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Published: Jan 31, 2025 License: BSD-3-Clause Imports: 21 Imported by: 0



This is a swiss tool to do any PCR0 related operations. PCR0 is the TPM register used for firmware measurements.

GitHub Releases


Supported OS: Any Linux distribution

Hardware Config: no requirements

Requirements for the Kernel configuration


1. Get the kernel command-line right and enable relaxed memory access on /dev/mem and IOMMU.

Add this line to your kernel configuration and then reboot.

iomem=relaxed intel_iommu=on

If that does not work get, compile and load the fmem kernel module.

2. Load the MSR kernel module.

Load the msr kernel module:

modprobe msr

3. Execute the pcr0tool.

sudo chmod +x pcr0tool && sudo ./pcr0tool

How to Compile

Get Golang >=1.11 and export:

export GO111MODULE=on

or set it in front of every go command. This environment variable activates modules for GO 1.11

To download all dependencies run:

<GO111MODULE=on> go mod download

Verify all downloaded dependencies run:

<GO111MODULE=on> go mod verify

To build the test suite run:

<GO111MODULE=on> go build -o pcr0tool cmd/pcr0tool/


  • sum -- Performs offline calculation of a PCR0 value for a specific firmware image.
  • diff -- Explains the reason of the difference in PCR0 values between two firmware images. Useful to diagnose dumped images.
  • dump_fit -- Prints FIT as JSON.
  • dump_registers -- Prints related registers from /dev/mem and /dev/cpu/0/msr.
  • printnodes -- Prints the layout of a firmware image.
$ pcr0tool sum --help
syntax: pcr0tool sum [options] <firmware>

  -flow string
    	values: 'Auto', 'LegacyTXTDisabled', 'LegacyTXTEnabled', 'LegacyTXTEnabledTPM12', 'CBnT0T' (default "Auto")
  -hash-func string
    	which hash function use to hash measurements and to extend the PCR0; values: "sha1", "sha256" (default "sha1")
    	display only the result
  -registers string
    	[optional] file that contains registers as a json array (use value '/dev' to use registers of the local machine)

pcr0tool sum performs an offline calculation of a PCR0 value for a specific firmware image. It supported measurement flows:

  • [Intel] CBnT 0T with TPM2.0.
  • [Intel] Legacy (pre-CBnT) TXT-enabled with TPM2.0.
  • [Intel] Legacy (pre-CBnT) TXT-enabled with TPM1.2.
  • [Intel] Legacy (pre-CBnT) TXT-disabled.

An example:

$ pcr0tool sum /tmp/firmware.fd | tail -1
Resulting PCR0: 730113CEF5D90744CF3B5AF67C8977EB265FB3D1

(where /tmp/firmware.fd is a path to a firmware image)

CBnT flows depends on status registers, which are not deterministic from the firmware itself and also ACM_POLICY_STATUS register value should be supplied through option -registers. If the tool is executed on a machine with the same state as the one expected one then it is possible to just use option -registers /dev, for example:

$ sudo pcr0tool sum -registers /dev /tmp/firmware.fd | tail -1
Resulting PCR0: C38B75342316F27731614015FF83F695A6F2C28F

(we prepended with sudo since /dev/mem and /dev/cpu/0/msr usually requires root privileges)

But if the calculation is performed on another machine then it is required to dump registers of the expected state (from the target machine) with:

$ pcr0tool dump_registers -output /tmp/registers.json

Copy registers.json to the calculating host and execute there:

$ sudo pcr0tool sum -registers /tmp/registers.json /tmp/firmware.fd | tail -1
Resulting PCR0: C38B75342316F27731614015FF83F695A6F2C28F

Keep in mind, auto-detection of legacy TXT-enabled is not working properly right now (likely a bug in the tool), therefore we recommend to explicitly set the flow is this is the case:

$ pcr0tool sum -flow LegacyTXTEnabled /tmp/firmware.fd | tail -1
Resulting PCR0: 7828463C0A3CC9CF69046D2D5F0714AAB896AA7C
$ pcr0tool diff --help
syntax: pcr0tool diff [options] <firmware_good> <firmware_bad>

    	Also perform slow procedures to find more byte ranges which could affect the PCR0 calculation. This is experimental feature! Values: "true", "false"
  -flow string
    	values: 'Auto', 'LegacyTXTDisabled', 'LegacyTXTEnabled', 'LegacyTXTEnabledTPM12', 'CBnT0T' (default "auto")
  -force-scan-area string
    	Force the scan area instead of following the PCR0 calculation. Values: "" (follow the PCR0 calculation), "bios_region"
  -hash-func string
    	which hash function use to hash measurements and to extend the PCR0; values: "sha1", "sha256"
  -ignore-byte-set string
    	Define a set of bytes to ignore while the comparison.
    	It makes sense to use this option together with "-force-scan-area bios_region" to scan the whole image,
    	but ignore the overridden bytes. The value is represented in hex characters separated by comma, for example: "00,ff". Default: ""
  -net-pprof string
    	start listening for "net/http/pprof", example value: ""
  -output-format string
    	Values: "analyzed-text", "analyzed-json", "json" (default "analyzed-text")
  -registers string
    	[optional] file that contains registers as a json array (use value '/dev' to use registers of the local machine)

diff compares two firmware images in terms of their PCR0 values and explains what contributes into difference.

Options -flow, -hash-func and -registers has the same meaning as in sum.

An example:

$ pcr0tool diff -flow LegacyTXTEnabled /tmp/firmware.fd /tmp/firmware.fd-hacked
debugInfo: {
  "config_orig": {
    "Flow": 2,
    "FindMissingFakeMeasurements": false,
    "Registers": [],
    "PCR0DataIbbDigestHashAlgorithm": 0
  "config_result": {
    "Flow": 2,
    "FindMissingFakeMeasurements": false,
    "Registers": [],
    "PCR0DataIbbDigestHashAlgorithm": 0
  "detectedAttestationFlow": "LegacyTXTDisabled",
  "errorFlowDetection": null,
  "scanRanges": [
      "Offset": 29098004,
      "Length": 4
      "Offset": 29032800,
      "Length": 48
      "Offset": 29360128,
      "Length": 4194304
      "Offset": 31025984,
      "Length": 43006
      "Offset": 17956864,
      "Length": 11071488
      "Offset": 33554368,
      "Length": 16
      "Offset": 29032448,
      "Length": 448
  "warnings": "errors: unable to collect measurement 'pcdFirmwareVendor_measured_data': unable to find the source of firmware vendor version"

offset: 0x11205da; bytes differs: 1; hamming distance is: 2, for non-(0x00|0xff): 2.
related measurements: DXE
related nodes: [bios_region volume:5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5 file:AB7ED12E-1D78-4635-AB87-23F00A911EC7]
0x00000000011205D0:   42    25    7A    8F    95    F8    8B    A6
0x00000000011205D8:   D2    F0    0D|3D 12    FE    36    76    63
0x00000000011205E0:   49    C9    9C    2A    6A    3C    FF    C0

offset: 0x1bc0015; bytes differs: 1; hamming distance is: 1, for non-(0x00|0xff): 1.
related measurements: ACM_date
related nodes: [bios_region]
0x0000000001BC0008:   00    00    00    00    07    B0    00    00
0x0000000001BC0010:   86    80    00    00    06    03|07 18    20
0x0000000001BC0018:   00    00    01    00    02    00    00    00

offset: 0x1d96b91; bytes differs: 1; hamming distance is: 2, for non-(0x00|0xff): 2.
related measurements: BIOS_startup_module:BIOS_startup_module_1, pcdFirmwareVendor_code
related nodes: [bios_region volume:61C0F511-A691-4F54-974F-B9A42172CE53 file:9B3F28D5-10A6-46C8-BA72-BD40B847A71A:AmiTcgPlatformPeiAfterMem]
0x0000000001D96B88:   F3    36    35    3F    F3    23    F1    03
0x0000000001D96B90:   03    08|10 00    00    64    A7    00    10
0x0000000001D96B98:   4D    5A    00    00    00    00    00    00

offset: 0x1d97a57; bytes differs: 1; hamming distance is: 4, for non-(0x00|0xff): 0.
related measurements: BIOS_startup_module:BIOS_startup_module_1, pcdFirmwareVendor_code
related nodes: [bios_region volume:61C0F511-A691-4F54-974F-B9A42172CE53 file:9B3F28D5-10A6-46C8-BA72-BD40B847A71A:AmiTcgPlatformPeiAfterMem]
0x0000000001D97A48:   6A    00    B8    0C    1D    00    00    66
0x0000000001D97A50:   89    44    24    14    6A    00    B8    55|FF
0x0000000001D97A58:   40    00    00    66    89    44    24    1A

offset: 0x1ffffc2; bytes differs: 1; hamming distance is: 3, for non-(0x00|0xff): 3.
related measurements: BIOS_startup_module:BIOS_startup_module_1, FIT_pointer
related nodes: [bios_region volume:61C0F511-A691-4F54-974F-B9A42172CE53 file:1BA0062E-C779-4582-8566-336AE8F78F09]
0x0000000001FFFFB8:   00    00    00    00    44    00    00    19
0x0000000001FFFFC0:   00    00    BB|BC FF    00    00    00    00
0x0000000001FFFFC8:   00    00    00    00    00    00    00    00

	changed bytes: 5 (in 5 ranges)
	hamming distance: 12
	hamming distance for non-(0x00|0xff) bytes: 8
The earliest offset of a different measured bytes: 0x11205da

Here we see that the PCR0 value of two images are not the same because of difference in: FIT pointer, AmiTcgPlatformPeiAfterMem, AmiTcgPlatformPeiAfterMem, ACM date and file "AB7ED12E-1D78-4635-AB87-23F00A911EC7".

This is not the same as:

diff <(xxd /tmp/firmware.fd) <(xxd /tmp/firmware.fd-hacked)

because /tmp/firmware.fd-hacked might have a lot of data modified outside measured areas. For example if the firmware flashed and then dumped it will usually differ a lot from the original image.

If you want to enforce checking of the whole BIOS region (which is not the same as the whole firmware image) then you may use option -force-scan-area bios_region. But in this case it likely will produce a lot of garbage output while comparison a dumped firmware with the original one, because placeholders will be replaced with some values. To avoid this problem you may use option -ignore-byte-set 00,ff -- it will ignore difference in bytes which were overridden from/to values 0x00 and 0xFF (these values are usually used as placeholders).

Option -deep-analysis is a desperate (last resort) tool to find an explanation of difference PCR0 values. It also tries to find metadata which might affect parsing of the image (and check for difference in there). Expected to be used only for debugging purposes.


dump_fit just dumps FIT of a firmware image as JSON. The output format is not stable, yet.

An example:

$ pcr0tool dump_fit /tmp/firmware.fd | jq '.[] | select(.Headers.TypeAndIsChecksumValid.type == 2) | .DataParsed.EntrySACMDataInterface.ChipsetID'

dump_registers reads status registers from the local machine and prints them.

An example:

$ pcr0tool dump_registers

                    6         5         4         3         2         1         0
0000000200108496 0000000000000000000000000000001000000000000100001000010010010110
	 0- 3:        6: Key Manifest ID
	 4- 4:        1: BP.TYPE.M – BtG measures IBB into the TPM
	 5- 5:        0: BP.TYPE.V – BtG verifies IBB
	 6- 6:        0: BP.TYPE.HAP – Indicates HAP platform
	 7- 7:        1: BP.TYPE.T – Indicates TXT supported
	 8- 8:        0: <reserved>
	 9- 9:        0: BP.RSTR.DCD – Disable CPU debug
	10-10:        1: BP.RSTR.DBI – Disable BSP init
	11-11:        0: BP.RSTR.PBE Protect BIOS environment
	12-12:        0: <reserved>
	13-14:        0: TPM type
	15-15:        1: TPM Success
	16-18:        0: <reserved>
	19-19:        0: Backup action
	20-24:        1: TXT profile selection
	25-26:        0: Memory scrubbing Policy
	27-28:        0: <reserved>
	29-29:        0: IBB DMA Protection
	30-31:        0: <reserved>
	32-34:        2: S-CRTM Status
	35-35:        0: CPU Co-signing Enabled
	36-36:        0: TPM Startup locality
	37-63:        0: <reserved>

Register: ACM_STATUS
                    6         5         4         3         2         1         0
0000000000830000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000100000110000000000000000
	 0- 3:        0: Module Type
	 4- 9:        0: Class Code
	10-14:        0: Major Error Code
	15-15:        0: ACM_Started
	16-27:       83: Minor Error Code
	28-30:        0: <reserved>
	31-63:        0: Valid

Register: TXT.DPR
          3         2         1         0
70000081 01110000000000000000000010000001
	 0- 0:        1: Lock
	 1- 3:        0: <reserved>
	 4-11:        8: Size of memory, in MB, that will be protected from DMA access
	12-19:        0: <reserved>
	20-31:      700: Top address + 1 of DPR. This is the base of TSEG

          3         2         1         0
00000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
	 0- 3:        0: Module Type
	 4- 9:        0: Class Code
	10-14:        0: Major Error Code
	15-15:        0: Software Source
	16-27:        0: Type1/Minor Error Code
	28-29:        0: Type1/<reserved> Provides implementation and source specific details on the failure condition
	30-30:        0: Processor (0) /Software (1)
	31-31:        0: Valid


9C 78 F0 D8 53 DE 85 4A
2F 47 76 1C 72 B8 6A 11
16 4A 66 A9 84 C1 AA D7
92 E3 14 4F B7 1C 2D 11
	 0-255: 9C78F0D853DE854A2F47761C72B86A11164A66A984C1AAD792E3144FB71C2D11: Hash of the public key used for verification of AC modules

Register: TXT.STS
                    6         5         4         3         2         1         0
0000000000004092 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100000010010010
	 0- 0:        0: SENTER.DONE.STS
	 1- 1:        1: SEXIT.DONE.STS
	 2- 5:        4: <reserved>
	 6- 6:        0: MEM-CONFIGLOCK.STS
	 7- 7:        1: PRIVATEOPEN.STS
	 8-14:       40: <reserved>
	15-15:        0: TXT.LOCALITY1.OPEN.STS
	16-16:        0: TXT.LOCALITY2.OPEN.STS
	17-63:        0: <reserved>

Register: TXT.ESTS
          1         0
00000000 00000000
	 0- 0:        0: TXT_RESET.STS
	 1- 7:        0: <reserved>

Register: TXT.SPAD
                    6         5         4         3         2         1         0
8D74000040402003 1000110101110100000000000000000001000000010000000010000000000011
	 0-29:   402003: <reserved>
	30-30:        1: TXT Startup success
	31-46:        0: Boot Status
	47-47:        0: Memory power down executed
	48-52:       14: Boot Status details
	53-53:        1: TXT Policy enable
	54-58:       15: Boot Status details
	59-59:        1: BIOS trusted
	60-60:        0: TXT Policy disable
	61-61:        0: Boot Status details
	62-62:        0: Indicates ACM authentication error
	63-63:        1: S-ACM success

          3         2         1         0
FFFFFFFF 11111111111111111111111111111111
	 0-31: FFFFFFFF: <reserved>

Register: TXT.VER.EMIF
          3         2         1         0
9D003000 10011101000000000011000000000000
	 0-31: 9D003000: <reserved>

Register: TXT.DIDVID
                    6         5         4         3         2         1         0
00000001B0078086 0000000000000000000000000000000110110000000001111000000010000110
	 0-15:     8086: Vendor ID
	16-31:     B007: Device ID
	32-47:        1: Revision ID
	48-63:        0: Extended ID

          3         2         1         0
6FEB0000 01101111111010110000000000000000
	 0-31: 6FEB0000: <reserved>

          3         2         1         0
00050000 00000000000001010000000000000000
	 0-31:    50000: <reserved>

Register: TXT.MLE.JOIN
          3         2         1         0
00000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
	 0-31:        0: <reserved>

          3         2         1         0
6FF00000 01101111111100000000000000000000
	 0-31: 6FF00000: <reserved>

          3         2         1         0
00100000 00000000000100000000000000000000
	 0-31:   100000: <reserved>

                    6         5         4         3         2         1         0
0000000D00000000 0000000000000000000000000000110100000000000000000000000000000000
	 0- 0:        0: NEMEnabled
	 1- 2:        0: TPMType
	 3- 3:        0: TPMSuccess
	 4- 4:        0: Force Anchor Boot
	 5- 5:        0: Measured
	 6- 6:        0: Verified
	 7- 7:        0: ModuleRevoked
	 8-31:        0: <reserved>
	32-32:        1: BootGuardCapability
	33-33:        0: <reserved>
	34-34:        1: ServerTXTCapability
	35-35:        1: No Reset Secrets Protection
	36-63:        0: <reserved>

                    6         5         4         3         2         1         0
0000000040000000 0000000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000000
	 0- 0:        0: Enable
	 1-29:        0: <reserved>
	30-30:        1: Lock
	31-31:        0: DebugOccurred
	32-63:        0: <reserved>

                    6         5         4         3         2         1         0
000000000010FF07 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100001111111100000111
	 0- 0:        1: Lock (0 =unlocked, 1 = locked)
	 1- 1:        1: Enables VMXON in SMX operation
	 2- 2:        1: Enables VMXON outside of SMX operation
	 3- 7:        0: <reserved>
	 8-14:       7F: SENTER Enables
	15-15:        1: SENTER Global Enable
	16-63:       10: <reserved>

Register: IA32_MTRRCAP
                    6         5         4         3         2         1         0
0000000000002D0A 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010110100001010
	 0- 7:        A: VCNT (Number of variable range registers)
	 8- 8:        1: FIX (Fixed range registers supported)
	 9- 9:        0: <reserved>
	10-10:        1: WC (Write-combining memory type supported)
	11-11:        1: SMRR interface supported
	12-63:        2: <reserved>

Register: IA32_PLATFORM_ID
                    6         5         4         3         2         1         0
001C000000000000 0000000000011100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
	 0-49:        0: <reserved>
	50-52:        7: Processor Flag
	53-63:        0: <reserved>

                    6         5         4         3         2         1         0
0000000070000006 0000000000000000000000000000000001110000000000000000000000000110
	 0- 7:        6: Type
	 8-11:        0: <reserved>
	12-31:    70000: PhysBase
	32-63:        0: <reserved>

                    6         5         4         3         2         1         0
00000000F8000800 0000000000000000000000000000000011111000000000000000100000000000
	 0-10:        0: <reserved>
	11-11:        1: V (Valid)
	12-31:    F8000: PhysMask
	32-63:        0: <reserved>

printnodes prints a firmware layout. An example:

$ pcr0tool printnodes /tmp/firmware.fd | head -15
0 ________-____-____-____-____________ *uefi.FlashImage  0 0
1 ________-____-____-____-____________ *uefi.FlashDescriptor  0 0
1 ________-____-____-____-____________ *uefi.RawRegion  0 0
1 ________-____-____-____-____________ *uefi.MERegion  0 0
2 ________-____-____-____-____________ *uefi.MEFPT  0 0
1 ________-____-____-____-____________ *uefi.RawRegion  0 0
1 ________-____-____-____-____________ *uefi.RawRegion  0 0
1 ________-____-____-____-____________ *uefi.RawRegion  0 0
1 ________-____-____-____-____________ *uefi.RawRegion  0 0
1 ________-____-____-____-____________ *uefi.RawRegion  0 0
1 ________-____-____-____-____________ *uefi.BIOSRegion  16777216 16777216
2 FA4974FC-AF1D-4E5D-BDC5-DACD6D27BAEC *uefi.FirmwareVolume  16777216 524288
3 CEF5B9A3-476D-497F-9FDC-E98143E0422C *uefi.File  16777336 524168
4 ________-____-____-____-____________ *uefi.NVarStore  0 0
5 ________-____-____-____-____________ *uefi.NVar  0 0
$ pcr0tool printnodes -as-tree /tmp/firmware.fd | head -15
________-____-____-____-____________ *uefi.FlashImage  0 0
  ________-____-____-____-____________ *uefi.FlashDescriptor  0 0
  ________-____-____-____-____________ *uefi.RawRegion  0 0
  ________-____-____-____-____________ *uefi.MERegion  0 0
    ________-____-____-____-____________ *uefi.MEFPT  0 0
  ________-____-____-____-____________ *uefi.RawRegion  0 0
  ________-____-____-____-____________ *uefi.RawRegion  0 0
  ________-____-____-____-____________ *uefi.RawRegion  0 0
  ________-____-____-____-____________ *uefi.RawRegion  0 0
  ________-____-____-____-____________ *uefi.RawRegion  0 0
  ________-____-____-____-____________ *uefi.BIOSRegion  16777216 16777216
    FA4974FC-AF1D-4E5D-BDC5-DACD6D27BAEC *uefi.FirmwareVolume  16777216 524288
      CEF5B9A3-476D-497F-9FDC-E98143E0422C *uefi.File  16777336 524168
        ________-____-____-____-____________ *uefi.NVarStore  0 0
          ________-____-____-____-____________ *uefi.NVar  0 0

Last two columns are: offset and length. If a value was not determined (node type is not supported, yet) then a zero is printed.


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