Get the user preferences for your Gio app.
What can it be used for?
The Theme package provides IsDarkMode
, which can be used to
change your palette in order to honor the user's preferences.
// Check the preference:
isDark, _ := theme.IsDarkMode()
// Change the Palette based on the preference:
var palette material.Palette
if isDark {
palette.Bg = color.NRGBA{A: 255} // Black Background
palette.Fg = color.NRGBA{R: 255, G: 255, B: 255, A: 255} // White Foreground
} else {
palette.Bg = color.NRGBA{R: 255, G: 255, B: 255, A: 255} // White Background
palette.Fg = color.NRGBA{A: 255} // Black Foreground
The Locale makes possible to match the user language preference, that
is important for multi-language apps. So, let your app speak the user's native language.
// Your dictionary (in that case using x/text/catalog):
cat := catalog.NewBuilder()
cat.SetString(language.English, "Hello World", "Hello World")
cat.SetString(language.Portuguese, "Hello World", "Olá Mundo")
cat.SetString(language.Spanish, "Hello World", "Hola Mundo")
cat.SetString(language.Czech, "Hello World", "Ahoj světe")
cat.SetString(language.French, "Hello World", "Bonjour le monde")
// Get the user preferences:
userLanguage, _ := locale.Language()
// Get the best match based on the preferred language:
userLanguage, _, confidence := cat.Matcher().Match(userLanguage)
if confidence <= language.Low {
userLanguage = language.English // Switch to the default language, due to low confidence.
// Creates the printer with the user language:
printer := message.NewPrinter(userLanguage, message.Catalog(cat))
// Display the text based on the language:
printer.Sprintf("Hello World"),
Most of the features is supported across Android 6+, JS and Windows 10. It will return ErrAvailableAPI for any other
platform that isn't supported.
Package |
OS |
Locale |
Android 6+ JS Linux Windows Vista+ |
Theme |
Android 4+ JS Windows 10+ |
Battery |
Android 6+ JS (Chrome) Windows Vista+ |