Vulcan CLI
The vulcan-api-cli
is the autogenerated CLI for interacting with vulcan-api
, but it's hard to deal with teams/assets/groups/recipients overview, creation or modification.
That's the purpose of vulcan-cli
, make easy interaction with the API using files.
$ vulcan-cli -h
Rich CLI to interact with vulcan-api
vulcan-cli [command]
Available Commands:
help Help about any command
import Import assets in Vulcanito format into vulcan-api
pull Dowloads all the info of a team(s) into files inside a directory, overwriting the local info
push Uploads the info of a team with the one that is defined in files, overwriting the remote info
--dump Dump HTTP request and response.
--format string Format used to create auth header or query from key (default "Bearer %s")
-h, --help help for vulcan-cli
-H, --host string API hostname (default "localhost:8080")
-k, --key string API key used for authentication
-s, --scheme string Set the requests scheme (default "http")
-t, --timeout duration Set the request timeout (default 20s)
Use "vulcan-cli [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Let's review the available commands.
First we implemented the import
command that allows to import in the API teams, assets and recipients defined in the old Vulcanito assets format.
Example of assets format:
$ ls
index.txt test/
$ ls test/
aws.txt domains.txt emails.txt hostnames.txt ips.txt nessus.txt
$ find test/ -type f -print -exec cat '{}' \;
It's the easiest way to create new teams!
$ vulcan-cli import -h
Import assets in Vulcanito format into vulcan-api
vulcan-cli import <vulcanito_assets_dir> [flags]
-h, --help help for import
Global Flags:
--dump Dump HTTP request and response.
--format string Format used to create auth header or query from key (default "Bearer %s")
-H, --host string API hostname (default "localhost:8080")
-k, --key string API key used for authentication
-s, --scheme string Set the requests scheme (default "http")
-t, --timeout duration Set the request timeout (default 20s)
Example: vulcan-cli --key $(cat /tmp/temp-token) import /tmp/vulcanito-assets
Having an overview of what is created in the API is hard, so let's make it easier.
$ vulcan-cli pull -h
Dowloads all the info of a team(s) into files inside a directory, overwriting the local info
vulcan-cli pull <teams_dir> <team_name> [flags]
-f, --force Force overwrite of local team, otherwise pull is aborted if team exists locally
-h, --help help for pull
Global Flags:
--dump Dump HTTP request and response.
--format string Format used to create auth header or query from key (default "Bearer %s")
-H, --host string API hostname (default "localhost:8080")
-k, --key string API key used for authentication
-s, --scheme string Set the requests scheme (default "http")
-t, --timeout duration Set the request timeout (default 20s)
For the specified team (or all if the all
keyword is specified as name) the command pulls:
- the recipients
- the full list of assets
- the groups (embedding the assets that pertain to them)
- a list of orphan assets (assets that does not belong to any group)
- a list of assets that are not in the full list of assets but that are associated to a group (this shouldn't happen anymore)
Example: vulcan-cli --key $(cat /tmp/temp-token) pull . 'Test Team'
$ ls
Test Team/
$ ls Test\ Team/
Default;2cbe421a-aec7-4e90-b51b-0f173f52b773* assets.txt* orphan.txt*
Sensitive;3a13e790-3e19-4f08-9481-7b22e1762f3f* emails.txt* team.txt*
$ find Test\ Team/ -type f -print -exec cat '{}' \;
Test Team//team.txt
Test Team;;4694c8e1-4acb-4143-b7e3-944bf44effdf
Test Team//Default;2cbe421a-aec7-4e90-b51b-0f173f52b773;DomainName;3b22792f-18e5-4ee6-aa8b-e049c3959829;Hostname;eaae820c-2dbb-4d0d-bb16-24f95c3b475f
Test Team//orphan.txt
Test Team//emails.txt
Test Team//assets.txt;DomainName;3b22792f-18e5-4ee6-aa8b-e049c3959829;Hostname;eaae820c-2dbb-4d0d-bb16-24f95c3b475f;Hostname;3dc00d82-98ea-4355-a72b-4181d1d2a9fe
Test Team//Sensitive;3a13e790-3e19-4f08-9481-7b22e1762f3f;Hostname;3dc00d82-98ea-4355-a72b-4181d1d2a9fe
And finally, let's modify assets and push changes.
$ vulcan-cli --key $(cat /tmp/temp-token) push -h
Uploads the info of a team with the one that is defined in files, overwriting the remote info
vulcan-cli push <teams_dir> <team_name> [flags]
-f, --force Push changes to remote, otherwise performs a dry run only
-h, --help help for push
Global Flags:
--dump Dump HTTP request and response.
--format string Format used to create auth header or query from key (default "Bearer %s")
-H, --host string API hostname (default "localhost:8080")
-k, --key string API key used for authentication
-s, --scheme string Set the requests scheme (default "http")
-t, --timeout duration Set the request timeout (default 20s)
For modifying the recipients, just update the emails.txt
To create a new group just create a new file with the name of the group. Example: echo "" > NewGroup
To create new assets, just edit the file of the group you want to add the asset to, an add the assets without specifying an ID. It can be done in new groups too :)
To associate existing assets just copy the asset line from one group the other (or from the assets.txt
or orphans.txt
To deassociate them, just delete the lines from the group files.
When running the push
command without the -f
flag, it will only show you the changes to make (dry run). When forced, it pushes the info to the API.
That's it. If you want to see a demo just play the asciicast :)
Scan, Review, Send
$ vulcan-cli -H -k $(cat ~/.vulcan-api-token-dev) scan /tmp/assets/ "Vulcan Team"
2019/04/09 16:58:25 [INFO] started id=/KBgdVVn POST=
2019/04/09 16:58:26 [INFO] completed id=/KBgdVVn status=201 time=958.661143ms
[*] Writing scans to file '/var/folders/j0/59t1xk6116qbgbzy3qz4v4740000gn/T/vulcan-scan-354488336.txt'
$ cat /var/folders/j0/59t1xk6116qbgbzy3qz4v4740000gn/T/vulcan-scan-354488336.txt
periodic-full-scan;CREATED;Vulcan Team;1e6717df-dc40-46ba-8673-8e3a7a738bdd
$ vulcan-cli -H -k $(cat ~/.vulcan-api-token-dev) scan refresh /var/folders/j0/59t1xk6116qbgbzy3qz4v4740000gn/T/vulcan-scan-354488336.txt
2019/04/09 16:59:16 [INFO] started id=nPdoRkxl GET=
2019/04/09 16:59:17 [INFO] completed id=nPdoRkxl status=200 time=603.788877ms
2019/04/09 16:59:17 [INFO] started id=QdoTwezh GET=
2019/04/09 16:59:17 [INFO] completed id=QdoTwezh status=200 time=110.124293ms
periodic-full-scan;RUNNING;Vulcan Team;1e6717df-dc40-46ba-8673-8e3a7a738bdd
$ vulcan-cli -H -k $(cat ~/.vulcan-api-token-dev) scan refresh /var/folders/j0/59t1xk6116qbgbzy3qz4v4740000gn/T/vulcan-scan-354488336.txt
2019/04/09 17:13:47 [INFO] started id=+rtijCK/ GET=
2019/04/09 17:13:48 [INFO] completed id=+rtijCK/ status=200 time=408.593893ms
2019/04/09 17:13:48 [INFO] started id=Zu6+m+tF GET=
2019/04/09 17:13:48 [INFO] completed id=Zu6+m+tF status=200 time=268.202334ms
periodic-full-scan;FINISHED;Vulcan Team;1e6717df-dc40-46ba-8673-8e3a7a738bdd
$ vulcan-cli -H -k $(cat ~/.vulcan-api-token-dev) scan report --scan-file /var/folders/j0/59t1xk6116qbgbzy3qz4v4740000gn/T/vulcan-scan-354488336.txt
2019/04/09 17:14:35 [INFO] started id=W9hq6X1D GET=
2019/04/09 17:14:35 [INFO] completed id=W9hq6X1D status=200 time=326.289085ms
2019/04/09 17:14:35 [INFO] started id=AEPXS1zI GET=
2019/04/09 17:14:35 [INFO] completed id=AEPXS1zI status=200 time=52.245906ms
[*] Writing report emails to file '/var/folders/j0/59t1xk6116qbgbzy3qz4v4740000gn/T/vulcan-reports-044883121'
$ ll /var/folders/j0/59t1xk6116qbgbzy3qz4v4740000gn/T/vulcan-reports-044883121
total 64
-rw-r--r-- 1 julianvilas staff 29K Apr 9 17:14 Vulcan Team.html
$ head /var/folders/j0/59t1xk6116qbgbzy3qz4v4740000gn/T/vulcan-reports-044883121/Vulcan\ Team.html
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
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<title>Security Overview - Vulcan Team</title>
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/* /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ CLIENT-SPECIFIC STYLES /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ */
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$ vulcan-cli -H -k $(cat ~/.vulcan-api-token-dev) scan report send --scan-file /var/folders/j0/59t1xk6116qbgbzy3qz4v4740000gn/T/vulcan-scan-354488336.txt
2019/04/09 17:16:01 [INFO] started id=vddPWSjO GET=
2019/04/09 17:16:01 [INFO] completed id=vddPWSjO status=200 time=407.480497ms
2019/04/09 17:16:01 [INFO] started id=/XIODrpx POST=
2019/04/09 17:16:01 [INFO] completed id=/XIODrpx status=200 time=270.11222ms
There is no documentation for this package.