is a tool to scrape information from coronavirus api tracker using go-corona and storing it on IPFS through TemporalX. It expects a locally running TemporalX server, but can be be configured to use a remote one..
For an overview of this see medium
- Every 60 minutes we use the go-corona client to fetch the "latest location data" and "all location data" sources.
- These are then added to IPFS and the hash is broadcast over libp2p pubsub topics
- Every minute we then rebroadcast the lastest known hash, which gets updated every 60 minutes
- Every 12 hours or so update the DNSLink record
We are broadcasting updates to this in somewhat real-time. You can connect to two different pubsub topics.
To retrieve updates for all known location outbreak information do:
1) ipfs swarm connect /ip4/
2) ipfs swarm connect /ip4/
3) ipfs pubsub sub coronavirus-all-location-data-topic and then within about a minute you should start seeing the data coming through.
4) ipfs pin add <hash from pubsub message> and you'll then be pinning the data locally
To retrieve updates for latest ooutbreak informatio updates do
1) ipfs swarm connect /ip4/
2) ipfs swarm connect /ip4/
3) ipfs pubsub sub coronavirus-latest-location-data-topic and then within about a minute you should start seeing the data coming through.
4) ipfs pin add <hash from pubsub message> and you'll then be pinning the data locally