Overview ¶
Package api provides AIStore API over HTTP(S)
- Copyright (c) 2018-2022, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
Package api provides AIStore API over HTTP(S)
- Copyright (c) 2018-2022, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
Package api provides AIStore API over HTTP(S)
- Copyright (c) 2018-2022, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
Package api provides AIStore API over HTTP(S)
- Copyright (c) 2018-2022, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
Package api provides AIStore API over HTTP(S)
- Copyright (c) 2018-2022, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
Package api provides AIStore API over HTTP(S)
- Copyright (c) 2018-2022, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
Package api provides AIStore API over HTTP(S)
- Copyright (c) 2018-2022, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
Package api provides AIStore API over HTTP(S)
- Copyright (c) 2018-2022, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
Package api provides AIStore API over HTTP(S)
- Copyright (c) 2018-2022, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
Package api provides AIStore API over HTTP(S)
- Copyright (c) 2018-2022, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
Package api provides AIStore API over HTTP(S)
- Copyright (c) 2018-2022, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
Package api provides AIStore API over HTTP(S)
- Copyright (c) 2018-2022, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
Package api provides AIStore API over HTTP(S)
- Copyright (c) 2018-2022, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
Index ¶
- Constants
- func AbortDSort(bp BaseParams, managerUUID string) error
- func AbortDownload(bp BaseParams, id string) error
- func AbortXaction(bp BaseParams, args XactReqArgs) error
- func AccessAttrs(v apc.AccessAttrs) *apc.AccessAttrs
- func AppendObject(args AppendArgs) (string, error)
- func AppendToArch(args AppendToArchArgs) (err error)
- func AttachMountpath(bp BaseParams, node *cluster.Snode, mountpath string, force bool) error
- func AttachRemoteAIS(bp BaseParams, alias, u string) error
- func Bool(v bool) *bool
- func CopyBucket(bp BaseParams, fromBck, toBck cmn.Bck, msg *apc.CopyBckMsg) (xactID string, err error)
- func CopyMultiObj(bp BaseParams, fromBck cmn.Bck, msg cmn.TCObjsMsg) (xactID string, err error)
- func CreateArchMultiObj(bp BaseParams, fromBck cmn.Bck, msg cmn.ArchiveMsg) (string, error)
- func CreateBucket(bp BaseParams, bck cmn.Bck, props *cmn.BucketPropsToUpdate) error
- func DecommissionCluster(bp BaseParams, rmUserData bool) error
- func DecommissionNode(bp BaseParams, actValue *apc.ActValRmNode) (xid string, err error)
- func DeleteList(bp BaseParams, bck cmn.Bck, filesList []string) (string, error)
- func DeleteObject(bp BaseParams, bck cmn.Bck, object string) error
- func DeleteRange(bp BaseParams, bck cmn.Bck, rng string) (string, error)
- func DestroyBucket(bp BaseParams, bck cmn.Bck) error
- func DetachMountpath(bp BaseParams, node *cluster.Snode, mountpath string, dontResilver bool) error
- func DetachRemoteAIS(bp BaseParams, alias string) error
- func DisableMountpath(bp BaseParams, node *cluster.Snode, mountpath string, dontResilver bool) error
- func DoWithRetry(client *http.Client, cb NewRequestCB, reqArgs *cmn.HreqArgs) (resp *http.Response, err error)
- func DownloadBackend(bp BaseParams, description string, bck cmn.Bck, prefix, suffix string, ...) (string, error)
- func DownloadGetList(bp BaseParams, regex string) (dlList downloader.DlJobInfos, err error)
- func DownloadMulti(bp BaseParams, description string, bck cmn.Bck, msg any, ...) (string, error)
- func DownloadRange(bp BaseParams, description string, bck cmn.Bck, template string, ...) (string, error)
- func DownloadSingle(bp BaseParams, description string, bck cmn.Bck, objName, link string, ...) (string, error)
- func DownloadStatus(bp BaseParams, id string, onlyActiveTasks ...bool) (resp downloader.DlStatusResp, err error)
- func DownloadWithParam(bp BaseParams, dlt downloader.DlType, body any) (id string, err error)
- func Duration(v time.Duration) *time.Duration
- func ECEncodeBucket(bp BaseParams, bck cmn.Bck, data, parity int) (xactID string, err error)
- func ETLBucket(bp BaseParams, fromBck, toBck cmn.Bck, bckMsg *apc.TCBMsg) (xactID string, err error)
- func ETLDelete(bp BaseParams, id string) (err error)
- func ETLGetInitMsg(params BaseParams, id string) (initMsg etl.InitMsg, err error)
- func ETLHealth(params BaseParams, id string) (healths etl.PodsHealthMsg, err error)
- func ETLInit(bp BaseParams, msg etl.InitMsg) (id string, err error)
- func ETLList(bp BaseParams) (list []etl.Info, err error)
- func ETLLogs(bp BaseParams, id string, targetID ...string) (logs etl.PodsLogsMsg, err error)
- func ETLMultiObj(bp BaseParams, fromBck cmn.Bck, msg cmn.TCObjsMsg) (xactID string, err error)
- func ETLObject(bp BaseParams, id string, bck cmn.Bck, objName string, w io.Writer) (err error)
- func ETLStart(bp BaseParams, id string) (err error)
- func ETLStop(bp BaseParams, id string) (err error)
- func EnableMountpath(bp BaseParams, node *cluster.Snode, mountpath string) error
- func EvictList(bp BaseParams, bck cmn.Bck, fileslist []string) (string, error)
- func EvictObject(bp BaseParams, bck cmn.Bck, object string) error
- func EvictRange(bp BaseParams, bck cmn.Bck, rng string) (string, error)
- func EvictRemoteBucket(bp BaseParams, bck cmn.Bck, keepMD bool) error
- func FlushObject(args FlushArgs) error
- func FreeRp(reqParams *ReqParams)
- func GetBMD(bp BaseParams) (*cluster.BMD, error)
- func GetBucketInfo(bp BaseParams, bck cmn.Bck, fltPresence int) (p *cmn.BucketProps, info *cmn.BsummResult, err error)
- func GetBucketSummary(bp BaseParams, qbck cmn.QueryBcks, msg *cmn.BsummCtrlMsg) (cmn.AllBsummResults, error)
- func GetClusterConfig(bp BaseParams) (*cmn.ClusterConfig, error)
- func GetClusterMap(bp BaseParams) (smap *cluster.Smap, err error)
- func GetClusterStats(bp BaseParams) (res stats.ClusterStats, err error)
- func GetClusterSysInfo(bp BaseParams) (info apc.ClusterSysInfo, err error)
- func GetDaemonConfig(bp BaseParams, node *cluster.Snode) (config *cmn.Config, err error)
- func GetDaemonLog(bp BaseParams, node *cluster.Snode, args GetLogInput) error
- func GetDaemonStats(bp BaseParams, node *cluster.Snode) (ds *stats.DaemonStats, err error)
- func GetDaemonStatus(bp BaseParams, node *cluster.Snode) (daeInfo *stats.DaemonStatus, err error)
- func GetMountpaths(bp BaseParams, node *cluster.Snode) (mpl *apc.MountpathList, err error)
- func GetNodeClusterMap(bp BaseParams, sid string) (smap *cluster.Smap, err error)
- func GetObject(bp BaseParams, bck cmn.Bck, object string, options ...GetObjectInput) (n int64, err error)
- func GetObjectReader(bp BaseParams, bck cmn.Bck, object string, options ...GetObjectInput) (r io.ReadCloser, err error)
- func GetObjectS3(bp BaseParams, bck cmn.Bck, objectName string, options ...GetObjectInput) (int64, error)
- func GetObjectWithResp(bp BaseParams, bck cmn.Bck, object string, options ...GetObjectInput) (*http.Response, int64, error)
- func GetObjectWithValidation(bp BaseParams, bck cmn.Bck, object string, options ...GetObjectInput) (n int64, err error)
- func GetProxyReadiness(bp BaseParams) error
- func GetRemoteAIS(bp BaseParams) (remais cluster.Remotes, err error)
- func GetTargetDiskStats(bp BaseParams, tid string) (res ios.AllDiskStats, err error)
- func GetWhatRawQuery(getWhat, getProps string) string
- func GetXactionStatus(bp BaseParams, args XactReqArgs) (status *nl.NotifStatus, err error)
- func HTTPStatus(err error) int
- func HeadBucket(bp BaseParams, bck cmn.Bck, dontAddRemote bool) (p *cmn.BucketProps, err error)
- func HeadObject(bp BaseParams, bck cmn.Bck, object string, fltPresence int) (*cmn.ObjectProps, error)
- func Health(bp BaseParams, readyToRebalance ...bool) error
- func HealthUptime(bp BaseParams, readyToRebalance ...bool) (string, string, error)
- func Int(v int) *int
- func Int64(v int64) *int64
- func JoinCluster(bp BaseParams, nodeInfo *cluster.Snode) (rebID, sid string, err error)
- func ListBuckets(bp BaseParams, qbck cmn.QueryBcks, fltPresence int) (cmn.Bcks, error)
- func ListDSort(bp BaseParams, regex string) (jobsInfos []*dsort.JobInfo, err error)
- func ListObjects(bp BaseParams, bck cmn.Bck, lsmsg *apc.LsoMsg, numObj uint) (*cmn.LsoResult, error)
- func ListObjectsInvalidateCache(bp BaseParams, bck cmn.Bck) error
- func ListObjectsPage(bp BaseParams, bck cmn.Bck, lsmsg *apc.LsoMsg) (*cmn.LsoResult, error)
- func ListObjectsWithOpts(bp BaseParams, bck cmn.Bck, lsmsg *apc.LsoMsg, numObj uint, ...) (lst *cmn.LsoResult, err error)
- func MakeNCopies(bp BaseParams, bck cmn.Bck, copies int) (xactID string, err error)
- func MetricsDSort(bp BaseParams, managerUUID string) (metrics map[string]*dsort.Metrics, err error)
- func PrefetchList(bp BaseParams, bck cmn.Bck, fileslist []string) (string, error)
- func PrefetchRange(bp BaseParams, bck cmn.Bck, rng string) (string, error)
- func Promote(args *PromoteArgs) (xactID string, err error)
- func PutObject(args PutObjectArgs) (err error)
- func QueryBuckets(bp BaseParams, qbck cmn.QueryBcks, fltPresence int) (bool, error)
- func RemoveDSort(bp BaseParams, managerUUID string) error
- func RemoveDownload(bp BaseParams, id string) error
- func RemoveNodeFromSmap(bp BaseParams, sid string) error
- func RenameBucket(bp BaseParams, fromBck, toBck cmn.Bck) (xactID string, err error)
- func RenameObject(bp BaseParams, bck cmn.Bck, oldName, newName string) error
- func ResetBucketProps(bp BaseParams, bck cmn.Bck, query ...url.Values) (string, error)
- func ResetClusterConfig(bp BaseParams) error
- func ResetDaemonConfig(bp BaseParams, nodeID string) error
- func SetAuxHeaders(r *http.Request, bp *BaseParams)
- func SetBucketProps(bp BaseParams, bck cmn.Bck, props *cmn.BucketPropsToUpdate, ...) (string, error)
- func SetClusterConfig(bp BaseParams, nvs cos.StrKVs, transient bool) error
- func SetClusterConfigUsingMsg(bp BaseParams, configToUpdate *cmn.ConfigToUpdate, transient bool) error
- func SetDaemonConfig(bp BaseParams, nodeID string, nvs cos.StrKVs, transient ...bool) error
- func SetObjectCustomProps(bp BaseParams, bck cmn.Bck, object string, custom cos.StrKVs, setNew bool) error
- func SetPrimaryProxy(bp BaseParams, newPrimaryID string, force bool) error
- func ShutdownCluster(bp BaseParams) error
- func ShutdownNode(bp BaseParams, actValue *apc.ActValRmNode) (id string, err error)
- func StartDSort(bp BaseParams, rs dsort.RequestSpec) (string, error)
- func StartMaintenance(bp BaseParams, actValue *apc.ActValRmNode) (xid string, err error)
- func StartXaction(bp BaseParams, args XactReqArgs) (id string, err error)
- func StopMaintenance(bp BaseParams, actValue *apc.ActValRmNode) (xid string, err error)
- func String(v string) *string
- func WaitForXactionIC(bp BaseParams, args XactReqArgs) (status *nl.NotifStatus, err error)
- func WaitForXactionIdle(bp BaseParams, args XactReqArgs) error
- func WaitForXactionNode(bp BaseParams, args XactReqArgs, fn func(NodesXactMultiSnap) bool) error
- func WritePolicy(v apc.WritePolicy) *apc.WritePolicy
- type AppendArgs
- type AppendToArchArgs
- type BaseParams
- type FlushArgs
- type GetLogInput
- type GetObjectInput
- type NewRequestCB
- type NodesXactMultiSnap
- type NodesXactSnap
- type ProgressCallback
- type ProgressContext
- type ProgressInfo
- type PromoteArgs
- type PutObjectArgs
- type ReqParams
- type XactReqArgs
- type XactStatsHelper
Constants ¶
const ( StatusOnline = "online" StatusOffline = "offline" StatusTimedOut = "timed out" )
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func AbortDSort ¶
func AbortDSort(bp BaseParams, managerUUID string) error
func AbortDownload ¶
func AbortDownload(bp BaseParams, id string) error
func AbortXaction ¶
func AbortXaction(bp BaseParams, args XactReqArgs) error
AbortXaction aborts a given xact.
func AccessAttrs ¶
func AccessAttrs(v apc.AccessAttrs) *apc.AccessAttrs
AccessAttrs returns a pointer to the AccessAttr value passed in.
func AppendObject ¶
func AppendObject(args AppendArgs) (string, error)
AppendObject adds a reader (`args.Reader` - e.g., an open file) to an object. The API can be called multiple times - each call returns a handle that may be used for subsequent append requests. Once all the "appending" is done, the caller must call `api.FlushObject` to finalize the object. NOTE: object becomes visible and accessible only _after_ the call to `api.FlushObject`.
func AppendToArch ¶
func AppendToArch(args AppendToArchArgs) (err error)
Append the content of a reader (`args.Reader` - e.g., an open file) to an existing object formatted as one of the supported archives. In other words, append to an existing archive. For supported archival (mime) types, see cmn/cos/archive.go. NOTE: compare with:
- `api.CreateArchMultiObj`
- `api.AppendObject`
func AttachMountpath ¶
TODO: rewrite tests that come here with `force`
func AttachRemoteAIS ¶
func AttachRemoteAIS(bp BaseParams, alias, u string) error
func CopyBucket ¶
func CopyBucket(bp BaseParams, fromBck, toBck cmn.Bck, msg *apc.CopyBckMsg) (xactID string, err error)
CopyBucket copies existing `fromBck` bucket to the destination `toBck` thus, effectively, creating a copy of the `fromBck`.
- AIS will create `toBck` on the fly but only if the destination bucket does not exist and _is_ provided by AIStore; 3rd party backend destination must exist - otherwise the copy operation won't be successful.
- There are no limitations on copying buckets across Backend providers: you can copy AIS bucket to (or from) AWS bucket, and the latter to Google or Azure bucket, etc.
- Copying multiple buckets to the same destination bucket is also permitted.
func CopyMultiObj ¶
func CreateArchMultiObj ¶
func CreateArchMultiObj(bp BaseParams, fromBck cmn.Bck, msg cmn.ArchiveMsg) (string, error)
CreateArchMultiObj allows to archive multiple objects. The option to append multiple objects to an existing archive is also supported. The source and the destination buckets are defined as `fromBck` and `toBck`, respectively (not necessarily distinct) For supported archiving formats, see `cos.ArchExtensions`. NOTE: compare with `api.AppendToArch`
func CreateBucket ¶
func CreateBucket(bp BaseParams, bck cmn.Bck, props *cmn.BucketPropsToUpdate) error
CreateBucket sends request to create an AIS bucket with the given name and, optionally, specific non-default properties (via cmn.BucketPropsToUpdate).
See also:
- cmn.BucketPropsToUpdate (cmn/api.go)
Bucket properties can be also changed at any time via SetBucketProps (above).
func DecommissionCluster ¶
func DecommissionCluster(bp BaseParams, rmUserData bool) error
DecommissionCluster permanently decommissions entire cluster
func DecommissionNode ¶
func DecommissionNode(bp BaseParams, actValue *apc.ActValRmNode) (xid string, err error)
func DeleteList ¶
DeleteList sends request to remove a list of objects from a bucket.
func DeleteObject ¶
func DeleteObject(bp BaseParams, bck cmn.Bck, object string) error
DeleteObject deletes an object specified by bucket/object.
func DeleteRange ¶
DeleteRange sends request to remove a range of objects from a bucket.
func DestroyBucket ¶
func DestroyBucket(bp BaseParams, bck cmn.Bck) error
DestroyBucket sends request to remove an AIS bucket with the given name.
func DetachMountpath ¶
func DetachRemoteAIS ¶
func DetachRemoteAIS(bp BaseParams, alias string) error
func DisableMountpath ¶
func DoWithRetry ¶
func DoWithRetry(client *http.Client, cb NewRequestCB, reqArgs *cmn.HreqArgs) (resp *http.Response, err error)
DoWithRetry executes `http-client.Do` and retries *retriable connection errors*, such as "broken pipe" and "connection refused".
This function always closes the `reqArgs.BodR`, even in case of error.
Should be used for PUT requests as it puts reader into a request.
NOTE: always closes request body reader (reqArgs.BodyR) - explicitly or via Do() TODO: this code must be totally revised
func DownloadBackend ¶
func DownloadGetList ¶
func DownloadGetList(bp BaseParams, regex string) (dlList downloader.DlJobInfos, err error)
func DownloadMulti ¶
func DownloadRange ¶
func DownloadSingle ¶
func DownloadStatus ¶
func DownloadStatus(bp BaseParams, id string, onlyActiveTasks ...bool) (resp downloader.DlStatusResp, err error)
func DownloadWithParam ¶
func DownloadWithParam(bp BaseParams, dlt downloader.DlType, body any) (id string, err error)
func ECEncodeBucket ¶
func ETLDelete ¶
func ETLDelete(bp BaseParams, id string) (err error)
func ETLGetInitMsg ¶
func ETLGetInitMsg(params BaseParams, id string) (initMsg etl.InitMsg, err error)
func ETLHealth ¶
func ETLHealth(params BaseParams, id string) (healths etl.PodsHealthMsg, err error)
func ETLLogs ¶
func ETLLogs(bp BaseParams, id string, targetID ...string) (logs etl.PodsLogsMsg, err error)
func ETLMultiObj ¶
func ETLStart ¶
func ETLStart(bp BaseParams, id string) (err error)
func ETLStop ¶
func ETLStop(bp BaseParams, id string) (err error)
func EnableMountpath ¶
func EnableMountpath(bp BaseParams, node *cluster.Snode, mountpath string) error
func EvictObject ¶
func EvictObject(bp BaseParams, bck cmn.Bck, object string) error
EvictObject evicts an object specified by bucket/object.
func EvictRange ¶
EvictRange sends request to evict a range of objects from a remote bucket.
func EvictRemoteBucket ¶
func EvictRemoteBucket(bp BaseParams, bck cmn.Bck, keepMD bool) error
EvictRemoteBucket sends request to evict an entire remote bucket from the AIStore - keepMD: evict objects but keep bucket metadata
func FlushObject ¶
FlushObject must be called after all the appends (via `api.AppendObject`). To "flush", it uses the handle returned by `api.AppendObject`. This call will create a fully operational and accessible object.
func GetBucketInfo ¶
func GetBucketInfo(bp BaseParams, bck cmn.Bck, fltPresence int) (p *cmn.BucketProps, info *cmn.BsummResult, err error)
Bucket information - a runtime addendum to `BucketProps`. Unlike `cmn.BucketProps` properties (which are user configurable), bucket runtime info: - includes usage, capacity, other statistics - is obtained via GetBucketInfo() API - delivered via apc.HdrBucketInfo header (compare with GetBucketSummary) The API utilizes HEAD method (compare with HeadBucket above)
func GetBucketSummary ¶
func GetBucketSummary(bp BaseParams, qbck cmn.QueryBcks, msg *cmn.BsummCtrlMsg) (cmn.AllBsummResults, error)
GetBucketSummary returns bucket summaries (i.e., capcity ulitization stats and numbers of objects) for the specified bucket or buckets, as per `cmn.QueryBcks` query. E.g., an empty bucket query corresponds to all buckets present in the cluster's metadata.
func GetClusterConfig ¶
func GetClusterConfig(bp BaseParams) (*cmn.ClusterConfig, error)
GetClusterConfig returns cluster-wide configuration
func GetClusterMap ¶
func GetClusterMap(bp BaseParams) (smap *cluster.Smap, err error)
GetClusterMap retrieves AIStore cluster map.
func GetClusterStats ¶
func GetClusterStats(bp BaseParams) (res stats.ClusterStats, err error)
GetClusterStats retrieves AIStore cluster stats (all targets and current proxy).
func GetClusterSysInfo ¶
func GetClusterSysInfo(bp BaseParams) (info apc.ClusterSysInfo, err error)
GetClusterSysInfo retrieves AIStore system info.
func GetDaemonConfig ¶
GetDaemonConfig returns the configuration of a specific daemon in a cluster.
func GetDaemonLog ¶
func GetDaemonLog(bp BaseParams, node *cluster.Snode, args GetLogInput) error
GetDaemonLog returns log of a specific daemon in a cluster.
func GetDaemonStats ¶
func GetDaemonStats(bp BaseParams, node *cluster.Snode) (ds *stats.DaemonStats, err error)
func GetDaemonStatus ¶
func GetDaemonStatus(bp BaseParams, node *cluster.Snode) (daeInfo *stats.DaemonStatus, err error)
GetDaemonStatus returns information about specific node in a cluster.
func GetMountpaths ¶
func GetMountpaths(bp BaseParams, node *cluster.Snode) (mpl *apc.MountpathList, err error)
GetMountpaths given the direct public URL of the target, returns the target's mountpaths or error.
func GetNodeClusterMap ¶
func GetNodeClusterMap(bp BaseParams, sid string) (smap *cluster.Smap, err error)
GetNodeClusterMap retrieves AIStore cluster map from specific node.
func GetObject ¶
func GetObject(bp BaseParams, bck cmn.Bck, object string, options ...GetObjectInput) (n int64, err error)
GetObject returns the length of the object. Does not validate checksum of the object in the response.
Writes the response body to a writer if one is specified in the optional `GetObjectInput.Writer`. Otherwise, it discards the response body read.
`io.Copy` is used internally to copy response bytes from the request to the writer.
func GetObjectReader ¶
func GetObjectReader(bp BaseParams, bck cmn.Bck, object string, options ...GetObjectInput) (r io.ReadCloser, err error)
GetObjectReader returns reader of the requested object. It does not read body bytes, nor validates a checksum. Caller is responsible for closing the reader.
func GetObjectS3 ¶
func GetObjectS3(bp BaseParams, bck cmn.Bck, objectName string, options ...GetObjectInput) (int64, error)
func GetObjectWithResp ¶
func GetObjectWithResp(bp BaseParams, bck cmn.Bck, object string, options ...GetObjectInput) (*http.Response, int64, error)
GetObjectWithResp returns the response and the length of the object. It does not validate the checksum of the object in the response.
Writes the response body to a writer if one is specified in the optional `GetObjectInput.Writer`. Otherwise, it discards the response body read.
`io.Copy` is used internally to copy response bytes from the request to the writer.
func GetObjectWithValidation ¶
func GetObjectWithValidation(bp BaseParams, bck cmn.Bck, object string, options ...GetObjectInput) (n int64, err error)
GetObjectWithValidation has same behavior as GetObject, but performs checksum validation of the object by comparing the checksum in the response header with the calculated checksum value derived from the returned object.
Similar to GetObject, if a memory manager/slab allocator is not specified, a temporary buffer is allocated when reading from the response body to compute the object checksum.
Returns `cmn.ErrInvalidCksum` when the expected and actual checksum values are different.
func GetProxyReadiness ¶
func GetProxyReadiness(bp BaseParams) error
to be used by external watchdogs (Kubernetes, etc.) (compare with api.Health below)
func GetRemoteAIS ¶
func GetRemoteAIS(bp BaseParams) (remais cluster.Remotes, err error)
func GetTargetDiskStats ¶
func GetTargetDiskStats(bp BaseParams, tid string) (res ios.AllDiskStats, err error)
func GetWhatRawQuery ¶
func GetXactionStatus ¶
func GetXactionStatus(bp BaseParams, args XactReqArgs) (status *nl.NotifStatus, err error)
GetXactionStatus retrieves the status of the xact.
func HTTPStatus ¶
HTTPStatus returns HTTP status or (-1) for non-HTTP error.
func HeadBucket ¶
func HeadBucket(bp BaseParams, bck cmn.Bck, dontAddRemote bool) (p *cmn.BucketProps, err error)
HEAD(bucket): apc.HdrBucketProps => cmn.BucketProps{} and apc.HdrBucketInfo => BucketInfo{}
Converts the string type fields returned from the HEAD request to their corresponding counterparts in the cmn.BucketProps struct.
By default, AIStore adds remote buckets to the cluster metadata on the fly. Remote bucket that was never accessed before just "shows up" when user performs HEAD, PUT, GET, SET-PROPS, and a variety of other operations. This is done only once (and after confirming the bucket's existence and accessibility) and doesn't require any action from the user. Use `dontAddRemote` to override the default behavior: as the name implies, setting `dontAddRemote = true` prevents AIS from adding remote bucket to the cluster's metadata.
func HeadObject ¶
func HeadObject(bp BaseParams, bck cmn.Bck, object string, fltPresence int) (*cmn.ObjectProps, error)
HeadObject returns object properties; can be conventionally used to establish in-cluster presence.
func Health ¶
func Health(bp BaseParams, readyToRebalance ...bool) error
func HealthUptime ¶
func HealthUptime(bp BaseParams, readyToRebalance ...bool) (string, string, error)
func JoinCluster ¶
func JoinCluster(bp BaseParams, nodeInfo *cluster.Snode) (rebID, sid string, err error)
JoinCluster add a node to a cluster.
func ListBuckets ¶
ListBuckets returns buckets for provided query, where `fltPresence` is one of { apc.FltExists, apc.FltPresent, ... } (ListBuckets must not be confused with `ListObjects()` and friends below).
func ListDSort ¶
func ListDSort(bp BaseParams, regex string) (jobsInfos []*dsort.JobInfo, err error)
func ListObjects ¶
func ListObjects(bp BaseParams, bck cmn.Bck, lsmsg *apc.LsoMsg, numObj uint) (*cmn.LsoResult, error)
ListObjects returns a list of objects in a bucket - a slice of structures in the `cmn.LsoResult` that look like `cmn.LsoEntry`.
The `numObjects` argument is the maximum number of objects to be returned (where 0 (zero) means returning all objects in the bucket).
This API supports numerous options and flags. In particular, `apc.LsoMsg` supports "opening" objects formatted as one of the supported archival types and include contents of archived directories in generated result sets. In addition, `apc.LsoMsg` provides options (flags) to optimize ListObjects performance, to list anonymous public-access Cloud buckets, and more. For detals, see: `api/apc/lsmsg.go` source.
AIS fully supports listing buckets that may have millions of objects. For large and very large buckets, it is strongly recommended to use ListObjectsPage that will return the very first (listed) page and a so called "continuation token".
See also: - `ListObjectsPage` below. - usage examples, see CLI docs under docs/cli.
func ListObjectsInvalidateCache ¶
func ListObjectsInvalidateCache(bp BaseParams, bck cmn.Bck) error
TODO: obsolete this function after introducing mechanism to detect remote bucket changes.
func ListObjectsPage ¶
ListObjectsPage returns the first page of bucket objects. On success the function updates `lsmsg.ContinuationToken` which client then can reuse to fetch the next page. See also: CLI and CLI usage examples See also: `apc.LsoMsg` See also: `api.ListObjectsInvalidateCache` See also: `api.ListObjects`
func ListObjectsWithOpts ¶
func ListObjectsWithOpts(bp BaseParams, bck cmn.Bck, lsmsg *apc.LsoMsg, numObj uint, progress *ProgressContext) (lst *cmn.LsoResult, err error)
additional argument may include "progress-bar" context
func MakeNCopies ¶
MakeNCopies starts an extended action (xaction) to bring a given bucket to a certain redundancy level (num copies).
func MetricsDSort ¶
func PrefetchList ¶
PrefetchList sends request to prefetch a list of objects from a remote bucket.
func PrefetchRange ¶
PrefetchRange sends request to prefetch a range of objects from a remote bucket.
func Promote ¶
func Promote(args *PromoteArgs) (xactID string, err error)
promote files and directories to ais objects
func PutObject ¶
func PutObject(args PutObjectArgs) (err error)
PutObject creates an object from the body of the reader (`args.Reader`) and puts it in the specified bucket.
Assumes that `args.Reader` is already opened and ready for usage.
func QueryBuckets ¶
QueryBuckets is a little convenience helper. It returns true if the selection contains at least one bucket that satisfies the (qbck) criteria.
func RemoveDSort ¶
func RemoveDSort(bp BaseParams, managerUUID string) error
func RemoveDownload ¶
func RemoveDownload(bp BaseParams, id string) error
func RemoveNodeFromSmap ¶
func RemoveNodeFromSmap(bp BaseParams, sid string) error
Remove a node from Smap immediately. Immediately removes a node from Smap (advanced usage - potential data loss)
func RenameBucket ¶
func RenameBucket(bp BaseParams, fromBck, toBck cmn.Bck) (xactID string, err error)
RenameBucket renames fromBck as toBck.
func RenameObject ¶
func RenameObject(bp BaseParams, bck cmn.Bck, oldName, newName string) error
RenameObject renames object name from `oldName` to `newName`. Works only across single, specified bucket.
func ResetBucketProps ¶
ResetBucketProps resets the properties of a bucket to the global configuration.
func ResetClusterConfig ¶
func ResetClusterConfig(bp BaseParams) error
ResetClusterConfig resets the configuration of all nodes to the cluster configuration
func ResetDaemonConfig ¶
func ResetDaemonConfig(bp BaseParams, nodeID string) error
ResetDaemonConfig resets the configuration for a specific node to the cluster configuration.
func SetAuxHeaders ¶
func SetAuxHeaders(r *http.Request, bp *BaseParams)
func SetBucketProps ¶
func SetBucketProps(bp BaseParams, bck cmn.Bck, props *cmn.BucketPropsToUpdate, query ...url.Values) (string, error)
SetBucketProps sets the properties of a bucket. Validation of the properties passed in is performed by AIStore Proxy.
func SetClusterConfig ¶
func SetClusterConfig(bp BaseParams, nvs cos.StrKVs, transient bool) error
SetClusterConfig given key-value pairs of cluster configuration parameters, sets the cluster-wide configuration accordingly. Setting cluster-wide configuration requires sending the request to a proxy.
func SetClusterConfigUsingMsg ¶
func SetClusterConfigUsingMsg(bp BaseParams, configToUpdate *cmn.ConfigToUpdate, transient bool) error
SetClusterConfigUsingMsg sets the cluster-wide configuration using the `cmn.ConfigToUpdate` parameter provided.
func SetDaemonConfig ¶
SetDaemonConfig, given key value pairs, sets the configuration accordingly for a specific node.
func SetObjectCustomProps ¶
func SetObjectCustomProps(bp BaseParams, bck cmn.Bck, object string, custom cos.StrKVs, setNew bool) error
Given cos.StrKVs (map[string]string) keys and values, sets object's custom properties. By default, adds new or updates existing custom keys. Use `setNewCustomMDFlag` to _replace_ all existing keys with the specified (new) ones. See also: HeadObject() and apc.HdrObjCustomMD
func SetPrimaryProxy ¶
func SetPrimaryProxy(bp BaseParams, newPrimaryID string, force bool) error
SetPrimaryProxy given a daemonID sets that corresponding proxy as the primary proxy of the cluster.
func ShutdownCluster ¶
func ShutdownCluster(bp BaseParams) error
ShutdownCluster shuts down the whole cluster
func ShutdownNode ¶
func ShutdownNode(bp BaseParams, actValue *apc.ActValRmNode) (id string, err error)
ShutdownNode shuts down a specific node
func StartDSort ¶
func StartDSort(bp BaseParams, rs dsort.RequestSpec) (string, error)
func StartMaintenance ¶
func StartMaintenance(bp BaseParams, actValue *apc.ActValRmNode) (xid string, err error)
func StartXaction ¶
func StartXaction(bp BaseParams, args XactReqArgs) (id string, err error)
StartXaction starts a given xact.
func StopMaintenance ¶
func StopMaintenance(bp BaseParams, actValue *apc.ActValRmNode) (xid string, err error)
func WaitForXactionIC ¶
func WaitForXactionIC(bp BaseParams, args XactReqArgs) (status *nl.NotifStatus, err error)
WaitForXactionIC waits for a given xaction to complete. Use it only for global xactions (those that execute on all targets and report their status to IC, e.g. rebalance).
func WaitForXactionIdle ¶
func WaitForXactionIdle(bp BaseParams, args XactReqArgs) error
WaitForXactionIdle waits for a given on-demand xaction to be idle.
func WaitForXactionNode ¶
func WaitForXactionNode(bp BaseParams, args XactReqArgs, fn func(NodesXactMultiSnap) bool) error
WaitForXactionNode waits for a given xaction to complete. Use for xaction which can be launched on a single node and do not report their statuses(e.g resilver) to IC or to check specific xaction states (e.g Idle).
func WritePolicy ¶
func WritePolicy(v apc.WritePolicy) *apc.WritePolicy
Types ¶
type AppendArgs ¶
type AppendArgs struct { Reader cos.ReadOpenCloser BaseParams BaseParams Bck cmn.Bck Object string Handle string Size int64 }
type AppendToArchArgs ¶
type AppendToArchArgs struct { ArchPath string PutObjectArgs }
type BaseParams ¶
type GetLogInput ¶
type GetObjectInput ¶
type NodesXactMultiSnap ¶
func QueryXactionSnaps ¶
func QueryXactionSnaps(bp BaseParams, args XactReqArgs) (xs NodesXactMultiSnap, err error)
QueryXactionSnaps gets all xaction snaps based on the specified selection.
func (NodesXactMultiSnap) ByteCounts ¶
func (xs NodesXactMultiSnap) ByteCounts() (locBytes, outBytes, inBytes int64)
func (NodesXactMultiSnap) Idle ¶
func (xs NodesXactMultiSnap) Idle() bool
func (NodesXactMultiSnap) ObjCounts ¶
func (xs NodesXactMultiSnap) ObjCounts() (locObjs, outObjs, inObjs int64)
type NodesXactSnap ¶
func GetXactionSnapsByID ¶
func GetXactionSnapsByID(bp BaseParams, xactID string) (nxs NodesXactSnap, err error)
GetXactionSnapsByID gets all xaction snaps for a given xaction id.
func (NodesXactSnap) ByteCounts ¶
func (nxs NodesXactSnap) ByteCounts() (locBytes, outBytes, inBytes int64)
func (NodesXactSnap) Finished ¶
func (nxs NodesXactSnap) Finished() bool
func (NodesXactSnap) IsAborted ¶
func (nxs NodesXactSnap) IsAborted() bool
func (NodesXactSnap) ObjCounts ¶
func (nxs NodesXactSnap) ObjCounts() (locObjs, outObjs, inObjs int64)
func (NodesXactSnap) TotalRunningTime ¶
func (nxs NodesXactSnap) TotalRunningTime() time.Duration
type ProgressCallback ¶
type ProgressCallback = func(pi *ProgressContext)
"progress bar" control structures and context
type ProgressContext ¶
type ProgressContext struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
"progress bar" control structures and context
func NewProgressContext ¶
func NewProgressContext(cb ProgressCallback, after time.Duration) *ProgressContext
func (*ProgressContext) Elapsed ¶
func (ctx *ProgressContext) Elapsed() time.Duration
func (*ProgressContext) Info ¶
func (ctx *ProgressContext) Info() ProgressInfo
func (*ProgressContext) IsFinished ¶
func (ctx *ProgressContext) IsFinished() bool
type ProgressInfo ¶
negative values indicate that progress information is unavailable
type PromoteArgs ¶
type PromoteArgs struct { BaseParams BaseParams Bck cmn.Bck cluster.PromoteArgs }
type PutObjectArgs ¶
type PutObjectArgs struct { Reader cos.ReadOpenCloser Cksum *cos.Cksum BaseParams BaseParams Bck cmn.Bck Object string Size uint64 // optional // Skip loading existing object's metadata in order to // compare its Checksum and update its existing Version (if exists); // can be used to reduce PUT latency when: // - we massively write a new content into a bucket, and/or // - we simply don't care. SkipVC bool }
type ReqParams ¶
type ReqParams struct { Query url.Values Header http.Header BaseParams BaseParams Path string // Authentication User string Password string Body []byte // Determines if the response should be validated with the checksum Validate bool }
ReqParams is used in constructing client-side API requests to the AIStore. Stores Query and Headers for providing arguments that are not used commonly in API requests
type XactReqArgs ¶
type XactReqArgs struct { // either xaction ID or Kind _must_ be specified ID string // xaction UUID Kind string // xaction kind, see `xact.Table`) // optional parameters to further narrow down or filter out xactions in question DaemonID string // node that runs this xaction Bck cmn.Bck // bucket Buckets []cmn.Bck // list of buckets (e.g., copy-bucket, lru-evict, etc.) // max time to wait and other "non-filters" Timeout time.Duration Force bool // force // more filters OnlyRunning bool // look only for running xactions }