
v0.0.32 Latest Latest

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Published: Jan 15, 2024 License: MIT


Fitter + Fitter CLI

Fitter - new way for collect information from the API's/Websites

Fitter CLI - small cli command which provide result from Fitter for test/debug/home usage

Fitter Lib - library which provide functional of fitter CLI as a library

Way to collect information

  1. Server - parsing response from some API's or http request(usage of http.Client)
  2. Browser - emulate real browser using chromium + docker + playwright/cypress and get DOM information
  3. Static - parsing static string as data

Format which can be parsed

  1. JSON - parsing JSON to get specific information
  2. XML - parsing xml tree to get specific information
  3. HTML - parsing dom tree to get specific information
  4. XPath - parsing dom tree to get specific information but by xpath

Use like a library

go get
package main

import (

func main() {
	res, err := lib.Parse(&config.Item{
		ConnectorConfig: &config.ConnectorConfig{
			ResponseType:  config.Json,
			Url:           "",
			ServerConfig: &config.ServerConnectorConfig{
				Method: http.MethodGet,
		Model: &config.Model{
			ObjectConfig: &config.ObjectConfig{
				Fields: map[string]*config.Field{
					"my_id": {
						BaseField: &config.BaseField{
							Type: config.Int,
							Path: "id",
					"generated_id": {
						BaseField: &config.BaseField{
							Generated: &config.GeneratedFieldConfig{
								UUID: &config.UUIDGeneratedFieldConfig{},
					"generated_array": {
						ArrayConfig: &config.ArrayConfig{
							RootPath: "@this|@keys",
							ItemConfig: &config.ObjectConfig{
								Field: &config.BaseField{
									Type: config.String,
	}, nil, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {


  "generated_array": ["id","uid","brand","equipment"],
  "my_id": 6000,
  "generated_id": "26b08b73-2f2e-444d-bcf2-dac77ac3130e"

How to use Fitter

Download latest version from the release page

or locally:

go run cmd/fitter/main.go --path=./examples/config_api.json
  1. --path - string[config.yaml] - path for the configuration of the Fitter
  2. --verbose - bool[false] - enable logging
  3. --plugins - string[""] - path for plugins for Fitter
  4. --log-level - enum["info", "error", "debug", "fatal"] - set log level(only if verbose set to true)

How to use Fitter_CLI

Download latest version from the release page

or locally:

go run cmd/cli/main.go --path=./examples/cli/config_cli.json
  1. --path - string[config.yaml] - path for the configuration of the Fitter_CLI
  2. --copy - bool[false] - copy information into clipboard
  3. --pretty - bool[true] - make readable result(also affect on copy)
  4. --verbose - bool[false] - enable logging
  5. --omit-error-pretty - bool[false] - Provide pure value if pretty is invalid
  6. --plugins - string[""] - path for plugins for Fitter
  7. --log-level - enum["info", "error", "debug", "fatal"] - set log level(only if verbose set to true)
./fitter_cli_${VERSION} --path=./examples/cli/config_cli.json --copy=true


  1. Server version HackerNews + Quotes + Guardian News - using API + HTML + XPath parsing
  2. Chromium version Guardian News + Quotes - using HTML parsing + browser emulation
  3. Docker version Docker version: Guardian News + Quotes - using HTML parsing + browser from Docker image
  4. Playwright version Playwright version: Guardian News + Quotes - using HTML parsing + browser from Playwright framework
  5. Playwright version Playwright version: England Cities + Weather - using HTML + XPath parsing + browser from Playwright framework
  6. JSON version Generate pagination - using static connector for generate pagination array
  7. Server version Get current time - get time from url and format it



It is the way how you fetch the data

type ConnectorConfig struct {
    ResponseType ParserType `json:"response_type" yaml:"response_type"`
    Url          string     `json:"url" yaml:"url"`
    Attempts     uint32     `json:"attempts" yaml:"attempts"`
    StaticConfig          *StaticConnectorConfig  `json:"static_config" yaml:"static_config"`
    ServerConfig          *ServerConnectorConfig  `json:"server_config" yaml:"server_config"`
    BrowserConfig         *BrowserConnectorConfig `yaml:"browser_config" json:"browser_config"`
    PluginConnectorConfig *PluginConnectorConfig  `json:"plugin_connector_config" yaml:"plugin_connector_config"`
    ReferenceConfig       *ReferenceConnectorConfig `yaml:"reference_config" json:"reference_config"`
    IntSequenceConfig     *IntSequenceConnectorConfig `json:"int_sequence_config" yaml:"int_sequence_config"`
  • ResponseType - enum["HTML", "json","xpath"] - in which format data comes from the connector
  • Attempts - how many attempts to use for fetch data by connector
  • Url - define which address to request

