
v0.1.3 Latest Latest

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Published: Nov 27, 2022 License: MIT Imports: 10 Imported by: 0




This section is empty.


This section is empty.


This section is empty.


type ALiYunAccessToken added in v0.1.2

type ALiYunAccessToken struct {
	NlsRequestId string      `json:"NlsRequestId" dc:"该参数可忽略"`
	RequestId    string      `json:"RequestId" dc:"该参数忽略,请求ID"`
	AliYunToken  ALiYunToken `json:"Token" dc:"token信息"`

ALiYunAccessToken 阿里云平台返回的Token

type ALiYunToken added in v0.1.2

type ALiYunToken struct {
	ExpireTime string `json:"expire_time" dc:"Access Token的有效期"`
	Id         string `json:"id" dc:"请求分配的Token值"`
	UserId     string `json:"user_id" dc:"用户id"`

type AliyunSdkConf added in v0.1.2

type AliyunSdkConf struct {
	Identifier  string `json:"identifier" v:"required#业务标识符参数错误" dc:"业务标识符,唯一,且不可修改"`
	Description string `json:"description" dc:"描述"`
	AppID       string `json:"appID" v:"required#请输入 AppID" dc:"AppID"`
	AESKey      string `json:"aesKey" v:"required#请输入 AES Key" dc:"AES Key"`
	APIKey      string `json:"apiKey" v:"required#请输入 API Key" dc:"API Key"`
	SecretKey   string `json:"secretKey" v:"required#请输入 Secret Key" dc:"Secret Key"`

type AliyunSdkConfList added in v0.1.2

type AliyunSdkConfList CollectRes[AliyunSdkConf]

type AliyunSdkConfToken added in v0.1.2

type AliyunSdkConfToken struct {

type Area

type Area struct {
	Id            int64  `json:"id"            description:"ID"`
	AreaCode      int    `json:"areaCode"      description:"地区编码"`
	AreaName      string `json:"areaName"      description:"地区名称"`
	Level         int    `json:"level"         description:"1:省份province,2:市city,3:区县district,4:街道street"`
	LatLongCenter string `json:"latLongCenter" description:"城市中心点(即经纬度)"`
	ParentId      int64  `json:"parentId"      description:"地区父节点"`

type AreaListRes

type AreaListRes CollectRes[Area]

type AuditHookFunc

type AuditHookFunc func(ctx context.Context, state kyAudit.EventState, info entity.SysAudit) error

type AuditHookInfo

type AuditHookInfo struct {
	Key      kyAudit.EventState
	Value    AuditHookFunc
	Category int `json:"category" dc:"业务类型"`

type AuditRes

type AuditRes struct {
	Id            int64       `json:"auditId"       description:""`
	State         int         `json:"state"         description:"审核状态:-1不通过,0待审核,1通过"`
	Replay        string      `json:"replay"        description:"不通过时回复的审核不通过原因"`
	ExpireAt      *gtime.Time `json:"expireAt"      description:"服务时限"`
	AuditReplayAt *gtime.Time `json:"auditReplayAt" description:"审核回复时间"`
	CreatedAt     *gtime.Time `json:"createdAt"     description:""`

type AuthHookFunc

type AuthHookFunc func(ctx context.Context, state kyAuth.ActionType, info entity.SysUser) error

type AuthHookInfo

type AuthHookInfo struct {
	Key      kyAuth.ActionType
	Value    AuthHookFunc
	UserType userType.Code `json:"userType" dc:"用户类型"`

type BaiduSdkConf

type BaiduSdkConf struct {
	Identifier  string `json:"identifier" v:"required#业务标识符参数错误" dc:"业务标识符,唯一,且不可修改"`
	Description string `json:"description" dc:"描述"`
	AppID       string `json:"appID" v:"required#请输入 AppID" dc:"AppID"`
	AESKey      string `json:"aesKey" v:"required#请输入 AES Key" dc:"AES Key"`
	APIKey      string `json:"apiKey" v:"required#请输入 API Key" dc:"API Key"`
	SecretKey   string `json:"secretKey" v:"required#请输入 Secret Key" dc:"Secret Key"`

type BaiduSdkConfAccessToken

type BaiduSdkConfAccessToken struct {
	AccessToken string `json:"access_token" dc:"获取的Access Token"`

	ExpiresIn     int64  `json:"expires_in" dc:"Access Token的有效期(秒为单位,有效期30天)"`
	Scope         string `json:"scope" dc:"该参数忽略"`
	SessionKey    string `json:"session_key" dc:"该参数忽略"`
	SessionSecret string `json:"session_secret" dc:"该参数忽略"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

type BaiduSdkConfList

type BaiduSdkConfList CollectRes[BaiduSdkConf]

type BaiduSdkConfToken

type BaiduSdkConfToken struct {

type BaiduSdkOCRBankCard

type BaiduSdkOCRBankCard struct {

type BaiduSdkOCRIDCard

type BaiduSdkOCRIDCard struct {
	OCRIDCardA *BaiduSdkOCRIDCardA `json:"ocrIDCardA" dc:"身份证头像面识别的信息"`
	OCRIDCardB *BaiduSdkOCRIDCardB `json:"ocrIDCardB" dc:"身份证国徽面识别的信息"`

type BaiduSdkOCRIDCardA

type BaiduSdkOCRIDCardA struct {
	Direction      int    `json:"direction" dc:"图像方向:-1 为定义,0正向,1逆时针90度,2逆时针180度,3逆时针270度"`
	ImageStateText string `` /* 310-byte string literal not displayed */
	RiskType       string `` /* 135-byte string literal not displayed */
	Address        string `json:"address" dc:"地址信息"`
	IDCardNumber   string `json:"idCardNumber" dc:"身份证号"`
	Birthday       string `json:"birthday" dc:"出生日期"`
	Realname       string `json:"realname" dc:"姓名"`
	Gender         string `json:"gender" dc:"性别"`
	Nation         string `json:"nation" dc:"民族"`

type BaiduSdkOCRIDCardB

type BaiduSdkOCRIDCardB struct {
	ExpiryDate       string `json:"expiryDate" dc:"失效日期"`
	IssuingAuthority string `json:"issuingAuthority" dc:"签发机关"`
	IssuingDate      string `json:"issuingDate" dc:"签发日期"`

type BankCardWithOCR

type BankCardWithOCR struct {
	// 上传文件返回数据

	// SDK返回的识别数据

BankCardWithOCR 银行卡识别响应信息

type BankCardWithOCRInput

type BankCardWithOCRInput struct {

BankCardWithOCRInput 上传银行卡请求参数

type BusinessLicenseOCR

type BusinessLicenseOCR struct {
	Direction         int    `json:"direction" dc:"图像方向:-1 为定义,0正向,1逆时针90度,2逆时针180度,3逆时针270度"`
	RiskType          string `json:"riskType" dc:"风险类型:normal正常营业执照,copy复印件,screen翻拍,scan扫描,unknown其他未知情况"`
	CreditCode        string `json:"creditCode" dc:"社会信用代码"`
	CombiningForm     string `json:"combiningForm" dc:"组成形式"`
	BusinessScope     string `json:"businessScope" dc:"经营范围"`
	EstablishmentDate string `json:"establishmentDate" dc:"成立日期"`
	LegalPerson       string `json:"legalPerson" dc:"法人"`
	RegisteredCapital string `json:"registeredCapital" dc:"注册资本"`
	CertificateNumber string `json:"certificateNumber" dc:"证件编号"`
	RegisteredAddress string `json:"registeredAddress" dc:"注册地址"`
	CompanyName       string `json:"companyName" dc:"主体名称"`
	ExpirationDate    string `json:"expirationDate" dc:"有效期"`
	ApprovalDate      string `json:"approvalDate" dc:"核准日期"`
	RegistrationDate  string `json:"RegistrationDate" dc:"核准日期"`

type BusinessLicenseWithOCR

type BusinessLicenseWithOCR struct {

BusinessLicenseWithOCR 营业执照识别响应信息

type CollectRes

type CollectRes[T any] struct {
	List *[]T `json:"list" dc:"数据列表"`

CollectRes 集合信息

type Context

type Context struct {
	ClaimsUser *JwtCustomClaims // 上下文用户信息
	Ipv4       string           // 客户端IP地址

