfoResult, err error)

func (*OssService) WaitForOssBucket

func (s *OssService) WaitForOssBucket(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*OssService) WaitForOssBucketObject

func (s *OssService) WaitForOssBucketObject(bucket *oss.Bucket, id string, status Status, timeout int) error

type PasswordPolicy

type PasswordPolicy struct {
	Code string `json:"code"`
	Cost int    `json:"cost"`
	Data struct {
		ID                           int  `json:"id"`
		HardExpiry                   bool `json:"hardExpiry"`
		MaxLoginAttemps              int  `json:"maxLoginAttemps"`
		MaxPasswordAge               int  `json:"maxPasswordAge"`
		MinimumPasswordLength        int  `json:"minimumPasswordLength"`
		PasswordErrorCaptchaTime     int  `json:"passwordErrorCaptchaTime"`
		PasswordErrorLockPeriod      int  `json:"passwordErrorLockPeriod"`
		PasswordErrorTolerancePeriod int  `json:"passwordErrorTolerancePeriod"`
		PasswordReusePrevention      int  `json:"passwordReusePrevention"`
		RequireLowercaseCharacters   bool `json:"requireLowercaseCharacters"`
		RequireNumbers               bool `json:"requireNumbers"`
		RequireSymbols               bool `json:"requireSymbols"`
		RequireUppercaseCharacters   bool `json:"requireUppercaseCharacters"`
	} `json:"data"`
	Message      string `json:"message"`
	PureListData bool   `json:"pureListData"`
	Redirect     bool   `json:"redirect"`
	Success      bool   `json:"success"`

type PayType

type PayType string

type Policy

type Policy struct {
	Statement []PolicyStatement
	Version   string

type PolicyStatement

type PolicyStatement struct {
	Effect   Effect
	Action   interface{}
	Resource interface{}

type Principal

type Principal struct {
	Service []string
	RAM     []string

type Prober added in v1.0.11

type Prober struct {
	FailureThreshold    int `json:"failureThreshold"`
	InitialDelaySeconds int `json:"initialDelaySeconds"`
	SuccessThreshold    int `json:"successThreshold"`
	TimeoutSeconds      int `json:"timeoutSeconds"`
	Hook                `json:",inline"`

type Protocol

type Protocol string

Protocol represents network protocol

type ProviderError

type ProviderError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

An Error represents a custom error for Terraform failure response

func (*ProviderError) Error

func (e *ProviderError) Error() string

func (*ProviderError) ErrorCode

func (err *ProviderError) ErrorCode() string

func (*ProviderError) Message

func (err *ProviderError) Message() string

type RamPolicies

type RamPolicies struct {
	Redirect        bool   `json:"redirect"`
	EagleEyeTraceID string `json:"eagleEyeTraceId"`
	AsapiSuccess    bool   `json:"asapiSuccess"`
	Code            string `json:"code"`
	Cost            int    `json:"cost"`
	Data            []struct {
		PolicyDocument    string `json:"policyDocument"`
		NewPolicyDocument string `json:"newPolicyDocument"`
		PolicyName        string `json:"policyName"`
		NewPolicyName     string `json:"newPolicyName"`
		Ctime             int64  `json:"ctime"`
		ID                int    `json:"id"`
		RamPolicyId       int    `json:"ramPolicyId"`
		RoleId            int    `json:"roleId"`
		Region            string `json:"region"`
		Description       string `json:"description,omitempty"`
		NewDescription    string `json:"newDescription"`
		CuserID           string `json:"cuserId,omitempty"`
		MuserID           string `json:"muserId,omitempty"`
		Mtime             int64  `json:"mtime,omitempty"`
	} `json:"data"`
	PageInfo struct {
		Total       int `json:"total"`
		TotalPage   int `json:"totalPage"`
		PageSize    int `json:"pageSize"`
		CurrentPage int `json:"currentPage"`
	} `json:"pageInfo"`
	Message        string `json:"message"`
	ServerRole     string `json:"serverRole"`
	AsapiRequestID string `json:"asapiRequestId"`
	Success        bool   `json:"success"`
	Domain         string `json:"domain"`
	PureListData   bool   `json:"pureListData"`
	API            string `json:"api"`
	AsapiErrorCode string `json:"asapiErrorCode"`

type RamPolicy added in v1.0.11

type RamPolicy struct {
	Policy struct {
		PolicyType      string    `json:"PolicyType"`
		UpdateDate      time.Time `json:"UpdateDate"`
		Description     string    `json:"Description"`
		AttachmentCount int       `json:"AttachmentCount"`
		PolicyName      string    `json:"PolicyName"`
		DefaultVersion  string    `json:"DefaultVersion"`
		CreateDate      time.Time `json:"CreateDate"`
	} `json:"Policy"`
	ServerRole           string `json:"serverRole"`
	EagleEyeTraceID      string `json:"eagleEyeTraceId"`
	AsapiSuccess         bool   `json:"asapiSuccess"`
	AsapiRequestID       string `json:"asapiRequestId"`
	RequestID            string `json:"RequestId"`
	DefaultPolicyVersion struct {
		VersionID        string    `json:"VersionId"`
		IsDefaultVersion bool      `json:"IsDefaultVersion"`
		PolicyDocument   string    `json:"PolicyDocument"`
		CreateDate       time.Time `json:"CreateDate"`
	} `json:"DefaultPolicyVersion"`
	Domain string `json:"domain"`
	API    string `json:"api"`

