Overview ¶
Package asserts implements snappy assertions and a database abstraction for managing and holding them.
Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func CheckCrossConsistency(assert Assertion, signingKey *AccountKey, roDB RODatabase, ...) error
- func CheckSignature(assert Assertion, signingKey *AccountKey, roDB RODatabase, ...) (err error)
- func CheckSigningKeyIsNotExpired(assert Assertion, signingKey *AccountKey, roDB RODatabase, ...) error
- func CheckTimestampVsSigningKeyValidity(assert Assertion, signingKey *AccountKey, roDB RODatabase, ...) error
- func Encode(assert Assertion) []byte
- func EncodeDigest(hash crypto.Hash, hashDigest []byte) (string, error)
- func EncodePublicKey(pubKey PublicKey) ([]byte, error)
- func HeadersFromPrimaryKey(assertType *AssertionType, primaryKey []string) (headers map[string]string, err error)
- func HeadersFromSequenceKey(assertType *AssertionType, sequenceKey []string) (headers map[string]string, err error)
- func InitBuiltinBaseDeclaration(headers []byte) error
- func IsKeyNotFound(err error) bool
- func IsNotFound(err error) bool
- func IsUnaccceptedUpdate(err error) bool
- func IsValidAccountID(accountID string) bool
- func IsValidAccountKeyName(name string) bool
- func IsValidSystemLabel(label string) error
- func IsValidValidationSetName(name string) bool
- func MaxSupportedFormats(min int) (maxFormats map[string]int)
- func MockMaxSupportedFormat(assertType *AssertionType, maxFormat int) (restore func())
- func MockOptionalPrimaryKey(assertType *AssertionType, key, defaultValue string) (restore func())
- func PrimaryKeyFromHeaders(assertType *AssertionType, headers map[string]string) (primaryKey []string, err error)
- func ReducePrimaryKey(assertType *AssertionType, primaryKey []string) []string
- func SignatureCheck(assert Assertion, pubKey PublicKey) error
- func SnapFileSHA3_384(snapPath string) (digest string, size uint64, err error)
- func SuggestFormat(assertType *AssertionType, headers map[string]interface{}, body []byte) (formatnum int, err error)
- func TypeNames() []string
- type Account
- func (acc *Account) AccountID() string
- func (ab *Account) At() *AtRevision
- func (ab *Account) AuthorityID() string
- func (ab *Account) Body() []byte
- func (acc *Account) DisplayName() string
- func (ab *Account) Format() int
- func (ab *Account) Header(name string) interface{}
- func (ab *Account) HeaderString(name string) string
- func (ab *Account) Headers() map[string]interface{}
- func (ab *Account) Prerequisites() []*Ref
- func (ab *Account) Ref() *Ref
- func (ab *Account) Revision() int
- func (ab *Account) SignKeyID() string
- func (ab *Account) Signature() (content, signature []byte)
- func (ab *Account) SupportedFormat() bool
- func (acc *Account) Timestamp() time.Time
- func (ab *Account) Type() *AssertionType
- func (acc *Account) Username() string
- func (acc *Account) Validation() string
- type AccountKey
- func (ak *AccountKey) AccountID() string
- func (ab *AccountKey) At() *AtRevision
- func (ab *AccountKey) AuthorityID() string
- func (ab *AccountKey) Body() []byte
- func (ab *AccountKey) Format() int
- func (ab *AccountKey) Header(name string) interface{}
- func (ab *AccountKey) HeaderString(name string) string
- func (ab *AccountKey) Headers() map[string]interface{}
- func (ak *AccountKey) Name() string
- func (ak *AccountKey) Prerequisites() []*Ref
- func (ak *AccountKey) PublicKeyID() string
- func (ab *AccountKey) Ref() *Ref
- func (ab *AccountKey) Revision() int
- func (ab *AccountKey) SignKeyID() string
- func (ab *AccountKey) Signature() (content, signature []byte)
- func (ak *AccountKey) Since() time.Time
- func (ab *AccountKey) SupportedFormat() bool
- func (ab *AccountKey) Type() *AssertionType
- func (ak *AccountKey) Until() time.Time
- type AccountKeyRequest
- func (akr *AccountKeyRequest) AccountID() string
- func (ab *AccountKeyRequest) At() *AtRevision
- func (ab *AccountKeyRequest) AuthorityID() string
- func (ab *AccountKeyRequest) Body() []byte
- func (ab *AccountKeyRequest) Format() int
- func (ab *AccountKeyRequest) Header(name string) interface{}
- func (ab *AccountKeyRequest) HeaderString(name string) string
- func (ab *AccountKeyRequest) Headers() map[string]interface{}
- func (akr *AccountKeyRequest) Name() string
- func (akr *AccountKeyRequest) Prerequisites() []*Ref
- func (akr *AccountKeyRequest) PublicKeyID() string
- func (ab *AccountKeyRequest) Ref() *Ref
- func (ab *AccountKeyRequest) Revision() int
- func (ab *AccountKeyRequest) SignKeyID() string
- func (ab *AccountKeyRequest) Signature() (content, signature []byte)
- func (akr *AccountKeyRequest) Since() time.Time
- func (ab *AccountKeyRequest) SupportedFormat() bool
- func (ab *AccountKeyRequest) Type() *AssertionType
- func (akr *AccountKeyRequest) Until() time.Time
- type Assertion
- type AssertionType
- type AtRevision
- type AtSequence
- type AttrMatchContext
- type Attrer
- type AttributeConstraints
- type Backstore
- type BaseDeclaration
- func (ab *BaseDeclaration) At() *AtRevision
- func (ab *BaseDeclaration) AuthorityID() string
- func (ab *BaseDeclaration) Body() []byte
- func (ab *BaseDeclaration) Format() int
- func (ab *BaseDeclaration) Header(name string) interface{}
- func (ab *BaseDeclaration) HeaderString(name string) string
- func (ab *BaseDeclaration) Headers() map[string]interface{}
- func (basedcl *BaseDeclaration) PlugRule(interfaceName string) *PlugRule
- func (ab *BaseDeclaration) Prerequisites() []*Ref
- func (ab *BaseDeclaration) Ref() *Ref
- func (ab *BaseDeclaration) Revision() int
- func (basedcl *BaseDeclaration) Series() string
- func (ab *BaseDeclaration) SignKeyID() string
- func (ab *BaseDeclaration) Signature() (content, signature []byte)
- func (basedcl *BaseDeclaration) SlotRule(interfaceName string) *SlotRule
- func (ab *BaseDeclaration) SupportedFormat() bool
- func (basedcl *BaseDeclaration) Timestamp() time.Time
- func (ab *BaseDeclaration) Type() *AssertionType
- type Batch
- func (b *Batch) Add(a Assertion) error
- func (b *Batch) AddStream(r io.Reader) ([]*Ref, error)
- func (b *Batch) CommitTo(db *Database, opts *CommitOptions) error
- func (b *Batch) CommitToAndObserve(db *Database, observe func(Assertion), opts *CommitOptions) error
- func (b *Batch) Fetch(trustedDB RODatabase, retrieve func(*Ref) (Assertion, error), ...) error
- type Checker
- type CommitOptions
- type Database
- func (db *Database) Add(assert Assertion) error
- func (db *Database) Check(assert Assertion) error
- func (db *Database) Find(assertionType *AssertionType, headers map[string]string) (Assertion, error)
- func (db *Database) FindMany(assertionType *AssertionType, headers map[string]string) ([]Assertion, error)
- func (db *Database) FindManyPredefined(assertionType *AssertionType, headers map[string]string) ([]Assertion, error)
- func (db *Database) FindMaxFormat(assertionType *AssertionType, headers map[string]string, maxFormat int) (Assertion, error)
- func (db *Database) FindPredefined(assertionType *AssertionType, headers map[string]string) (Assertion, error)
- func (db *Database) FindSequence(assertType *AssertionType, sequenceHeaders map[string]string, ...) (SequenceMember, error)
- func (db *Database) FindTrusted(assertionType *AssertionType, headers map[string]string) (Assertion, error)
- func (db *Database) ImportKey(privKey PrivateKey) error
- func (db *Database) IsTrustedAccount(accountID string) bool
- func (db *Database) PublicKey(keyID string) (PublicKey, error)
- func (db *Database) SetEarliestTime(earliest time.Time)
- func (db *Database) Sign(assertType *AssertionType, headers map[string]interface{}, body []byte, ...) (Assertion, error)
- func (db *Database) WithStackedBackstore(backstore Backstore) *Database
- type DatabaseConfig
- type Decoder
- type DeviceScopeConstraint
- type DeviceScopeConstraintCheckOptions
- type DeviceSessionRequest
- func (ab *DeviceSessionRequest) At() *AtRevision
- func (ab *DeviceSessionRequest) AuthorityID() string
- func (ab *DeviceSessionRequest) Body() []byte
- func (req *DeviceSessionRequest) BrandID() string
- func (ab *DeviceSessionRequest) Format() int
- func (ab *DeviceSessionRequest) Header(name string) interface{}
- func (ab *DeviceSessionRequest) HeaderString(name string) string
- func (ab *DeviceSessionRequest) Headers() map[string]interface{}
- func (req *DeviceSessionRequest) Model() string
- func (req *DeviceSessionRequest) Nonce() string
- func (ab *DeviceSessionRequest) Prerequisites() []*Ref
- func (ab *DeviceSessionRequest) Ref() *Ref
- func (ab *DeviceSessionRequest) Revision() int
- func (req *DeviceSessionRequest) Serial() string
- func (ab *DeviceSessionRequest) SignKeyID() string
- func (ab *DeviceSessionRequest) Signature() (content, signature []byte)
- func (ab *DeviceSessionRequest) SupportedFormat() bool
- func (req *DeviceSessionRequest) Timestamp() time.Time
- func (ab *DeviceSessionRequest) Type() *AssertionType
- type Encoder
- type ExternalKeyInfo
- type ExternalKeypairManager
- func (em *ExternalKeypairManager) Delete(keyID string) error
- func (em *ExternalKeypairManager) DeleteByName(keyName string) error
- func (em *ExternalKeypairManager) Export(keyName string) ([]byte, error)
- func (em *ExternalKeypairManager) Generate(keyName string) error
- func (em *ExternalKeypairManager) Get(keyID string) (PrivateKey, error)
- func (em *ExternalKeypairManager) GetByName(keyName string) (PrivateKey, error)
- func (em *ExternalKeypairManager) List() ([]ExternalKeyInfo, error)
- func (em *ExternalKeypairManager) Put(privKey PrivateKey) error
- type ExternalUnsupportedOpError
- type Fetcher
- type GPGKeypairManager
- func (gkm *GPGKeypairManager) Delete(keyID string) error
- func (gkm *GPGKeypairManager) DeleteByName(name string) error
- func (gkm *GPGKeypairManager) Export(name string) ([]byte, error)
- func (gkm *GPGKeypairManager) Generate(passphrase string, name string) error
- func (gkm *GPGKeypairManager) Get(keyID string) (PrivateKey, error)
- func (gkm *GPGKeypairManager) GetByName(name string) (PrivateKey, error)
- func (gkm *GPGKeypairManager) List() (res []ExternalKeyInfo, err error)
- func (gkm *GPGKeypairManager) Put(privKey PrivateKey) error
- func (gkm *GPGKeypairManager) Walk(consider func(privk PrivateKey, fingerprint string, uid string) error) error
- type Grouping
- type KeypairManager
- type Model
- func (mod *Model) Architecture() string
- func (ab *Model) At() *AtRevision
- func (ab *Model) AuthorityID() string
- func (mod *Model) Base() string
- func (mod *Model) BaseSnap() *ModelSnap
- func (ab *Model) Body() []byte
- func (mod *Model) BrandID() string
- func (mod *Model) Classic() bool
- func (mod *Model) DisplayName() string
- func (mod *Model) Distribution() string
- func (mod *Model) EssentialSnaps() []*ModelSnap
- func (ab *Model) Format() int
- func (mod *Model) Gadget() string
- func (mod *Model) GadgetSnap() *ModelSnap
- func (mod *Model) GadgetTrack() string
- func (mod *Model) Grade() ModelGrade
- func (ab *Model) Header(name string) interface{}
- func (ab *Model) HeaderString(name string) string
- func (ab *Model) Headers() map[string]interface{}
- func (mod *Model) Kernel() string
- func (mod *Model) KernelSnap() *ModelSnap
- func (mod *Model) KernelTrack() string
- func (mod *Model) Model() string
- func (ab *Model) Prerequisites() []*Ref
- func (ab *Model) Ref() *Ref
- func (mod *Model) RequiredNoEssentialSnaps() []naming.SnapRef
- func (mod *Model) RequiredWithEssentialSnaps() []naming.SnapRef
- func (ab *Model) Revision() int
- func (mod *Model) SerialAuthority() []string
- func (mod *Model) Series() string
- func (ab *Model) SignKeyID() string
- func (ab *Model) Signature() (content, signature []byte)
- func (mod *Model) SnapsWithoutEssential() []*ModelSnap
- func (mod *Model) StorageSafety() StorageSafety
- func (mod *Model) Store() string
- func (ab *Model) SupportedFormat() bool
- func (mod *Model) SystemUserAuthority() []string
- func (mod *Model) Timestamp() time.Time
- func (ab *Model) Type() *AssertionType
- type ModelGrade
- type ModelSnap
- type NameConstraints
- type NotFoundError
- type OnClassicConstraint
- type PlugConnectionConstraints
- type PlugInstallationConstraints
- type PlugRule
- type Pool
- func (p *Pool) Add(a Assertion, grouping Grouping) (ok bool, err error)
- func (p *Pool) AddBatch(b *Batch, grouping Grouping) (ok bool, err error)
- func (p *Pool) AddError(e error, ref *Ref) error
- func (p *Pool) AddGroupingError(e error, grouping Grouping) error
- func (p *Pool) AddSequenceError(e error, atSeq *AtSequence) error
- func (p *Pool) AddSequenceToUpdate(toUpdate *AtSequence, group string) error
- func (p *Pool) AddToUpdate(toUpdate *Ref, group string) error
- func (p *Pool) AddUnresolved(unresolved *AtRevision, group string) error
- func (p *Pool) AddUnresolvedSequence(unresolved *AtSequence, group string) error
- func (p *Pool) Backstore() Backstore
- func (p *Pool) ClearGroups() error
- func (p *Pool) CommitTo(db *Database) error
- func (p *Pool) Err(group string) error
- func (p *Pool) Errors() map[string]error
- func (p *Pool) Singleton(group string) (Grouping, error)
- func (p *Pool) ToResolve() (map[Grouping][]*AtRevision, map[Grouping][]*AtSequence, error)
- type Preseed
- func (p *Preseed) ArtifactSHA3_384() string
- func (ab *Preseed) At() *AtRevision
- func (ab *Preseed) AuthorityID() string
- func (ab *Preseed) Body() []byte
- func (p *Preseed) BrandID() string
- func (ab *Preseed) Format() int
- func (ab *Preseed) Header(name string) interface{}
- func (ab *Preseed) HeaderString(name string) string
- func (ab *Preseed) Headers() map[string]interface{}
- func (p *Preseed) Model() string
- func (ab *Preseed) Prerequisites() []*Ref
- func (ab *Preseed) Ref() *Ref
- func (ab *Preseed) Revision() int
- func (p *Preseed) Series() string
- func (ab *Preseed) SignKeyID() string
- func (ab *Preseed) Signature() (content, signature []byte)
- func (p *Preseed) Snaps() []*PreseedSnap
- func (ab *Preseed) SupportedFormat() bool
- func (p *Preseed) SystemLabel() string
- func (p *Preseed) Timestamp() time.Time
- func (ab *Preseed) Type() *AssertionType
- type PreseedSnap
- type Presence
- type PrivateKey
- type PublicKey
- type RODatabase
- type Ref
- type Repair
- func (r *Repair) Architectures() []string
- func (ab *Repair) At() *AtRevision
- func (ab *Repair) AuthorityID() string
- func (r *Repair) Bases() []string
- func (ab *Repair) Body() []byte
- func (r *Repair) BrandID() string
- func (r *Repair) Disabled() bool
- func (ab *Repair) Format() int
- func (ab *Repair) Header(name string) interface{}
- func (ab *Repair) HeaderString(name string) string
- func (ab *Repair) Headers() map[string]interface{}
- func (r *Repair) Models() []string
- func (r *Repair) Modes() []string
- func (ab *Repair) Prerequisites() []*Ref
- func (ab *Repair) Ref() *Ref
- func (r *Repair) RepairID() int
- func (ab *Repair) Revision() int
- func (r *Repair) Sequence() int
- func (r *Repair) Series() []string
- func (ab *Repair) SignKeyID() string
- func (ab *Repair) Signature() (content, signature []byte)
- func (r *Repair) Summary() string
- func (ab *Repair) SupportedFormat() bool
- func (r *Repair) Timestamp() time.Time
- func (ab *Repair) Type() *AssertionType
- type RevisionAuthority
- type RevisionError
- type SequenceMember
- type Serial
- func (ab *Serial) At() *AtRevision
- func (ab *Serial) AuthorityID() string
- func (ab *Serial) Body() []byte
- func (ser *Serial) BrandID() string
- func (ser *Serial) DeviceKey() PublicKey
- func (ab *Serial) Format() int
- func (ab *Serial) Header(name string) interface{}
- func (ab *Serial) HeaderString(name string) string
- func (ab *Serial) Headers() map[string]interface{}
- func (ser *Serial) Model() string
- func (ab *Serial) Prerequisites() []*Ref
- func (ab *Serial) Ref() *Ref
- func (ab *Serial) Revision() int
- func (ser *Serial) Serial() string
- func (ab *Serial) SignKeyID() string
- func (ab *Serial) Signature() (content, signature []byte)
- func (ab *Serial) SupportedFormat() bool
- func (ser *Serial) Timestamp() time.Time
- func (ab *Serial) Type() *AssertionType
- type SerialRequest
- func (ab *SerialRequest) At() *AtRevision
- func (ab *SerialRequest) AuthorityID() string
- func (ab *SerialRequest) Body() []byte
- func (sreq *SerialRequest) BrandID() string
- func (sreq *SerialRequest) DeviceKey() PublicKey
- func (ab *SerialRequest) Format() int
- func (ab *SerialRequest) Header(name string) interface{}
- func (ab *SerialRequest) HeaderString(name string) string
- func (ab *SerialRequest) Headers() map[string]interface{}
- func (sreq *SerialRequest) Model() string
- func (ab *SerialRequest) Prerequisites() []*Ref
- func (ab *SerialRequest) Ref() *Ref
- func (sreq *SerialRequest) RequestID() string
- func (ab *SerialRequest) Revision() int
- func (sreq *SerialRequest) Serial() string
- func (ab *SerialRequest) SignKeyID() string
- func (ab *SerialRequest) Signature() (content, signature []byte)
- func (ab *SerialRequest) SupportedFormat() bool
- func (ab *SerialRequest) Type() *AssertionType
- type SideArityConstraint
- type SlotConnectionConstraints
- type SlotInstallationConstraints
- type SlotRule
- type SnapBuild
- func (ab *SnapBuild) At() *AtRevision
- func (ab *SnapBuild) AuthorityID() string
- func (ab *SnapBuild) Body() []byte
- func (ab *SnapBuild) Format() int
- func (snapbld *SnapBuild) Grade() string
- func (ab *SnapBuild) Header(name string) interface{}
- func (ab *SnapBuild) HeaderString(name string) string
- func (ab *SnapBuild) Headers() map[string]interface{}
- func (ab *SnapBuild) Prerequisites() []*Ref
- func (ab *SnapBuild) Ref() *Ref
- func (ab *SnapBuild) Revision() int
- func (ab *SnapBuild) SignKeyID() string
- func (ab *SnapBuild) Signature() (content, signature []byte)
- func (snapbld *SnapBuild) SnapID() string
- func (snapbld *SnapBuild) SnapSHA3_384() string
- func (snapbld *SnapBuild) SnapSize() uint64
- func (ab *SnapBuild) SupportedFormat() bool
- func (snapbld *SnapBuild) Timestamp() time.Time
- func (ab *SnapBuild) Type() *AssertionType
- type SnapDeclaration
- func (snapdcl *SnapDeclaration) Aliases() map[string]string
- func (ab *SnapDeclaration) At() *AtRevision
- func (ab *SnapDeclaration) AuthorityID() string
- func (snapdcl *SnapDeclaration) AutoAliases() []string
- func (ab *SnapDeclaration) Body() []byte
- func (ab *SnapDeclaration) Format() int
- func (ab *SnapDeclaration) Header(name string) interface{}
- func (ab *SnapDeclaration) HeaderString(name string) string
- func (ab *SnapDeclaration) Headers() map[string]interface{}
- func (snapdcl *SnapDeclaration) PlugRule(interfaceName string) *PlugRule
- func (snapdcl *SnapDeclaration) Prerequisites() []*Ref
- func (snapdcl *SnapDeclaration) PublisherID() string
- func (ab *SnapDeclaration) Ref() *Ref
- func (snapdcl *SnapDeclaration) RefreshControl() []string
- func (ab *SnapDeclaration) Revision() int
- func (snapdcl *SnapDeclaration) RevisionAuthority(provenance string) []*RevisionAuthority
- func (snapdcl *SnapDeclaration) Series() string
- func (ab *SnapDeclaration) SignKeyID() string
- func (ab *SnapDeclaration) Signature() (content, signature []byte)
- func (snapdcl *SnapDeclaration) SlotRule(interfaceName string) *SlotRule
- func (snapdcl *SnapDeclaration) SnapID() string
- func (snapdcl *SnapDeclaration) SnapName() string
- func (ab *SnapDeclaration) SupportedFormat() bool
- func (snapdcl *SnapDeclaration) Timestamp() time.Time
- func (ab *SnapDeclaration) Type() *AssertionType
- type SnapDeveloper
- func (ab *SnapDeveloper) At() *AtRevision
- func (ab *SnapDeveloper) AuthorityID() string
- func (ab *SnapDeveloper) Body() []byte
- func (ab *SnapDeveloper) Format() int
- func (ab *SnapDeveloper) Header(name string) interface{}
- func (ab *SnapDeveloper) HeaderString(name string) string
- func (ab *SnapDeveloper) Headers() map[string]interface{}
- func (snapdev *SnapDeveloper) Prerequisites() []*Ref
- func (snapdev *SnapDeveloper) PublisherID() string
- func (ab *SnapDeveloper) Ref() *Ref
- func (ab *SnapDeveloper) Revision() int
- func (ab *SnapDeveloper) SignKeyID() string
- func (ab *SnapDeveloper) Signature() (content, signature []byte)
- func (snapdev *SnapDeveloper) SnapID() string
- func (ab *SnapDeveloper) SupportedFormat() bool
- func (ab *SnapDeveloper) Type() *AssertionType
- type SnapRevision
- func (ab *SnapRevision) At() *AtRevision
- func (ab *SnapRevision) AuthorityID() string
- func (ab *SnapRevision) Body() []byte
- func (snaprev *SnapRevision) DeveloperID() string
- func (ab *SnapRevision) Format() int
- func (ab *SnapRevision) Header(name string) interface{}
- func (ab *SnapRevision) HeaderString(name string) string
- func (ab *SnapRevision) Headers() map[string]interface{}
- func (snaprev *SnapRevision) Prerequisites() []*Ref
- func (snaprev *SnapRevision) Provenance() string
- func (ab *SnapRevision) Ref() *Ref
- func (ab *SnapRevision) Revision() int
- func (ab *SnapRevision) SignKeyID() string
- func (ab *SnapRevision) Signature() (content, signature []byte)
- func (snaprev *SnapRevision) SnapID() string
- func (snaprev *SnapRevision) SnapRevision() int
- func (snaprev *SnapRevision) SnapSHA3_384() string
- func (snaprev *SnapRevision) SnapSize() uint64
- func (ab *SnapRevision) SupportedFormat() bool
- func (snaprev *SnapRevision) Timestamp() time.Time
- func (ab *SnapRevision) Type() *AssertionType
- type StorageSafety
- type Store
- func (ab *Store) At() *AtRevision
- func (ab *Store) AuthorityID() string
- func (ab *Store) Body() []byte
- func (ab *Store) Format() int
- func (store *Store) FriendlyStores() []string
- func (ab *Store) Header(name string) interface{}
- func (ab *Store) HeaderString(name string) string
- func (ab *Store) Headers() map[string]interface{}
- func (store *Store) Location() string
- func (store *Store) OperatorID() string
- func (store *Store) Prerequisites() []*Ref
- func (ab *Store) Ref() *Ref
- func (ab *Store) Revision() int
- func (ab *Store) SignKeyID() string
- func (ab *Store) Signature() (content, signature []byte)
- func (store *Store) Store() string
- func (ab *Store) SupportedFormat() bool
- func (store *Store) Timestamp() time.Time
- func (ab *Store) Type() *AssertionType
- func (store *Store) URL() *url.URL
- type SystemUser
- func (ab *SystemUser) At() *AtRevision
- func (ab *SystemUser) AuthorityID() string
- func (ab *SystemUser) Body() []byte
- func (su *SystemUser) BrandID() string
- func (su *SystemUser) Email() string
- func (su *SystemUser) ForcePasswordChange() bool
- func (ab *SystemUser) Format() int
- func (ab *SystemUser) Header(name string) interface{}
- func (ab *SystemUser) HeaderString(name string) string
- func (ab *SystemUser) Headers() map[string]interface{}
- func (su *SystemUser) Models() []string
- func (su *SystemUser) Name() string
- func (su *SystemUser) Password() string
- func (ab *SystemUser) Prerequisites() []*Ref
- func (ab *SystemUser) Ref() *Ref
- func (ab *SystemUser) Revision() int
- func (su *SystemUser) SSHKeys() []string
- func (su *SystemUser) Serials() []string
- func (su *SystemUser) Series() []string
- func (ab *SystemUser) SignKeyID() string
- func (ab *SystemUser) Signature() (content, signature []byte)
- func (su *SystemUser) Since() time.Time
- func (ab *SystemUser) SupportedFormat() bool
- func (ab *SystemUser) Type() *AssertionType
- func (su *SystemUser) Until() time.Time
- func (su *SystemUser) UserExpiration() time.Time
- func (su *SystemUser) Username() string
- func (su *SystemUser) ValidAt(when time.Time) bool
- type UnsupportedFormatError
- type Validation
- func (validation *Validation) ApprovedSnapID() string
- func (validation *Validation) ApprovedSnapRevision() int
- func (ab *Validation) At() *AtRevision
- func (ab *Validation) AuthorityID() string
- func (ab *Validation) Body() []byte
- func (ab *Validation) Format() int
- func (ab *Validation) Header(name string) interface{}
- func (ab *Validation) HeaderString(name string) string
- func (ab *Validation) Headers() map[string]interface{}
- func (validation *Validation) Prerequisites() []*Ref
- func (ab *Validation) Ref() *Ref
- func (ab *Validation) Revision() int
- func (validation *Validation) Revoked() bool
- func (validation *Validation) Series() string
- func (ab *Validation) SignKeyID() string
- func (ab *Validation) Signature() (content, signature []byte)
- func (validation *Validation) SnapID() string
- func (ab *Validation) SupportedFormat() bool
- func (validation *Validation) Timestamp() time.Time
- func (ab *Validation) Type() *AssertionType
- type ValidationSet
- func (vs *ValidationSet) AccountID() string
- func (ab *ValidationSet) At() *AtRevision
- func (ab *ValidationSet) AuthorityID() string
- func (ab *ValidationSet) Body() []byte
- func (ab *ValidationSet) Format() int
- func (ab *ValidationSet) Header(name string) interface{}
- func (ab *ValidationSet) HeaderString(name string) string
- func (ab *ValidationSet) Headers() map[string]interface{}
- func (vs *ValidationSet) Name() string
- func (ab *ValidationSet) Prerequisites() []*Ref
- func (ab *ValidationSet) Ref() *Ref
- func (ab *ValidationSet) Revision() int
- func (vs *ValidationSet) Sequence() int
- func (vs *ValidationSet) Series() string
- func (ab *ValidationSet) SignKeyID() string
- func (ab *ValidationSet) Signature() (content, signature []byte)
- func (vs *ValidationSet) Snaps() []*ValidationSetSnap
- func (ab *ValidationSet) SupportedFormat() bool
- func (vs *ValidationSet) Timestamp() time.Time
- func (ab *ValidationSet) Type() *AssertionType
- type ValidationSetSnap
Constants ¶
const ( MaxBodySize = 2 * 1024 * 1024 MaxHeadersSize = 128 * 1024 MaxSignatureSize = 128 * 1024 )
Maximum assertion component sizes.
const MediaType = "application/x.ubuntu.assertion"
MediaType is the media type for encoded assertions on the wire.
const RevisionNotKnown = -1
Variables ¶
var ( AccountType = &AssertionType{"account", []string{"account-id"}, nil, assembleAccount, 0} AccountKeyType = &AssertionType{"account-key", []string{"public-key-sha3-384"}, nil, assembleAccountKey, 0} RepairType = &AssertionType{"repair", []string{"brand-id", "repair-id"}, nil, assembleRepair, sequenceForming} ModelType = &AssertionType{"model", []string{"series", "brand-id", "model"}, nil, assembleModel, 0} SerialType = &AssertionType{"serial", []string{"brand-id", "model", "serial"}, nil, assembleSerial, 0} BaseDeclarationType = &AssertionType{"base-declaration", []string{"series"}, nil, assembleBaseDeclaration, 0} SnapDeclarationType = &AssertionType{"snap-declaration", []string{"series", "snap-id"}, nil, assembleSnapDeclaration, 0} SnapBuildType = &AssertionType{"snap-build", []string{"snap-sha3-384"}, nil, assembleSnapBuild, 0} SnapRevisionType = &AssertionType{"snap-revision", []string{"snap-sha3-384", "provenance"}, map[string]string{"provenance": naming.DefaultProvenance}, assembleSnapRevision, 0} SnapDeveloperType = &AssertionType{"snap-developer", []string{"snap-id", "publisher-id"}, nil, assembleSnapDeveloper, 0} SystemUserType = &AssertionType{"system-user", []string{"brand-id", "email"}, nil, assembleSystemUser, 0} ValidationType = &AssertionType{"validation", []string{"series", "snap-id", "approved-snap-id", "approved-snap-revision"}, nil, assembleValidation, 0} ValidationSetType = &AssertionType{"validation-set", []string{"series", "account-id", "name", "sequence"}, nil, assembleValidationSet, sequenceForming} StoreType = &AssertionType{"store", []string{"store"}, nil, assembleStore, 0} PreseedType = &AssertionType{"preseed", []string{"series", "brand-id", "model", "system-label"}, nil, assemblePreseed, 0} )
Understood assertion types.
var ( DeviceSessionRequestType = &AssertionType{"device-session-request", []string{"brand-id", "model", "serial"}, nil, assembleDeviceSessionRequest, noAuthority} SerialRequestType = &AssertionType{"serial-request", nil, nil, assembleSerialRequest, noAuthority} AccountKeyRequestType = &AssertionType{"account-key-request", []string{"public-key-sha3-384"}, nil, assembleAccountKeyRequest, noAuthority} )
Assertion types without a definite authority set (on the wire and/or self-signed).
var ( AlwaysMatchAttributes = &AttributeConstraints{matcher: fixedAttrMatcher{nil}} NeverMatchAttributes = &AttributeConstraints{matcher: fixedAttrMatcher{errors.New("not allowed")}} )
var ( ErrUnresolved = errors.New("unresolved assertion") ErrUnknownPoolGroup = errors.New("unknown pool group") )
var DefaultCheckers = []Checker{ CheckSigningKeyIsNotExpired, CheckSignature, CheckTimestampVsSigningKeyValidity, CheckCrossConsistency, }
DefaultCheckers lists the default and recommended assertion checkers used by Database if none are specified in the DatabaseConfig.Checkers.
var MetaHeaders = [...]string{
MetaHeaders is a list of headers in assertions which are about the assertion itself.
Functions ¶
func CheckCrossConsistency ¶
func CheckCrossConsistency(assert Assertion, signingKey *AccountKey, roDB RODatabase, checkTimeEarliest, checkTimeLatest time.Time) error
CheckCrossConsistency verifies that the assertion is consistent with the other statements in the database.
func CheckSignature ¶
func CheckSignature(assert Assertion, signingKey *AccountKey, roDB RODatabase, checkTimeEarliest, checkTimeLatest time.Time) (err error)
CheckSignature checks that the signature is valid.
func CheckSigningKeyIsNotExpired ¶
func CheckSigningKeyIsNotExpired(assert Assertion, signingKey *AccountKey, roDB RODatabase, checkTimeEarliest, checkTimeLatest time.Time) error
CheckSigningKeyIsNotExpired checks that the signing key is not expired.
func CheckTimestampVsSigningKeyValidity ¶
func CheckTimestampVsSigningKeyValidity(assert Assertion, signingKey *AccountKey, roDB RODatabase, checkTimeEarliest, checkTimeLatest time.Time) error
CheckTimestampVsSigningKeyValidity verifies that the timestamp of the assertion is within the signing key validity.
func EncodeDigest ¶
EncodeDigest encodes the digest from hash algorithm to be put in an assertion header.
func EncodePublicKey ¶
EncodePublicKey serializes a public key, typically for embedding in an assertion.
func HeadersFromPrimaryKey ¶
func HeadersFromPrimaryKey(assertType *AssertionType, primaryKey []string) (headers map[string]string, err error)
HeadersFromPrimaryKey constructs a headers mapping from the primaryKey values and the assertion type, it errors if primaryKey does not cover all the non-optional primary key headers or provides too many values.
func HeadersFromSequenceKey ¶
func HeadersFromSequenceKey(assertType *AssertionType, sequenceKey []string) (headers map[string]string, err error)
HeadersFromSequenceKey constructs a headers mapping from the sequenceKey values and the sequence forming assertion type, it errors if sequenceKey has the wrong length; the length must be one less than the primary key of the given assertion type.
func InitBuiltinBaseDeclaration ¶
InitBuiltinBaseDeclaration initializes the builtin base-declaration based on headers (or resets it if headers is nil).
func IsKeyNotFound ¶
IsKeyNotFound returns true when the error indicates that a given key was not found.
func IsNotFound ¶
IsNotFound returns whether err is an assertion not found error.
func IsUnaccceptedUpdate ¶
IsUnaccceptedUpdate returns whether the error indicates that an assertion revision was already present and has been kept because the update was not accepted.
func IsValidAccountID ¶
func IsValidAccountKeyName ¶
func IsValidSystemLabel ¶
IsValidSystemLabel checks whether the string is a valid UC20 seed system label.
func MaxSupportedFormats ¶
MaxSupportedFormats returns a mapping between assertion type names and corresponding max supported format if it is >= min. Typical usage passes 1 or 0 for min.
func MockMaxSupportedFormat ¶
func MockMaxSupportedFormat(assertType *AssertionType, maxFormat int) (restore func())
func MockOptionalPrimaryKey ¶
func MockOptionalPrimaryKey(assertType *AssertionType, key, defaultValue string) (restore func())
func PrimaryKeyFromHeaders ¶
func PrimaryKeyFromHeaders(assertType *AssertionType, headers map[string]string) (primaryKey []string, err error)
PrimaryKeyFromHeaders extracts the tuple of values from headers corresponding to a primary key under the assertion type, it errors if there are missing primary key headers unless they are optional in which case it fills in their default values.
func ReducePrimaryKey ¶
func ReducePrimaryKey(assertType *AssertionType, primaryKey []string) []string
ReducePrimaryKey produces a primary key prefix by omitting any suffix of optional primary key headers default values. Too short or long primary keys are returned as is.
func SignatureCheck ¶
SignatureCheck checks the signature of the assertion against the given public key. Useful for assertions with no authority.
func SnapFileSHA3_384 ¶
SnapFileSHA3_384 computes the SHA3-384 digest of the given snap file. It also returns its size.
func SuggestFormat ¶
func SuggestFormat(assertType *AssertionType, headers map[string]interface{}, body []byte) (formatnum int, err error)
SuggestFormat returns a minimum format that supports the features that would be used by an assertion with the given components.
Types ¶
type Account ¶
type Account struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Account holds an account assertion, which ties a name for an account to its identifier and provides the authority's confidence in the name's validity.
func (*Account) At ¶
func (ab *Account) At() *AtRevision
At returns an AtRevision referencing this assertion at its revision.
func (*Account) AuthorityID ¶
func (ab *Account) AuthorityID() string
AuthorityID returns the authority-id a.k.a the authority responsible for the assertion.
func (*Account) DisplayName ¶
DisplayName returns the human-friendly name for the account.
func (*Account) Format ¶
func (ab *Account) Format() int
Format returns the assertion format iteration.
func (*Account) Header ¶
func (ab *Account) Header(name string) interface{}
Header returns the value of an header by name.
func (*Account) HeaderString ¶
HeaderString retrieves the string value of header with name or ""
func (*Account) Headers ¶
func (ab *Account) Headers() map[string]interface{}
Headers returns the complete headers.
func (*Account) Prerequisites ¶
func (ab *Account) Prerequisites() []*Ref
Prerequisites returns references to the prerequisite assertions for the validity of this one.
func (*Account) Ref ¶
func (ab *Account) Ref() *Ref
Ref returns a reference representing this assertion.
func (*Account) Revision ¶
func (ab *Account) Revision() int
Revision returns the assertion revision.
func (*Account) SignKeyID ¶
func (ab *Account) SignKeyID() string
SignKeyID returns the key id for the key that signed this assertion.
func (*Account) Signature ¶
func (ab *Account) Signature() (content, signature []byte)
Signature returns the signed content and its unprocessed signature.
func (*Account) SupportedFormat ¶
func (ab *Account) SupportedFormat() bool
SupportedFormat returns whether the assertion uses a supported format iteration. If false the assertion might have been only partially parsed.
func (*Account) Validation ¶
Validation returns the level of confidence of the authority in the account's identity, expected to be "unproven", "starred" or "verified".
type AccountKey ¶
type AccountKey struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AccountKey holds an account-key assertion, asserting a public key belonging to the account.
func (*AccountKey) AccountID ¶
func (ak *AccountKey) AccountID() string
AccountID returns the account-id of this account-key.
func (*AccountKey) At ¶
func (ab *AccountKey) At() *AtRevision
At returns an AtRevision referencing this assertion at its revision.
func (*AccountKey) AuthorityID ¶
func (ab *AccountKey) AuthorityID() string
AuthorityID returns the authority-id a.k.a the authority responsible for the assertion.
func (*AccountKey) Body ¶
func (ab *AccountKey) Body() []byte
Body returns the body of the assertion.
func (*AccountKey) Format ¶
func (ab *AccountKey) Format() int
Format returns the assertion format iteration.
func (*AccountKey) Header ¶
func (ab *AccountKey) Header(name string) interface{}
Header returns the value of an header by name.
func (*AccountKey) HeaderString ¶
HeaderString retrieves the string value of header with name or ""
func (*AccountKey) Headers ¶
func (ab *AccountKey) Headers() map[string]interface{}
Headers returns the complete headers.
func (*AccountKey) Name ¶
func (ak *AccountKey) Name() string
Name returns the name of the account key.
func (*AccountKey) Prerequisites ¶
func (ak *AccountKey) Prerequisites() []*Ref
Prerequisites returns references to this account-key's prerequisite assertions.
func (*AccountKey) PublicKeyID ¶
func (ak *AccountKey) PublicKeyID() string
PublicKeyID returns the key id used for lookup of the account key.
func (*AccountKey) Ref ¶
func (ab *AccountKey) Ref() *Ref
Ref returns a reference representing this assertion.
func (*AccountKey) Revision ¶
func (ab *AccountKey) Revision() int
Revision returns the assertion revision.
func (*AccountKey) SignKeyID ¶
func (ab *AccountKey) SignKeyID() string
SignKeyID returns the key id for the key that signed this assertion.
func (*AccountKey) Signature ¶
func (ab *AccountKey) Signature() (content, signature []byte)
Signature returns the signed content and its unprocessed signature.
func (*AccountKey) Since ¶
func (ak *AccountKey) Since() time.Time
Since returns the time when the account key starts being valid.
func (*AccountKey) SupportedFormat ¶
func (ab *AccountKey) SupportedFormat() bool
SupportedFormat returns whether the assertion uses a supported format iteration. If false the assertion might have been only partially parsed.
func (*AccountKey) Type ¶
func (ab *AccountKey) Type() *AssertionType
Type returns the assertion type.
func (*AccountKey) Until ¶
func (ak *AccountKey) Until() time.Time
Until returns the time when the account key stops being valid. A zero time means the key is valid forever.
type AccountKeyRequest ¶
type AccountKeyRequest struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AccountKeyRequest holds an account-key-request assertion, which is a self-signed request to prove that the requester holds the private key and wishes to create an account-key assertion for it.
func (*AccountKeyRequest) AccountID ¶
func (akr *AccountKeyRequest) AccountID() string
AccountID returns the account-id of this account-key-request.
func (*AccountKeyRequest) At ¶
func (ab *AccountKeyRequest) At() *AtRevision
At returns an AtRevision referencing this assertion at its revision.
func (*AccountKeyRequest) AuthorityID ¶
func (ab *AccountKeyRequest) AuthorityID() string
AuthorityID returns the authority-id a.k.a the authority responsible for the assertion.
func (*AccountKeyRequest) Body ¶
func (ab *AccountKeyRequest) Body() []byte
Body returns the body of the assertion.
func (*AccountKeyRequest) Format ¶
func (ab *AccountKeyRequest) Format() int
Format returns the assertion format iteration.
func (*AccountKeyRequest) Header ¶
func (ab *AccountKeyRequest) Header(name string) interface{}
Header returns the value of an header by name.
func (*AccountKeyRequest) HeaderString ¶
HeaderString retrieves the string value of header with name or ""
func (*AccountKeyRequest) Headers ¶
func (ab *AccountKeyRequest) Headers() map[string]interface{}
Headers returns the complete headers.
func (*AccountKeyRequest) Name ¶
func (akr *AccountKeyRequest) Name() string
Name returns the name of the account key.
func (*AccountKeyRequest) Prerequisites ¶
func (akr *AccountKeyRequest) Prerequisites() []*Ref
Prerequisites returns references to this account-key-request's prerequisite assertions.
func (*AccountKeyRequest) PublicKeyID ¶
func (akr *AccountKeyRequest) PublicKeyID() string
PublicKeyID returns the underlying public key ID of the requested account key.
func (*AccountKeyRequest) Ref ¶
func (ab *AccountKeyRequest) Ref() *Ref
Ref returns a reference representing this assertion.
func (*AccountKeyRequest) Revision ¶
func (ab *AccountKeyRequest) Revision() int
Revision returns the assertion revision.
func (*AccountKeyRequest) SignKeyID ¶
func (ab *AccountKeyRequest) SignKeyID() string
SignKeyID returns the key id for the key that signed this assertion.
func (*AccountKeyRequest) Signature ¶
func (ab *AccountKeyRequest) Signature() (content, signature []byte)
Signature returns the signed content and its unprocessed signature.
func (*AccountKeyRequest) Since ¶
func (akr *AccountKeyRequest) Since() time.Time
Since returns the time when the requested account key starts being valid.
func (*AccountKeyRequest) SupportedFormat ¶
func (ab *AccountKeyRequest) SupportedFormat() bool
SupportedFormat returns whether the assertion uses a supported format iteration. If false the assertion might have been only partially parsed.
func (*AccountKeyRequest) Type ¶
func (ab *AccountKeyRequest) Type() *AssertionType
Type returns the assertion type.
func (*AccountKeyRequest) Until ¶
func (akr *AccountKeyRequest) Until() time.Time
Until returns the time when the requested account key stops being valid. A zero time means the key is valid forever.
type Assertion ¶
type Assertion interface { // Type returns the type of this assertion Type() *AssertionType // Format returns the format iteration of this assertion Format() int // SupportedFormat returns whether the assertion uses a supported // format iteration. If false the assertion might have been only // partially parsed. SupportedFormat() bool // Revision returns the revision of this assertion Revision() int // AuthorityID returns the authority responsible for this // assertion AuthorityID() string // Header retrieves the header with name Header(name string) interface{} // Headers returns the complete headers Headers() map[string]interface{} // HeaderString retrieves the string value of header with name or "" HeaderString(name string) string // Body returns the body of this assertion Body() []byte // Signature returns the signed content and its unprocessed signature Signature() (content, signature []byte) // SignKeyID returns the key id for the key that signed this assertion. SignKeyID() string // Prerequisites returns references to the prerequisite assertions for the validity of this one. Prerequisites() []*Ref // Ref returns a reference representing this assertion. Ref() *Ref // At returns an AtRevision referencing this assertion at its revision. At() *AtRevision }
Assertion represents an assertion through its general elements.
func Decode ¶
Decode parses a serialized assertion.
The expected serialisation format looks like:
HEADER ("\n\n" BODY?)? "\n\n" SIGNATURE
HEADER is a set of header entries separated by "\n" BODY can be arbitrary text, SIGNATURE is the signature
Both BODY and HEADER must be UTF8.
A header entry for a single line value (no '\n' in it) looks like:
The format supports multiline text values (with '\n's in them) and lists or maps, possibly nested, with string scalars in them.
For those a header entry looks like:
NAME ":\n" MULTI(baseindent)
where MULTI can be
* (baseindent + 4)-space indented value (multiline text)
* entries of a list each of the form:
" "*baseindent " -" ( " " SIMPLEVALUE | "\n" MULTI )
* entries of map each of the form:
" "*baseindent " " NAME ":" ( " " SIMPLEVALUE | "\n" MULTI )
baseindent starts at 0 and then grows with nesting matching the previous level introduction (e.g. the " "*baseindent " -" bit) length minus 1.
In general the following headers are mandatory:
type authority-id (except for on the wire/self-signed assertions like serial-request)
Further for a given assertion type all the primary key headers must be non empty and must not contain '/'.
The following headers expect string representing integer values and if omitted otherwise are assumed to be 0:
revision (a positive int) body-length (expected to be equal to the length of BODY) format (a positive int for the format iteration of the type used)
Times are expected to be in the RFC3339 format: "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00".
func SignWithoutAuthority ¶
func SignWithoutAuthority(assertType *AssertionType, headers map[string]interface{}, body []byte, privKey PrivateKey) (Assertion, error)
SignWithoutAuthority assembles an assertion without a set authority with the provided information and signs it with the given private key.
type AssertionType ¶
type AssertionType struct { // Name of the type. Name string // PrimaryKey holds the names of the headers that constitute the // unique primary key for this assertion type. PrimaryKey []string // OptionalPrimaryKeyDefaults holds the default values for // optional primary key headers. // Optional primary key headers can be added to types defined // in previous versions of snapd, as long as they are added at // the end of the old primary key together with a default value set in // this map. So they must form a contiguous suffix of PrimaryKey with // each member having a default value set in this map. // Optional primary key headers are not supported for sequence // forming types. OptionalPrimaryKeyDefaults map[string]string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
AssertionType describes a known assertion type with its name and metadata.
func (*AssertionType) AcceptablePrimaryKey ¶
func (at *AssertionType) AcceptablePrimaryKey(key []string) bool
AcceptablePrimaryKey returns whether the given key could be an acceptable primary key for this type, allowing for the omission of optional primary key headers.
func (*AssertionType) MaxSupportedFormat ¶
func (at *AssertionType) MaxSupportedFormat() int
MaxSupportedFormat returns the maximum supported format iteration for the type.
func (*AssertionType) SequenceForming ¶
func (at *AssertionType) SequenceForming() bool
SequencingForming returns true if the assertion type has a positive integer >= 1 as the last component (preferably called "sequence") of its primary key over which the assertions of the type form sequences, usually without gaps, one sequence per sequence key (the primary key prefix omitting the sequence number). See SequenceMember.
type AtRevision ¶
AtRevision represents an assertion at a given revision, possibly not known (RevisionNotKnown).
func (*AtRevision) String ¶
func (at *AtRevision) String() string
type AtSequence ¶
type AtSequence struct { Type *AssertionType SequenceKey []string Sequence int Pinned bool Revision int }
AtSequence references a sequence forming assertion at a given sequence point, possibly <=0 (meaning not specified) and revision, possibly not known (RevisionNotKnown). Setting Pinned = true means pinning at the given sequence point (which must be set, i.e. > 0). Pinned sequence forming assertion will be updated to the latest revision at the specified sequence point.
func (*AtSequence) Resolve ¶
func (at *AtSequence) Resolve(find func(assertType *AssertionType, headers map[string]string) (Assertion, error)) (Assertion, error)
Resolve resolves the sequence with known sequence number using the given find function.
func (*AtSequence) String ¶
func (at *AtSequence) String() string
func (*AtSequence) Unique ¶
func (at *AtSequence) Unique() string
Unique returns a unique string representing the sequence by its sequence key that can be used as a key in maps.
type AttrMatchContext ¶
type AttrMatchContext interface { PlugAttr(arg string) (interface{}, error) SlotAttr(arg string) (interface{}, error) }
AttrMatchContext has contextual helpers for evaluating attribute constraints.
type AttributeConstraints ¶
type AttributeConstraints struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AttributeConstraints implements a set of constraints on the attributes of a slot or plug.
func (*AttributeConstraints) Check ¶
func (c *AttributeConstraints) Check(attrer Attrer, helper AttrMatchContext) error
Check checks whether attrs don't match the constraints.
type Backstore ¶
type Backstore interface { // Put stores an assertion. // It is responsible for checking that assert is newer than a // previously stored revision with the same primary key headers. Put(assertType *AssertionType, assert Assertion) error // Get returns the assertion with the given unique key for its // primary key headers. // A suffix of optional primary keys can be left out from key // in which case their default values are implied. // If the assertion is not present it returns a // NotFoundError, usually with omitted Headers. Get(assertType *AssertionType, key []string, maxFormat int) (Assertion, error) // Search returns assertions matching the given headers. // It invokes foundCb for each found assertion. Search(assertType *AssertionType, headers map[string]string, foundCb func(Assertion), maxFormat int) error // SequenceMemberAfter returns for a sequence-forming assertType the // first assertion in the sequence under the given sequenceKey // with sequence number larger than after. If after==-1 it // returns the assertion with largest sequence number. If none // exists it returns a NotFoundError, usually with omitted // Headers. If assertType is not sequence-forming it can // panic. SequenceMemberAfter(assertType *AssertionType, sequenceKey []string, after, maxFormat int) (SequenceMember, error) }
A Backstore stores assertions. It can store and retrieve assertions by type under unique primary key headers (whose names are available from assertType.PrimaryKey). Plus it supports searching by headers. Lookups can be limited to a maximum allowed format.
func NewMemoryBackstore ¶
func NewMemoryBackstore() Backstore
NewMemoryBackstore creates a memory backed assertions backstore.
func OpenFSBackstore ¶
OpenFSBackstore opens a filesystem backed assertions backstore under path.
type BaseDeclaration ¶
type BaseDeclaration struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
BaseDeclaration holds a base-declaration assertion, declaring the policies (to start with interface ones) applying to all snaps of a series.
func BuiltinBaseDeclaration ¶
func BuiltinBaseDeclaration() *BaseDeclaration
BuiltinBaseDeclaration exposes the initialized builtin base-declaration assertion. This is used by overlord/assertstate, other code should use assertstate.BaseDeclaration.
func (*BaseDeclaration) At ¶
func (ab *BaseDeclaration) At() *AtRevision
At returns an AtRevision referencing this assertion at its revision.
func (*BaseDeclaration) AuthorityID ¶
func (ab *BaseDeclaration) AuthorityID() string
AuthorityID returns the authority-id a.k.a the authority responsible for the assertion.
func (*BaseDeclaration) Body ¶
func (ab *BaseDeclaration) Body() []byte
Body returns the body of the assertion.
func (*BaseDeclaration) Format ¶
func (ab *BaseDeclaration) Format() int
Format returns the assertion format iteration.
func (*BaseDeclaration) Header ¶
func (ab *BaseDeclaration) Header(name string) interface{}
Header returns the value of an header by name.
func (*BaseDeclaration) HeaderString ¶
HeaderString retrieves the string value of header with name or ""
func (*BaseDeclaration) Headers ¶
func (ab *BaseDeclaration) Headers() map[string]interface{}
Headers returns the complete headers.
func (*BaseDeclaration) PlugRule ¶
func (basedcl *BaseDeclaration) PlugRule(interfaceName string) *PlugRule
PlugRule returns the plug-side rule about the given interface if one was included in the plugs stanza of the declaration, otherwise it returns nil.
func (*BaseDeclaration) Prerequisites ¶
func (ab *BaseDeclaration) Prerequisites() []*Ref
Prerequisites returns references to the prerequisite assertions for the validity of this one.
func (*BaseDeclaration) Ref ¶
func (ab *BaseDeclaration) Ref() *Ref
Ref returns a reference representing this assertion.
func (*BaseDeclaration) Revision ¶
func (ab *BaseDeclaration) Revision() int
Revision returns the assertion revision.
func (*BaseDeclaration) Series ¶
func (basedcl *BaseDeclaration) Series() string
Series returns the series whose snaps are governed by the declaration.
func (*BaseDeclaration) SignKeyID ¶
func (ab *BaseDeclaration) SignKeyID() string
SignKeyID returns the key id for the key that signed this assertion.
func (*BaseDeclaration) Signature ¶
func (ab *BaseDeclaration) Signature() (content, signature []byte)
Signature returns the signed content and its unprocessed signature.
func (*BaseDeclaration) SlotRule ¶
func (basedcl *BaseDeclaration) SlotRule(interfaceName string) *SlotRule
SlotRule returns the slot-side rule about the given interface if one was included in the slots stanza of the declaration, otherwise it returns nil.
func (*BaseDeclaration) SupportedFormat ¶
func (ab *BaseDeclaration) SupportedFormat() bool
SupportedFormat returns whether the assertion uses a supported format iteration. If false the assertion might have been only partially parsed.
func (*BaseDeclaration) Timestamp ¶
func (basedcl *BaseDeclaration) Timestamp() time.Time
Timestamp returns the time when the base-declaration was issued.
func (*BaseDeclaration) Type ¶
func (ab *BaseDeclaration) Type() *AssertionType
Type returns the assertion type.
type Batch ¶
type Batch struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Batch allows to accumulate a set of assertions possibly out of prerequisite order and then add them in one go to an assertion database. Nothing will be committed if there are missing prerequisites, for a full consistency check beforehand there is the Precheck option.
func NewBatch ¶
NewBatch creates a new Batch to accumulate assertions to add in one go to an assertion database. unsupported can be used to ignore/log assertions with unsupported formats, default behavior is to error on them.
func (*Batch) AddStream ¶
AddStream adds a stream of assertions to the batch. Returns references to the assertions effectively added.
func (*Batch) CommitTo ¶
func (b *Batch) CommitTo(db *Database, opts *CommitOptions) error
CommitTo adds the batch of assertions to the given assertion database. Nothing will be committed if there are missing prerequisites, for a full consistency check beforehand there is the Precheck option.
func (*Batch) CommitToAndObserve ¶
func (b *Batch) CommitToAndObserve(db *Database, observe func(Assertion), opts *CommitOptions) error
CommitToAndObserve adds the batch of assertions to the given assertion database while invoking observe for each one after they are added. Nothing will be committed if there are missing prerequisites, for a full consistency check beforehand there is the Precheck option. For convenience observe can be nil in which case is ignored.
type Checker ¶
type Checker func(assert Assertion, signingKey *AccountKey, roDB RODatabase, checkTimeEarliest, checkTimeLatest time.Time) error
A Checker defines a check on an assertion considering aspects such as the signing key, and consistency with other assertions in the database.
type CommitOptions ¶
type CommitOptions struct { // Precheck indicates whether to do a full consistency check // before starting adding the batch. Precheck bool }
type Database ¶
type Database struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Database holds assertions and can be used to sign or check further assertions.
func OpenDatabase ¶
func OpenDatabase(cfg *DatabaseConfig) (*Database, error)
OpenDatabase opens the assertion database based on the configuration.
func (*Database) Add ¶
Add persists the assertion after ensuring it is properly signed and consistent with all the stored knowledge. It will return an error when trying to add an older revision of the assertion than the one currently stored.
func (*Database) Check ¶
Check tests whether the assertion is properly signed and consistent with all the stored knowledge.
func (*Database) Find ¶
func (db *Database) Find(assertionType *AssertionType, headers map[string]string) (Assertion, error)
Find an assertion based on arbitrary headers. Provided headers must contain the primary key for the assertion type. Optional primary key headers can be omitted in which case their default values will be used. It returns a NotFoundError if the assertion cannot be found.
func (*Database) FindMany ¶
func (db *Database) FindMany(assertionType *AssertionType, headers map[string]string) ([]Assertion, error)
FindMany finds assertions based on arbitrary headers. It returns a NotFoundError if no assertion can be found.
func (*Database) FindManyPredefined ¶
func (db *Database) FindManyPredefined(assertionType *AssertionType, headers map[string]string) ([]Assertion, error)
FindManyPrefined finds assertions in the predefined sets (trusted or not) based on arbitrary headers. It returns a NotFoundError if no assertion can be found.
func (*Database) FindMaxFormat ¶
func (db *Database) FindMaxFormat(assertionType *AssertionType, headers map[string]string, maxFormat int) (Assertion, error)
FindMaxFormat finds an assertion like Find but such that its format is <= maxFormat by passing maxFormat along to the backend. It returns a NotFoundError if such an assertion cannot be found.
func (*Database) FindPredefined ¶
func (db *Database) FindPredefined(assertionType *AssertionType, headers map[string]string) (Assertion, error)
FindPredefined finds an assertion in the predefined sets (trusted or not) based on arbitrary headers. Provided headers must contain the primary key for the assertion type. Optional primary key headers can be omitted in which case their default values will be used. It returns a NotFoundError if the assertion cannot be found.
func (*Database) FindSequence ¶
func (db *Database) FindSequence(assertType *AssertionType, sequenceHeaders map[string]string, after, maxFormat int) (SequenceMember, error)
FindSequence finds an assertion for the given headers and after for a sequence-forming type. The provided headers must contain a sequence key, i.e. a prefix of the primary key for the assertion type except for the sequence number header. The assertion is the first in the sequence under the sequence key with sequence number > after. If after is -1 it returns instead the assertion with the largest sequence number. It will constraint itself to assertions with format <= maxFormat unless maxFormat is -1. It returns a NotFoundError if the assertion cannot be found.
func (*Database) FindTrusted ¶
func (db *Database) FindTrusted(assertionType *AssertionType, headers map[string]string) (Assertion, error)
FindTrusted finds an assertion in the trusted set based on arbitrary headers. Provided headers must contain the primary key for the assertion type. Optional primary key headers can be omitted in which case their default values will be used. It returns a NotFoundError if the assertion cannot be found.
func (*Database) ImportKey ¶
func (db *Database) ImportKey(privKey PrivateKey) error
ImportKey stores the given private/public key pair.
func (*Database) IsTrustedAccount ¶
IsTrustedAccount returns whether the account is part of the trusted set.
func (*Database) PublicKey ¶
PublicKey returns the public key part of the key pair that has the given key id.
func (*Database) SetEarliestTime ¶
SetEarliestTime affects how key expiration is checked. Instead of considering current system time, only assume that current time is >= earliest. If earliest is zero reset to considering current system time.
func (*Database) Sign ¶
func (db *Database) Sign(assertType *AssertionType, headers map[string]interface{}, body []byte, keyID string) (Assertion, error)
Sign assembles an assertion with the provided information and signs it with the private key from `headers["authority-id"]` that has the provided key id.
func (*Database) WithStackedBackstore ¶
WithStackedBackstore returns a new database that adds to the given backstore only but finds in backstore and the base database backstores and cross-checks against all of them. This is useful to cross-check a set of assertions without adding them to the database.
type DatabaseConfig ¶
type DatabaseConfig struct { // trusted set of assertions (account and account-key supported), // used to establish root keys and trusted authorities Trusted []Assertion // predefined assertions but that do not establish foundational trust OtherPredefined []Assertion // backstore for assertions, left unset storing assertions will error Backstore Backstore // manager/backstore for keypairs, defaults to in-memory implementation KeypairManager KeypairManager // assertion checkers used by Database.Check, left unset DefaultCheckers will be used which is recommended Checkers []Checker }
DatabaseConfig for an assertion database.
type Decoder ¶
type Decoder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Decoder parses a stream of assertions bundled by separating them with double newlines.
func NewDecoder ¶
NewDecoder returns a Decoder to parse the stream of assertions from the reader.
func NewDecoderWithTypeMaxBodySize ¶
func NewDecoderWithTypeMaxBodySize(r io.Reader, typeMaxBodySize map[*AssertionType]int) *Decoder
NewDecoderWithTypeMaxBodySize returns a Decoder to parse the stream of assertions from the reader enforcing optional per type max body sizes or the default one as fallback.
type DeviceScopeConstraint ¶
type DeviceScopeConstraint struct { Store []string Brand []string // Model is a list of precise "<brand>/<model>" constraints Model []string }
DeviceScopeConstraint specifies a constraint based on which brand store, brand or model the device belongs to.
func (*DeviceScopeConstraint) Check ¶
func (c *DeviceScopeConstraint) Check(model *Model, store *Store, opts *DeviceScopeConstraintCheckOptions) error
Check tests whether the model and the optional store match the constraints.
type DeviceScopeConstraintCheckOptions ¶
type DeviceScopeConstraintCheckOptions struct {
UseFriendlyStores bool
type DeviceSessionRequest ¶
type DeviceSessionRequest struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DeviceSessionRequest holds a device-session-request assertion, which is a request wrapping a store-provided nonce to start a session by a device signed with its key.
func (*DeviceSessionRequest) At ¶
func (ab *DeviceSessionRequest) At() *AtRevision
At returns an AtRevision referencing this assertion at its revision.
func (*DeviceSessionRequest) AuthorityID ¶
func (ab *DeviceSessionRequest) AuthorityID() string
AuthorityID returns the authority-id a.k.a the authority responsible for the assertion.
func (*DeviceSessionRequest) Body ¶
func (ab *DeviceSessionRequest) Body() []byte
Body returns the body of the assertion.
func (*DeviceSessionRequest) BrandID ¶
func (req *DeviceSessionRequest) BrandID() string
BrandID returns the brand identifier of the device making the request.
func (*DeviceSessionRequest) Format ¶
func (ab *DeviceSessionRequest) Format() int
Format returns the assertion format iteration.
func (*DeviceSessionRequest) Header ¶
func (ab *DeviceSessionRequest) Header(name string) interface{}
Header returns the value of an header by name.
func (*DeviceSessionRequest) HeaderString ¶
HeaderString retrieves the string value of header with name or ""
func (*DeviceSessionRequest) Headers ¶
func (ab *DeviceSessionRequest) Headers() map[string]interface{}
Headers returns the complete headers.
func (*DeviceSessionRequest) Model ¶
func (req *DeviceSessionRequest) Model() string
Model returns the model name identifier of the device making the request.
func (*DeviceSessionRequest) Nonce ¶
func (req *DeviceSessionRequest) Nonce() string
Nonce returns the nonce obtained from store and to be presented when requesting a device session.
func (*DeviceSessionRequest) Prerequisites ¶
func (ab *DeviceSessionRequest) Prerequisites() []*Ref
Prerequisites returns references to the prerequisite assertions for the validity of this one.
func (*DeviceSessionRequest) Ref ¶
func (ab *DeviceSessionRequest) Ref() *Ref
Ref returns a reference representing this assertion.
func (*DeviceSessionRequest) Revision ¶
func (ab *DeviceSessionRequest) Revision() int
Revision returns the assertion revision.
func (*DeviceSessionRequest) Serial ¶
func (req *DeviceSessionRequest) Serial() string
Serial returns the serial identifier of the device making the request, together with brand id and model it forms the unique identifier of the device.
func (*DeviceSessionRequest) SignKeyID ¶
func (ab *DeviceSessionRequest) SignKeyID() string
SignKeyID returns the key id for the key that signed this assertion.
func (*DeviceSessionRequest) Signature ¶
func (ab *DeviceSessionRequest) Signature() (content, signature []byte)
Signature returns the signed content and its unprocessed signature.
func (*DeviceSessionRequest) SupportedFormat ¶
func (ab *DeviceSessionRequest) SupportedFormat() bool
SupportedFormat returns whether the assertion uses a supported format iteration. If false the assertion might have been only partially parsed.
func (*DeviceSessionRequest) Timestamp ¶
func (req *DeviceSessionRequest) Timestamp() time.Time
Timestamp returns the time when the device-session-request was created.
func (*DeviceSessionRequest) Type ¶
func (ab *DeviceSessionRequest) Type() *AssertionType
Type returns the assertion type.
type Encoder ¶
type Encoder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Encoder emits a stream of assertions bundled by separating them with double newlines.
func NewEncoder ¶
NewEncoder returns a Encoder to emit a stream of assertions to a writer.
func (*Encoder) Encode ¶
Encode emits the assertion into the stream with the required separator. Errors here are always about writing given that Encode() itself cannot error.
func (*Encoder) WriteContentSignature ¶
WriteContentSignature writes the content and signature of an assertion into the stream with all the required separators.
func (*Encoder) WriteEncoded ¶
WriteEncoded writes the encoded assertion into the stream with the required separator.
type ExternalKeyInfo ¶
type ExternalKeypairManager ¶
type ExternalKeypairManager struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ExternalKeypairManager is key pair manager implemented via an external program interface. TODO: points to interface docs
func NewExternalKeypairManager ¶
func NewExternalKeypairManager(keyMgrPath string) (*ExternalKeypairManager, error)
NewExternalKeypairManager creates a new ExternalKeypairManager using the program at keyMgrPath.
func (*ExternalKeypairManager) Delete ¶
func (em *ExternalKeypairManager) Delete(keyID string) error
func (*ExternalKeypairManager) DeleteByName ¶
func (em *ExternalKeypairManager) DeleteByName(keyName string) error
func (*ExternalKeypairManager) Export ¶
func (em *ExternalKeypairManager) Export(keyName string) ([]byte, error)
func (*ExternalKeypairManager) Generate ¶
func (em *ExternalKeypairManager) Generate(keyName string) error
func (*ExternalKeypairManager) Get ¶
func (em *ExternalKeypairManager) Get(keyID string) (PrivateKey, error)
func (*ExternalKeypairManager) GetByName ¶
func (em *ExternalKeypairManager) GetByName(keyName string) (PrivateKey, error)
func (*ExternalKeypairManager) List ¶
func (em *ExternalKeypairManager) List() ([]ExternalKeyInfo, error)
func (*ExternalKeypairManager) Put ¶
func (em *ExternalKeypairManager) Put(privKey PrivateKey) error
type ExternalUnsupportedOpError ¶
type ExternalUnsupportedOpError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ExternalUnsupportedOpError represents the error situation of operations that are not supported/mediated via ExternalKeypairManager.
func (*ExternalUnsupportedOpError) Error ¶
func (euoe *ExternalUnsupportedOpError) Error() string
type Fetcher ¶
type Fetcher interface { // Fetch retrieves the assertion indicated by ref then its prerequisites // recursively, along the way saving prerequisites before dependent assertions. Fetch(*Ref) error // Save retrieves the prerequisites of the assertion recursively, // along the way saving them, and finally saves the assertion. Save(Assertion) error }
A Fetcher helps fetching assertions and their prerequisites.
func NewFetcher ¶
func NewFetcher(trustedDB RODatabase, retrieve func(*Ref) (Assertion, error), save func(Assertion) error) Fetcher
NewFetcher creates a Fetcher which will use trustedDB to determine trusted assertions, will fetch assertions following prerequisites using retrieve, and then will pass them to save, saving prerequisites before dependent assertions.
type GPGKeypairManager ¶
type GPGKeypairManager struct{}
A key pair manager backed by a local GnuPG setup.
func NewGPGKeypairManager ¶
func NewGPGKeypairManager() *GPGKeypairManager
NewGPGKeypairManager creates a new key pair manager backed by a local GnuPG setup. Importing keys through the keypair manager interface is not suppored. Main purpose is allowing signing using keys from a GPG setup.
func (*GPGKeypairManager) Delete ¶
func (gkm *GPGKeypairManager) Delete(keyID string) error
func (*GPGKeypairManager) DeleteByName ¶
func (gkm *GPGKeypairManager) DeleteByName(name string) error
DeleteByName removes the named key pair from GnuPG's storage.
func (*GPGKeypairManager) Export ¶
func (gkm *GPGKeypairManager) Export(name string) ([]byte, error)
Export returns the encoded text of the named public key.
func (*GPGKeypairManager) Generate ¶
func (gkm *GPGKeypairManager) Generate(passphrase string, name string) error
Generate creates a new key with the given passphrase and name.
func (*GPGKeypairManager) Get ¶
func (gkm *GPGKeypairManager) Get(keyID string) (PrivateKey, error)
func (*GPGKeypairManager) GetByName ¶
func (gkm *GPGKeypairManager) GetByName(name string) (PrivateKey, error)
GetByName looks up a private key by name and returns it.
func (*GPGKeypairManager) List ¶
func (gkm *GPGKeypairManager) List() (res []ExternalKeyInfo, err error)
func (*GPGKeypairManager) Put ¶
func (gkm *GPGKeypairManager) Put(privKey PrivateKey) error
func (*GPGKeypairManager) Walk ¶
func (gkm *GPGKeypairManager) Walk(consider func(privk PrivateKey, fingerprint string, uid string) error) error
Walk iterates over all the RSA private keys in the local GPG setup calling the provided callback until this returns an error
type Grouping ¶
type Grouping string
A Grouping identifies opaquely a grouping of assertions. Pool uses it to label the intersection between a set of groups.
type KeypairManager ¶
type KeypairManager interface { // Put stores the given private/public key pair, // making sure it can be later retrieved by its unique key id with Get. // Trying to store a key with an already present key id should // result in an error. Put(privKey PrivateKey) error // Get returns the private/public key pair with the given key id. The // error can be tested with IsKeyNotFound to check whether the given key // was not found, or other error occurred. Get(keyID string) (PrivateKey, error) // Delete deletes the private/public key pair with the given key id. Delete(keyID string) error }
A KeypairManager is a manager and backstore for private/public key pairs.
func NewMemoryKeypairManager ¶
func NewMemoryKeypairManager() KeypairManager
NewMemoryKeypairManager creates a new key pair manager with a memory backstore.
func OpenFSKeypairManager ¶
func OpenFSKeypairManager(path string) (KeypairManager, error)
OpenFSKeypairManager opens a filesystem backed assertions backstore under path.
type Model ¶
type Model struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Model holds a model assertion, which is a statement by a brand about the properties of a device model.
func (*Model) Architecture ¶
Architecture returns the architecture the model is based on.
func (*Model) At ¶
func (ab *Model) At() *AtRevision
At returns an AtRevision referencing this assertion at its revision.
func (*Model) AuthorityID ¶
func (ab *Model) AuthorityID() string
AuthorityID returns the authority-id a.k.a the authority responsible for the assertion.
func (*Model) DisplayName ¶
DisplayName returns the human-friendly name of the model or falls back to Model if this was not set.
func (*Model) Distribution ¶
Distribution returns the linux distro specified in the model.
func (*Model) EssentialSnaps ¶
EssentialSnaps returns all essential snaps explicitly mentioned by the model. They are always returned according to this order with some skipped if not mentioned: snapd, kernel, boot base, gadget.
func (*Model) GadgetSnap ¶
GadgetSnap returns the details of the gadget snap the model uses.
func (*Model) GadgetTrack ¶
GadgetTrack returns the gadget track the model uses. XXX this should go away
func (*Model) Grade ¶
func (mod *Model) Grade() ModelGrade
Grade returns the stability grade of the model. Will be ModelGradeUnset for Core 16/18 models.
func (*Model) Header ¶
func (ab *Model) Header(name string) interface{}
Header returns the value of an header by name.
func (*Model) HeaderString ¶
HeaderString retrieves the string value of header with name or ""
func (*Model) Headers ¶
func (ab *Model) Headers() map[string]interface{}
Headers returns the complete headers.
func (*Model) KernelSnap ¶
KernelSnap returns the details of the kernel snap the model uses.
func (*Model) KernelTrack ¶
KernelTrack returns the kernel track the model uses. XXX this should go away
func (*Model) Prerequisites ¶
func (ab *Model) Prerequisites() []*Ref
Prerequisites returns references to the prerequisite assertions for the validity of this one.
func (*Model) Ref ¶
func (ab *Model) Ref() *Ref
Ref returns a reference representing this assertion.
func (*Model) RequiredNoEssentialSnaps ¶
RequiredNoEssentialSnaps returns the snaps that must be installed at all times and cannot be removed for this model, excluding the essential snaps (gadget, kernel, boot base, snapd).
func (*Model) RequiredWithEssentialSnaps ¶
RequiredWithEssentialSnaps returns the snaps that must be installed at all times and cannot be removed for this model, including any essential snaps (gadget, kernel, boot base, snapd).
func (*Model) SerialAuthority ¶
SerialAuthority returns the authority ids that are accepted as signers for serial assertions for this model. It always includes the brand of the model.
func (*Model) SignKeyID ¶
func (ab *Model) SignKeyID() string
SignKeyID returns the key id for the key that signed this assertion.
func (*Model) Signature ¶
func (ab *Model) Signature() (content, signature []byte)
Signature returns the signed content and its unprocessed signature.
func (*Model) SnapsWithoutEssential ¶
SnapsWithoutEssential returns all the snaps listed by the model without any of the essential snaps (as returned by EssentialSnaps). They are returned in the order of mention by the model.
func (*Model) StorageSafety ¶
func (mod *Model) StorageSafety() StorageSafety
StorageSafety returns the storage safety for the model. Will be StorageSafetyUnset for Core 16/18 models.
func (*Model) SupportedFormat ¶
func (ab *Model) SupportedFormat() bool
SupportedFormat returns whether the assertion uses a supported format iteration. If false the assertion might have been only partially parsed.
func (*Model) SystemUserAuthority ¶
SystemUserAuthority returns the authority ids that are accepted as signers of system-user assertions for this model. Empty list means any, otherwise it always includes the brand of the model.
type ModelGrade ¶
type ModelGrade string
ModelGrade characterizes the security of the model which then controls related policy.
const ( ModelGradeUnset ModelGrade = "unset" // ModelSecured implies mandatory full disk encryption and secure boot. ModelSecured ModelGrade = "secured" // ModelSigned implies all seed snaps are signed and mentioned // in the model, i.e. no unasserted or extra snaps. ModelSigned ModelGrade = "signed" // ModelDangerous allows unasserted snaps and extra snaps. ModelDangerous ModelGrade = "dangerous" )
func (ModelGrade) Code ¶
func (mg ModelGrade) Code() uint32
Code returns a bit representation of the grade, for example for measuring it in a full disk encryption implementation.
type ModelSnap ¶
type ModelSnap struct { Name string SnapID string // SnapType is one of: app|base|gadget|kernel|core, default is app SnapType string // Modes in which the snap must be made available Modes []string // DefaultChannel is the initial tracking channel, // default is latest/stable in an extended model DefaultChannel string // PinnedTrack is a pinned track for the snap, if set DefaultChannel // cannot be set at the same time (Core 18 models feature) PinnedTrack string // Presence is one of: required|optional Presence string // Classic indicates that this classic snap is intentionally // included in a classic model Classic bool }
ModelSnap holds the details about a snap specified by a model assertion.
type NameConstraints ¶
type NameConstraints struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
NameConstraints implements a set of constraints on the names of slots or plugs. See
type NotFoundError ¶
type NotFoundError struct { Type *AssertionType Headers map[string]string }
NotFoundError is returned when an assertion can not be found.
func (*NotFoundError) Error ¶
func (e *NotFoundError) Error() string
func (*NotFoundError) Is ¶
func (e *NotFoundError) Is(err error) bool
type OnClassicConstraint ¶
OnClassicConstraint specifies a constraint based whether the system is classic and optional specific distros' sets.
type PlugConnectionConstraints ¶
type PlugConnectionConstraints struct { SlotSnapTypes []string SlotSnapIDs []string SlotPublisherIDs []string PlugNames *NameConstraints SlotNames *NameConstraints PlugAttributes *AttributeConstraints SlotAttributes *AttributeConstraints // SlotsPerPlug defaults to 1 for auto-connection, can be * (any) SlotsPerPlug SideArityConstraint // PlugsPerSlot is always * (any) (for now) PlugsPerSlot SideArityConstraint OnClassic *OnClassicConstraint DeviceScope *DeviceScopeConstraint }
PlugConnectionConstraints specfies a set of constraints on an interface plug for a snap relevant to its connection or auto-connection.
type PlugInstallationConstraints ¶
type PlugInstallationConstraints struct { PlugSnapTypes []string PlugSnapIDs []string PlugNames *NameConstraints PlugAttributes *AttributeConstraints OnClassic *OnClassicConstraint DeviceScope *DeviceScopeConstraint }
PlugInstallationConstraints specifies a set of constraints on an interface plug relevant to the installation of snap.
type PlugRule ¶
type PlugRule struct { Interface string AllowInstallation []*PlugInstallationConstraints DenyInstallation []*PlugInstallationConstraints AllowConnection []*PlugConnectionConstraints DenyConnection []*PlugConnectionConstraints AllowAutoConnection []*PlugConnectionConstraints DenyAutoConnection []*PlugConnectionConstraints }
PlugRule holds the rule of what is allowed, wrt installation and connection, for a plug of a specific interface for a snap.
type Pool ¶
type Pool struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
A pool helps holding and tracking a set of assertions and their prerequisites as they need to be updated or resolved. The assertions can be organized in groups. Failure can be tracked isolated to groups, conversely any error related to a single group alone will stop any work to resolve it. Independent assertions should not be grouped. Assertions and prerequisites that are part of more than one group are tracked properly only once.
Typical usage involves specifying the initial assertions needing to be resolved or updated using AddUnresolved and AddToUpdate. AddUnresolvedSequence and AddSequenceToUpdate exist parallel to AddUnresolved/AddToUpdate to handle sequence-forming assertions, which cannot be used with the latter. At this point ToResolve can be called to get them organized in groupings ready for fetching. Fetched assertions can then be provided with Add or AddBatch. Because these can have prerequisites calling ToResolve and fetching needs to be repeated until ToResolve's result is empty. Between any two ToResolve invocations but after any Add or AddBatch AddUnresolved/AddToUpdate can also be used again.
V | /-> AddUnresolved, AddToUpdate | | | V |------> ToResolve -> empty? done | | | V \ __________ Add
If errors prevent from fulfilling assertions from a ToResolve, AddError and AddGroupingError can be used to report the errors so that they can be associated with groups.
All the resolved assertions in a Pool from groups not in error can be committed to a destination database with CommitTo.
func NewPool ¶
func NewPool(groundDB RODatabase, n int) *Pool
NewPool creates a new Pool, groundDB is used to resolve trusted and predefined assertions and to provide the current revision for assertions to update and their prerequisites. Up to n groups can be used to organize the assertions.
func (*Pool) Add ¶
Add adds the given assertion associated with the given grouping to the Pool as resolved in all the groups requiring it. Any not already resolved prerequisites of the assertion will be implicitly added as unresolved and required by all of those groups. The grouping will usually have been associated with the assertion in a ToResolve's result. Otherwise the union of all groups requiring the assertion plus the groups in grouping will be considered. The latter is mostly relevant in scenarios where the server is pushing assertions. If an error is returned it refers to an immediate or local error. Errors related to the assertions are associated with the relevant groups and can be retrieved with Err, in which case ok is set to false.
func (*Pool) AddBatch ¶
AddBatch adds all the assertions in the Batch to the Pool, associated with the given grouping and as resolved in all the groups requiring them. It is equivalent to using Add on each of them. If an error is returned it refers to an immediate or local error. Errors related to the assertions are associated with the relevant groups and can be retrieved with Err, in which case ok set to false.
func (*Pool) AddError ¶
AddError associates error e with the unresolved assertion. The error will be propagated to all the affected groups at the next ToResolve.
func (*Pool) AddGroupingError ¶
AddGroupingError puts all the groups of grouping in error, with error e.
func (*Pool) AddSequenceError ¶
func (p *Pool) AddSequenceError(e error, atSeq *AtSequence) error
AddSequenceError associates error e with the unresolved sequence-forming assertion. The error will be propagated to all the affected groups at the next ToResolve.
func (*Pool) AddSequenceToUpdate ¶
func (p *Pool) AddSequenceToUpdate(toUpdate *AtSequence, group string) error
AddSequenceToUpdate adds the assertion referenced by toUpdate and all its prerequisites to the Pool as unresolved and as required by the given group. It is assumed that the assertion is currently in the ground database of the Pool, otherwise this will error. The current revisions of the assertion and its prerequisites will be recorded and only higher revisions will then resolve them, otherwise if ultimately unresolved they will be assumed to still be at their current ones. If toUpdate is pinned, then it will be resolved to the highest revision with same sequence point (toUpdate.Sequence).
func (*Pool) AddToUpdate ¶
AddToUpdate adds the assertion referenced by toUpdate and all its prerequisites to the Pool as unresolved and as required by the given group. It is assumed that the assertion is currently in the ground database of the Pool, otherwise this will error. The current revisions of the assertion and its prerequisites will be recorded and only higher revisions will then resolve them, otherwise if ultimately unresolved they will be assumed to still be at their current ones.
func (*Pool) AddUnresolved ¶
func (p *Pool) AddUnresolved(unresolved *AtRevision, group string) error
AddUnresolved adds the assertion referenced by unresolved AtRevision to the Pool as unresolved and as required by the given group. Usually unresolved.Revision will have been set to RevisionNotKnown.
func (*Pool) AddUnresolvedSequence ¶
func (p *Pool) AddUnresolvedSequence(unresolved *AtSequence, group string) error
AddUnresolvedSequence adds the assertion referenced by unresolved AtSequence to the Pool as unresolved and as required by the given group. Usually unresolved.Revision will have been set to RevisionNotKnown. Given sequence can only be added once to the Pool.
func (*Pool) ClearGroups ¶
ClearGroups clears the pool in terms of information associated with groups while preserving information about already resolved or unchanged assertions. It is useful for reusing a pool once the maximum of usable groups that was set with NewPool has been exhausted. Group errors must be queried before calling it otherwise they are lost. It is an error to call it when there are still pending unresolved assertions in the pool.
func (*Pool) CommitTo ¶
CommitTo adds the assertions from groups without errors to the given assertion database. Commit errors can be retrieved via Err per group. An error is returned directly only if CommitTo is called with possible pending unresolved assertions.
func (*Pool) Singleton ¶
Singleton returns a grouping containing only the given group. It is useful mainly for tests and to drive Add are AddBatch when the server is pushing assertions (instead of the usual pull scenario).
func (*Pool) ToResolve ¶
func (p *Pool) ToResolve() (map[Grouping][]*AtRevision, map[Grouping][]*AtSequence, error)
ToResolve returns all the currently unresolved assertions in the Pool, organized in opaque groupings based on which set of groups requires each of them. At the next ToResolve any unresolved assertion with not known revision that was not added via Add or AddBatch will result in all groups requiring it being in error with ErrUnresolved. Conversely, the remaining unresolved assertions originally added via AddToUpdate will be assumed to still be at their current revisions.
type Preseed ¶
type Preseed struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Preseed holds preseed assertion, which is a statement about system-label, model, set of snaps and preseed artifact used for preseeding of UC20 system.
func (*Preseed) ArtifactSHA3_384 ¶
ArtifactSHA3_384 returns the checksum of preseeding artifact.
func (*Preseed) At ¶
func (ab *Preseed) At() *AtRevision
At returns an AtRevision referencing this assertion at its revision.
func (*Preseed) AuthorityID ¶
func (ab *Preseed) AuthorityID() string
AuthorityID returns the authority-id a.k.a the authority responsible for the assertion.
func (*Preseed) Format ¶
func (ab *Preseed) Format() int
Format returns the assertion format iteration.
func (*Preseed) Header ¶
func (ab *Preseed) Header(name string) interface{}
Header returns the value of an header by name.
func (*Preseed) HeaderString ¶
HeaderString retrieves the string value of header with name or ""
func (*Preseed) Headers ¶
func (ab *Preseed) Headers() map[string]interface{}
Headers returns the complete headers.
func (*Preseed) Prerequisites ¶
func (ab *Preseed) Prerequisites() []*Ref
Prerequisites returns references to the prerequisite assertions for the validity of this one.
func (*Preseed) Ref ¶
func (ab *Preseed) Ref() *Ref
Ref returns a reference representing this assertion.
func (*Preseed) Revision ¶
func (ab *Preseed) Revision() int
Revision returns the assertion revision.
func (*Preseed) SignKeyID ¶
func (ab *Preseed) SignKeyID() string
SignKeyID returns the key id for the key that signed this assertion.
func (*Preseed) Signature ¶
func (ab *Preseed) Signature() (content, signature []byte)
Signature returns the signed content and its unprocessed signature.
func (*Preseed) Snaps ¶
func (p *Preseed) Snaps() []*PreseedSnap
Snaps returns the snaps for preseeding.
func (*Preseed) SupportedFormat ¶
func (ab *Preseed) SupportedFormat() bool
SupportedFormat returns whether the assertion uses a supported format iteration. If false the assertion might have been only partially parsed.
func (*Preseed) SystemLabel ¶
SystemLabel returns the label of the seeded system.
type PreseedSnap ¶
PreseedSnap holds the details about a snap constrained by a preseed assertion.
func (*PreseedSnap) SnapName ¶
func (s *PreseedSnap) SnapName() string
SnapName implements naming.SnapRef.
type PrivateKey ¶
type PrivateKey interface { // PublicKey returns the public part of the pair. PublicKey() PublicKey // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PrivateKey is a cryptographic private/public key pair.
func GenerateKey ¶
func GenerateKey() (PrivateKey, error)
GenerateKey generates a private/public key pair.
func RSAPrivateKey ¶
func RSAPrivateKey(privk *rsa.PrivateKey) PrivateKey
RSAPrivateKey returns a PrivateKey for database use out of a rsa.PrivateKey.
type PublicKey ¶
type PublicKey interface { // ID returns the id of the key used for lookup. ID() string // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PublicKey is the public part of a cryptographic private/public key pair.
func DecodePublicKey ¶
DecodePublicKey deserializes a public key.
func RSAPublicKey ¶
RSAPublicKey returns a database useable public key out of rsa.PublicKey.
type RODatabase ¶
type RODatabase interface { // IsTrustedAccount returns whether the account is part of the trusted set. IsTrustedAccount(accountID string) bool // Find an assertion based on arbitrary headers. // Provided headers must contain the primary key for the assertion type. // Optional primary key headers can be omitted in which case // their default values will be used. // It returns a NotFoundError if the assertion cannot be found. Find(assertionType *AssertionType, headers map[string]string) (Assertion, error) // FindPredefined finds an assertion in the predefined sets // (trusted or not) based on arbitrary headers. Provided // headers must contain the primary key for the assertion // type. // Optional primary key headers can be omitted in which case // their default values will be used. // It returns a NotFoundError if the assertion cannot // be found. FindPredefined(assertionType *AssertionType, headers map[string]string) (Assertion, error) // FindTrusted finds an assertion in the trusted set based on // arbitrary headers. Provided headers must contain the // primary key for the assertion type. // Optional primary key headers can be omitted in which case // their default values will be used. // It returns a NotFoundError if the assertion cannot be // found. FindTrusted(assertionType *AssertionType, headers map[string]string) (Assertion, error) // FindMany finds assertions based on arbitrary headers. // It returns a NotFoundError if no assertion can be found. FindMany(assertionType *AssertionType, headers map[string]string) ([]Assertion, error) // FindManyPredefined finds assertions in the predefined sets // (trusted or not) based on arbitrary headers. It returns a // NotFoundError if no assertion can be found. FindManyPredefined(assertionType *AssertionType, headers map[string]string) ([]Assertion, error) // FindSequence finds an assertion for the given headers and after for // a sequence-forming type. // The provided headers must contain a sequence key, i.e. a prefix of // the primary key for the assertion type except for the sequence // number header. // The assertion is the first in the sequence under the sequence key // with sequence number > after. // If after is -1 it returns instead the assertion with the largest // sequence number. // It will constraint itself to assertions with format <= maxFormat // unless maxFormat is -1. // It returns a NotFoundError if the assertion cannot be found. FindSequence(assertType *AssertionType, sequenceHeaders map[string]string, after, maxFormat int) (SequenceMember, error) // Check tests whether the assertion is properly signed and consistent with all the stored knowledge. Check(assert Assertion) error }
A RODatabase exposes read-only access to an assertion database.
type Ref ¶
type Ref struct { Type *AssertionType PrimaryKey []string }
Ref expresses a reference to an assertion.
type Repair ¶
type Repair struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Repair holds an repair assertion which allows running repair code to fixup broken systems. It can be limited by series and models, as well as by bases and modes.
func (*Repair) Architectures ¶
Architectures returns the architectures that this assertions applies to.
func (*Repair) At ¶
func (ab *Repair) At() *AtRevision
At returns an AtRevision referencing this assertion at its revision.
func (*Repair) AuthorityID ¶
func (ab *Repair) AuthorityID() string
AuthorityID returns the authority-id a.k.a the authority responsible for the assertion.
func (*Repair) Bases ¶
Bases returns the bases that this assertion is valid for. It is either a list of valid base snaps that Ubuntu Core systems can have or it is the empty list. The empty list effectively means all Ubuntu Core systems while "core" means Ubuntu Core 16, "core18" means Ubuntu Core 18, etc.
func (*Repair) Format ¶
func (ab *Repair) Format() int
Format returns the assertion format iteration.
func (*Repair) Header ¶
func (ab *Repair) Header(name string) interface{}
Header returns the value of an header by name.
func (*Repair) HeaderString ¶
HeaderString retrieves the string value of header with name or ""
func (*Repair) Headers ¶
func (ab *Repair) Headers() map[string]interface{}
Headers returns the complete headers.
func (*Repair) Models ¶
Models returns the models that this assertion is valid for. It is a list of "brand-id/model-name" strings.
func (*Repair) Modes ¶
Modes returns the modes that this assertion is valid for. It is either a list of "run", "recover", or "install", or it is the empty list. The empty list is interpreted to mean only "run" mode.
func (*Repair) Prerequisites ¶
func (ab *Repair) Prerequisites() []*Ref
Prerequisites returns references to the prerequisite assertions for the validity of this one.
func (*Repair) Ref ¶
func (ab *Repair) Ref() *Ref
Ref returns a reference representing this assertion.
func (*Repair) RepairID ¶
RepairID returns the sequential id of the repair. There should be a public place to look up details about the repair by brand-id and repair-id. (e.g. the snapcraft forum).
func (*Repair) SignKeyID ¶
func (ab *Repair) SignKeyID() string
SignKeyID returns the key id for the key that signed this assertion.
func (*Repair) Signature ¶
func (ab *Repair) Signature() (content, signature []byte)
Signature returns the signed content and its unprocessed signature.
func (*Repair) SupportedFormat ¶
func (ab *Repair) SupportedFormat() bool
SupportedFormat returns whether the assertion uses a supported format iteration. If false the assertion might have been only partially parsed.
type RevisionAuthority ¶
type RevisionAuthority struct { AccountID string Provenance []string MinRevision int MaxRevision int DeviceScope *DeviceScopeConstraint }
RevisionAuthority holds information about an account that can sign revisions for a given snap.
func (*RevisionAuthority) Check ¶
func (ra *RevisionAuthority) Check(rev *SnapRevision, model *Model, store *Store) error
Check tests whether rev matches the revision authority constraints. Optional model and store must be provided to cross-check device-specific constraints.
type RevisionError ¶
type RevisionError struct {
Used, Current int
RevisionError indicates a revision improperly used for an operation.
func (*RevisionError) Error ¶
func (e *RevisionError) Error() string
type SequenceMember ¶
type SequenceMember interface { Assertion // Sequence returns the sequence number of this assertion. Sequence() int }
SequenceMember is implemented by assertions of sequence forming types.
type Serial ¶
type Serial struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Serial holds a serial assertion, which is a statement binding a device identity with the device public key.
func (*Serial) At ¶
func (ab *Serial) At() *AtRevision
At returns an AtRevision referencing this assertion at its revision.
func (*Serial) AuthorityID ¶
func (ab *Serial) AuthorityID() string
AuthorityID returns the authority-id a.k.a the authority responsible for the assertion.
func (*Serial) Format ¶
func (ab *Serial) Format() int
Format returns the assertion format iteration.
func (*Serial) Header ¶
func (ab *Serial) Header(name string) interface{}
Header returns the value of an header by name.
func (*Serial) HeaderString ¶
HeaderString retrieves the string value of header with name or ""
func (*Serial) Headers ¶
func (ab *Serial) Headers() map[string]interface{}
Headers returns the complete headers.
func (*Serial) Prerequisites ¶
func (ab *Serial) Prerequisites() []*Ref
Prerequisites returns references to the prerequisite assertions for the validity of this one.
func (*Serial) Ref ¶
func (ab *Serial) Ref() *Ref
Ref returns a reference representing this assertion.
func (*Serial) Serial ¶
Serial returns the serial identifier of the device, together with brand id and model they form the unique identifier of the device.
func (*Serial) SignKeyID ¶
func (ab *Serial) SignKeyID() string
SignKeyID returns the key id for the key that signed this assertion.
func (*Serial) Signature ¶
func (ab *Serial) Signature() (content, signature []byte)
Signature returns the signed content and its unprocessed signature.
func (*Serial) SupportedFormat ¶
func (ab *Serial) SupportedFormat() bool
SupportedFormat returns whether the assertion uses a supported format iteration. If false the assertion might have been only partially parsed.
type SerialRequest ¶
type SerialRequest struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
SerialRequest holds a serial-request assertion, which is a self-signed request to obtain a full device identity bound to the device public key.
func (*SerialRequest) At ¶
func (ab *SerialRequest) At() *AtRevision
At returns an AtRevision referencing this assertion at its revision.
func (*SerialRequest) AuthorityID ¶
func (ab *SerialRequest) AuthorityID() string
AuthorityID returns the authority-id a.k.a the authority responsible for the assertion.
func (*SerialRequest) Body ¶
func (ab *SerialRequest) Body() []byte
Body returns the body of the assertion.
func (*SerialRequest) BrandID ¶
func (sreq *SerialRequest) BrandID() string
BrandID returns the brand identifier of the device making the request.
func (*SerialRequest) DeviceKey ¶
func (sreq *SerialRequest) DeviceKey() PublicKey
DeviceKey returns the public key of the device making the request.
func (*SerialRequest) Format ¶
func (ab *SerialRequest) Format() int
Format returns the assertion format iteration.
func (*SerialRequest) Header ¶
func (ab *SerialRequest) Header(name string) interface{}
Header returns the value of an header by name.
func (*SerialRequest) HeaderString ¶
HeaderString retrieves the string value of header with name or ""
func (*SerialRequest) Headers ¶
func (ab *SerialRequest) Headers() map[string]interface{}
Headers returns the complete headers.
func (*SerialRequest) Model ¶
func (sreq *SerialRequest) Model() string
Model returns the model name identifier of the device making the request.
func (*SerialRequest) Prerequisites ¶
func (ab *SerialRequest) Prerequisites() []*Ref
Prerequisites returns references to the prerequisite assertions for the validity of this one.
func (*SerialRequest) Ref ¶
func (ab *SerialRequest) Ref() *Ref
Ref returns a reference representing this assertion.
func (*SerialRequest) RequestID ¶
func (sreq *SerialRequest) RequestID() string
RequestID returns the id for the request, obtained from and to be presented to the serial signing service.
func (*SerialRequest) Revision ¶
func (ab *SerialRequest) Revision() int
Revision returns the assertion revision.
func (*SerialRequest) Serial ¶
func (sreq *SerialRequest) Serial() string
Serial returns the optional proposed serial identifier for the device, the service taking the request might use it or ignore it.
func (*SerialRequest) SignKeyID ¶
func (ab *SerialRequest) SignKeyID() string
SignKeyID returns the key id for the key that signed this assertion.
func (*SerialRequest) Signature ¶
func (ab *SerialRequest) Signature() (content, signature []byte)
Signature returns the signed content and its unprocessed signature.
func (*SerialRequest) SupportedFormat ¶
func (ab *SerialRequest) SupportedFormat() bool
SupportedFormat returns whether the assertion uses a supported format iteration. If false the assertion might have been only partially parsed.
func (*SerialRequest) Type ¶
func (ab *SerialRequest) Type() *AssertionType
Type returns the assertion type.
type SideArityConstraint ¶
type SideArityConstraint struct { // N can be: // =>1 // 0 means default and is used only internally during rule // compilation or on deny- rules where these constraints are // not applicable // -1 represents *, that means any (number of) N int }
SideArityConstraint specifies a constraint for the overall arity of the set of connected slots for a given plug or the set of connected plugs for a given slot. It is used to express parsed slots-per-plug and plugs-per-slot constraints. See
func (SideArityConstraint) Any ¶
func (ac SideArityConstraint) Any() bool
Any returns whether this represents the * (any number of) constraint.
type SlotConnectionConstraints ¶
type SlotConnectionConstraints struct { PlugSnapTypes []string PlugSnapIDs []string PlugPublisherIDs []string SlotNames *NameConstraints PlugNames *NameConstraints SlotAttributes *AttributeConstraints PlugAttributes *AttributeConstraints // SlotsPerPlug defaults to 1 for auto-connection, can be * (any) SlotsPerPlug SideArityConstraint // PlugsPerSlot is always * (any) (for now) PlugsPerSlot SideArityConstraint OnClassic *OnClassicConstraint DeviceScope *DeviceScopeConstraint }
SlotConnectionConstraints specfies a set of constraints on an interface slot for a snap relevant to its connection or auto-connection.
type SlotInstallationConstraints ¶
type SlotInstallationConstraints struct { SlotSnapTypes []string SlotSnapIDs []string SlotNames *NameConstraints SlotAttributes *AttributeConstraints OnClassic *OnClassicConstraint DeviceScope *DeviceScopeConstraint }
SlotInstallationConstraints specifies a set of constraints on an interface slot relevant to the installation of snap.
type SlotRule ¶
type SlotRule struct { Interface string AllowInstallation []*SlotInstallationConstraints DenyInstallation []*SlotInstallationConstraints AllowConnection []*SlotConnectionConstraints DenyConnection []*SlotConnectionConstraints AllowAutoConnection []*SlotConnectionConstraints DenyAutoConnection []*SlotConnectionConstraints }
SlotRule holds the rule of what is allowed, wrt installation and connection, for a slot of a specific interface for a snap.
type SnapBuild ¶
type SnapBuild struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
SnapBuild holds a snap-build assertion, asserting the properties of a snap at the time it was built by the developer.
func (*SnapBuild) At ¶
func (ab *SnapBuild) At() *AtRevision
At returns an AtRevision referencing this assertion at its revision.
func (*SnapBuild) AuthorityID ¶
func (ab *SnapBuild) AuthorityID() string
AuthorityID returns the authority-id a.k.a the authority responsible for the assertion.
func (*SnapBuild) Format ¶
func (ab *SnapBuild) Format() int
Format returns the assertion format iteration.
func (*SnapBuild) Header ¶
func (ab *SnapBuild) Header(name string) interface{}
Header returns the value of an header by name.
func (*SnapBuild) HeaderString ¶
HeaderString retrieves the string value of header with name or ""
func (*SnapBuild) Headers ¶
func (ab *SnapBuild) Headers() map[string]interface{}
Headers returns the complete headers.
func (*SnapBuild) Prerequisites ¶
func (ab *SnapBuild) Prerequisites() []*Ref
Prerequisites returns references to the prerequisite assertions for the validity of this one.
func (*SnapBuild) Ref ¶
func (ab *SnapBuild) Ref() *Ref
Ref returns a reference representing this assertion.
func (*SnapBuild) Revision ¶
func (ab *SnapBuild) Revision() int
Revision returns the assertion revision.
func (*SnapBuild) SignKeyID ¶
func (ab *SnapBuild) SignKeyID() string
SignKeyID returns the key id for the key that signed this assertion.
func (*SnapBuild) Signature ¶
func (ab *SnapBuild) Signature() (content, signature []byte)
Signature returns the signed content and its unprocessed signature.
func (*SnapBuild) SnapSHA3_384 ¶
SnapSHA3_384 returns the SHA3-384 digest of the snap.
func (*SnapBuild) SupportedFormat ¶
func (ab *SnapBuild) SupportedFormat() bool
SupportedFormat returns whether the assertion uses a supported format iteration. If false the assertion might have been only partially parsed.
func (*SnapBuild) Type ¶
func (ab *SnapBuild) Type() *AssertionType
Type returns the assertion type.
type SnapDeclaration ¶
type SnapDeclaration struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
SnapDeclaration holds a snap-declaration assertion, declaring a snap binding its identifying snap-id to a name, asserting its publisher and its other properties.
func (*SnapDeclaration) Aliases ¶
func (snapdcl *SnapDeclaration) Aliases() map[string]string
Aliases returns the optional explicit aliases granted to this snap.
func (*SnapDeclaration) At ¶
func (ab *SnapDeclaration) At() *AtRevision
At returns an AtRevision referencing this assertion at its revision.
func (*SnapDeclaration) AuthorityID ¶
func (ab *SnapDeclaration) AuthorityID() string
AuthorityID returns the authority-id a.k.a the authority responsible for the assertion.
func (*SnapDeclaration) AutoAliases ¶
func (snapdcl *SnapDeclaration) AutoAliases() []string
AutoAliases returns the optional auto-aliases granted to this snap. XXX: deprecated, will go away
func (*SnapDeclaration) Body ¶
func (ab *SnapDeclaration) Body() []byte
Body returns the body of the assertion.
func (*SnapDeclaration) Format ¶
func (ab *SnapDeclaration) Format() int
Format returns the assertion format iteration.
func (*SnapDeclaration) Header ¶
func (ab *SnapDeclaration) Header(name string) interface{}
Header returns the value of an header by name.
func (*SnapDeclaration) HeaderString ¶
HeaderString retrieves the string value of header with name or ""
func (*SnapDeclaration) Headers ¶
func (ab *SnapDeclaration) Headers() map[string]interface{}
Headers returns the complete headers.
func (*SnapDeclaration) PlugRule ¶
func (snapdcl *SnapDeclaration) PlugRule(interfaceName string) *PlugRule
PlugRule returns the plug-side rule about the given interface if one was included in the plugs stanza of the declaration, otherwise it returns nil.
func (*SnapDeclaration) Prerequisites ¶
func (snapdcl *SnapDeclaration) Prerequisites() []*Ref
Prerequisites returns references to this snap-declaration's prerequisite assertions.
func (*SnapDeclaration) PublisherID ¶
func (snapdcl *SnapDeclaration) PublisherID() string
PublisherID returns the identifier of the publisher of the declared snap.
func (*SnapDeclaration) Ref ¶
func (ab *SnapDeclaration) Ref() *Ref
Ref returns a reference representing this assertion.
func (*SnapDeclaration) RefreshControl ¶
func (snapdcl *SnapDeclaration) RefreshControl() []string
RefreshControl returns the ids of snaps whose updates are controlled by this declaration.
func (*SnapDeclaration) Revision ¶
func (ab *SnapDeclaration) Revision() int
Revision returns the assertion revision.
func (*SnapDeclaration) RevisionAuthority ¶
func (snapdcl *SnapDeclaration) RevisionAuthority(provenance string) []*RevisionAuthority
RevisionAuthority return any revision authority entries matching the given provenance.
func (*SnapDeclaration) Series ¶
func (snapdcl *SnapDeclaration) Series() string
Series returns the series for which the snap is being declared.
func (*SnapDeclaration) SignKeyID ¶
func (ab *SnapDeclaration) SignKeyID() string
SignKeyID returns the key id for the key that signed this assertion.
func (*SnapDeclaration) Signature ¶
func (ab *SnapDeclaration) Signature() (content, signature []byte)
Signature returns the signed content and its unprocessed signature.
func (*SnapDeclaration) SlotRule ¶
func (snapdcl *SnapDeclaration) SlotRule(interfaceName string) *SlotRule
SlotRule returns the slot-side rule about the given interface if one was included in the slots stanza of the declaration, otherwise it returns nil.
func (*SnapDeclaration) SnapID ¶
func (snapdcl *SnapDeclaration) SnapID() string
SnapID returns the snap id of the declared snap.
func (*SnapDeclaration) SnapName ¶
func (snapdcl *SnapDeclaration) SnapName() string
SnapName returns the declared snap name.
func (*SnapDeclaration) SupportedFormat ¶
func (ab *SnapDeclaration) SupportedFormat() bool
SupportedFormat returns whether the assertion uses a supported format iteration. If false the assertion might have been only partially parsed.
func (*SnapDeclaration) Timestamp ¶
func (snapdcl *SnapDeclaration) Timestamp() time.Time
Timestamp returns the time when the snap-declaration was issued.
func (*SnapDeclaration) Type ¶
func (ab *SnapDeclaration) Type() *AssertionType
Type returns the assertion type.
type SnapDeveloper ¶
type SnapDeveloper struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
SnapDeveloper holds a snap-developer assertion, defining the developers who can collaborate on a snap while it's owned by a specific publisher.
The primary key (snap-id, publisher-id) allows a snap to have many snap-developer assertions, e.g. to allow a future publisher's collaborations to be defined before the snap is transferred. However only the snap-developer for the current publisher (the snap-declaration publisher-id) is relevant to a device.
func (*SnapDeveloper) At ¶
func (ab *SnapDeveloper) At() *AtRevision
At returns an AtRevision referencing this assertion at its revision.
func (*SnapDeveloper) AuthorityID ¶
func (ab *SnapDeveloper) AuthorityID() string
AuthorityID returns the authority-id a.k.a the authority responsible for the assertion.
func (*SnapDeveloper) Body ¶
func (ab *SnapDeveloper) Body() []byte
Body returns the body of the assertion.
func (*SnapDeveloper) Format ¶
func (ab *SnapDeveloper) Format() int
Format returns the assertion format iteration.
func (*SnapDeveloper) Header ¶
func (ab *SnapDeveloper) Header(name string) interface{}
Header returns the value of an header by name.
func (*SnapDeveloper) HeaderString ¶
HeaderString retrieves the string value of header with name or ""
func (*SnapDeveloper) Headers ¶
func (ab *SnapDeveloper) Headers() map[string]interface{}
Headers returns the complete headers.
func (*SnapDeveloper) Prerequisites ¶
func (snapdev *SnapDeveloper) Prerequisites() []*Ref
Prerequisites returns references to this snap-developer's prerequisite assertions.
func (*SnapDeveloper) PublisherID ¶
func (snapdev *SnapDeveloper) PublisherID() string
PublisherID returns the publisher's account id.
func (*SnapDeveloper) Ref ¶
func (ab *SnapDeveloper) Ref() *Ref
Ref returns a reference representing this assertion.
func (*SnapDeveloper) Revision ¶
func (ab *SnapDeveloper) Revision() int
Revision returns the assertion revision.
func (*SnapDeveloper) SignKeyID ¶
func (ab *SnapDeveloper) SignKeyID() string
SignKeyID returns the key id for the key that signed this assertion.
func (*SnapDeveloper) Signature ¶
func (ab *SnapDeveloper) Signature() (content, signature []byte)
Signature returns the signed content and its unprocessed signature.
func (*SnapDeveloper) SnapID ¶
func (snapdev *SnapDeveloper) SnapID() string
SnapID returns the snap id of the snap.
func (*SnapDeveloper) SupportedFormat ¶
func (ab *SnapDeveloper) SupportedFormat() bool
SupportedFormat returns whether the assertion uses a supported format iteration. If false the assertion might have been only partially parsed.
func (*SnapDeveloper) Type ¶
func (ab *SnapDeveloper) Type() *AssertionType
Type returns the assertion type.
type SnapRevision ¶
type SnapRevision struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
SnapRevision holds a snap-revision assertion, which is a statement by the store acknowledging the receipt of a build of a snap and labeling it with a snap revision.
func (*SnapRevision) At ¶
func (ab *SnapRevision) At() *AtRevision
At returns an AtRevision referencing this assertion at its revision.
func (*SnapRevision) AuthorityID ¶
func (ab *SnapRevision) AuthorityID() string
AuthorityID returns the authority-id a.k.a the authority responsible for the assertion.
func (*SnapRevision) Body ¶
func (ab *SnapRevision) Body() []byte
Body returns the body of the assertion.
func (*SnapRevision) DeveloperID ¶
func (snaprev *SnapRevision) DeveloperID() string
DeveloperID returns the id of the developer that submitted this build of the snap.
func (*SnapRevision) Format ¶
func (ab *SnapRevision) Format() int
Format returns the assertion format iteration.
func (*SnapRevision) Header ¶
func (ab *SnapRevision) Header(name string) interface{}
Header returns the value of an header by name.
func (*SnapRevision) HeaderString ¶
HeaderString retrieves the string value of header with name or ""
func (*SnapRevision) Headers ¶
func (ab *SnapRevision) Headers() map[string]interface{}
Headers returns the complete headers.
func (*SnapRevision) Prerequisites ¶
func (snaprev *SnapRevision) Prerequisites() []*Ref
Prerequisites returns references to this snap-revision's prerequisite assertions.
func (*SnapRevision) Provenance ¶
func (snaprev *SnapRevision) Provenance() string
Provenance returns the optional provenance of the snap (defaults to global-upload (naming.DefaultProvenance)).
func (*SnapRevision) Ref ¶
func (ab *SnapRevision) Ref() *Ref
Ref returns a reference representing this assertion.
func (*SnapRevision) Revision ¶
func (ab *SnapRevision) Revision() int
Revision returns the assertion revision.
func (*SnapRevision) SignKeyID ¶
func (ab *SnapRevision) SignKeyID() string
SignKeyID returns the key id for the key that signed this assertion.
func (*SnapRevision) Signature ¶
func (ab *SnapRevision) Signature() (content, signature []byte)
Signature returns the signed content and its unprocessed signature.
func (*SnapRevision) SnapID ¶
func (snaprev *SnapRevision) SnapID() string
SnapID returns the snap id of the snap.
func (*SnapRevision) SnapRevision ¶
func (snaprev *SnapRevision) SnapRevision() int
SnapRevision returns the revision assigned to this build of the snap.
func (*SnapRevision) SnapSHA3_384 ¶
func (snaprev *SnapRevision) SnapSHA3_384() string
SnapSHA3_384 returns the SHA3-384 digest of the snap.
func (*SnapRevision) SnapSize ¶
func (snaprev *SnapRevision) SnapSize() uint64
SnapSize returns the size in bytes of the snap submitted to the store.
func (*SnapRevision) SupportedFormat ¶
func (ab *SnapRevision) SupportedFormat() bool
SupportedFormat returns whether the assertion uses a supported format iteration. If false the assertion might have been only partially parsed.
func (*SnapRevision) Timestamp ¶
func (snaprev *SnapRevision) Timestamp() time.Time
Timestamp returns the time when the snap-revision was issued.
func (*SnapRevision) Type ¶
func (ab *SnapRevision) Type() *AssertionType
Type returns the assertion type.
type StorageSafety ¶
type StorageSafety string
StorageSafety characterizes the requested storage safety of the model which then controls what encryption is used
const ( StorageSafetyUnset StorageSafety = "unset" // StorageSafetyEncrypted implies mandatory full disk encryption. StorageSafetyEncrypted StorageSafety = "encrypted" // StorageSafetyPreferEncrypted implies full disk // encryption when the system supports it. StorageSafetyPreferEncrypted StorageSafety = "prefer-encrypted" // StorageSafetyPreferUnencrypted implies no full disk // encryption by default even if the system supports // encryption. StorageSafetyPreferUnencrypted StorageSafety = "prefer-unencrypted" )
type Store ¶
type Store struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Store holds a store assertion, defining the configuration needed to connect a device to the store or relative to a non-default store.
func (*Store) At ¶
func (ab *Store) At() *AtRevision
At returns an AtRevision referencing this assertion at its revision.
func (*Store) AuthorityID ¶
func (ab *Store) AuthorityID() string
AuthorityID returns the authority-id a.k.a the authority responsible for the assertion.
func (*Store) FriendlyStores ¶
FriendlyStores returns stores holding snaps that are also exposed through this one.
func (*Store) Header ¶
func (ab *Store) Header(name string) interface{}
Header returns the value of an header by name.
func (*Store) HeaderString ¶
HeaderString retrieves the string value of header with name or ""
func (*Store) Headers ¶
func (ab *Store) Headers() map[string]interface{}
Headers returns the complete headers.
func (*Store) OperatorID ¶
OperatorID returns the account id of the store's operator.
func (*Store) Prerequisites ¶
Prerequisites returns references to this store's prerequisite assertions.
func (*Store) Ref ¶
func (ab *Store) Ref() *Ref
Ref returns a reference representing this assertion.
func (*Store) SignKeyID ¶
func (ab *Store) SignKeyID() string
SignKeyID returns the key id for the key that signed this assertion.
func (*Store) Signature ¶
func (ab *Store) Signature() (content, signature []byte)
Signature returns the signed content and its unprocessed signature.
func (*Store) SupportedFormat ¶
func (ab *Store) SupportedFormat() bool
SupportedFormat returns whether the assertion uses a supported format iteration. If false the assertion might have been only partially parsed.
type SystemUser ¶
type SystemUser struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
SystemUser holds a system-user assertion which allows creating local system users.
func (*SystemUser) At ¶
func (ab *SystemUser) At() *AtRevision
At returns an AtRevision referencing this assertion at its revision.
func (*SystemUser) AuthorityID ¶
func (ab *SystemUser) AuthorityID() string
AuthorityID returns the authority-id a.k.a the authority responsible for the assertion.
func (*SystemUser) Body ¶
func (ab *SystemUser) Body() []byte
Body returns the body of the assertion.
func (*SystemUser) BrandID ¶
func (su *SystemUser) BrandID() string
BrandID returns the brand identifier that signed this assertion.
func (*SystemUser) Email ¶
func (su *SystemUser) Email() string
Email returns the email address that this assertion is valid for.
func (*SystemUser) ForcePasswordChange ¶
func (su *SystemUser) ForcePasswordChange() bool
ForcePasswordChange returns true if the user needs to change the password after the first login.
func (*SystemUser) Format ¶
func (ab *SystemUser) Format() int
Format returns the assertion format iteration.
func (*SystemUser) Header ¶
func (ab *SystemUser) Header(name string) interface{}
Header returns the value of an header by name.
func (*SystemUser) HeaderString ¶
HeaderString retrieves the string value of header with name or ""
func (*SystemUser) Headers ¶
func (ab *SystemUser) Headers() map[string]interface{}
Headers returns the complete headers.
func (*SystemUser) Models ¶
func (su *SystemUser) Models() []string
Models returns the models that this assertion is valid for.
func (*SystemUser) Name ¶
func (su *SystemUser) Name() string
Name returns the full name of the user (e.g. Random Guy).
func (*SystemUser) Password ¶
func (su *SystemUser) Password() string
Password returns the crypt(3) compatible password for the user. Note that only ID: $6$ or stronger is supported (sha512crypt).
func (*SystemUser) Prerequisites ¶
func (ab *SystemUser) Prerequisites() []*Ref
Prerequisites returns references to the prerequisite assertions for the validity of this one.
func (*SystemUser) Ref ¶
func (ab *SystemUser) Ref() *Ref
Ref returns a reference representing this assertion.
func (*SystemUser) Revision ¶
func (ab *SystemUser) Revision() int
Revision returns the assertion revision.
func (*SystemUser) SSHKeys ¶
func (su *SystemUser) SSHKeys() []string
SSHKeys returns the ssh keys for the user.
func (*SystemUser) Serials ¶
func (su *SystemUser) Serials() []string
Serials returns the serials that this assertion is valid for.
func (*SystemUser) Series ¶
func (su *SystemUser) Series() []string
Series returns the series that this assertion is valid for.
func (*SystemUser) SignKeyID ¶
func (ab *SystemUser) SignKeyID() string
SignKeyID returns the key id for the key that signed this assertion.
func (*SystemUser) Signature ¶
func (ab *SystemUser) Signature() (content, signature []byte)
Signature returns the signed content and its unprocessed signature.
func (*SystemUser) Since ¶
func (su *SystemUser) Since() time.Time
Since returns the time since the assertion is valid.
func (*SystemUser) SupportedFormat ¶
func (ab *SystemUser) SupportedFormat() bool
SupportedFormat returns whether the assertion uses a supported format iteration. If false the assertion might have been only partially parsed.
func (*SystemUser) Type ¶
func (ab *SystemUser) Type() *AssertionType
Type returns the assertion type.
func (*SystemUser) Until ¶
func (su *SystemUser) Until() time.Time
Until returns the time until the assertion is valid.
func (*SystemUser) UserExpiration ¶
func (su *SystemUser) UserExpiration() time.Time
UserExpiration returns the expiration or validity duration of the user created.
If no expiration was specified, this will return an zero time.Time structure.
If expiration was set to 'until-expiration' then the .Until() time will be returned.
func (*SystemUser) Username ¶
func (su *SystemUser) Username() string
Username returns the system user name that should be created (e.g. "foo").
type UnsupportedFormatError ¶
type UnsupportedFormatError struct { Ref *Ref Format int // Update marks there was already a current revision of the assertion and it has been kept. Update bool }
UnsupportedFormatError indicates an assertion with a format iteration not yet supported by the present version of asserts.
func (*UnsupportedFormatError) Error ¶
func (e *UnsupportedFormatError) Error() string
type Validation ¶
type Validation struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Validation holds a validation assertion, describing that a combination of (snap-id, approved-snap-id, approved-revision) has been validated for the series, meaning updating to that revision of approved-snap-id has been approved by the owner of the gating snap with snap-id.
func (*Validation) ApprovedSnapID ¶
func (validation *Validation) ApprovedSnapID() string
ApprovedSnapID returns the ID of the gated snap.
func (*Validation) ApprovedSnapRevision ¶
func (validation *Validation) ApprovedSnapRevision() int
ApprovedSnapRevision returns the approved revision of the gated snap.
func (*Validation) At ¶
func (ab *Validation) At() *AtRevision
At returns an AtRevision referencing this assertion at its revision.
func (*Validation) AuthorityID ¶
func (ab *Validation) AuthorityID() string
AuthorityID returns the authority-id a.k.a the authority responsible for the assertion.
func (*Validation) Body ¶
func (ab *Validation) Body() []byte
Body returns the body of the assertion.
func (*Validation) Format ¶
func (ab *Validation) Format() int
Format returns the assertion format iteration.
func (*Validation) Header ¶
func (ab *Validation) Header(name string) interface{}
Header returns the value of an header by name.
func (*Validation) HeaderString ¶
HeaderString retrieves the string value of header with name or ""
func (*Validation) Headers ¶
func (ab *Validation) Headers() map[string]interface{}
Headers returns the complete headers.
func (*Validation) Prerequisites ¶
func (validation *Validation) Prerequisites() []*Ref
Prerequisites returns references to this validation's prerequisite assertions.
func (*Validation) Ref ¶
func (ab *Validation) Ref() *Ref
Ref returns a reference representing this assertion.
func (*Validation) Revision ¶
func (ab *Validation) Revision() int
Revision returns the assertion revision.
func (*Validation) Revoked ¶
func (validation *Validation) Revoked() bool
Revoked returns true if the validation has been revoked.
func (*Validation) Series ¶
func (validation *Validation) Series() string
Series returns the series for which the validation holds.
func (*Validation) SignKeyID ¶
func (ab *Validation) SignKeyID() string
SignKeyID returns the key id for the key that signed this assertion.
func (*Validation) Signature ¶
func (ab *Validation) Signature() (content, signature []byte)
Signature returns the signed content and its unprocessed signature.
func (*Validation) SnapID ¶
func (validation *Validation) SnapID() string
SnapID returns the ID of the gating snap.
func (*Validation) SupportedFormat ¶
func (ab *Validation) SupportedFormat() bool
SupportedFormat returns whether the assertion uses a supported format iteration. If false the assertion might have been only partially parsed.
func (*Validation) Timestamp ¶
func (validation *Validation) Timestamp() time.Time
Timestamp returns the time when the validation was issued.
func (*Validation) Type ¶
func (ab *Validation) Type() *AssertionType
Type returns the assertion type.
type ValidationSet ¶
type ValidationSet struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ValidationSet holds a validation-set assertion, which is a statement by an account about a set snaps and possibly revisions for which an extrinsic/implied property is valid (e.g. they work well together). validation-sets are organized in sequences under a name.
func (*ValidationSet) AccountID ¶
func (vs *ValidationSet) AccountID() string
AccountID returns the identifier of the account that signed this assertion.
func (*ValidationSet) At ¶
func (ab *ValidationSet) At() *AtRevision
At returns an AtRevision referencing this assertion at its revision.
func (*ValidationSet) AuthorityID ¶
func (ab *ValidationSet) AuthorityID() string
AuthorityID returns the authority-id a.k.a the authority responsible for the assertion.
func (*ValidationSet) Body ¶
func (ab *ValidationSet) Body() []byte
Body returns the body of the assertion.
func (*ValidationSet) Format ¶
func (ab *ValidationSet) Format() int
Format returns the assertion format iteration.
func (*ValidationSet) Header ¶
func (ab *ValidationSet) Header(name string) interface{}
Header returns the value of an header by name.
func (*ValidationSet) HeaderString ¶
HeaderString retrieves the string value of header with name or ""
func (*ValidationSet) Headers ¶
func (ab *ValidationSet) Headers() map[string]interface{}
Headers returns the complete headers.
func (*ValidationSet) Name ¶
func (vs *ValidationSet) Name() string
Name returns the name under which the validation-set is organized.
func (*ValidationSet) Prerequisites ¶
func (ab *ValidationSet) Prerequisites() []*Ref
Prerequisites returns references to the prerequisite assertions for the validity of this one.
func (*ValidationSet) Ref ¶
func (ab *ValidationSet) Ref() *Ref
Ref returns a reference representing this assertion.
func (*ValidationSet) Revision ¶
func (ab *ValidationSet) Revision() int
Revision returns the assertion revision.
func (*ValidationSet) Sequence ¶
func (vs *ValidationSet) Sequence() int
Sequence returns the sequential number of the validation-set in its named sequence.
func (*ValidationSet) Series ¶
func (vs *ValidationSet) Series() string
Series returns the series for which the snap in the set are declared.
func (*ValidationSet) SignKeyID ¶
func (ab *ValidationSet) SignKeyID() string
SignKeyID returns the key id for the key that signed this assertion.
func (*ValidationSet) Signature ¶
func (ab *ValidationSet) Signature() (content, signature []byte)
Signature returns the signed content and its unprocessed signature.
func (*ValidationSet) Snaps ¶
func (vs *ValidationSet) Snaps() []*ValidationSetSnap
Snaps returns the constrained snaps by the validation-set.
func (*ValidationSet) SupportedFormat ¶
func (ab *ValidationSet) SupportedFormat() bool
SupportedFormat returns whether the assertion uses a supported format iteration. If false the assertion might have been only partially parsed.
func (*ValidationSet) Timestamp ¶
func (vs *ValidationSet) Timestamp() time.Time
Timestamp returns the time when the validation-set was issued.
func (*ValidationSet) Type ¶
func (ab *ValidationSet) Type() *AssertionType
Type returns the assertion type.
type ValidationSetSnap ¶
ValidationSetSnap holds the details about a snap constrained by a validation-set assertion.
func (*ValidationSetSnap) ID ¶
func (s *ValidationSetSnap) ID() string
ID implements naming.SnapRef.
func (*ValidationSetSnap) SnapName ¶
func (s *ValidationSetSnap) SnapName() string
SnapName implements naming.SnapRef.
Source Files
- account.go
- account_key.go
- asserts.go
- batch.go
- constraint.go
- crypto.go
- database.go
- digest.go
- extkeypairmgr.go
- fetcher.go
- findwildcard.go
- fsbackstore.go
- fsentryutils.go
- fskeypairmgr.go
- gpgkeypairmgr.go
- header_checks.go
- headers.go
- ifacedecls.go
- membackstore.go
- memkeypairmgr.go
- model.go
- pool.go
- preseed.go
- repair.go
- serial_asserts.go
- snap_asserts.go
- store_asserts.go
- system_user.go
- validation_set.go
Path | Synopsis |
Package assertstest provides helpers for testing code that involves assertions.
Package assertstest provides helpers for testing code that involves assertions. |
info produces information about assertions to include in /usr/lib/snapd/info.
info produces information about assertions to include in /usr/lib/snapd/info. |
Package signtool offers tooling to sign assertions.
Package signtool offers tooling to sign assertions. |
Package snapasserts offers helpers to handle snap related assertions and their checking for installation.
Package snapasserts offers helpers to handle snap related assertions and their checking for installation. |
Package sysdb supports the system-wide assertion database with ways to open it and to manage the trusted set of assertions founding it.
Package sysdb supports the system-wide assertion database with ways to open it and to manage the trusted set of assertions founding it. |
Package systestkeys defines trusted assertions and keys to use in tests.
Package systestkeys defines trusted assertions and keys to use in tests. |