Config can be one of:


  "response_type": "xpath",
  "attempts": 3,
  "url": "{PL}",
  "browser_config": {
    "playwright": {
      "timeout": 30,
      "wait": 30,
      "install": false,
      "browser": "Chromium"

Connector can be defined via plugin system. For use that you need apply next flags to Fitter/Cli(location of the plugins):

... --plugins=./examples/plugin

--plugins - looking for all files with ".so" extension in provided folder(subdirs excluded)

type PluginConnectorConfig struct {
	Name   string          `json:"name" yaml:"name"`
	Config json.RawMessage `json:"config" yaml:"config"`
    "name": "connector",
    "config": {
      "name": "Elon"
  • Name - name of the plugin
  • Config - json config of the plugin
How to build plugin

Build plugin

go build -buildmode=plugin -gcflags="all=-N -l" -o examples/plugin/ examples/plugin/hardcoder/connector.go

Make sure you export Plugin variable which implements pl.ConnectorPlugin interface

Example for CLI:

Plugin example:

package main

import (
	pl ""

var (
	_ pl.ConnectorPlugin = &plugin{}

	Plugin plugin

type plugin struct {
	log  logger.Logger
	Name string `json:"name" yaml:"name"`

func (pl *plugin) Get(parsedValue builder.Jsonable, index *uint32) ([]byte, error) {
	return []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`{"name": "%s"}`, pl.Name)), nil

func (pl *plugin) SetConfig(cfg *config.PluginConnectorConfig, logger logger.Logger) {
	pl.log = logger

	if cfg.Config != nil {
		err := json.Unmarshal(cfg.Config, pl)
		if err != nil {
			pl.log.Errorw("cant unmarshal plugin configuration", "error", err.Error())

Connector which allow get prefetched data from references

type ReferenceConnectorConfig struct {
	Name string `yaml:"name" json:"name"`



Improved version of static connector which generate int sequence as result

type IntSequenceConnectorConfig struct {
	Start int `json:"start" yaml:"start"`
	End   int `json:"end" yaml:"end"`
	Step  int `json:"step" yaml:"step"`
  • Start[0] - start point for generation(included)
  • End[0] - end point for generation(excluded from final result like range in any lang)
  • Step[1] - interval for sequence


    "start": 0,
    "end": 2 
    // Generate [0, 1]

Config example


Connector type which fetch data from provided string

type StaticConnectorConfig struct {
	Value string `json:"value" yaml:"value"`
  • Value - static string as data, can be html, json


  "value": "[1,2,3,4,5]"

Connector type which fetch data using golang http.Client(server side request like curl)

type ServerConnectorConfig struct {
    Method  string            `json:"method" yaml:"method"`
    Headers map[string]string `yaml:"headers" json:"headers"`
    Timeout uint32            `yaml:"timeout" json:"timeout"`
    Body    string            `yaml:"body" json:"body"`
    Proxy *ProxyConfig `yaml:"proxy" json:"proxy"`
  • Method - supported all http methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH, OPTIONS, HEAD
  • Headers - predefine headers for using during request can be injected into value
  • Timeout[sec] - default 60sec timeout or used provided
  • Body - body of the request, parsed value can be injected
  • Proxy - setup proxy for request config


  "method": "GET",
  "proxy": {
    "server": "http://localhost:8080",
    "username": "pyx"

Right now default timeout it is 10 sec.

