Versions in this module Expand all Collapse all v1 v1.0.0 Nov 24, 2023 Changes in this version + const GoCVVersion + const IMWriteJpegChromaQuality + const IMWriteJpegLumaQuality + const IMWriteJpegOptimize + const IMWriteJpegProgressive + const IMWriteJpegQuality + const IMWriteJpegRstInterval + const IMWritePamTupletype + const IMWritePngBilevel + const IMWritePngCompression + const IMWritePngStrategy + const IMWritePngStrategyDefault + const IMWritePngStrategyFiltered + const IMWritePngStrategyFixed + const IMWritePngStrategyHuffmanOnly + const IMWritePngStrategyRle + const IMWritePxmBinary + const IMWriteWebpQuality + const MatChannels1 + const MatChannels2 + const MatChannels3 + const MatChannels4 + const MatTypeCV16S + const MatTypeCV16SC1 + const MatTypeCV16SC2 + const MatTypeCV16SC3 + const MatTypeCV16SC4 + const MatTypeCV16U + const MatTypeCV16UC1 + const MatTypeCV16UC2 + const MatTypeCV16UC3 + const MatTypeCV16UC4 + const MatTypeCV32F + const MatTypeCV32FC1 + const MatTypeCV32FC2 + const MatTypeCV32FC3 + const MatTypeCV32FC4 + const MatTypeCV32S + const MatTypeCV32SC1 + const MatTypeCV32SC2 + const MatTypeCV32SC3 + const MatTypeCV32SC4 + const MatTypeCV64F + const MatTypeCV64FC1 + const MatTypeCV64FC2 + const MatTypeCV64FC3 + const MatTypeCV64FC4 + const MatTypeCV8S + const MatTypeCV8SC1 + const MatTypeCV8SC2 + const MatTypeCV8SC3 + const MatTypeCV8SC4 + const MatTypeCV8U + const MatTypeCV8UC1 + const MatTypeCV8UC2 + const MatTypeCV8UC3 + const MatTypeCV8UC4 + const MotionAffine + const MotionEuclidean + const MotionHomography + const MotionTranslation + const OptflowFarnebackGaussian + const OptflowLkGetMinEigenvals + const OptflowUseInitialFlow + var ErrEmptyByteSlice = errors.New("empty byte array") + func AbsDiff(src1, src2 Mat, dst *Mat) + func Accumulate(src Mat, dst *Mat) + func AccumulateProduct(src1 Mat, src2 Mat, dst *Mat) + func AccumulateProductWithMask(src1 Mat, src2 Mat, dst *Mat, mask Mat) + func AccumulateSquare(src Mat, dst *Mat) + func AccumulateSquareWithMask(src Mat, dst *Mat, mask Mat) + func AccumulateWithMask(src Mat, dst *Mat, mask Mat) + func AccumulatedWeighted(src Mat, dst *Mat, alpha float64) + func AccumulatedWeightedWithMask(src Mat, dst *Mat, alpha float64, mask Mat) + func AdaptiveThreshold(src Mat, dst *Mat, maxValue float32, adaptiveTyp AdaptiveThresholdType, ...) + func Add(src1, src2 Mat, dst *Mat) + func AddWeighted(src1 Mat, alpha float64, src2 Mat, beta float64, gamma float64, dst *Mat) + func ApplyColorMap(src Mat, dst *Mat, colormapType ColormapTypes) + func ApplyCustomColorMap(src Mat, dst *Mat, customColormap Mat) + func ArcLength(curve PointVector, isClosed bool) float64 + func ArrowedLine(img *Mat, pt1 image.Point, pt2 image.Point, c color.RGBA, thickness int) + func ArucoDrawDetectedMarkers(img Mat, markerCorners [][]Point2f, markerIds []int, borderColor Scalar) + func ArucoGenerateImageMarker(dictionaryId ArucoDictionaryCode, id int, sidePixels int, img Mat, ...) + func BatchDistance(src1 Mat, src2 Mat, dist Mat, dtype MatType, nidx Mat, normType NormType, ...) + func BilateralFilter(src Mat, dst *Mat, diameter int, sigmaColor float64, sigmaSpace float64) + func BitwiseAnd(src1 Mat, src2 Mat, dst *Mat) + func BitwiseAndWithMask(src1 Mat, src2 Mat, dst *Mat, mask Mat) + func BitwiseNot(src1 Mat, dst *Mat) + func BitwiseNotWithMask(src1 Mat, dst *Mat, mask Mat) + func BitwiseOr(src1 Mat, src2 Mat, dst *Mat) + func BitwiseOrWithMask(src1 Mat, src2 Mat, dst *Mat, mask Mat) + func BitwiseXor(src1 Mat, src2 Mat, dst *Mat) + func BitwiseXorWithMask(src1 Mat, src2 Mat, dst *Mat, mask Mat) + func BlobFromImages(imgs []Mat, blob *Mat, scaleFactor float64, size image.Point, mean Scalar, ...) + func Blur(src Mat, dst *Mat, ksize image.Point) + func BorderInterpolate(p int, len int, borderType CovarFlags) int + func BoundingRect(contour PointVector) image.Rectangle + func BoxFilter(src Mat, dst *Mat, depth int, ksize image.Point) + func BoxPoints(rect RotatedRect, pts *Mat) + func CalcBackProject(src []Mat, channels []int, hist Mat, backProject *Mat, ranges []float64, ...) + func CalcCovarMatrix(samples Mat, covar *Mat, mean *Mat, flags CovarFlags, ctype MatType) + func CalcHist(src []Mat, channels []int, mask Mat, hist *Mat, size []int, ranges []float64, ...) + func CalcOpticalFlowFarneback(prevImg Mat, nextImg Mat, flow *Mat, pyrScale float64, levels int, winsize int, ...) + func CalcOpticalFlowPyrLK(prevImg Mat, nextImg Mat, prevPts Mat, nextPts Mat, status *Mat, err *Mat) + func CalcOpticalFlowPyrLKWithParams(prevImg Mat, nextImg Mat, prevPts Mat, nextPts Mat, status *Mat, err *Mat, ...) + func CalibrateCamera(objectPoints Points3fVector, imagePoints Points2fVector, imageSize image.Point, ...) float64 + func Canny(src Mat, edges *Mat, t1 float32, t2 float32) + func CartToPolar(x Mat, y Mat, magnitude *Mat, angle *Mat, angleInDegrees bool) + func CheckRange(src Mat) bool + func Circle(img *Mat, center image.Point, radius int, c color.RGBA, thickness int) + func CircleWithParams(img *Mat, center image.Point, radius int, c color.RGBA, thickness int, ...) + func ClipLine(imgSize image.Point, pt1 image.Point, pt2 image.Point) bool + func ColorChange(src, mask Mat, dst *Mat, red_mul, green_mul, blue_mul float32) + func Compare(src1 Mat, src2 Mat, dst *Mat, ct CompareType) + func CompareHist(hist1 Mat, hist2 Mat, method HistCompMethod) float32 + func CompleteSymm(m Mat, lowerToUpper bool) + func ConnectedComponents(src Mat, labels *Mat) int + func ConnectedComponentsWithParams(src Mat, labels *Mat, conn int, ltype MatType, ...) int + func ConnectedComponentsWithStats(src Mat, labels *Mat, stats *Mat, centroids *Mat) int + func ConnectedComponentsWithStatsWithParams(src Mat, labels *Mat, stats *Mat, centroids *Mat, conn int, ltype MatType, ...) int + func ContourArea(contour PointVector) float64 + func ConvertScaleAbs(src Mat, dst *Mat, alpha float64, beta float64) + func ConvexHull(points PointVector, hull *Mat, clockwise bool, returnPoints bool) + func ConvexityDefects(contour PointVector, hull Mat, result *Mat) + func CopyMakeBorder(src Mat, dst *Mat, top int, bottom int, left int, right int, bt BorderType, ...) + func CornerSubPix(img Mat, corners *Mat, winSize image.Point, zeroZone image.Point, ...) + func CountNonZero(src Mat) int + func CvtColor(src Mat, dst *Mat, code ColorConversionCode) + func DCT(src Mat, dst *Mat, flags DftFlags) + func DFT(src Mat, dst *Mat, flags DftFlags) + func DetailEnhance(src Mat, dst *Mat, sigma_s, sigma_r float32) + func Determinant(src Mat) float64 + func Dilate(src Mat, dst *Mat, kernel Mat) + func DilateWithParams(src Mat, dst *Mat, kernel Mat, anchor image.Point, ...) + func DistanceTransform(src Mat, dst *Mat, labels *Mat, distType DistanceTypes, ...) + func Divide(src1 Mat, src2 Mat, dst *Mat) + func DrawChessboardCorners(image *Mat, patternSize image.Point, corners Mat, patternWasFound bool) + func DrawContours(img *Mat, contours PointsVector, contourIdx int, c color.RGBA, thickness int) + func DrawContoursWithParams(img *Mat, contours PointsVector, contourIdx int, c color.RGBA, thickness int, ...) + func DrawKeyPoints(src Mat, keyPoints []KeyPoint, dst *Mat, color color.RGBA, ...) + func DrawMatches(img1 Mat, kp1 []KeyPoint, img2 Mat, kp2 []KeyPoint, matches1to2 []DMatch, ...) + func EdgePreservingFilter(src Mat, dst *Mat, filter EdgeFilter, sigma_s, sigma_r float32) + func Eigen(src Mat, eigenvalues *Mat, eigenvectors *Mat) bool + func EigenNonSymmetric(src Mat, eigenvalues *Mat, eigenvectors *Mat) + func Ellipse(img *Mat, center, axes image.Point, angle, startAngle, endAngle float64, ...) + func EllipseWithParams(img *Mat, center, axes image.Point, angle, startAngle, endAngle float64, ...) + func EqualizeHist(src Mat, dst *Mat) + func Erode(src Mat, dst *Mat, kernel Mat) + func ErodeWithParams(src Mat, dst *Mat, kernel Mat, anchor image.Point, iterations, borderType int) + func EstimateNewCameraMatrixForUndistortRectify(k, d Mat, imgSize image.Point, r Mat, p *Mat, balance float64, ...) + func Exp(src Mat, dst *Mat) + func ExtractChannel(src Mat, dst *Mat, coi int) + func FP16BlobFromImage(img Mat, scaleFactor float32, size image.Point, mean float32, swapRB bool, ...) []byte + func FastNlMeansDenoising(src Mat, dst *Mat) + func FastNlMeansDenoisingColored(src Mat, dst *Mat) + func FastNlMeansDenoisingColoredMulti(src []Mat, dst *Mat, imgToDenoiseIndex int, temporalWindowSize int) + func FastNlMeansDenoisingColoredMultiWithParams(src []Mat, dst *Mat, imgToDenoiseIndex int, temporalWindowSize int, h float32, ...) + func FastNlMeansDenoisingColoredWithParams(src Mat, dst *Mat, h float32, hColor float32, templateWindowSize int, ...) + func FastNlMeansDenoisingWithParams(src Mat, dst *Mat, h float32, templateWindowSize int, searchWindowSize int) + func FillPoly(img *Mat, pts PointsVector, c color.RGBA) + func FillPolyWithParams(img *Mat, pts PointsVector, c color.RGBA, lineType LineType, shift int, ...) + func Filter2D(src Mat, dst *Mat, ddepth MatType, kernel Mat, anchor image.Point, ...) + func FindChessboardCorners(image Mat, patternSize image.Point, corners *Mat, flags CalibCBFlag) bool + func FindChessboardCornersSB(image Mat, patternSize image.Point, corners *Mat, flags CalibCBFlag) bool + func FindChessboardCornersSBWithMeta(image Mat, patternSize image.Point, corners *Mat, flags CalibCBFlag, meta *Mat) bool + func FindNonZero(src Mat, idx *Mat) + func FindTransformECC(templateImage Mat, inputImage Mat, warpMatrix *Mat, motionType int, ...) float64 + func FisheyeUndistortImage(distorted Mat, undistorted *Mat, k, d Mat) + func FisheyeUndistortImageWithParams(distorted Mat, undistorted *Mat, k, d, knew Mat, size image.Point) + func FisheyeUndistortPoints(distorted Mat, undistorted *Mat, k, d, r, p Mat) + func FitLine(pts PointVector, line *Mat, distType DistanceTypes, param, reps, aeps float64) + func Flip(src Mat, dst *Mat, flipCode int) + func GaussianBlur(src Mat, dst *Mat, ksize image.Point, sigmaX float64, sigmaY float64, ...) + func Gemm(src1, src2 Mat, alpha float64, src3 Mat, beta float64, dst *Mat, flags int) + func GetNumThreads() int + func GetOptimalDFTSize(vecsize int) int + func GetRectSubPix(src Mat, patchSize image.Point, center image.Point, dst *Mat) + func GetTextSize(text string, fontFace HersheyFont, fontScale float64, thickness int) image.Point + func GetTextSizeWithBaseline(text string, fontFace HersheyFont, fontScale float64, thickness int) (image.Point, int) + func GetTickCount() float64 + func GetTickFrequency() float64 + func GoodFeaturesToTrack(img Mat, corners *Mat, maxCorners int, quality float64, minDist float64) + func GrabCut(img Mat, mask *Mat, r image.Rectangle, bgdModel *Mat, fgdModel *Mat, ...) + func GroupRectangles(rects []image.Rectangle, groupThreshold int, eps float64) []image.Rectangle + func Hconcat(src1, src2 Mat, dst *Mat) + func HoughCircles(src Mat, circles *Mat, method HoughMode, dp, minDist float64) + func HoughCirclesWithParams(src Mat, circles *Mat, method HoughMode, dp, minDist, param1, param2 float64, ...) + func HoughLines(src Mat, lines *Mat, rho float32, theta float32, threshold int) + func HoughLinesP(src Mat, lines *Mat, rho float32, theta float32, threshold int) + func HoughLinesPWithParams(src Mat, lines *Mat, rho float32, theta float32, threshold int, ...) + func HoughLinesPointSet(points Mat, lines *Mat, linesMax int, threshold int, minRho float32, ...) + func IDCT(src Mat, dst *Mat, flags int) + func IDFT(src Mat, dst *Mat, flags, nonzeroRows int) + func IMDecodeIntoMat(buf []byte, flags IMReadFlag, dest *Mat) error + func IMWrite(name string, img Mat) bool + func IMWriteWithParams(name string, img Mat, params []int) bool + func IlluminationChange(src, mask Mat, dst *Mat, alpha, beta float32) + func ImagesFromBlob(blob Mat, imgs []Mat) + func InRange(src, lb, ub Mat, dst *Mat) + func InRangeWithScalar(src Mat, lb, ub Scalar, dst *Mat) + func InitUndistortRectifyMap(cameraMatrix Mat, distCoeffs Mat, r Mat, newCameraMatrix Mat, size image.Point, ...) + func Inpaint(src Mat, mask Mat, dst *Mat, inpaintRadius float32, ...) + func InsertChannel(src Mat, dst *Mat, coi int) + func Integral(src Mat, sum *Mat, sqsum *Mat, tilted *Mat) + func Invert(src Mat, dst *Mat, flags SolveDecompositionFlags) float64 + func InvertAffineTransform(src Mat, dst *Mat) + func KMeans(data Mat, k int, bestLabels *Mat, criteria TermCriteria, attempts int, ...) float64 + func KMeansPoints(points PointVector, k int, bestLabels *Mat, criteria TermCriteria, ...) float64 + func LUT(src, wbLUT Mat, dst *Mat) + func Laplacian(src Mat, dst *Mat, dDepth MatType, size int, scale float64, delta float64, ...) + func Line(img *Mat, pt1 image.Point, pt2 image.Point, c color.RGBA, thickness int) + func LineWithParams(img *Mat, pt1 image.Point, pt2 image.Point, c color.RGBA, thickness int, ...) + func LinearPolar(src Mat, dst *Mat, center image.Point, maxRadius float64, ...) + func Log(src Mat, dst *Mat) + func LogPolar(src Mat, dst *Mat, center image.Point, m float64, flags InterpolationFlags) + func Magnitude(x, y Mat, magnitude *Mat) + func MatchShapes(contour1 PointVector, contour2 PointVector, method ShapeMatchModes, ...) float64 + func MatchTemplate(image Mat, templ Mat, result *Mat, method TemplateMatchMode, mask Mat) + func Max(src1, src2 Mat, dst *Mat) + func MeanStdDev(src Mat, dst *Mat, dstStdDev *Mat) + func MedianBlur(src Mat, dst *Mat, ksize int) + func Merge(mv []Mat, dst *Mat) + func Min(src1, src2 Mat, dst *Mat) + func MinEnclosingCircle(pts PointVector) (x, y, radius float32) + func MinMaxIdx(input Mat) (minVal, maxVal float32, minIdx, maxIdx int) + func MinMaxLoc(input Mat) (minVal, maxVal float32, minLoc, maxLoc image.Point) + func MixChannels(src []Mat, dst []Mat, fromTo []int) + func Moments(src Mat, binaryImage bool) map[string]float64 + func MorphologyEx(src Mat, dst *Mat, op MorphType, kernel Mat) + func MorphologyExWithParams(src Mat, dst *Mat, op MorphType, kernel Mat, iterations int, ...) + func MulSpectrums(a Mat, b Mat, dst *Mat, flags DftFlags) + func Multiply(src1 Mat, src2 Mat, dst *Mat) + func MultiplyWithParams(src1 Mat, src2 Mat, dst *Mat, scale float64, dtype MatType) + func NMSBoxes(bboxes []image.Rectangle, scores []float32, scoreThreshold float32, ...) (indices []int) + func NMSBoxesWithParams(bboxes []image.Rectangle, scores []float32, scoreThreshold float32, ...) (indices []int) + func Norm(src1 Mat, normType NormType) float64 + func NormWithMats(src1 Mat, src2 Mat, normType NormType) float64 + func Normalize(src Mat, dst *Mat, alpha float64, beta float64, typ NormType) + func OpenCVVersion() string + func PCACompute(src Mat, mean *Mat, eigenvectors *Mat, eigenvalues *Mat, maxComponents int) + func PencilSketch(src Mat, dst1, dst2 *Mat, sigma_s, sigma_r, shade_factor float32) + func PerspectiveTransform(src Mat, dst *Mat, tm Mat) + func Phase(x, y Mat, angle *Mat, angleInDegrees bool) + func PointPolygonTest(pts PointVector, pt image.Point, measureDist bool) float64 + func PolarToCart(magnitude Mat, degree Mat, x *Mat, y *Mat, angleInDegrees bool) + func Polylines(img *Mat, pts PointsVector, isClosed bool, c color.RGBA, thickness int) + func Pow(src Mat, power float64, dst *Mat) + func PutText(img *Mat, text string, org image.Point, fontFace HersheyFont, ...) + func PutTextWithParams(img *Mat, text string, org image.Point, fontFace HersheyFont, ...) + func PyrDown(src Mat, dst *Mat, ksize image.Point, borderType BorderType) + func PyrUp(src Mat, dst *Mat, ksize image.Point, borderType BorderType) + func RandN(mat *Mat, mean, stddev Scalar) + func RandShuffle(mat *Mat) + func RandShuffleWithParams(mat *Mat, iterFactor float64, rng RNG) + func RandU(mat *Mat, low, high Scalar) + func Rectangle(img *Mat, r image.Rectangle, c color.RGBA, thickness int) + func RectangleWithParams(img *Mat, r image.Rectangle, c color.RGBA, thickness int, lineType LineType, ...) + func Reduce(src Mat, dst *Mat, dim int, rType ReduceTypes, dType MatType) + func ReduceArgMax(src Mat, dst *Mat, axis int, lastIndex bool) + func ReduceArgMin(src Mat, dst *Mat, axis int, lastIndex bool) + func Remap(src Mat, dst, map1, map2 *Mat, interpolation InterpolationFlags, ...) + func Repeat(src Mat, nY int, nX int, dst *Mat) + func Resize(src Mat, dst *Mat, sz image.Point, fx, fy float64, interp InterpolationFlags) + func Rotate(src Mat, dst *Mat, code RotateFlag) + func SVDCompute(src Mat, w, u, vt *Mat) + func ScaleAdd(src1 Mat, alpha float64, src2 Mat, dst *Mat) + func Scharr(src Mat, dst *Mat, dDepth MatType, dx int, dy int, scale float64, ...) + func SeamlessClone(src, dst, mask Mat, p image.Point, blend *Mat, flags SeamlessCloneFlags) + func SelectROI(name string, img Mat) image.Rectangle + func SelectROIs(name string, img Mat) []image.Rectangle + func SepFilter2D(src Mat, dst *Mat, ddepth MatType, kernelX, kernelY Mat, anchor image.Point, ...) + func SetIdentity(src Mat, scalar float64) + func SetNumThreads(n int) + func SetRNGSeed(seed int) + func Sobel(src Mat, dst *Mat, ddepth MatType, dx, dy, ksize int, scale, delta float64, ...) + func Solve(src1 Mat, src2 Mat, dst *Mat, flags SolveDecompositionFlags) bool + func SolveCubic(coeffs Mat, roots *Mat) int + func SolvePoly(coeffs Mat, roots *Mat, maxIters int) float64 + func Sort(src Mat, dst *Mat, flags SortFlags) + func SortIdx(src Mat, dst *Mat, flags SortFlags) + func SpatialGradient(src Mat, dx, dy *Mat, ksize MatType, borderType BorderType) + func SqBoxFilter(src Mat, dst *Mat, depth int, ksize image.Point) + func Stylization(src Mat, dst *Mat, sigma_s, sigma_r float32) + func Subtract(src1 Mat, src2 Mat, dst *Mat) + func TextureFlattening(src, mask Mat, dst *Mat, lowThreshold, highThreshold float32, kernelSize int) + func Threshold(src Mat, dst *Mat, thresh float32, maxvalue float32, typ ThresholdType) (threshold float32) + func Transform(src Mat, dst *Mat, tm Mat) + func Transpose(src Mat, dst *Mat) + func Undistort(src Mat, dst *Mat, cameraMatrix Mat, distCoeffs Mat, newCameraMatrix Mat) + func UndistortPoints(src Mat, dst *Mat, ...) + func Vconcat(src1, src2 Mat, dst *Mat) + func Version() string + func WaitKey(delay int) int + func WarpAffine(src Mat, dst *Mat, m Mat, sz image.Point) + func WarpAffineWithParams(src Mat, dst *Mat, m Mat, sz image.Point, flags InterpolationFlags, ...) + func WarpPerspective(src Mat, dst *Mat, m Mat, sz image.Point) + func WarpPerspectiveWithParams(src Mat, dst *Mat, m Mat, sz image.Point, flags InterpolationFlags, ...) + func Watershed(image Mat, markers *Mat) + type AKAZE struct + func NewAKAZE() AKAZE + func (a *AKAZE) Close() error + func (a *AKAZE) Detect(src Mat) []KeyPoint + func (a *AKAZE) DetectAndCompute(src Mat, mask Mat) ([]KeyPoint, Mat) + type AdaptiveThresholdType int + const AdaptiveThresholdGaussian + const AdaptiveThresholdMean + func (c AdaptiveThresholdType) String() string + type AgastFeatureDetector struct + func NewAgastFeatureDetector() AgastFeatureDetector + func (a *AgastFeatureDetector) Close() error + func (a *AgastFeatureDetector) Detect(src Mat) []KeyPoint + type AlignMTB struct + func NewAlignMTB() AlignMTB + func NewAlignMTBWithParams(max_bits int, exclude_range int, cut bool) AlignMTB + func (b *AlignMTB) Close() error + func (b *AlignMTB) Process(src []Mat, dst *[]Mat) + type ArucoDetector struct + func NewArucoDetector() ArucoDetector + func NewArucoDetectorWithParams(dictionary ArucoDictionary, params ArucoDetectorParameters) ArucoDetector + func (a *ArucoDetector) Close() error + func (a *ArucoDetector) DetectMarkers(input Mat) (markerCorners [][]Point2f, markerIds []int, rejectedCandidates [][]Point2f) + type ArucoDetectorParameters struct + func NewArucoDetectorParameters() ArucoDetectorParameters + func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetAdaptiveThreshConstant() float64 + func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetAdaptiveThreshWinSizeMax() int + func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetAdaptiveThreshWinSizeMin() int + func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetAdaptiveThreshWinSizeStep() int + func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetAprilTagCriticalRad() float32 + func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetAprilTagDeglitch() int + func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetAprilTagMaxLineFitMse() float32 + func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetAprilTagMaxNmaxima() int + func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetAprilTagMinClusterPixels() int + func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetAprilTagMinWhiteBlackDiff() int + func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetAprilTagQuadDecimate() float32 + func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetAprilTagQuadSigma() float32 + func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetCornerRefinementMaxIterations() int + func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetCornerRefinementMethod() int + func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetCornerRefinementMinAccuracy() float64 + func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetCornerRefinementWinSize() int + func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetDetectInvertedMarker() bool + func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetErrorCorrectionRate() float64 + func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetMarkerBorderBits() int + func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetMaxErroneousBitsInBorderRate() float64 + func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetMaxMarkerPerimeterRate() float64 + func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetMinCornerDistanceRate() float64 + func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetMinDistanceToBorder() int + func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetMinMarkerDistanceRate() float64 + func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetMinMarkerPerimeterRate() float64 + func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetMinOtsuStdDev() float64 + func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetPerspectiveRemoveIgnoredMarginPerCell() float64 + func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetPerspectiveRemovePixelPerCell() int + func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) GetPolygonalApproxAccuracyRate() float64 + func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetAdaptiveThreshConstant(adaptiveThreshConstant float64) + func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetAdaptiveThreshWinSizeMax(adaptiveThreshWinSizeMax int) + func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetAdaptiveThreshWinSizeMin(adaptiveThreshWinSizeMin int) + func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetAdaptiveThreshWinSizeStep(adaptiveThreshWinSizeStep int) + func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetAprilTagCriticalRad(aprilTagCriticalRad float32) + func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetAprilTagDeglitch(aprilTagDeglitch int) + func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetAprilTagMaxLineFitMse(aprilTagMaxLineFitMse float32) + func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetAprilTagMaxNmaxima(aprilTagMaxNmaxima int) + func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetAprilTagMinClusterPixels(aprilTagMinClusterPixels int) + func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetAprilTagMinWhiteBlackDiff(aprilTagMinWhiteBlackDiff int) + func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetAprilTagQuadDecimate(aprilTagQuadDecimate float32) + func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetAprilTagQuadSigma(aprilTagQuadSigma float32) + func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetCornerRefinementMaxIterations(cornerRefinementMaxIterations int) + func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetCornerRefinementMethod(cornerRefinementMethod int) + func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetCornerRefinementMinAccuracy(cornerRefinementMinAccuracy float64) + func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetCornerRefinementWinSize(cornerRefinementWinSize int) + func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetDetectInvertedMarker(detectInvertedMarker bool) + func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetErrorCorrectionRate(errorCorrectionRate float64) + func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetMarkerBorderBits(markerBorderBits int) + func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetMaxErroneousBitsInBorderRate(maxErroneousBitsInBorderRate float64) + func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetMaxMarkerPerimeterRate(maxMarkerPerimeterRate float64) + func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetMinCornerDistanceRate(minCornerDistanceRate float64) + func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetMinDistanceToBorder(minDistanceToBorder int) + func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetMinMarkerDistanceRate(minMarkerDistanceRate float64) + func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetMinMarkerPerimeterRate(minMarkerPerimeterRate float64) + func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetMinOtsuStdDev(minOtsuStdDev float64) + func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetPerspectiveRemoveIgnoredMarginPerCell(perspectiveRemoveIgnoredMarginPerCell float64) + func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetPerspectiveRemovePixelPerCell(perspectiveRemovePixelPerCell int) + func (ap *ArucoDetectorParameters) SetPolygonalApproxAccuracyRate(polygonalApproxAccuracyRate float64) + type ArucoDictionary struct + func GetPredefinedDictionary(dictionaryId ArucoDictionaryCode) ArucoDictionary + type ArucoDictionaryCode int + const ArucoDict4x4_100 + const ArucoDict4x4_1000 + const ArucoDict4x4_250 + const ArucoDict4x4_50 + const ArucoDict5x5_100 + const ArucoDict5x5_1000 + const ArucoDict5x5_250 + const ArucoDict5x5_50 + const ArucoDict6x6_100 + const ArucoDict6x6_1000 + const ArucoDict6x6_250 + const ArucoDict6x6_50 + const ArucoDict7x7_100 + const ArucoDict7x7_1000 + const ArucoDict7x7_250 + const ArucoDict7x7_50 + const ArucoDictAprilTag_16h5 + const ArucoDictAprilTag_25h9 + const ArucoDictAprilTag_36h10 + const ArucoDictAprilTag_36h11 + const ArucoDictArucoOriginal + type BFMatcher struct + func NewBFMatcher() BFMatcher + func NewBFMatcherWithParams(normType NormType, crossCheck bool) BFMatcher + func (b *BFMatcher) Close() error + func (b *BFMatcher) KnnMatch(query, train Mat, k int) [][]DMatch + func (b *BFMatcher) Match(query, train Mat) []DMatch + type BRISK struct + func NewBRISK() BRISK + func (b *BRISK) Close() error + func (b *BRISK) Detect(src Mat) []KeyPoint + func (b *BRISK) DetectAndCompute(src Mat, mask Mat) ([]KeyPoint, Mat) + type BackgroundSubtractorKNN struct + func NewBackgroundSubtractorKNN() BackgroundSubtractorKNN + func NewBackgroundSubtractorKNNWithParams(history int, dist2Threshold float64, detectShadows bool) BackgroundSubtractorKNN + func (k *BackgroundSubtractorKNN) Apply(src Mat, dst *Mat) + func (k *BackgroundSubtractorKNN) Close() error + type BackgroundSubtractorMOG2 struct + func NewBackgroundSubtractorMOG2() BackgroundSubtractorMOG2 + func NewBackgroundSubtractorMOG2WithParams(history int, varThreshold float64, detectShadows bool) BackgroundSubtractorMOG2 + func (b *BackgroundSubtractorMOG2) Apply(src Mat, dst *Mat) + func (b *BackgroundSubtractorMOG2) Close() error + type BorderType int + const BorderConstant + const BorderDefault + const BorderIsolated + const BorderReflect + const BorderReflect101 + const BorderReplicate + const BorderTransparent + const BorderWrap + func (c BorderType) String() string + type CLAHE struct + func NewCLAHE() CLAHE + func NewCLAHEWithParams(clipLimit float64, tileGridSize image.Point) CLAHE + func (c *CLAHE) Apply(src Mat, dst *Mat) + func (c *CLAHE) Close() error + type CalibCBFlag int + const CalibCBAccuracy + const CalibCBAdaptiveThresh + const CalibCBExhaustive + const CalibCBFastCheck + const CalibCBFilterQuads + const CalibCBLarger + const CalibCBMarker + const CalibCBNormalizeImage + func (c CalibCBFlag) String() string + type CalibFlag int32 + const CalibCheckCond + const CalibFixIntrinsic + const CalibFixK1 + const CalibFixK2 + const CalibFixK3 + const CalibFixK4 + const CalibFixPrincipalPoint + const CalibFixSkew + const CalibRecomputeExtrinsic + const CalibUseIntrinsicGuess + func (c CalibFlag) String() string + type CascadeClassifier struct + func NewCascadeClassifier() CascadeClassifier + func (c *CascadeClassifier) Close() error + func (c *CascadeClassifier) DetectMultiScale(img Mat) []image.Rectangle + func (c *CascadeClassifier) DetectMultiScaleWithParams(img Mat, scale float64, minNeighbors, flags int, minSize, maxSize image.Point) []image.Rectangle + func (c *CascadeClassifier) Load(name string) bool + type ColorConversionCode int + const ColorBGR555ToBGR + const ColorBGR555ToBGRA + const ColorBGR555ToGRAY + const ColorBGR555ToRGB + const ColorBGR555ToRGBA + const ColorBGR565ToBGR + const ColorBGR565ToBGRA + const ColorBGR565ToGray + const ColorBGR565ToRGB + const ColorBGR565ToRGBA + const ColorBGRAToBGR + const ColorBGRAToBGR555 + const ColorBGRAToBGR565 + const ColorBGRAToGray + const ColorBGRAToRGBA + const ColorBGRAToYUVI420 + const ColorBGRAToYUVYV12 + const ColorBGRToBGR555 + const ColorBGRToBGR565 + const ColorBGRToBGRA + const ColorBGRToGray + const ColorBGRToHLS + const ColorBGRToHLSFull + const ColorBGRToHSV + const ColorBGRToHSVFull + const ColorBGRToLab + const ColorBGRToLuv + const ColorBGRToRGB + const ColorBGRToRGBA + const ColorBGRToXYZ + const ColorBGRToYCrCb + const ColorBGRToYUV + const ColorBGRToYUVI420 + const ColorBGRToYUVYV12 + const ColorBayerBGToBGR + const ColorBayerBGToBGRA + const ColorBayerBGToBGREA + const ColorBayerBGToBGRVNG + const ColorBayerBGToGRAY + const ColorBayerGBToBGR + const ColorBayerGBToBGRA + const ColorBayerGBToBGREA + const ColorBayerGBToBGRVNG + const ColorBayerGBToGRAY + const ColorBayerGRToBGR + const ColorBayerGRToBGRA + const ColorBayerGRToBGREA + const ColorBayerGRToBGRVNG + const ColorBayerGRToGRAY + const ColorBayerRGToBGR + const ColorBayerRGToBGRA + const ColorBayerRGToBGREA + const ColorBayerRGToBGRVNG + const ColorBayerRGToGRAY + const ColorCOLORCVTMAX + const ColorGrayToBGR + const ColorGrayToBGR555 + const ColorGrayToBGR565 + const ColorGrayToBGRA + const ColorHLSToBGR + const ColorHLSToBGRFull + const ColorHLSToRGB + const ColorHLSToRGBFull + const ColorHSVToBGR + const ColorHSVToBGRFull + const ColorHSVToRGB + const ColorHSVToRGBFull + const ColorLBGRToLab + const ColorLBGRToLuv + const ColorLRGBToLab + const ColorLRGBToLuv + const ColorLabToBGR + const ColorLabToLBGR + const ColorLabToLRGB + const ColorLabToRGB + const ColorLuvToBGR + const ColorLuvToLBGR + const ColorLuvToLRGB + const ColorLuvToRGB + const ColorRGBAToBGR + const ColorRGBAToBGR555 + const ColorRGBAToBGR565 + const ColorRGBAToGray + const ColorRGBAToYUVI420 + const ColorRGBAToYUVYV12 + const ColorRGBATomRGBA + const ColorRGBToBGR555 + const ColorRGBToBGR565 + const ColorRGBToGray + const ColorRGBToHLS + const ColorRGBToHLSFull + const ColorRGBToHSV + const ColorRGBToHSVFull + const ColorRGBToLab + const ColorRGBToLuv + const ColorRGBToXYZ + const ColorRGBToYCrCb + const ColorRGBToYUV + const ColorRGBToYUVI420 + const ColorRGBToYUVYV12 + const ColorXYZToBGR + const ColorXYZToRGB + const ColorYCrCbToBGR + const ColorYCrCbToRGB + const ColorYUVToBGR + const ColorYUVToBGRAIYUV + const ColorYUVToBGRANV12 + const ColorYUVToBGRANV21 + const ColorYUVToBGRAUYVY + const ColorYUVToBGRAYUY2 + const ColorYUVToBGRAYV12 + const ColorYUVToBGRAYVYU + const ColorYUVToBGRIYUV + const ColorYUVToBGRNV12 + const ColorYUVToBGRNV21 + const ColorYUVToBGRUYVY + const ColorYUVToBGRYUY2 + const ColorYUVToBGRYV12 + const ColorYUVToBGRYVYU + const ColorYUVToGRAY420 + const ColorYUVToGRAYUYVY + const ColorYUVToGRAYYUY2 + const ColorYUVToRGB + const ColorYUVToRGBAIYUV + const ColorYUVToRGBANV12 + const ColorYUVToRGBANV21 + const ColorYUVToRGBAUYVY + const ColorYUVToRGBAYUY2 + const ColorYUVToRGBAYV12 + const ColorYUVToRGBAYVYU + const ColorYUVToRGBIYUV + const ColorYUVToRGBNV12 + const ColorYUVToRGBNV21 + const ColorYUVToRGBUYVY + const ColorYUVToRGBYUY2 + const ColorYUVToRGBYV12 + const ColorYUVToRGBYVYU + const ColormRGBAToRGBA + func (c ColorConversionCode) String() string + type ColormapTypes int + const ColormapAutumn + const ColormapBone + const ColormapCool + const ColormapHot + const ColormapHsv + const ColormapJet + const ColormapOcean + const ColormapParula + const ColormapPink + const ColormapRainbow + const ColormapSpring + const ColormapSummer + const ColormapWinter + func (c ColormapTypes) String() string + type CompareType int + const CompareEQ + const CompareGE + const CompareGT + const CompareLE + const CompareLT + const CompareNE + func (c CompareType) String() string + type ConnectedComponentsAlgorithmType int + const CCL_DEFAULT + const CCL_GRANA + const CCL_WU + func (c ConnectedComponentsAlgorithmType) String() string + type ConnectedComponentsTypes int + const CC_STAT_AREA + const CC_STAT_HEIGHT + const CC_STAT_LEFT + const CC_STAT_MAX + const CC_STAT_TOP + const CC_STAT_WIDTH + func (c ConnectedComponentsTypes) String() string + type ContourApproximationMode int + const ChainApproxNone + const ChainApproxSimple + const ChainApproxTC89KCOS + const ChainApproxTC89L1 + func (c ContourApproximationMode) String() string + type CovarFlags int + const CovarCols + const CovarNormal + const CovarRows + const CovarScale + const CovarScrambled + const CovarUseAvg + func (c CovarFlags) String() string + type DMatch struct + Distance float64 + ImgIdx int + QueryIdx int + TrainIdx int + type DftFlags int + const DctInverse + const DctRows + const DftComplexInput + const DftComplexOutput + const DftForward + const DftInverse + const DftRealOutput + const DftRows + const DftScale + func (c DftFlags) String() string + type DistanceTransformLabelTypes int + const DistanceLabelCComp + const DistanceLabelPixel + func (c DistanceTransformLabelTypes) String() string + type DistanceTransformMasks int + const DistanceMask3 + const DistanceMask5 + const DistanceMaskPrecise + func (c DistanceTransformMasks) String() string + type DistanceTypes int + const DistC + const DistFair + const DistHuber + const DistL1 + const DistL12 + const DistL2 + const DistUser + const DistWelsch + func (c DistanceTypes) String() string + type DrawMatchesFlag int + const DrawDefault + const DrawOverOutImg + const DrawRichKeyPoints + const NotDrawSinglePoints + func (c DrawMatchesFlag) String() string + type EdgeFilter int + const NormconvFilter + const RecursFilter + type FastFeatureDetector struct + func NewFastFeatureDetector() FastFeatureDetector + func NewFastFeatureDetectorWithParams(threshold int, nonmaxSuppression bool, typ FastFeatureDetectorType) FastFeatureDetector + func (f *FastFeatureDetector) Close() error + func (f *FastFeatureDetector) Detect(src Mat) []KeyPoint + type FastFeatureDetectorType int + const FastFeatureDetectorType58 + const FastFeatureDetectorType712 + const FastFeatureDetectorType916 + func (c FastFeatureDetectorType) String() string + type FileExt string + const GIFFileExt + const JPEGFileExt + const PNGFileExt + type FlannBasedMatcher struct + func NewFlannBasedMatcher() FlannBasedMatcher + func (f *FlannBasedMatcher) Close() error + func (f *FlannBasedMatcher) KnnMatch(query, train Mat, k int) [][]DMatch + type GFTTDetector struct + func NewGFTTDetector() GFTTDetector + func (a *GFTTDetector) Close() error + func (a *GFTTDetector) Detect(src Mat) []KeyPoint + type GrabCutMode int + const GCEval + const GCEvalFreezeModel + const GCInitWithMask + const GCInitWithRect + func (c GrabCutMode) String() string + type HOGDescriptor struct + func NewHOGDescriptor() HOGDescriptor + func (h *HOGDescriptor) Close() error + func (h *HOGDescriptor) DetectMultiScale(img Mat) []image.Rectangle + func (h *HOGDescriptor) DetectMultiScaleWithParams(img Mat, hitThresh float64, winStride, padding image.Point, ...) []image.Rectangle + func (h *HOGDescriptor) SetSVMDetector(det Mat) error + type HersheyFont int + const FontHersheyComplex + const FontHersheyComplexSmall + const FontHersheyDuplex + const FontHersheyPlain + const FontHersheyScriptComplex + const FontHersheyScriptSimplex + const FontHersheySimplex + const FontHersheyTriplex + const FontItalic + func (c HersheyFont) String() string + type HistCompMethod int + const HistCmpBhattacharya + const HistCmpChiSqr + const HistCmpChiSqrAlt + const HistCmpCorrel + const HistCmpHellinger + const HistCmpIntersect + const HistCmpKlDiv + func (c HistCompMethod) String() string + type HomographyMethod int + const HomograpyMethodAllPoints + const HomograpyMethodLMEDS + const HomograpyMethodRANSAC + type HoughMode int + const HoughGradient + const HoughMultiScale + const HoughProbabilistic + const HoughStandard + func (c HoughMode) String() string + type IMReadFlag int + const IMReadAnyColor + const IMReadAnyDepth + const IMReadColor + const IMReadGrayScale + const IMReadIgnoreOrientation + const IMReadLoadGDAL + const IMReadReducedColor2 + const IMReadReducedColor4 + const IMReadReducedColor8 + const IMReadReducedGrayscale2 + const IMReadReducedGrayscale4 + const IMReadReducedGrayscale8 + const IMReadUnchanged + type InpaintMethods int + const NS + const Telea + type InterpolationFlags int + const InterpolationArea + const InterpolationCubic + const InterpolationDefault + const InterpolationLanczos4 + const InterpolationLinear + const InterpolationMax + const InterpolationNearestNeighbor + const WarpFillOutliers + const WarpInverseMap + func (c InterpolationFlags) String() string + type KAZE struct + func NewKAZE() KAZE + func (a *KAZE) Close() error + func (a *KAZE) Detect(src Mat) []KeyPoint + func (a *KAZE) DetectAndCompute(src Mat, mask Mat) ([]KeyPoint, Mat) + type KMeansFlags int + const KMeansPPCenters + const KMeansRandomCenters + const KMeansUseInitialLabels + func (c KMeansFlags) String() string + type KalmanFilter struct + func NewKalmanFilter(dynamParams int, measureParams int) KalmanFilter + func NewKalmanFilterWithParams(dynamParams int, measureParams int, controlParams int, matType MatType) KalmanFilter + func (kf *KalmanFilter) Close() + func (kf *KalmanFilter) Correct(measurement Mat) Mat + func (kf *KalmanFilter) GetControlMatrix() Mat + func (kf *KalmanFilter) GetErrorCovPost() Mat + func (kf *KalmanFilter) GetErrorCovPre() Mat + func (kf *KalmanFilter) GetGain() Mat + func (kf *KalmanFilter) GetMeasurementMatrix() Mat + func (kf *KalmanFilter) GetMeasurementNoiseCov() Mat + func (kf *KalmanFilter) GetProcessNoiseCov() Mat + func (kf *KalmanFilter) GetStatePost() Mat + func (kf *KalmanFilter) GetStatePre() Mat + func (kf *KalmanFilter) GetTemp1() Mat + func (kf *KalmanFilter) GetTemp2() Mat + func (kf *KalmanFilter) GetTemp3() Mat + func (kf *KalmanFilter) GetTemp4() Mat + func (kf *KalmanFilter) GetTemp5() Mat + func (kf *KalmanFilter) GetTransitionMatrix() Mat + func (kf *KalmanFilter) Init(dynamParams int, measureParams int) + func (kf *KalmanFilter) Predict() Mat + func (kf *KalmanFilter) PredictWithParams(control Mat) Mat + func (kf *KalmanFilter) SetControlMatrix(controlMatrix Mat) + func (kf *KalmanFilter) SetErrorCovPost(errorCovPost Mat) + func (kf *KalmanFilter) SetErrorCovPre(errorCovPre Mat) + func (kf *KalmanFilter) SetGain(gain Mat) + func (kf *KalmanFilter) SetMeasurementMatrix(measurementMatrix Mat) + func (kf *KalmanFilter) SetMeasurementNoiseCov(measurementNoiseCov Mat) + func (kf *KalmanFilter) SetProcessNoiseCov(processNoiseCov Mat) + func (kf *KalmanFilter) SetStatePost(statePost Mat) + func (kf *KalmanFilter) SetStatePre(statePre Mat) + func (kf *KalmanFilter) SetTransitionMatrix(transitionMatrix Mat) + type KeyPoint struct + Angle float64 + ClassID int + Octave int + Response float64 + Size float64 + X float64 + Y float64 + type Layer struct + func (l *Layer) Close() error + func (l *Layer) GetName() string + func (l *Layer) GetType() string + func (l *Layer) InputNameToIndex(name string) int + func (l *Layer) OutputNameToIndex(name string) int + type LineType int + const Filled + const Line4 + const Line8 + const LineAA + func (c LineType) String() string + type MSER struct + func NewMSER() MSER + func (a *MSER) Close() error + func (a *MSER) Detect(src Mat) []KeyPoint + type Mat struct + func BlobFromImage(img Mat, scaleFactor float64, size image.Point, mean Scalar, swapRB bool, ...) Mat + func EstimateAffine2D(from, to Point2fVector) Mat + func EstimateAffine2DWithParams(from Point2fVector, to Point2fVector, inliers Mat, method int, ...) Mat + func EstimateAffinePartial2D(from, to Point2fVector) Mat + func EstimateAffinePartial2DWithParams(from Point2fVector, to Point2fVector, inliers Mat, method int, ...) Mat + func Eye(rows int, cols int, mt MatType) Mat + func FindHomography(srcPoints Mat, dstPoints *Mat, method HomographyMethod, ...) Mat + func GetAffineTransform(src, dst PointVector) Mat + func GetAffineTransform2f(src, dst Point2fVector) Mat + func GetBlobChannel(blob Mat, imgidx int, chnidx int) Mat + func GetGaussianKernel(ksize int, sigma float64) Mat + func GetGaussianKernelWithParams(ksize int, sigma float64, ktype MatType) Mat + func GetOptimalNewCameraMatrixWithParams(cameraMatrix Mat, distCoeffs Mat, imageSize image.Point, alpha float64, ...) (Mat, image.Rectangle) + func GetPerspectiveTransform(src, dst PointVector) Mat + func GetPerspectiveTransform2f(src, dst Point2fVector) Mat + func GetRotationMatrix2D(center image.Point, angle, scale float64) Mat + func GetStructuringElement(shape MorphShape, ksize image.Point) Mat + func HOGDefaultPeopleDetector() Mat + func IMDecode(buf []byte, flags IMReadFlag) (Mat, error) + func IMRead(name string, flags IMReadFlag) Mat + func ImageGrayToMatGray(img *image.Gray) (Mat, error) + func ImageToMatRGB(img image.Image) (Mat, error) + func ImageToMatRGBA(img image.Image) (Mat, error) + func NewMat() Mat + func NewMatFromBytes(rows int, cols int, mt MatType, data []byte) (Mat, error) + func NewMatFromScalar(s Scalar, mt MatType) Mat + func NewMatWithSize(rows int, cols int, mt MatType) Mat + func NewMatWithSizeFromScalar(s Scalar, rows int, cols int, mt MatType) Mat + func NewMatWithSizes(sizes []int, mt MatType) Mat + func NewMatWithSizesFromBytes(sizes []int, mt MatType, data []byte) (Mat, error) + func NewMatWithSizesWithScalar(sizes []int, mt MatType, s Scalar) Mat + func Ones(rows int, cols int, mt MatType) Mat + func Split(src Mat) (mv []Mat) + func Zeros(rows int, cols int, mt MatType) Mat + func (m *Mat) AddFloat(val float32) + func (m *Mat) AddUChar(val uint8) + func (m *Mat) Channels() int + func (m *Mat) Clone() Mat + func (m *Mat) Close() error + func (m *Mat) ColRange(start, end int) Mat + func (m *Mat) Cols() int + func (m *Mat) ConvertFp16() Mat + func (m *Mat) ConvertTo(dst *Mat, mt MatType) + func (m *Mat) ConvertToWithParams(dst *Mat, mt MatType, alpha, beta float32) + func (m *Mat) CopyTo(dst *Mat) + func (m *Mat) CopyToWithMask(dst *Mat, mask Mat) + func (m *Mat) DataPtrFloat32() ([]float32, error) + func (m *Mat) DataPtrFloat64() ([]float64, error) + func (m *Mat) DataPtrInt16() ([]int16, error) + func (m *Mat) DataPtrInt8() ([]int8, error) + func (m *Mat) DataPtrUint16() ([]uint16, error) + func (m *Mat) DataPtrUint8() ([]uint8, error) + func (m *Mat) DivideFloat(val float32) + func (m *Mat) DivideUChar(val uint8) + func (m *Mat) ElemSize() int + func (m *Mat) Empty() bool + func (m *Mat) FromPtr(rows int, cols int, mt MatType, prow int, pcol int) (Mat, error) + func (m *Mat) GetDoubleAt(row int, col int) float64 + func (m *Mat) GetDoubleAt3(x, y, z int) float64 + func (m *Mat) GetFloatAt(row int, col int) float32 + func (m *Mat) GetFloatAt3(x, y, z int) float32 + func (m *Mat) GetIntAt(row int, col int) int32 + func (m *Mat) GetIntAt3(x, y, z int) int32 + func (m *Mat) GetSCharAt(row int, col int) int8 + func (m *Mat) GetSCharAt3(x, y, z int) int8 + func (m *Mat) GetShortAt(row int, col int) int16 + func (m *Mat) GetShortAt3(x, y, z int) int16 + func (m *Mat) GetUCharAt(row int, col int) uint8 + func (m *Mat) GetUCharAt3(x, y, z int) uint8 + func (m *Mat) GetVecbAt(row int, col int) Vecb + func (m *Mat) GetVecdAt(row int, col int) Vecd + func (m *Mat) GetVecfAt(row int, col int) Vecf + func (m *Mat) GetVeciAt(row int, col int) Veci + func (m *Mat) IsContinuous() bool + func (m *Mat) Mean() Scalar + func (m *Mat) MeanWithMask(mask Mat) Scalar + func (m *Mat) MultiplyFloat(val float32) + func (m *Mat) MultiplyMatrix(x Mat) Mat + func (m *Mat) MultiplyUChar(val uint8) + func (m *Mat) PatchNaNs() + func (m *Mat) Ptr() C.Mat + func (m *Mat) Region(rio image.Rectangle) Mat + func (m *Mat) Reshape(cn int, rows int) Mat + func (m *Mat) RowRange(start, end int) Mat + func (m *Mat) Rows() int + func (m *Mat) SetDoubleAt(row int, col int, val float64) + func (m *Mat) SetDoubleAt3(x, y, z int, val float64) + func (m *Mat) SetFloatAt(row int, col int, val float32) + func (m *Mat) SetFloatAt3(x, y, z int, val float32) + func (m *Mat) SetIntAt(row int, col int, val int32) + func (m *Mat) SetIntAt3(x, y, z int, val int32) + func (m *Mat) SetSCharAt(row int, col int, val int8) + func (m *Mat) SetSCharAt3(x, y, z int, val int8) + func (m *Mat) SetShortAt(row int, col int, val int16) + func (m *Mat) SetShortAt3(x, y, z int, val int16) + func (m *Mat) SetTo(s Scalar) + func (m *Mat) SetUCharAt(row int, col int, val uint8) + func (m *Mat) SetUCharAt3(x, y, z int, val uint8) + func (m *Mat) Size() (dims []int) + func (m *Mat) Sqrt() Mat + func (m *Mat) Step() int + func (m *Mat) SubtractFloat(val float32) + func (m *Mat) SubtractUChar(val uint8) + func (m *Mat) Sum() Scalar + func (m *Mat) T() Mat + func (m *Mat) ToBytes() []byte + func (m *Mat) ToImage() (image.Image, error) + func (m *Mat) ToImageYUV() (*image.YCbCr, error) + func (m *Mat) ToImageYUVWithParams(ratio image.YCbCrSubsampleRatio) (*image.YCbCr, error) + func (m *Mat) Total() int + func (m *Mat) Type() MatType + type MatType int + func (c MatType) String() string + type MergeMertens struct + func NewMergeMertens() MergeMertens + func NewMergeMertensWithParams(contrast_weight float32, saturation_weight float32, exposure_weight float32) MergeMertens + func (b *MergeMertens) Close() error + func (b *MergeMertens) Process(src []Mat, dst *Mat) + type MorphShape int + const MorphCross + const MorphEllipse + const MorphRect + func (c MorphShape) String() string + type MorphType int + const MorphBlackhat + const MorphClose + const MorphDilate + const MorphErode + const MorphGradient + const MorphHitmiss + const MorphOpen + const MorphTophat + func (c MorphType) String() string + type NativeByteBuffer struct + func IMEncode(fileExt FileExt, img Mat) (buf *NativeByteBuffer, err error) + func IMEncodeWithParams(fileExt FileExt, img Mat, params []int) (buf *NativeByteBuffer, err error) + func (buffer *NativeByteBuffer) Close() + func (buffer *NativeByteBuffer) GetBytes() []byte + func (buffer *NativeByteBuffer) Len() int + type Net struct + func ReadNet(model string, config string) Net + func ReadNetBytes(framework string, model []byte, config []byte) (Net, error) + func ReadNetFromCaffe(prototxt string, caffeModel string) Net + func ReadNetFromCaffeBytes(prototxt []byte, caffeModel []byte) (Net, error) + func ReadNetFromONNX(model string) Net + func ReadNetFromONNXBytes(model []byte) (Net, error) + func ReadNetFromTensorflow(model string) Net + func ReadNetFromTensorflowBytes(model []byte) (Net, error) + func ReadNetFromTorch(model string) Net + func (net *Net) Close() error + func (net *Net) Empty() bool + func (net *Net) Forward(outputName string) Mat + func (net *Net) ForwardLayers(outBlobNames []string) (blobs []Mat) + func (net *Net) GetLayer(layer int) Layer + func (net *Net) GetLayerNames() (names []string) + func (net *Net) GetPerfProfile() float64 + func (net *Net) GetUnconnectedOutLayers() (ids []int) + func (net *Net) SetInput(blob Mat, name string) + func (net *Net) SetPreferableBackend(backend NetBackendType) error + func (net *Net) SetPreferableTarget(target NetTargetType) error + type NetBackendType int + const NetBackendCUDA + const NetBackendDefault + const NetBackendHalide + const NetBackendOpenCV + const NetBackendOpenVINO + const NetBackendVKCOM + func ParseNetBackend(backend string) NetBackendType + func (c NetBackendType) String() string + type NetTargetType int + const NetTargetCPU + const NetTargetCUDA + const NetTargetCUDAFP16 + const NetTargetFP16 + const NetTargetFP32 + const NetTargetFPGA + const NetTargetVPU + const NetTargetVulkan + func ParseNetTarget(target string) NetTargetType + func (c NetTargetType) String() string + type NormType int + const NormHamming + const NormHamming2 + const NormInf + const NormL1 + const NormL2 + const NormL2Sqr + const NormMinMax + const NormRelative + const NormTypeMask + func (c NormType) String() string + type ORB struct + func NewORB() ORB + func NewORBWithParams(nFeatures int, scaleFactor float32, nLevels int, edgeThreshold int, ...) ORB + func (o *ORB) Close() error + func (o *ORB) Detect(src Mat) []KeyPoint + func (o *ORB) DetectAndCompute(src Mat, mask Mat) ([]KeyPoint, Mat) + type ORBScoreType int + const ORBScoreTypeFAST + const ORBScoreTypeHarris + type Point2f struct + X float32 + Y float32 + func NewPoint2f(x, y float32) Point2f + func PhaseCorrelate(src1, src2, window Mat) (phaseShift Point2f, response float64) + type Point2fVector struct + func NewPoint2fVector() Point2fVector + func NewPoint2fVectorFromMat(mat Mat) Point2fVector + func NewPoint2fVectorFromPoints(pts []Point2f) Point2fVector + func (pfv Point2fVector) At(idx int) Point2f + func (pfv Point2fVector) Close() + func (pfv Point2fVector) IsNil() bool + func (pfv Point2fVector) Size() int + func (pfv Point2fVector) ToPoints() []Point2f + type Point3f struct + X float32 + Y float32 + Z float32 + func NewPoint3f(x, y, z float32) Point3f + type Point3fVector struct + func NewPoint3fVector() Point3fVector + func NewPoint3fVectorFromMat(mat Mat) Point3fVector + func NewPoint3fVectorFromPoints(pts []Point3f) Point3fVector + func (pfv Point3fVector) Append(point Point3f) + func (pfv Point3fVector) At(idx int) Point3f + func (pfv Point3fVector) Close() + func (pfv Point3fVector) IsNil() bool + func (pfv Point3fVector) Size() int + func (pfv Point3fVector) ToPoints() []Point3f + type PointVector struct + func ApproxPolyDP(curve PointVector, epsilon float64, closed bool) PointVector + func NewPointVector() PointVector + func NewPointVectorFromMat(mat Mat) PointVector + func NewPointVectorFromPoints(pts []image.Point) PointVector + func (pv PointVector) Append(point image.Point) + func (pv PointVector) At(idx int) image.Point + func (pv PointVector) Close() + func (pv PointVector) IsNil() bool + func (pv PointVector) Size() int + func (pv PointVector) ToPoints() []image.Point + type Points2fVector struct + func NewPoints2fVector() Points2fVector + func NewPoints2fVectorFromPoints(pts [][]Point2f) Points2fVector + func (pvs Points2fVector) Append(pv Point2fVector) + func (pvs Points2fVector) At(idx int) Point2fVector + func (pvs Points2fVector) Close() + func (pvs Points2fVector) IsNil() bool + func (pvs Points2fVector) P() C.Points2fVector + func (pvs Points2fVector) Size() int + func (pvs Points2fVector) ToPoints() [][]Point2f + type Points3fVector struct + func NewPoints3fVector() Points3fVector + func NewPoints3fVectorFromPoints(pts [][]Point3f) Points3fVector + func (pvs Points3fVector) Append(pv Point3fVector) + func (pvs Points3fVector) At(idx int) Point3fVector + func (pvs Points3fVector) Close() + func (pvs Points3fVector) IsNil() bool + func (pvs Points3fVector) Size() int + func (pvs Points3fVector) ToPoints() [][]Point3f + type PointsVector struct + func FindContours(src Mat, mode RetrievalMode, method ContourApproximationMode) PointsVector + func FindContoursWithParams(src Mat, hierarchy *Mat, mode RetrievalMode, method ContourApproximationMode) PointsVector + func NewPointsVector() PointsVector + func NewPointsVectorFromPoints(pts [][]image.Point) PointsVector + func (pvs PointsVector) Append(pv PointVector) + func (pvs PointsVector) At(idx int) PointVector + func (pvs PointsVector) Close() + func (pvs PointsVector) IsNil() bool + func (pvs PointsVector) P() C.PointsVector + func (pvs PointsVector) Size() int + func (pvs PointsVector) ToPoints() [][]image.Point + type QRCodeDetector struct + func NewQRCodeDetector() QRCodeDetector + func (a *QRCodeDetector) Close() error + func (a *QRCodeDetector) Decode(input Mat, points Mat, straight_qrcode *Mat) string + func (a *QRCodeDetector) Detect(input Mat, points *Mat) bool + func (a *QRCodeDetector) DetectAndDecode(input Mat, points *Mat, straight_qrcode *Mat) string + func (a *QRCodeDetector) DetectAndDecodeMulti(input Mat, decoded *[]string, points *Mat, qrCodes *[]Mat) bool + func (a *QRCodeDetector) DetectMulti(input Mat, points *Mat) bool + type RNG struct + func TheRNG() RNG + func (r *RNG) Fill(mat *Mat, distType RNGDistType, a, b float64, saturateRange bool) + func (r *RNG) Gaussian(sigma float64) float64 + func (r *RNG) Next() uint + type RNGDistType int + const RNGDistNormal + const RNGDistUniform + type ReduceTypes int + const ReduceAvg + const ReduceMax + const ReduceMin + const ReduceSum + func (c ReduceTypes) String() string + type RetrievalMode int + const RetrievalCComp + const RetrievalExternal + const RetrievalFloodfill + const RetrievalList + const RetrievalTree + func (c RetrievalMode) String() string + type RotateFlag int + const Rotate180Clockwise + const Rotate90Clockwise + const Rotate90CounterClockwise + func (c RotateFlag) String() string + type RotatedRect struct + Angle float64 + BoundingRect image.Rectangle + Center image.Point + Height int + Points []image.Point + Width int + func FitEllipse(pts PointVector) RotatedRect + func MinAreaRect(points PointVector) RotatedRect + type SIFT struct + func NewSIFT() SIFT + func (d *SIFT) Close() error + func (d *SIFT) Detect(src Mat) []KeyPoint + func (d *SIFT) DetectAndCompute(src Mat, mask Mat) ([]KeyPoint, Mat) + type Scalar struct + Val1 float64 + Val2 float64 + Val3 float64 + Val4 float64 + func GetBlobSize(blob Mat) Scalar + func MorphologyDefaultBorderValue() Scalar + func NewScalar(v1 float64, v2 float64, v3 float64, v4 float64) Scalar + func Trace(src Mat) Scalar + type SeamlessCloneFlags int + const MixedClone + const MonochromeTransfer + const NormalClone + func (c SeamlessCloneFlags) String() string + type ShapeMatchModes int + const ContoursMatchI1 + const ContoursMatchI2 + const ContoursMatchI3 + type SimpleBlobDetector struct + func NewSimpleBlobDetector() SimpleBlobDetector + func NewSimpleBlobDetectorWithParams(params SimpleBlobDetectorParams) SimpleBlobDetector + func (b *SimpleBlobDetector) Close() error + func (b *SimpleBlobDetector) Detect(src Mat) []KeyPoint + type SimpleBlobDetectorParams struct + func NewSimpleBlobDetectorParams() SimpleBlobDetectorParams + func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) GetBlobColor() int + func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) GetFilterByArea() bool + func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) GetFilterByCircularity() bool + func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) GetFilterByColor() bool + func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) GetFilterByConvexity() bool + func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) GetFilterByInertia() bool + func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) GetMaxArea() float64 + func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) GetMaxCircularity() float64 + func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) GetMaxConvexity() float64 + func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) GetMaxInertiaRatio() float64 + func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) GetMaxThreshold() float64 + func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) GetMinArea() float64 + func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) GetMinCircularity() float64 + func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) GetMinConvexity() float64 + func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) GetMinDistBetweenBlobs() float64 + func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) GetMinInertiaRatio() float64 + func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) GetMinRepeatability() int + func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) GetMinThreshold() float64 + func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) GetThresholdStep() float64 + func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) SetBlobColor(blobColor int) + func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) SetFilterByArea(filterByArea bool) + func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) SetFilterByCircularity(filterByCircularity bool) + func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) SetFilterByColor(filterByColor bool) + func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) SetFilterByConvexity(filterByConvexity bool) + func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) SetFilterByInertia(filterByInertia bool) + func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) SetMaxArea(maxArea float64) + func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) SetMaxCircularity(maxCircularity float64) + func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) SetMaxConvexity(maxConvexity float64) + func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) SetMaxInertiaRatio(maxInertiaRatio float64) + func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) SetMaxThreshold(maxThreshold float64) + func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) SetMinArea(minArea float64) + func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) SetMinCircularity(minCircularity float64) + func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) SetMinConvexity(minConvexity float64) + func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) SetMinDistBetweenBlobs(minDistBetweenBlobs float64) + func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) SetMinInertiaRatio(minInertiaRatio float64) + func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) SetMinRepeatability(minRepeatability int) + func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) SetMinThreshold(minThreshold float64) + func (p *SimpleBlobDetectorParams) SetThresholdStep(thresholdStep float64) + type SolveDecompositionFlags int + const SolveDecompositionCholesky + const SolveDecompositionEing + const SolveDecompositionLu + const SolveDecompositionNormal + const SolveDecompositionQr + const SolveDecompositionSvd + func (c SolveDecompositionFlags) String() string + type SortFlags int + const SortAscending + const SortDescending + const SortEveryColumn + const SortEveryRow + func (c SortFlags) String() string + type TemplateMatchMode int + const TmCcoeff + const TmCcoeffNormed + const TmCcorr + const TmCcorrNormed + const TmSqdiff + const TmSqdiffNormed + func (c TemplateMatchMode) String() string + type TermCriteria struct + func NewTermCriteria(typ TermCriteriaType, maxCount int, epsilon float64) TermCriteria + type TermCriteriaType int + const Count + const EPS + const MaxIter + func (c TermCriteriaType) String() string + type ThresholdType int + const ThresholdBinary + const ThresholdBinaryInv + const ThresholdMask + const ThresholdOtsu + const ThresholdToZero + const ThresholdToZeroInv + const ThresholdTriangle + const ThresholdTrunc + func (c ThresholdType) String() string + type Trackbar struct + func (t *Trackbar) GetPos() int + func (t *Trackbar) SetMax(pos int) + func (t *Trackbar) SetMin(pos int) + func (t *Trackbar) SetPos(pos int) + type Tracker interface + Close func() error + Init func(image Mat, boundingBox image.Rectangle) bool + Update func(image Mat) (image.Rectangle, bool) + func NewTrackerMIL() Tracker + type TrackerMIL struct + func (trk TrackerMIL) Close() error + func (trk TrackerMIL) Init(img Mat, boundingBox image.Rectangle) bool + func (trk TrackerMIL) Update(img Mat) (image.Rectangle, bool) + type Vecb []uint8 + type Vecd []float64 + type Vecf []float32 + type Veci []int32 + type VideoCapture struct + func OpenVideoCapture(v interface{}) (*VideoCapture, error) + func OpenVideoCaptureWithAPI(v interface{}, apiPreference VideoCaptureAPI) (*VideoCapture, error) + func VideoCaptureDevice(device int) (vc *VideoCapture, err error) + func VideoCaptureDeviceWithAPI(device int, apiPreference VideoCaptureAPI) (vc *VideoCapture, err error) + func VideoCaptureFile(uri string) (vc *VideoCapture, err error) + func VideoCaptureFileWithAPI(uri string, apiPreference VideoCaptureAPI) (vc *VideoCapture, err error) + func (v *VideoCapture) Close() error + func (v *VideoCapture) CodecString() string + func (v *VideoCapture) Grab(skip int) + func (v *VideoCapture) IsOpened() bool + func (v *VideoCapture) Read(m *Mat) bool + func (v *VideoCapture) Set(prop VideoCaptureProperties, param float64) + func (v *VideoCapture) ToCodec(codec string) float64 + func (v VideoCapture) Get(prop VideoCaptureProperties) float64 + type VideoCaptureAPI int + const VideoCaptureAVFoundation + const VideoCaptureAndroid + const VideoCaptureAny + const VideoCaptureAravis + const VideoCaptureCMU1394 + const VideoCaptureDC1394 + const VideoCaptureDshow + const VideoCaptureFFmpeg + const VideoCaptureFireware + const VideoCaptureFirewire + const VideoCaptureGPhoto2 + const VideoCaptureGiganetix + const VideoCaptureGstreamer + const VideoCaptureIEEE1394 + const VideoCaptureImages + const VideoCaptureIntelMFX + const VideoCaptureIntelPerc + const VideoCaptureMSMF + const VideoCaptureOpenNI + const VideoCaptureOpenNI2 + const VideoCaptureOpenNI2Asus + const VideoCaptureOpenNIAsus + const VideoCaptureOpencvMjpeg + const VideoCapturePvAPI + const VideoCaptureQT + const VideoCaptureRealsense + const VideoCaptureUnicap + const VideoCaptureV4L + const VideoCaptureV4L2 + const VideoCaptureVFW + const VideoCaptureWinRT + const VideoCaptureXINE + const VideoCaptureXiAPI + func (c VideoCaptureAPI) String() string + type VideoCaptureProperties int + const VideoCaptureAutoExposure + const VideoCaptureAutoFocus + const VideoCaptureAutoWB + const VideoCaptureBackend + const VideoCaptureBacklight + const VideoCaptureBitrate + const VideoCaptureBrightness + const VideoCaptureBufferSize + const VideoCaptureChannel + const VideoCaptureCodecPixelFormat + const VideoCaptureContrast + const VideoCaptureConvertRGB + const VideoCaptureExposure + const VideoCaptureFOURCC + const VideoCaptureFPS + const VideoCaptureFocus + const VideoCaptureFormat + const VideoCaptureFrameCount + const VideoCaptureFrameHeight + const VideoCaptureFrameWidth + const VideoCaptureGUID + const VideoCaptureGain + const VideoCaptureGamma + const VideoCaptureHue + const VideoCaptureISOSpeed + const VideoCaptureIris + const VideoCaptureMode + const VideoCaptureMonochrome + const VideoCapturePan + const VideoCapturePosAVIRatio + const VideoCapturePosFrames + const VideoCapturePosMsec + const VideoCaptureRectification + const VideoCaptureRoll + const VideoCaptureSarDenominator + const VideoCaptureSarNumerator + const VideoCaptureSaturation + const VideoCaptureSettings + const VideoCaptureSharpness + const VideoCaptureTemperature + const VideoCaptureTilt + const VideoCaptureTrigger + const VideoCaptureTriggerDelay + const VideoCaptureWBTemperature + const VideoCaptureWhiteBalanceBlueU + const VideoCaptureWhiteBalanceRedV + const VideoCaptureZoom + func (c VideoCaptureProperties) String() string + type VideoWriter struct + func VideoWriterFile(name string, codec string, fps float64, width int, height int, isColor bool) (vw *VideoWriter, err error) + func (vw *VideoWriter) Close() error + func (vw *VideoWriter) IsOpened() bool + func (vw *VideoWriter) Write(img Mat) error + type Window struct + func NewWindow(name string) *Window + func (w *Window) Close() error + func (w *Window) CreateTrackbar(name string, max int) *Trackbar + func (w *Window) CreateTrackbarWithValue(name string, value *int, max int) *Trackbar + func (w *Window) GetWindowProperty(flag WindowPropertyFlag) float64 + func (w *Window) IMShow(img Mat) + func (w *Window) IsOpen() bool + func (w *Window) MoveWindow(x, y int) + func (w *Window) ResizeWindow(width, height int) + func (w *Window) SelectROI(img Mat) image.Rectangle + func (w *Window) SelectROIs(img Mat) []image.Rectangle + func (w *Window) SetWindowProperty(flag WindowPropertyFlag, value WindowFlag) + func (w *Window) SetWindowTitle(title string) + func (w *Window) WaitKey(delay int) int + type WindowFlag float32 + const WindowAutosize + const WindowFreeRatio + const WindowFullscreen + const WindowKeepRatio + const WindowNormal + func (c WindowFlag) String() string + type WindowPropertyFlag int + const WindowPropertyAspectRatio + const WindowPropertyAutosize + const WindowPropertyFullscreen + const WindowPropertyOpenGL + const WindowPropertyVisible + func (c WindowPropertyFlag) String() string