The Peloton CLI you never wanted.
- Create a
file in your home directory
username: your-username
password: your-password
$ rides -h
A CLI for interacting with the Peloton API
rides [command]
Available Commands:
help Help about any command
schedule Show your upcoming workout schedule and add/remove to it
upcoming Show upcoming workouts you can add to your schedule
user Display information about authenticated user
workouts Lists workouts you've completed
-h, --help help for rides
--password string Password for Peloton
--username string Username for Peloton
Use "rides [command] --help" for more information about a command.
View Upcoming Workouts
$ rides upcoming -h
Show upcoming workouts you can add to your schedule
rides upcoming [flags]
--category string Workout type to display (default "cycling")
--end string End Date to fetch upcoming workouts until (default "2020-10-27")
-h, --help help for upcoming
--start string Start Date to fetch upcoming workouts from (default "2020-10-25")
Global Flags:
--password string Password for Peloton
--username string Username for Peloton
Show Scheduled Workouts
$ rides schedule show -h
Show your upcoming workout schedule
rides schedule show [flags]
--category string Workout type to display (default "cycling")
--end string End Date to fetch upcoming workouts until (default "2020-10-27")
-h, --help help for show
--start string Start Date to fetch upcoming workouts from (default "2020-10-25")
Global Flags:
--password string Password for Peloton
--username string Username for Peloton
Add Workout to Schedule
$ rides schedule add -h
Add a workout to your schedule
rides schedule add [flags]
-h, --help help for add
--workout-id string Workout ID to add to your schedule
Global Flags:
--password string Password for Peloton
--username string Username for Peloton
Remove Workout from Schedule
$ rides schedule remove -h
Remove a workout from your schedule
rides schedule remove [flags]
-h, --help help for remove
--workout-id string Workout ID to remove from your schedule
Global Flags:
--password string Password for Peloton
--username string Username for Peloton
View Completed Workouts
$ rides workouts -h
Lists workouts you've completed
rides workouts [flags]
rides workouts [command]
Available Commands:
download Download our workouts to a CSV file
--category string Workout type to display (default "")
-h, --help help for workouts
--limit string Maximum number of workouts to display (default "10")
Global Flags:
--password string Password for Peloton
--username string Username for Peloton
Use "rides workouts [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Download Completed Workouts
$ rides workouts download -h
Download your workouts to a CSV file
rides workouts download [flags]
-h, --help help for download
--location string File location to save csv (default "my-workouts.csv")
Global Flags:
--password string Password for Peloton
--username string Username for Peloton