type RamPolicyUser

type RamPolicyUser struct {
	Redirect        bool   `json:"redirect"`
	EagleEyeTraceID string `json:"eagleEyeTraceId"`
	AsapiSuccess    bool   `json:"asapiSuccess"`
	Code            string `json:"code"`
	Cost            int    `json:"cost"`
	Data            []struct {
		PolicyDocument string `json:"policyDocument"`
		PolicyName     string `json:"policyName"`
		AttachDate     int64  `json:"attachDate"`
		PolicyType     string `json:"policyType"`
		Description    string `json:"description"`
		DefaultVersion string `json:"defaultVersion"`
	} `json:"data"`
	Message        string `json:"message"`
	ServerRole     string `json:"serverRole"`
	AsapiRequestID string `json:"asapiRequestId"`
	Success        bool   `json:"success"`
	Domain         string `json:"domain"`
	PureListData   bool   `json:"pureListData"`
	API            string `json:"api"`
	AsapiErrorCode string `json:"asapiErrorCode"`

type RamRole

type RamRole struct {
	Redirect       bool   `json:"redirect"`
	AsapiSuccess   bool   `json:"asapiSuccess"`
	Code           string `json:"code"`
	Cost           int    `json:"cost"`
	AsapiRequestID string `json:"asapiRequestId"`
	Data           []struct {
		Product                  string `json:"product"`
		AssumeRolePolicyDocument string `json:"assumeRolePolicyDocument"`
		OrganizationName         string `json:"organizationName"`
		RoleID                   string `json:"roleId"`
		Description              string `json:"description"`
		RoleType                 string `json:"roleType"`
		AliyunUserID             int    `json:"aliyunUserId"`
		OrganizationID           int    `json:"organizationId"`
		RoleName                 string `json:"roleName"`
		Ctime                    int64  `json:"ctime"`
		ID                       int    `json:"id"`
		Arn                      string `json:"arn"`
		Region                   string `json:"region"`
		CuserID                  string `json:"cuserId"`
	} `json:"data"`
	Success  bool `json:"success"`
	PageInfo struct {
		Total       int `json:"total"`
		TotalPage   int `json:"totalPage"`
		PageSize    int `json:"pageSize"`
		CurrentPage int `json:"currentPage"`
	} `json:"pageInfo"`
	PureListData bool   `json:"pureListData"`
	Message      string `json:"message"`

type RamService

type RamService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*RamService) AssemblePolicyDocument

func (s *RamService) AssemblePolicyDocument(document []interface{}, version string) (string, error)

func (*RamService) AssembleRolePolicyDocument

func (s *RamService) AssembleRolePolicyDocument(ramUser, service []interface{}, version string) (string, error)

func (*RamService) DescribeRamAccessKey

func (s *RamService) DescribeRamAccessKey(id, userName string) (*ram.AccessKeyInListAccessKeys, error)

func (*RamService) DescribeRamAccountAlias

func (s *RamService) DescribeRamAccountAlias(id string) (*ram.GetAccountAliasResponse, error)

func (*RamService) DescribeRamAccountPasswordPolicy

func (s *RamService) DescribeRamAccountPasswordPolicy(id string) (*ram.GetPasswordPolicyResponse, error)

func (*RamService) DescribeRamGroup

func (s *RamService) DescribeRamGroup(id string) (*ram.GetGroupResponse, error)

func (*RamService) DescribeRamGroupMembership

func (s *RamService) DescribeRamGroupMembership(id string) (*ram.ListUsersForGroupResponse, error)

func (*RamService) DescribeRamGroupPolicyAttachment

func (s *RamService) DescribeRamGroupPolicyAttachment(id string) (*ram.PolicyInListPoliciesForGroup, error)

func (*RamService) DescribeRamLoginProfile

func (s *RamService) DescribeRamLoginProfile(id string) (*ram.GetLoginProfileResponse, error)

func (*RamService) DescribeRamPolicy

func (s *RamService) DescribeRamPolicy(id string) (*ram.GetPolicyResponse, error)

func (*RamService) DescribeRamRole

func (s *RamService) DescribeRamRole(id string) (*ram.GetRoleResponse, error)

func (*RamService) DescribeRamRoleAttachment

func (s *RamService) DescribeRamRoleAttachment(id string) (*ecs.DescribeInstanceRamRoleResponse, error)

func (*RamService) DescribeRamRolePolicyAttachment

func (s *RamService) DescribeRamRolePolicyAttachment(id string) (*ram.PolicyInListPoliciesForRole, error)

func (*RamService) DescribeRamUser

func (s *RamService) DescribeRamUser(id string) (*ram.UserInGetUser, error)

func (*RamService) DescribeRamUserPolicyAttachment

func (s *RamService) DescribeRamUserPolicyAttachment(id string) (*ram.PolicyInListPoliciesForUser, error)

func (*RamService) GetIntersection

func (s *RamService) GetIntersection(dataMap []map[string]interface{}, allDataMap map[string]interface{}) (allData []interface{})

func (*RamService) JudgeRolePolicyPrincipal

func (s *RamService) JudgeRolePolicyPrincipal(roleName string) error

Judge whether the role policy contains service "ecs.aliyuncs.com"

func (*RamService) ParsePolicyDocument

func (s *RamService) ParsePolicyDocument(policyDocument string) (statement []map[string]interface{}, version string, err error)

func (*RamService) ParseRolePolicyDocument

func (s *RamService) ParseRolePolicyDocument(policyDocument string) (RolePolicy, error)

func (*RamService) WaitForRamAccessKey

func (s *RamService) WaitForRamAccessKey(id, useName string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*RamService) WaitForRamGroup

func (s *RamService) WaitForRamGroup(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*RamService) WaitForRamGroupMembership

func (s *RamService) WaitForRamGroupMembership(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*RamService) WaitForRamGroupPolicyAttachment

func (s *RamService) WaitForRamGroupPolicyAttachment(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*RamService) WaitForRamLoginProfile

