Application binding test
This folder contains the test which checks if the BindingUsage resource allows the Pod to call the fake Gateway.
The testing scenario has the following steps:
- Setup: create Application, ApplicationMapping, deployments (
, gateway-client
) and set-up Istio Deniers and Rules
- Provision a ServiceClass
- Perform binding
- Add a BindingUsage
- The
can call the fake-gateway
(an environment variable with Gateway URL is injected, Istio allows the call)
- Remove BindingUsage
- The
cannot call the fake-gateway
(there is no environment variable with Gateway URL, Istio blocks the call)
The gateway-client
stores values read by the test in a ConfigMap.
This section explains how to run the test on the cluster.
Go to the project root directory.
Build testing Docker image:
Create service accounts and roles:
kubectl apply -f application/contrib/rbac.yaml
Run the test
Create a testing Pod:
kubectl apply -f application/contrib/pod.yaml
Watch resources
The test creates and updates Kubernetes resources in the acceptance-test
Namespace. You can observe the test's progress using the following command:
kubectl get configmap,po,svc,servicebindingusage,servicebinding -n acceptance-test
You can see the ConfigMap with the values saved by the gateway-client
kubectl get configmap -n acceptance-test -o yaml
Clean up all test resources:
kubectl delete ns acceptance-test
kubectl delete po -n kyma-system app-acceptance-test