Versions in this module Expand all Collapse all v2 v2.6.3 Aug 11, 2024 v2.6.2 Aug 11, 2024 Changes in this version + const AccountTypeCoinFuture + const AccountTypeIsolatedMargin + const AccountTypeMargin + const AccountTypeSpot + const AccountTypeUSDTFuture + const FuturesOrderBookHistoryDataTypeSDepth + const FuturesOrderBookHistoryDataTypeTDepth + const FuturesTransferStatusTypeConfirmed + const FuturesTransferStatusTypeFailed + const FuturesTransferStatusTypePending + const FuturesTransferTypeFuturesCMToMain + const FuturesTransferTypeToFutures + const FuturesTransferTypeToFuturesCM + const FuturesTransferTypeToMain + const LendingTypeActivity + const LendingTypeFixed + const LendingTypeFlexible + const LiquidityOperationTypeCombination + const LiquidityOperationTypeSingle + const MarginLoanStatusTypeConfirmed + const MarginLoanStatusTypeFailed + const MarginLoanStatusTypePending + const MarginRepayStatusTypeConfirmed + const MarginRepayStatusTypeFailed + const MarginRepayStatusTypePending + const MarginTransferTypeToMain + const MarginTransferTypeToMargin + const NewOrderRespTypeACK + const NewOrderRespTypeFULL + const NewOrderRespTypeRESULT + const OrderStatusExpiredInMatch + const OrderStatusTypeCanceled + const OrderStatusTypeExpired + const OrderStatusTypeFilled + const OrderStatusTypeNew + const OrderStatusTypePartiallyFilled + const OrderStatusTypePendingCancel + const OrderStatusTypeRejected + const OrderTypeLimit + const OrderTypeLimitMaker + const OrderTypeMarket + const OrderTypeStopLoss + const OrderTypeStopLossLimit + const OrderTypeTakeProfit + const OrderTypeTakeProfitLimit + const RateLimitIntervalDay + const RateLimitIntervalMinute + const RateLimitIntervalSecond + const RateLimitTypeOrders + const RateLimitTypeRawRequests + const RateLimitTypeRequestWeight + const RewardClaimDone + const RewardClaimPending + const RewardTypeLiquidity + const RewardTypeTrading + const SideEffectTypeAutoRepay + const SideEffectTypeMarginBuy + const SideEffectTypeNoSideEffect + const SideTypeBuy + const SideTypeSell + const StakingProductFlexibleDeFiStaking + const StakingProductLockedDeFiStaking + const StakingProductLockedStaking + const StakingTransactionTypeInterest + const StakingTransactionTypeRedemption + const StakingTransactionTypeSubscription + const SubAccountTransferTypeTransferIn + const SubAccountTransferTypeTransferOut + const SwappingStatusDone + const SwappingStatusFailed + const SwappingStatusPending + const SymbolFilterTypeIcebergParts + const SymbolFilterTypeLotSize + const SymbolFilterTypeMarketLotSize + const SymbolFilterTypeMaxNumAlgoOrders + const SymbolFilterTypeMaxNumOrders + const SymbolFilterTypeMinNotional + const SymbolFilterTypeNotional + const SymbolFilterTypePercentPriceBySide + const SymbolFilterTypePriceFilter + const SymbolFilterTypeTrailingDelta + const SymbolStatusTypeAuctionMatch + const SymbolStatusTypeBreak + const SymbolStatusTypeEndOfDay + const SymbolStatusTypeHalt + const SymbolStatusTypePostTrading + const SymbolStatusTypePreTrading + const SymbolStatusTypeTrading + const SymbolTypeSpot + const TimeInForceTypeFOK + const TimeInForceTypeGTC + const TimeInForceTypeIOC + const TransactionTypeBuy + const TransactionTypeDeposit + const TransactionTypeSell + const TransactionTypeWithdraw + const UserDataEventTypeBalanceUpdate + const UserDataEventTypeExecutionReport + const UserDataEventTypeListStatus + const UserDataEventTypeOutboundAccountPosition + const UserUniversalTransferStatusTypeConfirmed + const UserUniversalTransferStatusTypeFailed + const UserUniversalTransferStatusTypePending + const UserUniversalTransferTypeCmFuturesToFunding + const UserUniversalTransferTypeCmFuturesToMain + const UserUniversalTransferTypeCmFuturesToMargin + const UserUniversalTransferTypeFundingToCmFutures + const UserUniversalTransferTypeFundingToMain + const UserUniversalTransferTypeFundingToMargin + const UserUniversalTransferTypeFundingToOption + const UserUniversalTransferTypeFundingToUmFutures + const UserUniversalTransferTypeIsolatedMarginToIsolatedMargin + const UserUniversalTransferTypeIsolatedMarginToMain + const UserUniversalTransferTypeIsolatedMarginToMargin + const UserUniversalTransferTypeMainToCmFutures + const UserUniversalTransferTypeMainToFunding + const UserUniversalTransferTypeMainToIsolatedMargin + const UserUniversalTransferTypeMainToMargin + const UserUniversalTransferTypeMainToOption + const UserUniversalTransferTypeMainToPortfolioMargin + const UserUniversalTransferTypeMainToUmFutures + const UserUniversalTransferTypeMarginToCmFutures + const UserUniversalTransferTypeMarginToFunding + const UserUniversalTransferTypeMarginToIsolatedMargin + const UserUniversalTransferTypeMarginToMain + const UserUniversalTransferTypeMarginToOption + const UserUniversalTransferTypeMarginToUmFutures + const UserUniversalTransferTypeOptionToFunding + const UserUniversalTransferTypeOptionToMain + const UserUniversalTransferTypeOptionToMargin + const UserUniversalTransferTypeOptionToUmFutures + const UserUniversalTransferTypePortfolioMarginToMain + const UserUniversalTransferTypeUmFuturesToFunding + const UserUniversalTransferTypeUmFuturesToMain + const UserUniversalTransferTypeUmFuturesToMargin + const UserUniversalTransferTypeUmFuturesToOption + var BaseAPIMainURL = "" + var BaseAPITestnetURL = "" + var BaseCombinedMainURL = "wss://" + var BaseCombinedTestnetURL = "wss://" + var BaseWsMainURL = "wss://" + var BaseWsTestnetURL = "wss://" + var ProxyUrl = "" + var UseTestnet = false + var WebsocketKeepalive = false + var WebsocketTimeout = time.Second * 60 + func FormatTimestamp(t time.Time) int64 + func NewDeliveryClient(apiKey, secretKey string) *delivery.Client + func NewFuturesClient(apiKey, secretKey string) *futures.Client + func NewOptionsClient(apiKey, secretKey string) *options.Client + func SetWsProxyUrl(url string) + func WsAggTradeServe(symbol string, handler WsAggTradeHandler, errHandler ErrHandler) (doneC, stopC chan struct{}, err error) + func WsAllBookTickerServe(handler WsBookTickerHandler, errHandler ErrHandler) (doneC, stopC chan struct{}, err error) + func WsAllMarketsStatServe(handler WsAllMarketsStatHandler, errHandler ErrHandler) (doneC, stopC chan struct{}, err error) + func WsAllMiniMarketsStatServe(handler WsAllMiniMarketsStatServeHandler, errHandler ErrHandler) (doneC, stopC chan struct{}, err error) + func WsBookTickerServe(symbol string, handler WsBookTickerHandler, errHandler ErrHandler) (doneC, stopC chan struct{}, err error) + func WsCombinedAggTradeServe(symbols []string, handler WsAggTradeHandler, errHandler ErrHandler) (doneC, stopC chan struct{}, err error) + func WsCombinedBookTickerServe(symbols []string, handler WsBookTickerHandler, errHandler ErrHandler) (doneC, stopC chan struct{}, err error) + func WsCombinedDepthServe(symbols []string, handler WsDepthHandler, errHandler ErrHandler) (doneC, stopC chan struct{}, err error) + func WsCombinedDepthServe100Ms(symbols []string, handler WsDepthHandler, errHandler ErrHandler) (doneC, stopC chan struct{}, err error) + func WsCombinedKlineServe(symbolIntervalPair map[string]string, handler WsKlineHandler, ...) (doneC, stopC chan struct{}, err error) + func WsCombinedMarketStatServe(symbols []string, handler WsMarketStatHandler, errHandler ErrHandler) (doneC, stopC chan struct{}, err error) + func WsCombinedPartialDepthServe(symbolLevels map[string]string, handler WsPartialDepthHandler, ...) (doneC, stopC chan struct{}, err error) + func WsCombinedTradeServe(symbols []string, handler WsCombinedTradeHandler, errHandler ErrHandler) (doneC, stopC chan struct{}, err error) + func WsDepthServe(symbol string, handler WsDepthHandler, errHandler ErrHandler) (doneC, stopC chan struct{}, err error) + func WsDepthServe100Ms(symbol string, handler WsDepthHandler, errHandler ErrHandler) (doneC, stopC chan struct{}, err error) + func WsKlineServe(symbol string, interval string, handler WsKlineHandler, errHandler ErrHandler) (doneC, stopC chan struct{}, err error) + func WsMarketStatServe(symbol string, handler WsMarketStatHandler, errHandler ErrHandler) (doneC, stopC chan struct{}, err error) + func WsPartialDepthServe(symbol string, levels string, handler WsPartialDepthHandler, ...) (doneC, stopC chan struct{}, err error) + func WsPartialDepthServe100Ms(symbol string, levels string, handler WsPartialDepthHandler, ...) (doneC, stopC chan struct{}, err error) + func WsTradeServe(symbol string, handler WsTradeHandler, errHandler ErrHandler) (doneC, stopC chan struct{}, err error) + func WsUserDataServe(listenKey string, handler WsUserDataHandler, errHandler ErrHandler) (doneC, stopC chan struct{}, err error) + type APIKeyPermission struct + CreateTime uint64 + EnableFutures bool + EnableInternalTransfer bool + EnableMargin bool + EnableReading bool + EnableSpotAndMarginTrading bool + EnableVanillaOptions bool + EnableWithdrawals bool + IPRestrict bool + PermitsUniversalTransfer bool + TradingAuthorityExpirationTime uint64 + type Account struct + AccountType string + Balances []Balance + BuyerCommission int64 + CanDeposit bool + CanTrade bool + CanWithdraw bool + CommissionRates CommissionRates + MakerCommission int64 + Permissions []string + SellerCommission int64 + TakerCommission int64 + UID int64 + UpdateTime uint64 + type AccountType string + type AddLiquidityPreviewResponse struct + BaseAmt string + BaseAsset string + Fee string + Price string + QuoteAmt string + QuoteAsset string + Share string + Slippage string + type AddLiquidityPreviewService struct + func (s *AddLiquidityPreviewService) Do(ctx context.Context) (*AddLiquidityPreviewResponse, error) + func (s *AddLiquidityPreviewService) OperationType(operationType LiquidityOperationType) *AddLiquidityPreviewService + func (s *AddLiquidityPreviewService) PoolId(poolId int64) *AddLiquidityPreviewService + func (s *AddLiquidityPreviewService) QuoteAsset(quoteAsset string) *AddLiquidityPreviewService + func (s *AddLiquidityPreviewService) QuoteQty(quoteQty float64) *AddLiquidityPreviewService + type AddLiquidityResponse struct + OperationId int64 + type AddLiquidityService struct + func (s *AddLiquidityService) Do(ctx context.Context) (*AddLiquidityResponse, error) + func (s *AddLiquidityService) OperationType(operationType LiquidityOperationType) *AddLiquidityService + func (s *AddLiquidityService) PoolId(poolId int64) *AddLiquidityService + func (s *AddLiquidityService) QuoteAsset(quoteAsset string) *AddLiquidityService + func (s *AddLiquidityService) QuoteQty(quoteQty float64) *AddLiquidityService + type AggTrade struct + AggTradeID int64 + FirstTradeID int64 + IsBestPriceMatch bool + IsBuyerMaker bool + LastTradeID int64 + Price string + Quantity string + Timestamp int64 + type AggTradesService struct + func (s *AggTradesService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res []*AggTrade, err error) + func (s *AggTradesService) EndTime(endTime int64) *AggTradesService + func (s *AggTradesService) FromID(fromID int64) *AggTradesService + func (s *AggTradesService) Limit(limit int) *AggTradesService + func (s *AggTradesService) StartTime(startTime int64) *AggTradesService + func (s *AggTradesService) Symbol(symbol string) *AggTradesService + type Ask = common.PriceLevel + type AssetBalance struct + Asset string + Free float64 + Locked float64 + type AssetDetail struct + DepositStatus bool + DepositTip string + MinWithdrawAmount string + WithdrawFee string + WithdrawStatus bool + type AssetDividendService struct + func (s *AssetDividendService) Asset(asset string) *AssetDividendService + func (s *AssetDividendService) Do(ctx context.Context) (*DividendResponseWrapper, error) + func (s *AssetDividendService) EndTime(endTime int64) *AssetDividendService + func (s *AssetDividendService) Limit(limit int) *AssetDividendService + func (s *AssetDividendService) StartTime(startTime int64) *AssetDividendService + type AveragePriceService struct + func (s *AveragePriceService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res *AvgPrice, err error) + func (s *AveragePriceService) Symbol(symbol string) *AveragePriceService + type AvgPrice struct + Mins int64 + Price string + type BNBBurn struct + InterestBNBBurn bool + SpotBNBBurn bool + type Balance struct + Asset string + Free string + Locked string + type Bid = common.PriceLevel + type BookTicker struct + AskPrice string + AskQuantity string + BidPrice string + BidQuantity string + Symbol string + type C2CRecord struct + AdvNo string + AdvertisementRole string + Amount string + Asset string + Commission string + CounterPartNickName string + CreateTime int64 + Fiat string + FiatSymbol string + OrderNumber string + OrderStatus string + TotalPrice string + TradeType string + UnitPrice string + type C2CTradeHistory struct + Code string + Data []C2CRecord + Message string + Success bool + Total int64 + type C2CTradeHistoryService struct + func (s *C2CTradeHistoryService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (*C2CTradeHistory, error) + func (s *C2CTradeHistoryService) EndTime(endTimestamp int64) *C2CTradeHistoryService + func (s *C2CTradeHistoryService) Page(page int32) *C2CTradeHistoryService + func (s *C2CTradeHistoryService) Rows(rows int32) *C2CTradeHistoryService + func (s *C2CTradeHistoryService) StartTimestamp(startTimestamp int64) *C2CTradeHistoryService + func (s *C2CTradeHistoryService) TradeType(tradeType SideType) *C2CTradeHistoryService + type CancelMarginOCOResponse struct + ContingencyType string + IsIsolated bool + ListClientOrderID string + ListOrderStatus string + ListStatusType string + OrderListID int64 + OrderReports []*MarginOCOOrderReport + Orders []*MarginOCOOrder + Symbol string + TransactionTime int64 + type CancelMarginOCOService struct + func (s *CancelMarginOCOService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res *CancelMarginOCOResponse, err error) + func (s *CancelMarginOCOService) IsIsolated(isIsolated bool) *CancelMarginOCOService + func (s *CancelMarginOCOService) ListClientOrderID(listClientOrderID string) *CancelMarginOCOService + func (s *CancelMarginOCOService) NewClientOrderID(newClientOrderID string) *CancelMarginOCOService + func (s *CancelMarginOCOService) OrderListID(orderListID int64) *CancelMarginOCOService + func (s *CancelMarginOCOService) Symbol(symbol string) *CancelMarginOCOService + type CancelMarginOrderResponse struct + ClientOrderID string + CummulativeQuoteQuantity string + ExecutedQuantity string + OrderID string + OrigClientOrderID string + OrigQuantity string + Price string + Side SideType + Status OrderStatusType + Symbol string + TimeInForce TimeInForceType + TransactTime int64 + Type OrderType + type CancelMarginOrderService struct + func (s *CancelMarginOrderService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res *CancelMarginOrderResponse, err error) + func (s *CancelMarginOrderService) IsIsolated(isIsolated bool) *CancelMarginOrderService + func (s *CancelMarginOrderService) NewClientOrderID(newClientOrderID string) *CancelMarginOrderService + func (s *CancelMarginOrderService) OrderID(orderID int64) *CancelMarginOrderService + func (s *CancelMarginOrderService) OrigClientOrderID(origClientOrderID string) *CancelMarginOrderService + func (s *CancelMarginOrderService) Symbol(symbol string) *CancelMarginOrderService + type CancelOCOResponse struct + ContingencyType string + ListClientOrderID string + ListOrderStatus string + ListStatusType string + OrderListID int64 + OrderReports []*OCOOrderReport + Orders []*OCOOrder + Symbol string + TransactionTime int64 + type CancelOCOService struct + func (s *CancelOCOService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res *CancelOCOResponse, err error) + func (s *CancelOCOService) ListClientOrderID(listClientOrderID string) *CancelOCOService + func (s *CancelOCOService) NewClientOrderID(newClientOrderID string) *CancelOCOService + func (s *CancelOCOService) OrderListID(orderListID int64) *CancelOCOService + func (s *CancelOCOService) Symbol(symbol string) *CancelOCOService + type CancelOpenOrdersResponse struct + OCOOrders []*CancelOCOResponse + Orders []*CancelOrderResponse + type CancelOpenOrdersService struct + func (s *CancelOpenOrdersService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res *CancelOpenOrdersResponse, err error) + func (s *CancelOpenOrdersService) Symbol(symbol string) *CancelOpenOrdersService + type CancelOrderResponse struct + ClientOrderID string + CummulativeQuoteQuantity string + ExecutedQuantity string + OrderID int64 + OrderListID int64 + OrigClientOrderID string + OrigQuantity string + Price string + Side SideType + Status OrderStatusType + Symbol string + TimeInForce TimeInForceType + TransactTime int64 + Type OrderType + type CancelOrderService struct + func (s *CancelOrderService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res *CancelOrderResponse, err error) + func (s *CancelOrderService) NewClientOrderID(newClientOrderID string) *CancelOrderService + func (s *CancelOrderService) OrderID(orderID int64) *CancelOrderService + func (s *CancelOrderService) OrigClientOrderID(origClientOrderID string) *CancelOrderService + func (s *CancelOrderService) Symbol(symbol string) *CancelOrderService + type ClaimRewardResponse struct + Success bool + type ClaimRewardService struct + func (s *ClaimRewardService) Do(ctx context.Context) (*ClaimRewardResponse, error) + func (s *ClaimRewardService) RewardType(t LiquidityRewardType) *ClaimRewardService + type ClaimedRewardHistory struct + AssetRewards string + ClaimedAmount string + ClaimedAt int64 + PoolId int + PoolName string + Status RewardClaimStatus + type Client struct + APIKey string + BaseURL string + Debug bool + HTTPClient *http.Client + KeyType string + Logger *log.Logger + SecretKey string + TimeOffset int64 + UserAgent string + func NewClient(apiKey, secretKey string) *Client + func NewProxiedClient(apiKey, secretKey, proxyUrl string) *Client + func (c *Client) NewAddLiquidityPreviewService() *AddLiquidityPreviewService + func (c *Client) NewAddLiquidityService() *AddLiquidityService + func (c *Client) NewAggTradesService() *AggTradesService + func (c *Client) NewAssetDividendService() *AssetDividendService + func (c *Client) NewAveragePriceService() *AveragePriceService + func (c *Client) NewC2CTradeHistoryService() *C2CTradeHistoryService + func (c *Client) NewCancelMarginOCOService() *CancelMarginOCOService + func (c *Client) NewCancelMarginOrderService() *CancelMarginOrderService + func (c *Client) NewCancelOCOService() *CancelOCOService + func (c *Client) NewCancelOpenOrdersService() *CancelOpenOrdersService + func (c *Client) NewCancelOrderService() *CancelOrderService + func (c *Client) NewClaimRewardService() *ClaimRewardService + func (c *Client) NewCloseIsolatedMarginUserStreamService() *CloseIsolatedMarginUserStreamService + func (c *Client) NewCloseMarginUserStreamService() *CloseMarginUserStreamService + func (c *Client) NewCloseUserStreamService() *CloseUserStreamService + func (c *Client) NewConvertAcceptQuoteService() *ConvertAcceptQuoteService + func (c *Client) NewConvertAssetInfoService() *ConvertAssetInfoService + func (c *Client) NewConvertExchangeInfoService() *ConvertExchangeInfoService + func (c *Client) NewConvertOrderStatusService() *ConvertOrderStatusService + func (c *Client) NewConvertQuoteService() *ConvertGetQuoteService + func (c *Client) NewConvertTradeHistoryService() *ConvertTradeHistoryService + func (c *Client) NewCreateMarginOCOService() *CreateMarginOCOService + func (c *Client) NewCreateMarginOrderService() *CreateMarginOrderService + func (c *Client) NewCreateOCOService() *CreateOCOService + func (c *Client) NewCreateOrderService() *CreateOrderService + func (c *Client) NewCreateVirtualSubAccountService() *CreateVirtualSubAccountService + func (c *Client) NewCreateWithdrawService() *CreateWithdrawService + func (c *Client) NewDepthService() *DepthService + func (c *Client) NewDustTransferService() *DustTransferService + func (c *Client) NewExchangeInfoService() *ExchangeInfoService + func (c *Client) NewFiatDepositWithdrawHistoryService() *FiatDepositWithdrawHistoryService + func (c *Client) NewFiatPaymentsHistoryService() *FiatPaymentsHistoryService + func (c *Client) NewFuturesOrderBookHistoryService() *FuturesOrderBookHistoryService + func (c *Client) NewFuturesTransferService() *FuturesTransferService + func (c *Client) NewGetAPIKeyPermission() *GetAPIKeyPermission + func (c *Client) NewGetAccountService() *GetAccountService + func (c *Client) NewGetAccountSnapshotService() *GetAccountSnapshotService + func (c *Client) NewGetAllCoinsInfoService() *GetAllCoinsInfoService + func (c *Client) NewGetAllLiquidityPoolService() *GetAllLiquidityPoolService + func (c *Client) NewGetAllMarginAssetsService() *GetAllMarginAssetsService + func (c *Client) NewGetAssetDetailService() *GetAssetDetailService + func (c *Client) NewGetBNBBurnService() *GetBNBBurnService + func (c *Client) NewGetDepositAddressService() *GetDepositsAddressService + func (c *Client) NewGetIsolatedMarginAccountService() *GetIsolatedMarginAccountService + func (c *Client) NewGetIsolatedMarginAllPairsService() *GetIsolatedMarginAllPairsService + func (c *Client) NewGetLiquidityPoolDetailService() *GetLiquidityPoolDetailService + func (c *Client) NewGetMarginAccountService() *GetMarginAccountService + func (c *Client) NewGetMarginAllPairsService() *GetMarginAllPairsService + func (c *Client) NewGetMarginAssetService() *GetMarginAssetService + func (c *Client) NewGetMarginOrderService() *GetMarginOrderService + func (c *Client) NewGetMarginPairService() *GetMarginPairService + func (c *Client) NewGetMarginPriceIndexService() *GetMarginPriceIndexService + func (c *Client) NewGetMaxBorrowableService() *GetMaxBorrowableService + func (c *Client) NewGetMaxTransferableService() *GetMaxTransferableService + func (c *Client) NewGetOrderService() *GetOrderService + func (c *Client) NewGetSwapQuoteService() *GetSwapQuoteService + func (c *Client) NewGetUserAsset() *GetUserAssetService + func (c *Client) NewGetUserSwapRecordsService() *GetUserSwapRecordsService + func (c *Client) NewHistoricalTradesService() *HistoricalTradesService + func (c *Client) NewInterestHistoryService() *InterestHistoryService + func (c *Client) NewInternalUniversalTransferHistoryService() *InternalUniversalTransferHistoryService + func (c *Client) NewInternalUniversalTransferService() *InternalUniversalTransferService + func (c *Client) NewIsolatedMarginTransferService() *IsolatedMarginTransferService + func (c *Client) NewKeepaliveIsolatedMarginUserStreamService() *KeepaliveIsolatedMarginUserStreamService + func (c *Client) NewKeepaliveMarginUserStreamService() *KeepaliveMarginUserStreamService + func (c *Client) NewKeepaliveUserStreamService() *KeepaliveUserStreamService + func (c *Client) NewKlinesService() *KlinesService + func (c *Client) NewListBookTickersService() *ListBookTickersService + func (c *Client) NewListDepositsService() *ListDepositsService + func (c *Client) NewListDustLogService() *ListDustLogService + func (c *Client) NewListDustService() *ListDustService + func (c *Client) NewListFuturesTransferService() *ListFuturesTransferService + func (c *Client) NewListMarginLoansService() *ListMarginLoansService + func (c *Client) NewListMarginOpenOrdersService() *ListMarginOpenOrdersService + func (c *Client) NewListMarginOrdersService() *ListMarginOrdersService + func (c *Client) NewListMarginRepaysService() *ListMarginRepaysService + func (c *Client) NewListMarginTradesService() *ListMarginTradesService + func (c *Client) NewListOpenOcoService() *ListOpenOcoService + func (c *Client) NewListOpenOrdersService() *ListOpenOrdersService + func (c *Client) NewListOrdersService() *ListOrdersService + func (c *Client) NewListPriceChangeStatsService() *ListPriceChangeStatsService + func (c *Client) NewListPricesService() *ListPricesService + func (c *Client) NewListSavingsFixedAndActivityProductsService() *ListSavingsFixedAndActivityProductsService + func (c *Client) NewListSavingsFlexibleProductsService() *ListSavingsFlexibleProductsService + func (c *Client) NewListSymbolTickerService() *ListSymbolTickerService + func (c *Client) NewListTradesService() *ListTradesService + func (c *Client) NewListUserUniversalTransferService() *ListUserUniversalTransferService + func (c *Client) NewListWithdrawsService() *ListWithdrawsService + func (c *Client) NewManagedSubAccountAssetsService() *ManagedSubAccountAssetsService + func (c *Client) NewManagedSubAccountDepositAddressService() *ManagedSubAccountDepositAddressService + func (c *Client) NewManagedSubAccountDepositService() *ManagedSubAccountDepositService + func (c *Client) NewManagedSubAccountInfoService() *ManagedSubAccountInfoService + func (c *Client) NewManagedSubAccountQueryFuturesAssetService() *ManagedSubAccountQueryFuturesAssetService + func (c *Client) NewManagedSubAccountQueryMarginAssetService() *ManagedSubAccountQueryMarginAssetService + func (c *Client) NewManagedSubAccountQueryTransferLogForInvestorService() *ManagedSubAccountQueryTransferLogForInvestorService + func (c *Client) NewManagedSubAccountQueryTransferLogForTradeParentService() *ManagedSubAccountQueryTransferLogForTradeParentService + func (c *Client) NewManagedSubAccountQueryTransferLogService() *ManagedSubAccountQueryTransferLogService + func (c *Client) NewManagedSubAccountSnapshotService() *ManagedSubAccountSnapshotService + func (c *Client) NewManagedSubAccountWithdrawService() *ManagedSubAccountWithdrawService + func (c *Client) NewManagedSubAccountWithdrawalService() *ManagedSubAccountWithdrawalService + func (c *Client) NewMarginLoanService() *MarginLoanService + func (c *Client) NewMarginRepayService() *MarginRepayService + func (c *Client) NewMarginTransferService() *MarginTransferService + func (c *Client) NewPayTradeHistoryService() *PayTradeHistoryService + func (c *Client) NewPingService() *PingService + func (c *Client) NewPurchaseSavingsFlexibleProductService() *PurchaseSavingsFlexibleProductService + func (c *Client) NewQueryClaimedRewardHistoryService() *QueryClaimedRewardHistoryService + func (c *Client) NewRateLimitService() *RateLimitService + func (c *Client) NewRecentTradesService() *RecentTradesService + func (c *Client) NewRedeemSavingsFlexibleProductService() *RedeemSavingsFlexibleProductService + func (c *Client) NewRemoveLiquidityService() *RemoveLiquidityService + func (c *Client) NewSavingFixedProjectPositionsService() *SavingFixedProjectPositionsService + func (c *Client) NewSavingFlexibleProductPositionsService() *SavingFlexibleProductPositionsService + func (c *Client) NewServerTimeService() *ServerTimeService + func (c *Client) NewSetServerTimeService() *SetServerTimeService + func (c *Client) NewSpotRebateHistoryService() *SpotRebateHistoryService + func (c *Client) NewStakingHistoryService() *StakingHistoryService + func (c *Client) NewStakingProductPositionService() *StakingProductPositionService + func (c *Client) NewStartIsolatedMarginUserStreamService() *StartIsolatedMarginUserStreamService + func (c *Client) NewStartMarginUserStreamService() *StartMarginUserStreamService + func (c *Client) NewStartUserStreamService() *StartUserStreamService + func (c *Client) NewSubAccUniversalTransferHistoryService() *SubAccUniversalTransferHistoryService + func (c *Client) NewSubAccountApiAddIpRestrictionService() *SubAccountApiAddIpRestrictionService + func (c *Client) NewSubAccountApiDeleteIpRestrictionService() *SubAccountApiDeleteIpRestrictionService + func (c *Client) NewSubAccountApiIpRestrictionService() *SubAccountApiIpRestrictionService + func (c *Client) NewSubAccountAssetService() *SubAccountAssetService + func (c *Client) NewSubAccountBlvtEnableService() *SubAccountBlvtEnableService + func (c *Client) NewSubAccountDepositRecordService() *SubAccountDepositRecordService + func (c *Client) NewSubAccountFuturesAccountService() *SubAccountFuturesAccountService + func (c *Client) NewSubAccountFuturesAccountSummaryService() *SubAccountFuturesAccountSummaryService + func (c *Client) NewSubAccountFuturesAccountV2Service() *SubAccountFuturesAccountV2Service + func (c *Client) NewSubAccountFuturesEnableService() *SubAccountFuturesEnableService + func (c *Client) NewSubAccountFuturesInternalTransferService() *SubAccountFuturesInternalTransferService + func (c *Client) NewSubAccountFuturesPositionsService() *SubAccountFuturesPositionsService + func (c *Client) NewSubAccountFuturesSummaryV1Service() *SubAccountFuturesSummaryV1Service + func (c *Client) NewSubAccountFuturesTransferHistoryService() *SubAccountFuturesTransferHistoryService + func (c *Client) NewSubAccountFuturesTransferV1Service() *SubAccountFuturesTransferV1Service + func (c *Client) NewSubAccountListService() *SubAccountListService + func (c *Client) NewSubAccountMarginAccountInfoService() *SubAccountMarginAccountInfoService + func (c *Client) NewSubAccountMarginAccountSummaryService() *SubAccountMarginAccountSummaryService + func (c *Client) NewSubAccountMarginEnableService() *SubAccountMarginEnableService + func (c *Client) NewSubAccountMarginFuturesStatusService() *SubAccountMarginFuturesStatusService + func (c *Client) NewSubAccountMarginTransferService() *SubAccountMarginTransferService + func (c *Client) NewSubAccountOptionsEnableService() *SubAccountOptionsEnableService + func (c *Client) NewSubAccountSpotTransferHistoryService() *SubAccountSpotTransferHistoryService + func (c *Client) NewSubAccountTransactionStatisticsService() *SubAccountTransactionStatisticsService + func (c *Client) NewSubAccountTransferHistoryService() *SubAccountTransferHistoryService + func (c *Client) NewSubAccountTransferSubToMasterService() *SubAccountTransferSubToMasterService + func (c *Client) NewSubAccountUniversalTransferService() *SubAccountUniversalTransferService + func (c *Client) NewSubaccountAssetsService() *SubaccountAssetsService + func (c *Client) NewSubaccountDepositAddressService() *SubaccountDepositAddressService + func (c *Client) NewSubaccountSpotSummaryService() *SubaccountSpotSummaryService + func (c *Client) NewSwapService() *SwapService + func (c *Client) NewToggleBNBBurnService() *ToggleBNBBurnService + func (c *Client) NewTradeFeeService() *TradeFeeService + func (c *Client) NewTradingDayTickerService() *TradingDayTickerService + func (c *Client) NewTransferToSubAccountService() *TransferToSubAccountService + func (c *Client) NewUiKlinesService() *UiKlinesService + func (c *Client) NewUserUniversalTransferService() *CreateUserUniversalTransferService + func (c *Client) SetApiEndpoint(url string) *Client + type CloseIsolatedMarginUserStreamService struct + func (s *CloseIsolatedMarginUserStreamService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (err error) + func (s *CloseIsolatedMarginUserStreamService) ListenKey(listenKey string) *CloseIsolatedMarginUserStreamService + func (s *CloseIsolatedMarginUserStreamService) Symbol(symbol string) *CloseIsolatedMarginUserStreamService + type CloseMarginUserStreamService struct + func (s *CloseMarginUserStreamService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (err error) + func (s *CloseMarginUserStreamService) ListenKey(listenKey string) *CloseMarginUserStreamService + type CloseUserStreamService struct + func (s *CloseUserStreamService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (err error) + func (s *CloseUserStreamService) ListenKey(listenKey string) *CloseUserStreamService + type CoinInfo struct + Coin string + DepositAllEnable bool + Free string + Freeze string + Ipoable string + Ipoing string + IsLegalMoney bool + Locked string + Name string + NetworkList []Network + Storage string + Trading bool + WithdrawAllEnable bool + Withdrawing string + type CommissionRates struct + Buyer string + Maker string + Seller string + Taker string + type ConvertAcceptQuote struct + CreateTime int64 + OrderId string + OrderStatus string + type ConvertAcceptQuoteService struct + func (s *ConvertAcceptQuoteService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (*ConvertAcceptQuote, error) + func (s *ConvertAcceptQuoteService) QuoteId(quoteId string) *ConvertAcceptQuoteService + type ConvertAssetInfo struct + Asset string + Fraction int + type ConvertAssetInfoService struct + func (s *ConvertAssetInfoService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) ([]*ConvertAssetInfo, error) + type ConvertExchangeInfo struct + FromAsset string + FromAssetMaxAmount string + FromAssetMinAmount string + ToAsset string + ToAssetMaxAmount string + ToAssetMinAmount string + type ConvertExchangeInfoService struct + func (s *ConvertExchangeInfoService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) ([]*ConvertExchangeInfo, error) + func (s *ConvertExchangeInfoService) FromAsset(fromAsset string) *ConvertExchangeInfoService + func (s *ConvertExchangeInfoService) ToAsset(toAsset string) *ConvertExchangeInfoService + type ConvertGetQuoteService struct + func (s *ConvertGetQuoteService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (*ConvertQuote, error) + func (s *ConvertGetQuoteService) FromAmount(fromAmount string) *ConvertGetQuoteService + func (s *ConvertGetQuoteService) FromAsset(fromAsset string) *ConvertGetQuoteService + func (s *ConvertGetQuoteService) ToAmount(toAmount string) *ConvertGetQuoteService + func (s *ConvertGetQuoteService) ToAsset(toAsset string) *ConvertGetQuoteService + func (s *ConvertGetQuoteService) ValidTime(validTime string) *ConvertGetQuoteService + func (s *ConvertGetQuoteService) WalletType(walletType string) *ConvertGetQuoteService + type ConvertOrderStatus struct + CreateTime int64 + FromAmount string + FromAsset string + InverseRatio string + OrderId int64 + OrderStatus string + Ratio string + ToAmount string + ToAsset string + type ConvertOrderStatusService struct + func (s *ConvertOrderStatusService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (*ConvertOrderStatus, error) + func (s *ConvertOrderStatusService) OrderId(orderId string) *ConvertOrderStatusService + func (s *ConvertOrderStatusService) QuoteId(quoteId string) *ConvertOrderStatusService + type ConvertQuote struct + FromAmount string + InverseRatio string + QuoteId string + Ratio string + ToAmount string + ValidTime int64 + type ConvertTradeHistory struct + EndTime int64 + Limit int32 + List []ConvertTradeHistoryItem + MoreData bool + StartTime int64 + type ConvertTradeHistoryItem struct + CreateTime int64 + FromAmount string + FromAsset string + InverseRatio string + OrderId int64 + OrderStatus string + QuoteId string + Ratio string + ToAmount string + ToAsset string + type ConvertTradeHistoryService struct + func (s *ConvertTradeHistoryService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (*ConvertTradeHistory, error) + func (s *ConvertTradeHistoryService) EndTime(endTime int64) *ConvertTradeHistoryService + func (s *ConvertTradeHistoryService) Limit(limit int32) *ConvertTradeHistoryService + func (s *ConvertTradeHistoryService) StartTime(startTime int64) *ConvertTradeHistoryService + type CreateMarginOCOResponse struct + ContingencyType string + IsIsolated bool + ListClientOrderID string + ListOrderStatus string + ListStatusType string + MarginBuyBorrowAmount string + MarginBuyBorrowAsset string + OrderListID int64 + OrderReports []*MarginOCOOrderReport + Orders []*MarginOCOOrder + Symbol string + TransactionTime int64 + type CreateMarginOCOService struct + func (s *CreateMarginOCOService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res *CreateMarginOCOResponse, err error) + func (s *CreateMarginOCOService) IsIsolated(isIsolated bool) *CreateMarginOCOService + func (s *CreateMarginOCOService) LimitClientOrderID(limitClientOrderID string) *CreateMarginOCOService + func (s *CreateMarginOCOService) LimitIcebergQuantity(limitIcebergQty string) *CreateMarginOCOService + func (s *CreateMarginOCOService) ListClientOrderID(listClientOrderID string) *CreateMarginOCOService + func (s *CreateMarginOCOService) NewOrderRespType(newOrderRespType NewOrderRespType) *CreateMarginOCOService + func (s *CreateMarginOCOService) Price(price string) *CreateMarginOCOService + func (s *CreateMarginOCOService) Quantity(quantity string) *CreateMarginOCOService + func (s *CreateMarginOCOService) Side(side SideType) *CreateMarginOCOService + func (s *CreateMarginOCOService) SideEffectType(sideEffectType SideEffectType) *CreateMarginOCOService + func (s *CreateMarginOCOService) StopClientOrderID(stopClientOrderID string) *CreateMarginOCOService + func (s *CreateMarginOCOService) StopIcebergQty(stopIcebergQty string) *CreateMarginOCOService + func (s *CreateMarginOCOService) StopLimitPrice(stopLimitPrice string) *CreateMarginOCOService + func (s *CreateMarginOCOService) StopLimitTimeInForce(stopLimitTimeInForce TimeInForceType) *CreateMarginOCOService + func (s *CreateMarginOCOService) StopPrice(stopPrice string) *CreateMarginOCOService + func (s *CreateMarginOCOService) Symbol(symbol string) *CreateMarginOCOService + type CreateMarginOrderService struct + func (s *CreateMarginOrderService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res *CreateOrderResponse, err error) + func (s *CreateMarginOrderService) IcebergQuantity(icebergQuantity string) *CreateMarginOrderService + func (s *CreateMarginOrderService) IsIsolated(isIsolated bool) *CreateMarginOrderService + func (s *CreateMarginOrderService) NewClientOrderID(newClientOrderID string) *CreateMarginOrderService + func (s *CreateMarginOrderService) NewOrderRespType(newOrderRespType NewOrderRespType) *CreateMarginOrderService + func (s *CreateMarginOrderService) Price(price string) *CreateMarginOrderService + func (s *CreateMarginOrderService) Quantity(quantity string) *CreateMarginOrderService + func (s *CreateMarginOrderService) QuoteOrderQty(quoteOrderQty string) *CreateMarginOrderService + func (s *CreateMarginOrderService) Side(side SideType) *CreateMarginOrderService + func (s *CreateMarginOrderService) SideEffectType(sideEffectType SideEffectType) *CreateMarginOrderService + func (s *CreateMarginOrderService) StopPrice(stopPrice string) *CreateMarginOrderService + func (s *CreateMarginOrderService) Symbol(symbol string) *CreateMarginOrderService + func (s *CreateMarginOrderService) TimeInForce(timeInForce TimeInForceType) *CreateMarginOrderService + func (s *CreateMarginOrderService) Type(orderType OrderType) *CreateMarginOrderService + type CreateOCOResponse struct + ContingencyType string + ListClientOrderID string + ListOrderStatus string + ListStatusType string + OrderListID int64 + OrderReports []*OCOOrderReport + Orders []*OCOOrder + Symbol string + TransactionTime int64 + type CreateOCOService struct + func (s *CreateOCOService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res *CreateOCOResponse, err error) + func (s *CreateOCOService) LimitClientOrderID(limitClientOrderID string) *CreateOCOService + func (s *CreateOCOService) LimitIcebergQuantity(limitIcebergQty string) *CreateOCOService + func (s *CreateOCOService) ListClientOrderID(listClientOrderID string) *CreateOCOService + func (s *CreateOCOService) NewOrderRespType(newOrderRespType NewOrderRespType) *CreateOCOService + func (s *CreateOCOService) Price(price string) *CreateOCOService + func (s *CreateOCOService) Quantity(quantity string) *CreateOCOService + func (s *CreateOCOService) Side(side SideType) *CreateOCOService + func (s *CreateOCOService) StopClientOrderID(stopClientOrderID string) *CreateOCOService + func (s *CreateOCOService) StopIcebergQty(stopIcebergQty string) *CreateOCOService + func (s *CreateOCOService) StopLimitPrice(stopLimitPrice string) *CreateOCOService + func (s *CreateOCOService) StopLimitTimeInForce(stopLimitTimeInForce TimeInForceType) *CreateOCOService + func (s *CreateOCOService) StopPrice(stopPrice string) *CreateOCOService + func (s *CreateOCOService) Symbol(symbol string) *CreateOCOService + type CreateOrderResponse struct + ClientOrderID string + CummulativeQuoteQuantity string + ExecutedQuantity string + Fills []*Fill + IsIsolated bool + MarginBuyBorrowAmount string + MarginBuyBorrowAsset string + OrderID int64 + OrigQuantity string + Price string + Side SideType + Status OrderStatusType + Symbol string + TimeInForce TimeInForceType + TransactTime int64 + Type OrderType + type CreateOrderService struct + func (s *CreateOrderService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res *CreateOrderResponse, err error) + func (s *CreateOrderService) IcebergQuantity(icebergQuantity string) *CreateOrderService + func (s *CreateOrderService) NewClientOrderID(newClientOrderID string) *CreateOrderService + func (s *CreateOrderService) NewOrderRespType(newOrderRespType NewOrderRespType) *CreateOrderService + func (s *CreateOrderService) Price(price string) *CreateOrderService + func (s *CreateOrderService) Quantity(quantity string) *CreateOrderService + func (s *CreateOrderService) QuoteOrderQty(quoteOrderQty string) *CreateOrderService + func (s *CreateOrderService) Side(side SideType) *CreateOrderService + func (s *CreateOrderService) StopPrice(stopPrice string) *CreateOrderService + func (s *CreateOrderService) Symbol(symbol string) *CreateOrderService + func (s *CreateOrderService) Test(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (err error) + func (s *CreateOrderService) TimeInForce(timeInForce TimeInForceType) *CreateOrderService + func (s *CreateOrderService) TrailingDelta(trailingDelta string) *CreateOrderService + func (s *CreateOrderService) Type(orderType OrderType) *CreateOrderService + type CreateUserUniversalTransferResponse struct + ID int64 + type CreateUserUniversalTransferService struct + func (s *CreateUserUniversalTransferService) Amount(v float64) *CreateUserUniversalTransferService + func (s *CreateUserUniversalTransferService) Asset(v string) *CreateUserUniversalTransferService + func (s *CreateUserUniversalTransferService) Do(ctx context.Context) (*CreateUserUniversalTransferResponse, error) + func (s *CreateUserUniversalTransferService) FromSymbol(v string) *CreateUserUniversalTransferService + func (s *CreateUserUniversalTransferService) ToSymbol(v string) *CreateUserUniversalTransferService + func (s *CreateUserUniversalTransferService) Type(v UserUniversalTransferType) *CreateUserUniversalTransferService + type CreateVirtualSubAccountResponse struct + Email string + type CreateVirtualSubAccountService struct + func (s *CreateVirtualSubAccountService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res *CreateVirtualSubAccountResponse, err error) + func (s *CreateVirtualSubAccountService) RecvWindow(recvWindow int64) *CreateVirtualSubAccountService + func (s *CreateVirtualSubAccountService) SubAccountString(subAccountString string) *CreateVirtualSubAccountService + type CreateWithdrawResponse struct + ID string + type CreateWithdrawService struct + func (s *CreateWithdrawService) Address(v string) *CreateWithdrawService + func (s *CreateWithdrawService) AddressTag(v string) *CreateWithdrawService + func (s *CreateWithdrawService) Amount(v string) *CreateWithdrawService + func (s *CreateWithdrawService) Coin(v string) *CreateWithdrawService + func (s *CreateWithdrawService) Do(ctx context.Context) (*CreateWithdrawResponse, error) + func (s *CreateWithdrawService) Name(v string) *CreateWithdrawService + func (s *CreateWithdrawService) Network(v string) *CreateWithdrawService + func (s *CreateWithdrawService) TransactionFeeFlag(v bool) *CreateWithdrawService + func (s *CreateWithdrawService) WithdrawOrderID(v string) *CreateWithdrawService + type DeliverySubAccount struct + Asset string + Email string + TotalMarginBalance string + TotalUnrealizedProfit string + TotalWalletBalance string + type Deposit struct + Address string + AddressTag string + Amount string + Coin string + ConfirmTimes string + InsertTime int64 + Network string + Status int + TransferType int64 + TxID string + UnlockConfirm int64 + type DepthResponse struct + Asks []Ask + Bids []Bid + LastUpdateID int64 + type DepthService struct + func (s *DepthService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res *DepthResponse, err error) + func (s *DepthService) Limit(limit int) *DepthService + func (s *DepthService) Symbol(symbol string) *DepthService + type DividendResponse struct + Amount string + Asset string + ID int64 + Info string + Time int64 + TranID int64 + type DividendResponseWrapper struct + Rows *[]DividendResponse + Total int32 + type DustResult struct + Total uint8 + UserAssetDribblets []UserAssetDribblet + type DustTransferResponse struct + TotalServiceCharge string + TotalTransfered string + TransferResult []*DustTransferResult + type DustTransferResult struct + Amount string + FromAsset string + OperateTime int64 + ServiceChargeAmount string + TranID int64 + TransferedAmount string + type DustTransferService struct + func (s *DustTransferService) Asset(asset []string) *DustTransferService + func (s *DustTransferService) Do(ctx context.Context) (withdraws *DustTransferResponse, err error) + type ErrHandler func(err error) + type ExchangeInfo struct + ExchangeFilters []interface{} + RateLimits []RateLimit + ServerTime int64 + Symbols []Symbol + Timezone string + type ExchangeInfoService struct + func (s *ExchangeInfoService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res *ExchangeInfo, err error) + func (s *ExchangeInfoService) Permissions(permissions ...string) *ExchangeInfoService + func (s *ExchangeInfoService) Symbol(symbol string) *ExchangeInfoService + func (s *ExchangeInfoService) Symbols(symbols ...string) *ExchangeInfoService + type FiatDepositWithdrawHistory struct + Code string + Data []FiatDepositWithdrawHistoryItem + Message string + Success bool + Total int32 + type FiatDepositWithdrawHistoryItem struct + Amount string + CreateTime int64 + FiatCurrency string + IndicatedAmount string + Method string + OrderNo string + Status string + TotalFee string + UpdateTime int64 + type FiatDepositWithdrawHistoryService struct + func (s *FiatDepositWithdrawHistoryService) BeginTime(beginTime int64) *FiatDepositWithdrawHistoryService + func (s *FiatDepositWithdrawHistoryService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (*FiatDepositWithdrawHistory, error) + func (s *FiatDepositWithdrawHistoryService) EndTime(endTime int64) *FiatDepositWithdrawHistoryService + func (s *FiatDepositWithdrawHistoryService) Page(page int32) *FiatDepositWithdrawHistoryService + func (s *FiatDepositWithdrawHistoryService) Rows(rows int32) *FiatDepositWithdrawHistoryService + func (s *FiatDepositWithdrawHistoryService) TransactionType(transactionType TransactionType) *FiatDepositWithdrawHistoryService + type FiatPaymentsHistory struct + Code string + Data []FiatPaymentsHistoryItem + Message string + Success bool + Total int32 + type FiatPaymentsHistoryItem struct + CreateTime int64 + CryptoCurrency string + FiatCurrency string + ObtainAmount string + OrderNo string + Price string + SourceAmount string + Status string + TotalFee string + UpdateTime int64 + type FiatPaymentsHistoryService struct + func (s *FiatPaymentsHistoryService) BeginTime(beginTime int64) *FiatPaymentsHistoryService + func (s *FiatPaymentsHistoryService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (*FiatPaymentsHistory, error) + func (s *FiatPaymentsHistoryService) EndTime(endTime int64) *FiatPaymentsHistoryService + func (s *FiatPaymentsHistoryService) Page(page int32) *FiatPaymentsHistoryService + func (s *FiatPaymentsHistoryService) Rows(rows int32) *FiatPaymentsHistoryService + func (s *FiatPaymentsHistoryService) TransactionType(transactionType TransactionType) *FiatPaymentsHistoryService + type Fill struct + Commission string + CommissionAsset string + Price string + Quantity string + TradeID int64 + type FundsDetail struct + Amount string + Currency string + type FuturesAsset struct + Asset string + InitialMargin string + MaintenanceMargin string + MarginBalance string + MaxWithdrawAmount string + OpenOrderInitialMargin string + PositionInitialMargin string + UnrealizedProfit string + WalletBalance string + type FuturesOrderBookHistory struct + Data []*FuturesOrderBookHistoryItem + type FuturesOrderBookHistoryDataType string + type FuturesOrderBookHistoryItem struct + Day string + Url string + type FuturesOrderBookHistoryService struct + func (s *FuturesOrderBookHistoryService) DataType(dataType FuturesOrderBookHistoryDataType) *FuturesOrderBookHistoryService + func (s *FuturesOrderBookHistoryService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res *FuturesOrderBookHistory, err error) + func (s *FuturesOrderBookHistoryService) EndTime(endTime int64) *FuturesOrderBookHistoryService + func (s *FuturesOrderBookHistoryService) StartTime(startTime int64) *FuturesOrderBookHistoryService + func (s *FuturesOrderBookHistoryService) Symbol(symbol string) *FuturesOrderBookHistoryService + type FuturesSubAccount struct + Asset string + Email string + TotalInitialMargin string + TotalMaintenanceMargin string + TotalMarginBalance string + TotalOpenOrderInitialMargin string + TotalPositionInitialMargin string + TotalUnrealizedProfit string + TotalWalletBalance string + type FuturesTransfer struct + Amount string + Asset string + Status FuturesTransferStatusType + Timestamp int64 + TranID int64 + Type int64 + type FuturesTransferHistory struct + Rows []FuturesTransfer + Total int64 + type FuturesTransferService struct + func (s *FuturesTransferService) Amount(amount string) *FuturesTransferService + func (s *FuturesTransferService) Asset(asset string) *FuturesTransferService + func (s *FuturesTransferService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res *TransactionResponse, err error) + func (s *FuturesTransferService) Type(transferType FuturesTransferType) *FuturesTransferService + type FuturesTransferStatusType string + type FuturesTransferType int + type FuturesUserAsset struct + Asset string + MarginBalance string + WalletBalance string + type FuturesUserPosition struct + EntryPrice string + MarkPrice string + PositionAmt string + Symbol string + UnRealizedProfit string + type GetAPIKeyPermission struct + func (s *GetAPIKeyPermission) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res *APIKeyPermission, err error) + type GetAccountService struct + func (s *GetAccountService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res *Account, err error) + func (s *GetAccountService) OmitZeroBalances(v bool) *GetAccountService + type GetAccountSnapshotService struct + func (s *GetAccountSnapshotService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res *Snapshot, err error) + func (s *GetAccountSnapshotService) EndTime(endTime int64) *GetAccountSnapshotService + func (s *GetAccountSnapshotService) Limit(limit int) *GetAccountSnapshotService + func (s *GetAccountSnapshotService) StartTime(startTime int64) *GetAccountSnapshotService + func (s *GetAccountSnapshotService) Type(accountType string) *GetAccountSnapshotService + type GetAllCoinsInfoService struct + func (s *GetAllCoinsInfoService) Do(ctx context.Context) (res []*CoinInfo, err error) + type GetAllLiquidityPoolService struct + func (s *GetAllLiquidityPoolService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) ([]*LiquidityPool, error) + type GetAllMarginAssetsService struct + func (s *GetAllMarginAssetsService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res []*MarginAsset, err error) + type GetAssetDetailService struct + func (s *GetAssetDetailService) Asset(asset string) *GetAssetDetailService + func (s *GetAssetDetailService) Do(ctx context.Context) (res map[string]AssetDetail, err error) + type GetBNBBurnService struct + func (s *GetBNBBurnService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (*BNBBurn, error) + type GetDepositAddressResponse struct + Address string + Coin string + Tag string + URL string + type GetDepositsAddressService struct + func (s *GetDepositsAddressService) Coin(coin string) *GetDepositsAddressService + func (s *GetDepositsAddressService) Do(ctx context.Context) (*GetDepositAddressResponse, error) + func (s *GetDepositsAddressService) Network(network string) *GetDepositsAddressService + type GetIsolatedMarginAccountService struct + func (s *GetIsolatedMarginAccountService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res *IsolatedMarginAccount, err error) + func (s *GetIsolatedMarginAccountService) Symbols(symbols ...string) *GetIsolatedMarginAccountService + type GetIsolatedMarginAllPairsService struct + func (s *GetIsolatedMarginAllPairsService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res []*IsolatedMarginAllPair, err error) + type GetLiquidityPoolDetailService struct + func (s *GetLiquidityPoolDetailService) Do(ctx context.Context) ([]*LiquidityPoolDetail, error) + func (s *GetLiquidityPoolDetailService) PoolId(poolId int64) *GetLiquidityPoolDetailService + type GetMarginAccountService struct + func (s *GetMarginAccountService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res *MarginAccount, err error) + type GetMarginAllPairsService struct + func (s *GetMarginAllPairsService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res []*MarginAllPair, err error) + type GetMarginAssetService struct + func (s *GetMarginAssetService) Asset(asset string) *GetMarginAssetService + func (s *GetMarginAssetService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res *MarginAsset, err error) + type GetMarginOrderService struct + func (s *GetMarginOrderService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res *Order, err error) + func (s *GetMarginOrderService) IsIsolated(isIsolated bool) *GetMarginOrderService + func (s *GetMarginOrderService) OrderID(orderID int64) *GetMarginOrderService + func (s *GetMarginOrderService) OrigClientOrderID(origClientOrderID string) *GetMarginOrderService + func (s *GetMarginOrderService) Symbol(symbol string) *GetMarginOrderService + type GetMarginPairService struct + func (s *GetMarginPairService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res *MarginPair, err error) + func (s *GetMarginPairService) Symbol(symbol string) *GetMarginPairService + type GetMarginPriceIndexService struct + func (s *GetMarginPriceIndexService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res *MarginPriceIndex, err error) + func (s *GetMarginPriceIndexService) Symbol(symbol string) *GetMarginPriceIndexService + type GetMaxBorrowableService struct + func (s *GetMaxBorrowableService) Asset(asset string) *GetMaxBorrowableService + func (s *GetMaxBorrowableService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res *MaxBorrowable, err error) + func (s *GetMaxBorrowableService) IsolatedSymbol(isolatedSymbol string) *GetMaxBorrowableService + type GetMaxTransferableService struct + func (s *GetMaxTransferableService) Asset(asset string) *GetMaxTransferableService + func (s *GetMaxTransferableService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res *MaxTransferable, err error) + type GetOrderService struct + func (s *GetOrderService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res *Order, err error) + func (s *GetOrderService) OrderID(orderID int64) *GetOrderService + func (s *GetOrderService) OrigClientOrderID(origClientOrderID string) *GetOrderService + func (s *GetOrderService) Symbol(symbol string) *GetOrderService + type GetSwapQuoteResponse struct + BaseAsset string + BaseQty string + Fee string + Price string + QuoteAsset string + QuoteQty string + Slippage string + type GetSwapQuoteService struct + func (s *GetSwapQuoteService) BaseAsset(baseAsset string) *GetSwapQuoteService + func (s *GetSwapQuoteService) Do(ctx context.Context) (*GetSwapQuoteResponse, error) + func (s *GetSwapQuoteService) QuoteAsset(quoteAsset string) *GetSwapQuoteService + func (s *GetSwapQuoteService) QuoteQty(quoteQty float64) *GetSwapQuoteService + type GetUserAssetService struct + func (s *GetUserAssetService) Asset(asset string) *GetUserAssetService + func (s *GetUserAssetService) Do(ctx context.Context) (res []UserAssetRecord, err error) + func (s *GetUserAssetService) NeedBtcValuation(val bool) *GetUserAssetService + type GetUserSwapRecordsService struct + func (s *GetUserSwapRecordsService) BaseAsset(baseAsset string) *GetUserSwapRecordsService + func (s *GetUserSwapRecordsService) Do(ctx context.Context) ([]*SwapRecord, error) + func (s *GetUserSwapRecordsService) EndTime(endTime int64) *GetUserSwapRecordsService + func (s *GetUserSwapRecordsService) QuoteAsset(quoteAsset string) *GetUserSwapRecordsService + func (s *GetUserSwapRecordsService) ResultSize(resultSize int64) *GetUserSwapRecordsService + func (s *GetUserSwapRecordsService) StartTime(startTime int64) *GetUserSwapRecordsService + func (s *GetUserSwapRecordsService) Status(status SwappingStatus) *GetUserSwapRecordsService + func (s *GetUserSwapRecordsService) SwapId(swapId int64) *GetUserSwapRecordsService + type HistoricalTradesService struct + func (s *HistoricalTradesService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res []*Trade, err error) + func (s *HistoricalTradesService) FromID(fromID int64) *HistoricalTradesService + func (s *HistoricalTradesService) Limit(limit int) *HistoricalTradesService + func (s *HistoricalTradesService) Symbol(symbol string) *HistoricalTradesService + type IcebergPartsFilter struct + Limit int + type InterestHistory []InterestHistoryElement + type InterestHistoryElement struct + Asset string + Interest string + LendingType LendingType + ProductName string + Time int64 + type InterestHistoryService struct + func (s *InterestHistoryService) Asset(asset string) *InterestHistoryService + func (s *InterestHistoryService) Current(current int32) *InterestHistoryService + func (s *InterestHistoryService) Do(ctx context.Context) (*InterestHistory, error) + func (s *InterestHistoryService) EndTime(endTime int64) *InterestHistoryService + func (s *InterestHistoryService) LendingType(lendingType LendingType) *InterestHistoryService + func (s *InterestHistoryService) Size(size int32) *InterestHistoryService + func (s *InterestHistoryService) StartTime(startTime int64) *InterestHistoryService + type InternalUniversalTransfer struct + Amount string + Asset string + ClientTranId string + CreateTimeStamp uint64 + FromAccountType string + FromEmail string + Status string + ToAccountType string + ToEmail string + TranId int64 + type InternalUniversalTransferHistoryResponse struct + Result []*InternalUniversalTransfer + TotalCount int + type InternalUniversalTransferHistoryService struct + func (s *InternalUniversalTransferHistoryService) ClientTranId(v string) *InternalUniversalTransferHistoryService + func (s *InternalUniversalTransferHistoryService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res InternalUniversalTransferHistoryResponse, err error) + func (s *InternalUniversalTransferHistoryService) EndTime(v int64) *InternalUniversalTransferHistoryService + func (s *InternalUniversalTransferHistoryService) FromEmail(v string) *InternalUniversalTransferHistoryService + func (s *InternalUniversalTransferHistoryService) Limit(v int) *InternalUniversalTransferHistoryService + func (s *InternalUniversalTransferHistoryService) Page(v int) *InternalUniversalTransferHistoryService + func (s *InternalUniversalTransferHistoryService) StartTime(v int64) *InternalUniversalTransferHistoryService + func (s *InternalUniversalTransferHistoryService) ToEmail(v string) *InternalUniversalTransferHistoryService + type InternalUniversalTransferResponse struct + ClientTranID string + ID int64 + type InternalUniversalTransferService struct + func (s *InternalUniversalTransferService) Amount(v float64) *InternalUniversalTransferService + func (s *InternalUniversalTransferService) Asset(v string) *InternalUniversalTransferService + func (s *InternalUniversalTransferService) ClientTranId(v string) *InternalUniversalTransferService + func (s *InternalUniversalTransferService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (*InternalUniversalTransferResponse, error) + func (s *InternalUniversalTransferService) FromAccountType(v string) *InternalUniversalTransferService + func (s *InternalUniversalTransferService) FromEmail(v string) *InternalUniversalTransferService + func (s *InternalUniversalTransferService) Symbol(v string) *InternalUniversalTransferService + func (s *InternalUniversalTransferService) ToAccountType(v string) *InternalUniversalTransferService + func (s *InternalUniversalTransferService) ToEmail(v string) *InternalUniversalTransferService + type IsolatedMarginAccount struct + Assets []IsolatedMarginAsset + TotalAssetOfBTC string + TotalLiabilityOfBTC string + TotalNetAssetOfBTC string + type IsolatedMarginAllPair struct + Base string + IsBuyAllowed bool + IsMarginTrade bool + IsSellAllowed bool + Quote string + Symbol string + type IsolatedMarginAsset struct + BaseAsset IsolatedUserAsset + Enabled bool + IndexPrice string + IsolatedCreated bool + LiquidatePrice string + LiquidateRate string + MarginLevel string + MarginLevelStatus string + MarginRatio string + QuoteAsset IsolatedUserAsset + Symbol string + TradeEnabled bool + type IsolatedMarginTransferService struct + func (s *IsolatedMarginTransferService) Amount(amount string) *IsolatedMarginTransferService + func (s *IsolatedMarginTransferService) Asset(asset string) *IsolatedMarginTransferService + func (s *IsolatedMarginTransferService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res *TransactionResponse, err error) + func (s *IsolatedMarginTransferService) Symbol(symbol string) *IsolatedMarginTransferService + func (s *IsolatedMarginTransferService) TransFrom(transFrom AccountType) *IsolatedMarginTransferService + func (s *IsolatedMarginTransferService) TransTo(transTo AccountType) *IsolatedMarginTransferService + type IsolatedUserAsset struct + Asset string + BorrowEnabled bool + Borrowed string + Free string + Interest string + Locked string + NetAsset string + NetAssetOfBtc string + RepayEnabled bool + TotalAsset string + type KeepaliveIsolatedMarginUserStreamService struct + func (s *KeepaliveIsolatedMarginUserStreamService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (err error) + func (s *KeepaliveIsolatedMarginUserStreamService) ListenKey(listenKey string) *KeepaliveIsolatedMarginUserStreamService + func (s *KeepaliveIsolatedMarginUserStreamService) Symbol(symbol string) *KeepaliveIsolatedMarginUserStreamService + type KeepaliveMarginUserStreamService struct + func (s *KeepaliveMarginUserStreamService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (err error) + func (s *KeepaliveMarginUserStreamService) ListenKey(listenKey string) *KeepaliveMarginUserStreamService + type KeepaliveUserStreamService struct + func (s *KeepaliveUserStreamService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (err error) + func (s *KeepaliveUserStreamService) ListenKey(listenKey string) *KeepaliveUserStreamService + type Kline struct + Close string + CloseTime int64 + High string + Low string + Open string + OpenTime int64 + QuoteAssetVolume string + TakerBuyBaseAssetVolume string + TakerBuyQuoteAssetVolume string + TradeNum int64 + Volume string + type KlinesService struct + func (s *KlinesService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res []*Kline, err error) + func (s *KlinesService) EndTime(endTime int64) *KlinesService + func (s *KlinesService) Interval(interval string) *KlinesService + func (s *KlinesService) Limit(limit int) *KlinesService + func (s *KlinesService) StartTime(startTime int64) *KlinesService + func (s *KlinesService) Symbol(symbol string) *KlinesService + type LendingType string + type LiquidityOperationType string + type LiquidityPool struct + Assets []string + PoolId int64 + PoolName string + type LiquidityPoolDetail struct + Liquidity map[string]string + PoolId int64 + PoolName string + Share *PoolShareInformation + UpdateTime int64 + type LiquidityRewardType int + type ListBookTickersService struct + func (s *ListBookTickersService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res []*BookTicker, err error) + func (s *ListBookTickersService) Symbol(symbol string) *ListBookTickersService + type ListDepositsService struct + func (s *ListDepositsService) Coin(coin string) *ListDepositsService + func (s *ListDepositsService) Do(ctx context.Context) (res []*Deposit, err error) + func (s *ListDepositsService) EndTime(endTime int64) *ListDepositsService + func (s *ListDepositsService) Limit(limit int) *ListDepositsService + func (s *ListDepositsService) Offset(offset int) *ListDepositsService + func (s *ListDepositsService) StartTime(startTime int64) *ListDepositsService + func (s *ListDepositsService) Status(status int) *ListDepositsService + func (s *ListDepositsService) TxID(id string) *ListDepositsService + type ListDustDetail struct + AmountFree string + Asset string + AssetFullName string + Exchange string + ToBNB string + ToBNBOffExchange string + ToBTC string + type ListDustLogService struct + func (s *ListDustLogService) Do(ctx context.Context) (withdraws *DustResult, err error) + func (s *ListDustLogService) EndTime(endTime int64) *ListDustLogService + func (s *ListDustLogService) StartTime(startTime int64) *ListDustLogService + type ListDustResponse struct + Details []ListDustDetail + DribbletPercentage string + TotalTransferBNB string + TotalTransferBtc string + type ListDustService struct + func (s *ListDustService) Do(ctx context.Context) (res *ListDustResponse, err error) + type ListFuturesTransferService struct + func (s *ListFuturesTransferService) Asset(asset string) *ListFuturesTransferService + func (s *ListFuturesTransferService) Current(current int64) *ListFuturesTransferService + func (s *ListFuturesTransferService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res *FuturesTransferHistory, err error) + func (s *ListFuturesTransferService) EndTime(endTime int64) *ListFuturesTransferService + func (s *ListFuturesTransferService) Size(size int64) *ListFuturesTransferService + func (s *ListFuturesTransferService) StartTime(startTime int64) *ListFuturesTransferService + type ListMarginLoansService struct + func (s *ListMarginLoansService) Asset(asset string) *ListMarginLoansService + func (s *ListMarginLoansService) Current(current int64) *ListMarginLoansService + func (s *ListMarginLoansService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res *MarginLoanResponse, err error) + func (s *ListMarginLoansService) EndTime(endTime int64) *ListMarginLoansService + func (s *ListMarginLoansService) Size(size int64) *ListMarginLoansService + func (s *ListMarginLoansService) StartTime(startTime int64) *ListMarginLoansService + func (s *ListMarginLoansService) TxID(txID int64) *ListMarginLoansService + type ListMarginOpenOrdersService struct + func (s *ListMarginOpenOrdersService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res []*Order, err error) + func (s *ListMarginOpenOrdersService) IsIsolated(isIsolated bool) *ListMarginOpenOrdersService + func (s *ListMarginOpenOrdersService) Symbol(symbol string) *ListMarginOpenOrdersService + type ListMarginOrdersService struct + func (s *ListMarginOrdersService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res []*Order, err error) + func (s *ListMarginOrdersService) EndTime(endTime int64) *ListMarginOrdersService + func (s *ListMarginOrdersService) IsIsolated(isIsolated bool) *ListMarginOrdersService + func (s *ListMarginOrdersService) Limit(limit int) *ListMarginOrdersService + func (s *ListMarginOrdersService) OrderID(orderID int64) *ListMarginOrdersService + func (s *ListMarginOrdersService) StartTime(startTime int64) *ListMarginOrdersService + func (s *ListMarginOrdersService) Symbol(symbol string) *ListMarginOrdersService + type ListMarginRepaysService struct + func (s *ListMarginRepaysService) Asset(asset string) *ListMarginRepaysService + func (s *ListMarginRepaysService) Current(current int64) *ListMarginRepaysService + func (s *ListMarginRepaysService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res *MarginRepayResponse, err error) + func (s *ListMarginRepaysService) EndTime(endTime int64) *ListMarginRepaysService + func (s *ListMarginRepaysService) Size(size int64) *ListMarginRepaysService + func (s *ListMarginRepaysService) StartTime(startTime int64) *ListMarginRepaysService + func (s *ListMarginRepaysService) TxID(txID int64) *ListMarginRepaysService + type ListMarginTradesService struct + func (s *ListMarginTradesService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res []*TradeV3, err error) + func (s *ListMarginTradesService) EndTime(endTime int64) *ListMarginTradesService + func (s *ListMarginTradesService) FromID(fromID int64) *ListMarginTradesService + func (s *ListMarginTradesService) IsIsolated(isIsolated bool) *ListMarginTradesService + func (s *ListMarginTradesService) Limit(limit int) *ListMarginTradesService + func (s *ListMarginTradesService) StartTime(startTime int64) *ListMarginTradesService + func (s *ListMarginTradesService) Symbol(symbol string) *ListMarginTradesService + type ListOpenOcoService struct + func (s *ListOpenOcoService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res []*Oco, err error) + type ListOpenOrdersService struct + func (s *ListOpenOrdersService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res []*Order, err error) + func (s *ListOpenOrdersService) Symbol(symbol string) *ListOpenOrdersService + type ListOrdersService struct + func (s *ListOrdersService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res []*Order, err error) + func (s *ListOrdersService) EndTime(endTime int64) *ListOrdersService + func (s *ListOrdersService) Limit(limit int) *ListOrdersService + func (s *ListOrdersService) OrderID(orderID int64) *ListOrdersService + func (s *ListOrdersService) StartTime(startTime int64) *ListOrdersService + func (s *ListOrdersService) Symbol(symbol string) *ListOrdersService + type ListPriceChangeStatsService struct + func (s *ListPriceChangeStatsService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res []*PriceChangeStats, err error) + func (s *ListPriceChangeStatsService) Symbol(symbol string) *ListPriceChangeStatsService + func (s *ListPriceChangeStatsService) Symbols(symbols []string) *ListPriceChangeStatsService + type ListPricesService struct + func (s *ListPricesService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res []*SymbolPrice, err error) + func (s *ListPricesService) Symbol(symbol string) *ListPricesService + func (s *ListPricesService) Symbols(symbols []string) *ListPricesService + type ListSavingsFixedAndActivityProductsService struct + func (s *ListSavingsFixedAndActivityProductsService) Asset(asset string) *ListSavingsFixedAndActivityProductsService + func (s *ListSavingsFixedAndActivityProductsService) Current(current int64) *ListSavingsFixedAndActivityProductsService + func (s *ListSavingsFixedAndActivityProductsService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) ([]*SavingsFixedProduct, error) + func (s *ListSavingsFixedAndActivityProductsService) IsSortAsc(isSortAsc bool) *ListSavingsFixedAndActivityProductsService + func (s *ListSavingsFixedAndActivityProductsService) Size(size int64) *ListSavingsFixedAndActivityProductsService + func (s *ListSavingsFixedAndActivityProductsService) SortBy(sortBy string) *ListSavingsFixedAndActivityProductsService + func (s *ListSavingsFixedAndActivityProductsService) Status(status string) *ListSavingsFixedAndActivityProductsService + func (s *ListSavingsFixedAndActivityProductsService) Type(projectType string) *ListSavingsFixedAndActivityProductsService + type ListSavingsFlexibleProductsService struct + func (s *ListSavingsFlexibleProductsService) Current(current int64) *ListSavingsFlexibleProductsService + func (s *ListSavingsFlexibleProductsService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) ([]*SavingsFlexibleProduct, error) + func (s *ListSavingsFlexibleProductsService) Featured(featured string) *ListSavingsFlexibleProductsService + func (s *ListSavingsFlexibleProductsService) Size(size int64) *ListSavingsFlexibleProductsService + func (s *ListSavingsFlexibleProductsService) Status(status string) *ListSavingsFlexibleProductsService + type ListSymbolTickerService struct + func (s *ListSymbolTickerService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res []*SymbolTicker, err error) + func (s *ListSymbolTickerService) Symbol(symbol string) *ListSymbolTickerService + func (s *ListSymbolTickerService) Symbols(symbols []string) *ListSymbolTickerService + func (s *ListSymbolTickerService) WindowSize(windowSize string) *ListSymbolTickerService + type ListTradesService struct + func (s *ListTradesService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res []*TradeV3, err error) + func (s *ListTradesService) EndTime(endTime int64) *ListTradesService + func (s *ListTradesService) FromID(fromID int64) *ListTradesService + func (s *ListTradesService) Limit(limit int) *ListTradesService + func (s *ListTradesService) OrderId(OrderId int64) *ListTradesService + func (s *ListTradesService) StartTime(startTime int64) *ListTradesService + func (s *ListTradesService) Symbol(symbol string) *ListTradesService + type ListUserUniversalTransferService struct + func (s *ListUserUniversalTransferService) Current(v int) *ListUserUniversalTransferService + func (s *ListUserUniversalTransferService) Do(ctx context.Context) (res *UserUniversalTransferResponse, err error) + func (s *ListUserUniversalTransferService) EndTime(v int64) *ListUserUniversalTransferService + func (s *ListUserUniversalTransferService) FromSymbol(v string) *ListUserUniversalTransferService + func (s *ListUserUniversalTransferService) Size(v int) *ListUserUniversalTransferService + func (s *ListUserUniversalTransferService) StartTime(v int64) *ListUserUniversalTransferService + func (s *ListUserUniversalTransferService) ToSymbol(v string) *ListUserUniversalTransferService + func (s *ListUserUniversalTransferService) Type(v UserUniversalTransferType) *ListUserUniversalTransferService + type ListWithdrawsService struct + func (s *ListWithdrawsService) Coin(coin string) *ListWithdrawsService + func (s *ListWithdrawsService) Do(ctx context.Context) (res []*Withdraw, err error) + func (s *ListWithdrawsService) EndTime(endTime int64) *ListWithdrawsService + func (s *ListWithdrawsService) Limit(limit int) *ListWithdrawsService + func (s *ListWithdrawsService) Offset(offset int) *ListWithdrawsService + func (s *ListWithdrawsService) StartTime(startTime int64) *ListWithdrawsService + func (s *ListWithdrawsService) Status(status int) *ListWithdrawsService + func (s *ListWithdrawsService) WithdrawOrderId(withdrawOrderId string) *ListWithdrawsService + type LotSizeFilter struct + MaxQuantity string + MinQuantity string + StepSize string + type ManagedSubAccountAsset struct + AvailableBalance string + BtcValue string + Coin string + InOrder string + Name string + TotalBalance string + type ManagedSubAccountAssetsService struct + func (s *ManagedSubAccountAssetsService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) ([]*ManagedSubAccountAsset, error) + func (s *ManagedSubAccountAssetsService) Email(email string) *ManagedSubAccountAssetsService + type ManagedSubAccountDepositAddressService struct + func (s *ManagedSubAccountDepositAddressService) Coin(coin string) *ManagedSubAccountDepositAddressService + func (s *ManagedSubAccountDepositAddressService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res *ManagedSubAccountDepositAddressServiceResponse, err error) + func (s *ManagedSubAccountDepositAddressService) Email(email string) *ManagedSubAccountDepositAddressService + func (s *ManagedSubAccountDepositAddressService) Network(network string) *ManagedSubAccountDepositAddressService + func (s *ManagedSubAccountDepositAddressService) RecvWindow(recvWindow int64) *ManagedSubAccountDepositAddressService + type ManagedSubAccountDepositAddressServiceResponse struct + Address string + Coin string + Tag string + Url string + type ManagedSubAccountDepositResponse struct + ID int64 + type ManagedSubAccountDepositService struct + func (s *ManagedSubAccountDepositService) Amount(amount float64) *ManagedSubAccountDepositService + func (s *ManagedSubAccountDepositService) Asset(asset string) *ManagedSubAccountDepositService + func (s *ManagedSubAccountDepositService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (*ManagedSubAccountDepositResponse, error) + func (s *ManagedSubAccountDepositService) ToEmail(email string) *ManagedSubAccountDepositService + type ManagedSubAccountInfoService struct + func (s *ManagedSubAccountInfoService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res *ManagedSubAccountInfoServiceResponse, err error) + func (s *ManagedSubAccountInfoService) Email(email string) *ManagedSubAccountInfoService + func (s *ManagedSubAccountInfoService) Limit(limit int32) *ManagedSubAccountInfoService + func (s *ManagedSubAccountInfoService) Page(page int32) *ManagedSubAccountInfoService + func (s *ManagedSubAccountInfoService) RecvWindow(recvWindow int64) *ManagedSubAccountInfoService + type ManagedSubAccountInfoServiceResponse struct + ManagerSubUserInfoVoList []*ManagedSubAccountUserInfoVo + Total int32 + type ManagedSubAccountMarginAsset struct + Asset string + Borrowed string + Free string + Interest string + Locked string + NetAsset string + type ManagedSubAccountQueryFuturesAssetService struct + func (s *ManagedSubAccountQueryFuturesAssetService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res *ManagedSubAccountQueryFuturesAssetServiceResponse, err error) + func (s *ManagedSubAccountQueryFuturesAssetService) Email(email string) *ManagedSubAccountQueryFuturesAssetService + type ManagedSubAccountQueryFuturesAssetServiceResponse struct + Code int32 + Message string + SnapshotVos []*ManagedSubFuturesAccountSnapVo + type ManagedSubAccountQueryMarginAssetService struct + func (s *ManagedSubAccountQueryMarginAssetService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res *ManagedSubAccountQueryMarginAssetServiceResponse, err error) + func (s *ManagedSubAccountQueryMarginAssetService) Email(email string) *ManagedSubAccountQueryMarginAssetService + type ManagedSubAccountQueryMarginAssetServiceResponse struct + MarginLevel string + TotalAssetOfBtc string + TotalLiabilityOfBtc string + TotalNetAssetOfBtc string + UserAssets []*ManagedSubAccountMarginAsset + type ManagedSubAccountQueryTransferLogForInvestorService struct + func (s *ManagedSubAccountQueryTransferLogForInvestorService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res *ManagedSubAccountQueryTransferLogForInvestorServiceResponse, err error) + func (s *ManagedSubAccountQueryTransferLogForInvestorService) Email(email string) *ManagedSubAccountQueryTransferLogForInvestorService + func (s *ManagedSubAccountQueryTransferLogForInvestorService) EndTime(endTime int64) *ManagedSubAccountQueryTransferLogForInvestorService + func (s *ManagedSubAccountQueryTransferLogForInvestorService) Limit(limit int32) *ManagedSubAccountQueryTransferLogForInvestorService + func (s *ManagedSubAccountQueryTransferLogForInvestorService) Page(page int32) *ManagedSubAccountQueryTransferLogForInvestorService + func (s *ManagedSubAccountQueryTransferLogForInvestorService) StartTime(startTime int64) *ManagedSubAccountQueryTransferLogForInvestorService + func (s *ManagedSubAccountQueryTransferLogForInvestorService) TransferFunctionAccountType(transferFunctionAccountType string) *ManagedSubAccountQueryTransferLogForInvestorService + func (s *ManagedSubAccountQueryTransferLogForInvestorService) Transfers(transfers string) *ManagedSubAccountQueryTransferLogForInvestorService + type ManagedSubAccountQueryTransferLogForInvestorServiceResponse struct + Count int32 + ManagerSubTransferHistoryVos []*ManagedSubTransferHistoryVo + type ManagedSubAccountQueryTransferLogForTradeParentService struct + func (s *ManagedSubAccountQueryTransferLogForTradeParentService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res *ManagedSubAccountQueryTransferLogForTradeParentServiceResponse, err error) + func (s *ManagedSubAccountQueryTransferLogForTradeParentService) Email(email string) *ManagedSubAccountQueryTransferLogForTradeParentService + func (s *ManagedSubAccountQueryTransferLogForTradeParentService) EndTime(endTime int64) *ManagedSubAccountQueryTransferLogForTradeParentService + func (s *ManagedSubAccountQueryTransferLogForTradeParentService) Limit(limit int32) *ManagedSubAccountQueryTransferLogForTradeParentService + func (s *ManagedSubAccountQueryTransferLogForTradeParentService) Page(page int32) *ManagedSubAccountQueryTransferLogForTradeParentService + func (s *ManagedSubAccountQueryTransferLogForTradeParentService) StartTime(startTime int64) *ManagedSubAccountQueryTransferLogForTradeParentService + func (s *ManagedSubAccountQueryTransferLogForTradeParentService) TransferFunctionAccountType(transferFunctionAccountType string) *ManagedSubAccountQueryTransferLogForTradeParentService + func (s *ManagedSubAccountQueryTransferLogForTradeParentService) Transfers(transfers string) *ManagedSubAccountQueryTransferLogForTradeParentService + type ManagedSubAccountQueryTransferLogForTradeParentServiceResponse struct + Count int32 + ManagerSubTransferHistoryVos []*ManagedSubTransferHistoryVo + type ManagedSubAccountQueryTransferLogService struct + func (s *ManagedSubAccountQueryTransferLogService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res *ManagedSubAccountQueryTransferLogServiceResponse, err error) + func (s *ManagedSubAccountQueryTransferLogService) EndTime(endTime int64) *ManagedSubAccountQueryTransferLogService + func (s *ManagedSubAccountQueryTransferLogService) Limit(limit int32) *ManagedSubAccountQueryTransferLogService + func (s *ManagedSubAccountQueryTransferLogService) Page(page int32) *ManagedSubAccountQueryTransferLogService + func (s *ManagedSubAccountQueryTransferLogService) RecvWindow(recvWindow int64) *ManagedSubAccountQueryTransferLogService + func (s *ManagedSubAccountQueryTransferLogService) StartTime(startTime int64) *ManagedSubAccountQueryTransferLogService + func (s *ManagedSubAccountQueryTransferLogService) TransferFunctionAccountType(transferFunctionAccountType string) *ManagedSubAccountQueryTransferLogService + func (s *ManagedSubAccountQueryTransferLogService) Transfers(transfers string) *ManagedSubAccountQueryTransferLogService + type ManagedSubAccountQueryTransferLogServiceResponse struct + Count int32 + ManagerSubTransferHistoryVos []*ManagedSubTransferHistoryVo + type ManagedSubAccountSnapshotService struct + func (s *ManagedSubAccountSnapshotService) AccType(accType string) *ManagedSubAccountSnapshotService + func (s *ManagedSubAccountSnapshotService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res *ManagedSubAccountSnapshotServiceResponse, err error) + func (s *ManagedSubAccountSnapshotService) Email(email string) *ManagedSubAccountSnapshotService + func (s *ManagedSubAccountSnapshotService) EndTime(endTime int64) *ManagedSubAccountSnapshotService + func (s *ManagedSubAccountSnapshotService) Limit(limit int32) *ManagedSubAccountSnapshotService + func (s *ManagedSubAccountSnapshotService) RecvWindow(recvWindow int64) *ManagedSubAccountSnapshotService + func (s *ManagedSubAccountSnapshotService) StartTime(startTime int64) *ManagedSubAccountSnapshotService + type ManagedSubAccountSnapshotServiceResponse struct + Code int64 + Msg string + SnapshotVos []*SnapshotVo + type ManagedSubAccountUserInfoVo struct + BindParentEmail string + BindParentUserId int64 + Email string + InsertTimeStamp int64 + IsFutureEnabled bool + IsMarginEnabled bool + IsSignedLVTRiskAgreement bool + IsSubUserEnabled bool + IsUserActive bool + ManagersubUserId int64 + RootUserId int64 + type ManagedSubAccountWithdrawService struct + func (s *ManagedSubAccountWithdrawService) Amount(amount string) *ManagedSubAccountWithdrawService + func (s *ManagedSubAccountWithdrawService) Asset(asset string) *ManagedSubAccountWithdrawService + func (s *ManagedSubAccountWithdrawService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res *ManagedSubAccountWithdrawServiceResponse, err error) + func (s *ManagedSubAccountWithdrawService) FromEmail(fromEmail string) *ManagedSubAccountWithdrawService + func (s *ManagedSubAccountWithdrawService) RecvWindow(recvWindow int64) *ManagedSubAccountWithdrawService + func (s *ManagedSubAccountWithdrawService) TransferDate(transferDate int64) *ManagedSubAccountWithdrawService + type ManagedSubAccountWithdrawServiceResponse struct + TranId int64 + type ManagedSubAccountWithdrawalResponse struct + ID int64 + type ManagedSubAccountWithdrawalService struct + func (s *ManagedSubAccountWithdrawalService) Amount(amount float64) *ManagedSubAccountWithdrawalService + func (s *ManagedSubAccountWithdrawalService) Asset(asset string) *ManagedSubAccountWithdrawalService + func (s *ManagedSubAccountWithdrawalService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (*ManagedSubAccountWithdrawalResponse, error) + func (s *ManagedSubAccountWithdrawalService) FromEmail(email string) *ManagedSubAccountWithdrawalService + func (s *ManagedSubAccountWithdrawalService) TransferDate(val int64) *ManagedSubAccountWithdrawalService + type ManagedSubFuturesAccountSnapVo struct + Data *ManagedSubFuturesAccountSnapVoData + Type string + UpdateTime int64 + type ManagedSubFuturesAccountSnapVoData struct + Assets []*ManagedSubFuturesAccountSnapVoDataAsset + Position []*ManagedSubFuturesAccountSnapVoDataPosition + type ManagedSubFuturesAccountSnapVoDataAsset struct + Asset string + MarginBalance string + WalletBalance string + type ManagedSubFuturesAccountSnapVoDataPosition struct + EntryPrice string + MarkPrice string + PositionAmt string + Symbol string + type ManagedSubTransferHistoryVo struct + Amount string + Asset string + CreateTime int64 + FromAccountType string + FromEmail string + ScheduledData int64 + Status string + ToAccountType string + ToEmail string + TranId int64 + type MarginAccount struct + BorrowEnabled bool + MarginLevel string + TotalAssetOfBTC string + TotalLiabilityOfBTC string + TotalNetAssetOfBTC string + TradeEnabled bool + TransferEnabled bool + UserAssets []UserAsset + type MarginAllPair struct + Base string + ID int64 + IsBuyAllowed bool + IsMarginTrade bool + IsSellAllowed bool + Quote string + Symbol string + type MarginAsset struct + Borrowable bool + FullName string + Mortgageable bool + Name string + UserMinBorrow string + UserMinRepay string + type MarginLoan struct + Asset string + Principal string + Status MarginLoanStatusType + Timestamp int64 + type MarginLoanResponse struct + Rows []MarginLoan + Total int64 + type MarginLoanService struct + func (s *MarginLoanService) Amount(amount string) *MarginLoanService + func (s *MarginLoanService) Asset(asset string) *MarginLoanService + func (s *MarginLoanService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res *TransactionResponse, err error) + func (s *MarginLoanService) IsIsolated(isIsolated bool) *MarginLoanService + func (s *MarginLoanService) Symbol(symbol string) *MarginLoanService + type MarginLoanStatusType string + type MarginOCOOrder struct + ClientOrderID string + OrderID int64 + Symbol string + type MarginOCOOrderReport struct + ClientOrderID string + CummulativeQuoteQuantity string + ExecutedQuantity string + OrderID int64 + OrderListID int64 + OrigQuantity string + Price string + Side SideType + Status OrderStatusType + StopPrice string + Symbol string + TimeInForce TimeInForceType + TransactionTime int64 + Type OrderType + type MarginPair struct + Base string + ID int64 + IsBuyAllowed bool + IsMarginTrade bool + IsSellAllowed bool + Quote string + Symbol string + type MarginPriceIndex struct + CalcTime int64 + Price string + Symbol string + type MarginRepay struct + Amount string + Asset string + Interest string + Principal string + Status MarginRepayStatusType + Timestamp int64 + TxID int64 + type MarginRepayResponse struct + Rows []MarginRepay + Total int64 + type MarginRepayService struct + func (s *MarginRepayService) Amount(amount string) *MarginRepayService + func (s *MarginRepayService) Asset(asset string) *MarginRepayService + func (s *MarginRepayService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res *TransactionResponse, err error) + func (s *MarginRepayService) IsIsolated(isIsolated bool) *MarginRepayService + func (s *MarginRepayService) Symbol(symbol