func (s *RamService) WaitForRamLoginProfile(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*RamService) WaitForRamPolicy

func (s *RamService) WaitForRamPolicy(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*RamService) WaitForRamRole

func (s *RamService) WaitForRamRole(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*RamService) WaitForRamRoleAttachment

func (s *RamService) WaitForRamRoleAttachment(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*RamService) WaitForRamRolePolicyAttachment

func (s *RamService) WaitForRamRolePolicyAttachment(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*RamService) WaitForRamUser

func (s *RamService) WaitForRamUser(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*RamService) WaitForRamUserPolicyAttachment

func (s *RamService) WaitForRamUserPolicyAttachment(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

type RdsService

type RdsService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*RdsService) DescribeBackupPolicy

func (s *RdsService) DescribeBackupPolicy(id string) (*rds.DescribeBackupPolicyResponse, error)

func (*RdsService) DescribeDBAccount

func (s *RdsService) DescribeDBAccount(id string) (*rds.DBInstanceAccount, error)

func (*RdsService) DescribeDBAccountPrivilege

func (s *RdsService) DescribeDBAccountPrivilege(id string) (*rds.DBInstanceAccount, error)

func (*RdsService) DescribeDBConnection

func (s *RdsService) DescribeDBConnection(id string) (*rds.DBInstanceNetInfo, error)

func (*RdsService) DescribeDBDatabase

func (s *RdsService) DescribeDBDatabase(id string) (*rds.Database, error)

func (*RdsService) DescribeDBInstance

func (s *RdsService) DescribeDBInstance(id string) (*rds.DBInstanceAttribute, error)

func (*RdsService) DescribeDBInstanceNetInfo

func (s *RdsService) DescribeDBInstanceNetInfo(id string) ([]rds.DBInstanceNetInfo, error)

func (*RdsService) DescribeDBInstanceSSL

func (s *RdsService) DescribeDBInstanceSSL(id string) (*rds.DescribeDBInstanceSSLResponse, error)

func (*RdsService) DescribeDBReadWriteSplittingConnection

func (s *RdsService) DescribeDBReadWriteSplittingConnection(id string) (*rds.DBInstanceNetInfo, error)

func (*RdsService) DescribeDBReadonlyInstance

func (s *RdsService) DescribeDBReadonlyInstance(id string) (*rds.DBInstanceAttribute, error)

func (*RdsService) DescribeDBSecurityIps

func (s *RdsService) DescribeDBSecurityIps(instanceId string) (ips []rds.DBInstanceIPArray, err error)

func (*RdsService) DescribeDbInstanceMonitor

func (s *RdsService) DescribeDbInstanceMonitor(id string) (monitoringPeriod int, err error)

func (*RdsService) DescribeMultiIZByRegion

func (s *RdsService) DescribeMultiIZByRegion() (izs []string, err error)

return multiIZ list of current region

func (*RdsService) DescribeParameters

func (s *RdsService) DescribeParameters(id string) (*rds.DescribeParametersResponse, error)

func (*RdsService) DescribeRdsTDEInfo

func (s *RdsService) DescribeRdsTDEInfo(id string) (*rds.DescribeDBInstanceTDEResponse, error)

func (*RdsService) DescribeSQLCollectorPolicy

func (s *RdsService) DescribeSQLCollectorPolicy(id string) (collectorPolicy *rds.DescribeSQLCollectorPolicyResponse, err error)

func (*RdsService) DescribeSQLCollectorRetention

func (s *RdsService) DescribeSQLCollectorRetention(id string) (collectorRetention *rds.DescribeSQLCollectorRetentionResponse, err error)

func (*RdsService) DescribeSecurityGroupConfiguration

func (s *RdsService) DescribeSecurityGroupConfiguration(id string) ([]string, error)

func (*RdsService) DescribeTasks

func (s *RdsService) DescribeTasks(id string) (task *rds.DescribeTasksResponse, err error)

func (*RdsService) GetSecurityIps

func (s *RdsService) GetSecurityIps(instanceId string) ([]string, error)

func (*RdsService) GrantAccountPrivilege

func (s *RdsService) GrantAccountPrivilege(id, dbName string) error

func (*RdsService) ModifyDBBackupPolicy

func (s *RdsService) ModifyDBBackupPolicy(d *schema.ResourceData, updateForData, updateForLog bool) error

func (*RdsService) ModifyDBSecurityIps

func (s *RdsService) ModifyDBSecurityIps(instanceId, ips string) error

func (*RdsService) ModifyParameters

func (s *RdsService) ModifyParameters(d *schema.ResourceData, attribute string) error

func (*RdsService) ModifySecurityGroupConfiguration

func (s *RdsService) ModifySecurityGroupConfiguration(id string, groupid string) error

func (*RdsService) RdsDBInstanceStateRefreshFunc

func (s *RdsService) RdsDBInstanceStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*RdsService) RdsTaskStateRefreshFunc

func (s *RdsService) RdsTaskStateRefreshFunc(id string, taskAction string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*RdsService) RefreshParameters

func (s *RdsService) RefreshParameters(d *schema.ResourceData, attribute string) error

func (*RdsService) ReleaseDBPublicConnection

func (s *RdsService) ReleaseDBPublicConnection(instanceId, connection string) error

func (*RdsService) RevokeAccountPrivilege

func (s *RdsService) RevokeAccountPrivilege(id, dbName string) error

func (*RdsService) TransformPeriod2Time

func (s *RdsService) TransformPeriod2Time(period int, chargeType string) (ut int, tt common.TimeType)

turn period to TimeType

func (*RdsService) TransformTime2Period

func (s *RdsService) TransformTime2Period(ut int, tt common.TimeType) (period int)

turn TimeType to Period

func (*RdsService) WaitForAccount

func (s *RdsService) WaitForAccount(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*RdsService) WaitForAccountPrivilege

func (s *RdsService) WaitForAccountPrivilege(id, dbName string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*RdsService) WaitForAccountPrivilegeRevoked

func (s *RdsService) WaitForAccountPrivilegeRevoked(id, dbName string, timeout int) error

func (*RdsService) WaitForDBConnection

func (s *RdsService) WaitForDBConnection(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*RdsService) WaitForDBDatabase

func (s *RdsService) WaitForDBDatabase(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*RdsService) WaitForDBInstance

func (s *RdsService) WaitForDBInstance(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

