
v0.0.13 Latest Latest

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Published: Mar 9, 2023 License: MIT


Fitter + Fitter CLI

Fitter - new way for collect information from the API's/Websites

Fitter CLI - small cli command which provide result from Fitter for test/debug/home usage

Fitter Lib - library which provide functional of fitter CLI as a library

Way to collect information

  1. Server - parsing response from some API's or http request(usage of http.Client)
  2. Browser - emulate real browser using chromium + docker + playwright/cypress and get DOM information
  3. Static - parsing static string as data

Format which can be parsed

  1. JSON - parsing JSON to get specific information
  2. XML - parsing xml tree to get specific information
  3. HTML - parsing dom tree to get specific information
  4. XPath - parsing dom tree to get specific information but by xpath

Use like a library

go get
package main

import (

func main() {
	res, err := lib.Parse(&config.Item{
		ConnectorConfig: &config.ConnectorConfig{
			ResponseType:  config.Json,
			Url:           "",
			ServerConfig: &config.ServerConnectorConfig{
				Method: http.MethodGet,
		Model: &config.Model{
			ObjectConfig: &config.ObjectConfig{
				Fields: map[string]*config.Field{
					"my_id": {
						BaseField: &config.BaseField{
							Type: config.Int,
							Path: "id",
					"generated_id": {
						BaseField: &config.BaseField{
							Generated: &config.GeneratedFieldConfig{
								UUID: &config.UUIDGeneratedFieldConfig{},
					"generated_array": {
						ArrayConfig: &config.ArrayConfig{
							RootPath: "@this|@keys",
							ItemConfig: &config.ObjectConfig{
								Field: &config.BaseField{
									Type: config.String,
	}, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {


  "generated_array": ["id","uid","brand","equipment"],
  "my_id": 6000,
  "generated_id": "26b08b73-2f2e-444d-bcf2-dac77ac3130e"

How to use Fitter

Download latest version from the release page

or locally:

go run cmd/fitter/main.go --path=./examples/config_api.json
  1. --path - string[config.yaml] - path for the configuration of the Fitter

How to use Fitter_CLI

Download latest version from the release page

or locally:

go run cmd/cli/main.go --path=./examples/cli/config_cli.json
  1. --path - string[config.yaml] - path for the configuration of the Fitter_CLI
  2. --copy - bool[false] - copy information into clipboard
  3. --pretty - bool[true] - make readable result(also affect on copy)
  4. --verbose - bool[false] - enable logging
./fitter_cli_${VERSION} --path=./examples/cli/config_cli.json --copy=true


  1. Server version HackerNews + Quotes + Guardian News - using API + HTML + XPath parsing
  2. Chromium version Guardian News + Quotes - using HTML parsing + browser emulation
  3. Docker version Docker version: Guardian News + Quotes - using HTML parsing + browser from Docker image
  4. Playwright version Playwright version: Guardian News + Quotes - using HTML parsing + browser from Playwright framework
  5. Playwright version Playwright version: England Cities + Weather - using HTML + XPath parsing + browser from Playwright framework
  6. JSON version Generate pagination - using static connector for generate pagination array
  7. Server version Get current time - get time from url and format it



It is the way how you fetch the data

type ConnectorConfig struct {
    ResponseType  ParserType              `json:"response_type" yaml:"response_type"`
    Url           string                  `json:"url" yaml:"url"`
    StaticConfig  *StaticConnectorConfig  `json:"static_config" yaml:"static_config"`
    ServerConfig  *ServerConnectorConfig  `json:"server_config" yaml:"server_config"`
    BrowserConfig *BrowserConnectorConfig `yaml:"browser_config" json:"browser_config"`
    Attempts      uint32                  `json:"attempts" yaml:"attempts"`
  • ResponseType - enum["HTML", "json","xpath"] - in which format data comes from the connector
  • Attempts - how many attempts to use for fetch data by connector
  • Url - define which address to request

Config can be one of:


  "response_type": "xpath",
  "attempts": 3,
  "url": "{PL}",
  "browser_config": {
    "playwright": {
      "timeout": 30,
      "wait": 30,
      "install": false,
      "browser": "Chromium"

Connector type which fetch data from provided string

type StaticConnectorConfig struct {
	Value string `json:"value" yaml:"value"`
  • Value - static string as data, can be html, json


  "value": "[1,2,3,4,5]"

Connector type which fetch data using golang http.Client(server side request like curl)

type ServerConnectorConfig struct {
    Method  string            `json:"method" yaml:"method"`
    Headers map[string]string `yaml:"headers" json:"headers"`
    Timeout uint32            `yaml:"timeout" json:"timeout"`
    Body    string            `yaml:"body" json:"body"`
  • Method - supported all http methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH, OPTIONS, HEAD
  • Headers - predefine headers for using during request
  • Timeout[sec] - default 60sec timeout or used provided
  • Body - body of the request, parsed value can be injected


  "method": "GET"

Right now default timeout it is 10 sec.