string) *MarginRepayService + type MarginRepayStatusType string + type MarginSubAccount struct + Email string + TotalAssetOfBtc string + TotalLiabilityOfBtc string + TotalNetAssetOfBtc string + type MarginTradeCoeffVo struct + ForceLiquidationBar string + MarginCallBar string + NormalBar string + type MarginTransferService struct + func (s *MarginTransferService) Amount(amount string) *MarginTransferService + func (s *MarginTransferService) Asset(asset string) *MarginTransferService + func (s *MarginTransferService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res *TransactionResponse, err error) + func (s *MarginTransferService) Type(transferType MarginTransferType) *MarginTransferService + type MarginTransferType int + type MarginUserAsset struct + Asset string + Borrowed string + Free string + Interest string + Locked string + NetAsset string + type MarginUserAssetVo struct + Asset string + Borrowed string + Free string + Interest string + Locked string + NetAsset string + type MarketLotSizeFilter struct + MaxQuantity string + MinQuantity string + StepSize string + type MaxBorrowable struct + Amount string + type MaxNumAlgoOrdersFilter struct + MaxNumAlgoOrders int + type MaxNumOrdersFilter struct + MaxNumOrders int + type MaxTransferable struct + Amount string + type Network struct + AddressRegex string + Busy bool + Coin string + ContractAddress string + ContractAddressUrl string + DepositDesc string + DepositEnable bool + EstimatedArrivalTime int + IsDefault bool + MemoRegex string + MinConfirm int + Name string + Network string + ResetAddressStatus bool + SameAddress bool + SpecialTips string + UnLockConfirm int + WithdrawDesc string + WithdrawEnable bool + WithdrawFee string + WithdrawIntegerMultiple string + WithdrawMax string + WithdrawMin string + type NewOrderRespType string + type NotionalFilter struct + ApplyMaxToMarket bool + ApplyMinToMarket bool + AvgPriceMins int + MaxNotional string + MinNotional string + type OCOOrder struct + ClientOrderID string + OrderID int64 + Symbol string + type OCOOrderReport struct + ClientOrderID string + CummulativeQuoteQuantity string + ExecutedQuantity string + IcebergQuantity string + OrderID int64 + OrderListID int64 + OrigClientOrderID string + OrigQuantity string + Price string + Side SideType + Status OrderStatusType + StopPrice string + Symbol string + TimeInForce TimeInForceType + TransactionTime int64 + Type OrderType + type Oco struct + ContingencyType string + ListClientOrderID string + ListOrderStatus string + ListStatusType string + OrderListId int64 + Orders []*Order + Symbol string + TransactionTime int64 + type Order struct + ClientOrderID string + CummulativeQuoteQuantity string + ExecutedQuantity string + IcebergQuantity string + IsIsolated bool + IsWorking bool + OrderID int64 + OrderListId int64 + OrigQuantity string + OrigQuoteOrderQuantity string + Price string + Side SideType + Status OrderStatusType + StopPrice string + Symbol string + Time int64 + TimeInForce TimeInForceType + Type OrderType + UpdateTime int64 + type OrderStatusType string + type OrderType string + type PayTradeHistory struct + Code string + Data []PayTradeItem + Message string + Success bool + type PayTradeHistoryService struct + func (s *PayTradeHistoryService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (*PayTradeHistory, error) + func (s *PayTradeHistoryService) EndTimestamp(endTimestamp int64) *PayTradeHistoryService + func (s *PayTradeHistoryService) Limit(limit int32) *PayTradeHistoryService + func (s *PayTradeHistoryService) StartTimestamp(startTimestamp int64) *PayTradeHistoryService + type PayTradeItem struct + Amount string + Currency string + FundsDetail []FundsDetail + OrderType string + PayerInfo *PayerInfo + ReceiverInfo *ReceiverInfo + TransactionID string + TransactionTime int64 + type PayerInfo struct + AccountId int + BinanceId int + CountryCode int + Email string + MobileCode string + Name string + PhoneNumber string + Type string + UnmaskData bool + type PercentPriceBySideFilter struct + AskMultiplierDown string + AskMultiplierUp string + AveragePriceMins int + BidMultiplierDown string + BidMultiplierUp string + type PingService struct + func (s *PingService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (err error) + type PoolShareInformation struct + Assets map[string]string + ShareAmount string + SharePercentage string + type PriceChangeStats struct + AskPrice string + AskQty string + BidPrice string + BidQty string + CloseTime int64 + Count int64 + FirstID int64 + HighPrice string + LastID int64 + LastPrice string + LastQty string + LowPrice string + OpenPrice string + OpenTime int64 + PrevClosePrice string + PriceChange string + PriceChangePercent string + QuoteVolume string + Symbol string + Volume string + WeightedAvgPrice string + type PriceFilter struct + MaxPrice string + MinPrice string + TickSize string + type PurchaseSavingsFlexibleProductResponse struct + PurchaseId uint64 + type PurchaseSavingsFlexibleProductService struct + func (s *PurchaseSavingsFlexibleProductService) Amount(amount float64) *PurchaseSavingsFlexibleProductService + func (s *PurchaseSavingsFlexibleProductService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (uint64, error) + func (s *PurchaseSavingsFlexibleProductService) ProductId(productId string) *PurchaseSavingsFlexibleProductService + type QueryClaimedRewardHistoryService struct + func (s *QueryClaimedRewardHistoryService) AssetRewards(assetRewards string) *QueryClaimedRewardHistoryService + func (s *QueryClaimedRewardHistoryService) Do(ctx context.Context) ([]*ClaimedRewardHistory, error) + func (s *QueryClaimedRewardHistoryService) EndTime(endTime int64) *QueryClaimedRewardHistoryService + func (s *QueryClaimedRewardHistoryService) PoolId(poolId int64) *QueryClaimedRewardHistoryService + func (s *QueryClaimedRewardHistoryService) ResultSize(resultSize int64) *QueryClaimedRewardHistoryService + func (s *QueryClaimedRewardHistoryService) RewardType(t LiquidityRewardType) *QueryClaimedRewardHistoryService + func (s *QueryClaimedRewardHistoryService) StartTime(startTime int64) *QueryClaimedRewardHistoryService + type RateLimit struct + Interval string + IntervalNum int64 + Limit int64 + RateLimitType string + type RateLimitFull struct + Count int + Interval RateLimitInterval + IntervalNum int + Limit int + RateLimitType RateLimitType + type RateLimitInterval string + type RateLimitService struct + func (s *RateLimitService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res []*RateLimitFull, err error) + type RateLimitType string + type ReceiverInfo struct + AccountId int + BinanceId int + CountryCode int + Email string + Extend struct{ ... } + MobileCode string + Name string + PhoneNumber string + Type string + UnmaskData bool + type RecentTradesService struct + func (s *RecentTradesService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res []*Trade, err error) + func (s *RecentTradesService) Limit(limit int) *RecentTradesService + func (s *RecentTradesService) Symbol(symbol string) *RecentTradesService + type RedeemSavingsFlexibleProductService struct + func (s *RedeemSavingsFlexibleProductService) Amount(amount float64) *RedeemSavingsFlexibleProductService + func (s *RedeemSavingsFlexibleProductService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) error + func (s *RedeemSavingsFlexibleProductService) ProductId(productId string) *RedeemSavingsFlexibleProductService + func (s *RedeemSavingsFlexibleProductService) Type(redeemType string) *RedeemSavingsFlexibleProductService + type RemoveLiquidityResponse struct + OperationId int64 + type RemoveLiquidityService struct + func (s *RemoveLiquidityService) AddAesst(asset string) *RemoveLiquidityService + func (s *RemoveLiquidityService) Do(ctx context.Context) (*RemoveLiquidityResponse, error) + func (s *RemoveLiquidityService) OperationType(operationType LiquidityOperationType) *RemoveLiquidityService + func (s *RemoveLiquidityService) PoolId(poolId int64) *RemoveLiquidityService + func (s *RemoveLiquidityService) ShareAmount(amt float64) *RemoveLiquidityService + type RequestOption func(*request) + func WithHeader(key, value string, replace bool) RequestOption + func WithHeaders(header http.Header) RequestOption + func WithRecvWindow(recvWindow int64) RequestOption + type RewardClaimStatus int + type SavingFixedProjectPosition struct + Asset string + CanTransfer bool + CreateTimestamp int64 + Duration int64 + EndTime int64 + Interest string + InterestRate string + Lot int32 + PositionId int64 + Principal string + ProjectId string + ProjectName string + ProjectType string + PurchaseTime int64 + RedeemDate string + StartTime int64 + Status string + type SavingFixedProjectPositionsService struct + func (s *SavingFixedProjectPositionsService) Asset(asset string) *SavingFixedProjectPositionsService + func (s *SavingFixedProjectPositionsService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) ([]*SavingFixedProjectPosition, error) + func (s *SavingFixedProjectPositionsService) ProjectID(projectId string) *SavingFixedProjectPositionsService + func (s *SavingFixedProjectPositionsService) Status(status string) *SavingFixedProjectPositionsService + type SavingFlexibleProductPosition struct + AnnualInterestRate string + Asset string + AvgAnnualInterestRate string + CanRedeem bool + DailyInterestRate string + FreeAmount string + FreezeAmount string + LockedAmount string + ProductId string + ProductName string + RedeemingAmount string + TotalAmount string + TotalInterest string + TotalPurchasedAmount string + type SavingFlexibleProductPositionsService struct + func (s *SavingFlexibleProductPositionsService) Asset(asset string) *SavingFlexibleProductPositionsService + func (s *SavingFlexibleProductPositionsService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) ([]*SavingFlexibleProductPosition, error) + type SavingsFixedProduct struct + Asset string + DisplayPriority int + Duration int + InterestPerLot string + InterestRate string + LotSize string + LotsLowLimit int + LotsPurchased int + LotsUpLimit int + MaxLotsPerUser int + NeedKyc bool + ProjectId string + ProjectName string + Status string + Type string + WithAreaLimitation bool + type SavingsFlexibleProduct struct + Asset string + AvgAnnualInterestRate string + CanPurchase bool + CanRedeem bool + DailyInterestPerThousand string + Featured bool + MinPurchaseAmount string + ProductId string + PurchasedAmount string + Status string + UpLimit string + UpLimitPerUser string + type ServerTimeService struct + func (s *ServerTimeService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (serverTime int64, err error) + type SetServerTimeService struct + func (s *SetServerTimeService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (timeOffset int64, err error) + type SideEffectType string + type SideType string + type SnapShotSpotBalance struct + Asset string + Free string + Locked string + type Snapshot struct + Code int + Msg string + Snapshot []*SnapshotVos + type SnapshotAssets struct + Asset string + MarginBalance string + WalletBalance string + type SnapshotBalances struct + Asset string + Free string + Locked string + type SnapshotData struct + Assets []*SnapshotAssets + Balances []*SnapshotBalances + MarginLevel string + Positions []*SnapshotPositions + TotalAssetOfBtc string + TotalLiabilityOfBtc string + TotalNetAssetOfBtc string + UserAssets []*SnapshotUserAssets + type SnapshotPositions struct + EntryPrice string + MarkPrice string + PositionAmt string + Symbol string + UnRealizedProfit string + type SnapshotUserAssets struct + Asset string + Borrowed string + Free string + Interest string + Locked string + NetAsset string + type SnapshotVo struct + Data SnapshotVoData + Type string + UpdateTime int64 + type SnapshotVoData struct + Assets []*FuturesUserAsset + Balances []*SnapShotSpotBalance + MarginLevel string + Position []*FuturesUserPosition + TotalAssetOfBtc string + TotalLiabilityOfBtc string + TotalNetAssetOfBtc string + UserAssets []*MarginUserAsset + type SnapshotVos struct + Data *SnapshotData + Type string + UpdateTime int64 + type SpotRebateHistory struct + Code string + Data SpotRebateHistoryData + Status string + Type string + type SpotRebateHistoryData struct + Data []SpotRebateHistoryDataItem + Page int32 + TotalPageNum int32 + TotalRecords int32 + type SpotRebateHistoryDataItem struct + Amount string + Asset string + Type int32 + UpdateTime int64 + type SpotRebateHistoryService struct + func (s *SpotRebateHistoryService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (*SpotRebateHistory, error) + func (s *SpotRebateHistoryService) EndTime(endTime int64) *SpotRebateHistoryService + func (s *SpotRebateHistoryService) Page(page int32) *SpotRebateHistoryService + func (s *SpotRebateHistoryService) StartTime(startTime int64) *SpotRebateHistoryService + type SpotSubUserAssetBtcVoList struct + Email string + TotalAsset string + type StakingHistory []StakingHistoryTransaction + type StakingHistoryService struct + func (s *StakingHistoryService) Asset(asset string) *StakingHistoryService + func (s *StakingHistoryService) Current(current int32) *StakingHistoryService + func (s *StakingHistoryService) Do(ctx context.Context) (*StakingHistory, error) + func (s *StakingHistoryService) EndTime(endTime int64) *StakingHistoryService + func (s *StakingHistoryService) Product(product StakingProduct) *StakingHistoryService + func (s *StakingHistoryService) Size(size int32) *StakingHistoryService + func (s *StakingHistoryService) StartTime(startTime int64) *StakingHistoryService + func (s *StakingHistoryService) TransactionType(transactionType StakingTransactionType) *StakingHistoryService + type StakingHistoryTransaction struct + Amount string + Asset string + DeliverDate int64 + LockPeriod int64 + PositionId int64 + Project string + Status string + Time int64 + Type string + type StakingProduct string + type StakingProductPosition struct + APY string + AccrualDays int64 + Amount string + Asset string + CanRedeemEarly bool + DeliverDate int64 + Duration int64 + EstimatedExtraRewardAmount string + ExtraRewardAPY string + ExtraRewardAsset string + InterestEndDate int64 + NextInterestPay string + NextInterestPayDate int64 + PartialAmountDeliverDate int64 + PayInterestPeriod int64 + PositionId int64 + ProductId string + PurchaseTime int64 + RedeemAmountEarly string + RedeemPeriod int64 + RedeemingAmount string + Renewable bool + RewardAmount string + RewardAsset string + Status string + Type string + type StakingProductPositionService struct + func (s *StakingProductPositionService) Asset(asset string) *StakingProductPositionService + func (s *StakingProductPositionService) Current(current int32) *StakingProductPositionService + func (s *StakingProductPositionService) Do(ctx context.Context) (*StakingProductPositions, error) + func (s *StakingProductPositionService) Product(product StakingProduct) *StakingProductPositionService + func (s *StakingProductPositionService) ProductId(productId string) *StakingProductPositionService + func (s *StakingProductPositionService) Size(size int32) *StakingProductPositionService + type StakingProductPositions []StakingProductPosition + type StakingTransactionType string + type StartIsolatedMarginUserStreamService struct + func (s *StartIsolatedMarginUserStreamService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (listenKey string, err error) + func (s *StartIsolatedMarginUserStreamService) Symbol(symbol string) *StartIsolatedMarginUserStreamService + type StartMarginUserStreamService struct + func (s *StartMarginUserStreamService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (listenKey string, err error) + type StartUserStreamService struct + func (s *StartUserStreamService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (listenKey string, err error) + type SubAccUniversalTransferHistoryService struct + func (s *SubAccUniversalTransferHistoryService) ClientTranId(clientTranId string) *SubAccUniversalTransferHistoryService + func (s *SubAccUniversalTransferHistoryService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res *SubAccountUniversalTransferHistoryServiceResponse, err error) + func (s *SubAccUniversalTransferHistoryService) EndTime(endTime int64) *SubAccUniversalTransferHistoryService + func (s *SubAccUniversalTransferHistoryService) FromEmail(fromEmail string) *SubAccUniversalTransferHistoryService + func (s *SubAccUniversalTransferHistoryService) Limit(limit int32) *SubAccUniversalTransferHistoryService + func (s *SubAccUniversalTransferHistoryService) Page(page int32) *SubAccUniversalTransferHistoryService + func (s *SubAccUniversalTransferHistoryService) RecvWindow(recvWindow int64) *SubAccUniversalTransferHistoryService + func (s *SubAccUniversalTransferHistoryService) StartTime(startTime int64) *SubAccUniversalTransferHistoryService + func (s *SubAccUniversalTransferHistoryService) ToEmail(toEmail string) *SubAccUniversalTransferHistoryService + type SubAccount struct + CreateTime uint64 + Email string + IsAssetManagementSubAccount bool + IsFreeze bool + IsManagedSubAccount bool + type SubAccountApiAddIpRestrictServiceResponse struct + ApiKey string + IpList []string + IpRestrict string + UpdateTime int64 + type SubAccountApiAddIpRestrictionService struct + func (s *SubAccountApiAddIpRestrictionService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res *SubAccountApiAddIpRestrictServiceResponse, err error) + func (s *SubAccountApiAddIpRestrictionService) Email(email string) *SubAccountApiAddIpRestrictionService + func (s *SubAccountApiAddIpRestrictionService) IpAddress(ipAddress string) *SubAccountApiAddIpRestrictionService + func (s *SubAccountApiAddIpRestrictionService) RecvWindow(recvWindow int64) *SubAccountApiAddIpRestrictionService + func (s *SubAccountApiAddIpRestrictionService) Status(status string) *SubAccountApiAddIpRestrictionService + func (s *SubAccountApiAddIpRestrictionService) SubAccountApiKey(subAccountApiKey string) *SubAccountApiAddIpRestrictionService + type SubAccountApiDeleteIpRestrictServiceResponse struct + ApiKey string + IpList []string + IpRestrict string + UpdateTime int64 + type SubAccountApiDeleteIpRestrictionService struct + func (s *SubAccountApiDeleteIpRestrictionService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res *SubAccountApiDeleteIpRestrictServiceResponse, err error) + func (s *SubAccountApiDeleteIpRestrictionService) Email(email string) *SubAccountApiDeleteIpRestrictionService + func (s *SubAccountApiDeleteIpRestrictionService) IpAddress(ipAddress string) *SubAccountApiDeleteIpRestrictionService + func (s *SubAccountApiDeleteIpRestrictionService) RecvWindow(recvWindow int64) *SubAccountApiDeleteIpRestrictionService + func (s *SubAccountApiDeleteIpRestrictionService) SubAccountApiKey(subAccountApiKey string) *SubAccountApiDeleteIpRestrictionService + type SubAccountApiIpRestrictServiceResponse struct + ApiKey string + IpList []string + IpRestrict string + UpdateTime int64 + type SubAccountApiIpRestrictionService struct + func (s *SubAccountApiIpRestrictionService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res *SubAccountApiIpRestrictServiceResponse, err error) + func (s *SubAccountApiIpRestrictionService) Email(email string) *SubAccountApiIpRestrictionService + func (s *SubAccountApiIpRestrictionService) RecvWindow(recvWindow int64) *SubAccountApiIpRestrictionService + func (s *SubAccountApiIpRestrictionService) SubAccountApiKey(subAccountApiKey string) *SubAccountApiIpRestrictionService + type SubAccountAssetBalance struct + Asset string + Free string + Locked string + type SubAccountAssetService struct + func (s *SubAccountAssetService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res *SubAccountAssetServiceResponse, err error) + func (s *SubAccountAssetService) Email(email string) *SubAccountAssetService + func (s *SubAccountAssetService) RecvWindow(recvWindow int64) *SubAccountAssetService + type SubAccountAssetServiceResponse struct + Balances []*SubAccountAssetBalance + type SubAccountBlvtEnableService struct + func (s *SubAccountBlvtEnableService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res *SubAccountBlvtEnableServiceResponse, err error) + func (s *SubAccountBlvtEnableService) Email(email string) *SubAccountBlvtEnableService + func (s *SubAccountBlvtEnableService) EnableBlvt(enableBlvt bool) *SubAccountBlvtEnableService + func (s *SubAccountBlvtEnableService) RecvWindow(recvWindow int64) *SubAccountBlvtEnableService + type SubAccountBlvtEnableServiceResponse struct + Email string + EnableBlvt bool + type SubAccountDeliveryAccountSummary struct + Asset string + SubAccountList []*DeliverySubAccount + TotalMarginBalanceOfBTC string + TotalUnrealizedProfitOfBTC string + TotalWalletBalanceOfBTC string + type SubAccountDeliveryAccountV2 struct + Assets []*FuturesAsset + CanDeposit bool + CanTrade bool + CanWithdraw bool + Email string + FeeTier int32 + UpdateTime int64 + type SubAccountDeliveryPosition struct + EntryPrice string + IsAutoAddMargin string + Isolated string + IsolatedMargin string + IsolatedWallet string + Leverage string + MarkPrice string + PositionAmount string + PositionSide string + Symbol string + UnrealizedProfit string + type SubAccountDepositRecord struct + Address string + AddressTag string + Amount string + Coin string + ConfirmTimes string + Id string + InsertTime int64 + Network string + Status int32 + TransferType int32 + TxId string + UnlockConfirm int32 + WalletType int32 + type SubAccountDepositRecordService struct + func (s *SubAccountDepositRecordService) Coin(coin string) *SubAccountDepositRecordService + func (s *SubAccountDepositRecordService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res []*SubAccountDepositRecord, err error) + func (s *SubAccountDepositRecordService) Email(email string) *SubAccountDepositRecordService + func (s *SubAccountDepositRecordService) EndTime(endTime int64) *SubAccountDepositRecordService + func (s *SubAccountDepositRecordService) Limit(limit int) *SubAccountDepositRecordService + func (s *SubAccountDepositRecordService) Offset(offset int) *SubAccountDepositRecordService + func (s *SubAccountDepositRecordService) RecvWindow(recvWindow int64) *SubAccountDepositRecordService + func (s *SubAccountDepositRecordService) StartTime(startTime int64) *SubAccountDepositRecordService + func (s *SubAccountDepositRecordService) Status(status int32) *SubAccountDepositRecordService + func (s *SubAccountDepositRecordService) TxId(txId string) *SubAccountDepositRecordService + type SubAccountFuturesAccount struct + Asset string + Assets []SubAccountFuturesAccountAsset + CanDeposit bool + CanTrade bool + CanWithdraw bool + Email string + FeeTier int + MaxWithdrawAmount string + TotalInitialMargin string + TotalMaintenanceMargin string + TotalMarginBalance string + TotalOpenOrderInitialMargin string + TotalPositionInitialMargin string + TotalUnrealizedProfit string + TotalWalletBalance string + UpdateTime int64 + type SubAccountFuturesAccountAsset struct + Asset string + InitialMargin string + MaintenanceMargin string + MarginBalance string + MaxWithdrawAmount string + OpenOrderInitialMargin string + PositionInitialMargin string + UnrealizedProfit string + WalletBalance string + type SubAccountFuturesAccountService struct + func (s *SubAccountFuturesAccountService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res *SubAccountFuturesAccount, err error) + func (s *SubAccountFuturesAccountService) Email(v string) *SubAccountFuturesAccountService + type SubAccountFuturesAccountSummary struct + Asset string + SubAccountList []*FuturesSubAccount + TotalInitialMargin string + TotalMaintenanceMargin string + TotalMarginBalance string + TotalOpenOrderInitialMargin string + TotalPositionInitialMargin string + TotalUnrealizedProfit string + TotalWalletBalance string + type SubAccountFuturesAccountSummaryService struct + func (s *SubAccountFuturesAccountSummaryService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res *SubAccountFuturesAccountSummaryServiceResponse, err error) + func (s *SubAccountFuturesAccountSummaryService) FuturesType(futuresType int32) *SubAccountFuturesAccountSummaryService + func (s *SubAccountFuturesAccountSummaryService) Limit(limit int32) *SubAccountFuturesAccountSummaryService + func (s *SubAccountFuturesAccountSummaryService) Page(page int32) *SubAccountFuturesAccountSummaryService + func (s *SubAccountFuturesAccountSummaryService) RecvWindow(recvWindow int64) *SubAccountFuturesAccountSummaryService + type SubAccountFuturesAccountSummaryServiceResponse struct + DeliveryAccountSummaryResp *SubAccountDeliveryAccountSummary + FutureAccountSummaryResp *SubAccountFuturesAccountSummary + type SubAccountFuturesAccountV2 struct + Asset string + Assets []*FuturesAsset + CanDeposit bool + CanTrade bool + CanWithdraw bool + Email string + FeeTier int32 + MaxWithdrawAmount string + TotalInitialMargin string + TotalMaintenanceMargin string + TotalMarginBalance string + TotalOpenOrderInitialMargin string + TotalPositionInitialMargin string + TotalUnrealizedProfit string + TotalWalletBalance string + UpdateTime int64 + type SubAccountFuturesAccountV2Service struct + func (s *SubAccountFuturesAccountV2Service) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res *SubAccountFuturesAccountV2ServiceResponse, err error) + func (s *SubAccountFuturesAccountV2Service) Email(email string) *SubAccountFuturesAccountV2Service + func (s *SubAccountFuturesAccountV2Service) FuturesType(futuresType int32) *SubAccountFuturesAccountV2Service + func (s *SubAccountFuturesAccountV2Service) RecvWindow(recvWindow int64) *SubAccountFuturesAccountV2Service + type SubAccountFuturesAccountV2ServiceResponse struct + DeliveryAccountResp *SubAccountDeliveryAccountV2 + FutureAccountResp *SubAccountFuturesAccountV2 + type SubAccountFuturesEnableResponse struct + Email string + IsFuturesEnabled bool + type SubAccountFuturesEnableService struct + func (s *SubAccountFuturesEnableService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res *SubAccountFuturesEnableResponse, err error) + func (s *SubAccountFuturesEnableService) Email(email string) *SubAccountFuturesEnableService + func (s *SubAccountFuturesEnableService) RecvWindow(recvWindow int64) *SubAccountFuturesEnableService + type SubAccountFuturesInternalTransferResponse struct + Success bool + TxnId string + type SubAccountFuturesInternalTransferService struct + func (s *SubAccountFuturesInternalTransferService) Amount(amount string) *SubAccountFuturesInternalTransferService + func (s *SubAccountFuturesInternalTransferService) Asset(asset string) *SubAccountFuturesInternalTransferService + func (s *SubAccountFuturesInternalTransferService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res *SubAccountFuturesInternalTransferResponse, err error) + func (s *SubAccountFuturesInternalTransferService) FromEmail(fromEmail string) *SubAccountFuturesInternalTransferService + func (s *SubAccountFuturesInternalTransferService) FuturesType(futuresType int64) *SubAccountFuturesInternalTransferService + func (s *SubAccountFuturesInternalTransferService) RecvWindow(recvWindow int64) *SubAccountFuturesInternalTransferService + func (s *SubAccountFuturesInternalTransferService) ToEmail(toEmail string) *SubAccountFuturesInternalTransferService + type SubAccountFuturesPosition struct + EntryPrice string + Leverage string + LiquidationPrice string + MarkPrice string + MaxNotional string + PositionAmount string + Symbol string + UnrealizedProfit string + type SubAccountFuturesPositionsService struct + func (s *SubAccountFuturesPositionsService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res *SubAccountFuturesPositionsServiceResponse, err error) + func (s *SubAccountFuturesPositionsService) Email(email string) *SubAccountFuturesPositionsService + func (s *SubAccountFuturesPositionsService) FuturesType(futuresType int32) *SubAccountFuturesPositionsService + func (s *SubAccountFuturesPositionsService) RecvWindow(recvWindow int64) *SubAccountFuturesPositionsService + type SubAccountFuturesPositionsServiceResponse struct + DeliveryPositionRiskVos []*SubAccountDeliveryPosition + FuturePositionRiskVos []*SubAccountFuturesPosition + type SubAccountFuturesSummaryCommon struct + Asset string + TotalInitialMargin string + TotalMaintenanceMargin string + TotalMarginBalance string + TotalOpenOrderInitialMargin string + TotalPositionInitialMargin string + TotalUnrealizedProfit string + TotalWalletBalance string + type SubAccountFuturesSummaryV1 struct + SubAccountList []SubAccountFuturesSummaryV1SubAccountList + type SubAccountFuturesSummaryV1Service struct + func (s *SubAccountFuturesSummaryV1Service) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res *SubAccountFuturesSummaryV1, err error) + type SubAccountFuturesSummaryV1SubAccountList struct + Email string + type SubAccountFuturesTransfer struct + Asset string + From string + Qty string + Status string + Time uint64 + To string + TranId uint64 + type SubAccountFuturesTransferHistoryResponse struct + FuturesType int32 + Success bool + Transfers []*SubAccountFuturesTransfer + type SubAccountFuturesTransferHistoryService struct + func (s *SubAccountFuturesTransferHistoryService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res *SubAccountFuturesTransferHistoryResponse, err error) + func (s *SubAccountFuturesTransferHistoryService) Email(email string) *SubAccountFuturesTransferHistoryService + func (s *SubAccountFuturesTransferHistoryService) EndTime(endTime int64) *SubAccountFuturesTransferHistoryService + func (s *SubAccountFuturesTransferHistoryService) FuturesType(futuresType int64) *SubAccountFuturesTransferHistoryService + func (s *SubAccountFuturesTransferHistoryService) Limit(limit int32) *SubAccountFuturesTransferHistoryService + func (s *SubAccountFuturesTransferHistoryService) Page(page int32) *SubAccountFuturesTransferHistoryService + func (s *SubAccountFuturesTransferHistoryService) RecvWindow(recvWindow int64) *SubAccountFuturesTransferHistoryService + func (s *SubAccountFuturesTransferHistoryService) StartTime(startTime int64) *SubAccountFuturesTransferHistoryService + type SubAccountFuturesTransferResponse struct + TranID int64 + type SubAccountFuturesTransferV1Service struct + func (s *SubAccountFuturesTransferV1Service) Amount(v float64) *SubAccountFuturesTransferV1Service + func (s *SubAccountFuturesTransferV1Service) Asset(v string) *SubAccountFuturesTransferV1Service + func (s *SubAccountFuturesTransferV1Service) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res *SubAccountFuturesTransferResponse, err error) + func (s *SubAccountFuturesTransferV1Service) Email(v string) *SubAccountFuturesTransferV1Service + func (s *SubAccountFuturesTransferV1Service) TransferType(v int) *SubAccountFuturesTransferV1Service + type SubAccountList struct + SubAccounts []SubAccount + type SubAccountListService struct + func (s *SubAccountListService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res *SubAccountList, err error) + func (s *SubAccountListService) Email(v string) *SubAccountListService + func (s *SubAccountListService) IsFreeze(v bool) *SubAccountListService + func (s *SubAccountListService) Limit(v int) *SubAccountListService + func (s *SubAccountListService) Page(v int) *SubAccountListService + type SubAccountMarginAccountInfo struct + Email string + MarginLevel string + MarginTradeCoeffVo *MarginTradeCoeffVo + MarginUserAssetVoList []*MarginUserAssetVo + TotalAssetOfBtc string + TotalLiabilityOfBtc string + TotalNetAssetOfBtc string + type SubAccountMarginAccountInfoService struct + func (s *SubAccountMarginAccountInfoService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res *SubAccountMarginAccountInfo, err error) + func (s *SubAccountMarginAccountInfoService) Email(email string) *SubAccountMarginAccountInfoService + func (s *SubAccountMarginAccountInfoService) RecvWindow(recvWindow int64) *SubAccountMarginAccountInfoService + type SubAccountMarginAccountSummary struct + SubAccountList []*MarginSubAccount + TotalAssetOfBtc string + TotalLiabilityOfBtc string + TotalNetAssetOfBtc string + type SubAccountMarginAccountSummaryService struct + func (s *SubAccountMarginAccountSummaryService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res *SubAccountMarginAccountSummary, err error) + func (s *SubAccountMarginAccountSummaryService) RecvWindow(recvWindow int64) *SubAccountMarginAccountSummaryService + type SubAccountMarginEnableResponse struct + Email string + IsMarginEnabled bool + type SubAccountMarginEnableService struct + func (s *SubAccountMarginEnableService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res *SubAccountMarginEnableResponse, err error) + func (s *SubAccountMarginEnableService) Email(email string) *SubAccountMarginEnableService + func (s *SubAccountMarginEnableService) RecvWindow(recvWindow int64) *SubAccountMarginEnableService + type SubAccountMarginFuturesStatus struct + Email string + InsertTime int64 + IsFutureEnabled bool + IsMarginEnabled bool + IsSubUserEnabled bool + IsUserActive bool + Mobile int64 + type SubAccountMarginFuturesStatusService struct + func (s *SubAccountMarginFuturesStatusService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res []*SubAccountMarginFuturesStatus, err error) + func (s *SubAccountMarginFuturesStatusService) Email(email string) *SubAccountMarginFuturesStatusService + func (s *SubAccountMarginFuturesStatusService) RecvWindow(recvWindow int64) *SubAccountMarginFuturesStatusService + type SubAccountMarginTransferResponse struct + TxnId string + type SubAccountMarginTransferService struct + func (s *SubAccountMarginTransferService) Amount(amount string) *SubAccountMarginTransferService + func (s *SubAccountMarginTransferService) Asset(asset string) *SubAccountMarginTransferService + func (s *SubAccountMarginTransferService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res *SubAccountMarginTransferResponse, err error) + func (s *SubAccountMarginTransferService) Email(email string) *SubAccountMarginTransferService + func (s *SubAccountMarginTransferService) RecvWindow(recvWindow int64) *SubAccountMarginTransferService + func (s *SubAccountMarginTransferService) TransferType(transferType int32) *SubAccountMarginTransferService + type SubAccountOptionsEnableService struct + func (s *SubAccountOptionsEnableService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res *SubAccountOptionsEnableServiceResponse, err error) + func (s *SubAccountOptionsEnableService) Email(email string) *SubAccountOptionsEnableService + func (s *SubAccountOptionsEnableService) RecvWindow(recvWindow int64) *SubAccountOptionsEnableService + type SubAccountOptionsEnableServiceResponse struct + Email string + IsEOptionsEnabled bool + type SubAccountSpotTransfer struct + Asset string + From string + Qty string + Status string + Time uint64 + To string + TranId uint64 + type SubAccountSpotTransferHistoryService struct + func (s *SubAccountSpotTransferHistoryService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res []*SubAccountSpotTransfer, err error) + func (s *SubAccountSpotTransferHistoryService) EndTime(endTime uint64) *SubAccountSpotTransferHistoryService + func (s *SubAccountSpotTransferHistoryService) FromEmail(fromEmail string) *SubAccountSpotTransferHistoryService + func (s *SubAccountSpotTransferHistoryService) Limit(limit int32) *SubAccountSpotTransferHistoryService + func (s *SubAccountSpotTransferHistoryService) Page(page int32) *SubAccountSpotTransferHistoryService + func (s *SubAccountSpotTransferHistoryService) RecvWindow(recvWindow int64) *SubAccountSpotTransferHistoryService + func (s *SubAccountSpotTransferHistoryService) StartTime(startTime uint64) *SubAccountSpotTransferHistoryService + func (s *SubAccountSpotTransferHistoryService) ToEmail(toEmail string) *SubAccountSpotTransferHistoryService + type SubAccountTransactionStatisticServiceResponse struct + Recent30BtcFuturesTotal string + Recent30BtcMarginTotal string + Recent30BtcTotal string + Recent30BusdFuturesTotal string + Recent30BusdMarginTotal string + Recent30BusdTotal string + TradeInfoVos []*TradeInfoVo + type SubAccountTransactionStatisticsService struct + func (s *SubAccountTransactionStatisticsService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res *SubAccountTransactionStatisticServiceResponse, err error) + func (s *SubAccountTransactionStatisticsService) Email(email string) *SubAccountTransactionStatisticsService + func (s *SubAccountTransactionStatisticsService) RecvWindow(recvWindow int64) *SubAccountTransactionStatisticsService + type SubAccountTransferHistory struct + Asset string + CounterParty string + Email string + FromAccountType AccountType + Qty string + Status string + Time int64 + ToAccountType AccountType + TranID int64 + Type SubAccountTransferType + type SubAccountTransferHistoryService struct + func (s *SubAccountTransferHistoryService) Asset(v string) *SubAccountTransferHistoryService + func (s *SubAccountTransferHistoryService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res []*SubAccountTransferHistory, err error) + func (s *SubAccountTransferHistoryService) EndTime(v int64) *SubAccountTransferHistoryService + func (s *SubAccountTransferHistoryService) Limit(v int) *SubAccountTransferHistoryService + func (s *SubAccountTransferHistoryService) ReturnFailHistory(v bool) *SubAccountTransferHistoryService + func (s *SubAccountTransferHistoryService) StartTime(v int64) *SubAccountTransferHistoryService + func (s *SubAccountTransferHistoryService) TransferType(v SubAccountTransferType) *SubAccountTransferHistoryService + type SubAccountTransferSubToMasterResponse struct + TxnId string + type SubAccountTransferSubToMasterService struct + func (s *SubAccountTransferSubToMasterService) Amount(amount string) *SubAccountTransferSubToMasterService + func (s *SubAccountTransferSubToMasterService) Asset(asset string) *SubAccountTransferSubToMasterService + func (s *SubAccountTransferSubToMasterService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res *SubAccountTransferSubToMasterResponse, err error) + func (s *SubAccountTransferSubToMasterService) RecvWindow(recvWindow int64) *SubAccountTransferSubToMasterService + type SubAccountTransferType int + type SubAccountUniversalTransferHistoryServiceResponse struct + Result []*SubAccountUniversalTransferRecord + TotalCount int64 + type SubAccountUniversalTransferRecord struct + Amount string + Asset string + ClientTranId string + CreateTimeStamp int64 + FromAccountType string + FromEmail string + Status string + ToAccountType string + ToEmail string + TranId int64 + type SubAccountUniversalTransferResponse struct + ClientTranId string + TranId int64 + type SubAccountUniversalTransferService struct + func (s *SubAccountUniversalTransferService) Amount(amount string) *SubAccountUniversalTransferService + func (s *SubAccountUniversalTransferService) Asset(asset string) *SubAccountUniversalTransferService + func (s *SubAccountUniversalTransferService) ClientTranId(clientTranId string) *SubAccountUniversalTransferService + func (s *SubAccountUniversalTransferService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res *SubAccountUniversalTransferResponse, err error) + func (s *SubAccountUniversalTransferService) FromAccountType(fromAccountType string) *SubAccountUniversalTransferService + func (s *SubAccountUniversalTransferService) FromEmail(fromEmail string) *SubAccountUniversalTransferService + func (s *SubAccountUniversalTransferService) RecvWindow(recvWindow int64) *SubAccountUniversalTransferService + func (s *SubAccountUniversalTransferService) Symbol(symbol string) *SubAccountUniversalTransferService + func (s *SubAccountUniversalTransferService) ToAccountType(toAccountType string) *SubAccountUniversalTransferService + func (s *SubAccountUniversalTransferService) ToEmail(toEmail string) *SubAccountUniversalTransferService + type SubaccountAssetsResponse struct + Balances []AssetBalance + type SubaccountAssetsService struct + func (s *SubaccountAssetsService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res *SubaccountAssetsResponse, err error) + func (s *SubaccountAssetsService) Email(email string) *SubaccountAssetsService + type SubaccountDepositAddressResponse struct + Address string + Coin string + Tag string + URL string + type SubaccountDepositAddressService struct + func (s *SubaccountDepositAddressService) Coin(coin string) *SubaccountDepositAddressService + func (s *SubaccountDepositAddressService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res *SubaccountDepositAddressResponse, err error) + func (s *SubaccountDepositAddressService) Email(email string) *SubaccountDepositAddressService + func (s *SubaccountDepositAddressService) Network(network string) *SubaccountDepositAddressService + type SubaccountSpotSummaryResponse struct + MasterAccountTotalAsset string + SpotSubUserAssetBtcVoList []SpotSubUserAssetBtcVoList + TotalCount int64 + type SubaccountSpotSummaryService struct + func (s *SubaccountSpotSummaryService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res *SubaccountSpotSummaryResponse, err error) + func (s *SubaccountSpotSummaryService) Email(email string) *SubaccountSpotSummaryService + func (s *SubaccountSpotSummaryService) Page(page int32) *SubaccountSpotSummaryService + func (s *SubaccountSpotSummaryService) Size(size int32) *SubaccountSpotSummaryService + type SwapRecord struct + BaseAsset string + BaseQty string + Fee string + Price string + QuoteAsset string + QuoteQty string + Status SwappingStatus + SwapId int64 + SwapTime int64 + type SwapResponse struct + SwapId int64 + type SwapService struct + func (s *SwapService) BaseAsset(baseAsset string) *SwapService + func (s *SwapService) Do(ctx context.Context) (*SwapResponse, error) + func (s *SwapService) QuoteAsset(quoteAsset string) *SwapService + func (s *SwapService) QuoteQty(quoteQty float64) *SwapService + type SwappingStatus int + type Symbol struct + BaseAsset string + BaseAssetPrecision int + BaseCommissionPrecision int32 + Filters []map[string]interface{} + IcebergAllowed bool + IsMarginTradingAllowed bool + IsSpotTradingAllowed bool + OcoAllowed bool + OrderTypes []string + Permissions []string + QuoteAsset string + QuoteAssetPrecision int + QuoteCommissionPrecision int32 + QuoteOrderQtyMarketAllowed bool + QuotePrecision int + Status string + Symbol string + func (s *Symbol) IcebergPartsFilter() *IcebergPartsFilter + func (s *Symbol) LotSizeFilter() *LotSizeFilter + func (s *Symbol) MarketLotSizeFilter() *MarketLotSizeFilter + func (s *Symbol) MaxNumAlgoOrdersFilter() *MaxNumAlgoOrdersFilter + func (s *Symbol) MaxNumOrdersFilter() *MaxNumOrdersFilter + func (s *Symbol) NotionalFilter() *NotionalFilter + func (s *Symbol) PercentPriceBySideFilter() *PercentPriceBySideFilter + func (s *Symbol) PriceFilter() *PriceFilter + func (s *Symbol) TrailingDeltaFilter() *TrailingDeltaFilter + type SymbolFilterType string + type SymbolPrice struct + Price string + Symbol string + type SymbolStatusType string + type SymbolTicker struct + CloseTime int64 + Count int64 + FirstId int64 + HighPrice string + LastId int64 + LastPrice string + LowPrice string + OpenPrice string + OpenTime int64 + PriceChange string + PriceChangePercent string + QuoteVolume string + Symbol string + Volume string + WeightedAvgPrice string + type SymbolType string + type TimeInForceType string + type ToggleBNBBurnService struct + func (s *ToggleBNBBurnService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (*BNBBurn, error) + func (s *ToggleBNBBurnService) InterestBNBBurn(v bool) *ToggleBNBBurnService + func (s *ToggleBNBBurnService) SpotBNBBurn(v bool) *ToggleBNBBurnService + type Trade struct + ID int64 + IsBestMatch bool + IsBuyerMaker bool + IsIsolated bool + Price string + Quantity string + QuoteQuantity string + Time int64 + type TradeFeeDetails struct + MakerCommission string + Symbol string + TakerCommission string + type TradeFeeService struct + func (s *TradeFeeService) Do(ctx context.Context) (res []*TradeFeeDetails, err error) + func (s *TradeFeeService) Symbol(symbol string) *TradeFeeService + type TradeInfoVo struct + Btc float64 + BtcFutures float64 + BtcMargin float64 + Busd float64 + BusdFutures float64 + BusdMargin float64 + Date int64 + UserId int64 + type TradeV3 struct + Commission string + CommissionAsset string + ID int64 + IsBestMatch bool + IsBuyer bool + IsIsolated bool + IsMaker bool + OrderID int64 + OrderListId int64 + Price string + Quantity string + QuoteQuantity string + Symbol string + Time int64 + type TradingDayTicker struct + CloseTime uint64 + Count uint64 + FirstId uint64 + HighPrice string + LastId uint64 + LastPrice string + LowPrice string + OpenPrice string + OpenTime uint64 + PriceChange string + PriceChangePercent string + QuoteVolume string + Symbol string + Volume string + WeightedAvgPrice string + type TradingDayTickerService struct + func (s *TradingDayTickerService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res []*TradingDayTicker, err error) + func (s *TradingDayTickerService) Symbol(symbol string) *TradingDayTickerService + func (s *TradingDayTickerService) Symbols(symbols []string) *TradingDayTickerService + func (s *TradingDayTickerService) TickerType(tickerType string) *TradingDayTickerService + func (s *TradingDayTickerService) TimeZone(timeZone string) *TradingDayTickerService + type TrailingDeltaFilter struct + MaxTrailingAboveDelta int + MaxTrailingBelowDelta int + MinTrailingAboveDelta int + MinTrailingBelowDelta int + type TransactionResponse struct + TranID int64 + type TransactionType string + type TransferToSubAccountResponse struct + TxnID int64 + type TransferToSubAccountService struct + func (s *TransferToSubAccountService) Amount(amount string) *TransferToSubAccountService + func (s *TransferToSubAccountService) Asset(asset string) *TransferToSubAccountService + func (s *TransferToSubAccountService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res *TransferToSubAccountResponse, err error) + func (s *TransferToSubAccountService) ToEmail(toEmail string) *TransferToSubAccountService + type UiKline struct + Close string + CloseTime uint64 + High string + Low string + Open string + OpenTime uint64 + QuoteVolume string + TakerBuyBaseAssetVolume string + TakerBuyQuoteAssetVolume string + TradeNum uint64 + Volume string + type UiKlinesService struct + func (s *UiKlinesService) Do(ctx context.Context, opts ...RequestOption) (res []*UiKline, err error) + func (s *UiKlinesService) EndTime(endTime uint64) *UiKlinesService + func (s *UiKlinesService) Interval(interval string) *UiKlinesService + func (s *UiKlinesService) Limit(limit uint32) *UiKlinesService + func (s *UiKlinesService) StartTime(startTime uint64) *UiKlinesService + func (s *UiKlinesService) Symbol(symbol string) *UiKlinesService + func (s *UiKlinesService) TimeZone(timeZone string) *UiKlinesService + type UserAsset struct + Asset string + Borrowed string + Free string + Interest string + Locked string + NetAsset string + type UserAssetDribblet struct + OperateTime int64 + TotalServiceChargeAmount string + TotalTransferedAmount string + TransID int64 + UserAssetDribbletDetails []UserAssetDribbletDetail + type UserAssetDribbletDetail struct + Amount string + FromAsset string + OperateTime int64 + ServiceChargeAmount string + TransID int + TransferedAmount string + type UserAssetRecord struct + Asset string + BtcValuation string + Free string + Freeze string + Ipoable string + Locked string + Withdrawing string + type UserDataEventType string + type UserUniversalTransfer struct + Amount string + Asset string + Status UserUniversalTransferStatusType + Timestamp int64 + TranId int64 + Type UserUniversalTransferType + type UserUniversalTransferResponse struct + Results []*UserUniversalTransfer + Total int64 + type UserUniversalTransferStatusType string + type UserUniversalTransferType string + type Withdraw struct + Address string + Amount string + ApplyTime string + Coin string + ConfirmNo int32 + ID string + Info string + Network string + Status int + TransactionFee string + TransferType int + TxID string + WithdrawOrderID string + type WsAccountUpdate struct + Asset string + Free string + Locked string + type WsAccountUpdateList struct + AccountUpdateTime int64 + WsAccountUpdates []WsAccountUpdate + type WsAggTradeEvent struct + AggTradeID int64 + Event string + FirstBreakdownTradeID int64 + IsBuyerMaker bool + LastBreakdownTradeID int64 + Placeholder bool + Price string + Quantity string + Symbol string + Time int64 + TradeTime int64 + type WsAggTradeHandler func(event *WsAggTradeEvent) + type WsAllMarketsStatEvent []*WsMarketStatEvent + type WsAllMarketsStatHandler func(event WsAllMarketsStatEvent) + type WsAllMiniMarketsStatEvent []*WsMiniMarketsStatEvent + type WsAllMiniMarketsStatServeHandler func(event WsAllMiniMarketsStatEvent) + type WsBalanceUpdate struct + Asset string + Change string + TransactionTime int64 + type WsBookTickerEvent struct + BestAskPrice string + BestAskQty string + BestBidPrice string + BestBidQty string + Symbol string + UpdateID int64 + type WsBookTickerHandler func(event *WsBookTickerEvent) + type WsCombinedBookTickerEvent struct + Data *WsBookTickerEvent + Stream string + type WsCombinedTradeEvent struct + Data WsTradeEvent + Stream string + type WsCombinedTradeHandler func(event *WsCombinedTradeEvent) + type WsConfig struct + Endpoint string + Proxy *string + type WsDepthEvent struct + Asks []Ask + Bids []Bid + Event string + FirstUpdateID int64 + LastUpdateID int64 + Symbol string + Time int64 + type WsDepthHandler func(event *WsDepthEvent) + type WsHandler func(message []byte) + type WsKline struct + ActiveBuyQuoteVolume string + ActiveBuyVolume string + Close string + EndTime int64 + FirstTradeID int64 + High string + Interval string + IsFinal bool + LastTradeID int64 + Low string + Open string + QuoteVolume string + StartTime int64 + Symbol string + TradeNum int64 + Volume string + type WsKlineEvent struct + Event string + Kline WsKline + Symbol string + Time int64 + type WsKlineHandler func(event *WsKlineEvent) + type WsMarketStatEvent struct + AskPrice string + AskQty string + BaseVolume string + BidPrice string + BidQty string + CloseQty string + CloseTime int64 + Count int64 + Event string + FirstID int64 + HighPrice string + LastID int64 + LastPrice string + LowPrice string + OpenPrice string + OpenTime int64 + PrevClosePrice string + PriceChange string + PriceChangePercent string + QuoteVolume string + Symbol string + Time int64 + WeightedAvgPrice string + type WsMarketStatHandler func(event *WsMarketStatEvent) + type WsMiniMarketsStatEvent struct + BaseVolume string + Event string + HighPrice string + LastPrice string + LowPrice string + OpenPrice string + QuoteVolume string + Symbol string + Time int64 + type WsOCOOrder struct + ClientOrderId string + OrderId int64 + Symbol string + type WsOCOOrderList struct + WsOCOOrders []WsOCOOrder + type WsOCOUpdate struct + ClientOrderId string + ContingencyType string + ListOrderStatus string + ListStatusType string + OrderListId int64 + Orders WsOCOOrderList + RejectReason string + Symbol string + TransactionTime int64 + type WsOrderUpdate struct + AllocationId int64 + ClientOrderId string + CounterOrderId int64 + CounterSymbol string + CreateTime int64 + ExecutionType string + FeeAsset string + FeeCost string + FilledQuoteVolume string + FilledVolume string + IceBergVolume string + Id int64 + IgnoreI int64 + IgnoreM bool + IsInOrderBook bool + IsMaker bool + LastPreventedQuantity string + LatestPrice string + LatestQuoteVolume string + LatestVolume string + MatchType string + OrderListId int64 + OrigCustomOrderId string + PreventedExecutionPrice string + PreventedExecutionQuantity string + PreventedExecutionQuoteQty string + PreventedMatchId int64 + PreventedQuantity string + Price string + QuoteVolume string + RejectReason string + SelfTradePreventionMode string + Side string + Status string + StopPrice string + StrategyId int64 + StrategyType int64 + Symbol string + TimeInForce TimeInForceType + TradeGroupId int64 + TradeId int64 + TrailingDelta int64 + TrailingTime int64 + TransactionTime int64 + Type string + UsedSor bool + Volume string + WorkingFloor string + WorkingTime int64 + type WsPartialDepthEvent struct + Asks []Ask + Bids []Bid + LastUpdateID int64 + Symbol string + type WsPartialDepthHandler func(event *WsPartialDepthEvent) + type WsTradeEvent struct + BuyerOrderID int64 + Event string + IsBuyerMaker bool + Placeholder bool + Price string + Quantity string + SellerOrderID int64 + Symbol string + Time int64 + TradeID int64 + TradeTime int64 + type WsTradeHandler func(event *WsTradeEvent) + type WsUserDataEvent struct + AccountUpdate WsAccountUpdateList + BalanceUpdate WsBalanceUpdate + Event UserDataEventType + OCOUpdate WsOCOUpdate + OrderUpdate WsOrderUpdate + Time int64 + type WsUserDataHandler func(event *WsUserDataEvent)