WaitForInstance waits for instance to given status

func (*RdsService) WaitForDBParameter

func (s *RdsService) WaitForDBParameter(instanceId string, timeout int, expects map[string]string) error

WaitForDBParameter waits for instance parameter to given value. Status of DB instance is Running after ModifyParameters API was call, so we can not just wait for instance status become Running, we should wait until parameters have expected values.

func (*RdsService) WaitForDBReadWriteSplitting

func (s *RdsService) WaitForDBReadWriteSplitting(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

type RegionsByProduct

type RegionsByProduct struct {
	Body struct {
		RegionList []struct {
			RegionID   string `json:"RegionId"`
			RegionType string `json:"RegionType"`
		} `json:"RegionList"`
	} `json:"body"`
	Code int `json:"code"`

type RemoveTagsArgs

type RemoveTagsArgs struct {
	ResourceId   string
	ResourceType ecs.TagResourceType //image, instance, snapshot or disk
	RegionId     common.Region
	Tag          []Tag

type RenewalStatus

type RenewalStatus string

type ResourceGroup

type ResourceGroup struct {
	Code string `json:"code"`
	Cost int    `json:"cost"`
	Data []struct {
		GmtCreated        int64  `json:"gmtCreated"`
		ID                int    `json:"id"`
		OrganizationID    int    `json:"organizationID"`
		ResourceGroupName string `json:"resourceGroupName"`
		RsID              string `json:"rsId"`
		Creator           string `json:"creator,omitempty"`
		GmtModified       int64  `json:"gmtModified,omitempty"`
		ResourceGroupType int    `json:"resourceGroupType,omitempty"`
	} `json:"data"`
	Message  string `json:"message"`
	PageInfo struct {
		CurrentPage int   `json:"currentPage"`
		PageSize    int64 `json:"pageSize"`
		Total       int   `json:"total"`
		TotalPage   int   `json:"totalPage"`
	} `json:"pageInfo"`
	PureListData bool `json:"pureListData"`
	Redirect     bool `json:"redirect"`
	Success      bool `json:"success"`
type BindResourceAndUsers struct {
	ResourceGroupID int    `json:"resource_group_id"`
	AscmUserIds     string `json:"ascm_user_ids"`

type ResourceType

type ResourceType string

type Response

type Response struct {
	RequestId string `json:"request_id"`

type ResponseCr

type ResponseCr struct {
	Code string `json:"code"`
	Data struct {
		Data struct {
			RepoID int `json:"repoId"`
		} `json:"data"`
	} `json:"data"`
	SuccessResponse bool `json:"successResponse"`

type Role

type Role string

type RoleARN added in v1.0.2

type RoleARN struct {
	AuthorizationState int    `json:"AuthorizationState"`
	EagleEyeTraceID    string `json:"eagleEyeTraceId"`
	AsapiSuccess       bool   `json:"asapiSuccess"`
	AsapiRequestID     string `json:"asapiRequestId"`
	RequestID          string `json:"RequestId"`
	RoleArn            string `json:"RoleArn"`

type RolePolicy

type RolePolicy struct {
	Statement []RolePolicyStatement
	Version   string

type RolePolicyStatement

type RolePolicyStatement struct {
	Effect    Effect
	Action    string
	Principal Principal

type RoleProducts

type RoleProducts struct {
	Data []struct {
		ChineseName string `json:"chineseName"`
		ASCIIName   string `json:"asciiName"`
		Key         string `json:"key"`
	} `json:"data"`
	Message        string `json:"message"`
	ServerRole     string `json:"serverRole"`
	AsapiRequestID string `json:"asapiRequestId"`
	Success        bool   `json:"success"`
	Domain         string `json:"domain"`
	PureListData   bool   `json:"pureListData"`
	API            string `json:"api"`
	AsapiErrorCode string `json:"asapiErrorCode"`

type Roles

type Roles struct {
	Redirect        bool   `json:"redirect"`
	EagleEyeTraceID string `json:"eagleEyeTraceId"`
	AsapiSuccess    bool   `json:"asapiSuccess"`
	Code            string `json:"code"`
	Cost            int    `json:"cost"`
	Data            []struct {
		RoleRange              string `json:"roleRange"`
		ArID                   string `json:"arId"`
		RAMRole                bool   `json:"rAMRole"`
		Code                   string `json:"code"`
		Active                 bool   `json:"active"`
		Description            string `json:"description"`
		RoleType               string `json:"roleType"`
		Default                bool   `json:"default"`
		UserCount              int    `json:"userCount"`
		OwnerOrganizationID    int    `json:"ownerOrganizationId"`
		Enable                 bool   `json:"enable"`
		RoleName               string `json:"roleName"`
		NewRoleName            string `json:"newRoleName"`
		NewDescription         string `json:"newDescription"`
		ID                     int    `json:"id"`
		RoleId                 int    `json:"roleId"`
		RoleLevel              int64  `json:"roleLevel,omitempty"`
		OrganizationVisibility string `json:"organizationVisibility"`
		Rolevel                int64  `json:"rolevel,omitempty"`
	} `json:"data"`
	PageInfo struct {
		Total       int `json:"total"`
		TotalPage   int `json:"totalPage"`
		PageSize    int `json:"pageSize"`
		CurrentPage int `json:"currentPage"`
	} `json:"pageInfo"`
	Message        string `json:"message"`
	ServerRole     string `json:"serverRole"`
	AsapiRequestID string `json:"asapiRequestId"`
	Success        bool   `json:"success"`
	Domain         string `json:"domain"`
	PureListData   bool   `json:"pureListData"`
	API            string `json:"api"`
	AsapiErrorCode string `json:"asapiErrorCode"`