Proxy config
type ProxyConfig struct {
    // Proxy to be used for all requests. HTTP and SOCKS proxies are supported, for example
    // `` or `socks5://`. Short form ``
    // is considered an HTTP proxy.
    Server string `json:"server" yaml:"server"`
    // Optional username to use if HTTP proxy requires authentication.
    Username string `json:"username" yaml:"username"`
    // Optional password to use if HTTP proxy requires authentication.
    Password string `json:"password" yaml:"password"`
  • Server - address with schema of proxy server
  • Username - username for proxy(can be empty)
  • Password - password for proxy(can be empty)
  "server": "http://localhost:8080",
  "username": "pyx"
Environment variables
  1. FITTER_HTTP_WORKER - int[1000] - default concurrent HTTP workers

Connector type which emulate fetching of data via browser

type BrowserConnectorConfig struct {
	Chromium   *ChromiumConfig   `json:"chromium" yaml:"chromium"`
	Docker     *DockerConfig     `json:"docker" yaml:"docker"`
	Playwright *PlaywrightConfig `json:"playwright" yaml:"playwright"`

Config can be one of:

  • Chromium - use local installed Chromium for fetch data
  • Docker - use docker as service for spin up container for fetch data
  • Playwright - use playwright framework for fetch data


    "docker": {
      "wait": 10000,
      "image": "",
      "entry_point": "chromium-browser",
      "purge": true

Use locally installed Chromium for fetch the data

type ChromiumConfig struct {
	Path    string   `yaml:"path" json:"path"`
	Timeout uint32   `yaml:"timeout" json:"timeout"`
	Wait    uint32   `yaml:"wait" json:"wait"`
	Flags   []string `yaml:"flags" json:"flags"`
  • Path - path to binary of Chromium
  • Timeout[sec] - timeout for execution of the chromium
  • Wait[msec] - timeout of page loading
  • Flags - flags for Chromium default: "--headless", "--proxy-auto-detect", "--temp-profile", "--incognito", "--disable-logging", "--disable-extensions", "--no-sandbox"


  "path": "/Applications/Google Chrome",
  "wait": 10000

Use Docker for spin up container for fetch data

type DockerConfig struct {
	Image       string   `yaml:"image" json:"image"`
	EntryPoint  string   `json:"entry_point" yaml:"entry_point"`
	Timeout     uint32   `yaml:"timeout" json:"timeout"`
	Wait        uint32   `yaml:"wait" json:"wait"`
	Flags       []string `yaml:"flags" json:"flags"`
	Purge       bool     `json:"purge" yaml:"purge"`
	NoPull      bool     `yaml:"no_pull" json:"no_pull"`
	PullTimeout uint32   `yaml:"pull_timeout" json:"pull_timeout"`

Docker default image:

  • Image - image for the docker registry(provide with registry host)
  • EntryPoint - cmd which will be run inside container
  • Timeout[sec] - timeout for run container(without pulling image)
  • Wait[msec] - timeout of page loading (works just for Chromium based containers)
  • Flags - cmd arguments for run containers, default for Chromium based: "--no-sandbox","--headless", "--proxy-auto-detect", "--temp-profile", "--incognito", "--disable-logging", "--disable-gpu"
  • Purge - should we remove container after work done(like docker rm)
  • NoPull - prevent pulling of the image
  • PullTimeout - define timeout for pull contains
Environment variables
  1. DOCKER_HOST - string - (EnvOverrideHost) to set the URL to the docker server.
  2. DOCKER_API_VERSION - string - (EnvOverrideAPIVersion) to set the version of the API to use, leave empty for latest.
  3. DOCKER_CERT_PATH - string - (EnvOverrideCertPath) to specify the directory from which to load the TLS certificates (ca.pem, cert.pem, key.pem).
  4. DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY - bool - (EnvTLSVerify) to enable or disable TLS verification (off by default)


  "wait": 10000,
  "image": "",
  "entry_point": "chromium-browser",
  "purge": true

Run browsers via playwright framework

type PlaywrightConfig struct {
    Browser      PlaywrightBrowser          `json:"browser" yaml:"browser"`
    Install      bool                       `yaml:"install" json:"install"`
    Timeout      uint32                     `yaml:"timeout" json:"timeout"`
    Wait         uint32                     `yaml:"wait" json:"wait"`
    TypeOfWait   *playwright.WaitUntilState `json:"type_of_wait" yaml:"type_of_wait"`
    PreRunScript string                     `json:"pre_run_script" yaml:"pre_run_script"`
    Proxy *ProxyConfig `yaml:"proxy" json:"proxy"`
  • Browser - enum["Chromium", "FireFox", "WebKit"] - which browser to use
  • Install - should we install browser
  • Timeout[sec] - timeout to run playwright
  • Wait[sec] - timeout of page loading
  • TypeOfWait - enum["load", "domcontentloaded", "networkidle", "commit"] which state of page we waiting, default is "load"
  • PreRunScript[""] - script which will be executed before reading content of the page. Also support placeholder {PL}
  • Proxy - setup proxy for request config


