Overview ¶
Package devicefarm provides a client for AWS Device Farm.
Index ¶
- Constants
- type AccountSettings
- type Artifact
- type CPU
- type Counters
- type CreateDevicePoolInput
- type CreateDevicePoolOutput
- type CreateProjectInput
- type CreateProjectOutput
- type CreateUploadInput
- type CreateUploadOutput
- type Device
- type DeviceFarm
- func (c *DeviceFarm) CreateDevicePool(input *CreateDevicePoolInput) (*CreateDevicePoolOutput, error)
- func (c *DeviceFarm) CreateDevicePoolRequest(input *CreateDevicePoolInput) (req *aws.Request, output *CreateDevicePoolOutput)
- func (c *DeviceFarm) CreateProject(input *CreateProjectInput) (*CreateProjectOutput, error)
- func (c *DeviceFarm) CreateProjectRequest(input *CreateProjectInput) (req *aws.Request, output *CreateProjectOutput)
- func (c *DeviceFarm) CreateUpload(input *CreateUploadInput) (*CreateUploadOutput, error)
- func (c *DeviceFarm) CreateUploadRequest(input *CreateUploadInput) (req *aws.Request, output *CreateUploadOutput)
- func (c *DeviceFarm) GetAccountSettings(input *GetAccountSettingsInput) (*GetAccountSettingsOutput, error)
- func (c *DeviceFarm) GetAccountSettingsRequest(input *GetAccountSettingsInput) (req *aws.Request, output *GetAccountSettingsOutput)
- func (c *DeviceFarm) GetDevice(input *GetDeviceInput) (*GetDeviceOutput, error)
- func (c *DeviceFarm) GetDevicePool(input *GetDevicePoolInput) (*GetDevicePoolOutput, error)
- func (c *DeviceFarm) GetDevicePoolCompatibility(input *GetDevicePoolCompatibilityInput) (*GetDevicePoolCompatibilityOutput, error)
- func (c *DeviceFarm) GetDevicePoolCompatibilityRequest(input *GetDevicePoolCompatibilityInput) (req *aws.Request, output *GetDevicePoolCompatibilityOutput)
- func (c *DeviceFarm) GetDevicePoolRequest(input *GetDevicePoolInput) (req *aws.Request, output *GetDevicePoolOutput)
- func (c *DeviceFarm) GetDeviceRequest(input *GetDeviceInput) (req *aws.Request, output *GetDeviceOutput)
- func (c *DeviceFarm) GetJob(input *GetJobInput) (*GetJobOutput, error)
- func (c *DeviceFarm) GetJobRequest(input *GetJobInput) (req *aws.Request, output *GetJobOutput)
- func (c *DeviceFarm) GetProject(input *GetProjectInput) (*GetProjectOutput, error)
- func (c *DeviceFarm) GetProjectRequest(input *GetProjectInput) (req *aws.Request, output *GetProjectOutput)
- func (c *DeviceFarm) GetRun(input *GetRunInput) (*GetRunOutput, error)
- func (c *DeviceFarm) GetRunRequest(input *GetRunInput) (req *aws.Request, output *GetRunOutput)
- func (c *DeviceFarm) GetSuite(input *GetSuiteInput) (*GetSuiteOutput, error)
- func (c *DeviceFarm) GetSuiteRequest(input *GetSuiteInput) (req *aws.Request, output *GetSuiteOutput)
- func (c *DeviceFarm) GetTest(input *GetTestInput) (*GetTestOutput, error)
- func (c *DeviceFarm) GetTestRequest(input *GetTestInput) (req *aws.Request, output *GetTestOutput)
- func (c *DeviceFarm) GetUpload(input *GetUploadInput) (*GetUploadOutput, error)
- func (c *DeviceFarm) GetUploadRequest(input *GetUploadInput) (req *aws.Request, output *GetUploadOutput)
- func (c *DeviceFarm) ListArtifacts(input *ListArtifactsInput) (*ListArtifactsOutput, error)
- func (c *DeviceFarm) ListArtifactsPages(input *ListArtifactsInput, ...) error
- func (c *DeviceFarm) ListArtifactsRequest(input *ListArtifactsInput) (req *aws.Request, output *ListArtifactsOutput)
- func (c *DeviceFarm) ListDevicePools(input *ListDevicePoolsInput) (*ListDevicePoolsOutput, error)
- func (c *DeviceFarm) ListDevicePoolsPages(input *ListDevicePoolsInput, ...) error
- func (c *DeviceFarm) ListDevicePoolsRequest(input *ListDevicePoolsInput) (req *aws.Request, output *ListDevicePoolsOutput)
- func (c *DeviceFarm) ListDevices(input *ListDevicesInput) (*ListDevicesOutput, error)
- func (c *DeviceFarm) ListDevicesPages(input *ListDevicesInput, ...) error
- func (c *DeviceFarm) ListDevicesRequest(input *ListDevicesInput) (req *aws.Request, output *ListDevicesOutput)
- func (c *DeviceFarm) ListJobs(input *ListJobsInput) (*ListJobsOutput, error)
- func (c *DeviceFarm) ListJobsPages(input *ListJobsInput, ...) error
- func (c *DeviceFarm) ListJobsRequest(input *ListJobsInput) (req *aws.Request, output *ListJobsOutput)
- func (c *DeviceFarm) ListProjects(input *ListProjectsInput) (*ListProjectsOutput, error)
- func (c *DeviceFarm) ListProjectsPages(input *ListProjectsInput, ...) error
- func (c *DeviceFarm) ListProjectsRequest(input *ListProjectsInput) (req *aws.Request, output *ListProjectsOutput)
- func (c *DeviceFarm) ListRuns(input *ListRunsInput) (*ListRunsOutput, error)
- func (c *DeviceFarm) ListRunsPages(input *ListRunsInput, ...) error
- func (c *DeviceFarm) ListRunsRequest(input *ListRunsInput) (req *aws.Request, output *ListRunsOutput)
- func (c *DeviceFarm) ListSamples(input *ListSamplesInput) (*ListSamplesOutput, error)
- func (c *DeviceFarm) ListSamplesPages(input *ListSamplesInput, ...) error
- func (c *DeviceFarm) ListSamplesRequest(input *ListSamplesInput) (req *aws.Request, output *ListSamplesOutput)
- func (c *DeviceFarm) ListSuites(input *ListSuitesInput) (*ListSuitesOutput, error)
- func (c *DeviceFarm) ListSuitesPages(input *ListSuitesInput, ...) error
- func (c *DeviceFarm) ListSuitesRequest(input *ListSuitesInput) (req *aws.Request, output *ListSuitesOutput)
- func (c *DeviceFarm) ListTests(input *ListTestsInput) (*ListTestsOutput, error)
- func (c *DeviceFarm) ListTestsPages(input *ListTestsInput, ...) error
- func (c *DeviceFarm) ListTestsRequest(input *ListTestsInput) (req *aws.Request, output *ListTestsOutput)
- func (c *DeviceFarm) ListUniqueProblems(input *ListUniqueProblemsInput) (*ListUniqueProblemsOutput, error)
- func (c *DeviceFarm) ListUniqueProblemsPages(input *ListUniqueProblemsInput, ...) error
- func (c *DeviceFarm) ListUniqueProblemsRequest(input *ListUniqueProblemsInput) (req *aws.Request, output *ListUniqueProblemsOutput)
- func (c *DeviceFarm) ListUploads(input *ListUploadsInput) (*ListUploadsOutput, error)
- func (c *DeviceFarm) ListUploadsPages(input *ListUploadsInput, ...) error
- func (c *DeviceFarm) ListUploadsRequest(input *ListUploadsInput) (req *aws.Request, output *ListUploadsOutput)
- func (c *DeviceFarm) ScheduleRun(input *ScheduleRunInput) (*ScheduleRunOutput, error)
- func (c *DeviceFarm) ScheduleRunRequest(input *ScheduleRunInput) (req *aws.Request, output *ScheduleRunOutput)
- type DevicePool
- type DevicePoolCompatibilityResult
- type GetAccountSettingsInput
- type GetAccountSettingsOutput
- type GetDeviceInput
- type GetDeviceOutput
- type GetDevicePoolCompatibilityInput
- type GetDevicePoolCompatibilityOutput
- type GetDevicePoolInput
- type GetDevicePoolOutput
- type GetJobInput
- type GetJobOutput
- type GetProjectInput
- type GetProjectOutput
- type GetRunInput
- type GetRunOutput
- type GetSuiteInput
- type GetSuiteOutput
- type GetTestInput
- type GetTestOutput
- type GetUploadInput
- type GetUploadOutput
- type IncompatibilityMessage
- type Job
- type ListArtifactsInput
- type ListArtifactsOutput
- type ListDevicePoolsInput
- type ListDevicePoolsOutput
- type ListDevicesInput
- type ListDevicesOutput
- type ListJobsInput
- type ListJobsOutput
- type ListProjectsInput
- type ListProjectsOutput
- type ListRunsInput
- type ListRunsOutput
- type ListSamplesInput
- type ListSamplesOutput
- type ListSuitesInput
- type ListSuitesOutput
- type ListTestsInput
- type ListTestsOutput
- type ListUniqueProblemsInput
- type ListUniqueProblemsOutput
- type ListUploadsInput
- type ListUploadsOutput
- type Location
- type Problem
- type ProblemDetail
- type Project
- type Radios
- type Resolution
- type Rule
- type Run
- type Sample
- type ScheduleRunConfiguration
- type ScheduleRunInput
- type ScheduleRunOutput
- type ScheduleRunTest
- type Suite
- type Test
- type UniqueProblem
- type Upload
Examples ¶
- DeviceFarm.CreateDevicePool
- DeviceFarm.CreateProject
- DeviceFarm.CreateUpload
- DeviceFarm.GetAccountSettings
- DeviceFarm.GetDevice
- DeviceFarm.GetDevicePool
- DeviceFarm.GetDevicePoolCompatibility
- DeviceFarm.GetJob
- DeviceFarm.GetProject
- DeviceFarm.GetRun
- DeviceFarm.GetSuite
- DeviceFarm.GetTest
- DeviceFarm.GetUpload
- DeviceFarm.ListArtifacts
- DeviceFarm.ListDevicePools
- DeviceFarm.ListDevices
- DeviceFarm.ListJobs
- DeviceFarm.ListProjects
- DeviceFarm.ListRuns
- DeviceFarm.ListSamples
- DeviceFarm.ListSuites
- DeviceFarm.ListTests
- DeviceFarm.ListUniqueProblems
- DeviceFarm.ListUploads
- DeviceFarm.ScheduleRun
Constants ¶
