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Send ETH & Tokens API
This small backend enables you to send ETH & Tokens to Ethereum based blockchains.
How to use it
- Step #1: Fork the project and give it a star
- Step #2: Copy the api_config.example.json to api_config.json and edit it with the link to your blockchain (you can use infura for rinkeby, main-net)
- Step #3: Build & run with: go build -o server; ./server
- Step #4: ??
- Step #5: Profit!!!
Note about security:
- This api should run on localhost!
- If you need to expose it, make a reverse nginx proxy and configure it for https!
GET /api/v1/
general info about the connection with the blockchain
GET /api/v1/health
health about how much resources this mini-server takes
params: address
curl --request GET \
--url 'http://localhost:9090/api/v1/balance/token?contract=0x991c43f15b7d286f473e644df689dc3d722b58b2&address=0x5d924b2D34643B4Eb7D4291fDcb07236963f040f' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
GET /api/v1/balance/eth
gets the ETH balance.
params: address
curl --request GET \
--url 'http://localhost:9090/api/v1/balance/eth?address=0xF69D65f241a523837c7F37f8B38328176416E771' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
GET /api/v1/balance/token
gets the token balance.
params: contract, address
curl --request GET \
--url 'http://localhost:9090/api/v1/balance/token?contract=0x991c43f15b7d286f473e644df689dc3d722b58b2&address=0x5d924b2D34643B4Eb7D4291fDcb07236963f040f' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
PUT /api/v1/tx/send_eth
sends ETH to an address
params: to_address, sender_private_key, amount_in_wei
curl --request PUT \
--url 'http://localhost:9090/api/v1/tx/send_eth?to_address=0xF69D65f241a523837c7F37f8B38328176416E771&sender_private_key=908550C596A682C500FE1013EB3CEB5A8421FC62D6FF1F81CCDFEDD69768E560&amount_in_wei=100000000000000000' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
PUT /api/v1/tx/send_token
sends Tokens to an address
params: to_address, sender_private_key, contract, amount_in_wei
curl --request PUT \
--url 'http://localhost:9090/api/v1/tx/send_token?to_address=0xF69D65f241a523837c7F37f8B38328176416E771&sender_private_key=908550C596A682C500FE1013EB3CEB5A8421FC62D6FF1F81CCDFEDD69768E560&contract=0x991c43f15b7d286f473e644df689dc3d722b58b2&amount_in_wei=1000000000000000000' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
- sanitize inputs
- docker ?
- any suggestions ?
Thanks to:
https://github.com/hunterlong/tokenbalance for the tokens generic bindings.
License: GPL-3.0