  "timeout": 30,
  "wait": 30,
  "install": false,
  "browser": "Chromium"


With model we define result of the scrapping

type Model struct {
    ObjectConfig *ObjectConfig `yaml:"object_config" json:"object_config"`
    ArrayConfig  *ArrayConfig  `json:"array_config" yaml:"array_config"`
    BaseField    *BaseField    `json:"base_field" yaml:"base_field"`

Config can be one of:


  "object_config": {}

Configuration of the object and fields

type ObjectConfig struct {
    Fields      map[string]*Field `json:"fields" yaml:"fields"`
    Field       *BaseField        `json:"field" yaml:"field"`
    ArrayConfig *ArrayConfig      `json:"array_config" yaml:"array_config"`

Config can be one of:

  • Fields - map of each field definition; key - field name, value - configuration
  • Field - used for element of array; fields which will be deserialized like basic type like "string", "int" and etc (used here for case array of basic types)
  • ArrayConfig - used for element of array; deserialization array of array


  "fields": {
    "title": {
      "base_field": {
        "type": "string",
        "path": "type"

Configuration of the array and fields

type ArrayConfig struct {
    RootPath    string        `json:"root_path" yaml:"root_path"`
    ItemConfig  *ObjectConfig `json:"item_config" yaml:"item_config"`
    LengthLimit uint32        `json:"length_limit" yaml:"length_limit"`
    StaticConfig *StaticArrayConfig `json:"static_array"  yaml:"static_array"`
  • RootPath - selector for find root element of the array or repeated element in case of html parsing, size of array will be amount of children element under the root
  • LengthLimit - for define size of array only for generated(not working for static)

Config can be one of:


  "root_path": "#content dt.quote > a",
  "item_config": {
    "field": {
      "type": "string"

Common of the field

type Field struct {
	BaseField    *BaseField    `json:"base_field" yaml:"base_field"`
	ObjectConfig *ObjectConfig `json:"object_config" yaml:"object_config"`
	ArrayConfig  *ArrayConfig  `json:"array_config" yaml:"array_config"`

	FirstOf []*Field `json:"first_of" yaml:"first_of"`

Config can be one of:

  • BaseField - fields which will be deserialized like basic type like "string", "int" and etc
  • ObjectConfig - in case our field in nested object
  • ArrayConfig - in case our field in array
  • FirstOf - first not empty resolved field will be selected


  "base_field": {
    "type": "string",
    "path": "div.current-temp span.heading"

In case we want get some static information or generate new one

type BaseField struct {
	Type FieldType `yaml:"type" json:"type"`
	Path string    `yaml:"path" json:"path"`

	HTMLAttribute string `json:"html_attribute" yaml:"html_attribute"`

	Generated *GeneratedFieldConfig `yaml:"generated" json:"generated"`

	FirstOf []*BaseField `json:"first_of" yaml:"first_of"`
  • FieldType - enum["null", "boolean", "string", "int", "int64", "float", "float64", "array", "object", "html"] - static field for parse. Important: type html will only works from connector which return HTML (HTMLAttribute - have no effect in this case). Example
  • Path - selector(relative in case it is array child) for parsing
  • HTMLAttribute - extra value which have effect only in HTML parsing via goquery. Here you can specify which attribute need to be parsed.