type RouterType

type RouterType string

type RsType

type RsType string

type ScalingRuleType

type ScalingRuleType string

type SchedulerType

type SchedulerType string

type SecurityEnhancementStrategy

type SecurityEnhancementStrategy string

type SecurityGroup

type SecurityGroup struct {
	Attributes        ecs.DescribeSecurityGroupAttributeResponse
	CreationTime      string
	SecurityGroupType string
	ResourceGroupId   string
	Tags              ecs.TagsInDescribeSecurityGroups

type SlbService

type SlbService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*SlbService) BuildSlbCommonRequest

func (s *SlbService) BuildSlbCommonRequest() (*requests.CommonRequest, error)

func (*SlbService) DescribeDomainExtensionAttribute

func (s *SlbService) DescribeDomainExtensionAttribute(domainExtensionId string) (*slb.DescribeDomainExtensionAttributeResponse, error)

func (*SlbService) DescribeSlb

func (*SlbService) DescribeSlbAcl

func (*SlbService) DescribeSlbBackendServer

func (s *SlbService) DescribeSlbBackendServer(id string) (*slb.DescribeLoadBalancerAttributeResponse, error)

func (*SlbService) DescribeSlbCACertificate

func (s *SlbService) DescribeSlbCACertificate(id string) (*slb.CACertificate, error)

func (*SlbService) DescribeSlbListener

func (s *SlbService) DescribeSlbListener(id string) (listener map[string]interface{}, err error)

func (*SlbService) DescribeSlbMasterSlaveServerGroup

func (s *SlbService) DescribeSlbMasterSlaveServerGroup(id string) (*slb.DescribeMasterSlaveServerGroupAttributeResponse, error)

func (*SlbService) DescribeSlbRule

func (s *SlbService) DescribeSlbRule(id string) (*slb.DescribeRuleAttributeResponse, error)

func (*SlbService) DescribeSlbServerCertificate

func (s *SlbService) DescribeSlbServerCertificate(id string) (*slb.ServerCertificate, error)

func (*SlbService) DescribeSlbServerGroup

func (s *SlbService) DescribeSlbServerGroup(id string) (*slb.DescribeVServerGroupAttributeResponse, error)

func (*SlbService) DescribeTags

func (s *SlbService) DescribeTags(resourceId string, resourceTags map[string]interface{}, resourceType TagResourceType) (tags []slb.TagResource, err error)

func (*SlbService) FlattenSlbAclEntryMappings

func (s *SlbService) FlattenSlbAclEntryMappings(list []slb.AclEntry) []map[string]interface{}

Flattens an array of slb.AclEntry into a []map[string]string

func (*SlbService) SlbAddAccessControlListEntry

func (s *SlbService) SlbAddAccessControlListEntry(list []interface{}, aclId string) error

func (*SlbService) SlbRemoveAccessControlListEntry

func (s *SlbService) SlbRemoveAccessControlListEntry(list []interface{}, aclId string) error

func (*SlbService) WaitForSlb

func (s *SlbService) WaitForSlb(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*SlbService) WaitForSlbAcl

func (s *SlbService) WaitForSlbAcl(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*SlbService) WaitForSlbCACertificate

func (s *SlbService) WaitForSlbCACertificate(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*SlbService) WaitForSlbDomainExtension

func (s *SlbService) WaitForSlbDomainExtension(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*SlbService) WaitForSlbListener

func (s *SlbService) WaitForSlbListener(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*SlbService) WaitForSlbMasterSlaveServerGroup

func (s *SlbService) WaitForSlbMasterSlaveServerGroup(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*SlbService) WaitForSlbRule

func (s *SlbService) WaitForSlbRule(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*SlbService) WaitForSlbServerCertificate

func (s *SlbService) WaitForSlbServerCertificate(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*SlbService) WaitForSlbServerGroup

func (s *SlbService) WaitForSlbServerGroup(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*SlbService) WaitSlbAttribute

func (s *SlbService) WaitSlbAttribute(id string, instanceSet *schema.Set, timeout int) error

type SlbTag

type SlbTag struct {
	TagKey   string
	TagValue string

type Spec

type Spec string

type SpecificField

type SpecificField struct {
	Success   bool        `json:"success"`
	Data      []string    `json:"data"`
	Message   string      `json:"message"`
	Code      int         `json:"code"`
	HTTPCode  interface{} `json:"httpCode"`
	IP        interface{} `json:"ip"`
	RequestID interface{} `json:"requestId"`
	HTTPOk    bool        `json:"httpOk"`

type SpotStrategyType

type SpotStrategyType string

type Status

type Status string

type StickySessionType

type StickySessionType string

type Tag

type Tag struct {
	Key   string
	Value string

type TagResourceType

type TagResourceType string

type TcpSocket added in v1.0.11

type TcpSocket struct {
	Host string `json:"host"`
	Port int    `json:"port"`

type TimeType

type TimeType string

type Topic

type Topic struct {
	Data []struct {
		CreateTime        int64  `json:"createTime"`
		UnitFlag          bool   `json:"unitFlag"`
		Remark            string `json:"remark"`
		StatusName        string `json:"statusName"`
		Applier           string `json:"applier"`
		ID                int    `json:"id"`
		RelationName      string `json:"relationName"`
		IndependentNaming bool   `json:"independentNaming"`
		RegionID          string `json:"regionId"`
		Topic             string `json:"topic"`
		ChannelName       string `json:"channelName"`
		NamespaceID       string `json:"namespaceId"`
		UpdateTime        int64  `json:"updateTime"`
		Status            int    `json:"status"`
		ChannelID         int    `json:"channelId"`
		OrderType         int    `json:"orderType"`
		Relation          int    `json:"relation"`
		RegionName        string `json:"regionName"`
		PageStart         int    `json:"pageStart"`
		PageSize          int    `json:"pageSize"`
		Owner             string `json:"owner"`
	} `json:"Data"`
	Message   string `json:"Message"`
	RequestID string `json:"RequestId"`
	Success   bool   `json:"Success"`
	Code      int    `json:"Code"`
	Total     int    `json:"Total"`

type TopicStruct

type TopicStruct struct {
	Data      string `json:"Data"`
	Message   string `json:"Message"`
	RequestID string `json:"RequestId"`
	Success   bool   `json:"Success"`
	Code      int    `json:"Code"`

type User

type User struct {
	Code string `json:"code"`
	Cost int    `json:"cost"`
	Data []struct {
		AccessKeys []struct {
			AccesskeyID string `json:"accesskeyId"`
			Ctime       int64  `json:"ctime"`
			CuserID     string `json:"cuserId"`
			ID          int    `json:"id"`
			Region      string `json:"region"`
			Status      string `json:"status"`
		} `json:"accessKeys"`
		CellphoneNum string `json:"cellphoneNum"`
		Default      bool   `json:"default"`
		DefaultRole  struct {
			Active                 bool   `json:"active"`
			ArID                   string `json:"arId"`
			Code                   string `json:"code"`
			CuserID                string `json:"cuserId"`
			Default                bool   `json:"default"`
			Description            string `json:"description"`
			Enable                 bool   `json:"enable"`
			ID                     int    `json:"id"`
			MuserID                string `json:"muserId"`
			OrganizationVisibility string `json:"organizationVisibility"`
			OwnerOrganizationID    int    `json:"ownerOrganizationId"`
			RAMRole                bool   `json:"rAMRole"`
			RoleLevel              int64  `json:"roleLevel"`
			RoleName               string `json:"roleName"`
			RoleRange              string `json:"roleRange"`
			RoleType               string `json:"roleType"`
		} `json:"defaultRole"`
		Deleted            bool     `json:"deleted"`
		DisplayName        string   `json:"displayName"`
		Email              string   `json:"email"`
		EnableDingTalk     bool     `json:"enableDingTalk"`
		EnableEmail        bool     `json:"enableEmail"`
		EnableShortMessage bool     `json:"enableShortMessage"`
		ID                 int      `json:"id"`
		RoleIDList         []string `json:"roleIdList"`
		LastLoginTime      int64    `json:"lastLoginTime"`
		LoginName          string   `json:"loginName"`
		LoginPolicy        struct {
			CuserID  string `json:"cuserId"`
			Default  bool   `json:"default"`
			Enable   bool   `json:"enable"`
			ID       int    `json:"id"`
			IPRanges []struct {
				IPRange       string `json:"ipRange"`
				LoginPolicyID int    `json:"loginPolicyId"`
				Protocol      string `json:"protocol"`
			} `json:"ipRanges"`
			LpID                   string `json:"lpId"`
			MuserID                string `json:"muserId"`
			Name                   string `json:"name"`
			OrganizationVisibility string `json:"organizationVisibility"`
			OwnerOrganizationID    int    `json:"ownerOrganizationId"`
			Rule                   string `json:"rule"`
			TimeRanges             []struct {
				EndTime       string `json:"endTime"`
				LoginPolicyID int    `json:"loginPolicyId"`
				StartTime     string `json:"startTime"`
			} `json:"timeRanges"`
		} `json:"loginPolicy"`
		MobileNationCode string `json:"mobileNationCode"`
		Organization     struct {
			Alias             string        `json:"alias"`
			Ctime             int64         `json:"ctime"`
			CuserID           string        `json:"cuserId"`
			ID                int           `json:"id"`
			Internal          bool          `json:"internal"`
			Level             string        `json:"level"`
			Mtime             int64         `json:"mtime"`
			MultiCloudStatus  string        `json:"multiCloudStatus"`
			MuserID           string        `json:"muserId"`
			Name              string        `json:"name"`
			ParentID          int           `json:"parentId"`
			SupportRegionList []interface{} `json:"supportRegionList"`
			UUID              string        `json:"uuid"`
		} `json:"organization,omitempty"`
		ParentPk   string `json:"parentPk"`
		PrimaryKey string `json:"primaryKey"`
		Roles      []struct {
			Active                 bool   `json:"active"`
			ArID                   string `json:"arId"`
			Code                   string `json:"code"`
			Default                bool   `json:"default"`
			Description            string `json:"description"`
			Enable                 bool   `json:"enable"`
			ID                     int    `json:"id"`
			OrganizationVisibility string `json:"organizationVisibility"`
			OwnerOrganizationID    int    `json:"ownerOrganizationId"`
			RAMRole                bool   `json:"rAMRole"`
			RoleLevel              int64  `json:"roleLevel"`
			RoleName               string `json:"roleName"`
			RoleRange              string `json:"roleRange"`
			RoleType               string `json:"roleType"`
		} `json:"roles"`
		Status         string        `json:"status"`
		UserGroupRoles []interface{} `json:"userGroupRoles"`
		UserGroups     []interface{} `json:"userGroups"`
		UserRoles      []struct {
			Active                 bool   `json:"active"`
			ArID                   string `json:"arId"`
			Code                   string `json:"code"`
			CuserID                string `json:"cuserId"`
			Default                bool   `json:"default"`
			Description            string `json:"description"`
			Enable                 bool   `json:"enable"`
			ID                     int    `json:"id"`
			MuserID                string `json:"muserId"`
			OrganizationVisibility string `json:"organizationVisibility"`
			OwnerOrganizationID    int    `json:"ownerOrganizationId"`
			RAMRole                bool   `json:"rAMRole"`
			RoleLevel              int64  `json:"roleLevel"`
			RoleName               string `json:"roleName"`
			RoleRange              string `json:"roleRange"`
			RoleType               string `json:"roleType"`
		} `json:"userRoles"`
	} `json:"data"`
	Message  string `json:"message"`
	PageInfo struct {
		CurrentPage int `json:"currentPage"`
		PageSize    int `json:"pageSize"`
		Total       int `json:"total"`
		TotalPage   int `json:"totalPage"`
	} `json:"pageInfo"`
	PureListData bool `json:"pureListData"`
	Redirect     bool `json:"redirect"`
	Success      bool `json:"success"`

type UserGroup added in v1.0.12

type UserGroup struct {
	Code         string `json:"code"`
	Cost         int    `json:"cost"`
	Message      string `json:"message"`
	PureListData bool   `json:"pureListData"`
	Redirect     bool   `json:"redirect"`
	Success      bool   `json:"success"`
	PageInfo     struct {
		CurrentPage int `json:"currentPage"`
		PageSize    int `json:"pageSize"`
		Total       int `json:"total"`
		TotalPage   int `json:"totalPage"`
	} `json:"pageInfo"`
	Data []struct {
		AugId           string `json:"augId"`
		CreateTimeStamp int64  `json:"createTimeStamp"`
		GroupName       string `json:"groupName"`
		Id              int    `json:"id"`
		OrganizationId  int    `json:"organizationId"`
		Organization    struct {
			Alias             string        `json:"alias"`
			Ctime             int64         `json:"ctime"`
			CuserId           string        `json:"cuserId"`
			Id                int           `json:"id"`
			Internal          bool          `json:"internal"`
			Level             string        `json:"level"`
			Mtime             int64         `json:"mtime"`
			MultiCloudStatus  string        `json:"multiCloudStatus"`
			MuserId           string        `json:"muserId"`
			Name              string        `json:"name"`
			ParentId          int           `json:"parentId"`
			SupportRegions    string        `json:"supportRegions"`
			UUID              string        `json:"uuid"`
			SupportRegionList []interface{} `json:"supportRegionList"`
		} `json:"organization,omitempty"`
		ResourceSets []struct {
			Active                 bool   `json:"active"`
			ArID                   string `json:"arId"`
			Code                   string `json:"code"`
			Default                bool   `json:"default"`
			Description            string `json:"description"`
			Enable                 bool   `json:"enable"`
			ID                     int    `json:"id"`
			OrganizationVisibility string `json:"organizationVisibility"`
			OwnerOrganizationID    int    `json:"ownerOrganizationId"`
			RAMRole                bool   `json:"rAMRole"`
			RoleLevel              int64  `json:"roleLevel"`
			RoleName               string `json:"roleName"`
			RoleRange              string `json:"roleRange"`
			RoleType               string `json:"roleType"`
		} `json:"resourceSets"`
		Roles []struct {
			Active                 bool   `json:"active"`
			ArId                   string `json:"arId"`
			Code                   string `json:"code"`
			CuserId                string `json:"cuserId"`
			Default                bool   `json:"default"`
			Description            string `json:"description"`
			Enable                 bool   `json:"enable"`
			Id                     int    `json:"id"`
			MuserId                string `json:"muserId"`
			OrganizationVisibility string `json:"organizationVisibility"`
			OwnerOrganizationId    int    `json:"ownerOrganizationId"`
			RAMRole                bool   `json:"rAMRole"`
			RoleLevel              int64  `json:"roleLevel"`
			RoleName               string `json:"roleName"`
			RoleRange              string `json:"roleRange"`
			RoleType               string `json:"roleType"`
		} `json:"roles"`
		Users []struct {
			AccountType        int     `json:"accountType"`
			Active             bool    `json:"active"`
			AliyunUser         bool    `json:"aliyunUser"`
			BackendAccountType string  `json:"backendAccountType"`
			CellphoneNum       string  `json:"cellphoneNum"`
			Ctime              int64   `json:"ctime"`
			Default            bool    `json:"default"`
			DefaultRoleId      int     `json:"defaultRoleId"`
			Deleted            bool    `json:"deleted"`
			Email              string  `json:"email"`
			EnableDingTalk     bool    `json:"enableDingTalk"`
			EnableEmail        bool    `json:"enableEmail"`
			EnableShortMessage bool    `json:"enableShortMessage"`
			Id                 int     `json:"id"`
			LoginName          string  `json:"loginName"`
			LoginTime          int64   `json:"loginTime"`
			MobileNationCode   string  `json:"mobileNationCode"`
			Mtime              float64 `json:"mtime"`
			MuserID            string  `json:"muserId"`
			OrganizationId     int     `json:"organizationId"`
			Password           string  `json:"password"`
			RamUser            bool    `json:"ramUser"`
			UserLoginCtrlId    int     `json:"userLoginCtrlId"`
			Username           string  `json:"username"`
		} `json:"users"`
	} `json:"data"`

type VpcListResult added in v1.0.12

type VpcListResult struct {
	Api             string        `json:"api"`
	AsapiRequestId  string        `json:"asapiRequestId"`
	AsapiSuccess    bool          `json:"asapiSuccess"`
	HttpOk          bool          `json:"httpOk"`
	Success         bool          `json:"success"`
	Code            int64         `json:"code"`
	Domain          string        `json:"domain"`
	Message         string        `json:"message"`
	ServerRole      string        `json:"serverRole"`
	EagleEyeTraceId string        `json:"eagleEyeTraceId"`
	VpcList         []interface{} `json:"data"`
	PageModel       interface{}   `json:"pageModel"`

type VpcService

type VpcService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*VpcService) ActivateRouterInterface

func (s *VpcService) ActivateRouterInterface(interfaceId string) error

func (*VpcService) DeactivateRouterInterface

func (s *VpcService) DeactivateRouterInterface(interfaceId string) error

func (*VpcService) DescribeCenInstanceGrant

func (s *VpcService) DescribeCenInstanceGrant(id string) (rule vpc.CbnGrantRule, err error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeCommonBandwidthPackage

func (s *VpcService) DescribeCommonBandwidthPackage(id string) (v vpc.CommonBandwidthPackage, err error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeCommonBandwidthPackageAttachment

func (s *VpcService) DescribeCommonBandwidthPackageAttachment(id string) (v vpc.CommonBandwidthPackage, err error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeEip

func (s *VpcService) DescribeEip(id string) (eip vpc.EipAddress, err error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeEipAssociation

func (s *VpcService) DescribeEipAssociation(id string) (object vpc.EipAddress, err error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeForwardEntry

func (s *VpcService) DescribeForwardEntry(id string) (entry vpc.ForwardTableEntry, err error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeNatGateway

func (s *VpcService) DescribeNatGateway(id string) (nat vpc.NatGateway, err error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeNetworkAcl

func (s *VpcService) DescribeNetworkAcl(id string) (networkAcl vpc.NetworkAcl, err error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeNetworkAclAttachment

func (s *VpcService) DescribeNetworkAclAttachment(id string, resource []vpc.Resource) (err error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeRouteEntry

func (s *VpcService) DescribeRouteEntry(id string) (*vpc.RouteEntry, error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeRouteTable

func (s *VpcService) DescribeRouteTable(id string) (v vpc.RouterTableListType, err error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeRouteTableAttachment

func (s *VpcService) DescribeRouteTableAttachment(id string) (v vpc.RouterTableListType, err error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeRouterInterface

func (s *VpcService) DescribeRouterInterface(id, regionId string) (ri vpc.RouterInterfaceType, err error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeRouterInterfaceConnection

func (s *VpcService) DescribeRouterInterfaceConnection(id, regionId string) (ri vpc.RouterInterfaceType, err error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeSnatEntry

func (s *VpcService) DescribeSnatEntry(id string) (snat vpc.SnatTableEntry, err error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeTags

func (s *VpcService) DescribeTags(resourceId string, resourceTags map[string]interface{}, resourceType TagResourceType) (tags []vpc.TagResource, err error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeVSwitch

func (s *VpcService) DescribeVSwitch(id string) (v vpc.DescribeVSwitchAttributesResponse, err error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeVpc

func (s *VpcService) DescribeVpc(id string) (v vpc.Vpc, err error)

func (*VpcService) FlattenPublicIpAddressesMappings

func (s *VpcService) FlattenPublicIpAddressesMappings(list []vpc.PublicIpAddresse) []map[string]interface{}

Flattens an array of vpc.public_ip_addresses into a []map[string]string

func (*VpcService) QueryRouteTableById

func (s *VpcService) QueryRouteTableById(routeTableId string) (rt vpc.RouteTable, err error)

func (*VpcService) VSwitchStateRefreshFunc

func (s *VpcService) VSwitchStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*VpcService) VpcStateRefreshFunc

func (s *VpcService) VpcStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc

func (*VpcService) WaitForAllRouteEntriesAvailable

func (s *VpcService) WaitForAllRouteEntriesAvailable(routeTableId string, timeout int) error

func (*VpcService) WaitForCenInstanceGrant

func (s *VpcService) WaitForCenInstanceGrant(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*VpcService) WaitForCommonBandwidthPackage

func (s *VpcService) WaitForCommonBandwidthPackage(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*VpcService) WaitForCommonBandwidthPackageAttachment

func (s *VpcService) WaitForCommonBandwidthPackageAttachment(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*VpcService) WaitForEip

func (s *VpcService) WaitForEip(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*VpcService) WaitForEipAssociation

func (s *VpcService) WaitForEipAssociation(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*VpcService) WaitForForwardEntry

func (s *VpcService) WaitForForwardEntry(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*VpcService) WaitForNatGateway

func (s *VpcService) WaitForNatGateway(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*VpcService) WaitForNetworkAcl

func (s *VpcService) WaitForNetworkAcl(networkAclId string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*VpcService) WaitForNetworkAclAttachment

func (s *VpcService) WaitForNetworkAclAttachment(id string, resource []vpc.Resource, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*VpcService) WaitForRouteEntry

func (s *VpcService) WaitForRouteEntry(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*VpcService) WaitForRouteTable

func (s *VpcService) WaitForRouteTable(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*VpcService) WaitForRouteTableAttachment

func (s *VpcService) WaitForRouteTableAttachment(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*VpcService) WaitForRouterInterface

func (s *VpcService) WaitForRouterInterface(id, regionId string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*VpcService) WaitForRouterInterfaceConnection

func (s *VpcService) WaitForRouterInterfaceConnection(id, regionId string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*VpcService) WaitForSnatEntry

func (s *VpcService) WaitForSnatEntry(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

func (*VpcService) WaitForVSwitch

func (s *VpcService) WaitForVSwitch(id string, status Status, timeout int) error

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