Environment variables
  1. FITTER_HTTP_WORKER - int[1000] - default concurrent HTTP workers

Connector type which emulate fetching of data via browser

type BrowserConnectorConfig struct {
	Chromium   *ChromiumConfig   `json:"chromium" yaml:"chromium"`
	Docker     *DockerConfig     `json:"docker" yaml:"docker"`
	Playwright *PlaywrightConfig `json:"playwright" yaml:"playwright"`

Config can be one of:

  • Chromium - use local installed Chromium for fetch data
  • Docker - use docker as service for spin up container for fetch data
  • Playwright - use playwright framework for fetch data


    "docker": {
      "wait": 10000,
      "image": "",
      "entry_point": "chromium-browser",
      "purge": true

Use locally installed Chromium for fetch the data

type ChromiumConfig struct {
	Path    string   `yaml:"path" json:"path"`
	Timeout uint32   `yaml:"timeout" json:"timeout"`
	Wait    uint32   `yaml:"wait" json:"wait"`
	Flags   []string `yaml:"flags" json:"flags"`
  • Path - path to binary of Chromium
  • Timeout[sec] - timeout for execution of the chromium
  • Wait[msec] - timeout of page loading
  • Flags - flags for Chromium default: "--headless", "--proxy-auto-detect", "--temp-profile", "--incognito", "--disable-logging", "--disable-gpu"


  "path": "/Applications/Google Chrome",
  "wait": 10000

Use Docker for spin up container for fetch data

type DockerConfig struct {
	Image       string   `yaml:"image" json:"image"`
	EntryPoint  string   `json:"entry_point" yaml:"entry_point"`
	Timeout     uint32   `yaml:"timeout" json:"timeout"`
	Wait        uint32   `yaml:"wait" json:"wait"`
	Flags       []string `yaml:"flags" json:"flags"`
	Purge       bool     `json:"purge" yaml:"purge"`
	NoPull      bool     `yaml:"no_pull" json:"no_pull"`
	PullTimeout uint32   `yaml:"pull_timeout" json:"pull_timeout"`

Docker default image:

  • Image - image for the docker registry(provide with registry host)
  • EntryPoint - cmd which will be run inside container
  • Timeout[sec] - timeout for run container(without pulling image)
  • Wait[msec] - timeout of page loading (works just for Chromium based containers)
  • Flags - cmd arguments for run containers, default for Chromium based: "--no-sandbox","--headless", "--proxy-auto-detect", "--temp-profile", "--incognito", "--disable-logging", "--disable-gpu"
  • Purge - should we remove container after work done(like docker rm)
  • NoPull - prevent pulling of the image
  • PullTimeout - define timeout for pull contains
Environment variables
  1. DOCKER_HOST - string - (EnvOverrideHost) to set the URL to the docker server.
  2. DOCKER_API_VERSION - string - (EnvOverrideAPIVersion) to set the version of the API to use, leave empty for latest.
  3. DOCKER_CERT_PATH - string - (EnvOverrideCertPath) to specify the directory from which to load the TLS certificates (ca.pem, cert.pem, key.pem).
  4. DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY - bool - (EnvTLSVerify) to enable or disable TLS verification (off by default)


  "wait": 10000,
  "image": "",
  "entry_point": "chromium-browser",
  "purge": true

Run browsers via playwright framework

type PlaywrightConfig struct {
	Browser    PlaywrightBrowser          `json:"browser" yaml:"browser"`
	Install    bool                       `yaml:"install" json:"install"`
	Timeout    uint32                     `yaml:"timeout" json:"timeout"`
	Wait       uint32                     `yaml:"wait" json:"wait"`
	TypeOfWait *playwright.WaitUntilState `json:"type_of_wait" yaml:"type_of_wait"`
  • Browser - enum["Chromium", "FireFox", "WebKit"] - which browser to use
  • Install - should we install browser
  • Timeout[sec] - timeout to run playwright
  • Wait[sec] - timeout of page loading
  • TypeOfWait - enum["load", "domcontentloaded", "networkidle", "commit"] which state of page we waiting, default is "load"


