Versions in this module Expand all Collapse all v1 v1.0.4 Apr 23, 2022 v1.0.3 Apr 23, 2022 Changes in this version + const GORACLE_DRIVER + const MSSQL_DRIVER + const MSSQL_ODBC_DRIVER + const MYMYSQL_DRIVER + const MYSQL_DRIVER + const OCI8_DRIVER + const POSTGRESQL_DRIVER + const PROPAGATION_MANDATORY + const PROPAGATION_NESTED + const PROPAGATION_NEVER + const PROPAGATION_NOT_REQUIRED + const PROPAGATION_NOT_SUPPORTED + const PROPAGATION_REQUIRED + const PROPAGATION_REQUIRES_NEW + const PROPAGATION_SUPPORTS + const RSA_PRIKEY_DECRYPT_MODE + const RSA_PRIKEY_ENCRYPT_MODE + const RSA_PUBKEY_DECRYPT_MODE + const RSA_PUBKEY_ENCRYPT_MODE + const SQLITE3_DRIVER + const Version + var ErrCacheFailed = errors.New("Cache failed") + var ErrConditionType = errors.New("Unsupported condition type") + var ErrDataBroken = errors.New("data broken, first byte is not zero") + var ErrDataLen = errors.New("data length error") + var ErrDataToLarge = errors.New("message too long for RSA public key size") + var ErrDecryption = errors.New("decryption error") + var ErrKeyPairDismatch = errors.New("data is not encrypted by the private key") + var ErrNeedDeletedCond = errors.New("Delete action needs at least one condition") + var ErrNeedMoreArguments = errors.New("Need more sql arguments") + var ErrNestedTransaction = errors.New("Nested transaction error.") + var ErrNoElementsOnSlice = errors.New("No element on slice when insert") + var ErrNotExist = errors.New("Record does not exist") + var ErrNotImplemented = errors.New("Not implemented") + var ErrNotInTransaction = errors.New("Not in transaction.") + var ErrParamsFormat = errors.New("Params format error") + var ErrParamsType = errors.New("Params type error") + var ErrPrivateKey = errors.New("get private key error") + var ErrPtrSliceType = errors.New("A point to a slice is needed") + var ErrPublicKey = errors.New("get public key error") + var ErrTableNotFound = errors.New("Table not found") + var ErrTransactionDefinition = errors.New("Transaction definition error.") + var ErrUnSupportedSQLType = errors.New("Unsupported sql type") + var ErrUnSupportedType = errors.New("Unsupported type error") + func Bool(i interface{}) bool + func Bytes(i interface{}) []byte + func ConvertToBoundSQL(sql string, args []interface{}) (string, error) + func DecodeToString(b []byte) string + func Encode(vs ...interface{}) []byte + func EncodeBool(b bool) []byte + func EncodeFloat32(f float32) []byte + func EncodeFloat64(f float64) []byte + func EncodeInt(i int) []byte + func EncodeInt16(i int16) []byte + func EncodeInt32(i int32) []byte + func EncodeInt64(i int64) []byte + func EncodeInt8(i int8) []byte + func EncodeString(s string) []byte + func EncodeUint(i uint) []byte + func EncodeUint16(i uint16) []byte + func EncodeUint32(i uint32) []byte + func EncodeUint64(i uint64) []byte + func EncodeUint8(i uint8) []byte + func Float32(i interface{}) float32 + func Float64(i interface{}) float64 + func Int(i interface{}) int + func Int16(i interface{}) int16 + func Int32(i interface{}) int32 + func Int64(i interface{}) int64 + func Int8(i interface{}) int8 + func IsNumeric(s string) bool + func JSONString(v interface{}, IndentJSON bool) (string, error) + func NewDataset(headers []string) *tablib.Dataset + func NewDatasetWithData(headers []string, data interface{}, mustMatch bool) (*tablib.Dataset, error) + func NewMemoryContextCache() memoryContextCache + func PKCS5Padding(ciphertext []byte, blockSize int) []byte + func PKCS5UnPadding(origData []byte) []byte + func StrToTime(str string, format string, TZLocation ...*time.Location) (time.Time, error) + func String(i interface{}) string + func Strings(i interface{}) []string + func Time(i interface{}, format string, TZLocation ...*time.Location) time.Time + func TimeDuration(i interface{}) time.Duration + func Uint(i interface{}) uint + func Uint16(i interface{}) uint16 + func Uint32(i interface{}) uint32 + func Uint64(i interface{}) uint64 + func Uint8(i interface{}) uint8 + func ZeroPadding(ciphertext []byte, blockSize int) []byte + func ZeroUnPadding(origData []byte) []byte + type AesEncrypt struct + PubKey string + func (this *AesEncrypt) Decrypt(src []byte) (decrypted []byte, err error) + func (this *AesEncrypt) Encrypt(strMesg string) ([]byte, error) + type AfterDeleteProcessor interface + AfterDelete func() + type AfterInsertProcessor interface + AfterInsert func() + type AfterLoadProcessor interface + AfterLoad func() + type AfterLoadSessionProcessor interface + AfterLoad func(*Session) + type AfterSetProcessor interface + AfterSet func(string, Cell) + type AfterUpdateProcessor interface + AfterUpdate func() + type BeforeDeleteProcessor interface + BeforeDelete func() + type BeforeInsertProcessor interface + BeforeInsert func() + type BeforeSetProcessor interface + BeforeSet func(string, Cell) + type BeforeUpdateProcessor interface + BeforeUpdate func() + type Cell *interface + type Cipher interface + Decrypt func(src []byte) (decrypted []byte, err error) + Encrypt func(strMsg string) ([]byte, error) + type ContextCache interface + Get func(key string) interface{} + Put func(key string, val interface{}) + type Databook struct + XDatabook *tablib.Databook + func NewDatabook() *Databook + func NewDatabookWithData(sheetName map[string]string, data interface{}, mustMatch bool, ...) (*Databook, error) + func (databook *Databook) AddSheet(title string, data interface{}, mustMatch bool, headers ...[]string) error + func (databook *Databook) HTML() *tablib.Exportable + func (databook *Databook) JSON() (*tablib.Exportable, error) + func (databook *Databook) SaveAsHTML(filename string, perm os.FileMode) error + func (databook *Databook) SaveAsJSON(filename string, perm os.FileMode) error + func (databook *Databook) SaveAsXLSX(filename string, perm os.FileMode) error + func (databook *Databook) SaveAsXML(filename string, perm os.FileMode) error + func (databook *Databook) SaveAsYAML(filename string, perm os.FileMode) error + func (databook *Databook) Sheet(title string) tablib.Sheet + func (databook *Databook) Sheets() map[string]tablib.Sheet + func (databook *Databook) Size() int + func (databook *Databook) Wipe() + func (databook *Databook) XLSX() (*tablib.Exportable, error) + func (databook *Databook) XML() (*tablib.Exportable, error) + func (databook *Databook) YAML() (*tablib.Exportable, error) + type DesEncrypt struct + PubKey string + func (this *DesEncrypt) Decrypt(crypted []byte) (decrypted []byte, err error) + func (this *DesEncrypt) Encrypt(strMesg string) ([]byte, error) + type Engine struct + DatabaseTZ *time.Location + SqlMap SqlMap + SqlTemplate SqlTemplate + TZLocation *time.Location + func NewDB(driverName string, dataSourceName string) (*Engine, error) + func NewEngine(driverName string, dataSourceName string) (*Engine, error) + func NewEngineWithDialectAndDB(driverName, dataSourceName string, dialect dialects.Dialect, db *core.DB) (*Engine, error) + func NewEngineWithParams(driverName string, dataSourceName string, params map[string]string) (*Engine, error) + func NewMSSQL(driverName string, dataSourceName string) (*Engine, error) + func NewMySQL(driverName string, dataSourceName string) (*Engine, error) + func NewOracle(driverName string, dataSourceName string) (*Engine, error) + func NewPostgreSQL(dataSourceName string) (*Engine, error) + func NewSqlite3(dataSourceName string) (*Engine, error) + func (engine *Engine) AddHook(hook contexts.Hook) + func (engine *Engine) AddSql(key string, sql string) + func (engine *Engine) AddSqlTemplate(key string, sqlTemplateStr string) error + func (engine *Engine) After(closures func(interface{})) *Session + func (engine *Engine) Alias(alias string) *Session + func (engine *Engine) AllCols() *Session + func (engine *Engine) Asc(colNames ...string) *Session + func (engine *Engine) AutoIncrStr() string + func (engine *Engine) BatchAddSql(sqlStrMap map[string]string) + func (engine *Engine) BatchAddSqlTemplate(key string, sqlTemplateStrMap map[string]string) error + func (engine *Engine) BatchLoadSqlMap(filepathSlice []string) error + func (engine *Engine) BatchLoadSqlTemplate(filepathSlice []string) error + func (engine *Engine) BatchReloadSqlMap(filepathSlice []string) error + func (engine *Engine) BatchReloadSqlTemplate(filepathSlice []string) error + func (engine *Engine) BatchRemoveSql(key []string) + func (engine *Engine) BatchRemoveSqlTemplate(key []string) + func (engine *Engine) BatchUpdateSql(sqlStrMap map[string]string) + func (engine *Engine) BatchUpdateSqlTemplate(key string, sqlTemplateStrMap map[string]string) error + func (engine *Engine) Before(closures func(interface{})) *Session + func (engine *Engine) BufferSize(size int) *Session + func (engine *Engine) Cascade(trueOrFalse ...bool) *Session + func (engine *Engine) Charset(charset string) *Session + func (engine *Engine) ClearCache(beans ...interface{}) error + func (engine *Engine) ClearCacheBean(bean interface{}, id string) error + func (engine *Engine) ClearSqlMapCipher() + func (engine *Engine) Clone() (*Engine, error) + func (engine *Engine) Close() error + func (engine *Engine) Cols(columns ...string) *Session + func (engine *Engine) Context(ctx context.Context) *Session + func (engine *Engine) Count(bean ...interface{}) (int64, error) + func (engine *Engine) CreateIndexes(bean interface{}) error + func (engine *Engine) CreateTables(beans ...interface{}) error + func (engine *Engine) CreateUniques(bean interface{}) error + func (engine *Engine) DB() *core.DB + func (engine *Engine) DBMetas() ([]*schemas.Table, error) + func (engine *Engine) DataSourceName() string + func (engine *Engine) Decr(column string, args ...interface{}) *Session + func (engine *Engine) Delete(bean interface{}) (int64, error) + func (engine *Engine) Desc(colNames ...string) *Session + func (engine *Engine) Dialect() dialects.Dialect + func (engine *Engine) Distinct(columns ...string) *Session + func (engine *Engine) DriverName() string + func (engine *Engine) DropIndexes(bean interface{}) error + func (engine *Engine) DropTables(beans ...interface{}) error + func (engine *Engine) DumpAll(w io.Writer, tp ...schemas.DBType) error + func (engine *Engine) DumpAllToFile(fp string, tp ...schemas.DBType) error + func (engine *Engine) DumpTables(tables []*schemas.Table, w io.Writer, tp ...schemas.DBType) error + func (engine *Engine) DumpTablesToFile(tables []*schemas.Table, fp string, tp ...schemas.DBType) error + func (engine *Engine) EnableSessionID(enable bool) + func (engine *Engine) Exec(sqlOrArgs ...interface{}) (sql.Result, error) + func (engine *Engine) Exist(bean ...interface{}) (bool, error) + func (engine *Engine) Find(beans interface{}, condiBeans ...interface{}) error + func (engine *Engine) FindAndCount(rowsSlicePtr interface{}, condiBean ...interface{}) (int64, error) + func (engine *Engine) Get(bean interface{}) (bool, error) + func (engine *Engine) GetCacher(tableName string) caches.Cacher + func (engine *Engine) GetColumnMapper() names.Mapper + func (engine *Engine) GetDefaultCacher() caches.Cacher + func (engine *Engine) GetFirst(bean interface{}) *ResultBean + func (engine *Engine) GetSql(key string) string + func (engine *Engine) GetSqlMap(keys ...interface{}) map[string]string + func (engine *Engine) GetTZDatabase() *time.Location + func (engine *Engine) GetTZLocation() *time.Location + func (engine *Engine) GetTableMapper() names.Mapper + func (engine *Engine) GroupBy(keys string) *Session + func (engine *Engine) Having(conditions string) *Session + func (engine *Engine) ID(id interface{}) *Session + func (engine *Engine) Import(r io.Reader) ([]sql.Result, error) + func (engine *Engine) ImportFile(ddlPath string) ([]sql.Result, error) + func (engine *Engine) In(column string, args ...interface{}) *Session + func (engine *Engine) Incr(column string, args ...interface{}) *Session + func (engine *Engine) Insert(beans ...interface{}) (int64, error) + func (engine *Engine) InsertOne(bean interface{}) (int64, error) + func (engine *Engine) IsTableEmpty(bean interface{}) (bool, error) + func (engine *Engine) IsTableExist(beanOrTableName interface{}) (bool, error) + func (engine *Engine) Iterate(bean interface{}, fun IterFunc) error + func (engine *Engine) Join(joinOperator string, tablename interface{}, condition string, ...) *Session + func (engine *Engine) Limit(limit int, start *Session + func (engine *Engine) LoadSqlMap(filepath string) error + func (engine *Engine) LoadSqlTemplate(filepath string) error + func (engine *Engine) Logger() log.ContextLogger + func (engine *Engine) MapCacher(bean interface{}, cacher caches.Cacher) error + func (engine *Engine) MustCols(columns ...string) *Session + func (engine *Engine) NewDB() (*core.DB, error) + func (engine *Engine) NewSession() *Session + func (engine *Engine) NoAutoCondition(no ...bool) *Session + func (engine *Engine) NoAutoTime() *Session + func (engine *Engine) NoCache() *Session + func (engine *Engine) NoCascade() *Session + func (engine *Engine) NotIn(column string, args ...interface{}) *Session + func (engine *Engine) Nullable(columns ...string) *Session + func (engine *Engine) Omit(columns ...string) *Session + func (engine *Engine) OrderBy(order string) *Session + func (engine *Engine) Ping() error + func (engine *Engine) PingContext(ctx context.Context) error + func (engine *Engine) Prepare() *Session + func (engine *Engine) QueryBytes(sqlOrArgs ...interface{}) (resultsSlice []map[string][]byte, err error) + func (engine *Engine) QueryInterface(sqlOrArgs ...interface{}) ([]map[string]interface{}, error) + func (engine *Engine) QueryResult(sqlOrArgs ...interface{}) (result *ResultValue) + func (engine *Engine) QueryString(sqlOrArgs ...interface{}) ([]map[string]string, error) + func (engine *Engine) QueryValue(sqlOrArgs ...interface{}) (resultsSlice []map[string]Value, err error) + func (engine *Engine) Quote(value string) string + func (engine *Engine) QuoteTo(buf *strings.Builder, value string) + func (engine *Engine) RegisterSqlMap(sqlm SqlM, Cipher ...Cipher) error + func (engine *Engine) RegisterSqlTemplate(sqlt SqlTemplate, Cipher ...Cipher) error + func (engine *Engine) ReloadSqlMap(filepath string) error + func (engine *Engine) ReloadSqlTemplate(filepath string) error + func (engine *Engine) RemoveSql(key string) + func (engine *Engine) RemoveSqlTemplate(key string) + func (engine *Engine) Rows(bean interface{}) (*Rows, error) + func (engine *Engine) SQL(query interface{}, args ...interface{}) *Session + func (engine *Engine) SQLType(c *schemas.Column) string + func (engine *Engine) Search(beans interface{}, condiBeans ...interface{}) *ResultStructs + func (engine *Engine) Select(str string) *Session + func (engine *Engine) SetCacher(tableName string, cacher caches.Cacher) + func (engine *Engine) SetColumnMapper(mapper names.Mapper) + func (engine *Engine) SetConnMaxLifetime(d time.Duration) + func (engine *Engine) SetDefaultCacher(cacher caches.Cacher) + func (engine *Engine) SetDefaultContext(ctx context.Context) + func (engine *Engine) SetDisableGlobalCache(disable bool) + func (engine *Engine) SetExpr(column string, expression interface{}) *Session + func (engine *Engine) SetLogLevel(level log.LogLevel) + func (engine *Engine) SetLogger(logger interface{}) + func (engine *Engine) SetMapper(mapper names.Mapper) + func (engine *Engine) SetMaxIdleConns(conns int) + func (engine *Engine) SetMaxOpenConns(conns int) + func (engine *Engine) SetQuotePolicy(quotePolicy dialects.QuotePolicy) + func (engine *Engine) SetSchema(schema string) + func (engine *Engine) SetSqlMapCipher(cipher Cipher) + func (engine *Engine) SetSqlMapRootDir(sqlMapRootDir string) *Engine + func (engine *Engine) SetTZDatabase(tz *time.Location) + func (engine *Engine) SetTZLocation(tz *time.Location) + func (engine *Engine) SetTableMapper(mapper names.Mapper) + func (engine *Engine) ShowSQL(show ...bool) + func (engine *Engine) SqlMapClient(sqlTagName string, args ...interface{}) *Session + func (engine *Engine) SqlMapsClient(sqlkeys interface{}, parmas ...interface{}) *SqlMapsExecutor + func (engine *Engine) SqlTemplateClient(sqlTagName string, args ...interface{}) *Session + func (engine *Engine) SqlTemplatesClient(sqlkeys interface{}, parmas ...interface{}) *SqlTemplatesExecutor + func (engine *Engine) Sqls(sqls interface{}, parmas ...interface{}) *SqlsExecutor + func (engine *Engine) StartFSWatcher() error + func (engine *Engine) StopFSWatcher() error + func (engine *Engine) StoreEngine(storeEngine string) *Session + func (engine *Engine) Sum(bean interface{}, colName string) (float64, error) + func (engine *Engine) SumInt(bean interface{}, colName string) (int64, error) + func (engine *Engine) Sums(bean interface{}, colNames ...string) ([]float64, error) + func (engine *Engine) SumsInt(bean interface{}, colNames ...string) ([]int64, error) + func (engine *Engine) Sync(beans ...interface{}) error + func (engine *Engine) Sync2(beans ...interface{}) error + func (engine *Engine) Table(tableNameOrBean interface{}) *Session + func (engine *Engine) TableInfo(bean interface{}) (*schemas.Table, error) + func (engine *Engine) TableName(bean interface{}, includeSchema ...bool) string + func (engine *Engine) Transaction(f func(*Session) (interface{}, error)) (interface{}, error) + func (engine *Engine) UnMapType(t reflect.Type) + func (engine *Engine) Unscoped() *Session + func (engine *Engine) Update(bean interface{}, condiBeans ...interface{}) (int64, error) + func (engine *Engine) UpdateSql(key string, sql string) + func (engine *Engine) UpdateSqlTemplate(key string, sqlTemplateStr string) error + func (engine *Engine) UseBool(columns ...string) *Session + func (engine *Engine) Where(query interface{}, args ...interface{}) *Session + type EngineGroup struct + func NewEngineGroup(args1 interface{}, args2 interface{}, policies ...GroupPolicy) (*EngineGroup, error) + func (eg *EngineGroup) AddHook(hook contexts.Hook) + func (eg *EngineGroup) Close() error + func (eg *EngineGroup) Context(ctx context.Context) *Session + func (eg *EngineGroup) Main() *Engine + func (eg *EngineGroup) NewSession() *Session + func (eg *EngineGroup) Ping() error + func (eg *EngineGroup) RegisterSqlMap(sqlm SqlM, Cipher ...Cipher) error + func (eg *EngineGroup) RegisterSqlTemplate(sqlt SqlTemplate, Cipher ...Cipher) error + func (eg *EngineGroup) SetColumnMapper(mapper names.Mapper) + func (eg *EngineGroup) SetConnMaxLifetime(d time.Duration) + func (eg *EngineGroup) SetDefaultCacher(cacher caches.Cacher) + func (eg *EngineGroup) SetLogLevel(level log.LogLevel) + func (eg *EngineGroup) SetLogger(logger interface{}) + func (eg *EngineGroup) SetMapper(mapper names.Mapper) + func (eg *EngineGroup) SetMaxIdleConns(conns int) + func (eg *EngineGroup) SetMaxOpenConns(conns int) + func (eg *EngineGroup) SetPolicy(policy GroupPolicy) *EngineGroup + func (eg *EngineGroup) SetQuotePolicy(quotePolicy dialects.QuotePolicy) + func (eg *EngineGroup) SetTableMapper(mapper names.Mapper) + func (eg *EngineGroup) ShowSQL(show ...bool) + func (eg *EngineGroup) Subordinate() *Engine + func (eg *EngineGroup) Subordinates() []*Engine + type EngineInterface interface + AddHook func(hook contexts.Hook) + Before func(func(interface{})) *Session + Charset func(charset string) *Session + ClearCache func(...interface{}) error + Context func(context.Context) *Session + CreateTables func(...interface{}) error + DBMetas func() ([]*schemas.Table, error) + Dialect func() dialects.Dialect + DriverName func() string + DropTables func(...interface{}) error + DumpAllToFile func(fp string, tp ...schemas.DBType) error + EnableSessionID func(bool) + GetCacher func(string) caches.Cacher + GetColumnMapper func() names.Mapper + GetDefaultCacher func() caches.Cacher + GetTZDatabase func() *time.Location + GetTZLocation func() *time.Location + GetTableMapper func() names.Mapper + ImportFile func(fp string) ([]sql.Result, error) + MapCacher func(interface{}, caches.Cacher) error + NewSession func() *Session + NoAutoTime func() *Session + Quote func(string) string + SetCacher func(string, caches.Cacher) + SetColumnMapper func(names.Mapper) + SetConnMaxLifetime func(time.Duration) + SetDefaultCacher func(caches.Cacher) + SetLogLevel func(log.LogLevel) + SetLogger func(logger interface{}) + SetMapper func(names.Mapper) + SetMaxIdleConns func(int) + SetMaxOpenConns func(int) + SetQuotePolicy func(dialects.QuotePolicy) + SetSchema func(string) + SetTZDatabase func(tz *time.Location) + SetTZLocation func(tz *time.Location) + SetTableMapper func(names.Mapper) + ShowSQL func(show ...bool) + StoreEngine func(storeEngine string) *Session + Sync func(...interface{}) error + Sync2 func(...interface{}) error + TableInfo func(bean interface{}) (*schemas.Table, error) + TableName func(interface{}, ...bool) string + UnMapType func(reflect.Type) + type ErrFieldIsNotExist struct + FieldName string + TableName string + func (e ErrFieldIsNotExist) Error() string + type ErrFieldIsNotValid struct + FieldName string + TableName string + func (e ErrFieldIsNotValid) Error() string + type FuncMap map[string]interface + type GroupPolicy interface + Subordinate func(*EngineGroup) *Engine + type GroupPolicyHandler func(*EngineGroup) *Engine + func LeastConnPolicy() GroupPolicyHandler + func RandomPolicy() GroupPolicyHandler + func RoundRobinPolicy() GroupPolicyHandler + func WeightRandomPolicy(weights []int) GroupPolicyHandler + func WeightRoundRobinPolicy(weights []int) GroupPolicyHandler + func (h GroupPolicyHandler) Subordinate(eg *EngineGroup) *Engine + type HTMLTemplate struct + Capacity uint + Cipher Cipher + Funcs map[string]FuncMap + SqlTemplateRootDir string + Template map[string]*template.Template + Type int + func Default(directory, extension string) *HTMLTemplate + func (sqlTemplate *HTMLTemplate) AddSqlTemplate(key string, sqlTemplateStr string) error + func (sqlTemplate *HTMLTemplate) BatchAddSqlTemplate(key string, sqlTemplateStrMap map[string]string) error + func (sqlTemplate *HTMLTemplate) BatchLoadSqlTemplate(filepathSlice []string) error + func (sqlTemplate *HTMLTemplate) BatchReloadSqlTemplate(filepathSlice []string) error + func (sqlTemplate *HTMLTemplate) BatchRemoveSqlTemplate(key []string) + func (sqlTemplate *HTMLTemplate) BatchUpdateSqlTemplate(key string, sqlTemplateStrMap map[string]string) error + func (sqlTemplate *HTMLTemplate) Execute(key string, args ...interface{}) (string, error) + func (sqlTemplate *HTMLTemplate) Extension() string + func (sqlTemplate *HTMLTemplate) GetSqlTemplate(key string) *template.Template + func (sqlTemplate *HTMLTemplate) GetSqlTemplates(keys ...interface{}) map[string]*template.Template + func (sqlTemplate *HTMLTemplate) LoadSqlTemplate(filepath string) error + func (sqlTemplate *HTMLTemplate) ReadTemplate(filepath string) ([]byte, error) + func (sqlTemplate *HTMLTemplate) ReloadSqlTemplate(filepath string) error + func (sqlTemplate *HTMLTemplate) RemoveSqlTemplate(key string) + func (sqlTemplate *HTMLTemplate) RootDir() string + func (sqlTemplate *HTMLTemplate) SetFuncs(key string, funcMap FuncMap) + func (sqlTemplate *HTMLTemplate) SetSqlTemplateCipher(cipher Cipher) + func (sqlTemplate *HTMLTemplate) UpdateSqlTemplate(key string, sqlTemplateStr string) error + func (sqlTemplate *HTMLTemplate) WalkFunc(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error + type Interface interface + Alias func(alias string) *Session + AllCols func() *Session + Asc func(colNames ...string) *Session + BufferSize func(size int) *Session + Cols func(columns ...string) *Session + Count func(...interface{}) (int64, error) + CreateIndexes func(bean interface{}) error + CreateUniques func(bean interface{}) error + Decr func(column string, arg ...interface{}) *Session + Delete func(interface{}) (int64, error) + Desc func(...string) *Session + Distinct func(columns ...string) *Session + DropIndexes func(bean interface{}) error + Exec func(sqlOrArgs ...interface{}) (sql.Result, error) + Exist func(bean ...interface{}) (bool, error) + Find func(interface{}, ...interface{}) error + FindAndCount func(interface{}, ...interface{}) (int64, error) + Get func(interface{}) (bool, error) + GroupBy func(keys string) *Session + ID func(interface{}) *Session + In func(string, ...interface{}) *Session + Incr func(column string, arg ...interface{}) *Session + Insert func(...interface{}) (int64, error) + InsertOne func(interface{}) (int64, error) + IsTableEmpty func(bean interface{}) (bool, error) + IsTableExist func(beanOrTableName interface{}) (bool, error) + Iterate func(interface{}, IterFunc) error + Join func(joinOperator string, tablename interface{}, condition string, ...) *Session + Limit func(int, *Session + MustCols func(columns ...string) *Session + NoAutoCondition func(...bool) *Session + NotIn func(string, ...interface{}) *Session + Omit func(columns ...string) *Session + OrderBy func(order string) *Session + Ping func() error + QueryBytes func(sqlOrArgs ...interface{}) (resultsSlice []map[string][]byte, err error) + QueryInterface func(sqlOrArgs ...interface{}) ([]map[string]interface{}, error) + QueryResult func(sqlOrArgs ...interface{}) (result *ResultValue) + QueryString func(sqlOrArgs ...interface{}) ([]map[string]string, error) + QueryValue func(sqlOrArgs ...interface{}) ([]map[string]Value, error) + Rows func(bean interface{}) (*Rows, error) + SQL func(interface{}, ...interface{}) *Session + Select func(string) *Session + SetExpr func(string, interface{}) *Session + Sum func(bean interface{}, colName string) (float64, error) + SumInt func(bean interface{}, colName string) (int64, error) + Sums func(bean interface{}, colNames ...string) ([]float64, error) + SumsInt func(bean interface{}, colNames ...string) ([]int64, error) + Table func(tableNameOrBean interface{}) *Session + Unscoped func() *Session + Update func(bean interface{}, condiBeans ...interface{}) (int64, error) + UseBool func(...string) *Session + Where func(interface{}, ...interface{}) *Session + type IterFunc func(idx int, bean interface{}) error + type JSONInterface interface + Marshal func(v interface{}) ([]byte, error) + Unmarshal func(data []byte, v interface{}) error + var DefaultJSONHandler JSONInterface = StdJSON{} + type JetTemplate struct + Capacity uint + Cipher Cipher + Funcs map[string]FuncMap + SqlTemplateRootDir string + Template map[string]*jet.Template + func Jet(directory, extension string) *JetTemplate + func (sqlTemplate *JetTemplate) AddSqlTemplate(key string, sqlTemplateStr string) error + func (sqlTemplate *JetTemplate) BatchAddSqlTemplate(key string, sqlTemplateStrMap map[string]string) error + func (sqlTemplate *JetTemplate) BatchLoadSqlTemplate(filepathSlice []string) error + func (sqlTemplate *JetTemplate) BatchReloadSqlTemplate(filepathSlice []string) error + func (sqlTemplate *JetTemplate) BatchRemoveSqlTemplate(key []string) + func (sqlTemplate *JetTemplate) BatchUpdateSqlTemplate(key string, sqlTemplateStrMap map[string]string) error + func (sqlTemplate *JetTemplate) Execute(key string, args ...interface{}) (string, error) + func (sqlTemplate *JetTemplate) Extension() string + func (sqlTemplate *JetTemplate) GetSqlTemplate(key string) *jet.Template + func (sqlTemplate *JetTemplate) GetSqlTemplates(keys ...interface{}) map[string]*jet.Template + func (sqlTemplate *JetTemplate) LoadSqlTemplate(filepath string) error + func (sqlTemplate *JetTemplate) ReadTemplate(filepath string) ([]byte, error) + func (sqlTemplate *JetTemplate) ReloadSqlTemplate(filepath string) error + func (sqlTemplate *JetTemplate) RemoveSqlTemplate(key string) + func (sqlTemplate *JetTemplate) RootDir() string + func (sqlTemplate *JetTemplate) SetFuncs(key string, funcMap FuncMap) + func (sqlTemplate *JetTemplate) SetSqlTemplateCipher(cipher Cipher) + func (sqlTemplate *JetTemplate) UpdateSqlTemplate(key string, sqlTemplateStr string) error + func (sqlTemplate *JetTemplate) WalkFunc(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error + type JsonSqlMap struct + func Json(directory, extension string) *JsonSqlMap + func (sqlMap *JsonSqlMap) Extension() string + func (sqlMap *JsonSqlMap) RootDir() string + type NullBool struct + Bool bool + Valid bool + func (nb *NullBool) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error + func (nb *NullBool) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error + func (nb NullBool) IsNil() bool + func (nb NullBool) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) + func (nb NullBool) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) + func (nb NullBool) Ptr() *bool + func (nb NullBool) ValueOrZero() bool + type NullFloat32 struct + Float32 float32 + Valid bool + func (nf *NullFloat32) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error + func (nf *NullFloat32) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error + func (nf NullFloat32) IsNil() bool + func (nf NullFloat32) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) + func (nf NullFloat32) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) + func (nf NullFloat32) Ptr() *float32 + func (nf NullFloat32) ValueOrZero() float32 + type NullFloat64 struct + Float64 float64 + Valid bool + func (nf *NullFloat64) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error + func (nf *NullFloat64) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error + func (nf NullFloat64) IsNil() bool + func (nf NullFloat64) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) + func (nf NullFloat64) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) + func (nf NullFloat64) Ptr() *float64 + func (nf NullFloat64) ValueOrZero() float64 + type NullInt struct + Int int + Valid bool + func (ni *NullInt) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error + func (ni *NullInt) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error + func (ni NullInt) IsNil() bool + func (ni NullInt) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) + func (ni NullInt) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) + func (ni NullInt) Ptr() *int + func (ni NullInt) ValueOrZero() int + type NullInt16 struct + Int16 int16 + Valid bool + func (ni *NullInt16) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error + func (ni *NullInt16) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error + func (ni NullInt16) IsNil() bool + func (ni NullInt16) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) + func (ni NullInt16) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) + func (ni NullInt16) Ptr() *int16 + func (ni NullInt16) ValueOrZero() int16 + type NullInt32 struct + Int32 int32 + Valid bool + func (ni *NullInt32) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error + func (ni *NullInt32) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error + func (ni NullInt32) IsNil() bool + func (ni NullInt32) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) + func (ni NullInt32) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) + func (ni NullInt32) Ptr() *int32 + func (ni NullInt32) ValueOrZero() int32 + type NullInt64 struct + Int64 int64 + Valid bool + func (ni *NullInt64) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error + func (ni *NullInt64) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error + func (ni NullInt64) IsNil() bool + func (ni NullInt64) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) + func (ni NullInt64) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) + func (ni NullInt64) Ptr() *int64 + func (ni NullInt64) ValueOrZero() int64 + type NullInt8 struct + Int8 int8 + Valid bool + func (ni *NullInt8) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error + func (ni *NullInt8) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error + func (ni NullInt8) IsNil() bool + func (ni NullInt8) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) + func (ni NullInt8) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) + func (ni NullInt8) Ptr() *int8 + func (ni NullInt8) ValueOrZero() int8 + type NullString struct + String string + Valid bool + func (ns *NullString) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error + func (ns *NullString) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error + func (ns NullString) IsNil() bool + func (ns NullString) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) + func (ns NullString) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) + func (ns NullString) Ptr() *string + func (ns NullString) ValueOrZero() string + type NullTime struct + Time time.Time + Valid bool + func (nt NullTime) IsNil() bool + func (nt NullTime) Ptr() *time.Time + func (nt NullTime) ValueOrZero() time.Time + type NullType interface + IsNil func() bool + type NullUint struct + Uint uint + Valid bool + func (ni NullUint) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) + func (ni NullUint) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) + func (nu *NullUint) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error + func (nu *NullUint) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error + func (nu NullUint) IsNil() bool + func (nu NullUint) Ptr() *uint + func (nu NullUint) ValueOrZero() uint + type NullUint16 struct + Uint16 uint16 + Valid bool + func (nu *NullUint16) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error + func (nu *NullUint16) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error + func (nu NullUint16) IsNil() bool + func (nu NullUint16) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) + func (nu NullUint16) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) + func (nu NullUint16) Ptr() *uint16 + func (nu NullUint16) ValueOrZero() uint16 + type NullUint32 struct + Uint32 uint32 + Valid bool + func (nu *NullUint32) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error + func (nu *NullUint32) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error + func (nu NullUint32) IsNil() bool + func (nu NullUint32) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) + func (nu NullUint32) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) + func (nu NullUint32) Ptr() *uint32 + func (nu NullUint32) ValueOrZero() uint32 + type NullUint64 struct + Uint64 uint64 + Valid bool + func (nu *NullUint64) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error + func (nu *NullUint64) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error + func (nu NullUint64) IsNil() bool + func (nu NullUint64) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) + func (nu NullUint64) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) + func (nu NullUint64) Ptr() *uint64 + func (nu NullUint64) ValueOrZero() uint64 + type NullUint8 struct + Uint8 uint8 + Valid bool + func (nu *NullUint8) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error + func (nu *NullUint8) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error + func (nu NullUint8) IsNil() bool + func (nu NullUint8) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) + func (nu NullUint8) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) + func (nu NullUint8) Ptr() *uint8 + func (nu NullUint8) ValueOrZero() uint8 + type Pongo2Template struct + Capacity uint + Cipher Cipher + Funcs map[string]FuncMap + SqlTemplateRootDir string + Template map[string]*pongo2.Template + Type int + func Pongo2(directory, extension string) *Pongo2Template + func (sqlTemplate *Pongo2Template) AddSqlTemplate(key string, sqlTemplateStr string) error + func (sqlTemplate *Pongo2Template) BatchAddSqlTemplate(key string, sqlTemplateStrMap map[string]string) error + func (sqlTemplate *Pongo2Template) BatchLoadSqlTemplate(filepathSlice []string) error + func (sqlTemplate *Pongo2Template) BatchReloadSqlTemplate(filepathSlice []string) error + func (sqlTemplate *Pongo2Template) BatchRemoveSqlTemplate(key []string) + func (sqlTemplate *Pongo2Template) BatchUpdateSqlTemplate(key string, sqlTemplateStrMap map[string]string) error + func (sqlTemplate *Pongo2Template) Execute(key string, args ...interface{}) (string, error) + func (sqlTemplate *Pongo2Template) Extension() string + func (sqlTemplate *Pongo2Template) GetSqlTemplate(key string) *pongo2.Template + func (sqlTemplate *Pongo2Template) GetSqlTemplates(keys ...interface{}) map[string]*pongo2.Template + func (sqlTemplate *Pongo2Template) LoadSqlTemplate(filepath string) error + func (sqlTemplate *Pongo2Template) ReadTemplate(filepath string) ([]byte, error) + func (sqlTemplate *Pongo2Template) ReloadSqlTemplate(filepath string) error + func (sqlTemplate *Pongo2Template) RemoveSqlTemplate(key string) + func (sqlTemplate *Pongo2Template) RootDir() string + func (sqlTemplate *Pongo2Template) SetFuncs(key string, funcMap FuncMap) + func (sqlTemplate *Pongo2Template) SetSqlTemplateCipher(cipher Cipher) + func (sqlTemplate *Pongo2Template) UpdateSqlTemplate(key string, sqlTemplateStr string) error + func (sqlTemplate *Pongo2Template) WalkFunc(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error + type Record map[string]Value + type Result []Record + type ResultBean struct + Error error + Has bool + Result interface{} + func (resultBean *ResultBean) GetResult() (bool, interface{}, error) + func (resultBean *ResultBean) Json() (bool, string, error) + func (resultBean *ResultBean) Xml() (bool, string, error) + func (resultBean *ResultBean) XmlIndent(prefix string, indent string, recordTag string) (bool, string, error) + type ResultMap struct + Error error + Result []map[string]interface{} + func (resultMap *ResultMap) Count() (int, error) + func (resultMap *ResultMap) Json() (string, error) + func (resultMap *ResultMap) List() ([]map[string]interface{}, error) + func (resultMap *ResultMap) ListPage(firstResult int, maxResults int) ([]map[string]interface{}, error) + func (resultMap *ResultMap) SaveAsCSV(filename string, headers []string, perm os.FileMode) error + func (resultMap *ResultMap) SaveAsHTML(filename string, headers []string, perm os.FileMode) error + func (resultMap *ResultMap) SaveAsJSON(filename string, headers []string, perm os.FileMode) error + func (resultMap *ResultMap) SaveAsTSV(filename string, headers []string, perm os.FileMode) error + func (resultMap *ResultMap) SaveAsXLSX(filename string, headers []string, perm os.FileMode) error + func (resultMap *ResultMap) SaveAsXML(filename string, headers []string, perm os.FileMode) error + func (resultMap *ResultMap) SaveAsXMLWithTagNamePrefixIndent(tagName string, prifix string, indent string, filename string, ...) error + func (resultMap *ResultMap) SaveAsYAML(filename string, headers []string, perm os.FileMode) error + func (resultMap *ResultMap) Xml() (string, error) + func (resultMap *ResultMap) XmlIndent(prefix string, indent string, recordTag string) (string, error) + type ResultStructs struct + Error error + Result interface{} + func (resultStructs *ResultStructs) Json() (string, error) + func (resultStructs *ResultStructs) Xml() (string, error) + func (resultStructs *ResultStructs) XmlIndent(prefix string, indent string, recordTag string) (string, error) + type ResultValue struct + Error error + Result Result + func (resultValue *ResultValue) Count() (int, error) + func (resultValue *ResultValue) List() (Result, error) + func (resultValue *ResultValue) ListPage(firstResult int, maxResults int) (Result, error) + type Rows struct + func (rows *Rows) Close() error + func (rows *Rows) Err() error + func (rows *Rows) Next() bool + func (rows *Rows) Scan(bean interface{}) error + type RsaEncrypt struct + DecryptMode int + EncryptMode int + PriKey string + PubKey string + func (this *RsaEncrypt) Byte(in []byte, mode int) ([]byte, error) + func (this *RsaEncrypt) Decrypt(crypted []byte) (decrypted []byte, err error) + func (this *RsaEncrypt) Encrypt(strMesg string) ([]byte, error) + func (this *RsaEncrypt) IO(in io.Reader, out io.Writer, mode int) error + type Scanner struct + func (s *Scanner) Run(io *bufio.Scanner) map[string]string + type Session struct + func (session *Session) After(closures func(interface{})) *Session + func (session *Session) Alias(alias string) *Session + func (session *Session) AllCols() *Session + func (session *Session) And(query interface{}, args ...interface{}) *Session + func (session *Session) Asc(colNames ...string) *Session + func (session *Session) Before(closures func(interface{})) *Session + func (session *Session) Begin() error + func (session *Session) BeginTrans(transactionDefinition (*Transaction, error) + func (session *Session) BufferSize(size int) *Session + func (session *Session) Cascade(trueOrFalse ...bool) *Session + func (session *Session) Charset(charset string) *Session + func (session *Session) Close() error + func (session *Session) Cols(columns ...string) *Session + func (session *Session) Commit() error + func (session *Session) Conds() builder.Cond + func (session *Session) Context(ctx context.Context) *Session + func (session *Session) ContextCache(context contexts.ContextCache) *Session + func (session *Session) Count(bean ...interface{}) (int64, error) + func (session *Session) CreateIndexes(bean interface{}) error + func (session *Session) CreateTable(bean interface{}) error + func (session *Session) CreateUniques(bean interface{}) error + func (session *Session) DB() *core.DB + func (session *Session) Decr(column string, arg ...interface{}) *Session + func (session *Session) Delete(bean interface{}) (int64, error) + func (session *Session) Desc(colNames ...string) *Session + func (session *Session) Distinct(columns ...string) *Session + func (session *Session) DropIndexes(bean interface{}) error + func (session *Session) DropTable(beanOrTableName interface{}) error + func (session *Session) Engine() *Engine + func (session *Session) Exec(sqlOrArgs ...interface{}) (sql.Result, error) + func (session *Session) Execute() (sql.Result, error) + func (session *Session) Exist(bean ...interface{}) (bool, error) + func (session *Session) Find(rowsSlicePtr interface{}, condiBean ...interface{}) error + func (session *Session) FindAndCount(rowsSlicePtr interface{}, condiBean ...interface{}) (int64, error) + func (session *Session) ForUpdate() *Session + func (session *Session) Get(bean interface{}) (bool, error) + func (session *Session) GetFirst(bean interface{}) *ResultBean + func (session *Session) GroupBy(keys string) *Session + func (session *Session) Having(conditions string) *Session + func (session *Session) ID(id interface{}) *Session + func (session *Session) Import(r io.Reader) ([]sql.Result, error) + func (session *Session) ImportFile(ddlPath string) ([]sql.Result, error) + func (session *Session) In(column string, args ...interface{}) *Session + func (session *Session) Incr(column string, arg ...interface{}) *Session + func (session *Session) Insert(beans ...interface{}) (int64, error) + func (session *Session) InsertMulti(rowsSlicePtr interface{}) (int64, error) + func (session *Session) InsertOne(bean interface{}) (int64, error) + func (session *Session) IsClosed() bool + func (session *Session) IsTableEmpty(bean interface{}) (bool, error) + func (session *Session) IsTableExist(beanOrTableName interface{}) (bool, error) + func (session *Session) Iterate(bean interface{}, fun IterFunc) error + func (session *Session) Join(joinOperator string, tablename interface{}, condition string, ...) *Session + func (session *Session) LastSQL() (string, []interface{}) + func (session *Session) Limit(limit int, start *Session + func (session *Session) MustCols(columns ...string) *Session + func (session *Session) MustLogSQL(logs ...bool) *Session + func (session *Session) NoAutoCondition(no ...bool) *Session + func (session *Session) NoAutoTime() *Session + func (session *Session) NoCache() *Session + func (session *Session) NoCascade() *Session + func (session *Session) NotIn(column string, args ...interface{}) *Session + func (session *Session) Nullable(columns ...string) *Session + func (session *Session) Omit(columns ...string) *Session + func (session *Session) OmitConditions(columns ...string) *Session + func (session *Session) Or(query interface{}, args ...interface{}) *Session + func (session *Session) OrderBy(order string) *Session + func (session *Session) Ping() error + func (session *Session) PingContext(ctx context.Context) error + func (session *Session) Prepare() *Session + func (session *Session) Query() *ResultMap + func (session *Session) QueryBytes(sqlOrArgs ...interface{}) ([]map[string][]byte, error) + func (session *Session) QueryExpr(sqlOrArgs ...interface{}) sqlExpr + func (session *Session) QueryInterface(sqlOrArgs ...interface{}) ([]map[string]interface{}, error) + func (session *Session) QueryResult(sqlOrArgs ...interface{}) *ResultValue + func (session *Session) QueryRows(sqlOrArgs ...interface{}) (*core.Rows, error) + func (session *Session) QuerySliceString(sqlOrArgs ...interface{}) ([][]string, error) + func (session *Session) QueryString(sqlOrArgs ...interface{}) ([]map[string]string, error) + func (session *Session) QueryValue(sqlOrArgs ...interface{}) ([]map[string]Value, error) + func (session *Session) QueryWithDateFormat(dateFormat string) *ResultMap + func (session *Session) Rollback() error + func (session *Session) Rows(bean interface{}) (*Rows, error) + func (session *Session) SQL(query interface{}, args ...interface{}) *Session + func (session *Session) Search(rowsSlicePtr interface{}, condiBean ...interface{}) *ResultStructs + func (session *Session) Select(str string) *Session + func (session *Session) SetExpr(column string, expression interface{}) *Session + func (session *Session) SqlMapClient(sqlTagName string, args ...interface{}) *Session + func (session *Session) SqlMapsClient(sqlkeys interface{}, parmas ...interface{}) *SqlMapsExecutor + func (session *Session) SqlTemplateClient(sqlTagName string, args ...interface{}) *Session + func (session *Session) SqlTemplatesClient(sqlkeys interface{}, parmas ...interface{}) *SqlTemplatesExecutor + func (session *Session) Sqls(sqls interface{}, parmas ...interface{}) *SqlsExecutor + func (session *Session) StoreEngine(storeEngine string) *Session + func (session *Session) Sum(bean interface{}, columnName string) (res float64, err error) + func (session *Session) SumInt(bean interface{}, columnName string) (res int64, err error) + func (session *Session) Sums(bean interface{}, columnNames ...string) ([]float64, error) + func (session *Session) SumsInt(bean interface{}, columnNames ...string) ([]int64, error) + func (session *Session) Sync2(beans ...interface{}) error + func (session *Session) Table(tableNameOrBean interface{}) *Session + func (session *Session) Unscoped() *Session + func (session *Session) Update(bean interface{}, condiBean ...interface{}) (int64, error) + func (session *Session) UseBool(columns ...string) *Session + func (session *Session) Where(query interface{}, args ...interface{}) *Session + type Sql struct + Id string + Value string + type SqlM interface + Extension func() string + RootDir func() string + type SqlMap struct + Capacity uint + Cipher Cipher + Extension map[string]string + Sql map[string]string + SqlMapRootDir string + type SqlMapsExecutor struct + func (sqlMapsExecutor *SqlMapsExecutor) Execute() ([][]map[string]interface{}, map[string][]map[string]interface{}, error) + type SqlTemplate interface + AddSqlTemplate func(key string, sqlTemplateStr string) error + BatchAddSqlTemplate func(key string, sqlTemplateStrMap map[string]string) error + BatchLoadSqlTemplate func(filepathSlice []string) error + BatchReloadSqlTemplate func(filepathSlice []string) error + BatchRemoveSqlTemplate func(key []string) + BatchUpdateSqlTemplate func(key string, sqlTemplateStrMap map[string]string) error + Execute func(key string, args ...interface{}) (string, error) + Extension func() string + LoadSqlTemplate func(filepath string) error + ReadTemplate func(filepath string) ([]byte, error) + ReloadSqlTemplate func(filepath string) error + RemoveSqlTemplate func(key string) + RootDir func() string + SetFuncs func(key string, funcMap FuncMap) + SetSqlTemplateCipher func(cipher Cipher) + UpdateSqlTemplate func(key string, sqlTemplateStr string) error + WalkFunc func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error + type SqlTemplatesExecutor struct + func (sqlTemplatesExecutor *SqlTemplatesExecutor) Execute() ([][]map[string]interface{}, map[string][]map[string]interface{}, error) + type SqlsExecutor struct + func (sqlsExecutor *SqlsExecutor) Execute() ([][]map[string]interface{}, map[string][]map[string]interface{}, error) + type StdJSON struct + func (StdJSON) Marshal(v interface{}) ([]byte, error) + func (StdJSON) Unmarshal(data []byte, v interface{}) error + type StringBuilder struct + func (b *StringBuilder) Grow(n int) + func (b *StringBuilder) Len() int + func (b *StringBuilder) Reset() + func (b *StringBuilder) String() string + func (b *StringBuilder) Write(p []byte) (int, error) + func (b *StringBuilder) WriteByte(c byte) error + func (b *StringBuilder) WriteRune(r rune) (int, error) + func (b *StringBuilder) WriteString(s string) (int, error) + type Table struct + Name string + func (t *Table) IsValid() bool + type Transaction struct + func (transaction *Transaction) BeginTrans() error + func (transaction *Transaction) CommitTrans() error + func (transaction *Transaction) Do(doFunc func(params ...interface{}), params ...interface{}) + func (transaction *Transaction) GetSavePointID() string + func (transaction *Transaction) IsExistingTransaction() bool + func (transaction *Transaction) RollbackToSavePoint(savePointID string) error + func (transaction *Transaction) RollbackTrans() error + func (transaction *Transaction) SavePoint(savePointID string) error + func (transaction *Transaction) Session() *Session + func (transaction *Transaction) TransactionDefinition() int + func (transaction *Transaction) WaitForDo(doFunc func(params ...interface{}), params ...interface{}) + type TripleDesEncrypt struct + PubKey string + func (this *TripleDesEncrypt) Decrypt(crypted []byte) ([]byte, error) + func (this *TripleDesEncrypt) Encrypt(strMesg string) ([]byte, error) + type Value []byte + func (v Value) Bool() bool + func (v Value) Bytes() []byte + func (v Value) Float32() float32 + func (v Value) Float64() float64 + func (v Value) Int() int + func (v Value) Int16() int16 + func (v Value) Int32() int32 + func (v Value) Int64() int64 + func (v Value) Int8() int8 + func (v Value) NullBool() NullBool + func (v Value) NullFloat32() NullFloat32 + func (v Value) NullFloat64() NullFloat64 + func (v Value) NullInt() NullInt + func (v Value) NullInt16() NullInt16 + func (v Value) NullInt32() NullInt32 + func (v Value) NullInt64() NullInt64 + func (v Value) NullInt8() NullInt8 + func (v Value) NullString() NullString + func (v Value) NullTime(format string, TZLocation ...*time.Location) NullTime + func (v Value) NullUint() NullUint + func (v Value) NullUint16() NullUint16 + func (v Value) NullUint32() NullUint32 + func (v Value) NullUint64() NullUint64 + func (v Value) NullUint8() NullUint8 + func (v Value) String() string + func (v Value) Time(format string, TZLocation ...*time.Location) time.Time + func (v Value) TimeDuration() time.Duration + func (v Value) Uint() uint + func (v Value) Uint16() uint16 + func (v Value) Uint32() uint32 + func (v Value) Uint64() uint64 + func (v Value) Uint8() uint8 + type XSqlMap struct + func XSql(directory, extension string) *XSqlMap + func (sqlMap *XSqlMap) Extension() string + func (sqlMap *XSqlMap) RootDir() string + type XmlSql struct + Sql []Sql + type XmlSqlMap struct + func Xml(directory, extension string) *XmlSqlMap + func (sqlMap *XmlSqlMap) Extension() string + func (sqlMap *XmlSqlMap) RootDir() string