Overview ¶
Package daemon exposes the functions that occur on the host server that the Docker daemon is running.
In implementing the various functions of the daemon, there is often a method-specific struct for configuring the runtime behavior.
Index ¶
- func CreateDaemonRoot(config *config.Config) error
- func DefaultApparmorProfile() string
- func LoadOrCreateID(root string) (string, error)
- func RegisterCDIDriver(cdiSpecDirs ...string)
- func RemapContainerdNamespaces(config *config.Config) (ns string, pluginNs string, err error)
- func Rootless(cfg *config.Config) bool
- func UsingSystemd(config *config.Config) bool
- func WithApparmor(c *container.Container) coci.SpecOpts
- func WithCapabilities(c *container.Container) coci.SpecOpts
- func WithConsoleSize(c *container.Container) coci.SpecOpts
- func WithDevices(daemon *Daemon, c *container.Container) coci.SpecOpts
- func WithNamespaces(daemon *Daemon, c *container.Container) coci.SpecOpts
- func WithOOMScore(score *int) coci.SpecOpts
- func WithResources(c *container.Container) coci.SpecOpts
- func WithSeccomp(daemon *Daemon, c *container.Container) coci.SpecOpts
- func WithSelinux(c *container.Container) coci.SpecOpts
- func WithSysctls(c *container.Container) coci.SpecOpts
- func WithUser(c *container.Container) coci.SpecOpts
- type Cluster
- type ClusterStatus
- type Daemon
- func (daemon *Daemon) ActivateContainerServiceBinding(containerName string) error
- func (daemon *Daemon) AuthenticateToRegistry(ctx context.Context, authConfig *registry.AuthConfig) (string, string, error)
- func (daemon *Daemon) BuilderBackend() builder.Backend
- func (daemon *Daemon) CheckpointCreate(name string, config checkpoint.CreateOptions) error
- func (daemon *Daemon) CheckpointDelete(name string, config checkpoint.DeleteOptions) error
- func (daemon *Daemon) CheckpointList(name string, config checkpoint.ListOptions) ([]checkpoint.Summary, error)
- func (daemon *Daemon) Cleanup(ctx context.Context, container *container.Container)
- func (daemon *Daemon) Config() config.Config
- func (daemon *Daemon) ConnectContainerToNetwork(ctx context.Context, containerName, networkName string, ...) error
- func (daemon *Daemon) ConnectToNetwork(ctx context.Context, ctr *container.Container, idOrName string, ...) error
- func (daemon *Daemon) ContainerArchivePath(name string, path string) (content io.ReadCloser, stat *container.PathStat, err error)
- func (daemon *Daemon) ContainerAttach(prefixOrName string, req *backend.ContainerAttachConfig) error
- func (daemon *Daemon) ContainerAttachRaw(prefixOrName string, stdin io.ReadCloser, stdout, stderr io.Writer, ...) error
- func (daemon *Daemon) ContainerChanges(ctx context.Context, name string) ([]archive.Change, error)
- func (daemon *Daemon) ContainerCreate(ctx context.Context, params backend.ContainerCreateConfig) (containertypes.CreateResponse, error)
- func (daemon *Daemon) ContainerCreateIgnoreImagesArgsEscaped(ctx context.Context, params backend.ContainerCreateConfig) (containertypes.CreateResponse, error)
- func (daemon *Daemon) ContainerCreateWorkdir(cID string) error
- func (daemon *Daemon) ContainerExecCreate(name string, options *containertypes.ExecOptions) (string, error)
- func (daemon *Daemon) ContainerExecInspect(id string) (*backend.ExecInspect, error)
- func (daemon *Daemon) ContainerExecResize(name string, height, width int) error
- func (daemon *Daemon) ContainerExecStart(ctx context.Context, name string, options backend.ExecStartConfig) (err error)
- func (daemon *Daemon) ContainerExport(ctx context.Context, name string, out io.Writer) error
- func (daemon *Daemon) ContainerExtractToDir(name, path string, copyUIDGID, noOverwriteDirNonDir bool, content io.Reader) error
- func (daemon *Daemon) ContainerInspect(ctx context.Context, name string, size bool, version string) (interface{}, error)
- func (daemon *Daemon) ContainerInspectCurrent(ctx context.Context, name string, size bool) (*types.ContainerJSON, error)
- func (daemon *Daemon) ContainerKill(name, stopSignal string) error
- func (daemon *Daemon) ContainerLogs(ctx context.Context, containerName string, config *containertypes.LogsOptions) (messages <-chan *backend.LogMessage, isTTY bool, retErr error)
- func (daemon *Daemon) ContainerPause(name string) error
- func (daemon *Daemon) ContainerRename(oldName, newName string) (retErr error)
- func (daemon *Daemon) ContainerResize(name string, height, width int) error
- func (daemon *Daemon) ContainerRestart(ctx context.Context, name string, options containertypes.StopOptions) error
- func (daemon *Daemon) ContainerRm(name string, config *backend.ContainerRmConfig) error
- func (daemon *Daemon) ContainerStart(ctx context.Context, name string, checkpoint string, checkpointDir string) error
- func (daemon *Daemon) ContainerStatPath(name string, path string) (stat *container.PathStat, err error)
- func (daemon *Daemon) ContainerStats(ctx context.Context, prefixOrName string, config *backend.ContainerStatsConfig) error
- func (daemon *Daemon) ContainerStop(ctx context.Context, name string, options containertypes.StopOptions) error
- func (daemon *Daemon) ContainerTop(name string, psArgs string) (*container.ContainerTopOKBody, error)
- func (daemon *Daemon) ContainerUnpause(name string) error
- func (daemon *Daemon) ContainerUpdate(name string, hostConfig *container.HostConfig) (container.ContainerUpdateOKBody, error)
- func (daemon *Daemon) ContainerWait(ctx context.Context, name string, condition container.WaitCondition) (<-chan container.StateStatus, error)
- func (daemon *Daemon) Containers(ctx context.Context, config *containertypes.ListOptions) ([]*types.Container, error)
- func (daemon *Daemon) ContainersPrune(ctx context.Context, pruneFilters filters.Args) (*container.PruneReport, error)
- func (daemon *Daemon) CreateImageFromContainer(ctx context.Context, name string, c *backend.CreateImageConfig) (string, error)
- func (daemon *Daemon) CreateManagedContainer(ctx context.Context, params backend.ContainerCreateConfig) (containertypes.CreateResponse, error)
- func (daemon *Daemon) CreateManagedNetwork(create clustertypes.NetworkCreateRequest) error
- func (daemon *Daemon) CreateNetwork(create networktypes.CreateRequest) (*networktypes.CreateResponse, error)
- func (daemon *Daemon) DaemonJoinsCluster(clusterProvider cluster.Provider)
- func (daemon *Daemon) DaemonLeavesCluster()
- func (daemon *Daemon) DeactivateContainerServiceBinding(containerName string) error
- func (daemon *Daemon) DeleteManagedNetwork(networkID string) error
- func (daemon *Daemon) DeleteNetwork(networkID string) error
- func (daemon *Daemon) DisconnectContainerFromNetwork(containerName string, networkName string, force bool) error
- func (daemon *Daemon) DisconnectFromNetwork(ctx context.Context, ctr *container.Container, networkName string, force bool) error
- func (daemon *Daemon) DistributionServices() images.DistributionServices
- func (daemon *Daemon) ExecExists(name string) (bool, error)
- func (daemon *Daemon) Exists(id string) bool
- func (daemon *Daemon) Features() map[string]bool
- func (daemon *Daemon) FindNetwork(term string) (*libnetwork.Network, error)
- func (daemon *Daemon) ForceEndpointDelete(name string, networkName string) error
- func (daemon *Daemon) GetAttachmentStore() *network.AttachmentStore
- func (daemon *Daemon) GetByName(name string) (*container.Container, error)
- func (daemon *Daemon) GetCluster() Cluster
- func (daemon *Daemon) GetContainer(prefixOrName string) (*container.Container, error)
- func (daemon *Daemon) GetContainerStats(container *container.Container) (*containertypes.StatsResponse, error)
- func (daemon *Daemon) GetNetworkByID(id string) (*libnetwork.Network, error)
- func (daemon *Daemon) GetNetworkByName(name string) (*libnetwork.Network, error)
- func (daemon *Daemon) GetNetworkDriverList(ctx context.Context) []string
- func (daemon *Daemon) GetNetworks(filter filters.Args, config backend.NetworkListConfig) (networks []networktypes.Inspect, err error)
- func (daemon *Daemon) GetNetworksByIDPrefix(partialID string) []*libnetwork.Network
- func (daemon *Daemon) HasExperimental() bool
- func (daemon *Daemon) ID() string
- func (daemon *Daemon) IdentityMapping() idtools.IdentityMapping
- func (daemon *Daemon) ImageBackend() executorpkg.ImageBackend
- func (daemon *Daemon) ImageExportedByBuildkit(ctx context.Context, id string, desc ocispec.Descriptor) error
- func (daemon *Daemon) ImageService() ImageService
- func (daemon *Daemon) IsPaused(id string) bool
- func (daemon *Daemon) IsShuttingDown() bool
- func (daemon *Daemon) IsSwarmCompatible() error
- func (daemon *Daemon) Kill(container *containerpkg.Container) error
- func (daemon *Daemon) List() []*container.Container
- func (daemon *Daemon) LogContainerEvent(container *container.Container, action events.Action)
- func (daemon *Daemon) LogContainerEventWithAttributes(container *container.Container, action events.Action, ...)
- func (daemon *Daemon) LogDaemonEventWithAttributes(action events.Action, attributes map[string]string)
- func (daemon *Daemon) LogNetworkEvent(nw *libnetwork.Network, action events.Action)
- func (daemon *Daemon) LogNetworkEventWithAttributes(nw *libnetwork.Network, action events.Action, attributes map[string]string)
- func (daemon *Daemon) LogPluginEvent(pluginID, refName string, action events.Action)
- func (daemon *Daemon) LogVolumeEvent(volumeID string, action events.Action, attributes map[string]string)
- func (daemon *Daemon) Mount(container *container.Container) error
- func (daemon *Daemon) NetworkController() *libnetwork.Controller
- func (daemon *Daemon) NetworkControllerEnabled() bool
- func (daemon *Daemon) NetworksPrune(ctx context.Context, pruneFilters filters.Args) (*network.PruneReport, error)
- func (daemon *Daemon) PluginGetter() *plugin.Store
- func (daemon *Daemon) PluginManager() *plugin.Manager
- func (daemon *Daemon) ProcessClusterNotifications(ctx context.Context, watchStream chan *swarmapi.WatchMessage)
- func (daemon *Daemon) ProcessEvent(id string, e libcontainerdtypes.EventType, ei libcontainerdtypes.EventInfo) error
- func (daemon *Daemon) RawSysInfo() *sysinfo.SysInfo
- func (daemon *Daemon) Register(c *container.Container) error
- func (daemon *Daemon) RegistryHosts(host string) ([]docker.RegistryHost, error)
- func (daemon *Daemon) RegistryService() *registry.Service
- func (daemon *Daemon) ReleaseIngress() (<-chan struct{}, error)
- func (daemon *Daemon) Reload(conf *config.Config) error
- func (daemon *Daemon) RestartSwarmContainers()
- func (daemon *Daemon) SetCluster(cluster Cluster)
- func (daemon *Daemon) SetContainerConfigReferences(name string, refs []*swarmtypes.ConfigReference) error
- func (daemon *Daemon) SetContainerDependencyStore(name string, store exec.DependencyGetter) error
- func (daemon *Daemon) SetContainerSecretReferences(name string, refs []*swarmtypes.SecretReference) error
- func (daemon *Daemon) SetNetworkBootstrapKeys(keys []*lntypes.EncryptionKey) error
- func (daemon *Daemon) SetupIngress(create clustertypes.NetworkCreateRequest, nodeIP string) (<-chan struct{}, error)
- func (daemon *Daemon) Shutdown(ctx context.Context) error
- func (daemon *Daemon) ShutdownTimeout() int
- func (daemon *Daemon) StoreHosts(hosts []string)
- func (daemon *Daemon) Subnets() ([]net.IPNet, []net.IPNet)
- func (daemon *Daemon) SubscribeToEvents(since, until time.Time, filter filters.Args) ([]events.Message, chan interface{})
- func (daemon *Daemon) SystemDiskUsage(ctx context.Context, opts system.DiskUsageOptions) (*types.DiskUsage, error)
- func (daemon *Daemon) SystemInfo(ctx context.Context) (*system.Info, error)
- func (daemon *Daemon) SystemVersion(ctx context.Context) (types.Version, error)
- func (daemon *Daemon) Unmount(container *container.Container) error
- func (daemon *Daemon) UnsubscribeFromEvents(listener chan interface{})
- func (daemon *Daemon) UpdateAttachment(networkName, networkID, containerID string, ...) error
- func (daemon *Daemon) UpdateContainerServiceConfig(containerName string, serviceConfig *clustertypes.ServiceConfig) error
- func (daemon *Daemon) UsesSnapshotter() bool
- func (daemon *Daemon) VolumesService() *service.VolumesService
- func (daemon *Daemon) WaitForDetachment(ctx context.Context, networkName, networkID, taskID, containerID string) error
- type ImageService
- type NetworkManager
- type PredefinedNetworkError
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func CreateDaemonRoot ¶
CreateDaemonRoot creates the root for the daemon
func DefaultApparmorProfile ¶
func DefaultApparmorProfile() string
DefaultApparmorProfile returns the name of the default apparmor profile
func LoadOrCreateID ¶
LoadOrCreateID loads the engine's ID from the given root, or generates a new ID if it doesn't exist. It returns the ID, and any error that occurred when saving the file.
Note that this function expects the daemon's root directory to already have been created with the right permissions and ownership (usually this would be done by daemon.CreateDaemonRoot().
func RegisterCDIDriver ¶
func RegisterCDIDriver(cdiSpecDirs ...string)
RegisterCDIDriver registers the CDI device driver. The driver injects CDI devices into an incoming OCI spec and is called for DeviceRequests associated with CDI devices. If the list of CDI spec directories is empty, the driver is not registered.
func RemapContainerdNamespaces ¶
RemapContainerdNamespaces returns the right containerd namespaces to use: - if they are not already set in the config file - and the daemon is running with user namespace remapping enabled Then it will return new namespace names, otherwise it will return the existing namespaces
func UsingSystemd ¶
UsingSystemd returns true if cli option includes native.cgroupdriver=systemd
func WithApparmor ¶
WithApparmor sets the apparmor profile
func WithCapabilities ¶
WithCapabilities sets the container's capabilties
func WithConsoleSize ¶
WithConsoleSize sets the initial console size
func WithDevices ¶
WithDevices sets the container's devices
func WithNamespaces ¶
WithNamespaces sets the container's namespaces
func WithResources ¶
WithResources applies the container resources
func WithSeccomp ¶
WithSeccomp sets the seccomp profile
func WithSelinux ¶
WithSelinux sets the selinux labels
func WithSysctls ¶
WithSysctls sets the container's sysctls
Types ¶
type Cluster ¶
type Cluster interface { ClusterStatus NetworkManager SendClusterEvent(event lncluster.ConfigEventType) }
Cluster is the interface for*Cluster).
type ClusterStatus ¶
ClusterStatus interface provides information about the Swarm status of the Cluster
type Daemon ¶
type Daemon struct { EventsService *events.Events PluginStore *plugin.Store // TODO: remove ReferenceStore refstore.Store // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Daemon holds information about the Docker daemon.
func NewDaemon ¶
func NewDaemon(ctx context.Context, config *config.Config, pluginStore *plugin.Store, authzMiddleware *authorization.Middleware) (daemon *Daemon, err error)
NewDaemon sets up everything for the daemon to be able to service requests from the webserver.
func (*Daemon) ActivateContainerServiceBinding ¶
ActivateContainerServiceBinding puts this container into load balancer active rotation and DNS response
func (*Daemon) AuthenticateToRegistry ¶
func (daemon *Daemon) AuthenticateToRegistry(ctx context.Context, authConfig *registry.AuthConfig) (string, string, error)
AuthenticateToRegistry checks the validity of credentials in authConfig
func (*Daemon) BuilderBackend ¶
BuilderBackend returns the backend used by builder
func (*Daemon) CheckpointCreate ¶
func (daemon *Daemon) CheckpointCreate(name string, config checkpoint.CreateOptions) error
CheckpointCreate checkpoints the process running in a container with CRIU
func (*Daemon) CheckpointDelete ¶
func (daemon *Daemon) CheckpointDelete(name string, config checkpoint.DeleteOptions) error
CheckpointDelete deletes the specified checkpoint
func (*Daemon) CheckpointList ¶
func (daemon *Daemon) CheckpointList(name string, config checkpoint.ListOptions) ([]checkpoint.Summary, error)
CheckpointList lists all checkpoints of the specified container
func (*Daemon) Cleanup ¶
Cleanup releases any network resources allocated to the container along with any rules around how containers are linked together. It also unmounts the container's root filesystem.
func (*Daemon) ConnectContainerToNetwork ¶
func (daemon *Daemon) ConnectContainerToNetwork(ctx context.Context, containerName, networkName string, endpointConfig *networktypes.EndpointSettings) error
ConnectContainerToNetwork connects the given container to the given network. If either cannot be found, an err is returned. If the network cannot be set up, an err is returned.
func (*Daemon) ConnectToNetwork ¶
func (daemon *Daemon) ConnectToNetwork(ctx context.Context, ctr *container.Container, idOrName string, endpointConfig *networktypes.EndpointSettings) error
ConnectToNetwork connects a container to a network
func (*Daemon) ContainerArchivePath ¶
func (daemon *Daemon) ContainerArchivePath(name string, path string) (content io.ReadCloser, stat *container.PathStat, err error)
ContainerArchivePath creates an archive of the filesystem resource at the specified path in the container identified by the given name. Returns a tar archive of the resource and whether it was a directory or a single file.
func (*Daemon) ContainerAttach ¶
func (daemon *Daemon) ContainerAttach(prefixOrName string, req *backend.ContainerAttachConfig) error
ContainerAttach attaches to logs according to the config passed in. See ContainerAttachConfig.
func (*Daemon) ContainerAttachRaw ¶
func (daemon *Daemon) ContainerAttachRaw(prefixOrName string, stdin io.ReadCloser, stdout, stderr io.Writer, doStream bool, attached chan struct{}) error
ContainerAttachRaw attaches the provided streams to the container's stdio
func (*Daemon) ContainerChanges ¶
ContainerChanges returns a list of container fs changes
func (*Daemon) ContainerCreate ¶
func (daemon *Daemon) ContainerCreate(ctx context.Context, params backend.ContainerCreateConfig) (containertypes.CreateResponse, error)
ContainerCreate creates a regular container
func (*Daemon) ContainerCreateIgnoreImagesArgsEscaped ¶
func (daemon *Daemon) ContainerCreateIgnoreImagesArgsEscaped(ctx context.Context, params backend.ContainerCreateConfig) (containertypes.CreateResponse, error)
ContainerCreateIgnoreImagesArgsEscaped creates a regular container. This is called from the builder RUN case and ensures that we do not take the images ArgsEscaped
func (*Daemon) ContainerCreateWorkdir ¶
ContainerCreateWorkdir creates the working directory. This solves the issue arising from, which was initially fixed by But that fix was too expensive in terms of performance on Windows. Instead, introduces this new functionality where the builder calls into the backend here to create the working directory.
func (*Daemon) ContainerExecCreate ¶
func (daemon *Daemon) ContainerExecCreate(name string, options *containertypes.ExecOptions) (string, error)
ContainerExecCreate sets up an exec in a running container.
func (*Daemon) ContainerExecInspect ¶
func (daemon *Daemon) ContainerExecInspect(id string) (*backend.ExecInspect, error)
ContainerExecInspect returns low-level information about the exec command. An error is returned if the exec cannot be found.
func (*Daemon) ContainerExecResize ¶
ContainerExecResize changes the size of the TTY of the process running in the exec with the given name to the given height and width.
func (*Daemon) ContainerExecStart ¶
func (daemon *Daemon) ContainerExecStart(ctx context.Context, name string, options backend.ExecStartConfig) (err error)
ContainerExecStart starts a previously set up exec instance. The std streams are set up. If ctx is cancelled, the process is terminated.
func (*Daemon) ContainerExport ¶
ContainerExport writes the contents of the container to the given writer. An error is returned if the container cannot be found.
func (*Daemon) ContainerExtractToDir ¶
func (daemon *Daemon) ContainerExtractToDir(name, path string, copyUIDGID, noOverwriteDirNonDir bool, content io.Reader) error
ContainerExtractToDir extracts the given archive to the specified location in the filesystem of the container identified by the given name. The given path must be of a directory in the container. If it is not, the error will be an errdefs.InvalidParameter. If noOverwriteDirNonDir is true then it will be an error if unpacking the given content would cause an existing directory to be replaced with a non-directory and vice versa.
func (*Daemon) ContainerInspect ¶
func (daemon *Daemon) ContainerInspect(ctx context.Context, name string, size bool, version string) (interface{}, error)
ContainerInspect returns low-level information about a container. Returns an error if the container cannot be found, or if there is an error getting the data.
func (*Daemon) ContainerInspectCurrent ¶
func (daemon *Daemon) ContainerInspectCurrent(ctx context.Context, name string, size bool) (*types.ContainerJSON, error)
ContainerInspectCurrent returns low-level information about a container in a most recent api version.
func (*Daemon) ContainerKill ¶
ContainerKill sends signal to the container If no signal is given, then Kill with SIGKILL and wait for the container to exit. If a signal is given, then just send it to the container and return.
func (*Daemon) ContainerLogs ¶
func (daemon *Daemon) ContainerLogs(ctx context.Context, containerName string, config *containertypes.LogsOptions) (messages <-chan *backend.LogMessage, isTTY bool, retErr error)
ContainerLogs copies the container's log channel to the channel provided in the config. If ContainerLogs returns an error, no messages have been copied. and the channel will be closed without data.
if it returns nil, the config channel will be active and return log messages until it runs out or the context is canceled.
func (*Daemon) ContainerPause ¶
ContainerPause pauses a container
func (*Daemon) ContainerRename ¶
ContainerRename changes the name of a container, using the oldName to find the container. An error is returned if newName is already reserved.
func (*Daemon) ContainerResize ¶
ContainerResize changes the size of the TTY of the process running in the container with the given name to the given height and width.
func (*Daemon) ContainerRestart ¶
func (daemon *Daemon) ContainerRestart(ctx context.Context, name string, options containertypes.StopOptions) error
ContainerRestart stops and starts a container. It attempts to gracefully stop the container within the given timeout, forcefully stopping it if the timeout is exceeded. If given a negative timeout, ContainerRestart will wait forever until a graceful stop. Returns an error if the container cannot be found, or if there is an underlying error at any stage of the restart.
func (*Daemon) ContainerRm ¶
func (daemon *Daemon) ContainerRm(name string, config *backend.ContainerRmConfig) error
ContainerRm removes the container id from the filesystem. An error is returned if the container is not found, or if the remove fails. If the remove succeeds, the container name is released, and network links are removed.
func (*Daemon) ContainerStart ¶
func (daemon *Daemon) ContainerStart(ctx context.Context, name string, checkpoint string, checkpointDir string) error
ContainerStart starts a container.
func (*Daemon) ContainerStatPath ¶
func (daemon *Daemon) ContainerStatPath(name string, path string) (stat *container.PathStat, err error)
ContainerStatPath stats the filesystem resource at the specified path in the container identified by the given name.
func (*Daemon) ContainerStats ¶
func (daemon *Daemon) ContainerStats(ctx context.Context, prefixOrName string, config *backend.ContainerStatsConfig) error
ContainerStats writes information about the container to the stream given in the config object.
func (*Daemon) ContainerStop ¶
func (daemon *Daemon) ContainerStop(ctx context.Context, name string, options containertypes.StopOptions) error
ContainerStop looks for the given container and stops it. In case the container fails to stop gracefully within a time duration specified by the timeout argument, in seconds, it is forcefully terminated (killed).
If the timeout is nil, the container's StopTimeout value is used, if set, otherwise the engine default. A negative timeout value can be specified, meaning no timeout, i.e. no forceful termination is performed.
func (*Daemon) ContainerTop ¶
func (daemon *Daemon) ContainerTop(name string, psArgs string) (*container.ContainerTopOKBody, error)
ContainerTop lists the processes running inside of the given container by calling ps with the given args, or with the flags "-ef" if no args are given. An error is returned if the container is not found, or is not running, or if there are any problems running ps, or parsing the output.
func (*Daemon) ContainerUnpause ¶
ContainerUnpause unpauses a container
func (*Daemon) ContainerUpdate ¶
func (daemon *Daemon) ContainerUpdate(name string, hostConfig *container.HostConfig) (container.ContainerUpdateOKBody, error)
ContainerUpdate updates configuration of the container
func (*Daemon) ContainerWait ¶
func (daemon *Daemon) ContainerWait(ctx context.Context, name string, condition container.WaitCondition) (<-chan container.StateStatus, error)
ContainerWait waits until the given container is in a certain state indicated by the given condition. If the container is not found, a nil channel and non-nil error is returned immediately. If the container is found, a status result will be sent on the returned channel once the wait condition is met or if an error occurs waiting for the container (such as a context timeout or cancellation). On a successful wait, the exit code of the container is returned in the status with a non-nil Err() value.
func (*Daemon) Containers ¶
func (daemon *Daemon) Containers(ctx context.Context, config *containertypes.ListOptions) ([]*types.Container, error)
Containers returns the list of containers to show given the user's filtering.
func (*Daemon) ContainersPrune ¶
func (daemon *Daemon) ContainersPrune(ctx context.Context, pruneFilters filters.Args) (*container.PruneReport, error)
ContainersPrune removes unused containers
func (*Daemon) CreateImageFromContainer ¶
func (daemon *Daemon) CreateImageFromContainer(ctx context.Context, name string, c *backend.CreateImageConfig) (string, error)
CreateImageFromContainer creates a new image from a container. The container config will be updated by applying the change set to the custom config, then applying that config over the existing container config.
func (*Daemon) CreateManagedContainer ¶
func (daemon *Daemon) CreateManagedContainer(ctx context.Context, params backend.ContainerCreateConfig) (containertypes.CreateResponse, error)
CreateManagedContainer creates a container that is managed by a Service
func (*Daemon) CreateManagedNetwork ¶
func (daemon *Daemon) CreateManagedNetwork(create clustertypes.NetworkCreateRequest) error
CreateManagedNetwork creates an agent network.
func (*Daemon) CreateNetwork ¶
func (daemon *Daemon) CreateNetwork(create networktypes.CreateRequest) (*networktypes.CreateResponse, error)
CreateNetwork creates a network with the given name, driver and other optional parameters
func (*Daemon) DaemonJoinsCluster ¶
DaemonJoinsCluster informs the daemon has joined the cluster and provides the handler to query the cluster component
func (*Daemon) DaemonLeavesCluster ¶
func (daemon *Daemon) DaemonLeavesCluster()
DaemonLeavesCluster informs the daemon has left the cluster
func (*Daemon) DeactivateContainerServiceBinding ¶
DeactivateContainerServiceBinding removes this container from load balancer active rotation, and DNS response
func (*Daemon) DeleteManagedNetwork ¶
DeleteManagedNetwork deletes an agent network. The requirement of networkID is enforced.
func (*Daemon) DeleteNetwork ¶
DeleteNetwork destroys a network unless it's one of docker's predefined networks.
func (*Daemon) DisconnectContainerFromNetwork ¶
func (daemon *Daemon) DisconnectContainerFromNetwork(containerName string, networkName string, force bool) error
DisconnectContainerFromNetwork disconnects the given container from the given network. If either cannot be found, an err is returned.
func (*Daemon) DisconnectFromNetwork ¶
func (daemon *Daemon) DisconnectFromNetwork(ctx context.Context, ctr *container.Container, networkName string, force bool) error
DisconnectFromNetwork disconnects container from network n.
func (*Daemon) DistributionServices ¶
func (daemon *Daemon) DistributionServices() images.DistributionServices
DistributionServices returns services controlling daemon storage
func (*Daemon) ExecExists ¶
ExecExists looks up the exec instance and returns a bool if it exists or not. It will also return the error produced by `getConfig`
func (*Daemon) Exists ¶
Exists returns a true if a container of the specified ID or name exists, false otherwise.
func (*Daemon) FindNetwork ¶
func (daemon *Daemon) FindNetwork(term string) (*libnetwork.Network, error)
FindNetwork returns a network based on: 1. Full ID 2. Full Name 3. Partial ID as long as there is no ambiguity
func (*Daemon) ForceEndpointDelete ¶
ForceEndpointDelete deletes an endpoint from a network forcefully
func (*Daemon) GetAttachmentStore ¶
func (daemon *Daemon) GetAttachmentStore() *network.AttachmentStore
GetAttachmentStore returns current attachment store associated with the daemon
func (*Daemon) GetCluster ¶
GetCluster returns the cluster
func (*Daemon) GetContainer ¶
GetContainer looks for a container using the provided information, which could be one of the following inputs from the caller:
- A full container ID, which will exact match a container in daemon's list
- A container name, which will only exact match via the GetByName() function
- A partial container ID prefix (e.g. short ID) of any length that is unique enough to only return a single container object If none of these searches succeed, an error is returned
func (*Daemon) GetContainerStats ¶
func (daemon *Daemon) GetContainerStats(container *container.Container) (*containertypes.StatsResponse, error)
GetContainerStats collects all the stats published by a container
func (*Daemon) GetNetworkByID ¶
func (daemon *Daemon) GetNetworkByID(id string) (*libnetwork.Network, error)
GetNetworkByID function returns a network whose ID matches the given ID. It fails with an error if no matching network is found.
func (*Daemon) GetNetworkByName ¶
func (daemon *Daemon) GetNetworkByName(name string) (*libnetwork.Network, error)
GetNetworkByName function returns a network for a given network name. If no network name is given, the default network is returned.
func (*Daemon) GetNetworkDriverList ¶
GetNetworkDriverList returns the list of plugins drivers registered for network.
func (*Daemon) GetNetworks ¶
func (daemon *Daemon) GetNetworks(filter filters.Args, config backend.NetworkListConfig) (networks []networktypes.Inspect, err error)
GetNetworks returns a list of all networks
func (*Daemon) GetNetworksByIDPrefix ¶
func (daemon *Daemon) GetNetworksByIDPrefix(partialID string) []*libnetwork.Network
GetNetworksByIDPrefix returns a list of networks whose ID partially matches zero or more networks
func (*Daemon) HasExperimental ¶
HasExperimental returns whether the experimental features of the daemon are enabled or not
func (*Daemon) IdentityMapping ¶
func (daemon *Daemon) IdentityMapping() idtools.IdentityMapping
IdentityMapping returns uid/gid mapping or a SID (in the case of Windows) for the builder
func (*Daemon) ImageBackend ¶
func (daemon *Daemon) ImageBackend() executorpkg.ImageBackend
ImageBackend returns an image-backend for Swarm and the distribution router.
func (*Daemon) ImageExportedByBuildkit ¶
func (daemon *Daemon) ImageExportedByBuildkit(ctx context.Context, id string, desc ocispec.Descriptor) error
ImageExportedByBuildkit is a callback that is called when an image is exported by buildkit. This is used to log the image creation event for untagged images. When no tag is given, buildkit doesn't call the image service so it has no way of knowing the image was created.
func (*Daemon) ImageService ¶
func (daemon *Daemon) ImageService() ImageService
ImageService returns the Daemon's ImageService
func (*Daemon) IsShuttingDown ¶
IsShuttingDown tells whether the daemon is shutting down or not
func (*Daemon) IsSwarmCompatible ¶
IsSwarmCompatible verifies if the current daemon configuration is compatible with the swarm mode
func (*Daemon) Kill ¶
func (daemon *Daemon) Kill(container *containerpkg.Container) error
Kill forcefully terminates a container.
func (*Daemon) LogContainerEvent ¶
LogContainerEvent generates an event related to a container with only the default attributes.
func (*Daemon) LogContainerEventWithAttributes ¶
func (daemon *Daemon) LogContainerEventWithAttributes(container *container.Container, action events.Action, attributes map[string]string)
LogContainerEventWithAttributes generates an event related to a container with specific given attributes.
func (*Daemon) LogDaemonEventWithAttributes ¶
func (daemon *Daemon) LogDaemonEventWithAttributes(action events.Action, attributes map[string]string)
LogDaemonEventWithAttributes generates an event related to the daemon itself with specific given attributes.
func (*Daemon) LogNetworkEvent ¶
func (daemon *Daemon) LogNetworkEvent(nw *libnetwork.Network, action events.Action)
LogNetworkEvent generates an event related to a network with only the default attributes.
func (*Daemon) LogNetworkEventWithAttributes ¶
func (daemon *Daemon) LogNetworkEventWithAttributes(nw *libnetwork.Network, action events.Action, attributes map[string]string)
LogNetworkEventWithAttributes generates an event related to a network with specific given attributes.
func (*Daemon) LogPluginEvent ¶
LogPluginEvent generates an event related to a plugin with only the default attributes.
func (*Daemon) LogVolumeEvent ¶
func (daemon *Daemon) LogVolumeEvent(volumeID string, action events.Action, attributes map[string]string)
LogVolumeEvent generates an event related to a volume.
func (*Daemon) NetworkController ¶
func (daemon *Daemon) NetworkController() *libnetwork.Controller
NetworkController returns the network controller created by the daemon.
func (*Daemon) NetworkControllerEnabled ¶
NetworkControllerEnabled checks if the networking stack is enabled. This feature depends on OS primitives and it's disabled in systems like Windows.
func (*Daemon) NetworksPrune ¶
func (daemon *Daemon) NetworksPrune(ctx context.Context, pruneFilters filters.Args) (*network.PruneReport, error)
NetworksPrune removes unused networks
func (*Daemon) PluginGetter ¶
PluginGetter returns current pluginStore associated with the daemon
func (*Daemon) PluginManager ¶
PluginManager returns current pluginManager associated with the daemon
func (*Daemon) ProcessClusterNotifications ¶
func (daemon *Daemon) ProcessClusterNotifications(ctx context.Context, watchStream chan *swarmapi.WatchMessage)
ProcessClusterNotifications gets changes from store and add them to event list
func (*Daemon) ProcessEvent ¶
func (daemon *Daemon) ProcessEvent(id string, e libcontainerdtypes.EventType, ei libcontainerdtypes.EventInfo) error
ProcessEvent is called by libcontainerd whenever an event occurs
func (*Daemon) RawSysInfo ¶
RawSysInfo returns *sysinfo.SysInfo .
func (*Daemon) RegistryHosts ¶
func (daemon *Daemon) RegistryHosts(host string) ([]docker.RegistryHost, error)
RegistryHosts returns the registry hosts configuration for the host component of a distribution image reference.
func (*Daemon) RegistryService ¶
RegistryService returns the Daemon's RegistryService
func (*Daemon) ReleaseIngress ¶
ReleaseIngress releases the ingress networking. The function returns a channel which will signal the caller when the programming is completed.
func (*Daemon) Reload ¶
Reload modifies the live daemon configuration from conf. conf is assumed to be a validated configuration.
These are the settings that Reload changes: - Platform runtime - Daemon debug log level - Daemon max concurrent downloads - Daemon max concurrent uploads - Daemon max download attempts - Daemon shutdown timeout (in seconds) - Cluster discovery (reconfigure and restart) - Daemon labels - Insecure registries - Registry mirrors - Daemon live restore
func (*Daemon) RestartSwarmContainers ¶
func (daemon *Daemon) RestartSwarmContainers()
RestartSwarmContainers restarts any autostart container which has a swarm endpoint.
func (*Daemon) SetCluster ¶
SetCluster sets the cluster
func (*Daemon) SetContainerConfigReferences ¶
func (daemon *Daemon) SetContainerConfigReferences(name string, refs []*swarmtypes.ConfigReference) error
SetContainerConfigReferences sets the container config references needed
func (*Daemon) SetContainerDependencyStore ¶
func (daemon *Daemon) SetContainerDependencyStore(name string, store exec.DependencyGetter) error
SetContainerDependencyStore sets the dependency store backend for the container
func (*Daemon) SetContainerSecretReferences ¶
func (daemon *Daemon) SetContainerSecretReferences(name string, refs []*swarmtypes.SecretReference) error
SetContainerSecretReferences sets the container secret references needed
func (*Daemon) SetNetworkBootstrapKeys ¶
func (daemon *Daemon) SetNetworkBootstrapKeys(keys []*lntypes.EncryptionKey) error
SetNetworkBootstrapKeys sets the bootstrap keys.
func (*Daemon) SetupIngress ¶
func (daemon *Daemon) SetupIngress(create clustertypes.NetworkCreateRequest, nodeIP string) (<-chan struct{}, error)
SetupIngress setups ingress networking. The function returns a channel which will signal the caller when the programming is completed.
func (*Daemon) ShutdownTimeout ¶
ShutdownTimeout returns the timeout (in seconds) before containers are forcibly killed during shutdown. The default timeout can be configured both on the daemon and per container, and the longest timeout will be used. A grace-period of 5 seconds is added to the configured timeout.
A negative (-1) timeout means "indefinitely", which means that containers are not forcibly killed, and the daemon shuts down after all containers exit.
func (*Daemon) StoreHosts ¶
StoreHosts stores the addresses the daemon is listening on
func (*Daemon) Subnets ¶
Subnets return the IPv4 and IPv6 subnets of networks that are manager by Docker.
func (*Daemon) SubscribeToEvents ¶
func (daemon *Daemon) SubscribeToEvents(since, until time.Time, filter filters.Args) ([]events.Message, chan interface{})
SubscribeToEvents returns the currently record of events, a channel to stream new events from, and a function to cancel the stream of events.
func (*Daemon) SystemDiskUsage ¶
func (daemon *Daemon) SystemDiskUsage(ctx context.Context, opts system.DiskUsageOptions) (*types.DiskUsage, error)
SystemDiskUsage returns information about the daemon data disk usage. Callers must not mutate contents of the returned fields.
func (*Daemon) SystemInfo ¶
SystemInfo returns information about the host server the daemon is running on.
The only error this should return is due to context cancellation/deadline. Anything else should be logged and ignored because this is looking up multiple things and is often used for debugging. The only case valid early return is when the caller doesn't want the result anymore (ie context cancelled).
func (*Daemon) SystemVersion ¶
SystemVersion returns version information about the daemon.
The only error this should return is due to context cancellation/deadline. Anything else should be logged and ignored because this is looking up multiple things and is often used for debugging. The only case valid early return is when the caller doesn't want the result anymore (ie context cancelled).
func (*Daemon) UnsubscribeFromEvents ¶
func (daemon *Daemon) UnsubscribeFromEvents(listener chan interface{})
UnsubscribeFromEvents stops the event subscription for a client by closing the channel where the daemon sends events to.
func (*Daemon) UpdateAttachment ¶
func (daemon *Daemon) UpdateAttachment(networkName, networkID, containerID string, config *networktypes.NetworkingConfig) error
UpdateAttachment notifies the attacher about the attachment config.
func (*Daemon) UpdateContainerServiceConfig ¶
func (daemon *Daemon) UpdateContainerServiceConfig(containerName string, serviceConfig *clustertypes.ServiceConfig) error
UpdateContainerServiceConfig updates a service configuration.
func (*Daemon) UsesSnapshotter ¶
UsesSnapshotter returns true if feature flag to use containerd snapshotter is enabled
func (*Daemon) VolumesService ¶
func (daemon *Daemon) VolumesService() *service.VolumesService
VolumesService is used to perform volume operations
type ImageService ¶
type ImageService interface { PullImage(ctx context.Context, ref reference.Named, platform *ocispec.Platform, metaHeaders map[string][]string, authConfig *registry.AuthConfig, outStream io.Writer) error PushImage(ctx context.Context, ref reference.Named, platform *ocispec.Platform, metaHeaders map[string][]string, authConfig *registry.AuthConfig, outStream io.Writer) error CreateImage(ctx context.Context, config []byte, parent string, contentStoreDigest digest.Digest) (builder.Image, error) ImageDelete(ctx context.Context, imageRef string, force, prune bool) ([]imagetype.DeleteResponse, error) ExportImage(ctx context.Context, names []string, outStream io.Writer) error PerformWithBaseFS(ctx context.Context, c *container.Container, fn func(string) error) error LoadImage(ctx context.Context, inTar io.ReadCloser, outStream io.Writer, quiet bool) error Images(ctx context.Context, opts imagetype.ListOptions) ([]*imagetype.Summary, error) LogImageEvent(imageID, refName string, action events.Action) CountImages(ctx context.Context) int ImagesPrune(ctx context.Context, pruneFilters filters.Args) (*imagetype.PruneReport, error) ImportImage(ctx context.Context, ref reference.Named, platform *ocispec.Platform, msg string, layerReader io.Reader, changes []string) (image.ID, error) TagImage(ctx context.Context, imageID image.ID, newTag reference.Named) error GetImage(ctx context.Context, refOrID string, options backend.GetImageOpts) (*image.Image, error) ImageHistory(ctx context.Context, name string) ([]*imagetype.HistoryResponseItem, error) CommitImage(ctx context.Context, c backend.CommitConfig) (image.ID, error) SquashImage(id, parent string) (string, error) PrepareSnapshot(ctx context.Context, id string, parentImage string, platform *ocispec.Platform, setupInit func(string) error) error GetImageManifest(ctx context.Context, refOrID string, options backend.GetImageOpts) (*ocispec.Descriptor, error) GetImageAndReleasableLayer(ctx context.Context, refOrID string, opts backend.GetImageAndLayerOptions) (builder.Image, builder.ROLayer, error) CreateLayer(container *container.Container, initFunc layer.MountInit) (layer.RWLayer, error) LayerStoreStatus() [][2]string GetLayerMountID(cid string) (string, error) ReleaseLayer(rwlayer layer.RWLayer) error LayerDiskUsage(ctx context.Context) (int64, error) GetContainerLayerSize(ctx context.Context, containerID string) (int64, int64, error) Mount(ctx context.Context, container *container.Container) error Unmount(ctx context.Context, container *container.Container) error Changes(ctx context.Context, container *container.Container) ([]archive.Change, error) GetLayerFolders(img *image.Image, rwLayer layer.RWLayer, containerID string) ([]string, error) MakeImageCache(ctx context.Context, cacheFrom []string) (builder.ImageCache, error) CommitBuildStep(ctx context.Context, c backend.CommitConfig) (image.ID, error) DistributionServices() images.DistributionServices Children(ctx context.Context, id image.ID) ([]image.ID, error) Cleanup() error StorageDriver() string UpdateConfig(maxDownloads, maxUploads int) }
ImageService is a temporary interface to assist in the migration to the containerd image-store. This interface should not be considered stable, and may change over time.
type NetworkManager ¶
type NetworkManager interface { GetNetwork(input string) (network.Inspect, error) GetNetworks(filters.Args) ([]network.Inspect, error) RemoveNetwork(input string) error }
NetworkManager provides methods to manage networks
type PredefinedNetworkError ¶
type PredefinedNetworkError string
PredefinedNetworkError is returned when user tries to create predefined network that already exists.
func (PredefinedNetworkError) Error ¶
func (pnr PredefinedNetworkError) Error() string
func (PredefinedNetworkError) Forbidden ¶
func (pnr PredefinedNetworkError) Forbidden()
Forbidden denotes the type of this error
Source Files
- apparmor_default.go
- archive.go
- archive_tarcopyoptions.go
- archive_tarcopyoptions_unix.go
- archive_unix.go
- attach.go
- auth.go
- build.go
- cdi.go
- changes.go
- checkpoint.go
- cluster.go
- commit.go
- configs.go
- configs_linux.go
- container.go
- container_linux.go
- container_operations.go
- container_operations_unix.go
- containerfs_linux.go
- content.go
- create.go
- create_unix.go
- daemon.go
- daemon_linux.go
- daemon_unix.go
- debugtrap_unix.go
- delete.go
- dependency.go
- devices.go
- disk_usage.go
- errors.go
- events.go
- exec.go
- exec_linux.go
- export.go
- health.go
- id.go
- image_service.go
- info.go
- info_unix.go
- inspect.go
- inspect_linux.go
- keys.go
- kill.go
- licensing.go
- links.go
- list.go
- list_unix.go
- logdrivers_linux.go
- logs.go
- metrics.go
- metrics_unix.go
- monitor.go
- mounts.go
- names.go
- network.go
- nvidia_linux.go
- oci_linux.go
- oci_opts.go
- oci_utils.go
- pause.go
- prune.go
- reload.go
- reload_unix.go
- rename.go
- resize.go
- restart.go
- runtime_unix.go
- seccomp_linux.go
- secrets.go
- secrets_linux.go
- start.go
- start_linux.go
- start_unix.go
- stats.go
- stats_collector.go
- stats_unix.go
- stop.go
- top_unix.go
- unpause.go
- update.go
- update_linux.go
- volumes.go
- volumes_linux.go
- volumes_unix.go
- wait.go
- workdir.go
Path | Synopsis |
Package logger defines interfaces that logger drivers implement to log messages.
Package logger defines interfaces that logger drivers implement to log messages. |
Package awslogs provides the logdriver for forwarding container logs to Amazon CloudWatch Logs
Package awslogs provides the logdriver for forwarding container logs to Amazon CloudWatch Logs |
Package etwlogs provides a log driver for forwarding container logs as ETW events.(ETW stands for Event Tracing for Windows) A client can then create an ETW listener to listen for events that are sent by the ETW provider that we register, using the provider's GUID "a3693192-9ed6-46d2-a981-f8226c8363bd".
Package etwlogs provides a log driver for forwarding container logs as ETW events.(ETW stands for Event Tracing for Windows) A client can then create an ETW listener to listen for events that are sent by the ETW provider that we register, using the provider's GUID "a3693192-9ed6-46d2-a981-f8226c8363bd". |
Package fluentd provides the log driver for forwarding server logs to fluentd endpoints.
Package fluentd provides the log driver for forwarding server logs to fluentd endpoints. |
Package gelf provides the log driver for forwarding server logs to endpoints that support the Graylog Extended Log Format.
Package gelf provides the log driver for forwarding server logs to endpoints that support the Graylog Extended Log Format. |
Package journald provides the log driver for forwarding server logs to endpoints that receive the systemd format.
Package journald provides the log driver for forwarding server logs to endpoints that receive the systemd format. |
Package jsonfilelog provides the default Logger implementation for Docker logging.
Package jsonfilelog provides the default Logger implementation for Docker logging. |
Package local provides a logger implementation that stores logs on disk.
Package local provides a logger implementation that stores logs on disk. |
Package splunk provides the log driver for forwarding server logs to Splunk HTTP Event Collector endpoint.
Package splunk provides the log driver for forwarding server logs to Splunk HTTP Event Collector endpoint. |
Package syslog provides the logdriver for forwarding server logs to syslog endpoints.
Package syslog provides the logdriver for forwarding server logs to syslog endpoints. |