Versions in this module Expand all Collapse all v2 v2.0.1 Nov 5, 2023 Changes in this version + const DefaultApiURL + const OnAddedToGroup + const OnAnimation + const OnAudio + const OnAutoDeleteTimer + const OnCallback + const OnChannelCreated + const OnChannelPost + const OnChatJoinRequest + const OnChatMember + const OnCheckout + const OnContact + const OnDice + const OnDocument + const OnEdited + const OnEditedChannelPost + const OnGame + const OnGeneralTopicHidden + const OnGeneralTopicUnhidden + const OnGroupCreated + const OnGroupPhotoDeleted + const OnInlineResult + const OnInvoice + const OnLocation + const OnMedia + const OnMigration + const OnMyChatMember + const OnNewGroupPhoto + const OnNewGroupTitle + const OnPayment + const OnPhoto + const OnPinned + const OnPoll + const OnPollAnswer + const OnProximityAlert + const OnQuery + const OnShipping + const OnSticker + const OnSuperGroupCreated + const OnText + const OnTopicClosed + const OnTopicCreated + const OnTopicEdited + const OnTopicReopened + const OnUserJoined + const OnUserLeft + const OnVenue + const OnVideo + const OnVideoChatEnded + const OnVideoChatParticipants + const OnVideoChatScheduled + const OnVideoChatStarted + const OnVideoNote + const OnVoice + const OnWebApp + const OnWriteAccessAllowed + const StickerCustomEmoji + const StickerMask + const StickerRegular + var Ball = &Dice + var Bowl = &Dice + var Cube = &Dice + var Dart = &Dice + var ErrBadButtonData = NewError(400, "Bad Request: BUTTON_DATA_INVALID") + var ErrBadContext = errors.New("telebot: context does not contain message") + var ErrBadPollOptions = NewError(400, "Bad Request: expected an Array of String as options") + var ErrBadRecipient = errors.New("telebot: recipient is nil") + var ErrBadURLContent = NewError(400, "Bad Request: failed to get HTTP URL content") + var ErrBlockedByUser = NewError(403, "Forbidden: bot was blocked by the user") + var ErrCantEditMessage = NewError(400, "Bad Request: message can't be edited") + var ErrCantRemoveOwner = NewError(400, "Bad Request: can't remove chat owner") + var ErrCantUploadFile = NewError(400, "Bad Request: can't upload file by URL") + var ErrCantUseMediaInAlbum = NewError(400, "Bad Request: can't use the media of the specified type in the album") + var ErrChatAboutNotModified = NewError(400, "Bad Request: chat description is not modified") + var ErrChatNotFound = NewError(400, "Bad Request: chat not found") + var ErrCouldNotUpdate = errors.New("telebot: could not fetch new updates") + var ErrEmptyChatID = NewError(400, "Bad Request: chat_id is empty") + var ErrEmptyMessage = NewError(400, "Bad Request: message must be non-empty") + var ErrEmptyText = NewError(400, "Bad Request: text is empty") + var ErrFailedImageProcess = NewError(400, "Bad Request: IMAGE_PROCESS_FAILED", "Image process failed") + var ErrForwardMessage = NewError(400, "Bad Request: administrators of the chat restricted message forwarding") + var ErrGroupMigrated = NewError(400, "Bad Request: group chat was upgraded to a supergroup chat") + var ErrInternal = NewError(500, "Internal Server Error") + var ErrKickedFromChannel = NewError(403, "Forbidden: bot was kicked from the channel chat") + var ErrKickedFromGroup = NewError(403, "Forbidden: bot was kicked from the group chat") + var ErrKickedFromSuperGroup = NewError(403, "Forbidden: bot was kicked from the supergroup chat") + var ErrMap map[uint32]*Error = map[uint32]*Error + var ErrMessageNotModified = NewError(400, "Bad Request: message is not modified") + var ErrNoRightsToDelete = NewError(400, "Bad Request: message can't be deleted") + var ErrNoRightsToRestrict = NewError(400, "Bad Request: not enough rights to restrict/unrestrict chat member") + var ErrNoRightsToSend = NewError(400, "Bad Request: have no rights to send a message") + var ErrNoRightsToSendGifs = NewError(400, "Bad Request: CHAT_SEND_GIFS_FORBIDDEN", ...) + var ErrNoRightsToSendPhoto = NewError(400, "Bad Request: not enough rights to send photos to the chat") + var ErrNoRightsToSendStickers = NewError(400, "Bad Request: not enough rights to send stickers to the chat") + var ErrNotFound = NewError(404, "Not Found") + var ErrNotFoundToDelete = NewError(400, "Bad Request: message to delete not found") + var ErrNotFoundToForward = NewError(400, "Bad Request: message to forward not found") + var ErrNotFoundToReply = NewError(400, "Bad Request: reply message not found") + var ErrNotStartedByUser = NewError(403, "Forbidden: bot can't initiate conversation with a user") + var ErrQueryTooOld = NewError(400, ...) + var ErrSameMessageContent = NewError(400, ...) + var ErrStickerEmojisInvalid = NewError(400, "Bad Request: invalid sticker emojis") + var ErrStickerSetInvalid = NewError(400, "Bad Request: STICKERSET_INVALID", "Stickerset is invalid") + var ErrStickerSetInvalidName = NewError(400, "Bad Request: invalid sticker set name is specified") + var ErrStickerSetNameOccupied = NewError(400, "Bad Request: sticker set name is already occupied") + var ErrTooLarge = NewError(400, "Request Entity Too Large") + var ErrTooLongMarkup = NewError(400, "Bad Request: reply markup is too long") + var ErrTooLongMessage = NewError(400, "Bad Request: message is too long") + var ErrTrueResult = errors.New("telebot: result is True") + var ErrUnauthorized = NewError(401, "Unauthorized") + var ErrUnsupportedWhat = errors.New("telebot: unsupported what argument") + var ErrUserIsAdmin = NewError(400, "Bad Request: user is an administrator of the chat") + var ErrUserIsDeactivated = NewError(403, "Forbidden: user is deactivated") + var ErrWrongFileID = NewError(400, "Bad Request: wrong file identifier/HTTP URL specified") + var ErrWrongFileIDCharacter = NewError(400, ...) + var ErrWrongFileIDLength = NewError(400, "Bad Request: wrong remote file id specified: Wrong string length") + var ErrWrongFileIDPadding = NewError(400, ...) + var ErrWrongFileIDSymbol = NewError(400, ...) + var ErrWrongTypeOfContent = NewError(400, "Bad Request: wrong type of the web page content") + var ErrWrongURL = NewError(400, "Bad Request: wrong HTTP URL specified") + var Goal = &Dice + var ReleaseBuffer = pool.ReleaseBuffer + var Slot = &Dice + var SupportedCurrencies = make(map[string]Currency) + func Err(s string) error + func Forever() int64 + func SetDefaultJSON(j json.Json) + type Album []Inputtable + type Animation struct + Caption string + Duration int + FileName string + HasSpoiler bool + Height int + MIME string + Thumbnail *Photo + Width int + func (a *Animation) InputMedia() InputMedia + func (a *Animation) MediaFile() *File + func (a *Animation) MediaType() string + func (a *Animation) Send(b *Bot, to Recipient, opt *SendOptions) (*Message, error) + type ArticleResult struct + Description string + HideURL bool + Text string + ThumbHeight int + ThumbURL string + ThumbWidth int + Title string + URL string + type Audio struct + Caption string + Duration int + FileName string + MIME string + Performer string + Thumbnail *Photo + Title string + func (a *Audio) InputMedia() InputMedia + func (a *Audio) MediaFile() *File + func (a *Audio) MediaType() string + func (a *Audio) Send(b *Bot, to Recipient, opt *SendOptions) (*Message, error) + type AudioResult struct + Cache string + Caption string + Duration int + Performer string + Title string + URL string + type AutoDeleteTimer struct + Unixtime int + type Bot struct + Me *User + Poller Poller + Token string + URL string + URLCache string + Updates chan Update + func NewBot(pref Settings) (*Bot, error) + func (b *Bot) Accept(query *PreCheckoutQuery, errorMessage ...string) error + func (b *Bot) AcquireContext() *Context + func (b *Bot) AddSticker(to Recipient, s StickerSet) error + func (b *Bot) AdminsOf(chat *Chat) ([]ChatMember, error) + func (b *Bot) Answer(query *Query, resp *QueryResponse) error + func (b *Bot) AnswerWebApp(query *Query, r Result) (*WebAppMessage, error) + func (b *Bot) ApproveJoinRequest(chat Recipient, user *User) error + func (b *Bot) Ban(chat *Chat, member *ChatMember, revokeMessages ...bool) error + func (b *Bot) BanSenderChat(chat *Chat, sender Recipient) error + func (b *Bot) ChatByID(id int64) (*Chat, error) + func (b *Bot) ChatByUsername(name string) (*Chat, error) + func (b *Bot) ChatMemberOf(chat, user Recipient) (*ChatMember, error) + func (b *Bot) Close() (bool, error) + func (b *Bot) CloseGeneralTopic(chat *Chat, forum *Topic) error + func (b *Bot) CloseTopic(chat *Chat, forum *Topic) error + func (b *Bot) Commands(opts ...any) ([]Command, error) + func (b *Bot) Copy(to Recipient, msg Editable, options ...any) (*Message, error) + func (b *Bot) CreateInviteLink(chat Recipient, link *ChatInviteLink) (*ChatInviteLink, error) + func (b *Bot) CreateInvoiceLink(i Invoice) (string, error) + func (b *Bot) CreateStickerSet(to Recipient, s StickerSet) error + func (b *Bot) CreateTopic(chat *Chat, forum *Topic) error + func (b *Bot) CustomEmojiStickers(ids []string) ([]Sticker, error) + func (b *Bot) DeclineJoinRequest(chat Recipient, user *User) error + func (b *Bot) DefaultRights(forChannels bool) (*Rights, error) + func (b *Bot) Delete(msg Editable) error + func (b *Bot) DeleteCommands(opts ...any) error + func (b *Bot) DeleteGroupPhoto(chat *Chat) error + func (b *Bot) DeleteGroupStickerSet(chat *Chat) error + func (b *Bot) DeleteSticker(sticker string) error + func (b *Bot) DeleteStickerSet(name string) error + func (b *Bot) DeleteTopic(chat *Chat, forum *Topic) error + func (b *Bot) Download(file *File, localFilename string) error + func (b *Bot) Edit(msg Editable, what any, opts ...any) (*Message, error) + func (b *Bot) EditCaption(msg Editable, caption string, opts ...any) (*Message, error) + func (b *Bot) EditGeneralTopic(chat *Chat, forum *Topic) error + func (b *Bot) EditInviteLink(chat Recipient, link *ChatInviteLink) (*ChatInviteLink, error) + func (b *Bot) EditMedia(msg Editable, media Inputtable, opts ...any) (*Message, error) + func (b *Bot) EditReplyMarkup(msg Editable, markup *ReplyMarkup) (*Message, error) + func (b *Bot) EditTopic(chat *Chat, forum *Topic) error + func (b *Bot) File(file *File) (io.ReadWriteCloser, error) + func (b *Bot) FileByID(fileID string) (File, error) + func (b *Bot) Forward(to Recipient, msg Editable, opts ...any) (*Message, error) + func (b *Bot) GameScores(user Recipient, msg Editable) ([]GameHighScore, error) + func (b *Bot) GetMyDescription(lang string) (string, error) + func (b *Bot) GetMyShortDescription(lang string) (string, error) + func (b *Bot) Group() *Group + func (b *Bot) Handle(endpoint any, h HandlerFunc, m ...HandlerFunc) + func (b *Bot) HideGeneralTopic(chat *Chat, forum *Topic) error + func (b *Bot) InviteLink(chat *Chat) (string, error) + func (b *Bot) Json() json.Json + func (b *Bot) Leave(chat *Chat) error + func (b *Bot) Len(chat *Chat) (int, error) + func (b *Bot) Logger() Logger + func (b *Bot) Logout() (bool, error) + func (b *Bot) MenuButton(chat *User) (*MenuButton, error) + func (b *Bot) NewContext(u Update) *Context + func (b *Bot) NewMarkup() *ReplyMarkup + func (b *Bot) Notify(to Recipient, action ChatAction, threadID error + func (b *Bot) OnError(err error, c *Context) + func (b *Bot) Pin(msg Editable, opts ...any) error + func (b *Bot) ProcessUpdate(u Update) bool + func (b *Bot) ProfilePhotosOf(user *User) ([]Photo, error) + func (b *Bot) Promote(chat *Chat, member *ChatMember) error + func (b *Bot) Raw(method string, payload ...any) (*bytes.Buffer, error) + func (b *Bot) RemoveWebhook(dropPending ...bool) error + func (b *Bot) ReopenGeneralTopic(chat *Chat, forum *Topic) error + func (b *Bot) ReopenTopic(chat *Chat, forum *Topic) error + func (b *Bot) Reply(to *Message, what any, opts ...any) (*Message, error) + func (b *Bot) Respond(c *Callback, resp ...*CallbackResponse) error + func (b *Bot) Restrict(chat *Chat, member *ChatMember) error + func (b *Bot) RevokeInviteLink(chat Recipient, link string) (*ChatInviteLink, error) + func (b *Bot) Send(to Recipient, what any, opts ...any) (*Message, error) + func (b *Bot) SendAlbum(to Recipient, a Album, opts ...any) ([]Message, error) + func (b *Bot) SetAdminTitle(chat *Chat, user *User, title string) error + func (b *Bot) SetCommands(opts ...any) error + func (b *Bot) SetDefaultRights(rights Rights, forChannels bool) error + func (b *Bot) SetDescription(description, lang string) error + func (b *Bot) SetGameScore(user Recipient, msg Editable, score GameHighScore) (*Message, error) + func (b *Bot) SetGroupDescription(chat *Chat, description string) error + func (b *Bot) SetGroupPermissions(chat *Chat, perms Rights) error + func (b *Bot) SetGroupPhoto(chat *Chat, p *Photo) error + func (b *Bot) SetGroupStickerSet(chat *Chat, setName string) error + func (b *Bot) SetGroupTitle(chat *Chat, title string) error + func (b *Bot) SetMenuButton(chat *User, mb any) error + func (b *Bot) SetMyName(name, language_code string) error + func (b *Bot) SetShortDescription(description, lang string) error + func (b *Bot) SetStickerPosition(sticker string, position int) error + func (b *Bot) SetStickerSetThumbnail(to Recipient, s StickerSet) error + func (b *Bot) SetWebhook(w *Webhook) error + func (b *Bot) Ship(query *ShippingQuery, what ...any) error + func (b *Bot) Start() + func (b *Bot) StickerSet(name string) (*StickerSet, error) + func (b *Bot) Stop() + func (b *Bot) StopLiveLocation(msg Editable, opts ...any) (*Message, error) + func (b *Bot) StopPoll(msg Editable, opts ...any) (*Poll, error) + func (b *Bot) TopicIconStickers() ([]Sticker, error) + func (b *Bot) Unban(chat *Chat, user *User, forBanned ...bool) error + func (b *Bot) UnbanSenderChat(chat *Chat, sender Recipient) error + func (b *Bot) UnhideGeneralTopic(chat *Chat, forum *Topic) error + func (b *Bot) Unpin(chat *Chat, messageID error + func (b *Bot) UnpinAll(chat *Chat) error + func (b *Bot) UnpinAllGeneralForumTopicMessages(chat *Chat) error + func (b *Bot) UnpinAllTopicMessages(chat *Chat, forum *Topic) error + func (b *Bot) UploadSticker(to Recipient, png *File) (*File, error) + func (b *Bot) Use(middleware ...HandlerFunc) + func (b *Bot) Webhook() (*Webhook, error) + type Btn struct + Contact bool + Data string + InlineQuery string + InlineQueryChat string + Location bool + Login *Login + Poll PollType + Text string + URL string + Unique string + WebApp *WebApp + func (b Btn) Inline() *InlineButton + func (b Btn) Reply() *ReplyButton + func (t *Btn) CallbackUnique() string + type Callback struct + Data string + ID string + Message *Message + MessageID string + Sender *User + Unique string + func (c *Callback) IsInline() bool + func (c *Callback) MessageSig() (string, int64) + type CallbackEndpoint interface + CallbackUnique func() string + type CallbackResponse struct + CallbackID string + ShowAlert bool + Text string + URL string + type Chat struct + ActiveUsernames []string + AggressiveAntiSpam bool + Bio string + CanSetStickerSet bool + ChatLocation *ChatLocation + Description string + EmojiStatusExpirationDate int64 + EmojiStatusId string + FirstName string + HiddenMembers bool + ID int64 + InviteLink string + IsForum bool + LastName string + LinkedChatID int64 + NoVoiceAndVideo bool + Permissions *Rights + Photo *ChatPhoto + PinnedMessage *Message + Private bool + Protected bool + SlowMode int + StickerSet string + Title string + Topic *Topic + Type ChatType + Username string + func (c *Chat) Recipient() string + type ChatAction string + const ChoosingSticker + const FindingLocation + const RecordingAudio + const RecordingVNote + const RecordingVideo + const Typing + const UploadingAudio + const UploadingDocument + const UploadingPhoto + const UploadingVNote + const UploadingVideo + type ChatID int64 + func (i ChatID) Recipient() string + type ChatInviteLink struct + Creator *User + ExpireUnixtime int64 + InviteLink string + IsPrimary bool + IsRevoked bool + JoinRequest bool + MemberLimit int + Name string + PendingCount int + func (c *ChatInviteLink) ExpireDate() time.Time + type ChatJoinRequest struct + Bio string + Chat *Chat + InviteLink *ChatInviteLink + Sender *User + Unixtime int64 + UserID int64 + func (r ChatJoinRequest) Time() time.Time + type ChatLocation struct + Address string + Location Location + type ChatMember struct + Anonymous bool + JoinByRequest string + JoinToSend string + RestrictedUntil int64 + Role MemberStatus + Title string + User *User + type ChatMemberUpdate struct + Chat *Chat + InviteLink *ChatInviteLink + NewChatMember *ChatMember + OldChatMember *ChatMember + Sender *User + Unixtime int64 + func (c *ChatMemberUpdate) Time() time.Time + type ChatPhoto struct + BigFileID string + BigUniqueID string + SmallFileID string + SmallUniqueID string + type ChatType string + const ChatChannel + const ChatChannelPrivate + const ChatGroup + const ChatPrivate + const ChatSuperGroup + type Command struct + Description string + Text string + type CommandParams struct + Commands []Command + LanguageCode string + Scope *CommandScope + type CommandScope struct + ChatID int64 + Type CommandScopeType + UserID int64 + type CommandScopeType = string + const CommandScopeAllChatAdmin + const CommandScopeAllGroupChats + const CommandScopeAllPrivateChats + const CommandScopeChat + const CommandScopeChatAdmin + const CommandScopeChatMember + const CommandScopeDefault + type Contact struct + FirstName string + LastName string + PhoneNumber string + UserID int64 + type ContactResult struct + FirstName string + LastName string + PhoneNumber string + ThumbHeight int + ThumbURL string + ThumbWidth int + VCard string + type Context struct + func (c *Context) Accept(errorMessage ...string) error + func (c *Context) Answer(resp *QueryResponse) error + func (c *Context) Args() []string + func (c *Context) Bot() *Bot + func (c *Context) Callback() *Callback + func (c *Context) Chat() *Chat + func (c *Context) ChatJoinRequest() *ChatJoinRequest + func (c *Context) ChatMember() *ChatMemberUpdate + func (c *Context) Data() string + func (c *Context) Delete() error + func (c *Context) DeleteAfter(d time.Duration) *time.Timer + func (c *Context) Done() error + func (c *Context) Edit(what any, opts ...any) error + func (c *Context) EditCaption(caption string, opts ...any) error + func (c *Context) EditOrReply(what any, opts ...any) (*Message, error) + func (c *Context) EditOrSend(what any, opts ...any) error + func (c *Context) Entities() Entities + func (c *Context) Forward(msg Editable, opts ...any) error + func (c *Context) ForwardTo(to Recipient, opts ...any) error + func (c *Context) Get(k string) any + func (c *Context) InlineResult() *InlineResult + func (c *Context) Message() *Message + func (c *Context) Migration() (int64, int64) + func (c *Context) Next() error + func (c *Context) Notify(action ChatAction) error + func (c *Context) Poll() *Poll + func (c *Context) PollAnswer() *PollAnswer + func (c *Context) PreCheckoutQuery() *PreCheckoutQuery + func (c *Context) Query() *Query + func (c *Context) Recipient() Recipient + func (c *Context) Reply(what any, opts ...any) (*Message, error) + func (c *Context) Respond(resp ...*CallbackResponse) error + func (c *Context) Send(what any, opts ...any) (*Message, error) + func (c *Context) SendAlbum(a Album, opts ...any) error + func (c *Context) Sender() *User + func (c *Context) Set(k string, v any) + func (c *Context) Ship(what ...any) error + func (c *Context) ShippingQuery() *ShippingQuery + func (c *Context) Text() string + func (c *Context) Update() Update + type Currency struct + Code string + DecimalSep string + Exp int + MaxAmount any + MinAmount any + Native string + SpaceBetween bool + Symbol string + SymbolLeft bool + ThousandsSep string + Title string + func (c Currency) FromTotal(total int) float64 + func (c Currency) ToTotal(total float64) int + type Description struct + Description string + type Dice struct + Type DiceType + Value int + func (d *Dice) Send(b *Bot, to Recipient, opt *SendOptions) (*Message, error) + type DiceType string + type Document struct + Caption string + DisableTypeDetection bool + FileName string + MIME string + Thumbnail *Photo + func (d *Document) InputMedia() InputMedia + func (d *Document) MediaFile() *File + func (d *Document) MediaType() string + func (d *Document) Send(b *Bot, to Recipient, opt *SendOptions) (*Message, error) + type DocumentResult struct + Cache string + Caption string + Description string + MIME string + ThumbHeight int + ThumbURL string + ThumbWidth int + Title string + URL string + type Editable interface + MessageSig func() (messageID string, chatID int64) + type Entities []MessageEntity + type EntityType string + const EntityBold + const EntityCashtag + const EntityCode + const EntityCodeBlock + const EntityCommand + const EntityCustomEmoji + const EntityEmail + const EntityHashtag + const EntityItalic + const EntityMention + const EntityPhone + const EntitySpoiler + const EntityStrikethrough + const EntityTMention + const EntityTextLink + const EntityURL + const EntityUnderline + type Error struct + Code int + Description string + Message string + func NewError(code int, msgs ...string) *Error + func (err *Error) Error() string + func (err *Error) String() string + type File struct + FileID string + FileLocal string + FilePath string + FileReader io.Reader + FileSize int64 + FileURL string + UniqueID string + func FromDisk(filename string) File + func FromReader(reader io.Reader) File + func FromURL(url string) File + func (f *File) InCloud() bool + func (f *File) OnDisk() bool + type FloodError struct + RetryAfter int + func (err FloodError) Error() string + type Game struct + Animation *Animation + Description string + Entities []MessageEntity + Name string + Photo *Photo + Text string + Title string + func (g *Game) Send(b *Bot, to Recipient, opt *SendOptions) (*Message, error) + type GameHighScore struct + Force bool + NoEdit bool + Position int + Score int + User *User + type GeneralTopicHidden struct + type GeneralTopicUnhidden struct + type GifResult struct + Cache string + Caption string + Duration int + Height int + ThumbMIME string + ThumbURL string + Title string + URL string + Width int + type Group struct + func (g *Group) Handle(endpoint any, h HandlerFunc, m ...HandlerFunc) + func (g *Group) Use(middleware ...HandlerFunc) + type GroupError struct + MigratedTo int64 + func (err GroupError) Error() string + type Handle struct + Do HandlerFunc + Middleware []HandlerFunc + type HandlerFunc func(*Context) error + type InlineButton struct + Data string + InlineQuery string + InlineQueryChat string + Login *Login + Text string + URL string + Unique string + WebApp *WebApp + func (t *InlineButton) CallbackUnique() string + func (t *InlineButton) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) + func (t *InlineButton) With(data string) *InlineButton + type InlineResult struct + Location *Location + MessageID string + Query string + ResultID string + Sender *User + func (ir *InlineResult) MessageSig() (string, int64) + type InputContactMessageContent struct + FirstName string + LastName string + PhoneNumber string + func (input *InputContactMessageContent) IsInputMessageContent() bool + type InputLocationMessageContent struct + Lat float32 + Lng float32 + func (input *InputLocationMessageContent) IsInputMessageContent() bool + type InputMedia struct + Caption string + DisableTypeDetection bool + Duration int + Entities Entities + HasSpoiler bool + Height int + Media string + ParseMode string + Performer string + Streaming bool + Thumbnail string + Title string + Type string + Width int + type InputMessageContent interface + IsInputMessageContent func() bool + type InputTextMessageContent struct + DisablePreview bool + ParseMode string + Text string + func (input *InputTextMessageContent) IsInputMessageContent() bool + type InputVenueMessageContent struct + Address string + FoursquareID string + Lat float32 + Lng float32 + Title string + func (input *InputVenueMessageContent) IsInputMessageContent() bool + type Inputtable interface + InputMedia func() InputMedia + type Invoice struct + Currency string + Data string + Description string + Flexible bool + MaxTipAmount int + NeedEmail bool + NeedName bool + NeedPhoneNumber bool + NeedShippingAddress bool + Payload string + Photo *Photo + PhotoSize int + Prices []Price + SendEmail bool + SendPhoneNumber bool + Start string + SuggestedTipAmounts []int + Title string + Token string + Total int + func (i *Invoice) Send(b *Bot, to Recipient, opt *SendOptions) (*Message, error) + type Location struct + AlertRadius int + Heading int + HorizontalAccuracy *float32 + Lat float32 + LivePeriod int + Lng float32 + func (x *Location) Send(b *Bot, to Recipient, opt *SendOptions) (*Message, error) + type LocationResult struct + ThumbURL string + Title string + type Logger interface + OnError func(error, *Context) + Panicf func(format string, a ...any) + Printf func(format string, a ...any) + Println func(a ...any) + func NewZeroLogger(writers Logger + type LoggerZerolog struct + func (z *LoggerZerolog) OnError(err error, c *Context) + func (z *LoggerZerolog) Panicf(format string, a ...any) + func (z *LoggerZerolog) Printf(format string, a ...any) + func (z *LoggerZerolog) Println(v ...any) + type Login struct + Text string + URL string + Username string + WriteAccess bool + type LongPoller struct + AllowedUpdates []string + LastUpdateID int + Limit int + Timeout time.Duration + func (p *LongPoller) Poll(b *Bot, dest chan Update, stop chan struct{}) + type MMDB_ASN struct + AutonomousSystemNumber uint + AutonomousSystemOrganization string + type MaskFeature string + const FeatureChin + const FeatureEyes + const FeatureForehead + const FeatureMouth + type MaskPosition struct + Feature MaskFeature + Scale float32 + XShift float32 + YShift float32 + type Media interface + MediaFile func() *File + MediaType func() string + type MemberStatus string + const Administrator + const Creator + const Kicked + const Left + const Member + const Restricted + type MenuButton struct + Text string + Type MenuButtonType + WebApp *WebApp + type MenuButtonType = string + const MenuButtonCommands + const MenuButtonDefault + const MenuButtonWebApp + type Message struct + AlbumID string + Animation *Animation + Audio *Audio + AutoDeleteTimer *AutoDeleteTimer + AutomaticForward bool + Caption string + CaptionEntities Entities + ChannelCreated bool + Chat *Chat + ConnectedWebsite string + Contact *Contact + Dice *Dice + Document *Document + Entities Entities + Game *Game + GeneralTopicHidden *GeneralTopicHidden + GeneralTopicUnhidden *GeneralTopicUnhidden + GroupCreated bool + GroupPhotoDeleted bool + HasMediaSpoiler bool + ID int + Invoice *Invoice + IsTopicMessage bool + LastEdit int64 + Location *Location + MigrateFrom int64 + MigrateTo int64 + NewGroupPhoto *Photo + NewGroupTitle string + OriginalChat *Chat + OriginalMessageID int + OriginalSender *User + OriginalSenderName string + OriginalSignature string + OriginalUnixtime int + Payload string + Payment *Payment + Photo *Photo + PinnedMessage *Message + Poll *Poll + Protected bool + ProximityAlert *ProximityAlert + ReplyMarkup *ReplyMarkup + ReplyTo *Message + Sender *User + SenderChat *Chat + Signature string + Sticker *Sticker + Story *StoryEntity + SuperGroupCreated bool + Text string + ThreadID int + TopicClosed *TopicClosed + TopicCreated *Topic + TopicEdited *Topic + TopicReopened *Topic + Unixtime int64 + UserJoined *User + UserLeft *User + UsersJoined []User + Venue *Venue + Via *User + Video *Video + VideoChatEnded *VideoChatEnded + VideoChatParticipants *VideoChatParticipants + VideoChatScheduled *VideoChatScheduled + VideoChatStarted *VideoChatStarted + VideoNote *VideoNote + Voice *Voice + WebAppData *WebAppData + WriteAccessAllowed *WriteAccessAllowed + func (m *Message) EntityText(e MessageEntity) string + func (m *Message) FromChannel() bool + func (m *Message) FromGroup() bool + func (m *Message) IsForwarded() bool + func (m *Message) IsReply() bool + func (m *Message) IsService() bool + func (m *Message) LastEdited() time.Time + func (m *Message) Media() Media + func (m *Message) MessageSig() (string, int64) + func (m *Message) Private() bool + func (m *Message) Time() time.Time + type MessageEntity struct + CustomEmoji string + Language string + Length int + Offset int + Type EntityType + URL string + User *User + type MiddlewarePoller struct + Capacity int + Filter func(Update) bool + Poller Poller + func NewMiddlewarePoller(original Poller, filter func(Update) bool) *MiddlewarePoller + func (p *MiddlewarePoller) Poll(b *Bot, dest chan Update, stop chan struct{}) + type Mpeg4GifResult struct + Cache string + Caption string + Duration int + Height int + ThumbMIME string + ThumbURL string + Title string + URL string + Width int + type Option int + const AllowWithoutReply + const ForceReply + const NoPreview + const OneTimeKeyboard + const Protected + const RemoveKeyboard + const Silent + type Order struct + Address ShippingAddress + Email string + Name string + PhoneNumber string + type ParseMode = string + const ModeDefault + const ModeHTML + const ModeMarkdown + const ModeMarkdownV2 + type Payment struct + Currency string + OptionID string + Order Order + Payload string + ProviderChargeID string + TelegramChargeID string + Total int + type Photo struct + Caption string + HasSpoiler bool + Height int + Width int + func (p *Photo) InputMedia() InputMedia + func (p *Photo) MediaFile() *File + func (p *Photo) MediaType() string + func (p *Photo) Send(b *Bot, to Recipient, opt *SendOptions) (*Message, error) + func (p *Photo) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error + type PhotoResult struct + Cache string + Caption string + Description string + Height int + ThumbURL string + Title string + URL string + Width int + type Poll struct + Anonymous bool + CloseUnixdate int64 + Closed bool + CorrectOption int + Entities []MessageEntity + Explanation string + ID string + MultipleAnswers bool + OpenPeriod int + Options []PollOption + ParseMode ParseMode + Question string + Type PollType + VoterCount int + func (p *Poll) AddOptions(opts ...string) + func (p *Poll) CloseDate() time.Time + func (p *Poll) IsQuiz() bool + func (p *Poll) IsRegular() bool + func (p *Poll) Send(b *Bot, to Recipient, opt *SendOptions) (*Message, error) + type PollAnswer struct + Options []int + PollID string + Sender *User + Voter *Chat + type PollOption struct + Text string + VoterCount int + type PollType string + const PollAny + const PollQuiz + const PollRegular + func (pt PollType) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) + type Poller interface + Poll func(b *Bot, updates chan Update, stop chan struct{}) + type PreCheckoutQuery struct + Currency string + ID string + OptionID string + Order Order + Payload string + Sender *User + Total int + type Price struct + Amount int + Label string + type ProfileStr struct + Count int + Photos []Photo + type ProximityAlert struct + Distance int + Traveler *User + Watcher *User + type Query struct + ChatType string + ID string + Location *Location + Offset string + Sender *User + Text string + type QueryResponse struct + CacheTime int + IsPersonal bool + NextOffset string + QueryID string + Results Results + SwitchPMParameter string + SwitchPMText string + type Recipient interface + Recipient func() string + type ReplyButton struct + Contact bool + Location bool + Poll PollType + Text string + WebApp *WebApp + func (t *ReplyButton) CallbackUnique() string + type ReplyMarkup struct + ForceReply bool + InlineKeyboard [][]InlineButton + IsPersistent bool + OneTimeKeyboard bool + Placeholder string + RemoveKeyboard bool + ReplyKeyboard [][]ReplyButton + ResizeKeyboard bool + Selective bool + func (r *ReplyMarkup) Contact(text string) Btn + func (r *ReplyMarkup) Data(text, unique string, data ...string) Btn + func (r *ReplyMarkup) Inline(rows ...Row) + func (r *ReplyMarkup) Location(text string) Btn + func (r *ReplyMarkup) Login(text string, login *Login) Btn + func (r *ReplyMarkup) Poll(text string, poll PollType) Btn + func (r *ReplyMarkup) Query(text, query string) Btn + func (r *ReplyMarkup) QueryChat(text, query string) Btn + func (r *ReplyMarkup) Reply(rows ...Row) + func (r *ReplyMarkup) Row(many ...Btn) Row + func (r *ReplyMarkup) Split(max int, btns []Btn) []Row + func (r *ReplyMarkup) Text(text string) Btn + func (r *ReplyMarkup) URL(text, url string) Btn + func (r *ReplyMarkup) WebApp(text string, app *WebApp) Btn + type Response struct + Result T + type Result interface + Process func(*Bot) + ResultID func() string + SetContent func(InputMessageContent) + SetParseMode func(ParseMode) + SetReplyMarkup func(*ReplyMarkup) + SetResultID func(string) + type ResultBase struct + Content InputMessageContent + ID string + ParseMode ParseMode + ReplyMarkup *ReplyMarkup + Type string + func (r *ResultBase) Process(b *Bot) + func (r *ResultBase) ResultID() string + func (r *ResultBase) SetContent(content InputMessageContent) + func (r *ResultBase) SetParseMode(mode ParseMode) + func (r *ResultBase) SetReplyMarkup(markup *ReplyMarkup) + func (r *ResultBase) SetResultID(id string) + type Results []Result + func (results Results) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) + type Rights struct + Anonymous bool + CanAddPreviews bool + CanBeEdited bool + CanChangeInfo bool + CanDeleteMessages bool + CanDeleteStories bool + CanEditMessages bool + CanEditStories bool + CanInviteUsers bool + CanManageChat bool + CanManageTopics bool + CanManageVideoChats bool + CanPinMessages bool + CanPostMessages bool + CanPostStories bool + CanPromoteMembers bool + CanRestrictMembers bool + CanSendAudios bool + CanSendDocuments bool + CanSendMedia bool + CanSendMessages bool + CanSendOther bool + CanSendPhotos bool + CanSendPolls bool + CanSendVideoNotes bool + CanSendVideos bool + CanSendVoiceNotes bool + func AdminRights() Rights + func NoRestrictions() Rights + func NoRights() Rights + type Row []Btn + type SendOptions struct + AllowWithoutReply bool + DisableNotification bool + DisableWebPagePreview bool + Entities Entities + HasSpoiler bool + ParseMode ParseMode + Protected bool + ReplyMarkup *ReplyMarkup + ReplyTo *Message + ThreadID int + func Placeholder(text string) *SendOptions + type Sendable interface + Send func(*Bot, Recipient, *SendOptions) (*Message, error) + type Settings struct + Client net.NetFrame + Json json.Json + Local bool + Logger Logger + Offline bool + ParseMode ParseMode + Poller Poller + Synchronous bool + Token string + URL string + Updates int + Verbose bool + type ShippingAddress struct + City string + CountryCode string + PostCode string + State string + StreetLine1 string + StreetLine2 string + type ShippingOption struct + ID string + Prices []Price + Title string + type ShippingQuery struct + Address ShippingAddress + ID string + Payload string + Sender *User + type ShortDescription struct + ShortDescription string + type Sticker struct + Animated bool + CustomEmoji string + Emoji string + Height int + MaskPosition *MaskPosition + NeedsRepainting bool + PremiumAnimation *File + SetName string + Thumbnail *Photo + Type StickerSetType + Video bool + Width int + func (s *Sticker) MediaFile() *File + func (s *Sticker) MediaType() string + func (s *Sticker) Send(b *Bot, to Recipient, opt *SendOptions) (*Message, error) + type StickerResult struct + Cache string + type StickerSet struct + Animated bool + Emojis string + MaskPosition *MaskPosition + Name string + PNG *File + Stickers []Sticker + TGS *File + Thumbnail *Photo + Title string + Type StickerSetType + Video bool + WebM *File + type StickerSetType = string + type StoredMessage struct + ChatID int64 + MessageID string + func (x StoredMessage) MessageSig() (string, int64) + type StoryEntity struct + type Topic struct + IconColor int + IconCustomEmojiID string + Name string + ThreadID int + type TopicClosed struct + type Type struct + Type string + type Update struct + Callback *Callback + ChannelPost *Message + ChatJoinRequest *ChatJoinRequest + ChatMember *ChatMemberUpdate + EditedChannelPost *Message + EditedMessage *Message + ID int + InlineResult *InlineResult + Message *Message + MyChatMember *ChatMemberUpdate + Poll *Poll + PollAnswer *PollAnswer + PreCheckoutQuery *PreCheckoutQuery + Query *Query + ShippingQuery *ShippingQuery + type User struct + AddedToMenu bool + CanJoinGroups bool + CanReadMessages bool + CustomEmojiStatusID string + FirstName string + ID int64 + IsBot bool + IsPremium bool + LanguageCode string + LastName string + SupportsInline bool + Username string + Usernames []string + func (u *User) Recipient() string + type Venue struct + Address string + FoursquareID string + FoursquareType string + GooglePlaceID string + GooglePlaceType string + Location Location + Title string + func (v *Venue) Send(b *Bot, to Recipient, opt *SendOptions) (*Message, error) + type VenueResult struct + Address string + FoursquareID string + ThumbHeight int + ThumbURL string + ThumbWidth int + Title string + type Video struct + Caption string + Duration int + FileName string + HasSpoiler bool + Height int + MIME string + Streaming bool + Thumbnail *Photo + Width int + func (v *Video) InputMedia() InputMedia + func (v *Video) MediaFile() *File + func (v *Video) MediaType() string + func (v *Video) Send(b *Bot, to Recipient, opt *SendOptions) (*Message, error) + type VideoChatEnded struct + Duration int + type VideoChatParticipants struct + Users []User + type VideoChatScheduled struct + Unixtime int64 + func (v *VideoChatScheduled) StartsAt() time.Time + type VideoChatStarted struct + type VideoNote struct + Duration int + Length int + Thumbnail *Photo + func (v *VideoNote) MediaFile() *File + func (v *VideoNote) MediaType() string + func (v *VideoNote) Send(b *Bot, to Recipient, opt *SendOptions) (*Message, error) + type VideoResult struct + Cache string + Caption string + Description string + Duration int + Height int + MIME string + ThumbURL string + Title string + URL string + Width int + type Voice struct + Caption string + Duration int + MIME string + func (v *Voice) MediaFile() *File + func (v *Voice) MediaType() string + func (v *Voice) Send(b *Bot, to Recipient, opt *SendOptions) (*Message, error) + type VoiceResult struct + Cache string + Caption string + Duration int + Title string + URL string + type WebApp struct + URL string + type WebAppData struct + Data string + Text string + type WebAppMessage struct + InlineMessageID string + type Webhook struct + AllowedUpdates []string + DropUpdates bool + Endpoint *WebhookEndpoint + ErrorMessage string + ErrorUnixtime int64 + HasCustomCert bool + Host string + IP string + Listen string + MaxConnections int + PendingUpdates int + SecretToken string + SyncErrorUnixtime int64 + TLS *WebhookTLS + Verify *WebhookVerify + func (h *Webhook) IPValidation(rc *atreugo.RequestCtx) error + func (h *Webhook) Poll(b *Bot, dest chan Update, stop chan struct{}) + func (h *Webhook) Serve(rc *atreugo.RequestCtx) error + func (h *Webhook) TokenValidation(rc *atreugo.RequestCtx) error + type WebhookEndpoint struct + Cert string + PublicURL string + type WebhookTLS struct + Cert string + Key string + NoLocal bool + type WebhookVerify struct + DB string + func (v *WebhookVerify) Verify(ip string) (is bool) + type WriteAccessAllowed struct + FromAttachmentMenu bool + FromRequest bool + WebAppName string v2.0.0-unstable Oct 12, 2023 Other modules containing this package