Context 请求上下文结构

type CreateSysAudit

type CreateSysAudit struct {
	Id        int64       `json:"id"            description:""`
	State     int         `` /* 138-byte string literal not displayed */
	UnionId   int64       `json:"unionId"       description:"关联业务ID" v:"required#关联业务ID参数粗我"`
	Category  int         `` /* 169-byte string literal not displayed */
	AuditData string      `json:"auditData"     description:"待审核的业务数据包" v:"required|json#验证信息必须为json格式字符串"`
	ExpireAt  *gtime.Time `json:"expireAt"      description:"审核服务时限,超过该时间后没有审核通过的需要重新申请审核"`

type ExportFilter

type ExportFilter struct {
	Fields []SearchField `json:"fields" dc:"搜索字段集"`

ExportFilter 数据查询字段条件信息集合

type FileHookFunc

type FileHookFunc HookFunc[kyEnum.UploadEventState, entity.SysFile]

type FileHookInfo

type FileHookInfo HookEventType[kyEnum.UploadEventState, FileHookFunc]

type FileUploadInput

type FileUploadInput struct {
	File       *ghttp.UploadFile `json:"file" type:"file" dc:"请选择文件,以form-data方式提交"` // 上传文件对象
	Name       string            `json:"name" dc:"自定义文件名"`                           // 自定义文件名称
	RandomName bool              `json:"randomName" dc:"是否随机文件名" default:"true"`     // 是否随机命名文件

FileUploadInput 上传文件输入参数

type FileUploadOutput

type FileUploadOutput struct {
	Id     int64  `json:"id" dc:"ID"`           // 数据表ID
	Name   string `json:"name" dc:"文件名称"`       // 文件名称
	Path   string `json:"path" dc:"文件路径"`       // 本地路径
	Url    string `json:"url" dc:"文件访问地址"`      // 访问URL,可能只是URI
	UserId int64  `json:"userId" dc:"文件所属用户ID"` // 用户ID
	Size   int64  `json:"size" dc:"文件大小"`       // 文件大小

FileUploadOutput 上传文件返回参数

type ForgotPassword

type ForgotPassword struct {
	Username string `json:"username" v:"required#用户名不能为空" dc:"用户名"`
	Captcha  string `json:"captcha" v:"required#验证吗不能为空" dc:"验证码"`
	Mobile   string `json:"mobile" v:"phone|required-without:email#邮箱或手机号至少写一个" dc:"手机号"`
	Email    string `json:"email" v:"email|required-without:mobile#邮箱或手机号至少写一个" dc:"邮箱"'`

type HookEventType

type HookEventType[S any, F any] KeyValueT[S, F]

type HookFunc

type HookFunc[S any, T any] func(ctx context.Context, state S, info T) error

type IDCardWithOCR

type IDCardWithOCR struct {

IDCardWithOCR 身份证识别响应信息

type JwtCustomClaims

type JwtCustomClaims struct {
	Id        int64       `json:"id"               description:"ID"`
	Username  string      `json:"username"         description:"用户名"`
	State     int         `json:"state"            description:"状态:0未激活、1正常、-1封号、-2异常、-3已注销"`
	Type      int         `` /* 134-byte string literal not displayed */
	CreatedAt *gtime.Time `json:"createdAt"        description:""`
	UpdatedAt *gtime.Time `json:"updatedAt"        description:""`

type KeyValueT

type KeyValueT[K any, V any] struct {
	Key   K
	Value V

type LoginInfo

type LoginInfo struct {
	Username string `json:"username" v:"required#请输入用户名" dc:"登录账号"`
	Password string `json:"password" v:"required#请输入密码" dc:"登录密码"`
	Captcha  string `json:"captcha" v:"required#请输入验证吗" dc:"验证码"`

