This package implements tegola's cache interface for use with Redis. If a redis instance is running locally with default configurations solely for tegola simply include the following snippet in tegola's config file:
The rediscache config supports the following properties:
network (string): [Optional] Network type, either tcp or unix. Defaults to 'tcp'.
address (string): [Optional] the address of the Redis instance in form of ip:port. Defaults to ''.
password (string): [Optional] password for the Redis instance. Defaults to '' (no password).
db (int): [Optional] the database within the Redis instance to cache to.
max_zoom (int): [Optional] the max zoom the cache should cache to. After this zoom, Set() calls will return before doing work.
ttl (int): [Optional] the key ttl time in seconds. Defaults to 0 (the key has no expiration time).