Overview ¶
Package gst contains bindings for the gstreamer C API. If you are trying to build simple pipelines quickly (and optiionally readers/writers) see the gstauto package.
Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func APIHasTag(api glib.Type, tag string) bool
- func Deinit()
- func ElementLinkMany(elems ...*Element) error
- func ElementUnlinkMany(elems ...*Element)
- func FilterProtectionSystemByDecryptors(decryptors []string) []string
- func GetAPITags(apiType glib.Type) []string
- func GetMaxBufferMemory() uint64
- func Init(args *[]string)
- func NextGroupID() uint
- func RegisterAPIType(name string, tags []string) glib.Type
- func RegisterElement(plugin *Plugin, name string, rank Rank, elem glib.GoObjectSubclass, ...) bool
- func RegisterPlugin(desc *PluginMetadata, initFunc PluginInitFunc) bool
- func SelectProtectionSystem(decryptors []string) string
- func SetLogFunction(f LogFunction)
- func ValueDeserialize(data string, t glib.Type) (value *glib.Value, ok bool)
- func ValueFixate(src *glib.Value, dest *glib.Value) (ok bool)
- func ValueFractionMultiply(factor1, factor2 *glib.Value) (product *glib.Value, ok bool)
- func ValueFractionSubtract(minuend, subtrahend *glib.Value) (result *glib.Value, ok bool)
- func ValueIntersect(value1, value2 *glib.Value) (*glib.Value, bool)
- func ValueIsFixed(value *glib.Value) bool
- func ValueIsSubset(value1, value2 *glib.Value) bool
- func ValueSerialize(value *glib.Value) string
- func ValueSubtract(minuend, subtrahend *glib.Value) (*glib.Value, bool)
- func ValueUnion(value1, value2 *glib.Value) (*glib.Value, bool)
- func ValuesCanCompare(val1, val2 *glib.Value) bool
- func ValuesCanIntersect(val1, val2 *glib.Value) bool
- func ValuesCanSubtract(minuend, subtrahend *glib.Value) bool
- func ValuesCanUnion(val1, val2 *glib.Value) bool
- type AllocationParams
- func (a *AllocationParams) Copy() *AllocationParams
- func (a *AllocationParams) Free()
- func (a *AllocationParams) GetAlignment() int64
- func (a *AllocationParams) GetFlags() MemoryFlags
- func (a *AllocationParams) GetPadding() int64
- func (a *AllocationParams) GetPrefix() int64
- func (a *AllocationParams) Init()
- func (a *AllocationParams) Instance() *C.GstAllocationParams
- func (a *AllocationParams) SetAlignment(align int64)
- func (a *AllocationParams) SetFlags(flags MemoryFlags)
- func (a *AllocationParams) SetPadding(padding int64)
- func (a *AllocationParams) SetPrefix(prefix int64)
- type Allocator
- type Bin
- func (b *Bin) Add(elem *Element) error
- func (b *Bin) AddMany(elems ...*Element) error
- func (b *Bin) DebugBinToDotData(details DebugGraphDetails) string
- func (b *Bin) DebugBinToDotFile(details DebugGraphDetails, filename string)
- func (b *Bin) DebugBinToDotFileWithTs(details DebugGraphDetails, filename string)
- func (b *Bin) FindUnlinkedPad(direction PadDirection) *Pad
- func (b *Bin) GetAllByInterface(iface glib.Interface) ([]*Element, error)
- func (b *Bin) GetByInterface(iface glib.Interface) (*Element, error)
- func (b *Bin) GetElementByName(name string) (*Element, error)
- func (b *Bin) GetElementByNameRecursive(name string) (*Element, error)
- func (b *Bin) GetElements() ([]*Element, error)
- func (b *Bin) GetElementsRecursive() ([]*Element, error)
- func (b *Bin) GetElementsSorted() ([]*Element, error)
- func (b *Bin) GetSinkElements() ([]*Element, error)
- func (b *Bin) GetSourceElements() ([]*Element, error)
- func (b *Bin) GetSuppressedFlags() ElementFlags
- func (b *Bin) Instance() *C.GstBin
- func (b *Bin) ParentAddElement(element *Element) bool
- func (b *Bin) ParentDeepElementAdded(subbin *Bin, element *Element)
- func (b *Bin) ParentDeepElementRemoved(subbin *Bin, element *Element)
- func (b *Bin) ParentDoLatency() bool
- func (b *Bin) ParentElementAdded(element *Element)
- func (b *Bin) ParentElementRemoved(element *Element)
- func (b *Bin) ParentHandleMessage(message *Message)
- func (b *Bin) ParentRemoveElement(element *Element) bool
- func (b *Bin) RecalculateLatency() bool
- func (b *Bin) Remove(elem *Element) error
- func (b *Bin) RemoveMany(elems ...*Element) error
- func (b *Bin) SetSuppressedFlags(flags ElementFlags)
- func (b *Bin) SyncChildrenStates() bool
- type BinImpl
- type Bitmask
- type Buffer
- func FromGstBufferUnsafeFull(buf unsafe.Pointer) *Buffer
- func FromGstBufferUnsafeNone(buf unsafe.Pointer) *Buffer
- func NewBufferAllocate(alloc *Allocator, params *AllocationParams, size int64) *Buffer
- func NewBufferFromBytes(b []byte) *Buffer
- func NewBufferFromReader(rdr io.Reader) (*Buffer, error)
- func NewBufferFull(flags MemoryFlags, data []byte, maxSize, offset, size int64, notifyFunc func()) *Buffer
- func NewBufferWithSize(size int64) *Buffer
- func NewEmptyBuffer() *Buffer
- func ToGstBuffer(buf unsafe.Pointer) *Buffer
- func (b *Buffer) AddMeta(info *MetaInfo, params interface{}) *Meta
- func (b *Buffer) AddParentMeta(buf *Buffer) *ParentBufferMeta
- func (b *Buffer) AddProtectionMeta(info *Structure) *ProtectionMeta
- func (b *Buffer) AddReferenceTimestampMeta(ref *Caps, timestamp, duration ClockTime) *ReferenceTimestampMeta
- func (b *Buffer) Append(buf *Buffer) *Buffer
- func (b *Buffer) AppendMemory(mem *Memory)
- func (b *Buffer) AppendRegion(buf *Buffer, offset, size int64) *Buffer
- func (b *Buffer) Bytes() []byte
- func (b *Buffer) Copy() *Buffer
- func (b *Buffer) CopyInto(dest *Buffer, flags BufferCopyFlags, offset, size int64) bool
- func (b *Buffer) CopyRegion(flags BufferCopyFlags, offset, size int64) *Buffer
- func (b *Buffer) DecodingTimestamp() ClockTime
- func (b *Buffer) DeepCopy() *Buffer
- func (b *Buffer) Duration() ClockTime
- func (b *Buffer) Extract(offset, size int64) []byte
- func (b *Buffer) FillBytes(offset int64, data []byte) int64
- func (b *Buffer) FindMemory(offset, size int64) (index, length uint, skip int64)
- func (b *Buffer) ForEachMeta(f func(meta *Meta) bool) bool
- func (b *Buffer) GetAllMemory() *Memory
- func (b *Buffer) GetFlags() BufferFlags
- func (b *Buffer) GetMemory(idx uint) *Memory
- func (b *Buffer) GetMemoryRange(idx uint, length int) *Memory
- func (b *Buffer) GetMeta(api glib.Type) *Meta
- func (b *Buffer) GetNumMetas(api glib.Type) uint
- func (b *Buffer) GetReferenceTimestampMeta(caps *Caps) *ReferenceTimestampMeta
- func (b *Buffer) GetSize() int64
- func (b *Buffer) GetSizes() (size, offset, maxsize int64)
- func (b *Buffer) GetSizesRange(idx uint, length int) (offset, maxsize int64)
- func (b *Buffer) HasFlags(flags BufferFlags) bool
- func (b *Buffer) InsertMemory(mem *Memory, idx int)
- func (b *Buffer) Instance() *C.GstBuffer
- func (b *Buffer) IsAllMemoryWritable() bool
- func (b *Buffer) IsMemoryRangeWritable(idx uint, length int) bool
- func (b *Buffer) IsWritable() bool
- func (b *Buffer) IterateMeta(meta *Meta) *Meta
- func (b *Buffer) IterateMetaFiltered(meta *Meta, apiType glib.Type) *Meta
- func (b *Buffer) MakeWritable() *Buffer
- func (b *Buffer) Map(flags MapFlags) *MapInfo
- func (b *Buffer) MapRange(idx uint, length int, flags MapFlags) *MapInfo
- func (b *Buffer) Memset(offset int64, val uint8, size int64) int64
- func (b *Buffer) NumMemoryBlocks() uint
- func (b *Buffer) Offset() int64
- func (b *Buffer) OffsetEnd() int64
- func (b *Buffer) PeekMemory(idx uint) *Memory
- func (b *Buffer) PrependMemory(mem *Memory)
- func (b *Buffer) PresentationTimestamp() ClockTime
- func (b *Buffer) Reader() io.Reader
- func (b *Buffer) Ref() *Buffer
- func (b *Buffer) RemoveAllMemory()
- func (b *Buffer) RemoveMemoryAt(idx uint)
- func (b *Buffer) RemoveMemoryRange(idx uint, length int)
- func (b *Buffer) RemoveMeta(meta *Meta) bool
- func (b *Buffer) ReplaceAllMemory(mem *Memory)
- func (b *Buffer) ReplaceMemory(mem *Memory, idx uint)
- func (b *Buffer) ReplaceMemoryRange(idx uint, length int, mem *Memory)
- func (b *Buffer) Resize(offset, size int64)
- func (b *Buffer) ResizeRange(idx uint, length int, offset, size int64) bool
- func (b *Buffer) SetDuration(dur ClockTime)
- func (b *Buffer) SetFlags(flags BufferFlags) bool
- func (b *Buffer) SetPresentationTimestamp(dur ClockTime)
- func (b *Buffer) SetSize(size int64)
- func (b *Buffer) Unmap()
- func (b *Buffer) Unref()
- func (b *Buffer) UnsetFlags(flags BufferFlags) bool
- type BufferCopyFlags
- type BufferFlags
- type BufferList
- func (b *BufferList) CalculateSize() int64
- func (b *BufferList) Copy() *BufferList
- func (b *BufferList) DeepCopy() *BufferList
- func (b *BufferList) ForEach(f func(buf *Buffer, idx uint) bool)
- func (b *BufferList) GetBufferAt(idx uint) *Buffer
- func (b *BufferList) GetWritableBufferAt(idx uint) *Buffer
- func (b *BufferList) Insert(idx int, buf *Buffer)
- func (b *BufferList) Instance() *C.GstBufferList
- func (b *BufferList) IsWritable() bool
- func (b *BufferList) Length() uint
- func (b *BufferList) MakeWritable() *BufferList
- func (b *BufferList) Ref() *BufferList
- func (b *BufferList) Remove(idx, length uint)
- func (b *BufferList) Unref()
- type BufferPool
- func (b *BufferPool) AcquireBuffer(params *BufferPoolAcquireParams) (*Buffer, FlowReturn)
- func (b *BufferPool) GetConfig() *BufferPoolConfig
- func (b *BufferPool) GetOptions() []string
- func (b *BufferPool) HasOption(opt string) bool
- func (b *BufferPool) Instance() *C.GstBufferPool
- func (b *BufferPool) IsActive() bool
- func (b *BufferPool) IsFlushing() bool
- func (b *BufferPool) ReleaseBuffer(buf *Buffer)
- func (b *BufferPool) SetActive(active bool) (ok bool)
- func (b *BufferPool) SetConfig(cfg *BufferPoolConfig) bool
- func (b *BufferPool) SetFlushing(flushing bool)
- type BufferPoolAcquireFlags
- type BufferPoolAcquireParams
- type BufferPoolConfig
- func (b *BufferPoolConfig) AddOption(opt string)
- func (b *BufferPoolConfig) GetAllocator() (*Allocator, *AllocationParams)
- func (b *BufferPoolConfig) GetOption(index uint) string
- func (b *BufferPoolConfig) GetParams() (caps *Caps, size, minBuffers, maxBuffers uint)
- func (b *BufferPoolConfig) HasOption(opt string) bool
- func (b *BufferPoolConfig) NumOptions() uint
- func (b *BufferPoolConfig) SetAllocator(allocator *Allocator, params *AllocationParams)
- func (b *BufferPoolConfig) SetParams(caps *Caps, size, minBuffers, maxBuffers uint)
- func (b *BufferPoolConfig) Validate(caps *Caps, size, minBuffers, maxBuffers uint) bool
- type BufferingMode
- type BufferingStats
- type Bus
- func (b *Bus) AddSignalWatch()
- func (b *Bus) AddWatch(busFunc BusWatchFunc) bool
- func (b *Bus) BlockPopMessage() *Message
- func (b *Bus) DisableSyncMessageEmission()
- func (b *Bus) EnableSyncMessageEmission()
- func (b *Bus) GetPollFd() *PollFd
- func (b *Bus) HavePending() bool
- func (b *Bus) Instance() *C.GstBus
- func (b *Bus) Peek() *Message
- func (b *Bus) Poll(msgTypes MessageType, timeout ClockTime) *Message
- func (b *Bus) Pop() *Message
- func (b *Bus) PopFiltered(msgTypes MessageType) *Message
- func (b *Bus) PopMessage(timeout ClockTime) *Message
- func (b *Bus) Post(msg *Message) bool
- func (b *Bus) RemoveSignalWatch()
- func (b *Bus) RemoveWatch() bool
- func (b *Bus) SetFlushing(flushing bool)
- func (b *Bus) SetSyncHandler(f BusSyncHandler)
- func (b *Bus) TimedPop(dur ClockTime) *Message
- func (b *Bus) TimedPopFiltered(dur ClockTime, msgTypes MessageType) *Message
- type BusSyncHandler
- type BusSyncReply
- type BusWatchFunc
- type Caps
- func FromGstCapsUnsafeFull(caps unsafe.Pointer) *Caps
- func FromGstCapsUnsafeNone(caps unsafe.Pointer) *Caps
- func NewAnyCaps() *Caps
- func NewCapsFromString(capsStr string) *Caps
- func NewEmptyCaps() *Caps
- func NewEmptySimpleCaps(mediaFormat string) *Caps
- func NewFullCaps(structures ...*Structure) *Caps
- func ToGstCaps(caps unsafe.Pointer) *Caps
- func ValueGetCaps(value *glib.Value) *Caps
- func (c *Caps) Append(caps *Caps)
- func (c *Caps) AppendStructure(st *Structure)
- func (c *Caps) AppendStructureFull(st *Structure, features *CapsFeatures)
- func (c *Caps) CanIntersect(caps *Caps) bool
- func (c *Caps) Copy() *Caps
- func (c *Caps) CopyNth(n uint) *Caps
- func (c *Caps) FilterAndMapInPlace(f CapsMapFunc)
- func (c *Caps) Fixate() *Caps
- func (c *Caps) ForEach(f CapsMapFunc) bool
- func (c *Caps) GetFeaturesAt(idx int) *CapsFeatures
- func (c *Caps) GetSize() int
- func (c *Caps) GetStructureAt(idx int) *Structure
- func (c *Caps) Instance() *C.GstCaps
- func (c *Caps) Intersect(caps *Caps) *Caps
- func (c *Caps) IntersectFull(caps *Caps, mode CapsIntersectMode) *Caps
- func (c *Caps) IsAlwaysCompatible(caps *Caps) bool
- func (c *Caps) IsAny() bool
- func (c *Caps) IsEmpty() bool
- func (c *Caps) IsEqual(caps *Caps) bool
- func (c *Caps) IsEqualFixed(caps *Caps) bool
- func (c *Caps) IsFixed() bool
- func (c *Caps) IsStrictlyEqual(caps *Caps) bool
- func (c *Caps) IsSubset(caps *Caps) bool
- func (c *Caps) IsSubsetStructure(structure *Structure) bool
- func (c *Caps) IsSubsetStructureFull(structure *Structure, features *CapsFeatures) bool
- func (c *Caps) IsWritable() bool
- func (c *Caps) MakeWritable() *Caps
- func (c *Caps) MapInPlace(f CapsMapFunc) bool
- func (c *Caps) Merge(caps *Caps) *Caps
- func (c *Caps) MergeStructure(structure *Structure) *Caps
- func (c *Caps) MergeStructureFull(structure *Structure, features *CapsFeatures) *Caps
- func (c *Caps) Normalize() *Caps
- func (c *Caps) Ref() *Caps
- func (c *Caps) RemoveStructureAt(idx uint)
- func (c *Caps) SetFeaturesAt(idx uint, features *CapsFeatures)
- func (c *Caps) SetFeaturesSimple(features *CapsFeatures)
- func (c *Caps) SetValue(field string, val interface{})
- func (c *Caps) Simplify() *Caps
- func (c *Caps) StealStructureAt(idx uint) *Structure
- func (c *Caps) String() string
- func (c *Caps) Subtract(caps *Caps) *Caps
- func (c *Caps) ToGValue() (*glib.Value, error)
- func (c *Caps) Truncate() *Caps
- func (c *Caps) Unref()
- func (c *Caps) Unsafe() unsafe.Pointer
- type CapsFeatures
- func (c *CapsFeatures) Add(feature string)
- func (c *CapsFeatures) Contains(feature string) bool
- func (c *CapsFeatures) Copy() *CapsFeatures
- func (c *CapsFeatures) Free()
- func (c *CapsFeatures) GetNth(idx uint) string
- func (c *CapsFeatures) GetSize() uint
- func (c *CapsFeatures) Instance() *C.GstCapsFeatures
- func (c *CapsFeatures) IsAny() bool
- func (c *CapsFeatures) IsEqual(feats *CapsFeatures) bool
- func (c *CapsFeatures) Remove(feature string)
- func (c *CapsFeatures) SetParentRefCount(refCount int) bool
- func (c *CapsFeatures) String() string
- func (c *CapsFeatures) ToGValue() (*glib.Value, error)
- type CapsIntersectMode
- type CapsMapFunc
- type ChildProxy
- func (c *ChildProxy) ChildAdded(child *glib.Object, name string)
- func (c *ChildProxy) ChildRemoved(child *glib.Object, name string)
- func (c *ChildProxy) Get(names ...string) []*glib.Value
- func (c *ChildProxy) GetChildByIndex(idx uint) *glib.Object
- func (c *ChildProxy) GetChildByName(name string) *glib.Object
- func (c *ChildProxy) GetChildrenCount() uint
- func (c *ChildProxy) GetProperty(name string) *glib.Value
- func (c *ChildProxy) Instance() *C.GstChildProxy
- func (c *ChildProxy) Lookup(name string) (ok bool, target *glib.Object, param *glib.ParamSpec)
- func (c *ChildProxy) Set(values map[string]*glib.Value)
- func (c *ChildProxy) SetProperty(name string, value *glib.Value)
- type ChildProxyImpl
- type Clock
- func (c *Clock) AddObservation(slaveTime, masterTime ClockTime) (bool, float64)
- func (c *Clock) AddObservationUnapplied(slaveTime, masterTime ClockTime) (ok bool, rSquared float64, ...)
- func (c *Clock) AdjustUnlocked(internal ClockTime) ClockTime
- func (c *Clock) AdjustWithCalibration(internalTarget, cinternal, cexternal, cnum, cdenom ClockTime) ClockTime
- func (c *Clock) GetCalibration() (internal, external, rateNum, rateDenom ClockTime)
- func (c *Clock) GetInternalTime() ClockTime
- func (c *Clock) GetMaster() *Clock
- func (c *Clock) GetResolution() ClockTime
- func (c *Clock) GetTime() ClockTime
- func (c *Clock) GetTimeout() ClockTime
- func (c *Clock) Instance() *C.GstClock
- func (c *Clock) InternalString() string
- func (c *Clock) IsSynced() bool
- func (c *Clock) NewPeriodicID(startTime, interval ClockTime) *ClockID
- func (c *Clock) NewSingleShotID(at ClockTime) *ClockID
- func (c *Clock) PeriodicIDReinit(clockID *ClockID, startTime, interval ClockTime) bool
- func (c *Clock) SetCalibration(internal, external, rateNum, rateDenom ClockTime)
- func (c *Clock) SetMaster(master *Clock) bool
- func (c *Clock) SetResolution(resolution ClockTime) ClockTime
- func (c *Clock) SetSynced(synced bool)
- func (c *Clock) SetTimeout(timeout ClockTime)
- func (c *Clock) SingleShotIDReinit(clockID *ClockID, at ClockTime) bool
- func (c *Clock) String() string
- func (c *Clock) UnadjustUnlocked(external ClockTime) ClockTime
- func (c *Clock) UnadjustWithCalibration(externalTarget, cinternal, cexternal, cnum, cdenom ClockTime) ClockTime
- func (c *Clock) WaitForSync(timeout ClockTime) bool
- type ClockCallback
- type ClockEntryType
- type ClockFlags
- type ClockID
- func (c *ClockID) GetClock() *Clock
- func (c *ClockID) GetTime() ClockTime
- func (c *ClockID) Instance() C.GstClockID
- func (c *ClockID) Ref() *ClockID
- func (c *ClockID) Unref()
- func (c *ClockID) Unschedule()
- func (c *ClockID) UsesClock(clock *Clock) bool
- func (c *ClockID) Wait() (ret ClockReturn, jitter ClockTimeDiff)
- func (c *ClockID) WaitAsync(f ClockCallback) ClockReturn
- type ClockReturn
- type ClockTime
- type ClockTimeDiff
- type Context
- func (c *Context) GetStructure() *Structure
- func (c *Context) GetType() string
- func (c *Context) HasContextType(ctxType string) bool
- func (c *Context) Instance() *C.GstContext
- func (c *Context) IsPersistent() bool
- func (c *Context) IsWritable() bool
- func (c *Context) MakeWritable() *Context
- func (c *Context) Ref() *Context
- func (c *Context) Unref()
- func (c *Context) WritableStructure() *Structure
- type ControlBinding
- type DebugCategory
- func (d *DebugCategory) GetName() string
- func (d *DebugCategory) Log(level DebugLevel, message string, obj ...*Object)
- func (d *DebugCategory) LogDebug(message string, obj ...*Object)
- func (d *DebugCategory) LogError(message string, obj ...*Object)
- func (d *DebugCategory) LogInfo(message string, obj ...*Object)
- func (d *DebugCategory) LogLog(message string, obj ...*Object)
- func (d *DebugCategory) LogMemDump(message string, obj ...*Object)
- func (d *DebugCategory) LogTrace(message string, obj ...*Object)
- func (d *DebugCategory) LogWarning(message string, obj ...*Object)
- type DebugColorFlags
- type DebugColorMode
- type DebugGraphDetails
- type DebugLevel
- type DebugMessage
- type Device
- func (d *Device) CreateElement(name string) *Element
- func (d *Device) GetCaps() *Caps
- func (d *Device) GetDeviceClass() string
- func (d *Device) GetDisplayName() string
- func (d *Device) GetProperties() *Structure
- func (d *Device) HasClasses(classes []string) bool
- func (d *Device) Instance() *C.GstDevice
- func (d *Device) ReconfigureElement(elem *Element) error
- type DeviceMonitor
- func (d *DeviceMonitor) AddFilter(classes string, caps *Caps) uint
- func (d *DeviceMonitor) GetBus() *Bus
- func (d *DeviceMonitor) GetDevices() []*Device
- func (d *DeviceMonitor) GetShowAllDevices() bool
- func (d *DeviceMonitor) RemoveFilter(filterId uint) bool
- func (d *DeviceMonitor) SetShowAllDevices(show bool)
- func (d *DeviceMonitor) Start() bool
- func (d *DeviceMonitor) Stop()
- type DeviceProvider
- type DirectControlBinding
- type Domain
- type Element
- func FromGstElementUnsafeFull(elem unsafe.Pointer) *Element
- func FromGstElementUnsafeNone(elem unsafe.Pointer) *Element
- func NewElement(factory string) (*Element, error)
- func NewElementMany(elemNames ...string) ([]*Element, error)
- func NewElementWithName(factory string, name string) (*Element, error)
- func NewElementWithProperties(factory string, properties map[string]interface{}) (*Element, error)
- func ToElement(obj interface{}) *Element
- func (e *Element) AbortState()
- func (e *Element) AddPad(pad *Pad) bool
- func (e *Element) BlockSetState(state State) error
- func (e *Element) CallAsync(f func())
- func (e *Element) ChangeState(transition StateChange) StateChangeReturn
- func (e *Element) Connect(signal string, f interface{}) (glib.SignalHandle, error)
- func (e *Element) ContinueState(ret StateChangeReturn) StateChangeReturn
- func (e *Element) Emit(signal string, args ...interface{}) (interface{}, error)
- func (e *Element) Error(msg string, err error)
- func (e *Element) ErrorMessage(domain Domain, code ErrorCode, text, debug string)
- func (e *Element) GetBaseTime() ClockTime
- func (e *Element) GetBus() *Bus
- func (e *Element) GetClock() *Clock
- func (e *Element) GetCurrentState() State
- func (e *Element) GetFactory() *ElementFactory
- func (e *Element) GetPadTemplates() []*PadTemplate
- func (e *Element) GetPads() ([]*Pad, error)
- func (e *Element) GetRequestPad(name string) *Pad
- func (e *Element) GetSinkPads() ([]*Pad, error)
- func (e *Element) GetSrcPads() ([]*Pad, error)
- func (e *Element) GetStartTime() ClockTime
- func (e *Element) GetState(state State, timeout ClockTime) (StateChangeReturn, State)
- func (e *Element) GetStaticPad(name string) *Pad
- func (e *Element) Has(flags ElementFlags) bool
- func (e *Element) InfoMessage(domain Domain, text string)
- func (e *Element) Instance() *C.GstElement
- func (e *Element) IsURIHandler() bool
- func (e *Element) Link(elem *Element) error
- func (e *Element) LinkFiltered(elem *Element, filter *Caps) error
- func (e *Element) MessageFull(msgType MessageType, domain Domain, code ErrorCode, ...)
- func (e *Element) ParentChangeState(transition StateChange) StateChangeReturn
- func (e *Element) ParentPostMessage(msg *Message) bool
- func (e *Element) Query(q *Query) bool
- func (e *Element) QueryConvert(srcFormat Format, srcValue int64, destFormat Format) (bool, int64)
- func (e *Element) QueryDuration(format Format) (bool, int64)
- func (e *Element) QueryPosition(format Format) (bool, int64)
- func (e *Element) ReleaseRequestPad(pad *Pad)
- func (e *Element) RemovePad(pad *Pad) bool
- func (e *Element) SeekDefault(position int64, flag SeekFlags) bool
- func (e *Element) SeekSimple(position int64, format Format, flag SeekFlags) bool
- func (e *Element) SeekTime(position time.Duration, flag SeekFlags) bool
- func (e *Element) SendEvent(ev *Event) bool
- func (e *Element) SetBaseTime(startTime ClockTime)
- func (e *Element) SetStartTime(startTime ClockTime)
- func (e *Element) SetState(state State) error
- func (e *Element) SyncStateWithParent() bool
- func (e *Element) TOCSetter() TOCSetter
- func (e *Element) TagSetter() TagSetter
- func (e *Element) ToGValue() (*glib.Value, error)
- func (e *Element) URIHandler() URIHandler
- func (e *Element) Unlink(elem *Element)
- func (e *Element) WarningMessage(domain Domain, text string)
- type ElementClass
- func (e *ElementClass) AddMetadata(key, value string)
- func (e *ElementClass) AddPadTemplate(templ *PadTemplate)
- func (e *ElementClass) AddStaticPadTemplate(templ *PadTemplate)
- func (e *ElementClass) GetAllPadTemplates() []*PadTemplate
- func (e *ElementClass) GetMetadata(key string) string
- func (e *ElementClass) GetPadTemplate(name string) *PadTemplate
- func (e *ElementClass) Instance() *C.GstElementClass
- func (e *ElementClass) SetMetadata(longname, classification, description, author string)
- type ElementFactory
- func (e *ElementFactory) CanSinkAllCaps(caps *Caps) bool
- func (e *ElementFactory) CanSinkAnyCaps(caps *Caps) bool
- func (e *ElementFactory) CanSourceAllCaps(caps *Caps) bool
- func (e *ElementFactory) CanSourceAnyCaps(caps *Caps) bool
- func (e *ElementFactory) GetMetadata(key string) string
- func (e *ElementFactory) GetMetadataKeys() []string
- func (e *ElementFactory) Instance() *C.GstElementFactory
- type ElementFlags
- type ElementImpl
- type ErrorCode
- type Event
- func FromGstEventUnsafeFull(ev unsafe.Pointer) *Event
- func FromGstEventUnsafeNone(ev unsafe.Pointer) *Event
- func NewBufferSizeEvent(format Format, minSize, maxSize int64, async bool) *Event
- func NewCapsEvent(caps *Caps) *Event
- func NewCustomEvent(eventType EventType, structure *Structure) *Event
- func NewEOSEvent() *Event
- func NewFlushStartEvent() *Event
- func NewFlushStopEvent(resetTime bool) *Event
- func NewGapEvent(timestamp, duration ClockTime) *Event
- func NewLatencyEvent(latency ClockTime) *Event
- func NewNavigationEvent(structure *Structure) *Event
- func NewProtectionEvent(systemID string, buffer *Buffer, origin string) *Event
- func NewQOSEvent(qType QOSType, proportion float64, diff ClockTimeDiff, timestamp ClockTime) *Event
- func NewReconfigureEvent() *Event
- func NewSeekEvent(rate float64, format Format, flags SeekFlags, startType SeekType, start int64, ...) *Event
- func NewSegmentDoneEvent(format Format, position int64) *Event
- func NewSegmentEvent(segment *Segment) *Event
- func NewSelectStreamsEvent(streams []*Stream) *Event
- func NewSinkMessageEvent(name string, msg *Message) *Event
- func NewStepEvent(format Format, amount uint64, rate float64, flush, intermediate bool) *Event
- func NewStreamCollectionEvent(collection *StreamCollection) *Event
- func NewStreamGroupDoneEvent(groupID uint) *Event
- func NewStreamStartEvent(streamID string) *Event
- func NewTOCEvent(toc *TOC, updated bool) *Event
- func NewTOCSelectEvent(uid string) *Event
- func NewTagEvent(tagList *TagList) *Event
- func ToGstEvent(ev unsafe.Pointer) *Event
- func (e *Event) Copy() *Event
- func (e *Event) CopySegment(segment *Segment)
- func (e *Event) GetRunningTimeOffset() int64
- func (e *Event) GetSeqnum() uint32
- func (e *Event) GetStructure() *Structure
- func (e *Event) HasName(name string) bool
- func (e *Event) Instance() *C.GstEvent
- func (e *Event) ParseBufferSize() (format Format, minSize, maxSize int64, async bool)
- func (e *Event) ParseCaps() *Caps
- func (e *Event) ParseFlushStop() (resetTime bool)
- func (e *Event) ParseGap() (timestamp, duration time.Duration)
- func (e *Event) ParseGroupID() (ok bool, gid uint)
- func (e *Event) ParseLatency() ClockTime
- func (e *Event) ParseProtection() (systemID string, data *Buffer, origin string)
- func (e *Event) ParseQOS() (qTtype QOSType, proportion float64, diff ClockTimeDiff, timestamp ClockTime)
- func (e *Event) ParseSeek() (rate float64, format Format, flags SeekFlags, startType SeekType, start int64, ...)
- func (e *Event) ParseSeekTrickModeInterval() (interval ClockTime)
- func (e *Event) ParseSegment() *Segment
- func (e *Event) ParseSegmentDone() (Format, int64)
- func (e *Event) ParseSelectStreams() []*Stream
- func (e *Event) ParseSinkMessage() *Message
- func (e *Event) ParseStep() (format Format, amount uint64, rate float64, flush, intermediate bool)
- func (e *Event) ParseStream() *Stream
- func (e *Event) ParseStreamCollection() *StreamCollection
- func (e *Event) ParseStreamFlags() StreamFlags
- func (e *Event) ParseStreamGroupDone() uint
- func (e *Event) ParseStreamStart() string
- func (e *Event) ParseTOC() (toc *TOC, updated bool)
- func (e *Event) ParseTOCSelect() string
- func (e *Event) ParseTag() *TagList
- func (e *Event) Ref() *Event
- func (e *Event) Seqnum() uint32
- func (e *Event) SetGroupID(id uint)
- func (e *Event) SetRunningTimeOffset(offset int64)
- func (e *Event) SetSeekTrickModeInterval(interval ClockTime)
- func (e *Event) SetSeqnum(seqnum uint32)
- func (e *Event) SetStream(stream *Stream)
- func (e *Event) SetStreamFlags(flags StreamFlags)
- func (e *Event) Timestamp() time.Duration
- func (e *Event) Type() EventType
- func (e *Event) Unref()
- func (e *Event) WritableStructure() *Structure
- type EventType
- type EventTypeFlags
- type FlagsetValue
- type Float64RangeValue
- type FlowReturn
- type Format
- type FractionRangeValue
- type FractionValue
- type GError
- type GapFlags
- type GhostPad
- func FromGstGhostPadUnsafeFull(pad unsafe.Pointer) *GhostPad
- func FromGstGhostPadUnsafeNone(pad unsafe.Pointer) *GhostPad
- func NewGhostPad(name string, target *Pad) *GhostPad
- func NewGhostPadFromTemplate(name string, target *Pad, tmpl *PadTemplate) *GhostPad
- func NewGhostPadNoTarget(name string, direction PadDirection) *GhostPad
- func NewGhostPadNoTargetFromTemplate(name string, tmpl *PadTemplate) *GhostPad
- func (g *GhostPad) ActivateModeDefault(parent *Object, mode PadMode, active bool) bool
- func (g *GhostPad) GetTarget() *Pad
- func (g *GhostPad) Instance() *C.GstGhostPad
- func (g *GhostPad) InternalActivateModeDefault(parent *Object, mode PadMode, active bool) bool
- func (g *GhostPad) SetTarget(target *Pad) bool
- type Int64RangeValue
- type IntRangeValue
- type InterpolationControlSource
- type InterpolationMode
- type License
- type LogFunction
- type LoggedObject
- type MapFlags
- type MapInfo
- func (m *MapInfo) AsFloat32BESlice() []float32
- func (m *MapInfo) AsFloat32LESlice() []float32
- func (m *MapInfo) AsFloat64BESlice() []float64
- func (m *MapInfo) AsFloat64LESlice() []float64
- func (m *MapInfo) AsInt16BESlice() []int16
- func (m *MapInfo) AsInt16LESlice() []int16
- func (m *MapInfo) AsInt32BESlice() []int32
- func (m *MapInfo) AsInt32LESlice() []int32
- func (m *MapInfo) AsInt64BESlice() []int64
- func (m *MapInfo) AsInt64LESlice() []int64
- func (m *MapInfo) AsInt8Slice() []int8
- func (m *MapInfo) AsUint16BESlice() []uint16
- func (m *MapInfo) AsUint16LESlice() []uint16
- func (m *MapInfo) AsUint32BESlice() []uint32
- func (m *MapInfo) AsUint32LESlice() []uint32
- func (m *MapInfo) AsUint64BESlice() []uint64
- func (m *MapInfo) AsUint64LESlice() []uint64
- func (m *MapInfo) AsUint8Slice() []uint8
- func (m *MapInfo) Bytes() []byte
- func (m *MapInfo) Data() unsafe.Pointer
- func (m *MapInfo) Flags() MapFlags
- func (m *MapInfo) Instance() *C.GstMapInfo
- func (m *MapInfo) MaxSize() int64
- func (m *MapInfo) Memory() *Memory
- func (m *MapInfo) Reader() io.Reader
- func (m *MapInfo) Size() int64
- func (m *MapInfo) WriteAt(offset int, data []byte)
- func (m *MapInfo) WriteData(data []byte)
- func (m *MapInfo) Writer() io.Writer
- type Memory
- func (m *Memory) Alignment() int64
- func (m *Memory) Allocator() *Allocator
- func (m *Memory) Bytes() []byte
- func (m *Memory) Copy(offset, size int64) *Memory
- func (m *Memory) Instance() *C.GstMemory
- func (m *Memory) Map(flags MapFlags) *MapInfo
- func (m *Memory) MaxSize() int64
- func (m *Memory) Offset() int64
- func (m *Memory) Parent() *Memory
- func (m *Memory) Ref() *Memory
- func (m *Memory) Size() int64
- func (m *Memory) Unmap()
- func (m *Memory) Unref()
- type MemoryFlags
- type Message
- func FromGstMessageUnsafeFull(msg unsafe.Pointer) *Message
- func FromGstMessageUnsafeNone(msg unsafe.Pointer) *Message
- func NewApplicationMessage(src interface{}, structure *Structure) *Message
- func NewAsyncDoneMessage(src interface{}, runningTime ClockTime) *Message
- func NewAsyncStartMessage(src interface{}) *Message
- func NewBufferingMessage(src interface{}, percent int) *Message
- func NewClockLostMessage(src interface{}, clock *Clock) *Message
- func NewClockProvideMessage(src interface{}, clock *Clock, ready bool) *Message
- func NewCustomMessage(src interface{}, msgType MessageType, structure *Structure) *Message
- func NewDeviceAddedMessage(src interface{}, device *Device) *Message
- func NewDeviceChangedMessage(src interface{}, device, changedDevice *Device) *Message
- func NewDeviceRemovedMessage(src interface{}, device *Device) *Message
- func NewDurationChangedMessage(src interface{}) *Message
- func NewEOSMessage(src interface{}) *Message
- func NewElementMessage(src interface{}, structure *Structure) *Message
- func NewErrorMessage(src interface{}, err error, debugStr string, structure *Structure) *Message
- func NewHaveContextMessage(src interface{}, ctx *Context) *Message
- func NewInfoMessage(src interface{}, msg string, debugStr string, structure *Structure) *Message
- func NewLatencyMessage(src interface{}) *Message
- func NewNeedContextMessage(src interface{}, ctxType string) *Message
- func NewNewClockMessage(src interface{}, clock *Clock) *Message
- func NewProgressMessage(src interface{}, progressType ProgressType, code, text string) *Message
- func NewPropertyNotifyMessage(src interface{}, propName string, val interface{}) *Message
- func NewQoSMessage(src interface{}, live bool, ...) *Message
- func NewRedirectMessage(src interface{}, location string, tagList *TagList, entryStructure *Structure) *Message
- func NewRequestStateMessage(src interface{}, state State) *Message
- func NewResetTimeMessage(src interface{}, runningTime ClockTime) *Message
- func NewSegmentDoneMessage(src interface{}, format Format, position int64) *Message
- func NewSegmentStartMessage(src interface{}, format Format, position int64) *Message
- func NewStateChangedMessage(src interface{}, oldState, newState, pendingState State) *Message
- func NewStateDirtyMessage(src interface{}) *Message
- func NewStepDoneMessage(src interface{}, format Format, amount uint64, rate float64, ...) *Message
- func NewStepStartMessage(src interface{}, active bool, format Format, amount uint64, rate float64, ...) *Message
- func NewStreamCollectionMessage(src interface{}, collection *StreamCollection) *Message
- func NewStreamSelectedMessage(src interface{}, collection *StreamCollection) *Message
- func NewStreamStartMessage(src interface{}) *Message
- func NewStreamStatusMessage(src interface{}, stType StreamStatusType, owner *Element) *Message
- func NewStructureChangeMessage(src interface{}, chgType StructureChangeType, owner *Element, busy bool) *Message
- func NewTOCMessage(src interface{}, toc *TOC, updated bool) *Message
- func NewTagMessage(src interface{}, tagList *TagList) *Message
- func NewWarningMessage(src interface{}, msg string, debugStr string, structure *Structure) *Message
- func ToGstMessage(msg unsafe.Pointer) *Message
- func (m *Message) AddRedirectEntry(location string, tagList *TagList, entryStructure *Structure)
- func (m *Message) Copy() *Message
- func (m *Message) GetStructure() *Structure
- func (m *Message) Instance() *C.GstMessage
- func (m *Message) NumRedirectEntries() int64
- func (m *Message) ParseAsyncDone() ClockTime
- func (m *Message) ParseBuffering() int
- func (m *Message) ParseBufferingStats() *BufferingStats
- func (m *Message) ParseClockProvide() (clock *Clock, ready bool)
- func (m *Message) ParseDeviceAdded() *Device
- func (m *Message) ParseDeviceChanged() (newDevice, oldDevice *Device)
- func (m *Message) ParseDeviceRemoved() *Device
- func (m *Message) ParseError() *GError
- func (m *Message) ParseHaveContext() *Context
- func (m *Message) ParseInfo() *GError
- func (m *Message) ParseNewClock() *Clock
- func (m *Message) ParseProgress() (progressType ProgressType, code, text string)
- func (m *Message) ParsePropertyNotify() (obj *Object, propertName string, propertyValue *glib.Value)
- func (m *Message) ParseQoS() *QoSValues
- func (m *Message) ParseRedirectEntryAt(idx int64) (location string, tags *TagList, structure *Structure)
- func (m *Message) ParseRequestState() State
- func (m *Message) ParseResetTime() ClockTime
- func (m *Message) ParseSegmentDone() (Format, int64)
- func (m *Message) ParseSegmentStart() (Format, int64)
- func (m *Message) ParseStateChanged() (oldState, newState State)
- func (m *Message) ParseStepDone() *StepDoneValues
- func (m *Message) ParseStepStart() *StepStartValues
- func (m *Message) ParseStreamCollection() *StreamCollection
- func (m *Message) ParseStreamStatus() (StreamStatusType, *Element)
- func (m *Message) ParseStreamsSelected() *StreamCollection
- func (m *Message) ParseStructureChange() (chgType StructureChangeType, owner *Element, busy bool)
- func (m *Message) ParseTOC() (toc *TOC, updated bool)
- func (m *Message) ParseTags() *TagList
- func (m *Message) ParseWarning() *GError
- func (m *Message) Ref() *Message
- func (m *Message) Source() string
- func (m *Message) StreamsSelectedAdd(stream *Stream)
- func (m *Message) StreamsSelectedGetStream(index uint) *Stream
- func (m *Message) StreamsSelectedSize() uint
- func (m *Message) String() string
- func (m *Message) Type() MessageType
- func (m *Message) TypeName() string
- func (m *Message) Unref()
- type MessageType
- type Meta
- type MetaFlags
- type MetaFreeFunc
- type MetaInfo
- type MetaInfoCallbackFuncs
- type MetaInitFunc
- type MetaTransformCopy
- type MetaTransformFunc
- type MiniObject
- func (m *MiniObject) AddParent(parent *MiniObject)
- func (m *MiniObject) Copy() *MiniObject
- func (m *MiniObject) GetData(name string) unsafe.Pointer
- func (m *MiniObject) Instance() *C.GstMiniObject
- func (m *MiniObject) Parent() *MiniObject
- func (m *MiniObject) Ref()
- func (m *MiniObject) SetData(name string, ptr unsafe.Pointer)
- func (m *MiniObject) Type() glib.Type
- func (m *MiniObject) Unref()
- type MiniObjectFlags
- type Object
- func (o *Object) AddControlBinding(binding *ControlBinding)
- func (o *Object) BaseObject() *Object
- func (o *Object) Clear()
- func (o *Object) GObject() *glib.Object
- func (o *Object) GetName() string
- func (o *Object) GetValue(property string, timestamp ClockTime) *glib.Value
- func (o *Object) GstObject() *C.GstObject
- func (o *Object) Instance() *C.GstObject
- func (o *Object) Log(cat *DebugCategory, level DebugLevel, message string)
- func (o *Object) Ref() *Object
- func (o *Object) SetArg(name, value string)
- func (o *Object) Unref()
- type Pad
- func (p *Pad) ActivateMode(mode PadMode, active bool)
- func (p *Pad) AddProbe(mask PadProbeType, f PadProbeCallback) uint64
- func (p *Pad) CanLink(sink *Pad) bool
- func (p *Pad) Chain(buffer *Buffer) FlowReturn
- func (p *Pad) ChainList(bufferList *BufferList) FlowReturn
- func (p *Pad) CheckReconfigure() bool
- func (p *Pad) CreateStreamID(parent *Element, streamID string) string
- func (p *Pad) CurrentCaps() *Caps
- func (p *Pad) Direction() PadDirection
- func (p *Pad) EventDefault(parent *Object, event *Event) bool
- func (p *Pad) Forward(f PadForwardFunc) bool
- func (p *Pad) GetAllowedCaps() *Caps
- func (p *Pad) GetCurrentCaps() *Caps
- func (p *Pad) GetDirection() PadDirection
- func (p *Pad) GetElementPrivate() interface{}
- func (p *Pad) GetInternalLinks() ([]*Pad, error)
- func (p *Pad) GetInternalLinksDefault(parent *Object) ([]*Pad, error)
- func (p *Pad) GetLastFlowReturn() FlowReturn
- func (p *Pad) GetOffset() int64
- func (p *Pad) GetPadTemplate() *PadTemplate
- func (p *Pad) GetPadTemplateCaps() *Caps
- func (p *Pad) GetParentElement() *Element
- func (p *Pad) GetPeer() *Pad
- func (p *Pad) GetRange(offset uint64, size uint, buffer *Buffer) (FlowReturn, *Buffer)
- func (p *Pad) GetStickyEvent(eventType EventType, idx uint) *Event
- func (p *Pad) GetStream() *Stream
- func (p *Pad) GetStreamID() string
- func (p *Pad) GetTaskState() TaskState
- func (p *Pad) HasCurrentCaps() bool
- func (p *Pad) Instance() *C.GstPad
- func (p *Pad) IsActive() bool
- func (p *Pad) IsBlocked() bool
- func (p *Pad) IsBlocking() bool
- func (p *Pad) IsLinked() bool
- func (p *Pad) Link(sink *Pad) PadLinkReturn
- func (p *Pad) LinkFull(sink *Pad, flags PadLinkCheck) PadLinkReturn
- func (p *Pad) LinkMaybeGhosting(sink *Pad) bool
- func (p *Pad) LinkMaybeGhostingFull(sink *Pad, flags PadLinkCheck) bool
- func (p *Pad) MarkReconfigure()
- func (p *Pad) NeedsReconfigure() bool
- func (p *Pad) PauseTask() bool
- func (p *Pad) PeerQuery(query *Query) bool
- func (p *Pad) PeerQueryAcceptCaps(caps *Caps) bool
- func (p *Pad) PeerQueryCaps(filter *Caps) *Caps
- func (p *Pad) PeerQueryConvert(srcFormat, destFormat Format, srcVal int64) (bool, int64)
- func (p *Pad) PeerQueryDuration(format Format) (bool, int64)
- func (p *Pad) PeerQueryPosition(format Format) (bool, int64)
- func (p *Pad) ProxyQueryAcceptCaps(query *Query) bool
- func (p *Pad) ProxyQueryCaps(query *Query) bool
- func (p *Pad) PullRange(offset uint64, size uint, buffer *Buffer) (FlowReturn, *Buffer)
- func (p *Pad) Push(buf *Buffer) FlowReturn
- func (p *Pad) PushEvent(ev *Event) bool
- func (p *Pad) PushList(bufList *BufferList) FlowReturn
- func (p *Pad) Query(query *Query) bool
- func (p *Pad) QueryAcceptCaps(caps *Caps) bool
- func (p *Pad) QueryCaps(filter *Caps) *Caps
- func (p *Pad) QueryConvert(srcFormat, destFormat Format, srcVal int64) (bool, int64)
- func (p *Pad) QueryDefault(parent *Object, query *Query) bool
- func (p *Pad) QueryDuration(format Format) (bool, int64)
- func (p *Pad) QueryPosition(format Format) (bool, int64)
- func (p *Pad) RemoveProbe(id uint64)
- func (p *Pad) SendEvent(ev *Event) bool
- func (p *Pad) SetActivateFunction(f PadActivateFunc)
- func (p *Pad) SetActivateModeFunction(f PadActivateModeFunc)
- func (p *Pad) SetActive(active bool) bool
- func (p *Pad) SetChainFunction(f PadChainFunc)
- func (p *Pad) SetChainListFunction(f PadChainListFunc)
- func (p *Pad) SetElementPrivate(data interface{})
- func (p *Pad) SetEventFullFunction(f PadEventFullFunc)
- func (p *Pad) SetEventFunction(f PadEventFunc)
- func (p *Pad) SetGetRangeFunction(f PadGetRangeFunc)
- func (p *Pad) SetIterIntLinkFunction(f PadIterIntLinkFunc)
- func (p *Pad) SetLinkFunction(f PadLinkFunc)
- func (p *Pad) SetOffset(offset int64)
- func (p *Pad) SetQueryFunction(f PadQueryFunc)
- func (p *Pad) SetUnlinkFunction(f PadUnlinkFunc)
- func (p *Pad) StickyEventsForEach(f StickyEventsForEachFunc)
- func (p *Pad) StoreStickyEvent(ev *Event) FlowReturn
- func (p *Pad) Template() *PadTemplate
- func (p *Pad) ToGValue() (*glib.Value, error)
- func (p *Pad) Unlink(pad *Pad) bool
- func (p *Pad) UseFixedCaps()
- type PadActivateFunc
- type PadActivateModeFunc
- type PadChainFunc
- type PadChainListFunc
- type PadDirection
- type PadEventFullFunc
- type PadEventFunc
- type PadFlags
- type PadForwardFunc
- type PadFuncMap
- type PadGetRangeFunc
- type PadIterIntLinkFunc
- type PadLinkCheck
- type PadLinkFunc
- type PadLinkReturn
- type PadMode
- type PadPresence
- type PadProbeCallback
- type PadProbeInfo
- func (p *PadProbeInfo) GetBuffer() *Buffer
- func (p *PadProbeInfo) GetBufferList() *BufferList
- func (p *PadProbeInfo) GetEvent() *Event
- func (p *PadProbeInfo) GetQuery() *Query
- func (p *PadProbeInfo) ID() uint32
- func (p *PadProbeInfo) Offset() uint64
- func (p *PadProbeInfo) Size() uint64
- func (p *PadProbeInfo) Type() PadProbeType
- type PadProbeReturn
- type PadProbeType
- type PadQueryFunc
- type PadTemplate
- func FromGstPadTemplateUnsafeFull(tmpl unsafe.Pointer) *PadTemplate
- func FromGstPadTemplateUnsafeNone(tmpl unsafe.Pointer) *PadTemplate
- func NewPadTemplate(nameTemplate string, direction PadDirection, presence PadPresence, caps *Caps) *PadTemplate
- func NewPadTemplateWithGType(nameTemplate string, direction PadDirection, presence PadPresence, caps *Caps, ...) *PadTemplate
- type PadUnlinkFunc
- type ParentBufferMeta
- type Pipeline
- type Plugin
- type PluginFeature
- type PluginInitFunc
- type PluginMetadata
- type PollFd
- type ProgressType
- type Promise
- func (p *Promise) Await(ctx context.Context) (*Structure, error)
- func (p *Promise) Expire()
- func (p *Promise) GetReply() *Structure
- func (p *Promise) Instance() *C.GstPromise
- func (p *Promise) Interrupt()
- func (p *Promise) Ref()
- func (p *Promise) Reply(answer *Structure)
- func (p *Promise) ToGValue() (*glib.Value, error)
- func (p *Promise) Unref()
- type PromiseResult
- type ProtectionMeta
- type ProxyPad
- func (p *ProxyPad) ChainDefault(parent *Object, buffer *Buffer) FlowReturn
- func (p *ProxyPad) ChainListDefault(parent *Object, bufferList *BufferList) FlowReturn
- func (p *ProxyPad) GetInternal() *ProxyPad
- func (p *ProxyPad) GetInternalLinksDefault(parent *Object) ([]*Pad, error)
- func (p *ProxyPad) GetRangeDefault(parent *Object, offset uint64, size uint) (FlowReturn, *Buffer)
- func (p *ProxyPad) Instance() *C.GstProxyPad
- type QOSType
- type QoSValues
- type Query
- func FromGstQueryUnsafeFull(query unsafe.Pointer) *Query
- func FromGstQueryUnsafeNone(query unsafe.Pointer) *Query
- func NewAcceptCapsQuery(caps *Caps) *Query
- func NewAllocationQuery(caps *Caps, needPool bool) *Query
- func NewBitrateQuery() *Query
- func NewBufferingQuery(format Format) *Query
- func NewCapsQuery(caps *Caps) *Query
- func NewContextQuery(ctxType string) *Query
- func NewConvertQuery(srcFormat, destFormat Format, value int64) *Query
- func NewCustomQuery(queryType QueryType, structure *Structure) *Query
- func NewDrainQuery() *Query
- func NewDurationQuery(format Format) *Query
- func NewFormatsQuery() *Query
- func NewLatencyQuery() *Query
- func NewPositionQuery(format Format) *Query
- func NewSchedulingQuery() *Query
- func NewSeekingQuery(format Format) *Query
- func NewSegmentQuery(format Format) *Query
- func NewURIQuery() *Query
- func ToGstQuery(query unsafe.Pointer) *Query
- func (q *Query) AddAllocationMeta(api glib.Type, structure *Structure)
- func (q *Query) AddAllocationParam(allocator *Allocator, params *AllocationParams)
- func (q *Query) AddAllocationPool(pool *BufferPool, size, minBuffers, maxBuffers uint)
- func (q *Query) AddBufferingRange(start, stop int64) (ok bool)
- func (q *Query) AddSchedulingMode(mode PadMode)
- func (q *Query) Copy() *Query
- func (q *Query) FindAllocationMeta(api glib.Type) (ok bool, index uint)
- func (q *Query) GetNumAllocationMetas() uint
- func (q *Query) GetNumAllocationParams() uint
- func (q *Query) GetNumAllocationPools() uint
- func (q *Query) GetNumBufferingRanges() uint
- func (q *Query) GetNumSchedulingModes() uint
- func (q *Query) GetStructure() *Structure
- func (q *Query) HasSchedulingMode(mode PadMode) bool
- func (q *Query) HasSchedulingModeWithFlags(mode PadMode, flags SchedulingFlags) bool
- func (q *Query) Instance() *C.GstQuery
- func (q *Query) ParseAcceptCaps() *Caps
- func (q *Query) ParseAcceptCapsResult() bool
- func (q *Query) ParseAllocation() (caps *Caps, needPool bool)
- func (q *Query) ParseAllocationMetaAt(idx uint) (api glib.Type, st *Structure)
- func (q *Query) ParseAllocationParamAt(idx uint) (*Allocator, *AllocationParams)
- func (q *Query) ParseAllocationPoolAt(idx uint) (pool *BufferPool, size, minBuffers, maxBuffers uint)
- func (q *Query) ParseBitrate() uint
- func (q *Query) ParseBufferingPercent() (busy bool, percent int)
- func (q *Query) ParseBufferingRange() (format Format, start, stop, estimatedTotal int64)
- func (q *Query) ParseBufferingRangeAt(idx uint) (start, stop int64)
- func (q *Query) ParseBufferingStats() (mode BufferingMode, avgIn, avgOut int, bufLeft int64)
- func (q *Query) ParseCaps() *Caps
- func (q *Query) ParseCapsResult() *Caps
- func (q *Query) ParseContext() *Context
- func (q *Query) ParseContextType() (ok bool, ctxType string)
- func (q *Query) ParseConvert() (srcformat, destFormat Format, srcValue, destValue int64)
- func (q *Query) ParseDuration() (format Format, duration int64)
- func (q *Query) ParseFormatAt(idx uint) Format
- func (q *Query) ParseLatency() (live bool, minLatency, maxLatency ClockTime)
- func (q *Query) ParseNumFormats() uint
- func (q *Query) ParsePosition() (format Format, cur int64)
- func (q *Query) ParseScheduling() (flags SchedulingFlags, minSize, maxSize, align int)
- func (q *Query) ParseSchedulingModeAt(idx uint) PadMode
- func (q *Query) ParseSeeking() (format Format, seekable bool, start, end int64)
- func (q *Query) ParseSegment() (rate float64, format Format, start, stop int64)
- func (q *Query) ParseURI() string
- func (q *Query) ParseURIRedirection() string
- func (q *Query) ParseURIRedirectionPermanent() bool
- func (q *Query) Ref() *Query
- func (q *Query) RemoveAllocationMetaAt(idx uint)
- func (q *Query) RemoveAllocationParamAt(idx uint)
- func (q *Query) RemoveAllocationPoolAt(idx uint)
- func (q *Query) SetAcceptCapsResult(result bool)
- func (q *Query) SetAllocationParamAt(idx uint, allocator *Allocator, params *AllocationParams)
- func (q *Query) SetAllocationPoolAt(idx uint, pool *BufferPool, size, minBuffers, maxBuffers uint)
- func (q *Query) SetBitrate(nominal uint)
- func (q *Query) SetBufferingPercent(busy bool, percent int)
- func (q *Query) SetBufferingRange(format Format, start, stop, estimatedTotal int64)
- func (q *Query) SetBufferingStats(mode BufferingMode, avgIn, avgOut int, bufferingLeft int64)
- func (q *Query) SetCapsResult(caps *Caps)
- func (q *Query) SetContext(ctx *Context)
- func (q *Query) SetConvert(srcFormat, destFormat Format, srcValue, destValue int64)
- func (q *Query) SetDuration(format Format, duration int64)
- func (q *Query) SetFormats(formats ...Format)
- func (q *Query) SetLatency(live bool, minLatency, maxLatency ClockTime)
- func (q *Query) SetPosition(format Format, cur int64)
- func (q *Query) SetScheduling(flags SchedulingFlags, minSize, maxSize, align int)
- func (q *Query) SetSeeking(format Format, seekable bool, segmentStart, segmentEnd int64)
- func (q *Query) SetSegment(rate float64, format Format, startValue, stopValue int64)
- func (q *Query) SetURI(uri string)
- func (q *Query) SetURIRedirection(uri string)
- func (q *Query) SetURIRedirectionPermanent(permanent bool)
- func (q *Query) Type() QueryType
- func (q *Query) Unref()
- func (q *Query) WritableStructure() *Structure
- type QueryType
- type QueryTypeFlags
- type Rank
- type ReferenceTimestampMeta
- type Registry
- type Sample
- func (s *Sample) Copy() *Sample
- func (s *Sample) GetBuffer() *Buffer
- func (s *Sample) GetBufferList() *BufferList
- func (s *Sample) GetCaps() *Caps
- func (s *Sample) GetInfo() *Structure
- func (s *Sample) GetSegment() *Segment
- func (s *Sample) Instance() *C.GstSample
- func (s *Sample) Ref() *Sample
- func (s *Sample) SetBuffer(buf *Buffer)
- func (s *Sample) SetBufferList(buf *BufferList)
- func (s *Sample) SetCaps(caps *Caps)
- func (s *Sample) SetInfo(st *Structure) bool
- func (s *Sample) SetSegment(segment *Segment)
- func (s *Sample) Unref()
- type SchedulingFlags
- type SeekFlags
- type SeekType
- type Segment
- func (s *Segment) Clip(format Format, start, stop uint64) (ok bool, clipStart, clipStop uint64)
- func (s *Segment) Copy() *Segment
- func (s *Segment) CopyInto(segment *Segment)
- func (s *Segment) DoSeek(rate float64, format Format, flags SeekFlags, startType SeekType, start uint64, ...) (ok, update bool)
- func (s *Segment) Free()
- func (s *Segment) GetAppliedRate() float64
- func (s *Segment) GetBase() uint64
- func (s *Segment) GetDuration() uint64
- func (s *Segment) GetFlags() SegmentFlags
- func (s *Segment) GetFormat() Format
- func (s *Segment) GetOffset() uint64
- func (s *Segment) GetPosition() uint64
- func (s *Segment) GetRate() float64
- func (s *Segment) GetStart() uint64
- func (s *Segment) GetStop() uint64
- func (s *Segment) GetTime() uint64
- func (s *Segment) Init(format Format)
- func (s *Segment) Instance() *C.GstSegment
- func (s *Segment) IsEqual(segment *Segment) bool
- func (s *Segment) OffsetRunningTime(format Format, offset int64) bool
- func (s *Segment) PositionFromRunningTime(format Format, runningTime uint64) uint64
- func (s *Segment) PositionFromRunningTimeFull(format Format, runningTime uint64) int64
- func (s *Segment) PositionFromStreamTime(format Format, streamTime uint64) uint64
- func (s *Segment) PositionFromStreamTimeFull(format Format, streamTime uint64) int64
- func (s *Segment) SetAppliedRate(rate float64)
- func (s *Segment) SetFlags(flags SegmentFlags)
- func (s *Segment) SetFormat(f Format)
- func (s *Segment) SetRate(rate float64)
- func (s *Segment) SetRunningTime(format Format, runningTime uint64) bool
- func (s *Segment) ToRunningTime(format Format, position uint64) uint64
- func (s *Segment) ToRunningTimeFull(format Format, position uint64) int64
- func (s *Segment) ToStreamTime(format Format, position uint64) uint64
- func (s *Segment) ToStreamTimeFull(format Format, position uint64) int64
- type SegmentFlags
- type StackTraceFlags
- type State
- type StateChange
- type StateChangeReturn
- type StepDoneValues
- type StepStartValues
- type StickyEventsForEachFunc
- type Stream
- func (s *Stream) Caps() *Caps
- func (s *Stream) Instance() *C.GstStream
- func (s *Stream) SetCaps(caps *Caps)
- func (s *Stream) SetStreamFlags(flags StreamFlags)
- func (s *Stream) SetStreamType(sType StreamType)
- func (s *Stream) SetTags(tags *TagList)
- func (s *Stream) StreamFlags() StreamFlags
- func (s *Stream) StreamID() string
- func (s *Stream) StreamType() StreamType
- func (s *Stream) Tags() *TagList
- type StreamCollection
- type StreamFlags
- type StreamStatusType
- type StreamType
- type Structure
- func (s *Structure) Free()
- func (s *Structure) GetValue(key string) (interface{}, error)
- func (s *Structure) Instance() *C.GstStructure
- func (s *Structure) Name() string
- func (s *Structure) RemoveValue(key string)
- func (s *Structure) SetValue(key string, value interface{}) error
- func (s *Structure) Size() int
- func (s *Structure) String() string
- func (s *Structure) ToGValue() (*glib.Value, error)
- func (s *Structure) UnmarshalInto(data interface{}) error
- func (s *Structure) Values() map[string]interface{}
- type StructureChangeType
- type SystemClock
- type TOC
- func (t *TOC) AppendEntry(entry *TOCEntry)
- func (t *TOC) Copy() *TOC
- func (t *TOC) Dump()
- func (t *TOC) FindEntry(uid string) *TOCEntry
- func (t *TOC) GetEntries() []*TOCEntry
- func (t *TOC) GetScope() TOCScope
- func (t *TOC) GetTags() *TagList
- func (t *TOC) Instance() *C.GstToc
- func (t *TOC) MakeWritable() *TOC
- func (t *TOC) MergeTags(tagList *TagList, mergeMode TagMergeMode)
- func (t *TOC) Ref() *TOC
- func (t *TOC) SetTags(tagList *TagList)
- func (t *TOC) Unref()
- type TOCEntry
- func (t *TOCEntry) AppendSubEntry(subEntry *TOCEntry)
- func (t *TOCEntry) Copy() *TOCEntry
- func (t *TOCEntry) GetEntryType() TOCEntryType
- func (t *TOCEntry) GetEntryTypeString() string
- func (t *TOCEntry) GetLoop() (bool, TOCLoopType, int)
- func (t *TOCEntry) GetParent() *TOCEntry
- func (t *TOCEntry) GetStartStopTimes() (ok bool, startTime, stopTime int64)
- func (t *TOCEntry) GetSubEntries() []*TOCEntry
- func (t *TOCEntry) GetTOC() *TOC
- func (t *TOCEntry) GetTags() *TagList
- func (t *TOCEntry) GetUID() string
- func (t *TOCEntry) Instance() *C.GstTocEntry
- func (t *TOCEntry) IsAlternative() bool
- func (t *TOCEntry) IsSequence() bool
- func (t *TOCEntry) MakeWritable() *TOCEntry
- func (t *TOCEntry) MergeTags(tagList *TagList, mergeMode TagMergeMode)
- func (t *TOCEntry) Ref() *TOCEntry
- func (t *TOCEntry) SetLoop(loopType TOCLoopType, repeatCount int)
- func (t *TOCEntry) SetStartStopTimes(startTime, stopTime int64)
- func (t *TOCEntry) SetTags(tagList *TagList)
- func (t *TOCEntry) Unref()
- type TOCEntryType
- type TOCLoopType
- type TOCScope
- type TOCSetter
- type Tag
- type TagFlag
- type TagList
- func (t *TagList) AddValue(mergeMode TagMergeMode, tag Tag, value interface{})
- func (t *TagList) AddValues(mergeMode TagMergeMode, tag Tag, vals ...interface{})
- func (t *TagList) Copy() *TagList
- func (t *TagList) ForEach(f TagListForEachFunc)
- func (t *TagList) GetBool(tag Tag) (value, ok bool)
- func (t *TagList) GetBoolIndex(tag Tag, idx uint) (value, ok bool)
- func (t *TagList) GetDate(tag Tag) (value time.Time, ok bool)
- func (t *TagList) GetDateIndex(tag Tag, idx uint) (value time.Time, ok bool)
- func (t *TagList) GetDateTime(tag Tag) (value time.Time, ok bool)
- func (t *TagList) GetDateTimeIndex(tag Tag, idx uint) (value time.Time, ok bool)
- func (t *TagList) GetFloat32(tag Tag) (value float32, ok bool)
- func (t *TagList) GetFloat32Index(tag Tag, idx uint) (value float32, ok bool)
- func (t *TagList) GetFloat64(tag Tag) (value float64, ok bool)
- func (t *TagList) GetFloat64Index(tag Tag, idx uint) (value float64, ok bool)
- func (t *TagList) GetInt32(tag Tag) (value int32, ok bool)
- func (t *TagList) GetInt32Index(tag Tag, idx uint) (value int32, ok bool)
- func (t *TagList) GetInt64(tag Tag) (value int64, ok bool)
- func (t *TagList) GetInt64Index(tag Tag, idx uint) (value int64, ok bool)
- func (t *TagList) GetPointer(tag Tag) (value unsafe.Pointer, ok bool)
- func (t *TagList) GetPointerIndex(tag Tag, idx uint) (value unsafe.Pointer, ok bool)
- func (t *TagList) GetSample(tag Tag) (value *Sample, ok bool)
- func (t *TagList) GetSampleIndex(tag Tag, idx uint) (value *Sample, ok bool)
- func (t *TagList) GetScope() TagScope
- func (t *TagList) GetString(tag Tag) (value string, ok bool)
- func (t *TagList) GetStringIndex(tag Tag, idx uint) (value string, ok bool)
- func (t *TagList) GetTagSize(tagKey string) int
- func (t *TagList) GetUint32(tag Tag) (value uint32, ok bool)
- func (t *TagList) GetUint32Index(tag Tag, idx uint) (value uint32, ok bool)
- func (t *TagList) GetUint64(tag Tag) (value uint64, ok bool)
- func (t *TagList) GetUint64Index(tag Tag, idx uint) (value uint64, ok bool)
- func (t *TagList) GetValueIndex(tag Tag, idx uint) interface{}
- func (t *TagList) Insert(tagList *TagList, mergeMode TagMergeMode)
- func (t *TagList) Instance() *C.GstTagList
- func (t *TagList) IsEmpty() bool
- func (t *TagList) IsEqual(tagList *TagList) bool
- func (t *TagList) IsWritable() bool
- func (t *TagList) MakeWritable() *TagList
- func (t *TagList) Merge(tagList *TagList, mergeMode TagMergeMode) *TagList
- func (t *TagList) NumTags() int
- func (t *TagList) PeekStringIndex(tag Tag, idx uint) (value string, ok bool)
- func (t *TagList) Ref() *TagList
- func (t *TagList) RemoveTag(tag Tag)
- func (t *TagList) SetScope(scope TagScope)
- func (t *TagList) String() string
- func (t *TagList) TagNameAt(idx int) string
- func (t *TagList) Unref()
- type TagListForEachFunc
- type TagMergeMode
- type TagScope
- type TagSetter
- type TaskState
- type TypeFindProbability
- type URIHandler
- type URIType
- type ValueArrayValue
- type ValueCmp
- type ValueListValue
- type Version
Constants ¶
const ( ParameterControllable = C.GST_PARAM_CONTROLLABLE ParameterMutablePlaying = C.GST_PARAM_MUTABLE_PLAYING ParameterMutablePaused = C.GST_PARAM_MUTABLE_PAUSED ParameterMutableReady = C.GST_PARAM_MUTABLE_READY )
Additional GStreamer ParamSpec flags
const ( //Initial state. Waiting for transition to any other state. PromiseResultPending = C.GST_PROMISE_RESULT_PENDING // Interrupted by the consumer as it doesn't want the value anymore. PromiseResultInterrupted = C.GST_PROMISE_RESULT_INTERRUPTED // A producer marked a reply PromiseResultReplied = C.GST_PROMISE_RESULT_REPLIED // The promise expired (the carrying object lost all refs) and the promise will never be fulfilled. PromiseResultExpired = C.GST_PROMISE_RESULT_EXPIRED )
Variables ¶
var (
CapsFeatureMemorySystemMemory string = C.GST_CAPS_FEATURE_MEMORY_SYSTEM_MEMORY
Go casting of pre-baked caps features
var ErrCannotAwaitPromise = errors.New("promises received from FFI cannot be awaited")
ErrCannotAwaitPromise signifies that we do not have a channel that we can await.
this happens if the promise was marshaled from a GValue coming from C
var ErrNilPromiseReply = errors.New("promise returned a nil reply")
var ErrPromiseNotReplied = errors.New("promise was not replied")
var ExtendsBin glib.Extendable = &extendsBin{parent: ExtendsElement}
ExtendsBin implements an Extendable object based on a GstBin.
var ExtendsElement glib.Extendable = &extendElement{parent: glib.ExtendsObject}
ExtendsElement implements an Extendable object based on a GstElement.
var InterfaceChildProxy glib.Interface = &interfaceChildProxy{}
InterfaceChildProxy represents the GstChildProxy interface. Use this when querying bins for elements that implement GstChildProxy, or when signaling that a GoObjectSubclass provides this interface.
var InterfaceTOCSetter = glib.Type(C.GST_TYPE_TOC_SETTER)
InterfaceTOCSetter represents the GstTocSetter interface GType. Use this when querying bins for elements that implement a TOCSetter.
var InterfaceTagSetter glib.Interface = &interfaceTagSetter{}
InterfaceTagSetter represents the GstTagsetter interface GType. Use this when querying bins for elements that implement a TagSetter. Extending this interface is not yet implemented.
var InterfaceURIHandler glib.Interface = &interfaceURIHandler{}
InterfaceURIHandler represents the GstURIHandler interface GType. Use this when querying bins for elements that implement a URIHandler, or when signaling that a GoObjectSubclass provides this interface. Note that the way this interface is implemented, it can only be used once per plugin.
var TypeBitmask = glib.Type(C.gst_bitmask_get_type())
TypeBitmask is the GType for a bitmask value.
var TypeCaps = glib.Type(C.gst_caps_get_type())
TypeCaps is the static Glib Type for a GstCaps.
var TypeCapsFeatures = glib.Type(C.gst_caps_features_get_type())
TypeCapsFeatures is the glib.Type for a CapsFeatures.
var TypeFlagset = glib.Type(C.gst_flagset_get_type())
TypeFlagset is the GType for a Flagset
var TypeFloat64Range = glib.Type(C.gst_double_range_get_type())
TypeFloat64Range is the GType for a range of 64-bit floating point numbers. This is the equivalent of a GstDoubleRange.
var TypeFraction = glib.Type(C.gst_fraction_get_type())
TypeFraction is the GType for a GstFraction
var TypeFractionRange = glib.Type(C.gst_fraction_range_get_type())
TypeFractionRange is the GType for a GstFractionRange
var TypeInt64Range = glib.Type(C.gst_int64_range_get_type())
TypeInt64Range is the GType for a range of 64-bit integers.
var TypeIntRange = glib.Type(C.gst_int_range_get_type())
TypeIntRange is the GType for a range of integers.
var TypePromise = glib.Type(C.GST_TYPE_PROMISE)
var TypeStructure = glib.Type(C.gst_structure_get_type())
TypeStructure is the glib.Type for a Structure.
var TypeValueArray = glib.Type(C.gst_value_array_get_type())
TypeValueArray is the GType for a GstValueArray
var TypeValueList = glib.Type(C.gst_value_list_get_type())
TypeValueList is the GType for a GstValueList
Functions ¶
func Deinit ¶
func Deinit()
Deinit is a wrapper for gst_deinit Clean up any resources created by GStreamer in gst_init(). It is normally not needed to call this function in a normal application as the resources will automatically be freed when the program terminates. This function is therefore mostly used by testsuites and other memory profiling tools.
func ElementLinkMany ¶
ElementLinkMany is a go implementation of `gst_element_link_many` to compensate for no variadic functions in cgo.
func ElementUnlinkMany ¶
func ElementUnlinkMany(elems ...*Element)
ElementUnlinkMany is a go implementation of `gst_element_unlink_many` to compensate for no variadic functions in cgo.
func FilterProtectionSystemByDecryptors ¶
FilterProtectionSystemByDecryptors tterates the supplied list of UUIDs and checks the GstRegistry for all the decryptors supporting one of the supplied UUIDs.
func GetAPITags ¶
GetAPITags retrieves the tags for the given api type.
func GetMaxBufferMemory ¶
func GetMaxBufferMemory() uint64
GetMaxBufferMemory returns the maximum amount of memory a buffer can hold.
func Init ¶
func Init(args *[]string)
Init is a wrapper around gst_init() and must be called before any other gstreamer calls and is used to initialize everything necessary. In addition to setting up gstreamer for usage, a pointer to a slice of strings may be passed in to parse standard gst command line arguments. args will be modified to remove any flags that were handled. Alternatively, nil may be passed in to not perform any command line parsing.
The bindings will also set up their own internal DebugCategory for logging than can be invoked from applications or plugins as well. However, for plugins it is generally better to initialize your own DebugCategory.
func NextGroupID ¶
func NextGroupID() uint
NextGroupID returns a new group id that can be used for an event.
func RegisterAPIType ¶
RegisterAPIType registers and returns a GType for the given api name and associates it with tags.
func RegisterElement ¶
func RegisterElement(plugin *Plugin, name string, rank Rank, elem glib.GoObjectSubclass, extends glib.Extendable, interfaces ...glib.Interface) bool
RegisterElement creates a new elementfactory capable of instantiating objects of the given GoElement and adds the factory to the plugin. A higher rank means more importance when autoplugging.
plugin can also be nil to register a static element
func RegisterPlugin ¶
func RegisterPlugin(desc *PluginMetadata, initFunc PluginInitFunc) bool
RegisterPlugin will register a static plugin, i.e. a plugin which is private to an application or library and contained within the application or library (as opposed to being shipped as a separate module file).
func SelectProtectionSystem ¶
SelectProtectionSystem iterates the supplied list of UUIDs and checks the GstRegistry for an element that supports one of the supplied UUIDs. If more than one element matches, the system ID of the highest ranked element is selected.
func SetLogFunction ¶
func SetLogFunction(f LogFunction)
SetLogFunction is used to replace gstreamer's default logging function. Setting to nil will revert to the default logging function.
func ValueDeserialize ¶
ValueDeserialize tries to deserialize a string into a glib.Value of the type specified. If the operation succeeds, TRUE is returned, FALSE otherwise.
func ValueFixate ¶
ValueFixate fixates src into a new value dest. For ranges, the first element is taken. For lists and arrays, the first item is fixated and returned. If src is already fixed, this function returns FALSE.
func ValueFractionMultiply ¶
ValueFractionMultiply multiplies the two GValue items containing a TypeFraction and returns the product. This function can return false if any error occurs, such as in memory allocation or an integer overflow.
func ValueFractionSubtract ¶
ValueFractionSubtract subtracts the subtrahend from the minuend containing a TypeFraction and returns the result. This function can return false if any error occurs, such as in memory allocation or an integer overflow.
func ValueIntersect ¶
ValueIntersect calculates the intersection of two values. If the values have a non-empty intersection, the value representing the intersection isreturned. Otherwise this function returns false. This function can also return false for any allocation errors.
func ValueIsFixed ¶
ValueIsFixed tests if the given GValue, if available in a Structure (or any other container) contains a "fixed" (which means: one value) or an "unfixed" (which means: multiple possible values, such as data lists or data ranges) value.
func ValueIsSubset ¶
ValueIsSubset checks that value1 is a subset of value2.
func ValueSerialize ¶
ValueSerialize attempts to serialize the given value into a string. An empty string is returned if no serializer exists.
func ValueSubtract ¶
ValueSubtract subtracts subtrahend from minuend and returns the resule. Note that this means subtraction as in sets, not as in mathematics. This function can return false if the subtraction is empty or any error occurs.
func ValueUnion ¶
ValueUnion creates a GValue corresponding to the union of value1 and value2.
func ValuesCanCompare ¶
ValuesCanCompare determines if val1 and val2 can be compared.
func ValuesCanIntersect ¶
ValuesCanIntersect determines if intersecting two values will return a valid result. Two values will produce a valid intersection if they are the same type.
func ValuesCanSubtract ¶
ValuesCanSubtract checks if it's possible to subtract subtrahend from minuend.
func ValuesCanUnion ¶
ValuesCanUnion determines if val1 and val2 can be non-trivially unioned. Any two values can be trivially unioned by adding both of them to a GstValueList. However, certain types have the possibility to be unioned in a simpler way. For example, an integer range and an integer can be unioned if the integer is a subset of the integer range. If there is the possibility that two values can be unioned, this function returns TRUE.
Types ¶
type AllocationParams ¶
type AllocationParams struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AllocationParams wraps the GstAllocationParams.
func FromGstAllocationParamsUnsafe ¶
func FromGstAllocationParamsUnsafe(alloc unsafe.Pointer) *AllocationParams
FromGstAllocationParamsUnsafe wraps the given unsafe.Pointer in an AllocationParams instance.
func NewAllocationParams ¶
func NewAllocationParams() *AllocationParams
NewAllocationParams initializes a set of allocation params with the default values.
func (*AllocationParams) Copy ¶
func (a *AllocationParams) Copy() *AllocationParams
Copy copies these AllocationParams.
func (*AllocationParams) Free ¶
func (a *AllocationParams) Free()
Free frees the underlying AllocationParams
func (*AllocationParams) GetAlignment ¶
func (a *AllocationParams) GetAlignment() int64
GetAlignment returns the desired alignment of the memory.
func (*AllocationParams) GetFlags ¶
func (a *AllocationParams) GetFlags() MemoryFlags
GetFlags returns the flags on these AllocationParams.
func (*AllocationParams) GetPadding ¶
func (a *AllocationParams) GetPadding() int64
GetPadding returns the desired padding size.
func (*AllocationParams) GetPrefix ¶
func (a *AllocationParams) GetPrefix() int64
GetPrefix returns the desired prefix size.
func (*AllocationParams) Init ¶
func (a *AllocationParams) Init()
Init initializes these AllocationParams to their original values.
func (*AllocationParams) Instance ¶
func (a *AllocationParams) Instance() *C.GstAllocationParams
Instance returns the underlying GstAllocationParams.
func (*AllocationParams) SetAlignment ¶
func (a *AllocationParams) SetAlignment(align int64)
SetAlignment sets the desired alignment of the memory.
func (*AllocationParams) SetFlags ¶
func (a *AllocationParams) SetFlags(flags MemoryFlags)
SetFlags changes the flags on these AllocationParams. this must be used
func (*AllocationParams) SetPadding ¶
func (a *AllocationParams) SetPadding(padding int64)
SetPadding sets the desired padding size.
func (*AllocationParams) SetPrefix ¶
func (a *AllocationParams) SetPrefix(prefix int64)
SetPrefix sets the desired prefix size.
type Allocator ¶
type Allocator struct{ *Object }
Allocator is a go representation of a GstAllocator
func DefaultAllocator ¶
func DefaultAllocator() *Allocator
DefaultAllocator returns the default GstAllocator.
func FromGstAllocatorUnsafeFull ¶
FromGstAllocatorUnsafeFull wraps the given unsafe.Pointer in an Allocator instance.
func FromGstAllocatorUnsafeNone ¶
FromGstAllocatorUnsafeNone wraps the given unsafe.Pointer in an Allocator instance.
func (*Allocator) Alloc ¶
func (a *Allocator) Alloc(size int64, params *AllocationParams) *Memory
Alloc is used to allocate a new memory block with memory that is at least size big. The optional params can specify the prefix and padding for the memory. If nil is passed, no flags, no extra prefix/padding and a default alignment is used.
The prefix/padding will be filled with 0 if flags contains MemoryFlagZeroPrefixed and MemoryFlagZeroPadded respectively.
The alignment in params is given as a bitmask so that align + 1 equals the amount of bytes to align to. For example, to align to 8 bytes, use an alignment of 7.
func (*Allocator) Instance ¶
func (a *Allocator) Instance() *C.GstAllocator
Instance returns the underlying GstAllocator instance.
type Bin ¶
type Bin struct{ *Element }
Bin is a go wrapper arounds a GstBin.
func NewBinFromString ¶
NewBinFromString constructs a bin from a string description. description - command line describing the bin ghostUnlinkedPads - whether to automatically create ghost pads for unlinked source or sink pads within the bin
func ToGstBin ¶
func ToGstBin(obj interface{}) *Bin
ToGstBin wraps the given glib.Object, gst.Object, or gst.Element in a Bin instance. Only works for objects that implement their own Bin.
func (*Bin) DebugBinToDotData ¶
func (b *Bin) DebugBinToDotData(details DebugGraphDetails) string
DebugBinToDotData will obtain the whole network of gstreamer elements that form the pipeline into a dot file. This data can be processed with graphviz to get an image.
func (*Bin) DebugBinToDotFile ¶
func (b *Bin) DebugBinToDotFile(details DebugGraphDetails, filename string)
DebugBinToDotFile is like DebugBinToDotData except it will write the dot data to the filename specified.
func (*Bin) DebugBinToDotFileWithTs ¶
func (b *Bin) DebugBinToDotFileWithTs(details DebugGraphDetails, filename string)
DebugBinToDotFileWithTs is like DebugBinToDotFile except it will write the dot data to the filename specified, except it will append the current timestamp to the filename.
func (*Bin) FindUnlinkedPad ¶
func (b *Bin) FindUnlinkedPad(direction PadDirection) *Pad
FindUnlinkedPad recursively looks for elements with an unlinked pad of the given direction within this bin and returns an unlinked pad if one is found, or NULL otherwise.
func (*Bin) GetAllByInterface ¶
GetAllByInterface looks for all elements inside the bin that implements the given interface. You can safely cast all returned elements to the given interface. The function recurses inside child bins.
func (*Bin) GetByInterface ¶
GetByInterface looks for an element inside the bin that implements the given interface. If such an element is found, it returns the element. You can cast this element to the given interface afterwards. If you want all elements that implement the interface, use GetAllByInterface. This function recurses into child bins.
func (*Bin) GetElementByName ¶
GetElementByName returns the element with the given name.
func (*Bin) GetElementByNameRecursive ¶
GetElementByNameRecursive returns the element with the given name. If it is not found in this Bin, parent Bins are searched recursively.
func (*Bin) GetElements ¶
GetElements returns a list of the elements added to this pipeline.
func (*Bin) GetElementsRecursive ¶
GetElementsRecursive returns a list of the elements added to this Bin. It recurses children Bins.
func (*Bin) GetElementsSorted ¶
GetElementsSorted returns a list of the elements in this bin in topologically sorted order. This means that the elements are returned from the most downstream elements (sinks) to the sources.
func (*Bin) GetSinkElements ¶
GetSinkElements returns a list of all the sink elements in this Bin.
func (*Bin) GetSourceElements ¶
GetSourceElements returns a list of all the source elements in this Bin.
func (*Bin) GetSuppressedFlags ¶
func (b *Bin) GetSuppressedFlags() ElementFlags
GetSuppressedFlags returns the suppressed flags of the bin.
func (*Bin) ParentAddElement ¶
ParentAddElement chains up to the parent AddElement handler.
func (*Bin) ParentDeepElementAdded ¶
ParentDeepElementAdded chains up to the parent DeepElementAdded handler.
func (*Bin) ParentDeepElementRemoved ¶
ParentDeepElementRemoved chains up to the parent DeepElementRemoved handler.
func (*Bin) ParentDoLatency ¶
ParentDoLatency chains up to the parent DoLatency handler.
func (*Bin) ParentElementAdded ¶
ParentElementAdded chains up to the parent ElementAdded handler.
func (*Bin) ParentElementRemoved ¶
ParentElementRemoved chains up to the parent ElementRemoved handler.
func (*Bin) ParentHandleMessage ¶
ParentHandleMessage chains up to the parent HandleMessage handler.
func (*Bin) ParentRemoveElement ¶
ParentRemoveElement chains up to the parent RemoveElement handler.
func (*Bin) RecalculateLatency ¶
RecalculateLatency queries bin for the current latency and reconfigures this latency to all the elements with a LATENCY event.
This method is typically called on the pipeline when a MessageLatency is posted on the bus.
This function simply emits the 'do-latency' signal so any custom latency calculations will be performed. It returns true if the latency could be queried and reconfigured.
func (*Bin) RemoveMany ¶
RemoveMany is a go implementation of `gst_bin_remove_many`.
func (*Bin) SetSuppressedFlags ¶
func (b *Bin) SetSuppressedFlags(flags ElementFlags)
SetSuppressedFlags suppresses the given flags on the bin. ElementFlags of a child element are propagated when it is added to the bin. When suppressed flags are set, those specified flags will not be propagated to the bin.
func (*Bin) SyncChildrenStates ¶
SyncChildrenStates synchronizes the state of every child with the state of this Bin. This function returns true if the operation was successful.
type BinImpl ¶
type BinImpl interface { AddElement(self *Bin, element *Element) bool DeepElementAdded(self *Bin, subbin *Bin, child *Element) DeepElementRemoved(self *Bin, subbin *Bin, child *Element) DoLatency(self *Bin) bool ElementAdded(self *Bin, child *Element) ElementRemoved(self *Bin, child *Element) HandleMessage(self *Bin, msg *Message) RemoveElement(self *Bin, element *Element) bool }
BinImpl is the reference interface for Go elements extending a Bin. You only need to implement the methods that interest you.
type Bitmask ¶
type Bitmask uint64
Bitmask represents a bitmask value.
func ValueGetBitmask ¶
ValueGetBitmask gets the bitmask from the given value.
type Buffer ¶
type Buffer struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Buffer is a go representation of a GstBuffer.
func FromGstBufferUnsafeFull ¶
FromGstBufferUnsafeFull wraps the given buffer without taking an additional reference.
func FromGstBufferUnsafeNone ¶
FromGstBufferUnsafeNone wraps the given buffer, sinking any floating references, and places a finalizer on the wrapped Buffer.
func NewBufferAllocate ¶
func NewBufferAllocate(alloc *Allocator, params *AllocationParams, size int64) *Buffer
NewBufferAllocate tries to create a newly allocated buffer with data of the given size and extra parameters from allocator. If the requested amount of memory can't be allocated, nil will be returned. The allocated buffer memory is not cleared.
When allocator is nil, the default memory allocator will be used.
Note that when size == 0, the buffer will not have memory associated with it.
func NewBufferFromBytes ¶
NewBufferFromBytes returns a new buffer from the given byte slice.
func NewBufferFromReader ¶
NewBufferFromReader returns a new buffer from the given io.Reader.
func NewBufferFull ¶
func NewBufferFull(flags MemoryFlags, data []byte, maxSize, offset, size int64, notifyFunc func()) *Buffer
NewBufferFull allocates a new buffer that wraps the given data. The wrapped buffer will have the region from offset and size visible. The maxsize must be at least the size of the data provided.
When the buffer is destroyed, notifyFunc will be called if it is not nil.
The prefix/padding must be filled with 0 if flags contains MemoryFlagZeroPrefixed and MemoryFlagZeroPadded respectively.
// Example buf := gst.NewBufferFull(0, []byte("hello-world"), 1024, 0, 1024, func() { fmt.Println("buffer was destroyed") })
func NewBufferWithSize ¶
NewBufferWithSize is a convenience wrapped for NewBufferrAllocate with the default allocator and parameters.
func ToGstBuffer ¶
ToGstBuffer converts the given pointer into a Buffer without affecting the ref count or placing finalizers.
func (*Buffer) AddMeta ¶
AddMeta adds metadata for info to the buffer using the parameters in params. The given parameters are passed to the MetaInfo's init function, and as such will only work for MetaInfo objects created from the go runtime.
// Example metaInfo := gst.RegisterMeta(glib.TypeFromName("MyObjectType"), "my-meta", 1024, &gst.MetaInfoCallbackFuncs{ InitFunc: func(params interface{}, buffer *gst.Buffer) bool { paramStr := params.(string) fmt.Println("Buffer initialized with params:", paramStr) return true }, FreeFunc: func(buffer *gst.Buffer) { fmt.Println("Buffer was destroyed") }, }) buf := gst.NewEmptyBuffer() buf.AddMeta(metaInfo, "hello world") // > Buffer initialized with params: hello world // > Buffer was destroyed
func (*Buffer) AddParentMeta ¶
func (b *Buffer) AddParentMeta(buf *Buffer) *ParentBufferMeta
AddParentMeta adds a ParentBufferMeta to this buffer that holds a parent reference on the given buffer until the it is freed.
func (*Buffer) AddProtectionMeta ¶
func (b *Buffer) AddProtectionMeta(info *Structure) *ProtectionMeta
AddProtectionMeta attaches ProtectionMeta to this buffer. The structure contains cryptographic information relating to the sample contained in the buffer. This function takes ownership of the structure.
func (*Buffer) AddReferenceTimestampMeta ¶
func (b *Buffer) AddReferenceTimestampMeta(ref *Caps, timestamp, duration ClockTime) *ReferenceTimestampMeta
AddReferenceTimestampMeta adds a ReferenceTimestampMeta to this buffer that holds a timestamp and optional duration (specify -1 to omit) based on a specific timestamp reference.
See the documentation of GstReferenceTimestampMeta for details.
func (*Buffer) Append ¶
Append will append all the memory from the given buffer to this one. The result buffer will contain a concatenation of the memory of the two buffers.
func (*Buffer) AppendMemory ¶
AppendMemory append the memory block to this buffer. This function takes ownership of the memory and thus doesn't increase its refcount.
This function is identical to InsertMemory with an index of -1.
func (*Buffer) AppendRegion ¶
AppendRegion will append size bytes at offset from the given buffer to this one. The result buffer will contain a concatenation of the memory of this buffer and the requested region of the one provided.
func (*Buffer) Copy ¶
Copy creates a copy of this buffer. This will only copy the buffer's data to a newly allocated Memory if needed (if the type of memory requires it), otherwise the underlying data is just referenced. Check DeepCopy if you want to force the data to be copied to newly allocated Memory.
func (*Buffer) CopyInto ¶
func (b *Buffer) CopyInto(dest *Buffer, flags BufferCopyFlags, offset, size int64) bool
CopyInto copies the information from this buffer into the given one. If the given buffer already contains memory and flags contains BufferCopyMemory, the memory from this one will be appended to that provided.
Flags indicate which fields will be copied. Offset and size dictate from where and how much memory is copied. If size is -1 then all data is copied. The function returns true if the copy was successful.
func (*Buffer) CopyRegion ¶
func (b *Buffer) CopyRegion(flags BufferCopyFlags, offset, size int64) *Buffer
CopyRegion creates a sub-buffer from this one at offset and size. This sub-buffer uses the actual memory space of the parent buffer. This function will copy the offset and timestamp fields when the offset is 0. If not, they will be set to ClockTimeNone.
If offset equals 0 and size equals the total size of buffer, the duration and offset end fields are also copied. If not they will be set to ClockTimeNone.
func (*Buffer) DecodingTimestamp ¶
DecodingTimestamp returns the decoding timestamp of the buffer, or a negative duration if not known or relevant. This value contains the timestamp when the media should be processed.
func (*Buffer) DeepCopy ¶
DeepCopy creates a copy of the given buffer. This will make a newly allocated copy of the data the source buffer contains.
func (*Buffer) Duration ¶
Duration returns the length of the data inside this buffer, or a negative duration if not known or relevant.
func (*Buffer) Extract ¶
Extract extracts size bytes starting from offset in this buffer. The data extracted may be lower than the actual size if the buffer did not contain enough data.
func (*Buffer) FillBytes ¶
FillBytes adds the given byte slice to the buffer at the given offset. The return value reflects the amount of data added to the buffer.
func (*Buffer) FindMemory ¶
FindMemory looks for the memory blocks that span size bytes starting from offset in buffer. Size can be -1 to retrieve all the memory blocks.
Index will contain the index of the first memory block where the byte for offset can be found and length contains the number of memory blocks containing the size remaining bytes. Skip contains the number of bytes to skip in the memory block at index to get to the byte for offset. All values will be 0 if the memory blocks could not be read.
func (*Buffer) ForEachMeta ¶
ForEachMeta calls the given function for each Meta in this buffer.
The function can modify the passed meta pointer or its contents. The return value defines if this function continues or if the remaining metadata items in the buffer should be skipped.
func (*Buffer) GetAllMemory ¶
GetAllMemory retrieves all the memory inside this buffer.
func (*Buffer) GetFlags ¶
func (b *Buffer) GetFlags() BufferFlags
GetFlags returns the flags on this buffer.
func (*Buffer) GetMemoryRange ¶
GetMemoryRange retrieves length memory blocks in buffer starting at idx. The memory blocks will be merged into one large Memory. If length is -1, all memory starting from idx is merged.
func (*Buffer) GetMeta ¶
GetMeta retrieves the metadata for the given api on buffer. When there is no such metadata, nil is returned. If multiple metadata with the given api are attached to this buffer only the first one is returned. To handle multiple metadata with a given API use ForEachMeta instead and check the type.
func (*Buffer) GetNumMetas ¶
GetNumMetas returns the number of metas for the given api type on the buffer.
func (*Buffer) GetReferenceTimestampMeta ¶
func (b *Buffer) GetReferenceTimestampMeta(caps *Caps) *ReferenceTimestampMeta
GetReferenceTimestampMeta finds the first ReferenceTimestampMeta on the buffer that conforms to reference. Conformance is tested by checking if the meta's reference is a subset of reference.
Buffers can contain multiple ReferenceTimestampMeta metadata items.
func (*Buffer) GetSizes ¶
GetSizes will retrieve the size of the buffer, the offset of the first memory block in the buffer, and the sum of the size of the buffer, the offset, and any padding. These values can be used to resize the buffer with Resize.
func (*Buffer) GetSizesRange ¶
GetSizesRange will get the total size of length memory blocks stating from idx in buffer.
Offset will contain the offset of the data in the memory block in buffer at idx and maxsize will contain the sum of the size and offset and the amount of extra padding on the memory block at idx + length -1. Offset and maxsize can be used to resize the buffer memory blocks with ResizeRange.
func (*Buffer) HasFlags ¶
func (b *Buffer) HasFlags(flags BufferFlags) bool
HasFlags returns true if this Buffer has the given BufferFlags.
func (*Buffer) InsertMemory ¶
InsertMemory insert the memory block to the buffer at idx. This function takes ownership of the Memory and thus doesn't increase its refcount.
Only the value from GetMaxBufferMemory can be added to a buffer. If more memory is added, existing memory blocks will automatically be merged to make room for the new memory.
func (*Buffer) IsAllMemoryWritable ¶
IsAllMemoryWritable checks if all memory blocks in buffer are writable.
Note that this function does not check if buffer is writable, use IsWritable to check that if needed.
func (*Buffer) IsMemoryRangeWritable ¶
IsMemoryRangeWritable checks if length memory blocks in the buffer starting from idx are writable.
Length can be -1 to check all the memory blocks after idx.
Note that this function does not check if buffer is writable, use IsWritable to check that if needed.
func (*Buffer) IsWritable ¶
IsWritable returns true if this buffer is writable.
func (*Buffer) IterateMeta ¶
IterateMeta retrieves the next Meta after the given one. If state points to nil, the first Meta is returned.
func (*Buffer) IterateMetaFiltered ¶
IterateMetaFiltered is similar to IterateMeta except it will filter on the api type.
func (*Buffer) MakeWritable ¶
MakeWritable returns a writable copy of this buffer. If the source buffer is already writable, this will simply return the same buffer.
Use this function to ensure that a buffer can be safely modified before making changes to it, including changing the metadata such as PTS/DTS.
If the reference count of the source buffer buf is exactly one, the caller is the sole owner and this function will return the buffer object unchanged.
If there is more than one reference on the object, a copy will be made using gst_buffer_copy. The passed-in buf will be unreffed in that case, and the caller will now own a reference to the new returned buffer object. Note that this just copies the buffer structure itself, the underlying memory is not copied if it can be shared amongst multiple buffers.
In short, this function unrefs the buf in the argument and refs the buffer that it returns. Don't access the argument after calling this function unless you have an additional reference to it.
func (*Buffer) Map ¶
Map will map the data inside this buffer. This function can return nil if the memory is not read or writable. It is safe to call this function multiple times on a single Buffer, however it will retain the flags used when mapping the first time. To change between read and write access first unmap and then remap the buffer with the appropriate flags, or map initially with both read/write access.
Unmap the Buffer after usage.
func (*Buffer) MapRange ¶
MapRange maps the info of length merged memory blocks starting at idx in buffer. When length is -1, all memory blocks starting from idx are merged and mapped.
Flags describe the desired access of the memory. When flags is MapWrite, buffer should be writable (as returned from IsWritable).
When the buffer is writable but the memory isn't, a writable copy will automatically be created and returned. The readonly copy of the buffer memory will then also be replaced with this writable copy.
Unmap the Buffer after usage.
func (*Buffer) Memset ¶
Memset fills buf with size bytes with val starting from offset. It returns the size written to the buffer.
func (*Buffer) NumMemoryBlocks ¶
NumMemoryBlocks returns the number of memory blocks this buffer has.
func (*Buffer) Offset ¶
Offset returns a media specific offset for the buffer data. For video frames, this is the frame number of this buffer. For audio samples, this is the offset of the first sample in this buffer. For file data or compressed data this is the byte offset of the first byte in this buffer.
func (*Buffer) OffsetEnd ¶
OffsetEnd returns the last offset contained in this buffer. It has the same format as Offset.
func (*Buffer) PeekMemory ¶
PeekMemory gets the memory block at idx in buffer. The memory block stays valid until the memory block is removed, replaced, or merged. Typically with any call that modifies the memory in buffer.
func (*Buffer) PrependMemory ¶
PrependMemory prepends the memory block mem to this buffer. This function takes ownership of mem and thus doesn't increase its refcount.
This function is identical to InsertMemory with an index of 0.
func (*Buffer) PresentationTimestamp ¶
PresentationTimestamp returns the presentation timestamp of the buffer, or a negative duration if not known or relevant. This value contains the timestamp when the media should be presented to the user.
func (*Buffer) RemoveAllMemory ¶
func (b *Buffer) RemoveAllMemory()
RemoveAllMemory removes all memory blocks in the buffer.
func (*Buffer) RemoveMemoryAt ¶
RemoveMemoryAt removes the memory block at the given index.
func (*Buffer) RemoveMemoryRange ¶
RemoveMemoryRange removes length memory blocks in buffer starting from idx.
Length can be -1, in which case all memory starting from idx is removed.
func (*Buffer) RemoveMeta ¶
RemoveMeta removes the given metadata from the buffer.
func (*Buffer) ReplaceAllMemory ¶
ReplaceAllMemory replaces all the memory in this buffer with that provided.
func (*Buffer) ReplaceMemory ¶
ReplaceMemory replaces the memory at the given index with the given memory.
func (*Buffer) ReplaceMemoryRange ¶
ReplaceMemoryRange replaces length memory blocks in the buffer starting at idx with the given memory.
If length is -1, all memory starting from idx will be removed and replaced.
The buffer should be writable.
func (*Buffer) ResizeRange ¶
ResizeRange sets the total size of the length memory blocks starting at idx in this buffer.
func (*Buffer) SetDuration ¶
SetDuration sets the duration on the buffer.
func (*Buffer) SetFlags ¶
func (b *Buffer) SetFlags(flags BufferFlags) bool
SetFlags sets one or more buffer flags on the buffer.
func (*Buffer) SetPresentationTimestamp ¶
SetPresentationTimestamp sets the presentation timestamp on the buffer.
func (*Buffer) Unmap ¶
func (b *Buffer) Unmap()
Unmap will unmap the data inside this memory. Use this after calling Map on the buffer.
func (*Buffer) Unref ¶
func (b *Buffer) Unref()
Unref decreaes the ref count on the buffer by one. When the refcount reaches zero, the memory is freed.
func (*Buffer) UnsetFlags ¶
func (b *Buffer) UnsetFlags(flags BufferFlags) bool
UnsetFlags removes one or more flags from the buffer.
type BufferCopyFlags ¶
type BufferCopyFlags int
BufferCopyFlags casts GstBufferCopyFlags to a go type.
const ( BufferCopyNone BufferCopyFlags = C.GST_BUFFER_COPY_NONE // (0) – copy nothing BufferCopyBufferFlags BufferCopyFlags = C.GST_BUFFER_COPY_FLAGS // (1) – flag indicating that buffer flags should be copied BufferCopyTimestamps BufferCopyFlags = C.GST_BUFFER_COPY_TIMESTAMPS // (2) – flag indicating that buffer pts, dts, duration, offset and offset_end should be copied BufferCopyMeta BufferCopyFlags = C.GST_BUFFER_COPY_META // (4) – flag indicating that buffer meta should be copied BufferCopyMemory BufferCopyFlags = C.GST_BUFFER_COPY_MEMORY // (8) – flag indicating that buffer memory should be reffed and appended to already existing memory. Unless the memory is marked as NO_SHARE, no actual copy of the memory is made but it is simply reffed. Add GST_BUFFER_COPY_DEEP to force a real copy. BufferCopyMerge BufferCopyFlags = C.GST_BUFFER_COPY_MERGE // (16) – flag indicating that buffer memory should be merged BufferCopyDeep BufferCopyFlags = C.GST_BUFFER_COPY_DEEP // (32) – flag indicating that memory should always be copied instead of reffed (Since: 1.2) )
Type castings of BufferCopyFlags
type BufferFlags ¶
type BufferFlags int
BufferFlags casts GstBufferFlags to a go type.
const ( BufferFlagLive BufferFlags = C.GST_BUFFER_FLAG_LIVE // (16) – the buffer is live data and should be discarded in the PAUSED state. BufferFlagDecodeOnly BufferFlags = C.GST_BUFFER_FLAG_DECODE_ONLY // (32) – the buffer contains data that should be dropped because it will be clipped against the segment boundaries or because it does not contain data that should be shown to the user. BufferFlagDiscont BufferFlags = C.GST_BUFFER_FLAG_DISCONT // (64) – the buffer marks a data discontinuity in the stream. This typically occurs after a seek or a dropped buffer from a live or network source. BufferFlagResync BufferFlags = C.GST_BUFFER_FLAG_RESYNC // (128) – the buffer timestamps might have a discontinuity and this buffer is a good point to resynchronize. BufferFlagCorrupted BufferFlags = C.GST_BUFFER_FLAG_CORRUPTED // (256) – the buffer data is corrupted. BufferFlagMarker BufferFlags = C.GST_BUFFER_FLAG_MARKER // (512) – the buffer contains a media specific marker. for video this is the end of a frame boundary, for audio this is the start of a talkspurt. BufferFlagHeader BufferFlags = C.GST_BUFFER_FLAG_HEADER // (1024) – the buffer contains header information that is needed to decode the following data. BufferFlagGap BufferFlags = C.GST_BUFFER_FLAG_GAP // (2048) – the buffer has been created to fill a gap in the stream and contains media neutral data (elements can switch to optimized code path that ignores the buffer content). BufferFlagDroppable BufferFlags = C.GST_BUFFER_FLAG_DROPPABLE // (4096) – the buffer can be dropped without breaking the stream, for example to reduce bandwidth. BufferFlagDeltaUnit BufferFlags = C.GST_BUFFER_FLAG_DELTA_UNIT // (8192) – this unit cannot be decoded independently. BufferFlagSyncAfter BufferFlags = C.GST_BUFFER_FLAG_SYNC_AFTER // (32768) – Elements which write to disk or permanent storage should ensure the data is synced after writing the contents of this buffer. (Since: 1.6) BufferFlagNonDroppable BufferFlags = C.GST_BUFFER_FLAG_NON_DROPPABLE // (65536) – This buffer is important and should not be dropped. This can be used to mark important buffers, e.g. to flag RTP packets carrying keyframes or codec setup data for RTP Forward Error Correction purposes, or to prevent still video frames from being dropped by elements due to QoS. (Since: 1.14) BufferFlagLast BufferFlags = C.GST_BUFFER_FLAG_LAST // (1048576) – additional media specific flags can be added starting from this flag. )
Type castings of BufferFlags
type BufferList ¶
type BufferList struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
BufferList is a go wrapper around a GstBufferList for grouping Buffers
func FromGstBufferListUnsafeFull ¶
func FromGstBufferListUnsafeFull(buf unsafe.Pointer) *BufferList
FromGstBufferListUnsafeFull wraps the given buffer without taking an additional reference.
func FromGstBufferListUnsafeNone ¶
func FromGstBufferListUnsafeNone(buf unsafe.Pointer) *BufferList
FromGstBufferListUnsafeNone is used for returns from transfer-none methods.
func NewBufferList ¶
func NewBufferList(buffers []*Buffer) *BufferList
NewBufferList returns a new BufferList. The given slice can be nil and the returned buffer list will be empty.
func NewBufferListSized ¶
func NewBufferListSized(size uint) *BufferList
NewBufferListSized creates a new BufferList with the given size.
func ToGstBufferList ¶
func ToGstBufferList(buf unsafe.Pointer) *BufferList
ToGstBufferList converts the given pointer into a BufferList without affecting the ref count or placing finalizers.
func (*BufferList) CalculateSize ¶
func (b *BufferList) CalculateSize() int64
CalculateSize calculates the size of the data contained in this buffer list by adding the size of all buffers.
func (*BufferList) Copy ¶
func (b *BufferList) Copy() *BufferList
Copy creates a shallow copy of the given buffer list. This will make a newly allocated copy of the source list with copies of buffer pointers. The refcount of buffers pointed to will be increased by one.
func (*BufferList) DeepCopy ¶
func (b *BufferList) DeepCopy() *BufferList
DeepCopy creates a copy of the given buffer list. This will make a newly allocated copy of each buffer that the source buffer list contains.
func (*BufferList) ForEach ¶
func (b *BufferList) ForEach(f func(buf *Buffer, idx uint) bool)
ForEach calls the given function for each buffer in list.
The function can modify the passed buffer pointer or its contents. The return value defines if this function returns or if the remaining buffers in the list should be skipped.
func (*BufferList) GetBufferAt ¶
func (b *BufferList) GetBufferAt(idx uint) *Buffer
GetBufferAt gets the buffer at idx.
You must make sure that idx does not exceed the number of buffers available.
func (*BufferList) GetWritableBufferAt ¶
func (b *BufferList) GetWritableBufferAt(idx uint) *Buffer
GetWritableBufferAt gets the buffer at idx, ensuring it is a writable buffer.
You must make sure that idx does not exceed the number of buffers available.
func (*BufferList) Insert ¶
func (b *BufferList) Insert(idx int, buf *Buffer)
Insert inserts a buffer at idx in the list. Other buffers are moved to make room for this new buffer.
A -1 value for idx will append the buffer at the end.
func (*BufferList) Instance ¶
func (b *BufferList) Instance() *C.GstBufferList
Instance returns the underlying GstBufferList.
func (*BufferList) IsWritable ¶
func (b *BufferList) IsWritable() bool
IsWritable returns true if this BufferList is writable.
func (*BufferList) Length ¶
func (b *BufferList) Length() uint
Length returns the number of buffers in the list.
func (*BufferList) MakeWritable ¶
func (b *BufferList) MakeWritable() *BufferList
MakeWritable makes a writable buffer list from this one. If the source buffer list is already writable, this will simply return the same buffer list. A copy will otherwise be made using Copy.
func (*BufferList) Ref ¶
func (b *BufferList) Ref() *BufferList
Ref increases the refcount of the given buffer list by one.
Note that the refcount affects the writability of list and its data, see MakeWritable. It is important to note that keeping additional references to GstBufferList instances can potentially increase the number of memcpy operations in a pipeline.
func (*BufferList) Remove ¶
func (b *BufferList) Remove(idx, length uint)
Remove removes length buffers from the list starting at index. All following buffers are moved to close the gap.
func (*BufferList) Unref ¶
func (b *BufferList) Unref()
Unref decreases the refcount of the buffer list. If the refcount reaches 0, the buffer list will be freed.
type BufferPool ¶
type BufferPool struct{ *Object }
BufferPool is a go wrapper around a GstBufferPool.
For more information refer to the official documentation:
func FromGstBufferPoolUnsafeFull ¶
func FromGstBufferPoolUnsafeFull(bufferPool unsafe.Pointer) *BufferPool
FromGstBufferPoolUnsafeFull wraps the given unsafe.Pointer in a BufferPool instance. It just places a runtime finalizer on the resulting object.
func FromGstBufferPoolUnsafeNone ¶
func FromGstBufferPoolUnsafeNone(bufferPool unsafe.Pointer) *BufferPool
FromGstBufferPoolUnsafeNone wraps the given unsafe.Pointer in a BufferPool instance. It takes a ref and places a runtime finalizer on the resulting object.
func NewBufferPool ¶
func NewBufferPool() *BufferPool
NewBufferPool returns a new BufferPool instance.
func (*BufferPool) AcquireBuffer ¶
func (b *BufferPool) AcquireBuffer(params *BufferPoolAcquireParams) (*Buffer, FlowReturn)
AcquireBuffer acquires a buffer from this pool.
func (*BufferPool) GetConfig ¶
func (b *BufferPool) GetConfig() *BufferPoolConfig
GetConfig retrieves a copy of the current configuration of the pool. This configuration can either be modified and used for the SetConfig call or it must be freed after usage with Free.
func (*BufferPool) GetOptions ¶
func (b *BufferPool) GetOptions() []string
GetOptions retrieves a list of supported bufferpool options for the pool. An option would typically be enabled with AddOption.
func (*BufferPool) HasOption ¶
func (b *BufferPool) HasOption(opt string) bool
HasOption returns true if this BufferPool supports the given option.
func (*BufferPool) Instance ¶
func (b *BufferPool) Instance() *C.GstBufferPool
Instance returns the underlying GstBufferPool instance.
func (*BufferPool) IsActive ¶
func (b *BufferPool) IsActive() bool
IsActive returns true if this BufferPool is active. A pool can be activated with SetActive.
func (*BufferPool) IsFlushing ¶
func (b *BufferPool) IsFlushing() bool
IsFlushing returns true if this BufferPool is currently flushing.
func (*BufferPool) ReleaseBuffer ¶
func (b *BufferPool) ReleaseBuffer(buf *Buffer)
ReleaseBuffer releases the given buffer from the pool. The buffer should have previously been allocated from pool with AcquireBiffer.
This function is usually called automatically when the last ref on buffer disappears.
func (*BufferPool) SetActive ¶
func (b *BufferPool) SetActive(active bool) (ok bool)
SetActive can be used to control the active state of pool. When the pool is inactive, new calls to AcquireBuffer will return with FlowFlushing.
Activating the bufferpool will preallocate all resources in the pool based on the configuration of the pool.
Deactivating will free the resources again when there are no outstanding buffers. When there are outstanding buffers, they will be freed as soon as they are all returned to the pool.
func (*BufferPool) SetConfig ¶
func (b *BufferPool) SetConfig(cfg *BufferPoolConfig) bool
SetConfig sets the configuration of the pool. If the pool is already configured, and the configurations haven't changed, this function will return TRUE. If the pool is active, this method will return FALSE and active configurations will remain. Buffers allocated form this pool must be returned or else this function will do nothing and return FALSE.
config is a GstStructure that contains the configuration parameters for the pool. A default and mandatory set of parameters can be configured with gst_buffer_pool_config_set_params, gst_buffer_pool_config_set_allocator and gst_buffer_pool_config_add_option.
If the parameters in config can not be set exactly, this function returns FALSE and will try to update as much state as possible. The new state can then be retrieved and refined with GetConfig.
This function takes ownership of the given structure.
func (*BufferPool) SetFlushing ¶
func (b *BufferPool) SetFlushing(flushing bool)
SetFlushing enables or disable the flushing state of a pool without freeing or allocating buffers.
type BufferPoolAcquireFlags ¶
type BufferPoolAcquireFlags int
BufferPoolAcquireFlags casts GstBufferPoolAcquireFlags to a go type.
const ( BufferPoolAcquireFlagNone BufferPoolAcquireFlags = C.GST_BUFFER_POOL_ACQUIRE_FLAG_NONE // (0) – no flags BufferPoolAcquireFlagKeyUnit BufferPoolAcquireFlags = C.GST_BUFFER_POOL_ACQUIRE_FLAG_KEY_UNIT // (1) – buffer is keyframe BufferPoolAcquireFlagDontWait BufferPoolAcquireFlags = C.GST_BUFFER_POOL_ACQUIRE_FLAG_DONTWAIT // (2) – when the bufferpool is empty, acquire_buffer will by default block until a buffer is released into the pool again. Setting this flag makes acquire_buffer return GST_FLOW_EOS instead of blocking. BufferPoolAcquireFlagDiscont BufferPoolAcquireFlags = C.GST_BUFFER_POOL_ACQUIRE_FLAG_DISCONT // (4) – buffer is discont BufferPoolAcquireFlagLast BufferPoolAcquireFlags = C.GST_BUFFER_POOL_ACQUIRE_FLAG_LAST // (65536) – last flag, subclasses can use private flags starting from this value. )
Type castings of BufferPoolAcquireFlags
type BufferPoolAcquireParams ¶
type BufferPoolAcquireParams struct { Format Format // format (GstFormat) – the format of start and stop Start int64 // start (gint64) – the start position Stop int64 // stop (gint64) – the stop position Flags BufferPoolAcquireFlags // flags (GstBufferPoolAcquireFlags) – additional flags }
BufferPoolAcquireParams represents parameters to an AcquireBuffer call.
type BufferPoolConfig ¶
type BufferPoolConfig struct{ *Structure }
BufferPoolConfig wraps the Structure interface with extra methods for interacting with BufferPool configurations.
func (*BufferPoolConfig) AddOption ¶
func (b *BufferPoolConfig) AddOption(opt string)
AddOption enables the option in config. This will instruct the bufferpool to enable the specified option on the buffers that it allocates.
The supported options by pool can be retrieved with GetOptions.
func (*BufferPoolConfig) GetAllocator ¶
func (b *BufferPoolConfig) GetAllocator() (*Allocator, *AllocationParams)
GetAllocator retrieves the allocator and params from config.
func (*BufferPoolConfig) GetOption ¶
func (b *BufferPoolConfig) GetOption(index uint) string
GetOption retrieves the option at index of the options API array.
func (*BufferPoolConfig) GetParams ¶
func (b *BufferPoolConfig) GetParams() (caps *Caps, size, minBuffers, maxBuffers uint)
GetParams retrieves the values from this config. All params return 0 or nil if they could not be fetched.
func (*BufferPoolConfig) HasOption ¶
func (b *BufferPoolConfig) HasOption(opt string) bool
HasOption returns true if this config has the given option.
func (*BufferPoolConfig) NumOptions ¶
func (b *BufferPoolConfig) NumOptions() uint
NumOptions retrieves the number of values currently stored in the options array of the config structure.
func (*BufferPoolConfig) SetAllocator ¶
func (b *BufferPoolConfig) SetAllocator(allocator *Allocator, params *AllocationParams)
SetAllocator sets the allocator and params on config.
One of allocator and params can be nil, but not both. When allocator is nil, the default allocator of the pool will use the values in param to perform its allocation. When param is nil, the pool will use the provided allocator with its default AllocationParams.
A call to SetConfig on the BufferPool can update the allocator and params with the values that it is able to do. Some pools are, for example, not able to operate with different allocators or cannot allocate with the values specified in params. Use GetConfig on the pool to get the currently used values.
func (*BufferPoolConfig) SetParams ¶
func (b *BufferPoolConfig) SetParams(caps *Caps, size, minBuffers, maxBuffers uint)
SetParams configures the config with the given parameters.
func (*BufferPoolConfig) Validate ¶
func (b *BufferPoolConfig) Validate(caps *Caps, size, minBuffers, maxBuffers uint) bool
Validate that changes made to config are still valid in the context of the expected parameters. This function is a helper that can be used to validate changes made by a pool to a config when SetConfig returns FALSE. This expects that caps haven't changed and that min_buffers aren't lower then what we initially expected. This does not check if options or allocator parameters are still valid, and won't check if size have changed, since changing the size is valid to adapt padding.
type BufferingMode ¶
type BufferingMode int
BufferingMode is a representation of GstBufferingMode
const ( BufferingStream BufferingMode = C.GST_BUFFERING_STREAM // (0) – a small amount of data is buffered BufferingDownload BufferingMode = C.GST_BUFFERING_DOWNLOAD // (1) – the stream is being downloaded BufferingTimeshift BufferingMode = C.GST_BUFFERING_TIMESHIFT // (2) – the stream is being downloaded in a ringbuffer BufferingLive BufferingMode = C.GST_BUFFERING_LIVE // (3) – the stream is a live stream )
Type casts of buffering modes
func (BufferingMode) String ¶
func (b BufferingMode) String() string
String implements a stringer on a BufferingMode.
type BufferingStats ¶
type BufferingStats struct { // The buffering mode BufferingMode BufferingMode // The average input rate AverageIn int // The average output rate AverageOut int // Amount of time until buffering is complete BufferingLeft time.Duration }
BufferingStats represents the buffering stats as retrieved from a GST_MESSAGE_TYPE_BUFFERING.
type Bus ¶
type Bus struct {
Bus is a Go wrapper around a GstBus. It provides convenience methods for popping messages from the queue.
func FromGstBusUnsafeFull ¶
FromGstBusUnsafeFull wraps the given unsafe.Pointer in a bus. It does not increase the ref count and places a runtime finalizer on the instance.
func FromGstBusUnsafeNone ¶
FromGstBusUnsafeNone wraps the given unsafe.Pointer in a bus. It takes a ref on the bus and sets a runtime finalizer on it.
func NewBus ¶
func NewBus() *Bus
NewBus returns a new Bus instance.
// Example of using the bus instance package main import ( "fmt" "" ) func main() { gst.Init(nil) bus := gst.NewBus() elem, err := gst.NewElement("fakesrc") if err != nil { panic(err) } bus.Post(gst.NewAsyncStartMessage(elem)) msg := bus.Pop() fmt.Println(msg) } // > [fakesrc0] ASYNC-START - Async task started
func (*Bus) AddSignalWatch ¶
func (b *Bus) AddSignalWatch()
AddSignalWatch adds a bus signal watch to the default main context with the default priority (%G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT). It is also possible to use a non-default main context set up using g_main_context_push_thread_default (before one had to create a bus watch source and attach it to the desired main context 'manually').
After calling this statement, the bus will emit the "message" signal for each message posted on the bus.
This function may be called multiple times. To clean up, the caller is responsible for calling RemoveSignalWatch as many times as this function is called.
func (*Bus) AddWatch ¶
func (b *Bus) AddWatch(busFunc BusWatchFunc) bool
AddWatch adds a watch to the default MainContext for messages emitted on this bus. This function is used to receive asynchronous messages in the main loop. There can only be a single bus watch per bus, you must remove it before you can set a new one.
The watch can be removed either by returning false from the function or by using RemoveWatch(). A MainLoop must be running for bus watches to work.
The return value reflects whether the watch was successfully added. False is returned if there is already a function registered.
func (*Bus) BlockPopMessage ¶
BlockPopMessage blocks until a message is available on the bus and then returns it. This function can return nil if the bus is closed.
It is much safer and easier to use the AddWatch or other polling functions. Only use this method if you are unable to also run a MainLoop, or for convenience sake.
func (*Bus) DisableSyncMessageEmission ¶
func (b *Bus) DisableSyncMessageEmission()
DisableSyncMessageEmission instructs GStreamer to stop emitting the "sync-message" signal for this bus. See EnableSyncMessageEmission for more information.
In the event that multiple pieces of code have called EnableSyncMessageEmission, the sync-message emissions will only be stopped after all calls to EnableSyncMessageEmission were "canceled" by calling this function. In this way the semantics are exactly the same as Ref that which calls enable should also call disable.
func (*Bus) EnableSyncMessageEmission ¶
func (b *Bus) EnableSyncMessageEmission()
EnableSyncMessageEmission instructs GStreamer to emit the "sync-message" signal after running the bus's sync handler. This function is here so that code can ensure that they can synchronously receive messages without having to affect what the bin's sync handler is.
This function may be called multiple times. To clean up, the caller is responsible for calling DisableSyncMessageEmission as many times as this function is called.
While this function looks similar to AddSignalWatch, it is not exactly the same -- this function enables *synchronous* emission of signals when messages arrive; AddSignalWatch adds an idle callback to pop messages off the bus asynchronously. The sync-message signal comes from the thread of whatever object posted the message; the "message" signal is marshaled to the main thread via the main loop.
func (*Bus) GetPollFd ¶
GetPollFd gets the file descriptor from the bus which can be used to get notified about messages being available with functions like g_poll, and allows integration into other event loops based on file descriptors. Whenever a message is available, the POLLIN / G_IO_IN event is set.
Warning: NEVER read or write anything to the returned fd but only use it for getting notifications via g_poll or similar and then use the normal GstBus API, e.g. PopMessage.
func (*Bus) HavePending ¶
HavePending checks if there are pending messages on the bus that should be handled.
func (*Bus) Peek ¶
Peek peeks the message on the top of the bus' queue. The message will remain on the bus' message queue.
func (*Bus) Poll ¶
func (b *Bus) Poll(msgTypes MessageType, timeout ClockTime) *Message
Poll the bus for messages. Will block while waiting for messages to come. You can specify a maximum time to poll with the timeout parameter. If timeout is negative, this function will block indefinitely.
All messages not in events will be popped off the bus and will be ignored. It is not possible to use message enums beyond MessageExtended in the events mask.
Because poll is implemented using the "message" signal enabled by AddSignalWatch, calling Poll will cause the "message" signal to be emitted for every message that poll sees. Thus a "message" signal handler will see the same messages that this function sees -- neither will steal messages from the other.
This function will run a main loop from the default main context when polling.
You should never use this function, since it is pure evil. This is especially true for GUI applications based on Gtk+ or Qt, but also for any other non-trivial application that uses the GLib main loop. As this function runs a GLib main loop, any callback attached to the default GLib main context may be invoked. This could be timeouts, GUI events, I/O events etc.; even if Poll is called with a 0 timeout. Any of these callbacks
may do things you do not expect, e.g. destroy the main application window or some other resource; change other
application state; display a dialog and run another main loop until the user clicks it away. In short, using this function may add a lot of complexity to your code through unexpected re-entrancy and unexpected changes to your application's state.
For 0 timeouts use gst_bus_pop_filtered instead of this function; for other short timeouts use TimedPopFiltered; everything else is better handled by setting up an asynchronous bus watch and doing things from there.
func (*Bus) PopFiltered ¶
func (b *Bus) PopFiltered(msgTypes MessageType) *Message
PopFiltered gets a message matching type from the bus. Will discard all messages on the bus that do not match type and that have been posted before the first message that does match type. If there is no message matching type on the bus, all messages will be discarded. It is not possible to use message enums beyond MessageExtended in the events mask.
func (*Bus) PopMessage ¶
PopMessage attempts to pop a message from the bus. It returns nil if none are available.
It is much safer and easier to use the AddWatch or other polling functions. Only use this method if you are unable to also run a MainLoop, or for convenience sake.
func (*Bus) RemoveSignalWatch ¶
func (b *Bus) RemoveSignalWatch()
RemoveSignalWatch removes a signal watch previously added with AddSignalWatch.
func (*Bus) RemoveWatch ¶
RemoveWatch will remove any watches installed on the bus. This can also be accomplished by returning false from a previously installed function.
The function returns false if there was no watch on the bus.
func (*Bus) SetFlushing ¶
SetFlushing sets whether to flush out and unref any messages queued in the bus. Releases references to the message origin objects. Will flush future messages until SetFlushing sets flushing to FALSE.
func (*Bus) SetSyncHandler ¶
func (b *Bus) SetSyncHandler(f BusSyncHandler)
SetSyncHandler sets the synchronous handler on the bus. The function will be called every time a new message is posted on the bus. Note that the function will be called in the same thread context as the posting object. This function is usually only called by the creator of the bus. Applications should handle messages asynchronously using the watch and poll functions.
Currently, destroyNotify funcs are not supported.
func (*Bus) TimedPop ¶
TimedPop gets a message from the bus, waiting up to the specified timeout.
If timeout is 0, this function behaves like Pop. If timeout is ClockTimeNone, this function will block forever until a message was posted on the bus.
func (*Bus) TimedPopFiltered ¶
func (b *Bus) TimedPopFiltered(dur ClockTime, msgTypes MessageType) *Message
TimedPopFiltered gets a message from the bus whose type matches the message type mask types, waiting up to the specified timeout (and discarding any messages that do not match the mask provided).
If timeout is 0, this function behaves like PopFiltered. If timeout is ClockTimeNone, this function will block forever until a matching message was posted on the bus.
type BusSyncHandler ¶
type BusSyncHandler func(msg *Message) BusSyncReply
BusSyncHandler will be invoked synchronously, when a new message has been injected into the bus. This function is mostly used internally. Only one sync handler can be attached to a given bus.
If the handler returns BusDrop, it should unref the message, else the message should not be unreffed by the sync handler.
type BusSyncReply ¶
type BusSyncReply int
BusSyncReply casts GstBusSyncReply to a go type
const ( BusDrop BusSyncReply = C.GST_BUS_DROP // (0) – drop the message BusPass BusSyncReply = C.GST_BUS_PASS // (1) – pass the message to the async queue BusAsync BusSyncReply = C.GST_BUS_ASYNC // (2) – pass message to async queue, continue if message is handled )
Type castings of SyncReplies
type BusWatchFunc ¶
BusWatchFunc is a go representation of a GstBusFunc. It takes a message as a single argument and returns a bool value for whether to continue processing messages or not.
type Caps ¶
type Caps struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Caps is a go wrapper around GstCaps.
func FromGstCapsUnsafeFull ¶
FromGstCapsUnsafeFull wraps the pointer to the given C GstCaps with the go type. This is meant for internal usage and is exported for visibility to other packages. A finalizer is placed on the object to Unref after leaving scope.
func FromGstCapsUnsafeNone ¶
FromGstCapsUnsafeNone wraps the pointer to the given C GstCaps with the go type. This is meant for internal usage and is exported for visibility to other packages. A ref is taken on the caps and finalizer placed on the object.
func NewAnyCaps ¶
func NewAnyCaps() *Caps
NewAnyCaps creates a new caps that indicate compatibility with any format.
caps := gst.NewAnyCaps() fmt.Println(caps.IsAny()) // true
func NewCapsFromString ¶
NewCapsFromString creates a new Caps object from the given string.
caps := gst.NewCapsFromString("audio/x-raw, channels=2") fmt.Println(caps.String()) // audio/x-raw, channels=(int)2
func NewEmptyCaps ¶
func NewEmptyCaps() *Caps
NewEmptyCaps creates a new empty caps object. This is essentially the opposite of NewAnyCamps.
caps := gst.NewEmptyCaps() fmt.Println(caps.IsEmpty()) // true
func NewEmptySimpleCaps ¶
NewEmptySimpleCaps returns a new empty caps object with the given media format.
caps := gst.NewEmptySimpleCaps("audio/x-raw") fmt.Println(caps.String()) // audio/x-raw
func NewFullCaps ¶
NewFullCaps creates a new caps from the given structures.
func ToGstCaps ¶
ToGstCaps converts the given pointer into a Caps without affecting the ref count or placing finalizers.
func ValueGetCaps ¶
ValueGetCaps gets the caps from the given value.
func (*Caps) Append ¶
Append appends the given caps element to these caps. These caps take ownership over the given object. If either caps are ANY, the resulting caps will be ANY.
func (*Caps) AppendStructure ¶
AppendStructure appends the given structure to this caps instance.
func (*Caps) AppendStructureFull ¶
func (c *Caps) AppendStructureFull(st *Structure, features *CapsFeatures)
AppendStructureFull appends structure with features to caps. The structure is not copied; caps becomes the owner of structure.
func (*Caps) CanIntersect ¶
CanIntersect tries intersecting these caps with those given and reports whether the result would not be empty.
func (*Caps) Copy ¶
Copy creates a new Caps as a copy of these. The new caps will have a refcount of 1, owned by the caller. The structures are copied as well.
Note that this function is the semantic equivalent of a Ref followed by a MakeWritable.
func (*Caps) CopyNth ¶
CopyNth creates a new GstCaps and appends a copy of the nth structure contained in caps.
func (*Caps) FilterAndMapInPlace ¶
func (c *Caps) FilterAndMapInPlace(f CapsMapFunc)
FilterAndMapInPlace calls the provided function once for each structure and caps feature in the Caps. In contrast to ForEach, the function may modify the structure and features. In contrast to MapInPlace, the structure and features are removed from the caps if FALSE is returned from the function. The caps must be mutable.
caps := gst.NewCapsFromString("audio/x-raw") caps.FilterAndMapInPlace(func(features *gst.CapsFeatures, structure *gst.Structure) bool { if features.Contains(gst.CapsFeatureMemorySystemMemory) { fmt.Println("Removing system memory feature") return false } return true }) fmt.Println(caps.IsEmpty()) // Removing system memory feature // true
func (*Caps) Fixate ¶
Fixate modifies the given caps into a representation with only fixed values. First the caps will be truncated and then the first structure will be fixated with Structure's Fixate.
This function takes ownership of caps and will call gst_caps_make_writable on it so you must not use caps afterwards unless you keep an additional reference to it with Ref.
Note that it is not guaranteed that the returned caps have exactly one structure. If caps are empty caps then then returned caps will be the empty too and contain no structure at all.
Calling this function with any caps is not allowed.
func (*Caps) ForEach ¶
func (c *Caps) ForEach(f CapsMapFunc) bool
ForEach calls the provided function once for each structure and caps feature in the GstCaps. The function must not modify the fields. There is an unresolved bug in this function currently and it is better to use MapInPlace instead.
caps := gst.NewCapsFromString("audio/x-raw") caps.ForEach(func(features *gst.CapsFeatures, structure *gst.Structure) bool { fmt.Println(structure) return true }) // audio/x-raw;
func (*Caps) GetFeaturesAt ¶
func (c *Caps) GetFeaturesAt(idx int) *CapsFeatures
GetFeaturesAt returns the feature at the given index, or nil if none exists.
func (*Caps) GetStructureAt ¶
GetStructureAt returns the structure at the given index, or nil if none exists.
func (*Caps) Intersect ¶
Intersect creates a new Caps that contains all the formats that are common to both these caps and those given. Defaults to CapsIntersectZigZag mode.
func (*Caps) IntersectFull ¶
func (c *Caps) IntersectFull(caps *Caps, mode CapsIntersectMode) *Caps
IntersectFull creates a new Caps that contains all the formats that are common to both these caps those given. The order is defined by the CapsIntersectMode used.
func (*Caps) IsAlwaysCompatible ¶
IsAlwaysCompatible returns if this structure is always compatible with another if every media format that is in the first is also contained in the second. That is, these caps are a subset of those given.
func (*Caps) IsEqualFixed ¶
IsEqualFixed tests if the Caps are equal. This function only works on fixed Caps.
func (*Caps) IsFixed ¶
IsFixed returns true if these caps are fixed, that is, they describe exactly one format.
func (*Caps) IsStrictlyEqual ¶
IsStrictlyEqual checks if the given caps are exactly the same set of caps.
func (*Caps) IsSubset ¶
IsSubset checks if all caps represented by these are also represented by those given.
func (*Caps) IsSubsetStructure ¶
IsSubsetStructure checks if the given structure is a subset of these caps.
func (*Caps) IsSubsetStructureFull ¶
func (c *Caps) IsSubsetStructureFull(structure *Structure, features *CapsFeatures) bool
IsSubsetStructureFull checks if the given structure is a subset of these caps with features.
func (*Caps) IsWritable ¶
IsWritable returns true if these caps are writable.
func (*Caps) MakeWritable ¶
MakeWritable returns a writable copy of caps.
func (*Caps) MapInPlace ¶
func (c *Caps) MapInPlace(f CapsMapFunc) bool
MapInPlace calls the provided function once for each structure and caps feature in the Caps. In contrast to ForEach, the function may modify, but not delete, the structures and features. The caps must be mutable.
func (*Caps) Merge ¶
Merge appends the structures contained in the given caps if they are not yet expressed by these. The structures in the given caps are not copied -- they are transferred to a writable copy of these ones, and then those given are freed. If either caps are ANY, the resulting caps will be ANY.
func (*Caps) MergeStructure ¶
MergeStructure appends structure to caps if its not already expressed by caps.
func (*Caps) MergeStructureFull ¶
func (c *Caps) MergeStructureFull(structure *Structure, features *CapsFeatures) *Caps
MergeStructureFull appends structure with features to the caps if its not already expressed.
func (*Caps) Normalize ¶
Normalize returns a Caps that represents the same set of formats as caps, but contains no lists. Each list is expanded into separate GstStructures.
This function takes ownership of caps and will call MakeWritable on it so you must not use caps afterwards unless you keep an additional reference to it with Ref.
func (*Caps) Ref ¶
Ref increases the ref count on these caps by one.
From this point on, until the caller calls Unref or MakeWritable, it is guaranteed that the caps object will not change. This means its structures won't change, etc. To use a Caps object, you must always have a refcount on it -- either the one made implicitly by e.g. NewSimpleCaps, or via taking one explicitly with this function. Note that when a function provided by these bindings returns caps, or they are converted through the FromGstCapsUnsafe methods, a ref is automatically taken if necessary and a runtime Finalizer is used to remove it.
func (*Caps) RemoveStructureAt ¶
RemoveStructureAt removes the structure with the given index from the list of structures.
func (*Caps) SetFeaturesAt ¶
func (c *Caps) SetFeaturesAt(idx uint, features *CapsFeatures)
SetFeaturesAt sets the CapsFeatures features for the structure at index.
func (*Caps) SetFeaturesSimple ¶
func (c *Caps) SetFeaturesSimple(features *CapsFeatures)
SetFeaturesSimple sets the CapsFeatures for all the structures of these caps.
func (*Caps) SetValue ¶
SetValue sets the given field on all structures of caps to the given value. This is a convenience function for calling SetValue on all structures of caps. If the value cannot be coerced to a C type, then nothing will happen.
func (*Caps) Simplify ¶
Simplify converts the given caps into a representation that represents the same set of formats, but in a simpler form. Component structures that are identical are merged. Component structures that have values that can be merged are also merged.
This function takes ownership of caps and will call MakeWritable on it if necessary, so you must not use caps afterwards unless you keep an additional reference to it with Ref.
This method does not preserve the original order of caps.
func (*Caps) StealStructureAt ¶
StealStructureAt retrieves the structure with the given index from the list of structures contained in caps. The caller becomes the owner of the returned structure.
func (*Caps) String ¶
String implements a stringer on a caps instance. This same string can be used for NewCapsFromString.
func (*Caps) Truncate ¶
Truncate discards all but the first structure from caps. Useful when fixating.
This function takes ownership of caps and will call gst_caps_make_writable on it if necessary, so you must not use caps afterwards unless you keep an additional reference to it with Ref.
Note that it is not guaranteed that the returned caps have exactly one structure. If caps is any or empty caps then then returned caps will be the same and contain no structure at all.
type CapsFeatures ¶
type CapsFeatures struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CapsFeatures is a go representation of GstCapsFeatures.
func NewCapsFeaturesAny ¶
func NewCapsFeaturesAny() *CapsFeatures
NewCapsFeaturesAny returns a new ANY CapsFeatures.
feats := gst.NewCapsFeaturesAny() fmt.Println(feats.IsAny()) // true
func NewCapsFeaturesEmpty ¶
func NewCapsFeaturesEmpty() *CapsFeatures
NewCapsFeaturesEmpty returns a new empty CapsFeatures.
feats := gst.NewCapsFeaturesEmpty() fmt.Println(feats.GetSize()) // 0
func NewCapsFeaturesFromString ¶
func NewCapsFeaturesFromString(features string) *CapsFeatures
NewCapsFeaturesFromString creates new CapsFeatures from the given string.
func ValueGetCapsFeatures ¶
func ValueGetCapsFeatures(value *glib.Value) *CapsFeatures
ValueGetCapsFeatures gets the caps features from the given value.
func (*CapsFeatures) Add ¶
func (c *CapsFeatures) Add(feature string)
Add adds the given feature to these.
feats := gst.NewCapsFeaturesEmpty() fmt.Println(feats.GetSize()) feats.Add(gst.CapsFeatureMemorySystemMemory) fmt.Println(feats.GetSize()) fmt.Println(feats.Contains(gst.CapsFeatureMemorySystemMemory)) fmt.Println(feats.GetNth(0)) // 0 // 1 // true // memory:SystemMemory
func (*CapsFeatures) Contains ¶
func (c *CapsFeatures) Contains(feature string) bool
Contains returns true if the given feature is included in these.
func (*CapsFeatures) Copy ¶
func (c *CapsFeatures) Copy() *CapsFeatures
Copy duplicates these features and all of it's values.
func (*CapsFeatures) Free ¶
func (c *CapsFeatures) Free()
Free frees the memory containing these features. Only call this if you do not intend to pass these features to other methods.
func (*CapsFeatures) GetNth ¶
func (c *CapsFeatures) GetNth(idx uint) string
GetNth returns the feature at index.
func (*CapsFeatures) GetSize ¶
func (c *CapsFeatures) GetSize() uint
GetSize returns the number of features.
func (*CapsFeatures) Instance ¶
func (c *CapsFeatures) Instance() *C.GstCapsFeatures
Instance returns the native underlying GstCapsFeatures instance.
func (*CapsFeatures) IsAny ¶
func (c *CapsFeatures) IsAny() bool
IsAny returns true if these features match any.
func (*CapsFeatures) IsEqual ¶
func (c *CapsFeatures) IsEqual(feats *CapsFeatures) bool
IsEqual returns true if the given CapsFeatures are equal to the provided ones. If the provided structure is nil, this function immediately returns false.
func (*CapsFeatures) Remove ¶
func (c *CapsFeatures) Remove(feature string)
Remove removes the given feature.
func (*CapsFeatures) SetParentRefCount ¶
func (c *CapsFeatures) SetParentRefCount(refCount int) bool
SetParentRefCount sets the parent_refcount field of CapsFeatures. This field is used to determine whether a caps features is mutable or not. This function should only be called by code implementing parent objects of CapsFeatures, as described in the MT Refcounting section of the design documents.
func (*CapsFeatures) String ¶
func (c *CapsFeatures) String() string
String implements a stringer on caps features.
feats := gst.NewCapsFeaturesAny() fmt.Println(feats.String()) // ANY
type CapsIntersectMode ¶
type CapsIntersectMode int
CapsIntersectMode represents the modes of caps intersection. See the official documentation for more details:
const ( CapsIntersectZigZag CapsIntersectMode = C.GST_CAPS_INTERSECT_ZIG_ZAG CapsIntersectFirst CapsIntersectMode = C.GST_CAPS_INTERSECT_FIRST )
Type castings of intersect modes
type CapsMapFunc ¶
type CapsMapFunc func(features *CapsFeatures, structure *Structure) bool
CapsMapFunc represents a function passed to the Caps MapInPlace, ForEach, and FilterAndMapInPlace methods.
type ChildProxy ¶
type ChildProxy struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ChildProxy is an interface that abstracts handling of property sets for elements with children. They all have multiple GstPad or some kind of voice objects. Another use case are container elements like GstBin. The element implementing the interface acts as a parent for those child objects.
Property names are written as "child-name::property-name". The whole naming scheme is recursive. Thus "child1::child2::property" is valid too, if "child1" and "child2" implement the GstChildProxy interface.
func ToChildProxy ¶
func ToChildProxy(elem *Element) *ChildProxy
ToChildProxy returns a ChildProxy for the given element. If the element does not implement a ChildProxy it returns nil.
func (*ChildProxy) ChildAdded ¶
func (c *ChildProxy) ChildAdded(child *glib.Object, name string)
ChildAdded emits the "child-added" signal.
func (*ChildProxy) ChildRemoved ¶
func (c *ChildProxy) ChildRemoved(child *glib.Object, name string)
ChildRemoved emits the "child-removed" signal.
func (*ChildProxy) Get ¶
func (c *ChildProxy) Get(names ...string) []*glib.Value
Get gets properties of the parent object and its children. This is a direct alias to looping over GetProperty and returning the results in the order of the arguments. If any of the results returns nil from an allocation error, nil is returned for the entire slice.
func (*ChildProxy) GetChildByIndex ¶
func (c *ChildProxy) GetChildByIndex(idx uint) *glib.Object
GetChildByIndex fetches a child by its number. This function can return nil if the object is not found.
func (*ChildProxy) GetChildByName ¶
func (c *ChildProxy) GetChildByName(name string) *glib.Object
GetChildByName fetches a child by name. The virtual method's default implementation uses Object together with Object.GetName. If the interface is to be used with GObjects, this method needs to be overridden.
This function can return nil if the object is not found.
func (*ChildProxy) GetChildrenCount ¶
func (c *ChildProxy) GetChildrenCount() uint
GetChildrenCount returns the number of child objects the parent contains.
func (*ChildProxy) GetProperty ¶
func (c *ChildProxy) GetProperty(name string) *glib.Value
GetProperty gets a single property using the ChildProxy mechanism. The bindings take care of freeing the value when it leaves the user's scope. This function can return nil if a failure happens trying to allocate GValues.
func (*ChildProxy) Instance ¶
func (c *ChildProxy) Instance() *C.GstChildProxy
Instance returns the underlying GstChildProxy instance.
func (*ChildProxy) Lookup ¶
Lookup looks up which object and and parameter would be affected by the given name. If ok is false, the targets could not be found and this function returned nil.
func (*ChildProxy) Set ¶
func (c *ChildProxy) Set(values map[string]*glib.Value)
Set takes a map of names to values and applies them using the ChildProxy mechanism.
func (*ChildProxy) SetProperty ¶
func (c *ChildProxy) SetProperty(name string, value *glib.Value)
SetProperty sets a single property using the ChildProxy mechanism.
type ChildProxyImpl ¶
type ChildProxyImpl interface { ChildAdded(self *ChildProxy, child *glib.Object, name string) ChildRemoved(self *ChildProxy, child *glib.Object, name string) GetChildByIndex(self *ChildProxy, idx uint) *glib.Object GetChildByName(self *ChildProxy, name string) *glib.Object GetChildrenCount(self *ChildProxy) uint }
ChildProxyImpl is the reference implementation for a ChildProxy implemented by a Go object.
type Clock ¶
type Clock struct{ *Object }
Clock is a go wrapper around a GstClock.
func FromGstClockUnsafeFull ¶
FromGstClockUnsafeFull takes a pointer to a GstClock and wraps it in a Clock instance. A finalizer is set on the returned object.
func FromGstClockUnsafeNone ¶
FromGstClockUnsafeNone takes a pointer to a GstClock and wraps it in a Clock instance. A ref is taken on the clock and a finalizer applied.
func (*Clock) AddObservation ¶
AddObservation adds the time master of the master clock and the time slave of the slave clock to the list of observations. If enough observations are available, a linear regression algorithm is run on the observations and clock is recalibrated.
If this functions returns TRUE, the float will contain the correlation coefficient of the interpolation. A value of 1.0 means a perfect regression was performed. This value can be used to control the sampling frequency of the master and slave clocks.
func (*Clock) AddObservationUnapplied ¶
func (c *Clock) AddObservationUnapplied(slaveTime, masterTime ClockTime) (ok bool, rSquared float64, internalTime, externalTime, rateNum, rateDenom ClockTime)
AddObservationUnapplied adds a clock observation to the internal slaving algorithm the same as AddObservation, and returns the result of the master clock estimation, without updating the internal calibration.
The caller can then take the results and call SetCalibration with the values, or some modified version of them.
func (*Clock) AdjustUnlocked ¶
AdjustUnlocked converts the given internal clock time to the external time, adjusting for the rate and reference time set with SetCalibration and making sure that the returned time is increasing. This function should be called with the clock's OBJECT_LOCK held and is mainly used by clock subclasses.
This function is the reverse of UnadjustUnlocked.
func (*Clock) AdjustWithCalibration ¶
func (c *Clock) AdjustWithCalibration(internalTarget, cinternal, cexternal, cnum, cdenom ClockTime) ClockTime
AdjustWithCalibration converts the given internal_target clock time to the external time, using the passed calibration parameters. This function performs the same calculation as AdjustUnlocked when called using the current calibration parameters, but doesn't ensure a monotonically increasing result as AdjustUnlocked does.
func (*Clock) GetCalibration ¶
GetCalibration gets the internal rate and reference time of clock. See gst_clock_set_calibration for more information.
func (*Clock) GetInternalTime ¶
GetInternalTime gets the current internal time of the given clock in nanoseconds or ClockTimeNone if invalid. The time is returned unadjusted for the offset and the rate.
func (*Clock) GetMaster ¶
GetMaster returns the master clock that this clock is slaved to or nil when the clock is not slaved to any master clock.
func (*Clock) GetResolution ¶
GetResolution gets the accuracy of the clock. The accuracy of the clock is the granularity of the values returned by GetTime.
func (*Clock) GetTime ¶
GetTime gets the current time of the given clock in nanoseconds or -1 if invalid. The time is always monotonically increasing and adjusted according to the current offset and rate.
func (*Clock) GetTimeout ¶
GetTimeout gets the amount of time that master and slave clocks are sampled.
func (*Clock) InternalString ¶
InternalString returns the string representation of this clock's internal value.
func (*Clock) NewPeriodicID ¶
NewPeriodicID gets an ID from clock to trigger a periodic notification. The periodic notifications will start at time start_time and will then be fired with the given interval.
func (*Clock) NewSingleShotID ¶
NewSingleShotID gets a ClockID from the clock to trigger a single shot notification at the requested time.
func (*Clock) PeriodicIDReinit ¶
PeriodicIDReinit reinitializes the provided periodic id to the provided start time and interval. Does not / modify the reference count.
func (*Clock) SetCalibration ¶
SetCalibration adjusts the rate and time of clock. See:
func (*Clock) SetMaster ¶
SetMaster sets master as the master clock for clock. clock will be automatically calibrated so that GetTime reports the same time as the master clock.
A clock provider that slaves its clock to a master can get the current calibration values with GetCalibration.
Master can be nil in which case clock will not be slaved anymore. It will however keep reporting its time adjusted with the last configured rate and time offsets.
func (*Clock) SetResolution ¶
SetResolution sets the accuracy of the clock. Some clocks have the possibility to operate with different accuracy at the expense of more resource usage. There is normally no need to change the default resolution of a clock. The resolution of a clock can only be changed if the clock has the ClockFlagCanSetResolution flag set.
func (*Clock) SetSynced ¶
SetSynced sets clock to synced and emits the GstClock::synced signal, and wakes up any thread waiting in WaitForSync.
This function must only be called if ClockFlagNeedsStartupSync is set on the clock, and is intended to be called by subclasses only.
func (*Clock) SetTimeout ¶
SetTimeout sets the amount of time, in nanoseconds, to sample master and slave clocks
func (*Clock) SingleShotIDReinit ¶
SingleShotIDReinit reinitializes the provided single shot id to the provided time. Does not modify the reference count.
func (*Clock) UnadjustUnlocked ¶
UnadjustUnlocked converts the given external clock time to the internal time of clock, using the rate and reference time set with SetCalibration. This function should be called with the clock's OBJECT_LOCK held and is mainly used by clock subclasses.
This function is the reverse of AdjustUnlocked.
func (*Clock) UnadjustWithCalibration ¶
func (c *Clock) UnadjustWithCalibration(externalTarget, cinternal, cexternal, cnum, cdenom ClockTime) ClockTime
UnadjustWithCalibration converts the given external_target clock time to the internal time, using the passed calibration parameters. This function performs the same calculation as UnadjustUnlocked when called using the current calibration parameters.
func (*Clock) WaitForSync ¶
WaitForSync waits until clock is synced for reporting the current time. If timeout is ClockTimeNone it will wait forever, otherwise it will time out after timeout nanoseconds.
For asynchronous waiting, the GstClock::synced signal can be used.
This returns immediately with TRUE if ClockFlagNeedsStartupSync is not set on the clock, or if the clock is already synced.
type ClockCallback ¶
ClockCallback is the prototype of a clock callback function.
type ClockEntryType ¶
type ClockEntryType int
ClockEntryType wraps GstClockEntryType
const ( ClockEntrySingle ClockEntryType = C.GST_CLOCK_ENTRY_SINGLE // (0) – a single shot timeout ClockEntryPeriodic ClockEntryType = C.GST_CLOCK_ENTRY_PERIODIC // (1) – a periodic timeout request )
Type castings of ClockEntryTypes
type ClockFlags ¶
type ClockFlags int
ClockFlags wraps GstClockFlags
const ( ClockFlagCanDoSingleSync ClockFlags = C.GST_CLOCK_FLAG_CAN_DO_SINGLE_SYNC // (16) – clock can do a single sync timeout request ClockFlagCanDoSingleAsync ClockFlags = C.GST_CLOCK_FLAG_CAN_DO_SINGLE_ASYNC // (32) – clock can do a single async timeout request ClockFlagCanDoPeriodicSync ClockFlags = C.GST_CLOCK_FLAG_CAN_DO_PERIODIC_SYNC // (64) – clock can do sync periodic timeout requests ClockFlagCanDoPeriodicAsync ClockFlags = C.GST_CLOCK_FLAG_CAN_DO_PERIODIC_ASYNC // (128) – clock can do async periodic timeout callbacks ClockFlagCanSetResolution ClockFlags = C.GST_CLOCK_FLAG_CAN_SET_RESOLUTION // (256) – clock's resolution can be changed ClockFlagCanSetMaster ClockFlags = C.GST_CLOCK_FLAG_CAN_SET_MASTER // (512) – clock can be slaved to a master clock ClockFlagNeedsStartupSync ClockFlags = C.GST_CLOCK_FLAG_NEEDS_STARTUP_SYNC // (1024) – clock needs to be synced before it can be used (Since: 1.6) ClockFlagLast ClockFlags = C.GST_CLOCK_FLAG_LAST // (4096) – subclasses can add additional flags starting from this flag )
Type castings of ClockFlags
type ClockID ¶
type ClockID struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ClockID is a go wrapper around a GstClockID.
func (*ClockID) Instance ¶
func (c *ClockID) Instance() C.GstClockID
Instance returns the underlying pointer.
func (*ClockID) Unschedule ¶
func (c *ClockID) Unschedule()
Unschedule cancels an outstanding request with id. This can either be an outstanding async notification or a pending sync notification. After this call, id cannot be used anymore to receive sync or async notifications, you need to create a new GstClockID.
func (*ClockID) UsesClock ¶
UsesClock returns whether id uses clock as the underlying clock. clock can be nil, in which case the return value indicates whether the underlying clock has been freed. If this is the case, the id is no longer usable and should be freed.
func (*ClockID) Wait ¶
func (c *ClockID) Wait() (ret ClockReturn, jitter ClockTimeDiff)
Wait performs a blocking wait on id. id should have been created with NewSingleShotID or NewPeriodicID and should not have been unscheduled with a call to Unschedule.
If the jitter argument is not 0 and this function returns ClockOK or ClockEarly, it will contain the difference against the clock and the time of id when this method was called. Positive values indicate how late id was relative to the clock (in which case this function will return ClockEarly). Negative values indicate how much time was spent waiting on the clock before this function returned.
func (*ClockID) WaitAsync ¶
func (c *ClockID) WaitAsync(f ClockCallback) ClockReturn
WaitAsync registers a callback on the given ClockID id with the given function and user_data. When passing a ClockID with an invalid time to this function, the callback will be called immediately with a time set to ClockTimeNone. The callback will be called when the time of id has been reached.
The callback func can be invoked from any thread, either provided by the core or from a streaming thread. The application should be prepared for this.
// Example pipeline, _ := gst.NewPipelineFromString("fakesrc ! fakesink") clock := pipeline.GetPipelineClock() id := clock.NewSingleShotID(gst.ClockTime(1000000000)) // 1 second id.WaitAsync(func(clock *gst.Clock, clockTime ClockTime) bool { fmt.Println("Single shot triggered at", clockTime.Nanoseconds()) pipeline.SetState(gst.StateNull) return true }) pipeline.SetState(gst.StatePlaying) gst.Wait(pipeline) // Single shot triggered at 1000000000
type ClockReturn ¶
type ClockReturn int
ClockReturn wraps a GstClockReturn
const ( ClockOK ClockReturn = C.GST_CLOCK_OK // (0) – The operation succeeded. ClockEarly ClockReturn = C.GST_CLOCK_EARLY // (1) – The operation was scheduled too late. ClockUnscheduled ClockReturn = C.GST_CLOCK_UNSCHEDULED // (2) – The clockID was unscheduled ClockBusy ClockReturn = C.GST_CLOCK_BUSY // (3) – The ClockID is busy ClockBadTime ClockReturn = C.GST_CLOCK_BADTIME // (4) – A bad time was provided to a function. ClockError ClockReturn = C.GST_CLOCK_ERROR // (5) – An error occurred ClockUnsupported ClockReturn = C.GST_CLOCK_UNSUPPORTED // (6) – Operation is not supported ClockDone ClockReturn = C.GST_CLOCK_DONE // (7) – The ClockID is done waiting )
Type castings of clock returns
type ClockTime ¶
type ClockTime C.GstClockTime
const ClockTimeNone ClockTime = 0xffffffffffffffff // Ideally this would be set to C.GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE but this causes issues on MacOS and Windows
ClockTimeNone means infinite timeout or an empty value
func (ClockTime) AsDuration ¶
interpret the clocktime as a duration, returns nil on ClockTimeNone
func (ClockTime) AsTimestamp ¶
interpret the clocktime as a timestamp, returns nil on ClockTimeNone
type ClockTimeDiff ¶
type ClockTimeDiff int64
ClockTimeDiff is a datatype to hold a time difference, measured in nanoseconds.
func (ClockTimeDiff) AsDuration ¶
func (ctd ClockTimeDiff) AsDuration() time.Duration
convinience function to convert the diff to a time.Duration
type Context ¶
type Context struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Context wraps a GstContext object.
func FromGstContextUnsafeFull ¶
FromGstContextUnsafeFull wraps the given context and places a runtime finalizer on it.
func FromGstContextUnsafeNone ¶
FromGstContextUnsafeNone refs and wraps the given context and places a runtime finalizer on it.
func NewContext ¶
NewContext creates a new context.
// Example ctx := gst.NewContext("test-context", false) fmt.Println(ctx.IsPersistent()) ctx = gst.NewContext("test-context", true) fmt.Println(ctx.IsPersistent()) // false // true
func (*Context) GetStructure ¶
GetStructure returns the structure of the context. You should not modify or unref it.
func (*Context) GetType ¶
GetType returns the type of the context.
// Example ctx := gst.NewContext("test-context", false) fmt.Println(ctx.GetType()) // test-context
func (*Context) HasContextType ¶
HasContextType checks if the context has the given type.
// Example ctx := gst.NewContext("test-context", false) fmt.Println(ctx.HasContextType("test-context")) fmt.Println(ctx.HasContextType("another-context")) // true // false
func (*Context) Instance ¶
func (c *Context) Instance() *C.GstContext
Instance returns the underlying GstContext instance.
func (*Context) IsPersistent ¶
IsPersistent checks if the context is persistent.
func (*Context) IsWritable ¶
IsWritable returns true if the context is writable.
func (*Context) MakeWritable ¶
MakeWritable returns a writable version of the context.
func (*Context) WritableStructure ¶
WritableStructure returns a writable version of the structure. You should still not unref it.
type ControlBinding ¶
type ControlBinding struct{ *Object }
func (*ControlBinding) Instance ¶
func (cb *ControlBinding) Instance() *C.GstControlBinding
type DebugCategory ¶
type DebugCategory struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DebugCategory is a struct that describes a category of log messages.
var CAT *DebugCategory
CAT is the global DebugCategory used for logging from the bindings. It is okay to use it from applications, but plugins should use their own.
func NewDebugCategory ¶
func NewDebugCategory(name string, color DebugColorFlags, description string) *DebugCategory
NewDebugCategory initializes a new DebugCategory with the given properties and set to the default threshold.
func (*DebugCategory) GetName ¶
func (d *DebugCategory) GetName() string
GetName returns the name of a debug category.
func (*DebugCategory) Log ¶
func (d *DebugCategory) Log(level DebugLevel, message string, obj ...*Object)
Log logs the given message using the currently registered debugging handlers. You can optionally provide a single object to log the message for. GStreamer will automatically add a newline to the end of the message.
func (*DebugCategory) LogDebug ¶
func (d *DebugCategory) LogDebug(message string, obj ...*Object)
LogDebug is a convenience wrapper for logging a DEBUG level message.
func (*DebugCategory) LogError ¶
func (d *DebugCategory) LogError(message string, obj ...*Object)
LogError is a convenience wrapper for logging an ERROR level message.
func (*DebugCategory) LogInfo ¶
func (d *DebugCategory) LogInfo(message string, obj ...*Object)
LogInfo is a convenience wrapper for logging an INFO level message.
func (*DebugCategory) LogLog ¶
func (d *DebugCategory) LogLog(message string, obj ...*Object)
LogLog is a convenience wrapper for logging a LOG level message.
func (*DebugCategory) LogMemDump ¶
func (d *DebugCategory) LogMemDump(message string, obj ...*Object)
LogMemDump is a convenience wrapper for logging a MEMDUMP level message.
func (*DebugCategory) LogTrace ¶
func (d *DebugCategory) LogTrace(message string, obj ...*Object)
LogTrace is a convenience wrapper for logging a TRACE level message.
func (*DebugCategory) LogWarning ¶
func (d *DebugCategory) LogWarning(message string, obj ...*Object)
LogWarning is a convenience wrapper for logging a WARNING level message.
type DebugColorFlags ¶
type DebugColorFlags int
DebugColorFlags are terminal style flags you can use when creating your debugging categories to make them stand out in debugging output.
const ( DebugColorNone DebugColorFlags = 0 // (0) - No color DebugColorFgBlack DebugColorFlags = C.GST_DEBUG_FG_BLACK // (0) – Use black as foreground color. DebugColorFgRed DebugColorFlags = C.GST_DEBUG_FG_RED // (1) – Use red as foreground color. DebugColorFgGreen DebugColorFlags = C.GST_DEBUG_FG_GREEN // (2) – Use green as foreground color. DebugColorFgYellow DebugColorFlags = C.GST_DEBUG_FG_YELLOW // (3) – Use yellow as foreground color. DebugColorFgBlue DebugColorFlags = C.GST_DEBUG_FG_BLUE // (4) – Use blue as foreground color. DebugColorFgMagenta DebugColorFlags = C.GST_DEBUG_FG_MAGENTA // (5) – Use magenta as foreground color. DebugColorFgCyan DebugColorFlags = C.GST_DEBUG_FG_CYAN // (6) – Use cyan as foreground color. DebugColorFgWhite DebugColorFlags = C.GST_DEBUG_FG_WHITE // (7) – Use white as foreground color. DebugColorBgBlack DebugColorFlags = C.GST_DEBUG_BG_BLACK // (0) – Use black as background color. DebugColorBgRed DebugColorFlags = C.GST_DEBUG_BG_RED // (16) – Use red as background color. DebugColorBgGreen DebugColorFlags = C.GST_DEBUG_BG_GREEN // (32) – Use green as background color. DebugColorBgYellow DebugColorFlags = C.GST_DEBUG_BG_YELLOW // (48) – Use yellow as background color. DebugColorBgBlue DebugColorFlags = C.GST_DEBUG_BG_BLUE // (64) – Use blue as background color. DebugColorBgMagenta DebugColorFlags = C.GST_DEBUG_BG_MAGENTA // (80) – Use magenta as background color. DebugColorBgCyan DebugColorFlags = C.GST_DEBUG_BG_CYAN // (96) – Use cyan as background color. DebugColorBgWhite DebugColorFlags = C.GST_DEBUG_BG_WHITE // (112) – Use white as background color. DebugColorBold DebugColorFlags = C.GST_DEBUG_BOLD // (256) – Make the output bold. DebugColorUnderline DebugColorFlags = C.GST_DEBUG_UNDERLINE // (512) – Underline the output. )
Type castings of DebugColorFlags
type DebugColorMode ¶
type DebugColorMode int
DebugColorMode represents how to display colors.
const ( DebugColorModeOff DebugColorMode = C.GST_DEBUG_COLOR_MODE_OFF // (0) – Do not use colors in logs. DebugColorModeOn DebugColorMode = C.GST_DEBUG_COLOR_MODE_ON // (1) – Paint logs in a platform-specific way. DebugColorModeUnix DebugColorMode = C.GST_DEBUG_COLOR_MODE_UNIX // (2) – Paint logs with UNIX terminal color codes no matter what platform GStreamer is running on. )
Type castings of DebugColorModes
type DebugGraphDetails ¶
type DebugGraphDetails int
DebugGraphDetails casts GstDebugGraphDetails
const ( DebugGraphShowMediaType DebugGraphDetails = C.GST_DEBUG_GRAPH_SHOW_MEDIA_TYPE // (1) – show caps-name on edges DebugGraphShowCapsDetails DebugGraphDetails = C.GST_DEBUG_GRAPH_SHOW_CAPS_DETAILS // (2) – show caps-details on edges DebugGraphShowNonDefaultParams DebugGraphDetails = C.GST_DEBUG_GRAPH_SHOW_NON_DEFAULT_PARAMS // (4) – show modified parameters on elements DebugGraphShowStates DebugGraphDetails = C.GST_DEBUG_GRAPH_SHOW_STATES // (8) – show element states DebugGraphShowPullParams DebugGraphDetails = C.GST_DEBUG_GRAPH_SHOW_FULL_PARAMS // (16) – show full element parameter values even if they are very long DebugGraphShowAll DebugGraphDetails = C.GST_DEBUG_GRAPH_SHOW_ALL // (15) – show all the typical details that one might want DebugGraphShowVerbose DebugGraphDetails = C.GST_DEBUG_GRAPH_SHOW_VERBOSE // (4294967295) – show all details regardless of how large or verbose they make the resulting output )
Type castings
type DebugLevel ¶
type DebugLevel int
DebugLevel defines the importance of a debugging message. The more important a message is, the greater the probability that the debugging system outputs it.
const ( LevelNone DebugLevel = C.GST_LEVEL_NONE // (0) – No debugging level specified or desired. Used to deactivate debugging output. LevelError DebugLevel = C.GST_LEVEL_ERROR // (1) – Error messages are to be used only when an error occurred that stops the application from keeping working correctly. An examples is gst_element_error, which outputs a message with this priority. It does not mean that the application is terminating as with g_error. LevelWarning DebugLevel = C.GST_LEVEL_WARNING // (2) – Warning messages are to inform about abnormal behavior that could lead to problems or weird behavior later on. An example of this would be clocking issues ("your computer is pretty slow") or broken input data ("Can't synchronize to stream.") LevelFixMe DebugLevel = C.GST_LEVEL_FIXME // (3) – Fixme messages are messages that indicate that something in the executed code path is not fully implemented or handled yet. Note that this does not replace proper error handling in any way, the purpose of this message is to make it easier to spot incomplete/unfinished pieces of code when reading the debug log. LevelInfo DebugLevel = C.GST_LEVEL_INFO // (4) – Informational messages should be used to keep the developer updated about what is happening. Examples where this should be used are when a typefind function has successfully determined the type of the stream or when an mp3 plugin detects the format to be used. ("This file has mono sound.") LevelDebug DebugLevel = C.GST_LEVEL_DEBUG // (5) – Debugging messages should be used when something common happens that is not the expected default behavior, or something that's useful to know but doesn't happen all the time (ie. per loop iteration or buffer processed or event handled). An example would be notifications about state changes or receiving/sending of events. LevelLog DebugLevel = C.GST_LEVEL_LOG // (6) – Log messages are messages that are very common but might be useful to know. As a rule of thumb a pipeline that is running as expected should never output anything else but LOG messages whilst processing data. Use this log level to log recurring information in chain functions and loop functions, for example. LevelTrace DebugLevel = C.GST_LEVEL_TRACE // (7) – Tracing-related messages. Examples for this are referencing/dereferencing of objects. LevelMemDump DebugLevel = C.GST_LEVEL_MEMDUMP // (9) – memory dump messages are used to log (small) chunks of data as memory dumps in the log. They will be displayed as hexdump with ASCII characters. )
Type castings of DebugLevels
type DebugMessage ¶
type DebugMessage struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*DebugMessage) Get ¶
func (d *DebugMessage) Get() string
Get returns the string representation of a GstDebugMessage.
func (*DebugMessage) GetId ¶
func (d *DebugMessage) GetId() string
GetId returns the id of the object that emitted this message. Can be empty.
type Device ¶
type Device struct{ *Object }
Device is a Go representation of a GstDevice.
func FromGstDeviceUnsafeFull ¶
FromGstDeviceUnsafeFull wraps the given device with a finalizer.
func FromGstDeviceUnsafeNone ¶
FromGstDeviceUnsafeNone wraps the given device with a ref and finalizer.
func (*Device) CreateElement ¶
CreateElement creates a new element with all the required parameters set to use this device. If name is empty, one is automatically generated.
func (*Device) GetDeviceClass ¶
GetDeviceClass gets the "class" of a device. This is a "/" separated list of classes that represent this device. They are a subset of the classes of the GstDeviceProvider that produced this device.
func (*Device) GetDisplayName ¶
GetDisplayName gets the user-friendly name of the device.
func (*Device) GetProperties ¶
GetProperties gets the extra properties of the device.
func (*Device) HasClasses ¶
HasClasses checks if device matches all of the given classes.
func (*Device) ReconfigureElement ¶
ReconfigureElement tries to reconfigure an existing element to use the device. If this function fails, then one must destroy the element and create a new one using Device.CreateElement().
Note: This should only be implemented for elements that can change their device while in the PLAYING state.
type DeviceMonitor ¶
type DeviceMonitor struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DeviceMonitor is a Go representation of a GstDeviceMonitor.
func NewDeviceMonitor ¶
func NewDeviceMonitor() *DeviceMonitor
func (*DeviceMonitor) AddFilter ¶
func (d *DeviceMonitor) AddFilter(classes string, caps *Caps) uint
func (*DeviceMonitor) GetBus ¶
func (d *DeviceMonitor) GetBus() *Bus
GetBus returns the message bus for this pipeline.
func (*DeviceMonitor) GetDevices ¶
func (d *DeviceMonitor) GetDevices() []*Device
func (*DeviceMonitor) GetShowAllDevices ¶
func (d *DeviceMonitor) GetShowAllDevices() bool
func (*DeviceMonitor) RemoveFilter ¶
func (d *DeviceMonitor) RemoveFilter(filterId uint) bool
func (*DeviceMonitor) SetShowAllDevices ¶
func (d *DeviceMonitor) SetShowAllDevices(show bool)
func (*DeviceMonitor) Start ¶
func (d *DeviceMonitor) Start() bool
func (*DeviceMonitor) Stop ¶
func (d *DeviceMonitor) Stop()
type DeviceProvider ¶
type DeviceProvider struct{ *Object }
DeviceProvider is a Go representation of a GstDeviceProvider.
func FindDeviceProviderByName ¶
func FindDeviceProviderByName(factoryName string) *DeviceProvider
func FromGstDeviceProviderUnsafeFull ¶
func FromGstDeviceProviderUnsafeFull(deviceProvider unsafe.Pointer) *DeviceProvider
FromGstDeviceProviderUnsafeFull wraps the given device with a finalizer.
func FromGstDeviceProviderUnsafeNone ¶
func FromGstDeviceProviderUnsafeNone(deviceProvider unsafe.Pointer) *DeviceProvider
FromGstDeviceProviderUnsafeNone wraps the given device with a ref and finalizer.
func (*DeviceProvider) GetBus ¶
func (d *DeviceProvider) GetBus() *Bus
GetBus returns the message bus for this pipeline.
func (*DeviceProvider) GetDevices ¶
func (d *DeviceProvider) GetDevices() []*Device
func (*DeviceProvider) Instance ¶
func (d *DeviceProvider) Instance() *C.GstDeviceProvider
Instance returns the underlying GstDevice object.
func (*DeviceProvider) Start ¶
func (d *DeviceProvider) Start() bool
func (*DeviceProvider) Stop ¶
func (d *DeviceProvider) Stop()
type DirectControlBinding ¶
type DirectControlBinding struct{ ControlBinding }
func NewDirectControlBinding ¶
func NewDirectControlBinding(obj *Object, prop string, csource *InterpolationControlSource) *DirectControlBinding
type Element ¶
type Element struct{ *Object }
Element is a Go wrapper around a GstElement.
func FromGstElementUnsafeFull ¶
FromGstElementUnsafeFull wraps the given element with a finalizer.
func FromGstElementUnsafeNone ¶
FromGstElementUnsafeNone wraps the given element with a ref and a finalizer.
func NewElement ¶
NewElement creates a new element using the factory of the given name.
func NewElementMany ¶
NewElementMany is a convenience wrapper around building many GstElements in a single function call. It returns an error if the creation of any element fails. A slice in the order the names were given is returned.
func NewElementWithName ¶
NewElementWithName creates a new element and sets it's name to the given value.
func NewElementWithProperties ¶
Create a new element of the type defined by the given elementfactory. The supplied list of properties, will be passed at object construction.
this function is needed for gstreamer props that have the "Construct Only" flag, e.g.:
func ToElement ¶
func ToElement(obj interface{}) *Element
ToElement returns an Element object for the given Object. It will work on either gst.Object or glib.Object interfaces.
func (*Element) AbortState ¶
func (e *Element) AbortState()
AbortState aborts the state change of the element. This function is used by elements that do asynchronous state changes and find out something is wrong.
func (*Element) AddPad ¶
AddPad adds a pad (link point) to element. pad's parent will be set to element
Pads are automatically activated when added in the PAUSED or PLAYING state.
The pad and the element should be unlocked when calling this function.
This function will emit the pad-added signal on the element.
func (*Element) BlockSetState ¶
BlockSetState is a convinience wrapper function for calling SetState and an infinitely blocking GetState
func (*Element) CallAsync ¶
func (e *Element) CallAsync(f func())
CallAsync calls f from another thread. This is to be used for cases when a state change has to be performed from a streaming thread, directly via SetState or indirectly e.g. via SEEK events.
Calling those functions directly from the streaming thread will cause deadlocks in many situations, as they might involve waiting for the streaming thread to shut down from this very streaming thread.
func (*Element) ChangeState ¶
func (e *Element) ChangeState(transition StateChange) StateChangeReturn
ChangeState performs the given transition on this element.
func (*Element) Connect ¶
func (e *Element) Connect(signal string, f interface{}) (glib.SignalHandle, error)
Connect connects to the given signal on this element, and applies f as the callback. The callback must match the signature of the expected callback from the documentation. However, instead of specifying C types for arguments specify the go-gst equivalent (e.g. *gst.Element for almost all GstElement derivatives).
This and the Emit() method may get moved down the hierarchy to the Object level at some point, since
func (*Element) ContinueState ¶
func (e *Element) ContinueState(ret StateChangeReturn) StateChangeReturn
ContinueState commits the state change of the element and proceed to the next pending state if any. This function is used by elements that do asynchronous state changes. The core will normally call this method automatically when an element returned GST_STATE_CHANGE_SUCCESS from the state change function.
If after calling this method the element still has not reached the pending state, the next state change is performed.
This method is used internally and should normally not be called by plugins or applications.
This function must be called with STATE_LOCK held.
func (*Element) Emit ¶
Emit is a wrapper around g_signal_emitv() and emits the signal specified by the string s to an Object. This means that it performs identically to g_signal_emit_by_name. Arguments to callback functions connected to this signal must be specified in args. Emit() returns an interface{} which contains the go equivalent of the C return value.
Make sure that the Types are known to go-glib. Special types need to be registered with RegisterGValueMarshalers before calling Emit. Sub libraries of go-gst (sdp, rtp, webrtc, base, etc.) register their types when they are imported via init() functions.
func (*Element) Error ¶
Error is a convenience wrapper around ErrorMessage to simply post the provided go error on the bus. The domain is assumed to be DomainLibrary and the code is assumed to be LibraryErrorFailed.
func (*Element) ErrorMessage ¶
ErrorMessage is a convenience wrapper for posting an error message from inside an element. Only to be used from plugins.
func (*Element) GetBaseTime ¶
Returns the base time of the element. The base time is the absolute time of the clock when this element was last put to PLAYING. Subtracting the base time from the clock time gives the running time of the element.
func (*Element) GetBus ¶
GetBus returns the GstBus for retrieving messages from this element. This function returns nil unless the element is a Pipeline.
func (*Element) GetClock ¶
GetClock returns the Clock for this element. This is the clock as was last set with gst_element_set_clock. Elements in a pipeline will only have their clock set when the pipeline is in the PLAYING state.
func (*Element) GetCurrentState ¶
this returns the value of the `current_state` member of the element:
the current state of an element
func (*Element) GetFactory ¶
func (e *Element) GetFactory() *ElementFactory
GetFactory returns the factory that created this element. No refcounting is needed.
func (*Element) GetPadTemplates ¶
func (e *Element) GetPadTemplates() []*PadTemplate
GetPadTemplates retrieves a list of the pad templates associated with this element. The list must not be modified by the calling code.
func (*Element) GetRequestPad ¶
GetRequestPad gets a request pad from the element based on the name of the pad template. Unlike static pads, request pads are not created automatically but are only created on demand For example, audiomixer has sink template, 'sink_%u', which is used for creating multiple sink pads on demand so that it performs mixing of audio streams by linking multiple upstream elements on it's sink pads created on demand. This returns the request pad created on demand. Otherwise, it returns null if failed to create.
func (*Element) GetSinkPads ¶
GetSinkPads retrieves a list of sink pads associated with the element.
func (*Element) GetSrcPads ¶
GetSrcPads retrieves a list of src pads associated with the element.
func (*Element) GetStartTime ¶
Returns the start time of the element. The start time is the running time of the clock when this element was last put to PAUSED. Usually the start_time is managed by a toplevel element such as GstPipeline. MT safe.
func (*Element) GetState ¶
func (e *Element) GetState(state State, timeout ClockTime) (StateChangeReturn, State)
Gets the state of the element.
For elements that performed an ASYNC state change, as reported by gst_element_set_state, this function will block up to the specified timeout value for the state change to complete. If the element completes the state change or goes into an error, this function returns immediately with a return value of GST_STATE_CHANGE_SUCCESS or GST_STATE_CHANGE_FAILURE respectively.
For elements that did not return GST_STATE_CHANGE_ASYNC, this function returns the current and pending state immediately.
This function returns GST_STATE_CHANGE_NO_PREROLL if the element successfully changed its state but is not able to provide data yet. This mostly happens for live sources that only produce data in GST_STATE_PLAYING. While the state change return is equivalent to GST_STATE_CHANGE_SUCCESS, it is returned to the application to signal that some sink elements might not be able to complete their state change because an element is not producing data to complete the preroll. When setting the element to playing, the preroll will complete and playback will start.
func (*Element) GetStaticPad ¶
GetStaticPad retrieves a pad from element by name. This version only retrieves already-existing (i.e. 'static') pads.
func (*Element) Has ¶
func (e *Element) Has(flags ElementFlags) bool
Has returns true if this element has the given flags.
func (*Element) InfoMessage ¶
InfoMessage is a convenience wrapper for posting an info message from inside an element. Only to be used from plugins.
func (*Element) Instance ¶
func (e *Element) Instance() *C.GstElement
Instance returns the underlying GstElement instance.
func (*Element) IsURIHandler ¶
IsURIHandler returns true if this element can handle URIs.
func (*Element) LinkFiltered ¶
LinkFiltered wraps gst_element_link_filtered and link this element to the given one using the provided sink caps.
func (*Element) MessageFull ¶
func (e *Element) MessageFull(msgType MessageType, domain Domain, code ErrorCode, text, debug, file, function string, line int)
MessageFull will post an error, warning, or info message on the bus from inside an element. Only to be used from plugins.
func (*Element) ParentChangeState ¶
func (e *Element) ParentChangeState(transition StateChange) StateChangeReturn
ParentChangeState can be used when extending an element to chain up to the parents ChangeState handler.
func (*Element) ParentPostMessage ¶
ParentPostMessage can be used when extending an element. During a PostMessage, use this method to have the message posted on the bus after processing.
func (*Element) Query ¶
Query performs a query on the given element.
For elements that don't implement a query handler, this function forwards the query to a random srcpad or to the peer of a random linked sinkpad of this element.
Please note that some queries might need a running pipeline to work.
func (*Element) QueryConvert ¶
QueryConvert queries an element to convert src_val in src_format to dest_format.
func (*Element) QueryDuration ¶
QueryDuration queries an element (usually top-level pipeline or playbin element) for the total stream duration in nanoseconds. This query will only work once the pipeline is prerolled (i.e. reached PAUSED or PLAYING state). The application will receive an ASYNC_DONE message on the pipeline bus when that is the case.
If the duration changes for some reason, you will get a DURATION_CHANGED message on the pipeline bus, in which case you should re-query the duration using this function.
func (*Element) QueryPosition ¶
QueryPosition queries an element (usually top-level pipeline or playbin element) for the stream position in nanoseconds. This will be a value between 0 and the stream duration (if the stream duration is known). This query will usually only work once the pipeline is prerolled (i.e. reached PAUSED or PLAYING state). The application will receive an ASYNC_DONE message on the pipeline bus when that is the case.
func (*Element) ReleaseRequestPad ¶
ReleaseRequestPad releases request pad
func (*Element) RemovePad ¶
RemovePad removes pad from element. pad will be destroyed if it has not been referenced elsewhere using gst_object_unparent.
This function is used by plugin developers and should not be used by applications. Pads that were dynamically requested from elements with gst_element_request_pad should be released with the gst_element_release_request_pad function instead.
Pads are not automatically deactivated so elements should perform the needed steps to deactivate the pad in case this pad is removed in the PAUSED or PLAYING state. See gst_pad_set_active for more information about deactivating pads.
The pad and the element should be unlocked when calling this function.
This function will emit the pad-removed signal on the element.
func (*Element) SeekDefault ¶
SeekDefault seeks to the given position in the stream. The position is the frame number for video, or sample for audio. The element should be in the PAUSED or PLAYING state and must be a seekable.
func (*Element) SeekSimple ¶
SeekSimple seeks to the given position in the stream. The element / pipeline should be in the PAUSED or PLAYING state and must be a seekable.
func (*Element) SeekTime ¶
SeekTime seeks to the given position time in the stream. The element / pipeline should be in the PAUSED or PLAYING state and must be a seekable.
For example, to seek to 40th second of the stream, use:
pos := int64(time.Duration(40 * time.Second)) element.SeekTime(pos, gst.FormatTime, gst.SeekFlagFlush)
to perform a flush seek to the nearest keyframe before the given position.
func (*Element) SendEvent ¶
SendEvent sends an event to an element. If the element doesn't implement an event handler, the event will be pushed on a random linked sink pad for downstream events or a random linked source pad for upstream events.
This function takes ownership of the provided event so you should gst_event_ref it if you want to reuse the event after this call.
func (*Element) SetBaseTime ¶
Set the base time of an element. The base time is the absolute time of the clock when this element was last put to PLAYING. Subtracting the base time from the clock time gives the running time of the element.
func (*Element) SetStartTime ¶
Set the start time of an element. The start time of the element is the running time of the element when it last went to the PAUSED state. In READY or after a flushing seek, it is set to 0.
Toplevel elements like GstPipeline will manage the start_time and base_time on its children. Setting the start_time to GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE on such a toplevel element will disable the distribution of the base_time to the children and can be useful if the application manages the base_time itself, for example if you want to synchronize capture from multiple pipelines, and you can also ensure that the pipelines have the same clock.
MT safe.
func (*Element) SyncStateWithParent ¶
SyncStateWithParent tries to change the state of the element to the same as its parent. If this function returns FALSE, the state of element is undefined.
func (*Element) TOCSetter ¶
TOCSetter returns a TOCSetter interface if implemented by this element. Otherwise it returns nil. Currently this only supports elements built through this package, however, inner application elements could still use the interface as a reference implementation.
func (*Element) TagSetter ¶
TagSetter returns a TagSetter interface if implemented by this element. Otherwise it returns nil. This currently only supports elements built through this package's bindings, however, inner application elements can still implement the interface themselves if they want.
func (*Element) ToGValue ¶
this prevents go pointers in cgo when setting a gst.Element to a property see ( ToGValue implements glib.ValueTransformer.
func (*Element) URIHandler ¶
func (e *Element) URIHandler() URIHandler
URIHandler returns a URIHandler interface if implemented by this element. Otherwise it returns nil. Currently this only supports elements built through this package, however, inner application elements could still use the interface as a reference implementation.
func (*Element) WarningMessage ¶
WarningMessage is a convenience wrapper for posting a warning message from inside an element. Only to be used from plugins.
type ElementClass ¶
type ElementClass struct{ *glib.ObjectClass }
ElementClass represents the subclass of an element provided by a plugin.
func ToElementClass ¶
func ToElementClass(klass *glib.ObjectClass) *ElementClass
ToElementClass wraps the given ObjectClass in an ElementClass instance.
func (*ElementClass) AddMetadata ¶
func (e *ElementClass) AddMetadata(key, value string)
AddMetadata sets key with the given value in the metadata of the class.
func (*ElementClass) AddPadTemplate ¶
func (e *ElementClass) AddPadTemplate(templ *PadTemplate)
AddPadTemplate adds a padtemplate to an element class. This is mainly used in the ClassInit functions of ObjectSubclasses. If a pad template with the same name as an already existing one is added the old one is replaced by the new one.
templ's reference count will be incremented, and any floating reference will be removed
func (*ElementClass) AddStaticPadTemplate ¶
func (e *ElementClass) AddStaticPadTemplate(templ *PadTemplate)
AddStaticPadTemplate adds a pad template to an element class based on the pad template templ. The template is first converted to a static pad template.
This is mainly used in the ClassInit functions of element implementations. If a pad template with the same name already exists, the old one is replaced by the new one.
func (*ElementClass) GetAllPadTemplates ¶
func (e *ElementClass) GetAllPadTemplates() []*PadTemplate
GetAllPadTemplates retrieves a slice of all the pad templates associated with this class. The list must not be modified.
func (*ElementClass) GetMetadata ¶
func (e *ElementClass) GetMetadata(key string) string
GetMetadata retrieves the metadata associated with key in the class.
func (*ElementClass) GetPadTemplate ¶
func (e *ElementClass) GetPadTemplate(name string) *PadTemplate
GetPadTemplate retrieves the padtemplate with the given name. If no pad template exists with the given name, nil is returned.
func (*ElementClass) Instance ¶
func (e *ElementClass) Instance() *C.GstElementClass
Instance returns the underlying GstElementClass instance.
func (*ElementClass) SetMetadata ¶
func (e *ElementClass) SetMetadata(longname, classification, description, author string)
SetMetadata sets the detailed information for this class.
`longname` - The english long name of the element. E.g "File Sink"
`classification` - A string describing the type of element, as an unordered list separated with slashes ('/'). E.g: "Sink/File"
`description` - Sentence describing the purpose of the element. E.g: "Write stream to a file"
`author` - Name and contact details of the author(s). Use \n to separate multiple author metadata. E.g: "Joe Bloggs <joe.blogs at>"
type ElementFactory ¶
type ElementFactory struct{ *PluginFeature }
ElementFactory wraps the GstElementFactory
func Find ¶
func Find(name string) *ElementFactory
Find returns the factory for the given plugin, or nil if it doesn't exist.
func (*ElementFactory) CanSinkAllCaps ¶
func (e *ElementFactory) CanSinkAllCaps(caps *Caps) bool
CanSinkAllCaps checks if the factory can sink all possible capabilities.
func (*ElementFactory) CanSinkAnyCaps ¶
func (e *ElementFactory) CanSinkAnyCaps(caps *Caps) bool
CanSinkAnyCaps checks if the factory can sink any possible capability.
func (*ElementFactory) CanSourceAllCaps ¶
func (e *ElementFactory) CanSourceAllCaps(caps *Caps) bool
CanSourceAllCaps checks if the factory can src all possible capabilities.
func (*ElementFactory) CanSourceAnyCaps ¶
func (e *ElementFactory) CanSourceAnyCaps(caps *Caps) bool
CanSourceAnyCaps checks if the factory can src any possible capability.
func (*ElementFactory) GetMetadata ¶
func (e *ElementFactory) GetMetadata(key string) string
GetMetadata gets the metadata on this factory with key.
func (*ElementFactory) GetMetadataKeys ¶
func (e *ElementFactory) GetMetadataKeys() []string
GetMetadataKeys gets the available keys for the metadata on this factory.
func (*ElementFactory) Instance ¶
func (e *ElementFactory) Instance() *C.GstElementFactory
Instance returns the C GstFactory instance
type ElementFlags ¶
type ElementFlags int
ElementFlags casts C GstElementFlags to a go type
const ( ElementFlagLockedState ElementFlags = C.GST_ELEMENT_FLAG_LOCKED_STATE // (16) – ignore state changes from parent ElementFlagSink ElementFlags = C.GST_ELEMENT_FLAG_SINK // (32) – the element is a sink ElementFlagSource ElementFlags = C.GST_ELEMENT_FLAG_SOURCE // (64) – the element is a source. ElementFlagProvideClock ElementFlags = C.GST_ELEMENT_FLAG_PROVIDE_CLOCK // (128) – the element can provide a clock ElementFlagRequireClock ElementFlags = C.GST_ELEMENT_FLAG_REQUIRE_CLOCK // (256) – the element requires a clock ElementFlagIndexable ElementFlags = C.GST_ELEMENT_FLAG_INDEXABLE // (512) – the element can use an index ElementFlagLast ElementFlags = C.GST_ELEMENT_FLAG_LAST // (16384) – offset to define more flags )
Type casting of element flags
type ElementImpl ¶
type ElementImpl interface { // ChangeState is called by SetState to perform an incremental state change. ChangeState(*Element, StateChange) StateChangeReturn // GetState should return the states of the element GetState(self *Element, timeout time.Duration) (ret StateChangeReturn, current, pending State) // should this also be a ClockTime? // NoMorePads is called when there are no more pads on the element. NoMorePads(*Element) // PadAdded is called to add a pad to the element. PadAdded(*Element, *Pad) // PadRemoved is called to remove a pad from the element. PadRemoved(*Element, *Pad) // PostMessage is called when a message is posted to the element. Call Element.ParentPostMessage // to have it posted on the bus after processing. PostMessage(*Element, *Message) bool // ProvideClock is called to retrieve the clock provided by the element. ProvideClock(*Element) *Clock // Query is called to perform a query on the element. Query(*Element, *Query) bool // ReleasePad is called when a request pad is to be released. ReleasePad(*Element, *Pad) // RequestNewPad is called when a new pad is requested from the element. RequestNewPad(self *Element, templ *PadTemplate, name string, caps *Caps) *Pad // SendEvent is called to send an event to the element. SendEvent(*Element, *Event) bool // SetBus is called to set the Bus on the element. SetBus(*Element, *Bus) // SetClock is called to set the clock on the element. SetClock(*Element, *Clock) bool // SetContext is called to set the Context on the element. SetContext(*Element, *Context) // SetState is called to set a new state on the element. SetState(*Element, State) StateChangeReturn // StateChanged is called immediately after a new state was set. StateChanged(self *Element, old, new, pending State) }
ElementImpl is an interface containing go equivalents of the virtual methods that can be overridden by a plugin extending an Element.
type ErrorCode ¶
type ErrorCode int
ErrorCode represents GstGError codes.
const ( CoreErrorFailed ErrorCode = C.GST_CORE_ERROR_FAILED // (1) – a general error which doesn't fit in any other category. Make sure you add a custom message to the error call. CoreErrorTooLazy ErrorCode = C.GST_CORE_ERROR_TOO_LAZY // (2) – do not use this except as a placeholder for deciding where to go while developing code. CoreErrorNotImplemented ErrorCode = C.GST_CORE_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED // (3) – use this when you do not want to implement this functionality yet. CoreErrorStateChange ErrorCode = C.GST_CORE_ERROR_STATE_CHANGE // (4) – used for state change errors. CoreErrorPad ErrorCode = C.GST_CORE_ERROR_PAD // (5) – used for pad-related errors. CoreErrorThread ErrorCode = C.GST_CORE_ERROR_THREAD // (6) – used for thread-related errors. CoreErrorNegotiation ErrorCode = C.GST_CORE_ERROR_NEGOTIATION // (7) – used for negotiation-related errors. CoreErrorEvent ErrorCode = C.GST_CORE_ERROR_EVENT // (8) – used for event-related errors. CoreErrorSeek ErrorCode = C.GST_CORE_ERROR_SEEK // (9) – used for seek-related errors. CoreErrorCaps ErrorCode = C.GST_CORE_ERROR_CAPS // (10) – used for caps-related errors. CoreErrorTag ErrorCode = C.GST_CORE_ERROR_TAG // (11) – used for negotiation-related errors. CoreErrorMissingPlugin ErrorCode = C.GST_CORE_ERROR_MISSING_PLUGIN // (12) – used if a plugin is missing. CoreErrorClock ErrorCode = C.GST_CORE_ERROR_CLOCK // (13) – used for clock related errors. CoreErrorDisabled ErrorCode = C.GST_CORE_ERROR_DISABLED // (14) – used if functionality has been disabled at compile time. )
Type castings of CoreErrors
const ( LibraryErrorFailed ErrorCode = C.GST_LIBRARY_ERROR_FAILED // (1) – a general error which doesn't fit in any other category. Make sure you add a custom message to the error call. LibraryErrorTooLazy ErrorCode = C.GST_LIBRARY_ERROR_TOO_LAZY // (2) – do not use this except as a placeholder for deciding where to go while developing code. LibraryErrorInit ErrorCode = C.GST_LIBRARY_ERROR_INIT // (3) – used when the library could not be opened. LibraryErrorShutdown ErrorCode = C.GST_LIBRARY_ERROR_SHUTDOWN // (4) – used when the library could not be closed. LibraryErrorSettings ErrorCode = C.GST_LIBRARY_ERROR_SETTINGS // (5) – used when the library doesn't accept settings. LibraryErrorEncode ErrorCode = C.GST_LIBRARY_ERROR_ENCODE // (6) – used when the library generated an encoding error. )
Type castings for LibraryErrors
const ( ResourceErrorFailed ErrorCode = C.GST_RESOURCE_ERROR_FAILED // (1) – a general error which doesn't fit in any other category. Make sure you add a custom message to the error call. ResourceErrorTooLazy ErrorCode = C.GST_RESOURCE_ERROR_TOO_LAZY // (2) – do not use this except as a placeholder for deciding where to go while developing code. ResourceErrorNotFound ErrorCode = C.GST_RESOURCE_ERROR_NOT_FOUND // (3) – used when the resource could not be found. ResourceErrorBusy ErrorCode = C.GST_RESOURCE_ERROR_BUSY // (4) – used when resource is busy. ResourceErrorOpenRead ErrorCode = C.GST_RESOURCE_ERROR_OPEN_READ // (5) – used when resource fails to open for reading. ResourceErrorOpenWrite ErrorCode = C.GST_RESOURCE_ERROR_OPEN_WRITE // (6) – used when resource fails to open for writing. ResourceErrorOpenReadWrite ErrorCode = C.GST_RESOURCE_ERROR_OPEN_READ_WRITE // (7) – used when resource cannot be opened for both reading and writing, or either (but unspecified which). ResourceErrorClose ErrorCode = C.GST_RESOURCE_ERROR_CLOSE // (8) – used when the resource can't be closed. ResourceErrorRead ErrorCode = C.GST_RESOURCE_ERROR_READ // (9) – used when the resource can't be read from. ResourceErrorWrite ErrorCode = C.GST_RESOURCE_ERROR_WRITE // (10) – used when the resource can't be written to. ResourceErrorSeek ErrorCode = C.GST_RESOURCE_ERROR_SEEK // (11) – used when a seek on the resource fails. ResourceErrorSync ErrorCode = C.GST_RESOURCE_ERROR_SYNC // (12) – used when a synchronize on the resource fails. ResourceErrorSettings ErrorCode = C.GST_RESOURCE_ERROR_SETTINGS // (13) – used when settings can't be manipulated on. ResourceErrorNoSpaceLeft ErrorCode = C.GST_RESOURCE_ERROR_NO_SPACE_LEFT // (14) – used when the resource has no space left. ResourceErrorNotAuthorized ErrorCode = C.GST_RESOURCE_ERROR_NOT_AUTHORIZED // (15) – used when the resource can't be opened due to missing authorization. (Since: 1.2.4) )
Type castings for ResourceErrors
const ( StreamErrorFailed ErrorCode = C.GST_STREAM_ERROR_FAILED // (1) – a general error which doesn't fit in any other category. Make sure you add a custom message to the error call. StreamErrorTooLazy ErrorCode = C.GST_STREAM_ERROR_TOO_LAZY // (2) – do not use this except as a placeholder for deciding where to go while developing code. StreamErrorNotImplemented ErrorCode = C.GST_STREAM_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED // (3) – use this when you do not want to implement this functionality yet. StreamErrorTypeNotFound ErrorCode = C.GST_STREAM_ERROR_TYPE_NOT_FOUND // (4) – used when the element doesn't know the stream's type. StreamErrorWrongType ErrorCode = C.GST_STREAM_ERROR_WRONG_TYPE // (5) – used when the element doesn't handle this type of stream. StreamErrorCodecNotFound ErrorCode = C.GST_STREAM_ERROR_CODEC_NOT_FOUND // (6) – used when there's no codec to handle the stream's type. StreamErrorDecode ErrorCode = C.GST_STREAM_ERROR_DECODE // (7) – used when decoding fails. StreamErrorEncode ErrorCode = C.GST_STREAM_ERROR_ENCODE // (8) – used when encoding fails. StreamErrorDemux ErrorCode = C.GST_STREAM_ERROR_DEMUX // (9) – used when demuxing fails. StreamErrorMux ErrorCode = C.GST_STREAM_ERROR_MUX // (10) – used when muxing fails. StreamErrorFormat ErrorCode = C.GST_STREAM_ERROR_FORMAT // (11) – used when the stream is of the wrong format (for example, wrong caps). StreamErrorDecrypt ErrorCode = C.GST_STREAM_ERROR_DECRYPT // (12) – used when the stream is encrypted and can't be decrypted because this is not supported by the element. StreamErrorDecryptNoKey ErrorCode = C.GST_STREAM_ERROR_DECRYPT_NOKEY // (13) – used when the stream is encrypted and can't be decrypted because no suitable key is available. )
Type castings for StreamErrors
type Event ¶
type Event struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Event is a go wrapper around a GstEvent.
func FromGstEventUnsafeFull ¶
FromGstEventUnsafeFull wraps the pointer to the given C GstEvent without taking a ref. A finalizer is applied.
func FromGstEventUnsafeNone ¶
FromGstEventUnsafeNone wraps the pointer to the given C GstEvent with the go type. A ref is taken and finalizer applied.
func NewBufferSizeEvent ¶
NewBufferSizeEvent creates a new buffersize event. The event is sent downstream and notifies elements that they should provide a buffer of the specified dimensions.
When the async flag is set, a thread boundary is preferred.
func NewCapsEvent ¶
NewCapsEvent creates a new CAPS event for caps. The caps event can only travel downstream synchronized with the buffer flow and contains the format of the buffers that will follow after the event.
func NewCustomEvent ¶
NewCustomEvent creates a new custom-typed event. This can be used for anything not handled by other event-specific functions to pass an event to another element.
func NewEOSEvent ¶
func NewEOSEvent() *Event
NewEOSEvent creates a new EOS event. The eos event can only travel downstream synchronized with the buffer flow. Elements that receive the EOS event on a pad can return FlowEOS as a FlowReturn when data after the EOS event arrives.
The EOS event will travel down to the sink elements in the pipeline which will then post the MessageEOS on the bus after they have finished playing any buffered data.
When all sinks have posted an EOS message, an EOS message is forwarded to the application.
The EOS event itself will not cause any state transitions of the pipeline.
func NewFlushStartEvent ¶
func NewFlushStartEvent() *Event
NewFlushStartEvent allocates a new flush start event. The flush start event can be sent upstream and downstream and travels out-of-bounds with the dataflow.
It marks pads as being flushing and will make them return FlowFlushing when used for data flow with gst_pad_push, gst_pad_chain, gst_pad_get_range and gst_pad_pull_range. Any event (except a EventFlushSStop) received on a flushing pad will return FALSE immediately.
Elements should unlock any blocking functions and exit their streaming functions as fast as possible when this event is received.
This event is typically generated after a seek to flush out all queued data in the pipeline so that the new media is played as soon as possible.
func NewFlushStopEvent ¶
NewFlushStopEvent allocates a new flush stop event. The flush stop event can be sent upstream and downstream and travels serialized with the dataflow. It is typically sent after sending a FLUSH_START event to make the pads accept data again.
Elements can process this event synchronized with the dataflow since the preceding FLUSH_START event stopped the dataflow.
This event is typically generated to complete a seek and to resume dataflow.
func NewGapEvent ¶
NewGapEvent creates a new GAP event. A gap event can be thought of as conceptually equivalent to a buffer to signal that there is no data for a certain amount of time. This is useful to signal a gap to downstream elements which may wait for data, such as muxers or mixers or overlays, especially for sparse streams such as subtitle streams.
func NewLatencyEvent ¶
NewLatencyEvent creates a new latency event. The event is sent upstream from the sinks and notifies elements that they should add an additional latency to the running time before synchronizing against the clock.
The latency is mostly used in live sinks and is always expressed in the time format.
func NewNavigationEvent ¶
NewNavigationEvent creates a new navigation event from the given description. The event will take ownership of the structure.
func NewProtectionEvent ¶
NewProtectionEvent creates a new event containing information specific to a particular protection system (uniquely identified by system_id), by which that protection system can acquire key(s) to decrypt a protected stream.
In order for a decryption element to decrypt media protected using a specific system, it first needs all the protection system specific information necessary to acquire the decryption key(s) for that stream. The functions defined here enable this information to be passed in events from elements that extract it (e.g., ISOBMFF demuxers, MPEG DASH demuxers) to protection decrypter elements that use it.
Events containing protection system specific information are created using NewProtectionEvent, and they can be parsed by downstream elements using ParseProtection.
In Common Encryption, protection system specific information may be located within ISOBMFF files, both in movie (moov) boxes and movie fragment (moof) boxes; it may also be contained in ContentProtection elements within MPEG DASH MPDs. The events created by gst_event_new_protection contain data identifying from which of these locations the encapsulated protection system specific information originated. This origin information is required as some protection systems use different encodings depending upon where the information originates.
The events returned by NewProtectionEvent are implemented in such a way as to ensure that the most recently-pushed protection info event of a particular origin and system_id will be stuck to the output pad of the sending element.
func NewQOSEvent ¶
func NewQOSEvent(qType QOSType, proportion float64, diff ClockTimeDiff, timestamp ClockTime) *Event
NewQOSEvent allocates a new qos event with the given values. The QOS event is generated in an element that wants an upstream element to either reduce or increase its rate because of high/low CPU load or other resource usage such as network performance or throttling. Typically sinks generate these events for each buffer they receive.
Type indicates the reason for the QoS event. GST_QOS_TYPE_OVERFLOW is used when a buffer arrived in time or when the sink cannot keep up with the upstream datarate. GST_QOS_TYPE_UNDERFLOW is when the sink is not receiving buffers fast enough and thus has to drop late buffers. GST_QOS_TYPE_THROTTLE is used when the datarate is artificially limited by the application, for example to reduce power consumption.
Proportion indicates the real-time performance of the streaming in the element that generated the QoS event (usually the sink). The value is generally computed based on more long term statistics about the streams timestamps compared to the clock. A value < 1.0 indicates that the upstream element is producing data faster than real-time. A value > 1.0 indicates that the upstream element is not producing data fast enough. 1.0 is the ideal proportion value. The proportion value can safely be used to lower or increase the quality of the element.
Diff is the difference against the clock in running time of the last buffer that caused the element to generate the QOS event. A negative value means that the buffer with timestamp arrived in time. A positive value indicates how late the buffer with timestamp was. When throttling is enabled, diff will be set to the requested throttling interval.
Timestamp is the timestamp of the last buffer that cause the element to generate the QOS event. It is expressed in running time and thus an ever increasing value.
The upstream element can use the diff and timestamp values to decide whether to process more buffers. For positive diff, all buffers with timestamp <= timestamp + diff will certainly arrive late in the sink as well. A (negative) diff value so that timestamp + diff would yield a result smaller than 0 is not allowed.
The application can use general event probes to intercept the QoS event and implement custom application specific QoS handling.
func NewReconfigureEvent ¶
func NewReconfigureEvent() *Event
NewReconfigureEvent creates a new reconfigure event. The purpose of the reconfigure event is to travel upstream and make elements renegotiate their caps or reconfigure their buffer pools. This is useful when changing properties on elements or changing the topology of the pipeline.
func NewSeekEvent ¶
func NewSeekEvent(rate float64, format Format, flags SeekFlags, startType SeekType, start int64, stopType SeekType, stop int64) *Event
NewSeekEvent allocates a new seek event with the given parameters.
The seek event configures playback of the pipeline between start to stop at the speed given in rate, also called a playback segment. The start and stop values are expressed in format.
A rate of 1.0 means normal playback rate, 2.0 means double speed. Negatives values means backwards playback. A value of 0.0 for the rate is not allowed and should be accomplished instead by PAUSING the pipeline.
A pipeline has a default playback segment configured with a start position of 0, a stop position of -1 and a rate of 1.0. The currently configured playback segment can be queried with GST_QUERY_SEGMENT.
start_type and stop_type specify how to adjust the currently configured start and stop fields in playback segment. Adjustments can be made relative or absolute to the last configured values. A type of GST_SEEK_TYPE_NONE means that the position should not be updated.
When the rate is positive and start has been updated, playback will start from the newly configured start position.
For negative rates, playback will start from the newly configured stop position (if any). If the stop position is updated, it must be different from -1 (#GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE) for negative rates.
It is not possible to seek relative to the current playback position, to do this, PAUSE the pipeline, query the current playback position with GST_QUERY_POSITION and update the playback segment current position with a GST_SEEK_TYPE_SET to the desired position.
func NewSegmentDoneEvent ¶
NewSegmentDoneEvent creates a new segment-done event. This event is sent by elements that finish playback of a segment as a result of a segment seek.
func NewSegmentEvent ¶
NewSegmentEvent creates a new SEGMENT event for segment. The segment event can only travel downstream synchronized with the buffer flow and contains timing information and playback properties for the buffers that will follow.
The segment event marks the range of buffers to be processed. All data not within the segment range is not to be processed. This can be used intelligently by plugins to apply more efficient methods of skipping unneeded data. The valid range is expressed with the start and stop values.
The time value of the segment is used in conjunction with the start value to convert the buffer timestamps into the stream time. This is usually done in sinks to report the current stream_time. time represents the stream_time of a buffer carrying a timestamp of start. time cannot be -1.
start cannot be -1, stop can be -1. If there is a valid stop given, it must be greater or equal the start, including when the indicated playback rate is < 0.
The applied_rate value provides information about any rate adjustment that has already been made to the timestamps and content on the buffers of the stream. (@rate * applied_rate) should always equal the rate that has been requested for playback. For example, if an element has an input segment with intended playback rate of 2.0 and applied_rate of 1.0, it can adjust incoming timestamps and buffer content by half and output a segment event with rate of 1.0 and applied_rate of 2.0
After a segment event, the buffer stream time is calculated with:
time + (TIMESTAMP(buf) - start) * ABS (rate * applied_rate)
func NewSelectStreamsEvent ¶
NewSelectStreamsEvent allocates a new select-streams event.
The select-streams event requests the specified streams to be activated.
The list of streams corresponds to the "Stream ID" of each stream to be activated. Those ID can be obtained via the GstStream objects present in EventStreamStart, EventStreamCollection or MessageStreamCollection.
Note: The list of streams can not be empty.
func NewSinkMessageEvent ¶
NewSinkMessageEvent creates a new sink-message event. The purpose of the sink-message event is to instruct a sink to post the message contained in the event synchronized with the stream.
name is used to store multiple sticky events on one pad.
func NewStepEvent ¶
NewStepEvent createss a new step event. The purpose of the step event is to instruct a sink to skip amount (expressed in format) of media. It can be used to implement stepping through the video frame by frame or for doing fast trick modes.
A rate of <= 0.0 is not allowed. Pause the pipeline, for the effect of rate = 0.0 or first reverse the direction of playback using a seek event to get the same effect as rate < 0.0.
The flush flag will clear any pending data in the pipeline before starting the step operation.
The intermediate flag instructs the pipeline that this step operation is part of a larger step operation.
func NewStreamCollectionEvent ¶
func NewStreamCollectionEvent(collection *StreamCollection) *Event
NewStreamCollectionEvent creates a new STREAM_COLLECTION event. The stream collection event can only travel downstream synchronized with the buffer flow.
Source elements, demuxers and other elements that manage collections of streams and post GstStreamCollection messages on the bus also send this event downstream on each pad involved in the collection, so that activation of a new collection can be tracked through the downstream data flow.
func NewStreamGroupDoneEvent ¶
NewStreamGroupDoneEvent creates a new Stream Group Done event. The stream-group-done event can only travel downstream synchronized with the buffer flow. Elements that receive the event on a pad should handle it mostly like EOS, and emit any data or pending buffers that would depend on more data arriving and unblock, since there won't be any more data.
This event is followed by EOS at some point in the future, and is generally used when switching pads - to unblock downstream so that new pads can be exposed before sending EOS on the existing pads.
func NewStreamStartEvent ¶
NewStreamStartEvent creates a new STREAM_START event. The stream start event can only travel downstream synchronized with the buffer flow. It is expected to be the first event that is sent for a new stream.
Source elements, demuxers and other elements that create new streams are supposed to send this event as the first event of a new stream. It should not be sent after a flushing seek or in similar situations and is used to mark the beginning of a new logical stream. Elements combining multiple streams must ensure that this event is only forwarded downstream once and not for every single input stream.
The stream_id should be a unique string that consists of the upstream stream-id, / as separator and a unique stream-id for this specific stream. A new stream-id should only be created for a stream if the upstream stream is split into (potentially) multiple new streams, e.g. in a demuxer, but not for every single element in the pipeline. Pad CreateStreamID can be used to create a stream-id. There are no particular semantics for the stream-id, though it should be deterministic (to support stream matching) and it might be used to order streams (besides any information conveyed by stream flags).
func NewTOCEvent ¶
NewTOCEvent generates a TOC event from the given toc. The purpose of the TOC event is to inform elements that some kind of the TOC was found.
func NewTOCSelectEvent ¶
NewTOCSelectEvent generates a TOC select event with the given uid. The purpose of the TOC select event is to start playback based on the TOC's entry with the given uid.
func NewTagEvent ¶
NewTagEvent generates a metadata tag event from the given taglist.
The scope of the taglist specifies if the taglist applies to the complete medium or only to this specific stream. As the tag event is a sticky event, elements should merge tags received from upstream with a given scope with their own tags with the same scope and create a new tag event from it.
func ToGstEvent ¶
ToGstEvent converts the given pointer into an Event without affecting the ref count or placing finalizers.
func (*Event) CopySegment ¶
CopySegment parses a segment event and copies the Segment into the location given by segment.
func (*Event) GetRunningTimeOffset ¶
GetRunningTimeOffset retrieves the accumulated running time offset of the event.
Events passing through GstPad that have a running time offset set via gst_pad_set_offset will get their offset adjusted according to the pad's offset.
If the event contains any information that related to the running time, this information will need to be updated before usage with this offset.
func (*Event) GetSeqnum ¶
GetSeqnum retrieves the sequence number of a event.
Events have ever-incrementing sequence numbers, which may also be set explicitly via SetSeqnum. Sequence numbers are typically used to indicate that a event corresponds to some other set of events or messages, for example an EOS event corresponding to a SEEK event. It is considered good practice to make this correspondence when possible, though it is not required.
Note that events and messages share the same sequence number incrementor; two events or messages will never have the same sequence number unless that correspondence was made explicitly.
func (*Event) GetStructure ¶
GetStructure accesses the structure of the event.
func (*Event) HasName ¶
HasName checks if event has the given name. This function is usually used to check the name of a custom event.
func (*Event) ParseBufferSize ¶
ParseBufferSize gets the format, minsize, maxsize and async-flag in the buffersize event.
func (*Event) ParseCaps ¶
ParseCaps gets the caps from event. The caps remains valid as long as event remains valid.
func (*Event) ParseFlushStop ¶
ParseFlushStop parses the FLUSH_STOP event and retrieve the reset_time member. Value reflects whether time should be reset.
func (*Event) ParseGroupID ¶
ParseGroupID returns a group ID if set on the event.
func (*Event) ParseLatency ¶
ParseLatency gets the latency in the latency event.
func (*Event) ParseProtection ¶
ParseProtection parses an event containing protection system specific information and stores the results in system_id, data and origin. The data stored in system_id, origin and data are valid until event is released.
func (*Event) ParseQOS ¶
func (e *Event) ParseQOS() (qTtype QOSType, proportion float64, diff ClockTimeDiff, timestamp ClockTime)
ParseQOS gets the type, proportion, diff and timestamp in the qos event. See NewQOSEvent for more information about the different QoS values.
timestamp will be adjusted for any pad offsets of pads it was passing through.
func (*Event) ParseSeek ¶
func (e *Event) ParseSeek() (rate float64, format Format, flags SeekFlags, startType SeekType, start int64, stopType SeekType, stop int64)
ParseSeek parses a seek event.
func (*Event) ParseSeekTrickModeInterval ¶
ParseSeekTrickModeInterval retrieves the trickmode interval that may have been set on a seek event with SetSeekTrickModeInterval.
func (*Event) ParseSegment ¶
ParseSegment parses a segment event and stores the result in the given segment location. segment remains valid only until the event is freed. Don't modify the segment and make a copy if you want to modify it or store it for later use.
func (*Event) ParseSegmentDone ¶
ParseSegmentDone extracts the position and format from the segment done message.
func (*Event) ParseSelectStreams ¶
ParseSelectStreams parses the SELECT_STREAMS event and retrieve the contained streams.
func (*Event) ParseSinkMessage ¶
ParseSinkMessage parses the sink-message event. Unref msg after usage.
func (*Event) ParseStream ¶
ParseStream parses a stream-start event and extract the GstStream from it.
func (*Event) ParseStreamCollection ¶
func (e *Event) ParseStreamCollection() *StreamCollection
ParseStreamCollection parses a stream collection from the event.
func (*Event) ParseStreamFlags ¶
func (e *Event) ParseStreamFlags() StreamFlags
ParseStreamFlags parses the stream flags from an event.
func (*Event) ParseStreamGroupDone ¶
ParseStreamGroupDone parses a stream-group-done event and store the result in the given group_id location.
func (*Event) ParseStreamStart ¶
ParseStreamStart parses a stream-id event and store the result in the given stream_id location.
func (*Event) ParseTOC ¶
ParseTOC parses a TOC event and store the results in the given toc and updated locations.
func (*Event) ParseTOCSelect ¶
ParseTOCSelect parses a TOC select event and store the results in the given uid location.
func (*Event) ParseTag ¶
ParseTag parses a tag event and stores the results in the given taglist location. Do not modify or free the returned tag list.
func (*Event) SetGroupID ¶
SetGroupID sets the group id for the stream. All streams that have the same group id are supposed to be played together, i.e. all streams inside a container file should have the same group id but different stream ids. The group id should change each time the stream is started, resulting in different group ids each time a file is played for example.
Use NextGroupID to get a new group id.
func (*Event) SetRunningTimeOffset ¶
SetRunningTimeOffset sets the running time offset of a event. See GetRunningTimeOffset for more information.
func (*Event) SetSeekTrickModeInterval ¶
SetSeekTrickModeInterval sets a trickmode interval on a (writable) seek event. Elements that support TRICKMODE_KEY_UNITS seeks SHOULD use this as the minimal interval between each frame they may output.
func (*Event) SetSeqnum ¶
SetSeqnum sets the sequence number of a event.
This function might be called by the creator of a event to indicate that the event relates to other events or messages. See GetSeqnum for more information.
func (*Event) SetStreamFlags ¶
func (e *Event) SetStreamFlags(flags StreamFlags)
SetStreamFlags sets the stream flags on the event.
func (*Event) Unref ¶
func (e *Event) Unref()
Unref decreases the refcount of an event, freeing it if the refcount reaches 0.
func (*Event) WritableStructure ¶
WritableStructure returns a writable version of the structure.
type EventType ¶
type EventType int
EventType is a go cast for a GstEventType
const ( EventTypeUnknown EventType = C.GST_EVENT_UNKNOWN //(0) – unknown event. EventTypeFlushStart EventType = C.GST_EVENT_FLUSH_START // (2563) – Start a flush operation. This event clears all data from the pipeline and unblock all streaming threads. EventTypeFlushStop EventType = C.GST_EVENT_FLUSH_STOP // (5127) – Stop a flush operation. This event resets the running-time of the pipeline. EventTypeStreamStart EventType = C.GST_EVENT_STREAM_START // (10254) – Event to mark the start of a new stream. Sent before any other serialized event and only sent at the start of a new stream, not after flushing seeks. EventTypeCaps EventType = C.GST_EVENT_CAPS // (12814) – GstCaps event. Notify the pad of a new media type. EventTypeSegment EventType = C.GST_EVENT_SEGMENT // (17934) – A new media segment follows in the dataflow. The segment events contains information for clipping buffers and converting buffer timestamps to running-time and stream-time. EventTypeStreamCollection EventType = C.GST_EVENT_STREAM_COLLECTION // (19230) – A new GstStreamCollection is available (Since: 1.10) EventTypeTag EventType = C.GST_EVENT_TAG // (20510) – A new set of metadata tags has been found in the stream. EventTypeBufferSize EventType = C.GST_EVENT_BUFFERSIZE // (23054) – Notification of buffering requirements. Currently not used yet. EventTypeSinkMessage EventType = C.GST_EVENT_SINK_MESSAGE // (25630) – An event that sinks turn into a message. Used to send messages that should be emitted in sync with rendering. EventTypeStreamGroupDone EventType = C.GST_EVENT_STREAM_GROUP_DONE // (26894) – Indicates that there is no more data for the stream group ID in the message. Sent before EOS in some instances and should be handled mostly the same. (Since: 1.10) EventTypeEOS EventType = C.GST_EVENT_EOS // (28174) – End-Of-Stream. No more data is to be expected to follow without either a STREAM_START event, or a FLUSH_STOP and a SEGMENT event. EventTypeTOC EventType = C.GST_EVENT_TOC // (30750) – An event which indicates that a new table of contents (TOC) was found or updated. EventTypeProtection EventType = C.GST_EVENT_PROTECTION // (33310) – An event which indicates that new or updated encryption information has been found in the stream. EventTypeSegmentDone EventType = C.GST_EVENT_SEGMENT_DONE // (38406) – Marks the end of a segment playback. EventTypeGap EventType = C.GST_EVENT_GAP // (40966) – Marks a gap in the datastream. // EventTypeInstantRateChange EventType = C.GST_EVENT_INSTANT_RATE_CHANGE // (46090) – Notify downstream that a playback rate override should be applied as soon as possible. (Since: 1.18) EventTypeQOS EventType = C.GST_EVENT_QOS // (48641) – A quality message. Used to indicate to upstream elements that the downstream elements should adjust their processing rate. EventTypeSeek EventType = C.GST_EVENT_SEEK // (51201) – A request for a new playback position and rate. EventTypeLatency EventType = C.GST_EVENT_LATENCY // (56321) – Notification of new latency adjustment. Sinks will use the latency information to adjust their synchronization. EventTypeStep EventType = C.GST_EVENT_STEP // (58881) – A request for stepping through the media. Sinks will usually execute the step operation. EventTypeReconfigure EventType = C.GST_EVENT_RECONFIGURE // (61441) – A request for upstream renegotiating caps and reconfiguring. EventTypeTOCSelect EventType = C.GST_EVENT_TOC_SELECT // (64001) – A request for a new playback position based on TOC entry's UID. EventTypeSelectStreams EventType = C.GST_EVENT_SELECT_STREAMS // (66561) – A request to select one or more streams (Since: 1.10) // EventTypeInstantRateSyncTime EventType = C.GST_EVENT_INSTANT_RATE_SYNC_TIME // (66817) – Sent by the pipeline to notify elements that handle the instant-rate-change event about the running-time when the rate multiplier should be applied (or was applied). (Since: 1.18) EventTypeCustomUpstream EventType = C.GST_EVENT_CUSTOM_UPSTREAM // (69121) – Upstream custom event EventTypeCustomDownstream EventType = C.GST_EVENT_CUSTOM_DOWNSTREAM // (71686) – Downstream custom event that travels in the data flow. EventTypeCustomOOB EventType = C.GST_EVENT_CUSTOM_DOWNSTREAM_OOB // (74242) – Custom out-of-band downstream event. EventTypeCustomDownstreamSticky EventType = C.GST_EVENT_CUSTOM_DOWNSTREAM_STICKY // (76830) – Custom sticky downstream event. EventTypeCustomBoth EventType = C.GST_EVENT_CUSTOM_BOTH // (79367) – Custom upstream or downstream event. In-band when traveling downstream. EventTypeCustomBothOOB EventType = C.GST_EVENT_CUSTOM_BOTH_OOB // (81923) – Custom upstream or downstream out-of-band event. )
Type casts for EventTypes
type EventTypeFlags ¶
type EventTypeFlags int
EventTypeFlags casts GstEventTypeFlags
const ( EventTypeFlagUpstream EventTypeFlags = C.GST_EVENT_TYPE_UPSTREAM // (1) – Set if the event can travel upstream. EventTypeFlagDownstream EventTypeFlags = C.GST_EVENT_TYPE_DOWNSTREAM // (2) – Set if the event can travel downstream. EventTypeFlagSerialized EventTypeFlags = C.GST_EVENT_TYPE_SERIALIZED // (4) – Set if the event should be serialized with data flow. EventTypeFlagSticky EventTypeFlags = C.GST_EVENT_TYPE_STICKY // (8) – Set if the event is sticky on the pads. EventTypeFlagStickyMulti EventTypeFlags = C.GST_EVENT_TYPE_STICKY_MULTI // (16) – Multiple sticky events can be on a pad, each identified by the event name. )
Type castings
type FlagsetValue ¶
type FlagsetValue struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
FlagsetValue is the go wrapper around a GstFlagSet value.
func Flagset ¶
func Flagset(flags, mask uint) *FlagsetValue
Flagset returns a new FlagsetValue. The flags value indicates the values of flags, the mask represents which bits in the flag value have been set, and which are "don't care".
func ValueGetFlagset ¶
func ValueGetFlagset(value *glib.Value) *FlagsetValue
ValueGetFlagset returns the flagset inside his value.
func (*FlagsetValue) Flags ¶
func (f *FlagsetValue) Flags() uint
Flags returns the flags for this flagset.
func (*FlagsetValue) Mask ¶
func (f *FlagsetValue) Mask() uint
Mask returns the mask for this flagset.
type Float64RangeValue ¶
type Float64RangeValue struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Float64RangeValue is the go wrapper around a GstDoubleRange value.
func Float64Range ¶
func Float64Range(start, end float64) *Float64RangeValue
Float64Range returns a new Float64RangeValue. This is the equivalent of a double range value.
func ValueGetFloat64Range ¶
func ValueGetFloat64Range(value *glib.Value) *Float64RangeValue
ValueGetFloat64Range returns the range from inside this value.
func (*Float64RangeValue) End ¶
func (f *Float64RangeValue) End() float64
End returns the end for this range.
func (*Float64RangeValue) Start ¶
func (f *Float64RangeValue) Start() float64
Start returns the start for this range.
func (*Float64RangeValue) String ¶
func (f *Float64RangeValue) String() string
String returns a string representation of the range.
type FlowReturn ¶
type FlowReturn int
FlowReturn is go type casting for GstFlowReturn.
const ( FlowOK FlowReturn = C.GST_FLOW_OK // Data passing was ok FlowNotLinked FlowReturn = C.GST_FLOW_NOT_LINKED // Pad is not linked FlowFlushing FlowReturn = C.GST_FLOW_FLUSHING // Pad is flushing FlowEOS FlowReturn = C.GST_FLOW_EOS // Pad is EOS FlowNotNegotiated FlowReturn = C.GST_FLOW_NOT_NEGOTIATED // Pad is not negotiated FlowError FlowReturn = C.GST_FLOW_ERROR // Some (fatal) error occurred FlowNotSupported FlowReturn = C.GST_FLOW_NOT_SUPPORTED // The operation is not supported. )
Type casting of the GstFlowReturn types. Custom ones are omitted for now.
func (FlowReturn) String ¶
func (f FlowReturn) String() string
String impelements a stringer on FlowReturn
type Format ¶
type Format int
Format is a representation of GstFormat.
const ( FormatUndefined Format = C.GST_FORMAT_UNDEFINED // (0) – undefined format FormatDefault Format = C.GST_FORMAT_DEFAULT // (1) – the default format of the pad/element. This can be samples for raw audio, or frames/fields for raw video. FormatBytes Format = C.GST_FORMAT_BYTES // (2) - bytes FormatTime Format = C.GST_FORMAT_TIME // (3) – time in nanoseconds )
Type casts of formats
type FractionRangeValue ¶
type FractionRangeValue struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
FractionRangeValue represents a GstFractionRange.
func FractionRange ¶
func FractionRange(start, end *FractionValue) *FractionRangeValue
FractionRange returns a new GstFractionRange.
func ValueGetFractionRange ¶
func ValueGetFractionRange(value *glib.Value) *FractionRangeValue
ValueGetFractionRange returns the range inside the given value.
func (*FractionRangeValue) End ¶
func (g *FractionRangeValue) End() *FractionValue
End returns the end of the range.
func (*FractionRangeValue) Start ¶
func (g *FractionRangeValue) Start() *FractionValue
Start returns the start of the range.
func (*FractionRangeValue) String ¶
func (g *FractionRangeValue) String() string
String returns a string representation of the range.
type FractionValue ¶
type FractionValue struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
FractionValue is a helper structure for building fractions for functions that require them.
func Fraction ¶
func Fraction(numerator, denominator int) *FractionValue
Fraction returns a new GFraction with the given numerator and denominator.
func ValueGetFraction ¶
func ValueGetFraction(value *glib.Value) *FractionValue
ValueGetFraction returns the fraction inside the given value.
func (*FractionValue) Denom ¶
func (g *FractionValue) Denom() int
Denom returns the fraction's denominator.
func (*FractionValue) String ¶
func (g *FractionValue) String() string
String returns a string representation of the fraction.
type GError ¶
type GError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GError is a Go wrapper for a C GError in the context of GStreamer. It implements the error interface and provides additional functions for retrieving debug strings and details.
func NewGError ¶
NewGError wraps the given error inside a GError (to be used with message constructors).
func (*GError) DebugString ¶
DebugString returns any debug info alongside the error.
type GapFlags ¶
type GapFlags int
GapFlags casts GstGapFlags
const (
GapFlagMissingData GapFlags = 1
Type castings
type GhostPad ¶
type GhostPad struct{ *ProxyPad }
GhostPad is a go representation of a GstGhostPad.
func FromGstGhostPadUnsafeFull ¶
FromGstGhostPadUnsafeFull wraps the given GstGhostPad.
func FromGstGhostPadUnsafeNone ¶
FromGstGhostPadUnsafeNone wraps the given GstGhostPad.
func NewGhostPad ¶
NewGhostPad create a new ghostpad with target as the target. The direction will be taken from the target pad. The target must be unlinked. If name is empty, one will be selected.
Will ref the target.
func NewGhostPadFromTemplate ¶
func NewGhostPadFromTemplate(name string, target *Pad, tmpl *PadTemplate) *GhostPad
NewGhostPadFromTemplate creates a new ghostpad with target as the target. The direction will be taken from the target pad. The template used on the ghostpad will be template. If name is empty one will be selected.
Will ref the target.
func NewGhostPadNoTarget ¶
func NewGhostPadNoTarget(name string, direction PadDirection) *GhostPad
NewGhostPadNoTarget creates a new ghostpad without a target with the given direction. A target can be set on the ghostpad later with the SetTarget function. If name is empty, one will be selected.
The created ghostpad will not have a padtemplate.
func NewGhostPadNoTargetFromTemplate ¶
func NewGhostPadNoTargetFromTemplate(name string, tmpl *PadTemplate) *GhostPad
NewGhostPadNoTargetFromTemplate creates a new ghostpad based on templ, without setting a target. The direction will be taken from the templ.
func (*GhostPad) ActivateModeDefault ¶
ActivateModeDefault invokes the default activate mode function of a ghost pad.
func (*GhostPad) Instance ¶
func (g *GhostPad) Instance() *C.GstGhostPad
Instance returns the underlying ghost pad instance.
func (*GhostPad) InternalActivateModeDefault ¶
InternalActivateModeDefault invokes the default activate mode function of a proxy pad that is owned by a ghost pad.
type Int64RangeValue ¶
type Int64RangeValue struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Int64RangeValue represents a GstInt64Range.
func Int64Range ¶
func Int64Range(start, end, step int64) *Int64RangeValue
Int64Range returns a new Int64RangeValue.
func ValueGetInt64Range ¶
func ValueGetInt64Range(value *glib.Value) *Int64RangeValue
ValueGetInt64Range gets the int64 range from the given value.
func (*Int64RangeValue) End ¶
func (i *Int64RangeValue) End() int64
End returns the end of the range
func (*Int64RangeValue) Start ¶
func (i *Int64RangeValue) Start() int64
Start returns the start of the range
func (*Int64RangeValue) Step ¶
func (i *Int64RangeValue) Step() int64
Step returns the step of the range
func (*Int64RangeValue) String ¶
func (i *Int64RangeValue) String() string
String implements a Stringer.
type IntRangeValue ¶
type IntRangeValue struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
IntRangeValue represents a GstIntRange.
func IntRange ¶
func IntRange(start, end, step int) *IntRangeValue
IntRange returns a new IntRangeValue.
func ValueGetIntRange ¶
func ValueGetIntRange(value *glib.Value) *IntRangeValue
ValueGetIntRange gets the int range from the given value.
func (*IntRangeValue) Start ¶
func (i *IntRangeValue) Start() int
Start returns the start of the range
func (*IntRangeValue) String ¶
func (i *IntRangeValue) String() string
String implements a Stringer.
type InterpolationControlSource ¶
type InterpolationControlSource struct{ *Object }
func NewInterpolationControlSource ¶
func NewInterpolationControlSource() *InterpolationControlSource
func (*InterpolationControlSource) Instance ¶
func (cs *InterpolationControlSource) Instance() *C.GstControlSource
func (*InterpolationControlSource) SetInterpolationMode ¶
func (cs *InterpolationControlSource) SetInterpolationMode(mode InterpolationMode)
func (*InterpolationControlSource) SetTimedValue ¶
func (cs *InterpolationControlSource) SetTimedValue(time ClockTime, value float64) bool
func (*InterpolationControlSource) UnsetAll ¶
func (cs *InterpolationControlSource) UnsetAll()
type InterpolationMode ¶
type InterpolationMode int
const ( //steps-like interpolation, default InterpolationModeNone InterpolationMode = 0 // GST_INTERPOLATION_MODE_NONE //linear interpolation InterpolationModeLinear InterpolationMode = 1 // GST_INTERPOLATION_MODE_LINEAR //cubic interpolation (natural), may overshoot the min or max values set by the control point, but is more 'curvy' InterpolationModeCubic InterpolationMode = 2 // GST_INTERPOLATION_MODE_CUBIC //monotonic cubic interpolation, will not produce any values outside of the min-max range set by the control points (Since: 1.8) InterpolationModeCubicMonotonic InterpolationMode = 3 // GST_INTERPOLATION_MODE_CUBIC_MONOTONIC )
type License ¶
type License string
License represents a type of license used on a plugin.
const ( LicenseLGPL License = "LGPL" LicenseGPL License = "GPL" LicenseQPL License = "QPL" LicenseGPLQPL License = "GPL/QPL" LicenseMPL License = "MPL" LicenseBSD License = "BSD" LicenseMIT License = "MIT/X11" LicenseProprietary License = "Proprietary" LicenseUnknown License = "unknown" )
Types of licenses
type LogFunction ¶
type LogFunction = func( category *DebugCategory, level DebugLevel, file string, function string, line int, object *LoggedObject, message *DebugMessage, )
type LoggedObject ¶
type LoggedObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
C.GObject passed to logging callback might not be full constructed yet (logging before g_object_new() has returned), or they might have a refcount of 0 (logging in finalize), or they might be partially destructed (dispose).
It is not safe for general use. For most needs, use DebugMessage.GetId() instead
func (*LoggedObject) Get ¶
func (l *LoggedObject) Get() unsafe.Pointer
type MapFlags ¶
type MapFlags int
MapFlags is a go casting of GstMapFlags
const ( MapRead MapFlags = C.GST_MAP_READ // (1) – map for read access MapWrite MapFlags = C.GST_MAP_WRITE // (2) - map for write access MapFlagLast MapFlags = C.GST_MAP_FLAG_LAST // (65536) – first flag that can be used for custom purposes )
Type casting of the map flag types
type MapInfo ¶
type MapInfo struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MapInfo is a go representation of a GstMapInfo.
func (*MapInfo) AsFloat32BESlice ¶
AsFloat32BESlice returns the contents of this map as a slice of 32-bit big-endian floats.
func (*MapInfo) AsFloat32LESlice ¶
AsFloat32LESlice returns the contents of this map as a slice of 32-bit little-endian floats.
func (*MapInfo) AsFloat64BESlice ¶
AsFloat64BESlice returns the contents of this map as a slice of 64-bit big-endian floats.
func (*MapInfo) AsFloat64LESlice ¶
AsFloat64LESlice returns the contents of this map as a slice of 64-bit little-endian floats.
func (*MapInfo) AsInt16BESlice ¶
AsInt16BESlice returns the contents of this map as a slice of signed 16-bit big-endian integers.
func (*MapInfo) AsInt16LESlice ¶
AsInt16LESlice returns the contents of this map as a slice of signed 16-bit little-endian integers.
func (*MapInfo) AsInt32BESlice ¶
AsInt32BESlice returns the contents of this map as a slice of signed 32-bit big-endian integers.
func (*MapInfo) AsInt32LESlice ¶
AsInt32LESlice returns the contents of this map as a slice of signed 32-bit little-endian integers.
func (*MapInfo) AsInt64BESlice ¶
AsInt64BESlice returns the contents of this map as a slice of signed 64-bit big-endian integers.
func (*MapInfo) AsInt64LESlice ¶
AsInt64LESlice returns the contents of this map as a slice of signed 64-bit little-endian integers.
func (*MapInfo) AsInt8Slice ¶
AsInt8Slice returns the contents of this map as a slice of signed 8-bit integers.
func (*MapInfo) AsUint16BESlice ¶
AsUint16BESlice returns the contents of this map as a slice of unsigned 16-bit big-endian integers.
func (*MapInfo) AsUint16LESlice ¶
AsUint16LESlice returns the contents of this map as a slice of unsigned 16-bit little-endian integers.
func (*MapInfo) AsUint32BESlice ¶
AsUint32BESlice returns the contents of this map as a slice of unsigned 32-bit big-endian integers.
func (*MapInfo) AsUint32LESlice ¶
AsUint32LESlice returns the contents of this map as a slice of unsigned 32-bit little-endian integers.
func (*MapInfo) AsUint64BESlice ¶
AsUint64BESlice returns the contents of this map as a slice of unsigned 64-bit big-endian integers.
func (*MapInfo) AsUint64LESlice ¶
AsUint64LESlice returns the contents of this map as a slice of unsigned 64-bit little-endian integers.
func (*MapInfo) AsUint8Slice ¶
AsUint8Slice returns the contents of this map as a slice of unsigned 8-bit integers.
func (*MapInfo) Instance ¶
func (m *MapInfo) Instance() *C.GstMapInfo
Instance returns the underlying GstMapInfo instance.
func (*MapInfo) WriteAt ¶
WriteAt writes the given data sequence directly to the map's memory at the given offset.
type Memory ¶
type Memory struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Memory is a go representation of GstMemory. This object is implemented in a read-only fashion currently primarily for reference, and as such you should not really use it. You can create new memory blocks, but there are no methods implemented yet for modifying ones already in existence.
Use the Buffer and its Map methods to interact with memory in both a read and writable way.
func FromGstMemoryUnsafe ¶
FromGstMemoryUnsafe wraps the given C GstMemory in the go type. It is meant for internal usage and exported for visibility to other packages.
func FromGstMemoryUnsafeFull ¶
FromGstMemoryUnsafeFull wraps the given memory without taking an additional reference.
func FromGstMemoryUnsafeNone ¶
FromGstMemoryUnsafeNone is an alias to FromGstMemoryUnsafe.
func NewMemoryWrapped ¶
func NewMemoryWrapped(flags MemoryFlags, data []byte, maxSize, offset int64) *Memory
NewMemoryWrapped allocates a new memory block that wraps the given data.
The prefix/padding must be filled with 0 if flags contains MemoryFlagZeroPrefixed and MemoryFlagZeroPadded respectively.
func (*Memory) Bytes ¶
Bytes will return a byte slice of the data inside this memory if it is readable.
func (*Memory) Copy ¶
Copy returns a copy of size bytes from mem starting from offset. This copy is guaranteed to be writable. size can be set to -1 to return a copy from offset to the end of the memory region.
func (*Memory) Map ¶
Map the data inside the memory. This function can return nil if the memory is not read or writable. It is safe to call this function multiple times on the same Memory, however it will retain the flags used when mapping the first time. To change between read and write access first unmap and then remap the memory with the appropriate flags, or map initially with both read/write access.
Unmap the Memory after usage.
type MemoryFlags ¶
type MemoryFlags int
MemoryFlags represent flags for wrapped memory
const ( MemoryFlagReadOnly MemoryFlags = C.GST_MEMORY_FLAG_READONLY // (2) – memory is readonly. It is not allowed to map the memory with GST_MAP_WRITE. MemoryFlagZeroPrefixed MemoryFlags = C.GST_MEMORY_FLAG_ZERO_PREFIXED // (32) – the memory prefix is filled with 0 bytes MemoryFlagZeroPadded MemoryFlags = C.GST_MEMORY_FLAG_ZERO_PADDED // (64) – the memory padding is filled with 0 bytes MemoryFlagPhysicallyContiguous MemoryFlags = C.GST_MEMORY_FLAG_PHYSICALLY_CONTIGUOUS // (128) – the memory is physically contiguous. (Since: 1.2) MemoryFlagNotMappable MemoryFlags = C.GST_MEMORY_FLAG_NOT_MAPPABLE // (256) – the memory can't be mapped via gst_memory_map without any preconditions. (Since: 1.2) MemoryFlagLast MemoryFlags = 1048576 // first flag that can be used for custom purposes )
Type castins of MemoryFlags
type Message ¶
type Message struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Message is a Go wrapper around a GstMessage. It provides convenience methods for unref-ing and parsing the underlying messages.
func FromGstMessageUnsafeFull ¶
FromGstMessageUnsafeFull wraps the given unsafe.Pointer in a message. No ref is taken and a finalizer is placed on the resulting object.
func FromGstMessageUnsafeNone ¶
FromGstMessageUnsafeNone wraps the given unsafe.Pointer in a message. A ref is taken on the message and a runtime finalizer placed on the object.
func NewApplicationMessage ¶
NewApplicationMessage creates a new application-typed message. GStreamer will never create these messages; they are a gift from them to you. Enjoy.
The source of all message constructors must be a valid Object or descendant, specifically one created from the go runtime. If not the message returned will be nil.
func NewAsyncDoneMessage ¶
NewAsyncDoneMessage builds a message that is posted when elements completed an ASYNC state change. RunningTime contains the time of the desired running time when this elements goes to PLAYING. A value less than 0 for runningTime means that the element has no clock interaction and thus doesn't care about the running time of the pipeline.
func NewAsyncStartMessage ¶
func NewAsyncStartMessage(src interface{}) *Message
NewAsyncStartMessage returns a message that is posted by elements when they start an ASYNC state change.
func NewBufferingMessage ¶
NewBufferingMessage returns a message that can be posted by an element that needs to buffer data before it can continue processing. percent should be a value between 0 and 100. A value of 100 means that the buffering completed.
When percent is < 100 the application should PAUSE a PLAYING pipeline. When percent is 100, the application can set the pipeline (back) to PLAYING. The application must be prepared to receive BUFFERING messages in the PREROLLING state and may only set the pipeline to PLAYING after receiving a message with percent set to 100, which can happen after the pipeline completed prerolling.
func NewClockLostMessage ¶
NewClockLostMessage creates a clock lost message. This message is posted whenever the clock is not valid anymore.
If this message is posted by the pipeline, the pipeline will select a new clock again when it goes to PLAYING. It might therefore be needed to set the pipeline to PAUSED and PLAYING again.
func NewClockProvideMessage ¶
NewClockProvideMessage creates a clock provide message. This message is posted whenever an element is ready to provide a clock or lost its ability to provide a clock (maybe because it paused or became EOS).
This message is mainly used internally to manage the clock selection.
func NewCustomMessage ¶
func NewCustomMessage(src interface{}, msgType MessageType, structure *Structure) *Message
NewCustomMessage creates a new custom-typed message. This can be used for anything not handled by other message-specific functions to pass a message to the app. The structure field can be nil.
func NewDeviceAddedMessage ¶
NewDeviceAddedMessage creates a new device-added message. The device-added message is produced by a DeviceProvider or a DeviceMonitor. They announce the appearance of monitored devices.
func NewDeviceChangedMessage ¶
NewDeviceChangedMessage creates a new device-changed message. The device-changed message is produced by a DeviceProvider or a DeviceMonitor. They announce that a device properties has changed and device represent the new modified version of changed_device.
func NewDeviceRemovedMessage ¶
NewDeviceRemovedMessage creates a new device-removed message. The device-removed message is produced by a DeviceProvider or a DeviceMonitor. They announce the disappearance of monitored devices.
func NewDurationChangedMessage ¶
func NewDurationChangedMessage(src interface{}) *Message
NewDurationChangedMessage creates a new duration changed message. This message is posted by elements that know the duration of a stream when the duration changes. This message is received by bins and is used to calculate the total duration of a pipeline.
func NewEOSMessage ¶
func NewEOSMessage(src interface{}) *Message
NewEOSMessage creates a new eos message. This message is generated and posted in the sink elements of a Bin. The bin will only forward the EOS message to the application if all sinks have posted an EOS message.
func NewElementMessage ¶
NewElementMessage creates a new element-specific message. This is meant as a generic way of allowing one-way communication from an element to an application, for example "the firewire cable was unplugged". The format of the message should be documented in the element's documentation. The structure field can be nil.
func NewErrorMessage ¶
NewErrorMessage creates a new error message. The message will copy error and debug. This message is posted by element when a fatal event occurred. The pipeline will probably (partially) stop. The application receiving this message should stop the pipeline. Structure can be nil to not add a structure to the message.
func NewHaveContextMessage ¶
NewHaveContextMessage creates a message that is posted when an element has a new local Context.
func NewInfoMessage ¶
NewInfoMessage creates a new info message. Structure can be nil.
func NewLatencyMessage ¶
func NewLatencyMessage(src interface{}) *Message
NewLatencyMessage creates a message that can be posted by elements when their latency requirements have changed.
func NewNeedContextMessage ¶
NewNeedContextMessage creates a message that is posted when an element needs a specific Context.
func NewNewClockMessage ¶
NewNewClockMessage creates a new clock message. This message is posted whenever the pipeline selects a new clock for the pipeline.
func NewProgressMessage ¶
func NewProgressMessage(src interface{}, progressType ProgressType, code, text string) *Message
NewProgressMessage creates messages that are posted by elements when they use an asynchronous task to perform actions triggered by a state change.
Code contains a well defined string describing the action. Text should contain a user visible string detailing the current action.
func NewPropertyNotifyMessage ¶
NewPropertyNotifyMessage creates a new message notifying an object's properties have changed. If the source OR the value cannot be coereced to C types, the function will return nil.
func NewQoSMessage ¶
func NewQoSMessage(src interface{}, live bool, runningTime, streamTime, timestamp, duration uint64) *Message
NewQoSMessage creates a message that is posted on the bus whenever an element decides to drop a buffer because of QoS reasons or whenever it changes its processing strategy because of QoS reasons (quality adjustments such as processing at lower accuracy).
This message can be posted by an element that performs synchronization against the clock (live) or it could be dropped by an element that performs QoS because of QOS events received from a downstream element (!live).
running_time, stream_time, timestamp, duration should be set to the respective running-time, stream-time, timestamp and duration of the (dropped) buffer that generated the QoS event. Values can be left to less than zero when unknown.
func NewRedirectMessage ¶
func NewRedirectMessage(src interface{}, location string, tagList *TagList, entryStructure *Structure) *Message
NewRedirectMessage creates a new redirect message and adds a new entry to it. Redirect messages are posted when an element detects that the actual data has to be retrieved from a different location. This is useful if such a redirection cannot be handled inside a source element, for example when HTTP 302/303 redirects return a non-HTTP URL.
The redirect message can hold multiple entries. The first one is added when the redirect message is created, with the given location, tag_list, entry_struct arguments. Use AddRedirectEntry to add more entries.
Each entry has a location, a tag list, and a structure. All of these are optional. The tag list and structure are useful for additional metadata, such as bitrate statistics for the given location.
By default, message recipients should treat entries in the order they are stored. The recipient should therefore try entry #0 first, and if this entry is not acceptable or working, try entry #1 etc. Senders must make sure that they add entries in this order. However, recipients are free to ignore the order and pick an entry that is "best" for them. One example would be a recipient that scans the entries for the one with the highest bitrate tag.
The specified location string is copied. However, ownership over the tag list and structure are transferred to the message.
func NewRequestStateMessage ¶
NewRequestStateMessage creates a message that can be posted by elements when they want to have their state changed. A typical use case would be an audio server that wants to pause the pipeline because a higher priority stream is being played.
func NewResetTimeMessage ¶
NewResetTimeMessage creates a message that is posted when the pipeline running-time should be reset to running_time, like after a flushing seek.
func NewSegmentDoneMessage ¶
NewSegmentDoneMessage creates a new segment done message. This message is posted by elements that finish playback of a segment as a result of a segment seek. This message is received by the application after all elements that posted a segment_start have posted the segment_done.
func NewSegmentStartMessage ¶
NewSegmentStartMessage creates a new segment message. This message is posted by elements that start playback of a segment as a result of a segment seek. This message is not received by the application but is used for maintenance reasons in container elements.
func NewStateChangedMessage ¶
NewStateChangedMessage creates a state change message. This message is posted whenever an element changed its state.
func NewStateDirtyMessage ¶
func NewStateDirtyMessage(src interface{}) *Message
NewStateDirtyMessage creates a state dirty message. This message is posted whenever an element changed its state asynchronously and is used internally to update the states of container objects.
func NewStepDoneMessage ¶
func NewStepDoneMessage(src interface{}, format Format, amount uint64, rate float64, flush, intermediate bool, duration uint64, eos bool) *Message
NewStepDoneMessage creates a message that is posted by elements when they complete a part, when intermediate set to TRUE, or a complete step operation.
Duration will contain the amount of time of the stepped amount of media in format format.
func NewStepStartMessage ¶
func NewStepStartMessage(src interface{}, active bool, format Format, amount uint64, rate float64, flush, intermediate bool) *Message
NewStepStartMessage creates a message that is posted by elements when they accept or activate a new step event for amount in format.
Active is set to FALSE when the element accepted the new step event and has queued it for execution in the streaming threads.
Active is set to TRUE when the element has activated the step operation and is now ready to start executing the step in the streaming thread. After this message is emitted, the application can queue a new step operation in the element.
func NewStreamCollectionMessage ¶
func NewStreamCollectionMessage(src interface{}, collection *StreamCollection) *Message
NewStreamCollectionMessage creates a new stream-collection message. The message is used to announce new StreamCollections.
func NewStreamSelectedMessage ¶
func NewStreamSelectedMessage(src interface{}, collection *StreamCollection) *Message
NewStreamSelectedMessage creates a new steams-selected message. The message is used to announce that an array of streams has been selected. This is generally in response to a GST_EVENT_SELECT_STREAMS event, or when an element (such as decodebin3) makes an initial selection of streams.
The message also contains the StreamCollection to which the various streams belong to.
Users of this constructor can add the selected streams with StreamsSelectedAdd.
func NewStreamStartMessage ¶
func NewStreamStartMessage(src interface{}) *Message
NewStreamStartMessage creates a new stream_start message. This message is generated and posted in the sink elements of a Bin. The bin will only forward the StreamStart message to the application if all sinks have posted a StreamStart message.
func NewStreamStatusMessage ¶
func NewStreamStatusMessage(src interface{}, stType StreamStatusType, owner *Element) *Message
NewStreamStatusMessage creates a new stream status message. This message is posted when a streaming thread is created/destroyed or when the state changed.
func NewStructureChangeMessage ¶
func NewStructureChangeMessage(src interface{}, chgType StructureChangeType, owner *Element, busy bool) *Message
NewStructureChangeMessage creates a new structure change message. This message is posted when the structure of a pipeline is in the process of being changed, for example when pads are linked or unlinked.
Src should be the sinkpad that unlinked or linked.
func NewTOCMessage ¶
NewTOCMessage creates a new TOC message. The message is posted by elements that discovered or updated a TOC.
func NewTagMessage ¶
NewTagMessage creates a new tag message. The message will take ownership of the tag list. The message is posted by elements that discovered a new taglist.
func NewWarningMessage ¶
NewWarningMessage creates a new warning message. Structure can be nil.
func ToGstMessage ¶
ToGstMessage converts the given pointer into a Message without affecting the ref count or placing finalizers.
func (*Message) AddRedirectEntry ¶
AddRedirectEntry creates and appends a new entry to the message.
func (*Message) GetStructure ¶
GetStructure returns the GstStructure of this message, using the type of the message to determine the method to use. The returned structure must not be freed.
func (*Message) Instance ¶
func (m *Message) Instance() *C.GstMessage
Instance returns the underlying GstMessage object.
func (*Message) NumRedirectEntries ¶
NumRedirectEntries returns the number of redirect entries in a MessageRedirect.
func (*Message) ParseAsyncDone ¶
ParseAsyncDone extracts the running time from the async task done message.
func (*Message) ParseBuffering ¶
ParseBuffering extracts the buffering percent from the GstMessage.
func (*Message) ParseBufferingStats ¶
func (m *Message) ParseBufferingStats() *BufferingStats
ParseBufferingStats extracts the buffering stats values from message.
func (*Message) ParseClockProvide ¶
ParseClockProvide extracts the clock and ready flag from the GstMessage. The clock object returned remains valid until the message is freed.
func (*Message) ParseDeviceAdded ¶
ParseDeviceAdded parses a device-added message. The device-added message is produced by GstDeviceProvider or a GstDeviceMonitor. It announces the appearance of monitored devices.
func (*Message) ParseDeviceChanged ¶
ParseDeviceChanged Parses a device-changed message. The device-changed message is produced by GstDeviceProvider or a GstDeviceMonitor. It announces that a device's properties have changed. The first device returned is the updated Device, and the second changedDevice represents the old state of the device.
func (*Message) ParseDeviceRemoved ¶
ParseDeviceRemoved parses a device-removed message. The device-removed message is produced by GstDeviceProvider or a GstDeviceMonitor. It announces the disappearance of monitored devices.
func (*Message) ParseError ¶
ParseError will return a GError from the contents of this message. This will only work if the GstMessageType is `GST_MESSAGE_ERROR`.
func (*Message) ParseHaveContext ¶
ParseHaveContext parses the context from a HaveContext message.
func (*Message) ParseInfo ¶
ParseInfo is identical to ParseError. The returned types are the same. However, this is intended for use with GstMessageType `GST_MESSAGE_INFO`.
func (*Message) ParseNewClock ¶
ParseNewClock parses the new Clock in the message. The clock object returned remains valid until the message is freed.
func (*Message) ParseProgress ¶
func (m *Message) ParseProgress() (progressType ProgressType, code, text string)
ParseProgress parses the progress type, code and text.
func (*Message) ParsePropertyNotify ¶
func (m *Message) ParsePropertyNotify() (obj *Object, propertName string, propertyValue *glib.Value)
ParsePropertyNotify parses a property-notify message. These will be posted on the bus only when set up with Element.AddPropertyNotifyWatch (TODO) or Element.AddPropertyDeepNotifyWatch (TODO).
func (*Message) ParseQoS ¶
ParseQoS extracts the timestamps and live status from the QoS message. The values reflect those of the dropped buffer. Values of ClockTimeNone or -1 mean unknown values.
func (*Message) ParseRedirectEntryAt ¶
func (m *Message) ParseRedirectEntryAt(idx int64) (location string, tags *TagList, structure *Structure)
ParseRedirectEntryAt parses the redirect entry at the given index. Total indices can be retrieved with NumRedirectEntries().
func (*Message) ParseRequestState ¶
ParseRequestState parses the requests state from the message.
func (*Message) ParseResetTime ¶
ParseResetTime extracts the running-time from the ResetTime message.
func (*Message) ParseSegmentDone ¶
ParseSegmentDone extracts the position and format of the SegmentDone message.
func (*Message) ParseSegmentStart ¶
ParseSegmentStart extracts the position and format of the SegmentStart message.
func (*Message) ParseStateChanged ¶
ParseStateChanged will return the old and new states as Go strings. This will only work if the GstMessageType is `GST_MESSAGE_STATE_CHANGED`.
func (*Message) ParseStepDone ¶
func (m *Message) ParseStepDone() *StepDoneValues
ParseStepDone extracts the values for the StepDone message.
func (*Message) ParseStepStart ¶
func (m *Message) ParseStepStart() *StepStartValues
ParseStepStart extracts the values for the StepStart message.
func (*Message) ParseStreamCollection ¶
func (m *Message) ParseStreamCollection() *StreamCollection
ParseStreamCollection parses a stream-collection message.
func (*Message) ParseStreamStatus ¶
func (m *Message) ParseStreamStatus() (StreamStatusType, *Element)
ParseStreamStatus parses the stream status type of the message as well as the element that produced it.
func (*Message) ParseStreamsSelected ¶
func (m *Message) ParseStreamsSelected() *StreamCollection
ParseStreamsSelected parses a streams-selected message.
func (*Message) ParseStructureChange ¶
func (m *Message) ParseStructureChange() (chgType StructureChangeType, owner *Element, busy bool)
ParseStructureChange extracts the change type and completion status from the GstMessage. If the returned bool is true, the change is still in progress.
func (*Message) ParseTOC ¶
ParseTOC extracts the TOC from the GstMessage. The TOC returned in the output argument is a copy.
func (*Message) ParseWarning ¶
ParseWarning is identical to ParseError. The returned types are the same. However, this is intended for use with GstMessageType `GST_MESSAGE_WARNING`.
func (*Message) Ref ¶
Ref will increase the ref count on this message. This increases the total amount of times Unref needs to be called before the object is freed from memory. It returns the underlying message object for convenience.
func (*Message) StreamsSelectedAdd ¶
StreamsSelectedAdd adds the stream to the message
func (*Message) StreamsSelectedGetStream ¶
StreamsSelectedGetStream retrieves the Stream with index index from the message.
func (*Message) StreamsSelectedSize ¶
StreamsSelectedSize returns the number of streams contained in the message.
func (*Message) String ¶
String implements a stringer on the message. It iterates over the type of the message and applies the correct parser, then dumps a string of the basic contents of the message. This function can be expensive and should only be used for debugging purposes or in routines where latency is not a concern.
This stringer really just helps in keeping track of making sure all message types are accounted for in some way. It's the devil, writing it was the devil, and I hope you enjoy being able to `fmt.Println(msg)`.
func (*Message) Type ¶
func (m *Message) Type() MessageType
Type returns the MessageType of the message.
type MessageType ¶
type MessageType int
MessageType is an alias to the C equivalent of GstMessageType. See the official documentation for definitions of the messages:
const ( MessageUnknown MessageType = C.GST_MESSAGE_UNKNOWN MessageEOS MessageType = C.GST_MESSAGE_EOS MessageError MessageType = C.GST_MESSAGE_ERROR MessageWarning MessageType = C.GST_MESSAGE_WARNING MessageInfo MessageType = C.GST_MESSAGE_INFO MessageTag MessageType = C.GST_MESSAGE_TAG MessageBuffering MessageType = C.GST_MESSAGE_BUFFERING MessageStateChanged MessageType = C.GST_MESSAGE_STATE_CHANGED MessageStateDirty MessageType = C.GST_MESSAGE_STATE_DIRTY MessageStepDone MessageType = C.GST_MESSAGE_STEP_DONE MessageClockProvide MessageType = C.GST_MESSAGE_CLOCK_PROVIDE MessageClockLost MessageType = C.GST_MESSAGE_CLOCK_LOST MessageNewClock MessageType = C.GST_MESSAGE_NEW_CLOCK MessageStructureChange MessageType = C.GST_MESSAGE_STRUCTURE_CHANGE MessageStreamStatus MessageType = C.GST_MESSAGE_STREAM_STATUS MessageApplication MessageType = C.GST_MESSAGE_APPLICATION MessageElement MessageType = C.GST_MESSAGE_ELEMENT MessageSegmentStart MessageType = C.GST_MESSAGE_SEGMENT_START MessageSegmentDone MessageType = C.GST_MESSAGE_SEGMENT_DONE MessageDurationChanged MessageType = C.GST_MESSAGE_DURATION_CHANGED MessageLatency MessageType = C.GST_MESSAGE_LATENCY MessageAsyncStart MessageType = C.GST_MESSAGE_ASYNC_START MessageAsyncDone MessageType = C.GST_MESSAGE_ASYNC_DONE MessageRequestState MessageType = C.GST_MESSAGE_REQUEST_STATE MessageStepStart MessageType = C.GST_MESSAGE_STEP_START MessageQoS MessageType = C.GST_MESSAGE_QOS MessageProgress MessageType = C.GST_MESSAGE_PROGRESS MessageTOC MessageType = C.GST_MESSAGE_TOC MessageResetTime MessageType = C.GST_MESSAGE_RESET_TIME MessageStreamStart MessageType = C.GST_MESSAGE_STREAM_START MessageNeedContext MessageType = C.GST_MESSAGE_NEED_CONTEXT MessageHaveContext MessageType = C.GST_MESSAGE_HAVE_CONTEXT MessageExtended MessageType = C.GST_MESSAGE_EXTENDED MessageDeviceAdded MessageType = C.GST_MESSAGE_DEVICE_ADDED MessageDeviceRemoved MessageType = C.GST_MESSAGE_DEVICE_REMOVED MessagePropertyNotify MessageType = C.GST_MESSAGE_PROPERTY_NOTIFY MessageStreamCollection MessageType = C.GST_MESSAGE_STREAM_COLLECTION MessageStreamsSelected MessageType = C.GST_MESSAGE_STREAMS_SELECTED MessageRedirect MessageType = C.GST_MESSAGE_REDIRECT MessageDeviceChanged MessageType = C.GST_MESSAGE_DEVICE_CHANGED MessageAny MessageType = C.GST_MESSAGE_ANY )
Type casting of GstMessageTypes See the official documentation for definitions of the messages:
func (MessageType) String ¶
func (m MessageType) String() string
String implements a stringer on MessageTypes
type Meta ¶
type Meta struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Meta is a go representation of GstMeta.
func FromGstMetaUnsafe ¶
FromGstMetaUnsafe wraps the pointer to the given C GstMeta with the go type. This is meant for internal usage and is exported for visibility to other packages.
type MetaFlags ¶
type MetaFlags int
MetaFlags casts C GstMetaFlags to a go type.
const ( MetaFlagNone MetaFlags = C.GST_META_FLAG_NONE // (0) – no flags MetaFlagReadOnly MetaFlags = C.GST_META_FLAG_READONLY // (1) – metadata should not be modified MetaFlagPooled MetaFlags = C.GST_META_FLAG_POOLED // (2) – metadata is managed by a bufferpool MetaFlagLocked MetaFlags = C.GST_META_FLAG_LOCKED // (4) – metadata should not be removed MetaFlagLast MetaFlags = C.GST_META_FLAG_LAST // (65536) – additional flags can be added starting from this flag. )
Type casts of GstMetaFlags
type MetaFreeFunc ¶
type MetaFreeFunc func(buffer *Buffer)
MetaFreeFunc is a function called when meta is freed in buffer.
type MetaInfo ¶
type MetaInfo struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MetaInfo is a go representation of GstMetaInfo
func FromGstMetaInfoUnsafe ¶
FromGstMetaInfoUnsafe wraps the given unsafe pointer in a MetaInfo instance.
func GetAPIInfo ¶
GetAPIInfo gets the MetaInfo for the given api type.
func GetProtectionMetaInfo ¶
func GetProtectionMetaInfo() *MetaInfo
GetProtectionMetaInfo retrieves global ProtectionMetaInfo.
func RegisterMeta ¶
RegisterMeta registers and returns a new MetaInfo instance denoting the given type, name, and size.
func (*MetaInfo) Instance ¶
func (m *MetaInfo) Instance() *C.GstMetaInfo
Instance returns the underlying GstMetaInfo instance.
type MetaInfoCallbackFuncs ¶
type MetaInfoCallbackFuncs struct { InitFunc MetaInitFunc FreeFunc MetaFreeFunc TransformFunc MetaTransformFunc }
MetaInfoCallbackFuncs represents callback functions to include when registering a new meta type.
type MetaInitFunc ¶
MetaInitFunc is a function called when meta is initialized in buffer.
type MetaTransformCopy ¶
type MetaTransformCopy struct { // true if only region is copied Region bool // the offset to copy, 0 if region is FALSE, otherwise > 0 Offset int64 // the size to copy, -1 or the buffer size when region is FALSE Size int64 }
MetaTransformCopy is extra data passed to a MetaTransformFunc
type MetaTransformFunc ¶
type MetaTransformFunc func(transBuf, buf *Buffer, mType string, data *MetaTransformCopy) bool
MetaTransformFunc is a function called for each meta in buf as a result of performing a transformation on transbuf. Additional type specific transform data is passed to the function as data.
type MiniObject ¶
type MiniObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MiniObject is an opaque struct meant to form the base of gstreamer classes extending the GstMiniObject. This object is a WIP and is intended primarily for forming the base of extending classes.
func NewMiniObject ¶
func NewMiniObject(flags MiniObjectFlags, gtype glib.Type) *MiniObject
NewMiniObject initializes a new mini object with the desired flags, types, and callbacks. If you don't need any callbacks you can specify nil. TODO: This is more for reference and is not fully implemented.
func (*MiniObject) AddParent ¶
func (m *MiniObject) AddParent(parent *MiniObject)
AddParent adds the given object as a parent of this object. See
func (*MiniObject) Copy ¶
func (m *MiniObject) Copy() *MiniObject
Copy creates a copy of this object.
func (*MiniObject) GetData ¶
func (m *MiniObject) GetData(name string) unsafe.Pointer
GetData returns the userdata pointer associated with this object at the given key, or nil if none exists.
func (*MiniObject) Instance ¶
func (m *MiniObject) Instance() *C.GstMiniObject
Instance returns the native GstMiniObject instance.
func (*MiniObject) Parent ¶
func (m *MiniObject) Parent() *MiniObject
Parent returns the parent of this MiniObject
func (*MiniObject) Ref ¶
func (m *MiniObject) Ref()
Ref increases the ref count on this object by one.
func (*MiniObject) SetData ¶
func (m *MiniObject) SetData(name string, ptr unsafe.Pointer)
SetData sets a userdata pointer associated with this object at the given key, Use nil to delete an existing key.
func (*MiniObject) Type ¶
func (m *MiniObject) Type() glib.Type
Type returns the type of this mini object.
func (*MiniObject) Unref ¶
func (m *MiniObject) Unref()
Unref decreases the ref count on this object by one.
type MiniObjectFlags ¶
type MiniObjectFlags int
MiniObjectFlags casts GstMiniObjectFlags to a go type.
const ( MiniObjectFlagLockable MiniObjectFlags = C.GST_MINI_OBJECT_FLAG_LOCKABLE // (1) – the object can be locked and unlocked with gst_mini_object_lock and gst_mini_object_unlock. MiniObjectFlagLockReadOnly MiniObjectFlags = C.GST_MINI_OBJECT_FLAG_LOCK_READONLY // (2) – the object is permanently locked in READONLY mode. Only read locks can be performed on the object. MiniObjectFlagMayBeLeaked MiniObjectFlags = C.GST_MINI_OBJECT_FLAG_MAY_BE_LEAKED // (4) – the object is expected to stay alive even after gst_deinit has been called and so should be ignored by leak detection tools. (Since: 1.10) MiniObjectFlagLast MiniObjectFlags = C.GST_MINI_OBJECT_FLAG_LAST // (16) – first flag that can be used by subclasses. )
Type casting of mini-object flags
type Object ¶
type Object struct{ *glib.InitiallyUnowned }
Object is a go representation of a GstObject.
func FromGstObjectUnsafeFull ¶
FromGstObjectUnsafeFull returns an Object wrapping the given pointer. It meant for internal usage and exported for visibility to other packages.
func FromGstObjectUnsafeNone ¶
FromGstObjectUnsafeNone returns an Object wrapping the given pointer. It meant for internal usage and exported for visibility to other packages.
func (*Object) AddControlBinding ¶
func (o *Object) AddControlBinding(binding *ControlBinding)
func (*Object) BaseObject ¶
BaseObject is a convenience method for retrieving this object from embedded structs.
func (*Object) Clear ¶
func (o *Object) Clear()
Clear will will clear all references to this object. If the reference is already null the the function does nothing. Otherwise the reference count is decreased and the pointer set to null.
func (*Object) GetValue ¶
GetValue retrieves the value for the given controlled property at the given timestamp.
func (*Object) GstObject ¶
GstObject is an alias to Instance on the underlying GstObject of any extending struct.
func (*Object) Log ¶
func (o *Object) Log(cat *DebugCategory, level DebugLevel, message string)
Log logs a message to the given category from this object using the currently registered debugging handlers.
func (*Object) Ref ¶
Ref increments the reference count on object. This function does not take the lock on object because it relies on atomic refcounting. For convenience the same object is returned.
type Pad ¶
type Pad struct{ *Object }
Pad is a go representation of a GstPad
func FromGstPadUnsafeFull ¶
FromGstPadUnsafeFull wraps the given pad in a reference and finalizer.
func FromGstPadUnsafeNone ¶
FromGstPadUnsafeNone wraps the given pad in a finalizer.
func NewPad ¶
func NewPad(name string, direction PadDirection) *Pad
NewPad returns a new pad with the given direction. If name is empty, one will be generated for you.
func NewPadFromTemplate ¶
func NewPadFromTemplate(tmpl *PadTemplate, name string) *Pad
NewPadFromTemplate creates a new pad with the given name from the given template. If name is empty, one will be generated for you.
func (*Pad) ActivateMode ¶
ActivateMode activates or deactivates the given pad in mode via dispatching to the pad's activatemodefunc. For use from within pad activation functions only.
If you don't know what this is, you probably don't want to call it.
func (*Pad) AddProbe ¶
func (p *Pad) AddProbe(mask PadProbeType, f PadProbeCallback) uint64
AddProbe adds a callback to be notified of different states of pads. The provided callback is called for every state that matches mask.
Probes are called in groups: First GST_PAD_PROBE_TYPE_BLOCK probes are called, then others, then finally GST_PAD_PROBE_TYPE_IDLE. The only exception here are GST_PAD_PROBE_TYPE_IDLE probes that are called immediately if the pad is already idle while calling gst_pad_add_probe. In each of the groups, probes are called in the order in which they were added.
A probe ID is returned that can be used to remove the probe.
func (*Pad) Chain ¶
func (p *Pad) Chain(buffer *Buffer) FlowReturn
Chain a buffer to pad.
The function returns FlowFlushing if the pad was flushing.
If the buffer type is not acceptable for pad (as negotiated with a preceding EventCaps event), this function returns FlowNotNegotiated.
The function proceeds calling the chain function installed on pad (see SetChainFunction) and the return value of that function is returned to the caller. FlowNotSupported is returned if pad has no chain function.
In all cases, success or failure, the caller loses its reference to buffer after calling this function.
func (*Pad) ChainList ¶
func (p *Pad) ChainList(bufferList *BufferList) FlowReturn
ChainList chains a bufferlist to pad.
The function returns FlowFlushing if the pad was flushing.
If pad was not negotiated properly with a CAPS event, this function returns FlowNotNegotiated.
The function proceeds calling the chainlist function installed on pad (see SetChainListFunction) and the return value of that function is returned to the caller. FlowNotSupported is returned if pad has no chainlist function.
In all cases, success or failure, the caller loses its reference to list after calling this function.
func (*Pad) CheckReconfigure ¶
CheckReconfigure checks and clear the PadFlagNeedReconfigure flag on pad and return TRUE if the flag was set.
func (*Pad) CreateStreamID ¶
CreateStreamID creates a stream-id for the source GstPad pad by combining the upstream information with the optional stream_id of the stream of pad. Pad must have a parent GstElement and which must have zero or one sinkpad. stream_id can only be NULL if the parent element of pad has only a single source pad.
This function generates an unique stream-id by getting the upstream stream-start event stream ID and appending stream_id to it. If the element has no sinkpad it will generate an upstream stream-id by doing an URI query on the element and in the worst case just uses a random number. Source elements that don't implement the URI handler interface should ideally generate a unique, deterministic stream-id manually instead.
Since stream IDs are sorted alphabetically, any numbers in the stream ID should be printed with a fixed number of characters, preceded by 0's, such as by using the format %03u instead of %u.
func (*Pad) CurrentCaps ¶
CurrentCaps returns the caps for this Pad or nil.
func (*Pad) Direction ¶
func (p *Pad) Direction() PadDirection
Direction returns the direction of this pad.
func (*Pad) EventDefault ¶
EventDefault invokes the default event handler for the given pad.
The EOS event will pause the task associated with pad before it is forwarded to all internally linked pads,
The event is sent to all pads internally linked to pad. This function takes ownership of event.
func (*Pad) Forward ¶
func (p *Pad) Forward(f PadForwardFunc) bool
Forward calls the given function for all internally linked pads of pad. This function deals with dynamically changing internal pads and will make sure that the forward function is only called once for each pad.
When forward returns TRUE, no further pads will be processed.
func (*Pad) GetAllowedCaps ¶
GetAllowedCaps getss the capabilities of the allowed media types that can flow through pad and its peer.
The allowed capabilities is calculated as the intersection of the results of calling QueryCaps on pad and its peer. The caller owns a reference on the resulting caps.
func (*Pad) GetCurrentCaps ¶
GetCurrentCaps gets the capabilities currently configured on pad with the last EventCaps event.
func (*Pad) GetDirection ¶
func (p *Pad) GetDirection() PadDirection
GetDirection gets the direction of the pad. The direction of the pad is decided at construction time so this function does not take the LOCK.
func (*Pad) GetElementPrivate ¶
func (p *Pad) GetElementPrivate() interface{}
GetElementPrivate gets the private data of a pad. No locking is performed in this function.
func (*Pad) GetInternalLinks ¶
GetInternalLinks gets the pads to which the given pad is linked to inside of the parent element.
func (*Pad) GetInternalLinksDefault ¶
GetInternalLinksDefault gets the list of pads to which the given pad is linked to inside of the parent element. This is the default handler, and thus returns all of the pads inside the parent element with opposite direction.
func (*Pad) GetLastFlowReturn ¶
func (p *Pad) GetLastFlowReturn() FlowReturn
GetLastFlowReturn gets the FlowReturn return from the last data passed by this pad.
func (*Pad) GetOffset ¶
GetOffset gets the offset applied to the running time of pad. pad has to be a source pad.
func (*Pad) GetPadTemplate ¶
func (p *Pad) GetPadTemplate() *PadTemplate
GetPadTemplate gets the template for this pad.
func (*Pad) GetPadTemplateCaps ¶
GetPadTemplateCaps gets the capabilities for pad's template.
func (*Pad) GetParentElement ¶
GetParentElement gets the parent of pad, cast to a Element. If a pad has no parent or its parent is not an element, return nil.
func (*Pad) GetRange ¶
GetRange calls the getrange function of pad, see PadGetRangeFunc for a description of a getrange function. If pad has no getrange function installed (see SetGetRangeFunction) this function returns FlowNotSupported.
If buffer points to a variable holding nil, a valid new GstBuffer will be placed in buffer when this function returns FlowOK. The new buffer must be freed with
When buffer points to a variable that points to a valid Buffer, the buffer will be filled with the result data when this function returns FlowOK. If the provided buffer is larger than size, only size bytes will be filled in the result buffer and its size will be updated accordingly.
Note that less than size bytes can be returned in buffer when, for example, an EOS condition is near or when buffer is not large enough to hold size bytes. The caller should check the result buffer size to get the result size.
When this function returns any other result value than FlowOK, buffer will be unchanged.
This is a lowlevel function. Usually PullRange is used.
func (*Pad) GetStickyEvent ¶
GetStickyEvent returns a new reference of the sticky event of type event_type from the event.
func (*Pad) GetStream ¶
GetStream returns the current Stream for the pad, or nil if none has been set yet, i.e. the pad has not received a stream-start event yet.
This is a convenience wrapper around GetStickyEvent and Event ParseStream.
func (*Pad) GetStreamID ¶
GetStreamID returns the current stream-id for the pad, or an empty string if none has been set yet, i.e. the pad has not received a stream-start event yet.
This is a convenience wrapper around gst_pad_get_sticky_event and gst_event_parse_stream_start.
The returned stream-id string should be treated as an opaque string, its contents should not be interpreted.
func (*Pad) GetTaskState ¶
GetTaskState gets the pad task state. If no task is currently set, TaskStopped is returned.
func (*Pad) HasCurrentCaps ¶
HasCurrentCaps checks if pad has caps set on it with a GST_EVENT_CAPS event.
func (*Pad) IsBlocked ¶
IsBlocked checks if the pad is blocked or not. This function returns the last requested state of the pad. It is not certain that the pad is actually blocking at this point (see IsBlocking).
func (*Pad) IsBlocking ¶
IsBlocking checks if the pad is blocking or not. This is a guaranteed state of whether the pad is actually blocking on a GstBuffer or a GstEvent.
func (*Pad) Link ¶
func (p *Pad) Link(sink *Pad) PadLinkReturn
Link links a sink pad to this source pad.
func (*Pad) LinkFull ¶
func (p *Pad) LinkFull(sink *Pad, flags PadLinkCheck) PadLinkReturn
LinkFull links this source pad and the sink pad.
This variant of Link provides a more granular control on the checks being done when linking. While providing some considerable speedups the caller of this method must be aware that wrong usage of those flags can cause severe issues. Refer to the documentation of GstPadLinkCheck for more information.
func (*Pad) LinkMaybeGhosting ¶
LinkMaybeGhosting links this src to sink, creating any GstGhostPad's in between as necessary.
This is a convenience function to save having to create and add intermediate GstGhostPad's as required for linking across GstBin boundaries.
If src or sink pads don't have parent elements or do not share a common ancestor, the link will fail.
func (*Pad) LinkMaybeGhostingFull ¶
func (p *Pad) LinkMaybeGhostingFull(sink *Pad, flags PadLinkCheck) bool
LinkMaybeGhostingFull links this src to sink, creating any GstGhostPad's in between as necessary.
This is a convenience function to save having to create and add intermediate GstGhostPad's as required for linking across GstBin boundaries.
If src or sink pads don't have parent elements or do not share a common ancestor, the link will fail.
Calling LinkMaybeGhostingFull with flags == PadLinkCheckDefault is the recommended way of linking pads with safety checks applied.
func (*Pad) MarkReconfigure ¶
func (p *Pad) MarkReconfigure()
MarkReconfigure marks this pad for needing reconfiguration. The next call to CheckReconfigure will return TRUE after this call.
func (*Pad) NeedsReconfigure ¶
NeedsReconfigure checks the GST_PAD_FLAG_NEED_RECONFIGURE flag on pad and return TRUE if the flag was set.
func (*Pad) PauseTask ¶
PauseTask pauses the task of pad. This function will also wait until the function executed by the task is finished if this function is not called from the task function.
func (*Pad) PeerQuery ¶
PeerQuery performs PadQuery on the peer of pad.
The caller is responsible for both the allocation and deallocation of the query structure.
func (*Pad) PeerQueryAcceptCaps ¶
PeerQueryAcceptCaps checks if the peer of pad accepts caps. If pad has no peer, this function returns TRUE.
func (*Pad) PeerQueryCaps ¶
PeerQueryCaps gets the capabilities of the peer connected to this pad. Similar to QueryCaps.
When called on srcpads filter contains the caps that upstream could produce in the order preferred by upstream. When called on sinkpads filter contains the caps accepted by downstream in the preferred order. filter might be nil but if it is not nil the returned caps will be a subset of filter.
func (*Pad) PeerQueryConvert ¶
PeerQueryConvert queries the peer pad of a given sink pad to convert src_val in src_format to dest_format.
func (*Pad) PeerQueryDuration ¶
PeerQueryDuration queries the peer pad of a given sink pad for the total stream duration.
func (*Pad) PeerQueryPosition ¶
PeerQueryPosition queries the peer of a given sink pad for the stream position.
func (*Pad) ProxyQueryAcceptCaps ¶
ProxyQueryAcceptCaps checks if all internally linked pads of pad accepts the caps in query and returns the intersection of the results.
This function is useful as a default accept caps query function for an element that can handle any stream format, but requires caps that are acceptable for all opposite pads.
func (*Pad) ProxyQueryCaps ¶
ProxyQueryCaps calls QueryCaps for all internally linked pads of pad and returns the intersection of the results.
This function is useful as a default caps query function for an element that can handle any stream format, but requires all its pads to have the same caps. Two such elements are tee and adder.
func (*Pad) PullRange ¶
PullRange pulls a buffer from the peer pad or fills up a provided buffer.
This function will first trigger the pad block signal if it was installed.
When pad is not linked GST_FLOW_NOT_LINKED is returned else this function returns the result of GetRange on the peer pad. See GetRange for a list of return values and for the semantics of the arguments of this function.
If buffer points to a variable holding nil, a valid new GstBuffer will be placed in buffer when this function returns GST_FLOW_OK. The new buffer must be freed with When this function returns any other result value, buffer will still point to NULL.
When buffer points to a variable that points to a valid GstBuffer, the buffer will be filled with the result data when this function returns GST_FLOW_OK. When this function returns any other result value, buffer will be unchanged. If the provided buffer is larger than size, only size bytes will be filled in the result buffer and its size will be updated accordingly.
Note that less than size bytes can be returned in buffer when, for example, an EOS condition is near or when buffer is not large enough to hold size bytes. The caller should check the result buffer size to get the result size.
func (*Pad) Push ¶
func (p *Pad) Push(buf *Buffer) FlowReturn
Push pushes a buffer to the peer of pad.
This function will call installed block probes before triggering any installed data probes.
The function proceeds calling Chain on the peer pad and returns the value from that function. If pad has no peer, GST_FLOW_NOT_LINKED will be returned.
In all cases, success or failure, the caller loses its reference to buffer after calling this function.
func (*Pad) PushEvent ¶
PushEvent sends the event to the peer of the given pad. This function is mainly used by elements to send events to their peer elements.
This function takes ownership of the provided event so you should Ref it if you want to reuse the event after this call.
func (*Pad) PushList ¶
func (p *Pad) PushList(bufList *BufferList) FlowReturn
PushList pushes a buffer list to the peer of pad.
This function will call installed block probes before triggering any installed data probes.
The function proceeds calling the chain function on the peer pad and returns the value from that function. If pad has no peer, GST_FLOW_NOT_LINKED will be returned. If the peer pad does not have any installed chainlist function every group buffer of the list will be merged into a normal GstBuffer and chained via Chain.
In all cases, success or failure, the caller loses its reference to list after calling this function.
func (*Pad) Query ¶
Query dispatches a query to a pad. The query should have been allocated by the caller via one of the type-specific allocation functions. The element that the pad belongs to is responsible for filling the query with an appropriate response, which should then be parsed with a type-specific query parsing function.
Again, the caller is responsible for both the allocation and deallocation of the query structure.
Please also note that some queries might need a running pipeline to work.
func (*Pad) QueryAcceptCaps ¶
QueryAcceptCaps checks if the given pad accepts the caps.
func (*Pad) QueryCaps ¶
QueryCaps gets the capabilities this pad can produce or consume. Note that this method doesn't necessarily return the caps set by sending a NewCapsEvent - use GetCurrentCaps for that instead. QueryCaps returns all possible caps a pad can operate with, using the pad's CAPS query function, If the query fails, this function will return filter, if not NULL, otherwise ANY.
When called on sinkpads filter contains the caps that upstream could produce in the order preferred by upstream. When called on srcpads filter contains the caps accepted by downstream in the preferred order. filter might be NULL but if it is not NULL the returned caps will be a subset of filter.
Note that this function does not return writable GstCaps, use gst_caps_make_writable before modifying the caps.
func (*Pad) QueryConvert ¶
QueryConvert queries a pad to convert src_val in src_format to dest_format.
func (*Pad) QueryDefault ¶
QueryDefault invokes the default query handler for the given pad. The query is sent to all pads internally linked to pad. Note that if there are many possible sink pads that are internally linked to pad, only one will be sent the query. Multi-sinkpad elements should implement custom query handlers.
func (*Pad) QueryDuration ¶
QueryDuration queries a pad for the total stream duration.
func (*Pad) QueryPosition ¶
QueryPosition queries a pad for the stream position.
func (*Pad) RemoveProbe ¶
RemoveProbe removes the probe with id from pad.
func (*Pad) SendEvent ¶
SendEvent sends the event to the pad. This function can be used by applications to send events in the pipeline.
If pad is a source pad, event should be an upstream event. If pad is a sink pad, event should be a downstream event. For example, you would not send a GST_EVENT_EOS on a src pad; EOS events only propagate downstream. Furthermore, some downstream events have to be serialized with data flow, like EOS, while some can travel out-of-band, like GST_EVENT_FLUSH_START. If the event needs to be serialized with data flow, this function will take the pad's stream lock while calling its event function.
To find out whether an event type is upstream, downstream, or downstream and serialized, see GstEventTypeFlags, gst_event_type_get_flags, GST_EVENT_IS_UPSTREAM, GST_EVENT_IS_DOWNSTREAM, and GST_EVENT_IS_SERIALIZED. Note that in practice that an application or plugin doesn't need to bother itself with this information; the core handles all necessary locks and checks.
This function takes ownership of the provided event so you should gst_event_ref it if you want to reuse the event after this call.
func (*Pad) SetActivateFunction ¶
func (p *Pad) SetActivateFunction(f PadActivateFunc)
SetActivateFunction sets the given active function on the pad. The activate function will dispatch to ActivateMode to perform the actual activation. Only makes sense to set on sink pads.
func (*Pad) SetActivateModeFunction ¶
func (p *Pad) SetActivateModeFunction(f PadActivateModeFunc)
SetActivateModeFunction sets the given activate_mode function for the pad. An activate_mode function prepares the element for data passing.
func (*Pad) SetActive ¶
SetActive activates or deactivates the given pad. Normally called from within core state change functions.
If active, makes sure the pad is active. If it is already active, either in push or pull mode, just return. Otherwise dispatches to the pad's activate function to perform the actual activation.
If not active, calls ActivateMode with the pad's current mode and a FALSE argument.
func (*Pad) SetChainFunction ¶
func (p *Pad) SetChainFunction(f PadChainFunc)
SetChainFunction sets the given chain function for the pad. The chain function is called to process an input buffer.
func (*Pad) SetChainListFunction ¶
func (p *Pad) SetChainListFunction(f PadChainListFunc)
SetChainListFunction sets the given chain function for the pad. The chain function is called to process an input buffer list.
func (*Pad) SetElementPrivate ¶
func (p *Pad) SetElementPrivate(data interface{})
SetElementPrivate sets the given private data pointer on the pad. This function can only be used by the element that owns the pad. No locking is performed in this function.
func (*Pad) SetEventFullFunction ¶
func (p *Pad) SetEventFullFunction(f PadEventFullFunc)
SetEventFullFunction sets the given event handler for the pad.
func (*Pad) SetEventFunction ¶
func (p *Pad) SetEventFunction(f PadEventFunc)
SetEventFunction sets the given event handler for the pad.
func (*Pad) SetGetRangeFunction ¶
func (p *Pad) SetGetRangeFunction(f PadGetRangeFunc)
SetGetRangeFunction sets the given getrange function for the pad. The getrange function is called to produce a new Buffer to start the processing pipeline. see PadGetRangeFunc for a description of the getrange function.
func (*Pad) SetIterIntLinkFunction ¶
func (p *Pad) SetIterIntLinkFunction(f PadIterIntLinkFunc)
SetIterIntLinkFunction sets the given internal link iterator function for the pad.
func (*Pad) SetLinkFunction ¶
func (p *Pad) SetLinkFunction(f PadLinkFunc)
SetLinkFunction sets the given link function for the pad. It will be called when the pad is linked with another pad.
The return value PadLinkOK should be used when the connection can be made.
The return value PadLinkRefused should be used when the connection cannot be made for some reason.
If link is installed on a source pad, it should call the Link of the peer sink pad, if present.
func (*Pad) SetQueryFunction ¶
func (p *Pad) SetQueryFunction(f PadQueryFunc)
SetQueryFunction sets the query handler for the pad.
func (*Pad) SetUnlinkFunction ¶
func (p *Pad) SetUnlinkFunction(f PadUnlinkFunc)
SetUnlinkFunction sets the given unlink function for the pad. It will be called when the pad is unlinked.
Note that the pad's lock is already held when the unlink function is called, so most pad functions cannot be called from within the callback.
func (*Pad) StickyEventsForEach ¶
func (p *Pad) StickyEventsForEach(f StickyEventsForEachFunc)
StickyEventsForEach iterates all sticky events on pad and calls foreach_func for every event. If foreach_func returns FALSE the iteration is immediately stopped.
func (*Pad) StoreStickyEvent ¶
func (p *Pad) StoreStickyEvent(ev *Event) FlowReturn
StoreStickyEvent stores the sticky event on pad
func (*Pad) Template ¶
func (p *Pad) Template() *PadTemplate
Template returns the template for this pad or nil.
func (*Pad) ToGValue ¶
this prevents go pointers in cgo when setting a gst.Pad to a property see ( ToGValue implements glib.ValueTransformer.
func (*Pad) Unlink ¶
Unlink unlinks this source pad from the sink pad. Will emit the unlinked signal on both pads.
func (*Pad) UseFixedCaps ¶
func (p *Pad) UseFixedCaps()
UseFixedCaps is a helper function you can use that sets the FIXED_CAPS flag This way the default CAPS query will always return the negotiated caps or in case the pad is not negotiated, the padtemplate caps.
The negotiated caps are the caps of the last CAPS event that passed on the pad. Use this function on a pad that, once it negotiated to a CAPS, cannot be renegotiated to something else.
type PadActivateFunc ¶
PadActivateFunc is called when the pad is activated during the element READY to PAUSED state change. By default this function will call the activate function that puts the pad in push mode but elements can override this function to activate the pad in pull mode if they wish.
type PadActivateModeFunc ¶
PadActivateModeFunc is the prototype of the push and pull activate functions.
type PadChainFunc ¶
type PadChainFunc func(self *Pad, parent *Object, buffer *Buffer) FlowReturn
PadChainFunc is a function that will be called on sinkpads when chaining buffers. The function typically processes the data contained in the buffer and either consumes the data or passes it on to the internally linked pad(s).
The GStreamer API will produce a refcount to buffer, and the bindings will automatically call Unref after the function returns. If you'd like to hold on to the buffer longer, add an additional ref yourself or create a copy.
When a chain function detects an error in the data stream, it must post an error on the bus and return an appropriate FlowReturn value.
type PadChainListFunc ¶
type PadChainListFunc func(self *Pad, parent *Object, list *BufferList) FlowReturn
PadChainListFunc is a function that will be called on sinkpads when chaining buffer lists. The function typically processes the data contained in the buffer list and either consumes the data or passes it on to the internally linked pad(s).
The GStreamer API will produce a refcount to list, and the bindings will automatically call Unref after the function returns. If you'd like to hold on to the list longer, add an additional ref yourself or create a copy.
When a chainlist function detects an error in the data stream, it must post an error on the bus and return an appropriate FlowReturn value.
type PadDirection ¶
type PadDirection int
PadDirection is a cast of GstPadDirection to a go type.
const ( PadDirectionUnknown PadDirection = C.GST_PAD_UNKNOWN // (0) - the direction is unknown PadDirectionSource PadDirection = C.GST_PAD_SRC // (1) - the pad is a source pad PadDirectionSink PadDirection = C.GST_PAD_SINK // (2) - the pad is a sink pad )
Type casting of pad directions
func (PadDirection) String ¶
func (p PadDirection) String() string
String implements a Stringer on PadDirection.
type PadEventFullFunc ¶
type PadEventFullFunc func(self *Pad, parent *Object, event *Event) FlowReturn
PadEventFullFunc is the function signature to handle an event for the pad. This variant is for specific elements that will take into account the last downstream flow return (from a pad push), in which case they can return it.
type PadEventFunc ¶
PadEventFunc is the function signature to handle an event for the pad
type PadFlags ¶
type PadFlags int
PadFlags is a go cast of GstPadFlags
const ( PadFlagBlocked PadFlags = C.GST_PAD_FLAG_BLOCKED // (16) – is dataflow on a pad blocked PadFlagFlushing PadFlags = C.GST_PAD_FLAG_FLUSHING // (32) – is pad flushing PadFlagEOS PadFlags = C.GST_PAD_FLAG_EOS // (64) – is pad in EOS state PadFlagBlocking PadFlags = C.GST_PAD_FLAG_BLOCKING // (128) – is pad currently blocking on a buffer or event PadFlagParent PadFlags = C.GST_PAD_FLAG_NEED_PARENT // (256) – ensure that there is a parent object before calling into the pad callbacks. PadFlagReconfigure PadFlags = C.GST_PAD_FLAG_NEED_RECONFIGURE // (512) – the pad should be reconfigured/renegotiated. The flag has to be unset manually after reconfiguration happened. PadFlagPendingEvents PadFlags = C.GST_PAD_FLAG_PENDING_EVENTS // (1024) – the pad has pending events PadFlagFixedCaps PadFlags = C.GST_PAD_FLAG_FIXED_CAPS // (2048) – the pad is using fixed caps. This means that once the caps are set on the pad, the default caps query function will only return those caps. PadFlagProxyCaps PadFlags = C.GST_PAD_FLAG_PROXY_CAPS // (4096) – the default event and query handler will forward all events and queries to the internally linked pads instead of discarding them. PadFlagProxyAllocation PadFlags = C.GST_PAD_FLAG_PROXY_ALLOCATION // (8192) – the default query handler will forward allocation queries to the internally linked pads instead of discarding them. PadFlagProxyScheduling PadFlags = C.GST_PAD_FLAG_PROXY_SCHEDULING // (16384) – the default query handler will forward scheduling queries to the internally linked pads instead of discarding them. PadFlagAcceptIntersect PadFlags = C.GST_PAD_FLAG_ACCEPT_INTERSECT // (32768) – the default accept-caps handler will check it the caps intersect the query-caps result instead of checking for a subset. This is interesting for parsers that can accept incompletely specified caps. PadFlagAcceptTemplate PadFlags = C.GST_PAD_FLAG_ACCEPT_TEMPLATE // (65536) – the default accept-caps handler will use the template pad caps instead of query caps to compare with the accept caps. Use this in combination with GST_PAD_FLAG_ACCEPT_INTERSECT. (Since: 1.6) PadFlagLast PadFlags = C.GST_PAD_FLAG_LAST // (1048576) – offset to define more flags )
Type casts of PadFlags
type PadForwardFunc ¶
PadForwardFunc is called for all internally linked pads, see Pad Forward(). If the function returns true, the procedure is stopped.
type PadFuncMap ¶
PadFuncMap is an type of map for registering callbacks to a pad instance. It compensates for the lack of userdata in pad callbacks by providing a FuncForPad method that will return the function matching the Pad at the given address.
func (PadFuncMap) FuncForPad ¶
func (p PadFuncMap) FuncForPad(pad unsafe.Pointer) interface{}
FuncForPad will return the function in this map for the given pad.
func (PadFuncMap) RemoveFuncForPad ¶
func (p PadFuncMap) RemoveFuncForPad(pad unsafe.Pointer)
RemoveFuncForPad will remove the function for the given pad from this map.
type PadGetRangeFunc ¶
type PadGetRangeFunc func(self *Pad, parent *Object, offset uint64, length uint) (FlowReturn, *Buffer)
PadGetRangeFunc will be called on source pads when a peer element request a buffer at the specified offset and length. If this function returns FlowOK it must also return a valid buffer.
This function is installed on a source pad with SetGetRangeFunction and can only be called on source pads after they are successfully activated with ActivateMode with the PadModePull.
offset and length are always given in byte units. offset must normally be a value between 0 and the length in bytes of the data available on pad. The length (duration in bytes) can be retrieved with a GST_QUERY_DURATION or with a GST_QUERY_SEEKING.
Any offset larger or equal than the length will make the function return FlowEOS, which corresponds to EOS. In this case buffer does not contain a valid buffer.
The buffer size of buffer will only be smaller than length when offset is near the end of the stream. In all other cases, the size of buffer must be exactly the requested size.
It is allowed to call this function with a 0 length and valid offset, in which case buffer will contain a 0-sized buffer and the function returns FlowOK.
When this function is called with a -1 offset, the sequentially next buffer of length length in the stream is returned.
When this function is called with a -1 length, a buffer with a default optimal length is returned in buffer. The length might depend on the value of offset.
type PadIterIntLinkFunc ¶
PadIterIntLinkFunc is the signature of the internal pad link iterator function. It should return a slice of pads that are linked to the given pad on the inside of the parent element. Currently the function only supports returning a single pad until GstIterator is implemented fully in the bindings.
type PadLinkCheck ¶
type PadLinkCheck int
PadLinkCheck is a go cast of GstPadLinkCheck
const ( PadLinkCheckNothing PadLinkCheck = C.GST_PAD_LINK_CHECK_NOTHING // (0) – Don't check hierarchy or caps compatibility. PadLinkCheckHierarchy PadLinkCheck = C.GST_PAD_LINK_CHECK_HIERARCHY // (1) – Check the pads have same parents/grandparents. Could be omitted if it is already known that the two elements that own the pads are in the same bin. PadLinkCheckTemplateCaps PadLinkCheck = C.GST_PAD_LINK_CHECK_TEMPLATE_CAPS // (2) – Check if the pads are compatible by using their template caps. This is much faster than GST_PAD_LINK_CHECK_CAPS, but would be unsafe e.g. if one pad has GST_CAPS_ANY. PadLinkCheckCaps PadLinkCheck = C.GST_PAD_LINK_CHECK_CAPS // (4) – Check if the pads are compatible by comparing the caps returned by gst_pad_query_caps. PadLinkCheckNoReconfigure PadLinkCheck = C.GST_PAD_LINK_CHECK_NO_RECONFIGURE // (8) – Disables pushing a reconfigure event when pads are linked. PadLinkCheckDefault PadLinkCheck = C.GST_PAD_LINK_CHECK_DEFAULT // (5) – The default checks done when linking pads (i.e. the ones used by gst_pad_link). )
Type casts of PadLinkChecks
type PadLinkFunc ¶
type PadLinkFunc func(self *Pad, parent *Object, peer *Pad) PadLinkReturn
PadLinkFunc is the function signature to handle a new link on a pad.
type PadLinkReturn ¶
type PadLinkReturn int
PadLinkReturn os a representation of GstPadLinkReturn.
const ( PadLinkOK PadLinkReturn = C.GST_PAD_LINK_OK PadLinkWrongHierarchy PadLinkReturn = C.GST_PAD_LINK_WRONG_HIERARCHY PadLinkWasLinked PadLinkReturn = C.GST_PAD_LINK_WAS_LINKED PadLinkWrongDirection PadLinkReturn = C.GST_PAD_LINK_WRONG_DIRECTION PadLinkNoFormat PadLinkReturn = C.GST_PAD_LINK_NOFORMAT PadLinkNoSched PadLinkReturn = C.GST_PAD_LINK_NOSCHED PadLinkRefused PadLinkReturn = C.GST_PAD_LINK_REFUSED )
Type casts for PadLinkReturns.
func (PadLinkReturn) String ¶
func (p PadLinkReturn) String() string
String implemeents a stringer on PadLinkReturn
type PadMode ¶
type PadMode int
PadMode is a cast of GstPadMode.
const ( PadModeNone PadMode = C.GST_PAD_MODE_NONE // (0) – Pad will not handle dataflow PadModePush PadMode = C.GST_PAD_MODE_PUSH // (1) – Pad handles dataflow in downstream push mode PadModePull PadMode = C.GST_PAD_MODE_PULL // (2) – Pad handles dataflow in upstream pull mode )
Type casts of PadModes
type PadPresence ¶
type PadPresence int
PadPresence is a cast of GstPadPresence to a go type.
const ( PadPresenceAlways PadPresence = C.GST_PAD_ALWAYS // (0) - the pad is always available PadPresenceSometimes PadPresence = C.GST_PAD_SOMETIMES // (1) - the pad will become available depending on the media stream PadPresenceRequest PadPresence = C.GST_PAD_REQUEST // (2) - the pad is only available on request with gst_element_request_pad. )
Type casting of pad presences
func (PadPresence) String ¶
func (p PadPresence) String() string
String implements a stringer on PadPresence.
type PadProbeCallback ¶
type PadProbeCallback func(*Pad, *PadProbeInfo) PadProbeReturn
PadProbeCallback is a callback used by Pad AddProbe. It gets called to notify about the current blocking type.
type PadProbeInfo ¶
type PadProbeInfo struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PadProbeInfo represents the info passed to a PadProbeCallback.
func (*PadProbeInfo) GetBuffer ¶
func (p *PadProbeInfo) GetBuffer() *Buffer
GetBuffer returns the buffer, if any, inside this probe info.
func (*PadProbeInfo) GetBufferList ¶
func (p *PadProbeInfo) GetBufferList() *BufferList
GetBufferList returns the buffer list, if any, inside this probe info.
func (*PadProbeInfo) GetEvent ¶
func (p *PadProbeInfo) GetEvent() *Event
GetEvent returns the event, if any, inside this probe info.
func (*PadProbeInfo) GetQuery ¶
func (p *PadProbeInfo) GetQuery() *Query
GetQuery returns the query, if any, inside this probe info.
func (*PadProbeInfo) Offset ¶
func (p *PadProbeInfo) Offset() uint64
Offset returns the offset of pull probe, this field is valid when type contains PadProbeTypePull.
func (*PadProbeInfo) Size ¶
func (p *PadProbeInfo) Size() uint64
Size returns the size of pull probe, this field is valid when type contains PadProbeTypePull.
func (*PadProbeInfo) Type ¶
func (p *PadProbeInfo) Type() PadProbeType
Type returns the type of the probe. The type indicates the type of data that can be expected with the probe.
type PadProbeReturn ¶
type PadProbeReturn int
PadProbeReturn casts GstPadProbeReturn
const ( PadProbeDrop PadProbeReturn = C.GST_PAD_PROBE_DROP // (0) – drop data in data probes. For push mode this means that the data item is not sent downstream. For pull mode, it means that the data item is not passed upstream. In both cases, no other probes are called for this item and GST_FLOW_OK or TRUE is returned to the caller. PadProbeOK PadProbeReturn = C.GST_PAD_PROBE_OK // (1) – normal probe return value. This leaves the probe in place, and defers decisions about dropping or passing data to other probes, if any. If there are no other probes, the default behavior for the probe type applies ('block' for blocking probes, and 'pass' for non-blocking probes). PadProbeRemove PadProbeReturn = C.GST_PAD_PROBE_REMOVE // (2) – remove this probe. PadProbePass PadProbeReturn = C.GST_PAD_PROBE_PASS // (3) – pass the data item in the block probe and block on the next item. PadProbeUnhandled PadProbeReturn = C.GST_PAD_PROBE_HANDLED // (4) – Data has been handled in the probe and will not be forwarded further. For events and buffers this is the same behavior as GST_PAD_PROBE_DROP (except that in this case you need to unref the buffer or event yourself). For queries it will also return TRUE to the caller. The probe can also modify the GstFlowReturn value by using the GST_PAD_PROBE_INFO_FLOW_RETURN() accessor. Note that the resulting query must contain valid entries. Since: 1.6 )
Type castings of ProbeReturns
type PadProbeType ¶
type PadProbeType int
PadProbeType casts GstPadProbeType
const ( PadProbeTypeInvalid PadProbeType = C.GST_PAD_PROBE_TYPE_INVALID // (0) – invalid probe type PadProbeTypeIdle PadProbeType = C.GST_PAD_PROBE_TYPE_IDLE // (1) – probe idle pads and block while the callback is called PadProbeTypeBlock PadProbeType = C.GST_PAD_PROBE_TYPE_BLOCK // (2) – probe and block pads PadProbeTypeBuffer PadProbeType = C.GST_PAD_PROBE_TYPE_BUFFER // (16) – probe buffers PadProbeTypeBufferList PadProbeType = C.GST_PAD_PROBE_TYPE_BUFFER_LIST // (32) – probe buffer lists PadProbeTypeEventDownstream PadProbeType = C.GST_PAD_PROBE_TYPE_EVENT_DOWNSTREAM // (64) – probe downstream events PadProbeTypeEventUpstream PadProbeType = C.GST_PAD_PROBE_TYPE_EVENT_UPSTREAM // (128) – probe upstream events PadProbeTypeEventFlush PadProbeType = C.GST_PAD_PROBE_TYPE_EVENT_FLUSH // (256) – probe flush events. This probe has to be explicitly enabled and is not included in the @GST_PAD_PROBE_TYPE_EVENT_DOWNSTREAM or @GST_PAD_PROBE_TYPE_EVENT_UPSTREAM probe types. PadProbeTypeQueryDownstream PadProbeType = C.GST_PAD_PROBE_TYPE_QUERY_DOWNSTREAM // (512) – probe downstream queries PadProbeTypeQueryUpstream PadProbeType = C.GST_PAD_PROBE_TYPE_QUERY_UPSTREAM // (1024) – probe upstream queries PadProbeTypePush PadProbeType = C.GST_PAD_PROBE_TYPE_PUSH // (4096) – probe push PadProbeTypePull PadProbeType = C.GST_PAD_PROBE_TYPE_PULL // (8192) – probe pull PadProbeTypeBlocking PadProbeType = C.GST_PAD_PROBE_TYPE_BLOCKING // (3) – probe and block at the next opportunity, at data flow or when idle PadProbeTypeDataDownstream PadProbeType = C.GST_PAD_PROBE_TYPE_DATA_DOWNSTREAM // (112) – probe downstream data (buffers, buffer lists, and events) PadProbeTypeDataUpstream PadProbeType = C.GST_PAD_PROBE_TYPE_DATA_UPSTREAM // (128) – probe upstream data (events) PadProbeTypeDataBoth PadProbeType = C.GST_PAD_PROBE_TYPE_DATA_BOTH // (240) – probe upstream and downstream data (buffers, buffer lists, and events) PadProbeTypeBlockDownstream PadProbeType = C.GST_PAD_PROBE_TYPE_BLOCK_DOWNSTREAM // (114) – probe and block downstream data (buffers, buffer lists, and events) PadProbeTypeBlockUpstream PadProbeType = C.GST_PAD_PROBE_TYPE_BLOCK_UPSTREAM // (130) – probe and block upstream data (events) PadProbeTypeEventBoth PadProbeType = C.GST_PAD_PROBE_TYPE_EVENT_BOTH // (192) – probe upstream and downstream events PadProbeTypeQueryBoth PadProbeType = C.GST_PAD_PROBE_TYPE_QUERY_BOTH // (1536) – probe upstream and downstream queries PadProbeTypeAllBoth PadProbeType = C.GST_PAD_PROBE_TYPE_ALL_BOTH // (1776) – probe upstream events and queries and downstream buffers, buffer lists, events and queries PadProbeTypeScheduling PadProbeType = C.GST_PAD_PROBE_TYPE_SCHEDULING // (12288) – probe push and pull )
Type castings of PadProbeTypes
type PadQueryFunc ¶
PadQueryFunc is a function for performing queries on a pad. It should return true if it could handle the query.
type PadTemplate ¶
type PadTemplate struct{ *Object }
PadTemplate is a go representation of a GstPadTemplate
func FromGstPadTemplateUnsafeFull ¶
func FromGstPadTemplateUnsafeFull(tmpl unsafe.Pointer) *PadTemplate
FromGstPadTemplateUnsafeFull wraps the given GstPadTemplate in a finalizer.
func FromGstPadTemplateUnsafeNone ¶
func FromGstPadTemplateUnsafeNone(tmpl unsafe.Pointer) *PadTemplate
FromGstPadTemplateUnsafeNone wraps the given GstPadTemplate in a ref and a finalizer.
func NewPadTemplate ¶
func NewPadTemplate(nameTemplate string, direction PadDirection, presence PadPresence, caps *Caps) *PadTemplate
NewPadTemplate creates a new pad template with a name according to the given template and with the given arguments.
func NewPadTemplateWithGType ¶
func NewPadTemplateWithGType(nameTemplate string, direction PadDirection, presence PadPresence, caps *Caps, gType glib.Type) *PadTemplate
NewPadTemplateWithGType creates a new pad template with a name according to the given template and with the given arguments.
func (*PadTemplate) Caps ¶
func (p *PadTemplate) Caps() *Caps
Caps returns the caps of the pad template.
func (*PadTemplate) Direction ¶
func (p *PadTemplate) Direction() PadDirection
Direction returns the direction of the pad template.
func (*PadTemplate) Instance ¶
func (p *PadTemplate) Instance() *C.GstPadTemplate
Instance returns the underlying C GstPadTemplate.
func (*PadTemplate) Name ¶
func (p *PadTemplate) Name() string
Name returns the name of the pad template.
func (*PadTemplate) PadCreated ¶
func (p *PadTemplate) PadCreated(pad *Pad)
PadCreated emits the pad-created signal for this template when created by this pad.
func (*PadTemplate) Presence ¶
func (p *PadTemplate) Presence() PadPresence
Presence returns the presence of the pad template.
type PadUnlinkFunc ¶
PadUnlinkFunc is the function signature to handle a unlinking the pad from its peer.
The pad's lock is already held when the unlink function is called, so most pad functions cannot be called from within the callback.
type ParentBufferMeta ¶
ParentBufferMeta is a go representation of a GstParentBufferMeta
type Pipeline ¶
type Pipeline struct { *Bin // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Pipeline is a go implementation of a GstPipeline.
func FromGstPipelineUnsafeFull ¶
FromGstPipelineUnsafeFull wraps the given pipeline pointer.
func FromGstPipelineUnsafeNone ¶
FromGstPipelineUnsafeNone wraps the given pipeline pointer.
func NewPipeline ¶
NewPipeline allocates and returns a new empty pipeline. If name is empty, one is generated by gstreamer.
func NewPipelineFromString ¶
NewPipelineFromString creates a new gstreamer pipeline from the given launch string.
func (*Pipeline) ForceClock ¶
Force pipeline to use the given clock. The pipeline will always use the given clock even if new clock providers are added to this pipeline.
If clock is NULL all clocking will be disabled which will make the pipeline run as fast as possible.
MT safe.
func (*Pipeline) GetPipelineBus ¶
GetPipelineBus returns the message bus for this pipeline.
func (*Pipeline) GetPipelineClock ¶
GetPipelineClock returns the global clock for this pipeline.
func (*Pipeline) Instance ¶
func (p *Pipeline) Instance() *C.GstPipeline
Instance returns the native GstPipeline instance.
func (*Pipeline) SetAutoFlushBus ¶
SetAutoFlushBus can be used to disable automatically flushing the message bus when a pipeline goes to StateNull.
Usually, when a pipeline goes from READY to NULL state, it automatically flushes all pending messages on the bus, which is done for refcounting purposes, to break circular references.
This means that applications that update state using (async) bus messages (e.g. do certain things when a pipeline goes from PAUSED to READY) might not get to see messages when the pipeline is shut down, because they might be flushed before they can be dispatched in the main thread. This behavior can be disabled using this function.
It is important that all messages on the bus are handled when the automatic flushing is disabled else memory leaks will be introduced.
type Plugin ¶
type Plugin struct{ *Object }
Plugin is a go representation of a GstPlugin.
func FromGstPluginUnsafeFull ¶
FromGstPluginUnsafeFull wraps the given pointer in a Plugin.
func FromGstPluginUnsafeNone ¶
FromGstPluginUnsafeNone wraps the given pointer in a Plugin.
func LoadPluginByName ¶
LoadPluginByName loads the named plugin and places a ref count on it. The function returns nil if the plugin could not be loaded.
func LoadPluginFile ¶
LoadPluginFile loads the given plugin and refs it. If an error is returned Plugin will be nil.
func (*Plugin) Description ¶
Description returns the description for this plugin.
type PluginFeature ¶
type PluginFeature struct{ *Object }
PluginFeature wraps the C GstPluginFeature.
func (*PluginFeature) GetPlugin ¶
func (p *PluginFeature) GetPlugin() *Plugin
GetPlugin returns the plugin that provides this feature or nil.
func (*PluginFeature) GetPluginName ¶
func (p *PluginFeature) GetPluginName() string
GetPluginName returns the name of the plugin that provides this feature.
func (*PluginFeature) GetPluginRank ¶
func (p *PluginFeature) GetPluginRank() int
func (*PluginFeature) Instance ¶
func (p *PluginFeature) Instance() *C.GstPluginFeature
Instance returns the underlying GstPluginFeature instance
func (*PluginFeature) SetPluginRank ¶
func (p *PluginFeature) SetPluginRank(rank Rank)
type PluginInitFunc ¶
PluginInitFunc is a function called by the plugin loader at startup. This function should register all the features of the plugin. The function should return true if the plugin is initialized successfully.
type PluginMetadata ¶
type PluginMetadata struct { // The major version number of the GStreamer core that the plugin was compiled for, you can just use VersionMajor here MajorVersion Version // The minor version number of the GStreamer core that the plugin was compiled for, you can just use VersionMinor here MinorVersion Version // A unique name of the plugin (ideally prefixed with an application- or library-specific namespace prefix in order to // avoid name conflicts in case a similar plugin with the same name ever gets added to GStreamer) Name string // A description of the plugin Description string // The function to call when initiliazing the plugin Init PluginInitFunc // The version of the plugin Version string // The license for the plugin, must match one of the license constants in this package License License // The source module the plugin belongs to Source string // The shipped package the plugin belongs to Package string // The URL to the provider of the plugin Origin string // The date of release in ISO 8601 format. // See for more details. ReleaseDate string }
PluginMetadata represents the information to include when registering a new plugin with gstreamer.
func (*PluginMetadata) Export ¶
func (p *PluginMetadata) Export() unsafe.Pointer
Export will export the PluginMetadata to an unsafe pointer to a GstPluginDesc.
type PollFd ¶
PollFd represents the possible values returned from a GetPollFd. On Windows, there will not be a Fd.
type ProgressType ¶
type ProgressType int
ProgressType is a go representation of a GstProgressType
const ( ProgressTypeStart ProgressType = C.GST_PROGRESS_TYPE_START // (0) – A new task started. ProgressTypeContinue ProgressType = C.GST_PROGRESS_TYPE_CONTINUE // (1) – A task completed and a new one continues. ProgressTypeComplete ProgressType = C.GST_PROGRESS_TYPE_COMPLETE // (2) – A task completed. ProgressTypeCanceled ProgressType = C.GST_PROGRESS_TYPE_CANCELED // (3) – A task was canceled. ProgressTypeError ProgressType = C.GST_PROGRESS_TYPE_ERROR // (4) – A task caused an error. An error message is also posted on the bus. )
Type castings of ProgressTypes
func (ProgressType) String ¶
func (p ProgressType) String() string
String implements a stringer on ProgressTypes
type Promise ¶
type Promise struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Promise is a go wrapper around a GstPromise. See:
it can be awaited on-blocking using Await, given the promise was constructed in go and not received from FFI.
func NewPromise ¶
func NewPromise() *Promise
func (*Promise) Await ¶
Await awaits the promise without blocking the thread. It returns the reply returned by the GstPromise
its implementation is preferred over the blocking gst_promise_wait, which would lock a thread until the promise has changed state.
func (*Promise) GetReply ¶
GetReply wraps gst_promise_get_reply and returns the structure, which can be nil.
func (*Promise) Instance ¶
func (p *Promise) Instance() *C.GstPromise
func (*Promise) Ref ¶
func (p *Promise) Ref()
Ref increases the ref count on the promise. Exposed for completeness sake. Should not be called by application code
type PromiseResult ¶
type PromiseResult int
func (PromiseResult) String ¶
func (pr PromiseResult) String() string
type ProtectionMeta ¶
ProtectionMeta is a go wrapper around C GstProtectionMeta.
type ProxyPad ¶
type ProxyPad struct{ *Pad }
ProxyPad is a go representation of a GstProxyPad.
func (*ProxyPad) ChainDefault ¶
func (p *ProxyPad) ChainDefault(parent *Object, buffer *Buffer) FlowReturn
ChainDefault invokes the default chain function of the proxy pad.
func (*ProxyPad) ChainListDefault ¶
func (p *ProxyPad) ChainListDefault(parent *Object, bufferList *BufferList) FlowReturn
ChainListDefault invokes the default chain list function of the proxy pad.
func (*ProxyPad) GetInternal ¶
GetInternal gets the internal pad of pad.
The internal pad of a GhostPad is the internally used pad of opposite direction, which is used to link to the target.
func (*ProxyPad) GetInternalLinksDefault ¶
GetInternalLinksDefault invokes the default iterate internal links function of the proxy pad.
func (*ProxyPad) GetRangeDefault ¶
GetRangeDefault invokes the default getrange function of the proxy pad.
func (*ProxyPad) Instance ¶
func (p *ProxyPad) Instance() *C.GstProxyPad
Instance returns the underlying GstProxyPad instance.
type QOSType ¶
type QOSType int
QOSType casts GstQOSType
const ( QOSTypeOverflow QOSType = C.GST_QOS_TYPE_OVERFLOW // (0) – The QoS event type that is produced when upstream elements are producing data too quickly and the element can't keep up processing the data. Upstream should reduce their production rate. This type is also used when buffers arrive early or in time. QOSTypeUnderflow QOSType = C.GST_QOS_TYPE_UNDERFLOW // (1) – The QoS event type that is produced when upstream elements are producing data too slowly and need to speed up their production rate. QOSTypeThrottle QOSType = C.GST_QOS_TYPE_THROTTLE // (2) – The QoS event type that is produced when the application enabled throttling to limit the data rate. )
Type castings
type QoSValues ¶
type QoSValues struct { // If the message was generated by a live element Live bool // The running time of the buffer that generated the message RunningTime time.Duration // should this be a uint64? // The stream time of the buffer that generated the message StreamTime time.Duration // should this be a uint64? // The timestamps of the buffer that generated the message Timestamp time.Duration // should this be a uint64? // The duration of the buffer that generated the message Duration time.Duration // should this be a uint64? }
QoSValues represents the values inside a QoS message.
type Query ¶
type Query struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Query is a go wrapper around a GstQuery.
func FromGstQueryUnsafeFull ¶
FromGstQueryUnsafeFull wraps the pointer to the given C GstQuery with the go type. This is meant for internal usage and is exported for visibility to other packages.
func FromGstQueryUnsafeNone ¶
FromGstQueryUnsafeNone wraps the pointer to the given C GstQuery with the go type. This is meant for internal usage and is exported for visibility to other packages.
func NewAcceptCapsQuery ¶
NewAcceptCapsQuery constructs a new query object for querying if caps are accepted.
func NewAllocationQuery ¶
NewAllocationQuery constructs a new query object for querying the allocation properties.
func NewBitrateQuery ¶
func NewBitrateQuery() *Query
NewBitrateQuery constructs a new query object for querying the bitrate.
func NewBufferingQuery ¶
NewBufferingQuery constructs a new query object for querying the buffering status of a stream.
func NewCapsQuery ¶
NewCapsQuery constructs a new query object for querying the caps.
The CAPS query should return the allowable caps for a pad in the context of the element's state, its link to other elements, and the devices or files it has opened. These caps must be a subset of the pad template caps. In the NULL state with no links, the CAPS query should ideally return the same caps as the pad template. In rare circumstances, an object property can affect the caps returned by the CAPS query, but this is discouraged.
For most filters, the caps returned by CAPS query is directly affected by the allowed caps on other pads. For demuxers and decoders, the caps returned by the srcpad's getcaps function is directly related to the stream data. Again, the CAPS query should return the most specific caps it reasonably can, since this helps with autoplugging.
The filter is used to restrict the result caps, only the caps matching filter should be returned from the CAPS query. Specifying a filter might greatly reduce the amount of processing an element needs to do.
func NewContextQuery ¶
NewContextQuery constructs a new query object for querying the pipeline-local context.
func NewConvertQuery ¶
NewConvertQuery constructs a new convert query object. A convert query is used to ask for a conversion between one format and another.
func NewCustomQuery ¶
NewCustomQuery constructs a new custom query object.
func NewDrainQuery ¶
func NewDrainQuery() *Query
NewDrainQuery constructs a new query object for querying the drain state.
func NewDurationQuery ¶
NewDurationQuery constructs a new stream duration query object to query in the given format. A duration query will give the total length of the stream.
func NewFormatsQuery ¶
func NewFormatsQuery() *Query
NewFormatsQuery constructs a new query object for querying formats of the stream.
func NewLatencyQuery ¶
func NewLatencyQuery() *Query
NewLatencyQuery constructs a new latency query object. A latency query is usually performed by sinks to compensate for additional latency introduced by elements in the pipeline.
func NewPositionQuery ¶
NewPositionQuery constructs a new query stream position query object. A position query is used to query the current position of playback in the streams, in some format.
func NewSchedulingQuery ¶
func NewSchedulingQuery() *Query
NewSchedulingQuery constructs a new query object for querying the scheduling properties.
func NewSeekingQuery ¶
NewSeekingQuery constructs a new query object for querying seeking properties of the stream.
func NewSegmentQuery ¶
NewSegmentQuery constructs a new segment query object. A segment query is used to discover information about the currently configured segment for playback.
func NewURIQuery ¶
func NewURIQuery() *Query
NewURIQuery constructs a new query URI query object. An URI query is used to query the current URI that is used by the source or sink.
func ToGstQuery ¶
ToGstQuery converts the given pointer into a Message without affecting the ref count or placing finalizers.
func (*Query) AddAllocationMeta ¶
AddAllocationMeta adds api with params as one of the supported metadata API to query.
func (*Query) AddAllocationParam ¶
func (q *Query) AddAllocationParam(allocator *Allocator, params *AllocationParams)
AddAllocationParam adds allocator and its params as a supported memory allocator.
func (*Query) AddAllocationPool ¶
func (q *Query) AddAllocationPool(pool *BufferPool, size, minBuffers, maxBuffers uint)
AddAllocationPool sets the pool parameters in query.
func (*Query) AddBufferingRange ¶
AddBufferingRange sets the buffering-ranges array field in query. The current last start position of the array should be inferior to start.
func (*Query) AddSchedulingMode ¶
AddSchedulingMode adds mode as one of the supported scheduling modes to query.
func (*Query) Copy ¶
Copy copies the given query using the copy function of the parent GstStructure.
func (*Query) FindAllocationMeta ¶
FindAllocationMeta checks if query has metadata api set. When this function returns TRUE, index will contain the index where the requested API and the parameters can be found.
func (*Query) GetNumAllocationMetas ¶
GetNumAllocationMetas retrieves the number of values currently stored in the meta API array of the query's structure.
func (*Query) GetNumAllocationParams ¶
GetNumAllocationParams retrieves the number of values currently stored in the allocator params array of the query's structure.
If no memory allocator is specified, the downstream element can handle the default memory allocator. The first memory allocator in the query should be generic and allow mapping to system memory, all following allocators should be ordered by preference with the preferred one first.
func (*Query) GetNumAllocationPools ¶
GetNumAllocationPools retrieves the number of values currently stored in the pool array of the query's structure.
func (*Query) GetNumBufferingRanges ¶
GetNumBufferingRanges retrieves the number of values currently stored in the buffered-ranges array of the query's structure.
func (*Query) GetNumSchedulingModes ¶
GetNumSchedulingModes retrieves the number of values currently stored in the scheduling mode array of the query's structure.
func (*Query) GetStructure ¶
GetStructure retrieves the structure of a query.
func (*Query) HasSchedulingMode ¶
HasSchedulingMode checks if query has scheduling mode set.
func (*Query) HasSchedulingModeWithFlags ¶
func (q *Query) HasSchedulingModeWithFlags(mode PadMode, flags SchedulingFlags) bool
HasSchedulingModeWithFlags checks if query has scheduling mode set and flags is set in query scheduling flags.
func (*Query) ParseAcceptCaps ¶
ParseAcceptCaps gets the caps from query. The caps remains valid as long as query remains valid.
func (*Query) ParseAcceptCapsResult ¶
ParseAcceptCapsResult parses the result from the caps query.
func (*Query) ParseAllocation ¶
ParseAllocation parses an allocation query.
func (*Query) ParseAllocationMetaAt ¶
ParseAllocationMetaAt parses an available query and get the metadata API at index of the metadata API array.
func (*Query) ParseAllocationParamAt ¶
func (q *Query) ParseAllocationParamAt(idx uint) (*Allocator, *AllocationParams)
ParseAllocationParamAt parses an available query and get the allocator and its params at index of the allocator array.
func (*Query) ParseAllocationPoolAt ¶
func (q *Query) ParseAllocationPoolAt(idx uint) (pool *BufferPool, size, minBuffers, maxBuffers uint)
ParseAllocationPoolAt gets the pool parameters in query.
func (*Query) ParseBitrate ¶
ParseBitrate gets the results of a bitrate query. See also SetBitrate.
func (*Query) ParseBufferingPercent ¶
ParseBufferingPercent gets the percentage of buffered data. This is a value between 0 and 100. The busy indicator is TRUE when the buffering is in progress.
func (*Query) ParseBufferingRange ¶
ParseBufferingRange parses a buffering range query.
func (*Query) ParseBufferingRangeAt ¶
ParseBufferingRangeAt parses an available query and get the start and stop values stored at the index of the buffered ranges array.
func (*Query) ParseBufferingStats ¶
func (q *Query) ParseBufferingStats() (mode BufferingMode, avgIn, avgOut int, bufLeft int64)
ParseBufferingStats extracts the buffering stats values from query.
func (*Query) ParseCaps ¶
ParseCaps gets the filter from the caps query. The caps remains valid as long as query remains valid.
func (*Query) ParseCapsResult ¶
ParseCapsResult gets the caps result from query. The caps remains valid as long as query remains valid.
func (*Query) ParseContext ¶
ParseContext gets the context from the context query. The context remains valid as long as query remains valid.
func (*Query) ParseContextType ¶
ParseContextType parses a context type from an existing GST_QUERY_CONTEXT query.
func (*Query) ParseConvert ¶
ParseConvert parses a convert query answer.
func (*Query) ParseDuration ¶
ParseDuration parses a duration query answer.
func (*Query) ParseFormatAt ¶
ParseFormatAt parses the format query and retrieve the nth format from it into format. If the list contains less elements than nth, format will be set to GST_FORMAT_UNDEFINED.
func (*Query) ParseLatency ¶
ParseLatency parses a latency query answer.
func (*Query) ParseNumFormats ¶
ParseNumFormats parses the number of formats in the formats query.
func (*Query) ParsePosition ¶
ParsePosition parses a position query, writing the format into format, and the position into cur, if the respective parameters are non-%NULL.
func (*Query) ParseScheduling ¶
func (q *Query) ParseScheduling() (flags SchedulingFlags, minSize, maxSize, align int)
ParseScheduling sets the scheduling properties.
func (*Query) ParseSchedulingModeAt ¶
ParseSchedulingModeAt parses an available query and get the scheduling mode at index of the scheduling modes array.
func (*Query) ParseSeeking ¶
ParseSeeking parses a seeking query.
func (*Query) ParseSegment ¶
ParseSegment parses a segment query answer.
func (*Query) ParseURIRedirection ¶
ParseURIRedirection parses a URI query.
func (*Query) ParseURIRedirectionPermanent ¶
ParseURIRedirectionPermanent parses an URI query, and set permanent to TRUE if there is a redirection and it should be considered permanent. If a redirection is permanent, applications should update their internal storage of the URI, otherwise they should make all future requests to the original URI.
func (*Query) RemoveAllocationMetaAt ¶
RemoveAllocationMetaAt removes the metadata API at index of the metadata API array.
func (*Query) RemoveAllocationParamAt ¶
RemoveAllocationParamAt removes the allocation param at index of the allocation param array.
func (*Query) RemoveAllocationPoolAt ¶
RemoveAllocationPoolAt removes the allocation pool at index of the allocation pool array.
func (*Query) SetAcceptCapsResult ¶
SetAcceptCapsResult sets result as the result for the query.
func (*Query) SetAllocationParamAt ¶
func (q *Query) SetAllocationParamAt(idx uint, allocator *Allocator, params *AllocationParams)
SetAllocationParamAt sets allocation params in query.
func (*Query) SetAllocationPoolAt ¶
func (q *Query) SetAllocationPoolAt(idx uint, pool *BufferPool, size, minBuffers, maxBuffers uint)
SetAllocationPoolAt sets the pool parameters in query.
func (*Query) SetBitrate ¶
SetBitrate sets the results of a bitrate query. The nominal bitrate is the average bitrate expected over the length of the stream as advertised in file headers (or similar).
func (*Query) SetBufferingPercent ¶
SetBufferingPercent sets the percentage of buffered data. This is a value between 0 and 100. The busy indicator is TRUE when the buffering is in progress.
func (*Query) SetBufferingRange ¶
SetBufferingRange sets the available query result fields in query.
func (*Query) SetBufferingStats ¶
func (q *Query) SetBufferingStats(mode BufferingMode, avgIn, avgOut int, bufferingLeft int64)
SetBufferingStats configures the buffering stats values in query.
func (*Query) SetCapsResult ¶
SetCapsResult sets the caps result in query.
func (*Query) SetContext ¶
SetContext answers a context query by setting the requested context.
func (*Query) SetConvert ¶
SetConvert answers a convert query by setting the requested values.
func (*Query) SetDuration ¶
SetDuration answers a duration query by setting the requested value in the given format.
func (*Query) SetFormats ¶
SetFormats sets the formats query result fields in query. The number of formats passed must be equal to n_formats.
func (*Query) SetLatency ¶
SetLatency answers a latency query by setting the requested values in the given format.
func (*Query) SetPosition ¶
SetPosition answers a position query by setting the requested value in the given format.
func (*Query) SetScheduling ¶
func (q *Query) SetScheduling(flags SchedulingFlags, minSize, maxSize, align int)
SetScheduling sets the scheduling properties.
func (*Query) SetSeeking ¶
SetSeeking sets the seeking query result fields in query.
func (*Query) SetSegment ¶
SetSegment answers a segment query by setting the requested values. The normal playback segment of a pipeline is 0 to duration at the default rate of 1.0. If a seek was performed on the pipeline to play a different segment, this query will return the range specified in the last seek.
start_value and stop_value will respectively contain the configured playback range start and stop values expressed in format. The values are always between 0 and the duration of the media and start_value <= stop_value. rate will contain the playback rate. For negative rates, playback will actually happen from stop_value to start_value.
func (*Query) SetURIRedirection ¶
SetURIRedirection answers a URI query by setting the requested URI redirection.
func (*Query) SetURIRedirectionPermanent ¶
SetURIRedirectionPermanent answers a URI query by setting the requested URI redirection to permanent or not.
func (*Query) Unref ¶
func (q *Query) Unref()
Unref decreases the refcount of the query. If the refcount reaches 0, the query will be freed.
func (*Query) WritableStructure ¶
WritableStructure gets the structure of a query. This method should be called with a writable query so that the returned structure is guaranteed to be writable.
type QueryType ¶
type QueryType int
QueryType casts GstQueryType
const ( QueryUnknown QueryType = C.GST_QUERY_UNKNOWN // (0) – unknown query type QueryPosition QueryType = C.GST_QUERY_POSITION // (2563) – current position in stream QueryDuration QueryType = C.GST_QUERY_DURATION // (5123) – total duration of the stream QueryLatency QueryType = C.GST_QUERY_LATENCY // (7683) – latency of stream QueryJitter QueryType = C.GST_QUERY_JITTER // (10243) – current jitter of stream QueryRate QueryType = C.GST_QUERY_RATE // (12803) – current rate of the stream QuerySeeking QueryType = C.GST_QUERY_SEEKING // (15363) – seeking capabilities QuerySegment QueryType = C.GST_QUERY_SEGMENT // (17923) – segment start/stop positions QueryConvert QueryType = C.GST_QUERY_CONVERT // (20483) – convert values between formats QueryFormats QueryType = C.GST_QUERY_FORMATS // (23043) – query supported formats for convert QueryBuffering QueryType = C.GST_QUERY_BUFFERING // (28163) – query available media for efficient seeking. QueryCustom QueryType = C.GST_QUERY_CUSTOM // (30723) – a custom application or element defined que QueryType = C.ry. QueryURI QueryType = C.GST_QUERY_URI // (33283) – query the URI of the source or sink. QueryAllocation QueryType = C.GST_QUERY_ALLOCATION // (35846) – the buffer allocation properties QueryScheduling QueryType = C.GST_QUERY_SCHEDULING // (38401) – the scheduling properties QueryAcceptCaps QueryType = C.GST_QUERY_ACCEPT_CAPS // (40963) – the accept caps query QueryCaps QueryType = C.GST_QUERY_CAPS // (43523) – the caps query QueryDrain QueryType = C.GST_QUERY_DRAIN // (46086) – wait till all serialized data is consumed downstream QueryContext QueryType = C.GST_QUERY_CONTEXT // (48643) – query the pipeline-local context from downstream or upstream (since 1.2) QueryBitrate QueryType = C.GST_QUERY_BITRATE // (51202) – the bitrate query (since 1.16) )
Type casts
type QueryTypeFlags ¶
type QueryTypeFlags int
QueryTypeFlags casts GstQueryTypeFlags
const ( QueryTypeUpstream QueryTypeFlags = C.GST_QUERY_TYPE_UPSTREAM // (1) – Set if the query can travel upstream. QueryTypeDownstream QueryTypeFlags = C.GST_QUERY_TYPE_DOWNSTREAM // (2) – Set if the query can travel downstream. QueryTypeSerialized QueryTypeFlags = C.GST_QUERY_TYPE_SERIALIZED // (4) – Set if the query should be serialized with data flow. )
Type casts
type Rank ¶
type Rank uint
Rank casts GstRank
const ( RankNone Rank = C.GST_RANK_NONE // (0) - will be chosen last or not at all RankMarginal Rank = C.GST_RANK_MARGINAL // (64) – unlikely to be chosen RankSecondary Rank = C.GST_RANK_SECONDARY // (128) – likely to be chosen RankPrimary Rank = C.GST_RANK_PRIMARY // (256) – will be chosen first )
type ReferenceTimestampMeta ¶
ReferenceTimestampMeta is a go representation of a GstReferenceTimestampMeta.
type Registry ¶
type Registry struct{ *Object }
Registry is a go representation of a GstRegistry.
func FromGstRegistryUnsafeFull ¶
FromGstRegistryUnsafeFull wraps the given GstRegistry pointer.
func FromGstRegistryUnsafeNone ¶
FromGstRegistryUnsafeNone wraps the given GstRegistry pointer.
func (*Registry) FindPlugin ¶
FindPlugin retrieves the plugin by the given name.
func (*Registry) Instance ¶
func (r *Registry) Instance() *C.GstRegistry
Instance returns the underlying GstRegistry instance.
func (*Registry) LookupFeature ¶
func (r *Registry) LookupFeature(name string) (*PluginFeature, error)
LookupFeature looks up the given plugin feature by name.
type Sample ¶
type Sample struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Sample is a go wrapper around a GstSample object.
func FromGstSampleUnsafeFull ¶
FromGstSampleUnsafeFull wraps the pointer to the given C GstSample with the go type. This is meant for internal usage and is exported for visibility to other packages.
func FromGstSampleUnsafeNone ¶
FromGstSampleUnsafeNone wraps the pointer to the given C GstSample with the go type. This is meant for internal usage and is exported for visibility to other packages.
func (*Sample) Copy ¶
Copy creates a copy of the given sample. This will also make a newly allocated copy of the data the source sample contains.
func (*Sample) GetBufferList ¶
func (s *Sample) GetBufferList() *BufferList
GetBufferList gets the buffer list associated with this sample.
func (*Sample) GetCaps ¶
GetCaps returns the caps associated with this sample. Take a ref if you need to hold on to them longer then the life of the sample.
func (*Sample) GetInfo ¶
GetInfo gets extra information about this sample. The structure remains valid as long as sample is valid.
func (*Sample) GetSegment ¶
GetSegment gets the segment associated with the sample. The segmenr remains valid as long as sample is valid.
func (*Sample) SetBuffer ¶
SetBuffer sets the buffer inside this sample. The sample must be writable.
func (*Sample) SetBufferList ¶
func (s *Sample) SetBufferList(buf *BufferList)
SetBufferList sets the buffer list for this sample. The sample must be writable.
func (*Sample) SetSegment ¶
SetSegment sets the segment on this sample. The sample must be writable.
type SchedulingFlags ¶
type SchedulingFlags int
SchedulingFlags casts GstSchedulingFlags
const ( SchedulingFlagSeekable SchedulingFlags = C.GST_SCHEDULING_FLAG_SEEKABLE // (1) – if seeking is possible SchedulingFlagSequential SchedulingFlags = C.GST_SCHEDULING_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL // (2) – if sequential access is recommended SchedulingFlagBandwidthLimited SchedulingFlags = C.GST_SCHEDULING_FLAG_BANDWIDTH_LIMITED // (4) – if bandwidth is limited and buffering possible (since 1.2) )
Type casts
type SeekFlags ¶
type SeekFlags int
SeekFlags is a representation of GstSeekFlags.
const ( SeekFlagNone SeekFlags = C.GST_SEEK_FLAG_NONE SeekFlagFlush SeekFlags = C.GST_SEEK_FLAG_FLUSH SeekFlagAccurate SeekFlags = C.GST_SEEK_FLAG_ACCURATE SeekFlagKeyUnit SeekFlags = C.GST_SEEK_FLAG_KEY_UNIT SeekFlagSegment SeekFlags = C.GST_SEEK_FLAG_SEGMENT SeekFlagSkip SeekFlags = C.GST_SEEK_FLAG_SKIP SeekFlagSnapBefore SeekFlags = C.GST_SEEK_FLAG_SNAP_BEFORE SeekFlagSnapAfter SeekFlags = C.GST_SEEK_FLAG_SNAP_AFTER SeekFlagSnapNearest SeekFlags = C.GST_SEEK_FLAG_SNAP_NEAREST )
Type casts of SeekFlags
type SeekType ¶
type SeekType int
SeekType is a representation of GstSeekType.
const ( SeekTypeNone SeekType = C.GST_SEEK_TYPE_NONE SeekTypeSet SeekType = C.GST_SEEK_TYPE_SET SeekTypeEnd SeekType = C.GST_SEEK_TYPE_END )
Type casts of seek types
type Segment ¶
type Segment struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Segment is a go wrapper around a GstSegment. See:
func FromGstSegmentUnsafe ¶
FromGstSegmentUnsafe wraps the GstSegment pointer.
func NewFormattedSegment ¶
NewFormattedSegment returns a new Segment with the given format.
func NewSegment ¶
func NewSegment() *Segment
NewSegment allocates and initializes a new Segment. Free when you are finished.
func ToGstSegment ¶
ToGstSegment converts the given pointer into a Segment without affecting the ref count or placing finalizers.
func (*Segment) Clip ¶
Clip clips the given start and stop values to the segment boundaries given in segment. start and stop are compared and clipped to segment start and stop values.
If the function returns FALSE, start and stop are known to fall outside of segment and clip_start and clip_stop are not updated.
When the function returns TRUE, clip_start and clip_stop will be updated. If clip_start or clip_stop are different from start or stop respectively, the region fell partially in the segment.
Note that when stop is -1, clip_stop will be set to the end of the segment. Depending on the use case, this may or may not be what you want.
func (*Segment) DoSeek ¶
func (s *Segment) DoSeek(rate float64, format Format, flags SeekFlags, startType SeekType, start uint64, stopType SeekType, stop uint64) (ok, update bool)
DoSeek updates the segment structure with the field values of a seek event (see NewSeekEvent).
After calling this method, the segment field position and time will contain the requested new position in the segment. The new requested position in the segment depends on rate and start_type and stop_type.
For positive rate, the new position in the segment is the new segment start field when it was updated with a start_type different from SeekTypeNone. If no update was performed on segment start position (#SeekTypeNone), start is ignored and segment position is unmodified.
For negative rate, the new position in the segment is the new segment stop field when it was updated with a stop_type different from SeekTypeNone. If no stop was previously configured in the segment, the duration of the segment will be used to update the stop position. If no update was performed on segment stop position (#SeekTypeNone), stop is ignored and segment position is unmodified.
The applied rate of the segment will be set to 1.0 by default. If the caller can apply a rate change, it should update segment rate and applied_rate after calling this function.
update will be set to TRUE if a seek should be performed to the segment position field. This field can be FALSE if, for example, only the rate has been changed but not the playback position.
func (*Segment) GetAppliedRate ¶
GetAppliedRate returns the applied rate for this segment.
func (*Segment) GetDuration ¶
GetDuration gets the duration of this segment.
func (*Segment) GetFlags ¶
func (s *Segment) GetFlags() SegmentFlags
GetFlags returns the flags on this segment.
func (*Segment) GetPosition ¶
GetPosition returns the position of this segment.
func (*Segment) Instance ¶
func (s *Segment) Instance() *C.GstSegment
Instance returns the underlying GstSegment instance.
func (*Segment) IsEqual ¶
IsEqual checks for two segments being equal. Equality here is defined as perfect equality, including floating point values.
func (*Segment) OffsetRunningTime ¶
OffsetRunningTime adjusts the values in segment so that offset is applied to all future running-time calculations.
func (*Segment) PositionFromRunningTime ¶
PositionFromRunningTime converts running_time into a position in the segment so that ToRunningTime with that position returns running_time. The position in the segment for runningTime is returned.
func (*Segment) PositionFromRunningTimeFull ¶
PositionFromRunningTimeFull translates running_time to the segment position using the currently configured segment. Compared to PositionFromRunningTime this function can return negative segment position.
This function is typically used by elements that need to synchronize buffers against the clock or each other.
running_time can be any value and the result of this function for values outside of the segment is extrapolated.
func (*Segment) PositionFromStreamTime ¶
PositionFromStreamTime converts stream_time into a position in the segment so that ToStreamTime with that position returns stream_time.
func (*Segment) PositionFromStreamTimeFull ¶
PositionFromStreamTimeFull translates stream_time to the segment position using the currently configured segment. Compared to PositionFromStreamTime this function can return negative segment position.
This function is typically used by elements that need to synchronize buffers against the clock or each other.
stream_time can be any value and the result of this function for values outside of the segment is extrapolated.
func (*Segment) SetAppliedRate ¶
SetAppliedRate sets the applied rate for this segment
func (*Segment) SetFlags ¶
func (s *Segment) SetFlags(flags SegmentFlags)
SetFlags sets the flags on this segment.
func (*Segment) SetRunningTime ¶
SetRunningTime adjusts the start/stop and base values of segment such that the next valid buffer will be one with running_time.
func (*Segment) ToRunningTime ¶
ToRunningTime translates position to the total running time using the currently configured segment. Position is a value between segment start and stop time.
This function is typically used by elements that need to synchronize to the global clock in a pipeline. The running time is a constantly increasing value starting from 0. When segment Init is called, this value will reset to 0.
This function returns -1 if the position is outside of segment start and stop.
func (*Segment) ToRunningTimeFull ¶
ToRunningTimeFull translates position to the total running time using the currently configured segment. Compared to ToRunningTime this function can return negative running-time.
This function is typically used by elements that need to synchronize buffers against the clock or each other.
position can be any value and the result of this function for values outside of the segment is extrapolated.
func (*Segment) ToStreamTime ¶
ToStreamTime translates position to stream time using the currently configured segment. The position value must be between segment start and stop value.
This function is typically used by elements that need to operate on the stream time of the buffers it receives, such as effect plugins. In those use cases, position is typically the buffer timestamp or clock time that one wants to convert to the stream time. The stream time is always between 0 and the total duration of the media stream.
func (*Segment) ToStreamTimeFull ¶
ToStreamTimeFull translates position to the total stream time using the currently configured segment. Compared to ToStreamTime this function can return negative stream-time.
This function is typically used by elements that need to synchronize buffers against the clock or each other.
position can be any value and the result of this function for values outside of the segment is extrapolated.
type SegmentFlags ¶
type SegmentFlags int
SegmentFlags casts GstSegmentFlags
const ( SegmentFlagNone SegmentFlags = C.GST_SEGMENT_FLAG_NONE // (0) – no flags SegmentFlagReset SegmentFlags = C.GST_SEGMENT_FLAG_RESET // (1) – reset the pipeline running_time to the segment running_time SegmentFlagTrickMode SegmentFlags = C.GST_SEGMENT_FLAG_TRICKMODE // (16) – perform skip playback (Since: 1.6) SegmentFlagSkip SegmentFlags = C.GST_SEGMENT_FLAG_SKIP // (16) – Deprecated backward compatibility flag, replaced by GST_SEGMENT_FLAG_TRICKMODE SegmentFlagSegment SegmentFlags = C.GST_SEGMENT_FLAG_SEGMENT // (8) – send SEGMENT_DONE instead of EOS SegmentFlagKeyUnits SegmentFlags = C.GST_SEGMENT_FLAG_TRICKMODE_KEY_UNITS // (128) – Decode only keyframes, where possible (Since: 1.6) // SegmentFlagTrickModeForwardPredicted SegmentFlags = C.GST_SEGMENT_FLAG_TRICKMODE_FORWARD_PREDICTED // (512) – Decode only keyframes or forward predicted frames, where possible (Since: 1.18) SegmentFlagTrickModeNoAudio SegmentFlags = C.GST_SEGMENT_FLAG_TRICKMODE_NO_AUDIO // (256) – Do not decode any audio, where possible (Since: 1.6) )
Type castings
type StackTraceFlags ¶
type StackTraceFlags int
StackTraceFlags are flags for configuring stack traces
const ( StackTraceShowNone StackTraceFlags = 0 // (0) – Try to retrieve the minimum information available, which may be none on some platforms (Since: 1.18) StackTraceShowFull StackTraceFlags = C.GST_STACK_TRACE_SHOW_FULL // (1) – Try to retrieve as much information as possible, including source information when getting the stack trace )
Type castings of StackTraceFlags
type State ¶
type State int
State is a type cast of the C GstState
const ( VoidPending State = C.GST_STATE_VOID_PENDING // (0) – no pending state. StateNull State = C.GST_STATE_NULL // (1) – the NULL state or initial state of an element. StateReady State = C.GST_STATE_READY // (2) – the element is ready to go to PAUSED. StatePaused State = C.GST_STATE_PAUSED // (3) – the element is PAUSED, it is ready to accept and process data. Sink elements however only accept one buffer and then block. StatePlaying State = C.GST_STATE_PLAYING // (4) – the element is PLAYING, the GstClock is running and the data is flowing. )
Type casting for GstStates
type StateChange ¶
type StateChange int
StateChange is the different state changes an element goes through. StateNull ⇒ StatePlaying is called an upwards state change and StatePlaying ⇒ StateNull a downwards state change.
See for more information on the responsibiltiies of elements during each transition.
const ( StateChangeNullToReady StateChange = C.GST_STATE_CHANGE_NULL_TO_READY StateChangeReadyToPaused StateChange = C.GST_STATE_CHANGE_READY_TO_PAUSED StateChangePausedToPlaying StateChange = C.GST_STATE_CHANGE_PAUSED_TO_PLAYING StateChangePlayingToPaused StateChange = C.GST_STATE_CHANGE_PLAYING_TO_PAUSED StateChangePausedToReady StateChange = C.GST_STATE_CHANGE_PAUSED_TO_READY StateChangeReadyToNull StateChange = C.GST_STATE_CHANGE_READY_TO_NULL StateChangeNullToNull StateChange = C.GST_STATE_CHANGE_NULL_TO_NULL StateChangeReadyToReady StateChange = C.GST_STATE_CHANGE_READY_TO_READY StateChangePausedToPaused StateChange = C.GST_STATE_CHANGE_PAUSED_TO_PAUSED StateChangePlayingToPlaying StateChange = C.GST_STATE_CHANGE_PLAYING_TO_PLAYING )
StateChange castings
func (StateChange) String ¶
func (s StateChange) String() string
String returns the string representation of a StateChange
type StateChangeReturn ¶
type StateChangeReturn int
StateChangeReturn is a representation of GstStateChangeReturn.
const ( StateChangeFailure StateChangeReturn = C.GST_STATE_CHANGE_FAILURE StateChangeSuccess StateChangeReturn = C.GST_STATE_CHANGE_SUCCESS StateChangeAsync StateChangeReturn = C.GST_STATE_CHANGE_ASYNC StateChangeNoPreroll StateChangeReturn = C.GST_STATE_CHANGE_NO_PREROLL )
Type casts of state change returns
func (StateChangeReturn) String ¶
func (s StateChangeReturn) String() string
type StepDoneValues ¶
type StepDoneValues struct { Format Format Amount uint64 Rate float64 Flush bool Intermediate bool Duration time.Duration EOS bool }
StepDoneValues represents the values inside a StepDone message.
type StepStartValues ¶
type StepStartValues struct { Active bool Format Format Amount uint64 Rate float64 Flush bool Intermediate bool }
StepStartValues represents the values inside a StepStart message.
type StickyEventsForEachFunc ¶
StickyEventsForEachFunc is a callback used by StickyEventsForEach. When this function returns TRUE, the next event will be returned. When FALSE is returned, gst_pad_sticky_events_foreach will return.
When event is set to NULL, the item will be removed from the list of sticky events. event can be replaced by assigning a new reference to it. This function is responsible for unreffing the old event when removing or modifying.
type Stream ¶
type Stream struct{ *Object }
Stream is a Go representation of a GstStream.
func FromGstStreamUnsafeFull ¶
FromGstStreamUnsafeFull captures a pointer with just a finalizer.
func FromGstStreamUnsafeNone ¶
FromGstStreamUnsafeNone captures a pointer with a ref and finalizer.
func NewStream ¶
func NewStream(id string, caps *Caps, sType StreamType, flags StreamFlags) *Stream
NewStream returns a new Stream with the given ID, caps, type, and flags.
func (*Stream) SetStreamFlags ¶
func (s *Stream) SetStreamFlags(flags StreamFlags)
SetStreamFlags sets the flags for this stream.
func (*Stream) SetStreamType ¶
func (s *Stream) SetStreamType(sType StreamType)
SetStreamType sets the type of this stream.
func (*Stream) StreamFlags ¶
func (s *Stream) StreamFlags() StreamFlags
StreamFlags returns the flags for this stream.
func (*Stream) StreamType ¶
func (s *Stream) StreamType() StreamType
StreamType returns the type of this stream.
type StreamCollection ¶
type StreamCollection struct{ *Object }
StreamCollection is a Go representation of a GstStreamCollection.
func FromGstStreamCollectionUnsafeFull ¶
func FromGstStreamCollectionUnsafeFull(stream unsafe.Pointer) *StreamCollection
FromGstStreamCollectionUnsafeFull captures a pointer with just a finalizer.
func FromGstStreamCollectionUnsafeNone ¶
func FromGstStreamCollectionUnsafeNone(stream unsafe.Pointer) *StreamCollection
FromGstStreamCollectionUnsafeNone captures a pointer with a ref and finalizer.
func NewStreamCollection ¶
func NewStreamCollection(upstreamID string) *StreamCollection
NewStreamCollection returns a new StreamCollection with an upstream parent of the given stream ID.
func (*StreamCollection) AddStream ¶
func (s *StreamCollection) AddStream(stream *Stream) error
AddStream adds the given stream to this collection.
func (*StreamCollection) GetSize ¶
func (s *StreamCollection) GetSize() uint
GetSize returns the size of this stream collection.
func (*StreamCollection) GetStreamAt ¶
func (s *StreamCollection) GetStreamAt(idx uint) *Stream
GetStreamAt returns the stream at the given index in this collection.
func (*StreamCollection) GetUpstreamID ¶
func (s *StreamCollection) GetUpstreamID() string
GetUpstreamID retrieves the upstream ID for this collection.
func (*StreamCollection) Instance ¶
func (s *StreamCollection) Instance() *C.GstStreamCollection
Instance returns the underlying GstStreamCollection.
type StreamFlags ¶
type StreamFlags int
StreamFlags represent configuration options for a new stream.
const ( StreamFlagNone StreamFlags = C.GST_STREAM_FLAG_NONE // (0) – This stream has no special attributes StreamFlagSparse StreamFlags = C.GST_STREAM_FLAG_SPARSE // (1) – This stream is a sparse stream (e.g. a subtitle stream), data may flow only in irregular intervals with large gaps in between. StreamFlagSelect StreamFlags = C.GST_STREAM_FLAG_SELECT // (2) – This stream should be selected by default. This flag may be used by demuxers to signal that a stream should be selected by default in a playback scenario. StreamFlagUnselect StreamFlags = C.GST_STREAM_FLAG_UNSELECT // (4) – This stream should not be selected by default. This flag may be used by demuxers to signal that a stream should not be selected by default in a playback scenario, but only if explicitly selected by the user (e.g. an audio track for the hard of hearing or a director's commentary track). )
Type castings of StreamFlags
type StreamStatusType ¶
type StreamStatusType int
StreamStatusType represents a type of change in a stream's status
const ( StreamStatusCreate StreamStatusType = C.GST_STREAM_STATUS_TYPE_CREATE // (0) – A new thread need to be created. StreamStatusEnter StreamStatusType = C.GST_STREAM_STATUS_TYPE_ENTER // (1) – a thread entered its loop function StreamStatusLeave StreamStatusType = C.GST_STREAM_STATUS_TYPE_LEAVE // (2) – a thread left its loop function StreamStatusDestroy StreamStatusType = C.GST_STREAM_STATUS_TYPE_DESTROY // (3) – a thread is destroyed StreamStatusStart StreamStatusType = C.GST_STREAM_STATUS_TYPE_START // (8) – a thread is started StreamStatusPause StreamStatusType = C.GST_STREAM_STATUS_TYPE_PAUSE // (9) – a thread is paused StreamStatusStop StreamStatusType = C.GST_STREAM_STATUS_TYPE_STOP // (10) – a thread is stopped )
Type castings of the stream status types
func (StreamStatusType) String ¶
func (s StreamStatusType) String() string
type StreamType ¶
type StreamType int
StreamType is a go representation of a GstStreamType
const ( StreamTypeUnknown StreamType = C.GST_STREAM_TYPE_UNKNOWN // (1) – The stream is of unknown (unclassified) type. StreamTypeAudio StreamType = C.GST_STREAM_TYPE_AUDIO // (2) – The stream is of audio data StreamTypeVideo StreamType = C.GST_STREAM_TYPE_VIDEO // (4) – The stream carries video data StreamTypeContainer StreamType = C.GST_STREAM_TYPE_CONTAINER // (8) – The stream is a muxed container type StreamTypeText StreamType = C.GST_STREAM_TYPE_TEXT // (16) – The stream contains subtitle / subpicture data. )
Type castings of stream types
func (StreamType) String ¶
func (s StreamType) String() string
String implements a stringer on StreamTypes.
type Structure ¶
type Structure struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Structure is a go implementation of a C GstStructure.
func FromGstStructureUnsafe ¶
FromGstStructureUnsafe wraps the given unsafe.Pointer in a Structure. This is meant for internal usage and is exported for visibility to other packages.
func MarshalStructure ¶
func MarshalStructure(data interface{}) *Structure
MarshalStructure will convert the given go struct into a GstStructure. Currently nested structs are not supported.
func NewStructure ¶
NewStructure returns a new empty structure with the given name.
func NewStructureFromString ¶
NewStructureFromString builds a new GstStructure from the given string.
func ValueGetStructure ¶
ValueGetStructure extracts the GstStructure from a glib.Value, or nil if one does not exist.
func (*Structure) Free ¶
func (s *Structure) Free()
Free frees the memory for the underlying GstStructure.
func (*Structure) Instance ¶
func (s *Structure) Instance() *C.GstStructure
Instance returns the native GstStructure instance.
func (*Structure) RemoveValue ¶
RemoveValue removes the value at the given key. If the key does not exist, the structure is unchanged.
func (*Structure) UnmarshalInto ¶
UnmarshalInto will unmarshal this structure into the given pointer. The object reflected by the pointer must be non-nil.
type StructureChangeType ¶
type StructureChangeType int
StructureChangeType is a go representation of a GstStructureChangeType
const ( StructureChangePadLink StructureChangeType = C.GST_STRUCTURE_CHANGE_TYPE_PAD_LINK // (0) – Pad linking is starting or done. StructureChangePadUnlink StructureChangeType = C.GST_STRUCTURE_CHANGE_TYPE_PAD_UNLINK // (1) – Pad unlinking is starting or done. )
Type castings of StructureChangeTypes
func (StructureChangeType) String ¶
func (s StructureChangeType) String() string
String implements a stringer on StructureChangeTypes.
type SystemClock ¶
type SystemClock struct{ *Clock }
SystemClock wraps GstSystemClock
func ObtainSystemClock ¶
func ObtainSystemClock() *SystemClock
ObtainSystemClock returns the default SystemClock.
type TOC ¶
type TOC struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
TOC is a go representation of a GstToc.
func FromGstTOCUnsafeFull ¶
FromGstTOCUnsafeFull wraps the pointer to the given C GstToc with the go type. This is meant for internal usage and is exported for visibility to other packages.
func FromGstTOCUnsafeNone ¶
FromGstTOCUnsafeNone wraps the pointer to the given C GstToc with the go type. This is meant for internal usage and is exported for visibility to other packages.
func (*TOC) AppendEntry ¶
AppendEntry appends the given TOCEntry to this TOC.
func (*TOC) GetEntries ¶
GetEntries returns a list of all TOCEntries.
func (*TOC) MakeWritable ¶
MakeWritable returns a writable copy of the TOC if it isn't already,
func (*TOC) MergeTags ¶
func (t *TOC) MergeTags(tagList *TagList, mergeMode TagMergeMode)
MergeTags merges the given tags into this TOC's TagList.
type TOCEntry ¶
type TOCEntry struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
TOCEntry is a go representation of a GstTocEntry,
func FromGstTocEntryUnsafeFull ¶
FromGstTocEntryUnsafeFull wraps the given TOCEntry.
func FromGstTocEntryUnsafeNone ¶
FromGstTocEntryUnsafeNone wraps the given TOCEntry.
func NewTOCEntry ¶
func NewTOCEntry(entryType TOCEntryType, uid string) *TOCEntry
NewTOCEntry creates a new TOCEntry with the given UID and type.
func (*TOCEntry) AppendSubEntry ¶
AppendSubEntry appends the given entry as a subentry to this one.
func (*TOCEntry) GetEntryType ¶
func (t *TOCEntry) GetEntryType() TOCEntryType
GetEntryType returns the type of this TOCEntry
func (*TOCEntry) GetEntryTypeString ¶
GetEntryTypeString returns a string representation of the entry type.
func (*TOCEntry) GetLoop ¶
func (t *TOCEntry) GetLoop() (bool, TOCLoopType, int)
GetLoop gets the loop type and repeat count for the TOC entry.
func (*TOCEntry) GetStartStopTimes ¶
GetStartStopTimes gets the start and stop times for the TOCEntry if available.
func (*TOCEntry) GetSubEntries ¶
GetSubEntries gets all the subentries for this TOCEntry.
func (*TOCEntry) Instance ¶
func (t *TOCEntry) Instance() *C.GstTocEntry
Instance returns the underlying GstTocEntry instance.
func (*TOCEntry) IsAlternative ¶
IsAlternative returns true if this is an alternative entry.
func (*TOCEntry) IsSequence ¶
IsSequence returns true if this is a sequence entry.
func (*TOCEntry) MakeWritable ¶
MakeWritable returns a writable copy of the TOCEntry if it is not already so.
func (*TOCEntry) MergeTags ¶
func (t *TOCEntry) MergeTags(tagList *TagList, mergeMode TagMergeMode)
MergeTags merges the given tags with the given mode.
func (*TOCEntry) SetLoop ¶
func (t *TOCEntry) SetLoop(loopType TOCLoopType, repeatCount int)
SetLoop sets the loop type and repeat counts for the entry.
func (*TOCEntry) SetStartStopTimes ¶
SetStartStopTimes sets the start and stop times for the TOC entry.
type TOCEntryType ¶
type TOCEntryType int
TOCEntryType represents a GstTocEntryType.
const ( TOCEntryTypeAngle TOCEntryType = C.GST_TOC_ENTRY_TYPE_ANGLE // (-3) – entry is an angle (i.e. an alternative) TOCEntryTypeVersion TOCEntryType = C.GST_TOC_ENTRY_TYPE_VERSION // (-2) – entry is a version (i.e. alternative) TOCEntryTypeEdition TOCEntryType = C.GST_TOC_ENTRY_TYPE_EDITION // (-1) – entry is an edition (i.e. alternative) TOCEntryTypeInvalid TOCEntryType = C.GST_TOC_ENTRY_TYPE_INVALID // (0) – invalid entry type value TOCEntryTypeTitle TOCEntryType = C.GST_TOC_ENTRY_TYPE_TITLE // (1) – entry is a title (i.e. a part of a sequence) TOCEntryTypeTrack TOCEntryType = C.GST_TOC_ENTRY_TYPE_TRACK // (2) – entry is a track (i.e. a part of a sequence) TOCEntryTypeChapter TOCEntryType = C.GST_TOC_ENTRY_TYPE_CHAPTER // (3) – entry is a chapter (i.e. a part of a sequence) )
Type castings of TOCEntryTypes
type TOCLoopType ¶
type TOCLoopType int
TOCLoopType represents a GstTocLoopType
const ( TOCLoopNone TOCLoopType = C.GST_TOC_LOOP_NONE // (0) – single forward playback TOCLoopForward TOCLoopType = C.GST_TOC_LOOP_FORWARD // (1) – repeat forward TOCLoopReverse TOCLoopType = C.GST_TOC_LOOP_REVERSE // (2) – repeat backward TOCLoopPingPong TOCLoopType = C.GST_TOC_LOOP_PING_PONG // (3) – repeat forward and backward )
Type castings of TOCLoopTypes
type TOCScope ¶
type TOCScope int
TOCScope represents the scope of a TOC.
const ( // (1) – global TOC representing all selectable options (this is what applications are usually interested in) TOCScopeGlobal TOCScope = C.GST_TOC_SCOPE_GLOBAL // (2) – TOC for the currently active/selected stream (this is a TOC representing the current stream from start // to EOS, and is what a TOC writer / muxer is usually interested in; it will usually be a subset of the global // TOC, e.g. just the chapters of the current title, or the chapters selected for playback from the current title) TOCScopeCurrent TOCScope = C.GST_TOC_SCOPE_CURRENT )
Type castings of TOCScopes.
type TOCSetter ¶
type TOCSetter interface { // Return current TOC the setter uses. The TOC should not be modified without making it writable first. GetTOC() *TOC // Set the given TOC on the setter. Previously set TOC will be unreffed before setting a new one. SetTOC(*TOC) // Reset the internal TOC. Elements should call this from within the state-change handler. Reset() }
TOCSetter is an interface that elements can implement to provide TOC writing capabilities.
type Tag ¶
type Tag string
Tag wraps the builtin gstreamer tags
Type castings of Tags For more information see:
type TagFlag ¶
type TagFlag int
TagFlag represents a GstTagFlag
const ( TagFlagUndefined TagFlag = C.GST_TAG_FLAG_UNDEFINED // (0) – undefined flag TagFlagMeta TagFlag = C.GST_TAG_FLAG_META // (1) – tag is meta data TagFlagEncoded TagFlag = C.GST_TAG_FLAG_ENCODED // (2) – tag is encoded TagFlagDecoded TagFlag = C.GST_TAG_FLAG_DECODED // (3) – tag is decoded TagFlagCount TagFlag = C.GST_TAG_FLAG_COUNT // (4) – number of tag flags )
Type castins of TagFlags
type TagList ¶
type TagList struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
TagList is a go wrapper around a GstTagList. For now, until the rest of the methods are implemnented, this struct is primarily used for retrieving serialized copies of the tags.
func FromGstTagListUnsafeFull ¶
FromGstTagListUnsafeFull wraps the pointer to the given C GstTagList with the go type. This is meant for internal usage and is exported for visibility to other packages.
func FromGstTagListUnsafeNone ¶
FromGstTagListUnsafeNone wraps the pointer to the given C GstTagList with the go type. This is meant for internal usage and is exported for visibility to other packages.
func NewEmptyTagList ¶
func NewEmptyTagList() *TagList
NewEmptyTagList returns a new empty tag list.
tagList := gst.NewEmptyTagList() fmt.Println(tagList.IsEmpty()) // true
func NewTagListFromString ¶
NewTagListFromString creates a new tag list from the given string. This is the same format produced by the stringer interface on the TagList.
func (*TagList) AddValue ¶
func (t *TagList) AddValue(mergeMode TagMergeMode, tag Tag, value interface{})
AddValue adds a value to a given tag using the given merge mode. If the value provided cannot be coerced to a GValue, nothing will happen.
tagList := gst.NewEmptyTagList() tagList.AddValue(gst.TagMergeAppend, gst.TagAlbum, "MyNewAlbum") myAlbum, _ := tagList.GetString(gst.TagAlbum) fmt.Println(myAlbum) // MyNewAlbum
func (*TagList) AddValues ¶
func (t *TagList) AddValues(mergeMode TagMergeMode, tag Tag, vals ...interface{})
AddValues can be used to add multiple values to a tag with the given merge mode. Values that cannot be coerced to C types will be ignored.
func (*TagList) Copy ¶
Copy creates a new TagList as a copy of the old taglist. The new taglist will have a refcount of 1, owned by the caller, and will be writable as a result.
func (*TagList) ForEach ¶
func (t *TagList) ForEach(f TagListForEachFunc)
ForEach calls the given function for each tag inside the tag list. Note that if there is no tag, the function won't be called at all.
tagList := gst.NewEmptyTagList() tagList.AddValue(gst.TagMergeAppend, gst.TagAlbumArtist, "tinyzimmer") tagList.AddValue(gst.TagMergeAppend, gst.TagAlbum, "GstreamerInGo") tagList.ForEach(func(_ *gst.TagList, tag gst.Tag) { val, _ := tagList.GetString(tag) fmt.Println(tag, ":", val) }) // album-artist : tinyzimmer // album : GstreamerInGo
func (*TagList) GetBool ¶
GetBool returns the boolean value at the given tag key. If multiple values are associated with the tag they are merged.
func (*TagList) GetBoolIndex ¶
GetBoolIndex retrieves the bool at the given index in the tag key.
func (*TagList) GetDate ¶
GetDate returns the date stored at the given tag key. If there are multiple values, the first one is returned.
func (*TagList) GetDateIndex ¶
GetDateIndex returns the date stored at the given index in tag key.
func (*TagList) GetDateTime ¶
GetDateTime returns the date and time stored at the given tag key. If there are multiple values, the first one is returned.
func (*TagList) GetDateTimeIndex ¶
GetDateTimeIndex returns the date and time stored at the given tag key at the given index.
func (*TagList) GetFloat32 ¶
GetFloat32 returns the float at the given tag key, merging multiple values into one if multiple values are associated with the tag.
func (*TagList) GetFloat32Index ¶
GetFloat32Index returns the float at the index of the given tag key.
func (*TagList) GetFloat64 ¶
GetFloat64 returns the float at the given tag key, merging multiple values into one if multiple values are associated with the tag. This is the equivalent of a C double stored in the tag.
func (*TagList) GetFloat64Index ¶
GetFloat64Index returns the float at the index of the given tag key.
func (*TagList) GetInt32 ¶
GetInt32 returns the integer at the given tag key, merging multiple values into one if multiple values are associated with the tag.
func (*TagList) GetInt32Index ¶
GetInt32Index returns the integer at the index of the given tag key.
func (*TagList) GetInt64 ¶
GetInt64 returns the integer at the given tag key, merging multiple values into one if multiple values are associated with the tag.
func (*TagList) GetInt64Index ¶
GetInt64Index returns the integer at the index of the given tag key.
func (*TagList) GetPointer ¶
GetPointer returns the C pointer stored at the given tag key, merging values if there are multiple.
func (*TagList) GetPointerIndex ¶
GetPointerIndex returns the C pointer stored at the given tag key index.
func (*TagList) GetSampleIndex ¶
GetSampleIndex copies the sample for the given index in tag in the taglist.
func (*TagList) GetString ¶
GetString returns the string for the given tag, possibly merging multiple values into one.
func (*TagList) GetStringIndex ¶
GetStringIndex returns the string for the given index in tag.
func (*TagList) GetTagSize ¶
GetTagSize returns the number of tag values at the given tag key.
func (*TagList) GetUint32 ¶
GetUint32 returns the unsigned integer at the given tag key, merging multiple values into one if multiple values are associated with the tag.
func (*TagList) GetUint32Index ¶
GetUint32Index returns the unsigned integer at the index of the given tag key.
func (*TagList) GetUint64 ¶
GetUint64 returns the unsigned integer at the given tag key, merging multiple values into one if multiple values are associated with the tag.
func (*TagList) GetUint64Index ¶
GetUint64Index returns the unsigned integer at the index of the given tag key.
func (*TagList) GetValueIndex ¶
GetValueIndex retrieves the GValue at the given index in tag, or nil if none exists. Note that this function can also return nil if the stored value cannot be cleanly coerced to a go type. It is safer to use the other functions provided when you know the expected return type.
func (*TagList) Insert ¶
func (t *TagList) Insert(tagList *TagList, mergeMode TagMergeMode)
Insert inserts the tags from the provided list using the given merge mode.
func (*TagList) Instance ¶
func (t *TagList) Instance() *C.GstTagList
Instance returns the underlying GstTagList instance.
func (*TagList) IsWritable ¶
IsWritable returns true if this TagList is writable.
func (*TagList) MakeWritable ¶
MakeWritable will return a writable copy of the tag list if it is not already so.
func (*TagList) Merge ¶
func (t *TagList) Merge(tagList *TagList, mergeMode TagMergeMode) *TagList
Merge merges the two tag lists with the given mode.
func (*TagList) PeekStringIndex ¶
PeekStringIndex peeks at the value that is at the given index for the given tag in the given list.
func (*TagList) SetScope ¶
SetScope sets the scope of this TagList. By default, the scope of a tag list is stream scope.
type TagListForEachFunc ¶
TagListForEachFunc is a function that will be called in ForEach. The function may not modify the tag list.
type TagMergeMode ¶
type TagMergeMode int
TagMergeMode represents a GstTagMergeMode. See:
const ( TagMergeUndefined TagMergeMode = C.GST_TAG_MERGE_UNDEFINED // (0) – undefined merge mode TagMergeReplaceAll TagMergeMode = C.GST_TAG_MERGE_REPLACE_ALL // (1) – replace all tags (clear list and append) TagMergeReplace TagMergeMode = C.GST_TAG_MERGE_REPLACE // (2) – replace tags TagMergeAppend TagMergeMode = C.GST_TAG_MERGE_APPEND // (3) – append tags TagMergePrepend TagMergeMode = C.GST_TAG_MERGE_PREPEND // (4) – prepend tags TagMergeKeep TagMergeMode = C.GST_TAG_MERGE_KEEP // (5) – keep existing tags TagMergeKeepAll TagMergeMode = C.GST_TAG_MERGE_KEEP_ALL // (6) – keep all existing tags TagMergeCount TagMergeMode = C.GST_TAG_MERGE_COUNT // (7) – the number of merge modes )
Type castings of TagMergeModes
type TagScope ¶
type TagScope int
TagScope represents a GstTagScope
const ( TagScopeStream TagScope = C.GST_TAG_SCOPE_STREAM // (0) – tags specific to this single stream TagScopeGlobal TagScope = C.GST_TAG_SCOPE_GLOBAL // (1) – global tags for the complete medium )
Type castings of tag scopes
type TagSetter ¶
type TagSetter interface { // Returns the current list of tags the setter uses. The list should not be modified or freed. GetTagList() *TagList // Adds the given tag/value pair using the given merge mode. If the tag value cannot be coerced // to a GValue when dealing with C elements, nothing will happen. AddTagValue(mergeMode TagMergeMode, tagKey Tag, tagValue interface{}) // Merges a tag list with the given merge mode MergeTags(*TagList, TagMergeMode) // Resets the internal tag list. Elements should call this from within the state-change handler. ResetTags() // Queries the mode by which tags inside the setter are overwritten by tags from events GetTagMergeMode() TagMergeMode // Sets the given merge mode that is used for adding tags from events to tags specified by this interface. // The default is TagMergeKeep, which keeps the tags set with this interface and discards tags from events. SetTagMergeMode(TagMergeMode) }
TagSetter is an interface that elements can implement to provide Tag writing capabilities.
type TaskState ¶
type TaskState int
TaskState casts GstTaskState
const ( TaskStarted TaskState = C.GST_TASK_STARTED // (0) – the task is started and running TaskStopped TaskState = C.GST_TASK_STOPPED // (1) – the task is stopped TaskPaused TaskState = C.GST_TASK_PAUSED // (2) – the task is paused )
Type castings
type TypeFindProbability ¶
type TypeFindProbability int
TypeFindProbability represents a probability for type find functions. Higher values reflect higher certainty.
const ( TypeFindNone TypeFindProbability = C.GST_TYPE_FIND_NONE // (0) – type undetected. TypeFindMinimum TypeFindProbability = C.GST_TYPE_FIND_MINIMUM // (1) – unlikely typefind. TypeFindPossible TypeFindProbability = C.GST_TYPE_FIND_POSSIBLE // (50) – possible type detected. TypeFindLikely TypeFindProbability = C.GST_TYPE_FIND_LIKELY // (80) – likely a type was detected. TypeFindNearlyCertain TypeFindProbability = C.GST_TYPE_FIND_NEARLY_CERTAIN // (99) – nearly certain that a type was detected. TypeFindMaximum TypeFindProbability = C.GST_TYPE_FIND_MAXIMUM // (100) – very certain a type was detected. )
Type castings
type URIHandler ¶
type URIHandler interface { // GetURI gets the currently handled URI. GetURI() string // GetURIType returns the type of URI this element can handle. GetURIType() URIType // GetProtocols returns the protocols this element can handle. GetProtocols() []string // SetURI tries to set the URI of the given handler. SetURI(string) (bool, error) }
URIHandler represents an interface that elements can implement to provide URI handling capabilities.
type URIType ¶
type URIType int
URIType casts C GstURIType to a go type
const ( URIUnknown URIType = C.GST_URI_UNKNOWN // (0) – The URI direction is unknown URISink URIType = C.GST_URI_SINK // (1) – The URI is a consumer. URISource URIType = C.GST_URI_SRC // (2) - The URI is a producer. )
Type cast URI types
type ValueArrayValue ¶
ValueArrayValue represets a GstValueArray.
func ValueArray ¶
func ValueArray(ss []interface{}) *ValueArrayValue
ValueArray converts the given slice of Go types into a ValueArrayValue. This function can return nil on any conversion or memory allocation errors.
func (*ValueArrayValue) Size ¶
func (v *ValueArrayValue) Size() uint
Size returns the size of the array.
func (*ValueArrayValue) ToGValue ¶
func (v *ValueArrayValue) ToGValue() (*glib.Value, error)
ToGValue implements a glib.ValueTransformer.
func (*ValueArrayValue) ValueAt ¶
func (v *ValueArrayValue) ValueAt(idx uint) interface{}
ValueAt returns the value at the index in the array, or nil on any error.
type ValueCmp ¶
type ValueCmp int
ValueCmp represents the result of comparing two values.
const ( ValueEqual ValueCmp = C.GST_VALUE_EQUAL // Indicates that the first value provided to a comparison function (ValueCompare) is equal to the second one. ValueGreaterThan ValueCmp = C.GST_VALUE_GREATER_THAN // Indicates that the first value provided to a comparison function (ValueCompare) is greater than the second one. ValueLessThan ValueCmp = C.GST_VALUE_LESS_THAN // Indicates that the first value provided to a comparison function (ValueCompare) is lesser than the second one. ValueUnordered ValueCmp = C.GST_VALUE_UNORDERED // Indicates that the comparison function (ValueCompare) can not determine a order for the two provided values. )
ValueCmp castings
func ValueCompare ¶
ValueCompare compares value1 and value2. If value1 and value2 cannot be compared, the function returns ValueUnordered. Otherwise, if value1 is greater than value2, ValueGreaterThan is returned. If value1 is less than value2, ValueLessThan is returned. If the values are equal, ValueEqual is returned.
type ValueListValue ¶
ValueListValue represets a GstValueList.
func ValueList ¶
func ValueList(ss []interface{}) *ValueListValue
ValueList converts the given slice of Go types into a ValueListValue. This function can return nil on any conversion or memory allocation errors.
func (*ValueListValue) Concat ¶
func (v *ValueListValue) Concat(value *ValueListValue) *ValueListValue
Concat concatenates copies of this list and value into a new list. Values that are not of type TypeValueList are treated as if they were lists of length 1. dest will be initialized to the type TypeValueList.
func (*ValueListValue) Merge ¶
func (v *ValueListValue) Merge(value *ValueListValue) *ValueListValue
Merge merges copies of value into this list. Values that are not of type TypeValueList are treated as if they were lists of length 1.
The result will be put into a new value and will either be a list that will not contain any duplicates, or a non-list type (if the lists were equal).
func (*ValueListValue) Size ¶
func (v *ValueListValue) Size() uint
Size returns the size of the list.
func (*ValueListValue) ToGValue ¶
func (v *ValueListValue) ToGValue() (*glib.Value, error)
ToGValue implements a glib.ValueTransformer.
func (*ValueListValue) ValueAt ¶
func (v *ValueListValue) ValueAt(idx uint) interface{}
ValueAt returns the value at the index in the lise, or nil on any error.
type Version ¶
type Version int
Version represents information about the current GST version.
const ( // VersionMajor is the major version number of the GStreamer core. VersionMajor Version = C.GST_VERSION_MAJOR // VersionMinor is the minor version number of the GStreamer core. VersionMinor Version = C.GST_VERSION_MINOR VersionMicro Version = C.GST_VERSION_MICRO )
Source Files
- c_util.go
- cgo_exports.go
- constants.go
- control_binding.go
- control_source.go
- doc.go
- gst_allocator.go
- gst_bin.go
- gst_bin_exports.go
- gst_bin_impl.go
- gst_buffer.go
- gst_buffer_list.go
- gst_buffer_pool.go
- gst_bus.go
- gst_caps.go
- gst_caps_features.go
- gst_child_proxy.go
- gst_child_proxy_exports.go
- gst_clock.go
- gst_context.go
- gst_debug.go
- gst_device.go
- gst_device_monitor.go
- gst_device_provider.go
- gst_device_provider_factory.go
- gst_element.go
- gst_element_class.go
- gst_element_exports.go
- gst_element_factory.go
- gst_element_impl.go
- gst_errors.go
- gst_event.go
- gst_event_constructors.go
- gst_ghost_pad.go
- gst_init.go
- gst_mapinfo.go
- gst_memory.go
- gst_message.go
- gst_message_constructors.go
- gst_message_stringer.go
- gst_meta.go
- gst_mini_object.go
- gst_object.go
- gst_pad.go
- gst_pad_exports.go
- gst_pad_template.go
- gst_param_flags.go
- gst_pipeline.go
- gst_plugin.go
- gst_plugin_feature.go
- gst_promise.go
- gst_protection.go
- gst_query.go
- gst_registry.go
- gst_sample.go
- gst_segment.go
- gst_stream.go
- gst_stream_collection.go
- gst_structure.go
- gst_system_clock.go
- gst_tag_list.go
- gst_tag_setter.go
- gst_toc.go
- gst_toc_setter.go
- gst_uri_handler.go
- gst_uri_handler_exports.go
- gst_values.go
- gst_wrappers.go
- pkg_config.go
Path | Synopsis |
Package app contains bindings for the gstreamer-app C API.
Package app contains bindings for the gstreamer-app C API. |
Package audio contains bindings for the gstaudio C API.
Package audio contains bindings for the gstaudio C API. |
Package base contains bindings for extendable GStreamer base objects.
Package base contains bindings for extendable GStreamer base objects. |
gstsdp contains bindings for the gstreamer sdp library.
gstsdp contains bindings for the gstreamer sdp library. |
gstwebrtc contains bindings for the gstreamer webrtclib.
gstwebrtc contains bindings for the gstreamer webrtclib. |
Package pbutils contains bindings for libgstpbutils.
Package pbutils contains bindings for libgstpbutils. |
Package rtp contains bindings for the GStreamer RTP library.
Package rtp contains bindings for the GStreamer RTP library. |
Package video contains bindings for the gstvideo C API.
Package video contains bindings for the gstvideo C API. |