  "timeout": 30,
  "wait": 30,
  "install": false,
  "browser": "Chromium"


With model we define result of the scrapping

type Model struct {
    ObjectConfig *ObjectConfig `yaml:"object_config" json:"object_config"`
    ArrayConfig  *ArrayConfig  `json:"array_config" yaml:"array_config"`
    BaseField    *BaseField    `json:"base_field" yaml:"base_field"`

Config can be one of:


  "object_config": {}

Configuration of the object and fields

type ObjectConfig struct {
    Fields      map[string]*Field `json:"fields" yaml:"fields"`
    Field       *BaseField        `json:"field" yaml:"field"`
    ArrayConfig *ArrayConfig      `json:"array_config" yaml:"array_config"`

Config can be one of:

  • Fields - map of each field definition; key - field name, value - configuration
  • Field - used for element of array; fields which will be deserialized like basic type like "string", "int" and etc (used here for case array of basic types)
  • ArrayConfig - used for element of array; deserialization array of array


  "fields": {
    "title": {
      "base_field": {
        "type": "string",
        "path": "type"

Configuration of the array and fields

type ArrayConfig struct {
    RootPath    string        `json:"root_path" yaml:"root_path"`
    ItemConfig  *ObjectConfig `json:"item_config" yaml:"item_config"`
    LengthLimit uint32        `json:"length_limit" yaml:"length_limit"`
    StaticConfig *StaticArrayConfig `json:"static_array"  yaml:"static_array"`
  • RootPath - selector for find root element of the array or repeated element in case of html parsing, size of array will be amount of children element under the root
  • LengthLimit - for define size of array only for generated(not working for static)

Config can be one of:


  "root_path": "#content dt.quote > a",
  "item_config": {
    "field": {
      "type": "string"

Common of the field

type Field struct {
	BaseField    *BaseField    `json:"base_field" yaml:"base_field"`
	ObjectConfig *ObjectConfig `yaml:"object_config" yaml:"object_config"`
	ArrayConfig  *ArrayConfig  `json:"array_config" yaml:"array_config"`

	FirstOf []*Field `json:"first_of" yaml:"first_of"`

Config can be one of:

  • BaseField - fields which will be deserialized like basic type like "string", "int" and etc
  • ObjectConfig - in case our field in nested object
  • ArrayConfig - in case our field in array
  • FirstOf - first not empty resolved field will be selected


  "base_field": {
    "type": "string",
    "path": "div.current-temp span.heading"

In case we want get some static information or generate new one

type BaseField struct {
	Type FieldType `yaml:"type" json:"type"`
	Path string    `yaml:"path" json:"path"`

	Generated *GeneratedFieldConfig `yaml:"generated" json:"generated"`

	FirstOf []*BaseField `json:"first_of" yaml:"first_of"`
  • FieldType - enum["null", "boolean", "string", "int", "int64", "float", "float64", "array", "object"] - static field for parse
  • Path - selector(relative in case it is array child) for parsing

Config can be one of or empty:

  • Generated - field can be generated one which custom configuration
  • FirstOf - first not empty resolved field will be selected


  "generated": {
    "uuid": {}
  "type": "string",
  "path": "text()"

Provide functionality of generating field on the flight

type GeneratedFieldConfig struct {
	UUID      *UUIDGeneratedFieldConfig   `yaml:"uuid" json:"uuid"`
	Static    *StaticGeneratedFieldConfig `yaml:"static" json:"static"`
	Formatted *FormattedFieldConfig       `json:"formatted" yaml:"formatted"`
	Model     *ModelField                 `yaml:"model" json:"model"`

Config can be one of:

  • UUID - generate random UUID V4
  • Static - generate static field
  • Formatted - format field
  • Model - model generated from the other connector and model


    "uuid": {}

    "model": {
      "type": "array",
      "model": {
        "array_config": {
          "root_path": "#content dt.quote > a",
          "item_config": {
            "field": {
              "type": "string"
      "connector_config": {
        "response_type": "HTML",
        "attempts": 3,
        "browser_config": {
          "url": "",
          "chromium": {
            "path": "/Applications/Google Chrome",
            "wait": 10000

Generate random UUID V4 on the flight, can be used for generate uniq id

type UUIDGeneratedFieldConfig struct {
	Regexp string `yaml:"regexp" json:"regexp"`
  • Regexp - provide matcher which can be used for get part of generated uuid