Config can be one of or empty:

  • Generated - field can be generated one which custom configuration
  • FirstOf - first not empty resolved field will be selected


  "generated": {
    "uuid": {}
  "type": "string",
  "path": "text()"

Provide functionality of generating field on the flight

type GeneratedFieldConfig struct {
	UUID       *UUIDGeneratedFieldConfig   `yaml:"uuid" json:"uuid"`
	Static     *StaticGeneratedFieldConfig `yaml:"static" json:"static"`
	Formatted  *FormattedFieldConfig       `json:"formatted" yaml:"formatted"`
	Plugin     *PluginFieldConfig          `yaml:"plugin" json:"plugin"`
	Calculated *CalculatedConfig           `yaml:"calculated" json:"calculated"`
	File       *FileFieldConfig            `yaml:"file" json:"file"`
	Model      *ModelField                 `yaml:"model" json:"model"`

Config can be one of:

  • UUID - generate random UUID V4
  • Static - generate static field
  • Formatted - format field
  • Model - model generated from the other connector and model
  • Plugin - plugin field
  • Calculated - calculated field
  • File - file field (for download file from server)


    "uuid": {}

    "model": {
      "type": "array",
      "model": {
        "array_config": {
          "root_path": "#content dt.quote > a",
          "item_config": {
            "field": {
              "type": "string"
      "connector_config": {
        "response_type": "HTML",
        "attempts": 3,
        "browser_config": {
          "url": "",
          "chromium": {
            "path": "/Applications/Google Chrome",
            "wait": 10000

Generate random UUID V4 on the flight, can be used for generate uniq id

type UUIDGeneratedFieldConfig struct {
	Regexp string `yaml:"regexp" json:"regexp"`
  • Regexp - provide matcher which can be used for get part of generated uuid

Generate static field

type StaticGeneratedFieldConfig struct {
	Type  FieldType `yaml:"type" json:"type"`
	Value string    `json:"value" yaml:"value"`
  • Type - enum["null", "boolean", "string", "int","int64","float","float64"] - type of the field
  • Value - string value of the field


  "type": "int",
  "value": "65"
Formatted Field Config

Generate formatted field which will pass value from parent base field

type FormattedFieldConfig struct {
	Template string `yaml:"template" json:"template"`
  • Template - template in with placeholder {PL} where parent value will be injected like string


  "template": "{PL}"
File Field

Field can be used for download file from server locally

type FileFieldConfig struct {
	Config *ServerConnectorConfig `yaml:"config" json:"config"`

	Url      string `yaml:"url" json:"url"`
	FileName string `json:"file_name" yaml:"file_name"`
	Path     string `json:"path" yaml:"path"`

Result of the field will be local file path as string

  "url": "",
  "path": "/Users/pxyup/fitter/bin",
  "config": {
    "method": "GET"

With propagated URL (inject of the parent value as a string)

  "url": "{PL}",
  "path": "/Users/pxyup/fitter/bin",
  "config": {
    "method": "GET"

Config example:

Calculated field

Field can generate different types depends from expression

type CalculatedConfig struct {
	Type       FieldType `yaml:"type" json:"type"`
	Expression string    `yaml:"expression" json:"expression"`
  • Type - resulting type of expression\
  • Expression - expression for calculation (we use this lib for calculated expression)

Predefined values:

fRes - it is raw(with proper type) result from the parsing base field

fIndex - it is index in parent array(only if parent was array field)

  "type": "bool",
  "expression": "fRes > 500"
Plugin field

Field can be some external plugin for fitter


type PluginFieldConfig struct {
	Name string `json:"name" yaml:"name"`
	Config json.RawMessage `json:"config" yaml:"config"`
  • Name - name of the plugin(without extension just name)
  • Config - json config of the plugin
Model Field

Field type which can be generated on the flight by news model and connector

type ModelField struct {
	// Type of parsing
	ConnectorConfig *ConnectorConfig `yaml:"connector_config" json:"connector_config"`
	// Model of the response
	Model *Model `yaml:"model" json:"model"`

	Type FieldType `yaml:"type" json:"type"`
	Path string             `yaml:"path" json:"path"`
  • ConnectorConfig - which connector to use. Important: URL in the connector can be with inject of the parent value as a string
  • Model - configuration of the underhood model
  • Type - enum["null", "boolean", "string", "int", "int64", "float", "float64", "array", "object"] - type of generated field
  • Path - in case we cant extract some information from generated field we can use json selector for extract


  "type": "array",
  "model": {
    "array_config": {
      "root_path": "#content dt.quote > a",
      "item_config": {
        "field": {
          "type": "string"

    "type": "string",
    "path": "temp.temp",
    "model": {
       "object_config": {
        "fields": {
          "temp": {
            "base_field": {
              "type": "string",
              "path": "//div[@id='forecast_list_ul']//td/b/a/@href",
              "generated": {
                "model": {
                  "type": "string",
                  "model": {
                    "object_config": {
                      "fields": {
                        "temp": {
                          "base_field": {
                            "type": "string",
                            "path": "div.current-temp span.heading"
                  "connector_config": {
                    "response_type": "HTML",
                    "attempts": 4,
                    "url": "{PL}",
                    "browser_config": {
                      "playwright": {
                        "timeout": 30,
                        "wait": 30,
                        "install": false,
                        "browser": "FireFox",
                        "type_of_wait": "networkidle"
    "connector_config": {
      "response_type": "xpath",
      "attempts": 3,
      "url": "{PL}",
      "browser_config": {
        "playwright": {
          "timeout": 30,
          "wait": 30,
          "install": false,
          "browser": "Chromium"
Static Array Config

Provide static(fixed length) array generation

type StaticArrayConfig struct {
    Items map[uint32]*Field `yaml:"items" json:"items"`
    Length uint32            `yaml:"length" json:"length"`
  • Items - map[uint32]*Field - key is index in array, value is field definition
  • Length - if set(1+) can be used for define custom length of array


  "0": {
    "base_field": {
      "type": "string",
      "path": "div.current-temp span.heading"
  "length": 4,
  "0": {
    "base_field": {
      "type": "string",
      "path": "div.current-temp span.heading"
  "length": 4,
  "2": {
    "base_field": {
      "type": "string",
      "path": "div.current-temp span.heading"
Placeholder list
  1. {PL} - for inject value
  2. {INDEX} - for inject index in parent array
  3. {HUMAN_INDEX} - for inject index in parent array in human way
  4. {{{json_path}}} - will get information from propagated "object"/"array" field
  5. {{{RefName=SomeName}}} - get reference value by name. Example
  6. {{{RefName=SomeName json.path}}} - get reference value by name and extract value by json path. Example


Special map which prefetched(before any processing) and can be user for connector or for placeholder

Can be used for:

  1. Cache jwt token and use them in headers
  2. Cache values
  3. Etc

For Fitter

type Config struct {
    // Other Config Fields
    Limits     *Limits                `yaml:"limits" json:"limits"`
    References map[string]*ModelField `json:"references" yaml:"references"`

For Fitter Cli

type CliItem struct {
    // Other Config Fields
    Limits     *Limits                `yaml:"limits" json:"limits"`
    References map[string]*ModelField `json:"references" yaml:"references"`


  "references": {
    "TokenRef": {
      "connector_config": {
        "response_type": "json",
        "static_config": {
          "value": "\"plain token\""
      "model": {
        "base_field": {
          "type": "string"
    "TokenObjectRef": {
      "connector_config": {
        "response_type": "json",
        "static_config": {
          "value": "{\"token\":\"token from object\"}"
      "model": {
        "object_config": {
          "fields": {
            "token": {
              "base_field": {
                "type": "string",
                "path": "token"



Provide limitation for prevent DDOS, big usage of memory

type Limits struct {
	HostRequestLimiter HostRequestLimiter `yaml:"host_request_limiter" json:"host_request_limiter"`
	ChromiumInstance   uint32             `yaml:"chromium_instance" json:"chromium_instance"`
	DockerContainers   uint32             `yaml:"docker_containers" json:"docker_containers"`
	PlaywrightInstance uint32             `yaml:"playwright_instance" json:"playwright_instance"`
  • HostRequestLimiter - map[string]int64 - limitation per host name, key is host, value is amount of parallel request(usage for server connector)
  • ChromiumInstance - amount of parallel chromium instance
  • DockerContainers - amount of parallel docker instance
  • PlaywrightInstance - amount of parallel playwright instance

  "limits": {
    "host_request_limiter": {
      "": 5
    "chromium_instance": 3,
    "docker_containers": 3,
    "playwright_instance": 3


  1. Add browser scenario for preparing, after parsing
  2. Add scrolling support for scenario
  3. Add pagination support for scenario
  4. Add notification methods for Fitter: Webhook/Queue

Jump to

Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL