Kubernetes custom resources and controllers of Fybrik.
The manager
binary includes all of the controllers that this project defines but you need to select which of the controllers to run by passing one or more of the following command line arguments:
to enable all controllers
to enable the controller for FybrikApplication
to enable the controller for Blueprint
Run and debug locally
Beyond testing, you may run and debug the manager outside the cluster using the following instructions.
Prepare the fybrik environment
Use one of below methods to prepare the fybrik environment.
Install Fybrik using the Quick Start guide.
Follow the instructions to use tekton pipeline to deploy the fybrik components to your existing cluster.
Run required components
Components such as connectors need to be running before you run the manager.
This can be done by one of these options:
- Running components locally directly (no instructions provided)
- Running components in a cluster
For option 2, the Helm installation allows you to pick which compoenents to install.
Follow the installation guide as usual,the fybrik crd needs to be installed before installing fybrik as is, but in the Helm installation for the control plane add --set manager.enabled=false
to skip the deployment of the manager. For example:
helm install fybrik charts/fybrik --set global.tag=master --set manager.enabled=false -n fybrik-system --wait
If your are using the local development images please use the 0.0.0
helm install fybrik charts/fybrik --set global.tag=0.0.0 --set manager.enabled=false -n fybrik-system --wait
Expose running components
Components such as connectors need to be reachable over localhost.
If you chose to run these components in a cluster you can use port-forward.
For example:
kubectl -n fybrik-system port-forward svc/katalog-connector 49152:80 &
kubectl -n fybrik-system port-forward svc/opa-connector 49153:80 &
Set configuration environment variables
The main configuration map is not available when running locally.
Therefore, you need to define configuration as environment variables.
Create .env
file in the root folder of the project. For example:
If the manager works with a Razee service, you also need to add the following environment variables:
RAZEE_URL=<Razee access point> # e.g. "http://localhost:3333/graphql"
# you should define either RAZEE_USER/RAZEE_PASSWORD or API_KEY, if both are defined, RAZEE_USER/RAZEE_PASSWORD will be used.
RAZEE_USER=<Razee user>
RAZEE_PASSWORD=<Razee password>
API_KEY=<Razee api key>
If you plan to run manager from the command line,
then run the following to export all of the variables:
set -a; . .env; set +a
Copy taxonomy JSON files and config policies locally
cp -R ../charts/fybrik/files/taxonomy /tmp/
cp -R ../charts/fybrik/files/adminconfig /tmp/
Run the manager
From command line
You can now run the manager from the manager
folder using one of these options:
make run
go run main.go --enable-all-controllers --metrics-bind-addr=0
From IDE
If you wish to debug it from an IDE then be sure to configure the environment variables properly as described in the previous step.
Below is a launch.json
file for VSCode:
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"name": "Launch",
"type": "go",
"request": "launch",
"mode": "auto",
"program": "${workspaceFolder}/manager/main.go",
"envFile": "${workspaceFolder}/.env",
"args": ["--metrics-bind-addr=0", "--enable-all-controllers"]
Directory structure
The rest of this README describes the directory structure.
Holds the Customer Resource Definitions (CRDs) of the project:
: Includes FybrikApplication
, administrator APIs FybrikModule
and FybrikBucket
, and internal CRDs Blueprint
and Plotter
Holds the customer controllers of the project:
holds the controllers for
APIs FybrikApplication
, Blueprint
and Plotter
Includes resources that are used in unit tests and in integration tests.