Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func AssetSeedAndPass(assetID uint32, appSeed []byte) ([]byte, []byte)
- func CheckTopicLangs() (missingTranslations int)
- func FetchCoinpaprikaRates(ctx context.Context, log dex.Logger, assets map[uint32]*SupportedAsset) map[uint32]float64
- func FetchDcrdataRates(ctx context.Context, log dex.Logger, assets map[uint32]*SupportedAsset) map[uint32]float64
- func FetchMessariRates(ctx context.Context, log dex.Logger, assets map[uint32]*SupportedAsset) map[uint32]float64
- func RegisterTranslations()
- func UnwrapErr(err error) error
- type Account
- type ActionRequiredNote
- type BalanceNote
- type BondAsset
- type BondOptions
- type BondOptionsForm
- type BondPostNote
- type BondRefundNote
- type BookFeed
- type BookUpdate
- type CandleUpdate
- type CandlesPayload
- type Coin
- type Config
- type Confirmations
- type ConnEventNote
- type Core
- func (c *Core) AccelerateOrder(pw []byte, oidB dex.Bytes, newFeeRate uint64) (string, error)
- func (c *Core) AccelerationEstimate(oidB dex.Bytes, newFeeRate uint64) (uint64, error)
- func (c *Core) AccountExport(pw []byte, host string) (*Account, []*db.Bond, error)
- func (c *Core) AccountImport(pw []byte, acct *Account, bonds []*db.Bond) error
- func (c *Core) AckNotes(ids []dex.Bytes)
- func (c *Core) Active() bool
- func (c *Core) ActiveOrders() (map[string][]*Order, map[string][]*InFlightOrder, error)
- func (c *Core) AddDEX(appPW []byte, dexAddr string, certI any) error
- func (c *Core) AddWalletPeer(assetID uint32, address string) error
- func (c *Core) ApproveToken(appPW []byte, assetID uint32, dexAddr string, onConfirm func()) (string, error)
- func (c *Core) ApproveTokenFee(assetID uint32, version uint32, approval bool) (uint64, error)
- func (c *Core) AssetBalance(assetID uint32) (*WalletBalance, error)
- func (c *Core) AutoWalletConfig(assetID uint32, walletType string) (map[string]string, error)
- func (c *Core) BackupDB(dst string, overwrite, compact bool) error
- func (c *Core) BondsFeeBuffer(assetID uint32) (uint64, error)
- func (c *Core) Book(dex string, base, quote uint32) (*OrderBook, error)
- func (c *Core) Broadcast(n Notification)
- func (c *Core) Cancel(oidB dex.Bytes) error
- func (c *Core) ChangeAppPass(appPW, newAppPW []byte) error
- func (c *Core) CloseWallet(assetID uint32) error
- func (c *Core) ConfigureFundsMixer(pw []byte, assetID uint32, isMixerEnabled bool) error
- func (c *Core) ConnectWallet(assetID uint32) error
- func (c *Core) CreateWallet(appPW, walletPW []byte, form *WalletForm) error
- func (c *Core) DeleteArchivedRecords(olderThan *time.Time, matchesFile, ordersFile string) (int, error)
- func (c *Core) DeleteArchivedRecordsWithBackup(olderThan *time.Time, saveMatchesToFile, saveOrdersToFile bool) (string, int, error)
- func (c *Core) DiscoverAccount(dexAddr string, appPW []byte, certI any) (*Exchange, bool, error)
- func (c *Core) EstimateSendTxFee(address string, assetID uint32, amount uint64, subtract, maxWithdraw bool) (fee uint64, isValidAddress bool, err error)
- func (c *Core) Exchange(host string) (*Exchange, error)
- func (c *Core) ExchangeMarket(host string, baseID, quoteID uint32) (*Market, error)
- func (c *Core) Exchanges() map[string]*Exchange
- func (c *Core) ExportSeed(pw []byte) (seedStr string, err error)
- func (c *Core) ExtensionModeConfig() *ExtensionModeConfig
- func (c *Core) FiatConversionRates() map[uint32]float64
- func (c *Core) FiatRateSources() map[string]bool
- func (c *Core) FundsMixingStats(assetID uint32) (*asset.FundsMixingStats, error)
- func (c *Core) GenerateBCHRecoveryTransaction(appPW []byte, recipient string) ([]byte, error)
- func (c *Core) GetDEXConfig(dexAddr string, certI any) (*Exchange, error)
- func (c *Core) InitializeClient(pw []byte, restorationSeed *string) (string, error)
- func (c *Core) IsInitialized() bool
- func (c *Core) Language() string
- func (c *Core) ListVSPs(assetID uint32) ([]*asset.VotingServiceProvider, error)
- func (c *Core) Login(pw []byte) error
- func (c *Core) Logout() error
- func (c *Core) MarketConfig(host string, baseID, quoteID uint32) (*msgjson.Market, error)
- func (c *Core) MaxBuy(host string, baseID, quoteID uint32, rate uint64) (*MaxOrderEstimate, error)
- func (c *Core) MaxFundingFees(fromAsset uint32, host string, numTrades uint32, options map[string]string) (uint64, error)
- func (c *Core) MaxSell(host string, base, quote uint32) (*MaxOrderEstimate, error)
- func (c *Core) MultiTrade(pw []byte, form *MultiTradeForm) []*MultiTradeResult
- func (c *Core) Network() dex.Network
- func (c *Core) NetworkFeeRate(assetID uint32) uint64
- func (c *Core) NewDepositAddress(assetID uint32) (string, error)
- func (c *Core) NotificationFeed() *NoteFeed
- func (c *Core) Notifications(n int) (notes, pokes []*db.Notification, _ error)
- func (c *Core) OpenWallet(assetID uint32, appPW []byte) error
- func (c *Core) Order(oidB dex.Bytes) (*Order, error)
- func (c *Core) Orders(filter *OrderFilter) ([]*Order, error)
- func (c *Core) PostBond(form *PostBondForm) (*PostBondResult, error)
- func (c *Core) PreAccelerateOrder(oidB dex.Bytes) (*PreAccelerate, error)
- func (c *Core) PreOrder(form *TradeForm) (*OrderEstimate, error)
- func (c *Core) PurchaseTickets(assetID uint32, pw []byte, n int) error
- func (c *Core) Ready() <-chan struct{}
- func (c *Core) ReconfigureWallet(appPW, newWalletPW []byte, form *WalletForm) error
- func (c *Core) RecoverWallet(assetID uint32, appPW []byte, force bool) error
- func (c *Core) RedeemGeocode(appPW, code []byte, msg string) (dex.Bytes, uint64, error)
- func (c *Core) RedeemPrepaidBond(appPW []byte, code []byte, host string, certI any) (tier uint64, err error)
- func (c *Core) RemoveWalletPeer(assetID uint32, address string) error
- func (c *Core) RescanWallet(assetID uint32, force bool) error
- func (c *Core) ResetAppPass(newPass []byte, seedStr string) (err error)
- func (c *Core) Run(ctx context.Context)
- func (c *Core) Send(pw []byte, assetID uint32, value uint64, address string, subtract bool) (asset.Coin, error)
- func (c *Core) SetLanguage(lang string) error
- func (c *Core) SetVSP(assetID uint32, addr string) error
- func (c *Core) SetVotingPreferences(assetID uint32, choices, tSpendPolicy, treasuryPolicy map[string]string) error
- func (c *Core) SetWalletPassword(appPW []byte, assetID uint32, newPW []byte) error
- func (c *Core) SingleLotFees(form *SingleLotFeesForm) (swapFees, redeemFees, refundFees uint64, err error)
- func (c *Core) StakeStatus(assetID uint32) (*asset.TicketStakingStatus, error)
- func (c *Core) SupportedAssets() map[uint32]*SupportedAsset
- func (c *Core) SyncBook(host string, base, quote uint32) (*orderbook.OrderBook, BookFeed, error)
- func (c *Core) TakeAction(assetID uint32, actionID string, actionB json.RawMessage) (err error)
- func (c *Core) TicketPage(assetID uint32, scanStart int32, n, skipN int) ([]*asset.Ticket, error)
- func (c *Core) ToggleAccountStatus(pw []byte, host string, disable bool) error
- func (c *Core) ToggleRateSourceStatus(source string, disable bool) error
- func (c *Core) ToggleWalletStatus(assetID uint32, disable bool) error
- func (c *Core) Trade(pw []byte, form *TradeForm) (*Order, error)
- func (c *Core) TradeAsync(pw []byte, form *TradeForm) (*InFlightOrder, error)
- func (c *Core) TradingLimits(host string) (userParcels, parcelLimit uint32, err error)
- func (c *Core) TxHistory(assetID uint32, n int, refID *string, past bool) ([]*asset.WalletTransaction, error)
- func (c *Core) UnapproveToken(appPW []byte, assetID uint32, version uint32) (string, error)
- func (c *Core) UpdateBondOptions(form *BondOptionsForm) error
- func (c *Core) UpdateCert(host string, cert []byte) error
- func (c *Core) UpdateDEXHost(oldHost, newHost string, appPW []byte, certI any) (*Exchange, error)
- func (c *Core) User() *User
- func (c *Core) ValidateAddress(address string, assetID uint32) (bool, error)
- func (c *Core) WalletLogFilePath(assetID uint32) (string, error)
- func (c *Core) WalletPeers(assetID uint32) ([]*asset.WalletPeer, error)
- func (c *Core) WalletRestorationInfo(pw []byte, assetID uint32) ([]*asset.WalletRestoration, error)
- func (c *Core) WalletSettings(assetID uint32) (map[string]string, error)
- func (c *Core) WalletState(assetID uint32) *WalletState
- func (c *Core) WalletTraits(assetID uint32) (asset.WalletTrait, error)
- func (c *Core) WalletTransaction(assetID uint32, txID string) (*asset.WalletTransaction, error)
- func (c *Core) Wallets() []*WalletState
- type DEXAuthNote
- type EpochMatchSummaryPayload
- type EpochNotification
- type Error
- type Exchange
- type ExchangeAuth
- type ExpirationErr
- type ExtensionModeConfig
- type FeeBreakdown
- type FeePaymentNote
- type FeeState
- type FiatRatesNote
- type InFlightOrder
- type LoginNote
- type Market
- func (m *Market) BaseContractLocked() uint64
- func (m *Market) BaseOrderLocked() uint64
- func (m *Market) ConventionalRateToMsg(p float64) uint64
- func (m *Market) Display() string
- func (m *Market) MsgRateToConventional(r uint64) float64
- func (m *Market) QuoteContractLocked() uint64
- func (m *Market) QuoteOrderLocked() uint64
- type MarketOrderBook
- type Match
- type MatchNote
- type MaxOrderEstimate
- type MiniOrder
- type MultiTradeForm
- type MultiTradeResult
- type NoteFeed
- type Notification
- type Order
- type OrderBook
- type OrderEstimate
- type OrderFilter
- type OrderNote
- type OrderReader
- func (ord *OrderReader) AskString() string
- func (ord *OrderReader) AverageRateString() string
- func (ord *OrderReader) BaseAssetFees() string
- func (ord *OrderReader) BaseFeeSymbol() string
- func (ord *OrderReader) BaseQtyString() string
- func (ord *OrderReader) Cancelable() bool
- func (ord *OrderReader) FilledFrom() string
- func (ord *OrderReader) FilledPercent() string
- func (ord *OrderReader) FilledTo() string
- func (ord *OrderReader) FromFeeSymbol() string
- func (ord *OrderReader) FromID() uint32
- func (ord *OrderReader) FromSymbol() string
- func (ord *OrderReader) FromTicker() string
- func (ord *OrderReader) FundingCoinIDs() []string
- func (ord *OrderReader) IsMarketBuy() bool
- func (ord *OrderReader) IsMarketOrder() bool
- func (ord *OrderReader) OfferString() string
- func (ord *OrderReader) QuoteAssetFees() string
- func (ord *OrderReader) QuoteFeeSymbol() string
- func (ord *OrderReader) RateString() string
- func (ord *OrderReader) RedemptionFeesString() string
- func (ord *OrderReader) SettledFrom() string
- func (ord *OrderReader) SettledPercent() string
- func (ord *OrderReader) SettledTo() string
- func (ord *OrderReader) SideString() string
- func (ord *OrderReader) SimpleRateString() string
- func (ord *OrderReader) StatusString() string
- func (ord *OrderReader) SwapFeesString() string
- func (ord *OrderReader) ToFeeSymbol() string
- func (ord *OrderReader) ToID() uint32
- func (ord *OrderReader) ToSymbol() string
- func (ord *OrderReader) ToTicker() string
- func (ord *OrderReader) TypeString() string
- type PendingBondState
- type PostBondForm
- type PostBondResult
- type PreAccelerate
- type QtyRate
- type RejectedRedemptionData
- type RemainderUpdate
- type ReputationNote
- type ResolvedEpoch
- type SecurityNote
- type SendNote
- type ServerNotifyNote
- type SingleLotFeesForm
- type SpotPriceNote
- type SupportedAsset
- type Topic
- type TradeForm
- type UpgradeNote
- type User
- type WalletBalance
- type WalletConfigNote
- type WalletCreationNote
- type WalletForm
- type WalletNoPeersError
- type WalletNote
- type WalletState
- type WalletStateNote
- type WalletSyncError
- type WalletSyncNote
Constants ¶
const ( NoteTypeFeePayment = "feepayment" NoteTypeBondPost = "bondpost" NoteTypeBondRefund = "bondrefund" NoteTypeUnknownBond = "unknownbond" NoteTypeSend = "send" NoteTypeOrder = "order" NoteTypeMatch = "match" NoteTypeEpoch = "epoch" NoteTypeConnEvent = "conn" NoteTypeBalance = "balance" NoteTypeSpots = "spots" NoteTypeWalletConfig = "walletconfig" NoteTypeWalletState = "walletstate" NoteTypeWalletSync = "walletsync" NoteTypeServerNotify = "notify" NoteTypeSecurity = "security" NoteTypeUpgrade = "upgrade" NoteTypeBot = "bot" NoteTypeDEXAuth = "dex_auth" NoteTypeFiatRates = "fiatrateupdate" NoteTypeCreateWallet = "createwallet" NoteTypeLogin = "login" NoteTypeWalletNote = "walletnote" NoteTypeReputation = "reputation" NoteTypeActionRequired = "actionrequired" )
Notifications should use the following note type strings.
const ( ActionIDRedeemRejected = "redeemRejected" TopicRedeemRejected = "RedeemRejected" )
const ( FreshBookAction = "book" FreshCandlesAction = "candles" BookOrderAction = "book_order" EpochOrderAction = "epoch_order" UnbookOrderAction = "unbook_order" UpdateRemainingAction = "update_remaining" CandleUpdateAction = "candle_update" EpochMatchSummary = "epoch_match_summary" EpochResolved = "epoch_resolved" )
const (
// DefaultFiatCurrency is the currency for displaying assets fiat value.
DefaultFiatCurrency = "USD"
const (
DefaultResponseTimeout = comms.DefaultResponseTimeout
DefaultResponseTimeout is the default timeout for responses after a request is successfully sent.
const TopicReputationUpdate = "ReputationUpdate"
const TopicUnknownBondTierZero = "UnknownBondTierZero"
const TopicWalletSync = "WalletSync"
Variables ¶
var ( // ActiveOrdersLogoutErr is returned from logout when there are active // orders. ActiveOrdersLogoutErr = errors.New("cannot log out with active orders") )
var CertStore = map[dex.Network]map[string][]byte{ dex.Mainnet: { "": dexDotDecredCert, }, dex.Testnet: { "": nil, }, dex.Simnet: { "": simnetHarnessCert, }, }
var (
ErrAccountSuspended = errors.New("may not trade while account is suspended")
Functions ¶
func AssetSeedAndPass ¶ added in v0.4.0
AssetSeedAndPass derives the wallet seed and password that would be used to create a native wallet for a particular asset and application seed. Depending on external wallet software and their key derivation paths, this seed may be usable for accessing funds outside of DEX applications, e.g. btcwallet.
func CheckTopicLangs ¶ added in v0.6.0
func CheckTopicLangs() (missingTranslations int)
CheckTopicLangs is used to report missing notification translations.
func FetchCoinpaprikaRates ¶ added in v1.0.0
func FetchCoinpaprikaRates(ctx context.Context, log dex.Logger, assets map[uint32]*SupportedAsset) map[uint32]float64
FetchCoinpaprikaRates retrieves and parses fiat rate data from the Coinpaprika API. See for sample request and response information.
func FetchDcrdataRates ¶ added in v1.0.0
func FetchDcrdataRates(ctx context.Context, log dex.Logger, assets map[uint32]*SupportedAsset) map[uint32]float64
FetchDcrdataRates retrieves and parses fiat rate data from dcrdata exchange rate API.
func FetchMessariRates ¶ added in v1.0.0
func FetchMessariRates(ctx context.Context, log dex.Logger, assets map[uint32]*SupportedAsset) map[uint32]float64
FetchMessariRates retrieves and parses fiat rate data from the Messari API. See for sample request and response information.
func RegisterTranslations ¶ added in v1.0.0
func RegisterTranslations()
RegisterTranslations registers translations with the init package for translator worksheet preparation.
Types ¶
type Account ¶ added in v0.2.0
type Account struct { Host string `json:"host"` AccountID string `json:"accountID"` PrivKey string `json:"privKey"` DEXPubKey string `json:"DEXPubKey"` Cert string `json:"cert"` }
Account holds data returned from AccountExport.
type ActionRequiredNote ¶ added in v1.0.0
type ActionRequiredNote WalletNote
ActionRequiredNote is structured like a WalletNote. The payload will be an *asset.ActionRequiredNote. This is done for compatibility reasons.
type BalanceNote ¶
type BalanceNote struct { db.Notification AssetID uint32 `json:"assetID"` Balance *WalletBalance `json:"balance"` }
BalanceNote is an update to a wallet's balance.
type BondAsset ¶ added in v0.6.0
type BondAsset struct { Version uint16 `json:"ver"` ID uint32 `json:"id"` Confs uint32 `json:"confs"` Amt uint64 `json:"amount"` }
BondAsset describes the bond asset in terms of it's BIP-44 coin type, required confirmations, and minimum bond amount. There is an analogous msgjson type for server providing supported bond assets.
type BondOptions ¶ added in v0.6.0
type BondOptions struct { BondAsset uint32 `json:"bondAsset"` TargetTier uint64 `json:"targetTier"` MaxBondedAmt uint64 `json:"maxBondedAmt"` PenaltyComps uint16 `json:"PenaltyComps"` }
BondOptions are auto-bond maintenance settings for a particular DEX.
type BondOptionsForm ¶ added in v0.6.0
type BondOptionsForm struct { Host string `json:"host"` TargetTier *uint64 `json:"targetTier,omitempty"` MaxBondedAmt *uint64 `json:"maxBondedAmt,omitempty"` PenaltyComps *uint16 `json:"penaltyComps,omitempty"` BondAssetID *uint32 `json:"bondAssetID,omitempty"` }
BondOptionsForm is used from the settings page to change the auto-bond maintenance setting for a DEX.
type BondPostNote ¶ added in v0.6.0
type BondPostNote struct { db.Notification Asset *uint32 `json:"asset,omitempty"` Confirmations *int32 `json:"confirmations,omitempty"` BondedTier *int64 `json:"bondedTier,omitempty"` CoinID *string `json:"coinID,omitempty"` Dex string `json:"dex,omitempty"` Auth *ExchangeAuth `json:"auth,omitempty"` }
BondPostNote is a notification regarding bond posting.
type BondRefundNote ¶ added in v0.6.0
type BondRefundNote struct {
BondRefundNote is a notification regarding bond refunds.
type BookFeed ¶
type BookFeed interface { Next() <-chan *BookUpdate Close() Candles(dur string) error }
BookFeed manages a channel for receiving order book updates. It is imperative that the feeder (BookFeed).Close() when no longer using the feed.
type BookUpdate ¶
type BookUpdate struct { Action string `json:"action"` Host string `json:"host"` MarketID string `json:"marketID"` Payload any `json:"payload"` }
BookUpdate is an order book update.
type CandleUpdate ¶ added in v0.4.0
type CandlesPayload ¶ added in v0.4.0
type Coin ¶ added in v0.2.0
type Coin struct { ID dex.Bytes `json:"id"` StringID string `json:"stringID"` AssetID uint32 `json:"assetID"` Symbol string `json:"symbol"` // Confs is populated only if this is a swap coin and we are waiting for // confirmations e.g. when this is the maker's swap and we're in // MakerSwapCast, or this is the takers swap, and we're in TakerSwapCast. Confs *Confirmations `json:"confs,omitempty"` }
Coin encodes both the coin ID and the asset-dependent string representation of the coin ID.
func (*Coin) SetConfirmations ¶ added in v0.2.0
SetConfirmations sets the Confs field of the Coin.
type Config ¶
type Config struct { // DBPath is a filepath to use for the client database. If the database does // not already exist, it will be created. DBPath string // Net is the current network. Net dex.Network // Logger is the Core's logger and is also used to create the sub-loggers // for the asset backends. Logger dex.Logger // Onion is the address (host:port) of a Tor proxy for use with DEX hosts // with a .onion address. To use Tor with regular DEX addresses as well, set // TorProxy. Onion string // TorProxy specifies the address of a Tor proxy server. TorProxy string // TorIsolation specifies whether to enable Tor circuit isolation. TorIsolation bool // Language. A BCP 47 language tag. Default is en-US. Language string // NoAutoWalletLock instructs Core to skip locking the wallet on shutdown or // logout. This can be helpful if the user wants the wallet to remain // unlocked. e.g. They started with the wallet unlocked, or they intend to // start Core again and wish to avoid the time to unlock a locked wallet on // startup. NoAutoWalletLock bool // zero value is legacy behavior // NoAutoDBBackup instructs the DB to skip the creation of a backup DB file // on shutdown. This is useful if the consumer is using the BackupDB method, // or simply creating manual backups of the DB file after shutdown. NoAutoDBBackup bool // zero value is legacy behavior // UnlockCoinsOnLogin indicates that on wallet connect during login, or on // creation of a new wallet, all coins with the wallet should be unlocked. UnlockCoinsOnLogin bool // ExtensionModeFile is the path to a file that specifies configuration // for running core in extension mode, which gives the caller options for // e.g. limiting the ability to configure wallets. ExtensionModeFile string // TheOneHost will run core with only the specified server. TheOneHost string // PruneArchive will prune the order archive to the specified number of // orders. PruneArchive uint64 }
Config is the configuration for the Core.
type Confirmations ¶ added in v0.2.0
Confirmations is the confirmation count and confirmation requirement of a Coin.
type ConnEventNote ¶
type ConnEventNote struct { db.Notification Host string `json:"host"` ConnectionStatus comms.ConnectionStatus `json:"connectionStatus"` }
ConnEventNote is a notification regarding individual DEX connection status.
type Core ¶
type Core struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Core is the core client application. Core manages DEX connections, wallets, database access, match negotiation and more.
func (*Core) AccelerateOrder ¶ added in v0.5.0
AccelerateOrder will use the Child-Pays-For-Parent technique to accelerate the swap transactions in an order.
func (*Core) AccelerationEstimate ¶ added in v0.5.0
AccelerationEstimate returns the amount of funds that would be needed to accelerate the swap transactions in an order to a desired fee rate.
func (*Core) AccountExport ¶ added in v0.2.0
AccountExport is used to retrieve account by host for export.
func (*Core) AccountImport ¶ added in v0.2.0
AccountImport is used import an existing account into the db.
func (*Core) Active ¶ added in v1.0.0
Active indicates if there are any active orders across all configured accounts. This includes booked orders and trades that are settling.
func (*Core) ActiveOrders ¶ added in v1.0.0
ActiveOrders returns a map of host to all of their active orders from db if core is not yet logged in or from loaded trades map if core is logged in. Inflight orders are also returned for all dex servers if any.
func (*Core) AddDEX ¶ added in v0.6.0
AddDEX configures a view-only DEX connection. This allows watching trade activity without setting up account keys or communicating account identity with the DEX. DiscoverAccount, PostBond may be used to set up a trading account for this DEX if required.
func (*Core) AddWalletPeer ¶ added in v0.6.0
AddWalletPeer connects the wallet to a new peer, and also persists this peer to be connected to on future startups.
func (*Core) ApproveToken ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (c *Core) ApproveToken(appPW []byte, assetID uint32, dexAddr string, onConfirm func()) (string, error)
ApproveToken calls a wallet's ApproveToken method. It approves the version of the token used by the dex at the specified address.
func (*Core) ApproveTokenFee ¶ added in v1.0.0
ApproveTokenFee returns the fee for a token approval/unapproval.
func (*Core) AssetBalance ¶
func (c *Core) AssetBalance(assetID uint32) (*WalletBalance, error)
AssetBalance retrieves and updates the current wallet balance.
func (*Core) AutoWalletConfig ¶
AutoWalletConfig attempts to load setting from a wallet package's asset.WalletInfo.DefaultConfigPath. If settings are not found, an empty map is returned.
func (*Core) BackupDB ¶ added in v0.4.2
BackupDB makes a backup of the database at the specified location, optionally overwriting any existing file and compacting the database.
func (*Core) BondsFeeBuffer ¶ added in v0.6.0
BondsFeeBuffer suggests how much extra may be required for the transaction fees part of bond reserves when bond rotation is enabled. This may be used to inform the consumer how much extra (beyond double the bond amount) is required to facilitate uninterrupted maintenance of a target trading tier.
func (*Core) Book ¶
Book fetches the order book. If a subscription doesn't exist, one will be attempted and immediately closed.
func (*Core) Broadcast ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (c *Core) Broadcast(n Notification)
func (*Core) ChangeAppPass ¶ added in v0.2.0
ChangeAppPass updates the application password to the provided new password after validating the current password.
func (*Core) CloseWallet ¶
CloseWallet closes the wallet for the specified asset. The wallet cannot be closed if there are active negotiations for the asset.
func (*Core) ConfigureFundsMixer ¶ added in v1.0.0
ConfigureFundsMixer configures the wallet for funds mixing.
func (*Core) ConnectWallet ¶
ConnectWallet connects to the wallet without unlocking.
func (*Core) CreateWallet ¶
func (c *Core) CreateWallet(appPW, walletPW []byte, form *WalletForm) error
CreateWallet creates a new exchange wallet.
func (*Core) DeleteArchivedRecords ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (c *Core) DeleteArchivedRecords(olderThan *time.Time, matchesFile, ordersFile string) (int, error)
DeleteArchivedRecords deletes archived matches from the database and returns the total number of records deleted. Optionally set a time to delete older records and file paths to save deleted records as comma separated values. If a nil *time.Time is provided, current time is used.
func (*Core) DeleteArchivedRecordsWithBackup ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (c *Core) DeleteArchivedRecordsWithBackup(olderThan *time.Time, saveMatchesToFile, saveOrdersToFile bool) (string, int, error)
DeleteArchivedRecordsWithBackup is like DeleteArchivedRecords but the required filepaths are provided by Core and the path where archived records are stored is returned.
func (*Core) DiscoverAccount ¶ added in v0.4.0
DiscoverAccount fetches the DEX server's config, and if the server supports the new deterministic account derivation scheme by providing its public key in the config response, DiscoverAccount also checks if the account is already paid. If the returned paid value is true, the account is ready for immediate use. If paid is false, Register should be used to complete the registration. For an older server that does not provide its pubkey in the config response, paid will always be false and the user should proceed to use Register.
The purpose of DiscoverAccount is existing account discovery when the client has been restored from seed. As such, DiscoverAccount is not strictly necessary to register on a DEX, and Register may be called directly, although it requires the expected fee amount as an additional input and it will pay the fee if the account is not discovered and paid.
The Tier and BondsPending fields may be consulted to determine if it is still necessary to PostBond (i.e. Tier == 0 && !BondsPending) before trading. The Connected field should be consulted first.
func (*Core) EstimateSendTxFee ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (c *Core) EstimateSendTxFee(address string, assetID uint32, amount uint64, subtract, maxWithdraw bool) (fee uint64, isValidAddress bool, err error)
EstimateSendTxFee returns an estimate of the tx fee needed to send or withdraw the specified amount.
func (*Core) Exchange ¶ added in v0.5.0
Exchange returns an exchange with a certain host. It returns an error if no exchange exists at that host.
func (*Core) ExchangeMarket ¶ added in v1.0.0
ExchangeMarket returns the market with the given base and quote assets at the given host. It returns an error if no market exists at that host.
func (*Core) Exchanges ¶
Exchanges creates a map of *Exchange keyed by host, including markets and orders.
func (*Core) ExportSeed ¶ added in v0.4.0
ExportSeed exports the application seed.
func (*Core) ExtensionModeConfig ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (c *Core) ExtensionModeConfig() *ExtensionModeConfig
ExtensionModeConfig is the configuration parsed from the extension-mode file.
func (*Core) FiatConversionRates ¶ added in v1.0.0
FiatConversionRates are the currently cached fiat conversion rates. Must have 1 or more fiat rate sources enabled.
func (*Core) FiatRateSources ¶ added in v0.5.0
FiatRateSources returns a list of fiat rate sources and their individual status.
func (*Core) FundsMixingStats ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (c *Core) FundsMixingStats(assetID uint32) (*asset.FundsMixingStats, error)
FundsMixingStats returns the current state of the wallet's funds mixer.
func (*Core) GenerateBCHRecoveryTransaction ¶ added in v1.0.0
GenerateBCHRecoveryTransaction generates a tx that spends all inputs from the deprecated BCH wallet to the given recipient.
func (*Core) GetDEXConfig ¶ added in v0.2.0
GetDEXConfig creates a temporary connection to the specified DEX Server and fetches the full exchange config. The connection is closed after the config is retrieved. An error is returned if user is already registered to the DEX since a DEX connection is already established and the config is accessible via the User or Exchanges methods. A TLS certificate, certI, can be provided as either a string filename, or []byte file contents.
func (*Core) InitializeClient ¶
InitializeClient sets the initial app-wide password and app seed for the client. The seed argument should be left nil unless restoring from seed.
func (*Core) IsInitialized ¶
IsInitialized checks if the app is already initialized.
func (*Core) ListVSPs ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (c *Core) ListVSPs(assetID uint32) ([]*asset.VotingServiceProvider, error)
ListVSPs lists known available voting service providers.
func (*Core) Login ¶
Login logs the user in. On the first login after startup or after a logout, this function will connect wallets, resolve active trades, and decrypt account keys for all known DEXes. Otherwise, it will only check whether or not the app pass is correct.
func (*Core) MarketConfig ¶ added in v1.0.0
MarketConfig gets the configuration for the market.
func (*Core) MaxBuy ¶ added in v0.2.0
MaxBuy is the maximum-sized *OrderEstimate for a buy order on the specified market. An order rate must be provided, since the number of lots available for trading will vary based on the rate for a buy order (unlike a sell order).
func (*Core) MaxFundingFees ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (c *Core) MaxFundingFees(fromAsset uint32, host string, numTrades uint32, options map[string]string) (uint64, error)
MaxFundingFees gives the max fees required to fund a Trade or MultiTrade. The host is needed to get the MaxFeeRate, which is used to calculate the funding fees.
func (*Core) MaxSell ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (c *Core) MaxSell(host string, base, quote uint32) (*MaxOrderEstimate, error)
MaxSell is the maximum-sized *OrderEstimate for a sell order on the specified market.
func (*Core) MultiTrade ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (c *Core) MultiTrade(pw []byte, form *MultiTradeForm) []*MultiTradeResult
MultiTrade is used to place multiple standing limit orders on the same side of the same market simultaneously.
func (*Core) NetworkFeeRate ¶ added in v1.0.0
NetworkFeeRate generates a network tx fee rate for the specified asset. If the wallet implements FeeRater, the wallet will be queried for the fee rate. If the wallet is not a FeeRater, local book feed caches are checked. If no relevant books are synced, connected DCRDEX servers will be queried.
func (*Core) NewDepositAddress ¶
NewDepositAddress retrieves a new deposit address from the specified asset's wallet, saves it to the database, and emits a notification. If the wallet does not support generating new addresses, the current address will be returned.
func (*Core) NotificationFeed ¶
NotificationFeed returns a new receiving channel for notifications. The channel has capacity 1024, and should be monitored for the lifetime of the Core. Blocking channels are silently ignored.
func (*Core) Notifications ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (c *Core) Notifications(n int) (notes, pokes []*db.Notification, _ error)
Notifications loads the latest notifications from the db.
func (*Core) OpenWallet ¶
OpenWallet opens (unlocks) the wallet for use.
func (*Core) Orders ¶
func (c *Core) Orders(filter *OrderFilter) ([]*Order, error)
Orders fetches a batch of user orders, filtered with the provided OrderFilter.
func (*Core) PostBond ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (c *Core) PostBond(form *PostBondForm) (*PostBondResult, error)
PostBond begins the process of posting a new bond for a new or existing DEX account. On return, the bond transaction will have been broadcast, and when the required number of confirmations is reached, Core will submit the bond for acceptance to the server. A TopicBondConfirmed is emitted when the fully-confirmed bond is accepted. Before the transaction is broadcasted, a prevalidatebond request is sent to ensure the transaction is compliant and (and that the intended server is actually online!). PostBond may be used to create a new account with a bond, or to top-up bond on an existing account. If the account is not yet configured in Core, account discovery will be performed prior to posting a new bond. If account discovery finds an existing account, the connection is established but no additional bond is posted. If no account is discovered on the server, the account is created locally and bond is posted to create the account.
Note that the FeeBuffer field of the form is optional, but it may be provided to ensure that the wallet reserves the amount reported by a preceding call to BondsFeeBuffer, such as during initial wallet funding.
func (*Core) PreAccelerateOrder ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (c *Core) PreAccelerateOrder(oidB dex.Bytes) (*PreAccelerate, error)
PreAccelerateOrder returns information the user can use to decide how much to accelerate stuck swap transactions in an order.
func (*Core) PreOrder ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (c *Core) PreOrder(form *TradeForm) (*OrderEstimate, error)
PreOrder calculates fee estimates for a trade.
func (*Core) PurchaseTickets ¶ added in v1.0.0
PurchaseTickets purchases n tickets. Returns the purchased ticket hashes if successful. Used for ticket purchasing.
func (*Core) Ready ¶
func (c *Core) Ready() <-chan struct{}
Ready returns a channel that is closed when Run completes its initialization tasks and Core becomes ready for use.
func (*Core) ReconfigureWallet ¶
func (c *Core) ReconfigureWallet(appPW, newWalletPW []byte, form *WalletForm) error
ReconfigureWallet updates the wallet configuration settings, it also updates the password if newWalletPW is non-nil. Do not make concurrent calls to ReconfigureWallet for the same asset.
func (*Core) RecoverWallet ¶ added in v0.5.0
RecoverWallet will retrieve some recovery information from the wallet, which may not be possible if the wallet is too corrupted. Disconnect and destroy the old wallet, create a new one, and if the recovery information was retrieved from the old wallet, send this information to the new one. If force is false, this will check for active orders involving this asset before initiating a rescan. WARNING: It is ill-advised to initiate a wallet recovery with active orders unless the wallet db is definitely corrupted and even a rescan will not save it.
func (*Core) RedeemGeocode ¶ added in v1.0.0
RedeemGeocode redeems the provided game code with the wallet and redeems the prepaid bond (code is a prepaid bond). If the user is not registered with yet, the dex will be added first.
func (*Core) RedeemPrepaidBond ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (c *Core) RedeemPrepaidBond(appPW []byte, code []byte, host string, certI any) (tier uint64, err error)
RedeemPrepaidBond redeems a pre-paid bond for a dcrdex host server.
func (*Core) RemoveWalletPeer ¶ added in v0.6.0
RemoveWalletPeer disconnects from a peer that the user previously added. It will no longer be guaranteed to connect to this peer in the future.
func (*Core) RescanWallet ¶ added in v0.4.1
RescanWallet will issue a Rescan command to the wallet if supported by the wallet implementation. It is up to the underlying wallet backend if and how to implement this functionality. It may be asynchronous. Core will emit wallet state notifications until the rescan is complete. If force is false, this will check for active orders involving this asset before initiating a rescan. WARNING: It is ill-advised to initiate a wallet rescan with active orders unless as a last ditch effort to get the wallet to recognize a transaction needed to complete a swap.
func (*Core) ResetAppPass ¶ added in v1.0.0
ResetAppPass resets the application password to the provided new password.
func (*Core) Send ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (c *Core) Send(pw []byte, assetID uint32, value uint64, address string, subtract bool) (asset.Coin, error)
Send initiates either send or withdraw from an exchange wallet. if subtract is true, fees are subtracted from the value else fees are taken from the exchange wallet.
func (*Core) SetLanguage ¶ added in v1.0.0
SetLanguage sets the langauge used for notifications. The language set with SetLanguage persists through restarts and will override any language set in configuration.
func (*Core) SetVotingPreferences ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (c *Core) SetVotingPreferences(assetID uint32, choices, tSpendPolicy, treasuryPolicy map[string]string) error
SetVotingPreferences sets default voting settings for all active tickets and future tickets. Nil maps can be provided for no change. Used for ticket purchasing.
func (*Core) SetWalletPassword ¶
SetWalletPassword updates the (encrypted) password for the wallet. Returns passwordErr if provided newPW is nil. The wallet will be connected if it is not already.
func (*Core) SingleLotFees ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (c *Core) SingleLotFees(form *SingleLotFeesForm) (swapFees, redeemFees, refundFees uint64, err error)
SingleLotFees returns the estimated swap, refund, and redeem fees for a single lot trade.
func (*Core) StakeStatus ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (c *Core) StakeStatus(assetID uint32) (*asset.TicketStakingStatus, error)
StakeStatus returns current staking statuses such as currently owned tickets, ticket price, and current voting preferences. Used for ticket purchasing.
func (*Core) SupportedAssets ¶
func (c *Core) SupportedAssets() map[uint32]*SupportedAsset
SupportedAssets returns a map of asset information for supported assets.
func (*Core) SyncBook ¶
SyncBook subscribes to the order book and returns the book and a BookFeed to receive order book updates. The BookFeed must be Close()d when it is no longer in use.
func (*Core) TakeAction ¶ added in v1.0.0
TakeAction is called in response to a ActionRequiredNote. The note may have come from core or from a wallet.
func (*Core) TicketPage ¶ added in v1.0.0
TicketPage fetches a page of TicketBuyer tickets within a range of block numbers with a target page size and optional offset. scanStart it the block in which to start the scan. The scan progresses in reverse block number order, starting at scanStart and going to progressively lower blocks. scanStart can be set to -1 to indicate the current chain tip.
func (*Core) ToggleAccountStatus ¶ added in v1.0.1
ToggleAccountStatus is used to disable or enable an account by given host and application password.
func (*Core) ToggleRateSourceStatus ¶ added in v0.5.0
ToggleRateSourceStatus toggles a fiat rate source status. If disable is true, the fiat rate source is disabled, otherwise the rate source is enabled.
func (*Core) ToggleWalletStatus ¶ added in v0.6.0
ToggleWalletStatus changes a wallet's status to either disabled or enabled.
func (*Core) TradeAsync ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (c *Core) TradeAsync(pw []byte, form *TradeForm) (*InFlightOrder, error)
TradeAsync is like Trade but a temporary order is returned before order server validation. This helps handle some issues related to UI/UX where server response might take a fairly long time (15 - 20s).
func (*Core) TradingLimits ¶ added in v1.0.1
TradingLimits returns the number of parcels the user can trade on an exchange and the amount that are currently being traded.
func (*Core) TxHistory ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (c *Core) TxHistory(assetID uint32, n int, refID *string, past bool) ([]*asset.WalletTransaction, error)
TxHistory returns all the transactions a wallet has made. If refID is nil, then transactions starting from the most recent are returned (past is ignored). If past is true, the transactions prior to the refID are returned, otherwise the transactions after the refID are returned. n is the number of transactions to return. If n is <= 0, all the transactions will be returned
func (*Core) UnapproveToken ¶ added in v1.0.0
UnapproveToken calls a wallet's UnapproveToken method for a specified version of the token.
func (*Core) UpdateBondOptions ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (c *Core) UpdateBondOptions(form *BondOptionsForm) error
UpdateBondOptions sets the bond rotation options for a DEX host, including the target trading tier, the preferred asset to use for bonds, and the maximum amount allowable to be locked in bonds.
func (*Core) UpdateCert ¶ added in v0.5.0
UpdateCert attempts to connect to a server using a new TLS certificate. If the connection is successful, then the cert in the database is updated. Updating cert for already connected dex will return an error.
func (*Core) UpdateDEXHost ¶ added in v0.5.0
UpdateDEXHost updates the host for a connection to a dex. The dex at oldHost and newHost must be the same dex, which means that the dex at both hosts use the same public key.
func (*Core) ValidateAddress ¶ added in v0.6.0
ValidateAddress checks that the provided address is valid.
func (*Core) WalletLogFilePath ¶ added in v0.4.1
WalletLogFilePath returns the path to the wallet's log file.
func (*Core) WalletPeers ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (c *Core) WalletPeers(assetID uint32) ([]*asset.WalletPeer, error)
WalletPeers returns a list of peers that a wallet is connected to. It also returns the user added peers that the wallet is not connected to.
func (*Core) WalletRestorationInfo ¶ added in v0.5.0
WalletRestorationInfo returns information about how to restore the currently loaded wallet for assetID in various external wallet software. This function will return an error if the currently loaded wallet for assetID does not implement the WalletRestorer interface.
func (*Core) WalletSettings ¶
WalletSettings fetches the current wallet configuration details from the database.
func (*Core) WalletState ¶
func (c *Core) WalletState(assetID uint32) *WalletState
WalletState returns the *WalletState for the asset ID.
func (*Core) WalletTraits ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (c *Core) WalletTraits(assetID uint32) (asset.WalletTrait, error)
WalletTraits gets the traits for the wallet.
func (*Core) WalletTransaction ¶ added in v1.0.0
WalletTransaction returns information about a transaction that the wallet has made or one in which that wallet received funds. This function supports both transaction ID and coin ID.
func (*Core) Wallets ¶
func (c *Core) Wallets() []*WalletState
Wallets creates a slice of WalletState for all known wallets.
type DEXAuthNote ¶
type DEXAuthNote struct { db.Notification Host string `json:"host"` Authenticated bool `json:"authenticated"` }
DEXAuthNote is a notification regarding individual DEX authentication status.
type EpochMatchSummaryPayload ¶ added in v1.0.0
type EpochMatchSummaryPayload struct { MatchSummaries []*orderbook.MatchSummary `json:"matchSummaries"` Epoch uint64 `json:"epoch"` }
type EpochNotification ¶
type EpochNotification struct { db.Notification Host string `json:"host"` MarketID string `json:"marketID"` Epoch uint64 `json:"epoch"` }
EpochNotification is a data notification that a new epoch has begun.
func (*EpochNotification) String ¶
func (on *EpochNotification) String() string
String supplements db.Notification's Stringer with the Epoch index.
type Error ¶
type Error struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Error is an error code and a wrapped error.
type Exchange ¶
type Exchange struct { Host string `json:"host"` AcctID string `json:"acctID"` Markets map[string]*Market `json:"markets"` Assets map[uint32]*dex.Asset `json:"assets"` BondExpiry uint64 `json:"bondExpiry"` BondAssets map[string]*BondAsset `json:"bondAssets"` ConnectionStatus comms.ConnectionStatus `json:"connectionStatus"` CandleDurs []string `json:"candleDurs"` ViewOnly bool `json:"viewOnly"` Auth ExchangeAuth `json:"auth"` PenaltyThreshold uint32 `json:"penaltyThreshold"` MaxScore uint32 `json:"maxScore"` Disabled bool `json:"disabled"` }
Exchange represents a single DEX with any number of markets.
type ExchangeAuth ¶ added in v1.0.0
type ExchangeAuth struct { // Rep is the user's Reputation as reported by the DEX server. Rep account.Reputation `json:"rep"` // BondAssetID is the user's currently configured bond asset. BondAssetID uint32 `json:"bondAssetID"` // PendingStrength counts how many tiers are in unconfirmed bonds. PendingStrength int64 `json:"pendingStrength"` // WeakStrength counts the number of tiers that are about to expire. WeakStrength int64 `json:"weakStrength"` // LiveStrength counts all active bond tiers, including weak. LiveStrength int64 `json:"liveStrength"` // TargetTier is the user's current configured tier level. TargetTier uint64 `json:"targetTier"` // EffectiveTier is the user's current tier, after considering reputation. EffectiveTier int64 `json:"effectiveTier"` // MaxBondedAmt is the maximum amount that can be locked in bonds at a given // time. If not provided, a default is calculated based on TargetTier and // PenaltyComps. MaxBondedAmt uint64 `json:"maxBondedAmt"` // PenaltyComps is the maximum number of penalized tiers to automatically // compensate. PenaltyComps uint16 `json:"penaltyComps"` // PendingBonds are currently pending bonds and their confirmation count. PendingBonds []*PendingBondState `json:"pendingBonds"` // ExpiredBonds are bonds that have expired but have not yet reached their // lock time for refunding. ExpiredBonds []*db.Bond `json:"expiredBonds"` // Compensation is the amount we have locked in bonds greater than what // is needed to maintain our target tier. This could be from penalty // compensation, or it could be due to the user lowering their target tier. Compensation int64 `json:"compensation"` }
ExchangeAuth is data characterizing the state of client bonding.
type ExpirationErr ¶
type ExpirationErr string
ExpirationErr indicates that the wait.TickerQueue has expired a waiter, e.g. a reported coin was not found before the set expiration time.
func (ExpirationErr) Error ¶
func (err ExpirationErr) Error() string
Error satisfies the error interface for ExpirationErr.
type ExtensionModeConfig ¶ added in v0.6.3
type ExtensionModeConfig struct { // Name of embedding application. Used for messaging with disable features. Name string `json:"name"` // UseDEXBranding will tell the front end to use DCRDEX branding instead // of Bison Wallet branding where possible. UseDEXBranding bool `json:"useDEXBranding"` // RestrictedWallets are wallets that need restrictions on reconfiguration // options. RestrictedWallets map[string]struct { // HiddenFields are configuration fields (asset.ConfigOption.Key) that // should not be displayed to the user. HiddenFields []string `json:"hiddenFields"` // DisableWalletType indicates that we should not offer the user an // an option to change the wallet type. DisableWalletType bool `json:"disableWalletType"` // DisablePassword indicates that we should not offer the user an option // to change the wallet password. DisablePassword bool `json:"disablePassword"` // DisableStaking disables vsp configuration and ticket purchasing. DisableStaking bool `json:"disableStaking"` // DisablePrivacy disables mixing configuration and control. DisablePrivacy bool `json:"disablePrivacy"` } `json:"restrictedWallets"` }
ExtensionModeConfig is configuration for running core in extension mode, primarily for restricting certain wallet reconfiguration options.
type FeeBreakdown ¶
type FeeBreakdown struct { Swap uint64 `json:"swap"` Redemption uint64 `json:"redemption"` Funding uint64 `json:"funding"` // split fees // TODO: Refund is not yet being populated. Refund uint64 `json:"refund"` }
FeeBreakdown is categorized fee information.
type FeePaymentNote ¶
type FeePaymentNote struct { db.Notification Asset *uint32 `json:"asset,omitempty"` Confirmations *uint32 `json:"confirmations,omitempty"` Dex string `json:"dex,omitempty"` }
FeePaymentNote is a notification regarding registration fee payment.
type FeeState ¶ added in v1.0.0
type FeeState struct { Rate uint64 `json:"rate"` Send uint64 `json:"send"` Swap uint64 `json:"swap"` Redeem uint64 `json:"redeem"` Refund uint64 `json:"refund"` StampMS int64 `json:"stampMS"` }
FeeState is information about the current network transaction fees and estimates of standard operations.
type FiatRatesNote ¶ added in v0.5.0
type FiatRatesNote struct { db.Notification FiatRates map[uint32]float64 `json:"fiatRates"` }
FiatRatesNote is an update of fiat rate data for assets.
type InFlightOrder ¶ added in v0.6.0
InFlightOrder is an Order that is not stamped yet, but has a temporary ID to match once order submission is complete.
type LoginNote ¶ added in v0.6.0
type LoginNote struct {
LoginNote is a notification with the recent login status.
type Market ¶
type Market struct { Name string `json:"name"` BaseID uint32 `json:"baseid"` BaseSymbol string `json:"basesymbol"` QuoteID uint32 `json:"quoteid"` QuoteSymbol string `json:"quotesymbol"` LotSize uint64 `json:"lotsize"` ParcelSize uint32 `json:"parcelsize"` RateStep uint64 `json:"ratestep"` EpochLen uint64 `json:"epochlen"` StartEpoch uint64 `json:"startepoch"` MarketBuyBuffer float64 `json:"buybuffer"` Orders []*Order `json:"orders"` SpotPrice *msgjson.Spot `json:"spot"` // AtomToConv is a rate conversion factor. Multiply by AtomToConv to convert // an atomic rate (e.g. gwei/sat) to a conventional rate (ETH/BTC). Divide // by AtomToConv to convert a conventional rate to an atomic rate. AtomToConv float64 `json:"atomToConv"` // InFlightOrders are Orders with zeroed IDs for the embedded Order, but // with a TemporaryID to match with a notification once asynchronous order // submission is complete. InFlightOrders []*InFlightOrder `json:"inflight"` // MinimumRate is the minimum rate allowed for the market, which is the // minimum rate at which 1 lot converts to something greater than dust. MinimumRate uint64 `json:"minimumRate"` }
Market is market info.
func (*Market) BaseContractLocked ¶
BaseContractLocked is the amount of base asset locked in un-redeemed contracts.
func (*Market) BaseOrderLocked ¶
BaseOrderLocked is the amount of base asset locked in epoch or booked orders.
func (*Market) ConventionalRateToMsg ¶ added in v0.6.0
ConventionalRateToMsg converts a conventional rate to a message-rate.
func (*Market) MsgRateToConventional ¶ added in v0.6.0
MsgRateToConventional converts a message-rate to a conventional rate.
func (*Market) QuoteContractLocked ¶
QuoteContractLocked is the amount of quote asset locked in un-redeemed contracts.
func (*Market) QuoteOrderLocked ¶
QuoteOrderLocked is the amount of quote asset locked in epoch or booked orders.
type MarketOrderBook ¶
type MarketOrderBook struct { Base uint32 `json:"base"` Quote uint32 `json:"quote"` Book *OrderBook `json:"book"` }
MarketOrderBook is used as the BookUpdate's Payload with the FreshBookAction. The subscriber will likely need to translate into a JSON tagged type.
type Match ¶
type Match struct { MatchID dex.Bytes `json:"matchID"` Status order.MatchStatus `json:"status"` Active bool `json:"active"` Revoked bool `json:"revoked"` Rate uint64 `json:"rate"` Qty uint64 `json:"qty"` Side order.MatchSide `json:"side"` FeeRate uint64 `json:"feeRate"` Swap *Coin `json:"swap,omitempty"` CounterSwap *Coin `json:"counterSwap,omitempty"` Redeem *Coin `json:"redeem,omitempty"` CounterRedeem *Coin `json:"counterRedeem,omitempty"` Refund *Coin `json:"refund,omitempty"` Stamp uint64 `json:"stamp"` // Server's time stamp - we have no local time recorded IsCancel bool `json:"isCancel"` }
Match represents a match on an order. An order may have many matches.
type MatchNote ¶ added in v0.2.0
type MatchNote struct { db.Notification OrderID dex.Bytes `json:"orderID"` Match *Match `json:"match"` Host string `json:"host"` MarketID string `json:"marketID"` }
MatchNote is a notification about a match.
type MaxOrderEstimate ¶ added in v0.2.0
type MaxOrderEstimate struct { Swap *asset.SwapEstimate `json:"swap"` Redeem *asset.RedeemEstimate `json:"redeem"` }
MaxOrderEstimate is an estimate of the fees and locked amounts associated with an order.
type MiniOrder ¶
type MiniOrder struct { Qty float64 `json:"qty"` QtyAtomic uint64 `json:"qtyAtomic"` Rate float64 `json:"rate"` MsgRate uint64 `json:"msgRate"` Epoch uint64 `json:"epoch,omitempty"` Sell bool `json:"sell"` Token string `json:"token"` }
MiniOrder is minimal information about an order in a market's order book. Replaced MiniOrder, which had a float Qty in conventional units.
type MultiTradeForm ¶ added in v1.0.0
type MultiTradeForm struct { Host string `json:"host"` Sell bool `json:"sell"` Base uint32 `json:"base"` Quote uint32 `json:"quote"` Placements []*QtyRate `json:"placement"` Options map[string]string `json:"options"` // MaxLock is the maximum amount of the "from" asset that the wallet // should lock for the trade. MaxLock uint64 `json:"maxLock"` }
MultiTradeForm is used to place multiple orders in one go. All orders must be on the same side of the same market, and only standing limit orders are supported.
type MultiTradeResult ¶ added in v1.0.1
MultiTradeResult is returned from MultiTrade. Some orders may be placed successfully, while others may fail.
type NoteFeed ¶ added in v1.0.0
type NoteFeed struct { C <-chan Notification // contains filtered or unexported fields }
NoteFeed contains a receiving channel for notifications.
func (*NoteFeed) ReturnFeed ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (c *NoteFeed) ReturnFeed()
ReturnFeed should be called when the channel is no longer needed.
type Notification ¶
type Notification interface { // Type is a string ID unique to the concrete type. Type() string // Topic is a string ID unique to the message subject. Since subjects must // be translated, we cannot rely on the subject to programmatically identify // the message. Topic() Topic // Subject is a short description of the notification contents. When displayed // to the user, the Subject will typically be given visual prominence. For // notifications with Severity < Poke (not meant for display), the Subject // field may be repurposed as a second-level category ID. Subject() string // Details should contain more detailed information. Details() string // Severity is the notification severity. Severity() db.Severity // Time is the notification timestamp. The timestamp is set in // db.NewNotification. Time is a UNIX timestamp, in milliseconds. Time() uint64 // Acked is true if the user has seen the notification. Acknowledgement is // recorded with (*Core).AckNotes. Acked() bool // ID should be unique, except in the case of identical copies of // db.Notification where the IDs should be the same. ID() dex.Bytes // Stamp sets the notification timestamp. If db.NewNotification is used to // construct the db.Notification, the timestamp will already be set. Stamp() // DBNote returns the underlying *db.Notification. DBNote() *db.Notification // String generates a compact human-readable representation of the // Notification that is suitable for logging. String() string }
Notification is an interface for a user notification. Notification is satisfied by db.Notification, so concrete types can embed the db type.
type Order ¶
type Order struct { Host string `json:"host"` BaseID uint32 `json:"baseID"` BaseSymbol string `json:"baseSymbol"` QuoteID uint32 `json:"quoteID"` QuoteSymbol string `json:"quoteSymbol"` MarketID string `json:"market"` Type order.OrderType `json:"type"` ID dex.Bytes `json:"id"` // Can be empty if part of an InFlightOrder Stamp uint64 `json:"stamp"` // Server's time stamp SubmitTime uint64 `json:"submitTime"` Sig dex.Bytes `json:"sig"` Status order.OrderStatus `json:"status"` Epoch uint64 `json:"epoch"` Qty uint64 `json:"qty"` Sell bool `json:"sell"` Filled uint64 `json:"filled"` Matches []*Match `json:"matches"` Cancelling bool `json:"cancelling"` Canceled bool `json:"canceled"` FeesPaid *FeeBreakdown `json:"feesPaid"` AllFeesConfirmed bool `json:"allFeesConfirmed"` FundingCoins []*Coin `json:"fundingCoins"` LockedAmt uint64 `json:"lockedamt"` // ParentAssetLockedAmt is the swap fees locked when the "from asset" of a // trade is a token. This wil be 0 if the "from asset" is not a token. ParentAssetLockedAmt uint64 `json:"parentAssetLockedAmt"` // RedeemLockedAmt is the amount locked for redemption fees. If the // "to asset" is a token, it will be in units of the parent asset. RedeemLockedAmt uint64 `json:"redeemLockedAmt"` // RefundLockedAmt is the amount locked for refund fees. If the // "from asset" is a token, it will be in units of the parent asset. RefundLockedAmt uint64 `json:"refundLockedAmt"` AccelerationCoins []*Coin `json:"accelerationCoins"` Rate uint64 `json:"rate"` // limit only TimeInForce order.TimeInForce `json:"tif"` // limit only TargetOrderID dex.Bytes `json:"targetOrderID"` // cancel only ReadyToTick bool `json:"readyToTick"` }
Order is core's general type for an order. An order may be a market, limit, or cancel order. Some fields are only relevant to particular order types.
type OrderBook ¶
type OrderBook struct { Sells []*MiniOrder `json:"sells"` Buys []*MiniOrder `json:"buys"` Epoch []*MiniOrder `json:"epoch"` // RecentMatches is a cache of up to 100 recent matches for a market. RecentMatches []*orderbook.MatchSummary `json:"recentMatches"` }
OrderBook represents an order book, which are sorted buys and sells, and unsorted epoch orders.
type OrderEstimate ¶ added in v0.2.0
type OrderEstimate struct { Swap *asset.PreSwap `json:"swap"` Redeem *asset.PreRedeem `json:"redeem"` }
OrderEstimate is a Core.PreOrder estimate.
type OrderFilter ¶
type OrderFilter struct { N int `json:"n"` Offset dex.Bytes `json:"offset"` Hosts []string `json:"hosts"` Assets []uint32 `json:"assets"` Statuses []order.OrderStatus `json:"statuses"` Market *struct { Base uint32 `json:"baseID"` Quote uint32 `json:"quoteID"` } `json:"market"` }
OrderFilter is almost the same as db.OrderFilter, except the Offset order ID is a dex.Bytes instead of a order.OrderID.
type OrderNote ¶
type OrderNote struct { db.Notification Order *Order `json:"order"` TemporaryID uint64 `json:"tempID,omitempty"` }
OrderNote is a notification about an order or a match.
type OrderReader ¶ added in v0.5.0
type OrderReader struct { *Order BaseUnitInfo dex.UnitInfo BaseFeeUnitInfo dex.UnitInfo BaseFeeAssetSymbol string QuoteUnitInfo dex.UnitInfo QuoteFeeUnitInfo dex.UnitInfo QuoteFeeAssetSymbol string }
OrderReader wraps a Order and provides methods for info display. Whenever possible, add an OrderReader methods rather than a template func.
func (*OrderReader) AskString ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (ord *OrderReader) AskString() string
AskString will print the minimum received amount for the filled limit order. The actual settled amount may be more.
func (*OrderReader) AverageRateString ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (ord *OrderReader) AverageRateString() string
AverageRateString returns a formatting string containing the average rate of the matches that have been filled in an order.
func (*OrderReader) BaseAssetFees ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (ord *OrderReader) BaseAssetFees() string
BaseAssetFees is a formatted string of the fees paid in the base asset.
func (*OrderReader) BaseFeeSymbol ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (ord *OrderReader) BaseFeeSymbol() string
BaseFeeSymbol is the symbol of the asset used to pay the base asset's network fees.
func (*OrderReader) BaseQtyString ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (ord *OrderReader) BaseQtyString() string
BaseQtyString formats the order quantity in units of the base asset.
func (*OrderReader) Cancelable ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (ord *OrderReader) Cancelable() bool
Cancelable will be true for standing limit orders in status epoch or booked.
func (*OrderReader) FilledFrom ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (ord *OrderReader) FilledFrom() string
FilledFrom is the sum filled in units of the outgoing asset. Excludes cancel matches.
func (*OrderReader) FilledPercent ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (ord *OrderReader) FilledPercent() string
FilledPercent is the percent of the order that has filled, without percent sign. Excludes cancel matches.
func (*OrderReader) FilledTo ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (ord *OrderReader) FilledTo() string
FilledTo is the sum filled in units of the incoming asset. Excludes cancel matches.
func (*OrderReader) FromFeeSymbol ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (ord *OrderReader) FromFeeSymbol() string
FromFeeSymbol is the symbol of the asset used to pay swap fees.
func (*OrderReader) FromID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (ord *OrderReader) FromID() uint32
FromID is the asset ID of the asset which will be sent.
func (*OrderReader) FromSymbol ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (ord *OrderReader) FromSymbol() string
FromSymbol is the symbol of the asset which will be sent.
func (*OrderReader) FromTicker ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (ord *OrderReader) FromTicker() string
FromTicker if the conventional unit for the from asset.
func (*OrderReader) FundingCoinIDs ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (ord *OrderReader) FundingCoinIDs() []string
func (*OrderReader) IsMarketBuy ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (ord *OrderReader) IsMarketBuy() bool
IsMarketBuy is true if this is a market buy order.
func (*OrderReader) IsMarketOrder ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (ord *OrderReader) IsMarketOrder() bool
IsMarketOrder is true if this is a market order.
func (*OrderReader) OfferString ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (ord *OrderReader) OfferString() string
OfferString formats the order quantity in units of the outgoing asset, performing a conversion if necessary.
func (*OrderReader) QuoteAssetFees ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (ord *OrderReader) QuoteAssetFees() string
QuoteAssetFees is a formatted string of the fees paid in the quote asset.
func (*OrderReader) QuoteFeeSymbol ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (ord *OrderReader) QuoteFeeSymbol() string
QuoteFeeSymbol is the symbol of the asset used to pay the quote asset's network fees.
func (*OrderReader) RateString ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (ord *OrderReader) RateString() string
RateString is a formatted rate with units.
func (*OrderReader) RedemptionFeesString ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (ord *OrderReader) RedemptionFeesString() string
RedemptionFeesString is a formatted string of the paid redemption fees.
func (*OrderReader) SettledFrom ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (ord *OrderReader) SettledFrom() string
SettledFrom is the sum settled outgoing asset.
func (*OrderReader) SettledPercent ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (ord *OrderReader) SettledPercent() string
SettledPercent is the percent of the order which has completed settlement.
func (*OrderReader) SettledTo ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (ord *OrderReader) SettledTo() string
SettledTo is the sum settled of incoming asset.
func (*OrderReader) SideString ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (ord *OrderReader) SideString() string
SideString is "sell" for sell orders, "buy" for buy orders, and "" for cancels.
func (*OrderReader) SimpleRateString ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (ord *OrderReader) SimpleRateString() string
SimpleRateString is the formatted match rate.
func (*OrderReader) StatusString ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (ord *OrderReader) StatusString() string
StatusString is the order status.
IMPORTANT: we have similar function in JS for UI, it must match this one exactly, when updating make sure to update both!
func (*OrderReader) SwapFeesString ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (ord *OrderReader) SwapFeesString() string
SwapFeesString is a formatted string of the paid swap fees.
func (*OrderReader) ToFeeSymbol ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (ord *OrderReader) ToFeeSymbol() string
ToFeeSymbol is the symbol of the asset used to pay redeem fees.
func (*OrderReader) ToID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (ord *OrderReader) ToID() uint32
FromID is the asset ID of the asset which will be received.
func (*OrderReader) ToSymbol ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (ord *OrderReader) ToSymbol() string
FromSymbol is the symbol of the asset which will be received.
func (*OrderReader) ToTicker ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (ord *OrderReader) ToTicker() string
ToTicker if the conventional unit for the to asset.
func (*OrderReader) TypeString ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (ord *OrderReader) TypeString() string
TypeString combines the order type and side into a single string.
type PendingBondState ¶ added in v0.6.0
type PendingBondState struct { CoinID string `json:"coinID"` Symbol string `json:"symbol"` AssetID uint32 `json:"assetID"` Confs uint32 `json:"confs"` }
PendingBondState conveys a pending bond's asset and current confirmation count.
type PostBondForm ¶ added in v0.6.0
type PostBondForm struct { Addr string `json:"host"` AppPass encode.PassBytes `json:"appPass"` Asset *uint32 `json:"assetID,omitempty"` // do not default to 0 Bond uint64 `json:"bond"` LockTime uint64 `json:"lockTime"` // 0 means go with server-derived value // FeeBuffer is optional, to use same value from BondsFeeBuffer during // wallet funding. If zero, the wallet will use an internal estimate. FeeBuffer uint64 `json:"feeBuffer,omitempty"` // These options may be set when creating an account. MaintainTier *bool `json:"maintainTier,omitempty"` // tier implied from Bond amount MaxBondedAmt *uint64 `json:"maxBondedAmt,omitempty"` // Cert is needed if posting bond to a new DEX. Cert can be a string, which // is interpreted as a filepath, or a []byte, which is interpreted as the // file contents of the certificate. Cert any `json:"cert"` }
PostBondForm is information necessary to post a new bond for a new or existing DEX account at the specified DEX address.
type PostBondResult ¶ added in v0.6.0
type PostBondResult struct { BondID string `json:"bondID"` ReqConfirms uint16 `json:"reqConfirms"` }
PostBondResult holds the data returned from PostBond.
type PreAccelerate ¶ added in v0.5.0
type PreAccelerate struct { SwapRate uint64 `json:"swapRate"` SuggestedRate uint64 `json:"suggestedRate"` SuggestedRange asset.XYRange `json:"suggestedRange"` EarlyAcceleration *asset.EarlyAcceleration `json:"earlyAcceleration,omitempty"` }
PreAccelerate gives information that the user can use to decide on how much to accelerate stuck swap transactions in an order.
type RejectedRedemptionData ¶ added in v1.0.0
type RemainderUpdate ¶ added in v0.4.0
type RemainderUpdate struct { Token string `json:"token"` Qty float64 `json:"qty"` QtyAtomic uint64 `json:"qtyAtomic"` }
RemainderUpdate is an update to the quantity for an order on the order book. Replaced RemainingUpdate, which had a float Qty in conventional units.
type ReputationNote ¶ added in v1.0.0
type ReputationNote struct { db.Notification Host string `json:"host"` Reputation account.Reputation `json:"rep"` }
type ResolvedEpoch ¶ added in v1.0.0
type SecurityNote ¶ added in v0.4.0
type SecurityNote struct {
SecurityNote is a note regarding application security, credentials, or authentication.
type SendNote ¶ added in v0.5.0
type SendNote struct {
SendNote is a notification regarding a requested send or withdraw.
type ServerNotifyNote ¶
type ServerNotifyNote struct {
ServerNotifyNote is a notification containing a server-originating message.
type SingleLotFeesForm ¶ added in v1.0.0
type SingleLotFeesForm struct { Host string `json:"host"` Base uint32 `json:"base"` Quote uint32 `json:"quote"` Sell bool `json:"sell"` UseMaxFeeRate bool `json:"useMaxFeeRate"` UseSafeTxSize bool `json:"useSafeTxSize"` }
SingleLotFeesForm is used to determine the fees for a single lot trade.
type SpotPriceNote ¶ added in v0.4.0
type SpotPriceNote struct { db.Notification Host string `json:"host"` Spots map[string]*msgjson.Spot `json:"spots"` }
SpotPriceNote is a notification of an update to the market's spot price.
type SupportedAsset ¶
type SupportedAsset struct { ID uint32 `json:"id"` Symbol string `json:"symbol"` Name string `json:"name"` Wallet *WalletState `json:"wallet"` // Info is only populated for base chain assets. One of either Info or // Token will be populated. Info *asset.WalletInfo `json:"info"` // Token is only populated for token assets. Token *asset.Token `json:"token"` UnitInfo dex.UnitInfo `json:"unitInfo"` // WalletCreationPending will be true if this wallet's parent wallet is // being synced before this wallet is created. WalletCreationPending bool `json:"walletCreationPending"` }
SupportedAsset is data about an asset and possibly the wallet associated with it.
type Topic ¶ added in v0.4.0
Topic is a language-independent unique ID for a Notification.
const ( TopicFeePaymentInProgress Topic = "FeePaymentInProgress" TopicFeePaymentError Topic = "FeePaymentError" TopicFeeCoinError Topic = "FeeCoinError" TopicRegUpdate Topic = "RegUpdate" TopicBondConfirming Topic = "BondConfirming" TopicBondRefunded Topic = "BondRefunded" TopicBondPostError Topic = "BondPostError" TopicBondPostErrorConfirm Topic = "BondPostErrorConfirm" TopicBondCoinError Topic = "BondCoinError" TopicAccountRegistered Topic = "AccountRegistered" TopicAccountUnlockError Topic = "AccountUnlockError" TopicWalletConnectionWarning Topic = "WalletConnectionWarning" TopicWalletUnlockError Topic = "WalletUnlockError" TopicWalletCommsWarning Topic = "WalletCommsWarning" TopicWalletPeersRestored Topic = "WalletPeersRestored" )
const ( TopicOrderLoadFailure Topic = "OrderLoadFailure" TopicOrderResumeFailure Topic = "OrderResumeFailure" TopicBuyOrderPlaced Topic = "BuyOrderPlaced" TopicSellOrderPlaced Topic = "SellOrderPlaced" TopicYoloPlaced Topic = "YoloPlaced" TopicMissingMatches Topic = "MissingMatches" TopicWalletMissing Topic = "WalletMissing" TopicMatchErrorCoin Topic = "MatchErrorCoin" TopicMatchErrorContract Topic = "MatchErrorContract" TopicMatchRecoveryError Topic = "MatchRecoveryError" TopicOrderCoinError Topic = "OrderCoinError" TopicOrderCoinFetchError Topic = "OrderCoinFetchError" TopicPreimageSent Topic = "PreimageSent" TopicCancelPreimageSent Topic = "CancelPreimageSent" TopicMissedCancel Topic = "MissedCancel" TopicOrderBooked Topic = "OrderBooked" TopicNoMatch Topic = "NoMatch" TopicBuyOrderCanceled Topic = "BuyOrderCanceled" TopicSellOrderCanceled Topic = "SellOrderCanceled" TopicCancel Topic = "Cancel" TopicBuyMatchesMade Topic = "BuyMatchesMade" TopicSellMatchesMade Topic = "SellMatchesMade" TopicSwapSendError Topic = "SwapSendError" TopicInitError Topic = "InitError" TopicReportRedeemError Topic = "ReportRedeemError" TopicSwapsInitiated Topic = "SwapsInitiated" TopicRedemptionError Topic = "RedemptionError" TopicMatchComplete Topic = "MatchComplete" TopicRefundFailure Topic = "RefundFailure" TopicMatchesRefunded Topic = "MatchesRefunded" TopicMatchRevoked Topic = "MatchRevoked" TopicOrderRevoked Topic = "OrderRevoked" TopicOrderAutoRevoked Topic = "OrderAutoRevoked" TopicMatchRecovered Topic = "MatchRecovered" TopicCancellingOrder Topic = "CancellingOrder" TopicOrderStatusUpdate Topic = "OrderStatusUpdate" TopicMatchResolutionError Topic = "MatchResolutionError" TopicFailedCancel Topic = "FailedCancel" TopicOrderLoaded Topic = "OrderLoaded" TopicOrderRetired Topic = "OrderRetired" TopicAsyncOrderFailure Topic = "AsyncOrderFailure" TopicAsyncOrderSubmitted Topic = "AsyncOrderSubmitted" TopicOrderQuantityTooHigh Topic = "OrderQuantityTooHigh" )
const ( TopicAudit Topic = "Audit" TopicAuditTrouble Topic = "AuditTrouble" TopicNewMatch Topic = "NewMatch" TopicCounterConfirms Topic = "CounterConfirms" TopicConfirms Topic = "Confirms" TopicRedemptionResubmitted Topic = "RedemptionResubmitted" TopicSwapRefunded Topic = "SwapRefunded" TopicRedemptionConfirmed Topic = "RedemptionConfirmed" )
const ( TopicDexAuthError Topic = "DexAuthError" TopicDexAuthErrorBond Topic = "DexAuthErrorBond" TopicUnknownOrders Topic = "UnknownOrders" TopicOrdersReconciled Topic = "OrdersReconciled" TopicBondConfirmed Topic = "BondConfirmed" TopicBondExpired Topic = "BondExpired" TopicAccountRegTier Topic = "AccountRegTier" )
const ( TopicWalletConfigurationUpdated Topic = "WalletConfigurationUpdated" TopicWalletPasswordUpdated Topic = "WalletPasswordUpdated" TopicWalletPeersWarning Topic = "WalletPeersWarning" TopicWalletTypeDeprecated Topic = "WalletTypeDeprecated" TopicWalletPeersUpdate Topic = "WalletPeersUpdate" TopicBondWalletNotConnected Topic = "BondWalletNotConnected" )
const ( TopicMarketSuspendScheduled Topic = "MarketSuspendScheduled" TopicMarketSuspended Topic = "MarketSuspended" TopicMarketSuspendedWithPurge Topic = "MarketSuspendedWithPurge" TopicMarketResumeScheduled Topic = "MarketResumeScheduled" TopicMarketResumed Topic = "MarketResumed" TopicPenalized Topic = "Penalized" TopicDEXNotification Topic = "DEXNotification" )
const TopicBalanceUpdated Topic = "BalanceUpdated"
const (
TopicBondAuthUpdate Topic = "BondAuthUpdate"
const TopicEpoch Topic = "Epoch"
const TopicFiatRatesUpdate Topic = "fiatrateupdate"
const TopicLoginStatus Topic = "LoginStatus"
const TopicSpotsUpdate Topic = "SpotsUpdate"
const TopicTokenApproval Topic = "TokenApproval"
const (
TopicUpgradeNeeded Topic = "UpgradeNeeded"
const TopicWalletNotification Topic = "WalletNotification"
const TopicWalletState Topic = "WalletState"
type TradeForm ¶
type TradeForm struct { Host string `json:"host"` IsLimit bool `json:"isLimit"` Sell bool `json:"sell"` Base uint32 `json:"base"` Quote uint32 `json:"quote"` Qty uint64 `json:"qty"` Rate uint64 `json:"rate"` TifNow bool `json:"tifnow"` Options map[string]string `json:"options"` }
TradeForm is used to place a market or limit order
type UpgradeNote ¶ added in v0.4.0
type UpgradeNote struct {
UpgradeNote is a notification regarding an outdated client.
type User ¶
type User struct { Exchanges map[string]*Exchange `json:"exchanges"` Initialized bool `json:"inited"` SeedGenerationTime uint64 `json:"seedgentime"` Assets map[uint32]*SupportedAsset `json:"assets"` FiatRates map[uint32]float64 `json:"fiatRates"` Net dex.Network `json:"net"` ExtensionConfig *ExtensionModeConfig `json:"extensionModeConfig,omitempty"` Actions []*asset.ActionRequiredNote `json:"actions,omitempty"` }
User is information about the user's wallets and DEX accounts.
type WalletBalance ¶
type WalletBalance struct { *db.Balance // OrderLocked is the total amount of funds that is currently locked // for swap, but not actually swapped yet. This amount is also included // in the `Locked` balance value. OrderLocked uint64 `json:"orderlocked"` // ContractLocked is the total amount of funds locked in unspent (i.e. // unredeemed / unrefunded) swap contracts. This amount is NOT included in // the db.Balance. ContractLocked uint64 `json:"contractlocked"` // BondLocked is the total amount of funds locked in unspent fidelity bonds. // This amount is NOT included in the db.Balance. BondLocked uint64 `json:"bondlocked"` }
WalletBalance is an exchange wallet's balance which includes various locked amounts in addition to other balance details stored in db. Both the ContractLocked and BondLocked amounts are not included in the Locked field of the embedded asset.Balance since they correspond to outputs that are foreign to the wallet i.e. only spendable by externally-crafted transactions. On the other hand, OrderLocked is part of Locked since these are regular UTXOs that have been locked by the wallet to fund an order's swap transaction.
type WalletConfigNote ¶
type WalletConfigNote struct { db.Notification Wallet *WalletState `json:"wallet"` }
WalletConfigNote is a notification regarding a change in wallet configuration.
type WalletCreationNote ¶ added in v0.6.0
type WalletCreationNote struct { db.Notification AssetID uint32 `json:"assetID"` }
WalletCreationNote is a notification regarding asynchronous wallet creation.
type WalletForm ¶
type WalletForm struct { AssetID uint32 Config map[string]string Type string // ParentForm is the configuration settings for a parent asset. If this is a // token whose parent asset needs configuration, a non-nil ParentForm can be // supplied. This will cause CreateWallet to run in a special mode which // will create the parent asset's wallet synchronously, but schedule the // creation of the token wallet to occur asynchronously after the parent // wallet is fully synced, sending NoteTypeCreateWallet notifications to // update with progress. ParentForm *WalletForm }
WalletForm is information necessary to create a new exchange wallet. The ConfigText, if provided, will be parsed for wallet connection settings.
type WalletNoPeersError ¶ added in v1.0.1
type WalletNoPeersError struct {
AssetID uint32
WalletNoPeersError should be returned when a wallet has no network peers.
func (*WalletNoPeersError) Error ¶ added in v1.0.1
func (e *WalletNoPeersError) Error() string
type WalletNote ¶ added in v1.0.0
type WalletNote struct { db.Notification Payload asset.WalletNotification `json:"payload"` }
WalletNote is a notification originating from a wallet.
type WalletState ¶
type WalletState struct { Symbol string `json:"symbol"` AssetID uint32 `json:"assetID"` Version uint32 `json:"version"` WalletType string `json:"type"` Traits asset.WalletTrait `json:"traits"` Open bool `json:"open"` Running bool `json:"running"` Balance *WalletBalance `json:"balance"` Address string `json:"address"` Units string `json:"units"` Encrypted bool `json:"encrypted"` PeerCount uint32 `json:"peerCount"` Synced bool `json:"synced"` SyncProgress float32 `json:"syncProgress"` SyncStatus *asset.SyncStatus `json:"syncStatus"` Disabled bool `json:"disabled"` Approved map[uint32]asset.ApprovalStatus `json:"approved"` FeeState *FeeState `json:"feeState"` }
WalletState is the current status of an exchange wallet.
type WalletStateNote ¶
type WalletStateNote WalletConfigNote
WalletStateNote is a notification regarding a change in wallet state, including: creation, locking, unlocking, connect, disabling and enabling. This is intended to be a Data Severity notification.
type WalletSyncError ¶ added in v1.0.1
WalletSyncError should be returned when a wallet is still syncing.
func (*WalletSyncError) Error ¶ added in v1.0.1
func (e *WalletSyncError) Error() string
type WalletSyncNote ¶ added in v1.0.0
type WalletSyncNote struct { db.Notification AssetID uint32 `json:"assetID"` SyncStatus *asset.SyncStatus `json:"syncStatus"` SyncProgress float32 `json:"syncProgress"` }
WalletSyncNote is a notification of the wallet sync status.