const ( // @enum ArtifactCategory ArtifactCategoryScreenshot = "SCREENSHOT" // @enum ArtifactCategory ArtifactCategoryFile = "FILE" // @enum ArtifactCategory ArtifactCategoryLog = "LOG" )
const ( // @enum ArtifactType ArtifactTypeUnknown = "UNKNOWN" // @enum ArtifactType ArtifactTypeScreenshot = "SCREENSHOT" // @enum ArtifactType ArtifactTypeDeviceLog = "DEVICE_LOG" // @enum ArtifactType ArtifactTypeMessageLog = "MESSAGE_LOG" // @enum ArtifactType ArtifactTypeResultLog = "RESULT_LOG" // @enum ArtifactType ArtifactTypeServiceLog = "SERVICE_LOG" // @enum ArtifactType ArtifactTypeInstrumentationOutput = "INSTRUMENTATION_OUTPUT" // @enum ArtifactType ArtifactTypeExerciserMonkeyOutput = "EXERCISER_MONKEY_OUTPUT" // @enum ArtifactType ArtifactTypeCalabashJsonOutput = "CALABASH_JSON_OUTPUT" // @enum ArtifactType ArtifactTypeCalabashPrettyOutput = "CALABASH_PRETTY_OUTPUT" // @enum ArtifactType ArtifactTypeCalabashStandardOutput = "CALABASH_STANDARD_OUTPUT" // @enum ArtifactType ArtifactTypeCalabashJavaXmlOutput = "CALABASH_JAVA_XML_OUTPUT" // @enum ArtifactType ArtifactTypeAutomationOutput = "AUTOMATION_OUTPUT" // @enum ArtifactType ArtifactTypeAppiumServerOutput = "APPIUM_SERVER_OUTPUT" // @enum ArtifactType ArtifactTypeAppiumJavaOutput = "APPIUM_JAVA_OUTPUT" // @enum ArtifactType ArtifactTypeAppiumJavaXmlOutput = "APPIUM_JAVA_XML_OUTPUT" )
const ( // @enum BillingMethod BillingMethodMetered = "METERED" // @enum BillingMethod BillingMethodUnmetered = "UNMETERED" )
const ( // @enum DeviceAttribute DeviceAttributeArn = "ARN" // @enum DeviceAttribute DeviceAttributePlatform = "PLATFORM" // @enum DeviceAttribute DeviceAttributeFormFactor = "FORM_FACTOR" // @enum DeviceAttribute DeviceAttributeManufacturer = "MANUFACTURER" )
const ( // @enum DeviceFormFactor DeviceFormFactorPhone = "PHONE" // @enum DeviceFormFactor DeviceFormFactorTablet = "TABLET" )
const ( // @enum DevicePlatform DevicePlatformAndroid = "ANDROID" // @enum DevicePlatform DevicePlatformIos = "IOS" )
const ( // @enum DevicePoolType DevicePoolTypeCurated = "CURATED" // @enum DevicePoolType DevicePoolTypePrivate = "PRIVATE" )
const ( // @enum ExecutionResult ExecutionResultPending = "PENDING" // @enum ExecutionResult ExecutionResultPassed = "PASSED" // @enum ExecutionResult ExecutionResultWarned = "WARNED" // @enum ExecutionResult ExecutionResultFailed = "FAILED" // @enum ExecutionResult ExecutionResultSkipped = "SKIPPED" // @enum ExecutionResult ExecutionResultErrored = "ERRORED" // @enum ExecutionResult ExecutionResultStopped = "STOPPED" )
const ( // @enum ExecutionStatus ExecutionStatusPending = "PENDING" // @enum ExecutionStatus ExecutionStatusProcessing = "PROCESSING" // @enum ExecutionStatus ExecutionStatusScheduling = "SCHEDULING" // @enum ExecutionStatus ExecutionStatusRunning = "RUNNING" // @enum ExecutionStatus ExecutionStatusCompleted = "COMPLETED" )
const ( // @enum RuleOperator RuleOperatorEquals = "EQUALS" // @enum RuleOperator RuleOperatorLessThan = "LESS_THAN" // @enum RuleOperator RuleOperatorGreaterThan = "GREATER_THAN" // @enum RuleOperator RuleOperatorIn = "IN" // @enum RuleOperator RuleOperatorNotIn = "NOT_IN" )
const ( // @enum SampleType SampleTypeCpu = "CPU" // @enum SampleType SampleTypeMemory = "MEMORY" // @enum SampleType SampleTypeThreads = "THREADS" // @enum SampleType SampleTypeRxRate = "RX_RATE" // @enum SampleType SampleTypeTxRate = "TX_RATE" // @enum SampleType SampleTypeRx = "RX" // @enum SampleType SampleTypeTx = "TX" // @enum SampleType SampleTypeNativeFrames = "NATIVE_FRAMES" // @enum SampleType SampleTypeNativeFps = "NATIVE_FPS" // @enum SampleType SampleTypeNativeMinDrawtime = "NATIVE_MIN_DRAWTIME" // @enum SampleType SampleTypeNativeAvgDrawtime = "NATIVE_AVG_DRAWTIME" // @enum SampleType SampleTypeNativeMaxDrawtime = "NATIVE_MAX_DRAWTIME" // @enum SampleType SampleTypeOpenglFrames = "OPENGL_FRAMES" // @enum SampleType SampleTypeOpenglFps = "OPENGL_FPS" // @enum SampleType SampleTypeOpenglMinDrawtime = "OPENGL_MIN_DRAWTIME" // @enum SampleType SampleTypeOpenglAvgDrawtime = "OPENGL_AVG_DRAWTIME" // @enum SampleType SampleTypeOpenglMaxDrawtime = "OPENGL_MAX_DRAWTIME" )
const ( // @enum TestType TestTypeBuiltinFuzz = "BUILTIN_FUZZ" // @enum TestType TestTypeBuiltinExplorer = "BUILTIN_EXPLORER" // @enum TestType TestTypeAppiumJavaJunit = "APPIUM_JAVA_JUNIT" // @enum TestType TestTypeAppiumJavaTestng = "APPIUM_JAVA_TESTNG" // @enum TestType TestTypeCalabash = "CALABASH" // @enum TestType TestTypeInstrumentation = "INSTRUMENTATION" // @enum TestType TestTypeUiautomation = "UIAUTOMATION" // @enum TestType TestTypeUiautomator = "UIAUTOMATOR" // @enum TestType TestTypeXctest = "XCTEST" )
const ( // @enum UploadStatus UploadStatusInitialized = "INITIALIZED" // @enum UploadStatus UploadStatusProcessing = "PROCESSING" // @enum UploadStatus UploadStatusSucceeded = "SUCCEEDED" // @enum UploadStatus UploadStatusFailed = "FAILED" )
const ( // @enum UploadType UploadTypeAndroidApp = "ANDROID_APP" // @enum UploadType UploadTypeIosApp = "IOS_APP" // @enum UploadType UploadTypeExternalData = "EXTERNAL_DATA" // @enum UploadType UploadTypeAppiumJavaJunitTestPackage = "APPIUM_JAVA_JUNIT_TEST_PACKAGE" // @enum UploadType UploadTypeAppiumJavaTestngTestPackage = "APPIUM_JAVA_TESTNG_TEST_PACKAGE" // @enum UploadType UploadTypeCalabashTestPackage = "CALABASH_TEST_PACKAGE" // @enum UploadType UploadTypeInstrumentationTestPackage = "INSTRUMENTATION_TEST_PACKAGE" // @enum UploadType UploadTypeUiautomationTestPackage = "UIAUTOMATION_TEST_PACKAGE" // @enum UploadType UploadTypeUiautomatorTestPackage = "UIAUTOMATOR_TEST_PACKAGE" // @enum UploadType UploadTypeXctestTestPackage = "XCTEST_TEST_PACKAGE" )
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type AccountSettings ¶
type AccountSettings struct { // The AWS account number specified in the AccountSettings container. AWSAccountNumber *string `locationName:"awsAccountNumber" type:"string"` // Returns the unmetered devices you have purchased. UnmeteredDevices map[string]*int64 `locationName:"unmeteredDevices" type:"map"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A container for account-level settings within AWS Device Farm.
func (AccountSettings) GoString ¶
func (s AccountSettings) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (AccountSettings) String ¶
func (s AccountSettings) String() string
String returns the string representation
type Artifact ¶
type Artifact struct { // The artifact's ARN. ARN *string `locationName:"arn" type:"string"` // The artifact's file extension. Extension *string `locationName:"extension" type:"string"` // The artifact's name. Name *string `locationName:"name" type:"string"` // The artifact's type. // // Allowed values include the following: // // APPIUM_JAVA_OUTPUT: The Appium Java output type. // // APPIUM_JAVA_XML_OUTPUT: The Appium Java XML output type. // // APPIUM_SERVER_OUTPUT: The Appium server output type. // // AUTOMATION_OUTPUT: The automation output type. // // CALABASH_JSON_OUTPUT: The Calabash JSON output type. // // CALABASH_JAVA_XML_OUTPUT: The Calabash Java XML output type. // // CALABASH_PRETTY_OUTPUT: The Calabash pretty output type. // // CALABASH_STANDARD_OUTPUT: The Calabash standard output type. // // DEVICE_LOG: The device log type. // // EXERCISER_MONKEY_OUTPUT: For Android, the artifact (log) generated by an // Android fuzz test. // // INSTRUMENTATION_OUTPUT: The instrumentation type. // // MESSAGE_LOG: The message log type. // // RESULT_LOG: The result log type. // // SCREENSHOT: The screenshot type. // // SERVICE_LOG: The service log type. // // UNKNOWN: An unknown type. Type *string `locationName:"type" type:"string" enum:"ArtifactType"` // The pre-signed Amazon S3 URL that can be used with a corresponding GET request // to download the artifact's file. URL *string `locationName:"url" type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Represents the output of a test. Examples of artifacts include logs and screenshots.
type CPU ¶
type CPU struct { // The CPU's architecture, for example x86 or ARM. Architecture *string `locationName:"architecture" type:"string"` // The clock speed of the device's CPU, expressed in hertz (Hz). For example, // a 1.2 GHz CPU is expressed as 1200000000. Clock *float64 `locationName:"clock" type:"double"` // The CPU's frequency. Frequency *string `locationName:"frequency" type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Represents the amount of CPU that an app is using on a physical device.
Note that this does not represent system-wide CPU usage.
type Counters ¶
type Counters struct { // The number of errored entities. Errored *int64 `locationName:"errored" type:"integer"` // The number of failed entities. Failed *int64 `locationName:"failed" type:"integer"` // The number of passed entities. Passed *int64 `locationName:"passed" type:"integer"` // The number of skipped entities. Skipped *int64 `locationName:"skipped" type:"integer"` // The number of stopped entities. Stopped *int64 `locationName:"stopped" type:"integer"` // The total number of entities. Total *int64 `locationName:"total" type:"integer"` // The number of warned entities. Warned *int64 `locationName:"warned" type:"integer"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Represents entity counters.
type CreateDevicePoolInput ¶
type CreateDevicePoolInput struct { // The device pool's description. Description *string `locationName:"description" type:"string"` // The device pool's name. Name *string `locationName:"name" type:"string" required:"true"` // The ARN of the project for the device pool. ProjectARN *string `locationName:"projectArn" type:"string" required:"true"` // The device pool's rules. Rules []*Rule `locationName:"rules" type:"list" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Represents a request to the create device pool operation.
func (CreateDevicePoolInput) GoString ¶
func (s CreateDevicePoolInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (CreateDevicePoolInput) String ¶
func (s CreateDevicePoolInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type CreateDevicePoolOutput ¶
type CreateDevicePoolOutput struct { // The newly created device pool. DevicePool *DevicePool `locationName:"devicePool" type:"structure"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Represents the result of a create device pool request.
func (CreateDevicePoolOutput) GoString ¶
func (s CreateDevicePoolOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (CreateDevicePoolOutput) String ¶
func (s CreateDevicePoolOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type CreateProjectInput ¶
type CreateProjectInput struct { // The project's name. Name *string `locationName:"name" type:"string" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Represents a request to the create project operation.
func (CreateProjectInput) GoString ¶
func (s CreateProjectInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (CreateProjectInput) String ¶
func (s CreateProjectInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type CreateProjectOutput ¶
type CreateProjectOutput struct { // The newly created project. Project *Project `locationName:"project" type:"structure"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Represents the result of a create project request.
func (CreateProjectOutput) GoString ¶
func (s CreateProjectOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (CreateProjectOutput) String ¶
func (s CreateProjectOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type CreateUploadInput ¶
type CreateUploadInput struct { // The upload's content type (for example, "application/octet-stream"). ContentType *string `locationName:"contentType" type:"string"` // The upload's file name. Name *string `locationName:"name" type:"string" required:"true"` // The ARN of the project for the upload. ProjectARN *string `locationName:"projectArn" type:"string" required:"true"` // The upload's upload type. // // Must be one of the following values: // // ANDROID_APP: An Android upload. // // IOS_APP: An iOS upload. // // EXTERNAL_DATA: An external data upload. // // APPIUM_JAVA_JUNIT_TEST_PACKAGE: An Appium Java JUnit test package upload. // // APPIUM_JAVA_TESTNG_TEST_PACKAGE: An Appium Java TestNG test package upload. // // CALABASH_TEST_PACKAGE: A Calabash test package upload. // // INSTRUMENTATION_TEST_PACKAGE: An instrumentation upload. // // UIAUTOMATOR_TEST_PACKAGE: A uiautomator test package upload. // // XCTEST_TEST_PACKAGE: An XCode test package upload. Type *string `locationName:"type" type:"string" required:"true" enum:"UploadType"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Represents a request to the create upload operation.
func (CreateUploadInput) GoString ¶
func (s CreateUploadInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (CreateUploadInput) String ¶
func (s CreateUploadInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type CreateUploadOutput ¶
type CreateUploadOutput struct { // The newly created upload. Upload *Upload `locationName:"upload" type:"structure"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Represents the result of a create upload request.
func (CreateUploadOutput) GoString ¶
func (s CreateUploadOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (CreateUploadOutput) String ¶
func (s CreateUploadOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type Device ¶
type Device struct { // The device's ARN. ARN *string `locationName:"arn" type:"string"` // Information about the device's CPU. CPU *CPU `locationName:"cpu" type:"structure"` // The device's carrier. Carrier *string `locationName:"carrier" type:"string"` // The device's form factor. // // Allowed values include: // // PHONE: The phone form factor. // // TABLET: The tablet form factor. FormFactor *string `locationName:"formFactor" type:"string" enum:"DeviceFormFactor"` // The device's heap size, expressed in bytes. HeapSize *int64 `locationName:"heapSize" type:"long"` // The device's image name. Image *string `locationName:"image" type:"string"` // The device's manufacturer name. Manufacturer *string `locationName:"manufacturer" type:"string"` // The device's total memory size, expressed in bytes. Memory *int64 `locationName:"memory" type:"long"` // The device's model name. Model *string `locationName:"model" type:"string"` // The device's display name. Name *string `locationName:"name" type:"string"` // The device's operating system type. Os *string `locationName:"os" type:"string"` // The device's platform. // // Allowed values include: // // ANDROID: The Android platform. // // IOS: The iOS platform. Platform *string `locationName:"platform" type:"string" enum:"DevicePlatform"` // The device's radio. Radio *string `locationName:"radio" type:"string"` // Represents the screen resolution of a device in height and width, expressed // in pixels. Resolution *Resolution `locationName:"resolution" type:"structure"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Represents a device type that an app is tested against.
type DeviceFarm ¶
AWS Device Farm is a service that enables mobile app developers to test Android, iOS, and Fire OS apps on physical phones, tablets, and other devices in the cloud.
func (*DeviceFarm) CreateDevicePool ¶
func (c *DeviceFarm) CreateDevicePool(input *CreateDevicePoolInput) (*CreateDevicePoolOutput, error)
Creates a device pool.
func (*DeviceFarm) CreateDevicePoolRequest ¶
func (c *DeviceFarm) CreateDevicePoolRequest(input *CreateDevicePoolInput) (req *aws.Request, output *CreateDevicePoolOutput)
CreateDevicePoolRequest generates a request for the CreateDevicePool operation.
func (*DeviceFarm) CreateProject ¶
func (c *DeviceFarm) CreateProject(input *CreateProjectInput) (*CreateProjectOutput, error)
Creates a new project.
func (*DeviceFarm) CreateProjectRequest ¶
func (c *DeviceFarm) CreateProjectRequest(input *CreateProjectInput) (req *aws.Request, output *CreateProjectOutput)
CreateProjectRequest generates a request for the CreateProject operation.
func (*DeviceFarm) CreateUpload ¶
func (c *DeviceFarm) CreateUpload(input *CreateUploadInput) (*CreateUploadOutput, error)
Uploads an app or test scripts.
func (*DeviceFarm) CreateUploadRequest ¶
func (c *DeviceFarm) CreateUploadRequest(input *CreateUploadInput) (req *aws.Request, output *CreateUploadOutput)
CreateUploadRequest generates a request for the CreateUpload operation.
func (*DeviceFarm) GetAccountSettings ¶
func (c *DeviceFarm) GetAccountSettings(input *GetAccountSettingsInput) (*GetAccountSettingsOutput, error)
Returns the number of unmetered iOS and/or unmetered Android devices that have been purchased by the account.
func (*DeviceFarm) GetAccountSettingsRequest ¶
func (c *DeviceFarm) GetAccountSettingsRequest(input *GetAccountSettingsInput) (req *aws.Request, output *GetAccountSettingsOutput)
GetAccountSettingsRequest generates a request for the GetAccountSettings operation.
func (*DeviceFarm) GetDevice ¶
func (c *DeviceFarm) GetDevice(input *GetDeviceInput) (*GetDeviceOutput, error)
Gets information about a unique device type.
func (*DeviceFarm) GetDevicePool ¶
func (c *DeviceFarm) GetDevicePool(input *GetDevicePoolInput) (*GetDevicePoolOutput, error)
Gets information about a device pool.
func (*DeviceFarm) GetDevicePoolCompatibility ¶
func (c *DeviceFarm) GetDevicePoolCompatibility(input *GetDevicePoolCompatibilityInput) (*GetDevicePoolCompatibilityOutput, error)
Gets information about compatibility with a device pool.
func (*DeviceFarm) GetDevicePoolCompatibilityRequest ¶
func (c *DeviceFarm) GetDevicePoolCompatibilityRequest(input *GetDevicePoolCompatibilityInput) (req *aws.Request, output *GetDevicePoolCompatibilityOutput)
GetDevicePoolCompatibilityRequest generates a request for the GetDevicePoolCompatibility operation.
func (*DeviceFarm) GetDevicePoolRequest ¶
func (c *DeviceFarm) GetDevicePoolRequest(input *GetDevicePoolInput) (req *aws.Request, output *GetDevicePoolOutput)
GetDevicePoolRequest generates a request for the GetDevicePool operation.
func (*DeviceFarm) GetDeviceRequest ¶
func (c *DeviceFarm) GetDeviceRequest(input *GetDeviceInput) (req *aws.Request, output *GetDeviceOutput)
GetDeviceRequest generates a request for the GetDevice operation.
func (*DeviceFarm) GetJob ¶
func (c *DeviceFarm) GetJob(input *GetJobInput) (*GetJobOutput, error)
Gets information about a job.
func (*DeviceFarm) GetJobRequest ¶
func (c *DeviceFarm) GetJobRequest(input *GetJobInput) (req *aws.Request, output *GetJobOutput)
GetJobRequest generates a request for the GetJob operation.
func (*DeviceFarm) GetProject ¶
func (c *DeviceFarm) GetProject(input *GetProjectInput) (*GetProjectOutput, error)
Gets information about a project.
func (*DeviceFarm) GetProjectRequest ¶
func (c *DeviceFarm) GetProjectRequest(input *GetProjectInput) (req *aws.Request, output *GetProjectOutput)
GetProjectRequest generates a request for the GetProject operation.
func (*DeviceFarm) GetRun ¶
func (c *DeviceFarm) GetRun(input *GetRunInput) (*GetRunOutput, error)
Gets information about a run.
func (*DeviceFarm) GetRunRequest ¶
func (c *DeviceFarm) GetRunRequest(input *GetRunInput) (req *aws.Request, output *GetRunOutput)
GetRunRequest generates a request for the GetRun operation.
func (*DeviceFarm) GetSuite ¶
func (c *DeviceFarm) GetSuite(input *GetSuiteInput) (*GetSuiteOutput, error)
Gets information about a suite.
func (*DeviceFarm) GetSuiteRequest ¶
func (c *DeviceFarm) GetSuiteRequest(input *GetSuiteInput) (req *aws.Request, output *GetSuiteOutput)
GetSuiteRequest generates a request for the GetSuite operation.
func (*DeviceFarm) GetTest ¶
func (c *DeviceFarm) GetTest(input *GetTestInput) (*GetTestOutput, error)
Gets information about a test.
func (*DeviceFarm) GetTestRequest ¶
func (c *DeviceFarm) GetTestRequest(input *GetTestInput) (req *aws.Request, output *GetTestOutput)
GetTestRequest generates a request for the GetTest operation.
func (*DeviceFarm) GetUpload ¶
func (c *DeviceFarm) GetUpload(input *GetUploadInput) (*GetUploadOutput, error)
Gets information about an upload.
func (*DeviceFarm) GetUploadRequest ¶
func (c *DeviceFarm) GetUploadRequest(input *GetUploadInput) (req *aws.Request, output *GetUploadOutput)
GetUploadRequest generates a request for the GetUpload operation.
func (*DeviceFarm) ListArtifacts ¶
func (c *DeviceFarm) ListArtifacts(input *ListArtifactsInput) (*ListArtifactsOutput, error)
Gets information about artifacts.
func (*DeviceFarm) ListArtifactsPages ¶
func (c *DeviceFarm) ListArtifactsPages(input *ListArtifactsInput, fn func(p *ListArtifactsOutput, lastPage bool) (shouldContinue bool)) error
func (*DeviceFarm) ListArtifactsRequest ¶
func (c *DeviceFarm) ListArtifactsRequest(input *ListArtifactsInput) (req *aws.Request, output *ListArtifactsOutput)
ListArtifactsRequest generates a request for the ListArtifacts operation.
func (*DeviceFarm) ListDevicePools ¶
func (c *DeviceFarm) ListDevicePools(input *ListDevicePoolsInput) (*ListDevicePoolsOutput, error)
Gets information about device pools.
func (*DeviceFarm) ListDevicePoolsPages ¶
func (c *DeviceFarm) ListDevicePoolsPages(input *ListDevicePoolsInput, fn func(p *ListDevicePoolsOutput, lastPage bool) (shouldContinue bool)) error
func (*DeviceFarm) ListDevicePoolsRequest ¶
func (c *DeviceFarm) ListDevicePoolsRequest(input *ListDevicePoolsInput) (req *aws.Request, output *ListDevicePoolsOutput)
ListDevicePoolsRequest generates a request for the ListDevicePools operation.
func (*DeviceFarm) ListDevices ¶
func (c *DeviceFarm) ListDevices(input *ListDevicesInput) (*ListDevicesOutput, error)
Gets information about unique device types.
func (*DeviceFarm) ListDevicesPages ¶
func (c *DeviceFarm) ListDevicesPages(input *ListDevicesInput, fn func(p *ListDevicesOutput, lastPage bool) (shouldContinue bool)) error
func (*DeviceFarm) ListDevicesRequest ¶
func (c *DeviceFarm) ListDevicesRequest(input *ListDevicesInput) (req *aws.Request, output *ListDevicesOutput)
ListDevicesRequest generates a request for the ListDevices operation.
func (*DeviceFarm) ListJobs ¶
func (c *DeviceFarm) ListJobs(input *ListJobsInput) (*ListJobsOutput, error)
Gets information about jobs.
func (*DeviceFarm) ListJobsPages ¶
func (c *DeviceFarm) ListJobsPages(input *ListJobsInput, fn func(p *ListJobsOutput, lastPage bool) (shouldContinue bool)) error
func (*DeviceFarm) ListJobsRequest ¶
func (c *DeviceFarm) ListJobsRequest(input *ListJobsInput) (req *aws.Request, output *ListJobsOutput)
ListJobsRequest generates a request for the ListJobs operation.
func (*DeviceFarm) ListProjects ¶
func (c *DeviceFarm) ListProjects(input *ListProjectsInput) (*ListProjectsOutput, error)
Gets information about projects.
func (*DeviceFarm) ListProjectsPages ¶
func (c *DeviceFarm) ListProjectsPages(input *ListProjectsInput, fn func(p *ListProjectsOutput, lastPage bool) (shouldContinue bool)) error
func (*DeviceFarm) ListProjectsRequest ¶
func (c *DeviceFarm) ListProjectsRequest(input *ListProjectsInput) (req *aws.Request, output *ListProjectsOutput)
ListProjectsRequest generates a request for the ListProjects operation.
func (*DeviceFarm) ListRuns ¶
func (c *DeviceFarm) ListRuns(input *ListRunsInput) (*ListRunsOutput, error)
Gets information about runs.
func (*DeviceFarm) ListRunsPages ¶
func (c *DeviceFarm) ListRunsPages(input *ListRunsInput, fn func(p *ListRunsOutput, lastPage bool) (shouldContinue bool)) error
func (*DeviceFarm) ListRunsRequest ¶
func (c *DeviceFarm) ListRunsRequest(input *ListRunsInput) (req *aws.Request, output *ListRunsOutput)
ListRunsRequest generates a request for the ListRuns operation.
func (*DeviceFarm) ListSamples ¶
func (c *DeviceFarm) ListSamples(input *ListSamplesInput) (*ListSamplesOutput, error)
Gets information about samples.
func (*DeviceFarm) ListSamplesPages ¶
func (c *DeviceFarm) ListSamplesPages(input *ListSamplesInput, fn func(p *ListSamplesOutput, lastPage bool) (shouldContinue bool)) error
func (*DeviceFarm) ListSamplesRequest ¶
func (c *DeviceFarm) ListSamplesRequest(input *ListSamplesInput) (req *aws.Request, output *ListSamplesOutput)
ListSamplesRequest generates a request for the ListSamples operation.
func (*DeviceFarm) ListSuites ¶
func (c *DeviceFarm) ListSuites(input *ListSuitesInput) (*ListSuitesOutput, error)
Gets information about suites.
func (*DeviceFarm) ListSuitesPages ¶
func (c *DeviceFarm) ListSuitesPages(input *ListSuitesInput, fn func(p *ListSuitesOutput, lastPage bool) (shouldContinue bool)) error
func (*DeviceFarm) ListSuitesRequest ¶
func (c *DeviceFarm) ListSuitesRequest(input *ListSuitesInput) (req *aws.Request, output *ListSuitesOutput)
ListSuitesRequest generates a request for the ListSuites operation.
func (*DeviceFarm) ListTests ¶
func (c *DeviceFarm) ListTests(input *ListTestsInput) (*ListTestsOutput, error)
Gets information about tests.
func (*DeviceFarm) ListTestsPages ¶
func (c *DeviceFarm) ListTestsPages(input *ListTestsInput, fn func(p *ListTestsOutput, lastPage bool) (shouldContinue bool)) error
func (*DeviceFarm) ListTestsRequest ¶
func (c *DeviceFarm) ListTestsRequest(input *ListTestsInput) (req *aws.Request, output *ListTestsOutput)
ListTestsRequest generates a request for the ListTests operation.
func (*DeviceFarm) ListUniqueProblems ¶
func (c *DeviceFarm) ListUniqueProblems(input *ListUniqueProblemsInput) (*ListUniqueProblemsOutput, error)
Gets information about unique problems.
func (*DeviceFarm) ListUniqueProblemsPages ¶
func (c *DeviceFarm) ListUniqueProblemsPages(input *ListUniqueProblemsInput, fn func(p *ListUniqueProblemsOutput, lastPage bool) (shouldContinue bool)) error
func (*DeviceFarm) ListUniqueProblemsRequest ¶
func (c *DeviceFarm) ListUniqueProblemsRequest(input *ListUniqueProblemsInput) (req *aws.Request, output *ListUniqueProblemsOutput)
ListUniqueProblemsRequest generates a request for the ListUniqueProblems operation.
func (*DeviceFarm) ListUploads ¶
func (c *DeviceFarm) ListUploads(input *ListUploadsInput) (*ListUploadsOutput, error)
Gets information about uploads.
func (*DeviceFarm) ListUploadsPages ¶
func (c *DeviceFarm) ListUploadsPages(input *ListUploadsInput, fn func(p *ListUploadsOutput, lastPage bool) (shouldContinue bool)) error
func (*DeviceFarm) ListUploadsRequest ¶
func (c *DeviceFarm) ListUploadsRequest(input *ListUploadsInput) (req *aws.Request, output *ListUploadsOutput)
ListUploadsRequest generates a request for the ListUploads operation.
func (*DeviceFarm) ScheduleRun ¶
func (c *DeviceFarm) ScheduleRun(input *ScheduleRunInput) (*ScheduleRunOutput, error)
Schedules a run.
func (*DeviceFarm) ScheduleRunRequest ¶
func (c *DeviceFarm) ScheduleRunRequest(input *ScheduleRunInput) (req *aws.Request, output *ScheduleRunOutput)
ScheduleRunRequest generates a request for the ScheduleRun operation.
type DevicePool ¶
type DevicePool struct { // The device pool's ARN. ARN *string `locationName:"arn" type:"string"` // The device pool's description. Description *string `locationName:"description" type:"string"` // The device pool's name. Name *string `locationName:"name" type:"string"` // Information about the device pool's rules. Rules []*Rule `locationName:"rules" type:"list"` // The device pool's type. // // Allowed values include: // // CURATED: A device pool that is created and managed by AWS Device Farm. // // PRIVATE: A device pool that is created and managed by the device pool developer. Type *string `locationName:"type" type:"string" enum:"DevicePoolType"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Represents a collection of device types.
func (DevicePool) GoString ¶
func (s DevicePool) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DevicePool) String ¶
func (s DevicePool) String() string
String returns the string representation
type DevicePoolCompatibilityResult ¶
type DevicePoolCompatibilityResult struct { // Whether the result was compatible with the device pool. Compatible *bool `locationName:"compatible" type:"boolean"` // Represents a device type that an app is tested against. Device *Device `locationName:"device" type:"structure"` // Information about the compatibility. IncompatibilityMessages []*IncompatibilityMessage `locationName:"incompatibilityMessages" type:"list"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Represents a device pool compatibility result.
func (DevicePoolCompatibilityResult) GoString ¶
func (s DevicePoolCompatibilityResult) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (DevicePoolCompatibilityResult) String ¶
func (s DevicePoolCompatibilityResult) String() string
String returns the string representation
type GetAccountSettingsInput ¶
type GetAccountSettingsInput struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (GetAccountSettingsInput) GoString ¶
func (s GetAccountSettingsInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (GetAccountSettingsInput) String ¶
func (s GetAccountSettingsInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type GetAccountSettingsOutput ¶
type GetAccountSettingsOutput struct { // A container for account-level settings within AWS Device Farm. AccountSettings *AccountSettings `locationName:"accountSettings" type:"structure"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (GetAccountSettingsOutput) GoString ¶
func (s GetAccountSettingsOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (GetAccountSettingsOutput) String ¶
func (s GetAccountSettingsOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type GetDeviceInput ¶
type GetDeviceInput struct { // The device type's ARN. ARN *string `locationName:"arn" type:"string" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Represents a request to the get device request.
func (GetDeviceInput) GoString ¶
func (s GetDeviceInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (GetDeviceInput) String ¶
func (s GetDeviceInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type GetDeviceOutput ¶
type GetDeviceOutput struct { // Represents a device type that an app is tested against. Device *Device `locationName:"device" type:"structure"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Represents the result of a get device request.
func (GetDeviceOutput) GoString ¶
func (s GetDeviceOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (GetDeviceOutput) String ¶
func (s GetDeviceOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type GetDevicePoolCompatibilityInput ¶
type GetDevicePoolCompatibilityInput struct { // The ARN of the app that is associated with the specified device pool. AppARN *string `locationName:"appArn" type:"string" required:"true"` // The device pool's ARN. DevicePoolARN *string `locationName:"devicePoolArn" type:"string" required:"true"` // The test type for the specified device pool. // // Allowed values include the following: // // BUILTIN_FUZZ: The built-in fuzz type. // // BUILTIN_EXPLORER: For Android, an app explorer that will traverse an Android // app, interacting with it and capturing screenshots at the same time. // // APPIUM_JAVA_JUNIT: The Appium Java JUnit type. // // APPIUM_JAVA_TESTNG: The Appium Java TestNG type. // // CALABASH: The Calabash type. // // INSTRUMENTATION: The Instrumentation type. // // UIAUTOMATION: The uiautomation type. // // UIAUTOMATOR: The uiautomator type. // // XCTEST: The XCode test type. TestType *string `locationName:"testType" type:"string" enum:"TestType"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Represents a request to the get device pool compatibility operation.
func (GetDevicePoolCompatibilityInput) GoString ¶
func (s GetDevicePoolCompatibilityInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (GetDevicePoolCompatibilityInput) String ¶
func (s GetDevicePoolCompatibilityInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type GetDevicePoolCompatibilityOutput ¶
type GetDevicePoolCompatibilityOutput struct { // Information about compatible devices. CompatibleDevices []*DevicePoolCompatibilityResult `locationName:"compatibleDevices" type:"list"` // Information about incompatible devices. IncompatibleDevices []*DevicePoolCompatibilityResult `locationName:"incompatibleDevices" type:"list"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Represents the result of describe device pool compatibility request.
func (GetDevicePoolCompatibilityOutput) GoString ¶
func (s GetDevicePoolCompatibilityOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (GetDevicePoolCompatibilityOutput) String ¶
func (s GetDevicePoolCompatibilityOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type GetDevicePoolInput ¶
type GetDevicePoolInput struct { // The device pool's ARN. ARN *string `locationName:"arn" type:"string" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Represents a request to the get device pool operation.
func (GetDevicePoolInput) GoString ¶
func (s GetDevicePoolInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (GetDevicePoolInput) String ¶
func (s GetDevicePoolInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type GetDevicePoolOutput ¶
type GetDevicePoolOutput struct { // Represents a collection of device types. DevicePool *DevicePool `locationName:"devicePool" type:"structure"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Represents the result of a get device pool request.
func (GetDevicePoolOutput) GoString ¶
func (s GetDevicePoolOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (GetDevicePoolOutput) String ¶
func (s GetDevicePoolOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type GetJobInput ¶
type GetJobInput struct { // The job's ARN. ARN *string `locationName:"arn" type:"string" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Represents a request to the get job operation.
func (GetJobInput) GoString ¶
func (s GetJobInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (GetJobInput) String ¶
func (s GetJobInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type GetJobOutput ¶
type GetJobOutput struct { // Represents a device. Job *Job `locationName:"job" type:"structure"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Represents the result of a get job request.
func (GetJobOutput) GoString ¶
func (s GetJobOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (GetJobOutput) String ¶
func (s GetJobOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type GetProjectInput ¶
type GetProjectInput struct { // The project's ARN. ARN *string `locationName:"arn" type:"string" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Represents a request to the get project operation.
func (GetProjectInput) GoString ¶
func (s GetProjectInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (GetProjectInput) String ¶
func (s GetProjectInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type GetProjectOutput ¶
type GetProjectOutput struct { // Represents an operating-system neutral workspace for running and managing // tests. Project *Project `locationName:"project" type:"structure"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Represents the result of a get project request.
func (GetProjectOutput) GoString ¶
func (s GetProjectOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (GetProjectOutput) String ¶
func (s GetProjectOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type GetRunInput ¶
type GetRunInput struct { // The run's ARN. ARN *string `locationName:"arn" type:"string" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Represents a request to the get run operation.
func (GetRunInput) GoString ¶
func (s GetRunInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (GetRunInput) String ¶
func (s GetRunInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type GetRunOutput ¶
type GetRunOutput struct { // Represents an app on a set of devices with a specific test and configuration. Run *Run `locationName:"run" type:"structure"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Represents the result of a get run request.
func (GetRunOutput) GoString ¶
func (s GetRunOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (GetRunOutput) String ¶
func (s GetRunOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type GetSuiteInput ¶
type GetSuiteInput struct { // The suite's ARN. ARN *string `locationName:"arn" type:"string" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Represents a request to the get suite operation.
func (GetSuiteInput) GoString ¶
func (s GetSuiteInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (GetSuiteInput) String ¶
func (s GetSuiteInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type GetSuiteOutput ¶
type GetSuiteOutput struct { // Represents a collection of one or more tests. Suite *Suite `locationName:"suite" type:"structure"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Represents the result of a get suite request.
func (GetSuiteOutput) GoString ¶
func (s GetSuiteOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (GetSuiteOutput) String ¶
func (s GetSuiteOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type GetTestInput ¶
type GetTestInput struct { // The test's ARN. ARN *string `locationName:"arn" type:"string" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Represents a request to the get test operation.
func (GetTestInput) GoString ¶
func (s GetTestInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (GetTestInput) String ¶
func (s GetTestInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type GetTestOutput ¶
type GetTestOutput struct { // Represents a condition that is evaluated. Test *Test `locationName:"test" type:"structure"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Represents the result of a get test request.
func (GetTestOutput) GoString ¶
func (s GetTestOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (GetTestOutput) String ¶
func (s GetTestOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type GetUploadInput ¶
type GetUploadInput struct { // The upload's ARN. ARN *string `locationName:"arn" type:"string" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Represents a request to the get upload operation.
func (GetUploadInput) GoString ¶
func (s GetUploadInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (GetUploadInput) String ¶
func (s GetUploadInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type GetUploadOutput ¶
type GetUploadOutput struct { // An app or a set of one or more tests to upload or that have been uploaded. Upload *Upload `locationName:"upload" type:"structure"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Represents the result of a get upload request.
func (GetUploadOutput) GoString ¶
func (s GetUploadOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (GetUploadOutput) String ¶
func (s GetUploadOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type IncompatibilityMessage ¶
type IncompatibilityMessage struct { // A message about the incompatibility. Message *string `locationName:"message" type:"string"` // The type of incompatibility. // // Allowed values include: // // ARN: The ARN. // // FORM_FACTOR: The form factor (for example, phone or tablet). // // MANUFACTURER: The manufacturer. // // PLATFORM: The platform (for example, Android or iOS). Type *string `locationName:"type" type:"string" enum:"DeviceAttribute"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Represents information about incompatibility.
func (IncompatibilityMessage) GoString ¶
func (s IncompatibilityMessage) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (IncompatibilityMessage) String ¶
func (s IncompatibilityMessage) String() string
String returns the string representation
type Job ¶
type Job struct { // The job's ARN. ARN *string `locationName:"arn" type:"string"` // The job's result counters. Counters *Counters `locationName:"counters" type:"structure"` // When the job was created. Created *time.Time `locationName:"created" type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix"` // Represents a device type that an app is tested against. Device *Device `locationName:"device" type:"structure"` // A message about the job's result. Message *string `locationName:"message" type:"string"` // The job's name. Name *string `locationName:"name" type:"string"` // The job's result. // // Allowed values include: // // ERRORED: An error condition. // // FAILED: A failed condition. // // SKIPPED: A skipped condition. // // STOPPED: A stopped condition. // // PASSED: A passing condition. // // PENDING: A pending condition. // // WARNED: A warning condition. Result *string `locationName:"result" type:"string" enum:"ExecutionResult"` // The job's start time. Started *time.Time `locationName:"started" type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix"` // The job's status. // // Allowed values include: // // COMPLETED: A completed status. // // PENDING: A pending status. // // PROCESSING: A processing status. // // RUNNING: A running status. // // SCHEDULING: A scheduling status. Status *string `locationName:"status" type:"string" enum:"ExecutionStatus"` // The job's stop time. Stopped *time.Time `locationName:"stopped" type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix"` // The job's type. // // Allowed values include the following: // // BUILTIN_FUZZ: The built-in fuzz type. // // BUILTIN_EXPLORER: For Android, an app explorer that will traverse an Android // app, interacting with it and capturing screenshots at the same time. // // APPIUM_JAVA_JUNIT: The Appium Java JUnit type. // // APPIUM_JAVA_TESTNG: The Appium Java TestNG type. // // CALABASH: The Calabash type. // // INSTRUMENTATION: The Instrumentation type. // // UIAUTOMATION: The uiautomation type. // // UIAUTOMATOR: The uiautomator type. // // XCTEST: The XCode test type. Type *string `locationName:"type" type:"string" enum:"TestType"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Represents a device.
type ListArtifactsInput ¶
type ListArtifactsInput struct { // The artifacts' ARNs. ARN *string `locationName:"arn" type:"string" required:"true"` // An identifier that was returned from the previous call to this operation, // which can be used to return the next set of items in the list. NextToken *string `locationName:"nextToken" type:"string"` // The artifacts' type. // // Allowed values include: // // FILE: The artifacts are files. LOG: The artifacts are logs. SCREENSHOT: // The artifacts are screenshots. Type *string `locationName:"type" type:"string" required:"true" enum:"ArtifactCategory"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Represents a request to the list artifacts operation.
func (ListArtifactsInput) GoString ¶
func (s ListArtifactsInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (ListArtifactsInput) String ¶
func (s ListArtifactsInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type ListArtifactsOutput ¶
type ListArtifactsOutput struct { // Information about the artifacts. Artifacts []*Artifact `locationName:"artifacts" type:"list"` // If the number of items that are returned is significantly large, this is // an identifier that is also returned, which can be used in a subsequent call // to this operation to return the next set of items in the list. NextToken *string `locationName:"nextToken" type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Represents the result of a list artifacts operation.
func (ListArtifactsOutput) GoString ¶
func (s ListArtifactsOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (ListArtifactsOutput) String ¶
func (s ListArtifactsOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type ListDevicePoolsInput ¶
type ListDevicePoolsInput struct { // The project ARN. ARN *string `locationName:"arn" type:"string" required:"true"` // An identifier that was returned from the previous call to this operation, // which can be used to return the next set of items in the list. NextToken *string `locationName:"nextToken" type:"string"` // The device pools' type. // // Allowed values include: // // CURATED: A device pool that is created and managed by AWS Device Farm. // // PRIVATE: A device pool that is created and managed by the device pool developer. Type *string `locationName:"type" type:"string" enum:"DevicePoolType"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Represents the result of a list device pools request.
func (ListDevicePoolsInput) GoString ¶
func (s ListDevicePoolsInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (ListDevicePoolsInput) String ¶
func (s ListDevicePoolsInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type ListDevicePoolsOutput ¶
type ListDevicePoolsOutput struct { // Information about the device pools. DevicePools []*DevicePool `locationName:"devicePools" type:"list"` // If the number of items that are returned is significantly large, this is // an identifier that is also returned, which can be used in a subsequent call // to this operation to return the next set of items in the list. NextToken *string `locationName:"nextToken" type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Represents the result of a list device pools request.
func (ListDevicePoolsOutput) GoString ¶
func (s ListDevicePoolsOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (ListDevicePoolsOutput) String ¶
func (s ListDevicePoolsOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type ListDevicesInput ¶
type ListDevicesInput struct { // The device types' ARNs. ARN *string `locationName:"arn" type:"string"` // An identifier that was returned from the previous call to this operation, // which can be used to return the next set of items in the list. NextToken *string `locationName:"nextToken" type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Represents the result of a list devices request.
func (ListDevicesInput) GoString ¶
func (s ListDevicesInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (ListDevicesInput) String ¶
func (s ListDevicesInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type ListDevicesOutput ¶
type ListDevicesOutput struct { // Information about the devices. Devices []*Device `locationName:"devices" type:"list"` // If the number of items that are returned is significantly large, this is // an identifier that is also returned, which can be used in a subsequent call // to this operation to return the next set of items in the list. NextToken *string `locationName:"nextToken" type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Represents the result of a list devices operation.
func (ListDevicesOutput) GoString ¶
func (s ListDevicesOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (ListDevicesOutput) String ¶
func (s ListDevicesOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type ListJobsInput ¶
type ListJobsInput struct { // The jobs' ARNs. ARN *string `locationName:"arn" type:"string" required:"true"` // An identifier that was returned from the previous call to this operation, // which can be used to return the next set of items in the list. NextToken *string `locationName:"nextToken" type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Represents a request to the list jobs operation.
func (ListJobsInput) GoString ¶
func (s ListJobsInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (ListJobsInput) String ¶
func (s ListJobsInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type ListJobsOutput ¶
type ListJobsOutput struct { // Information about the jobs. Jobs []*Job `locationName:"jobs" type:"list"` // If the number of items that are returned is significantly large, this is // an identifier that is also returned, which can be used in a subsequent call // to this operation to return the next set of items in the list. NextToken *string `locationName:"nextToken" type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Represents the result of a list jobs request.
func (ListJobsOutput) GoString ¶
func (s ListJobsOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (ListJobsOutput) String ¶
func (s ListJobsOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type ListProjectsInput ¶
type ListProjectsInput struct { // The projects' ARNs. ARN *string `locationName:"arn" type:"string"` // An identifier that was returned from the previous call to this operation, // which can be used to return the next set of items in the list. NextToken *string `locationName:"nextToken" type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Represents a request to the list projects operation.
func (ListProjectsInput) GoString ¶
func (s ListProjectsInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (ListProjectsInput) String ¶
func (s ListProjectsInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type ListProjectsOutput ¶
type ListProjectsOutput struct { // If the number of items that are returned is significantly large, this is // an identifier that is also returned, which can be used in a subsequent call // to this operation to return the next set of items in the list. NextToken *string `locationName:"nextToken" type:"string"` // Information about the projects. Projects []*Project `locationName:"projects" type:"list"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Represents the result of a list projects request.
func (ListProjectsOutput) GoString ¶
func (s ListProjectsOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (ListProjectsOutput) String ¶
func (s ListProjectsOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type ListRunsInput ¶
type ListRunsInput struct { // The runs' ARNs. ARN *string `locationName:"arn" type:"string" required:"true"` // An identifier that was returned from the previous call to this operation, // which can be used to return the next set of items in the list. NextToken *string `locationName:"nextToken" type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Represents a request to the list runs operation.
func (ListRunsInput) GoString ¶
func (s ListRunsInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (ListRunsInput) String ¶
func (s ListRunsInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type ListRunsOutput ¶
type ListRunsOutput struct { // If the number of items that are returned is significantly large, this is // an identifier that is also returned, which can be used in a subsequent call // to this operation to return the next set of items in the list. NextToken *string `locationName:"nextToken" type:"string"` // Information about the runs. Runs []*Run `locationName:"runs" type:"list"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Represents the result of a list runs request.
func (ListRunsOutput) GoString ¶
func (s ListRunsOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (ListRunsOutput) String ¶
func (s ListRunsOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type ListSamplesInput ¶
type ListSamplesInput struct { // The samples' ARNs. ARN *string `locationName:"arn" type:"string" required:"true"` // An identifier that was returned from the previous call to this operation, // which can be used to return the next set of items in the list. NextToken *string `locationName:"nextToken" type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Represents a request to the list samples operation.
func (ListSamplesInput) GoString ¶
func (s ListSamplesInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (ListSamplesInput) String ¶
func (s ListSamplesInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type ListSamplesOutput ¶
type ListSamplesOutput struct { // If the number of items that are returned is significantly large, this is // an identifier that is also returned, which can be used in a subsequent call // to this operation to return the next set of items in the list. NextToken *string `locationName:"nextToken" type:"string"` // Information about the samples. Samples []*Sample `locationName:"samples" type:"list"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Represents the result of a list samples request.
func (ListSamplesOutput) GoString ¶
func (s ListSamplesOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (ListSamplesOutput) String ¶
func (s ListSamplesOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type ListSuitesInput ¶
type ListSuitesInput struct { // The suites' ARNs. ARN *string `locationName:"arn" type:"string" required:"true"` // An identifier that was returned from the previous call to this operation, // which can be used to return the next set of items in the list. NextToken *string `locationName:"nextToken" type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Represents a request to the list suites operation.
func (ListSuitesInput) GoString ¶
func (s ListSuitesInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (ListSuitesInput) String ¶
func (s ListSuitesInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type ListSuitesOutput ¶
type ListSuitesOutput struct { // If the number of items that are returned is significantly large, this is // an identifier that is also returned, which can be used in a subsequent call // to this operation to return the next set of items in the list. NextToken *string `locationName:"nextToken" type:"string"` // Information about the suites. Suites []*Suite `locationName:"suites" type:"list"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Represents the result of a list suites request.
func (ListSuitesOutput) GoString ¶
func (s ListSuitesOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (ListSuitesOutput) String ¶
func (s ListSuitesOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type ListTestsInput ¶
type ListTestsInput struct { // The tests' ARNs. ARN *string `locationName:"arn" type:"string" required:"true"` // An identifier that was returned from the previous call to this operation, // which can be used to return the next set of items in the list. NextToken *string `locationName:"nextToken" type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Represents a request to the list tests operation.
func (ListTestsInput) GoString ¶
func (s ListTestsInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (ListTestsInput) String ¶
func (s ListTestsInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type ListTestsOutput ¶
type ListTestsOutput struct { // If the number of items that are returned is significantly large, this is // an identifier that is also returned, which can be used in a subsequent call // to this operation to return the next set of items in the list. NextToken *string `locationName:"nextToken" type:"string"` // Information about the tests. Tests []*Test `locationName:"tests" type:"list"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Represents the result of a list tests request.
func (ListTestsOutput) GoString ¶
func (s ListTestsOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (ListTestsOutput) String ¶
func (s ListTestsOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type ListUniqueProblemsInput ¶
type ListUniqueProblemsInput struct { // The unique problems' ARNs. ARN *string `locationName:"arn" type:"string" required:"true"` // An identifier that was returned from the previous call to this operation, // which can be used to return the next set of items in the list. NextToken *string `locationName:"nextToken" type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Represents a request to the list unique problems operation.
func (ListUniqueProblemsInput) GoString ¶
func (s ListUniqueProblemsInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (ListUniqueProblemsInput) String ¶
func (s ListUniqueProblemsInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type ListUniqueProblemsOutput ¶
type ListUniqueProblemsOutput struct { // If the number of items that are returned is significantly large, this is // an identifier that is also returned, which can be used in a subsequent call // to this operation to return the next set of items in the list. NextToken *string `locationName:"nextToken" type:"string"` // Information about the unique problems. // // Allowed values include: // // ERRORED: An error condition. // // FAILED: A failed condition. // // SKIPPED: A skipped condition. // // STOPPED: A stopped condition. // // PASSED: A passing condition. // // PENDING: A pending condition. // // WARNED: A warning condition. UniqueProblems map[string][]*UniqueProblem `locationName:"uniqueProblems" type:"map"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Represents the result of a list unique problems request.
func (ListUniqueProblemsOutput) GoString ¶
func (s ListUniqueProblemsOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (ListUniqueProblemsOutput) String ¶
func (s ListUniqueProblemsOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type ListUploadsInput ¶
type ListUploadsInput struct { // The uploads' ARNs. ARN *string `locationName:"arn" type:"string" required:"true"` // An identifier that was returned from the previous call to this operation, // which can be used to return the next set of items in the list. NextToken *string `locationName:"nextToken" type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Represents a request to the list uploads operation.
func (ListUploadsInput) GoString ¶
func (s ListUploadsInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (ListUploadsInput) String ¶
func (s ListUploadsInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type ListUploadsOutput ¶
type ListUploadsOutput struct { // If the number of items that are returned is significantly large, this is // an identifier that is also returned, which can be used in a subsequent call // to this operation to return the next set of items in the list. NextToken *string `locationName:"nextToken" type:"string"` // Information about the uploads. Uploads []*Upload `locationName:"uploads" type:"list"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Represents the result of a list uploads request.
func (ListUploadsOutput) GoString ¶
func (s ListUploadsOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (ListUploadsOutput) String ¶
func (s ListUploadsOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type Location ¶
type Location struct { // The latitude. Latitude *float64 `locationName:"latitude" type:"double" required:"true"` // The longitude. Longitude *float64 `locationName:"longitude" type:"double" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Represents a latitude and longitude pair, expressed in geographic coordinate system degrees (for example 47.6204, -122.3491).
Elevation is currently not supported.
type Problem ¶
type Problem struct { // Information about the associated device. Device *Device `locationName:"device" type:"structure"` // Information about the associated job. Job *ProblemDetail `locationName:"job" type:"structure"` // A message about the problem's result. Message *string `locationName:"message" type:"string"` // The problem's result. // // Allowed values include: // // ERRORED: An error condition. // // FAILED: A failed condition. // // SKIPPED: A skipped condition. // // STOPPED: A stopped condition. // // PASSED: A passing condition. // // PENDING: A pending condition. // // WARNED: A warning condition. Result *string `locationName:"result" type:"string" enum:"ExecutionResult"` // Information about the associated run. Run *ProblemDetail `locationName:"run" type:"structure"` // Information about the associated suite. Suite *ProblemDetail `locationName:"suite" type:"structure"` // Information about the associated test. Test *ProblemDetail `locationName:"test" type:"structure"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Represents a specific warning or failure.
type ProblemDetail ¶
type ProblemDetail struct { // The problem detail's ARN. ARN *string `locationName:"arn" type:"string"` // The problem detail's name. Name *string `locationName:"name" type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Information about a problem detail.
func (ProblemDetail) GoString ¶
func (s ProblemDetail) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (ProblemDetail) String ¶
func (s ProblemDetail) String() string
String returns the string representation
type Project ¶
type Project struct { // The project's ARN. ARN *string `locationName:"arn" type:"string"` // When the project was created. Created *time.Time `locationName:"created" type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix"` // The project's name. Name *string `locationName:"name" type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Represents an operating-system neutral workspace for running and managing tests.
type Radios ¶
type Radios struct { // True if Bluetooth is enabled at the beginning of the test; otherwise, false. Bluetooth *bool `locationName:"bluetooth" type:"boolean"` // True if GPS is enabled at the beginning of the test; otherwise, false. Gps *bool `locationName:"gps" type:"boolean"` // True if NFC is enabled at the beginning of the test; otherwise, false. Nfc *bool `locationName:"nfc" type:"boolean"` // True if Wi-Fi is enabled at the beginning of the test; otherwise, false. Wifi *bool `locationName:"wifi" type:"boolean"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Represents the set of radios and their states on a device. Examples of radios include Wi-Fi, GPS, Bluetooth, and NFC.
type Resolution ¶
type Resolution struct { // The screen resolution's height, expressed in pixels. Height *int64 `locationName:"height" type:"integer"` // The screen resolution's width, expressed in pixels. Width *int64 `locationName:"width" type:"integer"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Represents the screen resolution of a device in height and width, expressed in pixels.
func (Resolution) GoString ¶
func (s Resolution) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (Resolution) String ¶
func (s Resolution) String() string
String returns the string representation
type Rule ¶
type Rule struct { // The rule's attribute. // // Allowed values include: // // ARN: The ARN. // // FORM_FACTOR: The form factor (for example, phone or tablet). // // MANUFACTURER: The manufacturer. // // PLATFORM: The platform (for example, Android or iOS). Attribute *string `locationName:"attribute" type:"string" enum:"DeviceAttribute"` // The rule's operator. // // EQUALS: The equals operator. // // GREATER_THAN: The greater-than operator. // // IN: The in operator. // // LESS_THAN: The less-than operator. // // NOT_IN: The not-in operator. Operator *string `locationName:"operator" type:"string" enum:"RuleOperator"` // The rule's value. Value *string `locationName:"value" type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Represents a condition for a device pool.
type Run ¶
type Run struct { // The run's ARN. ARN *string `locationName:"arn" type:"string"` // Specifies the billing method for a test run: metered or unmetered. If the // parameter is not specified, the default value is unmetered. BillingMethod *string `locationName:"billingMethod" type:"string" enum:"BillingMethod"` // The total number of completed jobs. CompletedJobs *int64 `locationName:"completedJobs" type:"integer"` // The run's result counters. Counters *Counters `locationName:"counters" type:"structure"` // When the run was created. Created *time.Time `locationName:"created" type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix"` // A message about the run's result. Message *string `locationName:"message" type:"string"` // The run's name. Name *string `locationName:"name" type:"string"` // The run's platform. // // Allowed values include: // // ANDROID: The Android platform. // // IOS: The iOS platform. Platform *string `locationName:"platform" type:"string" enum:"DevicePlatform"` // The run's result. // // Allowed values include: // // ERRORED: An error condition. // // FAILED: A failed condition. // // SKIPPED: A skipped condition. // // STOPPED: A stopped condition. // // PASSED: A passing condition. // // PENDING: A pending condition. // // WARNED: A warning condition. Result *string `locationName:"result" type:"string" enum:"ExecutionResult"` // The run's start time. Started *time.Time `locationName:"started" type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix"` // The run's status. // // Allowed values include: // // COMPLETED: A completed status. // // PENDING: A pending status. // // PROCESSING: A processing status. // // RUNNING: A running status. // // SCHEDULING: A scheduling status. Status *string `locationName:"status" type:"string" enum:"ExecutionStatus"` // The run's stop time. Stopped *time.Time `locationName:"stopped" type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix"` // The total number of jobs for the run. TotalJobs *int64 `locationName:"totalJobs" type:"integer"` // The run's type. // // Must be one of the following values: // // BUILTIN_FUZZ: The built-in fuzz type. // // BUILTIN_EXPLORER: For Android, an app explorer that will traverse an Android // app, interacting with it and capturing screenshots at the same time. // // APPIUM_JAVA_JUNIT: The Appium Java JUnit type. // // APPIUM_JAVA_TESTNG: The Appium Java TestNG type. // // CALABASH: The Calabash type. // // INSTRUMENTATION: The Instrumentation type. // // UIAUTOMATION: The uiautomation type. // // UIAUTOMATOR: The uiautomator type. // // XCTEST: The XCode test type. Type *string `locationName:"type" type:"string" enum:"TestType"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Represents an app on a set of devices with a specific test and configuration.
type Sample ¶
type Sample struct { // The sample's ARN. ARN *string `locationName:"arn" type:"string"` // The sample's type. // // Must be one of the following values: // // CPU: A CPU sample type. This is expressed as the app processing CPU time // (including child processes) as reported by process, as a percentage. // // MEMORY: A memory usage sample type. This is expressed as the total proportional // set size of an app process, in kilobytes. // // NATIVE_AVG_DRAWTIME // // NATIVE_FPS // // NATIVE_FRAMES // // NATIVE_MAX_DRAWTIME // // NATIVE_MIN_DRAWTIME // // OPENGL_AVG_DRAWTIME // // OPENGL_FPS // // OPENGL_FRAMES // // OPENGL_MAX_DRAWTIME // // OPENGL_MIN_DRAWTIME // // RX // // RX_RATE: The total number of bytes per second (TCP and UDP) that are sent, // by app process. // // THREADS: A threads sample type. This is expressed as the total number of // threads per app process. // // TX // // TX_RATE: The total number of bytes per second (TCP and UDP) that are received, // by app process. Type *string `locationName:"type" type:"string" enum:"SampleType"` // The pre-signed Amazon S3 URL that can be used with a corresponding GET request // to download the sample's file. URL *string `locationName:"url" type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Represents a sample of performance data.
type ScheduleRunConfiguration ¶
type ScheduleRunConfiguration struct { // A list of auxiliary apps for the run. AuxiliaryApps []*string `locationName:"auxiliaryApps" type:"list"` // Specifies the billing method for a test run: metered or unmetered. If the // parameter is not specified, the default value is unmetered. BillingMethod *string `locationName:"billingMethod" type:"string" enum:"BillingMethod"` // The ARN of the extra data for the run. The extra data is a .zip file that // AWS Device Farm will extract to external data for Android or the app's sandbox // for iOS. ExtraDataPackageARN *string `locationName:"extraDataPackageArn" type:"string"` // Information about the locale that is used for the run. Locale *string `locationName:"locale" type:"string"` // Information about the location that is used for the run. Location *Location `locationName:"location" type:"structure"` // Reserved for internal use. NetworkProfileARN *string `locationName:"networkProfileArn" type:"string"` // Information about the radio states for the run. Radios *Radios `locationName:"radios" type:"structure"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Represents the settings for a run. Includes things like location, radio states, auxiliary apps, and network profiles.
func (ScheduleRunConfiguration) GoString ¶
func (s ScheduleRunConfiguration) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (ScheduleRunConfiguration) String ¶
func (s ScheduleRunConfiguration) String() string
String returns the string representation
type ScheduleRunInput ¶
type ScheduleRunInput struct { // The ARN of the app to schedule a run. AppARN *string `locationName:"appArn" type:"string" required:"true"` // Information about the settings for the run to be scheduled. Configuration *ScheduleRunConfiguration `locationName:"configuration" type:"structure"` // The ARN of the device pool for the run to be scheduled. DevicePoolARN *string `locationName:"devicePoolArn" type:"string" required:"true"` // The name for the run to be scheduled. Name *string `locationName:"name" type:"string"` // The ARN of the project for the run to be scheduled. ProjectARN *string `locationName:"projectArn" type:"string" required:"true"` // Information about the test for the run to be scheduled. Test *ScheduleRunTest `locationName:"test" type:"structure" required:"true"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Represents a request to the schedule run operation.
func (ScheduleRunInput) GoString ¶
func (s ScheduleRunInput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (ScheduleRunInput) String ¶
func (s ScheduleRunInput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type ScheduleRunOutput ¶
type ScheduleRunOutput struct { // Information about the scheduled run. Run *Run `locationName:"run" type:"structure"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Represents the result of a schedule run request.
func (ScheduleRunOutput) GoString ¶
func (s ScheduleRunOutput) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (ScheduleRunOutput) String ¶
func (s ScheduleRunOutput) String() string
String returns the string representation
type ScheduleRunTest ¶
type ScheduleRunTest struct { // The test's filter. Filter *string `locationName:"filter" type:"string"` // The test's parameters, such as test framework parameters and fixture settings. Parameters map[string]*string `locationName:"parameters" type:"map"` // The ARN of the uploaded test that will be run. TestPackageARN *string `locationName:"testPackageArn" type:"string"` // The test's type. // // Must be one of the following values: // // BUILTIN_FUZZ: The built-in fuzz type. // // BUILTIN_EXPLORER: For Android, an app explorer that will traverse an Android // app, interacting with it and capturing screenshots at the same time. // // APPIUM_JAVA_JUNIT: The Appium Java JUnit type. // // APPIUM_JAVA_TESTNG: The Appium Java TestNG type. // // CALABASH: The Calabash type. // // INSTRUMENTATION: The Instrumentation type. // // UIAUTOMATION: The uiautomation type. // // UIAUTOMATOR: The uiautomator type. // // XCTEST: The XCode test type. Type *string `locationName:"type" type:"string" required:"true" enum:"TestType"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Represents additional test settings.
func (ScheduleRunTest) GoString ¶
func (s ScheduleRunTest) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (ScheduleRunTest) String ¶
func (s ScheduleRunTest) String() string
String returns the string representation
type Suite ¶
type Suite struct { // The suite's ARN. ARN *string `locationName:"arn" type:"string"` // The suite's result counters. Counters *Counters `locationName:"counters" type:"structure"` // When the suite was created. Created *time.Time `locationName:"created" type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix"` // A message about the suite's result. Message *string `locationName:"message" type:"string"` // The suite's name. Name *string `locationName:"name" type:"string"` // The suite's result. // // Allowed values include: // // ERRORED: An error condition. // // FAILED: A failed condition. // // SKIPPED: A skipped condition. // // STOPPED: A stopped condition. // // PASSED: A passing condition. // // PENDING: A pending condition. // // WARNED: A warning condition. Result *string `locationName:"result" type:"string" enum:"ExecutionResult"` // The suite's start time. Started *time.Time `locationName:"started" type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix"` // The suite's status. // // Allowed values include: // // COMPLETED: A completed status. // // PENDING: A pending status. // // PROCESSING: A processing status. // // RUNNING: A running status. // // SCHEDULING: A scheduling status. Status *string `locationName:"status" type:"string" enum:"ExecutionStatus"` // The suite's stop time. Stopped *time.Time `locationName:"stopped" type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix"` // The suite's type. // // Must be one of the following values: // // BUILTIN_FUZZ: The built-in fuzz type. // // BUILTIN_EXPLORER: For Android, an app explorer that will traverse an Android // app, interacting with it and capturing screenshots at the same time. // // APPIUM_JAVA_JUNIT: The Appium Java JUnit type. // // APPIUM_JAVA_TESTNG: The Appium Java TestNG type. // // CALABASH: The Calabash type. // // INSTRUMENTATION: The Instrumentation type. // // UIAUTOMATION: The uiautomation type. // // UIAUTOMATOR: The uiautomator type. // // XCTEST: The XCode test type. Type *string `locationName:"type" type:"string" enum:"TestType"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Represents a collection of one or more tests.
type Test ¶
type Test struct { // The test's ARN. ARN *string `locationName:"arn" type:"string"` // The test's result counters. Counters *Counters `locationName:"counters" type:"structure"` // When the test was created. Created *time.Time `locationName:"created" type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix"` // A message about the test's result. Message *string `locationName:"message" type:"string"` // The test's name. Name *string `locationName:"name" type:"string"` // The test's result. // // Allowed values include: // // ERRORED: An error condition. // // FAILED: A failed condition. // // SKIPPED: A skipped condition. // // STOPPED: A stopped condition. // // PASSED: A passing condition. // // PENDING: A pending condition. // // WARNED: A warning condition. Result *string `locationName:"result" type:"string" enum:"ExecutionResult"` // The test's start time. Started *time.Time `locationName:"started" type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix"` // The test's status. // // Allowed values include: // // COMPLETED: A completed status. // // PENDING: A pending status. // // PROCESSING: A processing status. // // RUNNING: A running status. // // SCHEDULING: A scheduling status. Status *string `locationName:"status" type:"string" enum:"ExecutionStatus"` // The test's stop time. Stopped *time.Time `locationName:"stopped" type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix"` // The test's type. // // Must be one of the following values: // // BUILTIN_FUZZ: The built-in fuzz type. // // BUILTIN_EXPLORER: For Android, an app explorer that will traverse an Android // app, interacting with it and capturing screenshots at the same time. // // APPIUM_JAVA_JUNIT: The Appium Java JUnit type. // // APPIUM_JAVA_TESTNG: The Appium Java TestNG type. // // CALABASH: The Calabash type. // // INSTRUMENTATION: The Instrumentation type. // // UIAUTOMATION: The uiautomation type. // // UIAUTOMATOR: The uiautomator type. // // XCTEST: The XCode test type. Type *string `locationName:"type" type:"string" enum:"TestType"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Represents a condition that is evaluated.
type UniqueProblem ¶
type UniqueProblem struct { // A message about the unique problems' result. Message *string `locationName:"message" type:"string"` // Information about the problems. Problems []*Problem `locationName:"problems" type:"list"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A collection of one or more problems, grouped by their result.
func (UniqueProblem) GoString ¶
func (s UniqueProblem) GoString() string
GoString returns the string representation
func (UniqueProblem) String ¶
func (s UniqueProblem) String() string
String returns the string representation
type Upload ¶
type Upload struct { // The upload's ARN. ARN *string `locationName:"arn" type:"string"` // The upload's content type (for example, "application/octet-stream"). ContentType *string `locationName:"contentType" type:"string"` // When the upload was created. Created *time.Time `locationName:"created" type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"unix"` // A message about the upload's result. Message *string `locationName:"message" type:"string"` // The upload's metadata. For example, for Android, this contains information // that is parsed from the manifest and is displayed in the AWS Device Farm // console after the associated app is uploaded. Metadata *string `locationName:"metadata" type:"string"` // The upload's file name. Name *string `locationName:"name" type:"string"` // The upload's status. // // Must be one of the following values: // // FAILED: A failed status. // // INITIALIZED: An initialized status. // // PROCESSING: A processing status. // // SUCCEEDED: A succeeded status. Status *string `locationName:"status" type:"string" enum:"UploadStatus"` // The upload's type. // // Must be one of the following values: // // ANDROID_APP: An Android upload. // // IOS_APP: An iOS upload. // // EXTERNAL_DATA: An external data upload. // // APPIUM_JAVA_JUNIT_TEST_PACKAGE: An Appium Java JUnit test package upload. // // APPIUM_JAVA_TESTNG_TEST_PACKAGE: An Appium Java TestNG test package upload. // // CALABASH_TEST_PACKAGE: A Calabash test package upload. // // INSTRUMENTATION_TEST_PACKAGE: An instrumentation upload. // // UIAUTOMATOR_TEST_PACKAGE: A uiautomator test package upload. // // XCTEST_TEST_PACKAGE: An XCode test package upload. Type *string `locationName:"type" type:"string" enum:"UploadType"` // The pre-signed Amazon S3 URL that was used to store a file through a corresponding // PUT request. URL *string `locationName:"url" type:"string"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
An app or a set of one or more tests to upload or that have been uploaded.
Path | Synopsis |
Package devicefarmiface provides an interface for the AWS Device Farm.
Package devicefarmiface provides an interface for the AWS Device Farm. |