type OCRBankCard

type OCRBankCard struct {
	Direction      int    `json:"direction" dc:"图像方向:-1 为定义,0正向,1逆时针90度,2逆时针180度,3逆时针270度"`
	BankCardNumber string `json:"bank_card_number" dc:"银行卡号"`
	ValidDate      string `json:"valid_date" dc:"有效期"`
	BankCardType   int    `json:"bank_card_type" dc:"银行卡类型"`
	BankName       string `json:"bank_name" dc:"银行名字"`
	HolderName     string `json:"holder_name" dc:"持卡人名字"`

type OCRBusinessLicense

type OCRBusinessLicense struct {

OCRBusinessLicense 上传新版营业执照

type OCRIDCardFileUploadInput

type OCRIDCardFileUploadInput struct {
	DetectRisk string `` /* 200-byte string literal not displayed */
	IDCardSide string `` /* 301-byte string literal not displayed */

OCRIDCardFileUploadInput 上传身份证请求参数

type Pagination

type Pagination struct {
	Page     int `json:"page" v:"min:1#当前页不能小于1" default:"1" dc:"当前页"`
	PageSize int `json:"pageSize" v:"min:10|max:500#每页数量不能小于10|每页数量不能大于500" default:"20" dc:"每页数量"`

Pagination 分页信息

type PaginationRes

type PaginationRes struct {
	PageTotal int `json:"pageTotal" dc:"总页数"`

type ReqCasbin

type ReqCasbin struct {
	UserId    int64  `p:"userId"`
	Domain    string `p:"domain"`
	Interface string `p:"i"`
	Action    string `p:"a"`

type SearchField

type SearchField struct {
	Field       string      `json:"filed" dc:"字段名称"`
	Where       string      `json:"where" dc:"查询条件"`
	IsOrWhere   bool        `json:"isOrWhere" dc:"是否或与条件"`
	Value       interface{} `json:"value" dc:"字段对应值"`
	Sort        string      `json:"sort" dc:"排序,默认ASC,倒序DES"`
	IsNullValue bool        `json:"isNullValue" dc:"是否空值"`

SearchField 数据查询字段条件信息

type SearchFilter

type SearchFilter struct {
	Fields []SearchField `json:"fields" dc:"搜索字段集"`

SearchFilter 数据查询字段条件信息集合

type SetAudit

type SetAudit struct {
	Id       int64  `json:"id"            description:"ID" v:"required#审核编号错误"`
	State    int    `json:"state"         description:"审核状态:-1不通过,1通过" v:"required|in:-1,1#审核状态错误"`
	Replay   string `json:"replay"        description:"不通过时回复的审核不通过原因"`
	UnionId  int64  `json:"unionId"       description:"关联业务ID" v:"required#关联业务ID参数粗我"`
	Category int    `` /* 169-byte string literal not displayed */

type SysAuditListRes

type SysAuditListRes CollectRes[entity.SysAudit]

type SysMenu

type SysMenu struct {
	Id        int64  `json:"id"        dc:"ID,ID值为0时则新增菜单" v:"min:0#ID不能小于0"`
	Path      string `json:"path"      dc:"路径" v:"max-length:128#路径最大长度请不要超过128字符"`
	Name      string `json:"name"      dc:"名称" v:"required|max-length:128#请输入名称|名称最大长度请不要超过128字符"`
	Redirect  string `json:"redirect"  dc:"跳转" v:"max-length:128#跳转URL最大长度请不要超过128字符"`
	Title     string `json:"title"     dc:"标题" v:"required|max-length:64#请输入标题|标题最大长度请不要超过128字符"`
	Icon      string `json:"icon"      dc:"图标" v:"max-length:128#图标名称最大长度请不要超过128字符"`
	Component string `json:"component" dc:"组件" v:"max-length:128#组件地址最大长度请不要超过128字符"`
	ParentId  int64  `json:"parentId"  dc:"所属父级" v:"integer|min:0#父级ID参数错误|父级ID不能小于0"`
	Sort      int    `json:"sort"      dc:"排序" v:"integer#排序参数错误"`
	State     int    `json:"state"    dc:"状态:0隐藏,1显示" v:"in:0,1#请选择状态类型"`