Generate static field

type StaticGeneratedFieldConfig struct {
	Type  FieldType `yaml:"type" json:"type"`
	Value string    `json:"value" yaml:"value"`
  • Type - enum["null", "boolean", "string", "int","int64","float","float64"] - type of the field
  • Value - string value of the field


  "type": "int",
  "value": "65"
Formatted Field Config

Generate formatted field which will pass value from parent base field

type FormattedFieldConfig struct {
	Template string `yaml:"template" json:"template"`
  • Template - template in with placeholder {PL} where parent value will be injected like string


  "template": "{PL}"
Model Field

Field type which can be generated on the flight by news model and connector

type ModelField struct {
	// Type of parsing
	ConnectorConfig *ConnectorConfig `yaml:"connector_config" json:"connector_config"`
	// Model of the response
	Model *Model `yaml:"model" json:"model"`

	Type FieldType `yaml:"type" json:"type"`
	Path string             `yaml:"path" json:"path"`
  • ConnectorConfig - which connector to use. Important: URL in the connector can be with inject of the parent value as a string
  • Model - configuration of the underhood model
  • Type - enum["null", "boolean", "string", "int", "int64", "float", "float64", "array", "object"] - type of generated field
  • Path - in case we cant extract some information from generated field we can use json selector for extract


  "type": "array",
  "model": {
    "array_config": {
      "root_path": "#content dt.quote > a",
      "item_config": {
        "field": {
          "type": "string"

    "type": "string",
    "path": "temp.temp",
    "model": {
       "object_config": {
        "fields": {
          "temp": {
            "base_field": {
              "type": "string",
              "path": "//div[@id='forecast_list_ul']//td/b/a/@href",
              "generated": {
                "model": {
                  "type": "string",
                  "model": {
                    "object_config": {
                      "fields": {
                        "temp": {
                          "base_field": {
                            "type": "string",
                            "path": "div.current-temp span.heading"
                  "connector_config": {
                    "response_type": "HTML",
                    "attempts": 4,
                    "url": "{PL}",
                    "browser_config": {
                      "playwright": {
                        "timeout": 30,
                        "wait": 30,
                        "install": false,
                        "browser": "FireFox",
                        "type_of_wait": "networkidle"
    "connector_config": {
      "response_type": "xpath",
      "attempts": 3,
      "url": "{PL}",
      "browser_config": {
        "playwright": {
          "timeout": 30,
          "wait": 30,
          "install": false,
          "browser": "Chromium"
Static Array Config

Provide static(fixed length) array generation

type StaticArrayConfig struct {
    Items map[uint32]*Field `yaml:"items" json:"items"`
    Length uint32            `yaml:"length" json:"length"`
  • Items - map[uint32]*Field - key is index in array, value is field definition
  • Length - if set(1+) can be used for define custom length of array


  "0": {
    "base_field": {
      "type": "string",
      "path": "div.current-temp span.heading"
  "length": 4,
  "0": {
    "base_field": {
      "type": "string",
      "path": "div.current-temp span.heading"
Placeholder list
  1. {PL} - for inject value
  2. {INDEX} - for inject index in parent array
  3. {HUMAN_INDEX} - for inject index in parent array in human way
  4. {{{json_path}}} - will get information from propagated "object"/"array" field


Provide limitation for prevent DDOS, big usage of memory

type Limits struct {
	HostRequestLimiter HostRequestLimiter `yaml:"host_request_limiter" json:"host_request_limiter"`
	ChromiumInstance   uint32             `yaml:"chromium_instance" json:"chromium_instance"`
	DockerContainers   uint32             `yaml:"docker_containers" json:"docker_containers"`
	PlaywrightInstance uint32             `yaml:"playwright_instance" json:"playwright_instance"`
  • HostRequestLimiter - map[string]int64 - limitation per host name, key is host, value is amount of parallel request(usage for server connector)
  • ChromiumInstance - amount of parallel chromium instance
  • DockerContainers - amount of parallel docker instance
  • PlaywrightInstance - amount of parallel playwright instance

  "limits": {
    "host_request_limiter": {
      "": 5
    "chromium_instance": 3,
    "docker_containers": 3,
    "playwright_instance": 3


  1. Add browser scenario for preparing, after parsing
  2. Add scrolling support for scenario
  3. Add pagination support for scenario
  4. Add notification methods for Fitter: Webhook/Queue


Path Synopsis

Jump to

Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL