Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func ActiveLogin() (account string, err error)
- func ApiVersion() string
- func ApiVersionNumber() string
- func DisplayAutonumberFieldDetails() (message string)
- func DisplayBatchInfo(batchInfo BatchInfo, w io.Writer)
- func DisplayBatchList(batchInfos []BatchInfo)
- func DisplayCheckboxFieldDetails() (message string)
- func DisplayCurrencyFieldDetails() (message string)
- func DisplayDatetimeFieldDetails() (message string)
- func DisplayDoubleFieldDetails() (message string)
- func DisplayFieldDetails(fieldType string)
- func DisplayFieldTypes()
- func DisplayForceRecord(record ForceRecord)
- func DisplayForceRecords(result ForceQueryResult)
- func DisplayForceRecordsf(records <-chan ForceRecord, format string, done chan<- bool)
- func DisplayForceSobject(sobject ForceSobject)
- func DisplayForceSobjectDescribe(sobject string)
- func DisplayForceSobjects(sobjects []ForceSobject)
- func DisplayForceSobjectsJson(sobjects []ForceSobject)
- func DisplayGeolocationFieldDetails() (message string)
- func DisplayInterfaceMap(object map[string]interface{}, indent int)
- func DisplayJobInfo(jobInfo JobInfo, w io.Writer)
- func DisplayListMetadataResponse(resp ListMetadataResponse)
- func DisplayListMetadataResponseJson(resp ListMetadataResponse)
- func DisplayLongTextAreaFieldDetails() (message string)
- func DisplayLookupFieldDetails() (message string)
- func DisplayMasterDetailFieldDetails() (message string)
- func DisplayMetadataList(metadataObjects []DescribeMetadataObject)
- func DisplayMetadataListJson(metadataObjects []DescribeMetadataObject)
- func DisplayPicklistFieldDetails() (message string)
- func DisplayRichTextAreaFieldDetails() (message string)
- func DisplayTextAreaFieldDetails() (message string)
- func DisplayTextFieldDetails() (message string)
- func FindMetapathForFile(file string) (string, error)
- func ForceLoginAndSave(endpoint ForceEndpoint, output *os.File) (username string, err error)
- func ForceLoginAndSaveJWT(endpoint ForceEndpoint, assertion string, output *os.File) (username string, err error)
- func ForceLoginAndSaveSoap(endpoint ForceEndpoint, user_name string, password string, output *os.File) (username string, err error)
- func ForceLoginAtEndpointAndSave(endpoint string, output *os.File) (username string, err error)
- func ForceLoginAtEndpointAndSaveClientCredentials(endpoint string, clientId string, clientSecret string, output *os.File) (username string, err error)
- func ForceLoginAtEndpointAndSaveJWT(endpoint string, assertion string, output *os.File) (username string, err error)
- func ForceLoginAtEndpointAndSaveSoap(endpoint string, user_name string, password string, output *os.File) (username string, err error)
- func ForceLoginAtEndpointWithPromptAndSave(endpoint string, output *os.File, prompt string) (username string, err error)
- func ForceSaveLogin(creds ForceSession, output *os.File) (sessionName string, err error)
- func ForceScratchCreateLoginAndSave(scratchUser string, output *os.File) (username string, err error)
- func ForceScratchLoginAndSave(output *os.File) (username string, err error)
- func JwtAssertion(endpoint ForceEndpoint, username string, keyfile string, clientId string) (signedToken string, err error)
- func JwtAssertionForEndpoint(endpoint string, username string, keyfile string, clientId string) (signedToken string, err error)
- func MetaPathToSourcePath(mpath string) (spath string)
- func RenderForceRecords(records []ForceRecord) string
- func RenderForceRecordsCSV(records <-chan ForceRecord, done chan<- bool)
- func SaveLogin(creds ForceSession) (err error)
- func SetActiveLogin(account string) (err error)
- func SetActiveLoginDefault() (account string)
- func SetApiVersion(version string) error
- func StringSliceContains(slice []string, value string) bool
- func StringSlicePos(slice []string, value string) int
- func StringSliceToInterfaceSlice(s []string) (i []interface{})
- func UseSFDXSession(authData SFDXAuth)
- func ValidateOptionsAndDefaults(typ string, fields map[string]reflect.StructField, ...) (newOptions map[string]string, err error)
- type AuraDefinition
- type AuraDefinitionBundle
- type AuraDefinitionBundleResult
- type AuthCodeSession
- type AutoNumberField
- type AutoNumberFieldRequired
- type BatchInfo
- type BatchResult
- type BatchResultChunk
- type BigObject
- type BigObjectField
- type BoolField
- type BoolFieldRequired
- type ByFullName
- type ByXmlName
- type CodeCoverage
- type CodeCoverageWarning
- type ComponentDetails
- type ComponentFailure
- type ComponentFile
- type ComponentSuccess
- type ContentType
- type DatetimeField
- type DatetimeFieldRequired
- type DescribeMetadataObject
- type EmailField
- type EmailFieldRequired
- type EncryptedField
- type EncryptedFieldRequired
- type FieldName
- type FloatField
- type FloatFieldRequired
- type FolderId
- type FolderName
- type FolderType
- type FolderedMetadata
- type Folders
- type Force
- func (f *Force) AbortableQueryAndSend(qs string, processor chan<- ForceRecord, abort <-chan bool, ...) error
- func (f *Force) AddBatchToJob(content string, job JobInfo) (BatchInfo, error)
- func (f *Force) BulkQuery(soql string, jobId string, contentType string, ...) (BatchInfo, error)
- func (f *Force) BulkQueryWithContext(ctx context.Context, soql string, jobId string, contentType string, ...) (BatchInfo, error)
- func (f *Force) CancelableQueryAndSend(ctx context.Context, qs string, processor chan<- ForceRecord, ...) error
- func (f *Force) ChangePassword(id string, attrs map[string]string) (result string, err error, emessages []ForceError)
- func (f *Force) CloseBulkJob(jobId string) (JobInfo, error)
- func (f *Force) CloseBulkJobWithContext(ctx context.Context, jobId string) (JobInfo, error)
- func (f *Force) CopyCredentialAuthFields(creds *ForceSession)
- func (f *Force) CreateAuraBundle(bundleName string) (result ForceCreateRecordResult, err error, emessages []ForceError)
- func (f *Force) CreateAuraComponent(attrs map[string]string) (result ForceCreateRecordResult, err error, emessages []ForceError)
- func (f *Force) CreateBulkJob(jobInfo JobInfo, requestOptions ...func(*http.Request)) (JobInfo, error)
- func (f *Force) CreateBulkJobWithContext(ctx context.Context, jobInfo JobInfo, requestOptions ...func(*http.Request)) (JobInfo, error)
- func (f *Force) CreateDataPipeline(name string, masterLabel string, apiVersionNumber string, scriptContent string, ...) (result ForceCreateRecordResult, err error, emessages []ForceError)
- func (f *Force) CreateDataPipelineJob(id string) (result ForceCreateRecordResult, err error, emessages []ForceError)
- func (f *Force) CreateRecord(sobject string, attrs map[string]string) (id string, err error, emessages []ForceError)
- func (f *Force) CreateScratchOrg() (id string, err error)
- func (f *Force) CreateScratchOrgWithUser(username string) (id string, err error)
- func (f *Force) CreateToolingRecord(objecttype string, attrs map[string]string) (result ForceCreateRecordResult, err error)
- func (f *Force) DefaultDebugLevel() (id string, err error, emessages []ForceError)
- func (f *Force) DeleteDataPipeline(id string) (err error)
- func (f *Force) DeleteRecord(sobject string, id string) (err error)
- func (f *Force) DeleteToolingRecord(objecttype string, id string) (err error)
- func (f *Force) DescribeSObject(objecttype string) (result string, err error)
- func (f *Force) DisplayAllForceRecords(result ForceQueryResult)
- func (f *Force) DisplayAllForceRecordsf(result ForceQueryResult, format string)
- func (f *Force) ExecuteRequest(r *Request) (*Response, error)
- func (f *Force) Explain(query string) (QueryPlanResult, error)
- func (f *Force) ForceLoginNewScratch(scratchOrgId string) (session ForceSession, err error)
- func (f *Force) Get(url string) (object ForceRecord, err error)
- func (f *Force) GetAbsolute(url string) (string, error)
- func (f *Force) GetAbsoluteBytes(url string) (result []byte, err error)
- func (force *Force) GetAllFolders() (folders FolderedMetadata, err error)
- func (f *Force) GetAuraBundle(bundleName string) (bundles AuraDefinitionBundleResult, definitions AuraDefinitionBundleResult, ...)
- func (f *Force) GetAuraBundleByName(bundleName string) (bundles AuraDefinitionBundleResult, err error)
- func (f *Force) GetAuraBundleDefinition(id string) (definitions AuraDefinitionBundleResult, err error)
- func (f *Force) GetAuraBundleDefinitions() (definitions AuraDefinitionBundleResult, err error)
- func (f *Force) GetAuraBundles() (bundles AuraDefinitionBundleResult, definitions AuraDefinitionBundleResult, ...)
- func (f *Force) GetAuraBundlesList() (bundles AuraDefinitionBundleResult, err error)
- func (f *Force) GetBatchInfo(jobId string, batchId string) (BatchInfo, error)
- func (f *Force) GetBatchInfoWithContext(ctx context.Context, jobId string, batchId string) (BatchInfo, error)
- func (f *Force) GetBatches(jobId string) (result []BatchInfo, err error)
- func (f *Force) GetBatchesWithContext(ctx context.Context, jobId string) (result []BatchInfo, err error)
- func (f *Force) GetBulkJobs() ([]JobInfo, error)
- func (f *Force) GetCodeCoverage(classId string, className string) (err error)
- func (force *Force) GetCredentials() *ForceSession
- func (f *Force) GetDataPipeline(name string) (results ForceQueryResult, err error)
- func (f *Force) GetJobInfo(jobId string) (JobInfo, error)
- func (f *Force) GetJobInfoWithContext(ctx context.Context, jobId string) (JobInfo, error)
- func (f *Force) GetLimits() (result map[string]ForceLimit, err error)
- func (force *Force) GetMetadata() *ForceMetadata
- func (force *Force) GetMetadataInFolders(metadataType FolderType, folders Folders) (metadataItems []string, err error)
- func (f *Force) GetMoreAuraBundleDefinitions(definitions *AuraDefinitionBundleResult) (err error)
- func (force *Force) GetPartner() *ForcePartner
- func (f *Force) GetPasswordStatus(id string) (result ForcePasswordStatusResult, err error)
- func (f *Force) GetREST(url string) (result string, err error)
- func (f *Force) GetRecord(sobject, id string) (object ForceRecord, err error)
- func (force *Force) GetRetrier() *HttpRetrier
- func (f *Force) GetSobject(name string) (sobject ForceSobject, err error)
- func (f *Force) ListSobjects() (sobjects []ForceSobject, err error)
- func (f *Force) PatchAbsolute(url string, content string) (result string, err error)
- func (f *Force) PatchREST(url string, content string) (result string, err error)
- func (f *Force) PostAbsolute(url string, content string) (string, error)
- func (f *Force) PostPatchAbsolute(url string, content string, method string) (result string, err error)
- func (f *Force) PostPatchREST(url string, content string, method string) (result string, err error)
- func (f *Force) PostREST(url string, content string) (result string, err error)
- func (f *Force) PutAbsolute(url string, content string) (result string, err error)
- func (f *Force) PutREST(url string, content string) (result string, err error)
- func (f *Force) Query(qs string, options ...func(*QueryOptions)) (ForceQueryResult, error)
- func (f *Force) QueryAndSend(qs string, processor chan<- ForceRecord, options ...func(*QueryOptions)) error
- func (f *Force) QueryDataPipeline(soql string) (results ForceQueryResult, err error)
- func (f *Force) QueryDataPipelineJob(soql string) (results ForceQueryResult, err error)
- func (f *Force) QueryDefaultDebugLevel() (id string, err error)
- func (f *Force) QueryEventLogFiles() (results ForceQueryResult, err error)
- func (f *Force) QueryLogs() (results ForceQueryResult, err error)
- func (f *Force) QueryOptions() []query.Option
- func (f *Force) QueryProfile(fields ...string) (results ForceQueryResult, err error)
- func (f *Force) QueryTraceFlags() (results ForceQueryResult, err error)
- func (f *Force) RefreshSession() error
- func (f *Force) RefreshSessionOrExit()
- func (f *Force) ResetPassword(id string) (result ForcePasswordResetResult, err error)
- func (f *Force) RetrieveBulkBatchResults(jobId string, batchId string) (BatchResult, error)
- func (f *Force) RetrieveBulkJobQueryResults(job JobInfo, batchId string, resultId string) ([]byte, error)
- func (f *Force) RetrieveBulkJobQueryResultsAndSend(job JobInfo, batchId string, resultId string, results chan<- BatchResultChunk) errordeprecated
- func (f *Force) RetrieveBulkJobQueryResultsWithCallback(job JobInfo, batchId string, resultId string, callback HttpCallback) error
- func (f *Force) RetrieveBulkJobQueryResultsWithCallbackWithContext(ctx context.Context, job JobInfo, batchId string, resultId string, ...) error
- func (f *Force) RetrieveBulkQuery(jobId string, batchId string) ([]byte, error)
- func (f *Force) RetrieveBulkQueryResultList(job JobInfo, batchId string) ([]byte, error)
- func (f *Force) RetrieveBulkQueryResults(jobId string, batchId string, resultId string) ([]byte, error)
- func (f *Force) RetrieveBulkQueryWithContext(ctx context.Context, jobId string, batchId string) ([]byte, error)
- func (f *Force) RetrieveBulkRequest(jobId string, batchId string) ([]byte, error)
- func (f *Force) RetrieveEventLogFile(elfId string) (result string, err error)
- func (f *Force) RetrieveLog(logId string) (result string, err error)
- func (f *Force) Search(qs string) ([]ForceRecord, error)
- func (f *Force) StartTrace(userId ...string) (result ForceCreateRecordResult, err error, emessages []ForceError)
- func (f *Force) UpdateApiVersion(version string) error
- func (f *Force) UpdateAuraComponent(source map[string]string, id string) (err error)
- func (f *Force) UpdateCredentials(creds ForceSession)
- func (f *Force) UpdateDataPipeline(id string, masterLabel string, scriptContent string) (err error)
- func (f *Force) UpdateRecord(sobject string, id string, attrs map[string]string) (err error)
- func (f *Force) UserInfo() (userinfo UserInfo, err error)
- func (f *Force) Whoami() (me ForceRecord, err error)
- func (force *Force) WithRetrier(retrier *HttpRetrier) *Force
- type ForceCancelDeployResult
- type ForceCheckDeploymentStatusResult
- func (r ForceCheckDeploymentStatusResult) HasComponentFailures() bool
- func (r ForceCheckDeploymentStatusResult) HasTestFailures() bool
- func (results ForceCheckDeploymentStatusResult) String() string
- func (r ForceCheckDeploymentStatusResult) ToJunit(duration float64) (string, error)
- func (r ForceCheckDeploymentStatusResult) ToString(duration float64, verbose bool) string
- type ForceConnectedApp
- type ForceConnectedApps
- type ForceCreateRecordResult
- type ForceDeployOptions
- type ForceEndpoint
- type ForceError
- type ForceErrors
- type ForceLimit
- type ForceLimits
- type ForceMetadata
- func (fm *ForceMetadata) CancelDeploy(id string) (ForceCancelDeployResult, error)
- func (fm *ForceMetadata) CheckDeployStatus(id string) (results ForceCheckDeploymentStatusResult, err error)
- func (fm *ForceMetadata) CheckRetrieveStatus(id string) (files ForceMetadataFiles, problems []string, err error)
- func (fm *ForceMetadata) CheckStatus(id string) error
- func (fm *ForceMetadata) CreateBigObject(object BigObject) (err error)
- func (fm *ForceMetadata) CreateConnectedApp(name, callback string) (err error)
- func (fm *ForceMetadata) CreateCustomField(object, field, typ string, options map[string]string) (err error)
- func (fm *ForceMetadata) CreateCustomObject(object string) (err error)
- func (fm *ForceMetadata) DeleteCustomField(object, field string) (err error)
- func (fm *ForceMetadata) DeleteCustomObject(object string) (err error)
- func (fm *ForceMetadata) Deploy(files ForceMetadataFiles, options ForceDeployOptions) (results ForceCheckDeploymentStatusResult, err error)
- func (fm *ForceMetadata) DeployRecentValidation(validationId string) (results ForceCheckDeploymentStatusResult, err error)
- func (fm *ForceMetadata) DeployZipFile(zipfile []byte, options ForceDeployOptions) (results ForceCheckDeploymentStatusResult, err error)
- func (fm *ForceMetadata) DescribeMetadata() (describe MetadataDescribeResult, err error)
- func (fm *ForceMetadata) GetStatus(id string) (status MetadataDeployStatus, err error)
- func (fm *ForceMetadata) InstallPackage(namespace, version, password string) (err error)
- func (fm *ForceMetadata) InstallPackageByNamespaceAndVersion(namespace, version, password string, activateRemoteSiteSettings bool) (id string, err error)
- func (fm *ForceMetadata) InstallPackageWithRSS(namespace, version, password string, activateRemoteSiteSettings bool) (err error)
- func (fm *ForceMetadata) ListAllMetadata() (describe MetadataDescribeResult, err error)
- func (fm *ForceMetadata) ListConnectedApps() (apps ForceConnectedApps, err error)
- func (fm *ForceMetadata) ListMetadata(query string) (res []byte, err error)
- func (fm *ForceMetadata) MakeDeploySoap(options ForceDeployOptions) (soap string)
- func (fm *ForceMetadata) MakeZip(files ForceMetadataFiles) (zipdata []byte, err error)
- func (fm *ForceMetadata) MakeZipWithOptions(files ForceMetadataFiles, options ForceDeployOptions) (zipdata []byte, err error)
- func (fm *ForceMetadata) Retrieve(query ForceMetadataQuery) (files ForceMetadataFiles, problems []string, err error)
- func (fm *ForceMetadata) RetrieveByPackageXml(package_xml string) (ForceMetadataFiles, []string, error)
- func (fm *ForceMetadata) RetrieveByPackageXmlContents(data []byte) (files ForceMetadataFiles, problems []string, err error)
- func (fm *ForceMetadata) RetrievePackage(packageName string) (files ForceMetadataFiles, problems []string, err error)
- func (fm *ForceMetadata) StartDeploy(files ForceMetadataFiles, options ForceDeployOptions) (string, error)
- func (fm *ForceMetadata) ValidateFieldOptions(typ string, options map[string]string) (newOptions map[string]string, err error)
- type ForceMetadataDeployProblem
- type ForceMetadataFiles
- type ForceMetadataQuery
- type ForceMetadataQueryElement
- type ForcePartner
- func (partner *ForcePartner) CheckStatus(id string) (err error)
- func (partner *ForcePartner) ExecuteAnonymous(apex string) (output string, err error)
- func (partner *ForcePartner) ExecuteAnonymousTest(apex string) (output string, err error)
- func (partner *ForcePartner) Merge(sobjectType string, masterId string, duplicateId string) (err error)
- func (partner *ForcePartner) MergeMany(sobjectType string, dupMap map[string]string) (results []soap.MergeResult, err error)
- func (partner *ForcePartner) RunTests(tests []string, namespace string) (output TestCoverage, err error)
- func (partner *ForcePartner) SoapExecuteCore(action, query string) (response []byte, err error)
- func (partner *ForcePartner) Undelete(id string) (err error)
- func (partner *ForcePartner) UndeleteMany(deleted []string) (results []soap.UndeleteResult, err error)
- type ForcePasswordResetResult
- type ForcePasswordStatusResult
- type ForceQueryResult
- type ForceRecord
- type ForceSearchResult
- type ForceSession
- func ActiveCredentials(requireCredentials bool) (creds ForceSession, err error)
- func ClientCredentialsLoginAtEndpoint(endpoint string, clientId string, clientSecret string) (creds ForceSession, err error)
- func ForceLogin(endpoint ForceEndpoint) (creds ForceSession, err error)
- func ForceLoginAtEndpoint(endpoint string) (creds ForceSession, err error)
- func ForceLoginAtEndpointWithPrompt(endpoint string, prompt string) (creds ForceSession, err error)
- func ForceSoapLogin(endpoint ForceEndpoint, username string, password string) (creds ForceSession, err error)
- func ForceSoapLoginAtEndpoint(endpoint string, username string, password string) (creds ForceSession, err error)
- func GetAccountCredentials(accountName string) (creds ForceSession, err error)
- func JWTLogin(endpoint ForceEndpoint, assertion string) (creds ForceSession, err error)
- func JWTLoginAtEndpoint(endpoint string, assertion string) (creds ForceSession, err error)
- type ForceSobject
- type ForceSobjectFields
- type ForceSobjectsResult
- type GenericForceError
- type GeolocationField
- type GeolocationFieldRequired
- type HttpCallback
- type HttpMethod
- type HttpRetrier
- type JobContentType
- type JobInfo
- type ListMetadataResponse
- type LocationNotCovered
- type Logger
- type LoginFault
- type LongTextAreaField
- type LongTextAreaFieldRequired
- type LookupField
- type LookupFieldRequired
- type MDFileProperties
- type MasterDetail
- type MasterDetailRequired
- type MetaType
- type MetadataDeployStatus
- type MetadataDescribeResult
- type MetadataDescribeValueTypeResult
- type MetadataValueTypeField
- type NamespacePrefix
- type NullValue
- type NumberField
- type NumberFieldRequired
- type OAuthError
- type Package
- type PackageBuilder
- func (pb *PackageBuilder) Add(path string) error
- func (pb *PackageBuilder) AddDirectory(fpath string) error
- func (pb *PackageBuilder) AddFile(fpath string) error
- func (pb *PackageBuilder) AddMetaToPackage(metaName string, name string)
- func (pb *PackageBuilder) AddMetadataItem(metadataType string, name string) error
- func (pb *PackageBuilder) AddMetadataType(metadataType string) error
- func (pb *PackageBuilder) ForceMetadataFiles() ForceMetadataFiles
- func (pb *PackageBuilder) GetMetaForAbsolutePath(path string) (metaName string, objectName string, err error)
- func (pb *PackageBuilder) MetadataDir(metadataType string) (path string, err error)
- func (pb PackageBuilder) PackageXml() []byte
- type PhoneField
- type PhoneFieldRequired
- type PicklistField
- type PicklistFieldRequired
- type PicklistValue
- type QueryOptions
- type QueryPlan
- type QueryPlanNote
- type QueryPlanResult
- type RefreshMethod
- type Request
- func (r *Request) AbsoluteUrl(url string) *Request
- func (r *Request) Inspect() map[string]interface{}
- func (r *Request) ReadResponseBody() *Request
- func (r *Request) RestUrl(url string) *Request
- func (r *Request) RootUrl(url string) *Request
- func (r *Request) Unauthed() *Request
- func (r *Request) WithBody(rdr io.Reader) *Request
- func (r *Request) WithContent(ct ContentType) *Request
- func (r *Request) WithHeader(k, v string) *Request
- func (r *Request) WithResponseCallback(cb HttpCallback) *Request
- type Response
- type Result
- type ResultError
- type RichTextAreaField
- type RichTextAreaFieldRequired
- type RunTestResult
- type RunTestsRequest
- type SFDXAuth
- type ScratchOrg
- type SelectStruct
- type SessionOptions
- type Soap
- type SoapError
- type SoapFault
- type StringField
- type StringFieldRequired
- type TestCoverage
- type TestFailure
- type TestNode
- type TestRunner
- type TestSuccess
- type TextAreaField
- type TextAreaFieldRequired
- type UrlField
- type UrlFieldRequired
- type UserInfo
Constants ¶
const ( EndpointProduction = iota EndpointTest = iota EndpointPrerelease = iota EndpointMobile1 = iota EndpointCustom = iota )
const ( RefreshOauth = iota RefreshSFDX = iota )
Variables ¶
var ( ClientId = "3MVG9ytVT1SanXDnX_hOa9Ys5NxVp5C26JlyQjwr.xTJtUqoKonXY.M8CcjoEknMrV4YUvPvXLiMyzI.Aw23C" RedirectUri = "http://localhost:3835/oauth/callback" )
var APIDisabledForUser = errors.New("API disabled for user")
var APILimitExceededError = errors.New("API limit exceeded")
var AlreadyCompletedError = errors.New("Deployment already completed")
var BatchInfoTemplate = `
Id %s
JobId %s
State %s
StateMessage %s
CreatedDate %s
SystemModstamp %s
NumberRecordsProcessed %d
var ClassNotFoundError = errors.New("class not found")
var CustomEndpoint = ``
var (
DefaultApiVersionNumber = "55.0"
var DevHubOrgRequiredError = errors.New("Org must be a Dev Hub")
var InvalidBulkObject = errors.New("Object Does Not Support Bulk API")
var MetricsNotFoundError = errors.New("metrics not found")
var PasswordExpiredError = errors.New("Password is expired")
var SessionExpiredError = errors.New("Session expired")
var SessionRefreshError = errors.New("Failed to refresh session. Please run `force login`.")
var Timeout int64 = 0
var Version = "dev"
Functions ¶
func ActiveLogin ¶
func ApiVersion ¶
func ApiVersion() string
func ApiVersionNumber ¶
func ApiVersionNumber() string
func DisplayAutonumberFieldDetails ¶
func DisplayAutonumberFieldDetails() (message string)
func DisplayBatchInfo ¶
func DisplayBatchList ¶
func DisplayBatchList(batchInfos []BatchInfo)
func DisplayCheckboxFieldDetails ¶
func DisplayCheckboxFieldDetails() (message string)
func DisplayCurrencyFieldDetails ¶
func DisplayCurrencyFieldDetails() (message string)
func DisplayDatetimeFieldDetails ¶
func DisplayDatetimeFieldDetails() (message string)
func DisplayDoubleFieldDetails ¶
func DisplayDoubleFieldDetails() (message string)
func DisplayFieldDetails ¶
func DisplayFieldDetails(fieldType string)
func DisplayFieldTypes ¶
func DisplayFieldTypes()
func DisplayForceRecord ¶
func DisplayForceRecord(record ForceRecord)
func DisplayForceRecords ¶
func DisplayForceRecords(result ForceQueryResult)
func DisplayForceRecordsf ¶
func DisplayForceRecordsf(records <-chan ForceRecord, format string, done chan<- bool)
func DisplayForceSobject ¶
func DisplayForceSobject(sobject ForceSobject)
func DisplayForceSobjectDescribe ¶
func DisplayForceSobjectDescribe(sobject string)
func DisplayForceSobjects ¶
func DisplayForceSobjects(sobjects []ForceSobject)
func DisplayForceSobjectsJson ¶
func DisplayForceSobjectsJson(sobjects []ForceSobject)
func DisplayGeolocationFieldDetails ¶
func DisplayGeolocationFieldDetails() (message string)
func DisplayInterfaceMap ¶
func DisplayJobInfo ¶
func DisplayListMetadataResponse ¶
func DisplayListMetadataResponse(resp ListMetadataResponse)
func DisplayListMetadataResponseJson ¶
func DisplayListMetadataResponseJson(resp ListMetadataResponse)
func DisplayLongTextAreaFieldDetails ¶
func DisplayLongTextAreaFieldDetails() (message string)
func DisplayLookupFieldDetails ¶
func DisplayLookupFieldDetails() (message string)
func DisplayMasterDetailFieldDetails ¶
func DisplayMasterDetailFieldDetails() (message string)
func DisplayMetadataList ¶
func DisplayMetadataList(metadataObjects []DescribeMetadataObject)
func DisplayMetadataListJson ¶
func DisplayMetadataListJson(metadataObjects []DescribeMetadataObject)
func DisplayPicklistFieldDetails ¶
func DisplayPicklistFieldDetails() (message string)
func DisplayRichTextAreaFieldDetails ¶
func DisplayRichTextAreaFieldDetails() (message string)
func DisplayTextAreaFieldDetails ¶
func DisplayTextAreaFieldDetails() (message string)
func DisplayTextFieldDetails ¶
func DisplayTextFieldDetails() (message string)
func FindMetapathForFile ¶ added in v1.0.1
func ForceLoginAndSave ¶
func ForceLoginAndSave(endpoint ForceEndpoint, output *os.File) (username string, err error)
func ForceLoginAndSaveJWT ¶ added in v0.24.0
func ForceLoginAndSaveSoap ¶
func ForceLoginAtEndpointAndSave ¶ added in v0.26.5
func ForceLoginAtEndpointAndSaveClientCredentials ¶ added in v1.0.7
func ForceLoginAtEndpointAndSaveJWT ¶ added in v0.26.5
func ForceLoginAtEndpointAndSaveSoap ¶ added in v0.26.5
func ForceLoginAtEndpointWithPromptAndSave ¶ added in v0.99.0
func ForceSaveLogin ¶
func ForceSaveLogin(creds ForceSession, output *os.File) (sessionName string, err error)
Save the credentials as the active session with the UserInfo and with the default current API version.
func ForceScratchCreateLoginAndSave ¶ added in v1.0.5
func ForceScratchLoginAndSave ¶ added in v0.27.0
Create a new scratch org, login, and make it active
func JwtAssertion ¶ added in v0.24.0
func JwtAssertionForEndpoint ¶ added in v0.26.5
func MetaPathToSourcePath ¶
Returns the source file path for a given metadata file path.
func RenderForceRecords ¶
func RenderForceRecords(records []ForceRecord) string
func RenderForceRecordsCSV ¶
func RenderForceRecordsCSV(records <-chan ForceRecord, done chan<- bool)
func SaveLogin ¶ added in v0.22.79
func SaveLogin(creds ForceSession) (err error)
func SetActiveLogin ¶
func SetActiveLoginDefault ¶
func SetActiveLoginDefault() (account string)
func SetApiVersion ¶
func StringSliceContains ¶
returns true if a slice contains given string
func StringSlicePos ¶
returns first index of a given string
func StringSliceToInterfaceSlice ¶
func StringSliceToInterfaceSlice(s []string) (i []interface{})
func UseSFDXSession ¶ added in v0.22.79
func UseSFDXSession(authData SFDXAuth)
Types ¶
type AuraDefinition ¶
type AuraDefinitionBundle ¶
type AuthCodeSession ¶ added in v0.27.0
type AuthCodeSession struct { ForceSession RefreshToken string `json:"refresh_token"` }
type AutoNumberField ¶
type AutoNumberFieldRequired ¶
type BatchInfo ¶
type BatchInfo struct { Id string `xml:"id" json:"id"` JobId string `xml:"jobId" json:"jobId"` State string `xml:"state" json:"state"` StateMessage string `xml:"stateMessage" json:"stateMessage"` CreatedDate string `xml:"createdDate" json:"createdDate"` SystemModstamp string `xml:"systemModstamp" json:"systemModstamp"` NumberRecordsProcessed int `xml:"numberRecordsProcessed" json:"numberRecordsProcessed"` NumberRecordsFailed int `xml:"numberRecordsFailed" json:"numberRecordsFailed"` }
type BatchResult ¶
type BatchResult []Result
type BatchResultChunk ¶ added in v0.26.1
type BigObject ¶
type BigObject struct { DeploymentStatus string Label string PluralLabel string Fields []BigObjectField }
type BigObjectField ¶
type BoolFieldRequired ¶
type BoolFieldRequired struct {
DefaultValue bool `xml:"defaultValue"`
type ByFullName ¶
type ByFullName []MDFileProperties
func (ByFullName) Len ¶
func (a ByFullName) Len() int
func (ByFullName) Less ¶
func (a ByFullName) Less(i, j int) bool
func (ByFullName) Swap ¶
func (a ByFullName) Swap(i, j int)
type ByXmlName ¶
type ByXmlName []DescribeMetadataObject
type CodeCoverage ¶ added in v1.0.1
type CodeCoverageWarning ¶
type ComponentDetails ¶
type ComponentDetails struct { ComponentSuccesses []ComponentSuccess `xml:"componentSuccesses"` ComponentFailures []ComponentFailure `xml:"componentFailures"` RunTestResult RunTestResult `xml:"runTestResult"` }
type ComponentFailure ¶
type ComponentFailure struct { Changed bool `xml:"changed"` ColumnNumber int `xml:"columnNumber"` ComponentType string `xml:"componentType"` Created bool `xml:"created"` Deleted bool `xml:"deleted"` FileName string `xml:"fileName"` FullName string `xml:"fullName"` LineNumber int `xml:"lineNumber"` Problem string `xml:"problem"` ProblemType string `xml:"problemType"` Success bool `xml:"success"` }
type ComponentFile ¶
type ComponentSuccess ¶
type ContentType ¶ added in v0.30.0
type ContentType string
const ( ContentTypeNone ContentType = "" ContentTypeJson ContentType = "application/json" ContentTypeXml ContentType = "application/xml" ContentTypeCsv ContentType = "text/csv" )
type DatetimeField ¶
type DatetimeFieldRequired ¶
type DatetimeFieldRequired struct { }
type DescribeMetadataObject ¶
type EmailField ¶
type EmailField struct {
Label string `xml:"label"`
type EmailFieldRequired ¶
type EmailFieldRequired struct { }
type EncryptedField ¶
type EncryptedFieldRequired ¶
type FloatField ¶
type FloatField struct { Label string `xml:"label"` Description string `xml:"description"` HelpText string `xml:"helpText"` Unique bool `xml:"unique"` ExternalId bool `xml:"externalId"` DefaultValue uint `xml:"defaultValue"` Precision int `xml:"precision"` Scale int `xml:"scale"` Formula string `xml:"formula"` FormulaTreatBlanksAs string `xml:"formulaTreatBlanksAs"` }
type FloatFieldRequired ¶
type FolderName ¶ added in v0.22.84
type FolderName string
type FolderType ¶ added in v0.22.84
type FolderType string
type FolderedMetadata ¶ added in v0.22.84
type FolderedMetadata map[FolderType]Folders
type Folders ¶ added in v0.22.84
type Folders map[FolderId]FolderName
type Force ¶
type Force struct { Credentials *ForceSession Metadata *ForceMetadata Partner *ForcePartner // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func ActiveForce ¶
func NewForce ¶
func NewForce(creds *ForceSession) (force *Force)
func NewForceWithRetrier ¶ added in v1.0.5
func NewForceWithRetrier(creds *ForceSession, retrier *HttpRetrier) (force *Force)
func (*Force) AbortableQueryAndSend ¶ added in v0.99.4
func (f *Force) AbortableQueryAndSend(qs string, processor chan<- ForceRecord, abort <-chan bool, options ...func(*QueryOptions)) error
func (*Force) AddBatchToJob ¶
func (*Force) BulkQueryWithContext ¶ added in v1.0.5
func (*Force) CancelableQueryAndSend ¶ added in v1.0.5
func (f *Force) CancelableQueryAndSend(ctx context.Context, qs string, processor chan<- ForceRecord, options ...func(*QueryOptions)) error
func (*Force) ChangePassword ¶
func (*Force) CloseBulkJobWithContext ¶ added in v1.0.5
func (*Force) CopyCredentialAuthFields ¶ added in v0.33.0
func (f *Force) CopyCredentialAuthFields(creds *ForceSession)
CopyCredentialAuthFields copies auth fields from creds into the receiver's Credentials.
func (*Force) CreateAuraBundle ¶
func (f *Force) CreateAuraBundle(bundleName string) (result ForceCreateRecordResult, err error, emessages []ForceError)
func (*Force) CreateAuraComponent ¶
func (f *Force) CreateAuraComponent(attrs map[string]string) (result ForceCreateRecordResult, err error, emessages []ForceError)
func (*Force) CreateBulkJob ¶
func (*Force) CreateBulkJobWithContext ¶ added in v1.0.5
func (*Force) CreateDataPipeline ¶
func (f *Force) CreateDataPipeline(name string, masterLabel string, apiVersionNumber string, scriptContent string, scriptType string) (result ForceCreateRecordResult, err error, emessages []ForceError)
func (*Force) CreateDataPipelineJob ¶
func (f *Force) CreateDataPipelineJob(id string) (result ForceCreateRecordResult, err error, emessages []ForceError)
func (*Force) CreateRecord ¶
func (*Force) CreateScratchOrg ¶ added in v0.27.0
Create a new Scratch Org from a Dev Hub Org
func (*Force) CreateScratchOrgWithUser ¶ added in v1.0.5
func (*Force) CreateToolingRecord ¶
func (*Force) DefaultDebugLevel ¶
func (f *Force) DefaultDebugLevel() (id string, err error, emessages []ForceError)
func (*Force) DeleteDataPipeline ¶
func (*Force) DeleteToolingRecord ¶
func (*Force) DescribeSObject ¶
func (*Force) DisplayAllForceRecords ¶ added in v0.22.79
func (f *Force) DisplayAllForceRecords(result ForceQueryResult)
func (*Force) DisplayAllForceRecordsf ¶ added in v0.23.2
func (f *Force) DisplayAllForceRecordsf(result ForceQueryResult, format string)
func (*Force) ExecuteRequest ¶ added in v0.31.0
ExecuteRequest executes an HTTP request based on Request, processes the HTTP response in the configured way, and returns the Response.
func (*Force) Explain ¶ added in v1.0.1
func (f *Force) Explain(query string) (QueryPlanResult, error)
func (*Force) ForceLoginNewScratch ¶ added in v0.27.0
func (f *Force) ForceLoginNewScratch(scratchOrgId string) (session ForceSession, err error)
Log into a Scratch Org
func (*Force) GetAbsolute ¶ added in v0.23.0
func (*Force) GetAbsoluteBytes ¶ added in v0.26.3
func (*Force) GetAllFolders ¶ added in v0.22.84
func (force *Force) GetAllFolders() (folders FolderedMetadata, err error)
func (*Force) GetAuraBundle ¶
func (f *Force) GetAuraBundle(bundleName string) (bundles AuraDefinitionBundleResult, definitions AuraDefinitionBundleResult, err error)
func (*Force) GetAuraBundleByName ¶
func (f *Force) GetAuraBundleByName(bundleName string) (bundles AuraDefinitionBundleResult, err error)
func (*Force) GetAuraBundleDefinition ¶
func (f *Force) GetAuraBundleDefinition(id string) (definitions AuraDefinitionBundleResult, err error)
func (*Force) GetAuraBundleDefinitions ¶
func (f *Force) GetAuraBundleDefinitions() (definitions AuraDefinitionBundleResult, err error)
func (*Force) GetAuraBundles ¶
func (f *Force) GetAuraBundles() (bundles AuraDefinitionBundleResult, definitions AuraDefinitionBundleResult, err error)
func (*Force) GetAuraBundlesList ¶
func (f *Force) GetAuraBundlesList() (bundles AuraDefinitionBundleResult, err error)
func (*Force) GetBatchInfo ¶
func (*Force) GetBatchInfoWithContext ¶ added in v1.0.5
func (*Force) GetBatchesWithContext ¶ added in v1.0.5
func (*Force) GetBulkJobs ¶
func (*Force) GetCodeCoverage ¶
func (*Force) GetCredentials ¶ added in v0.28.0
func (force *Force) GetCredentials() *ForceSession
func (*Force) GetDataPipeline ¶
func (f *Force) GetDataPipeline(name string) (results ForceQueryResult, err error)
func (*Force) GetJobInfoWithContext ¶ added in v1.0.5
func (*Force) GetMetadata ¶ added in v0.28.0
func (force *Force) GetMetadata() *ForceMetadata
func (*Force) GetMetadataInFolders ¶ added in v0.22.84
func (force *Force) GetMetadataInFolders(metadataType FolderType, folders Folders) (metadataItems []string, err error)
func (*Force) GetMoreAuraBundleDefinitions ¶
func (f *Force) GetMoreAuraBundleDefinitions(definitions *AuraDefinitionBundleResult) (err error)
func (*Force) GetPartner ¶ added in v0.28.0
func (force *Force) GetPartner() *ForcePartner
func (*Force) GetPasswordStatus ¶
func (f *Force) GetPasswordStatus(id string) (result ForcePasswordStatusResult, err error)
func (*Force) GetRecord ¶
func (f *Force) GetRecord(sobject, id string) (object ForceRecord, err error)
func (*Force) GetRetrier ¶ added in v1.0.5
func (force *Force) GetRetrier() *HttpRetrier
func (*Force) GetSobject ¶
func (f *Force) GetSobject(name string) (sobject ForceSobject, err error)
func (*Force) ListSobjects ¶
func (f *Force) ListSobjects() (sobjects []ForceSobject, err error)
func (*Force) PatchAbsolute ¶ added in v0.23.0
func (*Force) PostAbsolute ¶ added in v0.23.0
func (*Force) PostPatchAbsolute ¶ added in v0.23.0
func (*Force) PostPatchREST ¶
func (*Force) PutAbsolute ¶ added in v0.99.0
func (*Force) Query ¶
func (f *Force) Query(qs string, options ...func(*QueryOptions)) (ForceQueryResult, error)
func (*Force) QueryAndSend ¶ added in v0.23.0
func (f *Force) QueryAndSend(qs string, processor chan<- ForceRecord, options ...func(*QueryOptions)) error
func (*Force) QueryDataPipeline ¶
func (f *Force) QueryDataPipeline(soql string) (results ForceQueryResult, err error)
func (*Force) QueryDataPipelineJob ¶
func (f *Force) QueryDataPipelineJob(soql string) (results ForceQueryResult, err error)
func (*Force) QueryDefaultDebugLevel ¶
func (*Force) QueryEventLogFiles ¶
func (f *Force) QueryEventLogFiles() (results ForceQueryResult, err error)
func (*Force) QueryLogs ¶
func (f *Force) QueryLogs() (results ForceQueryResult, err error)
func (*Force) QueryOptions ¶ added in v0.28.0
func (*Force) QueryProfile ¶
func (f *Force) QueryProfile(fields ...string) (results ForceQueryResult, err error)
func (*Force) QueryTraceFlags ¶
func (f *Force) QueryTraceFlags() (results ForceQueryResult, err error)
func (*Force) RefreshSession ¶
func (*Force) RefreshSessionOrExit ¶ added in v0.22.79
func (f *Force) RefreshSessionOrExit()
func (*Force) ResetPassword ¶
func (f *Force) ResetPassword(id string) (result ForcePasswordResetResult, err error)
func (*Force) RetrieveBulkBatchResults ¶
func (f *Force) RetrieveBulkBatchResults(jobId string, batchId string) (BatchResult, error)
func (*Force) RetrieveBulkJobQueryResults ¶ added in v0.24.0
func (*Force) RetrieveBulkJobQueryResultsAndSend
added in
func (*Force) RetrieveBulkJobQueryResultsWithCallback ¶ added in v0.30.0
func (*Force) RetrieveBulkJobQueryResultsWithCallbackWithContext ¶ added in v1.0.5
func (*Force) RetrieveBulkQuery ¶
func (*Force) RetrieveBulkQueryResultList ¶ added in v0.24.0
func (*Force) RetrieveBulkQueryResults ¶
func (*Force) RetrieveBulkQueryWithContext ¶ added in v1.0.5
func (*Force) RetrieveBulkRequest ¶ added in v1.0.5
func (*Force) RetrieveEventLogFile ¶
func (*Force) StartTrace ¶
func (f *Force) StartTrace(userId ...string) (result ForceCreateRecordResult, err error, emessages []ForceError)
func (*Force) UpdateApiVersion ¶ added in v0.22.79
func (*Force) UpdateAuraComponent ¶
func (*Force) UpdateCredentials ¶
func (f *Force) UpdateCredentials(creds ForceSession)
UpdateCredentials calls CopyCredentialAuthFields and persists the new credentials in config.
func (*Force) UpdateDataPipeline ¶
func (*Force) UpdateRecord ¶
func (*Force) Whoami ¶
func (f *Force) Whoami() (me ForceRecord, err error)
func (*Force) WithRetrier ¶ added in v1.0.5
func (force *Force) WithRetrier(retrier *HttpRetrier) *Force
type ForceCancelDeployResult ¶ added in v0.99.2
type ForceCheckDeploymentStatusResult ¶
type ForceCheckDeploymentStatusResult struct { CheckOnly bool `xml:"checkOnly"` CompletedDate time.Time `xml:"completedDate"` CreatedDate time.Time `xml:"createdDate"` CreatedByName string `xml:"createdByName"` Details ComponentDetails `xml:"details"` Done bool `xml:"done"` Id string `xml:"id"` ErrorMessage string `xml:"errorMessage"` ErrorStatusCode string `xml:"errorStatusCode"` LastModifiedDate time.Time `xml:"lastModifiedDate"` NumberComponentErrors int `xml:"numberComponentErrors"` NumberComponentsDeployed int `xml:"numberComponentsDeployed"` NumberComponentsTotal int `xml:"numberComponentsTotal"` NumberTestErrors int `xml:"numberTestErrors"` NumberTestsCompleted int `xml:"numberTestsCompleted"` NumberTestsTotal int `xml:"numberTestsTotal"` RollbackOnError bool `xml:"rollbackOnError"` Status string `xml:"status"` StateDetail string `xml:"stateDetail"` Success bool `xml:"success"` }
func (ForceCheckDeploymentStatusResult) HasComponentFailures ¶ added in v0.99.2
func (r ForceCheckDeploymentStatusResult) HasComponentFailures() bool
func (ForceCheckDeploymentStatusResult) HasTestFailures ¶ added in v0.99.2
func (r ForceCheckDeploymentStatusResult) HasTestFailures() bool
func (ForceCheckDeploymentStatusResult) String ¶ added in v0.23.0
func (results ForceCheckDeploymentStatusResult) String() string
type ForceConnectedApp ¶
type ForceConnectedApps ¶
type ForceConnectedApps []ForceConnectedApp
func (ForceConnectedApps) Len ¶
func (apps ForceConnectedApps) Len() int
func (ForceConnectedApps) Less ¶
func (apps ForceConnectedApps) Less(i, j int) bool
func (ForceConnectedApps) Swap ¶
func (apps ForceConnectedApps) Swap(i, j int)
type ForceCreateRecordResult ¶
type ForceDeployOptions ¶
type ForceDeployOptions struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"deployOptions"` AllowMissingFiles bool `xml:"allowMissingFiles"` AutoUpdatePackage bool `xml:"autoUpdatePackage"` CheckOnly bool `xml:"checkOnly"` IgnoreWarnings bool `xml:"ignoreWarnings"` PerformRetrieve bool `xml:"performRetrieve"` PurgeOnDelete bool `xml:"purgeOnDelete"` RollbackOnError bool `xml:"rollbackOnError"` TestLevel string `xml:"testLevel,omitempty"` RunTests []string `xml:"runTests"` SinglePackage bool `xml:"singlePackage"` }
type ForceEndpoint ¶
type ForceEndpoint int
type ForceError ¶
type ForceErrors ¶ added in v0.32.0
type ForceErrors []ForceError
func (ForceErrors) Error ¶ added in v0.32.0
func (fs ForceErrors) Error() string
type ForceLimit ¶
type ForceLimits ¶
type ForceLimits map[string]ForceLimit
type ForceMetadata ¶
func NewForceMetadata ¶
func NewForceMetadata(force *Force) (fm *ForceMetadata)
func (*ForceMetadata) CancelDeploy ¶ added in v0.99.2
func (fm *ForceMetadata) CancelDeploy(id string) (ForceCancelDeployResult, error)
func (*ForceMetadata) CheckDeployStatus ¶
func (fm *ForceMetadata) CheckDeployStatus(id string) (results ForceCheckDeploymentStatusResult, err error)
func (*ForceMetadata) CheckRetrieveStatus ¶
func (fm *ForceMetadata) CheckRetrieveStatus(id string) (files ForceMetadataFiles, problems []string, err error)
func (*ForceMetadata) CheckStatus ¶
func (fm *ForceMetadata) CheckStatus(id string) error
func (*ForceMetadata) CreateBigObject ¶
func (fm *ForceMetadata) CreateBigObject(object BigObject) (err error)
func (*ForceMetadata) CreateConnectedApp ¶
func (fm *ForceMetadata) CreateConnectedApp(name, callback string) (err error)
func (*ForceMetadata) CreateCustomField ¶
func (fm *ForceMetadata) CreateCustomField(object, field, typ string, options map[string]string) (err error)
func (*ForceMetadata) CreateCustomObject ¶
func (fm *ForceMetadata) CreateCustomObject(object string) (err error)
func (*ForceMetadata) DeleteCustomField ¶
func (fm *ForceMetadata) DeleteCustomField(object, field string) (err error)
func (*ForceMetadata) DeleteCustomObject ¶
func (fm *ForceMetadata) DeleteCustomObject(object string) (err error)
func (*ForceMetadata) Deploy ¶
func (fm *ForceMetadata) Deploy(files ForceMetadataFiles, options ForceDeployOptions) (results ForceCheckDeploymentStatusResult, err error)
Deploy metadata and wait unti deploy is complete, then return results
func (*ForceMetadata) DeployRecentValidation ¶ added in v0.24.2
func (fm *ForceMetadata) DeployRecentValidation(validationId string) (results ForceCheckDeploymentStatusResult, err error)
func (*ForceMetadata) DeployZipFile ¶
func (fm *ForceMetadata) DeployZipFile(zipfile []byte, options ForceDeployOptions) (results ForceCheckDeploymentStatusResult, err error)
func (*ForceMetadata) DescribeMetadata ¶
func (fm *ForceMetadata) DescribeMetadata() (describe MetadataDescribeResult, err error)
func (*ForceMetadata) GetStatus ¶ added in v0.26.7
func (fm *ForceMetadata) GetStatus(id string) (status MetadataDeployStatus, err error)
func (*ForceMetadata) InstallPackage ¶ added in v0.24.2
func (fm *ForceMetadata) InstallPackage(namespace, version, password string) (err error)
func (*ForceMetadata) InstallPackageByNamespaceAndVersion ¶ added in v0.26.7
func (fm *ForceMetadata) InstallPackageByNamespaceAndVersion(namespace, version, password string, activateRemoteSiteSettings bool) (id string, err error)
func (*ForceMetadata) InstallPackageWithRSS ¶ added in v0.25.0
func (fm *ForceMetadata) InstallPackageWithRSS(namespace, version, password string, activateRemoteSiteSettings bool) (err error)
func (*ForceMetadata) ListAllMetadata ¶
func (fm *ForceMetadata) ListAllMetadata() (describe MetadataDescribeResult, err error)
func (*ForceMetadata) ListConnectedApps ¶
func (fm *ForceMetadata) ListConnectedApps() (apps ForceConnectedApps, err error)
func (*ForceMetadata) ListMetadata ¶
func (fm *ForceMetadata) ListMetadata(query string) (res []byte, err error)
func (*ForceMetadata) MakeDeploySoap ¶
func (fm *ForceMetadata) MakeDeploySoap(options ForceDeployOptions) (soap string)
func (*ForceMetadata) MakeZip ¶
func (fm *ForceMetadata) MakeZip(files ForceMetadataFiles) (zipdata []byte, err error)
func (*ForceMetadata) MakeZipWithOptions ¶ added in v1.0.1
func (fm *ForceMetadata) MakeZipWithOptions(files ForceMetadataFiles, options ForceDeployOptions) (zipdata []byte, err error)
func (*ForceMetadata) Retrieve ¶
func (fm *ForceMetadata) Retrieve(query ForceMetadataQuery) (files ForceMetadataFiles, problems []string, err error)
func (*ForceMetadata) RetrieveByPackageXml ¶
func (fm *ForceMetadata) RetrieveByPackageXml(package_xml string) (ForceMetadataFiles, []string, error)
func (*ForceMetadata) RetrieveByPackageXmlContents ¶ added in v1.0.1
func (fm *ForceMetadata) RetrieveByPackageXmlContents(data []byte) (files ForceMetadataFiles, problems []string, err error)
func (*ForceMetadata) RetrievePackage ¶
func (fm *ForceMetadata) RetrievePackage(packageName string) (files ForceMetadataFiles, problems []string, err error)
func (*ForceMetadata) StartDeploy ¶ added in v0.99.2
func (fm *ForceMetadata) StartDeploy(files ForceMetadataFiles, options ForceDeployOptions) (string, error)
Start a deployment of metadata and return the deploy id
func (*ForceMetadata) ValidateFieldOptions ¶
type ForceMetadataFiles ¶
type ForceMetadataQuery ¶
type ForceMetadataQuery []ForceMetadataQueryElement
type ForcePartner ¶
type ForcePartner struct {
Force *Force
func NewForcePartner ¶
func NewForcePartner(force *Force) (partner *ForcePartner)
func (*ForcePartner) CheckStatus ¶
func (partner *ForcePartner) CheckStatus(id string) (err error)
func (*ForcePartner) ExecuteAnonymous ¶
func (partner *ForcePartner) ExecuteAnonymous(apex string) (output string, err error)
func (*ForcePartner) ExecuteAnonymousTest ¶ added in v0.22.81
func (partner *ForcePartner) ExecuteAnonymousTest(apex string) (output string, err error)
func (*ForcePartner) Merge ¶ added in v0.30.0
func (partner *ForcePartner) Merge(sobjectType string, masterId string, duplicateId string) (err error)
func (*ForcePartner) MergeMany ¶ added in v0.30.0
func (partner *ForcePartner) MergeMany(sobjectType string, dupMap map[string]string) (results []soap.MergeResult, err error)
Merge multiple records using map of duplicate ids to master ids
func (*ForcePartner) RunTests ¶
func (partner *ForcePartner) RunTests(tests []string, namespace string) (output TestCoverage, err error)
func (*ForcePartner) SoapExecuteCore ¶
func (partner *ForcePartner) SoapExecuteCore(action, query string) (response []byte, err error)
func (*ForcePartner) Undelete ¶ added in v0.30.0
func (partner *ForcePartner) Undelete(id string) (err error)
func (*ForcePartner) UndeleteMany ¶ added in v0.30.0
func (partner *ForcePartner) UndeleteMany(deleted []string) (results []soap.UndeleteResult, err error)
type ForcePasswordResetResult ¶
type ForcePasswordResetResult struct {
NewPassword string
type ForcePasswordStatusResult ¶
type ForcePasswordStatusResult struct {
IsExpired bool
type ForceQueryResult ¶
type ForceQueryResult struct { Done bool Records []ForceRecord TotalSize int NextRecordsUrl string }
func (*ForceQueryResult) Update ¶
func (result *ForceQueryResult) Update(other ForceQueryResult, force *Force)
type ForceRecord ¶
type ForceRecord map[string]interface{}
type ForceSearchResult ¶ added in v1.0.1
type ForceSearchResult struct {
SearchRecords []ForceRecord `json:"searchRecords"`
type ForceSession ¶ added in v0.22.79
type ForceSession struct { AccessToken string `json:"access_token"` InstanceUrl string `json:"instance_url"` IssuedAt string `json:"issued_at"` Scope string `json:"scope"` Id string `json:"id"` ClientId string RefreshToken string ForceEndpoint ForceEndpoint EndpointUrl string `json:"endpoint_url"` UserInfo *UserInfo SessionOptions *SessionOptions }
func ActiveCredentials ¶
func ActiveCredentials(requireCredentials bool) (creds ForceSession, err error)
func ClientCredentialsLoginAtEndpoint ¶ added in v1.0.7
func ClientCredentialsLoginAtEndpoint(endpoint string, clientId string, clientSecret string) (creds ForceSession, err error)
func ForceLogin ¶
func ForceLogin(endpoint ForceEndpoint) (creds ForceSession, err error)
func ForceLoginAtEndpoint ¶ added in v0.26.5
func ForceLoginAtEndpoint(endpoint string) (creds ForceSession, err error)
func ForceLoginAtEndpointWithPrompt ¶ added in v0.99.0
func ForceLoginAtEndpointWithPrompt(endpoint string, prompt string) (creds ForceSession, err error)
func ForceSoapLogin ¶
func ForceSoapLogin(endpoint ForceEndpoint, username string, password string) (creds ForceSession, err error)
func ForceSoapLoginAtEndpoint ¶ added in v0.26.5
func ForceSoapLoginAtEndpoint(endpoint string, username string, password string) (creds ForceSession, err error)
func GetAccountCredentials ¶ added in v0.24.0
func GetAccountCredentials(accountName string) (creds ForceSession, err error)
func JWTLogin ¶ added in v0.24.0
func JWTLogin(endpoint ForceEndpoint, assertion string) (creds ForceSession, err error)
func JWTLoginAtEndpoint ¶ added in v0.26.5
func JWTLoginAtEndpoint(endpoint string, assertion string) (creds ForceSession, err error)
func (*ForceSession) SessionName ¶ added in v0.22.79
func (creds *ForceSession) SessionName() string
type ForceSobject ¶
type ForceSobject map[string]interface{}
type ForceSobjectFields ¶
type ForceSobjectFields []interface{}
func (ForceSobjectFields) Len ¶
func (f ForceSobjectFields) Len() int
func (ForceSobjectFields) Less ¶
func (f ForceSobjectFields) Less(i, j int) bool
func (ForceSobjectFields) Swap ¶
func (f ForceSobjectFields) Swap(i, j int)
type ForceSobjectsResult ¶
type ForceSobjectsResult struct { Encoding string MaxBatchSize int Sobjects []ForceSobject }
type GenericForceError ¶
type GeolocationField ¶
type GeolocationFieldRequired ¶
type GeolocationFieldRequired struct { DisplayLocationInDecimal bool `xml:"displayLocationInDecimal"` Scale int `xml:"scale"` }
These structs define which options are available and which are
required for the various field types you can create. Reflection is used to leverage these structs in validating options when creating a custom field.
type HttpCallback ¶ added in v0.30.0
HttpCallback is called after a successful HTTP request. The caller is responsible for closing the response body when it's finished.
func NewBatchResultChannelHttpCallback ¶ added in v0.30.0
func NewBatchResultChannelHttpCallback(results chan<- BatchResultChunk, bufferSize int) HttpCallback
NewBatchResultChannelHttpCallback returns a new reporter that will send chunks of a read body into the results channel. You can control the size of the chunks via bufferSize (defaults to 50mb).
type HttpMethod ¶ added in v0.32.0
type HttpMethod string
const ( HttpMethodPost HttpMethod = http.MethodPost HttpMethodPatch HttpMethod = http.MethodPatch HttpMethodPut HttpMethod = http.MethodPut )
type HttpRetrier ¶ added in v1.0.5
type HttpRetrier struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func DefaultRetrier ¶ added in v1.0.5
func DefaultRetrier() *HttpRetrier
func NewHttpRetrier ¶ added in v1.0.5
func (*HttpRetrier) AppendErrorCheck ¶ added in v1.0.5
func (r *HttpRetrier) AppendErrorCheck(check func(res *http.Response, err error) bool) *HttpRetrier
func (*HttpRetrier) BackoffDelay ¶ added in v1.0.5
func (r *HttpRetrier) BackoffDelay(bd time.Duration) *HttpRetrier
func (*HttpRetrier) Reauth ¶ added in v1.0.5
func (r *HttpRetrier) Reauth() *HttpRetrier
type JobContentType ¶ added in v0.30.0
type JobContentType string
const ( JobContentTypeCsv JobContentType = "CSV" JobContentTypeXml JobContentType = "XML" JobContentTypeJson JobContentType = "JSON" )
type JobInfo ¶
type JobInfo struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" jobInfo"` Id string `xml:"id,omitempty"` Operation string `xml:"operation,omitempty"` Object string `xml:"object,omitempty"` ExternalIdFieldName string `xml:"externalIdFieldName,omitempty"` CreatedById string `xml:"createdById,omitempty"` CreatedDate string `xml:"createdDate,omitempty"` SystemModStamp string `xml:"systemModstamp,omitempty"` State string `xml:"state,omitempty"` ConcurrencyMode string `xml:"concurrencyMode,omitempty"` ContentType string `xml:"contentType,omitempty"` NumberBatchesQueued int `xml:"numberBatchesQueued,omitempty"` NumberBatchesInProgress int `xml:"numberBatchesInProgress,omitempty"` NumberBatchesCompleted int `xml:"numberBatchesCompleted,omitempty"` NumberBatchesFailed int `xml:"numberBatchesFailed,omitempty"` NumberBatchesTotal int `xml:"numberBatchesTotal,omitempty"` NumberRecordsProcessed int `xml:"numberRecordsProcessed,omitempty"` NumberRetries int `xml:"numberRetries,omitempty"` ApiVersion string `xml:"apiVersion,omitempty"` NumberRecordsFailed int `xml:"numberRecordsFailed,omitempty"` TotalProcessingTime int `xml:"totalProcessingTime,omitempty"` ApiActiveProcessingTime int `xml:"apiActiveProcessingTime,omitempty"` ApexProcessingTime int `xml:"apexProcessingTime,omitempty"` }
func (JobInfo) HttpContentType ¶ added in v0.30.0
func (ji JobInfo) HttpContentType() (ContentType, error)
func (JobInfo) JobContentType ¶ added in v0.30.0
func (ji JobInfo) JobContentType() (JobContentType, error)
type ListMetadataResponse ¶
type ListMetadataResponse struct {
Result []MDFileProperties `xml:"result"`
type LocationNotCovered ¶ added in v1.0.1
type LoginFault ¶
type LoginFault struct { ExceptionCode string `xml:"exceptionCode" json:"exceptionCode"` ExceptionMessage string `xml:"exceptionMessage" json:"exceptionMessage"` }
func (LoginFault) Error ¶ added in v0.32.0
func (lf LoginFault) Error() string
type LongTextAreaField ¶
type LookupField ¶
type LookupFieldRequired ¶
type LookupFieldRequired struct{}
type MDFileProperties ¶
type MDFileProperties struct { CreatedById string `xml:"createdById"` CreateByName string `xml:"createdByName"` CreateDate time.Time `xml:"createdDate"` FileName string `xml:"fileName"` FullName string `xml:"fullName"` Id string `xml:"id"` LastModifiedById string `xml:"lastModifiedById"` LastModifiedByName string `xml:"lastModifiedByName"` LastModifedDate time.Time `xml:"lastModifiedDate"` ManageableState string `xml:"manageableState"` NamespacePrefix string `xml:"namespacePrefix"` Type string `xml:"type"` }
type MasterDetail ¶
type MasterDetailRequired ¶
type MasterDetailRequired struct{}
type MetadataDeployStatus ¶ added in v0.26.7
type MetadataDescribeResult ¶
type MetadataDescribeResult struct { NamespacePrefix string `xml:"organizationNamespace"` PartialSaveAllowed bool `xml:"partialSaveAllowed"` TestRequired bool `xml:"testRequired"` MetadataObjects []DescribeMetadataObject `xml:"metadataObjects"` }
type MetadataDescribeValueTypeResult ¶
type MetadataDescribeValueTypeResult struct {
ValueTypeFields []MetadataValueTypeField `xml:"result"`
type MetadataValueTypeField ¶
type NamespacePrefix ¶ added in v0.22.84
type NamespacePrefix string
type NumberField ¶
type NumberField struct { Label string `xml:"label"` Description string `xml:"description"` HelpText string `xml:"helpText"` Unique bool `xml:"unique"` ExternalId bool `xml:"externalId"` DefaultValue uint `xml:"defaultValue"` Formula string `xml:"formula"` FormulaTreatBlanksAs string `xml:"formulaTreatBlanksAs"` Precision int `xml:"precision"` Scale int `xml:"scale"` }
type NumberFieldRequired ¶
type OAuthError ¶ added in v0.24.0
type Package ¶
type Package struct { Xmlns string `xml:"xmlns,attr"` Types []MetaType `xml:"types"` Version string `xml:"version"` }
Structs for XML building
type PackageBuilder ¶
type PackageBuilder struct { IsPush bool Metadata map[string]MetaType Files ForceMetadataFiles Root string }
func NewFetchBuilder ¶
func NewFetchBuilder() PackageBuilder
func NewPushBuilder ¶
func NewPushBuilder() PackageBuilder
func (*PackageBuilder) Add ¶ added in v1.0.1
func (pb *PackageBuilder) Add(path string) error
func (*PackageBuilder) AddDirectory ¶ added in v0.24.0
func (pb *PackageBuilder) AddDirectory(fpath string) error
AddDirectory Recursively add files contained in provided directory
func (*PackageBuilder) AddFile ¶
func (pb *PackageBuilder) AddFile(fpath string) error
func (*PackageBuilder) AddMetaToPackage ¶
func (pb *PackageBuilder) AddMetaToPackage(metaName string, name string)
Adds a metadata name to the pending package
func (*PackageBuilder) AddMetadataItem ¶ added in v1.0.1
func (pb *PackageBuilder) AddMetadataItem(metadataType string, name string) error
func (*PackageBuilder) AddMetadataType ¶ added in v1.0.1
func (pb *PackageBuilder) AddMetadataType(metadataType string) error
func (*PackageBuilder) ForceMetadataFiles ¶
func (pb *PackageBuilder) ForceMetadataFiles() ForceMetadataFiles
Returns the full ForceMetadataFiles container
func (*PackageBuilder) GetMetaForAbsolutePath ¶ added in v1.0.1
func (pb *PackageBuilder) GetMetaForAbsolutePath(path string) (metaName string, objectName string, err error)
Gets meta type and name based on a path
func (*PackageBuilder) MetadataDir ¶ added in v1.0.1
func (pb *PackageBuilder) MetadataDir(metadataType string) (path string, err error)
func (PackageBuilder) PackageXml ¶
func (pb PackageBuilder) PackageXml() []byte
Build and return package.xml
type PhoneField ¶
type PhoneFieldRequired ¶
type PhoneFieldRequired struct { }
type PicklistField ¶
type PicklistField struct { Label string `xml:"label"` Picklist []PicklistValue `xml:"picklist>picklistValues"` }
type PicklistFieldRequired ¶
type PicklistFieldRequired struct {
Picklist []PicklistValue `xml:"picklist>picklistValues"`
type PicklistValue ¶
type QueryOptions ¶ added in v0.22.84
type QueryPlan ¶ added in v1.0.1
type QueryPlan struct { Cardinality int64 `json:"cardinality"` Fields []string `json:"fields"` LeadingOperationType string `json:"leadingOperationType"` Notes []QueryPlanNote `json:"notes"` RelativeCost float64 `json:"relativeCost"` SObjectCardinality int64 `json:"sobjectCardinality"` SObjectType string `json:"sobjectType"` }
type QueryPlanNote ¶ added in v1.0.1
type QueryPlanResult ¶ added in v1.0.1
type RefreshMethod ¶ added in v0.22.79
type RefreshMethod int
type Request ¶ added in v0.31.0
Request configures a Salesforce API request. Use Force.NewRequest to create a new request.
By default, Force does not process the HTTP response body in the case of success (it may parse it in the case of an error). In this case, you are responsible for closing (and optionally reading) the response body.
If you want the body to be read synchronously, use ReadResponseBody(). You should not use Response.HttpResponse's Body in this case.
func NewRequest ¶ added in v0.31.0
func (*Request) AbsoluteUrl ¶ added in v0.31.0
AbsoluteUrl is used when the url specifies the absolute url, such as "".
func (*Request) Inspect ¶ added in v1.0.5
Inspect returns a map of internal fields of the request. It should only be used for testing purposes, such as when matching a mock.
func (*Request) ReadResponseBody ¶ added in v0.31.0
ReadResponseBody specifies that the request should read and close the response body. Use when you want a synchronous read of the response. Be careful with large response bodies.
func (*Request) RestUrl ¶ added in v0.31.0
RestUrl is used when the url specifies the "Apex REST" portion of the url. For example, the url of "/MyApexRestClass" would use a full URL of
func (*Request) RootUrl ¶ added in v0.31.0
RootUrl is used when the url specifies the root-based relative URL of a resource. For example, the url of "/services/async/42.0/job" would use a full URL of
func (*Request) Unauthed ¶ added in v0.31.0
Unauthed will send the request without authentication headers.
func (*Request) WithContent ¶ added in v0.31.0
func (r *Request) WithContent(ct ContentType) *Request
WithContent sets the Content-Type header.
func (*Request) WithHeader ¶ added in v0.31.0
WithHeader sets the given header.
func (*Request) WithResponseCallback ¶ added in v0.31.0
func (r *Request) WithResponseCallback(cb HttpCallback) *Request
WithResponseCallback specifies a callback invoked with the *http.Response of a request. Most callers will not need this when invoking Request.ExecuteRequest directly, since they have access to the *http.Response from the Response. However when a method does not deal with Request and Response, WithResponseCallback can be useful to allow access to the response, usually to access the HTTP response body stream.
type Response ¶ added in v0.31.0
type Response struct { // If Request.ReadResponseBody is used, // the HTTP response body is read into Response.ReadResponseBody. // This covers a common use case where the caller wants // to read the entire body synchronously, // rather than having to worry about managing the stream. ReadResponseBody []byte // The raw http.Response returned by the HTTP request. HttpResponse *http.Response // The coerced ContentType from the Content-Type header. ContentType ContentType }
Response is the result of a Salesforce API call.
type Result ¶
type Result struct { Id string `json:"id"` Success bool `json:"success"` Created bool `json:"created"` Errors []ResultError `json:"errors"` }
type ResultError ¶ added in v1.0.4
type RichTextAreaField ¶
type RunTestResult ¶
type RunTestResult struct { NumberOfFailures int `xml:"numFailures"` NumberOfTestsRun int `xml:"numTestsRun"` TotalTime float32 `xml:"totalTime"` TestFailures []TestFailure `xml:"failures"` TestSuccesses []TestSuccess `xml:"successes"` CodeCoverageWarnings []CodeCoverageWarning `xml:"codeCoverageWarnings"` CodeCoverage []CodeCoverage `xml:"codeCoverage"` }
type RunTestsRequest ¶ added in v0.22.82
type RunTestsRequest struct { AllTests bool `xml:"allTests"` Classes []string `xml:"classes"` Namespace string `xml:"namespace"` MaxFailedTests int `xml:"maxFailedTests"` Tests []TestNode `xml:"tests,omitEmpty"` }
func NewRunTestsRequest ¶ added in v0.22.82
func NewRunTestsRequest(tests []string, namespace string) (request RunTestsRequest, err error)
type SFDXAuth ¶ added in v0.22.79
type SFDXAuth struct { AccessToken string Alias string ClientId string CreatedBy string DevHubId string Edition string Id string InstanceUrl string OrgName string Password string Status string Username string }
func GetSFDXAuth ¶ added in v0.22.79
type ScratchOrg ¶ added in v0.27.0
type SelectStruct ¶
type SessionOptions ¶ added in v0.22.79
type SessionOptions struct { ApiVersion string Alias string RefreshMethod RefreshMethod // RefreshFunc can be set to support refreshing of additional session/refresh types than // available in RefreshMethod. It should return an error on failure. // On success, it is responsible for updating the given Force's credentials. // Usually this is done by calling Force.UpdateCredentials (which persist the changes) // or Force.CopyCredentialAuthFields (which modifies memory only). // // Note that RefreshMethod implementations use Force.UpdateCredentials. RefreshFunc func(*Force) error `json:"-"` }
type SoapFault ¶
type SoapFault struct { FaultCode string `xml:"Body>Fault>faultcode"` FaultString string `xml:"Body>Fault>faultstring"` Detail LoginFault `xml:"Body>Fault>detail>LoginFault"` }
type StringField ¶
type StringField struct { Label string `xml:"label"` Name string `xml:"fullName"` Required bool `xml:"required"` Length int `xml:"length"` Description string `xml:"description"` HelpText string `xml:"helpText"` Unique bool `xml:"unique"` CaseSensitive bool `xml:"caseSensitive"` ExternalId bool `xml:"externalId"` DefaultValue string `xml:"defaultValue"` Formula string `xml:"formula"` FormulaTreatBlanksAs string `xml:"formulaTreatBlanksAs"` }
type StringFieldRequired ¶
type StringFieldRequired struct {
Length int `xml:"length"`
type TestCoverage ¶
type TestCoverage struct { Log string `xml:"Header>DebuggingInfo>debugLog"` NumberRun int `xml:"Body>runTestsResponse>result>numTestsRun"` NumberFailures int `xml:"Body>runTestsResponse>result>numFailures"` NumberLocations []int `xml:"Body>runTestsResponse>result>codeCoverage>numLocations"` NumberLocationsNotCovered []int `xml:"Body>runTestsResponse>result>codeCoverage>numLocationsNotCovered"` Name []string `xml:"Body>runTestsResponse>result>codeCoverage>name"` SMethodNames []string `xml:"Body>runTestsResponse>result>successes>methodName"` SClassNames []string `xml:"Body>runTestsResponse>result>successes>name"` FMethodNames []string `xml:"Body>runTestsResponse>result>failures>methodName"` FClassNames []string `xml:"Body>runTestsResponse>result>failures>name"` FMessage []string `xml:"Body>runTestsResponse>result>failures>message"` FStackTrace []string `xml:"Body>runTestsResponse>result>failures>stackTrace"` }
func (TestCoverage) ToJunit ¶ added in v0.99.2
func (c TestCoverage) ToJunit() (string, error)
type TestFailure ¶
type TestRunner ¶
type TestRunner interface {
RunTests(tests []string, namespace string) (output TestCoverage, err error)
type TestSuccess ¶
type TextAreaField ¶
type TextAreaFieldRequired ¶
type TextAreaFieldRequired struct { }
type UrlField ¶
type UrlField struct { Label string `xml:"label"` Name string `xml:"fullName"` Required bool `xml:"required"` Description string `xml:"description"` HelpText string `xml:"helpText"` DefaultValue string `xml:"defaultValue"` Formula string `xml:"formula"` FormulaTreatBlanksAs string `xml:"formulaTreatBlanksAs"` }
type UrlFieldRequired ¶
type UrlFieldRequired struct { }
Source Files
Path | Synopsis |
Adapted from
Adapted from |
Package junit provides data structures to allow easy XML encoding and decoding of JUnit test results.
Package junit provides data structures to allow easy XML encoding and decoding of JUnit test results. |
Package query implements querying through the Salesforce data service.
Package query implements querying through the Salesforce data service. |