type SysMenuTree

type SysMenuTree struct {
	Children *[]SysMenuTree

type SysOrganizationInfo

type SysOrganizationInfo struct {
	Id          int64  `json:"id"          description:""`
	Name        string `json:"name"        description:"名称" v:"required|length:2,32#名称不能为空|名称长度仅限2~32个字符"`
	ParentId    int64  `json:"parentId"    description:"父级ID" v:"min:0"`
	Description string `json:"description" description:"描述"`

type SysOrganizationTree

type SysOrganizationTree struct {
	CascadeDeep int                    `json:"cascadeDeep" description:"级联深度" v:"min:0"`
	Children    *[]SysOrganizationTree `json:"children" orm:"-" dc:"下级组织架构"`

type SysPermission

type SysPermission struct {
	Id          int64  `json:"id"             dc:"ID" v:"integer"`
	ParentId    int64  `json:"parentId"       dc:"父级ID" v:"min:0#必须是正整数,该属性创建后不支持修改"`
	Name        string `json:"name"           dc:"名称" v:"max-length:64#仅支持最大字符长度64"`
	Description string `json:"description"    dc:"描述" v:"max-length:128#仅支持最大字符长度128"`
	Identifier  string `json:"identifier"  description:"标识符"`
	Type        int    `json:"type"        description:"类型:1api、2menu"`

type SysPermissionTree

type SysPermissionTree struct {
	Children *[]SysPermissionTree `json:"children"       dc:"下级权限"`

type SysRole

type SysRole struct {
	Id          int64  `p:"id"         dc:"ID"`
	Name        string `p:"name"       v:"required|length:1,16#请输入角色名称|角色名称长度限定1~16字符" dc:"角色名称"`
	Description string `p:"description"       v:"max-length:128#角色描述长度限定128字符" dc:"角色描述"`

type SysUser

type SysUser struct {
	RoleNames []string `json:"roleNames" dc:"所属角色"`

type SysUserRegister

type SysUserRegister struct {
	Username        string `json:"username" v:"required|length:4,30#请输入用户名称|用户名称长度非法"  dc:"登陆账号"`
	Password        string `json:"password" v:"required|password#请输入密码|密码长度非法"  dc:"密码"`
	ConfirmPassword string `json:"confirmPassword" v:"required|same:password#请输入确认密码|两次密码不一致,请重新输入" dc:"密码"`
	Captcha         string `json:"captcha" v:"required" dc:"验证码"`

type SysUserRegisterRes

type SysUserRegisterRes struct {
	UserInfo     entity.SysUser   `json:"userInfo" dc:"用户信息"`
	RoleInfoList []entity.SysRole `json:"roleInfoList" dc:"角色信息列表"`

type SysUserRes

type SysUserRes CollectRes[SysUser]

type SysUsers

type SysUsers []entity.SysUser

type TokenInfo

type TokenInfo struct {
	Token    string    `json:"token" dc:"Token"`
	ExpireAt time.Time `json:"expireAt" dc:"Expire"`

type UserHookFunc

type UserHookFunc HookFunc[kyEnum.UserEventState, entity.SysUser]

type UserHookInfo

type UserHookInfo HookEventType[kyEnum.UserEventState, UserHookFunc]

type UserInnerRegister

type UserInnerRegister struct {
	Username        string  `json:"username" v:"required|length:4,30#请输入用户名称|用户名称长度非法"  dc:"登陆账号"`
	Password        string  `json:"password" v:"required|password#请输入密码|密码长度非法"  dc:"密码"`
	ConfirmPassword string  `json:"confirmPassword" v:"required|same:password#请输入确认密码|两次密码不一致,请重新输入" dc:"密码"`
	RoleIds         []int64 `json:"roleIds" dc:"所属角色,多个用逗号隔开"`


Path Synopsis

Jump to

Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL