Traffic Ops ORT Tests
The ORT tests are used to validate the ORT tools used with a
release of Traffic Ops. The tests ensure that the ORT tools
are able to communicate with Traffic Ops, install required
packages and generate the correct ATS configuration files on
a Trafficserver cache.
Automated Github Actions workflow
A Github actions workflow, traffic-ops-ort-tests.yml, has
been written to fully automate running the tests upon github
code pushes and PR submissions on code changes that might affect
ORT. In addition, the tests may be triggered manually through
the Github actions UI.
Running the tests manually.
The first thing you need do is to provide the Traffic Ops and
Traffic Ops ORT RPM files for the build you wish to test using
this framework. This test environment provides the necessary
Docker containers used to support and execute the tests when
given the necessary RPM's. If you choose to not use the provided
Docker containers you will need to provide the following resources:
- A running Traffic Ops with the installed release to be tested
- A running Postgres SQL database which is loaded with the proper
test data for the Traffic Ops release.
- An Apache Traffic Server host that has the installed release of
ORT to be tested against the release of Traffic Ops.
- A yum server configured to provide the test rpm's herein.
- A Traffic vault server.
Directory layout
- trafficcontrol/cache-config/testing/docker: has all the
necessary files for running the test Docker containers.
- trafficcontrol/cache-config/testing/ort-tests: this directory.
contains all the go files used to run the ORT tests.
Build the Traffic Ops and Cache Config RPM's on the branch
that you wish to test. See the top level 'build' directory for
building instructions.
Copy the Traffic Ops RPM from the 'dist' directory to
docker/traffic_ops/, no renaming is required.
Copy the Traffic Ops ORT rpm from the 'dist' directory to
docker/ort_test/, no renaming is required.
You may copy an Apache Trafficserver RPM to the
docker/yumserver/test-rpms directory or you can run:
docker compose -f docker-compose-ats-build.yml run trafficserver_build
to build an rpm which is copied to docker/yumserver/test-rpms.
The container Docker files have the usernames and passwords used in the various
containers ie, postgresql db, traffic_ops, and cache-config. The usernames
and passwords passed to the 't3c' executable in in the
ort-tests/conf/docker-edge-cache.conf file. Make sure that the usernames/passwords
in the Docker files match those in the t3c configuration file.
An example ort-tests/conf/edge-cache.conf file is provided should you choose to
use your own Traffic Ops and Postgresql environment.
Build the Docker images and run the ort test:
cd trafficcontrol/cache-config/testing/docker
docker compose build
docker compose run ort_test
After some time, test results should be available at
If you wish to run the tests manually use 'docker ps' to obtain the container id for
the ort_test host and then:
docker exec -it $ort_test /bin/bash -l
cd /ort-tests
go test -cfg=conf/docker-edge-cache.conf
If you wish to run the tests manually using your own environment, create a config
file with the necessary login information in the 'conf' directory and then rerun
the tests using your config file. WARNING: the traffic ops database will be dropped
and initialized using the data in tc-fixtures.json and then the tests are run.
DO NOT USE a production Traffic Ops database with these test scripts.